WHITE PLAINS. »SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE BAND. 1 ?????G? ACTnp.s APPKAItKl) TO THK RF.fT ??- VAXTAOE.THI COMINO CONCKUT OF THK ??G???? SOC1KTY OTlll'.R LOCAL ? KAYS UK 1NTKHKST. The Auditorium was crowded to the doors on Tuesday night, the secasion of the benefit entertain« mpnt for the White PUlna Itimi A fasliimiat>:·· audiene«·· was present, whloh manifested it;' appre¬ ciation of the «ffiirts of the amateur actor? by fre¬ quent hearty applause Th»· enterran m**nt lia«! «Ven one of the leading topi** of conversation fot two weeks, and everybody Intl reited in the social affairs of the village was ther- Tw«> short playa, a comply and a «terca, wore presented. It w.i« one of th«? most successful affaira of the klr.l ever given In White Plains, ani was entirely free from annoying w.lit¬ er hitches. Mi«- Chartott« ?. Lansing made the hit «if the evening a.« Ruth Cerey In "Ruth'a Ro¬ manci*." lier woik w.i« remark.l».y clever In thi*» play Kt»»··* ?? ?*. «Squire and Robert E «Farley epp«?are«l. The farce. "A Cure for lhe Wdgets," fol- lowed, in which Mr. Su lira )ia«i the leading part In this r<v.<· ba va- mor at «home. He a :»!«¦¦ ? another to the many lucceaaea he ha« »i hleved aa a de« l'r.eator i-t exaggerated fi rea characters Louli I>. Ferrlss, Robert J. Roby, Jr., and i'harle* H. Yander- bllt each mail»· the best of Unir [tarta Miai Anna Hoby's arork «is above that »»f the average ama¬ teur. Mi<¡s Pearl Rdgarton and Mlaa Helen Co>* made much of th.-ir parta Tin· band gare several »«elections Mr CorMn and M »ss Mclntyre enter¬ tained the attdli ? ··¦ between the playa on the banjo. Mis» May Morris was piani-'. A hands Mie sum was realised for the band treasury Ml«s Russell win torture on "A Dainty Breakfa»t" to-day. On w dneaday ine subject «rill be "üellcate Desserts." ?·?· Baturday, "Conking Vegetables." The concert to ba given by the Amphlon Society «>n May M glvei promise of being a most enjoyable af¬ fair. Th» main feature will be Mendelaaobn'i Forty- second psalm The remainder of the programme will be miscellaneous The soprano si'K.itM will be Miss Ida M Hubbel, sololsl »if the Church of St. Mary the Virgin. New-York, who was hear! recently Bt Mr. Seymour's lecture on mni«.c. Mrs II A. Robinson wl? be the salo planist Clarence E. TUynolds, organist of Memorial Methodist Kpi«oop.*l church, and Miss Corinne Flint, solo violinist, will also take part. Tickets an* now on «-ale ani tnay be had of the members or at Staff«" rd's. Viola M. Cromwell, daughter of William A Crom¬ well, of Flsher-ave., died on Thursday morning after an Illness ».»f three weeks. She was eight yea· The funeral will )»« h»-ld at her ifame, Fisher und Ttbbltts ave?., to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The burial arili be In Kenslco Cemetery. Oeorge H Payne, of Cleveland, Ohio, father of llr.-. Tracy Cowen, of Hamlllon-avt·.. will here.if:»· wake White Plain« his home. II«· has rented the Jüykman 1????<«? at Chureta and Baker aves., recently occupied by J. L Snow. At tho regular monthly meeting of th·· Board of Managera of the Hospital Association, held at Dr, Sehmtd'a hous»». the treasurer reporte«! that lhe finances of Ihe association were go.id. Th»· recent en¬ tertainment r.ette»! th<* society IMO. The managera decided to hold a lawn party and fair in July, Similar to that of last yeir. which proved such a success. Mrs. Dteon and ber daughter, Mis« Grace Dücon, ©f New-York, are the guests «if the Misses Farley, t>f Old Spring-st. Miss Adelaide Klsher, nf I.exlngton-ave. and Post Road, who recently sprained her ankle in bicycle a<*cldent, has entirely recovered from the effects and |s now able to enjoy riding her wheel again. A June festival nnd .sale will be he'.d in the Audi¬ torium on Thursday. June 4, under the illrectlon of the I-adles' Ai»l Soeietv of the Presbyterian Church. The I'nlon Praying Hand will hol»l two meeting.« In the L»ake Street Chap~l on Sunday. May M Ser¬ vices will begin at MM a. m. an«l 2 p. m. J. M. Sprague, Who »»wns the (¡rand View property In Mamaraneok Road, f irmerly a part of the I^ong View property, has bought two plots ndjoinln«? his property. One he purchased from C. B. Fish, the other from Augitft Grosser, who lives In the oil Horton homestea.il. The plots -.re about KM feet square. Cornelius B. Fish has bought from Swift & Baker, of the w-Nctherlan 1 Realty Company, a part of the lar<e tract in Sound Ylew-ave. Thirty- one acres of Mr. Fish's purchase are on the north Îide of Soun 1 V'lew-ave., near ''llnton H«»lgh;H, .ongview and the Louis V. Sane property. Mr. Fish Will build a h mdsome house for himself on one of the plots. Mr. ari Mrs. G. Fowler have recovered from th°ir re.jent severe illne.-s ar.d are both now able to be ¦put agalli. J. R. Sweeny Ih ? Tennessee on business. He will make a tour of the Sdutti before returning to White Plains. J. Hom<*r Hlldreth. of New-York, was a guest of his friend. ? ter Paulding, th» |>ostmister, lnst Baturday James W. Birch has purchase*! a lot ai Cottage Place ani Old Spring-st. from the William «Smith p.rown estate. Th«· lot tÎxl<w. The prie·· paid was IMO. Th" White Plains I »rum Corps will furnish the "music at a tlreni»n'f· paradelli Bronxvllle on May 2ft. The Jury In the case of Mary Sullivan against Dr. Carroll Dunham for tlSvOOC damages for the »leath of plaintiff's daughtc brought In a verdict of ¦ffc.300 for the plaintiff yesterday morning. The young ».ornan was killed about a year ago while passing Dr. Dunham« property, In Kast Irvlngton. Work¬ men were engaged In blasting tree stumps at the time, and a piece of timber from one of these stumps was thrown over four hundred feet into the high¬ way, striking and fatally injuring the girl. Anna Bulllvan, in Its fall. She was twenty years ol I, TCCKAHOH AND BRONXVILLE. The Highway Commissioner, D. Cronln, has t»:gned the franchise of the North Mount Yernon Trolley Company for right of way through the town of East Chester. Th»· company has the franchise for Scandalo also, and only reunites that of White Plains to cooNS-sta its proposed line The company has till next January to have the line In running order. Th- fare io Mount Yernon is to bo five cents and to White Plains ten cents; after fifteen years the company is to pay 1 per cent of Its gross receipts to ÜM town, for highway pur- »?oses. It is thought the cars will be tunning be. fore November 1. as they already run to the Near York Infatat Asylum from Mount Yernon, nearly two m'.les, and th·· entire line la only twelve or thirteen miles long. Cards have t»een receive«! annotili-ing the wed¬ ding of Samuel F. Tavl»r. of Wo »Hawai. an»l Mrs Mmnle M. Slocum. «laughter of Mr and Mrs. J. !.. Tllley. who nmove 1 from Tu.kah on May 1 to Mott Haven, where the wedding took pla»'e. Mr. and Mrs Tavlors w<d«llng tour Includes Cell- fornla. the Rocky Mountains and othet Western places. Of five well-conteeted games this season, the Tuekahoe Athletic Besebsil Club has won four. Mr. arid Mrs. Theoilor.· «SsdCWlck will spend the summer at Mr. Se-lgwlck's father's place In «Scars« «dale. Charles A H»dgman. of Tuekahoe, was elected treasurer o' Hethlehem Commandery, F. nnd ?. ? , In Mount Yernon last week. Klijah Purdy. for many years a résilient of Tuek¬ ahoe and owner of a large tract of land. Including jj p Rest, died In White Plains on Wednesday, sev¬ enty-nine years old. While Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Atkinson. C. Hurrltt end Miss liutmnn were enjoying a bicycle spin on the fine macadam roadway in Penfleld-st Hronx- vllle. on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Atkinson was thrown from her wheel ami badly Injured by run¬ ning Ini a lager-beer wapon Th*? Injured woman ¦was taken into Mrs Burrltt'a house, and after¬ ward went home. Tne driver expresse«! regr» t at the affair, declaring it was purely accidental. The Ascension Day services In St. .lohn'» F.pls- copal Church. Tuekahoe. were ex»eedlngly Inter¬ esting the church choir being ably assisted .by out-of town choristers. The ser moa was preached by the Rev. Dr. E. A Mra lie* Of St. Agnes Chape!. New-York City. Yonkers et ? authorities are placing forty-five street lamp» >·· l^r BronsvlUe Road :«> Bwaln-st. end In the road leading to I'nderhill-sL; alto, thirty lamps In the Scarsdale Roa«l from Underbill to Crlsfleld st._ PORT CHESTER Postmaster William H. Hyler, whose term of office expires June 1, will be succeeded by John l^onard. The rerlring .fÄstmaster has been an al/«· ofhVlai and has brought the office to a high standard of efficiency. John E. Casey, one of the most popular young men In this village, died an Thbnrdsy morning at the home of bis patents la OrOVS-St. He wa- a menu», of the Unity Brass Bend and of St. Mary's Literary Association. Hi« funeral will take placa Saturday morning fr««m the Church of Our Lady of Mercy. The anniversary exercises of the Kpworth League Of the Summerfb'ld Methodist Episcopal <"hur»li sill be held Sunday afternoan at 3 o'clock. The ad Iresa will be delivered by the Hev. W. T. Pray. Fox Island, the popular summer resort near this village, will open for the season next We-lneada) Many Improvements and new features should make the place more attractive than ever. The Port Chester Fire H.itrol gave a reception and entertainment In Its new quarters In the Johnson Hutldlng on Tuesday, from 2 to p. m The rooms were beautlfuby decorated with Mowers arid ulunts and were crowded with guests. Music was furnished by Chermak'a t,Tcr*estr_, and luncheon was served In the Royal Arcanum rooms on the upper floor of the building, one of the pleasant episodes w*s the presentation of a handsome gold badge, appropri¬ ately inscribed to Captain Jame« S. Merrill of the Polke Patrol, as a mark of esteem from his friends. William ? Kelley. superintendent of the Are alarm, who was the flret captain of the patrol, recelv» I a vote of thanks for his energy and seal displayed In the affairs of the organisation, ! «.»A*.c.inte.u w-_f*lven *l ,?· hamc of -»»·*· Studwell. _1»_·___*"» ·' hrì?*y evening. The perform**** were ' ??.G?'? from eight to twelve years of age. and the « satertatnment waa a great success. M anô Arimi, ô ®\xe <S»atfr Wtw-Qovk. YONKERS. REPORTS OF THF: WOMAN*! INSTITUTE ON" THK TEAR'S WORK. tsKFfi. USBBONB ciVKN ant» MUCH «;i»"i> AO- OOMPLISREI. BKVEXTH WARD ??????- BRB TO MBET TO SIOHT. The BOBUal reports which were read nt the meet- 1 ?-; of the Woman's Institute »n We hi"» la y are full of Interest, end show that the Institute it« mak¬ ing rapl.l .iril.-s in _ll th«· branch«· «>f V-1 work. Miss Florence .1. Persons, th«· superimeli lent, re¬ ported <»n lh.· Institut« .lull «ill ClSS« work In th.» csllsthenlc class thirty had entered, twenty-one ; ...k the th«! rourse, seventeen the second and twelve th. third. The cooking «las-« was divided imo two d.visions, the total number entering in both divi-liins being forty-two; thirty lrs-nis were Klven in ea-h diiisi.n; thirty took th.» first course, twenty-five the second, twenty the thirl and sis- teen th.