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Copyright © 2014 Running & Weight Loss 1 · This report was produced to help people lose weight with running while significantly improving their health and fitness, and body. The

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Page 1: Copyright © 2014 Running & Weight Loss 1 · This report was produced to help people lose weight with running while significantly improving their health and fitness, and body. The

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Disclaimer This report was produced to help people lose weight with running while significantly improving their health and fitness, and body. The information within this report is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice of health care professionals. You should always consult with your doctor before starting or altering your exercise or diet plan. You should always consult your doctor for a complete medical evaluation to make sure it is safe for you to exercise. You should also consult your doctor if you or your family have other health problems such as diabetes, high/low blood pressure, heart disease, or high cholesterol.

Copyright Notice All Rights Reserved. This report is Copyright © 2014 Running & Weight Loss. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic or mechanical), given away, shared, or sold. The material within this report is protected under International Copyright Laws. Any unauthorised reprint or use of this product is strictly prohibited.

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Contents About James Porter 4 Why you need to read this report 6 Huge Mistake 1 – Not starting running or quitting too early 8 Huge Mistake 2 – Using the wrong running methods 14 Huge Mistake 3 – Only concentrating on the calories burned during the run 16 Huge Mistake 4 – Focusing on weight loss but ignoring fat loss 19 Huge Mistake 5 – Running in a fat burning zone 21 Huge Mistake 6 – Not running hard enough 23 Huge Mistake 7 – Overcompensating with food 25 What you have learned from this report 27

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About James Porter

Hi, it’s James here. I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and let you know a bit more about me and my website. It all started over 16 years ago, way back in July 1997. That’s when I decided to start running to see what it was like and what it would do for me. The problem I had was that I just hadn’t been doing any exercise and my diet was poor to say the least.

I had been neglecting my health and body and watching them deteriorate even further wasn’t something I was enjoying. As you would expect it didn’t make me feel very good and I knew it was only going to get worse if I didn’t do anything about it. Anyway, it came to the point where I just didn’t want to be unfit and unhealthy anymore. I wanted to be fit and healthy, and have a better looking body. So I started running... What I quickly found out is that I wasn’t a good runner. In fact I was pretty poor and I found it all quite a struggle. However, to my surprise I found that I actually enjoyed running and over a period of months I went from struggling to motivate myself to get out there... to never wanting to miss a run again. It was quite a turnaround. The benefits that I got from running just made it something that I wanted to do more and more. Yes there was the improved health, improved fitness, and better looking body, but I also experienced other things like more energy, more confidence, and feeling much more alive. Over the years I have got so much from running, much more than I ever expected. I went from being unfit and unhealthy... to improving so much that I was eventually able to train with world class athletes.

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I went from knowing nothing about running... to learning from a world class coach as well as studying to become a qualified UK Athletics Coach for Speed and Endurance running. It’s been a long journey since I first started running but it’s been a very enjoyable and rewarding one. I’ve learned so much over the years and built up a wealth of knowledge and experience about running, as well as many other areas of health and fitness. When I realised that I could be a big help to people wanting to lose weight with running, and I knew it would be something I would enjoy doing, I decided to make a big commitment in my life and do something about it. So I developed my Running and Weight Loss website and various running programs to help you get maximum weight loss, health and fitness, and body shape results using running. The thing is, I know from first-hand experience what running can do for you and I know how to get outstanding results. Tens of thousands of people have benefited from my advice and I have customers from around the world who use my running programs to get great results. If you are ready to follow my running programs and advice then I honestly believe that you will be very successful, and be a lot happier with your health, fitness, and body. I take a lot of pride in what I do and get a lot of satisfaction from it. I genuinely want to help people lose weight with running as much as I can. That’s why I always provide high quality products and services and it’s why the results that my customers have speak for themselves. What about you? Are you ready to get much quicker and much better running and weight loss results? James Porter www.runningandweightloss.com

