making a difference Ultra Electronics Communications COMMUNICATIONS

COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity

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Page 1: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity

making a difference

Ultra Electronics Communications


Page 2: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity

specialist capabilities


The Ultra Electronics Group manages a portfolio of specialist capabilities,generating highly-differentiated solutions and products in the DEFENCE &AEROSPACE, SECURITY & CYBER, TRANSPORT and ENERGY markets, by applying electronic and software technologies in demanding and criticalenvironments to meet customer needs.

Ultra businesses constantly innovate to create solutions to customer requirements that are different from and better thanthose of the Group’s competitors. By applying these differentiated solutions to a wide range of international platforms andprogrammes, Ultra has built an exceptionally broad range of specialist capability areas. Where the Group has a number ofcomplementary capabilities it can also combine these to offer wider solutions. Furthermore, the products, capabilities and theassociated domain expertise uniquely position Ultra to be able to provide system and sub-system solutions. These solutionsare underpinned by through-life management support offerings that ensure the capabilities are delivered and sustained in-service. The Group has an active programme of reinvestment of funds to strengthen its capabilities in its specialist markets.

Ultra offers solutions to its customers through the design, delivery and support phases of a programme. Ultra’s businesses have ahigh degree of operational autonomy so that they provide exceptionally agile and responsive support to customers and partnersnormally associated with a smaller business. These benefits of customer focus and agility are augmented by the access to widerand complementary technology and expertise that lies elsewhere in the Group and by Ultra’s strong financial position.

Ultra is a world-leading supplier of secure communication equipment and systemsthat enable accurate and timely exchange of voice, video and data to military,government, law enforcement agency, industry and commercial customers.

Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities

Ultra focuses on developing specialist capabilities that provide highly-differentiated solutions tocustomers’ requirements. Eight clearly defined market segments allow Ultra to provide more complexofferings from across the full range of the Group’s capabilities. The eight capability segments are:


Underwater warfare








Capabilities related to underwater warfare covering military, paramilitary and civil domains. These include transducers, hydrophones, sonobuoys, sonobuoy receivers, towed arrays, periscope detecting radars, torpedo defence systems, acoustic countermeasures, and surface ship sonar systems.

Capabilities related to signal and power management, operating, controlling, supporting and maintaining maritime (surface and sub-surface) military platforms, both manned and unmanned.

Capabilities related to operating, controlling, supporting and maintaining land military platforms, both manned and unmanned, and the dismounted soldier.

Capabilities related to the design, manufacture, production, operation, support and maintenance of commercial and military aircraft, both manned and unmanned.

Capabilities related to C2, Security and Surveillance solutions, covering both military and civil domains as well as military Electronic Warfare, reconnaissance and targeting systems, and forensic solutions for law enforcement.

Capabilities related to the secure communication and timely exchange of data, voice and video information providing some of the most capable communication systems, platforms and integration support in the world.

Capabilities related to nuclear, covering both civil energy, national radiation monitoring systems through defence to radiation monitoring on tactical platforms.

Capabilities related to airport and airline information systems, rail transit power conversion and control, as well as non-nuclear civil energy related capabilities.

2016 revenue by segment

Did you know?Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmesworldwide, often in high integrity or safety critical applications.

To see how Ultra’s capability segmentsmap to each business, see pages 13-14

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Satellite systems

An industry leader for mobileand flyaway satellite earthstations, Ultra offers satellitesystems for any environment,whether fixed, vehicle-basedor transportable. Adaptableto both defence and civilapplications, Ultra satellitesystems can be easilyconfigured for specificoperations.

Data link systems

A world leader in tactical,command and control (C2)and video data link systems,Ultra provides critical dataexchange capabilities andsituational awareness to naval,land and airborne users.Epitomising Ultra’s ability toinnovate, Ultra has developedthe capabilities thatencompass C2, informationexchange, tactical, videoexchange and trainingsupport at all security levels.

Encryption solutions

With a long-standing history inexceptional encryptionsolutions, Ultra offers acomprehensive range ofproducts to suit any level ofsecurity requirement. Frompocket-sized, dual-authentication personalencryptors to those that canencrypt whole networks at thehighest level of governmentclassification, Ultra is trustedworldwide to develop andimplement securecommunication architectures.

