CONTENTS: The Building Block Volume 6, Issue 12 December 11, 2015 1 BUZZ OF THE MONTH 2 ARTICLE– FAIL TO PLAN; PLAN TO FAIL 3 HORROR STORIES 4 SERVICE UPDATES 5 MEET CRSG CATHERINE SCHARNIKOW 6 RECRUITMENT 7 CRSG NEWS 9 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DECEMBER 10 CONSTRUCTION & REALTY SERVICES GROUP 68 Whitehall Street Lynbrook, NY 11563 Tel: (516) 256-0317 Fax: (516) 256-0335 307 West 38th Street, Suite 1218 New York, NY 10018 Tel: (212)736-6900 Fax: (212) 736-6910 www.crs-group.com DOB Inspection Ready Program Goes Live This past week on 12/7/15 the DOB's Inspection Ready Program has gone live and is now the only way to schedule a multitude of required departmental inspections. This new system allows licensees, owners, and their delegates to schedule inspections, track inspections results and view application related records electronically and online. Users are able to schedule virtually all inspections through this service. These inspections include: Boilers; Builders Pavement Plans; Construction; Cranes & Derricks; Electrical; Elevators; House Connections; Plumbing; and Sustainability. The system is arranged and sorted by DOB permit numbers and any permit that is in an “inspectable” status (meaning a job is approved and permit has been issued) will show up in the buildings list for associated owners and licensees once they register. Contractors and Licensed Professionals will be linked to permits via their license numbers. Owners will be linked to permits that their email appears on the PW 1 application for the particular permit. Expeditors can only perform actions and schedule inspections once they are delegated by a registered owner or licensed professional. It is important that if not done already all owners and licensed professionals register now so that inspections are not held up and delays incurred in case any issues arise. Licensed Professionals and owners will need to be registered to be able to delegate authorization to consultants and expediters who they authorize to work on their behalf. The Department of Buildings offices have kiosks set up to help any licensed professionals that are having trouble registering. In addition there are tutorials and online resources via the DOB website and link below. This is a big change and there are many moving parts, to make the process easier for all Licensed Professionals and Owners please contact our team at Domani Consulting, we are available for any questions and issues that may arise. We can set up assistance when needed virtually or in person to be able to walk you through the process step by step to ensure there are no delays. http://www.nyc.gov/html/dob/html/development/insp_ready.shtml DOB BULLETINS Rescinded Notices Bulletin 2015-032 This bulletin rescinds 1 Administra- tion Policy and Procedure Notice (APPN) and 17 Operational Policy and Procedure Notices (OPPNs) that are no longer applicable under any code. Equivalent Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Bulletin 2015-033 This document establishes require- ments for developing and applying for acceptance of an equivalent adhe- sive anchor installer certification program. Letter of No Objection (LNO) Bulletin 2015-034 This bulletin establishes revised oper- ational procedures as to when a Letter of No Objection (LNO) shall be issued from the Department of Build- ings for the purpose of obtaining a license from the New York State Liquor Authority.

December '15

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Page 1: December '15


The Building Block Volume 6 , Issue 12

December 11, 2015


















68 Whitehall Street

Lynbrook, NY 11563

Tel: (516) 256-0317

Fax: (516) 256-0335

307 West 38th Street, Suite 1218

New York, NY 10018

Tel: (212)736-6900

Fax: (212) 736-6910


DOB Inspection Ready Program Goes Live

This past week on 12/7/15 the DOB's Inspection Ready Program has gone live and is now the only way to

schedule a multitude of required departmental inspections.

This new system allows licensees, owners, and their delegates to schedule inspections, track inspections results

and view application related records electronically and online. Users are able to schedule virtually all inspections

through this service. These inspections include: Boilers; Builders Pavement Plans; Construction; Cranes &

Derricks; Electrical; Elevators; House Connections; Plumbing; and Sustainability.

