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Conversat ion guideSpan ish

Published by:Editorial Stanley

Illustrated by:Daniel Redondo

First page design:Diseno Irunes

© Editorial StanleyApdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - ESPANATelf. (943) 64 04 12 - Fax. (943) 64 38 63

ISBN: 84-7873-299-3Dep. Leg. BI-2634-03

First edition 1996Reprinted 1997Reprinted 1998Reprinted 2003

Printers:Imprenta Berekintza


In order to achieve an approximation to the phoneticsof some Spanish words it is necessary to resort tocomplicated phonetic symbols; for that reason, theuse of a pocket book such as our ConversationGuide, would be very restricted. The user wouldhave first to memorize all the phonetic symbolsbefore being able to use the book.

Our aim is not, therefore, to teach the travellercorrect pronounciation, but, to attain that, using thenormal English letters, s/he may make himself/herself understood in any Spanish-speaking country.

In some cases we have preferred to sacrifice thepossibility of a smart Castilian pronounciation foranother, less smart perhaps, but more within reachof an English-speaking person.

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At the customs 1At passport control 2Vocabulary 3

Hotels &boarding houses. 4Vocabulary 5General requirements 6Vocabulary 7Room service 8Vocabulary 9Paying the bill 10Vocabulary 12

Money 13Vocabulary 14

Travel(l)ing 15Travel(l)ing by taxi 15Vocabulary 16Travel(l)ing by air 16Vocabulary 17Travelling by train 18Vocabulary 19

Travelling by bus 20Vocabulary 21Hiring a car 21Vocabulary 23

Driving 23Vocabulary 24At the garage 25Vocabulary 26

Sightseeing 27Vocabulary 30

What time is it? 33Vocabulary 34

Asking the way 35Vocabulary 37

Making a phone 39Vocabulary 41

At the police 42Vocabulary 44

At the post office 45Vocabulary 48

At the restaurant 49Vocabulary 50

Ordering breakfast 51Vocabulary 52

Ordering dinner 53Vocabulary 55

The menu: Starters 55Typical Spanish dishes.56Soups 57Omelets 57Fish and seafood 58Meats 60This is how food can becooked 63Poultry and game 63Vegetables and legumes .. 65Fruits 66Desserts 67Drinks 69Asking for the bill 70

Age and jobs 71Vocabulary 73

At the travel agent's 74Vocabulary 76

At the bank 77Vocabulary 79

Buying in a departmentstore 81Vocabulary 83

At the doctor's 85Vocabulary 90

Chemist's /drugstore 93Vocabulary 94

Buying in a shop orstreet market 96Vocabulary 98

On the beach 99Vocabulary 100

At dinner and an invitationto dinner 102

Vocabulary 104

Saying good-bye 106Vocabulary 108


Countries 109

Ordinal numbers 109

Cardinal numbers 110Calendar 110Seasons 111

Dates 111Days of the week 111

Warnings/Notices 112

Usual phrases 113

Greetings 113Questions 114

Introductions 114

Politeness 114Adjectives andpronouns 114Possessive adjectives . 114

Demonstrativepronouns 114Possessive pronouns ..114

Verb To Be 115~

Verb To Be 115

Verb To Have 116

Times Differences ofG.M.T. in relation withother countries 117

Money 118Equivalence 118Distances, measuresand weights 119Map of Spain 121

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At the customsEn la aduana

Have you anythingto declare?

iTiene algo quedeclarar?

Tyaynay ahlgoa kaydayklharahr?

I have nothing todeclare,

No tengo nadaque declarar.

Noa tayngoa nahdahkay dayklharahr.

I only have somepresents.

Solo tengo unosregalos.

Soaloa tayngoaoonoahss raygahloas.

Which is your lug-gage?

es suequipaje?

Kwahl ayss sooaykeepahkhay?

How many casesdo you have?

tCuantas maletastienen ustedes?

Kwahntass mahlaytahstyaynayn oostaydhess?

We have threecases.

Tenemos tresmaletas.

Taynaymoass trayssmahlaytahs.

How many ciga-rettes?



I have two hundredcigarettes.

Tengo doscientoscigarrillos.


How many bottlesof liquor?

tCuantas botellasde licor?

Kwahntassboataylyahss dayleekor?

I have a bottle ofbrandy and a bottleof whisky.

Tengo una botellade conac y una dewhisky.

Tayngoa oonahboataylyah day konyakee oonah day weeskee.

Are you on holi-day?

cEsta usted devacaciones?Estoy en viaje denegocios.

Aystah oostdayd daybahkahthyonayss?

I'm on business.

Tendra que pagaraduana por esto.

Aystoy ayn byahkhayday naygoathyoass.

You will have topay duty on this.

Teyndrah kay pahgahrahdwahnah porr aystoa.

Open this case,please.

Abra esta maleta,por favor.

Ahbrah aystahmahlaytah, porr fahbor.

Where's Informa-t ion?

<j,D6nde estaInformaciones?

Doanday aystaheenformahthyoness?


At the customs - En la aduana

My baggage hasnot arrived.One case is miss-ing.Where are the lug-gage lockers?Take these casesto a taxi.

Where are the bag-gage trolleys?

Where's the informa-tion bureau?

Mi equipaje no hallegado.Fatta una maleta.

<,D6nde estaconsigna?Lleve estas male-tas a un taxi.

<,D6nde estanlos carritos delequipaje?&D6nde estainformaciones?

Mee aykeepahkhay noaah lyaygahdhoa?Fahltah oonahmahlaytah.Doanday aystahkonseegnah?Lyaybay aystahssmahlaytahs ah oontahksee.Doanday aystahn losskahrreetoss daylaykeepahkhay?Doanday aystaheenformahthyoness?

At passport control - En el control de pasaportes

Your passport,please.May 1 see your pa-pers?Here's my passport.

My wife travelswith me.iHow long are youstaying?I'll be staying...a few days.two weeks.I'm travellingalone.I'm American.

Where are youstaying?What's your addressin...?Are you together?

Su pasaporte, porfavor.i,Me ensena sudocumentacion?Aqui tiene mi pasa-porte.Mi esposa viajaconmigo.&Cuanto tiempo seva a quedar?Me quedare...unos dfas.dos semanas.Viajo solo.

Soy norteamericano.

tDonde sehospeda?&Cual es sudireccion en...?&Estan ustedesjuntos?

Soo pahssahportay,porr fahbhor.May aynsaynyah soodokoomentahthyon?Ahkee tyaynay meepahssahportay.Mee ayspoasahbyahkah konmeegoa.Kwantoa tyaynpoa saybah ah keydahr?May keydahreh....oonoass deeahss.doss saymahnahss.Byahkoh soaloa.

Soynortayahmayreekahnoa.Doanday sayospehdhah?Kwahl ayss soodeeraykthyon ayn...?Aystahn oostaydhaysshoontoss?


At the customs - En la aduana

I'm just passingthrough.

Estoy de paso. Aystoy day pahssoh.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario








to declare











to pay





to travel





hotel la





derechos deaduana

























dayraychoass dayahdwahnah


















Hotels &boarding housesHotelesy pensiones

Where is there agood hotel?Is there a boardinghouse in thisplace?Do you have aroom?

1 want a singleroom with a shower.

1 want a doubleroom with a bath.

We want a room forthree days.

We've reserved aroom.

1 want a quietroom.

May 1 see theroom?Do you have aroom on the firstf loor?

A room looking onto the sea.

^Donde hay un Doanday igh oonbuen hotel? bwayn oatehl?c,Hay alguna pen- Igh ahlgoonah payn-sion en este sitio? syon ayn aystay

sitioa?iTienen ustedes Tyaynayn oostay-una habitacion? dhays oonah

ahbheetahthyon?Quierp una habita- Kyayroa oonahcion individual con ahbheetahthyonducha. indibidooahl kon

doochah.Quiero una habita- Kyayroa oonahcion doble con ahbheetahyonbano. doablay kon bahnyoa.Queremos una Kayraymoass oohanhabitacion para ahbheetahthyontres dias. pahrah trays deeahss.Hemos reservado Ehmoass rayssayr-una habitacion. bahdhoa oonah

ahbheetahthyon.Quiero una habi- Kyayroa oonahtacion tranquila. ahbheetahthyon

trahnkeelah.i,Puedo ver la Pwaydhoa behr lahhabitacion? ahbheeetahthyon?iTiene usted Tyanynay oostaydhalguna habitacion ahlgoonah ahbhee-en el primer piso? tahthyon ayn ayl

preemayr peessoa?Una habitacion que Oonahde al mar. ahbheetahthyon kay

day ahl mahr.


Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

We want a twin bed-ded room.

How much is theroom per day?

Do you have some-thing cheaper?Are mealsincluded?

How much is fullboard?Is there a television/phone in the room?

I want a room witha balcony.

Can we have bedand breakfast?

Do you have a roomwith a better view?

Fill in the registra-tion form.It's too expensive.

Do you want mypassport?

Queremos unahabitation condos camas.iCuanto es lahabitation pordia?<j,Tiene algo masbarato?tEstan incluidaslas comidas?

cCuanto es la pen-sion completa?c,Hay television /telefono en lahabitation?Quiero una habita-tion con balcon.

tPodemos tenerhabitation condesayuno?cTiene algunahabitation conmejor vista?Rellene elimpreso.Es demasiadocaro.tQuiere mipasaporte?

Kayraymoass oonahahbheetahthyon kondoss kahmahssKwantoa ayss laahbheetahthyon porrdeeah?Tyaynay ahlgoa mahssbahrahtoa?Aystahn eenklooe-dhass lahsskoameedhahss?.Kwantoa ayss lahpaynsyon konplaytah?Igh taylaybheessyon/taylayfoanoa ayn lahahbheetahthyon?Kyayroa oohanahbheetahthyon konbahlkon.Poadhaymoass tenerrahbhetahthyon kondaysahyoonoa?Tyaynay ahlgoonahahbheetahthyon konmehkor beestah?Raylyenay aylimpresso.Ayss daymahssyah-dhoa kahroa.Kyaray meepahssahportay?

Vocabulary * Vocabularioper daybalconyexpensivemealtoobreakfastdouble

al dfabalconcarocomidademasiadodesayunodoble

ahl deeahbahlkonkahroakoameedhahdaymahssyahdhoadayssahyoonoadoablay

Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

twinroomregistration formincludedsinglecheaperboarding housefull boardlooking onreservequietsee

gemelahabitacionimpresoincluidoindividualmas baratapensionpension completaque dereservartranquilave

haymaylahahbheetahthyoneemprayssoaeenklooeedhoaeendeebeedooahlmahss bahrahtahpaynsyonpaynsyon komplaytahkay dayrayssayrbahrrtrankeelahbay

General requirements - Peticiones generates

What's our roomnumber?

Do you have a carpark?

Can 1 have my key,please?Does the hotel havea garage?

Can we have themeals in the room?

What time is break-fast?Where's the beautysalon?

Is there a hairdress-er's at the hotel?

Where's the lift?

cCual es el numerode nuestra habita-cion?

<,Tienen ustedesaparcamiento?

i,Me da mi Have,por favor?tTiene garaje elhotel?

tPodemos tomarlas comidas en lahabitacion?

i,A que hora es eldesayuno?

tDonde esta elsalon de belleza?

cHay peluqueria enel hotel?

&D6nde esta elascensor?

Kwahl ayss ayl noo-mayroa day nways-trah ahbheetahthyon?

Tyaynayn oostay-dhays ahparka-myentoa?May dah mee lyah-bhay, porr fahbhor?Tyaynay gahrahkhayayl oatehl?

Poadhaymoass toa-mahr lahss koamee-dhahss ayn lahahbheetahthyon?

Ah kay oorah ayssayl dayssahyoonoa?

Doanday aystah aylsahlon daybaylyaythah?Igh paylookayreeahayn ayl oatehl?

Doanday aystah aylahsthaynsoar?


Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

Is there a toilet onthis floor?

Can 1 leave this inyour safe?

We need an extrapillow/blanket.

We don't have abath towel.

Where's the dining-room?

Is there a telephoneon the ground floor?Can we have ababy-sitter?

Please, wake me upat...

1 want to see themanager.

When will the maidcome?

1 need a typewriterand a tape recorder.

c, Hay servicios enesta planta?iPuedo dejar estoen su caja fuerte?

Necesitamos otraalmohada/manta.

No tenemos toallade bano.

t,D6nde esta el co-medor?

cHay telefono en laplanta baja?iNos pueden man-dar un canguro?

Por favor, despier-teme a las...

Quiero ver algerente.

tCuando vendrala sehora de lalimpieza?

Necesito una ma-quina de escribir yuna grabadora.

Ihg sayrbeethyoassayn aystah plahntah?

Pwaydhoa daykharaystoa ayn sookahkhah fwehrtay?

Naythayseetahmoassoatrah ahlmo-aahdhah/mahntah

Noa taynaymoasstoaahlyah daybahnyoa.

Doanday aystah aylkoamaydhor?

Igh taylayfoanoa aynlah plahntah bahka?Noass pwaydhaynmahndahrr oonkahngooroa?Por fahbhor, days-pyayrtehmay ah lahs..Kyayroa bayr ahlkhayrayntay.

Kwahndoa bayndrahlah saynyoorah daylah leempyaytha?

Naythayseetoa oonahmahkeenah dayayskreebheer eeoonah ghrabadoarah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulariopil lowcar parkliftsafebaby-sitterdining-roommeals

almohadaaparcamientoascensorcaja fuertecangurocomedorcomidas

ahlmoaahdhahaparkahmyentoaahsthaynsoarkahkhah fwehrtaykangooroakoamaydhorkoameedhahss


Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

wake me upmanagerblankettypewriter

hairdresser'sf loorbeauty salonmaid

toiletbath toweltape recorder

despiertemedirectormantamaquina deescribirpeluquerfapisosalon de bellezasenora de lalimpiezaserviciostoalla de banograbadora

dayspyayrtehmaydeerehktoarmahntahmahkeenah dayayskreebheerpaylookayreeahpeessoasahlon day baylaythahsaynyoarah day lahleempyaythasayrbeethyoasstoaahlyah day bahnyoaghrabadoarah

Room service - Servicio de habitacionesThe television isnot working.There's no soap.There's no hotwater.There's no toiletpaper.There are no towels.The lavatory doesn'tflush.

There are no ash-trays in the room.

The lamp doesn'twork.Do you have laundryservice?Can we have break-fast in the room?

Can the heating beturned up/down?

La television nofuncionaNo hay jabon.No hay aguacaliente.No hay papelhigienico.No hay toallas.La cadena delcuarto de bano nofunciona.No hay cenicerosen la habitacion.

La lampara nofunciona.cHay servicio delavanderia?iPodemos desa-yunar en la habita-cion?i,Se puede subir/bajar la calefac-cion?

Lah taylaybheessyonnoa foonthyoanah.Noa igh khahbhon.Noa igh ahgwahkahlyayntay.Noa igh pahpehleekhyayneekoa.Noa igh toaahlyahss.Lah kahdhaynah daylkwahrtoa day bahnyoanoa foonthyoanah.Noa igh thaynee-thayroass ayn lahahbheetahthyon.Lah lahmpahrahnoa foonthyoanah.Igh sehrbeethyoa daylahbhahndayreeah?Poadhaymoassdayssahyoonahr aynlah ahbheetahthyon?Say pwaydaysoobyrr/bahkhar lahkahlayfahkthyon?


Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

The air conditioningdoesn't work.

May 1 have anotherblanket?

How long will thelaundry take?

Can I have this suitpressed?

Do you have a nee-dle and thread?

Give me a call ateight o'clock.My key, please.

Are there any lettersfor me?

Are there any mes-sages for me?

Do you have writingpaper/stamps /envelopes?What time is break-fast/lunch/dinner?

El aire acondiciona-do no funciona.

cMe da otra manta?

cCuanto tiempotarda la lavande-ria?&Me pueden plan-char este traje?

iTienen aguja ehilo?Llameme a lasocho.La Have, por favor.

i Hay cartas parami?oHay algun mensa-je para mi?

iTienen papel deescribir/sellos/sobres?iA que hora esel desayuno/lacomida/la cena?

Ayl ighray ahkon-dee thyoanahdhoanoa foonthyoanah.May dah oatrahmahntah?

Kwahntoa tyaym-poa tahrdah lahlahbhahndayreeah?May pwaydhaynplahnchahr aystaytrahkay?Tyaynayn ahgoo-kha ay eeloa?

Lyahmaymay ahlahs oachoa.Lah lyahbhay, porrfahbhor .

Igh kahrtahspahrah mee?Igh ahlgoonmaynssahkaypahrah mee?Tyaynayn pahpehlday ayskreebher/saylyoass/soabrayss?Ah kay oarah ayssayl dayssahyoanoa/koameedhah/lahthaynah?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

needlesafeheatingashtrayhow longbreakfastto work

agujacaja fuertecalefaccioncenicerocuanto tiempodesayunofuncionar

ahgookhakahkhah fwehrtaykahlayfahkthyonthayneethayroakwahntoa tyaympoadayssahyoonoafoonthyoanahr


Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones 10

threadsoaplaundrycallkeyblanketmessageswriting papertoilet paperto presslavatoryto leavestampsenvelopesturn up/ downto taketowels

hilojabonlavanderiallamadaHavemantamensajespapel de escribirpapel higienicoplancharretretesalirsellossobressubir/bajartardar, llevartoallas

eeloakhahbhonlahbhahndayreeahlyahmahdaylyahbhaymahntahmaynssahkaysspahpehl day ayskreebheerpahpehl eekhyayneekoaplahnchahrraytraytaysahlyrrsaylyoasssoabraysssoobyrr/bahkahrtahrdahr, lyebahrtoaahlyahss

Paying the bill - Pagando la cuenta

We are leaving to-morrow morning.

Can I have my billready?What time must wecheck out?

Is tax included?

Can you call a taxi?

Do you accept creditcards?

Nos vamos mananapor la manana

tMe prepara lacuenta?iA que hora debe-mos desocupar lahabitacion?

tEstan incluidoslos impuestos?

tPuede llamar a untaxi?iAcepta tarjetas decredito?

Noas bahmoassmahnyahnah porrlah mahnyahnah.May praypahrah lahkwayntah?Ah kay oarah day-baymoass dayssoa-koopahr lahahbheetahthyon?Aystahn eenkloo-eedhoass loasseempwaystoass?Pwayday lyahmahrah oon taksee?Ahthayptahtahrkaytahss daykraydheetoa?

Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

Can I leave the lug-gage here until thisafternoon?

We have had apleasant stay.

Is there a reductionfor children?

I think there's a mis-take in the bill.

This bill is wrong.

Can I have my lug-gage brought down?

Can you make thebill in my firm'sname?

I'm coming back inFebruary.Can I reserve a roomfor that date?

Can you have myluggage taken to ataxi?

Will you accept acheck?I don't have enoughcash.

iPuedo dejar elequipaje aqui' hastaesta tarde?

Hemos tenido unaestancia agradable.

cHay algun des-cuento para losninos?

Creo que hay unaequivocacion en lafactura.

Esta factura estaequivocada.

t,Me pueden bajarel equipaje?

^Pueden hacer lafactura a nombrede mi empresa?

Vuelvo en febrero.

cPuedo reservaruna habitacionpara esa fecha?

iPueden llevarmeel equipaje a untaxi?

tAceptan cheques?

No tengo bastantedinero en efectivo.

Pwaydoa daykharayl aykeepahkhayahkee ahstah aystahtahrday?Eymoass tayneedoaoonah aystahnthyahahgrahdhahblay.Igh ahlgoondayskwayntoapahrah loass

^neenyoass?Krehoa kay ighoonah aykeebhoa-kahthyon ayn lahfahktoorahAystah fahktoorahaystah aykeebhoa-kahdhah.May pwaydhaynbahkahr aylaykeepahkhay?Pwaydhayn ahthayrlah fahktoora ahnoambray day meeaymprayssah?Bwaylboa aynfehbrehroa.Pwaydhoa rayssayr-bahr oonah ahbhee-tahthyon pahrahaysah faychah.Pwaydhaynlyaybnahrmay aylaykeepahkhay ahoon tahksee.Ahthayptahnchaykays?Noa tayngoa bahs-tahntay deenayroaayn ayfaykteeboa.


Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

Are all the extras tEstan incluidos Aystahn eenkloo-included in the en la factura todos eedhoass ayn lahbill? los extras? fhactoorah toadhoass

loass ayhkstrahs?Can you send any <,Puede mandar Pwayday mahndahrmessages to this cualquier mensaje kwahlkyar maynssahkayaddress? a esta direccion? ah aystah deerehkthyon?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

to acceptpleasantenough





to leaveready


to thinkreductioncoming back




en efectivoenviar



listo, preparado

mahana por lamananapensar





ayn ayfaykteeboaaynbeeahraykeebhoakahthyonaykeebhoakahdhoaaystahnthyahfaychah


eersayleestoa, praypahrahdoa

mahnyahnah porr lahmahnyahnah





Where's the nearestexchange office?

Is there a bank nearhere?

Can 1 change tenthousand pesetasinto pounds?

Will you take acheque?

Where can I cashthis cheque?

Will you take mycredit card?

What's the rate ofexchange?

I want to open anaccount.

May I change thisinto pesetas?

i,D6nde esta laoficina de cambiomas cercana?

c,Hay un bancocerca de aquf?tPuedo cambiardiez mil pesetas enlibras?

tAceptan cheques?

iDonde puedocobrar estecheque?

&Aceptan mi tarjetade credito?

<,A como esta elcambio?

Quiero abrir unacuenta.

tPodrfa cambiaresto en pesetas?

Doanday aystah lahoafeetheenah daykahmbyoa mahssthayrkahnah?

Igh oon bahnkoathayrkah day ahkee?

Pwaydhoakahmbyahr dyaythmeel payssaytahssayn leebrahss?


Doanday pwaydoakoabrahr aystaychaykay?

Ahthayptahn meetahrkhaytah daykraydeetoa?Ah koamoa aystahayl kahmbyoa?

Kyayroa ahbreeroonah kwayntah.

Poadreeahkambyar aystoa aynpayssaytahss?



Money - Dinero 14

Can I cash these(revellers' cheques?

Go to the cashier.

Where do I sign?

Sign here, please.

i,Puedo cobrarestos cheques deviaje?

Vaya al cajero.

tDonde firmo?

Firme aquf, porfavor.

Pwaydoa koabrahraystoas chaykays daybyahkyay?

Bahyah ahlkahkayroa.

Doanday feermoa?

Feermay ahkee, porrfahbhor.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

to change


rate of exchange


to cash

how much?



the nearest


credit card



el cambio






el mas cercano


tarjeta de credito



ayl kahmbyoa






ayl mahssthayrkahnoa


tahrkhaytah daykraydeetoa


Travel(l)ing by taxi - Viajando en taxi

Where's the taxirank?

&D6nde esta laparada de taxis?

Doanday aystah lahpahrahdhah day tahksee?

I want to takea taxi.

Quiero coger untaxi.

Kyayroa koahkayr oontahksee.

Are you free? i,Esta usted libre? Aystah oosthaydh leebray?Take me to thishotel.