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Why you need to read this report Congratulations! By taking the time to request this report you have taken an important step towards getting the BEST out of your running and being able to lose weight in a quick and efficient manner. Running is quite simply an excellent way to burn calories and lose weight. It also provides you with many other benefits such as much improved health, greatly improved fitness, and a better looking body. With these kinds of benefits it’s easy to see why running has become such a popular activity for people from all walks of life and especially with people who want to lose weight. You really do have so much to gain from running. Having said this, the vast majority of people that try to lose weight with running don’t get anywhere near the weight loss results, health and fitness, and body that they want. They just don’t know what running methods are available, which are the best ones to use based on their current situation, how to use them individually, or how to use them together as part of an effective training plan. This results in a large amount of wasted time and effort. There’s also a LOT of frustration that goes along with it when people don’t get the weight loss results that they want or feel they deserve. They may still lose some weight and improve their running ability but they spend years getting average or poor results compared to what they could have got. The reason that I wrote this report is to help YOU avoid the most common mistakes that so many people make when trying to lose weight with running. I expect that you are making several of these mistakes right now and it’s really holding you back. By avoiding these mistakes you’ll progress towards your desired weight, health and fitness, and the body that you want, while saving months or even years of wasted time, effort, and frustration. You’ll be able to focus on the important areas of running which means that you’ll improve your running ability and lose weight in a much more effective manner... Rather than wasting your time and effort on running methods or strategies that only provide you with average or poor results.

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Whether you are new to running, or an experienced runner that wants to lose weight, you’ll discover how to avoid these seven huge mistakes to get much better running and weight loss results.

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Huge Mistake 1 – Not starting running or quitting too early

Two of the biggest mistakes that people make when wanting to lose weight with running are these:

1. Thinking about running but deciding not to make a start

2. Starting running but then quitting too early So why would anyone think about using the excellent weight loss activity of running but then not do anything about it? Or why would they start using running to lose weight but then quit before they have even had a chance to be successful? Well there are several reasons for this which I’ve explained below... Uncertainty about the health benefits of running I’m sure you have heard people scaremonger about how running can be bad for your health. Mention that you are thinking about running, or have started running, to several people and very quickly you’ll hear things like “Running, isn’t that bad for your knees?” or “Haven’t you got more chance of dying if you run?” The truth is that the answers to both these questions are “NO” and “NO”, and the facts show the exact opposites to be true. This is proven by the results of scientific studies which come out every single year. Two of the most comprehensive studies concerning running and disability were carried out over an 8 year period at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the US. Here they are...

“Aging, Long-Distance Running, and the Development of Musculoskeletal Disability” (‘The American Journal of Medicine’, April 1987) “Running and the Development of Disability with Age” (Annals of Internal Medicine’, October 1994)

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These two studies compared runners and non-runners where the runners averaged about 27 miles of running per week and had been running for an average of 12 years. The results showed that runners have a lower risk of arthritis and disability in their muscular and skeletal systems compared to people who don’t run. Disabling problems in the legs were actually five times more likely to occur in sedentary individuals, compared to runners, and disabling conditions in the arms and shoulders were 20 times more likely to develop in non-runners. Runners made fewer visits to the doctor, spent about 33% less time in the hospital, missed half as many work days, and had lower blood pressures and resting heart rates, compared to non-runners. Runners also used fewer medications than sedentary people and spent significantly less money on health care. In addition to this, runners gave themselves higher perceived health ratings. Not only were they much healthier than non-runners but they also felt much healthier. Overall, 7% of the non-runners died during the study period compared to just 1.5% of runners. In a follow up study 21 years later, only 15% of the runners had died, compared to 34% of the non-runners. Only one runner died from cardiovascular disease over the original 8 year period compared to 10 non-runners which highlights the tremendous health benefits of running for your heart. As well as having better cardiovascular fitness the runners also weighed less. The runners even aged slower than non-runners. Male runners developed musculoskeletal problems at a 40% lower rate than male non-runners. For females it was even better. The female runners developed problems at an 89% lower rate than female non-runners. In summary the runners were leaner, reported joint symptoms less frequently, took fewer medications, had fewer medical problems, and had fewer instances of disability which were also less severe. In fact there wasn’t a shred of evidence to support the idea that running provided a higher risk of musculoskeletal disability, the complete opposite was true!

