dered t@ndd ddde edo$; q*pa*,/e}:,e!{lfloeAtjc4 dgdd {gedalgS dedrd, ddg$p-geba3 aloedd ddrdaJOrt d>Q add.rr:, dedd g€s'eo$g$d ogodnorl' eQ6Dodsri/asf€a;, oat$ deddooden{ $F* qJ%obdrd dloalocb a$od>d dlod). t"deDndt (f) *.u. ios3r: aS'A l0 anoercf E) 20!3,Boood: 20-05-2013. (2) i.u. *o&j; ")tr'6 12 "l:ft:d.b 2013(II), Ooood: 12-06-2013. (3) *.v. io&3dt ")tr'E 22 anceJcf Er 2013, Ooood: 10-10-2013. (4) d.s. loa3; '>qfG 07 "rndsor &) 2014, Oanod: ll-.04-2014. (5) d.e. *oa3r: ")W"A 18 e,)F6erdEr 2014, Oarood: 0I-10-2014. (6) d.el. doa3; De'A U a;iceroFdr 2015, 6oood: 08-05-2015. . . (7} n er. noaS; .>tr'G 19 axcsct'cb 2015 Ooood:08-10:2015. (S>d.er. doaS; atr6a 18 "rn6erda 2016 ao"oE: 18-04-2016 (9> i.u. ioa3r: ?dA 34 ")Fc(rore,) 2016 Ooaod:28-10-2016. ' t . iroro egded noa3; e:q 19 areegctra 2017, a,3ort$ocb, Ouood:4de sgef 2017. o$>8ft/aoctrr^3q/ocAaeJd dedd gedd$gdod e,3.oedd &aioOiigtl $E "rfdaxr dedd gedobgd>d mroJaorl erQaoorieri oaO e#;add $el.qjdfi) ddd&4 dros deddd 6e.tlzw ood 9e. ts6xE* dr6,r,ooood l$e addo 2017 ood ?sDorl a^rddo€ d:oeaocbdodel dard{ d&FlDdd tinffi)d d:*rl erSc$arbd- o$D8tu/a,t aud/aectut3.a d>dl aord.lFr dedd g€sedsg ddo$)* d€d. 2.' de ededd wdedrlgron 3. d-eg &dq "a@sdd{ wdoa5rl9d:o ieoddt**9. 4. adfd.bFj tu*g- &ddo&l$€$os; 0do9 drddmdorl 6DO o4ta&d d:ul d%o6, ddd$+ &oe> Nu9 d€dd/$rrDo$ Oq,e &ddd &.132% ood de. tlox f* d*s amod, 1& esdto 2017 ood erooit *dldod Soel.lo$ dradso dd iaord$ darfi{d. 'dlos. .dedd' aodd iroro &dd$ e"dro dodffidddr? drlewfi a"dg XpaeprOd,&'

dered t@ndd ddde - Karnataka · dered t@ndd ddde edo$; q*pa*,/e}:,e!{lfloeAtjc4 dgdd {gedalgS dedrd, ddg$p-geba3 aloedd ddrdaJOrt d>Q add.rr:, dedd g€s'eo$g$d ogodnorl' eQ6Dodsri/asf€a;,

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dered t@ndd ddde

edo$; q*pa*,/e}:,e!{lfloeAtjc4 dgdd {gedalgS dedrd, ddg$p-geba3aloedd ddrdaJOrt d>Q add.rr:, dedd g€s'eo$g$d

ogodnorl' eQ6Dodsri/asf€a;, oat$ deddooden{ $F* qJ%obdrd

dloalocb a$od>d dlod).

t"deDndt (f) *.u. ios3r: aS'A l0 anoercf E) 20!3, Boood: 20-05-2013.

(2) i.u. *o&j; ")tr'6 12 "l:ft:d.b 2013(II), Ooood: 12-06-2013.

(3) *.v. io&3dt ")tr'E 22 anceJcf Er 2013, Ooood: 10-10-2013.

(4) d.s. loa3; '>qfG 07 "rndsor &) 2014, Oanod: ll-.04-2014.

(5) d.e. *oa3r: ")W"A 18 e,)F6erdEr 2014, Oarood: 0I-10-2014.

(6) d.el. doa3; De'A U a;iceroFdr 2015, 6oood: 08-05-2015. . .(7} n er. noaS; .>tr'G 19 axcsct'cb 2015 Ooood: 08-10:2015.

