263 Digital Subtraction Angiography of Glomus Tympanicum and Jugulare Tumors Raymond F. Carmody,' Joachim F. Seeger,' William W. Horsley, ' Janice R. L. Smith ,' and Roger W. Miller 2 Radiologic procedures used to evaluate patients with sus- pected glomus tumor have included plain skull radiography , temporal bone tomography , computed tomography , and cerebral angiography. Of these, only angiography has proven reliable as a screening procedure for small glomus tympanicum and jugu- lare tumors . Digital subtraction angiography was used as the initial examination for suspected paraganglioma in 14 patients . Intr avenous digital subtraction angiography proved to be an acc eptable screening tool for these highly vascular tumors . Also , intra arterial digital subtraction angiography proved very satisfac- tory for mapping of tumor blood supply , which greatly simplified preoperative embolization. Effectiveness of therapy was readily ascertained by serial follow-up intravenous digital subtraction ang iography . Glomus tympanicum or jugul are tumors usually present clinically with pulsatile tinnitus. hearing loss. or lower cranial nerve deficit [1 J. These lesions can often be detected by otosco pic examination, but the extent of the tumor usually ca nnot be predicted . Sku ll radiography and tomography are not effective for diagnosing small gl omus tumors. Similarly. computed to mogra phy (CT) is insensitive lor small paragangliomas in the temporal region. Conventional selective cerebral angiography is a sensitive means of diagnosing glomus tumors. but is not a suitable sc reening procedure bec ause of its ri sks and cost. For 2 years. we have scree ned possible glomus tu mo r suspects with digital subtrac tion angiography (DSA). This procedure ca n be performed safely on an outpatient basis.usually in less than 30 min. Materials and Methods Fo urteen patients with suspec ted glomus tumor or with pulsatile tinnitus of unknown etiology were referred by the otolaryngology serv ice for DSA examination. The techniqu e of examinati on is as follows: A 5-6 French pigtail catheter is introduced into the supe ri or vena cava. Forty ml of a 76 % iodinated co ntrast medium is inj ected at a rate of 20-30 ml/ sec. One or two images are obtained per se con d. The imaging sequence must be long enough to evaluate the venous sinuses. Two projections are usually suffi cient for screen in g purpos es- a half-axial view (fig. 1) and an Arc elin (or Stenver) view (fig. 2). Th e Arcelin projection is especiall y helpful beca use it opens up th e genu of the petrous ca rotid artery and th e distal sigmoid sinu s. A sli ght ly rotated lateral view to separate th e petrous bones is an alternative projec tion . The co mmon ca rotid bifurcation is included in th e image to rule out an associated carotid or vagus body tumor. Results Thirteen patients who pr esented clinica ll y with pulsa ti le tinnitus all had techni ca ll y good or exce ll ent intravenous DSA examinations. Fi ve of these had negative physical examinations. no hearing loss. and normal DSA studies. Thr ee patients with a red mass in the middle ear cavity and a fourth wi th severe external otitis had DSA findings typical of paraganglioma; namely. a hype rv ascular. in- tensely staining lesion in the te mpor al bone with ea rl y venous shunting. One of these was felt to be a glomus tympanicum lesion. and three had features of glomus jugular e tumors (fig. 3). One other patient who had a red mass in the middle ear cavity was th ought to have a large glomus tympanicum tumor on the basis of the intra- venous DSA st udy . the co nventional angiogram. and the CT scan. but surgi cal exploration disclosed metastatic thyr oid carcinoma to the petrous bone. In a 30-year-old woman with a pulsating noise in her ri ght ear. DSA showed a large right frontal lobe arteriovenous malfo rm ation. In a 71-year-old wo man wi th pulsat il e tinnitus th at abated with mastoid compression. DSA showed an occ luded distal jugular ve in reconstituted by multiple co ll ateral ve nous channels. This was be- li eved to be the result of the use of a previous internal jugular vein central venous pressure catheter . In a 3 1-year-old woman with pulsatile tinnitus but no abnormal physical findings. DSA showed a large jugular bulb on the afflicted side. This finding was of doubtful significance .. An 8-yea r-old boy had an otoscop ic examination sugges ti ve of a very small glomus tympanicum tumor. In order to maximize th e likelihood of detecting a small vascular lesion. we elected to perfo rm intraarterial rather than intravenous DSA (fig. 4). No angiographic abnor malities were see n. Surgical explorati on disclosed a choles- terol granuloma on th e tympanic membrane. Discussion Intravenous DSA has been shown to be an effective sc reening tool for certain intracranial vascular lesions [2 . 3] . and it is also , Department of Radiology. Section of Neuroradiology . University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Tu cso n. AZ 85724 . Addr ess reprint requests to R. F. Carmody. 2 Department of Surgery . Section of Otolaryngology. University of Arizona Health Sciences Cent er. Tucson. AZ 85724 . AJNR 4:263-265, May / June 1983 0195-6108 / 83 / 0403-0263 $00.00 © American Roent gen Ray Soc iety

Digital Subtraction Angiography of Glomus Tympanicum and ... · glomus tumors. Similarly. computed tomography (CT) is insensitive lor small paragangliomas in the temporal region

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Page 1: Digital Subtraction Angiography of Glomus Tympanicum and ... · glomus tumors. Similarly. computed tomography (CT) is insensitive lor small paragangliomas in the temporal region


Digital Subtraction Angiography of Glomus Tympanicum and Jugulare Tumors Raymond F. Carmody,' Joachim F. Seeger,' William W. Horsley, ' Janice R. L. Smith ,' and Roger W. Miller2

Radiologic procedures used to evaluate patients with sus­pected glomus tumor have included plain skull radiography, temporal bone tomography, computed tomography, and cerebral angiography. Of these, only angiography has proven reliable as a screening procedure for small glomus tympanicum and jugu­lare tumors. Digital subtraction angiography was used as the initial examination for suspected paraganglioma in 14 patients. Intravenous digital subtraction angiography proved to be an acceptable screening tool for these highly vascular tumors. Also, intraarterial digital subtraction angiography proved very satisfac­tory for mapping of tumor blood supply, which greatly simplified preoperative embolization. Effectiveness of therapy was readily ascertained by serial follow-up intravenous digital subtraction angiography.

Glomus tympanicum or jugulare tumors usually present c linically with pulsatile tinnitus. hearing loss. or lower cranial nerve deficit [1 J. These lesions can often be detected by otoscopic examination , but the extent of the tumor usually cannot be predicted . Sku ll radiography and tomography are not effective for diagnosing small glomus tumors. Similarly. computed tomography (CT) is insensitive lor small paragangliomas in the temporal reg ion. Conventional selective cerebral angiography is a sensitive means of diagnosing glomus tumors. but is not a suitable screening procedure because of its ri sks and cost. For 2 years . we have screened possible glomus tumor suspects with digital subtraction angiog raphy (DSA). This procedure can be performed safely on an outpatient basis . usually in less than 30 min.

Materials and Methods

Fourteen patients with suspected glomus tumor or with pulsatile tinnitus of unknown etiology were referred by the otolaryngology service for DSA examination. The technique of examination is as follows: A 5-6 French pigtail catheter is introduced into the superior vena cava . Forty ml of a 76% iod inated contrast medium is injected at a rate of 20-30 ml / sec. One or two images are obtained per second. The imaging sequence must be long enough to evaluate the venous sinuses.

Two projections are usually sufficient for screen ing purposes­a half-axial view (fig . 1) and an Arcelin (or Stenver) view (fig . 2) . The Arcelin projection is especially helpful because it opens up th e

genu of the petrous carotid artery and the distal sigmoid sinus. A slightly rotated lateral view to separate the petrous bones is an alternative projection . The common carotid bifurcation is inc luded in the image to rule out an assoc iated carotid or vag us body tumor.


Thirteen patients who presented c linica lly with pulsati le tinnitus all had tech nically good or excellent intravenous DSA examinations. Five of these had negative physical examinations. no hearing loss. and normal DSA studies. Three patients with a red mass in the middle ear cavity and a fourth wi th severe external otiti s had DSA findings typical of paraganglioma; namely. a hypervascular. in­tensely staining lesion in the temporal bone wi th earl y venous shunting . One of these was felt to be a glomus tympanicum lesion . and three had features of glomus jugulare tumors (fig . 3). One other patient who had a red mass in the middle ear cavity was thought to have a large glomus tympanicum tumor on the basis of the intra­venous DSA study. the conventional angiogram. and the CT scan. but surgical exploration disclosed metastat ic thyroid carcinoma to the petrous bone.

In a 30-year-old woman with a pulsating noise in her right ear. DSA showed a large right frontal lobe arteriovenous malformation. In a 71-year-old woman wi th pulsat ile tinnitu s that abated wi th mastoid compression. DSA showed an occluded d istal jugular vein reconstituted by multiple coll ateral venous channels. This was be­lieved to be the resu lt of the use of a previous internal jugular vein central venous pressure catheter.

In a 31-year-old woman with pu lsati le tinnitus but no abnormal physical findings . DSA showed a large jugular bu lb on the affli c ted side. Th is finding was of doubtfu l significance ..

An 8-year-old boy had an otoscopic examination suggestive of a very small glomus tympanicum tumor. In order to maximize the likelihood of detecting a small vascu lar lesion. we elected to perform intraarterial rather than intravenous DSA (fig . 4). No angiog raphic abnormaliti es were seen. Surg ical exploration d isclosed a choles­terol granuloma on the tympanic membrane.


Intravenous DSA has been shown to be an effec tive screening tool for certain intracranial vascular lesions [2 . 3]. and it is also

, Department of Rad iology. Section o f Neurorad iology. University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Tucson. AZ 85724 . Address reprint requests to R. F. Carmody.

2 Department of Surgery. Section of Otolaryngology. University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Tucson. AZ 85724 .

AJNR 4:263-265, May/ June 1983 0195-6108/ 83 / 0403-0263 $00.00 © American Roentgen Ray Society

Page 2: Digital Subtraction Angiography of Glomus Tympanicum and ... · glomus tumors. Similarly. computed tomography (CT) is insensitive lor small paragangliomas in the temporal region


Fig. 1.-Normal intracranial intravenous DSA, anteroposterior Towne projec tion. Arterial (A) and venous (6) phases.

Fig. 2. -Normal intracranial in travenou& DSA, Arce lin projection. A, Arterial phase. Re· gion of middle ear cavity (arrow) . 6 , Venous phase. Small right jugular bulb (arrow).

Fig . 3. - 42-year-old woman with pulsatile tinnitus and hearing loss, right ear. Anteroposteri or (A) and Arcelin (6) projec tions, arteri al phase. Lar Je hypervascular mass in right temporal bone. C, Anteroposterior projection, venous phase. Patency but compression of right internal jugular vein (arrow) dUE 10 large glomus jugulare tumor.

Page 3: Digital Subtraction Angiography of Glomus Tympanicum and ... · glomus tumors. Similarly. computed tomography (CT) is insensitive lor small paragangliomas in the temporal region


Fig. 4. -Normal intraarterial DSA, Arcelin projec­tion . Vascular resolution approaches conventional an­giography.






STOp/ "" CT

PLANN~O / "" ~~~NNED RA ~ ~~~



Fig. 5.-Protocol for evaluating patients wi th suspected glomus tumor . IV DSA = intravenous DSA; IA DSA = intraarterial DSA; RA R. = rad iation Iherapy.

proving to be useful in otolaryngologic radiology [4 , 5]. With spat ial resolution of 1-2 line pairs / mm, as well as excellent contrast resolution , DSA is an efficient means of screening patients with suspected paragangliomas of the head and neck.

Our protocol for the evaluation of ihe patient with a suspected glomus tumor is illustrated in figure 5. After the individual is seen

by an otologist and appropriate plain radiographs are obtained, we generally proceed directly with DSA. If the study is negati ve, the radiologic workup is termin ated . If positive, high-resolution en­hanced CT can be performed immediately after the DSA. CT can demonstrate both bone destruc tion and intracranial extension. Plur­idirectional tomography , whi le currently still helpful in selec ted cases, may eventually be totally rep laced by high-resolution CT scanning with multiplanar reformatting capability .

Following surgical and / or radiation therapy, the size and vascu­larity of the paraganglioma can be conveniently reevaluated by DSA. Two of our patients have had seria l foll ow-up studies.

The use of digital fluoroscopy for intraarterial studies appea rs to provide consistent ly excellent images, even with half the usual doses of contrast material , with little loss of spatial resolution . Once a glomus tumor has been discovered or confirmed by intravenous DSA, intraarterial DSA can be done to define better the feeding vessels and angioarchitecture of the lesion . Intraarterial DSA also proved to be a very helpful adjunct to therapeutic embolization of these lesions in three of our cases . The availability of instantaneous subtract ion images considerably shortens the catheter time for this proced ure.

It is possible that some glomus tumors may have been missed by DSA in our series, but the quality of the images makes this seem unlikely. All patients with glomus tumors diagnosed by DSA sub­sequentl y had conventional angiog raphy to " map out " tumor blood supply. Although conventional angiography defined the feed ing vessels much more c learly, the appearance of the tumor stain was virtu al ly identica l in these two studies. We could not justify subjec t­ing our patients to th e ri sks of a co nventional arteriog ram merely to confirm negative DSA examinations.

To summarize, DSA is an effic ient , safe, and cost-effec ti ve sc reening test for glomus tympanicum and jugulare tumors. Other vascu lar lesions that may present with pulsatile tinnitus, such as arteriovenous malformations, dural arteriovenous fistulae, ec tatic carotid arteries, or aneurysms presenting in the middle ear cav ity , shou ld be detectable by this technique.


1. Britton BH. Glomus tympanicum and glomus jugulare tumors. Radiol Clin North Am 1974;12: 543-551

2. Modic MT, Weinstein MA, Chilcote WA, et al. Digital subtraction angiog raphy of the intracranial vascular system: comparative study in 55 patients. AJR 1982; 138 : 229-306

3. Carmody RF, Smith JRL, Seeger JF, Ovitt TW, Capp MP. Intracran ial applications of digital intravenous subtraction an­giography. Radiology 1982; 144 : 529-534

4. Kinney SE, Modic MT, Weinstein MA, Starnes D, Duchesneau PM . Digital subtraction angiography of lesions of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1982;92:557-561

5. Miller RW, Carmody RF, Seeger JF, Coulthard SW, Smith JRL, Koopman CF Jr. Digital subtract ion angiography: applications in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. Head Neck Surg 1983 (in press)