Development of synergies in the implementation of RIS EIT Awareness Day in Slovakia Bratislava, 26 October 2015 Jan Larosse Competence Centre Smart and Sustainable Growth DG Regional and Urban Policy

Development of synergies in the implementation of RIS › SK › VedaATechnikaVSR... · The Role of Clusters in implementation of RIS3 Act as facilitator & bridge-builder Foster challenge

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Page 1: Development of synergies in the implementation of RIS › SK › VedaATechnikaVSR... · The Role of Clusters in implementation of RIS3 Act as facilitator & bridge-builder Foster challenge

Development of synergiesin the implementation of RIS

EIT Awareness Day in Slovakia

Bratislava, 26 October 2015

Jan LarosseCompetence Centre

Smart and Sustainable Growth

DG Regional and Urban Policy

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Cooperation EIT – DG Regio

• Exploit communalities in objectives

'Challenges driven innovation' (common themes)

'Knowledge Triangle' (cluster approach)

Building on a distributed approach and EU-scaling(smart specialisation to align regional clusters)

• Explore synergies in combining efforts

Strategy building (KICs & RIS3)

Aligning activities (Calls, training, accelerators)

Combing instruments (Regional Innov. Scheme)

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• The challenge for (innovation driven) growth and jobs in Europe is the investment gap; searchfor more effectiveness of investment policies(role of cohesion policy)

• Synergies in support instruments for innovation investments is a part of this agenda

• Implementation of RIS3: smart specialisationinvestments (role of clusters and internationalisation)

• How to align better EIT-KICs and RIS3?

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An Investment Plan for Europe: The ‘virtuous triangle’

Context: New EU macro-economicgrowth policy

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An Investment Plan for Europe: The ‘virtuous triangle’





• € 315 bn


• € 450 bn(160 bn forinnovation)

Increase effectiveness of investments !

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• From 'absorption' logic to 'investment' policy for growth and jobs

Greater focus on results Targeting resources at key growth sectors (TO-s) Pre-conditions for funding – ex ante conditionalities Reinforced partnership Stronger link to the EU economic governance "European


• Increased synergies between Structural Funds and with other EU instruments (possibility for cumulation)

• Smart Specialisation = Key feature of reformed Cohesion Policy to ensure effectiveness of ERDF investments in innovation (ex-ante conditionality)

What is the contribution of New Cohesion Policy 2014-2020?

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How to achieve synergies?

• In one project (only for H2020!): cumulative, but not same cost items. ESIF-part is related to RIS3.Difficult to implement technically.

• Successive (building on each other) or parallel(complementary) projects. = Amplification.

• Alternative funding (successful projects, but not financed in H2020): re-using assessmentprocedure (simplification, in principle).

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How is EC facilitating synergies?

Awareness raising and guidance

'Stairway to Excellence' in EU13; S3 Platform mapping of priorities (Eye@RIS3)

References to synergies in WP H2020 (e.g. condition to align with RIS3 in 'Teaming')

Organisation of policy learning and best practices; Training of auditors involved in ESIF; support through experts for developing RIS3

Analysis of new research capacities in OPs

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Seal of Excellence

The ‘Seal of Excellence’ certificate will be sent to the applicants of above threshold not funded proposals: a holder of the certificate can then approach alternative funding sources (regional, national, private or public) and present the certificate as a label of a high-quality project proposal.

The ‘Seal of Excellence’ is a quality label, awarded to project proposals submitted for funding under Horizon 2020, which succeeded in passing all of the stringent selection and award criteria, but which remain unfunded due to the insufficient Horizon 2020 budget. The ‘Seal’ identifies, therefore, promising project proposals which merit funding from alternative sources (public or private), e.g. national, regional, European or international.

- opportunity for regions and Member States (and any other interested actor) to fully exploit the high-quality Horizon 2020 evaluation process to easily identify and possibly support high-impact proposals coming from promising innovative companies, with an ambition to grow and compete internationally.

- high quality proposals from innovative Small and Medium Enterprises will have additional chances to be funded. The precious time and effort SMEs invested in the proposal and idea development will thus not be wasted.

