CURRICULUM VITAE - people.unica.itpeople.unica.it/andreafigus/files/2018/02/CV_Prof.-Figus_…  · Web viewcurriculum vitae. andrea figus. m.d.(hons), ph.d.(hons), f.e.b.o.p.r.a.s

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M.D.(Hons), Ph.D.(Hons), F.E.B.O.P.R.A.S.



Luglio 2016

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Andrea Figus


6th January 1974.

Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia.


7 Nightingale Drive, Cringleford, Norwich, UK. e-mail: [email protected]

Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Colney Lane, NR4 7UY, Norwich, UK. [email protected]; [email protected]

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Cagliari, Italia, 22/07/1999, (punti110/110 e lode)

Esame di stato per abilitazione esercizio professione medica, Maggio 2000 (punti 88/90)

Diploma di Specialista in Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva, Università di Sassari, Italia, 3/11/2004 (punti 50/50 e lode). Fellow of E.B.O.P.R.A.S., European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, (Esame Europeo, Dublino, Irlanda, 12/11/2005).

Dottore di Ricerca in Anatomia, Dermatologia e Chirurgia Plastica, Università di Roma, “Sapienza”, Italia, 17/03/2008 (70/70 e lode).

Albo Professionale Ordine dei Medici e Chirurghi della Provincia di Cagliari n° 7755 (23/01/2001).

General Medical Council-UK. n° 6094942 (13/03/2004), Specialist Registration (19/06/2006).

Socio Ordinario, Società Italiana Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica (SICPRE), dal 2001. Full Member, British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), dal 2009 (Overseas Associate Member dal 2006).

Full Member, European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS), dal 2010.

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INCARICHI ATTUALI (tempo indeterminato):

Dal 15/09/2008 ad oggi: Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon , Posizione Apicale del SSN inglese a gestione autonoma con relativo budget e personale. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, Norfolk, UK Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, James Paget University Hospital, Gorleston-Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK.

dal 01/04/2015 ad oggi Clinical Senior Lecturer (Professore Associato) in Clinical Anatomy and Plastic Surgery University of East Anglia, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwich Medical School, Norwich, Norfolk, UK.


dal 22/04/2009 al 31/03/2015 Honorary Senior Lecturer (Professore Associato) University of East Anglia, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwich Medical School, Norwich, Norfolk, UK.

08/10/2007 – 31/12/2007 (3 mesi) Clinical Fellow, Senior Specialist Registrar, Specialista a tempo determinato in Chirurgia Ricostruttiva Mammaria, Microchirurgia e Chirurgia della Mano, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK.

31/07/2006 – 14/08/2006 (2 sett.) Locum Specialist Registrar, Specialista a tempo determinato St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK.

03/08/2005 – 16/08/2005 (2 sett.) Locum Clinical Fellow, Senior Specialist Registrar, Specialista a tempo determinato in Chirurgia Ricostruttiva Mammaria, Microchirurgia e Chirurgia della Mano, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK.

01/04/2004 – 30/06/2005 (15 mesi) Clinical Fellow, Senior Specialist Registrar level, Specialista a tempo determinato in Chirurgia Ricostruttiva Mammaria, Microchirurgia e Chirurgia della Mano, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK.


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23/06/2003 – 04/07/2003 (2 sett.) Clinical Attachment, with Mr Peter Dziewulski, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK.

10/09/2000 – 03/10/2000 (2 sett.) Clinical Attachment, with Mr Peter Dziewulski, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK.


20/01/2008 – 30/06/2008 (6 mesi) Volontario Specialista in Chirurgia Plastica , Dipartmento di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva, Ospedale Universitario, “Policlinico Monteluce”, Perugia, Italia.

04/07/2005 – 05/10/2007 (27 mesi) Volontario Specialista in Chirurgia Plastica , Dipartmento di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva Università “La Sapienza” - Azienda Policlinico “Umberto I” di Roma, Italia.

01/11/2004 – 31/10/2007 (36 mesi) Dottorando di Ricerca in Chirurgia Plastica Dipartmento di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva Università “La Sapienza” - Azienda Policlinico “Umberto I” di Roma, Italia.

13/06/2002 – 15/11/2002 (5 mesi) Fellow in Chirurgia Plastica e Microchirurgia, Chirurgo Plastico in training specialistico Dipartmento di Chirurgia Plastica e Microchirurgia Ospedale Universitario, “Santa Casa”, Porto Alegre, RS - Brasile.

01/11/1999 – 31/10/2004 (60 mesi) Specializzando in Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva Dipartment di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva, Ospedale Universitario di Sassari, Sardegna, Italia.


21/07/1999 – 21/06/2000 (11 mesi) Medico Tirocinante, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale II, Università of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia. 19/10/1998 – 21/07/1999 (9 mesi) Studente Medico Interno, Reparto di Chirurgia Plastica e Centro Ustioni Ospedale “G. Brotzu – S. Michele”, Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia.