Radio Systems

Ultra integrates a carefullyselected blend of leadingedge commercial informationtechnology and high-capacitymilitary radio technology toprovide high performance,high reliability communicationssolutions to meet therequirements of today’smilitary. Ultra can providecomplete integratedcommunication solutionsincorporating only best-ofbreed technologies, includingline-of-sight radio, encryption,and WiFi capabilities.

Specialist systems

Ultra’s more specialist nichecapabilities include personalprotective gearcommunications,‘Hyperspike’ acoustic hailingdevices and magnetoinductive ‘through-the-earth’communication products.







1 Underwater warfare 25%

2 Maritime 7%

3 Land 3%

4 Aerospace 17%

5 C2ISR* 21%

6 Communications 15%

7 Nuclear 8%

8 Infrastructure 4%

*Command & Control, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Page 3: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity


FIXED SATELLITE EARTH STATIONS Extending its engineering skills baseto fixed earth stations, Ultra canprovide fixed antennas from less than1.0m, to over 9.3m diameter.

A key feature of the smaller antennasis the speed of assembly, whichallows on-site work to be kept to aminimum and enables service to startvery soon after arrival.

Ultra has qualified its fixed antennaswith virtually every satellite operator.Its installation team has worldwideexperience of adapting the system to local conditions, providing fullturnkey services.

FREQUENCY CONVERTERS Ultra manufactures a complete rangeof up-converters and down-convertersto meet virtually any satellitecommunications requirement.

The compact, fully modular design,fully weather-proof outdoorpackaging and the extendedoperational temperature range,standard on all Ultra products,guarantees high performance invirtually any environment.

ANTENNA CONTROLLERSUltra’s STC series of antennacontrollers is specifically designed foruse with fly-away, drive-away andfixed antenna systems, but also withany other motorised antenna withpositional feedback.

Comprehensive software featuresallow antennas to automatically pointto up to 99 programmablecoordinates. Where satellite inclinationis known and programmed into thecontroller, the software can calculatethe actual satellite position, at any timeof day, and will accurately point theantenna to its known position, beforeentering peaking and tracking modes.

Ultra is an industry leader in vehicle-based and transportable satellite earth stations,with a focus on wireless broadband communications as the core technology.

Satellite systems

VEHICLE-BASED ANDTRANSPORTABLE SATELLITEEARTH STATIONSUltra provides a comprehensive rangeof transportable and vehicle-basedantennas. Both series feature theinnovative cartridge feed arrangement,allowing them to be quickly configuredfor operation in C, X, Ku and Kafrequency bands. Both series ofantennas are available in acomprehensive range of diameters.

Full motion 3-axis motorisation,combined with Ultra’s STC-100antenna controller, allows antennasto automatically acquire satellitesminutes after deployment. Anintegral tracking receiver will keep the signal peaked.

Ultra’s MIL-STD-810 and WidebandGlobal Satcom/ Defence SatelliteCommunications System approvedfly-away antennas and systems are rugged, compact, easy totransport and to deploy – withguaranteed compliance to all satelliteauthority specifications. The FA seriesof antennas is specifically designed tosurvive the tough environment of

satellite news gathering (SNG), but itshighly innovative packaging, withrobust, lightweight carbon-fibreconstruction, has made it thepreferred choice for a wide variety ofother applications. Today, FA seriesantennas are in service worldwide forsporting events, emergency datarestoration and military/governmentcommunications.

Ultra’s drive-away antennas aredesigned with minimum weight andan ultra-low profile, minimum-dragcoefficient construction. This makesthem simple to install on mostvehicles, without affecting thedriving characteristics.

An integrated equipment podprovides a secure mounting positionfor amplifiers and up-converters. Thiscreates extra space and reduces noiseand heat inside the vehicle.

Ultra’s DA-100 antenna is small andlight enough to travel as commercialaircraft checked baggage and theninstall on a vehicle roof-rack, turningit into a rapid-reaction SNG vehiclefor breaking news.

Along with Ultra’s satellitecommunication systems, the UltraCommunicate product line offers aseamless global roaming capability.This enables efficient, resilient andrapidly-deployable communicationsolutions for man-portable, in-vehicleand maritime applications in both thecommercial and defence sectors.


Designed to survive the toughenvironment of satellite news gathering.

…automaticallyacquire satellitesminutes afterdeployment.

