C onnexions Business Magazine Why Networking is my Life What is “the Cloud”? Why is it so popular? Use Technology Wisely Don’t Let it be your Ball and Chain Work-Life Balance (Part 2 of 7) Why It’s Important to Plan Geng Unstock How Creavity can Help Service Sells when You Excel Geoff Moller and Jennie Gorman

Connexions Business Mag - #10 April 2013 Issue

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Connexions Business Magazine by Jennie Gorman

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ConnexionsBusiness Magazine

Why Networking is my Life

What is “the Cloud”?Why is it so popular?

Use Technology WiselyDon’t Let it be your

Ball and ChainWork-Life Balance (Part 2 of 7)

Why It’s Important to Plan

Getting UnstockHow Creativity can Help

Service Sells when You Excel

Geoff Mollerand Jennie Gorman

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From Jennie’s Desk

As we move onto another month, I ask myself, where are my day’s going.

This year so far has changed me and my life dramatically with a greater understanding of Wealth Dynamics and how this process can help my clients and friends. It has become a prominent part of my MasterMind Groups giving them the supportto understand more about who they are and how to best build their businesses. I am so very gratefulto Chris Wildeboer and Margaret Wilmink for showing me how to work with my opposite profileto get greater leverage and self-understanding which in turn supports my clients.

As the first quarter of the year draws to a close it is time to consider what we want from the secondquarter. For me, it is building greater relationshipsand joint ventures as I go to Europe with Dale Beaumont and some of his wonderful Business Blueprint members in May. What fun we will have … more about this later.

This month there are another variety of articles to touch everyone’s taste buds. Are you looking for

information for your marketing, wondering how to get better use of technology, ways to protect you and your business legally, opening up your creativity, wishing for your business to become philanthropic, or becoming healthier and making better choices in your life? These are some of the subject covered this month.

Thank you to all the article contributors whogenerously send me their articles for publication. This is a great way for any person to extend their profile and business to a wider network. Thank you also to the advertisers without whom thise-magazine would not be possible.

If you would like to be an article contributor to this e-magazine, I would love to discuss this with you.I wish all my readers a happy and healthy month ahead and look forward to your feedback on this month’s issue of Connexions Business Magazine.

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MasterMinding Gives Light Bulb Moments by Sarah Stein

I’ve been in business for nearly 11 years. During that time there have been many changes to my business. I started out by doing a lot of business networking and building relationships, and when I had babies it became increasingly difficult for me to get out as much as I used to. But my business was chugging along okay, so I wasn’t too concerned.

I’ve known Jennie Gorman for almost the entire time I’ve been in business and thought recently that I needed to get back into redeveloping my relationships and get out of the office more – and outside my very comfortable comfort zone! Jennie’s Business Masterminding Group soundedlike exactly what I needed – I needed to be held accountable to somebody, rather than letting myself off the hook for procrastinating over something for months on end!

I’ve really enjoyed the Masterminding journey so far and this week I had a “light bulb” moment.

Working for and by yourself can be isolating. And it can be limiting. There’s a famous saying - ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’. This is very true. If you’ve only got your own skills, educationand experience to go by, how are you going to know to think a little differently? Even if you have a team around you, they may have the same experiences and skills and personality as you, so possibly think along the same lines as you so there’s little going outside the box there too.

The six of us in our group are totally different personality types, even though we’re all in businessfor ourselves. Actually, we’re all different personalitytypes so it’s very interesting!

It has been a great experience to get outside my comfort zone and stretch my way of thinking. In just a few days, my mind set went from A, to B, to C - and C is somewhere that was very far from A initially, and I wouldn’t have gotten there without the help of these other dynamic business people.

So I’ve learned that it’s important to surround myself with like-minded business people, it’s also important to surround myself with my opposites.For example, I’m fundamentally a technical person. With a clear path of where I need to be, I can efficiently get there through systems and processes. I’m very good at the detailed, nuts & bolts work. I’ve discovered I need to align myself with a creative person - someone who has great vision and ideas, but may not necessarily be great at the finer mechanics of achieving the result.

So that’s exactly what I’ve done, and all I can say is WOW. This person gave me my “light bulb moment” this week and it’s been awesome! So thank you Jennie, and I very much look forward to taking the rest of the journey with you and our group.

I personally recommend Business MasterMind Groups for growing you and your business.


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Contents Page

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Why Networking is MY Life

Four Fool Proof Headline StylesThat will leave your readers wanting more

Change the People or... Change the People

What is “the cloud”? Why is it so popular?

Use Technology WiselyDon’t Let it be Your Ball and Chain!

Does sending a copy of written material to yourselfby registered mail protect copyright?

Why It’s Important to Plan

Motion - what does it mean to you? (Part B)

Getting UnstockHow creativity can help

Accountability in Business

Trip to Beijing, Tianjin, Dagang and the Great WallChinese New Year (3)

Business giving that’s Simple,Effective and Meaningful

Can’t Stop at Just One?The Science of Junkfood

How to Create FLOW in Your Business

Service Sells When You Excel

Employment Sponsorship Questions

About MasterMind Groups

Event Highlights

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Networking Chats April 2013

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Why Networking is MY Lifeby Jennie Gorman

Networking for me has always been a part of my life … it is my passion and my belief that we need to help and support everyone to understand what they have to offer others.

Since I was quite young, I was never aware that I was doing networking, as people and how their minds tick, have always fas-cinated me!!

I was so lucky to be born with this curiosity. My parents, and going back for many generations,have proved this by the things that they have done with their lives. I am told seven generationscreates the patterns, and as I love genealogy, I have been lucky enough to trace that far back. My family have always been givers rather than takers. I was fortunate and blessed to have the role models from day one.