Lleveme a estehotel.

Lyaybhaymay ah aystayoatehl

Take us to thestation.

Llevenos a laestacion.

Lyaybhaynoass ah lahaystahthyon.

Can you hurry? cPuede darseprisa?

Pwaydhay dahrssaypreessah?

We are late. Vamos tarde. Bahmoass tahrday.Wait here,please.

Espere aquf, porfavor.

Ayspayray ahkee, porrfahbhor.

Stop here. Pare aqui. Pahray ahkeeWhere can Iget a taxi?

cDonde puedoconseguir un taxi?

Doanday pwaydoa koanseh-geehr oon tahksee?

Get me a taxi,please.

Consfgame untaxi, por favor.

Koanseehgahmay oontahksee, porr fabhor.

What's the fareto...?

tCuanto vale ira ...?

Kwahntoa bahlay eehrah...?

Turn left. Gire a la izquierda. Kheeray ah lah eethkyayrdah.Can you help mewith the bags?

tPuede ayudarmecon las bolsas?

Pwayday ahyoodharmaykon lahs bolsahss?

Go straightahead.

Vaya todo derecho. Bahyah toadhoadayraychoa.

Turn right at thecorner.

Gire a la derechaen la esquina.

Kheeray ah lah dayraychahayn lah ayskeenah.


Travel(l)ing - Viajando 16

How much do youcharge per hour/per day?How much wouldit cost to go to...?It's too much.

iCuanto cobranpor hora / por dfa?

&Cuanto costan'air a ...?Es demasiado.

Kwahntoa koabrahnporr oarah/porr deeah?

Kwahntoa koastahreeaheer ah..?Ayss daymahssyahdoa.

Vocabulary - Vocabutariothe changenearto takehow much?rightadresswaitturnkeepleftrankfarfreeto carrymore slowlyfasterstop herehurrylatetaxi

el cambiocercacogericuanto?derechadireccionesperegireguardeizquierdaparadalejoslibrellevarmas despaciomas rapidopare aquiprisatardetaxi

ehl kahmbyoathayrkahkoahkayrrkwahntoa?dayraychahdeerehkthyonayspayraykheeraygooahrdayeethkyayrdahpahrahdahlayhkhossleebraylyebahrmahss dayspahthyoamahss rahpeedhoapahray ahkeepreesahtahrdaytahksee

Travelling by air - Viajando en avion

At what time are wetaking off?At what time are weleaving?

When is the nextplane?When do I have tocheck in?

<j,A que hora despe- Ah kay oarahgamos? dayspaygahmoass?£A que hora Ah kay oarahsalimos? sahleemoass?

tCuando es el Kwahndoa ayss aylproximo avion? prokseemoa ahbyon?

tCuando debo Kwahndoa dayboapresentarme? praysayntahrmay?

Travel(l)ing - Viajando

Can I change myticket?When do we arrive?

At what time are welanding?Is there a flight toNew York?What's the flightnumber?

I want to book twoseats.How much more willit cost?I want an openticket.Please, cancel myreservation.

Is there a bus or atrain to the citycenter?

When does it leave?Where's the airlineof f ice?

Stewardess, can youbring me a whisky?

iPuedo cambiarbillete?


cCuando llegamos?

cA que hora aterri-zamos?i,Hay un vuelo aNueva York?tCual es el numerodel vuelo?

Quiero reservardos asientos.tCuanto mas mecostara?Quiero un billeteabierto.Cancele mi reser-va, por favor.

c Hay algun autobuso tren al centra dela ciudad?

cCuando sale?c,D6nde esta laoficina de lasImeas aereas?

Azafata, ^puedetraerme un whisky?

Pwaydoa kahmbyarayl beelyaytay?Kwahndoalyaygahmoass?Ah kay oarahahtayrreethahmoasss?Igh oon bwayloa ahNwaybah Yoark?Kwahl ayss aylnoomayroa daybwayloa?Kyayroa rayssayrbahrdoss assyayntoassKwahntoa mahssmay koahstahrah?Kyayroa oon beelyaytayahbeeayrtoaKahnthayhlay meerayssayrbah, porrfahbhor.Igh ahlgoon owtoa-bhooss oa trayn ahlthayntroa day lahthyoodhahdh?Kwahndoa sahlay?Doanday aystah lahoafeetheenah daylahs leenayahsahayrayahsAhthahfahtah,pwayday trahayrmayoon weeskee?

Vocabulary - Vocabularioopenheightseatslandingplanecancel




Travel(l)ing - Viajando 18

taking offairl inecheck inreservationto bookto leaveto takef ly ingfl ight

despegandoImeas aereaspresentarsereservareservarsalirtardarvolandovuelo

Travel(l)ing by train - Viajando en tren

What time does thetrain leave?Which platformdoes it leave from?What time does itarrive?

When does thetrain from Zaragozaget in?At which platform?Does the train stopat Burgos?Do I have tochange?

Is there a connec-tion to Valencia?

Where's the railwaystation?

Where's the ticketof f ice?I want a seat in anon-smoker.

dayspaygahndoaleenayahs ahayrayahspraysayntahrsayrayssayrbahrayssayrbahrsahleertahrdahrboahlahndoabwayloa

&A que hora saleel tren?<,De que anden sale?

i,A que hora llega?

iCuando llega eltren de Zaragoza?

i,En que anden?i, Para el tren enBurgos?iTengo quecambiar?

c Hay algunacombinacion aValencia?i,D6nde esta la esta-cion del ferrocarril?

t,D6nde esta lataquilla?Quiero un asiento enun compartimento deno fumadores.

Ah kay oarah sahlayayl trayn?

Day kay ahndaynsahlay?Ah kay oorahlyaygah?

Kwahndoa lyaygahayl trayn dayThahrahgoathah?Ayn kay ahndayn?Pahrah ayl trayn aynBoorgoass?Tayngoa kaykahmbyahr?

Igh ahlgoonahkoambeenahthyonah Vahlayntheeah?Doanday aysta lahaystahthyon daylfehrrokahrreel?Doanday aysta lahtahkeelyah?

Kyayroa oon ahssyayn-toa ayn oon kom-pahrteemayntoa daynoa foomahdhorayss

19 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

I want a seat ina smoking com-partment.

Is there a restau-rant car on thistrain?When is the nexttrain to Madrid?

Is there a throughtrain to Sevilla?

Is this seat free?

This seat is taken.

Where's the sleeping car?Which is mysleeper?How long do westop here?The heating isvery low/high.

Quiero un asientoen un comparti-mento de fumado-res.cHay un cocherestaurante eneste tren?tCuando es elproximo tren aMadrid?tHay algun trendirecto a Sevilla?

6 Esta libre esteasiento?

Este asiento estaocupado.<,D6nde esta elcoche-cama?tCual es mi litera?

tCuanto tiempoparamos aquf?La calefaccionesta muy baja /alta.

Kyayroa oon ahssyayntoaayn oon kompahrtee-mayntoa dayfoomahdhorayss.Igh oon koachayraystowrahntay aynaystay trayn?Kwahndoa ayss aylprokseemoa trayn ahMahdreedh.

Igh ahlgoon trayndeerehktoa ahSaybeeleehah?

Aystah leebray aystayahssyayntoa?

Aystay ahssyayntoa aystahoakoopahdhoaDoanday aystah aylkoachay kahmah?Kwahl ayss meeleetayrah?Kwahntoa teehaympoapahrahmoass ahkee?Lah kahlayfahkthyonaystah mwee bahkha/ahltah

Vocabulary - Vocabularioplatformseatheatingsleeping carrestaurant carcompartmentbaggageregistersleeperlaterearlier

andenasientocalefaccioncoche-camacoche restaurantecompartimentoequipajefacturarliteramas tardemas temprano

ahndaynahssyantoakahlayfahkthyonkoachay kahmahkoachay raystowrahntaykompahrteemayntoaaykeepahkayfahktoorahrleetayrahmahss tahrdaymahss taymprahnoa

Travel(l)ing - Viajando 20

porterticket collectorticket officetrainthrough trainwindow

mozorevisortaquillatrentren directoventanilla

moathoaraybeesoartahkeelyahtrayntrayn deerehktoabayntahneelyah

Travelling by bus - Viajando en autobus

Where's the bus/coach station?

Does the bus stophere?The bus to the Centerstops over there.Which bus goes tothe station?Where can 1 get abus to the beach?

There are busesevery 20 minutes.

What's the fare?

Is there a sightsee-ing tour?

How long does ittake?

When does thecoach leave?

What time doesthe coach get toCambridge?

What stops doesit make?

tDonde esta laestacion deautobuses.

tPara el autobusaquf?El autobus al Centrapara alii.i,Que autobus va ala estacion?

tDonde puedo cogerun autobus a laplaya?Hay autobuses cadaveinte minutos.

tCuanto vale elbillete?

cHay algun recorridoturfstico?

tCuanto se tarda?

i,Cuando sale elautocar?i,A que hora llegael autocar aCambridge?

&Que paradas hace?

Doanday aysta lahaystahthyon dayowtoabhoossayss?Pahrah aylowtoaboos ahkee?Ayl owtoabooss ahlthayntroa pahra ahlyee.Kay owtoaboos bahah lah aystahthyon?

Doanday pwaydhoacoakhayrr oon owtoa-boos ah lah plahyah?

Igh owtoaboossaysskahdah bayntaymeenootoass.

Kwahntoa bahlayayl beelyaytay?Igh ahlgoonrayhkoarreedhoatooreesteekoa?Kwahntoa saytahrdah?

Kwahndoa sahlayayl owtoakahr?

Ah kay oorah lyay-gah ayl owtoakahrah Kaymbreech?

Kay pahrahdahssahthay?

Travel(l)ing - Viajando

This is a requeststop.

Does this bus goto the beach?

Where can 1 leavemy luggage?Is there a toilet onthe coach?Can I smoke onthe coach?Does this bus stopat our hotel?

Esta es una paradadiscrecional.

t,Va este autobusa la playa?

tDonde dejo elequipaje

&Hay serviciosel autocar?


tPuedo fumar enel autocar?iPara este autobusen nuestro hotel?

Aysta ayss oonahpahrahdahdeeskraythyonahl.Bah aystay owtoaboosah lah plahyah?

Doanday dayhkoa aylaykeepahkhay?

Igh sehrbeethyoassayn ayl owtoakahr?Pwaydhoa foomahrayn ayl owtoakahr?Pahrah aystayowtoaboss aynnwasystroa oatehl?

Vocabulary - Vocabularioto get offeveryhow often?excursionit runssightseeingfarejourneytriptour

apearsecada<i,cada cuanto?excursionhace el recorridohaciendo turismoimporte del billeteviajeviajevuelta

ahpayahrsaykahdahkahdah kwahntoa?aykskoorsyonahthay ayl rehkorreedhoaahtheeayndoa tooreesmoaeempoartay dayl beelyaytaybyahkhaybyahkhaybwayltah

Hiring a car - Alquilando un coche

1 want to hire acar.How much does itcost per hour/day?Do you want mydriving licence?

Is patrol included?

Quiero alquilar unauto.cCuanto cuestahora/di'a?


tQuiere mi permisode conducir?

cEsta la gasolinaincluida?

Kyayro ahlkeelahr oonowtoa.Kwahntoa kwaystahporr oarah/deeah?Kyayray meepehrmeessoa daykondootheer?Aystah lahgahssoaleenaheenklooeedhah?


Travel(l)ing - Viajando 22

Is mileageincluded?1 want full insur-ance.Do you have anyspecial rates?Is there a midweekrate?

Are there anyweekend arrange-ments?Can 1 have a bigcar, please?What's the charge?Can I leave the carsomewhere inSantander?

Can you give methe address of youragent in...?Do you have anoffice in...?1 want a largeautomatic car.

Could you showme how to workthe lights?

Show me how thereverse gear works.

Where's the horn?

I don't like this car.

Can I have anothercar?I want a bigger/smaller car.

<,Esta incluido elkilometraje?Quiero seguro atodo riesgo.tTienen tarifasespeciales?i,Hay una tarifa paradfas de labor?

i,Hay algun arreglopara el fin de sema-na?i,Me da un cochegrande, por favor?iCuanto cobran?cPuedo dejar elcoche en algun sitioen Santander?

tMe da la direccionde su agente en...?

iTienen oficinaen...?Quiero un cocheautomatico grande.

iPodria ensenarmecomo funcionan lasluces?

Enseneme comofunciona la marchaatras.tDonde esta labocina?No me gusta estecoche.t,Me da otro coche?

Quiero un cochemas grande/maspequeno.

Aystah eenklooeedhoaayl keeloamaytrahkhay?Kyayroa saygooroa ahtoadhoa ryaysgoa.Tyaynayn tahreefahssayspaythyahlayss?Igh oonah tahreefahpahrah deeahs daylahboar?Igh ahlgoonahrraygloa pahrah aylfeen day saymahnah?May dah oon koachaygrahnday, porr fahbhor?Kwahntoa koabrahn?Pwaydhoa daykhar aylkoachay ayn ahlgoonseeteeoa aynSahntahndayr?May dah lahdeerehkthyon day sooahkhayntay ayn...?Tyanay oafeetheenahayn...?Kyayroa oon koachayowtoamahteekoagrahnday.Poadreeah aynsay-nyahrmay koamoafoontheeoanahn lahsloothays?Aynsaynyaymaykoamoa foontheeoanahlah mahrchah ahtrahs.Doanday aysta lahboatheenah?Noa may goostahaystay koachay.May dah oatroakoachay?Kyayroa oon koachaymahss grahnday/mahss paykaynyoa.

23 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

Vocabulary • Vocabularioacceleratorhire, rentautomatichornchargedepositreturnbrakesto worklarge, bigmileagewindscreen wipers

lightsreverse gearwindscreensmall, littledriving licence


aceleradoralquilarautomaticobocinacobrardepositodevolverfrenosfuncionargrandekilometrajelimpia parabrisas

lucesmarcha atrasparabrisaspequenopermiso de condu-cirsegurovolante

ahthaylayrahdoarahlkeelahrowtoamahteekoaboatheenahkoabrahrdayppoaseetoadayboalbayrfraynoassfoonthyonahrgrahndaykeeloamaytrahkhayleempyahpahrahbreessahssloothaysmahrchah ahtrahspahrahbreessahsspaykaynyoapehrmeessoa daykondootheersaygooroaboalahntay

Driving - ConduciendoHow far is the near-est petrol station?

Is there a garagenear here?Do you have a roadmap?

Fill it up please.Clean the wind-screen.Change the oil.Check the battery.

iQue distanciahay a la proximagasolinera?iHay un garajecerca de aquf?iTiene algunmapa de carrete-ras?Lleno, por favor.Limpie el parabri-sas.Cambie el aceite.Compruebe labaterfa.

Kay deestahnthyah ighah lah proakseemahgahssoaleenayrahIgh oon gahrahkhaythehrkah day ahkee?Tyaynay ahlgoonmahpah daycahrraytayrahss?Lyaynoa, porr fabhor.Leempyay aylpahrahbreessahss.Kahmbyay ayl ahthaytay.Koamprwaybay lahbahtayreeah.

Travel(l)ing - Viajando 24

What's the speedlimit?Where is therecar park?


I've run out ofpetrol.I've had a break-down.Can you send amechanic?How long willyou be?What time doesthe garage close?Where are thetoilets?Have you a break-down service?Can you give me alift to a telephone?My car won't start.

I have a flat tyre.

Where are you?

Where's your car?

oCual es el Ifmitede velocidad?tDonde hay unaparcamiento?Me he quedadogasolina.


He tenido unaaverfa.&Puede mandarmecanico?


i,Cuanto tardara?

c,A que hora cierrael garaje?{.Deride estan losservicios?tHay servicio deaverfas?t,Me Neva hastaun telefono?No me arranca elcoche.Tengo pinchazo.

cDonde esta usted?

cDonde esta sucoche?

Kwahl ays ayl leemeetayday bayloatheedahdh?Doanday igh oonahpahrkahmyayntoa?May eh kaydahdoaseen gahssoaleenah.Eh tayneedoa oonahahbayreeah.Pwaydhay mahndahroon maykahneekoa?Kwahntoa tahrdahrah?

Ah kay oarah thyayrrahayl gahrahkhay.Doanday aystahn loasssayrbeethyoass.Igh sayrbeethyoa dayahbayreeahs.May lyaybhah ahstahoon taylayfoanoa?Noa may ahrrahnkahayl koachay.Tayngoapeenchahthoa.Doanday aystahoostaydh?Doanday aystah sookoachay?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

oilmotorwayroadcheckdiversionone way streetgaragepetrol stationwashkeep right

aceiteautopistacarreteracomprobardesvi'odireccion unicagarajegasolineralavarmantener la derecha

ahthaytayowtoapeesstahkahrraytayrahkoamproabahrdaysbeeoadeerehkthyon ooneekahgohrahkhaygahssoaleenayrahlahbahrmahntaynayr lah dayraychah

25 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

pedestriansdangertyre pressure

no parkingno entry

f i l ltoiletsspeed

At the garage

peatonespeligropresion de losneumaticosprohibido aparcarprohibida la entrada


payahtoanayspayleegroaprayssyon day bassnayomahteekoassproaeebeedoa ahpahrkahrproaeebeedah Ianayntrahdahraylaynahrsayrbeethyoassbayloatheedahdh

• En el garajeMy car won't start.

The engine isfiring badly.The battery isflat.I've lost my carkeys.Can you repair it?

How much willWhen will thebe ready?

t cost?car

Can you rapair theflat tyre?

We haven't gotspares.There's somethingwrong with...the car.the brakes.the steering wheel.the lights.the clutch.the engine.the battery.

No me arranca elcoche.El motor funcionamal.La bateria estadescargada.He perdido lasHaves del coche.cPuedearreglarlo?tCuanto costara?i,Cuando estaralisto el coche?tPuede arreglarla rueda pincha-da?No tenemosrecambios.Hay algo que nova bien en...el auto.los frenos.el volante.las luces.el embrague.el motor.la baterfa.

Noa may ahrrahnkah aylkoachay.Ayl moator foonthee-oanah mahl.Lah bahtayreeah aystahdayskahrgahdah.Eh payrdeedoa lahslyahbhays dayl koachay.Pwaydayahrrayglahrloa?Kwahntoa koastahrah?Kwahndoa aystahrahleestoa ayl koachay?Pwaydhay ahrrayglarlah rwaydhahpeenchahdah.Noa taynaymoassraykahmbyoass.Igh ahlgoa kay noa bahbeeayn ayn.ayl owtoa.loass fraynoass.boahlahntay.lahs loothays.ayl aymbrahgay.ayl moator.lah bahtayreeah.

Travel(l)ing - Viajando 26

There's a smell ofpetrol.The engine isoverheating.It's smoking.

Can you repair ittemporarily?

You need a newoil pump.

Huele a gasolina.

El motor secalienta.Esta sacandohumo.tPuede arreglarlode momento?

Necesita unabomba de aceitenueva.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

acceleratoranti-freezebatterybulbpluggearboxbonnetcylindertankdistributorclutchbrakesjackindicatorlightstrunknumber plateenginedoorsparesspare wheelwindowsteering wheel

aceleradoranti-congelantebaterfabombillabuji'acaja de cambioscapotcilindrodepositodistribuidorembraguefrenosgatointermitentelucesmaleteromatriculamotorpuertarecambiosrueda de repuestoventanillavolante

waylay ahgahssoaleenah.Ayl moator saykahlyayntah.Aystah sahkahndoaoomoa.Pwaydhayahrrayglahrloa daymoamayntoa?Naythayseetahoonah boambah dayahthaytay nwaybah.

ahthaylayrahdoarahntee-konkhlaylahntaybahtayreeahboambeelyahbookheeahkahkhah day kahmbyoasskahpoatceeleendroadaypoaseetoadeestreebweedoaraymbrahgayfraynoassgahtoaeentayrmeetayntayloothaysmahlaytayroamahtreekoolahmoatorpwayrtahraykahmbyoassrwaydah day raypwaystoabayntahneelyahboahlahntay


Where's the TouristOffice/InformationCentre?

What are the mainpoints of interest?

Where can 1 get in-formation?

Is there a goodsightseeing tour?

Are there any popu-lar excursions?

Is there a map ofthe places to visit?

Do you have anyguidebooks?Is there an excursionto the castle?

Is the gallery openon Sundays?

i,D6nde esta laOficina de Turismo/ el Centre de Infor-macion?

cDonde estan lospuntos principalesde interes?

cDonde puedoconseguir informa-tion?

i Hay algunrecorrido tun'sticobueno?Hay algunaexcursion popular?

<,Hay algun mapade los lugares quevisitar?

oTiene alguna guia?

iHay algunaexcursion alcastillo?i. Esta abierta lagalerfa los domin-gos?

Doanday aystah lahoafeetheenah daytooreesmoa/aylthayntroa dayeenformahthyon?Doanday aystahnloass poontoasspreentheepahlaysday eentayrayss?

Doanday pwaydhoakonsaygyreenformahthyon?Igh ahlgoon rehko-rredhoa toorees-teekoa bwaynoa?Igh ahlgoonahayskskoorsyonpoapoolahr?

Igh ahlgoonmahpah day loassloogahrays kaybeeseetahr?

Tyaynay ahlgoonahgeeah?

Igh ahlgoonahaykskoorsyon ahlkahsteelyoa.Aystah ahbhyayrtahlah gahlayreeah loassdoameengoass?



Sightseeing - Visita turfstica 28

When does it open?How much is theentrance fee?Can I buy a cata-logue?Is it all right to takephotographs?Are there reductionsfor children?Where do I buy aticket?Is admission free?

Is there a catholic/anglican churchnear here?

Is there a syna-gogue/mosque inthis town?

At what time ismass?I'd like to see thepriest/vicar/rabbi.

What's on at thecinema/theatretonight?

Can you recommenda revue/musical?

What time does theperformance begin?

Who is directing theorchestra?

tCuando abre?

tCuanto es laentrada?iPuedo comprarun catalogo?

iSe pueden sacarfotos?& Hay descuentopara ninos?tDonde compro laentrada?i,Es gratis laentrada?cHay alguna iglesiacatolica/anglicanacerca de aqui?

iHay algunasinagoga/mezquitaen esta ciudad?

<,A que hora es lamisa?Quisiera ver alsacerdote/vicario/rabino.

cQue echan en elcine/teatro estanoche?tPuede recomen-darme una revista/un musical?

&A que hora empie-za la funcion?

cQuien dirige laorquesta?

Kwahndoa ahbray?Kwahntoa ays lahayntrahdah?

Pwaydhoa komprahroon kahtahloagoa?

Say pwaydhaynsahkahr foatoass?Igh dayskwayntoapahrah neenyoass?Doanday komproalah ayntrahdah?

Ays grahtees lahayntrahdah?

Igh ahlgoonaheeglayssyahkahtoaleekah/ahngleekahnahthayrkah day ahkee?