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With proven results like these, it’s clear to see that it’s not running that provides any health risks, but it’s actually being sedentary and avoiding running that provides the biggest health risks. Therefore don’t allow people to mislead you and put you off running, and don’t let them discourage you from running once you’ve started. The next time someone questions what you are trying to achieve with running, tell them the fantastic health benefits of running, and ask them a question... “So with all these health benefits why don’t you run?” It would be interesting to hear what other excuses they can come up with! Running won’t ruin your knees and it’s highly unlikely that you’ll die from running. The truth is that running provides massive health benefits, one of which is that it’s an excellent activity for helping you reach your desired weight and maintain your weight once you get there. With all these facts about running it’s definitely a ‘no-brainer’. If you want to lose weight and significantly improve your health and fitness at the same time, then take up running and stick at it. It really is that simple!

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Listening to people who don’t know any better You’ve seen on the last few pages how people can totally destroy your chances of running and losing weight even before you’ve started by providing you with false information. Here are several reasons why they do this and also what you can do about it... They have a lack of knowledge and experience Anybody who tells you things like running will ruin your knees simply doesn’t know their facts. Ask them where they got their information from and they won’t be able to provide a valid answer. They are likely to say that they heard it from someone else or they’ll say that it’s common knowledge to make them sound more believable. Think of it this way, if there were any studies that proved that running is bad for your health then it would be all over the news. Businesses that promote non-running fitness products, slimming pills, magic potions, etc, would be shouting it from the roof tops. Also, if all those athletes who have done thousands upon thousands of miles running over many decades had health problems due to running then you would have heard about it. Why haven’t you heard any real facts that running damages your health? Because they don’t exist. That’s why you shouldn’t listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. Many people take advice from people who have little knowledge and experience and then wonder why they end up with poor results. Instead it makes far more sense to seek the help of experts, like myself, and take advantage of all my year’s knowledge and experience about running and losing weight. That’s how you are going to get much quicker results!

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They want an excuse If someone is telling you negative things about running, or why you shouldn’t do it, then it’s often because they want an excuse not to run themselves. It’s very easy to think something like “Running is bad for you, so therefore it’s alright if I don’t run”. That’s the easy way out! Dismiss something and then do nothing and forget all about it. It’s much harder to learn the truth and take on the challenge. That’s why you get so many more rewards when you do it! At least now you have learned the truth and you have the option of whether you want to take on the challenge and experience the rewards. Are you going to use running to lose weight and get the health, fitness, and body that you really want? Or, are you going to accept your current weight and hope that somehow it doesn’t get worse the older you get? They don’t want you to be successful It’s a harsh reality that some people just don’t want you to lose weight, even though they might be your family or closest friends. That’s why you will sometimes hear them say things that are in their best interests rather than yours. But why do they do this? Well they often don’t want to be left behind or they feel jealous that you are improving certain parts of your life and feeling happier. This can make them think that they could also do the same and do something positive that would benefit their life. Sometimes they do. However, rather than make the effort to improve their life it’s often much easier to bring you down instead. There may also be people who make a joke of what you’re trying to achieve or put you down whether they mean to or not. To be successful with running and losing weight you need to try to ignore these negative influences and only involve people that are going to be both helpful and supportive.

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Scared of change No matter what you want to achieve in life it can be really difficult to break out of the comfort zone and take a step forwards. Maybe you are uncertain about your running ability, or whether you can reach your desired weight with running. This makes it easy to quit at the first sign of difficulty, or it could mean that you don’t even start in the first place. This is usually down to a lack of confidence and self belief. If you believe that you can do it and you can see yourself reaching a weight that you are happy with then you’ll give running a good try and you’ll make the changes that are needed to be successful. There’s absolutely no doubt that you can lose weight with running. Thousands upon thousands of people have done it before, so why can’t you? Try to be persistent and give running a proper chance. Make a commitment to stick at running for at least 4 weeks and you’ll start experiencing some very positive benefits.