07/10/1997 – 21/07/1999 (20 mesi) Studente Medico Interno, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale II, Università of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia


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Membro dell’Editorial Board, rivista scientifica internazionale: Microsurgery

Membro dell’Editorial Board, rivista scientifica internazionale: Advances in Medicine

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and

Aesthetic Surgery, EU, (JPRAS), dall’ Ottobre 2007.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Journal of Burn Care and Research, USA,

(JBCR) dal Gennaio 2009.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: The Breast dal Febbraio 2009.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: British Medical Journal-Case Reports

(BMJ-case reports) dal Dicembre 2011.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: PLOS-One dal Marzo 2013.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: The Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand

Surgery (JPSHS) dal Giugno 2013.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment,

USA, (BREA) dal Luglio 2013.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: The British Journal of Surgery, UK,

(BJS) dall’ Agosto 2013.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: The International Journal of Surgery Case

Reports, (IJS Case Reports) dal Febbraio 2014.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: The Journal of Medical Case Reports, (J

Med Case Reports) dal Giugno 2014.

Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Microsurgery, (Microsurgery) dal Agosto


Reviewer per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Journal of Experimental and Clinical

Cancer Research (JECCR) dal Agosto 2014.

Inoltre ricopre il ruolo di Reviewer per l’ NIHR-RfPB , UK national research grant

programme (programma nazionale che determina l’assegnazione dei fondi per la ricerca in

Gran Bretagna nell’ambito del programma research for patients benefits).

Dal Maggio 2013 al Maggio 2015 e’ stato Membro del Nominating Committee of the

European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS).

Dal Maggio 2014 ricopre il prestigioso ruolo di Reviewer Internazionale per la

Microchirurgia come Membro del Scientific Committee dell’EURAPS (European

Association of Plastic Surgeons).

Dal Maggio 2015 ricopre la carica di Rappresentante della Gran Bretagna nel Consiglio

Esecutivo dell’EURAPS (European Association of Plastic Surgeons).

Dal Novembre 2015 e’ Membro del Research Committee della Associazione Britannica

dei Chirurghi Plasticii, Ricostruttivi ed Estetici (BAPRAS)


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Dal Novembre 2015 e’ Vice-chair del BAPRAS Reconstructive Microsurgery

Committee della Associazione Britannica dei Chirurghi Plasticii, Ricostruttivi ed Estetici



- Dottorato di Ricerca con Borsa di Studio in Anatomia, Dermatologia and Chirurgia Plastica presso l’ Universita’ “Sapienza” of Roma (Novembre 2004-Novembre 2007, Grant: 29.988 euro, erogato dalla Universita’ “Sapienza” of Roma).

- Travel grant award, PhD overseas funds: 6000 euros. 2004 - 2005. Topographical anatomy, physiology and haemodynamics of perforator flaps. Multicenter study (University of Rome and University of Sassari, Italy, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Chelmsford, UK).

· Invited Lecturer on “Penile reconstruction with perforator flaps” at the 2nd Italian National Conference for Study and Research on Ulcers, Wounds and Tissue Regeneration. Rome, Italy, 26-29 February 2008.

· Chairman in the Plastic Surgery Session at the XXI National Congress of Italian Society of Young Surgeons SPIGC, Perugia, Italy 16 - 18 June 2008.

· Invited Lecturer, UEA Surgical Society: Skin Suturing Techniques. University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, Norfolk, 2009 .

· Invited Medical Committee Member of the National Charity Group: Keeping Abreast. - Course tutor at NNUH Hand Fracture Fixation Workshop, NANIME SKILLS LAB, NNUH, Norwich, UK, 30TH March 2009.

- Research Lead , Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at NNUH, 2009-to date. - Director of the Academic Directory of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at NNUH, 2012.- Invited Lecturer on “Pilonidal Disease in Plastic Surgery”, 4° National meeting of the Italian

Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR), Genova, Italy, 25th October 2011. - Invited Faculty Member, FCRS (Plast) Revision Course, Department of Plastic &

Reconstructive Surgery NNUH, Norwich, 2nd September 2011. - Invited Faculty Member, FCRS (Plast) Revision Course, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery

and Burns, Chelmsford, 27th February 2012. - Invited Lecturer on “ Unilateral vs bilateral DIEAP flap breast reconstruction: a comparative evaluation on 373 consecutive flaps”. 61st National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic, reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE) Palermo 24-27 September 2012. - Lay Reviewer and Member of NIHR-CCF, since 2010. - Clinical excellence Award, NNUH, 2012. - Chairman at RABS 2013, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery “Controversies and Technical Challenges” Conference, Session: Tissue Perfusion. Panelists: Prof. M. Saint-Cyr, Prof. M. Nahabedian, Prof. J. Masia, Prof. V. Ramakrishnan. Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK, 4th-5th Nov 2013. - Module Lead of the Advanced Module in Breast Reconstruction of the MS Programme in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery of the UEA, which was awarded with the gold award in the category of Best Online Distance Learning Programme at the 2013 UK E-Learning Awards, since 2010.

- Invited Faculty Member, FCRS (Plast) Revision Course, Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery NNUH, Norwich, March 2014.