Igh ahlgoonah see-nahgoagah/mayth-keetah ayn aystahthyoodhahdh?Ah kay oorah ays lahmeessah?Keessyayrah bayrahl sahthehrdoatay/beekaryoa/rahbheenoa.Kay aychahn ayn ayltheenay/tayahtroaaystah noachay?

Pwaydhayrakoamayndahrmayoonah rehbheestah/oon moosseekahl?Ah kay oorahaympyathah lahfoonthyon?

Kyayn deereekhaylah oarkaystah?

29 Sightseeing - Visita turfstica

Can I have two seatsfor the matinee?

I want a seat in thestalls.How much are thetickets in the circle?

May I have a pro-gramme, please?

Where's the OperaHouse/Concert Hall?

What's on at theopera tonight?

Is there a concert?

Who's singing?Which orchestra isplaying?Who is theconductor?Where can we godancing?

Is there a discotequein town?

May I have thisdance?Would you like todance?Is there a jazz clubhere?Which is the bestdisco in town?

i,Me da dosentradas para lamatinal?Quiero una butaca.

&Cuanto valenlas entradas deanfiteatro?i,Me da un progra-ma, por favor?

^Donde estajaCasa de la Opera/Sala de Concier-tos?cQue hay en laopera esta noche?

tHay un concierto?

i,Quien canta?<,Que orquestatoca?tQuien es eldirector?i,A donde podemosir a bailar?

c Hay una discotecaen la ciudad?

6 Me concede estebaile?£l_e gustarfa bailar?

iHay algun club dejazz aqui?iCual es la mejordiscoteca de laciudad?

May dan doss ayn-trahdhahs pahrahlah mahteenahl?Kyayroa oonahbootahkah.Kwahntoa bahlaynlahs ayntrahdhahs dayahnfeetayahtroa?May dan oonproagrahmah, porrfahbhor?Doanday aystah lakahsah day lahoapayrah/sahlah daykonthyayrtoass?Kay igh ayn lahoapayrah aystahnoachay?Igh oonkonthyayrtoa?Kyayn kahntah?Kay oarkaystahtoakah?Kyayn ayss ayldeerayktoar?Ah doandaypoadhaymoass eerah bighlahr?Igh oonahdeeskoataykah aynlah thyoodhahdh?May konthaydhayaystay bighlay?Lay goostahryahbighlahr?Igh ahlgoon kloobday yass ahkee?Kwahl ays lah mehkhordeeskoataykah day lahthyoodhahdh?

Sightseeing - Visita turfstica 30

Where's the nearesttennis court / golfc lub?

What's the chargeper game / perhour?Where can we goswimming?

Is there a swimmingpool/skating rink?

I'd like to go cross-country skiing/to afootball match.

Where is the racecourse?Who is the jockey?

What are the oddson this horse?

Donde esta la pistade tenis /club degolf mas cercano?

tCuanto cuesta porpartido /por hora?

tAdonde podemosir a nadar?

i Hay alguna pisci-na/pista de patina-je?

Me gustaria ir ahacer esqui defondo/a un partidode futbol.

cDonde esta elhipodromo?cQuien es eljockey?<,C6mo estan lasapuestas en estecaballo?

Doanday aystah lahpeestah day tayneess /kloob day goalf mahssthehrkahnoa?Kwahntoa kwaystahporr pahrteedhoa/porr oarah?Ah doandaypoadhaymoass eerah nahdhahr?Igh ahlgoonahpeestheenah/peestah daypahteenahkhay?May goostahreeaheerr ah ahthayrayskee day foandoa/ah oon pahrteedhoaday footbolDonday aystah ayleepoadroamoa?Kyayn ays aylyoakayy?Koamoa aystahnlahs ahpwaystahsayn aystaykahbhahlyoa?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario



to dancedancing

a dance






baileun baile






oon bighlaybootahkah


31 Sightseeing - Visita turfstica

golf clubjazz clubchargebuyreductionconductordirectingdiscoteque, discoentrance feeskiingall rightexcursionphotographsperformancegalleryfreeguidebookrace coursejockeychurchinformationinterestgameplacesmatineemosquemassmusicalswimmingorchestrafootball match

swimming pool

club de golfclub de jazzcobrarcomprardescuentodirectordirigiendodiscotecaentradaesquiaresta bienexcursionfotograffasfunciongalenagratisgufahipodromohockeyiglesiainformacioninteresjuegolugaresmatinalmezquitamisamusicalnatacionorquestapartido de futbol


kloob day goalfkloob day yasskoabrahrkomprahrdayskwayntoadeerayktoardeereekhyayndoadeeskoataykahayntrahdahayskyahraystah byaynaykskoorsyonfoatoagrahpheeahssfoonthyongahlayreeahgrahteesgeeaheepoadroamoayoakayyeeglayssyaheenformahthyoneentayraysskhwaygoaloogahrayssmahteenahlmaythkeetahmeesahmooseekahlnahtahthyonoarkaystahpahrteedhoa dayfootbolpeestheenah

Sightseeing - Visita turfstica 32

skating rink

tennis court

main points



pista de patinaje

pista de tenis

principales puntos

rabinorevistasacerdotesinagogaturistavicariovisita turfstica


peestah daypahteenahkhaypeestah daytayneesspreentheepahlaysspoontoassrahbheenoarehbheestahsahthehrdoatayseenahgoagahtooreestahbeekahryobeeseetahtooreesteekoabeeseetahrbwayltah

What time is it?oQue hora es?

What time do youleave work?What time does thePost Office close/open?Can you tell methe time, please?

It is ten o'clock.It is half pasteleven.At a quarter pastf i ve .What time was itwhen she came?At what time did ithappen?It was very late.It is very early.

It was about mid-day/midnight.

What time is thetrain/coach leaving?What time does theplane take off?What time are wearriving?The train is leavingin five minutes.

&A que hora salesdel trabajo?i,A que hora cierra/abre Correos?

tPuede decirme lahora, por favor?

Son las diez.Son las once ymedia.A las cinco ycuarto.tQue hora eracuando vino?i,A que horasucedio?Era muy tarde.Es muy temprano.

Era sobre medio-dfa/medianoche.

i,A que hora sale eltren/autocar?i,A que hora despe-ga el avion?£A que horallegamos?El tren sale dentrode cinco minutos.

Ah kay oarah sahlayssdayl trahbhakhoa?Ah kay oarah ahbray/theeayrrah korrehoass?

Pwayday daytheermaylah oarah, porrfahbhor?Son lahs dyaythSon lahs onthay eemaydhyahAh lahs theenkoa eekwahrtoaKay oarah ayrahkwahndoa beenoa?Ah kay oarahsoothaydeeoa?Ayrah mwee tahrdayAyss mweetaymprahnoaAyrah soabraymaydhyoadheeah/maydhyahnoachayAh kay oarah sahlayayl trayn/owtoakahr?Ah kay oarah dayspay-gah ayl ahbhyon?Ah kay oarahlyaygahmoass?Ayl trayn sahlay dayn-troa day theenkoameenootoas.


What time is it?oQue hora es?

What time is it? - <,Qu6 hora es?

The plane is tak-ing off at ten tosix.We are landing inten minutes.

The train is arriv-ing on time.What time do theshops open?They open at nineo'clock.What time do su-permarkets closehere?What are youropening times?

Today we are clos-ing at six thirty.

El avion despegaa las seis menosdiez.Aterrizamos dentrode diez minutos.

El tren llegapuntual.<,A que hora abrenlas tiendas?Abren a las nueve.

&A que hora cie-rran los supermer-cados aqui?tCuales son sushoras de apertura?

Hoy cerramos alas seis treinta.

Ayl ahbhyon dayspaygahah lahs sayss maynoassdyayth.Athayrreethahmoassdayntroa day dyaythmeenootoass.Ayl trayn lyaygahpoontooahl.Ah kay oarah ahbrayn lahstyayndahs?Ahbrayn ah lahsnwaybhay.Ah kay oarah thyeyrrahnloass soopayrmayr-kahdoass ahkee?Kwahlays son soosoarahs dayahpayrtoorah?Oy thayrrahmoass ahlahs sayss trayntah.

Vocabulary - Vocabularioopenopeningland on time

closelunchpost officetell mebreakfasttakes offmidnightmiddayleaveshappenedlateearlyshopscame





Askingthe wayPreguntandoel camino

Excuse me, Where'sthe monument?

Perdone, &dondeesta el monumento.

Payrdoanay,doanday aystah aylmoanoomayntoa?

Where's the NationalTheatre, please?

iDonde esta elTeatro Nacional,por favor?

Can you tell me theway to the harbor/cathedral/TownHall?

Doanday aystah ayltayahtroanahtheeoanahl, porrfahbhor?

tPuede indicarmeel camino al puerto/ la catedral / elayuntamiento?

Pwaydhayeendeekahrmay aylkahmeenoa ahlpwayrtoa/lahkahtaydrahl/aylahyoontahmyayntoa?

Where's the touristinformation centre,please?

i,D6nde esta laInformacion deTurismo, por favor?

Doanday aystah Ianeenformahthyon daytooreesmoa, porrfahbhor?

How far is it? &A que distanciaesta?

Ah kaydeestahntheeahaystah?

How can I go there? &C6mo puedo iralii?

Koamoa pwaydhoaeer ahlyee?

Can you tell me theway?

tPuede decirme elcamino?

Pwaydhaydaytheermay aylkahmeenoa?

Can you show it tome on the map?

i,Me lo ensena enel mapa?

May loa aynsaynyahayn ayl mahpah?

Could you show methe way to the cas-tle, please?

iPodria ensenarmeel camino al casti-llo, por favor?

Poadreeahaynsaynyahrmay aylkahmeenoa ahlkahsteelyoa, porrfahbhor?

Asking the way - Preguntando el camino 36

How can we go tothe fortress?

I'm lost. Where amI?

Can you tell me onthe map where weare?

This is ConstitutionSquare, but where isit on the map?

Which is the bestway to go to the CityCentre?

Can we drive up tothe castle?

Can I drive alongthis street?

Is there a car park inthe City Centre?

What's the best wayto drive out of town?

Take the secondturning on the leftand go on for twohundred meters.

i,C6mo podemos ira la fortaleza?

Ando perdido.& Donde estoy?

cPodrfa indicarmeen el mapa dondeestamos?

Esta es la Plaza dela Constitucion,tpero donde estaen ei mapa?

<,Cual es la mejorforma de ir alCentra de laCiudad?i Podemos ir encoche hasta elcastillo?iPuedo ir en cochepor esta calle?

<,Hay un aparca-miento en el centrade la ciudad?

£,Cual es la mejormanera de saliren coche de laciudad?

Coja la segundabocacalle a la iz-quierda y siga unosdoscientos metros.

Koamoapoadhaymoass eerah lah fortahlaytah?Ahndoapayrdeedhoa.Doanday aystay?Poadreeah een-deekahrmay ayn aylmahpah doandayaystahmoass?Aystah ayss lahplahthah day lahkonsteetoothyon,payroa doandayaystah ayn aylmahpah?Kwahl ayss lah meh-khor formah day eerahl thayntroa daylah thyoodhahdh?Poadaymoass eerayn koachay ahstahayl kahsteelyoa?Pwaydhoa eer aynkoachay porr aystahkahlyay?Igh oon ahpahrkah-myayntoa ayn aylthayntroa day lahthyoodhahdh?Kwahl ayss lahmehkhor mahnayrahday sahleer aynkoachay day lahthyoodhahdh?Koakha lahsaygoondahboakahkahlyay ahlah eethkyayrdahee seegah oonoassdosthyayntoassmaytroass.

Asking the way - Preguntando el camino

Take the thirdturning on theright and walk forabout a hundredmeters. You'llcome to a cin-ema.Turn left there.Walk along thisavenue until youcome to the Na-tional Theatre.Turn left thereand go on for fivehundred meters.

Follow this roaduntil you come tothe traffic lights.

Turn right anddrive for aboutfour or five hun-dred meters.You'll see achurch on theright.

Coja la tercerabocacalle a laderecha y camineunos cien metres.Llegara a un cine.Gire a la izquierdaalii.

Camine por estaavenida hasta quellegue al TeatroNacional. AIM' gire ala izquierda y sigaunos quinientosmetros. *

Siga por estacarretera hastaque llegue a lossemaforos. Gire ala derecha y sigaconduciendo unoscuatrocientos oquinientos metros.Vera una iglesia ala derecha.

Koakhah lah tehrthayrahboakahkahlyay ah lahdayraychah eekahmeenay oonoassthyayn maytroass.Lyaygahrah ah oontheenay. Kheeray ah laheethkyayrdah ahlyee.Kahmeenay porr aystahahbhayneedah ahstahkay lyaygay ahl tayah-troa nahtheeonal.Ahlyee kheeray ah laheethkyayrdah ee seegahoonoass keenyayntoassmaytroass.Seegah porr aystahkahrraytayrah ahstahkay lyaygay ah loasssaymahfoaroass.Kheeray ah lahdayraychah ee seegahkondoothyayndoaoonahs kwahtroathyayntoass oakeenyayntoassmaytroass. Bayrahoonah eeglayssyah ahlah dayraychah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

parking aparcamiento ahpahrkahmyayntoaTown Hall ayuntamiento ahyoontahmyayntoaturning bocacalle boakahkahlyaystreet calle kahlyaywalk camine kahmeenay


Asking the way - Preguntando el camino 38

wayroadcastlecathedraltaketell merightdistanceshow mewayfortressturnchurchshow meshow usdriveleftwaymapbettermonumentlostexcuse meI canporttraffic lightsgo on

caminocarreteracastillocatedralcojadecirmederechadistanciaensenarmeformafortalezagireiglesiaindicarmeindicarnosir en cocheizquierdamanerama pamejormonumentoperdidoperdonepuedopuertosemaforossiga

kahmeenoakahrraytayrahkahsteelyoakahtaydrahlkoakhahdaytheermaydayraychahdeestahntheeahaynsaynyahrmayformahfortahlaythahkheerayeeglayssyaheendeekahrmayeendeekahrnoasseer ayn koachayeethkyayrdahmahnayrahmahpahmehkhormoanoomayntoapayrdeedhoapayrdoanaypwaydhoapwayrtoasaymahfoaroassseegah


Making a phonecallHaciendo unallamadaHaciendo una

Operator, I'd like tomake a phone call.

I'd like to speak toParis, but I don'tknow the codenumber.Can I make a phonecall to London fromhere?A long distance callto the U.S.A.

I'd like to make aphone call to NewYork, please.

A long distancecollect call toWashington.The number isengaged.The line is over-loaded.Try again later.

I'll get you throughto Sr. Rodriguez.What's your roomnumber?

Telefonista,quisiera haceruna llamadatelefonica.Quisiera hablarcon Pan's, pero nose el prefijo.

&Puedo llamar aLondres desdeaqui?Una conferenciaa los EstadosUnidos.Me gustarfa haceruna llamada aNueva York, porfavor.Una conferencia acobro revertido aWashington.El numero estacomunicando.La h'nea estasobrecargada.Pruebe otra vezmas tarde.Le pongo con elSr. Rodriguez.cCual es elnumero de suhabitacion?

Taylayfoaneestah,keessyayrah ahthayroonah lyahmahdahtaylayfoaneekahKeessyayrah ahblahrkon Pahrees, payroanoa say aylprayfeekhoaPwaydhoa lyahmahrah Loandrayssdaysday ahkee?Oonah konfayraynthyaah loass AystahdhoassOoneedhoassMay goostahryah ahtharoonah lyahmahdhah ahNooaybah Yoar, porrfahbhor.Oonah konfayraynthyaah koabroa raybhayr-teedhoa ah Washington.Ayl noomayroa aystahkomooneekahndhoa.Lah leenayah aystahsoabraykahrgahdhah.Prwaybhay ootrahbayth mahss tahrday.Lay poangoa kon aylsaynyor Roadreegueth.Kwahl ays aylnoomayroa day sooahbheetahthyon?

Making a phone call - Haciendo una llamada 40

You can speak now.

Can I speak to Sr.Gomez, please?

With the export de-partment, please.

With Sr. Perez, themanager, please.

Sr. Benito is on theother line.

Mr. Cruz is out. Hewon't be back untilthis afternoon.

Srta. Alcain is in ameeting. Can youcall again in halfan hour?

There's no answerat Sr. Lucas's office.

Mr Mendez will callyou back in a fewminutes.

Srta. Julia is not in.Can 1 give her amessage?

Sr. Alvarez has avisitor. He'll call youback in half an hour.

Pueden hablarahora.tPuedo hablarcon el Sr. Gomez,por favor?Con el departa-mento de exporta-cion, por favor.

Con el Sr. Perez,el director, porfavor.El Sr. Benito estaen la otra h'nea.

El Sr. Cruz hasalido. Novolvera hastaesta tarde.La Srta. Alcainesta en una re-union. iPuedellamar dentro demedia hora?

No responden enla oficina del Sr.Lucas.El Sr. Mendez lellamara a usteddentro de unosminutos.La Srta Julia noesta. iPuedodarle un mensa-je?El Sr. Alvarezesta con una visi-ta. El les llamaradentro de mediahora.

Pwaydhayn ahblahrahoarah.Pwaydhoa ahblahr konayl saynyor Goamayth,porr fahbhor.Kon ayl daypahrtah-maynto day ayks-poartahthyon, porrfahbhor.Kon ayl saynyorPayrayth, ayl deereayk-toar, porr fahbhor.Ayl saynyor Baynee-toah aystah ayn lahoatrah leenayahAyl seynyor Crooth ahsahleedoa. Noaboalbayrah ahstahaystah tahrday.Lah saynyoareetahAlkine aystah aynoonah rayoonyon.Pwaydhay lyahmahrdayntroa daymaydhyah oorah?Noa rayspoandayn aynlah oafeetheenah daylsaynyor Lookahs.Ayl saynyor Mayndaythlay lyahmahrah ahoostaydh dayntroa dayoonoass meenootoass.Lah saynyoareetahHooleeah noa aystah.Pwaydhoa dahrlay oonmaynsahkhay?Ayl saynyor Albahraythaystah kon oonahbeeseetah. Ayl layslyahmahrah dayntroaday maydhyah oarah.

41 Making a phone call - Haciendo una llamada

Please tell himthat Mr. Rossinihas called.Tell Sr. Valverdethat I am at theHilton Hotel.Can you tell Sr.Rosser that I'll beexpecting his call?

Tell Srta. Nuriathat I'll call againin half an hour.

Dfgale por favorque el Sr. Rossiniha llamado.Dfgale al Sr.Valverde que estoyen el hotel Hilton.tPuede decirle alSr. Rosser que es-tare esperando sullamada?Dfgale a la SrtaNuria que volverea llamar dentro demedia hora.

Deegahlay porr fahbhorkay ayl saynyor Rossiniah lyahmahdo.Deegahlay ahl saynyorBalbayrday kay aystoayayn ayl oatehl Hilton.Pwaydhay daytheerlayahl saynyor Roassayr kayaystahray ayspayrahn-doa soo lyahmahdah.Deegahlay ah lah say-nyoareetah Nooreeahkay boalbayray ahlyahmahr dayntroa daymaydhyah oarah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

collect call

engagedlong distance callagainexpectingexportoutphone call

latermessagefewget you through tocode numbertryanswermeetingoverloadedoperatorvisitorbe back

cobro revertido

comunicandoconferenciade nuevoesperandoexportacionfuerallamada telefonica

mas tardemensajepocosponer conprefijoprobar, intentarrespuestareunionsobrecargadotelefonistavisitavolver

koabroaraybhayrrteedhoakomooneekahndhoakonfayraynlhyaday nwayboaayspayrahndoaaykspoartahthyonfwayrahlyahmahdahtaylayfoaneekahmahss tahrdaymaynsahkhaypoakoassponayr konprayfeekhoaprobahr, eentayntahrrayspwaystahrayoonyonsoabraykahrgahdhoataylayfoaneestahbeeseetahboalbayr

At the police

My passport wasstolen.Somebody hasstolen my bag.

My case was stolenin the airport.

I've lost my bag.

I've lost my wallet.

We've lost our dog.

My car has disap-peared.Where's the nearestpolice station?

I'm looking for a po-liceman.Can you describethe bag?What colo(u)r is it?What does it looklike?

Me han robado elpasaporte.Alguien me harobado el bolso.

Me han robado lamaleta en elaeropuerto.Se me ha perdidoel bolso.Se me ha perdidola cartera.

Se nos ha perdidoel perro.Mi coche hadesaparecido.i,D6nde esta lacomisan'a mascercana?Estoy buscandoun policfa.tPuede describir-me el bolso?cDe que color es?i,Que aspectotiene?

May ahn roabhahdhoaayl pahssahportay.Ahlgyayn may ahroabhahdhoa aylboalsoa.May ahn roabhahdhoalah mahlaytah ayn aylahehroapwayrtoa.Say may ah pehrdee-dhoa ayl boalsoa.Say may ahpehrdeedhoa lahkahrtayrah.Say noass ah pehrdee-dhoa ayl payrroa.Mee koachay ahdaysahpahraytheedhoa.Doanday aystah lahkoameessahreeahmahss therkahnah?Aystay booskahndoaoon poaleetheeah.Pwaydhay dayskree-beermay ayl boalsoa?Day kay koaloar ayss?Kay ahspayktoatyaynay?

At the policestationEn la comisari'a

I want to report a Quiero informart h e f t d e u n r o b o .

K y a y r o a e e n f o r m a h r

d a y o o n r o a b h o a .

4 2

43 At the police station - En la comisarfa

What make is it?What breed is it?It's brown andsquare.My wife's passportis inside.

It's round andblack.It's a brown leathercase.My driving licenceis inside.

What did you see,sir?I saw the accident.

It didn't stop at thetraffic lights.The little boy ranacross the road.

When I looked, theman was alreadyunder the car.

I heard a noise butI didn't see any-thing.I heard the crash,but I didn't seewhat happened.I couldn't see any-thing from where Iwas.

t,De que marca es?&De que raza es?Es marron ycuadrado.El pasaporte de mimujer esta dentro.

Es redonda y negra.

Es una maleta decuero marron.Mi permiso deconducir estadentro.tQue ha visto,senor?He visto el acciden-te.No ha parado en elsemaforo.El nino atraveso lacarretera corriendo.

Cuando mire, elhombre estaba yadebajo del coche.

Of un ruido pero novi nada.

Of el choque perono vi lo que paso.

No pude ver nadadesde donde yoestaba.

Day kay mahrkah ayss?Day kay rahthah ayss?Ayss mahrron eekwahdrahdoa.Ayl pahssahportay daymee mookher aystahdayntroa.Ayss raydoandah eenehgrah.Ayss oonah mahlaytahday kwayroa mahrron.Mee pehrmeessoa daykondootheer aystahdayntroa.Kay ah beestoa,saynyor?Eh beestoa aylahktheedhayntay.Noa ah pahrahdoa aynayl saymahfoaroah.Ayl neenyoa ahtrah-baysoa lah kahrray-tayrah korryayndoa.Kwahndhoa meeray,ayl oambray aystahbahyah daybhahkhoa daylkoachay.Oy oon rweedoapayroa noa beenahdah.Oy ayl choakay payroanoa bee loa kaypahsoa.Noa poodhay bayrnahdah daysdaydoanday yoaaystahbah.