(S> d.er. doaS; atr6a 18 "rn6erda 2016 ao"oE: 18-04-2016

(9> i.u. ioa3r: ?dA 34 ")Fc(rore,) 2016 Ooaod: 28-10-2016.' t .

iroro egded noa3; e:q 19 areegctra 2017,a,3ort$ocb, Ouood:4de sgef 2017.

o$>8ft/aoctrr^3q/ocAaeJd dedd gedd$gdod e,3.oedd &aioOiigtl $E

"rfdaxr dedd gedobgd>d mroJaorl erQaoorieri oaO e#;add $el.qjdfi)ddd&4 dros deddd 6e.tlzw ood 9e. ts6xE* dr6,r, ooood l$e addo 2017ood ?sDorl a^rddo€ d:oeaocb dodel dard{ d&FlDdd

tinffi)d d:*rl erSc$arbd- o$D8tu/a,t aud/aectut3.a d>dl aord.lFr dedd

g€sedsg ddo$)* d€d.

2.' de ededd wdedrlgron

3. d-eg &dq "a@sdd{ wdoa5rl9d:o ieoddt**9.

4. adfd.bFj tu*g- &ddo&l$€$os; 0do9 drddmdorl 6DO o4ta&d d:ul

d%o6, ddd$+ &oe> Nu9 d€dd/$rrDo$ Oq,e &ddd &.132% ood de. tloxf* d*s amod, 1& esdto 2017 ood erooit *dldod Soel.lo$ dradso dd

iaord$ darfi{d.

'dlos. .dedd' aodd iroro &dd$ e"dro

dodffidddr? drlewfi a"dg XpaeprOd,&'

:6. drul qJdpd) oodEoaod dooao$. alpdaJeaofldd ecddl drn oorto erdS*od

.-d€d pooodrlgd>o drload domcnil dosorrtc9idd*dt dldl ocdq d,Fn"d

da$ .a$d 4)ooodrig$+ ddris8n{{q.

-6* e,JdddS+ doqtoddob aAd erodapR doee$drd $q odo$de

wdedao*n "add>o dedd .rod> dork8dclarbdag

door*d cnaraaod qtde vdd)Fod${ eldd dnod$,

- -*+n8g-"a

r8.?,).ge;)saiiaordd etud Eeotlrdbr,

doledroddr, doar€;d rldr,f, d:ooOd ddtido$g {3#io-6aaa*n aorlo 50 ded9$4

:Ar* eetd&Jil ddalooao a$rode.:r (dDDa) d$doo.od)._

edod:l.' daordd S$, aoq$rd$r/edd d:D$d ao$r.d5rdsb.

2. dardd dOoO toodird$ri1$/ aod:rd9rrlsb.3. irordd dWoO aao$rd9ri1$b/6"o$Fd9rrlsb.

4. dqod ailoeiesDa"ed) (G&SSA), doarald' don dgd, erau,tr qJdd

1ar.n. do. 5398), aJorlCocb.

5. 'dp"d airaaeiesDoerd; (E&RSA), doasud' doB dgd' erastr ?Pdd

(&:8. do.5398) a3orlCodr6. {OaA d>ooe3ealaoerd> (.Jttl$, E$q dsdrlsi)), door[^ld, aotrraPxio d*

(4.,.s3. do.5329), a3orl*o6.' 7. roo$rd$r, ddod eteld*q FgQuod, aPdiDd, aJodq,od>.8. odrgcf..Bdd$ dapEo.rd w{ oarodoelo$, dorlCodc. .9. od€o', doat^:d eloearcdr>$ doil*a$.10. odl[o6, dort^ld etdgd m;odrdrodg, dorldo6.rr. oq Egn* de* *rdl xg 6roanQ€d6.12. "rq

qcroato a$Dsld{6rf$}.13. aq sgrJ$ Ae*+Eooifq)14. e)ed eQaoQ o+ac, d>xg6 sDerdd/€e $aodrl$,15. Oderdddr, d6rort"]d -?, d@d "aep$, oaai #d, eSoit*o6.fO. qdq et&,{dd, das".-e:e.&o.u}ii'., iodA doa36:}45'.rf, ud>d>dGd9 dqd'

dorlCo6.17. dort^ld doard *a3oeood:d aeg uo:6rltb.1&.e$$6, EoEurd cneiu Saoso'dd"ddd dod, dai6f *rtdd: a3orls*ocb:t9. dpred FtroFd Saiaooo$d tlo@eo$/aPd Sode#'lpqiooo$.m. mddgiTaa3oJt dq ddd,

dprurd iardd ererd eer+eto*) rQtd elodeoFe@so www.Iinance.kar.niq.in e€SA. '


'**.*u*.r, Allowance to Teaching Staff on UGC/AICTE/ICARscaks of pay ard Judicial OfficersPensioners on NJPC pay scales-Revisbn of rates.