I discovered about 20 plus years ago that there was a way to create better relationships in the form of what people call networking, word of mouth marketing or relationship building, amongst others. I soon realised at that time, as no-one was writing about it, or I hadn’t come across any books, that there was a system of what is now talked about as ‘giver’s gain’,

‘appreciation marketing’, ‘go-giving’ or ‘referral marketing’.It is all the same theme.

To be the ‘go-giver’ you have to be prepared to give to othersfirstly, without expectation of something in return. When we are giving, there is always a receiver, so we have to be open to both these processes for it to really work and make a differencein others’ lives.

In the very early 1990’s I became aware of a process, which I still use today, and started to write about it and then teach it. I want people to learn the significance of networking basics and how important it is to become a professional networker, if you want to develop your business. It really is a very simple attitude change for most people. We live in a society that wants to know ‘what is in it for them’, rather than, ‘what can I do for you’!

Appreciation marketing is so very easy to do! Show people you meet that you appreciate them. Everyone likes to feel special. Gratitude for who you are, what you have, who you know and where you are now is what sets you apart.

Networking is such a buzz word these days and people continue to go to events …. Why I ask? They have no idea of why they are there, what they are meant to be doing, and what they are going to do after the event. I believe that by not having goals for your networking you are wasting your time, energy and money.

People say, ‘I gave ‘someone’ mycard and they never contactedme.’ I ask, ‘Why would they’? Who are you to them?

Relationship building is not something that happens over-night. It takes time, sometimes years, to develop a relationship that will move through the loyaltyladder to becoming a referral. I believe that there are seven steps up the ladder.

If you still want to ask some questions,

contact me on 0414 278 344.

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2013 April 7

Are you worthy of someone’s referral? I really believe that ‘people buy people’,not your product. Have you created a good enough bond, knowledge or impression that they would want to buy or link with you?

When referring someone or a businessit must be genuine, solid and will come up with whatever is necessary to fulfil the want of the person wantingthe ‘?’.

Trust and integrity are the two words that come to mind that areimportant if you wish to have a strong relationship with someone.

As a referrer, it is ‘who you know’ and ‘who knows you’ that makes the difference!

So, what sort of a networker are you? Are you a good referrer? Do you have good solid relationships? Are you trusted in the marketplace?

I suggest you ask people around you if this is how they see you and if not, change the attitude!

For me, my business and personal contacts are of utmost importance. I see them as one. I am happy to help and support anyone when people value what I have to give.


Copyright © 2013Jennie Gorman

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Four FoolProof Headline Styles that will leave your readers wanting more

by Samantha Lyttle

Creating intriguing headlines are a great way to grab your customers attention and get them wanting more. Used in your web copy, your blogs or your email subject lines, a good headline will increase your engagement with your readers and leave them asking for more.

Here are four different headlines styles that are proven to work wonders with words!

1. Ask A QuestionThis style of headline get’s the reader subconsciously answering your question in their head. In fact, we’re programmed to automatically seek an answer to a question – aren’t we? ;)

To use this headline style, use a question as your headline and then answer the question with the body of your copy.

An example is: “Do You Know The Secret To Killer Headlines?”

2. Create A “How To” HeadlineThis style of headline is very powerful if you can use it to show them “how to” get exactly what they want.

An example is: “How To Write A Killer Headline That Will Leave Your Audience Wanting More”

3. Be Specific In Your HeadlineSpecific headlines are perfect to simplify thebenefit of reading on. They also act as a promise to your reader.

For example, you could write “Learn How To Write Headlines” or you could write “Learn 4 Proven Methods To Writing Headlines That Get Results”. You can see how in the second example, you’re left wanting to know more because you have a better understanding of the benefit you’ll receive.

4. Create Action Taking HeadlinesThis style of headline is perfect for encouraging your reader to take action immediately. It uses action phrases like “Read on”, “Click here”, “Open this email…” or “Grab your free…”

An example is: “Read On To Discover How To CreateKiller Headlines Using These 4 Simple Templates”

Samantha Lyttle is the founder of Women’s Business Bootycamp™ - a marketing program with a difference for women entrepreneurs.

www.WomensBusinessBootycamp.com.auCome join her for more free juicy tips for your biz!

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2013 April 9

Call Jennie to discuss how this works for you 0414 278 344

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10 Connexions Business Mag

Change the People or... Change the People!

by Anthony Davis

Change for most people is a struggle. Consider this statement being used in a very large company about its people:

Change the People or … Change the People.

When you think about it, the first Change is the best for the business and the team, if it can be achieved. It is likely that the person in question has value to add to the team in some way. If the Change that is desired can be effected, everyone wins.

Much of this ‘Change’ can be addressed by being very clear about what you require. Documents such as Code of Conduct (Minute 18) and Role Descriptions (Minute 37) and regular staff Perfor-mance Reviews or Appraisals (Minute 73) will re-sult in Change ... either of the two above!

Be aware of the Kiss/Kick Principle. When a Kick (“and this is very bad”) regularly follows a Kiss (“you are doing this really well”) the recipient is likely to become cautious of compliments and wait for the Kick to follow.

The Kick/Kiss principle is best so that a Kiss on its own is accepted for what it is.

If you would like any of the Minutes mentioned above simply reply with the relevant Minute Num-bers in the Subject Line.

Anthony Davis and the Brightwater TeamCopyright © 2012 Brightwater Holdings Pty LtdAll rights reserved.PO Box 1329, MILTON QLD 4064Ph: +61 7 3367 0967 Free 1800 242 [email protected]

EDITOR: for more on the above, subscribe to Brightwaters One Minute Per Week ... go get the Business You Seek!


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2013 April 11


Only six people will get the opportunity to be part of this group, so you need to act now if you are interested.

Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2013?

Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing?

Are you wishing to have input from other business people into your business?

How would you like to have your business dissected in a creaticreative way?