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Huge Mistake 2 – Using the wrong running methods One of the main problems people have when trying to lose weight with running is that they are simply using the wrong type of running methods. While it’s possible to lose weight using any running method, or any other form of exercise, the real question is this... “What are the most effective running methods to lose weight in the quickest time and keep the weight off over the long term?” The most obvious way to lose weight with running is to just keep running more and more miles because then you’ll burn more calories. So that’s what many people do. They build up to a mile, then to 3 miles, then to 6 miles, and they keep going from there. With this type of training it’s all about quantity, there is little or no quality running. There’s no doubt that you can lose weight by running for long distances but there are many drawbacks to this way of running which include the following... Firstly, by only using one running method and running at the same speed all the time you are using running in the least interesting and least enjoyable way due to lack of variety. This way of running is also very time consuming. It also means that you are more likely to suffer from an overuse injury due to repeating the same movements thousands and thousands of times. Plus you will lose weight from muscle as well as fat which causes a whole host of problems. For example, even if you reached your desired weight you would have a higher body fat percentage than what you could have. This means that you are likely to look like a miniature version of yourself rather than getting the body that you really want. Having less muscle also results in you having a lower metabolism which means that even if you did lose the weight, you would need to stick to a lower calorie diet just to keep the weight off! By just trying to run for a longer time or a longer distance you’ll also see slower improvements to your fitness and running ability. So it will take longer for you to lose weight and it will take longer to get the health, fitness, and body that you want.

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The fact is there are far more effective, more enjoyable, and less time consuming ways of using running to lose weight. You can use a greater variety of running methods which makes running more enjoyable and it’s much more likely that you’ll keep motivated and stick at it. You can also develop a more toned and athletic look where you reach your desired weight while also having a low body fat percentage and getting the body that you want. Therefore try not to become obsessed by how many miles you run. The number of miles is totally irrelevant when losing weight, at least if you want to lose weight using the most effective running methods and strategies. That’s why you not only don’t need to run long distances to lose weight, but you shouldn’t. It’s not because they aren’t effective, but because there are much better, and much more effective running methods available. In fact your longest run can be 3 miles or less and you can still have MUCH more success at losing weight and fat than someone who runs for miles and miles every day. There is so much more to losing weight with running than just running for longer, longer, and longer again. To get the best running and weight loss results your aim should be to progress to more effective running methods as your fitness and running ability increase. You can then keep improving your ability to burn calories and keep losing weight, while avoiding those frustrating weight loss plateaus where you spend weeks or months stuck at the same weight. Over time you can gain the ability to burn lots of calories with ease and your weight will no longer be a problem. You’ll simply be able to enjoy running while being happy with your weight, health, fitness, and body.

During this report I explain the importance of using different running methods. What’s just as important is HOW you use these running methods, because they can be used in many different ways depending on your running and weight loss goals. So it’s important for you to remember this... It’s the running methods that you use, and how you use them, that determines how quickly you lose weight, how quickly you improve your health and fitness, and what your body will look like after you lose weight.

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Huge Mistake 3 – Only concentrating on the calories burned during the run

This mistake is closely linked to using the wrong type of running methods as described in “Huge Mistake 2”. It’s also another reason why many people fall into the “more miles are better” mindset. If you compare all the different running methods then the best strategy for burning calories during the run is often just to try and run as far as you can, and keep increasing the distance as much as possible. So that’s what many people do. However there is so much more to losing weight with running than the number of calories burned during the run, which is why this should NOT be your main focus when using running to lose weight. By only focusing on this aspect of losing weight with running it can take much longer to reach your desired weight. It also makes the whole process of losing weight much more frustrating. Let’s take a look at why other running methods provide many more weight loss benefits, even though they often burn fewer calories during the run itself.

1. Burning more calories after the run The type of running methods that you use, and the difficulty of your runs, has a BIG effect on how many calories you burn after the run. Some running methods result in your body having to take in more oxygen and work harder to repair muscles and replenish energy stores after the run. This results in many more calories being burned. By using the right running methods and strategies you can increase your metabolism for more than 24 hours. This means that even if you burned fewer calories during the run itself, you will burn more calories for the other 23 hours or so of the day.

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2. Burning more fat after the run Some running methods burn fewer calories and less fat during the run, yet they burn many more calories and MUCH more fat after the run. For example, the results from a scientific study showed how a group of people trained at low effort levels and burned around 50% more calories than a group using a different training method. However, over the 20 week period the second group lost 3 times as much fat as the first group despite burning fewer calories during the training sessions. They were simply using a more effective training method.