The Horizon 2020 SME instrument has been selected for the introduction of the ‘Seal of Excellence’ because of the relevance to regional and national funders, as the project proposals address small scale R&I actions close to the market with a clear territorial impact.

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Synergies under "Widening actions" H2020


• R&I Strategy of the future Centre of excellence should fit inwith the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the MS/region

• National/ESIF commitment needed for rolling out the futurecentre


Alignment with the objectives of the Smart SpecialisationStrategy of the MS/region is encouraged

ERA Chairs:

• Selected field of ERA Chair to be in line with the objectives ofthe Smart Specialisation Strategy of the MS/region

• Research capacity to be funded by ESIF

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The policy challenge: investment!

For countries and regions this means:

• to invest in innovation-driven growth and change

• embrace technological change

• create enabling eco-systems

• in a place-based way (e.g. no-one-size-fits-all)

• concentrate on areas of competitive advantage

• prioritise investments based on entrepreneurial knowledge

• leverage private investment and initiatives

• closely monitor investments and change course if needed

• hence: "smart specialisation" to frame such actions

Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is almost everything. A

country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost

entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker. (Paul Krugman, 1994)

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= fact-based: all assets

= no top-down but dynamic/entrepreneurial discovery process for shared vision among innovation stakeholders, in particular business

= All forms of innovation – not only technology and research driven

= eco-systems: creating environments for change, not accumulation of disconnected projects

= Mobilisation of investments and synergies across different departments and governance levels (EU-national-regional)

= source-in knowledge, & technologies

= Be different!

= competitive advantages, potential for excellence, opportunities

= global perspective on potential competitive advantage + potential for cooperation, global value chains

= Concentration of resources on priorities, problems and core needs + accumulation of critical mass also across borders

= no focus on single sector / tech., but cross-fertilisations, rejuvenating sectors through higher value-added activities + emerging sectors / areas for place-based economic transformation!

What is Smart Specialisation ?

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What is the impact on Cohesion Policy?

• All countries/regions have now RIS3 in place, translated in OPs

• Objective 1 'Research and Innovation' allocated with € 40 bn

• "renewal of the regional planning culture" (Fraunhofer)

• Many RIS3 still have weaknesses (e.g. broad focus areas, superficial

entrepreneurial discovery, weak international dimension, …)

• Implementation will be key! Investments start only in the coming

months and years. RIS3 is a process!

• Cluster organisations embed the 'entrepreneurial discovery process'

• Transnational cooperation can have important role to strengthen

implementation (focus) and reinforce impact (upscaling)

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The Role of Clusters in implementation of RIS3

Act asfacilitator & bridge-builder

Foster challengedriveninnovation

Create favourable"open space" forcross-sectoralfertilisation

Build critical mass, and align effortsbased on complementarities

Promote cooperationin new European value chains.

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Role of transnational cooperation

• Bring together regions with related RIS3 strategies ('strategic


• Use smart specialisation as coordination principle to build

more critical mass and more scale for investments in key areas

• Foster inter-cluster cooperation to learn, connect, demonstrate

and commercialise, by upscaling dispersed regional efforts

• Undertake joint entrepreneurial discovery processes to map

related opportunities based on concrete value chains

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153 EU regions (from 19MS)

+ 16 countries at national level

• 52 regional and 16 national strategies peer-reviewed

• Thematic seminars & conferences

• RIS3 guide

• Mapping of specialisations: Eye@RIS3

• Regional profling

• Web-site, Newsletter …


Commissionsupport forRIS3:

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Eye@RIS3:database for RIS3 priorities

•Enable Regions and Member States to position themselves,

•To find their unique niches

•To seek out potential partners for collaboration

•Approx. 31 countries and 196 regions and 1350 priorities http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/map

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Impact on transnational instruments

• Most INTERREG A (cross-border) and B (transnational) programmes have knowledge-based cluster development/cooperation as a priority

• The new INTERREG C ("INTERREG EUROPE") supports Europe-wide strategic partnering and cluster cooperation• 4 open Policy Learning Platforms will provide knowledge

management activities and actively facilitate strategic partnering among regional stakeholders, to strengthen the design and implementation of regional policies, including smart specialistion strategies

• Dedicated COSME instruments: cluster internationalisation programme, large scale demonstrators, … .

