Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning Chapter 21 Male Genitalia

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Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning

Chapter 21

Male Genitalia

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Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning

Competencies Identify the anatomic landmarks

of the male genitalia. Describe the characteristics of the

most common male reproductive chief complaints.

Perform inspection, palpation, and auscultation on an adult male.


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Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning

Competencies Explain the pathophysiological

rationale for abnormal findings. Document male reproductive

assessment findings. Describe the pathological changes

that occur in the male reproductive system with the aging process.

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Anatomy Testes Seminal vesicles Bulbourethral glands Epididymis Ductus deferens


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Anatomy Ejaculatory ducts Urethra Scrotum Penis Glans penis Spermatic cord

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Physiology Spermatogenesis Male sexual function

Erection Lubrication Emission Ejaculation

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Health History Age

Adolescent to young adult Middle to older adult

Race Caucasian

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Common Chief Complaints Urethral discharge Palpable mass Erectile dysfunction Penile lesion Scrotal pain

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Characteristics of Chief Complaint Quality Quantity Associated manifestations Aggravating and alleviating factors Setting Timing

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Past Health History Medical history

Male-genitalia specific Nonmale-genitalia specific

Surgical history Medications

Antibiotics, antihypertensives, psychotropics

Communicable diseases STDs, penile lesion


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Past Health History Allergies

Spermicides Injuries/accidents Special needs Childhood illnesses

Mumps Orchitis


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Past Health History Family Social

Substance use Sexual practices Work environment

Health maintenance Safe sex Routine testicular exams

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Assessment Equipment

Culture supplies Nonsterile gloves

General approach Physical environment Decrease apprehension Privacy

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Inspection Hair distribution Penis

Size, shape, lesions, swelling, inflammation

Scrotum Size, shape, lesions,

inflammation, swelling, nodules


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Inspection Urethral meatus

Location, discharge Inguinal area

Bulges, masses

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Inspection: Abnormal Findings Alopecia Lice or nits present Penile lesions Hypospadias Epispadias


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Inspection: Abnormal Findings Hydrocele Spermatocele Varicocele Urethral discharge Hernias

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Palpation Penis

Assess for tenderness, pulsations, masses Urethral meatus

Assess for discharge Scrotum

Assess for masses, tenderness, spermatic cord Inguinal area

Assess for hernias Abnormal findings

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Palpation: Abnormal Findings Vascular insufficiency Penile edema Urethral discharge Spermatocele Cryptorchidism Orchitis Scrotal edema Hernias

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Auscultation Scrotum Abnormal findings

Presence of bowel sounds may indicate indirect inguinal hernia

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Gerontological Variations Thinner pubic hair Decreased testosterone levels Penile and testicular atrophy Slightly decreased spermatogenesis Increased time to obtain erection Increased risk for impotence

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Normal Findings Triangular shaped distribution of

pubic hair Penile skin is free of lesions and

inflammation Penile shaft skin is loose and

wrinkled Foreskin retracts easily


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Normal Findings No discharge from foreskin Scrotal skin is pigmented,

rugated, and thin No lesions, nodules, swelling, or

inflammation are present in the scrotal area

Left scrotal sac is lower than the right


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Normal Findings No bulges or swelling are present

in the inguinal area Penis is nontender Able to palpate a pulse on the

dorsal side of the penis Urethral meatus is free of



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Normal Findings Testicles are firm, ovoid, smooth, and

equal in size Spermatic cord is smooth and round Small, freely mobile lymph nodes are

present in the inguinal area The inguinal area is free from bulges

or palpable masses No bowel sounds are present in the


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Special Techniques Androscopy

Used to identify skin lesions Urethral culture

Used to identify causative organism of penile discharge

Transillumination of the scrotum Used to determine the etiology of a

scrotal mass