At the police station - En la comisarfa

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

accidentairportran across

baglooking forwalletcrashpolice stationsquareunderinsidedisappeareddescribewifeto reportwhatcasemakebrownnearestlookeddidn't stopI heardpassportdoglook likebreedstolentheftnoisetraffic lightshappenedI sawalready

accidenteaeropuertoatraveso corriendo

bolsobuscandocarterachoquecomisarfacuadradodebajodentrodesaparecidodescribiresposainformarlo quemaletamarcamarronmas cercanamireno paro01

pasaporteperroque aspectorazarobadoroboruidosemaforosucedioviya

ahktheedhayntayahehroapwayrtoaahtrahbaysoakorryayndoaboalsoabooskahndoakahrtayrahchoakaykoameessahreeahkwahdrahdoadaybhahkhoadayntroadaysahpahraytheedoadayskreebeerayspoasaheenformahrloa kaymahlaytahmahrkahmahrronmahss therkahnahmeeraynoa pahroaoypahssahportaypayrroakay ahspayktoarahthahroabahdhoaroabhoarweedoasaymahfoaroahsoothaydyoabeeyah


TEn correos

Where's the nearestpost office?

Where's the mainpost office?

Where's the letter-box?What time does thepost office open?Which counter do Igo to for stamps/telegrams/moneyorders?Telegrams at thatcounter.

Stamps are sold atthat counter.

There's a letter-boxat the corner of thestreet.Can I have somestamps, please?Give me ten40-peseta. stamps,please.

tDonde esta laoficina de correosmas cercana?

tDonde esta laoficina de correosprincipal?

i,D6nde esta elbuzon?<,A que hora abrecorreos?&A que mostradorvoy a por sellos/telegramas/girospostales?Los telegramas enese mostrador.

Los sellos se ven-den en aquel mos-trador.Hay un buzon enla esquina de lacalle.i,Me da unossellos, por favor?Deme 10 sellos de40 pesetas, porfavor.

Doanday aystah lahoafeetheenah daykorrehoass mahssthehrkahnah?Doanday aystah lahoafeetheenah daykorreoahspreentheepahl?Doanday aystah aylboothon?Ah kay oarah ahbraykorrehoass?Ah kay moastrahdhorboy ah porr saylyoass/taylaygrahmahs/kheeroass postahlays?Loass taylaygrahmahsayn aysaymoastrahdhorLoass saylyoass saybayndayn ayn ahkaylmoastrahdhor.Igh oon boothon aynlah ayskeenah day lahkahlyayMay dah oonoasssaylyoass, porr fahbhor?Daymay dyayth say-lyoass day kwahrayntahpaysaytahs, porr fahbhor.

At the post officeEn correos


At the post office - En correos

Can I have three25-peseta stamps,please?

How many do youwant, sir?Here you are,madam. Ten 20-peseta stamps. 200pesetas, please.

How much is it tosend a letter sur-face mail?

I want to send thisletter express.

I] want to registerthis letter.

What's the postagefor a letter toEurope.

Which window do Igo to for stamps?Airmail express,please. How muchwill it be?Registered mail,please.

Postage for surfacemail is 550 pts.

<•, Me da 3 sellosde 25 pesetas,por favor?

iCuantos quiere,senor?Aqui tiene, senora,10 sellos de veintepesetas. 200 pese-tas, por favor.

cCuanto valeenviar una cartapor correoordinario?Quiero enviar estacarta urgente.

Quiero mandaresta cartacertificada.tCuanto es elfranqueo de unacarta a Europa?

&A que ventanillavoy a por sellos?Por avion, urgente,por favor. cCuantosera?Correo certificado,por favor.

El franqueo parael correo ordinarioes 550 pesetas.

May dah trayss saylyoassday baynteetheenkoapaysaytahs, porrfahbhor.Kwahntoass kyayray,saynyor?Ahkee tyaynay,saynyoarah, dyaythsaylyoass day bayntaypaysaytahs. Dossthee-ayntahs paysaytahs, porrfahbhor.Kwahntoa bahlayaynbeeahr oonah kahr-tah porr korrehoaoardeenahryo?Kyayroa aynbeeahraystah kahrtahoorkhayntay.Kyayroa mahndahraystah kahrtahthayrteefeekahdah.Kwahntoa ayss aylfrahnkayoa day oonahkahrtah ahAyooroapah?Ah kay bayntahneelyahboy ah porr saylyoass?Por ahbhyon,oorkayntay, porr fabhor,kwahntoa sayrah?Korreoathayrteefeekahdoa,porr fahbhor.Ayl frahnkayoa pahrahayl korrehoaoardeenahryo aysskeeneeayntahstheenkwayntahpaysaytahs.

47 At the post office - En correos

If you want to reg-ister the letter fillin this form.

The postage toEngland, airmailis 150 pts.

You can buystamps at all thesewindows.

I want to send aparcel, express,please.Can I send thisparcel toEngland?Do I need to fillin a customsdeclaration?

I want to register aparcel.

I'd like to send atelegram, please.

How much does itcost per word?May I have a formfor a telegram?

How long will acable to Londontake?I want to send acable, it's ratherurgent.

Si quiere certificarla carta relleneeste impreso.

El franqueo aInglaterra poravion es 150pesetas.

Se pueden comprarsellos en todasesas ventanillas.

Quiero mandar unpaquete urgente,por favor.cPuedo enviar estepaquete a Inglate-rra?tTengo que relle-nar un impreso deaduanas?

Quiero mandar unpaquete certifica-do.Quisiera enviarun telegrama, porfavor.cCuanto cuesta porpalabra?&Me da un impresopara un telegrama?

iCuanto tardara uncable a Londres?

Quiero enviarun cable, es muyurgente.

See kyayraythayrteefeekahr lahkahrtah raylyaynayaystay eemprayssoa.Ayl frahnkayoa ahEenglahtayrrah porrahbhyon aysstheeayntohtheenkwentah.Say pwaydhaynkomprarhr saylyoassayn toadahs aysahsbayntahneelyahsKyayroa mahndahr oonpahkaytay oorkhayntay,porr fabhor.Pwaydhoa aynbeeahroon pahkaytay ahEenglatayrrah?Tayngoa kayraylyaynahr ooneemprayssoa dayahdwahnahs?Kyayroa mahndahr oonpahkaytaythayrteefeekahdhoa.Keessyayrah aynbeeahroon taylaygrahmah,porr fahbhor.Kwahntoa kwaystahporr pahlahbra?May dah ooneemprayssoa pahrahoon taylaygrahmah?Kwahntoa tahrdahrahoon kahblay ahLohndrays?Kyayroa aynbeehr oonkahblay, ayss mweeoorkhayntay.

At the post office - En correos 48

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

customsletter-boxcableletterregisteredsurface mail


post officehow longdeclarationcornerpostagemoney orderformnearestmay I have?counterratherurgentwordparcelairmailmainI'd likefill instampstelegramswindow

aduanasbuzoncablecartacertificadocorreo ordinario

correo urgente

correoscuanto tiempodeclaracionesquinafranqueogiro postalimpresomas cercano<,me da...?mostradormuyurgentepalabrapaquetepor avionprincipalquisierarellenarsellostelegramasventanilla

ahdwahnahsboothonkahblaykahrtahthayrteefeekahdoakorrehoaoardeenahryokorrehoaoorkhayntaykorrehoasskwahntoa tyaympoadaykhlahrahthyonayskeenahfrahnkayoakheeroa postahleemprayssoamahss therkahnoamay dah...?moastrahdhormweeoorkhayntaypahlahbrahpahkaytayporr ahbhyonpreentheepahlkeesyayrahraylyaynahrsaylyoasstaylaygrahmahsbayntahneelyah


At the restaurantEn el restaurante

Where can we finda good restaurant?

&D6nde podemosencontrar un buenrestaurante?

Doanday poadhay-moass aynkontrahr oonbwayn raystowrahntay?

Is there a typicalrestaurant aroundhere?

cHay algun restau-rante tipico poraquf?

Igh ahlgoonraystowrahntayteepeekoa porr ahkee?

Can you suggest acheap restaurant?

&Puede recomen-darnos un restau-rante barato?

Pwaydhay raykoamayn-dahrnoass oon raystaw-rahntay bahrahtoa?

A table for two,please.

Una mesa parados, por favor.

Oonah mayssah pahrahdoss, porr fahbhor.

I prefer the one bythe window.

Prefiero la que estajunto a la ventana.

Prayfeeayroa lah kayaystah khoontoa ah lahbehntahnah.

Is there a table onthe terrace?

cHay una mesa enla terraza?

Igh oonah mayssah aynlah tayrrahthah?

A table in thecorner, please.

Una mesa en elrincon, por favor.

Oonah mayssah aynayl reenkon, porrfahbhor.

Can I have themenu?

da el menu? May dah ayl maynoo?

I'd like to book atable for tonight,please.

Quisiera reservaruna mesa paraesta noche, porfavor.

Keessyayrahrayssayrbahr oonahmayssah pahrah aystahnoachay, porr fahbhor.

What time do youstart serving din-ner?

i,A que hora empie-zan a servir lascenas?

Ah kay oorah aympyay-thahn ah sehrbeer lahsthaynahs?

Do you have a ta-ble for eight?

iTiene mesa paraocho?

Tyaynay mayssahpahrah oachoa?

At the restaurant - En el restaurante 50

Are we too early?

I'd like to book a ta-ble for Saturdaynight.

Will nine o'clock beall right?I want to reserve atable for tonight.

We'll be here ateight thirty.

Can I have a tablefor this evening?

What time can wecome?We'll wait in the bar.

Bring us the menuand two glasses ofwine.

Will you have a ta-ble free soon?

Do you serve dinnersbefore 8 p.m.?

^Venimos dema-siado temprano?

Quisiera reservaruna mesa para elsabado por lanoche.tEstara bien a lasnueve?Quiero reservaruna mesa paraesta noche.

Estaremos aqui alas ocho y media.

c,Me da una mesapara esta noche?

£A que hora veni-mos?Esperaremos en elbar.Traiganos el menuy dos vasos devino.

tTendra algunamesa libre pronto?

tSirven cenas an-tes de las ocho?

Bayneemoassdaymahssyahdhoataymprahnoa?Keessyayrah rayssayr-bahr oonah mayssahpahrah ayl sahbhadhoaporr lah noachay.Aystahrah byayn ahlahs nwaybhay?Kyayroa rayssayrbahroonah mayssahpahrah aystahnoachay.Aystahraymoassahkee ah lahs oachoaee maydhyahMay dah oonahmayssah pahrahaystah noachay?Ah kay oarahbayneemoass?Ayspayrahraymoassayn ayl bahr.Trighahnoass aylmaynoo ee dossbahssoass daybeenoa.Tayndrah ahlgoonahmayssah leebrayproantoa?Seerbayn thaynahsahntays day lahsoachoa?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario




too early




demasiado temprano





At the restaurant - En el restaurants

to startto findto waittonightby the window

freenightaround heresoonto bookcornerto servesuggestterraceto bringglasseswine

empezarencontraresperaresta nochejunto a la ventana

libresnochepor aqufprontoreservarrinconservirsugerirterrazatraervasosvino

aympaythahraynkontrahrayspayrahraystah noachaykhoontoa ah lahbehntahnahleebraysnoachayporr ahkeeproantoaraysayrbahrreenkonsehrbeersookhayreertayrrahthatrahayrbahssoassbeenoa

Ordering breakfast - Pidiendo el desayuno

1 want some break-fast, please.Can 1 have twoboiled eggs?An orange juice,please.

A glass of grapefruitju ice.

Bacon and eggs.

Two scrambledeggs.A black coffee anda white coffee.A glass of hot milk.

Quiero desayunar,por favor.<,Me da doshuevos duros?Un zumo de naran-ja, por favor.

Un vaso de zumode pomelo.

Tocineta y huevos.

Dos huevosrevueltos.Un cafe solo y uncafe con leche.Un vaso de lechecaliente.

Kyayroa dayssahyoo-nahr, porr fahbhor.May dah doss way-bhoass dooroass?Don thoomoa daynahrahnkhah, porrfahbhor.Oon bahssoa daythoomoa daypoamayloa.Toatheenaytah eewaybhoass.Doss waybhoassraybhwayltoass.Oon kahfay soaloa eeoon kahfay kon laychay.Oon bahssoa daylaychay kahlyayntay


At the restaurant - En el restaurante 52

A plate of hamand eggs.

A boiled egg.


Can I have sometoast with jam?

Some more breadand butter, please.

A cup of hot choco-late.

Caffein-free coffee,please.

Can I have honeyinstead of sugar?Can we have sometea with milk/lemon?I'll have two friedeggs with bacon.

Can we have cham-pagne and cakes?Do you have a freebuffet?Can I have somecereal with milk?

Un plato de jamoncon huevos.

Un huevo cocido.


iMe da unastostadas con mer-melada?Algo mas de pan ymantequilla,por favor.Una taza de choco-late caliente.

Cafe descafeinado,por favor.

c,Me da miel en vezde azucar?cNos da te con le-che/limon?Tomare dos huevosfritos con tocineta.

iNos da champancon pasteles?tTienen buffetlibre?iMe da unoscereales conleche?

Oon plahtoa daykhahmon konwaybhoass.Oon waybhoakoatheedhoa.blahndoa / maydeeoa/ dooroa.May dah oonahsstoastahdhahs konmehrmaylahdhah?Ahlgoa mahss daypahn ee mahntay-keelyah, porr fahbhor.Oonah tahthah daychoakoalahtaykahlyayntayKayfay dayskahfayee-nahdhoa, porrfahbhor,May dah myehl aynbayth day ahthookahr?Noass dah tay konlaychay/leemon?Toamahray dosswaybhoass kontoatheenaytah.Noass dah champahnkon pahstaylays?Tyaynayn boafaytleebray?May dah oonoassthayrayahlayss konlaychay?

Vocabulary * Vocabulario


free buffet

black coffee

white coffee


buffet libre

cafe solo

cafe con leche


boofayt leebray

kahfay soaloakahfay kon laychay

53 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

champagneboiledbreakfastcaffein-freehardegghammilklemonbuttermediumjamhoneybreadcakesgrapefruitscrambledbacontoastju ice



Ordering dinner - Encargando la comida

1 want soup andsteak, please.A mixed salad fortwo.Can 1 have troutand ham?Fish soup for meand asparagus formy wife.

A bottle of red wineand water.

Quiero sopa y file- Kyayroa soapah eete, por favor. feelaytayUna ensalada mix- Oonah aynsahlahdhahta para dos. meehkstah pahrah doss.i,Me trae trucha May trahay troochahcon jamon? kon khahmon?Sopa de pescado Soahpah daypara mi y esparra- payskahdhoa pahrahgos para mi mu- mee ee aysparrahgoassjer. pahrah mee mookher.Una botella de Oonah boataylyah dayvino tinto y agua. beenoa teentoa ee


At the restaurant - En el restaurants

A glass of beer andorange juice.

Meat for me andfish for my wife.

We'd like somestarters, please.

What do you recom-mend?Can I have a napkinand another glass,please?

We don't have anashtray.Can we smoke inthe restaurant?Do you have thedish of the day?Do you have anypoultry and game?I'd like to try theseafood.Do you have cheese?We'd like to havetwo aperitifs.What do you havefor dessert?I like this sauce.

Where's the vinegarand the oil?

Can I have the bill,please?Keep the change.

Un vaso de cerve-za y zumode naranja.

Carne para mi ypescado para mimujer.Quisieramos unosentremeses, porfavor.<,Que nos reco-miendan?oMe trae una ser-villeta y otrovaso, por favor?

No tenemos ceni-cero.tPodemos fumaren el restaurante?tTienen el menudel dfa?tTienen aves ycaza?Me gustan'a pro-bar el marisco.cTienen queso?Quisieramos dosaperitives.iQue tienen parapostre?Me gusta esta sal-sa.i,D6nde esta el vi-nagre y el aceite?

&Me da la cuenta,por favor?Guardese el cam-bio.

Don bahssoa daythayrbhaythah eethoomoa daynahrahnkhahKahrnay pahrah mee eepayskahdhoa pahrahmee mookhehr.Kessyayrahmoassoonoass ayntraymay-ssayss, porr fahbhor.Kay noassraykomyayndhah?May trahay oonahsehrbeelyaytah eeoatroa bahssoa, porrfahbhor?Noa taynaymoassthayneethayroaPoadaymoass foomahrayn ayl raystowrahntay?Tyaynayn ayl maynoodayl deeah?Tyaynayn ahbhayss eekahthah?May goostahryah proa-bahr ayl mahreeskoa.Tyaynayn kayssoa?Keesyayrahmoass dossahpayreeteeboass.Kay tyaynayn pahrahpoastray?May goostah aystahsahlsahDoanday aystah aylbeenahgray ee aylathaytay?May dah lah kwayntah,porr fahbhor?Gwahrdaysay aylkahmbyo


At the restaurant - En el restaurante

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

waterwaitresswaitermeatashtraybeerspoonknifebillsaladcloakroomheadwaitertable clothmustardbreadfishsaucerplatedessertsaltsaucenapkinforkomeletsglasswine



The menu: Starters - El menu: Entremeses

kippered herring arenque ahumado ahrehnkay ahoomahdhoatunny in olive atun en aceite de ahtoon ayn athaytay dayoil oliva oaleebhahcanapes canape kahnahpaylobster cocktail coctel de langosta koaktayl day lahngoastah


At the restaurant - En el restaurante 56

shellfish cocktailcroquettestomato salad

shrimpsYork hamoysterssalami

smoked salmonsmoked trout

coctel de marisco koaktayl day mahreeskoacroquetas kroakaytahsensalada de tomate aynsahlahdhah day

toamahtaygambas gahmbahss

jamon de York khakmon day Yoarkostras ostrahsssalchichon sahlsheechoan

salmon ahumado sahlmon ahoomahdoatrucha ahumada troochah ahoomahdah

Typical Spanish dishes - Platos tfpicos espanoles.

paella Valencianstyle

hake Basque style

Asturian fabada

stew Madrid style

roast lamb

Segovian suckingpigcodfish

potatoes Rioja style

cod in pil pil sauce

cod Biscay style

paella valenciana

merluza a la vasca

fabada asturiana

cocido madrileno

cordero asado



patatas a la riojana

bacalao al pil-pil

bacalao a lavizcaina


mayrloothaah ah IanBahskah



kordayroh assahdoh



pahtahtahs ah lahreeohahnah

bahkahlahoa ahl pillpill

bahkahlahoa ah lahbeathkynah

57 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

Soups - Sopaschicken consommeconsommeconsomme withsherry

cream of spinachsoupcream of greenpea soup

garlic souppupkin soup

onion soupa kind of brothnoodle soup

chicken soup

aspargus soup

seafood soupmussel soup

fish soup

oxtail soup

tomato soupvegetable soup

caldo de gallinaconsomeconsome al jerez

crema de espina-cascrema de guisan-tessopa de ajo

sopa decalabazasopa de cebolla

sopa de cocidosopa de fideossopa de gallinasopa de esparra-gossopa de marisco

sopa demejillones

sopa de pescado

sopa de rabo debueysopa de tomatesopa de verduras

kahldoa day gahlyeenahkonsoamaykonsoamay ahl kherayth

kraymah dayayspeenahkahsskraymah daygeesahntayss

soapah day ahkhoasoapah daykahlahbahthahsoapah day thayboalyahsoapah day koatheedoasoapah day feedhayoass

sopapah day gahlyeenah

soapah dayayspahrrahgoasssoapah day mahreeskoasoapah daymehkheelyoanaysssoapah day payskahdhoa

soapah day rahbhoa daybwaysoapah day toamahtaysoapah day bayrdoorahs

Omelets • Tortillasfried eggs with huevos a la ameri-bacon canahard-boiled eggs huevos durospoached eggs huevos escalfados

ham and eggs huevos con jamon

waybhoass ah lahahmayreekahnahwaybhoass dooroasswaybhoassayskahlfahdhoass

waybhoass konkhahmon

At the restaurant - En el `restaurante 58

bacon and eggs

scrambled eggs

artichoke omelet

cod omelet

onion omelet

mushroom omelet

asparagus omelet

plain omelet

ham omeletomelet with pota-toes, peas, etc.potato omelet

cheese omelet

mushroom omelettomato omelet

huevos fritos contocinetahuevos revueltos

tortilla de alcacho-fastortilla de bacalao

tortilla de cebolla

tortilla dechampinonestortilla de esparra-gostortilla francesa

tortilla de jamontortilla a la paisana

tortilla de patatas

tortilla de quesotortilla de setastortilla de tomate

waybhoass freetoass kontoatheenaytahwaybhoassraybhwayltoasstoarteelyah dayahlkahchoafahsstoarteelyah daybahkahlahoatoarteelyah daythayboalyahtoarteelyah daychahmpeenyoanaysstoarteelyah dayayspahrrahgoasstoarteelyahfrahnthayssahtoarteelyah day khamontoarteelyah ah lahpaheessahnahtoarteelyah daypahtahtahsstoarteelyah day kayssoatoarteelyah day saytahsstarteelyah daytoamahtay

Fish and seafood * Pescado y mariscoclams


frog's legs



tuna-fish with tomato

codsalt cod in tomatosauce



ancas de rana



atiin con tomate


bacalao en salsade tomate



ahnkahs day rahnah



ahtoon kon toamahtay


bahkahlahoa aynsahlsah day toamahtay

59 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

sea breamgrilled sea bream

tunny/tunawhite baitsquidmackerelcrabspider crabspider-crabsbaby squidprawnslobsterlobster withmayonnaisesolefillets of sole

fried sole

grilled sole

shrimpshakefillets of hake

seabassmusselsoystersoysters mornayperchwhitingswordfishoctopuslittle shrimpsmonkfishskate

besugobesugo a la parrilla

bonitoboqueronescalamarescaballacangrejocentollocentolloschipironesgambaslangostalangosta conmayonesalenguadofiletes de lenguado

lenguado frito

lenguado a laparrillalangostinosmerluzafiletes de merluza

meromejillonesostrasostras al gratenpercapescadillapez espadapulpoquisquillasraperaya

bayssoogoabayssogoa ah lahpahrreelyahboaneetoaboakayroanaysskahlahmahraysskahbhahlyahkahngrehkhoathayntoalyoathayntoalyoasscheepeeroanayssgahmbahsslahngoastahlahngoastah konmahyoanayssahlayngwahdhoafeelaytayss daylayngwahdhoalayngwahdhoafreetoalayngwahdhoa ahlah pahrrelyahlahngoasteenoassmayrloothahfeelaytayss daymayrloothahmayroamahkheelyoanayssostrahssostrahss ahl grahtaynpehrkahpayskahdheelyahpayth ayspahdhahpoolpoakeeskeelyahssrahpayrahyah