Are you looking for new contacts to support you?

Do you have ideas you would like to share with others?

Would you like to have your business brainstormed by other business people?

There will be only 6 businesses prooled over the 6 months so be quick to book in.

Apply NOW!Click on the application form or Visit our website


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12 Connexions Business Mag

What is “the cloud”? Why is it so popular?

by Amanda Hoffman

When you hear the term “the cloud” it is really a fancy way to say “online”.

Just as you would save your photos, files, software on your desktop or laptop at home, “the cloud” empowers you to save all your data online. Ensuringyou have access to that information anytime,anywhere from your smart phone, laptop, public library or a internet cafe.

Okay, where does the data go then?

Your data lives online in the cloud, to access the data you use the internet.

How secure is “the cloud”?

You might be surprised that it’s actually “more” secure than on your laptop or computer. Why you might question? Computers/hard drives can becomeinfected by a virus, files get corrupted, you can knock a drink onto it and loose all the data, it can be stolen or a staff member can save/download your sensitive files via a pen-drive.

This cannot happen to your data in the cloud as it’s encrypted in most cases and requires you to “log in”.

What about internet? If it goes down then you are stuck!

It’s rare that the internet is down in this day and age. But, as a backup I advise clients to always have a mobile modem on hand. These cost as little as $99 - $300 a year to keep on hand for when the rare event occurs. Just as you would have a generatorin storage, in the rare event if the power goes out.

Is “the cloud” just another gimmick, or is it here for the long term?

People over 15 years ago said that the internet is just a fad. Now, it’s used for everything and its popularity is growing exponentially. The cloud has been around for a long time, its flexibility and availability is only now become more popular.

Internationally, people are valuing the flexibility of saving their precious memories, sensitive files and backups online.

Ok, so what kinds of applications can I use on “the cloud”?

Let’s explore some areas that many in business are using now:Accounting – Myob, Quickbooks, Xero to name a few all use the cloud to allow their customers to invoice (email immediately), check their bank balances,record real time purchases and transactions on the run. Some like Xero, if you have a iphone or ipad have an app and you can photograph your receipts & allocate them to your accounts record.

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2013 April 13

Backup – Tools like sugarsync, google drive and dropbox allow you to back everyone onto “the cloud” encrypted and secure in case your computercrashes or your external hard drive fails. Theseoptions will even allow you to have the flexibility of being able to invite other people to share folders with you and access information anywhere/anytime.

Documents – Free services like Evernote allows you to save notebooks, web pages, recordings and videos with “tag words” so that you will never lose a documentagain. (www.evernote.com)

Schedule – Online applications like google calendar,timeshare and other online apps ensure you never miss a meeting again. Not only can people organisea booking online, but these applications can remind youahead of time with sms or emails.

These are only a few “tools” that the cloud has on offer.The flexibility, opportunities and benefits to businesseson the run are only limited by our imagination.

Amanda Hoffman



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2013 April 15

Why Business Cards?By Jennie Gorman

As a business owner I know that the most important thing in my ‘tool box’ is my business card. They are my shop window!

I find that most people are unaware of the importance of having a business card that really shows who they are and what they do. You will be judged on your business card eg the professionalism shown, the thickness of the card, the clarity of the writing and design, the message that is there, etc.

7 Tips on Business Cards :• ALWAYS have your business cards easily accessible• NEVER run out of cards• Have your PHOTO on your card if you are a small business• Make sure all your information is CORRECT• Give RELEVANT information about your business• Make sure the WRITING on the card is easy to read• Understand other CULTURES in the handling of your cards.

Here is an article that may be of interest >> CLICK HEREFor more information, email [email protected]

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16 Connexions Business Mag

Use Technology Wisely Don’t Let it be Your Ball and Chain!

by Caroline Miall

What would we do without current technologies?

They make everything much easier, communicationso simple and save us so much time… or do they? Information and communication technologies are so very efficient and prevalent in our work andpersonal lives that it’s almost out of our control!

Whilst making things simpler, they may also have increased our workload to a point where finding a balance with our personal, off-line lives is nearlyimpossible. Is your email in box so full of stuff you plan on getting to later, that you never get through it? Do you get distracted from theimportant stuff by texts, emails, facebook, or are you twittering your life away?

The fact is there are just so many technologicalmediums out there that, if they’re used wisely, canundoubtedly help you in your work, and free up your time for the things you love, but if not employed professionally and kept in check, may well complicate life and waste precious spare time.

A lot of us couldn’t imagine life without our smart phones, wireless internet and laptops or ipads. It’s undeniable that these can be powerful professionaltools and, indeed, if you’re not using some of them, you probably should be! But the down side is that they are all loaded up with gizmos, games and functions that have no place in your work day, or when you could otherwise be spending time with family! To turn this around, find out the bits and pieces in your favourite gadget which will help you save time and investigate those thoroughly.

There are fantastic ‘apps’ and programs available that can help you plan, budget, communicate, schedule, navigate etc., so search some app reviews

and take advantage of them. (Apps are generally dirt cheap too, so you can try a few out without losing $$)

As a small, or large business, or even an independentcontractor, an online presence is so important now, because that is where people are seekingtheir services; and utilising social media like Facebook and Linkedin is also an astute way to be seen. But it can get complicated and overwhelmingif you don’t approach it carefully, and they too can chew through your time. Consider using socialmedia sites as part of your advertising plan, but look into getting guidance on how to build up your “likers” and what ways to use the mediumto your best advantage. There are plenty of professional services that do this now. And keep your professional profile separate to your personal one.