- Invited Lecturer on Acellular Dermal Matrix Breast Reconstruction, East of England Strategic Clinical Network, Breast Group Educational Meeting, 14th March 2014, Newmarket, UK.

- Chairman of ACRM, Advances and Controversies in Reconstructive Microsurgery, 20th- 21st May 2014, Norwich, UK.

- Invited Lecturer on “Microsurgical Reconstruction for Head and Neck in patients aged ≥ 80 years old”. 65 National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE), 13-15 Oct 2014, Bergamo, Italy. - Clinical excellence Award, awarded by NNUH, 2014. - Membro del Scientific Committee dell’EURAPS (European Association of Plastic Surgeons). Dal Maggio 2014 ricopre il prestigioso ruolo di Reviewer Internazionale per la Microchirurgia. - Invited Lecturer on “ DIEP flap breast reconstruction: Reducing the risk of venous congestion”. Fourth International breast surgery workshop, 17th-18th April, Rome 2015. - Chairman “Live Surgery session”. 4th Int Breast Surgery Workshop, 17th-18th April, Rome 2015. - Member of the Research Committee of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS). London, 11-09-2015. - Vice-chair del BAPRAS Reconstructive Microsurgery Committee della Associazione Britannica


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dei Chirurghi Plastici, Ricostruttivi ed Estetici (BAPRAS). - Chairman of the microsurgical session at BAPRAS winter Meeting, Birmingham, 25-27 November 2015.


1. Tutor per gli studenti della facolta’ di Medicina e Chirurgia, Universita’ di Sassari, Italia, 2000-2004.

2. Insegnamento come Dottorando, presso la Faculta’ di Medicina, dell’ Universita’ “Sapienza” di Roma, Italia (Attivita’ Didattiche Elettive: Microchirurgia, Ricostruzione Mammaria), 2005-2008.

3. Lezioni presso le Facolta’ di Medicina e Biotecnologie, Universita’ di Perugia, Italia, (riparazione e rigenerazione tissutale, Ustioni, Microchirurgia, Ricostruzione Mammaria), 2008.

4. Honorary Senior Lecturer, Professore Associato, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, dal 2009 ad oggi. Insegnamento di Chirurgia Plastica nel Modulo 3 (Dermatologia), Modulo 9 (Sistema riproduttivo), Modulo 15 (Trauma). Tutor per gli student, Adviser e Leader del programma Student Selected Studies per l’Anatomia chirurgia e fisiologia.

5. Clinical Senior Lecturer, Professore Associato, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, dal 2009 ad oggi. Direttore del Team di Anatomia Clinica e Chirurgia Plastica. Insegnamento di Chirurgia Plastica nel Modulo 3 (Dermatologia), Modulo 9 (Sistema riproduttivo), Modulo 15 (Trauma). Tutor per gli student, Adviser e Leader del programma Student Selected Studies per l’Anatomia chirurgia e fisiologia. Insegnamento di Anatomia Chirurgica.

Dal conseguimento della borsa di studio presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva dell’Università di Sassari ha preso parte con continuità alle attività di didattica e di ricerca delle Cattedre di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva delle Università di Sassari e Roma “La Sapienza” e del St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery and Burns in Inghilterra.Ha collaborato alla preparazione delle lezioni per gli studenti del Corso di Laurea e di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva delle Università di Sassari, Roma “La Sapienza” e Perugia.Ha collaborato alla preparazione e alla stesura di tesi di laurea attinenti alla disciplina presso le Università di Sassari, Roma “La Sapienza” e Perugia.Ha organizzato attività seminariali, Journal Club, teaching e audit presso le Cattedre di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva delle Università di Sassari, Roma “La Sapienza”, Perugia, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery and Burns, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital in Inghilterra.

Docente a Corsi teorico-pratici di tecniche di sutura organizzato dall’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma per studenti e medici non specialisti.Docente al corso teorico-pratico di tecniche di sutura organizzato dalla regione Lazio e dall’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma per studenti e medici non specialisti (2007).Docente a Corsi teorico-pratici sulle tecniche di riduzione ossea organizzato dai Dipartimenti di Chirurgia Plastica e Ortopedia dell’Ospedale Universitario di Norwich per medici in training.

Attualmente ricopre l’incarico di Clinical Lead Supervisor and Educational Supervisor del junior staff (CT1, CT2, SHO’s, Clinical Fellow and Honoray Fellows) nel Dipartmento di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK.Course tutor at NNUH Hand Fracture Fixation Workshop, NANIME SKILLS LAB, NNUH, Norwich, UK, 30TH March 2009Dal Gennaio 2010, ha organizzato una Honorary Fellowship (2 posti per un periodo di 6 mesi) per Specializzandi in Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva provenienti dall’ Unione


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Europea che hanno interesse a sviluppare e migliorare conocscenze e capacita’ nell’ambito della Microchirurgia, Ricostruzione Mammaria e Chirurgia della Mano.