· entire three courses. Twelve g.rl* entered the sewing .lass and received twenty-five lesson* Fancy work waa taught vol ir.tsrily by Mrs. Doty, Mrs. Lockwood snd Mrs. Wruy; twenty girls took lbs course of s.xl.1 lessons, and there wsi an av- erase sttendsne« «>f eight at the meeting«. Eight¬ een K.rls entered the writing class, of which l*n ». ..· entire .ours, of ien lesaona The millinery .lass was smsll, onlj -ix entering an.l recel, ng eigtu lessons in dressmaking lh« advanced class received tw·«» courses <>. ten lesson« es ?>, end twen¬ ty suns were nia«l«·: in ih.· day classe« t.'ti lesson* were given for ten girls, who mad.· ten garment!, j In the employment bureau Ihere were nineteen sp« pllcsnts for work, and eighteen received employ¬ ment; in the housework brsnch IM women applied for work bj the day. ani ? for work by the month Almut hai* the number obtained altustiona The orders received at the bureau aggregated M7, a lar««.· pi rtion «if whii-h were filled. Mrs. Oeorge v\'. Houghton reported for the Penny Provident Btamp Biatlon. Of the 471 depositors, 81 were boys, 1*1 giri« and 17 adults. The deposits amounted to WI M, the average deposit being SO cents. When tb Is ssved the person is urged to place it in a saving« bsnk. Mrs. William H. S.miniali reported foi lhe League. Two important things I"»'! been BC.om- pllshi in lh«· vear. she said, through the ftoris of the lean.be appointment of an acnt from th.- Sorietv for tiu· Prevention <>f Cruelty to Animals and the «ecu ting of th.· appolntmenl by the Board ..? health of Miss Lena Leeds as u tenement-hou«e Inapector. Miss Harriet A. Butler, the t r.-iisurer. read her report. It «howed the institute to be In a good llnanrlal condition. The Orand Army Memorial r«immlt:«>e. of which Alderman Abrsm H. Tompklns .haltmin. ben Issued sn appeal for funds t.» carry out the proper observance of Memorial Dsy. An adjourned meet ins of the Seventh Wsrd Tax· payers' Association will be held thl* evening The New-York and Putnam Railroad Company haa pul Its Waiting-room at DunWOOdle Bl the disposal o? the BBsoclation, in which to hold its meeting« »1 th. meeting to-night h constitution and bylaws will be submitted by th. committee for adoption The assoi Istlon l. growing in membership, and expects to become a power for g«>o.i in ;¦» locality. Monda? of next week Is lhe last day r.n whh-h applications mav be tiled with Becretsry lh 1, of the Yonkers branch of the Posts! Civil Service, by those who wish to :ake th» examination for clerk and car¬ rier, which Is t > ho held In the postofllce building «m .lune ß. Application win be received till lhe rli*· of business hours ..n Monday Captain Mangln, of the Yonker« police, has flxel this afternoon at .'. o'clock as th«· time for the an¬ nual spring Inspection »>f tb« members «>f ths forre. Th«- men will appear In summer helmets, «Ir««« cost« and liions«·-» The l.ea Association is now fairly settled In Its new room« In the M ''ant·, building, Warburton-ave. The Nominating Committee has posted this ticket to he voted for a: the annual meeting next month: For president. Edward 1. Renahan; rot vice-president, Thomas Rowan, for recording secretary, D. A. Cooper; for financial secretary, William Le Baille). for treasurer. Michael J. Walsh, for librarian, William Boyle: for trustees. Thomas Rolllnson, A. P. Maho.iy. Edward Donoghue and Peter McOowsn. A special meeting of the Palisad« il'.at Club ha» been caned for 'his evening to act on a number of pi .; »sed amen.im·'tits to lh« constitution The weekly howling games for the medal have heen die· continned for the season. J. U A. Johnson, having Won the trophy the greatest number of times, will hold It until it wrest.··! from him The pool tour¬ nament ami individuai bowling tournament have only tWO weeks· longer t 1 run. C. C. Rosslrs leads In the bottle-i«<Jol t inrnamen', and Alexan 1er Laird In the individual bowling tournament, with Freder¬ ick Peene a close «econd, There was s «uccessful sale h«)l on Thursda. .': the Yonkers Lawn Tennis Club house by the women of the First Cuitarían Church. The tables were pretti!) decorated, wa« th.· room in which the sal« was held. Mrs. Ptsher A, Hak.-i was In charge of the fancy table. Hnd associated with her were Mrs. R. Rowland, Mrs s.irnu-1 T. Hubbard, Mrs. Halcyon Skinner. Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. Breu herd, Mrs Clifford Bellows. Miss Warren and Mies Rus¬ sell. Flowers and candV were sold by Mrs. H. L M. Post, Mis« Vldau'l. Miss Blckemeyer, Mlaa Waller, Miss Owen, Miss Bixby, th».· Miss··- Newman and the Misses Thorn«·. At th.- cake table wet.· Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. Thorn«·. Mrs. Young, Mrs. II. SUlman, Mr«. <" Rowland, Mra. Baldwin, Mrs cimk and M;s Hartom. At the lea tab]«·« w«r.· Mra. Waller. .Mrs VlJauJ and Mrs. Carletoa Alberi M. Keen«·, foreman Ot Hop» Hook nnd Ladder Company, conducted the annual Inspection of that company on Thursday night In the truck- house, in Pallsade-ave. Th« men presented s Hns appearance, and wete complimented by President Rowland, <»f the Fir« Hoard, and engineers r-tahl, Mulcaney and Kearna After a short parade chowder was served at the house, and speeches were made by Mayor John (l. l'et-ne. Aldermen I,·- _>·- Sutherland, Henry Gaul, ? Alexander Houston and I'.re Commissioner Mulcabey. Th«· members of Irving Hose Company gave a «llnner on Thursday night In the carriage-house, In North Broadway, to the women who took charge for them of a table at the fair of the Exempt Firemen's Henevolent Association, held recently In the hall of the Teiitonla Society. ? ATi »NAH. . The water pipes are being laid In the new village ibis weak. It has finally been decided by the parenis of the Uve boye charged by a. f. Avery with taking lens.-s from th«· optical works In the old Village, bestdei damaging some machinery there, tu s.-itle th«· CS I by paying to Mr. Av.-ry the sum of .lío. Mrs. Horses .S«-arlcs entertalne.i e number of her friend« at a dinner on Thursday, s«>me of the guests being the Hev. ? Hanabiirgh and Mr«, Hana- burgh, Mr. and Mrs. Merrllt. Mr. and .Mrs. Fletcher l_ent and Mr. Clark. Romaine Riebet and Frederick Smith have re¬ ceived their awards for their condemned property In "the triangle" this week, but the awards offered to Lyon brother« and to F. J. Purdy have »fen placed in ihe Xnv-Yetk Trust Company * until affairs can be arranged more satisfactorily, the price not being considered sufficient. Mr. and Mrs. Rockett, Thomas Smith and bis .amili and Dr. A. J. Mayer, who live in that pan of tin· "triangle" nearest the river, have been ordered out by June 1. The building« are then to be torn down, tin· begin¬ ning of the end of this attractive old villa«.. Next Sunday morning Mi Hanabiirgh will take as a subject for his morning sermon "Power In Little Things" m the Methodist Episcopal Church and In the svenine his fifth "half-hour talk" will b«· on 'Apparent I'«Oline ln the Christian Church." The leap year pany in the leerles Hon..· Wednesday evening was a pleasant affair, and WSI well attended. Among the guesrs wre the Misse« Miller. Van TaSSel, Smith. Van AlStyn« .i Merrltt Mr«. It. 1». Knapp and Messrs. Averv, William« Knapp, Clark and Benedict. Mrs. Klgar Strakosch, of lialtlmore, is Visiting wltn her mother. Mrs. Huldah Whltlo.k ,n thla place, and M.ss Poe, of .New York, Is the auest Of Mr. and Mrs. Flbriilge A. Arnold. fit; Wednesday night thieves broke Into the store« of \\ B, Adams ? Son and John W. Sari, s Bedford Sta Muí. effe« ting an i-ntrance In both cases Iv breaking windows. Mr Bsrles was aroused by s n ils.·, and opened a window, which accounts 'for the thief departing with only a handful of knlve« While In Adams * S«m's nothing was taken The opening of lb.· money drawer sometimes tings a telephone rear It, and I; Is thought that the noise was taken for a burglar alarm. around has been t.r«.ken and the foundation for a new »".us· belonaing t·. Warr.-n Hutchlngs has been begun at Bedford station, m xt t«> the public school. A sttawlierry and Ice cream festival will be h«dl on Tuesday ev« nlng under the auspl.es of the wom«-n of .Monili Zlon's Method »? Fpis.'opal Church in the hall at Somers Centre. 1'reparat?? 1 s are heilig made by the young n*0-tfl of the l-pworth League .»f the Puni ? Station MeTh- oillat Kplscopal Church for an entertainment to be ?1ven In the church next Wednesday evening' Two arces, with a number of Vocal and Instrumental «election«, «re to be given. A meeting of the trustee« was held In the library In this place last Monday to mak«.· arrangements for a Sunday-school convention, which will be held next Tuesday afternoon and evening In the Meth- csliet Kptsc.ipa! Church. I'urdy Station. -a.. I'F.LHAM MANOR. Mrs. Rich gave a party In honor of her «laughter*«, birthday last Sunday. Miss F.dna and her young friends will long remember this pleasant antilver- sary. John F. Falrchlld and Howard Scrlbner are new- members of the Felhamville"Relief Hook and Lad- der Company. The dam of the Water Company at Pelhamville, which wa· washed away In part some week« ago, has been repaired and is in use «sain. ___________________ MOUNT VERNON. G?.ANS FOR THE MEMORIAL DAY BX- ERCISBfl REINO MADE. ICROOL llll.flfKN. lifAHfSMI'.N AMD VBTERAMi TO ???? IAHT IN AN ?1.?.?« :< »KY THK NttW YORK ???\?·:·:> M.isT gPHDAt *K*M«OOL IN stipi TB TO iini.i' ITS MEMI ANSVAL sussi· »N IN WILLARO HALt- Memorial Day exerdsea m Mount Vernon will be of exceptions! Interest this year, not alone to the Oiand Armj comrades, to the Sons of Veteran« end ne National Ouard. but to the clt »ns as s whole. The Mem.«rial I'ay Committee uf Fat it-worth Post had nearlj completed ihe programme Frida) ev«ro- Ing, May S, uhm it was proposed b) lhe pupila ol th.· public schools Ibsl they ihould give an allegorj of the war under the direction of Professor Alfred Hsllam, lhe musical director of tbe Board of «Educa¬ tion, snd the conductoi of the Mount Yernon Musi- csl «Society, The proposition siso Included the 11th .«..».¡.«.ra·.· rompan) of ihe «Xatloual Ouard, r mmanded by Captain Frederick Schneider, ami the exhibitions will be given in lhe srmory, lh« largest amphitheatre p th« ll Inasmucn Memorial Da) comes on Baturday I: In·« been ar¬ ranged to give n»«· alléger) on «Frida) evening. Profefuioi ??.Hi.un ha* arranged the word« and eri th»-m to music, »ul is having frequent rehearsals Th« entertainment will begin with tha march! of the National Ouardsmen, th« Orand Army «¦··.. rades and the «Sons of Veterana, the chorus «singing "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, th« Boya ?·"· Marching." beglnnii In a subdued ton« and increaalng the pitch si the «soldiers and veterani approach. There wl represented In the singing the camp, the meet¬ ing m battle of Ihe federal snd Confederate troops, the retreat, the victory, etc, A feature In eonnei tlon with »·· s begor) will be an address by the Rev. Dr Thomas I. PoulSSn, pastor <>! the First Method!«* Episcopal Church, In wiuiamsbrt»!