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2013 April 17

So, its not the technology, but the way in which we use it which can become the problem. Here are a few tips to ensuring that you keep your use of technology effective on a professional level:

• Turn off, or silence the devices when you are with people -- give people a higher priority than technology – Especially when you are quoting!• Don’t be tempted to multi task with your phone or lap top when you’re on a phone call, or worse, face to face with someone. Even if the other personwill never know you’re checking your email whilst on the phone; it’s a respect issue, and you may miss important details.• Try to avoid wearing a Bluetooth earpiece around. Apart from looking a bit self-important, the nonverbal message you’re sending to every-one around you is, “You can talk to me but at any moment someone more important than you may call me and I’ll need to answer it.” • Don’t email, sms etc., anything that should reallybe spoken in person. It’s difficult to convey tone and emotion in text and if you have something with any detail that need to be explained it can really create problems.

Technology is great for business, and can make our personal lives simpler and save precious time, if it is used properly. The key is to use technologyto serve you, not the other way around. Thisrequires you to make deliberate choices of when to engage with technology so that it aids in your accomplishment of what is most important in your business and your life. Just be careful to be the master not the slave!

Work Life Balance #3 on our next issue!


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Does sending a copy of written material to yourself by registered mail protect copyright?

by Geoff Moller MBA FAIM

Early this month this question was raised to me. Many people believe that posting certain materialitems to yourself is all you need to do to prove you own the copyright. But despite widely held beliefs among authors, musicians and others, sendingcopies to yourself, whether by ordinary post or registered mail has no legal effect on the ownership of copyright. The copyright council of Australia tell us that at most, doing this may prove that the materialexisted at a particular date, but it does not create copyright nor make you the copyright owner.

Copyright covers a number of material items such as books, music and sound recordings, articles, images,paintings, photos and more but you might need to note that copyright does not protect ideas, information, techniques, names or slogans. Names, brands and slogans are handled under Trademarklegislation, which is another subject again.

The good news though is that, unlike trademarks, you don’t have to do anything to protect copyrightin Australia. Copyright is automatic and recognised in many countries under treaty arrangements.

I would recommend that you include a copyright notice on all your original work such as ‘© Geoff Moller 2013’ as an example. One client found out that he was $1,700 richer because a publishing

company reproduced his article, which he was not aware of, but because he included his copyright notice the payment was automatic, he didn’t have to prove a thing.

Copyright can be a valuable asset and well worth protecting. More information about copyright can be found at www.copyright.org.au.

Geoff helps clients with their Trademarks, brand protection and Intellectual Property (IP) Strategiesand is the organiser of World IP Day for Queensland

www.worldipday2013.com.au. He can be contactedat [email protected] or on 0411 351 110.


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Why It’s Important to Planby Kym-Marie Bush

Life is a wonderful journey of ups and downs, corners and straights, challenges and peace. On the final stage of that journey, you have the powerto direct what is to happen when your curtain comes down for the last time.

Your last act should be one that has been planned – yes you can plan your funeral. I am thinking about your Will.

What is a Will? A Will is a legal document that is designed to set out your final wishes as to who will care for your children and receive your property.It is fundamentally important, for peace of mind, to know what will happen for those you have produced and how to deal with what you have achieved.

Why should I have a Will? Making a Will is a very personal choice. It can be quite confronting to sit down and contemplate what is to happen when you are no longer around. If you can go beyond that, think about how you would like what you have worked so hard for to be used to benefit othersand to provide for your children’s future.

If you do not have a Will, it means that someone else has to decide who will care for your children and where your estate is to go. Do you really want to hand that responsibility to another? Someone you don’t know and who has no idea of who you are?

A well-drafted Will will set out who has the privilegeof managing how your achievements are to be handled. It sets out who you trust to care for your child, how much loved ones are to receive orparticular charities are to be benefited. It can also indicate your preference for burial or cremation although it is strongly recommended that you talk with family about this, along with organ donation.

Your Will is your chance to set out what is tohappen with your financial legacy. Although you cannot “rule from the grave” you can, with informed legal advice, direct and protect what you worked so hard to achieve.

Kym-Marie Bush | AssociateQuinn & Scattini Lawyers


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2013 April 21

Contact Jennie for more details!Help your business grow

to the Next Level

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22 Connexions Business Mag

Motivation what does it mean to you? … Part B

by Jeff Withers

What would happen if we “trained” both parts of our mind to focuson those tasks they

were designed to do. Most likely,if successful, this would allow a positive working relationship to develop, and positive outcomes to be experienced – similar in fact to the kind of relationship between mother and child as the child grows into mature adult-hood. The end result … greaterenjoyment of your world as well as improved performance through the now gainful utilisation of energy that was previously employed in criticism and self-destruction.

So, how can we achieve theoutcomes rather than good or bad performances – because an outcome denotes an action leading to a result, good or bad. The next question – how can we maximise the attainment of outcomes desired and minimise those outcomes that don’t bring the rewards sought, because achieving what we desire is a positive motivation, one which creates its own positive mentalattitude that in turn leads to even more achievement … and the desire to continue doing so.

The first step is to become awareof how each part – ie in-dividualand out-dividual – works. Your out-dividual has the job of observing, evaluating, settinggoals. At the same time, it needs to give the in-dividual the freedomto imagine and the trust that it can turn imagination into reality. Secondly, ask your out-dividual to let go of the criticisms, the demands, the recriminations – “beating yourself up”. This will just perpetuate the problem. Let the in-dividual learn the only way it knows how – visual imagery (not verbal control).

A strong working relationship comes from a mutually positive under-standing between the two “viduals”

along with discipline on both their parts. Next, protect your in / out-dividuals. Allow your in-dividual self to program positively towards achieving anticipated outcomes rather than allowing your out-dividual self to look for ways of dodging errors and poor performances.

Is there a quick easy way to move past a “mistake”? Yes… simply recognise an error has occurred,

and then let it go… move on… because you can’t change what has happened. Instead, visualise what the preferred outcome was, and the action required to achieve it. Allow both your selves to try to get it right next time – ask your ind-dividual self to visu-alise how it will look and feel, then ask you out-dividual to trust this will happen.