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Highlights Vanguard Initiative

Established November 2013 (at the occassion of HL Event in European Parliament), with 8 members; presently 27 in 14 countries

Key-features: politicalcommitment (Milan Declaration); leading by example (pilot actions)

• ‘New growth throughSmart Specialisation’: interregional cooperation in European priority areason the basis of complementarities

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• Cluster-led networks on 3 specific ADMA areas,

to further explore opportunities to develop

EU value chains by co-investment in demonstrators

• 'Advanced Manufacturing for energy applications in harsh

environments' (lead: Scotland, Basque Country)

• 'Pilot plant for efficient and sustainable manufacturing'

(lead: Catalonia, Lombardy)

• 'High Performance Production with 3D Printing'

(lead: S-Netherlands, Flanders, Norte)

• Methodology to generate proposals which can be translated into

jointly funded projects (e.g. large scale demonstrators of EU value

or EU networks of complementary smaller demonstrators)

The Vanguard Initiative Pilot Smart Specialisation Platform

on Advanced ManufacturingMethodology


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Application domains & challenges

- Healthcare- Automotive- Aerospace- Machinery and instruments- Electronics and electr.

devices- Creative industries- Textiles

Methodology at work in 3D-printing Value Chain

Mapping, Matching & 20 regions engage in Joint Demonstration

Co-investing to accelerate uptake 3D-Printing Solutions in interregional value chains

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Thematic Smart SpecialisationPlatforms to support the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process

• Strategic Framework:

Implementation of RIS3 in EU priority areas

Interregional cooperation and strategic clusterpartnerships for co-investments in EU value chains

Synergies of EU instruments through tailored support

• Methodology

Drill-down in priority areas to sub-areas where regions are ready to commit

Mapping & matching regions and cluster organisations in EU value chains

Cluster partnerships and engagement of companies and researchorganisations for investment projects

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Strategic framework for ThematicSmart Specialisation Platforms


EU 2020 / EU Flagships Juncker Commission priorities

EIT-KICs / EIPs / SET Plan / JTIs & PPPs /…

Interregional Cooperation

RIS3 & OPs










Circ Economy


























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SYNERGIESin support!


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Fueling an investment projectspipeline

Thematic SSP /European

Strategic Cluster Partnerships




Thematic Investment Platforms


- SUPPORT SERVICES (Roadmaps, value chain

mapping, brokerage, …)


Methodology for co-creating new value chains

(joint roadmap – joint demonstration – joint investment)


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Synergies EIT-KICs and RIS3

• Synergies in funding projects follows strategic alignment!

• EIT develops inspiring European reference frameworks for challenge driven innovation, based on an integrated approach and world-levelcapacities; RIS3 are bottom-up, place-based transformation strategies, focusing research & development on competitive niches in Europeanvalue chains.

• Common challenges: fragmented R&D; Valley of Death for demonstrationand piloting; mismatches between education and economic needs; …

• Regions develop their RIS3 priorities closely linked with cluster initiatives to ensure that research capacities are integrated with business opportunities. KICs need to connect to these clusters and consider smart specialisation as coordination principle.

• Structural connections are possible at the level of KICs and ThematicSSPs (existing and upcoming)

• Project funding synergies can focus on the link between the RI Schemeand ESIF/H2020 (including Teaming and Twinning)

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What's next?

1. Implementation RIS3: opportunities for regions• Interreg Europe: Policy Learning Platform

• Exploring opportunities for interregional cooperation (Danube Region strategy!)

2. Thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms in priority areas: SSP Energy / others to follow (Digital growth,

Agro-Food, Advanced Manufacturing, … (involving lead-regions!)

3. Synergies implementation: • 'Strategic European Cluster Partnerships for smart

specialisation investments' (cooperation DG Regio–DG Grow)

• Seal of Excellence; Stairway to Excellence; … RI Scheme?