…speed of assembly allows on-site work to be kept to a minimum…

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Page 4: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity


Ultra provides critical tactical data exchange capabilities and tactical data link systems to military users.

Data link systems


TACTICAL DATA LINKSThrough the secure networking ofsensors, platforms and systems,operational decision-makers are ableto co-ordinate and maximisebattlefield effects.

Ultra is a key supplier of the enablingtechnologies, including Link-11, -16 and -22, which optimise thewarfighter’s effectiveness byfacilitating the timely disseminationof situational awareness andcommunications data across the battlespace.

Ultra’s secure tactical data linksystems and products are in serviceon helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft,surface ships and submarinesworldwide. Ultra’s multi-linkprocessor family of products providesa compact, single Line ReplacementUnit (LRU), innovative and versatilesolution to single or multiple tacticaldata link operations.

Ultra’s Air Defence Systems Integrator(ADSI) is used on aircraft carriers andcommand ships, in tactical and airoperations centres, in airspaceintegration systems and in jointcommand centres around the world.The system provides joint-certifiedtactical data link forwarding software,combined with tactical data link, radarand electronic intelligence interfaces.

Supporting capabilities includenetwork planning, toolkits foranalysis, secure data transfernetworks and remote equipmentcontrol and status monitoring datafor a distributed network ofunmanned remote facilities.

TACPOD™The Tactical Airborne Command,Control, Communications andIntelligence Pod (TACPOD™) providesa robust, non-invasive payload fortactical communications exchange in an airborne-qualified pod forexternal mounting to manned orunmanned aircraft.

From ground operators at the tacticaledge to convoys, command centresand other participating aircraft,multiple users will benefit as theTACPOD™ – with its BattlefieldIntegrated Gateway for TacticalExchange (BIGTEX™) software –relays, bridges, translates, distributesand manages current and legacydata, voice and video.

From the lower altitudes of the mid-tier aerial network to the uppertier at 65,000 to 70,000 ft, theTACPOD™ provides communicationsrelay and tactical data link gatewayservices over large, widely-dispersedand often austere environments, insupport of warfighters.

Optimised to meethighly sensitive,time-criticalinformationexchange needs.

TACPOD™ provides a robust, non-invasive payload for tacticalcommunications exchange in anairborne-qualified pod.

INFORMATION EXCHANGE OF C2 AND VIDEO Ultra’s High Integrity Data Link(HIDL™) is a family of flexible,networkable, software-definabledigital data links, which areoptimised to meet highly-sensitive,time-critical (low-latency) informationexchange needs, such as unmannedvehicles, weapon systems andmission-critical sensors.

HIDL™ provides robust C2capabilities to multiple UAVs andassociated ground stations. HIDL™also delivers secure full motion videotransmission, relay capability forbeyond line-of-sight operations andweapon data transfer. Its uniquewaveforms and functions ensuresecure two-way communications,with a low probability ofinterception, detection or jamming.

Ultra’s video data link (VDL)technology is currently installed onthe Litening Pod system for the UK’sTyphoon and Tornado platforms. TheVDL replaces existing high- or low-band data links, providing PhaseAlternating Line (PAL) or NationalTelevision System Committee (NTSC)video formats and ensuringtransmission of encrypted meta-data.

Ultra’s own proven and ruggedremote video terminal, Ultra-Vu™, receives down-linkimagery and is inter-operablewith third party video datalinks. Both Ultra-Vu™ and VDL

enable the secure sharing ofenhanced situational awareness dataand imagery with mounted anddismounted ground forces.

Ultra provides a range of hand-heldcommand, control, communicationsand computer (C4) systems for thedismounted soldier.

Leveraging its expertise in bothhuman factors engineering andtraditional hand controls, Ultra’s mostrecent development projects focus onthe dismounted soldier. Thewarfighter today has to be ready totake immediate and appropriateaction at the tactical edge andrequires the tools to do so, whetherit is C2 of a UGV, local situationalawareness or receiving secure fullmotion video from supportingairborne assets.

Recognising the need for lightweight,soldier-portable controls, whichconcentrate functionality and assetaccessibility into the warfighter’shands, Ultra introduced the first fully ruggedised game-style controllerin 2004. By using a form of handcontroller familiar to today’s soldiers, Ultra was able to militarise a control system which reducedtraining time and has become an ideal controller for the operation of numerous UGVs.