But what if you “got it right” in the first place? Simple … praise both your selves for a job well done. Reinforce this outcome through visual replay, using all your senses to appreciate the event. Then, invite yourself to do the same again next time … and trust that it will when the time comes.

So, motivation – good or bad? I suppose the answer lies in the result, and in how a person prefersto entice themselves into action.In either case, motivation doesn’thappen by itself. The clever personuses both their ind-vidual and out-dividual selves to make the best of what has been dealt them. What comes next depends on you– is your glass half full or… half empty.


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2013 April 23

Getting UnstockHow creativity can help

by Kerstin Rheinlander

Have you ever been annoyed because even after putting in a lot of effort, tossing and turningideas and sleepless nights a solution to a problem just doesn’t want to be found?

We all get stuck sometimes trying to come up with the perfectsolution to a niggling problem, and this can be in business, in arelationship, with your health etc.You start believing that you are the most unproductive person in the world and your self-confidenceis getting shattered just because the solution to the problem is just not revealing itself. So here you are trying to force a solutionout of your brain and your brain is simply saying: ”No, this won’t be happening under these circumstances!” Forcing a solutionwill most likely work after you had some major tantrums with yourself but it will only be a half-hearted solution with flaws and then you will have to start all over again in any case.

Whichever area of your life this affects it can become prettyfrustrating and irritating not knowing the answer though you believe with all your heart that there is an answer and that it can be found. What to do next? One thing for sure, don’t give up, the solution to your problem will eventually reveal itself.

But in the meantime, what can you do to help it along? Here are some tips that help me get unstuck. Most important thing to remember is to shift your focus and allow the creative process to shift from a forced/stuck place to a place of ease and trust:

1. Walk away – yes literally – go for a long walk, breath in some fresh air, enjoy the nature and just take in and appreciate the beautyaround you and give yourself space to breathe and to think.2. Consider “Stuckness”a gift helping us to become intuitive by being less perfectionistic and analytical. Remember Analysis causes Paralysis. Enjoy this gift and analysis will turn into inspiration. Appreciate the process.3. Enjoy imperfection and enjoy the experience.4. Don’t try to jump before you can walk. Maybe the goal is too big. Break it down into smaller steps and take these smaller steps forward.5. Practise Awareness. What makes you stop and what makes you start? Find more the things that make your start, find your personal triggers.

6. Go to the gym and work out your frustration with a good sweat. Best to attend a class like RPM or body attack. That will shift your mind!7. Attend a Vinyasa Yoga or a Hot Yoga class to really shift your focus from outside to inside8. Relax, relax, relax and relax – listen to calming music or book yourself in for a relaxing massage9. Meditate – find a quiet and comfortable place where you can just sit and be and ask for your questions to be answered. I may need more than one meditation session10. Laugh – get together with your friends for some fun enter-tainment and laugh as much as you can or go to a show at the comedy club11. PLAY, PLAY, PLAY – as soon as you add some playful element to your process you will relax and shift your thinking automatically.


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Accountability in Businessby Jennie Gorman

It is very important for you to have accountability in business. I have found that mastermindingwith a group of business people is the greatest support you can have as a business person. It will open your mind and extend your thinking far above what you ever conceived on your own.

There are many external factors that affect the well-being of your business and your response to those events will determine its outcome. Many of these events are beyond our control and can be adverse or positive. What you can do is control your response to these events and generate the outcome for your business in a positive and unique way. Controlling your responses is much easier than controlling events. Individual accountability in business has a significant role in its rise and fall.

In the modern times there are many technological boons that have invaded our personal and professional lives. We are lucky as we now have so many choiceswith the advancements in space,technology, internet, televisionand more. The world has becomea smaller place, thanks to the abovetechnological developments.

With them you are more aware and informed. There is also a negative aspect and that is many people believe that they are entitled to receive many benefitswithout the need for workingfor them. These benefits are relative and they differ from one person to another. It is this sense of entitlement that often proves to become a major hindrancein the development and progressin your business.

The first thing that you need to do is get rid of the sense of entitlement. In order for you to survive in the market you must bank on your own skills and abilities. You must be aware of your economic viability. You should not expect opportunitiesto come your way if you are not able to provide value to others.This is the first basic lesson that you must consider when it comes to accept accountability in business.

When you are running a business, never hold people accountablefor a specific outcome. This is wrong and is considered to be a misguided notion that many entrepreneurs tend to fall prey to. At times this can be an attemptto control others in the business

and make them do what you want them to do. In order to make your business successfulyou must never hold other peopleaccountable. They are already being accountable for the duties assigned to them. It is not right to blame them for the outcome of a business. The consequencesof your business will depend on your actions – negative or positive.

You cannot be guarded for your actions. It is true that there are others who may act for you or cover accountability however sooner or later they are the ones that will catch up with you and overtake you. Controlling them will not help and the best thing that you should do is work in partnership with them. Giving them support in the outcomes they seek will help you get the support you need for your business to develop and expand. You are giving value to one another and in the process the business benefits. The risks are less and the rewards are more!

By being part of a mastermind group you have the benefits of a small group of people who will keep you accountable and moving forward.


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Trip to Beijing, Tianjin, Dagang and the Great Wall Chinese New Year (3)

by Tove Vine

We continued by train on to Beijing to see the sights. How wonderful it was to see the famous sights, whichI have dreamed of seeing for a long time. The Great Wall, well what can I say? A wonderful one-day trip north of Beijingand as I saw the first part of the Wall I had this emotionalfeeling. My heart skipped a beat and I had tears in my eyes. It was all and much more then I had heard and expected. It was just AWESOME. No words can describe the magnitude of this “the greatest man made construction ever made”. But can it be seen from space?