At the restaurant - En el restaurante 60

turbotbraised turbot

salmonred mulletsardinesfried sardinescuttlefishtroutrainbow troutfried trouttrout with hamtrout meuniere

rodaballorodaballo estofado

salmonsalmonetessardinassardinas fritassepiatruchastrucha al arco iristrucha fritatrucha con jamontrucha a lamolinera

roadhahbhahlyoaroadhahbhahlyoaaystoafahdhoasahlmonsahlmoanaytaysssahrdeenahsssahrdeenahss freetahsssaypeeahtroochahstroochah ahl ahrkoa eereestroochah freetahtroochah kon khamontroochah ah lahmoaleenayrah

Meats - Carne

meatballsmeatballs withtomatobeefsteakgrilled steak

oxox-tongueoxtai lkidtripemince meatmuttonroast lamb

mutton stew

leg of mutton


albondigasalbondigas contomatebistecbistec a la parrilla

bueylengua de bueyrabo de bueycabritocalloscarne picadacorderoasado de cordero

estofado de cordero

pierna de cordero


ahlbhoandeegahsahlbhoandeegahskon toamahtaybeestaykbeestayk ah lapahrreelyahbwaylayngwah day bwayrahbhoa day bwaykahbreetoakahlyoasskahrnay peekahdhahkoardayroaahssahdhoa daykoardayroaaystoafahdhoa daykoardayroapyehrnah daykoardayroatherdoa

61 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

roast porkpork cutletbreaded porkchopshoulder of pork

loin of pork

sort of salamichopsheartlambroast lamb

grilled lambcutlets

lamb stew

sucking pigspicy sausagessirloin steakescalopestewblack puddingand bean stewcold meatssteakliverhamham with spinach

tongueyoung lambloin of porksweetbreadsblack pudding

asado de cerdochuleta de cerdochuleta de cerdoempanadaespaldilla decerdosolomillo decerdochorizochuletascorazoncorderoasado de cordero

chuletillas decordero a laparrillaestofado decorderocochinilloembutidosentrecoteescalopeestofadofabada

fiambresfiletehigadojamonjamon conespinacaslengualechazolomomollejasmorcilla

ahssahdhoa day therdoachoolaytah day therdoachoolaytah day therdoaaympahnahdahayspahdeelyah daytherdoasoaloameelyoa daytherdoachoareethoachoolaytahsskoarahthonkoardayroaahssahdhoa daykoardayroachoolayteelyahss daykoordayroa ah lahpahreelyahaystoafahdhoa daykoardayroakoacheeneelyoaaymbooteedhoassayntraykoatayskahloapayaystoafahdhoafahbahdah

fyahmbrayssfeelaytayeegahdhoakhahmonkhahmon konayspeenahkahsslayngwahlaychahthoaloamoamoalyaykhahssmoartheelyah

At the restaurant - En el restaurante 62

ossobucofeetshankleghotpotpuddingkidneyskidneys enbrochettesausagesbrainstenderloinvealroast veal

veal cutlet

fillet of veal

veal stew

calf's liver

calf's kidney

loin of veal

baconsucking pigbeefroast beef

rump-steakboiled beef

beef stew

ossobucopaletillapataspiernapucheropudmrinonesrinones en brocheta

salchichassesossolomilloterneraasadode ternerachuleta de ternera

filete de ternera

guisado de ternera

hi'gado de ternera

rinones de ternera

solomillo de ternera

tocinotostonvacaasado de vaca

bistec de vacacocido de carnede vacaestofado de vaca

oasoabookoapahlayteelyahpahtahsspyehrnahpoochayroapoodeenreenyoanayssreenyoanayss aynbroachaytahsahlcheechahsssayssoasssoaloameelyoathernayrahahssahdhoa daytehrnayrahchoolaytah daytehrnayrahfeelaytah daytehrnayrahgeesahdhoa daytehrnayraheegahdhoa daytehrnayrahreenyoanayss daytehrnayrahsoalomeelyoa daytehrnayrahtoatheenoatoastoanbahkahahssahdhoa daybahkahbeestayk day bahkahkoatheedhoa daykahrnay day bahkahaystoafahdhoa daybahkah

At the restaurant - En el restaurante

This is how food can be cooked - Asi es como se cocina ta carnebakedboiledbraisedf lambedfr iedgril ledpot roasted

roastraresauteedstewedwell-donecureddeep friedmarinatedpoachedsmokedsteameddouble saucepancooked in oil and garlicbarbecuedhome-maderawgratedfried in battermeat/fish pie

al hornohervidoestofadoflambeadofritoa la parrillaasado en susalsaasadopoco hechosalteadoestofadomuy hechocuradomuy fritoen escabecheescalfadoahumadococido al vaporbano Mariaal ajilloa la barbacoacaserocrudogratinadorebozadopastel de carne/ pescado

ahl oarnoaayrbeedhoaaystoafahdhoaflahmbayahdhoafreetoaah lah pahreelyahahssahdhoa ayn soosahlssahahssahdhoapoakoa aychoasahltehahdhoaaystoafahdhoamwee aychoakoorahdhoamwee freetoaayn ayskahbhaychayayskahlfahdhoaahoomahdhoakoatheedhoa ahl bahporahl bahnyoa mahreeahahl ahkheelyoaah lah bahrbahkoakahsayroakroohdhoagrahteenahdoarayboathahdhoapahstayl day kahrnay/payskahdhoa

Poultry and game - Aves y carne de caza

woodcock becada baykahdhahwoodcock pie pastel de becada pahstayl day baykahdhahcapon capon kahpondeer ciervo, theeayrboa


At the restaurant - En el restaurante 64

quailroast quails

broiled quails

quails withgrapesrabbitroast rabbitjugged rabbit

deerpheasantpheasant piebreast ofpheasanthengooseroast goose withapple sauce

wild boarroast wild boar

jugged wildboaryoung wild boarhareroast harefillets of harehare piepigeonduckroast duckduckling withorangeswild duck withorangesturkey

codornizcodornices asadas

codornices a laparrillacodornices con uva

conejoconejo asadoconejo en salmorejo

corzofaisanpastel de faisanpechuga de faisan

gallinagansoganso asado consalsa de manzana

jabalijabah asado

jabalf en salmorejo

jabatoliebreliebre asadafiletes de liebrepastel de liebrepalomapatopato asadopato a la naranja

pato salvaje a lanaranjapavo

koadoarneethkoadoarneethayssahssahdhahsskoadoarneethayss ah lahpahrreelyahkoadoarneethayss konoobahkoanyakhoakoanaykhoa ahssahdhoakoanaykhoa aynsahlmoaraykhoakoarthoafighssahnpahstayl day fighssahnpaychoogah dayfighsahngahlyeenahgahnsoagahnsoa ahssahdhoakon sahlsah daymahnthahnahkhahbhahleekhahbhahleeahssahdhoakhahbahlee aynsahlmouraykhoakhahbahtoalyehbraylyehbray ahssahdhahfeelaytayss day lyehbraypahstayl day lyehbraypahloamahpahtoapahtoa ahssahdhoapahtoa ah lahnahrahnkhahpahtoa sahlbahkhay ahlah nahrahnkhahpahbhoa

65 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

roast turkeyroast stuffedturkeybreast of turkey

partridgebreast ofpartridgepigeonchickenleg of chickenchicken piebreast of chicken

roast chickencasserole ofchickengrilled chicken

spring chickenon the spitbreastreindeervenisonescalope ofvenison

pavo asadopavo asado relleno

pechuga de pavo

perdizpechuga de perdiz

pichonpoliomuslo de poliopastel de poliopechuga de polio

polio asadopolio a la cazuela

polio a la parrilla

polio joven a labrasapechugarenovenadoescalope devenado

pahbhoa ahssahdhoapahbhoa ahssahdhoaraylyaynoapaychoogah daypahbhopehrdeethpaychoogah daypehrdeethpeechoanpoalyoamoosloa day poalyoapahstayl day poalyoapaychoogah daypoalyoapoalyoa ahssahdhoapoalyoa ah lahcahthwaylahpoalyoa ah lahpahrreelyahpoalyoa khobayn ah lahbrahsahpaychoogahraynoabaynahdhoaayskahloapay daybaynahdhoa

Vegetables and legumes • Verduras y legumbreschicoryartichokebeansceleryauberginecabbageonioncourgettemushroomsparsnips



At the restaurant - En el restaurants

Brussels sprouts

cauliflowerasparagusspinachchickpeaspeasbroad beangreen beans

lettucelentilssweet cornpotatoesgherkinscucumberparsleypeppersweet red peppers


coles de Bruselas

colifloresparragosespinacasgarbanzosguisanteshabasjudias verdes

lechugalentejasmafzpatataspepinillospepinoperejilpimientopimientos morrones


koalayss daybroossaylahsskoleeflorayspahrrahgoassayspeenahkahssgahrbahnthoassgeessahntayssahbhahsskhoodheeahssbehrdaysslaychoogahlayntahkhahssmaheethpahtahtahsspaypeeneelyoasspaypeenoapayraykheelpeemyayntoapeemyayntoassmoarroanaysspwayrroassrahbhahnoassraymoalahchahraypoalyoasaytahsstoamahtaysstroofahssthahnahoaryahss

Fruits - Frutasapricotsalmondshazelnutspeanutschestnutscherries




67 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

cher imoyaplumsprunes


chirimoyaciruelasciruelas pasas



Desserts - Postres


rice pudding

sponge cake

Christmas pudding


arroz con leche


budm de Navidad


ahrroth kon laychay


boodeen daynahbeedhahdh

At the restaurant - En el restaurante 68

frittersbanana fritters

applesauceBavarian choco-late creampancakecrepescaramel puddingcaramel custardfrittersbiscuitsice-cream coffee

chocolatestrawberrywhipped-creamvanif layogurt

fruit jellymarzipanchocolate mousse

whipped creamSpanish custardwedding cakechocolate cake

coconut cakecheese cakeapple pie

nut cake

banana flambe

doughnutsalmond cake

bunuelosbunuelos de platanos

compotacrema bavara dechocolatecrepe, tortitacrepes, tortitasflanflan al caramelofritosgalletashelado de cafe

de chocolate,de fresa,de nata,de vainilla,de yogur

jalea de frutamazapanmousse de chocolate

nata batidanatillapastel de bodapastel de chocolate

pastel de cocopastel de quesopastel de manzana

pastel de nueces

platanos flameados

rosquillatarta de almendra

boonywayloassboonywayloass dayplahtahnoasskoampoatahkraymah bahbahrahday chokoalahtaykrayp, torteetahkrayps, torteetahssf lahnflahn ahl kahrahmayloafreetoassgahlyaytahssaytahdhoa day kahfay,

day choakoalahtay,day frayssah,day nantah,day bighneelyah,day yoagoor

khahlayah day frootahssmahthahpahnmooss daychoakoalahtaynahtah bahteedahnahteelyahpahstayl day boadahpahstayl daychoakoalahtaypahstayl day koakoapahstayl day kayssoapahstayl daymahnthahnahpahstayl daynwaythayssplahtahnoassflahmbayahdoassroaskeelyahtahrtah dayahlmayndrahss

At the restaurant - En el restaurants

cherry tart

strawberry cakefruit tart, fruit pieice-cream cakeapple pie

whisky cakecandied egg yolkstriflechocolate truffles

tarta de cerezas

tarta de fresatarta de frutatarta heladatarta de manzana

tarta al whiskyyemastrifletrufas de chocolate

tahrtah daythayraythahsstahrtah day frayssahtahrtah day frootahtahrtah aylahdhahtahrtah daymahnthahnahtahrtah ahl weeskeeyaymahsstreeflaytroofahss daychoakoalahtay

Drinks - Bebidas

watermineral watercof feechampagnebeerbrandylemonade

orangeadeginherb teamilkrumciderteatonic waterwhite winered winerose winewhiskyapple juice

aguaagua mineralcafecava, champancervezaconacgaseosa, limonada

naranjadaginebrainfusioneslecheronsidratetonicavino biancovino tintovino claretewhiskyzumo de manzana

ahgwahahgwah meenayrahlkahfaykahbah, chahmpahnthayrbhaythahkoanyahkgahsehoasah,leemoanahdhahnahrahnkhahdhahkheenaybraheenfoosyonaysslaychayronseedrahtaytoaneekahbeenoa blahnkoabeenoa teentoabeenoa klahraytayweeskeethoomoa daymahnthahnah


At the restaurant - En el restaurante 70

orange juice zumo de naranja thoomoa day nahrahnkhahtomato juice zumo de tomate thoomoa day toamahtaygrape juice zumo de uva thoomoa day oobhah

Asking for the bill - Pidiendo la cuenta

The bill, please.

Is tax included?

What's this amountfor?

1 think there's a mis-take.Two separate bills,please.

Do you accept trave(l)er's cheques?That was a verygood meal.

We enjoyed themeal, thank you.

Do you accept thiscredit card?

Keep the change.

La cuenta, porfavor.

<, Esta incluido elIVA?

i,De que es estacantidad?Creo que hay unaequivocacion.

Dos cuentas sepa-radas, por favor.

1 cAceptancheques de viaje?

Ha sido unacomidaestupenda.

Nos ha gustadomucho la comida,gracias.

cAceptan esta tar-jeta de credito?

Guarde el cambio.

Lah kwayntah, porrfahbhor

Aystah eenklooeedhoaayl eebah?

Day kay ayss aystahkahnteedhahdh?

Krehoa kay igh oonahaykeebhoakahthyon.

Doss kwayntahsssaypahrahdahss, porrfahbhor.Athayptahn chaykayssday byahkhay?

Ah seedhoa oonahkoameedhahaystoopayndah.

Noss ah goostahdhoamoochoa lahkoomeedhah,grahthyass.Ahthayptahn aystahtahrkhaytah daykraydheetoa?

Gwahrday ayl kahmbyo.

How old is thatlady?

i,Que edad tieneesa senora?

Kay aydhahdh tyaynayaysah saynyoarah?

She's forty-five. Tiene cuarenta ycinco anos.

Tyaynay kwahrayntahee theenkoa ahnyoass.

How old are you? tCuantos anostiene usted?

Kwahntoass ahnyoasstyaynay oostaydh?

I'm twenty. Tengo veinte anos. Tayngoa bayeentayahnyoass.

Are you married? &Es usted casado? Ayss oostaydhkahssahdhoa?

Do you have anychildren?

iTiene usted hijos? Tyaynay oostaydheekhoass?

How old arethey?

tCuantos anostienen?

Kwahntoass ahnyoasstyaynayn?

What do they do? &En que trabajan? Ayn kay trahbahkhahn?Is Mr Pipe afriend of yours?

c,Es el Sr. Pipeamigo tuyo?

Ayss ayl saynyor Pipeahmeegoa tooyoah?

How old is he? tCuantos anostiene?

Kwahntoass ahnyoasstyaynay?

Where does he work? i,D6nde trabaja? Doanday trahbahkhah?What do you do? i,A que se dedica

usted?Ah kay say daydeekahoostaydh?

I'm a carpenter. Soy carpintero. Soay kahrpeentayroa.I'm a business-man.

Soy empresario. Soay aympraysahryo.

What does hedo?

&A que se dedicael?

Ah kay say dahdeekahayl?

He's a doctor. Es medico. Ayss mehdheekoa.That man is amechanic.

Ese hombre esmecanico.

Aysay oambray ayssmaykahneekoa.


Age and work ofpeople.La edad y eltrabajo dela gente.

Age and work of people - La edad y el trabajo de la gente 72

How old is yourmother?

Our children are 15and 10.

How old is thebaby?

He's four monthsold.How do you earnyour living?

I'm a dentist?What's your job?

What does your wifedo?

My wife works at atransport agency.

Where do you work?

I work in New York.

Where does your sonwork?

He works at the locallibrary.

iCuantos anostiene tu madre?

Nuestros hijos tie-nen quince y diezanos.

<j,Que edad tiene elbebe?

Tiene cuatromeses.tComo se ganausted la vida?

Soy dentista.tCual es sutrabajo?i,A que se dedicasu esposa?

Mi mujer trabaja enuna agencia detransposes.

i,D6nde trabajausted?

Trabajo en NuevaYork.tDonde trabaja suhijo?

Trabaja en labiblioteca local.

Kwahntoassahnyoass tyaynaytoo mahdray.Nwaystroasseekhoass tyaynaynkeenthay ee dyaythahnyoass.Kay aydhahdhtyaynay aylbaybhay?Tyaynay kwahtroamayssayss.Koamoa say gahnahoostaydh lahbeedah?Soay daynteestah.Kwahl ayss sootrahbahkhoa?Ah kay saydaydeekah sooayspoasah?Mee mookhehrtrahbahkhah aynoonah ahkhanthyahday trahnspoartayss.Doandaytrahbahkhahoostaydh?Trahbahkhoa aynNwaybah Yoark.Doandaytrahbahkhah sooeekhoa?Trahbahkhah aynlah beebiyotaykahloakahl.

73 Age and work of people - La edad y el trabajo de la gente

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

agencyfr iendyearsbabylibrarycarpentermarrieddentistagebusinessmanwifeto earndaughterson

childrenmothermechanicdoctormonthsyourthey workjob


agendaamigoanosbebebibliotecacarpi nterocasadodentistaedadempresarioesposa, mujerganarhijahijohijosmadremecanicomedicomesessuyotrabajantrabajotransporte

ahkhaynthyahahmeegoaahnyoassbaybhaybeeblyotaykahkahrpeentayroakahssahdhoadaynteestahaydhahdhaympraysahryoayspoasah, mookhehrgahnahreekhaheekhoaeekhoassmahdraymaykahneekoamehdheekoamayssaysssooyoatrahbahkhahntrahbahkhoatrahnspoartayss


Can 1 have a sec-ond class ticket toGlasgow, please?

1 want two secondclass returns toNew York, please.

I'm going toBilbao. Can 1have a sleeperfor tonight?Can 1 have a firstclass single toMexico?1 want a planeticket to BuenosAires, please.

Are there anyflights to CanaryIslands nextWednesday?Can 1 have twotickets to LosAngeles?Can 1 have two re-turn tickets forSunday April 10?

We'd like to go ona cruise, what doyou have?

i,Me da un billetede segunda aGlasgow, porfavor?Quiero dos billetesde Ida y vuelta,segunda clase, aNueva York, porfavor.Voy a Bilbao. ^Meda una litera paraesta noche?

cMe da un billetede primera aMexico?Quiero un billetede avion a BuenosAires, por favor.

<,Hay vuelos aCanarias el proxi-mo miercoles?

«,Me da dos bille-tes para LosAngeles?cMe da dos bille-tes de Ida y vueltapara el domingo 10de abril?

Quisieramos ir enun crucero, &qu£tienen?

May dan oon beelyay-tay day saygoondah ahGlahshgow, porrfahbhor?Kyayroa doss beelyay-tayss day eedhah eebwehltah, saygoondahklahssay, ah NwaybahYoark, porr fahbhor.Boay ah Beelbahoa.May dah oonahleetayrah pahrah aystahnoachay?May dah oon beelyay-tay day preemayrah ahMexico?Kyayroa oan beelyaytayday ahbhyon ahBooaynoass ighrays,porr fahbhor.Igh bwayloass ahKahnahreeahs aylprokseemoamyayrkoaleyss?May dah dossbeelyaytayss pahrahloass Ahngaylayss?Mee dah doss beelyay-tayss day eedhah eebwehltah pahrah ayldoameengoa dyaythday ahbreel?Kysyayrahmoass eerayn oan kroothayroa.Kay tyaynayn?

At the travelagent'sEn la agenda deviajes

75 At the travel agent's - En la agenda de viajes

What cruises doyou have in Au-gust?Is there a cruiseround the Carib-bean Sea in June?What cruises doyou have in May?We are looking fora little house tohire in July.

We want to rent acar too.

Do you have anapartment nearthe sea?Is there a campingsite you canrecommend?1 want to go ona trek to theHimalayas.I'd like to cross theSahara on acamel.

Is there an excur-sion over theAndes?I'd like to ride ahorse across thecountry.Can 1 have a pam-phlet about Paris?Do you have anyinformation aboutMorocco?I'd like to have apamphlet aboutMexico.

&Que crucerostienen en agosto?

e,Hay algun cruce-ro por el Caribe enjunio?&Que crucerostienen en mayo?Estamos buscan-do una casita paraalquilar en Julio.

Tambien queremosalquilar un coche.

cTiene algunapartamento en lacosta?6 Hay algun cam-ping que me puedarecomendar?Quiero ir a hacertreking alHimalaya.Me gustaria cruzarel Sahara en uncamello.

c Hay algunaexcursion a losAndes?Me gustarfa cruzarel pafs a caballo.

Me da un folletosobre Pan's.^Tiene informacionacerca de Marrue-cos?Quisiera un folletosobre Mejico.

Kay kroothayroasstyaynayn aynahgoastoa?Igh ahlgoon kroothayroaporr ayl kahreebay aynkhoonyoa?Kay kroohtayroasstyaynayn ayn mahyoa?Aystahmoassbooskahndoa oonahkahseetah pahrahahlkeelahr ayn khoolyoa.Tahmbyaynkayraymoass ahlkeelahroon koachay.Tyaynay ahlgoonahpahrtahmayntoa aynlah koastah?Igh ahlgoon kahmpeengkay may pwahdhahraykoamayndahr?Kyayroa eer ah ahthayrtraykeen ahleemahlahyah.May goostahryahkroothahr aylSahkhahrah ayn oonkahmaylyoa.Igh ahlgoonahaykskoorsyon ah loassAhndayss.May goostahryahkroothahr ayl pahees ahkahbahlyoa.May dah oon foalyaytoasoabray Pahrees?Tyaynay eenformah-thyon ahthehrkah daymahrrooaykoass?Kysyayrah oonfoalyaytoa soabraymaykheekoa.

At the travel agent's - En la agenda de viajes 76

Can 1 have a guideon Acapulco'sentertainment?

Do you have a guideof the theatres andcinemas?

Me da una gui'a delos entretenimien-tos de Acapulco.

tTiene usted unagui'a de los teatrosy cines?

May dah oonahgeeah day loassayntraytayneemyayntoassday Ahkahpoolkoa.Tyaynay oostaydhoonah geeah dayloass tayahtroass eetheenayss?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario


to hire


plane ticket








can 1 have?

I'd like

a second class

next week



first class

to travel





billete de avion

con gui'a



ida y vuelta




c,me da?

me gustaria

segunda clase

la semana proxima



primera clase






beelyaytay dayahbhyon

kon geeah



eedhah ee bwehltah




may dah?

may goostahryah

saygoondah klahssay

lah saymahnahproakseemah



preemayrah klahssay



1 want to cash thistraveller's cheque/check please.I'd like to changesome pesetas,please.We'd like to getsome pounds.

Can 1 have someGerman Marks,please?1 want 100 Irishpounds, please.

May I have someAmerican dollars,please?What's the rate ofexchange?How much do youcharge in commis-sion?How many pesos doI get for a dollar?

May I cash thischeque, please?

Can you cash apersonal cheque?

Quiero cobrar este Kyayroa koabrahr aystaycheque de viaje, chaykay day byahkhay,por favor. porr fahbhor.Quisiera cambiarunas pesetas, porfavor.Quisieramosconseguir unaslibras.£Me da unos mar-cos alemanes, porfavor?Quiero cien librasirlandesas, porfavor.i,Me da unos dola-res americanos,por favor?i,A como esta elcambio?&Cuanto cobran decomision?

