CQB Tactics1

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  • 8/6/2019 CQB Tactics1




    CQB Tactics


    The entire team enters the room as quickly andsmoothly as possible and clears the doorwayimmediately. If possible, the team moves from acovered or concealed position already in their entryorder. Ideally, the team arrives and passes throughthe entry point without having to stop.

    a. The door is the focal point of anyone in theroom. It is known as the fatal funnel, because it

    focuses attention at the precise point where theindividual team members are the mostvulnerable. Moving into the room quicklyreduces the chance anyone being hit by enemyre directed at the doorway.

    b. On the signal to go, the clearing team movesfrom covered or concealed positions through the

    door quickly and takes up positions inside theroom that allow it to completely dominate theroom and eliminate the threat. Team membersstop movement only after they have cleared thedoor and reached their designated point ofdomination. The rst mans position is deep into

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    the near corner of the room. The depth of hismovement is determined by the si!e of theroom, any obstacles in the room, such asfurniture, and by the number and location of

    enemy and noncombatants in the room.

    c. To make precision room clearing techniqueswork, each member of the team must know hissector of re and how his sector overlaps andlinks with the sectors of the other teammembers. Team members do not move to thepoint of domination and then engage their

    targets. They engage targets as they move totheir designated point. "owever, engagementsmust not slow movement to their points ofdomination. Team members may shoot from asshort a range as # to $ inches. They engage themost immediate enemy threats rst. %&amplesof immediate threats are enemy personnel who'

    ( )re armed and prepared to returnre immediately.

    ( *lock movement to the position ofdomination.

    ( )re within arms reach of a clearingteam member.

    ( )re within + to feet of the breachpoint.

    d. %ach clearing team member has a designatedsector of re unique to him initially and e&pandsto overlap sectors of the other team members.

    -# The number # and number $ men areinitially concerned with the area directly totheir front, then along the wall on either

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    side of the door or entry point. This area isin their path of movement, and it is theirprimary sector of re. Their alternate sectorof re is from the wall they are moving

    toward, back to the opposite far corner.

    -$ The number + and number / men startat the center of the wall opposite their pointof entry and clear to the left if movingtoward the left, or to the right if movingtoward the right. They stop short of theirrespective team member -either the

    number # man or the number $ man.

    e. The team members move toward their pointsof domination, engaging all targets in theirsector. Team members must e&ercise re controland discriminate between hostile andnoncombatant room occupants. 0hooting isdone without stopping, using re1e&ive shootingtechniques. *ecause the soldiers are moving

    and shooting at the same time, they must moveusing careful hurry. -2igure +3+# in paragraph +3$+, shows all four team members at their pointsof domination and their overlapping sectors ofre.


    *attle 4rill 5 is the standard technique used by thefour3man re team when they perform the task, %nter*uilding67lear 8oom. "owever, 8O% may not allowfor, nor the enemy situation requires, suchaggressive action on the part of the assaulting unit.

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    *ased on the aforementioned conditions,commanders may determine to use the followingtechniques when entering and clearing buildings androoms.

    a. Situation.Operating as part of a larger force-during daylight or darkness, the squad istasked to participate in clearing a building. Theplatoon leader directs the squad to enter thebuilding or to clear a room. )n entry pointbreach has already been identied, or will becreated before initiating the entry.

    b. S!"ia# Con$i%!&ation$.9latoon and squadleaders must consider the task and purposethey have been given and the method they areto use to achieve the desired results.

    -# To sei!e or gain control of a buildingmay not always require committing troopsinto the structure or closing with the enemy.

    The following steps describe e:ective

    techniques to be used when trainingsoldiers to the toughest possible conditions.

    These techniques and procedures can betrained, rehearsed, and modied to aspecic situation and mission. *eforeinitiating this action the employment of allorganic, crew3served, and supportingweapon systems should be directed onto

    the ob;ective area in order to suppress andneutrali!e the threat, providing the missionand 8O% permit.


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    a night vision device or light source toilluminate the immediate area.

    NOTE'The following discussion assumes that only

    the platoons organic weapons are to support theinfantry squad. =rban situations may require preciseapplication of repower. This situation is especiallytrue of an urban environment where the enemy is

    mi&ed with noncombatants. >oncombatants may befound in the room, which can restrict the use of resand reduce the combat power available to a squadleader. "is squad may have to operate with no re

    areas. 8ules of engagement can prohibit the use ofcertain weapons until a specic hostile action takesplace. )ll soldiers must be aware of the 8O%. ?eaders

    must include the specic use of weapons in theirplanning for precision operations in urban terrain.

    c. R!(ui&!% A"tion$.2igures +3$@, +3$A, +3$B,and +3+C illustrate the required actions forperforming this task.