In Beijing, I visited Tiananmen Square and reflected on the demonstration which happened here 4th June 1989 – very difficult to imagine how horrible that would have been. There was a huge monument at one end of the square which holds Chairman Mao’s, body – which may or may not be the real body – who knows.

A visit to “the Forbidden city” is a must when you come to Beijing and yes indeed to have a photo taken in front of Chairman Mao’s huge picture. As they say “when in Rome do as the Romans do”. As I walked through the Forbidden City I tried to imagine the many emperors who had lived there. I had my photo take many times by Chinese tourists “Can we have a photo with you” they said - not in English but by sign language. I have no idea why they would want a group photo with me in it? I must have looked like a snowman as I was rugged up against the Beijing winter in a HUGE warm ankle length coat and some wonderfully warm Russian boots lined with lamb wool (bought in Beijing). My face partly covered by a large scarf as protection against the element.

We had a wonderful relaxing train trip back to Guangzhou,reading, looking out the train window and being so grateful I had such a wonderful adventure.

Click Here to visit Miss Tove’s Page

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2013 April 27

Business giving that’s Simple, Effective and Meaningful.

by B1G1

More and more business owners who want to find great ways to give back are turning to B1G1.

With B1G1, you make truly significant impacts simplyin a way that aligns with your business, your team and your customers.

And it’s different than any other business giving you’ve ever seen. Watching the 91 second video below gives you the key insights …

What B1G1 stands forIn 2007 a small, dedicated team set out to do something that had never been done before. It was (and still is) to provide the systems, structureand inspiration to turn our world into a world full of giving and to create a much happier world as a direct result. B1G1 gives businesses and individuals the power to change our lives.

For more info go to: www.b1g1.com

B1G1 moves giving from an ad-hoc, event-driven model to a very specific transaction-based giving model — a world where every transaction gives back and makes a difference. It means that giving becomes an effortless habit, changing our lives and making a difference every second, every day and in every way. So now B1G1 brings the power, resonance and ‘connected-ness’ of Transaction-based Giving and Impact-based Giving to our lives and to small-to-medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) that form the backbone of every economy. Buy1GIVE1 and B1G1 Giving:B1G1’s operations are structured to provide maximum transparency and effectiveness: Buy1GIVE1 is a social enterprise established in 2007 (headquartered in Singapore). It supports, inspires and educates businesses globally. B1G1 Giving is a Not-for-Profit Society registered and regulated in Singapore. It supports many other charity organisations around the world to createsustainable contribution models. 100% of contributions made by B1G1 Businesses are passed directly to the Worthy Cause organisations through B1G1 Giving. B1G1 takes nothing from the contributions nor does it receive funds from charitiesin any way for the services it provides.

Paul Dunn, CEO and co-founder of B1G1 will be the guest speaker at Networking Chats on Tuesday 14th May.


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Can’t Stop at Just One? The Science of Junk Food

by Scott Collins

Have you ever wondered why you can’t just eat one chip, one pretzel or see an advert withoutcravings? The answer lays in the hands of foods scientists and in the type of foods you’re eating.

The really scary truth is that many processed foods are designer engineered to keep you addicted! Manufacturers want you to KEEP buying more of their products. Often you will find that these foods contain little nutrition and are jammed packed full of salt sugar and fat. Scientists have cleverly developed food products to stimulate the brain and the taste buds to keep you hooked.

Food companies know we love fat, salt and sugar. Foods are so cleverly made that even the shape, the smell and crunch of a product play a part in stimulating your brain to want more so that may not even feel full.

Pretend foods are being made in such a way that creates a desire to consume more of them more often. Certain combinations of salts, fats, sugar and flavour enhancers trigger feel good receptorsin your brain that give you a hit and in turn creating

desire. The reality for some people is that they actually have a Food Addiction; to the wrong kinds of foods.

If you are serious about losing weight and regainingyour health it’s time to rethink what you eat.

Many processed foods are potentially dangerous to your health. The long term consequences of over consumption may be obesity or even progressto illness. The properties of these foods were neverdesigned to support long term wellbeing. The more a food has been processed the less nutrients and fibre it will have. Your body needs healthy fats, good proteins and lots of nutrients to functionproperly.

Only you can make a choice to remove toxic foods from your life. Ironically we know they are not good for us and yet we still dive in.

Overcoming the addiction to foods is a little more complicated than going cold turkey. Will power may not be enough and you will need a plan to succeed and support from a health plan like ours.

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Breaking the addiction cycle:• Stop purchasing processed foods (If they are not in the house you can’t eat them)• Make you own snacks (Grab a copy of “The Lunch Box Revolution” for great foods ideas and snacks.)www.wellinnovations.com.au • Avoid snacking or eating in front of the TV or whilst on the Computer.• Drink more water (hunger can be confused for thirst)• Add 1-2 homemade green juices into your daily life. • Exercise more often (1 hour per day is a must)• Eat at the dinner table with the family• Look out for foods that may make it seem healthy (read the label) better still don’t buy it.

Snacking & TV • Junk Snacking & TV watching may keep you addicted to the wrong foods• Activities like watching TV reduces awarenessof the amount of food consumed. • Reduce TV time to 1 hour per evening or turn it off altogether• TV food commercials are powerful triggers for food cravings• TV adds can affect your self-esteem leading to comfort eating. (eg skinny healthy people havingfun while eating junk)

Food Cravings Can Also Be:• A cry from the body for more nutrients (see phase 1 of your nutrient plan)• A sign there is too much stress in your life• A imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut

The first step in removing these foods from your life is to change the environment, how and where you shop. Choosing to shop at a farmers market or a local butcher where temptation is less likely to strike. Plan your meals in advance and make a shopping lists and only buying the foods that are on it.