&Cuantos pesosme dan por undolar?tPuedo hacerefectivo estecheque, por favor?iPuedo hacerefectivo un chequepersonal?

Keessyayrah kahmbyahroonahss paysaytahss,porr fahbhor.Keessyayrahmoasskonsaygeer oonahssleebrahss.May dah oonoassmahrkoass ahlaymah-nayss, porr fahbhor?Kyayroa thyayn lee-brahss erlahndaysahss,porr fahbhor.May dah oonoass doa-lahrayss ahmayreekah-noass, porr fahbhor?Ah koamoa aystah aylkahmbyoa?Kwahntoa koabrahn daykoameessyon?

Kwahntoass payssoassmay dahn porr oondoalahr?Pwaydhoa ahthayrayfaykteebhoa aystaychaykay, porr fahbhor?Pwaydhoa ahthayrayfaykteebhoa oonchaykay pehrsoanahl?


At the bankEn el banco

At the bank - En el banco 78

Where can 1 cashthese traveller'scheques?

Will you take a per-sonal cheque?

Please credit thischeque to my ac-count.

Sign here, please.

The cheque iscrossed, it can't becashed.

I'd like to get somecash with my creditcard.

1 need somemoney. Do you takemy credit card?

May 1 open an ac-count at your bank?

I'd like to open acurrent account.

Could 1 open a de-posit account?

1 want to open abank account.

When can 1 havemy chequebook/checkbook?

<,D6nde puedocobrar estoscheques de viaje?

<i,Cogeran un che-que personal?

Quiere cargar estecheque en mi cuen-ta, por favor.

Firme aqui, porfavor.

Este cheque estacruzado, no se pue-de hacer efectivo.

Quisiera sacar al-gun dinero con mitarjeta de credito.

Necesito algun di-nero. tCogen mitarjeta de credito?

i, Puedo abrir unacuenta en subanco?

Quisiera abrir unacuenta corriente.

&Puedo abrir unacartilla de ahorro?

Quiero abrir unacuenta bancaria.

<,Cuando me daranel talonario?

Doanday pwaydhoakoabrahr aystoasschaykayss daybyahkhay?

Kokhayrahn oon chay-kay pehrsoanahl?

Kyayray kahrgahraystay chaykay aynmee kwaynlay, porrfahbhor?

Feermay ahkee, porrfahbhor.

Aystay chaykay aystahkroothahdoa, noa saypwaydhay ahthayrayfaykteebhoa.

Keessyayrah sahkahrahlgoon deenayroakon mee tahrkhaytahday kraydeetoa.

Naythaysseetoaahlgoon deenayroa.Kokhayn meetahrkhaytah daykraydeetoa?

Pwaydhoa ahbreeroonah kwayntah aynsoo bahnkoa?

Keessyayrah ahbreeroonah kwayntahkoarryayntay.

Pwaydhoa ahbreeroonah kahrteelya dayahoarroa?Kyayroa ahbreeroonah kwayntahbahnkahryah.

Kwahndoa maydahrahn ayltahloanahryoa?

79 At the bank - En el banco

Can 1 have mychequebook/checkbook today?

1 arranged for somemoney to be trans-ferred from Lon-don. Has itarrived yet?

I'm expecting somemoney fromAmerica. Has itarrived yet?

I'd like to draw up aletter of credit.

I'm an importer and1 need a letter ofcredit.

Can 1 draw up aletter of credit atthis bank?

Do you want myaccount number?

<:,Me pueden dar eltalonario hoy?

Estoy esperandouna transferenciade Londres. <,No hallegado todavfa?

Estoy esperandoalgun dinero deAmerica. &No hallegado todavfa?

Quisiera abrir unacarta de credito.

Soy importador ynecesito una cartade credito.

^Puedo abrir unacarta de credito eneste banco?

iQuiere el numerode mi cuenta?

May pwaydhayn dahrayl tahloanahryoaoy?

Aystoy ayspayrahndoaoonah trahnsfayrayn-theeah day Lohndrays.Noa ah lyaygahdhoatoadhahbheeah?

Aystoy ayspayrahndoaahlgoon deenayroaday Amayreekah. Noaah lyaygahdhoatoadhahbheeah?

Keesyayrah ahbreeroonah kahrtah daykraydeetoa.Soay eempoartahdoareeh naythaysseetoaoonah kahrtah daykraydeetoa.

Pwaydhoa ahbreeroonah kahrtah daykraydeetoa ayn aystaybahnkoa?

Kyayray ayl noomayroaday mee kwayntah?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario


rate of exchange

letter of credit

deposit account


traveller's cheques


el cambio

carta de credito

cartilla de ahorros


cheques de viaje


ayl kahmbyoa

kahrtah daykraydeetoa

karteelyah dayahorroass


chaykayss daybyahkhay

At the bank - En el banco







current account



draw up




account number


credit card









cuenta corriente



extender, abrir




el numero de lacuenta


tarjeta de credito
















ayl noomayroa daylah kwayntah

tahloanahryotahrkhaytah daykraydeetoa





Where can 1 buytoys/records?

Where can 1 buya film for mycamera?Where's themen's depart-ment?Where's themusic/sportsdepartment?The cosmeticsdepartment,please.The restaurantfloor, please.

The toys section,please.I'd like to buy apair of trousers/an overcoat.I'd like to seesome pullovers,please.We'd like to seethe skirts, please.I'd like to buy ashirt.

tDonde puedocomprar juguetes,discos?i,D6nde puedocomprar un carretepara mi camara?tDonde esta laseccion decaballeros?tDonde esta laseccion de musica/deportes?La seccion decosmetica, porfavor.La planta delrestaurante, porfavor.La seccion dejuguetes, por favor.Quisiera comprarun par de pantalo-nes/un abrigo.Quisiera ver algu-nos jerseys, porfavor.Quisiera ver lasfaldas, por favor.Me gustaria com-prar una camisa.

Doanday pwaydhoakomprahr khoogaytays/deeskoass?Doanday pwaydhoakomprahr oon kahrraytaypahrah mee kahmahrah?Doanday aystah lahsaykthyon daykabahlyayroass?Doanday aystah lahsaykthyon day moossee-kah/daypoartayss?Lah saykthyon daykoasmayteekah, porrfahbhor.Lah plahntah daylraystowrahntay, porrfahbhor.Lah saykthyon day khoo-gaytayss, porr fahbhor.Keessyayrah komprahroon pahr day pahntahloa-nayss/oon ahbreegoa.Keessyayrah bayrahlgoonoas kharsayss,porr fahbhor.Keesyayrah bayr lahsfahldahs, porr fahbhor.May goostahryahkomprahr oonahkahmeesah.

Buying in adepartment storeComprando en unosgrandes almacenes

Buying in a department store - Comprando en unos grandes almacenes 81

I'd like some writ-ing paper/a roadmap/a pocket dic-tionary.

Do you have a mapof Madrid/stamps/magazines?

Can 1 have a ballpen/fountain pen/today's paper?

How much is thatdress/leather bag/skirt?How much arethose shoes/gloves?I like this dress.I'll take it.

I like those shoes.I'll take them.

Can you show methat bracelet/goldchain/silverbroach?

I'd like to see thatwatch/some rings/awedding ring.

No, not that one.The one next to it/the one behind it.

I want the one infront/the silver one.

Quisiera papel deescribir/un mapade carreteras/undiccionario debolsillo.

<,Tiene usted unmapa de Madrid/sellos/revistas?

t,Me da un boligrafo/una pluma estilo-grafica / elperiod ico de hoy?&Cuanto es esevestido/bolso decuero/falda?c,Que valen esoszapatos/guantes?

Me gusta esevestido. Me loquedo.Me gustan esoszapatos. Me losquedo.<,Me ensena esapulsera/cadena deoro/broche deplata?

Quisiera ver ese re-loj/unos anillos/unaalianza.

No, ese no. El queesta junto a el/Elque esta detras.

Quiero el que estadelante/el de plata.

Keesyayrah pahpehlday ayskreebheer/oonmahpah daykahrraytayrahss/oondeekthyoanahryoa dayboalseelyoa.Tyaynay oostaydh oonmahpah dayMadreedh/saylyoass/raybheestahs?May dah oon boalee-grahfoa / oonah ploomahaysteeloagrahfeekah/aylpayryodheekoa day oy?Kwahntoa ayss aysaybaysteedhoa/boalsoaday kwayroa/fahldah?Kay bahlayn aysoassthahpahtoass/gwahntayss?May goostah aysaybaysteedhoa. May loakaydhoa.May goostahn aysoassthahpahtoass. Mayloass kaydhoa.May aynsaynyah aysahpoolsayrah /kahdhaynah dayoaroa/brochay dayplahtah?Keesyayrah bayr aysayrehlokh/oonoassahneelyoass/oonahahleeahnthah.Noa, aysay noa, Aylkay aystah khoontoaah ayl/Ayl kay aystahdaytrahss.Kyayroa ayl kay aystahdaylahntay/ayl dayplahtah.

83 Buying in a department store - Comprando en unos grandes almacenes

1 like the bluestone/the yellowone.Give me the thinbracelet/the thickone.Can 1 try on thisdress/these trou-sers/this pullover?

Where can 1 tryon this suit/thisdress?Where's the fittingroom?Where do I haveto pay?Where's the cashdesk?Where's thecashier?

Me gusta la piedraazul/la amarilla.

Deme la pulseradelgada/la gruesa.

&Puedo probarmeeste vestido/estospantalones/estejersey?iDonde puedoprobarme estetraje/este vestido?tDonde esta elprobador?i,D6nde tengo quepagar?tDonde esta lacaja?&D6nde esta lacajera?

May goostah lahpeeayhdrah ahthool/lahahmahreelyah.Daymay lah poolsayrahdaylgahdah/lahgrwaysah.Pwaydhoa proabahrmayaystay baysteedhoa/aystoass pahntahloa-nayss/aystay khayrsay?Doanday pwaydoa proa-bahrmay aystay trahkhay/aystay baysteedhoa?Doanday aystah aylproabahdhoar?Doanday tayngoa kaypahgahr?Doanday aystah lahkahkhah?Doanday aystah lahkahkhayrah?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

overcoatwedding ringthe yellow oneringball penleather bagsilver broachgold chaincash deskcashiercamerashirtf i lmcosmeticsthin

abrigoalianzala amarillaanillobolfgrafobolso de cuerobroche de platacadena de orocajacajeracamaracamisacarrete, peliculacosmeticosdelgado

ahbreegoaahleeahnthahlah ahmahreelyahahneelyoaboaleegrahfoaboalsoa day kwayroabroachay day plahtahkahdaynah day oaroakahkhahkahkhayrahkahmahrahkahmeesahkahrraytay, payleekoolahkoasmayteekoassdaylgahdoa

Buying in a department store - Comprando en unos grandes almacenes 84

sportpocket dictionary

recordsskirtthickglovespullovertoysroad map

musicpaytrouserswriting paper

pairtoday's paperthe blue stonethe silver onefountain pen

fitting roomtry onbraceletwatchmagazinesstampssuitdressshoesthe one next to it

the one behind itthe one in front

deportediccionario de bolsillo

discosfaldagruesoguantesjerseyjuguetesmapa de carreteras

musicapagarpantalonespapel de escribir

parperiodic© de hoyla piedra azulel de platapluma estilografica

probadorprobarsepulserarelojrevistassellostrajevestidozapatosel que esta juntoa elel que esta detrasel que esta delante

daypoartaydeekthyoanahryoa dayboalseelyoadeeskoassfahldahgrwaysoagwahntaysskhersaykhoogaytayssmahpah daykahrraytayrahssmoosseekahpahgahrpahntahloanaysspahpehl dayayskreebheerpahrpayryodheekoa day oylah peeaydrah ahthoolayl day plahtahploomahaysteeloagrahfeekahproabahdhoarproabahrsaypoolsayrahrehlokhraybheestahssaylyoasstrahkhaybaysteedhoathahpahtoassayl kay aystah khoontoaah aylayl kay aystah daytrahssayl kay aystahdaylahntay


Can you get me a &Puede llamar al Pwaydhay lyahmahrdoctor? medico? ahl mehdheekoa?Is there a doctorhere?1 need a doctor -quick.

Where can I finda doctor?

Where's thesurgery?What are the sur-gery hours?Could the doctorcome to see me?

What time can thedoctor come?Can I have anappointment?Good morning,doctor. I don't feelwell .I've got a terribleheadache.

I have a pain here.

I have a pain inmy chest.

&Hay algun medicoaqui?Necesito un medi-co -rapido.

tDonde puedoencontrar unmedico?cDonde esta laconsulta?i,Cuales son lashoras de consulta?i,Podria venir elmedico a verme?

i,A que hora puedevenir el medico?t,Me puede darhora?Buenos dfas,doctor. No meencuentro bien.Tengo un dolor decabeza terrible.

Tengo un doloraqui./ (Me dueleaqui).Tengo un dolor enel pecho./ (Meduele el pecho).

Igh ahlgoonmehdheekoa ahkee?Naythayseetoa oonmehdheekoa,rahpeedhoa.Doanday pwaydhoaaynkontrahr oonmehdheekoa?Doonday aystah lahkoansooltah?Kwahlayss son lahssoarahss day koansooltah?Poadreeah bayneer aylmehdeekoa ahbayrmay?Ah kay oarah pwaydhaybayneer ayl mehdeekoa?May pwaydhay dahroarah?Bwaynoass deeahss,doaktoar. Noa mayaynkwayntroa byayn.Tayngoa oon doalorday kahbhaythahtayrreeblay.Tayngoa oon doalorahkee. May dwaylayahkee.Tayngoa oon doalorayn ayl paychoa. Maydwaylay ayl paychoa.

At the doctor'sEn el medico

At the doctor's - En el medico

I've got a stomach-ache.I've been vomitingand I feel sick.

I have a coldI'm constipated.

I've got diarrhoea.Do you have fever/atemperature?Do you have apain?Have you had thispain before?Have you ever hada heart attack?

Do you havedifficultiesbreathing?Have you beenvaccinated againsttetanus?Where does it hurt?

What kind of pain isit?Is it a dull or sharppain?

Is it a throbbing orconstant pain?

Doctor, I haveperiod pains.

I have a vaginalinfection

I'm on the pill

Tengo dolor deestomago.He estado vomitan-do y estoy mareado.

Tengo catarro.Estoy estrenido.

Tengo diarrea.tTiene ustedfiebre?tTiene usted algundolor?i,Ha tenido estedolor antes?&Ha tenido alguninfarto alguna vez?

tTiene dificultadesal respirar?

&Esta vacunadocontra el tetano?

&D6nde le duele?

&Que clase dedolor es?&Es un dolorapagado o agudo?

t,Es un dolorpalpitante oconstante?Doctor, tengo dolo-res menstruales.

Tengo una infeccionvaginal.

Tomo la pi'ldora.

Tayngoa doalor dayaystomahgoa.Ay aystahdoa boa-meetahndoa ee aystoymahrayahdhoa.Tayngoa kahtahrroa.Aystoyaystrehnyeedhoa.Tayngoa dyahrrayah.Tyaynay oostaydhfyehbray?Tyaynay oostaydhahlgoon doalor?Ah tayneedoa aystaydoalor ahntays?Ah tayneedoaahlgoon eenfahrtoaahlgoonah bayth?Tyaynay deefeekool-tahdhayss ahlrayspeerahr?Aystah bahkoo-nahdoa kontrah ayltaytahnoa?Doanday laydwaylay?Kay klassay daydoalor ayss?Ays oon doalorahpahgahdoa oaahgoodhoa?Ays oon doalorpahlpeetahntay oakonstahntay?Doaktoar, tayngoadoaloaraysmaynstrooahlayss.Taungoa oonaheenfaykthyonbahkheenahl.Toamoa lahpeeldoarah.

87 At the doctor's - En el medico

1 haven't had myperiod for threemonths.Doctor, I'm preg-nant.1 have a pain in myleft breast.

How long have youbeen feeling likethis?Is it the first timeyou've had this?

Undress down to thewaist.Lie down over there.Breathe deeply.

Does it hurt here?I want a specimenof your blood/urine.

I want you to go tothe hospital for ageneral check-up.

You'll have to havean operation.I want you to see aspecialist.

You must stay in bedfor three days.

You have a vaginalinfection.

Take this prescrip-tion to the chemist.

Llevo tres mesessin menstruacion.

Doctor, estoy emba-razada.Tengo un dolor enel pecho izquierdo.

tCuanto tiempo Ne-va sintiendose asi?

&Es la primera vezque tiene esto?

Desnudese hastala cintura.Tumbese ahi.Respireprofundamente.&Le duele aquf?Quiero una muestrade su sangre/orina.

Quiero que vayausted al hospitalpara un chequeo.

Tendra queoperarse.Quiero que vayaa ver a unespecialista.Debe de quedarsetres di'as en cama.

Tiene una infeccionvaginal.

Lleve esta receta auna farmacia.

Lyayboa trayssmayssayss seenmaynstrooahthyon.Doaktoar, aystoyaymbahrahthahdhah.Tayngoa oon doalorayn ayl paychoaeethkyayrdoa.Kwahntoa tyaympoalyaybah seentyayn-doasay ahsee?Ayss lah preemayrahbayth kay tyaynayaystoa?Daysnoodaysay ahs-tah lah theentoorah.Toombaysay ahee.Rayspeerayproafoondahmayntay.Lay dwaylay ahkee?Kyayroa oonahmwaystrah day soosahngray/oareenah?Kyayroa kay bah-yah oostaydh ahloaspeetahl pahrahoon chaykayoa.Tayndrah kayoapayrahrsay.Kyayroa kay bahyahah bayr ah oonayspaytheeahleestah.Daybay day kaydahr-say trayss deeahssayn kahmah.Tyaynay oonaheenfaykthyonbahkheenahl.Lyaybay aystahraythaytah ah oonahfahrmahthyah.

At the doctor's - En el medico

Take these pillsthree times a day.

I'll give you an in-jection.I'll put you on a diet.

Come to see me intwo days.

You must be X-rayed.

Stay in bed for afew days.Can you give me aprescription for this?

Can you prescribeme some sleepingpills?

This is the usualmedicine.

I'm allergic to antibi-otics.

I don't want any-thing too strong.

How many times aday should take it?

What treatment areyou having?What medicine areyou taking?

What's your normaldose?

Tome Iestas pasti-llas tres veces aldfa.Le dare unainyeccion.Le pondre a dieta.

Venga a vermedentro de dos dias.

Debe de hacerseuna placa de rayosX.

Quedese unos dfasen cama.i,Me puede dar unareceta para esto?

i,Me puede recetarunas pildoras paradormir?

Esta es la medicinanormal.

Soy alergico a losantibioticos.

No quiero nadademasiado fuerte.

tCuantas vecesal dia deberia to-marla?cQue tratamientosigue usted?&Que medicinasesta tomando?

oCual es la dosisnormal?

Toamay aystahsspahsteelyahss trayssbaythayss ahl deeah.Lay dahray oonaheenyaykthyon.Lay poandray ahdeeaytah.Vayngah ah bayr-may dayntroa daydoss deeahss.Daybay dayahthayrsay oonahplahkah dayrahyoass aykees.Kaydaysay oonoassdeeahs ayn kahmah.May pwaydhay dahroonah raythaytahpahrah aystoa?May pwaydhayraythaytahr oonahsspeeldorahss pahrahdoarmeer?Aystah ayss lahmaydheetheenahnoarmahl.Soy ahlehrkheekoaah loassahnteebhyoateekoass.Noa kyayroa nahdahdaymahssyahdhoafwayrtay.Kwahntahs baythayssahl deeah daybay-reeah toamahrlah?Kay trahtahmyayn-toa seegay oostaydh?Kay maydeethee-nahss aystahtoamahndoa?Kwahl ayss lahdoassees noarmahl?

89 At the doctor's - En el medico

Injection or oral?

Are you allergicto antibiotics?

Have you beenoperated on forappendicitis?Have you had avenereal disease?

How much do Iowe you, doctor?May I have areceipt for myHealth Insurance?

Can I have amedical certifi-cate?Would you fill inthis health insur-ance form, please?

What are thevisiting hours?

Can I get up?

When will the doc-tor come?I'm in pain.

Can I have a painkiller?Do I need a bloodtransfusion?

CJnyeccion o vfaoral?c,Es usted alergicoa los antibioticos?

il_e han operado deapendicitis?

&Ha tenido ustedalguna enfermedadvenerea?

tCuanto le debo,doctor?<,Me puede dar unrecibo para miSeguro deEnfermedad?

cMe da un certifica-do medico?

c,Le importariarellenar este impre-so del seguro deenfermedad?

i,Cuales son lashoras de visita?

&Puedo levantar-me?&Cuando vendra elmedico?Tengo un dolor./(Me duele).<,Me da uncalmante?tNecesito una transfusion de sangre?

Eenyaykthyon oabeeah oarahl?Ayss oostaydhahlehrkheekoa ah loasahnteebhyoateekoass?Lay ahn oapayrahdoaday ahpayndeethee-tees?Ah tayneedoaoostaydh ahlgoonahaynfayrmaydahdhbaynayrayah?Kwahntoa laydaybhoa, doaktoar?May pwaydhay dahroon raytheeboapahrah meesaygooroa dayaynfayrmaydahdh?May dah oonthayrteefeekahdhoamaydheekoa?Lay eempoartahreeahraylyaynahr aystayeemprayssoa daylsaygooroa dayaynfayrmaydahdh?Kwahlayss son lahssoorahss daybeeseetah?Pwaydhoalaybhantahrmay?Kwahndoa bayndrahayl maydheekoa?Tayngoa oon doalor/May dwaylay.May dah oonkahlmahntay?Naythayseetoa oonatrahnsfoosyon daysahngray.