Ultra’s video data link technology iscurrently installed on the Litening Pod system for the UK’s Typhoon andTornado platforms.

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Situationalawareness andcommunicationsdata securely across the battlespace.

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CYBERSECURITY FOR CRITICALINDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS Cyber-attacks are threatening ournation’s critical infrastructure even asoperators are pressured to protectdisparate legacy systems with limitedbudget and resources. Today it isimperative to maintain peak readinessand adjust for ever shifting threatswhile containing costs, streamliningoperations and adhering torecommended requirements.

Ultra’s CyberFence solutions aredesigned to easily embed security intoindustrial automation and controlsystems to shield critical infrastructureagainst cyber-attacks withoutinterruption. Ultra understands thatcyber security is essential in today’sturbulent environment – that’s whyour CyberFence devices areindependently validated forrobustness by widely-recognisedglobal standards bodies, governmentand military agencies. CyberFencesurpasses basic firewall, perimeter andsignature-based defense, extendingprotection to Supervisory control anddata acquisition (SCADA) and othernetworked system endpoints usingprotocol-specific parsing andwhitelisting to assure data integrity.

KEY MANAGEMENTUltra has a proven background acrossthe whole key management life-cycle.Its COMSEC Accounting, Reportingand Distribution System (CARDS),Remote COMSEC ManagementSystem (RCMS) and Solitaire productsprovide a complete solution forcryptographic key request, rewrap,distribution (black and red), storageand tactical loading along withequipment inventory andconfiguration management and arein service across the world.

Ultra also boasts the world’s onlynetwork-attached Hardware SecurityModule (HSM) utilising acryptographic module that is certifiedto FIPS 140-2 Level 4 overall. Theultimate in HSMs, the Ultra SafeKeyper™ is a special-purpose HSMthat provides high-assurance digitalsigning and key generation andstorage mechanisms.

A derivate platform, the Ultra EncryptNet CA is the first ever CESGaccredited Public Key Infrastructure(PKI) component that supports thecentralised key managementcapability for the Ultra Encrypt Netproduct range. There are in excess of150 operational application specificdedicated PKIs in operation. Inenabling assured data separationbetween the encryption domains, NetCA provides the ability to manage

cryptographic communities of interestand to separate different usercommunities within an organisation,making it ideal for service providersand end users alike. Using Net CA,projects can perform over the airrekeying, including via satellite, forvery large scale networks in a matterof minutes. Better key managementleads to better availability. For over adecade Ultra has provided bothincreased key management usabilityand increased security.

The Ultra Safe platform is used tosecure billions of dollars of paymenttransactions and ATM withdrawalsaround the world as well asunderpinning mission-critical securitysystems for a number of the world’slargest companies, many national TopLevel Domains and the root of theInternet’s Domain Name System (DNS).

MILITARY-GRADE SECURE VIDEOTELECOMMUNICATIONS Highly interactive, visual collaborationsystems allow participants todynamically interact with content invideo teleconference (VTC) meetings.Whether participants are in thecommand center, at their desks, or inthe field, teams can collaborate easilywith VTC via video teleconferencing.

Ultra’s Criticom ISEC (IntegratedSecure Encryption Console) solutionsdeliver fully automated PeriodsProcessing as defined by USDepartment of Defense to seamlesslyswitch video conferencing systemsbetween two different securityclassification networks.

Encryption solutions

CRYPTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENTSince the 1950s, Ultra has beendesigning, developing, manufacturingand supporting secure communicationsequipment, making it one of themost trusted and respectedcryptographic systems providers in the world. Over the years, it has built up an enviable track record inthe provision of certified EndCryptographic Units (ECUs) and keymanagement capabilities to secureinformation at the highest levels ofclassification within government.

HIGH GRADE PROGRAMMABLECRYPTOGRAPHIC DEVICESToday, Ultra is supporting cryptomodernisation initiatives in both theUK and the US, delivering the nextgeneration of high gradeprogrammable cryptographic devicesinto service.

At the heart of the UK governmentsolution is the Ultra-C3, a high gradecryptographic capability whichprovides legacy compatibility andmost critically, can support modernand interoperable communicationmodes in the same cryptographicdevice. The devices are softwaredefinable making them compatiblewith future emerging requirements.Utilising the C3, Ultra is providing aform, fit and function replacement,enabling the deployment of the C3in a range of cryptographiccommunications products to reduceinstallation and integration costs.