·/·. who was chaplain of the lai Marylgjtf (Union) Regi¬ ment, snd servi throughout the Civli Wer, and Is at presi ni hapl tin «>f 'uster Post Th»· New-York I'nlverealist Sunday School h Itituti s III hold Its errai snn tal islon In V. Hail .»n Friday afternoon and evening. In addition to the routine buslne»· and reading ot reports ther« will ?»«· addresses at th« afternoon session b) lhe Rev. ?- ? Pease, ol Brooklyn, and th« Re*. ? '·' Mason <»f lllghtsti wn, N. J. in the evening an ¿a· «ir.-s*« will be made l>) Ih« Rei J. «Smith Dodge, »»r Siuiiifur.J. l'unii Dm M I .oui*· Thomas presi dem of the «Sorosl« «Society, will give a lecture In th« Fnlversallsi Church on the afternoon »»f M.«\ 26 sii·· I-. the daughter of Ihe late Judge Palmer, of Pennsylvania, and ahe was married :·· ti»·- H l»: Abel ·'. Thomas, ·· well-known clergyman ·»' Philadelphia, with whom she travelled eatei m Europe She else accompanl» ? Abraham i.ii.Ii on h:s ???·:..·« from Springfield, III., :< Washing ton, in IM ??,· Mmir-.t Vernon Public IJbrary wir,· h was officiali) opened s week ago to-day, b.is been w.-il patronised «his week, ai Ii Is In thorough work¬ ing order. It ha« S.iaTM ?.ks on It« shelve« and about WO unbound magaalne* »? tbei literature :.»! the r. «ding ro<m In addii Ion to t library has r«M*elved a fflfl of th« rll»ri«-r'« .'·¦» volume librar) from the women »»! clt) About three w.-«-k.« »igi about .1 dosen ^ organisi as ranvaaelng ramn ttec snd a«ke.| f,»i eitbncrtp tlon« «»f II each, and ti»·· necesi irj I'· wa* rais« in » fee days, with th« result thai the Scrtbnei library wae purchased and presented to Ihe trustee« of the Public Ubrar) The rear "f Ihe large r ·... p h.is been fitted up .1- .1 reading room with thr.·· tables and the neeeasar) chair« The truste» .,·¦ President, >i Andrea FS) Currier; r ··:,.r \ Henri ? Hhosdes; treasurer, J··¦«<· l«antx; ll»: bert ? Jennings and .'«ni··» M Inders ? ? mass-meeting In the Int eresi .if the Armenian sufferer* will be held In the Preebyterlat to-morros evening at I o'clo ?* Ir wbi reali union servii.f all of the horche·, excepting th< two Eplscop pari \i, or Rdson i.e«* preside, and the prln Ipal apeskera will .·. \\ W Howard, who recently returned from An John H Haygoonl, ».*/ Cappadocta, Asia Min organising ¦».«.retar) of ine Armenian n«ii··' \ elation, ani Vartau Dillsyan, who «escaped from th· H.i*·.« »n massacre, ari will .i;»¡.»*ir ?, ;·:« costume. On the platform wi,i also be the Rei r'hari'-s Bt Idard I-ane, the Re* ? B, Smith lhe Hev. <W. A. Orangei s Ri Frank S 8 ti»·· Rev. ». 1·' Buell and the it·» Charle* ? Köh¬ ler, The annual mee»!ng nf ((,,. member« Of rhe M .·.·,· Vernon 11 ·. al 1 Will he held In th* hosp tel on Monda) evening ? SINO sin»; The !<..«. Dr î: Prl a, «»f the 11 Ig * «venu ?? th »disi Kpli ipal íhun h attend a Oen . tal 1 »ni« r | ·, ., ? Th.· Rev, 1: R, \ ??.-- grandson o' Bishop Ame« will tin the pulpit «».' Ihe Hlg .·, ¡ Aven 11 Bun ley m »t nlng. Oeneral ? \ \i «Ipin ai Colonel Fi inklln lirandreth wll »? la ihoi t season In 1 \ dscks. Mi * Prank I«. Young has rum her visit to relatives In nton Springs, ?. Y ?? at» \? - 11 Fithlan .·» It« great "Hack Wetri Me) Meeting." ., Franklin, \ a They win i»·· aw«·, from home about in «,«.«.*- Mr. and \li Jame« II. Townaend ai I Mi 11 .Mr- A R. tiene! stiel ?? 1 on Wednesdey, lhe an nlversar) ot Van Cortlandl Chapter, I'aught» th« Revolution, .«t lh« home of ? ?* H M \\.···· brook, el Peeksklll, Mr* Ellloti ·' Slieperd expect« 1 ,r her horn· al s arborough to-day from hei winter'« «ojouri In Southern Europe. Ylee-Preeldent C. C Clarke, sf the Sem Y«»ri« Central Railroad haa returned ?? i»·« horn« 1«' Hrlar «'lirr, aM.-i en abaenc« if *.vei,,i mont Call! »? nia, ?',·*» ?. ? Strong and her family ha·..· ;.rned ?????? tin· i-?) to tiielr i.iit) home neai thla v\ lag»·. "The l-aa» Tup of the Kearssrge" will be the subject of Dr, M w Rarniim's lecture ne*i Mon day evening, .it the Highland Avenu« Method!*; ???ß?-upal Church, before the Bpworth league Th« Osslnlng Vachi Club will bold it« ond an¬ nual regatta on Saturdey, June .'? ?.vent arili be open lo all club* ««f lb« New V»«tk Yai hi Raclni Ass dation ??« R. ß Van vVyck and her daughter, Btta, «»t Washington, D. «'. sr« -pen ling .1 fe«A week« In tills vlllagi Sunday evening it»·· «ever th annlveraar) ··' ih« 1<» a: branch of the Epworth league will' he held at tbe Highland «venue Methodist Episcopal Church. The Hev. W. \\. Alexander, of thi Central rhurch. New-York City, will deliver the address. The propert) of Mis w. .). 1'nderhtll, formerly the Edward Everett place, In Bouth Highland avi has been rented 1») In Ogden, ol Mew-York cttj who will tau«· possession on his return f»om Eu¬ rope ii"xt week, Tlie following are the reeently elected officerà «if Protection Hose Company: Poreman, Bfllngham Altehlsoti; (1rs· assistant, Ileil.-r' lamm··«,, se m! essletant, Charle« Hall, secretary, William F, Brun« «Jage, treasurer, Frank Mirmerly. ? DOBBfl FEHHY Colonel ??. m. w.»od ha« psrcbssed the Harris place, In Beldon-ave., for 110.100. He has also dis¬ posed of hi« Hasting« propert) to Fella Krupp, .»f New-York City, for the same figure. August Konrad, lodge deputy, Installed Ihe f»>¡- lowlng as officer« ol S'ai .»t Hope Lodge, I Q ? Harr) Lose«, chief templar; Misa Msbel l.»s»e, \ !ee.|. rnpl.-i Jame« ? Odell, past chief templar; w. w Hist»«·»·, chaplain; Oeorge Bchuyler, «>·?. lar) Mis* ? Archer, assistant secretar)': Leslie R. Dick·-·».?. treasurer; Ml«* Mar) N'odine, financial secretary; Frederick Jackson, marshal; Miss Annie Martin, deputy marshal. Howard Mlehols, guard, and Alexander M<*delland, sentinel. Over four hundred men are employed en 'he new ca«lno at Ardsl«·«,. and about as many neu.· ai»* wanted, it la said thai the assoctstlon find It lend io procure men sufficient to carry oui the'r work, PLRARAXTVILLB. The Earnest Workers, a aoclsty connected wltk I the Btstlon Methodist «Splgpopgl Church, will giva an entertainment ani aooatble at the home of Mra win am il Bell n«xt Wednesday evening. A society has been organised by the girls rf st .loiin's episcopal Church to be known a*· 1 Bt Agii···» (¡mi.1. yiiss Janet Oreen being eie ·? nI presi¬ dent; Miss Ethel K.iHelle, vlca-preeldent; Miss Ethel Keeler, «ecretsry, and Mis« Ids Rosolie, treasurer, Their riist work will be the riving of a Jananes* t«-u at the rectory, in July. Tha proceeds will be devoted to ih»· fund for a reee·«, chancel for tha church Mrs T. Stanley Xedham, «if White plains, was ths guest of her perenta, Mr and Mrs. .lames Crom- well, in th«· I'm 1 Road >>n Thursday ami Frl- dsy. At the annual meeting of rhe HeassntvUle Li¬ brary Assoctstlon Dr. ?. ? Swift was elected président: ? Wood Cornell, first vtoe-presld«nt <}»·«,r*,e H. Wheeler, «econil v|e.-pi. «Ideal Albert .<..,.. eecretary; Cberies M. Lane and Mr» ? ? .Swift, treasurers; Miss Minnie Choate, librarian Coiiimltt «m Membership. Entertainment« and Hooks were also appointed The new library build¬ ing is being bill't rapidly. -«,_____ I.ARCH.MONT. Mr and Mrs Alfred Tuckerman are spending the senson in the Flint home. In Heseh-ave. Alterations are he.ng made hy Miss Mitchell to ihe tiroeaheck house, purchased by bet a few _*»»nthe aso. OTHER WESTCHESTER TOWNS. PEEK8KILL. Miss S M We.tbrook. the regent of Van Con¬ iatili Chapter, Deugn.er« of the Revolution, of this village, gave a reception to a large number of the Stat.· officer« of the society at 1 o'clock and a re- eeptlon to the member« "f the locsl chapter «t .1 o'clock «u. Wednesday afternoon. The occasion was one of the sodai eventi of the season. Among the Stale officers present wer.· Mrs. BdWSrd Faulet Steer«, pr ·*?«?«·??:; Mrs. Montgomery lehuylsr, vice- president; MISS Mary PhlltlpSS, historian; Mrs. Hans s Beattle, registrar: Mlas CSarrtlle. ourstor; Mrs. I». Phoenix ingranimi, «ecretary. sll of New-York. There were also present Mr and Mrs Matthews, "f the Manor House, Cintoli; Mm. Ferris. Of Yonkers, secretar) "' lbs Society of the Daughters of the I'iu.'lnii.fl. Slate of New-V.»rk; Mrs. Abraham Steers ???,.11 of t'ontlnental l*hspter. Daughters ol ih.· Revolution, of New-York; Mr- Francis uoughty. librarian Btate s.».-iei\; Mrs Townsend \un Pelt, regent of the I'tr-oht ii.ing Island) Chapter; Mr«, c w Oeyton, Mis. De volney Kverltt, of New- Jfork; Mrs' Berry. Ml~. Ingranarli. Mrs. ?. ?. \ a;i Baten. Among the ot'ier guests present were ex- Dlstrlct-Attorne) Ivlwutd Wells and Mr*. Welle, Miss Wells l.viuin lie. , her Ciirliart and the Misses Cerberi Mr aid Mr* William ? WiKley, Mrs. T. M Stewart and the Misses BteWSTt, Mrs I. O Rankln. Mrs ? ? .lohn·« ui. Mr und Mrs S R. Knapp. ??«-« Knapp, M;«« Ktiox. A bot I Powler and Miss Fowlei for Nea'burgl, Profeesoi snd Mte. Charle« w Uni,,n l'uni« Ceri* ?,-'eiet! F. Crumb unii Mt« Crumb Mr« Prince, Mrs Thomas l». Husted, l»r and \li^ A " Sin.w l-ii. lu. and Mis Percy Inow- den ??- John W Bnowden, Miss Kllsabsth Brown Mi«- Montgomery, c A Pugsley, Dr. and Mrs. v.. M C.iiîi.iM. diali Hill. Mr. at.d Mis J M. Shlplev. Misa Bnlplc) Mis» Cornell, It. snd Min. <". a. Knight l'i·· Misse« Knight, Hie Misses Ki-oati». Mr. »ml Mr- Frank M l'alti. Mr mid Mrs Harr» I* Hain. Mr and Mr«, .lain«·.« H Townsend, of Sinn Ming Mr ..ni Mr« Albert Jes nette, of Sing Sing. the Rei snd Mrs .1 Ritchie Smith. Miss Hunt. Miss Mead of See V..ik Miss Puller, Mi-e, Ma» Hawes, Mi- Berry, Oeorge ? Briggs, Mrs James A. Briggs, ??- Simpson. Dr, and Mra John ? Tilden The s na of ii..· Revolution present were i>r Tilden, Mr v. ,1 ley mid Mr Briggs, of Peeksklll, and Mr. Town- . i. «.r sing sing Th.· reception was given in honor .»f the flrst annual anniversary of th·· organi¬ zation of Ven «'.«? c.»?·1; Chapter. A rifle range ha« ?»···?? opened in th·· slot«» formerly .. u pie.) i,\ lîiifiin ? Teer«, on Olvlsion-si It ..ailed the Wood valle Rifle Ring-, and a numbei "' Peeksklll local experts sre trying their skill. For a prixe offered la-t Week Stephen Lines had made the ,.,·-! ·,·. ui, t.. scut.ia\ night. -*. «.ut of a possible .?- week there .«"· three prises, a Lpeating ifle «ml two revolver« There we« a ""' -ble gathering the home of Mr- F. I' ClHtk. No 1.14** Hroa.l-.-; Ih>· Siitela«. For the tiint tun«· In fort) veers, nil th- children of Mi- ...iik were si bon.·· si on«·. The children sre Mm.»? i'i.irk, m Peekaklll; '! P. Clerk, "f the firm .,: ll i-.r,id. Pierce A Clark, M l_l«penard-at NeW- York; Mr« ? ? U ili!.un«, of ll.ir'.'iti. ? «1 ... r k. ,,f the ii.ikl··» Boati Company, of New-York; Mre. Krnest Jarrol.l, ..r Itrooklvt. wlf.· of Ernest .larrold. "Mi, km Finn.' the well-known newepeeer writer, SIM] M F Clark ofMsspeth, Hong Island ?'.·« ?... ;.-ts ni«, iteen placed in the Peeksklll Klec- trlc Light snd Power Company'« plan The rii irch ..f the Asi imptlon of 'ins village has announce«! ths» it will ho.d a picnic tn Dunphy'i drove ..n J'.u I.'· Ilenr) Bhulte« eighteen year« old. a l.ak.»r from New-York, w.»- isken to ' «' »n Inestlay . fferln« from a frei lured ·» ri Tu·· injury .?.?« Ing ft 'in a tra.n .,n which he wu.« trying la cetel s rid« Ht M miro«« Will un Bhaw, a pointer, fell from « scsffolding « painting hoirs, al Verplan' k ..n Tuesday ?.» '.:,.« wen broken, ?·.· he was badly bruise ?, and »?« 'ak.