At the doctor's - En el medico 90

Vocabulary - Vocabulariosharpallergicdullconstantsurgerydiarroheadietdifficultypainheadache


period pains

to sleephurtsto findconstipatedchemist'sfeverappointmentheart attackinfectioninjectionointmentsick/dizzymedicinedoctorI needointmentpalpitatingchest

agudoalergicoapagadoconstanteconsultadiarreadietadificultaddolordolor de cabeza

dolor de estomago

doloresmenstruatesdormirdueleencontrarestrenidofarmaciafiebrehorainfartoinfeccioninyeccionlinimentomareadomedicinamediconecesitolinimentopalpitantepecho (hombre)

ahgoodhoaahlehrkheekoaahpahgahdhoakonstahntaykonsooltahdyahrrayahdeeaytahdeefeekooltahdhdoalordoalor daykahbhaythahdoalor dayaystoamahgoadoaloarayssmaynstrooahlayssdoarmeerdwaylayaynkontrahraystrehnyeedhoafahrmahthyahfeeayhbrayoaraheenfahrtoaeenfaykthyoneenyaykthyonleeneemayntoamahrayahdhoamaydeetheenahmehdheekoanaythayseetoaleeneemayntoapahlpeetahntaypaychoa

At the doctor's - En el medico

breastpillsprescriptionto prescribebreathingto feeltetanusvaccinatedvaginalvomit ingantibioticsapendicitisaspirinspain-killing

sweetscoldcheck upwaistundressdiarrhoeadosispregnantillnessspecialistvisiting hours

get upsampleto have an operationurinetoothpaste

pecho (mujer)pfldorasrecetarecetarrespiracionsentirtetanovacunadovaginalvomitandoantibioticosapendicitisaspirinascalmantecarameloscatarrochequeocinturadesniidese

diarreadosisembarazadaenfermedadespecialistahoras de visita

levantarmemuestraoperarseorinapasta de dientes


doaseesaymbahrahthahdhahaynfayrmaydahdhayspaytheeahleestahoarahss daybeeseetahlaybahntahrmaymwaystrahoapayrahrsayoareenahpahstah daydyayntayss


At the doctor's - En el medico 92

deeplyto staybreathemint-flavourbloodhealth insurance

transfusionlie downvaginavenereal

profundamentequedarserespirarsabor a mentasangreseguro deenfermedadtransfusiontumbesevaginavenerea

proafoondahmayntaykaydahrsayrayspeerahrsahboar ah mayntahsahngraysaygooroa dayaynfayrmaydahdhtrahnsfoosyontoombaysaybahkheenahbaynayrayah


Chemist's /drugstoreFarmacia

Can I have someaspirins, please?

6Me da unasaspirinas,por favor?

May dah oonahsahspeereeahs porrfahborr?

Give me somesleeping pills,please.

Deme unos somni-feros, por favor.

Denmay oonahssomneeferrohs porrfahborr.

Can I have somesweets/candies forthe throat?

£Me da unoscaramelos dementa para lagarganta?

May dah oonahskahrahmaylohs daymayntah pahrah lahgargahntah?

Give me somethingfor diarrhoea.

Deme algo para ladiarrea.

Demmay algoh pah-rah lah deehrayah.

I'd like to havesomething formy cough.

Me gustarfa tomaralgo para la tos.

May goostahreeahtoamarr algoh pahrahlah toss.

Toothpaste, please. Pasta de dientes,por favor.

Pahstah day deeyen-tays porr fahborr.

Can I have somel iniment?

i,Me da linimento? May dahleeneementoh?

Where is there achemist's?

tDonde hay unafarmacia?

Doanday I oohanfarmathyah?

Can you prepare thisprescription?

i,Puede Ud. prepa-rar esta receta?

Pwayday oostaythprepahrarr aystahraythaytah?

Can I get it withoutprescription?

tPuedo obtenerlosin receta?

Pwaydoh obtaynerloasin raythaytah?

Chemist's/drugstore - Farmacia 94

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

coldhay feversicknessindigestionsun burntcoughcottonaspirinscontraceptivesdesifectantsdigestivesticking plastergarglesgauzeear-drops


laxativesanitary towelcough tablets

sedativeslipping pillscalcium tablets

tamponsplasterhornsbandagesun oilcologne


catarrofiebre del henomareoindisgestionquemaduras de soltosalgodonaspirinasanticonceptivosdesinfectantesdigestiveesparadrapogargarasgasagotas para los oidos

gotas para los ojos

laxantecompresaspastillas para la tos

sedantesomniferostabletas de calcio

tamponestiritascallosvendaaceite solaragua de colonia

cepillo de dientes

kahtahrroafyebraymarayoheendeehessteeohnkaymahdoorahs day soltossahlgoadonnahspeereenahsantikontheypteeboassdaysinfayctahntaysdeehesteeboaayspahrahdrahpoagahrgahrahsgashahgohtahs pahrah lohsoheedohsgohtahs pahrah lohsohohslahxantaycoampraysahsspahstilyahs pahrah lahtosssaydahntaysomneeferrohstahblaytahs daykahltheeoatahmpohnaysteereetahskahlyohsbayndahahthaytay sohlarrahgwah daykohlohneeahthaypeelyoh daydeeyayntays

95 Chemist's/drugstore - Farmacia

shaving brushshaving creammoisturizing creamcleansing creamhand cream

night creamshampoodeodorantnail varnishspongesafety pinssoapshaving soaplipstickeyebrow pencil

nail fileaftershave lotion

make uptissues

toilet papertoothpasteperfumetweezerstalcum powderbril l iantinecombhairpin/hair clipfixativerollersdyelacquer/hair spray

brocha de afeitarcrema de afeitarcrema hidratantecrema limpiadoracrema para lasmanoscrema de nochechampudesodoranteesmalte de unasesponjaimperdiblesjabonjabon de afeitarlapiz de labioslapiz para losojoslima de unaslocion de afeitado

maquillajepanuelos de papel

papel higienicopasta de dientesperfumepinzaspolvos de talcobrillantinapeinehorquillasfijadorrulostintelaca

brohchah day ahfaytarrkraymah day ahfaytarrkraymah eedrahtahntaykraymah leempeeahdohrahkraymah pahrah lahsmahnohskraymah day nochaychampoodaysohdorahntayaysmahltay day oonyahsayspohnhaeemperdeeblayskhahbohnkhahbohn day ahfaytarrlahpeeth day lahbeeohslahpeeth pahrah lohsohohsleemah day oonyahslahthyohn dayahfaytahdohmahkheelyakheepahnywayloass daypahpay!pahpayl eekhyayneekoapahstah day deeayntaysperfoomaypeenthahspahlbohs day tahlkohbrylyanteenahpaynayorkilyahsfeehadorrroolohsteentaylahkak


Buying in a shopor street marketComprando en unmercado callejero

Can I have a loafof bread?

i,Me da una barrade pan?

May dah oonahbahrrah day pahn?

Give me a sack ofpotatoes.

Deme una bolsa depatatas.

Daymayh oonah boal-sah day pahtahtahss.

Can I have apound of sugarand a packet ofsalt?

c,Me da una libra deazucary un paquetede sal?

May dah oonah lee-brah day ahthookahree oon pahkaytay daysahl?

Give me a bottleof oil and a can ofpeas.

Deme una botella deaceite y un bote deguisantes.

Daymay oonah boa-taylyah day ahthaytayee oon boatay daygeessahntayss.

A frozen chicken,please.

Un polio congelado,por favor.

Oon poalyoa konkhay-lahdhoa, porr fahbhor.

I'd like to see someantiques, please.

Quisiera ver algu-nas antigiiedades,por favor.

Keesyayrah bayr ahl-goonahss ahntee-gwaydhahdhayss, porrfahbhor.

May I see someold pictures.

cMe ensehaalgunos cuadrosantiguos?

May aynsaynyah ahl-goonoass kwahdroassahnteegwoass?

Have you got anyantiques made ofbrass?

iJiene alguna anti-giiedad de laton?

Tyaynay ahlgoonahahnteegwaydhahdhday lahtoan?

I'd like to see somecandelabra.

Quisiera veralgunos candela-bros.

Keesyayrah bayrahlgoonoasskahndaylahbroass?

Do you have anyold furniture?

cTienen mueblesantiguos?

Tyaynayn mwayblayssahnteegwoass?

Have you got anyLouis XIV chairs?

cTiene sillas LuisXIV?

Tyaynayn seelyahssLooees kahtorthay?

97 Buying in a shop or street market - Comprando en un mercado callejero

I'd like an oldPersian carpet.

I'd like to developa film.Can I have thisfilm developedby tomorrow?When can I havethis film devel-oped?Can you developthis film?Can I haveanother film?Give me anotherfilm, please.The price is toohigh for me. I canoffer you 10.000pesetas.

It's too much forme, I'm afraid.

It's far too much.I'll give you1.000 pts.I'll buy it for 2.000pesetas.I can't pay thatmuch. What about5.000 pesetas?This is my lastprice.Not a penny more.Let's meet halfway.

This is a real bar-gain.That is a giveawayprice.

Quisiera una anti-gua alfombra persa.

Quisiera revelar uncarrete.i Me puede revelareste carrete paramanana?tCuando me puederevelar estecarrete?c,Puede revelareste carrete?t,Me da otrocarrete?Deme otro carrete,por favor.El precio es dema-siado alto para mf.Puedo ofrecerle10.000 pesetas.

Me temo que esdemasiado para mf.

Es demasiado. Ledare 1.000 pesetas.

Se lo compro por2.000 pesetas.No puedo pagartanto. iQue tal5.000 pesetas?Este es mi ultimoprecio.Ni un peso mas.Encontremonos amitad de camino.

Esto es una verda-dera ganga.Esto es un precioregalado.

Keesyayrah oonahahnteegwahahlfoambrah payrsah.Keesyayrah raybaylahroon kahrraytay.May pwaydhay raybay-lahr aystay kahrraytaypahrah mahnyahnah?Kwahndhoa maypwaydhay rahbahlahraystay kahrraytay?Pwaydhay raybaylahraystay kahrraytah?May dah oatroakahrraytah?Daymay oatroakahrraytay, porr fahbhor.Ayl praytheeoa aysdaymahssyadhoa ahltoapahrah mee. Pwaydhoaoafraythayrlay deeaythmeel paysaytahs.May taymoa kay ayssdaymahssyahdhoapahrah mee.Ayss daymahssyahdhoa.Lay dahray meelpaysaytahs.Say loa koamproa porrdoass meel paysaytahs.Noa pwaydhoa pahgahrtahntoa. Kay tahl theen-koa meel paysaytahs?Aysstay ayss meeoolteemoa praythyoa.Nee oon paysoa mahss.Aynkontraymoanoassah meetahdh daykahmeenoa.Aystoa ayss oonah bayr-dahdayrah gahngah.Aystoa ayss oon pray-thyoa raygahlahdoa.

Buying in a shop or street market - Comprando en un mercado callejero 98

I'm losing money. Estoy perdiendo Aystoy payrdeeayndoadinero. deenayroa.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

oilcarpetantiquesloafcanbottlecandelabrabargainfrozenpicturestoo muchtoo high

let's meetpeasbrasspoundI'm afraid.furnitureofferpacketfi lm

losingchickenwhat about?giveawaydevelopsacklast price

aceitealfombraantigiiedadesbarra (de pan)botebotellacandelabroschollocongeladocuadrosdemasiadodemasiado alto

encontremonosguisanteslatonlibrame temomueblesofertapaquetepelfcula, carrete

perdiendopolioique hay de?regalorevelarsaco (bolsa)ultimo precio

athaytayahlfoambrahahnteegwaydhahdhayssbahrrah (day pahn)boatayboataylyahkahndaylahbroasschoalyoakonkhaylahdoakwahdroassdaymahssyahdhoadaymahssyahdhoaahltoaaynkontraymoanoassgeessahntaysslahtoanleebrahmay taymoamwayblayssoafayrtahpahkaytaypayleekoolah,kahrraytaypayrdeeayndoapoalyoakay igh day?raygahloaraybaylahrsahkoa (boalsah)oolteemoapraytheeoa


On the beachEn la playa

Is there a quietbeach near here?

i Hay por aquf algu-na playa tranquila?

Jgh porr ahkeeahlgoonah plahyahtrankeela?

Which is the bestbeach?

iCual es la mejorplaya?

iKwahl ayss lah mekhorplahyah?

Is it safe for swim-ming?

cEs seguro paranadar aquf?

^Ayss sehgooroapahrah nadahr ahkee?

Is it far to walk? tSe puede irandando?

i,Se pwede eerahndahndoa?

Is there a bus tothe beach?

i,Hay autobus a laplaya?

<i,lgh owtohboos ah lahplahyah?

Is it safe for smallchildren?

i,Es seguro paraninos pequenos?

<i,Ayss sehgooroapahrah neenyoasspaykaynyoass?

Are there any dangerous currents?

cHay alguna co-rriente peligrosa?

ilgh algoonah korryeyn-tay payhleegroassah?

There's a strongcurrent here

Aquf hay muchacorriente.

Ahkee igh moochahkorryayntay.

Is there ali feguard?

<,Hay algunvigilante?

<j,lgh ahlgoonbeekheelahntay?

Does it get veryrough?

tSe pone el marbravo?

iSay pohnay ayl mahrbrahvoa?

What's the tem-perature of thewater?

tCual es la tempe-ratura del agua?

iKwahl ayss lah taym-payrahtoorah daylahgwah?

What time is high/low tide?

i,A que hora es lamarea alta/baja?

<i,Ah kay oarah ayss lahmahrehah ahltah/bahkhah?

Is the water cold? tEsta fn'a el agua? iAysstah freeah aylahgwah?

It's warm Esta caliente. Aysstah kahlyayntay.

On the beach - En la playa 100

Are there showers?Is the tide rising /fal l ing?

I want to hire a/an/some ...- air mattress-bathing hut-skin-diving


(umbrella)-surfboard- water-skis

Are you a strongswimmer?What's the chargeper hour?Is it deep?

You will be out ofyour depth.It's dangerousWhere can I renta ...?- canoe-motorboat- rowing-boat-sailing-boat

cHay duchas?tEsta la mareasubiendo/bajando?

tQuiero alquilar ...- un colchonneumatico

-una cabina- un equipo desubmarinismo

- una tumbona-una sombrilla

- una plancha de surf-unos esqufesacuaticos

&Nada usted bien?

t,Cuanto cobran porhora?£,Hay muchaprofundidad?No se hace pie.

Es peligroso.iDonde puedoalquilar ..?- una canoa- una motora- una barca- un velero

£lgh doochahss?iAysstah lah mahrayahsoobeehendoa/bahkhandoa?Kyayroa ahlkeelahr ...-oon koalchon

nayoomahteekoa-oonah kahbheenah-oon aykeepoa day

soobmahreeneesmoa- oonah toomboanah-oonah soambreelyah- oonah plahnchah

day surf-oonoass ayskeeayss

ahkwahteekoassiNahdah oosstehdbyayn?^Kwahntoa koabrahnporr oarah?i,lgh moochahproafoondeedadh?Noa say athay pyay.

Ayss payleehgroasoa.<i,Doanday pwaydhoaahlkeelahr ...?-oonah kahnoaah-oonah moatoarah-oonah bahrkah-oon baylehroa

Vocabulary - Vocabuianobeachquietto swimsafeto walkdangerous

playa plahyahtranquila trankeelahnadar nahdahrseguro sehgooroaandar ahndahrpeligroso payleegroasoa

101 On the beach - En la playa

currentslifeguardrough seahigh tidelow tidewarmcoldshowersto riserising tide

to fallfalling tide

to hireair mattress

bathing hutskin-diving


swimmerstrong swimmerdeepto chargedepthrentmotorboatcanoerowing-boatsailing-boat

corrientesvigilantemar picadamarea altamarea bajacalientefn'oduchassubirsubiendo la marea

caerbajando la marea

alquilarcolchon neumatico

cabinaequipo desubmarinismotumbonasombrillaplancha de surfesqufes acuaticos

nadadorbuen nadadorprofundidadcobrarprof undoalquilarmotoracanoabarcavelero

korryeyntayssbeekheelahntaymahr peehkahdahmahrayah ahltahmahrayah bahkhahkahlyayntayfreehoadoochahsssoobeehrsoobeehayndoa lahmahrayahkahayrbahkhandoa lahmahrayahahlkeelahrkoalchoannayoomahteekoakahbheenahaykeepoa daysoobmahreeneesmoatoomboanahsoambreelyahplahnchah day soorfayskeeayssahkwahteekoassnahdahdoarbooayn nahdahdoarproafoondeedadhkoabrahrproafoondoaahlkeelahrmoatoarahkahnoaahbahrkahbaylehroa


How nice of you Han sido muyto come! amables en venir.How nice to seeyou again!Welcome to ourhouse, come in!It's nice to haveyou here!It's wonderful tobe here!It was very niceof you to inviteus!1 appreciate yourinvitation.We thank you foryour kind invita-t ion.You have a verynice house.

It's a wonderfulplace you havehere.It's a very pleas-ant house youhave.Please, take aseat.You'll be comfort-able in thosearmchairs.

jCuanto me alegrode verles otra vez!Bienvenidos anuestra casa. Pasen.jCuanto me alegrode tenerles aqui!jEs maravillosoestar aqui!Han sido ustedesmuy amables eninvitarnos.Agradezco suinvitacion.Les agradecemossu amableinvitacion.Tienen ustedes unacasa muy bonita.

Tienen ustedes unsitio maravilloso.

Tienen ustedesuna casa muyagradableTomen asiento, porfavor.Estaran comodosen esos sillones.

Ahn seedoa mwee ahmah-blayss ayn bayneer.Kwahntoa may ahlaygroaday bayrlayss oatrah bayth!Beeaynbayneedoass ahnwaystrah kahsah. Pahssayn.Kwahntoa may ahlaygroaday taynayrlayss ahkee!Ayss mahrahbeelyoa-ssoah aystahr ahkee!Ahn seedoa oostaydayssmwee ahmahblayss ayneenbeetahrnoass.Ahgrahdaythkoa sooeenbeetahthyon.Layss ahgrahdaythay-moass soo ahmahblayeenbeetahthyon.Tyaynayn oostaydayssoonah kahsah mweeboaneetah.Tyaynayn oostaydayssoon seeteeoamahrahbeelyoassoa.Tyaynayn oostaydayssoonah kahsah mweeahgrahdahblay.Toamayn ahseeayntoa,porr fahbhor.Aystahrahn koamoadoassayn ayssoassseelyoahnayss.

At dinner andan invitation todinnerEnlacenayunainvitation para cenar

103 At dinner an invitation to dinner - En la cena y una invitacion para cenar

Let me have yourcoats.May I offer yousomething to drink.

Would you like tohave a drink?Would you like aglass of wine?To your health.I toast the successof our association.

Let's make a toast.Let's drink to ourcompany's success.

I'm drinking toyour success.Would you likeanother apperitif?

Do you prefer achampagnecocktail?Do you want abeer, or do youprefer cider?What would youlike, brandy,whisky, or perhapsa liqueur?Will you havesome coffee?White coffee orblack coffee?A glass of orangejuice, or do youprefer somethingstronger?May I have thesauce/salt/vinegar,please?

Denme los abrigos.

Me gustarfaofrecerles algopara tomar.oQuieren tomaralgo?iQuieren tomar unvaso de vino?A su salud.Brindo por elexito de nuestraasociacion.Brindemos.Bebamos por elexito de nuestracompama.Bebo por su exito.

&Le gustarfa tomarotro aperitivo?

cPrefiere usted uncoctel dechampagne?tQuiere una cerve-za o prefiere sidra?

cQue le gustarfa,conac, whisky, oquiza algun licor?

cQuiere algo decafe?tCafe con leche osolo?<j,Un vaso de zumode naranja, oprefiere algo masfuerte?t,Me da la salsa/sal/vinagre, porfavor?

Daynmay loassahbreegoass.May goostahreeahoafraythayrlayss ahlgoapahrah toamahr.Kyayrayn toamahrahlgoa?Kayrayn toamahr oonbahssoa day beenoa?Ah soo sahloodh.Breendoa porr aylaykseetoa day nwaystrahahsoatheeahthyon.Breendaymoass.Baybahmoass porr aylaykseetoa day nwaystrahkompahnyeeah.Bayboa porr sooaykseetoa.Lay goostahreeahtoamahr oatroaahpayreeteeboa?Prayfeeayray oostaydhoon koktayl daychahmpahn?Kyayray oonathayrbhaythah oaprayfeeayrey seedrah?Kay lay goostahreeah,koanyahk, weeskee, oakeethah ahlgoonleekoar?Kyayray ahlgoa daykahfay?Kahfay kon laychay oasoaloa?Oon bahssoa day thoo-moa day nahrahnkhah,oa prayfeeayray ahlgoamahss fwayrtay?May dah lah sahlsah/sahl/beenahgray, porrfahbhor.

At dinner an invitation to dinner - En la cena y una invitacion para cenar 104

Pass me the wa-ter/sugar/bread,please.May I pass youthe asparagus /pepper / mayon-naise?Can I have thesalad /wine / cof-fee, please?Have anotherglass of wine.Would you likeanother cup ofcoffee?

Paseme el agua/el azucar/el pan,por favor.cQuiere que lepase los esparra-gos/la pimienta/la mayonesa?&Me da la ensala-da/el vino/el cafe,por favor?Tome otro vasode vino.cLe apetece otrataza de cafe?

Pahsaymay ayl ahgwah,ayl athookahr, ayl pahn,porr fahbhor.Kyayray kay lay pahsayloass ayspahrrahgoass/lah peemyayntah/lahmayoanayssah?May dah lah aynsahlah-dhah/ayl beenoa/aylkahfay, porr fahbhor?Toamay oatroa bahssoaday beenoa.Lay ahpaytaythay oatrahtahthah day kahfay?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario








let's drink

to drink


a toast

I toast


white coffee

black coffee












un brindis



cafe con leche

cafe solo













oon breendees



kahfay kon laychay

kahfay soaloa



105 At dinner an invitation to dinner - En la cena y una invitacion para cenar






asparagusit's nice


let's make








how nice of you







take a seat




ju ice







es estupendoexito




mas fuerte





que amable de suparte







tomen asiento











ayss aystoopayndoa





mahss fwayrtay





kay ahmahblay daysoo pahrtay















Thank you for awonderful dinner.

Gracias poruna cena tanmaravillosa.

Grahthyahss porr oonahthaynah tahnmahrahbeelyossah.

Dinner was won-derful/delicious.

La cena ha sidomaravillosa/deliciosa.

Lah thaynah ah seedoamahrahbeelyoassah/dayleetheeoassah.

I really enjoyedthis evening.

Lo he pasado muybien esta noche.

Loa ayh pahsahdoamwee byayn aystahnoachay.

We must thank youfor such a lovelyevening.

Debemos darlelas gracias poruna velada tanmaravillosa.

Daybaymoass dahrlaylahss grathyahss porroonah baylahdah tahnmahrahbeelyoassah.

It has been a won-derful evening.

Ha sido una vela-da maravillosa.

Ah seedoa oonahbaylahdahmahrahbeelyoassah.

I must congratulatethe cook.

Debo felicitar alcocinero.

Dayboa fayleetheetahrahl koatheenayroa.

Congratulationsto the cook.

Felicitaciones ala cocinera.

Fayleetheetahthyonayssah Ian koatheenayrah.

Thank you for thewonderful time Ihad in yourcountry.

Gracias por estosdfas tan maravillo-sos en su pafs.

Grahthyahss porraystoass deeahss tahnmahrahbeelyoassoassayn soo pahees.

I really enjoyedmy stay in yourcountry.

Lo he pasado muybien en su pai's.

Loa ay pahsahdoamwee byayn ayn soopaheess.

I'll never forget mystay with you.

Nunca olvidaremi estancia conustedes.

Noonkah oalbeedayraymee aystahntheeah konoostaydhayss.

Saying Good-bye - Despidiendose

It's been wonderfulto stay here withyou all this time.

Thank you for yourhospitality.I'll be leaving atfive tomorrow.My plane is leavingat six.We are leavingearly in themorning.We should be homeby lunch time.

I'm taking the nighttrain.Give me a call whenyou get home.