SECURING VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKSThe increase in e-commerce and theuse of Virtual Private Networks(VPNs) has made encryption a vitalcomponent of the any network’sgateway to the wider world. Ultraoffers VPN encryption and remoteaccess devices, tested and accreditedto commercial and governmentstandards.

The Ultra Encrypt range providesorganisations across the public andprivate sectors with the ability toprotect sensitive or governmentclassified data traversing IP networks.These products have the appropriatelevels of assurance from the relevantauthorities both domestically and forexport markets. They include all thefunctions and features required tooperate in today’s complex networkingenvironments to safeguard site-to-site,remote access and wireless LANnetwork communications.

The Ultra Encrypt product linesprovide data confidentiality andsource authentication for networktraffic. This enables high confidenceVPN communications for informationtransported across an IP network,such as the Internet, allowing theconnection of corporate networks toremote offices, embedded and mobileworkers, securely and cost effectively.Ultra Encrypt is the defacto VPNgateway and remote access platformsdevice for the overwhelming majorityof UK Government communicationsrequiring high assurance. Ultra offerstrusted and future proof solutions andhas extensive experience of protectingcritical infrastructure for military,government and industrial publicsector markets.

Ultra is a global provider of information assurance (IA) solutions with thecapability to address a variety of complex requirements and provide sovereignprotection to the most sensitive information.

Ultra offers trusted and future proofcyber defence solutions and has extensiveexperience of protecting military, publicsector and enterprise systems.

Delivering M2Mcyber security formission criticalsystems.

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LAND & MARITIMECOMMUNICATIONSHigh capacity fixed and on-the-movecommunications can be used to helpprotect nations and infrastructures, byempowering the armed forces withcritical real-time Command, Control,Communications, Computers,Intelligence, Surveillance andReconnaissance (C4ISR) data,wherever they are. Ultra’s products aredesigned to distribute multiple videostreams coming from UAVs and othersources, providing real-timereconnaissance and identification.

Multiple customers use the Ultra radiocommunications systems for land-based applications such as wide areasecurity, mobile deployments, publicsafety and border protection. Thesesolutions help nations build a secureand cost-effective communicationsnetwork. The software-defined radiosystems can interoperate with legacyradios fielded around the world, thusconnecting a multitude of networkstogether. From tactical to strategicoperations, brigade to edge and desertto cities, Ultra’s products allow bettercollaboration between military, publicsafety and coalition forces.

Ultra’s broadband network solutionscan support multiple maritime missionsby combining over-water waveforms,data switching, range extension andcross banding capabilities in order tointegrate and maximise the use ofsensor and C2 data. Some of the keyapplications are amphibiousoperations, maritime interdiction, forceprotection and coastal surveillance.

Ultra’s products enable comprehensivevideo, imaging and data over-watertransmission, as well as fully integratedcollaboration and operational C3between vessels, command ships andshore base stations.

Ultra provides high-capacity, reliable radio communications systems for defence, security and public safety applications.

Radio systems Ultra has an extensive, proven portfolio to protect the integrity of very sensitive data, which is reliable,survivable and resilient.

TACTICAL WIDE-AREA NETWORKS AND HEADQUARTERS-TO-EDGE COMMUNICATIONS Ultra delivers high-capacity (up to 1 Gbps), line-of-sight (LOS) and nonline-of-sight (NLOS) radio productsfor fixed, at-the-quick-halt and On-the-Move (OTM) applications to meettoday’s C4ISR requirements. Bycombining the latest software-definedradio modem with innovative radioarchitecture and leading-edgenetworking solutions, Ultra is able tosatisfy all the requirements of moderntactical area communications systems.

The Ultra ORION product familyconsists of two or three channel,multiband high-capacity radioswithin a small form factor. Built oncommon software-defined radiotechnology, the Ultra ORION supportsPoint-to-Point (PTP), Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) and meshcapabilities. It can operate on fixedand mobile platforms, sharingmultiple waveforms to support land,sea and air missions.