·· t,, |hS hospital fiere, where lie will pr«>b- ab!. lino' t ? remain for a week or in. Foremen Frederick ? Southard, of Cortlendl Hook .?· l la.Idei « " .ni;.an> No. I. will send it ·.. !.. ,.- « to member« ' lhe r »rnpan) r incoming their u ;. ·., Klngaion, to 'ak·· perl in th« pared« of the Tri-«'., n,··. Fireman's .«societlon nexi Wednesday mon mg The) wi, leave Peeksklll Tuesday «fter- ', I Th« tri«·.·.« ..f the Peeksklll Savings Rank have ..¡...t.-d ihe followlns officer« Fresi.lent. Cristi Hill. lent, Edward Well« «econd vl.piesl- lent, Fdwli llrlgg« treesurer, J M Shipley, «ecre« S R Knapp Peekaklll >' l he« «-hanged ¡·* name ??- isa been known es the Peeks· rnei Rand foi man) year« It« new name It m hon a il »ms« Plockton, who f ¦¦¦ mai·, year« ha« been ita leedei Tn.:. m >. ,, meeting of the Alumni Association ..: ueksld« School at tne «chooihouss next Tuesdsy I ? ? Pi i- Brown visiting In l'hlladelphla. ilfth I.¡nn lay if Mrs Philip Smith, ·. ·,: Mr* ll muí Blanchard, ».?« celebra tei. :.\ ? tamil) .- il ??·- home of ber ion-ln-lsw, ?? -.«in 11:..r. her·! leput) factory Inspector, In Bor¬ ni .-?.-· evening The following children ? ait) were preaeni Mrs Hiram Blanch¬ ard, B.la« v\ Smith. I'tiiHp ll Smith Mr« Jacob llenlke, all of Peeksklll. .ml Mrs Henri Cri ?, Another son. Cspteln Oeorge w Smith, dead, bu; wldoa waa preeent An¬ si ion, Sidney Hmlth ..f th.· «iraní Central Sta¬ imi Mi" Samuel Basset I of New-Britain, «...tm. . ghler, on ? ? be present There ·.«··· m m ? Imi. m >. greet-gran«!· it the gai Th·· funeral ..f Alexander Vai:, seventy-four lied ."i W·-In·-lav from niinvr, will he lay it ? |. m ui hi« home Mr- M Mel »if·· Hmlth, of N.w-York. will give eel lire I«. Ihe I:. « ..f Peeksklll da) ;. ni .«· Libert) Hall ..? Th.· Mrs Woman." e- ? KV. ??,'????,?.? '?.·· 1*1 ?', flub will give a concert In the parish ii·· -¦· Tuesday evening, Mey .'? ·:....I pro¬ li « -un ?- being proper· TI ma« Towndroe who haa reported Westchester »un« f ·? man) \ «era te enti) el «·· - eighty-sixth birthday, «nd hopes to see ... ??. Tn·· alarm given b) tie Fit·· Commissioners oft Turad«) evening »ounded 16." mid brought ths various rómpanle« io Main it ami l_ocust-Sve., »?.·'.· .-'· John'« Church «tend« Th« llrst t.. «»·- p»·· w th» Belief Uose Compsny, which wa.« on ih«· scene In ..ne minute hi. I thlftj si. seconds after the slarm ».n given The Huguenot ungine Com- ¡.a:i\ aa« Hi·· tir«; of that .-lass to atri.·· Alt..- gftthei ? ·· t «ponae wae creditable, und. io quote William ?.·· .'.Mint.· "Ther« wasn't four minutée' difference between at» ..r Meni." .lesender n Marvin ·,« ..n.· of the four substi¬ tut.« .f the Val·· I'nlverslty crew that will row in lhe regatta at Henle* this summer Th.· bond of J A MehlRtedt, the village treasurer, .·« filed .»nd approvi ?. we- fot __ß,_? Fren Wilson'* home, The Orchard, never looked more stira ¦¦ than doe* at this seas,m of ihs (rear, wit! the apple trees in blossom The will ..f Sarah \ Vence, wh.» left all her pio;. . in to bet brother, <! V »'handler, has been con¬ tested by «t nephews on th·· ground of un lue poti- trslnt uni unsound mind. >n Bsturds) next the New Rochelle Yacht club v.. 11 h,ne ll- opening dsy In .ts house in Hudson Park , The New-R.s heile Wheelmen will take a run to Harkensack, ? J, sterling at 7 .in to-morrow moi hing. -? . IRVINCTON The ol«l boniest, id on Ihe Mamey e«iate has been i. seed to ?. ? Betterlee. i.ot.? ,». Burnhem'i new foundry, in the dock property, Is nearlng completion ii.ury Btoddard, ihe phoiogr.ipher of "The Cos¬ mopolitan" stuff, li suffering from an sbscess of ? lie ¦ .u ?? .aid that lh- Tiffany esta'e will shortlv he placed upon mi·· market, cui up imo building lota TARRYTOWN 'Ph.· Rev Dr Roderick T.rry and Mrs Terry, also Mr. mi.I Mrs John T. Terry, Jr., un- vtiltlng their parent«, Mr nnd Mis John ? Terry, at I'.nkston«. Mr« Aneo« c Phelpa ras returned from New- v.»rk to h»r estate. This property is bounded so the north by Rockwood Hal!, the «Mints of William Rockefeller, uni on th«· south by the estate of Mr« Munto Th,· Munro place was formerly the home .·; Oeneral \. el»t», and .luring the sixties that of 11. iti Fremuti Robert well. Samuel H rVhieffeltn. C.eorge I.egg who recently bought the «state «>f th.· late Robert Hoe; John Mrlaane, Mra T. c EQsetmen, Joneph 11.istillali and M S ''lark, all of New-York, uri· OC« tipylng their countt » places Mrs. Chirles.), liou'id gave SS Informili dan.» ou Monda., \ hing Th. funeral of Mrs l.llr.a I. Ani Inrliis. widow of Andrew M .\t ciilariiis und .taiighlei «,f th,. |U|,. Nathaniel Bsltonstall, «>f N«-w -London. '.-> 11 p svas conducted on Tues lav l.y ih- R,.\· Seiden Spencer reii.tr of Christ i'hiit.h, ut the home of the family in Broadway. Tt:«· burial was in Qreenwood Cerne· terv. Ml«. An iilarui.« was ulnet \-four veurs old and had lived In Tarrytown for uboiit twenly-flve years. The marriage of M.ss Klla. the on ? surviving child of t»if lite l»r. James W Bcrlbner. to HheMon Hopkins, son of Colonel vYoolsey R. Hopkins, of Bh'.ppan Point, Stamford, Conn., was celebrated at th.· h..in.· of the bride's mother In Washlngton-si Tarrytown, on Saturday ev.-niiig !usi at ?!:!.) o'chn-k ? reception follow.,I the ceremony, which was per¬ form..! by the R»-v. I>r. John Knox Allen pastor of the Firs; Reformed Church. The maid of honor w.i« MISS Sella M Rogue, of Monlcla r, N J the best man. Archibald A. McOlMhan, of New-York Tha bride was gowned In white silk und chiffon and her ornamenti wer.· diamond« and piaris. Th.· ?. ? w.i« fas -n.d by a «unburst of diamonds, the gift of the bridegroom The hoinjuet was Miles of the valley and roses. The house was decorsied prin¬ cipally with dOWWOOd blossoms. Tiie gne«i« were prominent people from Tarrvtown, Orange ? J New-York and other i»lac«s. Dr. Scrlbner the father of the bride, died more than ten years ago Hi« patients and fr'ends were so numerous in West¬ chester County that « great many of them were obliged to stand ? the ground« of the chi>r«»h where the funeral service« were held. Mr and Mr«. Hop- kin« are to «all for Europe next week, to remain ther« for ««versi month«. »-mam LONG IISLANI). NOTES FROM TOWNS IN QUEENS AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES. IN HEMPSTEAD TOWNSHIP The Highway Commissioners of the town of Hempstead will to-day open bids for the construc¬ tion of the proposed bridge over Wreck I.ea«l to » nn.·· t the two BSCtlona «»f the roadway leading from the Island to Long Besch The bridge will be Kit feet long, including the approaches and »Iraw The draw will be a double centre swing with a Dngth of 114 fee·. T.ie foundstlOOa »if the bri.Ige are to be tubular Iron piers surTleient'.y etro.i« t.« »firry a moving weight of fifteen tons. It is hoped to have the structure completed in lim»· fOf use this season. The roa.)way on the Harnntn Island sl«le of the creek Is nearly completed, an«l all that la needed to be done on the Long Islsnd Bids 'he building of the approach. Th·* Long BSSCn Assorta tlon Is expe'-ied to pay a part of rhe cost of <-on- structlng the bridge, an«! a month ago offered to build the bridge and pay the difference li.-twe.-n the ???? voted at the last town meeting and the actual COSI of the structure. One of the pleasantest affairs held at Merrlck re¬ cently wa* the rewsptlon given by Mr, and Mr« J. Wallace Birch, ai their home on Thursday even« Ing Thoss present were Mr aI'd Mra. .1. W Birch, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Birch, Mrs. Si«an Birch, Mrs. «Bllssbeth Mott, John Carman and son. Mr. und Mrj ? ff. Miller. ?? a·; I Mr« CC Smith. Mr, and Mrs R Q, Andereon, Mr ani Mrs «'baríes Miller. Mr and Mrs. .lanes Miller, Mr. and Mrs Ueorge etory, .Mr. ami Mrs Frederick Smith. Mia« Smith, the Mlrsea «Edith F. Smith. Mar) I.. «Edna and Florence I'mnnn, Ann.e and-Lina Miller, llat- tlo B. Bedsit, Hattle Rohblna. Nellie Miller. Ros¬ ale, Susan and Anna Story, Frances Miller and Lila C Denton, Charles ? Mott, Edward Mil¬ ler, Kniest Miller, Charles ? timiIh, Frank »n».m. John .1. Miller, Arrendei Smith, jr., Predertofc I Yan Anden. Andrew t Miller »»ri ? VêlentIne w. Stilili'. of Fr·· ·;»»»· ele- their marriage a' Wednesds) even· . u.· ? «¦· intent« of Mr und Mrs .1er.. ?·; Brown l)rat"<l the tenth anniversary o their home, m iti» i». Park, o Ing. .Mr. and Mrs. Hrown many pr»sents Among those who contributed .he enjoyment an«l extended congratulations : ? ri·»· hos- ami hoste*· were the It.:', and Mr- W W \\ Wilson. ?? ant Mr« John ·; Jenkins, ?? ?? Mrs l'hall··* E i'ozz« n«. Mr atid M;- Frank Jen «Vu«. Mr and Mr- Mortimer Brown, Mr end .Mr«. Da\ld Brown, Mr and Mr« C 11. nuée.-» n. Mr* Ann C Brown, Q Howard «Randal!, Mis« Mattia A Brown, M lu llat.ie Brown, Mis* Alette Bl »dee, Walter H Cottene Mi and ??- «Seaman l'ost. Miss Ciar. DaltOlt, Mr. atei Mrs Charles ? Seaman. Mr und Mra. Thotnaa f'arpentep, Mr and Mrs. Hiram Hush. Mr. and Mrs Oliver Teeple, Mr and Mr« \\ bur Raynor, Smith and Wal » ·· Po« Louis t'ossene, Clarence Jenkin-, Wilson Jenk'.n«, Mie« I«ou'm .1 Carpenter. ?? and Mr« Jame« Al.«·?. th« Ml*«ea Irene Jenkin«, Arn»» Blumen- stein, A«la Blumenstein; Mise »Sthel Dalton and Me.;-rs. uiie. Clifford, Teeple and Brown An organ recital was held In the Freeport Epl« ??? Church on Wedneeda) evening The programme was as fallows Organ selections, I·" A Corflyou; cintrait.» s«,l.i. "Halve Beglna." Mi-* Kdlth Tuttle; reading. "Nothing to Bey." W F, M »ran. organ, Fugue. F A Crtelyou; reading, "OM Ker," w F Moran; »»rg-ri. «election«, F A ·' rt»lyou; contralto The Oat- of Heaven.·' with flute oblígalo by H ll Mayland, Min Edith Tuttle; reading, »electe»! W, F. Moran. Mr aril Mr« 11.ram W. Fleming, of Rockvllle l'entre wer- I .rpr¡«>* 1 »? Thursds} evening b) the u.«.tuber» of Ocesn Bids ?/·»·'·»;- 1 «? ?; ? The affair marked the re-novel of Mr snd Mrs Flem¬ ing who have been prominent In the afTalrs of lhe I.» Ig·· from xtef hone in Bockvlll«. Centre to their tiew house In Yalley Stream Dr ?, ? I)·»tv. the ll-a!th Officer, ba* under his *upervlsl.»n the renovation of the State propert) at Fire Island The Surf Hotel will open ?? Sal urday -lune tl. The hotel and rottane« wbi ?>· un.le- the management ot ? ? Wall Amona tl ¦-·· wh.« will sp-i.d Jin. at Fir»· Islan 1 ite Ml«.« Joseph¬ ine E Drexol, Judge «Samuel ll Morris end his fam¬ ily the Hev James F Duffy, Henry ·» Banborn end hi* famiiv s Cantoni« and hi« family, ani Cyril» I·: Stapes »nd his famllj 1.1-KAN SI DR. Mr« Lydia Wright, «rifa of James Wright, was burled from h-r home yest-nlay. She was aeventy alx years old. She hai been In feeble health of late, «nt her death occurred within t went·,-four hour« after the benvy thunder shower on Monday. Manv of the residente I».heve that the ihui lev haetened her death on account of 'lie wsy lightning and thim.l»r tigured In her life. Thirt\ yrars ago ?h- farmhouee In wh! h sh» «nd her family lived waa «truck by lightning ? laughter ¦·' Mre Wright wa« killed bo ¿he ? »*- In bed, end Mis Wright had hei «hoe*« torn from her feel and was otherwise **h·.« ked h*ii .t that a ?- etruck by lightning, wtui«· on several o asi,»?« ? ite., near 'h.