The system is arranged and sorted by DOB permit numbers and any permit that is in an “inspectable” status

(meaning a job is approved and permit has been issued) will show up in the buildings list for associated owners

and licensees once they register. Contractors and Licensed Professionals will be linked to permits via their license

numbers. Owners will be linked to permits that their email appears on the PW 1 application for the particular

permit. Expeditors can only perform actions and schedule inspections once they are delegated by a registered

owner or licensed professional.

It is important that if not done already all owners and licensed professionals register now so that inspections are

not held up and delays incurred in case any issues arise. Licensed Professionals and owners will need to be

registered to be able to delegate authorization to consultants and expediters who they authorize to work on their

behalf. The Department of Buildings offices have kiosks set up to help any licensed professionals that are having

trouble registering. In addition there are tutorials and online resources via the DOB website and link below.

This is a big change and there are many moving parts, to make the process easier for all Licensed Professionals

and Owners please contact our team at Domani Consulting, we are available for any questions and issues that

may arise. We can set up assistance when needed virtually or in person to be able to walk you through the

process step by step to ensure there are no delays.



Rescinded Notices

Bulletin 2015-032

This bulletin rescinds 1 Administra-

tion Policy and Procedure Notice

(APPN) and 17 Operational Policy

and Procedure Notices (OPPNs) that

are no longer applicable under any


Equivalent Adhesive Anchor

Installer Certification

Bulletin 2015-033

This document establishes require-

ments for developing and applying

for acceptance of an equivalent adhe-

sive anchor installer certification


Letter of No Objection (LNO)

Bulletin 2015-034

This bulletin establishes revised oper-

ational procedures as to when a

Letter of No Objection (LNO) shall be

issued from the Department of Build-

ings for the purpose of obtaining a

license from the New York State

Liquor Authority.

Page 2: December '15



As the union/non-union rhetoric heats up, how will safety

measures be enforced even handedly across all jobs?

Although not a license per se, the safety registration serves as

the foundation of a focused enforcement means by the NYC DOB.

Without it, permits cannot be garnered and maintained and

renewed. Suspension can put a contractor out of business and

later “due process” is administrative. A slippery slope.

As the DOB moonwalks more and more from giving

determination for zoning and building code, the professional

community will bear greater responsibility for interpretation and



NYC Buildings newest technology enhancement makes browsing Poli-

cy and Procedure Notices (PPN) simple using a keyword search in a

single comprehensive database.

It is unclear why demolition, the most hazardous of all

construction operations, is exempt from many design and safety

regulation requirements.

Alteration 1 work poses its own set of compliance issues

depending upon its occupancy conditions and existing life safety

systems. Construction compliance has to be planned taking into

account the particular and selective demo means portion and

the appropriate regulatory agency approval garnered. The site

safety plan and/or demo means & methods has (as part of

structural application) become more complicated and phased

for the job and may spin into a myriad of variances to

accommodate the phasing and work of the project.

Page 3: December '15





With the growth of the NYC Construction regulatory process, compliance requirements have resulted in many “engineering” or “means &

methods” efforts that were only handled by shop drawings and/or infield contractor supervision to be designed, filed, approved, permit-

ted, inspected and closed out.

This requirement of construction design has resulted in new filing areas’ such as SOE, Demo DS1, safety protection design, scaffold

design, as well as programmatic submissions that accompany the lifting of many a stop work order. It has also expanded architectural

design requirements for tenant protection plans, fire safety plans, fire protection plans Builders Paving Plans to name a few.

Another contributing factor has been the splintering of responsibility during the design function. What used to take four design profes-

sionals in the 1980s today can climb to the double digits. Such areas as environmental, soils, geotech, safety design, SOE factors have

resulted in the emergence of different engineering disciplines. Pile on that the expansion testing and inspection requirements a design

team now approaches the size of a football team that presents its own set of coordinating issues.

These new components for a project requires (CArE) Construction Architectural and Engineering Services. It poses some integral chal-

lenges for the projects owner and construction team from the start of preconstruction to the final C of O obtainment.

1. Ensure all compliance functions & requirements are bought

- Make sure you look at the DOB required items and translate them into tasks and responsibilities that you ensure

are addressed somewhere in the contracts- professional, contractor or subcontractor.