Ultra's rapidly deployable highcapacity wireless communicationssystems provide headquarters-to-tactical edge real-time sharing of C2and ISR data to improve situationalawareness, while also meeting thefull range, security and frequencyrequirements of the military.

Interoperable with more than50,000 radiosfielded around the world.

Ultra ORION:performance and operationalflexibility in a small form factor.

Page 7: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity


TERRACOMM™ TACTICALUNDERGROUNDCOMMUNICATION SYSTEM Ultra’s TerraCOMM™ is a wireless,two-way, through-earth voicecommunication system, designed fortactical underground operations.TerraCOMM™ provides personnel insubterranean environments –tunnels, caves, culverts, municipalinfrastructure – with the ability tospeak with personnel located aboveground. TerraCOMM™ enablesdirect, point-to-pointcommunications. The robust signalcan penetrate physical barriers, line-of-sight obstructions andconductive media, enabling secureand reliable communications in RF-denied environments.

ACOUSTIC HAILING AND NON-LETHAL DETERRENT CAPABILITYUltra’s Hyperspike acoustic hailingdevices are highly-directionalspeakers, designed to focus soundin a narrow beam. They are thelightest and loudest acoustichailers in the world andhave been proven in allenvironments.The unparalleledrange, clarityand ease-of-useof Hyperspikerender it ideal formaritime hailing,military operations andinfrastructure protection.The ability to clearlycommunicate anddetermine intent at a saferange, allows stand-offdistances to be enforced andreduces the necessity of carryingout boarding operations, thusprotecting both people andassets. Hyperspike also supportscovert (non RF) communications,during such tasks as replenishmentat sea.

Providing unparallelled acousticdeterrence and authorativecommands combined with aprotective riot shield, Hyperspike isideal for sound reinforcement in acrowd and riot control environment.

Ultra supplies solutions for applications such as delivering real-time data andvideo from vehicles to monitoring centres, conducting wireless video surveillanceand monitoring building access and public activity.

Radio systemsUltra’s more specialist niche capabilities include personal protective gearcommunications, Hyperspike acoustic hailing devices and magneto inductive‘through-earth’ communication products.

Specialist systems

11 12visit: ultra-electronics.com

The robust signalcan penetrate

physical barriers.

SECURE WIRELESS MESH NETWORKSUltra’s AirGuard solutions are highlysecure wireless networks whichenable critical information exchange,vital systems security andinfrastructure security. The Groupprovides custom communicationsolutions which can securely connectenterprise campuses, branch-bases,vessels and sensor systems byleveraging an innovative, self-forming,self-healing, route-optimised meshstructure to meet specific availabilityand confidentiality needs in military,government, and industrial markets.AirGuard can be used for applicationssuch as delivering real-time data andvideo from vehicles to monitoringcentres, conducting wireless videosurveillance and monitoring buildingaccess and public activity.

Enabling critical information exchange, vital systems security and infrastructure security.

Hyperspike provides sound reinforcement in a crowd and riot controlenvironments.

Page 8: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity

Underwater warfare














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Capabilities related to operating, controlling, supporting and maintaining land military platforms, both manned and unmanned, and the dismounted soldier.

Capabilities related to the design, manufacture, production, operation, support and maintenance of commercial and military aircraft, both manned and unmanned.

Capabilities related to the secure communication and timely exchange of data, voice and video information providing some of the most capable communication systems, platforms and integration support in the world.

Capabilities related to nuclear, covering both civil energy, national radiation monitoring systems through defence to radiation monitoring on tactical platforms.

Capabilities related to airport and airline information systems, rail transit power conversion and control, as well as non-nuclear civil energy related capabilities.

Capabilities related to signal and power management, operating, controlling, supporting and maintaining maritime (surface and sub-surface) military platforms, both manned and unmanned.

Capabilities related to underwater warfare covering military, paramilitary and civil domains. These include transducers, hydrophones, sonobuoys, sonobuoy receivers, towed arrays, periscope detecting radars, torpedo defence systems, acoustic countermeasures, and surface ship sonar systems.

Capabilities related to C2, Security and Surveillance solutions, covering both military and civil domains as well as military Electronic Warfare, reconnaissance and targeting systems, and forensic solutions for law enforcement.

Ultra has a broad portfolio of specialist capabilities which can be combinedflexibly to generate innovative, highly-differentiated solutions, which aredelivered in close collaboration with customers, partners and suppliers.

Ultra is well positioned to support customers and provide solutions tocomplex needs across the Defence & Aerospace, Security & Cyber, Transportand Energy markets.


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*Command & Control, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance

The matrix on the left, shows how Ultra’s core capabilities map to each Ultra business.

Page 9: COMMUNICATIONS - Ultra Electronics · Did you know? Ultra’s broad range of specialist capabilities are positioned on over 350 platforms and programmes worldwide, often in high integrity

HEAD OFFICEDouglas Caster Executive Chairman

Carlos SantiagoChief Operating Officer

Amitabh SharmaGroup Finance Director

Chris Binsley Corporate Marketing Director

Sharon Harris Company Secretary & General Counsel

Heather Crammond Corporate HR Director

Aerospace & Infrastructure DivisionGraeme StaceyManaging Director

Airport SystemsThe OaksCrewe RoadWythenshawe, Manchester M23 9SSEnglandTel: +44 (0) 161 946 3600www.ultra-as.com

Nuclear Control SystemsInnovation HouseLancaster RoadFerndown Industrial EstateWimborne, Dorset BH21 7SQEnglandTel: +44 (0) 1202 850450www.ultra-ncs.com

Nuclear Sensors & Process Instrumentation707 Jeffrey WayP.O. Box 300Round Rock, Texas 78680-0300USATel: +1 512 434 2800www.ultra-nspi.com

Precision Control SystemsArle CourtCheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 6PNEnglandTel: +44 (0) 1242 221166www.ultra-pcs.com

Communications & Security DivisionMike BaptistManaging Director

3eTI9713 Key West AvenueSuite 500Rockville, Maryland 20850USATel: +1 301 670 6779www.ultra-3eti.com

Advanced Tactical Systems4101 Smith School RoadBuilding IV, Suite 100Austin, Texas 78744USATel: +1 512 327 6795www.ultra-ats.com

Communication & Integrated Systems419 Bridport RoadGreenford, Middlesex UB6 8UAEnglandTel: +44 (0) 20 8813 4567www.ultra-cis.com

Forensic Technology5757 Cavendish Blvd.Suite 200Cote St-Luc, Québec H4W 2W8CanadaTel: +1 514 4894 247www.ultra-forensictechnology.com

Herley10 Sonar DriveWoburn, Massachusetts 01801USATel: +1 781 729 9450www.ultra-herley.com

TCS5990 Côte de LiesseMontreal, Québec H4T 1V7CanadaTel: +1 514 855 6363www.ultra-tcs.com

Maritime & Land DivisionBill TerryPresident

Avalon Systems12 Douglas DriveTechnology ParkMawson Lakes, AdelaideSouth Australia 5095AustraliaTel: +61 (0) 8 8169 1200www.ultra-avalon.comwww.ultra-electronics.com.au

Command & Sonar SystemsKnaves Beech Business CentreLoudwater, High WycombeBuckinghamshire HP10 9UTEnglandTel: +44 (0) 1628 530000www.ultra-ccs.com

EMS Development Corporation95 Horseblock Road, Unit 2Yaphank, New York 11980USATel: +1 631 345 6200www.ultra-ems.com

Flightline Systems7625 Omnitech PlaceVictor, New York 14564-9795USATel: +1 585 924 4000www.ultra-fei.com

Maritime Systems40 Atlantic StreetDartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4N2CanadaTel: +1 902 466 7491www.ultra-ms.com

Ocean Systems115 Bay State DriveBraintree, Massachusetts 02184-5203USATel: +1 781 848 3400www.ultra-os.com

PMESTowers Business ParkWheelhouse RoadRugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UZEnglandTel: +44 (0) 1889 503300www.ultra-pmes.com

USSI4868 East Park 30 DriveColumbia City, Indiana 46725-8861USATel: +1 260 248 3500www.ultra-ussi.com

November 2017

�Ultra Electronics businesses within the Communications segment core capability area

making a difference

Ultra ElectronicsBridport RoadGreenfordMiddlesex UB6 8UAEnglandTel: +44 (0) 20 8813 4321Fax:+44 (0) 20 8813 [email protected]

Ultra Electronics reserves the right to varythese specifications without notice.© Ultra Electronics Holdings plc 2017.Printed in England.11.2017 / HaT / AC / 1800