Chairman of the East Anglia Microsurgical Training Day for Theatre Practitioners, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, 30 June 2012.Professore invitato, Membro della Commissione giudicatrice per la seduta di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, dell’ Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facolta’ di Medicina e Chirurgia “A Gemelli” di Roma,17 luglio 2012 (correlatore per tesi di laurea).

Insegnamento di Fisiologia e Anatomia Chirurgica, nel programma Student Selected Studies, Relative all’anno accademico 2012-2013 e 2013-2014 del Corso di Medicina e Chirugia presso la Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Insegnamento di Anatomia Clinica e Chirurgia Plastica nel corso di Medicina e Chirurgia della Universita’ dell’East Anglia.

Lead of Student Selected Studies Programme Surgical Anatomy and Physiology all’interno del curriculum MB/BS della Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015.

University of East Anglia, Facolta’ di Medicina: Attivita’ Tutoriale Supervisor of student elective attachment: 1st July 2009-5th August 2009 Supervisor of student attending intercalated Masters in Health Research Student Advisor (5 MB/BS students under my care who graduated last year) NNUH daily tutorial activity of students in clinics and theatres Lead for Plastic Surgery in tutoring Clinical Anatomy for MB/BS students Partecipa attivamente allo sviluppo curriculum in Medicina alla Norwich Medical School of the

University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

University of East Anglia, Facolta’ di Medicina: Attivita’ extra curriculumInvited Lecturer, “Guarigione, riparazione e sutura delle ferite cutanee”, UEA Surgical Society: University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, Norfolk, 29 Aprile 2009. Invited Lecturer, “Guarigione, riparazione e sutura delle ferite cutanee”, UEA Surgical Society: University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, Norfolk, 13 Maggio 2009. Project Lead and Teacher of Skill Sessions on Skin Suturing Techniques. University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, 2009 – 2010. Project Lead, research grant, COVIDIEN Sutures Company, Development of a suturing techniques teaching module on cadaveric skin. University of East Anglia (UEA). £ 1000. 2009-2010.

University of East Anglia, Facolta’ di Medicina: Attivita’ Post-LaureaProject Lead del modulo di Ricostruzione Mammaria Avanzata, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery 2, Master in Surgery in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. UEA and RCS, supported by BAPRAS and ABS, UK. Clinical Lead Supervisor of the junior staff at levels of CT1, CT2, SHO’s, Clinical Fellowand Honorary Fellows at The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Norfolk a Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, Norfolk, U Dal 2010, ho sviluppato e implementato un Programma di Honorary Fellowship (2 post per una durata di 6 mesi l’uno) per Chirurghi Plastici Europei in Training che fossero interessatad avere una esperienza estera presso il nostro Departmento of di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva dell’ Ospedale Universitario di Norwich, Norfolk, UK.

Chairman of the East Anglia Microsurgical Training Day for Theatre Practitioners, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, 30 June 2012.


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Autore e co-autore di 100 pubblicazioni:

57 International peer-reviewed articles. 5 Book chapters.

45 Abstracts/non-peer-reviewed articles. 54 International presentations.

1. Razzano S, Gathura E, Sassoon EM, Ali R, Haywood RM, Figus A. Reducing abdominal seroma after DIEP flap breast reconstruction, outcomes in 726 patients Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of print]

2. Dimovska EOF, Clibbon JJ, Moncrieff MDS, Heaton MJ, Figus A. Microsurgical reconstruction for Head and Neck in patients aged ≥ 80 years old. A prospective analysis on patients’ outcomes and experience Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print]

3. Wade RG, Igali L. Figus A Skin involvement in Dupuytren’s disease J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2015 Sep 9. pii: 1753193415601353. [Epub ahead of print]

4. Razzano S, Figus A, Marongiu F, Haywood RM Contralateral DIEV as an interpositional vein graft for venous supercharge in the salvage of a congested DIEP flap Microsurgery. 2015 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/micr.22447.

5. Wade R, Wormald JCR, Figus A. Absorbable versus non-absorbable sutures for carpal tunnel release. Protocol. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 6 . Art. No.: CD011757. DOI:10.1002/14651858. CD011757 .

6. Zinicola R, Cracco N, Serventi A, Martina S, Milone M, Sallustio P, Bondurri A, Giani I, Figus A , Zorcolo L. Pilonidal sinus: are we missing something? Colorectal Dis. 2014 Nov;16(11):929-30. doi: 10.1111/codi.12777.

7. Wormald JC, Balzano A, Clibbon JJ, Figus A . Surgical treatment of severe hidradenitis suppurativa of the axilla: thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap versus split skin graft

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014 Aug;67(8):1118-24.doi10.1016/j.bjps.2014.04.032.

8. Worwald J, Wade RG, Figus A. The Increased Risk Of Adverse Outcomes in Bilateral Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction Compared To Unilateral Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014 Feb;67(2):143-56. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2013.10.024.

9. Arya R, Griffiths L, Figus A, King D, Ramakrishnan V, Griffiths M Post-operative assessment of perfusion of Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) free flaps via Pulsatility Index (PI) using a portable colour Doppler sonogram device J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Jul;66(7):931-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2013.03.023.