2. Ensure proper coordination during pre-construction

- Mechanicals, mechanicals, mechanicals, BIM, manual coordination do it. It will prevent costly construction

change orders in the field and prevent making your building look like Swiss cheese from costly chopping, coring

and provide less stress for the structural engineer and the whole project team.

3. Don’t skimp on the controlled inspections package

- This work provides a third party oversight for the owner over everybody. It will also uncover issues with site

contractor means & methods and provide additional general conditions type staff and quality control if used


4. Even if not a controlled inspection requirement of the construction buy design professional/field visits and identify “hold”

points for inspections that will ensure proper work.

5. Buy a well “designed” safety program.

- Don’t leave things to “contractor” chance show “designed” protection details & location; identify egress, sign-

age and alternative “construction phase” life safety (alternative means of fire protection, egress, emergency

procedures, etc.) and gain approval through the proper regulatory agency (NYCFD, NYCDOB, NYCDOT). Imple-

ment a worker orientation program, ensure they are trained, have every contractor submit a safety plan and

identify an F/T on site competent person. Have safety oversight inspection.

6. Deal with adjacent property protection access agreements during the pre-con process and provide a real time construction

monitoring process. Roof protection underpinning, skylights, vents, chimneys, courtyard easements and accesses all have

to be dealt with to ensure a safe and efficient project.

7. Make sure any TR-1’s items that are felt to not be required are removed at the initial filing process component. Remember

that once the job has progressed and the progress special inspections have not happened, it is a recipe for TCO disaster.

8. Ensure the licensed contractor (PL/SP) PL/SP contractor are having their progress inspections

- Roughing, finish, etc. during the construction process

9. Start the TCO process early

- Paperwork compiling always lags and is a nightmare.

10. Ensure all PAA’s are filed and approved especially anything involving zoning or egress if a CCD1 or ZRD1 is required - get it.

Nothing is worse than having something built that hasn’t had a design approval, another recipe for disaster.

11. Have a building code and zoning consultant to do a preview of the drawings and decide about problematic interpretations-

either get a determination done or deal with it during the plan review objection process. Just realize has most jobs go

through three zoning reviews and if something is not caught in day one it may be caught in day 10 (a problem).

12. Never professionally certify zoning. The only items that should ever be considered to be professionally certified are build ing

code items.

13. Make sure all temporary structures are designed and evaluated if they should be filed or not.

14. Ensure your contractor has a capacity of engineering, scheduling, estimating purchasing and coordination. Also make sure

his insurance passes not only for DOB permit but review the exclusions of the policy. Evaluate the efficiency of the insur-

ance as the owner will probably pay for it anyway.

15. Alteration Type 1 work presents a whole host of different compliance problems from partial demo to construction life safety

issues to structural stability. Evaluate compliance at the beginning and do necessary compliance planning and gain regulato-

ry approval-avoiding costly stop work orders during the construction process. This becomes more and more realty as the

land prices increase making the development of existing buildings more and more a reality and feasible.

These are the items that typically slip through the “compliance cracks” of a project and result in delayed approvals, stop wo rk orders, or

a costly delayed CO process.

Be aware, buy smart and realize a dollar spent on planning and engineering save you from construction costs if you deal with it down the


Page 4: December '15

I am trying to withdraw a PL work

type from a NB application. This

PL work type has been re-filed un-

der an atl2 application which clear-

ly states "Re-filing plumbing form

NB... for the purposes of inspec-

tions and sign off.” When I went to

submit this withdrawal, the borough manager told me the examiner needed to

approve it. The examiner said the plumbing chief needed to approve it. The

plumbing chief, he gave it to the supervisor of C of O! Basically, even though it's

extremely straight forward and should have been done weeks ago, I am now

three weeks in and not a withdrawal in sight.



Inside Scoop

From Domani


I have been at the mercy of one particular supervisor at FDNY who simply does

not follow any of the protocols for any fuel storage permits that I have to go

through him for. My follow up emails to him go completely unanswered for sev-

eral days at a time. When I call him to follow up, he doesn’t answer in the office

or on his cell. Furthermore, BOTH of his voice mail boxes are full so you cannot

even leave a message. I have to resort to calling a different supervisor from an-

other division- who actually answers the phone- to get to him. This is not an iso-

lated incident as this chain of events has happened virtually every time I have to

go through him for a permit. Is there no one above these so called “supervisors”

to make sure they are doing their jobs?