R-EAI): - (l) G.O, No. FD l0 SRP 2013, date d2AOU20l3. ' '

(2) G.O. No" FD 12 SRP 2013, (I+ dated 12-A6-2013.(3) G.O: No. FD 22 SRP zll?,dated 10-10-2013.(4)G.G. No. FD 07 SRP 2}l{,dated n-A4-2014.(tlGS. No. FD 18 SRP 2AI4, date&01-10-2014.(6) G.O. No. FD 12 SRP z0li,dated 08-05-2015.

: (7)-G.O.No.FD 19 SRFzfiSldatettTS-l0rz0ls.G) eO. No.FD 18 SRP 2016, dated: 18-04-2016.(9>G.O. No.FD 34 SRP 2016 &ated, 28-1f2016:

'";lHXf #YJ'tt?*T"i'sRPJol7'

Government are pleased to sanction increase in the rates of Dearness

Allorruance to Teaching Staff who are on UGC/AICTE/ICAR scales of pay and to

Judiciat Officers on NJPC pay scales from the existing 132"/o to L36Yo of the basic

pay with effect from llt January 2017.

2. For the purpose of this order, the term oBasic Pay' means, the pay drawn by a

Governinent employee in the UGC/AICTEIICAR and NJPC scales of pay applicable

to the post held by him.

3. Basic Pay shall not include any other emoluments.

4. Govemment are also pleased to'sanction increase in the rates of Dearness

Allowance to NJPC Pensironers/Farnif Pensioners frona the existin-e l32oh to 1360/o

of the basic pensiorlfamily.pension with effect fronr l't January 2017.

5. The increase kr Dearnes.a Alhourance adrnissiEr*e under this order is payabk in

cash until fi.lrttrer orders.

6. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involvingfractions of 50 paise

and above shall be rounded off to the next rupee and fractions less than 50 paise shall

be ignored.

7. The Dearness Allowance wiil be shown as a distinct elbment of remuneration

and will not be treated as pay for any puqpose.



Deputy Secretary'to Government,Finance Department (Services-2).

The Compiler, Karnataki Giettefo. p"uri"f,i*/'1n tne next issue of the gazetteand to

supply 50 copies to Finance Department(with covering letter).

T o :1. The Chief Secretary/Additional Chief Secretaries to Govemment.2. The Principal Accountant General (General & Social Sector Audit), Karnatata" New

Building, Audit Bhavan (P.B. No.5398), Bangalore.3. The Principal Accountant General (Economic and Revenue Sector Audit), Karnataka,

New Building, Audit Bhavan (P.BNo.5398), Bangalore.4. The Principal Accountant General (Accounls & Entitlement), Kamataka, Park House

Road, (P.B.No.5 3 29), Bangalore ;5. The Principal SecretarieVSecretaries to Government-6. The Secretary, Kannada Development Authority, Vidhana Soudha" Bangalore.7. The Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore.8. The Registrar, Kamataka Lokayukra,.Bangalore.9. The Registrar, Karnataka Administrative Tribunal, Bangalore.10. Principal District and Session Judges of'All Dstriots.11. The Heads of Departrnents12. The Deputy Commissioners of All Districts.13. The Treasury Offrcer, State Huzur Treasury/District Treasuries14, The Director, Karnataka State Archives Department, Vikasa Soudhq Bangalore.15. The Project officer, HRMS, Room No.145 'A" M.S.Building, Bangalore.16. The Senior Research Officer, Pay Research Unit, Departrrent of Expenditure,

Minislry of Finance, Govemment of India New Delhi.17. The President, Karnataka State Government Employees Association, Bangalore.I S. All Sections of the Karnataka Government Secretariat.I 9. Kamataka Government Secrejtmi at Librmy fLegislatufe Libray.20. Weekly Gazettelsection Guard File.

. .

Visit thp Official Website of Finance Departnent, GOK : www.finance.kar.nic.in