10. Thomson CH, Shah AK, Köhler G, Haywood RM, Figus A . Mid-palm hand amputation: Reconstruction of the superficial palmar arch. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Aug;66(8):1155-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2013.03.014.

11. Wade RG, Clarke E, Leinster S, Figus A, Plastic Surgery in the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Nationwide Survey of Students, Senior Lecturers and Consultant Plastic Surgeons in the UK

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Jun;66(6):878-80. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2012.11.015.


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12. Wormald J, Figus A, Notcutt W, Pereira J. A combined analgaesic/anaesthetic intervention: Evaulating its effectiveness for the reduction of post-operative pain after breast cancer surgery

British Journal of Surgery 2013; 100 (S4): 2–49

13. Figus A, Wade RG, Gorton L, Rubino C, Griffiths MG, Ramakrishnan VV. Venous Perforators in DIEAP flaps: An Observational Anatomical Study Using Duplex Ultrasonography J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Aug;65(8):1051-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2012.02.026. 14. Shah AK, Macnair R, Figus A. A large thumb mass Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2012 Feb;73(2):112.

15. Figus A, Wade RG, Oakey S, Ramakrishnan VV. Intraoperative Esophageal Doppler Hemodynamic Monitoring in Free Perforator Flap Surgery Ann Plast Surg. 2013 Mar;70(3):301-7. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0b013e3182306005.

16. Mazzocchi M, Trignano E, Armenti AF, Figus A, Dessy LA. Long-term results of a versatile technique for umbilicoplasty in abdominoplasty Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Aug;35(4):456-62. doi: 10.1007/s00266-010-9627-2.

17. Figus A, Fioramonti P, Morselli P, Scuderi N. Interplast Italy: a 20-year plastic and reconstructive surgery humanitarian experience in developing countries Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Oct;124(4):1340-8.

18. Chiummariello S, Figus A, Menichini G, Bellezza G, Alfano C. Scrotal calcinosis: a very rare multiple clinical presentation Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009 Dec;34(8):e795-7.

19. Saggini R, Bellomo RG, Pisciella V, Figus A, Troccola A, Saggini A, Scuderi N. La terapia con ESWT a specifica focalizzazione nella gestione riabilitativa delle ferite difficili Eur Med Phys, 2009; 45(1 Suppl 3):1-3. 20. Chan WY, Figus A, Ekwobi C, Srinivasan JR, Ramakrishnan VV. The 'round-the-clock' training model for assessment and warm up of microsurgical skills: A validation study J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Aug;63(8):1323-8.

21. Dessy LA, Figus A, Fioramonti P, Mazzocchi M, Scuderi N. Reconstruction of anterior auricular conchal defect after malignancy excision: Revolving-door flap versus full-thickness skin graft J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 May;63(5):746-52.

22. Fattah A, Figus A, Mathur B, Ramakrishnan V. The Transverse Myocutaneous Gracilis flap: technical refinements J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Feb;63(2):305-13.

23. Rubino C, Ramakrishnan V, Figus A , Bulla A, Coscia V, Cavazzuti MA. Flap size/flow rate relationship in perforator flaps and its importance in DIEAP flap drainage J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Dec;62(12):1666-70.

24. Figus A, Ramakrishnan V, Rubino C. Comment on: Patel SA and Keller A 'A theoretical model describing arterial flow in the DIEP flap related to number and size of perforator vessels', J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2008;61: 1316-20. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008 Nov;61(11):1320. Epub 2008 Aug 29.

25. Fioramonti P, Figus A, Morselli P, Scuderi N. Humanitarian Mission in Bangladesh

Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2008 Nov;32(6):936.

26. Sirotakova M, Figus A, Jarret P, Misra A, and Elliot D. Correction of swan neck deformity in rheumatoid arthritis using a new lateral extensor band technique J Hand Sur Eur Vol. 2008 Dec;33(6):712-6.


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27. Figus A., Canu V., Iwuagwu F.C., and Ramakrishnan V. DIEP flap with implant: a further option in optimizing breast reconstruction J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Sep;62(9):1118-26.

28. Figus A, Chiummariello S, Iera M. Alfano C. Post-operative nipple areola complex monitoring: the “trapdoor” dressing Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2008 Sep;32(5):823-4.

29. Figus A., Britto J.A., Ragoowansi R.H. and Elliot D. Clinical analysis of Dupuytren’s disease of the thumb J Hand Sur Eur Vol. 2008 Jun;33(3):272-9.

30. Rubino C, Figus A, Mazzocchi M, Dessy LA, Martano A. The propeller flap for chronic osteomyelitis of the lower extremities J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Oct;62(10):e401- 4.

31. Figus A., Ramakrishnan V., and Rubino C. Haemodynamic changes in the microcirculation of DIEP flaps Annals Plast Surg. 2008 June 60(6):644-648.

32. Dessy L.A., Mazzocchi M., Buccheri E.M., Figus A. The ring stitches, a useful method to manage vaginal stent in male-to-female transsexuals J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Mar;62(3):409-10.