· pli. ? red b) lightning ,, e».,- time one of their covre waa killed. Mi« \\ right nevei recovered from th* .fr··«'* of the .«.no k she received, and thla, together With the .-nt storm, supposed to have ha ? * fatal rffi ft, isi.ip vh.i.aoks A «pe lui m.Ing wa« lei I In 'he I-'lp I'nloi s.-n....? on Wedneeda) evening toset , ··· or the proposed t: WO addition to the - bo I The Re. W s C Webster waa cl ilrmari of the meet¬ ing. Charlea U Sani« ·»·» lecretai ? Adam Hill and «'hail··.·. W, Duryee were lhe teller» Thi wa« thirty-two in favoi .·;. ? th agalnsi provemeni l>lip mechanics sill do »ill *l¦ l»f of Ihe $7.·**' 11.'"· \ «a« ui> ? ll.·«*» « n nu s ?»··.·?? ¡, Iti He Im work will be 1 a'«'. In .Vug ist .»f tin- ear following unni the whole The folios Ing have '»··· ? le» ted olflcei ? for a s · a in the Young Married People'« Club, Isbp Mr« W Reate, ??·- lent Mrs Wilmai! h Haff, The following havi l_a*.t Isllp Court of I- Kunde; aub-.h'ef. He Mrs Haleey, vi« e pre« t rea« u et been »:»··..· ? offici of the iresten Chief Banger, Han·. irgi Nelson; l'a-· ··:. Bob «.it Anderson; financial secretary, Joseph itobi·.· «he.'k. recording secretary, * v Bowen» ? rea« ???'.-t. ?. W. Brady; Beoloi Woodward, ?·: ? Jeff r.-\ Junior Woodward, Thomae Llerwoo»!; Bei lte.idie. j c. Bevan: .Iunior Beadle, Thome« Busi physician. Dr. W, H Sa\u«;e Th« Hu> Snote Yacht Club has Bled alti le« ' corporation witn the Secreter) of state. The li¬ te, s of the club for the flrat \«-ar aie Arthui [jomlny, Josteh it.ihUn*. ? s Moore, .? ?; How» and W. A Hülse, of Hay «Shore. Saiiii«-« W Finny, of Bayport, found a clueter <>f twenty-seven white pearls in a «iam un Tuemle last it is ragsrded as a must remarkable find in u single i-iaui Mr. Penn) Intende ;.» haw the pearl* set In a I»imo«!i und presemeli to hie laugh- ..-I. w ho lives in Brookl) ? Th,· Sitiiday school ofllcers and teacher« of the Congregational Church at Bayvllle held a social at the bom»· «»r Paator Powell <>n Tuesds) evening last. William Peck and his family, of New-York, for mani yea«.« euromei realdents <»f Ba) Bhore, n.»w residents st (Jardas City, have been In Hay Shore for ? few «luv« M:«s Evelyn Hyatt, of Whlteetone, an.l Mrs Oak¬ ley carpenter and Mis« M. .1 F »w 1er. of Flushing. ar«· St the Corttsnd, al Hay Shore Mrs Wall alni hei 'wo daughters, of New-York, arrired on Thur*»·«, day, atei will spend the summer a' Hay Bhore JAM VICV The Jamaica Women's Club held it* annual meet¬ ing («n Wednesday evening at the home »if Mrs BpSder, The atiendan··«· was the large«! in the hls- t.»r\ of tlie club, and Mrs. Parsons occupied the hair Mra. ?.·»»»ige Brinckerhoff rea ? a papsr on "Quakei Women," and Mr* Kehiheek «me on Women of Venesuel« The <-:ui> is prospn roue. and la regarded aa one «if the moei active organisa¬ tions Of Its kin«! on I.»mg bilan I Officer« were elected as follows Mrs Howard Hobbe, ptesi «lent; Mrs ,1am,·« A. Kehlbeck, vlce-preeldent; Mi-s Annie ?·'. Belknap, secretary and (rassurer: i.x- eciitive Committee, Mr*. Rml'.y Manning Smith. Mrs K.-ite S. Brisbane Dunn end Mrs. William S Cogswell. The Young People- Society of Christian En« dee vor connected with the Presbyterian Church, Jemales» held a reception on Thursday night in th«· chapel on Clinton-eve., which waa largely attended, the gathering ini'luding representatives from Chris¬ tisn Bdeavor societies «>t other churches. BRA «'UFF Th»· lOung Ladles' Qull4*0f St. Luks'a htir.-h h.is resrganlsed under a new constitution and by¬ law«. The annual election «if officers was h»-bl on Tuesday. The guild did HOI su.veed In electing a prealdent, ths nonasroua ballot* taken each resulting In u tie. The presidimi will be elected at the next meeting, Mrs James Kay was elects vh-e-presi- dent and Miss Minnie Alusky secretary and treas- i ter. Puritan Lodge, I. o. 0r ?;, ?, ),_,» a j,,hi|ee time on Monday evening Quarterly Instsllatlon of »ifll.er» was held. I'll» lodge wll'. work under (he credit «yéteme this quarter, Mie« Boss Parisi an,? John C Tale being captain*, and Mrs M II Di',,,I« and Charles H. i.elghton Judg.*«.. The ueùsl pro¬ gramme was dispensed with, l'onipaiiy A of last ijuarter, furnishing refreshment« us . pensila for losing In the oantSSt. Messrs Miller a id Tate fiirnleh-sl «ome excellent mandolin and guitar muele The Daughter« of the King of the DtOOSSS of Long «and met he,·« on Wednesday, holding iheir an nual meeting and e.ectlon ot offlcer*. The presiding ;'?^·?G?.?,^1,? !,,ß ***. Hsorge c «irov.·,. of sèa ? iff and the visiting clergy the Hev Dr Bradley Of fr.m nt M-e SÏÏÎ**^ I>·'"*».«"·* were present ??? ^ ?^G??G_,"'??.??GG?""1: H' Luke's. "Brook- Tlml.·:^'',8" r.lfr· ,,?*1 8' Clsmsefa and Bt. Ärted «Î G _#P"î oflBro««|yn The prmoedlng« Chureh «n erVlCe 'J1 ,h* ?·0·'"«'·* «' 81. Luke's Church, a dinner served by the local chapter, and a buslne«« session In the afternoon Tt,. - the chapters were entouragi", ^_r!-Mrlji«. were made "by the president Mr. V. RrW «*!.«____ head; the Rev Mr N'lhol« *lnì?"r?r'i*- ofBtfe· the Rev. Mr. (.rove, Ml.\ r__oV' Dr ?G»_1_5**· and Miss Herrlngton, of Ä0*1·' °· 8?__* Bolos, «nd Miss Batieran, , ^m 'M*v. ifi** officers were elect,· I |'r.-.| | "nr _i *tlon»· »___ Hlverhead; vl.e-presl.len.. Ml« B^'WwaÄ lyn; treasur-r, Mr« w t «.«,._ oin*· of £___* secretar». Mrs H..|.n , · )n. be, G^; of BrrS*- BlUXOm. Misa King. Mrs ?*^?\^^8^?_\ («love« .nd Mrs w_0<|, ,)f s._ £r-»' B'ooklrn; JJJ The «Jeath of Miss Kittle Saturi..· of las- w-ek wïa Lwh,ch burrai__ circumstance» ???» ?,',,,? lkïna'r l^ulurîr ·_ old. died fron, ner'toS ?; $&&_* ?5 tope Her school as« .dates »? "',."" ·>»· lin¿«_!_ mori than !.. times ,'?,^' *h« ?_2___ slon was dispense wiV,n .lÄ",' ****_] attending th«· funer4, ..\,",,.'>¦ _" cl«¡S__t indolence to her rami! we 1 ..¿^Utte^ compenloni ur1*" up ¿y JJ m»tr£pVSr7h».u? There will b- a b^lne^Ve » .". ' «X?jf and a puhll«· meeting i.i ? cv. ?" ng^Ph»''«^ speakers end programme, ,? ,|lnn"* * 'h 'X«£2 lo visitors between t|.e two me" ?,_·. *].. ·* «*2 held In the Method!-, A.aîA,e7hW· Ferdinand Boudon, .. Lgn___ee___ _·___ {'IW. has .? empl.yel ,öna"v"0«T. ?.G__5 *«* Ing the new station of the |..,n, |s| ..,»'? »«ÌSk .¡.«.r, Co. e. Drives, w.lU- ...^ , ^^»3, «had- tr.es, shrubbery an.l lowerb, .Aft.1· »4 the Improvement« *««ww OI.RÑ CÔVB The »;ien Cove Wheelmen are makl* BienU for a p.rade .? Mem, n,| Dai m|!?,e» Ing to Indine the v... u «jf »he villas,. ._)__'h'!·* Tl···».· ar.· . ...«,. number of enthusiast.. _?.¦* and women In the nHghborhno.1 and * ???*'*·» expected °* *_ßμ Paul's chapter. Dsughteri »f M faul ß .-hapt-r D...igh-er« ,,f ,h about to ie.ii.,ulsli charter having ...iÍ* «I··.':·· is- of membership thr «ugh ren ??.?G^ » >J*f* '¦" A V nn« W,.n,.« FrleM\»b. Sew has been organised, whh ? .,.,., ,J **** '·¦¦" 1^"" "' ·'" '-hM.ter.? ...w L .¿eS3 member«. ,D0«1 Ih» HICKSVIU.K. The You.g Men's Mutual Improvement g,^ Is ?bou l t.. p lhe impr »vement of»!. and at a meeting held m Iti roe·· Thursdsy evening It w.«« d< |, »-?, t Hoirie Highway Commi«. Id lo more lg tea __ then any ,.th.r «et of officer. They di«-i»Ji long i!-t .,: grlevan-es against the' i,or. ?G|» Kallroad, an luggested wayi ·. »M-h ·-/;!? mlsaloners could compel the -ompesy to k_S ..Mali, -lungs In ahi ...-. iWieH Improvement wee ? * Prienda of Mr and Mr« .-. leriek K.»t.« g - Hick«», lie, gave t.-m ¦¦ -.·; ? eater «sí ir) of ·_·-__; lisge After th- «ui;,·!-.· ¦» .,, ,. .T ·.· 'rlend- at h in- a·. 1 .. san ? «t???? i«se I. Among : ... ?, _j¡f___ Hoben Furl ? Mr ,,..¡ \lr« .'h.rie, Koaehl V . nd Mr« JoaeDh Ruger Mi and ?? .«_* loseph ? , ttowehl Jo..-,- M llntiurger. lohn Kesten, William Knit»» H«_ r) Bowebl. Krnesi Pram, En. Wtat S m Kmn Ks (et ' .··, Henkert i_Z tnnle B «arker ?..·?, r'trim an 1 Mrs Van Noeti .r .*· PORT JEPFHUSOS AM» OLD FIELD. Th« prolonged drouth . g -.- ¦.. t_m to the props planted ejrlv ir. ¦<¦ iprtBg n.t. P_| Jefferson It Is noe ? weefci ^B__ lersbli quantity e *i;i»n in tm neighborhood, ani the ? thst much of tb· ->>· I plant» I a month a* Issi There .m not been on.- rait la) hers «Ines April j T_»r» hav« been severs! showers and ene day «hei | rain· I leverai I ISld« fr.m these rvrry day ha« be.n ,ir\ The steamer Nonswsntic began her .r.lr trpi tl Bridgeport <^? Monday, and the -row it .f pgggji wh.» hav taken psesscs In her ani the laoost«f fr.lght art:.! -h .w DOW ·'.«!·· I.erwees th» IS« ices ll growing Profeseor Sln«-erl>eaux. «f thll village. «HI k* president of the ? »rth Bide Tei.herï Aieyation, whl.-h m-ets to-dsy hi Greenlswn Thll ?? the tec < nd year that Professor ? «rbeam hai preii__4 .ver these Interesting mee-it,_. The lubjett study at I - in·'"ig I* .t'nlu·." The union «chool idei la) last Moa.ir Th« Board of Bducatl ? gran·.*·! *e petltioe of th« pupils to this eff., :. «- afford - a o»«inWe bent In th«· six months' term. Th·· ?mm«r irpirtment of thi« school will give an en'. ilonrat tie «rtD- Ing in Oood Templar·' Hall for » vut"»e «? n> Ing money for a reference library Nathaniel Smith, th- energetic r*** aa_v«t «t Old l*i. it. has k-pt a number f teann-»ar-1> ÛW w.ek making repairs on th« * .?¦! It 'orrar .__n "working on the road f.,r the road muwfut*· ?.«? led a- ¦ "«nap." but under Mr Smith'· tS· managemen- t»i.,«e w..t».'-'g ..it r roí. 'ut Knd t tu» r they really must do a s 1«.'· "«ei en obi I br the *___¦ istei from rield Lane, an this *f*¡nt art· down 10 tb. I ll BMBl B-BM I of ? f .leffersnn ·¦·· re)«WBlM st presen) large :wn__t : tor) In the vlllag«· Is lut« rt sttklM force Thl« impel r put» «rientity t I'..g It ,,s ,-\; e. t.-.l 1 I Tini set G? un the weal on the I. Islsnd ? il the ee__S| «ni, h th- peopl« - ithe__ssjg »d pelvi the pel ere h » The os '?- ?«· ·¦"' ."?'* l b) it- *ft'·*1 bren experienced ll v '*1-'* ""* \pltl Capis ·. M. « .;:·¦· * ' !''5· Pi rey C '"'I··'». Si h ; ..ri. «_·> rom Injuriée ree. ,r*tl^ Th.· iron hand ' :* ***f Kallroad wharf wa· - ·...·_*¦¦ ..· k thst hold« Ing lh« »» .? a-« ......· » '" ?;,:.;,;·,?? .St«ee"ôn'M f\TH ana Sins benJsasln. M»'1· \u:Z, ^riioi VX:^^^ Charles N. Brosrn -Çtstsi M.. m.nche »" ion; corTeeppndlns "eT*¡f_%' f#n- .easure,. Miss ?- ? «*J »ig£_ The trustees of fl~ as( feUowr^JJf Church hav.· ··:.'-ted ¦.?«. ' vv_(,.; iree.ur*'. .) ? Hunt: secretary. >S F NkhOTSoa ,....thanipton «re *'«_Hâ,,j> Society people in?«?»" ot M|.. AmflU/J». the approaching "y"Ui_ahbrlskl.·. «' .^¡,,4 ? brlskle. daughter of A^ « %m ., ,-elehrs^ ^ 10 a Ni-w-York m n, » Vesthampton Bejc ^ the G???.? «"Th,« will be the first w^!'1'Ä Memorisi Ds> ?·1,.** ¿th »»ar«·**" Hr' . ,mG»_[ eelebraied there where^w« i-j fi>r , Dii««"e Mr arid Miss /.h.···;;*·;.,, at «>«'?¦«"/?*'·,·;·* >ear« I)« en summet res.'· ^ Inuring or cottagi being one of ^1 l"»<,' ? . n.eetlns or tï>f , %ürt*j At ¡the w»l-in»'»LlS5i P»,1,rÄ «^2 l^agiiV of the ^>*'TM';.(Va> evening. <»'"£,** at .Vi.marninoti, »n^ ThMW " Jieed «_£ were.electe«.: 1 Jf« dent. ·- j.rvl«. .«^«^f» vice-¿re.ldent, «»' *m|i.ordh«m. *** %m_l pre.lflent, Mr», t /¿ir,h vlce-P"·1 _t"*5tl« ·!* den·;. B. Q. Hslsey; fou«» » p.rjy. Tul·..«, «ci retary «nd i_v!T Qertruds JSgsw«· restoiidlng secretary. M«» w


