A GE GR SY De ca th He Br Kid Ja Oc SIG De ta Ha Pa ARLING ENER By t RAD YSTE enta an m he an eart ronc dney aw fr cular GNS enta artar alito ain w GTON RAL thre DING EMIC al dis move nima mur chitis y dis ractu r dam S OF al dis accu osis ( when ANIMA INFO ee y G DEN C EFF sease e harm al’s o rmur s sease ures mag DEN sease umu (bad n ope AL HO ORM years NTAL FECT e no mfu overa rs e an ge/lo NTAL e is a ulatio brea penin OSPITAL MATI s of AL DIS TS OF ot on ul den all h nd fa oss L DIS a com on is ath) ng th L, INC. ION f age SEAS F DE nly af ntal health ailure SEAS mmo s the ) he m . N ABO e 80 SE ENTA ffect bact h. S e SE on a e mo mouth OUT 0% o GRA ging AL D ts te teria Some Hea Pha Live Jaw Ocu and o ost co h T DEN De occ on pla be tim the rec los of do ADE giviti DISEA eeth a thr e dis art fa aryng er dis w oste ular a often omm NTAL ental curs n and aque egin t me p e oth cess ss.D ogs 1:T is is p ASE and roug sease ailur gitis seas eopo absc n ov mon Di O L DIS l dise s bec d bet e,as to in plaqu herw sion. Dent and Tarta pres d gum ghou es an re (sor se oros cesse verlo den ifficu Oral s 42 T SEAS ease cause twee stick nfect ue w wise Dee tal di d 70% ar ha sent. ms, it ut the nd in re th sis es ooked ntal p ulty sensi 229 V TELE SE e is o e an en to ky ye t the will ha smo eper iseas % o as ac . t cau e en nfect hroat d dis prob eati itivit VAN B EPHO EMA one o nima ooth ellow e gum arde ooth r infe se, g of ca ccum uses ntire tions t) seas blem ing ty BURE ONE: 9 AIL: IN WWW of th als ca h sur w film ms c en to h too ectio gingi ats sh mulat GR lin s and bod s ass se in m in d EN BO 951.6 NFO@ W.ARL DE he m anno rface m co causi o for oth s on o ivitis show ted o RADE ne. E d pro dy by socia dog dogs PLE OULE 689.0 @ARL LING ENT most ot br es. B oatin ing g rm ta surfa of the s and w sig on th E2: Evide omot y ess ated gs an s and EAS EVARD 0440 RLING GTON TAL com rush Bacte ng the gingi artar ace a e too d per gns he to Tart ence tes m senti d wit Ton Per Fac Sinu Chr nd ca d cat Dro Chr SE T D,RIV 0 ~ F GTON NANIM LD mmon thei eria e too ivitis r,am and h oth r riod of o ooth tar h e of e man ially th de nsillit riodo cial a usiti ronic ats. ts. S oolin ronic TUR VERS FACS NANIM MALH DISE n an ir tee in th oth s, oft matr help root donta oral h sur has a early ny ot actin ental tis ontit absce is (Na c con Whi Signs ng c tea RN O SIDE, SIMIL MALH HOSPI EAS nd ov eth. he m surfa ten s rix o ps pu ts is c al dis dise rface accu y gin ther ng a l dis tis (b esse Nasal) njun ile ca s of d aring OVE CALI LE: 95 HOSPI ITAL. SE verlo The mout ace. seen of cal ush it calle seas ease es (c umul ngivit G a g dise as a h sease bony es ) infe nctivi aviti dent g ER IFORN 51.68 ITAL. .BIZ ooke e da th di . As n as a lcium t und ed pe se is e - T crow lated tis is GRAD and u gum eases high e are y loss ectio itis ies re tal di Cha Nas NIA 9 89.42 .BIZ ed di aily co igest plaq a red m an der t eriod just The wn) b d on s pre DE 3 unde rece s. Te hway e: s) ons epre iseas atter sal d 9250 214 iseas onsu t the que a d lin nd ba the g dont as p Am but h the esent 3: Si er th essio eeth y. De esen se in ring disch 03 ses i ump ese p accu ne alo acter gum tal d painf meric has n crow t. ignifi he gu on, p h and enta nt the nclud of te harge in co ption parti umul ong ria. m line disea ful in can V not re wns fican um l perio d gum al dis e mo de: eeth e ompa n of f icles lates the Tart e pro ase, w n ani Vete each and nt tar line. odon ms h sease ost c h anio food resu s to gum tar a omo whic imal erin hed t d has rtar Sign ntal d have e is a comm on an d resu ultin sign ms ju allow oting ch ul ls as nary the g s star has gnific disea GRA accu und ging gum dise and occu free e an a sys G R Jo P E mon T V nima sults ng in nifica ust ab ws th cavi ltima sit is y Den gum rted accu cant ease ADE umu der th giviti m rec ease. d too urre ely m exte stem Gingi Resp oint Pneu Ear in n den Temp Voca als. D in fo the ant q bove he ba ities ately s in p ntal m line d to m umu ging and 4:S ulate he g is is cessi . Pu oth lo ed an mobi ensiv mic d ivitis pirato infe umon nfect ntal p pera alizat Dent ood form quan ethe acter s, gin y res peop l Soc e. N mov ulated giviti toot Seve ed on gum pres ion a us, ro oose nd te ile. ve bl disea s (gu ory i ectio nia tion prob amen tion tal d part mati ntitie e tee ria t ngivit sults ple. ciet No ev ve un ed on is is p th lo ere ta n the line. sent and oot e ening eeth lood ase th um lo infec on an ns/pa blem nt ch (cryi disea ticle ion o es, ba eth. to att tis a s in to ty (A viden nder n the pres oose artar e cro . Se with peri expo g ha h can d sup hat a oss) ction nd pa ain m in h hang ing) ase buil of acte Ove tach and g ooth AVD nce o r the e cro sent ening r has owns evere h sev iodo osure as n be pply affec ns ain hum ges ldup eria er h to gum h DS). of e gum owns with g. s s and e vere ontal e that cts mans, p m s h d e l t ,