33. Rubino C, Figus A, Dessy LA, Alei G, Mazzocchi M, Trignano E, Scuderi N. Innervated island pedicled anterolateral thigh flap for neo-phallic reconstruction in female to-male transsexuals J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Mar;62(3):e45-9.

34. Mazzocchi M., Dessy L.A., Figus A. A versatile technique for umbilicus repositioning during abdominoplasty Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 May;121(5):357e-358e.

35. Figus A., Mazzocchi M, Dessy LA, Curinga G, Scuderi N. Treatment of muscular contraction deformities with botulinum toxin type A after latissimus dorsi flap and sub-pectoral implant breast reconstruction J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Jul;62(7):869-75.

36. Buccheri EM, Marchetti F, Tempesta M, Chiummariello S, Figus A. Postoperative Management of Ala Nasi Surgery: A New Device Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2008 May;32(3):579.

37. Saggini R, Figus A., Troccola A, Cocco V, Saggini A, Scuderi N. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Management of Chronic Ulcers in the Lower Extremities Ultrasound Med Biol. 2008 Aug;34(8):1261-71.

38. Figus A., Fioramonti P, Ramakrishnan V. Stacked free SIEA/DIEP flap for unilateral breast reconstruction in a thin patient with an abdominal vertical midline scar J Reconstr Microsurg. 2007 Nov;23(8):523-5.

39. Nicolò Scuderi, Stefano Chiummariello, Andrea Figus. Blepharoplasty: repositioning of the orbital fat In: Blepharoplasty and ancillary techniques. Italian, Simone Grappolini, Ed. Piccin, Padova, Italy, 2007. Chapter 11: 115-123.

40. M. Mazzocchi, L.A. Dessy, A.F. Armenti, A. Figus, N. Scuderi. Morpho-functional outcome after reconstruction of the lower lip: our experience Italian, Dermatologia Clinica, 2007, volume XXVI, n°4, 199-206.

41. L.A. Dessy, M. Mazzocchi, A.F. Armenti, A. Figus, N. Scuderi. Reconstruction of the external ear after partial oncological excision: our experience Italian, Dermatologia Clinica, 2007, volume XXVI, n°4, 192-198.

42. Figus A ., Leon-Villapalos J. Philp B. and Dziewulski P. Severe multiple extensive post-burn contractures: a simultaneous approach with total scar tissue excision and resurfacing with dermal regeneration template


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J Burn Care & Research. 2007 Nov/Dec; 28(6):913-917.

43. Figus A., Iwuagwu F.C., and Elliot D. Sub-acute nerve compressions after trauma and surgery of the hand Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007 Sep; 120(3):705-712.

44. Rubino C., Figus A., Lorettu L., Sechi G. Post-mastectomy reconstruction: a comparative analysis on psychosocial and psychopathological outcomes J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2007 May;60:509-518.

45. Nicolò Scuderi, Andrea FigusLa Chirurgia Plastica nel trattamento dell’Obesità in: Chirurgia Bariatrica, Eds. N. Basso and G. Silecchia, Capitolo 28, pag. 211-215. Roma, Collana Monografica della Società Italiana di Chirurgia (SIC) n° 26.

46. Sirotakova M, Figus A, Elliot D. A new abductor pollicis longus suspension arthroplasty J Hand Surg [Am]. 2007 Jan;32(1):12-22.

47. Dowd MB, Figus A . , Harris SB, Southgate CM, Foster AJ and Elliot D. The results of immediate re-repair of zone 1 and 2 primary flexor tendon repair which rupture J Hand Surg [Br]. 2006 Oct;31(5):507-13.

48. Figus A .,Mosahebi A., Ramakrishnan V. Microcirculation in DIEP flaps: a study of the hemodynamics using laser Doppler flowmetry and lightguide reflectance spectrophotometry J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2006 June,59: 604-612. Commentary: 613.

49. Figus A., Kanitkar S. and Elliot D. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lateral nail fold J Hand Surg [Br] 2006 Apr; vol. 31B(2): 216-220.

50. Lissia M., Figus A. and Rubino C. Intravenous human immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis combined treatment in patients with severe toxic epidermal necrolysis: preliminary report Br J Plast Surg. 2005 Jun, vol. 58(4): 504-510. 51. Rubino C., Farace F., Figus A., Masia D.R. Anterior scoring of the upper helical cartilage as a refinement in aesthetic otoplasty Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2005 Mar – Apr, vol. 29 (2) 88 – 93. Discussion: 94.

52. Farace F., Figus A., Sanna M.P.G., Campus G.V., Rubino C. Accidental intra-gluteal needle rupture during electrolipolysis: pick up procedure and treatment Clinical and Experimental Plastic Surgery, Riv. Ital. Chir. Plastica. 2005, vol. 37 (1-2): 45-47.

53. Rubino C., Sanna M.P.G., Figus A . , Farace F., Bocchiotti M.A. Three-Dimensional prelaminated forehead flap: two cases of composite nasal reconstruction Clinical and Experimental Plastic Surgery, Riv. Ital. Chir. Plastica. 2004, vol.36 (1-2): 39-44.