3. Greater fitness Studies have shown that using some running methods increases cardiovascular fitness much quicker than other running methods, This is because when you challenge your body in the right way it adapts to the stress and becomes fitter and stronger. This improved fitness and strength means that you are able to complete higher quality running and therefore you gain the ability to burn more calories with every single run. This makes it a LOT easier to lose weight.

4. Maintaining more lean muscle Using some running methods also allows you to maintain more lean muscle, which means that you get to keep your muscle while losing weight from fat. This provides you with a higher metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore you burn more calories throughout every single day, even while you sleep. This also makes it easier to maintain your desired weight over the long term because you don’t need to stick to a strict diet just to maintain your weight.

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Summary These factors make it easy to appreciate that the number of calories burned during a run is only part of the whole running and weight loss picture. They show why some running methods are far more effective for losing weight than others, even if they burn fewer calories during the run itself. So try not to get caught up in the “more miles are better” mindset because this is far from the reality. There are other running methods that provide much more variety and will significantly improve your ability to burn calories and fat. What’s the result? You get quicker weight loss, quicker improvements to your health and fitness, and a better looking body.

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Huge Mistake 4 – Focusing on weight loss but ignoring fat loss

As mentioned with “Huge Mistake 3” many people only concentrate on the calories burned during the run. So they try to run longer distances to lose weight and don’t even consider where the weight loss is coming from. By only focusing on losing weight, but ignoring how much muscle you are maintaining and how much fat you are losing, it can take much longer for you to lose the weight that you want. It can also provide you with a body that’s a similar shape and look to before you started running due to losing weight from both muscle and fat. So you should know that the more you challenge your muscles during a run the more your body will try to repair them afterwards and make them stronger, rather than using your muscle tissue for energy. That’s why completing a shorter and quicker run that requires more leg power means that you’ll maintain more lean muscle while you lose weight from fat. On the other hand, completing a very long and slow run will have the effect of burning both muscle and fat. This is often a disaster for long term weight loss, keeping the weight off, and getting the body that you want. Many people don’t realise that different running methods have a totally different training effect on your body and how it looks. The running methods that you use to lose weight, and how you use them, will decide how much muscle you lose, how much fat you lose, and ultimately what your body will look like when you have reached your desired weight. For example, consider how marathon runners train. They perform lots of slow miles of running each week and don’t really challenge their muscles that much, which is why they end up with little muscle and tend to look very thin and skinny. So if you train like a marathon runner by running for lots of miles then this is the body shape that you are training to become. However, with other running methods you can progress towards a more toned and athletic looking body which is what most people really want.

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You could say that you’re going to lose weight by running lots of miles and then cut back on your running when you reach your desired weight, rather than continuing doing lots of miles and becoming very thin. One of the main problems with this is that although you’ll have reached your desired weight you will also have lost lots of muscle along the way. You will end up having less muscle and more fat than if you had used other running methods. This is why you can easily become like a miniature version of your previous self. You’ll have reduced both your muscle and fat which means that you have a higher body fat percentage than what you could have and you are still NOT happy with your body. You would also have the problem that you would always need to maintain a high running mileage in order to maintain your weight. This is because having little muscle means that you would have a low metabolic rate so your body burns less calories. Therefore if you were to stop running for any reason, like a holiday or getting injured, you would need to stick to a low calorie diet to avoid putting the weight back on. On the other hand if you use more effective running methods and lose your weight from fat, then you will have more muscle and your metabolic rate will be much higher. This makes it much easier to reach your desired weight and then maintain this weight over the long term. With all this in mind, it makes much more sense to use running methods that enable you to lose weight quicker, make it easier for you to keep the weight off, and provide you with an attractive toned and athletic looking body.