We applied for a DOT permit to perform test pits on a sidewalk above an Amtrak

tunnel in order to locate utilities and the top of the tunnel so proper safety precau-

tions can be engineered and designed. The permit was approved by the DOT ex-

aminer but then placed on a “Bridges and Tunnels” hold before it was re-

leased. In order to lift the hold we had to provide additional information regarding

the depth of the test pits. When we responded with “5’-7’ in order to properly

locate the top of the tunnel” they denied the permit because “We are working too

close to the tunnel” . We then had to have a follow up conversation explaining

AGAIN that we were trying to “locate the tunnel” via the test pit. The Genius DOT

clerk in charge then asked for a drawing showing the tunnel or he would not re-

lease the permits which at this point was just mind blowing. I mentioned that

this was a chicken or the egg scenario in that I could not provide a plan locating

the tunnel without first performing the test pit that he would not allow. Suffice to

say this gentleman did not get the analogy as I don’t believe he is familiar with

American colloquialism however eventually after many painstaking conversations

he was ultimately convinced to release and issue the permit.

Page 5: December '15


40 Hour Safety 30 Hour Concrete 30 Hour OSHA 7 Hour SSM Refresher

Tues. 12/1: 4-9:30pm

Thurs. 12/3: 4-9:30pm

Tues. 12/8: 4-9:30pm

Thurs. 12/10: 4-9:30pm

Tues. 12/15: 4-9:30pm

Thurs. 12/17: 4-9:30pm

Tues. 12/22: 4-9:30pm

Tues. 12/24: 4-9:30pm

Tues. 12/29: 4-9:30pm

Tues. 12/31: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/2: 4-9:30pm

Mon. 12/7: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/9: 4-9:30pm

Mon. 12/14: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/16 4-9:30pm

Mon. 12/21: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/23: 4-9:30pm

Mon. 12/28: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/30: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/2: 4-9:30pm

Fri. 12/4: 4-9:30pm

Fri. 12/11: 4-9:30pm

Fri. 12/18: 4-9:30pm

Fri. 12/25: 4-9:30pm

Wed. 12/30: 4-9:30pm

Sat. 12/5: 8-3:30pm

Sat: 12/19: 8-3:30pm

10 Hour OSHA

Sat: 12/12: 8-7pm

Sat: 12/26: 8-7pm



As of December 2015

Reinstatement Fees: Expired Plans, Permits & Applications

Plans, permits and applications are not valid after the expiration date.

You may be required to re-file or pay a reinstatement fee to complete a job after the plans,

permits or applications have expired.

As of December 7, 2015

Certificate of Compliance for Service Equipment: Update

In accordance with §28-116.4.1 specified service equipment shall not be operated until

the Department issues a Certificate of Compliance (formerly called the Equipment Use


The Certificate of Compliance may only be issued after the submission of a satisfactory

report of inspection and testing of such equipment.

The Department will no longer accept inspections requests or perform inspections for the

service equipment referenced above. Any inspections requests that were previously

scheduled will be conducted.

All referenced service equipment must be inspected and certified by a Special Inspection

Agency (SIA) performing inspections in accordance with BC 1704.16 (Mechanical Sys-

tems) and BC 1704.1.2 (Responsibilities of the SIA)

A TR1 Form identifying responsibility for the required special inspection and a PW4 Appli-

cation for Certificate of Compliance for Equipment form (signed and sealed) must be sub-

mitted at permitting.

After inspection, the Special Inspector shall submit to the Certificate of Occupancy Unit a

completed Certificate of Compliance card, and the applicable TR1 Form. If the equipment

is properly certified, the Department will issue an approved (stamped) Certificate of Com-

pliance Card. The special inspection agency shall securely post the approved Certificate

of Compliance card on or adjacent to the service equipment.