54. Lissia M., Farace F., Di Giulio S., Figus A . A broken forceps for anterior scoring: A cheep and simple device for anterior scoring Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Aug;114(2):613-4.

55. Rubino C., Mele A., Farace F., Sanna M.P.G., Figus A . , Gallo A.Utilizzo del lembo frontale paramediano nella ricostruzione del naso in E. Padula:Maxillo-Facial Surgery, 2003. Monduzzi Editore.Atti del XIII Congresso Italiano Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, Vicenza, Italia, 28 - 31 Maggio 2003.

56. Webster R., Figus A., Weisseimer V, Oliveira C., Valente D., Borile G. Microneurovascular peritoneal TRAM flap: an unusual therapeutic option for reconstruction of a large cheek and total lower eyelid defect. English - Portuguese, Papers of the XXXIX Brazilian National Congress of Plastic Surgery,

Salvador de Bahia, 20 – 23 November 2002.

57. A. Figus, M.A. Posadinu, G.M.E. Doneddu, G.P. Mastino, G. Sini, E. Pancrazi, M. LissiaIl trattamento d’urgenza della Sindrome di Lyell. Minerva Chirurgica, Suppl., Vol. 57, N. 3, Giugno 2002 – Atti VX Congresso Nazionale Società PolispecialisticaItaliana Giovani Chirurghi SPIGC, Vibo Valentia, Italia,


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23 - 25 Maggio 2002.

58. G. Sechi, P. Sanna, P. Milia, A. Figus, GC. Nivoli, L. Lorettu, C. Rubino.Intervento integrato (psicoterapia e chirurgia ricostruttiva) in donne mastectomizzate. Italian Journal of Psychopathology, Supplement, Vol. 8, March 2002, 7° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicopatologia, Roma, 19-23 February 2002

59. Figus Andrea, Farace Francesco, Dessy Luca A., Romeo Rossella, Stagno D’Alcontres Francesco and Rubino Corrado.

Protocollo di Trattamento Chirurgico del Melanoma Cutaneo. Atti della Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi (SPIGC), II Congresso Regionale Sardo, Cagliari, Italia, 12 – 13 Ottobre 2001

60. Farace F., Guzzetti T., Posadinu A., Sanna M.P.G., Figus A . , Gallo A., Ferrario A. and Rubino C. Problems and Results in Immediate Breast Reconstruction. English, European Plastic Surgery Review – IX European Congress of ESPRAS, Roma, 16 – 20 September 2001


- Microsurgery workshop Santa Casa Hospital, Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, 1 - 12 July 2002.

- II course of videolaparoscopy Santa Casa Hospital, Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, 22 – 25 August 2002.

- XXXIX Brazilian National Congress of Plastic Surgery, Advanced International Course 21: Current Trends in Post-Mastectomy Immediate Breast Reconstruction. (Professors: Maurizio Nava, Italy and Phillip Blondeel, Belgium).

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 20 – 23 November 2002.

- VIII European Course in Flap Dissection for Reconstruction in Head and Neck Oncology.

Institut d’Anatomie, Renè Descartes, Paris, 18 – 21 June 2003.

- 7th Specialization Course “La mano in urgenza” (the hand in emergency). Policlinico Multimedica, Milano, Italy, 29 – 30 January 2004.

- 8th International Course on Perforator Flaps. Sao Paulo, Brasil, 5 – 7 September 2004.

- Malignant Melanoma, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. Advanced course, Policlinico di Monserrato, Cagliari, Italy, 23 – 24 July 2005.

- 14th European Course in Plastic Surgery. Dublin, Ireland, 8 – 10 November 2005.

- BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation) Executor Course. Department of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences and Centre of Training in Cardio-pulmonary reanimation. University “La Sapienza” of Rome, 14 th March 2006.

- Pre-Euraps Refresher Corse, Facial Rejuvenation. Gent, Belgium, 24th May 2007.

- Pre-Euraps Refresher Corse, Rhinoplasty. Mykonos, Greece, 1st June 2011.

- Advanced communication skills course. Norwich, UK, 16-18 January 2012

- Allergan BOTOX® (Botulinum Toxin Type A) & Vycross Technology Training London, Phi Clinic, 3rd November 2014.


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- Meetings in Surgery, University of Cagliari, Clinica Chirurgica, Cagliari, Italy, 16 June 2000.

- 49° National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery (SICPRE), Turin, Italy, 28 October - 1 November 2000. Speaker and communications.

- VI Regional Congress - V Interregional Congress Sardini – Sicily (SIED), Cagliari, Italy15 - 16 Dicember 2000. Communication.

- 14° National Congress of the Italian Burns Society SIUst, Milan, Italy, 31 May - 1 June 2001. Communication .

- International Congress on Marine Thermae and Thalassotherapy, Alghero, Italy, 13 - 16 June 2001. Communication . - I VIDEOFORUM of Italian Society of Young Surgeons SPIGC – Sardinian Regional Section, Cagliari, Italy, 29 June 2001.