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    ?????G? ACTnp.s APPKAItKl) TO THK RF.fT??-


    ??G???? SOC1KTY OTlll'.R LOCAL


    The Auditorium was crowded to the doors onTuesday night, the secasion of the benefit entertain«mpnt for the White PUlna Itimi A fasliimiat>:··audiene«·· was present, whloh manifested it;' appre¬ciation of the «ffiirts of the amateur actor? by fre¬

    quent hearty applause Th»· enterranm**nt lia«! «Ven

    one of the leading topi** of conversation fot twoweeks, and everybody Intl reited in the social


    of the village was ther- Tw«> short playa, a complyand a «terca, wore presented. It w.i« one of th«? mostsuccessful affaira of the klr.l ever given In WhitePlains, ani was entirely free from annoying w.lit¬er hitches. Mi«- Chartott« ?. Lansing made


    hit «if the evening a.« Ruth Cerey In "Ruth'a Ro¬manci*." lier woik w.i« remark.l».y clever Inthi*» play Kt»»··* ?? ?*. «Squire and Robert E «Farleyepp«?are«l. The farce. "A Cure for lhe Wdgets," fol-lowed, in which Mr. Su lira )ia«i the leading part


    this rn

    May M glvei promise of being a most enjoyable af¬fair. Th» main feature will be Mendelaaobn'i Forty-second psalm The remainder of the programmewill be miscellaneous The soprano si'K.itM will beMiss Ida M Hubbel, sololsl »if the Church of St.

    Mary the Virgin. New-York, who was hear! recentlyBt Mr. Seymour's lecture on mni«.c. Mrs II A.Robinson wl? be the salo planist Clarence E.TUynolds, organist of Memorial Methodist Kpi«oop.*lchurch, and Miss Corinne Flint, solo violinist,will also take part. Tickets an* now on «-ale


    tnay be had of the members or at Staff«"rd's.

    Viola M. Cromwell, daughter of William A Crom¬well, of Flsher-ave., died on Thursday morning after

    an Illness ».»f three weeks. She was eight yea·The funeral will )»« h»-ld at her ifame, Fisher undTtbbltts ave?., to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.The burial arili be In Kenslco Cemetery.Oeorge H Payne, of Cleveland, Ohio, father of

    llr.-. Tracy Cowen, of Hamlllon-avt·.. will here.if:»·wake White Plain« his home. II«· has rented


    Jüykman 1????f V-1 work.Miss Florence .1. Persons, th«· superimeli lent, re¬

    ported f eight at the meeting«. Eight¬een K.rls entered the writing class, of which


    ». ..· entire .ours, of ien lesaona The millinery

    .lass was smsll, onlj -ix entering an.l recel, ngeigtu lessons in dressmaking lh« advanced classreceived tw·«» courses . ten lesson« es ?>, end twen¬ty suns were nia«l«·: in ih.· day classe«

    t.'ti lesson*

    were given for ten girls, who mad.· ten garment!, jIn the employment bureau Ihere were nineteen sp«pllcsnts for work, and eighteen received employ¬ment; in the housework brsnch IM women appliedfor work bj the day. ani ? for work by the monthAlmut hai* the number obtained altustiona Theorders received at the bureau aggregated M7, a lar««.·pi rtion «if whii-h were filled. Mrs. Oeorge


    Houghton reported for the Penny Provident BtampBiatlon. Of the 471 depositors, 81 were boys, 1*1 giri«and 17 adults. The deposits amounted to WI M, theaverage deposit being SO cents. When tb Is ssvedthe person is urged to place it in a saving« bsnk.Mrs. William H. S.miniali reported foi lheLeague. Two important things I"»'! been BC.om-pllshi in lh«· vear. she said, through the ftoris


    the lean.be appointment of an acnt from th.-Sorietv for tiu· Prevention f Cruelty to Animalsand the «ecuting of th.· appolntmenl by the Board..? health of Miss Lena Leeds as u tenement-hou«eInapector. Miss Harriet A. Butler, the

    t r.-iisurer.

    read her report. It «howed the institute to be In agood llnanrlal condition.The Orand Army Memorial r«immlt:«>e. of which

    Alderman Abrsm H. Tompklns I« .haltmin. benIssued sn appeal for funds t.» carry out the properobservance of Memorial Dsy.An adjourned meet ins of the Seventh Wsrd Tax·

    payers' Association will be held thl* evening TheNew-York and Putnam Railroad Company haa pulIts Waiting-room at DunWOOdle Bl the disposal o?the BBsoclation, in which to hold its meeting« »1th. meeting to-night h constitution and bylaws willbe submitted by th. committee for adoption Theassoi Istlon l. growing in membership, and expectsto become a power for g«>o.i in ;¦» locality.Monda? of next week Is lhe last day r.n whh-h

    applications mav be tiled with Becretsry lh 1, of theYonkers branch of the Posts! Civil Service, by thosewho wish to :ake th» examination for clerk and car¬rier, which Is t > ho held In the postofllce building«m .lune ß. Application win be received till lhe rli*·of business hours ..n MondayCaptain Mangln, of the Yonker« police, has flxel

    this afternoon at .'. o'clock as th«· time for the an¬nual spring Inspection »>f tb« members «>f ths forre.Th«- men will appear In summer helmets, «Ir««« cost«and liions«·-»The l.ea Association is now fairly settled In Its

    new room« In the M ''ant·, building, Warburton-ave.The Nominating Committee has posted this ticket tohe voted for a: the annual meeting next month: Forpresident. Edward 1. Renahan; rot vice-president,Thomas Rowan, for recording secretary, D. A.Cooper; for financial secretary, William Le Baille).for treasurer. Michael J. Walsh, for librarian,William Boyle: for trustees. Thomas Rolllnson, A.P. Maho.iy. Edward Donoghue and Peter McOowsn.A special meeting of the Palisad« il'.at Club ha»

    been caned for 'his evening to act on a number ofpi .; »sed amen.im·'tits to lh« constitution

    Theweekly howling games for the medal have heen die·continned for the season. J. U A. Johnson, havingWon the trophy the greatest number of times, willhold It until it I« wrest.··! from him The pool tour¬nament ami individuai bowling tournament haveonly tWO weeks· longer t 1 run. C. C. Rosslrs leadsIn the bottle-i«·-Sutherland, Henry Gaul, ? Alexander Houston andI'.re Commissioner Mulcabey.Th«· members of Irving Hose Company gave a

    «llnner on Thursday night In the carriage-house, InNorth Broadway, to the women who took charge forthem of a table at the fair of the Exempt Firemen'sHenevolent Association, held recently In the hall ofthe Teiitonla Society.

    ? ATi »NAH. .

    The water pipes are being laid In the new villageibis weak.

    It has finally been decided by the parenis of theUve boye charged by a. f. Avery with taking lens.-sfrom th«· optical works In the old Village, bestdeidamaging some machinery there, tu s.-itle th«· CS Iby paying to Mr. Av.-ry the sum of .lío.Mrs. Horses .S«-arlcs entertalne.i e number of her

    friend« at a dinner on Thursday, s«>me of the guestsbeing the Hev. I» ? Hanabiirgh and Mr«, Hana-burgh, Mr. and Mrs. Merrllt. Mr. and .Mrs. Fletcherl_ent and Mr. Clark.Romaine Riebet and Frederick Smith have re¬

    ceived their awards for their condemned propertyIn "the triangle" this week, but the awards offeredto Lyon brother« and to F. J. Purdy have »fenplaced in ihe Xnv-Yetk Trust Company

    * untilaffairs can be arranged more satisfactorily, the pricenot being considered sufficient. Mr. and Mrs.Rockett, Thomas Smith and bis .amili and Dr. A.J. Mayer, who live in that pan of tin· "triangle"nearest the river, have been ordered out by June 1.The building« are then to be torn down, tin· begin¬ning of the end of this attractive old villa«..Next Sunday morning Mi Hanabiirgh will take

    as a subject for his morning sermon "Power InLittle Things" m the Methodist Episcopal Churchand In the svenine his fifth "half-hour talk" willb«· on 'Apparent I'«Oline ln the Christian Church."The leap year pany in the leerles Hon..·

    Wednesday evening was a pleasant affair, and WSIwell attended. Among the guesrs wre the Misse«Miller. Van TaSSel, Smith. Van AlStyn« .i MerrlttMr«. It. 1». Knapp and Messrs. Averv, William«Knapp, Clark and Benedict.Mrs. Klgar Strakosch, of lialtlmore, is Visiting

    wltn her mother. Mrs. Huldah Whltlo.k ,n thlaplace, and M.ss Poe, of .New York, Is the auest OfMr. and Mrs. Flbriilge A. Arnold.

    fit; Wednesday night thieves broke Into the store«of \\ B, Adams ? Son and John W. Sari, s BedfordSta Muí. effe« ting an i-ntrance In both cases Ivbreaking windows. Mr Bsrles was aroused by sn ils.·, and opened a window, which accounts 'forthe thief departing with only a handful of knlve«While In Adams * S«m's nothing was taken Theopening of lb.· money drawer sometimes tings atelephone rear It, and I; Is thought that the noisewas taken for a burglar alarm.around has been t.r«.ken and the foundation for a

    new »".us· belonaing t·. Warr.-n Hutchlngs has beenbegun at Bedford station, m xt t«> the public school.A sttawlierry and Ice cream festival will be h«dl

    on Tuesday ev« nlng under the auspl.es of thewom«-n of .Monili Zlon's Method »? Fpis.'opal Churchin the hall at Somers Centre.1'reparat?? 1 s are heilig made by the young n*0-tfl

    of the l-pworth League .»f the Puni ? Station MeTh-oillat Kplscopal Church for an entertainment to be

    ?1ven In the church next Wednesday evening' Twoarces, with a number of Vocal and Instrumental«election«, «re to be given.A meeting of the trustee« was held In the library

    In this place last Monday to mak«.· arrangementsfor a Sunday-school convention, which will be heldnext Tuesday afternoon and evening In the Meth-csliet Kptsc.ipa! Church. I'urdy Station.