DENTAL DISEASE · tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include: Halitosis (bad breath) Pa By three years of age 80% of dogs

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Page 1: DENTAL DISEASE · tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include: Halitosis (bad breath) Pa By three years of age 80% of dogs





Dental disease notcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire bodythe animal’s

Heart murmursBronchitisKidney disease and failureJaw fracturesOcular damage/loss


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)Pa



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



Dental disease notcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire bodythe animal’s

Heart murmursBronchitisKidney disease and failureJaw fracturesOcular damage/loss


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)Pain when opening the mouth



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



Dental disease notcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire bodythe animal’s

Heart murmursBronchitisKidney disease and failureJaw fracturesOcular damage/loss


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)in when opening the mouth



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



Dental disease notcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire bodythe animal’s overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Heart murmursBronchitisKidney disease and failureJaw fracturesOcular damage/loss


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)in when opening the mouth



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



Dental disease notcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Heart murmurs

Kidney disease and failure

Ocular damage/loss


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)in when opening the mouth



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



Dental disease not only affectcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Kidney disease and failure

Ocular damage/loss


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)in when opening the mouth



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



only affectcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Kidney disease and failure


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Halitosis (bad breath)in when opening the mouth



By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%



only affectcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Kidney disease and failure


Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

in when opening the mouth


By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%

GRADE 1gingivitis is present.


only affects teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Heart failurePharyngitis (sore throat)Liver diseaseJaw osteoporosisOcular abscesses

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

in when opening the mouth


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.plaquebegin to infect the gums causingtime pthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under trecession. Dloss

By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%

GRADE 1gingivitis is present.


s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Heart failurePharyngitis (sore throat)Liver diseaseJaw osteoporosisOcular abscesses

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.plaquebegin to infect the gums causingtime pthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under trecession. Dloss. D

By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%

GRADE 1: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reachedgingivitis is present.


s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Heart failurePharyngitis (sore throat)Liver diseaseJaw osteoporosisOcular abscesses

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Difficulty eatingOral s


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.plaque, a sticky yellowbegin to infect the gums causingtime plaquethe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under trecession. D

. Dental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reachedgingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Heart failurePharyngitis (sore throat)Liver diseaseJaw osteoporosisOcular abscesses

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Difficulty eatingOral s



Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.

, a sticky yellowbegin to infect the gums causing

laque will hardenthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under trecession. Deeper infection of the tooth roots

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70%

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reachedgingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Pharyngitis (sore throat)

Jaw osteoporosisOcular abscesses

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Difficulty eatingOral sensitivity



Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.

, a sticky yellowbegin to infect the gums causing

will hardenthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under t

eeper infection of the tooth rootsental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

By three years of age 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show sig

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reachedgingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Pharyngitis (sore throat)

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Difficulty eatingensitivity



Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.