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Huge Mistake 5 – Running in a fat burning zone Many people aim to lose weight by training in a “fat burning zone” which is a very misunderstood and over-rated method of losing weight and fat. Do they really believe that losing weight would be as simple and easy as having a 30 minute stroll on the stationary bike or treadmill in the gym while watching television or chatting with a friend? The theory behind the fat burning zone is that by exercising at a low effort level, and keeping your heart rate within a certain range, your body will burn a greater amount of fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. This is only correct in the sense that running at low effort levels will burn a greater percentage of fat compared to harder running methods. For example, in the fat burning zone you may burn 50% of your energy from fat and 50% from carbohydrates, whereas when running at higher effort levels you may burn 33% of your energy from fat and 67% from carbohydrates. Although it may sound good that you are able to burn a greater percentage of fat by running with lower effort levels, this by no means translates to greater weight loss. In fact the complete opposite is true! By running at higher effort levels you are able to burn many more calories overall and just as much, or more, of those calories can come from your fat stores compared to running in the fat burning zone. For example, you may choose to complete a slow 2 mile run in the fat burning zone which takes 30 minutes and burns around 200 calories. However, by running at a higher effort level you may cover a longer distance of 3 miles in the same 30 minute period and therefore burn around 300 calories. The fat burning zone run may have burned 50% of the calories from fat which is 100 calories, whereas the higher effort run may have burned 33% of the calories from fat which is also 100 calories. This shows that both runs have burned the same number of calories from fat. However, the higher effort run has burned more calories overall (300 calories rather than 200 calories) which means that you’ll lose weight quicker.

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Losing weight is all about burning more calories than you consume and quite simply you will burn more calories by running at higher effort levels. Thinking about it logically, it makes no sense at all that the easier you run, the more weight you lose. That is effectively what people are saying when they train in the fat burning zone. It seems more like an excuse that people want to believe so that they can allow themselves to run with little effort. Having said this, they are often misled and encouraged to believe these untruths. Many personal trainers and fitness equipment manufacturers promote the fat burning zone myth. Maybe they just don’t understand the science behind different training and exercise methods. More likely is that they want to take advantage of the desires of many overweight and unfit people. After all who wouldn’t want to lose more weight and improve their health and body with less effort? It’s not ethical but it’s a great way for them to sell more products and attract more clients. Don’t be tricked by the fat burning zone myth. It has got to go down as one of the most misleading pieces of fitness information ever. It’s very likely to rob you of getting the weight, health, fitness, and body that you want, and you’ll only achieve a fraction of what you could have. Run with more effort and use more effective running methods and you will get MUCH better results!

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Huge Mistake 6 – Not running hard enough This mistake is similar, but not the same as, the running in a fat burning zone mistake described in “Huge Mistake 5”. Many people run at a higher effort level than the fat burning zone and don’t even use it, yet they are still not running with enough effort to maximise their weight loss results. In order to get the most out of your running and lose weight in the quickest time, your runs need to be challenging. As with most things in life, the more effort and commitment you put in, the better the results you get. It’s the same with running and losing weight! There’s little point in trying to lose weight with running if you are not willing to put the effort in. By only completing easy running you can only expect to achieve average or poor results. You may have seen people running together, or training at the gym together, and they are talking easily while exercising, without even breaking into a sweat. This is far better than nothing but they aren’t pushing themselves at all. They are basically gaining minimal results in relation to the time they put into running. Also, once their body has become accustomed to their level of running they soon reach a plateau where they struggle to make any progress with both their running and losing weight. This is extremely frustrating and it’s the reason why many people quit. Imagine putting in lots of time but just not getting anywhere near the results you want. So here’s something you need to know... To lose weight, improve your health and fitness, and get a better looking body, it’s not about putting the time in, it’s MUCH more about putting the effort in. More effort means the fitter you become and the more weight you lose. You become a much better runner that finds it easier to burn calories and easier to lose weight than people who aren’t willing to put the right amount of effort in. That’s why one of the big differences between the person who always struggles with their weight, and the person who makes great improvements to their life by losing their weight, is who’s willing to put the effort in. Are you willing to make the effort needed to reach your desired weight and get the health, fitness, and body that you want? Or, do you hope that everything will be easy and handed to you on a plate?

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Some people just don’t feel like making the effort, but if they are not willing to do this then how can they ever expect to lose weight and get the results that they really want? The reality is that you will NEVER get good results unless you earn them. It doesn’t happen by magic, you have to make it happen! The good news is that the more effort you put in, the greater rewards you get, and that’s how it should be. So everything is in your hands. You are in total control of your weight, how much weight you are going to lose, what health and fitness you get, and what body shape you develop. If you put in the effort and use the right running methods in the right manner then you have an excellent chance of reaching your desired weight and getting the health, fitness, and body that you want. There is absolutely no reason at all why YOU can’t do this!