Page 6: December '15





Accounting Manager


Jell-O, marshmallows, French’s Mustard, and gold teeth

were all developed in Rochester, New York.

Q: What is your exact title?

A: I am the Accounting Manager for CRSG.

Q: What precisely do you do?

A: I am currently being trained to supervise the billing department.

Q: What kinds of things did you do before you entered this occupation?

A: Prior to coming to this organization, I ran the accounting department for over 6 years

for a nationwide law firm.

Q: How did you get your job?

A: After interviewing with a variety of different companies for an accounting position, I

answered an ad and met with Sangeeta. I was very excited from my first meeting to

be been offered the opportunity to work in this organization.

Q: What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position?

A: Excluding the last seven years, I have been cultivated in the construction industry

working in various administrative roles throughout the past 30 years. I have been

looking for a healthy organization to transition back and was thrilled when I was of-

fered the position here at CRSG.

Q: In what way did this type of work interest you and how did you get started?

A: I had been trained at a very young age in my family’s business and carried it over

through various positions in accounting throughout the past 20 years. I was very hap-

py to find a position here at CRSG– and be back in the construction industry.

Q: What do you like most about this company?

A: Over the past month of working here at CRSG, I have been very impressed with each

and every person I have worked with. For such a large organization, it is very impres-

sive to find so many great team members!

Q: What are the major qualifications for success in this occupation?

A: The key to success in any occupation is hard work.

Q: What skills or personal characteristics do you feel contribute most to success in

this industry?

A: I feel my dedication, hard work and positive attitude contribute to all of my successes.

Page 7: December '15



Happy Holidays from CRSG!

Please visit www.crs-group.com and check it out!

You can find useful information on our companies, our services, personnel,

recruitment, and safety training and events.

Tell us how we’re doing! Send an email to [email protected]

CRSG is a “one stop” compliance, safety and engineering entity for the NYC

real estate and construction industry.

Domani Consulting can provide all compliance services from the filing and ap-

proval of plans to the signoff of D14 applications; to obtaining TCO/C of O for

Alt 1 or NB applications. Domani’s expeditors work through all agencies (DOB,

DOT, NYCFD, Landmarks, DEP, etc.) to prepare, file, approve and signoff pro-

jects. In conjunction with Domani Design, plans can be prepared and engi-

neering and architectural services can be provided. Combine these services

with Domani Inspection for either Alt II D14, special inspection requirements

and/or all controlled inspections/test requirements (with its certified affiliate-

Labs) for either major alterations or NB’s. Our “one stop” filing, controlled com-

pliance program/mechanism completes the full service package.

EWBC offers full scale labor services that will provide all required collective bar-

gaining labor as well as fully managed general condition labor.

CR Safety offers services for safety management combining program, plan and

safety design development, safety inspection, management, record keeping,

physical protection and training to meet any or all safety needs on a site.


Don’t forget to check

out our website at


Page 8: December '15


Our Construction &

Realty Services Group

seeks dynamic

individuals to join our




Our Construction &

Realty Services Group

seeks dynamic

individuals to join our



Key Duties & Responsibilities:

The following will be some of your tasks, but will not be limited to:

1. Responsibilities of the Site Safety Manager (SSM), Site Safety Coordinator (SSC) and Concrete Safety

Manager (CSM) are to monitor compliance with the safety requirements of Chapter 33 of the NYC Building

Code, as well as OSHA and to perform all other safety duties assigned by CRSG, the owner or contractor to

meet legal requirements by record-keeping and reporting on major buildings in New York City.

2. The SSM, SSC CSM shall maintain a daily log book notating any unsafe acts or deficiencies with locations as

well as maintain a permit log.

3. Check Site Safety Plan daily to ensure that the approved Plans are current and up to date.

4. Meet on a weekly basis with the designated representative of each subcontractor to ascertain that all

subcontractors are complying with the applicable provisions of Chapter 33 of

the NYC Building Code, OSHA, FDNY and any applicable local or federal agen-


5. Any additional tasks identified by your supervisor


NYC Site Safety Managers License

Must be a team player and have the ability to effectively multi-task

Detail-oriented and ability to work independently with moderate supervision and


Good written and verbal communication skills

Architecture and/or construction experience a plus

Must be internet savvy & have experience with Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel,

Word, etc.)