Don't forget to write.

Send us a postcardwhen you get home.

Have you got mytelephone number?

Give my regards toyour wife/parents/husband/family.

Give a kiss to thechildren.It was a wonderfulparty.

Ha sido maravillo-so estar aqiri conustedes todo estetiempo.

Gracias por suhospitalidad.Me ire a las cincomanana.Mi avion sale a lasseis.Salimos tempranopor la manana.

Deben'amos llegara casa para la horade comer.

Cojo el tren denoche.Telefoneamecuando llegues acasa.No te olvides deescribir.Mandanos una pos-tal cuando lleguesa casa.tTienes mi numerode telefono?

Da recuerdos a tumujer/padres/marido/familia.

Da un beso a losninos.Ha sido una fiestamaravillosa.

Ah seedoa mahrah-beelyoassoa aystahrahkee kon oostay-dhayss toadoa aystahtyaympoa.Grahthyahss porr soooaspeetahleedhahdh.May eeray ah lahsstheenkoa mahnyahnah.Mee ahbhyon sahlayah lahss sayss.Sahleemoasstaymprahnoa porr lahmahnyahnah.Daybayreeahmoasslyaygahr ah kahsahpahrah lah oarah daykoamayr.Koakhoa ayl trayn daynoachay.Taylayfoanayahmaykwahndhoa lyaygayssah kahsah.Noa lay oalbeedayssday ayskreebeer.Mahndahnoass oonahpoastahl kwahdhoalyaygayss ah kahsah.Tyaynays meenoomayroa daytaylayfoanoa?Dah raykwayrdoass ahtoo mookhehr/pah-drayss/mahreedhoa/fahmeelyah.Dah oon bayssoa ahloass neenyoass.Ah seedoa oonafeeaystahmahrahbeelyoassah.


Saying Good-bye - Despidiendose 108

I really enjoyedyour party.

The party waswonderful.Thank you forcoming.It was very niceof you to come.

I'm glad you en-joyed yourselves.

Lo he pasado muybien en la fiesta.

La fiesta ha sidomaravillosa.Gracias por venir.

Ha sido usted muyamable en venir.

Me alegro que sehayan divertidoustedes.

Loa ay pahsahdhoamwee beeayn ayn lahfeeaystah.Lah feeaystah ah seedoamahrahbeelyoassah.Grahthyahss porrbayneer.Ah seedoa oostaydhmwee ahmahblay aynbayneer.May ahlaygroa kay sayahyahn deebayrteedhoaoostaydhayss.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario


cooklunchdeliciousenjoylovelycongratulatehospitalitycallwonderfulforgetcountryfor comingstayregardsleavingearlynight train




maravillosaolvidarpai'spor venirquedarserecuerdossaliendotempranotren de noche


paheessporr bayneer

kaydharsayraykwayrdhoasssahleeayndhoataymprahnoatrayn day noachay

109 Miscellaneous

Countries - Raises
























America delNorte / deSur/Central



















Ahmayreekahdaylnoartay/dayl soor/thayntrahl


























South Africa



















Africa delSur







Pai's deGales












Ahfreekah daylsoor








Ordinal numbers • Numeros ordinales




















una vez










oonah bayth


three times

a half

half a...

half of...


a quarter

one third

a dozen


dos veces

tres veces

una mitad


la mitad de


un cuarto

un tercio

una docena

3 por ciento

doss baythayss

trayss baythayss

oonah meetahdh


lah meetahdh day


oon kwahrtoa


oonah dothaynah

trayss porthyayntoa

Cardinal numbers - Numeros cardinales 110





































dieci nueve






























diez milcien milun millonmil millones

dyayth meelthyayn meeloon meelyonmeel meelyoanayss

Calendar - CalendarioJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune



after Junebefore Julyduring Augustin September

last monthnext monththe month beforethe month after




despues de junioantes de Juliodurante agostoen septiembre

el mes pasado

el mes proximoel mes anteriorel mes siguiente

dayspwayss day khoonyoaahntays day khoolyoadoorahntay ahgoastoaayn sehptyaymbray

ayl mayss pahssahdhoa

ayl mayss prokseemoaayl mayss ahntehryorayl mayss seegyayntay


at the beginning ofJanuaryin the middle of february

at the end of March

a principios de enero

a mediados de febrero

a finales demarzo

ah preentheepyoassdayaynayroaah maydhyahdhoass dayfehbrehroaah feenahlayss day mahrthoa

Seasons - Estacionesspringsummerautumnwinterin springhigh seasonlow season

laprimaverael veranoel otonoel inviernoen primaveraestacion altaestacion baja

lah preemahbhayrahayl bayrahnoaayl otoanoaayl eenbyaymoaayn preemahbhayrahayslahthyon ahltahaystahthyon bahkha

Dates - FechasWhat's the date today?

When's your birthday?

August 1 sl

May 10th

i,Enquefechaestamos?tCuandoessucumpleahos?el uno de agostoeldiezdemayo

aynkayfaychahaystahmoass?kwahndoaaysssookoomplayahnyoass?ayl oonoaday ahgoastoaayl dyayth day mahyoa

Days of the week - Dias de la semanaWhat day is it today?SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayin the morningduring the dayin the afternoonin the eveningat night

iQue dfa es hoy?domingolunesmartesmiercolesjuevesviernessabadoporlamananadurante el dfapor la tardepor la tardepor la noche

Kaydeeahayssoy?doameengoaloonayssmahrtayssmyayrkoalaysskhwaybhayssByaymayssSahbhadhoaporlahmanyahnahdoorahntay ayl deeahporlahtahrdayporlahtahrdayporlahnoachay

at dawnat dusk

al amaneceral anochecer

ahlahmahnaythayrahl ahnoachaythayr



yesterdaytodaytomorrowthe day beforethe next daytwo days agoin three days' timelast weeknext weekin two weeksbirthdaythe daythe day offholidayholidaysschool holidays

weekweekdayweekendworking day

ayerhoymananael di'a anterioreldfasiguientehacedosdfasen tres diasla semana pasadala semana proximapor una qulncenael cumpleanoseldfaeldialibreel di'a festivolas vacacioneslasvacacionesdelcolegiola semanael di'a de la semanaelf in de semanael di'a laborable


<¥manyahnahayl deeah ahntehryorayl deeah seegyayntayahthay doss deeahssayn trayss deeahsslah saymahnah pahssahdhahlah saymahnah prokseemahporoonah keenthehnahayl koomplayahnyoassayl deeahayl deeah leebrayayl deeah faysteebhoalahss bahkahthyonaysslahss bahkahthyonayss daylkoalekhyoalah saymahnahayl deeah day lah saymahnahayl feen day sahmahnahayl deeah lahbhoarahblay

Warnings/Notices - AvisosDownOpenUpLift/elevatorOut of orderGentlemenCash deskHotPrivate roadClosedClose the doorNo vacancyCautionBeware of the dogPushEntranceAdmission freeEnter without knockingCold

AbajoAbiertoArribaAscensorAveriadoCaballerosCajaCalienteCarretera particularCerradoCierre la puertaCompletoCuidadoCuidado con el perroEmpujarEntradaEntrada libreEntresinllamarFrfo

ahbahknoaahbyayrtoaahrreebahahsthaynsoarahbayrahdoakahbahlyayroasskahkhahkahlyayntaykahrraytayrah pahrteekoolahrthayrrahdhoathyayrray lah pwayrtahkomplaytoakweedhahdhoakweedhahdhoa kon ayl pay rroaaympookhahrayntrahdhahayntrahdhah leebrayayntray seen lyahmahrfreeoa


113 Miscellaneous

VacantDo not disturbDo not block entranceDo not touchOccupiedDangerDanger of deathWet paintPrivateNo littering

No entryNo smokingNo trespassing

SaleReservedWaiting roomExitEmergency exitTo let (for rent)For saleBicycle pathLadiesToiletsPullPlease ring

LibreNo molestarNo obstruya la entradaNo tocarOcupadoPeligroPeligro de muertePinturafrescaPrivadoProhibido arrojarbasurasProhibido entrarProhibido fumarProhibida la entrada apersonas no autorizadasRebajasReservadoSaladeesperaSalidaSalida de emergenciaSealquilaSe vendeSendero para bicicletasSenorasServiciosTirarToque el timbre, por favor

leebraynoamoalaystahrnoa oabstrooyah lah ayntrahdahnoatoakahroakoopahdhoapayleegroapayleegroa day mwayrtaypeentoorah f rayskahpreebahdhoaproaeebheedhoaahrroakhahrbahssoorahsproaeebheedhoa ayntrahrproaeebheedhoafoomahrproaeebneedhah lah ayntrahdhah ahpayrsoanahsnoaowtoareethahdhahssraybahkhahssraysayrbahdhoasahlah day ayspayrahsahleedhahsahleedhah dah aymay rkhayntheeahsayahlkeelahsaybyandaysayndayroa pah rah beetheeklaytahsssaynoarahsssehrbeethyoassteerahrtoakayaylteembray, porfahbhor

Usual phrases - Prases usualesGreetings - SaludosGood morningGood eveningGoodnightHello! Hi!How are you?Very well, thank youSee you tomorrowGood byeSee you soonHow do you do?

Buenos diasBuenas tardesBuenas nochescQuehay?,i,Quetal?tComo esta usted?Muy bien, graciasHasta mananaAdiosHasta prontoTanto gusto

BwaynoassdeeahssBwaynahss tahrdayssBwaynahs notchayssKayl?Kaytahl?Komoa aystah oostayd?Mwee byayn, grahthyahssAhstah manyahnahAhdyoassAhstah prontoaTantoa goostoa

Questions - PreguntasDo you speak Spanish?Do you understand?What did you say?What are you saying?Pardon?Who is it?What is that?Where are you going?What do you want?Are you sure?Really?How much?How many?Here or there?Why?

i,Habla usted espanol?tComprende usted?tComo ha dicho?tQue dice usted?tComo dice?tQuienes?oQueeseso?iDonde va usted?i,Que quiere usted?cEsta usted seguro?i,De veras?iCuanto?tCuantos?oAquioalla?iPorque?

Ahblah oostayd espanyohl?Komprenday oostayd?Komoaahdeechoa?Kay deethay oostayd?Komoadeethay?Kyayn ayss?Kayayssayssoa?Donday van oostayd?Kay kyayray oostayd?Aystah oostayd saygooroa?Dayverahss?Kwahntoa?Kwahntoass?Ahkeeohalyah?Porrkay?

Introductions - PresentacionesLet me introduce you to Mr. ...Glad to see youMy name is

LepresentoalSr...Mucho gustoMellamo

Lay praysayntoa al saynyorr ...Moochoa goostoaMay lyahmoa

Politeness - CortesfaCheers!WithpleasureExcuse meYou are verykind

Asu saludCon muchogustoDispenseEs usted muyamable

Ah soo sahloodKon moochoagoostoaDespaynsayAyss oostaidmoyahmahblay

Thank youThank youvery muchSorryPleaseSit down,please

GraciasMuchasgraciasPerdonPor favorSientese,por favor


Adjectives and pronouns - Adjetivos y pronombresPossessive adjectives - Adjetivos posesivos







Demonstrative pronouns -Pronombres demostrativos




Possessive pronouns -Pronombres posesivos





My Mi Mee

Your Tu Too

Verb To Be - Verbo SerPresentlamYou areHe / She / It isWe areYou areThey are

Past simpleIwasYou wereHe/She/It wasWe wereYou wereThey were

Past simpleIwasYou wereHe/She/It wasWe wereYou wereThey were

Future simpleI will beYou will beHe/She/It will beWe will beYou will beThey will be

PresenteYosoyTu eresEI/Ella/UstedesNosotros somosVosotros soisEllos/Ellas/Ustedes son

ImperfectoYoeraTu erasEI/Ella/UstederaNosotros eramosVosotros eraisEllos/Ellas/Ustedeseran

IndefinidoYofuiTu fuisteEI/Ella/UstedfueNosotros fuimosVosotros fuisteisEllos/Ellas/Ustedesfueron

FuturoYosereTu serasEl/ Ella /Usted seraNosotros seremosVosotros sereisEllos/Ellas/Ustedesseran

Present Perfect1 have beenYou have beenHe/She/It has beenWe have beenYou have beenThey have been

Past perfect1 had beenYou had beenHe/She/It had beenWe had beenYou had beenThey had been

Past perfect1 had beenYou had beenHe /She/It had beenWe had beenYou had beenThey had been

Future perfectI will have beenYou will have beenHe/She/It will havebeenWe will have beenYou will have beenThey will have been

Preterite PerfectoYo he sidoTu has sidoEl / Ella / Usted ha sidoNosotros hemos sidoVosotros habeis sidoEllos/Ellas/Ustedes hansido

PluscuamperfectoYo habfa sidoTu habfas sidoEI/Ella/Usted habfa sidoNosotros habfamos sidoVosotros habfais sidoEllos/Ellas/Ustedeshabi'an sido

AnteriorYohubesidoTu hubiste sidoEI/Ella/Usted hubo sidoNosotros hubimos sidoVosotros hubisteis sidoEllos/Ellas/Ustedeshubieronsido

Futuro perfectoYo habre sidoTu habras sidoEl /Ella/ Usted habrasidoNosotros habremos sidoVosotros habreis sidoEllos/Ellas/Ustedes

- Verbo EstarPresent

lamYou are

He /She /It is

We are

You are

They are



Tu estas

EI/Ella/Usted esta

Nosotros estamos

Vosotros estais


Present Perfect

I have been

You have been

He/She/It has been

We have been

You have been

They have been

Preterito Perfecto

Yo he estado

Tu has estado

IEI/ Ella /Usted ha estado

Nosotros hemos estado

Vosotros habeis estado

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hanestado


Verb To Be


Past simpleIwasYou wereHe/She/It wasWe wereYou wereThey were

Past simpleIwasYou wereHe/She/It wasWe we reYou wereThey were

Future simpleI will beYou will beHe/She/It will be

We will beYou will beThey will be

ImperfectoYo estabaTu estabasEI/Ella/Usted estabaNosotros stabamosVosotros estabaisEllos/Ellas/Ustedesestaban

IndelinidoYoestuveTu esluvisteEI/Ella/UstedestuvoNosotros estuvimosVosotros estuvisteisEllos/Ellas/Ustedesestuvieron

FutureYo estareTu estarasEl /Ella /listedestaraNosotros estaremosVosotros estareisEllos/Ellas/Ustedesestaran

Verb To Have - Verbo Tenerresent

lhaveYouhaveHe /She /It hasWe haveYouhaveThey have

Past simplelhadYou hadHe/She/It hadWe hadYou hadThey had

PresenteYotengoTu tienesEI/Ella/Usted tieneNosotros tenemosVosotros teneisEllos/Ellas/Ustedestienen

mperfectoYoteniaTu ten fasEl /Ella /Usted tenfaNosotros teniamosVosotros tenfaisEllos/Ellas/Ustedesenian

Past perfectI had beenYou had beenHe/She/It had beenWe had beenYou had beenThey had been

Past perfectI had beenYou had beenHe/ She/It had beenWe had beenYou had beenThey had been

Future perfectI will have beenYou will have beenHe /She /It willhave beenWe will have beenYou will have beenThey will havebeen

PluscuamperfectoYohabiaestadoTu habfas estadoEI/Ella/Usted habia estadoNosotros habfamos estadoVosotros habiais estadoEllos/Ellas/Ustedes habi'anestado

AnteriorYohube estadoTu hubiste estadoEl / Ella/ Usted hubo estadoNosotros hubimos estadoVosotros hubisteis estadoEllos/Ellas/Ustedeshubieron estado

Futuro perfectoYohabre estadoTO habras estadoEI/Ella/Usted habraestadoNosotros habremos estadoVosotros habreis estadoEllos/Ellas/Ustedes habranestado

Present perfect1 have hadYou have hadHe/She/It has hadWe have hadYou have hadThey have had

Past perfectI had hadYou had hadHe/ She/It had hadWe had hadYou had hadThey had had

Pret. PerfectoYohetenidoTu has tenidoEl /Ella /Usted ha tenidoNosotros hemos tenidoVosotros habeis tenidoEllos/Ellas/Ustedes hantenido

PluscuamperfectoYohabfa tenidoTuhabias tenidoEl / Ella/ Usted habia tenidoNosotros habfamos tenidoVosotros habiais tenidoEllos/Ellas/Ustedes habiantenido



Past simple


You had


We had

You had

They had

Future simple

I will have

You will have

He /She /It willhave

We will have

You will have

They will have



Tu tuviste


Nosotros tuvimos

Vosotros tuvisteis




Tu tendras


Nosotros tendremos

Vosotros tendreis


Past perfect

I had had

You had had

He/She/It had had

We had had

You had had

They had had

Future perfect

I will have had

You will have had

He /She /It willhave had

We will have had

You will have had

They will have had


Yohube tenido

Tuhubiste tenido

El /Ella/Usted hubo tenido

Nosotros hubimos tenido

Vosotros hubisteis tenido

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedeshubieron tenido

Future perfecto

Yohabre tenido

Tuhabras tenido


Nosotros habremos tenido

Vosotros habreis tenido

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habrantenido

Times Differences of G.M.T. in relation with other countriesAden -1Afghanistan +4 '/2Germany +1Algeria + 1Argentina -3Australia +10(Victoria)Austria +1Belgium +1Bermudas -4Bolivia -4Borneo +8Brazil (East) -3Brazil (West) -4Bulgaria +2Canada -4(Atlantic)Canada -8(Pacific)Canarias 0Ceylon +5 1/2Colombia -5

Congo +1(Leopolville)Chile -4Costa Rica -6Cuba -5Czechoslovakia+1Denmark +1Ecuador -5Egypt +2Spain +1Philippines +8Finland +2France +1Great Britain 0Greece +2Netherlands +1Hong-Kong +8Hungary +1

(Java)Iran +3 Vz

Irak +3 1/2Israel +2Italy +1Jamaica -5Japan +9Kenya -1-3Madagascar +3Malaya +7 VzMexico -6Mozambique +2New Zealand +12Nigeria +11Norway +1Pakistan +5Panama -5Paraguay -4

Poland +1Portugal +1Rodesia +2Rumania +2

Saudi Arabia +3Singapur +5 VzSouth Africa +2Sweden +1Switzerland +1Syria +2Tanganika +3Thailand +7Trinidad -4Turkey +2Uganda +3Russia +3USA (East) -5USA (Centre) -6USA (Pacific) -7USA (West -8Coast)USA (Alaska) -11USA(Hawai) -10Uruguay -3Venezuela -4 Vz









Money - Monedas


Argentina peso

Bolivia boliviano

Brasil cruzeiro

Colombia peso

Costa Rica colon

Cuba peso

Chile peso

Rep. DominicanaEcuadorEspanaGuatemalaHondurasMejicoNicaraguaPanama


Paraguay guarani

Peru sol

Puerto Rico dolardelosEstados Unidos

El Salvador colon

Uruguay peso

Venezuela bolfvar

Equivalence - Equivalencia

Measures of surface1 44 square inches = 1 square foot9 square feet = 1 square yard30 1 12 square yards = 1 square vara40 square varas = 1 rood

340 acres = 1 square mile

Measures of weight437, 7 grains = 1 onza16 ounces = 1 libra14 pounds = 1 stone28 pounds = 1 quarter4 quarters = 1 hundredweight

Measures of volume1 ,728 cubic inches27 cubic feet5,8cubicfeet

= 1 cubic foot= 1 cubic yard= 1 bulk barrel


1 cubic foot =1 dm =

28,31 dm3

61, 023 cubic inches

Measures of capacity

1 fluid dracma5 fluid ounces2 gills2 pints4 quart2 gallons4 pecks8 bushels36 gallons

= 1 fluid ounce

=1 gill=1 pint=1 quart.=1 imperial gallon=1 peckj , , ,

=1 quarter=1 bulk barrel

Other measures

ton reg. =1 00 cubic feet

knot = 1 nautical mile per hour

nautical mile = 6,080 feet

feet = 1 fathom

league =3 nautical miles

Measures of length

1 2 inches3 feet5 1 12 yards =4 varas =

8 stadia =

1 foot1 yard1 vara1 chain1 stadium1 mile

4 roods

4,840square yards=1 acre=1 acre

20hundred weight = 1 ton

10 chains






119 MiscellaneousDistances, measures and weights - Distancia medidas y pesos

Kilometres to miles / 1 kilometre (km.) = 0.62 miles

km. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

miles 6 12 19 25 31 37 44 50 56 62 75 81

Miles to kilometres / 1 mile = 1.609 kilometres (km.)

miles 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

km. 16 32 48 64 80 97 113 129 145 161

Measures of liquids / 1 litre (I.) = 0.88 imp. quarts = 1.06 U.S. quarts

1 imp.quart=1.14l./1 U.S.quart = 0.951.71 imp.gallon = 4.55 I. / 1 U.S.gallon = 3.8 I.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

imp. gal. 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.911.0

U.S. gal. 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.110.411.713.0

Weights and measures / 1 kilogram or kilo (kg.) = 1000 grammes (g.)

100g. = 3.5oz. / 1/2kg. = 1oz. =28.35g. / 1kg. = 2.2lb. / 1 1b. = 453.60g.


1 inch (pulgada) = 25,4 mm

1 foot (pie) = 0,3048 m

1 yard (yarda) = 0,9144 m

1 mile (milla) = 1,609 km

1 cm = 0,3937 inches = 0,03280 feet

1 m = 3,2808 feet =1,0936 yards

1 km =0,62137 miles


1 square foot = 0,093m2

1 square yard =0,8361 m2

1 acre = 0,4047 Ha

= 10,764 square feet

1 area = 1.076,4 square feet= 0,02471 acres

Capacity1 quart (USA) = 0,9463 litres1 quart (G.B.) = 1,1364 litres1 pint (USA) =0,4731 litres1 pint (G.B.) = 0,5682 litros1 gallon (USA) =3,7853 litros1 gallon (G.B.) =4,546 litros1 bushel (USA) =35,2382 litros1 bushel (G.B.) =36,3676 litros1 litre = 0,212gallonsG.B.

= 0,264 gallons USA= 1,756 pints G.B.

Weight1 pound =0,4536 kg1 pound =0,3732 kg1 ounce = 28,35 g1onza = 31,10g1kg = 35,274 ounces1kg = 2,205 pounds

Miscellaneous 120

Centimetres and inchesTo convert centimetres into inchesmultiply byO.30

To convert inches into centimetresmultiply by 2,54

inch. ft. yds.

1mm. 0.039 0.003 0.001

1cm. O39 O03 0.01

1dm. 3J94 O32 0.10

1m. 39.40 3.28 1.09

mm. cm. m.

1inch 25.4 2.54 0.025

1foot 304.8 30.48 0.304~

1yard 914.4 91.44 0.914

(32 metres = 35 yards)

TemperatureTo convert Centigrades toFahrenheit multiply Centigradesby 1.8 and add 32.

To convert Farenheit intoCentigrades take 32 fromFahrenheit and divide by 1.8.


°C = (°F -32) 5/9°F = 9/5 + 32