, a sticky yellowbegin to infect the gums causing

will hardenthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under t

eeper infection of the tooth rootsental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

of cats show sig

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Pharyngitis (sore throat)

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Difficulty eatingensitivity


ELEPHONE: 951.689.0440MAIL: INFO


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.

, a sticky yellow film coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,begin to infect the gums causing

will harden to formthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under t

eeper infection of the tooth rootsental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

of cats show sig

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

GRADE 2line.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:





Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces.

film coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,begin to infect the gums causing

to formthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under t

eeper infection of the tooth rootsental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

of cats show sig

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

GRADE 2line. Evidence of early gingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tcan move harmful dental bacteria throughout the entire body by essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogstartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:






Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. Ton and between tooth surfaces. Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation of

film coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,begin to infect the gums causing gingivitis

to form tartarthe otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under t

eeper infection of the tooth rootsental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

of cats show sig

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

GRADE 2: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

Dental disease is a common and often overlooked disease in dogs and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:






Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. T

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,


the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under teeper infection of the tooth roots

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

of cats show signs of oral disease

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

TonsillitisPeriodontFacial abscessesSinusitis (Nasal) infectionsChronic conjunctivitis

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

DroolingChronic tearing






Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. T

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

gingivitistartar, a matrix of calcium and

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under teeper infection of the tooth roots

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

ns of oral disease

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with den

TonsillitisPeriodontFacial abscessesSinusitis (Nasal) infectionsChronic conjunctivitis

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

DroolingChronic tearing







Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. T

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

gingivitis, often seen as a red line along the gums just above t, a matrix of calcium and

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under teeper infection of the tooth roots

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

ns of oral disease

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

overall health. Some diseases and infections associated with dental disease are:

TonsillitisPeriodontitis (bony loss)Facial abscessesSinusitis (Nasal) infectionsChronic conjunctivitis

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

DroolingChronic tearing






Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. T

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above t, a matrix of calcium and

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under teeper infection of the tooth roots is called

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

ns of oral disease

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

tal disease are:

itis (bony loss)Facial abscessesSinusitis (Nasal) infectionsChronic conjunctivitis

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chronic tearing






Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inoccurs because animals cannot brush their teeth. The daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above t, a matrix of calcium and

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under tis called

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

ns of oral disease

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

GRADEandgum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

tal disease are:

itis (bony loss)Facial abscessesSinusitis (Nasal) infectionsChronic conjunctivitis

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chronic tearing





Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above t, a matrix of calcium and

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under tis called periodontal disease

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

ns of oral disease - The

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

GRADEand under the gum line. Significantgum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Tby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

tal disease are:

itis (bony loss)

Sinusitis (Nasal) infectionsChronic conjunctivitis

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chattering of teeNasal discharge

ALIFORNIA 92503951.689.4214


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above t, a matrix of calcium and

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under tperiodontal disease

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i


: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

GRADE 3under the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

s teeth and gums, it causes and promotes many other diseases. Teeth and gums haveby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

tal disease are:

itis (bony loss)

Sinusitis (Nasal) infections

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chattering of teeNasal discharge


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above t, a matrix of calcium and bacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

the otherwise smooth tooth surface and helps push it under the gum line promotingperiodontal disease

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

3: Signunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

eeth and gums haveby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chattering of teeNasal discharge


Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases inhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

he gum line promotingperiodontal disease

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gumEvidence of early gingivitis is present.

: Significant tartar has accumulated on the crownsunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

eeth and gums haveby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chattering of teeNasal discharge

Dental disease is one of the most common and overlooked diseases in companionhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

he gum line promotingperiodontal disease

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

eeth and gums haveby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include:

Chattering of teethNasal discharge

companionhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

he gum line promotingperiodontal disease, which ultimately results in tooth

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

eeth and gums haveby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,


companionhe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

he gum line promotingwhich ultimately results in tooth

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

: Tartar has accumulated on the tooth surfaces (crown) but has not reached the gum line.

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

eeth and gums haveby essentially acting as a highway. Dental disease is a systemic disease that

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

companion animals.he daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

he gum line promotingwhich ultimately results in tooth

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as i

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

the gum line.

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

GRADEaccumulated on the crowns andunder the gum line.gingivitis is present withgum recession anddisease. Pus, root exposureandoccurred and teeth can befreely mobile.

eeth and gums have an extensive blood supply thatis a systemic disease that

GingivitisRespiratory iJoint infectionPneumoniaEar infections/pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

TempVocalization (crying)

animals.he daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

he gum line promoting cavities,which ultimately results in tooth

ental disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease is just as painful in animals as it is in people.