- Italian Society of Young Surgeons SPIGC – II Sardinian Regional Congress, Cagliari, Italy,12 –13 October 2001. Speaker and communication.

- XV National Congress of Italian Society of Young Surgeons SPIGC, Vibo Valentia, Italy, 23 - 25 May 2002. Speaker and communication .

- V Italian National Congress of Psychiatry, Alghero, Italy, 31 May – 02 June 2002. Poster.

- XIII Meeting of the Department of Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery of Santa CasaHospital, Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, 26 – 28 September 2002.

- XXXIX Brazilian National Congress of Plastic Surgery, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 20 – 23 November 2002. Communication.

- Summer Meeting of British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) 2003, Newport, South Wales, UK, 2 – 4 July 2003. Speaker and communications .

- 52° National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery SICPRE, Florence, Italy, 18 – 21 September 2003. Speaker and communication .

- Management of Craniofacial Vascular Malformations. The Royal Society of Medicine, Plastic Surgery Section, London, UK, 11th May 2004.

- Management of Congenital Hand Abnormalities & Annual Dinner. The Royal Society of Medicine, Plastic Surgery Section, London, UK, 8th June 2004.

- 8th International Congress on Perforator Flaps. Sao Paulo, Brasil, 5 – 7 September 2004. Speaker and communication .

- XV Meeting of the Department of Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery of Santa Casa Hospital, Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, 09 – 11 September 2004.

- Evolution of Surgical Techniques in Body Contouring. Olbia, Sardinia, Italy, 22 – 24 May 2005.

- 1st Italian National Conference for Study and Research on ulcers, wounds and tissue regeneration. Rome, Italy, 1-3 March 2006.

- 55° National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery (SICPRE), Rimini, Italy, 21 – 23 September 2006. Speaker and communication .

- 4° National Congress of Italian Society of University Surgeons. “Healing, Researching and


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Teaching”, Perugia, Italy. 9-11 November 2006.

- XVIII Winter Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery (SICPRE), Roccaraso, Italy, 30 Jan – 3 Feb 2007.

- 4° Meeting on the Complex Surgical cases. Diagnosis and treatment. Rome, Italy, 4 May 2007.

- 18th EURAPS Annual Meeting, Gent, Belgium, May 24-26, 2007. Speaker and communications .

- 8° National Congress of the Italian Society of Male Genital Surgery (S.I.C.GE.M.). Rome, Italy. 21-22 June 2007.

- XIX Winter Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery (SICPRE), Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy, 28 Jan – 1 Feb 2008.

- 2nd Italian National Conference for Study and Research on ulcers, wounds and tissue regeneration. Rome, Italy, 26-29 February 2008. Invited speaker

- XXI National Congress of Italian Society of Young Surgeons SPIGC, Perugia, Italy,

16 - 18 June 2008. Chairman .

- 12th Perforator Flaps Course, Coimbatore, India, 10 – 13 Sept. 2008. Speaker.

- 20° Annual Meeting of EURAPS, Barcelona, Spain, 28 – 30 May 2009. Speaker.

- Winter Meeting of the the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) December 2010. Speaker and communications .

- 22° Annual Meeting of EURAPS, Mykonos, Greece, 2 – 4 June 2011. Speaker.

- 61° National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestheti Surgery (SICPRE), Palermo 24-27 September 2012. Speaker.

- Winter Meeting of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) 30 November - 2 December 2011.

- 24° Annual Meeting of EURAPS, Antalya, Turkey, 23 – 25 May 2013. Speaker.

- Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery, Chelmsford, UK, 16 -17 November 2013.

- Summer Meeting of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) 19 June 2013. Speaker

- Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery, Chelmsford, UK, 4 -5 November 2013. Chairman of scientific session.

- Winter Meeting of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) 28-29 November 2013.

- East of England Strategic Clinical Network, Breast Group Educational Meeting, 14 March 2014, Newmarket, UK. Speaker.

- RSM, The London Symposium on reconstructive microsurgery, London, UK, 13 May 2014

- ACRM, Advances and Controversies in reconstructive Microsurgery, 20 – 21May 2014. Chairman of the Conference.

- 25° Annual Meeting of EURAPS, Lacco Ameno, Isle of Ischia, Italy, 29 – 31 May 2014. Speaker.

- RSTN Trials Day, RCS, London, 21st June 2014.

- 63° National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE), Bergamo, Italy, 13-15 October 2014. Speaker.

- Winter Meeting of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) 26-28 November 2014.


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- 26° Annual Meeting of EURAPS, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 28 – 30 May 2015.

- 64° National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SICPRE), Milano, Italy, 17-19 September 2014. Speaker.

- Winter Meeting of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) 25-27 November 2015. Speaker and Chairman


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Norwich 27/07/2016 IN FEDE

Andrea Figus MD(Hons), PhD(Hons), FEBOPRAS Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Senior Lecturer in Clinical Anatomy and Plastic Surgery

7 Nightingale Drive, NR4 7LR, Norwich, UK.

Email: [email protected]