General knowledge of NYC building codes and/or filing process a plus.

Safety Management, Analyzing Information, Informing Others, Written Communication, Legal Compliance,

Judgment, Integrity, NYC DOB Chapter 33, OSHA, FDNY & DOT Compliance, Presentation Skills. Microsoft

Word & Excel.



Key Duties & Responsibilities:

1. The following will be some of your tasks, but will not be limited to:

2. Performing field inspections at construction sites per Department of Buildings requirements.

3. Prepare written reports on multi-discipline inspections per Management.

4. Coordination of drawings and field conditions during onsite inspections.

5. Other miscellaneous tasks requested by your supervisor.

Company will support obtaining necessary ICC certifications to perform various special inspections.


Construction, Architecture, and /or Engineering experience desired

General knowledge of NYC construction codes and/or filing process a


Request 5 years minimum experience in related fields.

Must be internet savvy & have experience with Microsoft Office

(Outlook, Excel, Word, etc.)

Good written and verbal communication skills

Ability to interpret engineering/architectural plans and specifications

Must be a team player and have the ability to effectively multi-task

Detail-oriented and ability to work independently with moderate super-

vision and guidance

Ability to prioritize and meet deadlines

Page 9: December '15



Additional Exit Stairway/Occupant Evacuation Elevator Requirements

New Requirements for additional exit stairway/occupant evacuation elevators (OEE) in

all non residential building greater than 420 feet in height go into effect for applica-

tions filed beginning July 1, 2015.

Page 10: December '15

12/3: REBNY– Residential Sales Agent Boot Camp Seminar @ Mendik Edu.

Center 9-11am

12/4: REBNY– Commercial BOD Meeting @ REBNY Boardroom 8:15-9am

12/4: BOMA– Membership Committee Meeting @ BOMA NY 8:30-9:30am

12/7: BOMA– Accelerated Class: Law & Risk @ BOMA NY 12-1pm

12/8: REBNY– Residential Ethics Course for New Members @ Mendik Edu.

Center 9-10:30am

12/9: REBNY– Residential Breakfast Club Seminar @ Mendik Edu. Center


12/9: REBNY– Residential Sales Council @ Litwin Classroom 12-2pm

12/9: BOMA– Accelerated Class: Law & Risk @ BOMA NY 12-1pm

12/10: REBNY– Residential SFC Meeting @ REBNY Litwin Classroom 9-


12/10: REBNY– RLS Technology and Vendor Committee Meeting @ REBNY

Boardroom 2-4pm

12/10: REBNY– The Secrets of Top Brokers and Industry Leaders @ Mendik

Edu. Center 5:30-7pm

12/11: BOMA– Annual Holiday Luncheon 11:30-2pm

12/15: BOMA– Board of Directors Meeting @ BOMA NY 8:30-10am

12/15: REBNY– Commercial Holiday Luncheon @ The Waldorf Hotel 12-


12/16: BOMA– Asset Managers Roundtable @ BOMA NY 8:30-9:30am

12/17: REBNY– RLS Board of Directors Meeting @ REBNY Boardroom 2-


12/18: BOMA– Codes & Regulations @ BOMA NY 8:30-9:30am

12/18: REBNY– Residential Rental Clinic Seminar @ Mendik Edu. Center


For More Events, please visit



1 2 3

REBNY– Residen-

tial Sales Agent

Boot Camp Semi-



REBNY– Commer-

cial BOD Meeting


6 7

BOMA– Accelerated

Class: Law & Risk


REBNY– Residential

Ethics Course for

New Members


BOMA– Accelerated

Class: Law & Risk


REBNY– Residen-

tial SFC Meeting


BOMA– Annual

Holiday Luncheon


13 14 15

BOMA– Board of

Directors Meeting


BOMA– Asset Man-

agers Roundtable



Board of Directors




Residential Rental

Clinic Seminar


20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31