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

the gum line.

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsunder the gum line. Significant

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

GRADEaccumulated on the crowns andunder the gum line.gingivitis is present withgum recession anddisease. Pus, root exposureand tooth loosening hasoccurred and teeth can bereely mobile.

an extensive blood supply thatis a systemic disease that

GingivitisRespiratory iJoint infectionPneumoniaEar infections/pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

TempVocalization (crying)

animals. Dental diseasehe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above tbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

cavities,which ultimately results in tooth

t is in people.

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

the gum line.

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

4: Severe tartar hasaccumulated on the crowns andunder the gum line.gingivitis is present withgum recession anddisease. Pus, root exposure

tooth loosening hasoccurred and teeth can bereely mobile.

an extensive blood supply thatis a systemic disease that

GingivitisRespiratory iJoint infectionPneumoniaEar infections/pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

Temperament cVocalization (crying)

Dental diseasehe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

, often seen as a red line along the gums just above the teeth. Overbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

cavities, gingivitis and gumwhich ultimately results in tooth

t is in people.

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

the gum line. No evidence of

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

: Severe tartar hasaccumulated on the crowns andunder the gum line.gingivitis is present withgum recession anddisease. Pus, root exposure

tooth loosening hasoccurred and teeth can bereely mobile.

an extensive blood supply thatis a systemic disease that

Gingivitis (gum loss)Respiratory iJoint infectionPneumoniaEar infections/pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

erament cVocalization (crying)

Dental diseasehe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities,

he teeth. Overbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

gingivitis and gumwhich ultimately results in tooth

t is in people.

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

No evidence of

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

: Severe tartar hasaccumulated on the crowns andunder the gum line.gingivitis is present withgum recession anddisease. Pus, root exposure

tooth loosening hasoccurred and teeth can be

an extensive blood supply thatis a systemic disease that

(gum loss)Respiratory infectionsJoint infection and pain

Ear infections/pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

erament changesVocalization (crying)

Dental diseasehe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation offilm coating the tooth surface. As plaque accumulates to significant quantities, bacteria

he teeth. Overbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

gingivitis and gumwhich ultimately results in tooth

t is in people.

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

No evidence of

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

: Severe tartar hasaccumulated on the crowns andunder the gum line. Severegingivitis is present withgum recession and peridisease. Pus, root exposure

tooth loosening hasoccurred and teeth can be

an extensive blood supply thatis a systemic disease that affects

(gum loss)nfections

and pain

Ear infections/pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

hangesVocalization (crying)

Dental diseasehe daily consumption of food results in food particle buildu

Bacteria in the mouth digest these particles resulting in the formation ofbacteria

he teeth. Overbacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach to

gingivitis and gumwhich ultimately results in tooth

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

No evidence of

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

: Severe tartar hasaccumulated on the crowns and

Severegingivitis is present with severe

periodontaldisease. Pus, root exposure

tooth loosening hasoccurred and teeth can be

an extensive blood supply thataffects

nfectionsand pain

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,


he daily consumption of food results in food particle buildup

bacteriahe teeth. Over

bacteria. Tartar allows the bacteria to attach togingivitis and gum

which ultimately results in tooth

American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS).

No evidence of

: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

gum recession, periodontal disease and tooth loosening.

: Severe tartar hasaccumulated on the crowns and


odontaldisease. Pus, root exposure

an extensive blood supply thataffects

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,


: Tartar has accumulated on the crowns and has started to move under the gum

ificant tartar has accumulated on the crownsgingivitis is present with

accumulated on the crowns and


an extensive blood supply that

and cats. While cavities represent the most common dental problem in humans,

Page 2: DENTAL DISEASE · tartar accumulation is the most common dental problem in dogs and cats. Signs of dental disease include: Halitosis (bad breath) Pa By three years of age 80% of dogs


Feeding dry food is not an effective method of controlling dental tartar as tartar is very hard and solidly adhered to the tooth surface. Dry food isnot as sticky as canned food and thus will be less likely to adhere to the tooth surface and promote dental plaque and tartar. Dental plaque andtartar can accumulate for other reasons such as individual mouth chemistry and immunity, facial and oral structure, teeth crowding and breedpredispositions. Dental disease is highly individualized and animals may need a dental cleaning on a routine basis and or may only require a dentalcleaning every few years. Routine oral examination and frequent dental cleanings for animals with higher incidence of dental disease will be moreeconomical as this will reduce the overall cost of dental care by minimizing expensive tooth extractions.


