And Serena Tsai

Ditsy Daisy And Her Friends

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And Serena Tsai Words Counted: 2101 - 2 - Chapter 5 Finding the Thief …………..14 Chapter 7 School President………….…26 Chapter 3 Daisy’s friend, Betsy……... 9 Chapter 4 Honest Daisy ……………….….12 Chapter 9 Graduation……………….………33 Chapter1 Ditsy Daisy …………….…….…..4 Chapter 2 School Life …..…………….…... 6 - 3 -

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Serena Tsai

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Words Counted: 2101

Words in Oxford 3000: 96%

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Chapter1 Ditsy Daisy …………….…….…..4

Chapter 2 School Life …..…………….…... 6

Chapter 3 Daisy’s friend, Betsy……... 9

Chapter 4 Honest Daisy ……………….….12

Chapter 5 Finding the Thief …………..14

Chapter 6 A New Classmate ……….….22

Chapter 7 School President………….…26

Chapter 8 The house on fire…………..30

Chapter 9 Graduation……………….………33

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Chapter 1 Ditsy Daisy

Mr. and Mrs. Cheever are both

well-educated. Mr. Cheever is a

famous doctor. Mrs. Cheever teaches

chemistry in the university. They have

only one daughter, Daisy, who is

thirteen years old. She is a junior high

school student. People might think she

must be smart like her parents, but

actually she isn’t. Every student called

her “Ditsy Daisy,” at school, but it

didn't bother her so much.

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Mr. and Mrs. Cheever spent lots of

time teaching Daisy. They treat her

very strictly. They forced Daisy to

learn many talents. For example, play

the piano, violin, and swim. It didn’t

make her better, she is still not smart

like her parents.

Her parents are very worried about

her, but they don’t known how to

teach her.

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Chapter 2 School Life

When Daisy came to school for the

first time, her teacher, Mrs. William,

asked everyone some questions at the

first time in order to get to know


“What is your birth date?” the

teacher asked Daisy.

“September 15,” Daisy answered.

“And in what year?” said the


When Daisy replied, “Every year,”

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all the classmates and the teacher

started laughing at her.

The joke didn't happen only once.

Another time, a classmate mentioned

he was going to take a trip to Australia

for summer vacation.

“Oh, you are going to Australia!”

Daisy exclaimed. “Be sure to come

back!” Again, all the classmates

started laughing.

Although her classmates laugh at

her, Daisy still didn't get angry. She

refused to get angry or criticize

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anyone. Daisy had a happy attitude, so

most students liked to make friends

with her. Some of the boys even had a

crush on her.

At school, Daisy had many friends.

Betsy Jenkins is Daisy’s friend, and

she also lives next to Daisy’ house.

They are only friends but also

neighbors. They go to school and walk

home together every day.

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Chapter 3 Daisy’s friend, Betsy

Betsy is much smarter than Daisy.

She has the ability to be a great

student. She was smarter than most

of her classmates. Unfortunately, she

had a bad habit. She was lazy. She was

terrible slacker. If there is a test

tomorrow, her parents will ask her

study hard to get a good grade.

Instead of studying, she passed the

time doing nothing at her desk. Her

parents got very disappointed when

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they saw Betsy get bad grades.

When the weather got warmer,

Betsy spent time lying in the backyard.

She closed her eyes, and sunbathing

with daydreaming. During the cold

winter, she always stayed at home and

curled up in her room. In her free time,

she spent time reading comic book and

novels. At the end of semester, Mrs.

Jenkins received Betsy’s report card,

and she was very disappointed.

“Betsy, you have great talents. Please

don’t hide them. I know you can do

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better next time. Please don’t let me

down,” Mrs. Jenkins said.

“It’s difficult for me. It’s not easy

to change my bad habits,” Betsy


“Please try your best. OK!” Mrs.

Jenkins said.

That’s all Mrs. Jenkins said. She

didn't want to push Betsy to hard. She

was afraid Betsy would stress out and

then drop out of school.

Betsy’s mother didn't need to have

to worry about that. Betsy never

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stressed out about anything. Betsy

and Daisy are very alike. No wonder

they are good friends.

Chapter 4 Honest Daisy

Daisy didn’t do well studying, but

she is very honest. She knew things

what she did was good or bad very well.

Although, Daisy could improve her low

grades by cheating, she refused to do

so. When other students let her copy

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their homework or test answers, she

refused all their offers.

“I would like to study by myself. Yes,

my grades are not very good, but I’ll

try my best. Thank you for your

consideration,” said Daisy.

Once, Daisy found a wallet on the

street. It contained over 5000 NT

dollars. Instead of keeping this wallet,

she brought the wallet to the police

station. The owner of this wallet was

surprised that he could get his wallet

back. He thanked Daisy very much for

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returning the wallet with the money,

and he gave Daisy 500 NT dollars for a


Chapter 5 Finding the Thief

Daisy and Betsy had one similar

thing. They liked to find missing things

such as pets and bicycles.

One day, when Daisy and Betsy went

home together, they saw some police

officers in a famous jewelry store.

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Last night, someone pilfered them

from the store, so the police officers

investigated. Daisy and Betsy wanted

to help the police officers to find the

thief, but the police officers turned

down their request. The police

officers thought they were just

children. This is not suitable for

children. But a week passed, and the

police officers hadn’t caught the thief.

The jewelry store’s owner, Mrs. Jones,

was depressed had lost a lot of money.

She heard Daisy and Betsy are good at

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finding missing things, so she asked

them for help.

“I spent lots of time running this

store, but now it’s empty. I have

nothing now. I was so disappointed

that I did not eat anything and did not

sleep very well,” said Mrs. Jones.