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Huge Mistake 7 – Overcompensating with food When using running to lose weight it’s very easy to start consuming more food. This reduces the weight loss benefits that you get from your running efforts or even cancels them out completely. This extra calorie intake can be caused by either consciously or subconsciously consuming more food. Both have very different reasons why they occur and what you can do to stop them happening to you. Consciously consuming more calories Maybe you have completed several runs, or a really tough run, and feel like you deserve some extra food or a treat. After all it won’t do any harm, will it? Unfortunately it will do some harm if you make it a regular occurrence because you’ll be cancelling out some, or all, of your running efforts which makes it much harder to lose weight. This is where you need to keep in mind what your priorities are and show plenty of willpower. Do you want to reach your desired weight and get the health, fitness, and body that you want? Or, would you rather use running to allow you to eat more food while remaining unhappy about your weight? This doesn’t mean that you need a perfect diet or that you need to be really strict with yourself every day. It’s perfectly fine to have the odd treat or to choose one day each week where you treat yourself more. However, just remember not to use running as an excuse to reward yourself daily with more food than what you would normally consume. There will be plenty of time for that later when you reach your desired weight. By then you should be burning lots of calories from running which means that you’ll be able to consume more food than the average person. That’s one of the many benefits of running. In fact, one of the things that many people like about running is that they can reach the stage where they can eat what they want within reason and still maintain the same weight.

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While you are losing weight though, a good thing to do is think about how you can reward yourself from your running efforts in a way that doesn’t involve food. These rewards will help keep you motivated throughout your weight loss journey and help you stay on track. Subconsciously consuming more calories This can be difficult to detect because it is easy to consume more food without even realising. Your running may make you a bit hungrier because your body wants more calories to replace the calories that you have burned. Therefore you end up snacking more or having just a bit more food on your plate. A bit here and a bit there all adds up and before long you are left wondering why you are running but not losing any weight. After all, running is an excellent activity for losing weight, so you start thinking why isn’t running working for me? This can become very frustrating because you can be putting in plenty of time and effort but just not getting the rewards. You are also likely to think about what’s wrong with your running when really it’s got more to do with your diet. To ensure that this isn’t happening to you it’s very useful to use a food diary to keep track of what you eat and drink. The aim is to get a good idea of your daily eating habits rather than trying to count every single calorie. By monitoring what you consume you can identify whether your calorie intake is altering from week to week. If you keep consuming the same food and drink each week then the extra calories burned from your running means that you’ll lose weight. A food diary also helps you to identify problem areas or improvements in your diet which allows you to eat healthier. Therefore you can use the findings from your food diary, and also keep improving your running ability, to make it easier to lose weight.

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What you have learned from this report By reading this report you have learned about the seven huge mistakes that many people make when using running to lose weight and what you need to do to avoid making the same mistakes yourself. This information allows you to focus on some of the most important areas of running and losing weight which will help you reach your desired weight in a much shorter time period. Plus, you’ll be able to save months or even years of frustration along the way. As well as learning some important principles behind losing weight with running you have also learned how to use running to progress towards the health, fitness, and body that you want. After all, if you are going to put in the time and effort to lose weight with running then it makes sense to get the best health, the best fitness, and the best looking body at the same time. That’s much better than reaching your desired weight and still feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with your health and fitness or how your body looks. Here’s another thing I would just like to say... Whether you are completely new to running and want to lose weight, or whether you are an experienced runner who wants to lose more weight, I know YOU can do it! I’ve helped tens of thousands of people of all fitness and running abilities get outstanding running and weight loss results. I’ve seen what’s possible and what can be achieved. That’s why I know that you can do the same. The rewards are out there for you and all you have to do is take them! James Porter www.runningandweightloss.com P.S. If you would like more help from me to get better running and weight loss results be sure to check out the next page.

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Would you like to get much quicker and much better running and weight loss results?

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