Dental cleaning requires general anesthesia because it involves multiple steps which can result in a long procedure, may require radiographs (x-rays) to examine tooth roots, may cause pain, may involve extraction of teeth and suturing of gums and usually requires the animal to remaincompletely still for a minimum of 30 minutes to as long as 2 -3 hours depending upon the extent of dental disease. Dental cleanings are brokendown into the different steps described below:

1) Examination/Probing/Scaling: The process starts with oral examination, probing of tooth pockets and scaling of teeth. Teeth and gumsare examined for pockets above and below the gum line, for caries (cavities), missing teeth, loose teeth, fractured teeth, gum recessionand resorptive lesions. Scaling is performed with an ultrasonic scaler to remove tartar above and below the gum line. Arlington AnimalHospital utilizes a high quality modern scaler that uses air to produce vibrations and is less damaging to teeth.

2) Extractions/Suturing: Teeth that are loose, have excessive gum recession, are fractured or have root damage are extracted and theirpockets sutured as required. Radiographs are vitally important as they can show teeth that appear to be normal above the gum line buthave infected roots below the gum line. Extraction of teeth can be a difficult process and may required use of high speed drills, gum flapsand lip flaps. Many teeth require cutting with a high speed drill to be removed and extractions have to be done carefully to preventfractures of the jaw and damage to other teeth.

3) Polishing: Minor tooth surface defects are smoothed out with pumice utilizing a low speed polishing unit. This helps make the toothsurface resistant to plaque formation and adherence. Each surface of each tooth must be polished.

4) Irrigation: A pressurized spray is utilized to remove small amounts of tartar, plaque, left over pumice and bacteria from the toothsurfaces, gums and between the teeth.

5) Fluoride Treatment: The surface of the teeth are coated in fluoride and allowed to sit for at least four minutes. This decreases toothsensitivity, strengthens enamel and decreases the rate of future plaque formation.


The goal of home dental care is to remove plaque before it become calcified and adheres to the tooth surface. Home dental care can be divided upinto two categories, mechanical management and chemical management.

Mechanical Management:Tooth Brushing: Tooth brushing is the most effective method of controlling tartar but it use can be highly variable based uponthe animal’s disposition and the owner’s ability. Human toothpaste should not be used due to its unsuitable taste, it detergentcomposition and its high fluoride content. Animal toothpastes are lactoperoxidase enhanced enzyme products that haveantibacterial properties that decrease plaque. Animal toothpaste comes in a variety of flavors and animal toothbrushes vary insize from finger brushes to full size toothbrushes.

Dog Foods and Dental Treats: There are many different prescription and over the counter (OTC) dental foods and dental treatsdesigned to reduce dental plaque and tarter in animals. Hill’s Prescription Diet T/D is one of the most effective dental diets andcan reduce plaque and tartar formation as much as 60%. This may highly benefit animals that have chronic dental disease.

Dental Toys/Bones: There are many dental toys and bones on the market that help reduce dental plague and tarter by“scrubbing” the teeth and stimulating the gums. However toys and bones will not replace dental brushing and there is a smallrisk of gastric obstruction if the animal swallows all or part of the toy or bone. There is also a small risk of tooth fracture withhard toys or bones.

Chemical Management:Cleansing Gels: Cleansing gels such as Hexarinse and CHX-Guard contain ingredients such as Chlorhexidine that havebacteriostatic and antibacterial effects that can reduce plague and tartar formation. These gels help reduce plaque but shouldbe used in conjunction with other methods to be truly effective.


Routine Dental Cleanings: Routine dental checks and dental cleanings will minimize spread of bacteria throughout the body and minimize thechances of organ and tissue damage by circulating dental bacteria. Brushing between dental cleanings will promote healthy teeth and gums.Unfortunately there is no substitute for dental cleanings.

Pulse Therapy Antibiotics: Antibiotics can be used as a pre treatment before dental treatment, perioperatively at the time of dental treatment,postoperatively for 7-10 days, and/or in a pulse therapy fashion given the first five to seven days of each month. Pulse therapy antibiotics havebeen proven to help manage and control chronic dental disease in a variety of cases, especially cases where a dental cleaning may not be feasible.

The key to maintaining good dental health in your animal is consistent dental exams every 6-12 months,routine cleanings, a proper diet and aggressive home dental care.