    -a..I'F.LHAM MANOR.

    Mrs. Rich gave a party In honor of her «laughter*«,birthday last Sunday. Miss F.dna and her youngfriends will long remember this pleasant antilver-sary.John F. Falrchlld and Howard Scrlbner are new-

    members of the Felhamville"Relief Hook and Lad-der Company.The dam of the Water Company at Pelhamville,

    which wa· washed away In part some week« ago,has been repaired and is in use «sain.




    ICROOL llll.flfKN. lifAHfSMI'.N AMD VBTERAMi

    TO ???? IAHT IN AN ?1.?.?« :< »KY THKNttW

    YORK ???\?·:·:> M.isT gPHDAt *K*M«OOL IN

    stipi TB TO iini.i' ITS MEMI ANSVAL

    sussi· »N IN WILLARO HALt-Memorial Day exerdsea m Mount Vernon will


    of exceptions! Interest this year, not alone to theOiand Armj comrades, to the Sons of Veteran«


    ne National Ouard. but to the clt »ns as s whole.

    The Mem.«rial I'ay Committee uf Fat it-worth Post

    had nearlj completed ihe programme Frida) ev«ro-Ing, May S, uhm it was proposed b) lhe pupila olth.· public schools Ibsl they ihould give an allegorjof the war under the direction of Professor AlfredHsllam, lhe musical director of tbe Board of «Educa¬tion, snd the conductoi of the Mount Yernon Musi-csl «Society, The proposition siso Included the11th .«..».¡.«.ra·.· rompan) of ihe «Xatloual Ouard,r mmanded by Captain Frederick Schneider, amithe exhibitions will be given in lhe srmory, lh«

    largest amphitheatre p th« ll Inasmucn a»Memorial Da) comes on Baturday I: In·« been ar¬ranged to give n»«· alléger) on «Frida) evening.Profefuioi ??.Hi.un ha* arranged the word« and erith»-m to music, »ul is having frequent rehearsalsTh« entertainment will begin with tha march!of the National Ouardsmen, th« Orand Army «¦··..rades and the «Sons of Veterana, the chorus «singing"Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, th« Boya ?·"· Marching."beglnnii In a subdued ton« and increaalng the pitchsi the «soldiers and veterani approach. There wlb« represented In the singing the camp, the meet¬ing m battle of Ihe federal snd Confederate troops,the retreat, the victory, etc, A feature In eonneitlon with »·· sbegor) will be an address by theRev. Dr Thomas I. PoulSSn, pastor ! the FirstMethod!«* Episcopal Church, In wiuiamsbrt»!·/·. whowas chaplain of the lai Marylgjtf (Union) Regi¬ment, snd servi throughout the Civli Wer, and Isat presi ni hapl tin «>f 'uster PostTh»· New-York I'nlverealist Sunday School h

    Itituti s III hold Its errai snn tal -· islon In V.Hail .»n Friday afternoon and evening. In additionto the routine buslne»· and reading ot reports ther«will ?»«· addresses at th« afternoon session b) lheRev. ?- ? Pease, ol Brooklyn, and th« Re*. ? '·'Mason ) Ih« Rei J. «Smith Dodge, »»rSiuiiifur.J. l'unii Dm M I .oui*· Thomas e» presidem of the «Sorosl« «Society, will give a lecture Inth« Fnlversallsi Church on the afternoon »»f M.«\26 sii·· I-. the daughter of Ihe late Judge Palmer,of Pennsylvania, and ahe was married :·· ti»·- Hl»: Abel ·'. Thomas, ·· well-known clergyman ·»'Philadelphia, with whom she travelled eateim Europe She else accompanl» ? Abraham i.ii.Iion h:s ???·:..·« from Springfield, III., :< Washington, in IM??,· Mmir-.t Vernon Public IJbrary wir,· h was

    officiali) opened s week ago to-day, b.is been w.-ilpatronised «his week, ai Ii Is In thorough work¬ing order. It ha« S.iaTM ?.ks on It« shelve« andabout WO unbound magaalne* »? tbei literature:.»! the r. «ding ro¡-

    lowlng as officer« ol S'ai .»t Hope Lodge, I ·?.lar) Mis* ? Archer, assistant secretar)': LeslieR. Dick·-·».?. treasurer; Ml«* Mar) N'odine, financialsecretary; Frederick Jackson, marshal; Miss AnnieMartin, deputy marshal. Howard Mlehols, guard,and Alexander M>n Thursday ami Frl-dsy.At the annual meeting of rhe HeassntvUle Li¬

    brary Assoctstlon Dr. ?. ? Swift was electedprésident: ? Wood Cornell, first vtoe-presld«ntb-ab!. lino' t ? remain for a week or in.Foremen Frederick ? Southard, of Cortlendl Hook

    .?· l la.Idei « " .ni;.an> No. I. will send ,¦ it ·.. !.. ,.-« to member« ' lhe r »rnpan) r incoming their

    u ;. ·., Klngaion, to 'ak·· perl in th« pared« of theTri-«'., n,··. Fireman's .«societlon nexi Wednesdaymon mg The) wi, leave Peeksklll Tuesday «fter-', I

    Th« tri«·.·.« ..f the Peeksklll Savings Rank have..¡...t.-d ihe followlns officer« Fresi.lent. Cristi Hill.

    lent, Edward Well« «econd vl.piesl-lent, Fdwli llrlgg« treesurer, J M Shipley, «ecre«

    S R KnappPeekaklll >' l he« «-hanged ¡·* name

    ??- isa been known es the Peeks·rnei Rand foi man) year« It« new name It

    m hona il »ms« Plockton, who f ¦¦¦ mai·, year«ha« been ita leedeiTn.:. m >. ,, meeting of the Alumni Association

    ..: ueksld« School at tne «chooihouss next TuesdsyI

    ? ? Pi i- Brown I« visiting In l'hlladelphla.ilfth I.¡nn lay if Mrs Philip Smith,

    ·. ·,: Mr* ll muí Blanchard, ».?« celebra tei.:.\ ? tamil) .- il ??·- home of ber ion-ln-lsw,?? -.«in 11:..r. her·! leput) factory Inspector, In Bor¬

    ni .-?.-· evening The following children? ait) were preaeni Mrs Hiram Blanch¬

    ard, B.la« v\ Smith. I'tiiHp ll Smith Mr« Jacobllenlke, all of Peeksklll. .ml Mrs Henri Cri

    ?, Another son. Cspteln Oeorgew Smith, ?« dead, bu; b« wldoa waa preeent An¬

    si ion, Sidney Hmlth ..f th.· «iraní Central Sta¬imi Mi" Samuel Basset I of New-Britain,

    «...tm. . !· ghler, on ? ? .· be present There·.«··· m m ?· ? Imi. m >. greet-gran«!·

    it the gaiTh·· funeral ..f Alexander Vai:, seventy-four

    w· lied ."i W·-In·-lav from niinvr, will helay it ? |. m ui hi« home

    Mr- M Mel »if·· Hmlth, of N.w-York. will giveeel lire I«. Ihe I« I:. « ..f Peeksklll da)

    ;. ni .«· Libert) Hall ..? Th.· Mrs Woman."e-

    ? KV. ??,'????,?.?

    '?.·· 1*1 ?', flub will give a concert In the parishii·· -¦· Tuesday evening, Mey .'? ·:....I pro¬li « -un .· ?- being proper·TI ma« Towndroe who haa reported Westchester

    »un« f ·? man) \ «era te enti) el«·· - eighty-sixth birthday, «nd hopes to see

    ... ??.

    Tn·· alarm given b) tie Fit·· Commissioners oftTurad«) evening »ounded 16." mid brought thsvarious rómpanle« io Main it ami l_ocust-Sve.,»?.·'.· .-'· John'« Church «tend« Th« llrst t.. «»·-p»·· w th» Belief Uose Compsny, which wa.« onih«· scene In ..ne minute hi. I thlftj si. seconds afterthe slarm ».n given The Huguenot ungine Com-¡.a:i\ aa« Hi·· tir«; of that .-lass to atri.·· Alt..-gftthei ? ·· t «ponae wae creditable, und. io quoteWilliam ?.·· .'.Mint.· "Ther« wasn't four minutée'difference between at» ..r Meni."

    .lesender n Marvin ·,« ..n.· of the four substi¬tut.« .f the Val·· I'nlverslty crew that will row inlhe regatta at Henle* this summerTh.· bond of J A MehlRtedt, the village treasurer,

    .·« filed .»nd approvi ?. we- fot __ß,_?Fren ?« Wilson'* home, The Orchard, never looked

    more stira ¦¦ than :· doe* at this seas,m of ihs(rear, wit! the apple trees in blossomThe will ..f Sarah \ Vence, wh.» left all her pio;.

    . in to bet brother,

    property, Is nearlng completionii.ury Btoddard, ihe phoiogr.ipher of "The Cos¬

    mopolitan" stuff, li suffering from an sbscess of? lie ¦ .u

    ?? ?« .aid that lh- Tiffany esta'e will shortlv heplaced upon mi·· market, cui up imo building lota

    TARRYTOWN'Ph.· Rev Dr Roderick T.rry and Mrs Terry, also

    Mr. mi.I Mrs John T. Terry, Jr., un- vtiltlng theirparent«, Mr nnd Mis John ? Terry, at I'.nkston«.Mr« Aneo« c Phelpa ras returned from New-

    v.»rk to h»r estate. This property is bounded so thenorth by Rockwood Hal!, the «Mints of WilliamRockefeller, uni on th«· south by the estate of Mr«Munto Th,· Munro place was formerly the home.·; Oeneral \. el»t», and .luring the sixties that of11. iti FremutiRobert S· well. Samuel H rVhieffeltn. C.eorge I.egg

    who recently bought the «state «>f th.· late RobertHoe; John Mrlaane, Mra T. c EQsetmen, Joneph11.istillali and M S ''lark, all of New-York, uri· OC«tipylng their countt » placesMrs. Chirles.), liou'id gave SS Informili dan.» ou

    Monda., \ hingTh. funeral of Mrs l.llr.a I. Ani Inrliis. widow of

    Andrew M .\t ciilariiis und .taiighlei «,f th,. |U|,.Nathaniel Bsltonstall, «>f N«-w -London. '.-> 11 p svasconducted on Tues lav l.y ih- R,.\· Seiden Spencerreii.tr of Christ i'hiit.h, ut the home of the familyin Broadway. Tt:«· burial was in Qreenwood Cerne·terv. Ml«. An iilarui.« was ulnet \-four veurs oldand had lived In Tarrytown for uboiit twenly-flveyears.The marriage of M.ss Klla. the on ? surviving

    child of t»if lite l»r. James W Bcrlbner. to HheMonHopkins, son of Colonel vYoolsey R. Hopkins, ofBh'.ppan Point, Stamford, Conn., was celebrated atth.· h..in.· of the bride's mother In Washlngton-siTarrytown, on Saturday ev.-niiig !usi at ?!:!.) o'chn-k? reception follow.,I the ceremony, which was per¬form..! by the R»-v. I>r. John Knox Allen pastorof the Firs; Reformed Church. The maid of honorw.i« MISS Sella M Rogue, of Monlcla r, N J thebest man. Archibald A. McOlMhan, of New-YorkTha bride was gowned In white silk und chiffon andher ornamenti wer.· diamond« and piaris. Th.· ?. ?w.i« fas -n.d by a «unburst of diamonds, the giftof the bridegroom The hoinjuet was Miles of thevalley and roses. The house was decorsied prin¬cipally with dOWWOOd blossoms. Tiie gne«i« wereprominent people from Tarrvtown, Orange ? JNew-York and other i»lac«s. Dr. Scrlbner thefather of the bride, died more than ten years agoHi« patients and fr'ends were so numerous in West¬chester County that « great many of them wereobliged to stand ? the ground« of the chi>r«»h wherethe funeral service« were held. Mr and Mr«. Hop-kin« are to «all for Europe next week, to remainther« for ««versi month«.