For more information in getting started, call and speak with our practitioner team.


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How to Create FLOW into Your Businessby Jennie Gorman

Wealth Dynamics is a profiling system that has changed the way I see business and life in general. It has taught me how I can live and work in FLOW and be supported in my growth to achieve my dreams.

There are eight paths to wealth/growth. We each have one nat-ural path. Of course we think many things in our life/work are natural behaviours but we soon discover that we also have learned skills, which we appear to do naturally but become hard at times when they have to be done. If it is your innate skill, you will always be in FLOW when you are doing these things and it never gets hard. By learning and understand where you are with these eight profiles, you will be supported to be a better YOU!

This may sound like a very bold statement, but it is very true. I nowunderstand the importance of being who I am whilst living/working with the innate gifts that I came onto this earth plane with to create my best results for my life.

The important thing I learned when I started to understand Wealth Dynamics was that there was no difference between a solo entrepreneur and Richard Branson

corporation, other than size and money. In both of these, there needs to be the same processes, structures and platform which of course are of different proportionsin size.

Wealth Dynamics was created by Roger Hamilton using the IChing (a system developed in China over 6000 years ago) as its basis whilst being modelled on the world as it is today. To have your business grow and flow, you need to understand your WHY, the what, the who you are, the how you operate and who you need to have around you. Dependent on your profile these above will have a different order in their significance to you as an individual.

This system starts with helping you understand WHO you are before taking you to the What, When and How of you and your business, so you can grow and ex-pand to be the very best you can

be. It will help you understandhow you think and the seasonsthat your business will go through so that you can lever-age in the correct sequence for the best outcomes possible.

By understanding yourself and others around you, and know-ing your cycle of timing, you will gain the opportunity to know the style needed forcommunication and what moti-vates others to be as they are.

I suggest watching the video be-low to help support you in un-derstanding the importance to you so you can discover how to change you and your business easily through knowledge of yourself and others.

Roger Hamilton explains the power of Wealth Dynamics and the Wealth Spectrum

For more information contact Jennie at jennie@businessmastermidngroups.

com.au or 0414 278 344.

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Service Sells When You Excel!by John Milne

Giving Personal Best AlwaysExcellent 6 Star service flows from individual and team excellence. When staff strives for their per-sonal best every day, good things happen. Terrific teamwork delivers for guests and clients. Staff or partners anticipate needs and see quality as a way of life. Personal best is when expert knowledge, high level skills and positive attitudes combine. This takes work; it doesn’t as the old saying says fall off the back of a truck. Consistency and reli-ability matter most.

Being Prepared Being early to work, an interview or a meeting builds a readiness mindset. It helps you set up the day. I’m amazed at the number of people who are late, make excuses even their mum wouldn’t believe and rush from one activity to the next. Readiness means being there in mind and body with everything you need to do the job. Thorough preparation makes the job easier and smoother, like eating ice cream. It boosts confidence.

Planning aheadAllow for traffic to be on time. Bring everything you need. Be alert to what is happening around you. Rehearse what you will say or do. Check in with the manager, team member or colleague. Write your to do list.

Seamless serviceLike a referee in football, the less people notice you the better the game. Seamless service is bare-ly noticed because it is efficient and not intrusive.

Details correct 6 Star Service is given when promises are kept eve-ry time. All the details are correct and complete. Style and class mark out the top performers. Visit award winning organisations, schools, restaurants or hotels to see what excellence looks like. Learn how they achieve it and sustain it over years.

Service Sells When You Excel is not just a slogan; it’s true!

(C) John Milne 14.12.12

Book a 6 Star Service Workshops: 0448 357 626

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The Employment Sponsorship Questionby Michael Riley

It is held as a truism that Small to Medium sized Enterprises(SME’s) are Australia’s biggest employers. As such, thebusiness owners of many SME’s may at some point encounterthe issue of whether they as an employer wish to consider sponsoring an employee.

What are the employment sponsorship visas?Collectively they are a group of three different visas. Firstly,there is the temporary employment sponsored visas, sub-class 457 visa. After holding this visa existing employeesoften seek permanent residency under the Employment Nominated Scheme (ENS) Visa. Then there is an alternate permanent residency visa, the Regional Sponsored MigrationScheme (RSMS) visa. This article shall provide a brief overviewof some of the requirements for a small business personseeking to become a ‘Standard Business Sponsor’ (SBS) underthe 457 visa and can nominate an employee for sponsorship.

Existing BusinessTo be capable of providing employment sponsorship abusiness must be an existing business. A business that exists only on ‘paper’ cannot qualify as an employment sponsor. The employer will need to demonstrate their ability to provideemployment sponsorship with various financial reports, as well providing further supporting document demonstratingthat the position exists and that the person is employed in the position.

Directly employed by the businessIt is required that the employer directly employ their employee. As we all know there are a range of different structures that exist for taxation or other purposes. It is not uncommon to hear of a business that exists as Entity A, while employees are employed separately and independentlyunder Entity B. This practice is no longer acceptable. Also in the past this visa was used and abused for ‘on-hire’ labour. This practice is also explicitly prohibited.

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Training ObligationThis criteria is explicit example of government policy seeking to balance employment opportunities for overseas employees against the greater public benefit of the Australiancommunity. To meet this requirement the business is required to make an expenditure towards training in one of two ways. One, if a business already pays for training of their staff on a regular basis and this has been recordedand documented then is obligation can be potentiallysatisfied. This training expenditure can include the businessand their family members who work in the business. Or two, the business can decide to make a direct expenditure to a recognised Industry Training Fund. The cost of the training obligation is calculated as a percentage of the gross wages bill from the preceding year.