    -# The squad leader designates the assaultteam and identies the location of the entrypoint for them.-$ The squad leader positions the follow3onassault team to provide overwatch andsupporting res for the initial assault team.-+ )ssault team members move as close to

    the entry point as possible, using availablecover and concealment.

    -a If an e&plosive breach or a ballisticbreach is to be performed by asupporting element, the assault team

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    remains in a covered position until thebreach is made. They may provideoverwatch and re support for thebreaching element if necessary.

    -b )ll team members must signal oneanother that they are ready before theteam moves to the entry point.-c Team members avoid the use ofverbal signals, which may alert theenemy and remove the element ofsurprise.

    -d )ssault team members must movequickly from the covered position tothe entry point, minimi!ing the timethey are e&posed to enemy re.

    -/ The assault team enters through thebreach. =nless a grenade is being thrownprior to entry, the team should avoidstopping outside the point of entry.

    -a The number $ man may throw agrenade of some type -fragmentation,concussion, stun into the room beforeentry.-b The use of grenades should beconsistent with the 8O% and buildingstructure. The grenade should be

    cooked o: before being thrown, ifapplicable to the type of grenade used.-c If stealth is not a factor, the throwershould sound o: with a verbalindication that a grenade of some typeis being thrown -Dfrag out,D Dconcussion

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    out,D Dstun outD. If stealth is a factor,only visual signals are given as thegrenade is thrown.

    CAUTIONIf walls and floors are thin, fragments from fragmentation grenades

    and debris created by concussion grenades can injure soldiers outsidethe room. If the structure has been stressed by preious e!plosieengagements, the use of these grenades could cause it to collapse.

    "eaders must determine the effectieness of these types of grenadescompared to possibilities of harm to friendly troops.

    - On the signal to go, or immediately afterthe grenade detonates, the assault team

    moves through the entry point -2igure +3$@and quickly takes up positions inside theroom that allow it to completely dominatethe room and eliminate the threat -2igure +3+C. =nless restricted or impeded, teammembers stop movement only after theyhave cleared the door and reached theirdesignated point of domination. In addition

    to dominating the room, all team membersare responsible for identifying possibleloopholes and mouseholes in the ceiling,walls and 1oor.


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    threat. "e has the option of going leftor right, normally moving along thepath of least resistance to one of twocorners.

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    #igure $%&'. #irst man enters a room.

    -5 The second man -team leader, entering

    almost simultaneously with the rst, movesin the opposite direction, following the walland staying out of the center -2igure +3$A.

    The second man must clear the entry point,clear the immediate threat area, clear hiscorner, and move to a dominating positionon his side of the room.

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    #igure $%&(. )econd man enters a room.

    -@ The third man -grenadier simply goesopposite of the second man inside the roomat least one meter from the entry point andmoves to a position that dominates hissector -2igure +3$B.

    #igure $%&*. Third man enters a room.

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    NOTE'If the path of least resistance takes the rstman to the left, then all points of domination are themirror image of those shown in the diagrams.

    -A 9oints of domination should not be infront of doors or windows so team membersare not silhouetted to the outside of theroom -2igure +3+#. >o movement shouldmask the re of any of the other teammembers.

    #igure $%$+. oints of domination and sectors of fire.

    -B On order, any member of the assaultteam may move deeper into the roomoverwatched by the other team members.-#C Once the room is cleared, the teamleader signals to the squad leader that theroom has been cleared.-## The squad leader marks the room -I))4%D

    ) command given by any soldier,when an enemy grenade has beenthrown. )ll soldiers need to take

    immediate actions. )lthoughdiGcult, the soldier should identify

    the location of the grenade, ifpossible.


    ) command given by one memberof the team to tell another team

    member to take up security fartherinto the room or farther down a



    ) signal given when an individualsweapon has malfunctioned and is

    being corrected.


    ) signal given when an individualhas corrected a malfunction and is

    ready for action.


    ) signal given when an individualis reloading any weapon system.

    This signal is followed by D=> =9Dwhen ready.

    Table $%&. 7erbal commands and signals.

    NOTE'The use of loud verbal commands may revealto the enemy the location and immediate intent offriendly forces. )lthough code words may be

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    substituted, they can be heard and used by enemyforces if friendly forces use them too loudly.