    IN HEMPSTEAD TOWNSHIPThe Highway Commissioners of the town of

    Hempstead will to-day open bids for the construc¬tion of the proposed bridge over Wreck I.ea«l to» nn.·· t the two BSCtlona «»f the roadway leadingfrom the Island to Long Besch The bridge willbe Kit feet long, including the approaches and »IrawThe draw will be a double centre swing with


    Dngth of 114 fee·. T.ie foundstlOOa »if the bri.Igeare to be tubular Iron piers surTleient'.y etro.i« t.«

    »firry a moving weight of fifteen tons. Itis hoped

    to have the structure completed in lim»· fOf usethis season. The roa.)way on the Harnntn Islandsl«le of the creek Is nearly completed, an«l all that laneeded to be done on the Long Islsnd Bids I« 'he

    building of the approach. Th·* Long BSSCn Assortatlon Is expe'-ied to pay a part of rhe cost of * 1 »? Thursds} evening b) theu.«.tuber» of Ocesn Bids ?/·»·'·»;- 1

    «? ?; ? Theaffair marked the re-novel of Mr snd Mrs Flem¬ing who have been prominent In the afTalrs

    of lheI.» Ig·· from xtef hone in Bockvlll«. Centre to


    tiew house In Yalley StreamDr ?, ? I)·»tv. the ll-a!th Officer, ba*


    his *upervlsl.»n the renovation of the State propert)at Fire Island The Surf Hotel will open ??


    urday -lune tl. The hotel and rottane«wbi ?>·

    un.le- the management ot ? ? Wall Amonatl ¦-··

    wh.« will sp-i.d Jin. at Fir»· Islan 1 ite Ml«.« Joseph¬ine E Drexol, Judge «Samuel ll Morris end

    his fam¬

    ily the Hev James F Duffy, Henry ·» Banbornend hi* famiiv s Cantoni« and hi« family,


    Cyril» I·: Stapes »nd his famllj

    1.1-KAN SI DR.

    Mr« Lydia Wright, «rifa of James Wright, wasburled from h-r home yest-nlay. She

    was aeventy

    alx years old. She hai been Infeeble health of

    late, «nt her death occurred withint went·,-four

    hour« after the benvy thunder shower onMonday.

    Manv of the residente I».heve thatthe ihui lev

    haetened her death on account of 'lie wsy lightningand thim.l»r tigured In her life. Thirt\ yrars

    ago?h- farmhouee In wh! h sh» «nd her family


    waa «truck by lightning ? laughter¦·' Mre

    Wright wa« killed bo ¿he ? »*- In bed,end Mis

    Wright had hei «hoe*« torn from herfeel and was

    otherwise **h·.« ked h*ii .t t· thata ?- etruck by lightning, wtui«· on several o


    ? ite., near 'h.· pli. ? red b) lightning\· ,, e».,- time one of their covre waa killed.


    \\ right nevei recovered from th* .fr··«'* of the.«.no k she received, and thla, together With the

    .-nt storm, ?« supposed to have ha ? * fatal rffi ft,

    isi.ip vh.i.aoks

    A «pe lui m.Ing wa« lei I In 'he I-'lpI'nloi

    s.-n....? on Wedneeda) evening toset ,···

    or the proposed t: WO addition to the - bo I TheRe. W s C Webster waa cl ilrmari of

    the meet¬

    ing. Charlea U Sani« ·»·» lecretai? Adam Hill

    and «'hail··.·. W, Duryee were lhe teller»Thi

    wa« thirty-two in favoi .·;. ? th agalnsiprovemeni l>lip mechanics sill do »ill *l¦l»f of Ihe $7.·**' 11.'"·\ «a« ui> ? ll.·«*» «n nu h« s ?»··.·?? ¡,

    ItiHe Imwork

    will be 1 a'«'. In .Vug ist .»f tin-ear following unni the whole

    The folios Ing have '»··· ? le» ted olflcei ? for as · a

    in the Young Married People'« Club, Isbp Mr«W Reate, ??·- lentMrs Wilmai! h Haff,The following havi

    l_a*.t Isllp Court of I-Kunde; aub-.h'ef. He

    Mrs Haleey, vi« e pre«t rea« u etbeen »:»··..· ? offici ?« of the

    iresten Chief Banger, Han·.irgi Nelson; l'a-· '· ··:. Bob

    «.it Anderson; financial secretary, Joseph itobi·.·«he.'k. recording secretary, * v Bowen» ?rea«???'.-t. ?. W. Brady; Beoloi Woodward, ?·: ? Jeffr.-\ Junior Woodward, Thomae Llerwoo»!; Beilte.idie. j c. Bevan: .Iunior Beadle, Thome« Busiphysician. Dr. W, H Sa\u«;eTh« Hu> Snote Yacht Club has Bled alti le«


    corporation witn the Secreter) of state. Theli¬

    te, s of the club for the flrat \«-ar aie Arthui[jomlny, Josteh it.ihUn*. ? s Moore, .? ?; How»and W. A Hülse, of Hay «Shore.

    Saiiii«-« W Finny, of Bayport, found a clueter ftwenty-seven white pearls in a «iam un Tuemlelast it is ragsrded as a must remarkable find inu single i-iaui Mr. Penn) Intende ;.» haw thepearl* set In a I»imo«!i und presemeli to hie laugh-..-I. w ho lives in Brookl) ?

    Th,· Sitiiday school ofllcers and teacher« of theCongregational Church at Bayvllle held a social atthe bom»· «»r Paator Powell n Tuesds) eveninglast.William ?« Peck and his family, of New-York, for

    mani yea«.« euromei realdents t other churches.

    BRA «'UFFTh»· lOung Ladles' Qull4*0f St. Luks'a htir.-h

    h.is resrganlsed under a new constitution and by¬law«. The annual election «if officers was h»-bl onTuesday. The guild did HOI su.veed In electing aprealdent, ths nonasroua ballot* taken each resultingIn u tie. The presidimi will be elected at the nextmeeting, Mrs James Kay was elects vh-e-presi-dent and Miss Minnie Alusky secretary and treas-i ter.

    Puritan Lodge, I. o. 0r ?;, ?, ),_,» a j,,hi|ee timeon Monday evening Quarterly Instsllatlon of»ifll.er» was held. I'll» lodge wll'. work under (hecredit «yéteme this quarter, Mie« Boss Parisi an,?John C Tale being captain*, and Mrs M II Di',,,I«and Charles H. i.elghton Judg.*«.. The ueùsl pro¬gramme was dispensed with, l'onipaiiy A of lastijuarter, furnishing refreshment« us . pensila forlosing In the oantSSt. Messrs Miller a id Tatefiirnleh-sl «ome excellent mandolin and guitar mueleThe Daughter« of the King of the DtOOSSS of Long«and met he,·« on Wednesday, holding iheir annual meeting and e.ectlon ot offlcer*. The presiding;'?^·?G?.?,^1,? !,,ß ***. Hsorge c «irov.·,. of sèa? iff and the visiting clergy the Hev Dr Bradley Offr.m nt M-e SÏÏÎ**^ I>·'"*».«"·* were present??? ^ ?^G??G_,"'??.??GG?""1: H' Luke's. "Brook-Tlml.·:^'',8" r.lfr· ,,?*1 8' Clsmsefa and Bt.Ärted «Î G _#P"î oflBro««|yn The prmoedlng«Chureh «n

    erVlCe 'J1 ,h* ?·0·'"«'·* «' 81. Luke'sChurch, a dinner served by the local chapter, and a

    buslne«« session In the afternoon Tt,. -the chapters were entouragi", ^_r!-Mrlji«.were made "by the president Mr. V. RrW «*!.«____head; the Rev Mr N'lhol« *lnì?"r?r'i*- ofBtfe·the Rev. Mr. (.rove, Ml.\ r__oV' Dr ?G»_1_5**·and Miss Herrlngton, of Ä0*1·' °· 8?__*Bolos, «nd Miss Batieran, , ^m 'M*v. ifi**officers were elect,· I |'r.-.| | "nr _i *tlon»· »___Hlverhead; vl.e-presl.len.. Ml« B^'WwaÄlyn; treasur-r, Mr« w t «.«,._ oin*· of £___*secretar». Mrs H..|.n , · )n. be, G^; of BrrS*-BlUXOm. Misa King. Mrs ?*^?\^^8^?_\(«love« .nd Mrs w_0»· lin¿«_!_mori than !.. times ,'?,^' *h« ?_2___slon was dispense wiV,n .lÄ",' ****_]attending th«· funer4, ..\,",,.'>¦ _" cl«¡S__tindolence to her rami! we 1 ..¿^Utte^compenloni ur1*" up ¿y JJm»tr£pVSr7h».u?There will b- a b^lne^Ve » .". ' «X?jfand a puhll«· meeting i.i ? cv. ?" ng^Ph»''«^speakers end programme, ,? ,|lnn"* * 'h 'X«£2lo visitors between t|.e two me" ?,_·. *].. ·* «*2held In the Method!-, A.aîA,e7hW· *ÏFerdinand Boudon, .. Lgn___ee___ _·___

    {'IW. has .? empl.yel ,öna"v"0«T. ?.G__5 *«*Ing the new station of the |..,n, |s| ..,»'? »«ÌSk.¡.«.r, Co. e. Drives, w.lU- ...^ , ^^»3,«had- tr.es, shrubbery an.l lowerb, .Aft.1· »4the Improvement« *««ww

    OI.RÑ CÔVBThe »;ien Cove Wheelmen are makl*

    BienU for a p.rade .? Mem, n,| Dai m|!?,e»Ing to Indine the v... n· u «jf »he villas,. ._)__'h'!·*Tl···».· ar.· . ...«,. number of enthusiast.. _?.¦*and women In the nHghborhno.1 and * ???*'*·»I« expected °* *_ßµ

    Paul's chapter. Dsughteri »fM faul ß .-hapt-r D...igh-er« ,,f ,habout to ie.ii.,ulsli ?« charter having ...iÍ* l»«I··.':·· is- of membership thr «ugh ren ??.?G^ »>J*f* '¦" A V nn« W,.n,.« FrleM\»b. Sewhas been organised, whh ? .,.,., ,J ****'·¦¦" 1^"" "' ·'" '-hM.ter.? ...w L .¿eS3member«. ,D0«1 Ih»

    HICKSVIU.K.The You.g Men's Mutual Improvement g,^Is ?bou l t.. p lhe impr »vement of»!.

    and at a meeting held m Iti roe··Thursdsy evening It w.«« d< |, »-?, t h« HoirieHighway Commi«. Id lo more lg tea __then any ,.th.r «et of officer. They di«-i»Jilong i!-t .,: grlevan-es against the' i,or. ?G|»Kallroad, an luggested wayi ·. »M-h ·-/;!?mlsaloners could compel the -ompesy to k_S..Mali, -lungs In ahi ...-. iWieHImprovement wee ? *Prienda of Mr and Mr« .-. leriek K.»t.« g -Hick«», lie, gave t.-m ¦¦ -.·; ? eater «sí

    ir) of ·_·-__;lisge After th- «ui;,·!-.· ¦» .,, ,. .T

    ·.· 'rlend- at h in- a·. 1 .. san ? «t????i«se I. Among : ... ?, _j¡f___Hoben Furl ? Mr ,,..¡ \lr« .'h.rie, Koaehl V

    .nd Mr« JoaeDh Ruger Mi and ?? .«_*loseph ?, ttowehl Jo..-,- M

    llntiurger. lohn Kesten, William Knit»» H«_r) Bowebl. Krnesi Pram, En. Wtat Sm -· Kmn Ks (et ' .··, Henkert i_Z

    tnnle B «arker ?..·?, r'triman 1 Mrs Van Noeti .r .*·

    PORT JEPFHUSOS AM» OLD FIELD.Th« prolonged drouth . g -.- ¦.. t_m

    to the props planted ejrlv ir. ¦>· I plant» I a month a* Issi There .mnot been on.- rait la) hers «Ines April j T_»r»hav« been severs! showers and ene day «hei |rain· I leverai I ISld« fr.m these rvrryday ha« be.n ,ir\The steamer Nonswsntic began her .r.lr trpi tl

    Bridgeport r , Dii««"eMr arid Miss /.h.···;;*·;.,, at «>«'?¦«"/?*'·,·;·*>ear« I)« en summet

    res.'· ^ Inuring orcottagi being one of ^1l"»*'TM';.(Va> evening.