ConclusionThe active participation and commitment of the employer is essential for the 457 and all other employment sponsorshipvisas. It is readily accessible process which is extensively utilised by employers every day to obtain and retain key valuable staff members essential to their business. At first glance the process may seem unduly burdensome. Howeverwhen it is broken down into its parts, an employer will possess most if not all the documentary requirements as part of their financial management and employment processes. Utilising the 457 visa can easily be another tool readily accessible to your business.

Shout [email protected]

Visit Shout Migration at :

http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Shout-Migration/246857515450359

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2013 April 37

About MasterMind GroupsMargaret Wilmink said: Jennie, I just wanted to let you know what being a part of your MastermindGroup has done for me. When I came into the group I thought I knew where my business was going, I felt it was on track and still wanted to be part of the process to achieve a goal I had set.

The interesting thing that happened through the process was that my goal was not achieved and the learning was that I had set a goal that was not within my ability to achieve at that particular time.

I have learned that I needed to work on my businessrather than in it. The group challenged me to think differently about where my business was going. The process of your Mastermind Group gave me the ability to clarify where I was and what I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be.

Network Marketing is still a business not really understood by all and yet there was the ability, with the group’s business competence, to be able to support me and give me ideas to expand my business. That is the power of Mastermind - the collective intelligence and the willingness to support others in the group, the ability to share because of the confidentiality within the group. Where else can one get a group of people workingtogether to support each other’s business?

Thank you for the space to grow myself and my business.


Libby Butler said: “Joining Jennie’s mastermind group has been one of the best business decisions I have made. The mastermind group has assisted me to get clarity on the tasks I need to be focusing on, they keep me accountable, and I highly value the relationships I have formed with other members.Doing business alone is no fun! So having a “board of directors” to meet with every fortnight to connect with and learn from, has been invaluable.Thank you Jennie, for facilitating and sharing your business wisdom with us. If you are a small businessowner, I highly recommend you join one of Jennie’sMastermind Groups.”


Rodney Bukuya says “In the world of turning Professional Networking into Business Profits, Jennie Gorman is second to none. I, along with many others, have been the lucky recipient of Jennie’s vast wealth of knowledge in this area and I consider myself very lucky to have her guidance close to hand whenever I need it. Thank You Jenniefor all of your help. It’s much appreciated.” www.thesuperguy.com.au

Lindsay Adams said: “As a referral marketing expert I am delighted to recommend Jennie’s services at Networking Chats. She fosters a sharingatmosphere and encourages networking in a positive business environment. Not only that she shares the secrets she has learned over many years as a master networker.”



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Event HighlightsBusiness Ideas Brisbane: Andy Monks ‘The Entrepreneur’s Journey’Tuesday 23rd April

We are a group of SME’s getting together to network, exchange ideas, etc.

This Business Ideas Brisbane group is for successful small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to connect with other business owners.

Speaker: Andy Monks on ‘The Entrepreneur’s Journey’

Andy will talk about the journey that business people go through on their journey from start-up to ultimate success. We are all some-where on this journey and Andy will help you work out where you are now and what you can expect in the future.

Book today and you can walk away with fresh tools to work with your business! Come along and share your business ideas and/or get some new ones.

The session is held in a casual environment and we encourage everyone to join in.

Book Now!

Look forward to seeing you there!

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Executive MasterMind GroupCommencing Monday 6th May for 12 sessions over 6 months

Executive MasterMind Group is created for : executives and successful business owners looking for a supportive group who will help them move toward the next level, people looking for an independent board of directors, a business advisory board, business accountability and business development.

BENEFITS:• your own individual ‘Board of Directors’• business accountability• business advisory board• personal and business development• achieving a ’90 Day Action Plan’• specialist speakers on subjects you want• being with like-minded people• maximum leverage• unique process of MasterMinding• design goals with passion and legacy• better business focus• never alone in business• access to specialist trainers/speakers• support to solve your challenges in one session• AND MORE…..

If you are interested in discussing any further the opportunity for you to find your group, please email me or call to discuss on 07 3262 5343 or 0414 278 344.

Click Here to know more!

Networking Chats : Guest speaker - Paul Dunn from Singapore

The focus of the Networking Chats MeetUps is to support small to mediumbusiness people develop better networking skills so that they can build more lasting relationships. The forum will be the “HOW TO” of networking with Jennie and the attendees.

GUEST SPEAKER: Paul Dunn, B1G1 will be speeaking on: The Age of Connection

Seth Godin says it well — “We are in the Age of Connection.”

We would love to have you with us so come along and share with other like-minded business people in mastermind groups. Even seasoned pros can learn new things by masterminding with other successful entrepreneurs.

Booking online essential. See refund policy for more.

Investment: $35 online; $40 if paid at door.

WHERE: Una Vita, The Hub, 15/14 Ashtan Place, Banyo

(off Gateway or Nudgee Road)

Book Now!

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List of Contributors

DISClAIMEr: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission.

All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

Amanda Hoffman MyOfficeBooks on Facebook

Anthony Davis www.brightwater.com.au

Caroline Miall www.aussiepaintersnetwork.com.au

Geoff Moller www.geoffmoller.com

Jeff Withers www.redriverjourney.com.au

Jennie Gorman www.connexionsunlimited.com.au

John Milne www.leadershipdownunder.wordpress.com

Kerstin Rheinlander www.cre-art-tivity.com.au

Kym-Marie Bush www.quinnscattini.com.au

Michael Riley Shout Migration on Facebook

Paul Dunn www.b1g1.com

Samantha Lyttle www.womensbusinessbootycamp.com.au

Scott Collins www.wellinnovations.com.au

Tove Vine Miss Tove’s English School

Business MagazineConnexions

Editor : Jennie Gormanwww.connexionsunlimited.com.au

Photography : Larry Lim www.project174.com(Cover Photo)

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado