Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Face Screen A conceptual design by Tanya Flores and Keith McDaniel Design Challenge To design a facebook group that will promote habitual facial sunscreen application.

Conceptual design floresmcdaniel

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Page 1: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Face ScreenA conceptual design by

Tanya Flores and Keith McDaniel

Design ChallengeTo design a facebook group that will promote habitual

facial sunscreen application.

Page 2: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Face Screen

Persuasive Purpose To promote habitual facial sunscreen application through

facebook messaging and by encouraging integrated social triggering.

Industrial Design

Page 3: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

User Description

• Current graduate students who understand the consequences of sun exposure but lack the needed trigger to habitually apply sunscreen

They are: • Age 25-35• Avid facebook users• Regular morning

hygiene habits

Page 4: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Kevin in the morning…

Later during his day, Kevin logs back onto facebook and finds that other friends have commented on his morning post. He feels even more motivated by the fact that he is not the only one struggling with the sun.

Kevin left his house this morning without putting on sunscreen. By the end of lunch time Kevin was already sunburned.

That night Kevin goes online and joins the Face Screen facebook group.

The next morning Kevin wakes up and logs onto facebook. He finds a message that gives him some information that he can share with other friends regarding sun exposure.

Every morning after that Kevin continues to receive facebook messages that continue to motivate and encourage the application of his sunscreen.

Feeling motivated by the message Kevin applies the sunscreen during his morning rituals. Then wanting the world to know, Kevin reposts the message to his facebook wall.

Page 5: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Prototype of Face Screen

• A user receives a message from Face Screen • The user is encouraged to repost the message

on their own wall

Page 6: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu


• Users volunteer to accept facebook messages from Face Screen

• Messages will be sent to each user based on the anticipated time of morning grooming

• Messages include important factual information regarding sun exposure

• Messages are also tailored to the user based on facebook history

• To address simplicity we will be purchasing sunscreen for the users for the one month trial

Page 7: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Theoretical Justifications

• Triggers – just in time messaging

• Familiar technology – target users are avid facebook users

• Social acceptance – friends are encouraged to comment on messages

• Ability – messages are sent during similar activity (i.e. morning grooming)

Page 8: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Proposed User Testing

• Invite 5 users to Face Screen

• Quantitative Evaluation:1. Number of reposts2. Number of comments3. Days of sunscreen application (user input)4. Time spent on Face Screen

• Qualitative Evaluation:1. General attitudes about sunscreen prior to joining Face

Screen2. General attitudes about sunscreen after joining Face

Screen3. Other friends’ attitudes regarding sunscreen

Page 9: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Shortcomings of Design

• Users may not check their facebook before their morning grooming

• Users may not feel encouraged to repost

• Message information may not be motivating enough for user to change behavior

• Messages may be ignored

Page 10: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Expansion - What else is possible?

• Other form factors or ID possibilitieso Facebook app o Text messagingo Twitter and other social networking siteso Email notifications

• Other features and interactionso Badges / Rewardso Chain messaging (i.e. users message other users)

Page 11: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Next Steps in Design Process

• Rapid prototype of Face Screen (facebook application)

• User test on a Stanford freshmen dormitory

• Incorporate feedback from user tests

• Build more formal trigger system (increase motivation and overcome other shortcomings)

Page 12: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Evaluation of Design Project

How well does the idea reflect concepts from class?

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How well does the design match the design brief?

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How viable/convincing is the proposed solution?

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Page 13: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Evaluation continued…

How well could this solution scale to reach many?

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How well does this document communicate?

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Bonus Points

How insightful is the proposed solution?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Page 14: Conceptual design   floresmcdaniel

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

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