“Don’t worry. We will try our best to

find the thief,” Betsy said.

Daisy and Betsy walked through the

store. They examined the store very

carefully. The store was a little dirty

and had some dust.

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“I’m sorry. I am also too busy to

sweep the floor,” Mrs. Jones said.

“That’s all right. It doesn't bother

us,” said Daisy.

There is a big mirror hanging on the

wall in the store. Betsy moved it away.

Behind the mirror was a hole in the

wall. Mrs. Jones was very shocked.

“Why does there have a hole?” asked

Mrs. Jones.

“This hole must have been cut by

the thief,” Daisy said.

Mrs. Jones finally realized that her

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expensive jewelry had disappeared

through that hole.

“What’s next door?” asked Betsy.

“It has been empty for a while. No

one lives there,” Mrs. Jones replied.

“Someone might use that place to

steal from you,” Daisy said. First, the

thief decided to steal the jewelry

from you. Second, they might think

many ways to steal. Finally, they got a

idea to make the hole from the other

side. When you were out or slept at

night, they used kind of a long pole

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through the hole and grabbed the

jewelry,” Betsy said.

“Now, you can call the police to

catch the thief,” Daisy said.

When the police officers came, they

felt very embarrassed. They thought

Daisy and Betsy were not be able to

find the clue so quickly, but actually

they did.

“What made you think of looking

behind the mirror?” the police asked.

“There was unusual red dust on the

floor below the mirror,” Daisy

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answered. “Dust from bricks! Someone

cut the hole carefully, even so, some

of the dust dropped on this side.”

Finally, the police caught the thief

whom involved in many theft cases,

and sent him to prison. All the jewelry

was found in the thief’s house, and

which now return to Mrs. Jones. Mrs.

Jones thanked Daisy and Betsy’s help

very much.

“Excellent!” Mrs. Jones said. “You

two are very smart. Now come over

here and pick out some jewelry you

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would like for yourselves.”

“Really! We can choose jewelry we

would like?” asked Betsy.

“Sure, you can,” Mrs. Jones replied.

“That’s great. Thank you, Mrs.

Jones,” Betsy and Daisy said happily


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Chapter 6 A New Classmate

Every student in school heard about

Daisy and Betsy finding out the thief.

They were proud of Daisy and Betsy.

Their parents were also happy with

them. The president gave them a

certificate of award in front of


One day, there was a new student,

Peter, in Daisy’s class. He also had a

terrible habit. It wasn’t smoking, and

it wasn’t drinking. It was

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procrastination. He never did things

when he was supposed to do them.

When he had homework to do, he

always said, “I will do it later.” Then

he wasted hours playing games on his

computer or watching TV. When his

mother asked him to do some little job

around the house, he said, “OK! I will

do it tomorrow.” But when tomorrow

came, he would postpone things until

the next day, and the next day, and

the next.

Mrs. Williams, their teacher, was

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very worried about the three students,

Daisy, Betsy and Peter very much. Mrs.

Williams knew all their bad habits. She

wanted them to change. She employed

different methods to help Peter get

things done on time. For example, she

told Peter there will be tests or

assignments before she told every of

student. But even though he had more

time than other students to prepare,

Peter was never prepared. On the day

before the exam, would he begin to

study for the exam on the bus to

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school. He often tried to complete

assignments while eating breakfast

before going to school. Mrs. William

could tell which assignment was his

without looking at the name on his

paper. She recognized his paper by

the food or drink spilled on it. Mrs.

William almost wanted to give up.

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Chapter 7 School President

One day, Daisy was worried about

her future. She told Mrs. William her


“After graduating from school,

should I attend a good university?”

Daisy asked.

“Sure, if you can. You can try,” Mrs.

William answered. “But I don’t think

you could attend a good university. You

also can do whatever you are

interested in doing,” Mrs. Jones said.

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Daisy was passionate about her life.

After talking with her teacher, she

realized that she needed some dreams

to realize.

There is going to be a school

president election next week. Because

Daisy needed dreams to realize, she

attended this school president

election. With the help of Betsy,

Peter and other classmates, she began

her election competition. She spent

many hours meeting and talking to

students about voting for her.

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Three days before the election,

there was a big meeting for all the

students. Everyone who wanted to be

school president had to make a

five-minute speech. Daisy was very

nervous. When she walked onto the

stage, she fell down. Every student

laughed at her. She didn't care about

that, and she began to talk. Everyone

wondered what she was going to say.

They thought it might be silly.

“Good morning, students,” Daisy said.

“I am a candidate number three for

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school president, Daisy. I wanted to

do something that nobody thought I

could do. I thought nobody would think

I could become school president.

That’s why I’m standing here. If you’d

like to see someone do something

nobody thinks she can do, then please

vote for me. I won’t let you down. I

promise! Thank you.”

Finally, Daisy was voted school

president. And she really did

something for the students.

“Don’t just be everything you can be.

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Be more!” Daisy said to everyone.

Chapter 8 The house on fire

Once afternoon in summer, Betsy

was sunbathing in her backyard. Her

mother has cooked some food on the

stove, but she had to leave home to do

something. She asked Betsy to check

every five minutes. Betsy said “OK. “

Betsy was very comfortable reading

the comic book and lying in the

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backyard. Suddenly, she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she smelled

something burning. It was the food on

the stove. She has totally forgot

about it. She ran toward the kitchen

and she found that the kitchen was on

fire. She quickly put out the fire. The

house was saved. Her mother was very

angry at her, and Betsy felt very sorry.

Because of her laziness, her house

would burn to the ground. She realized

she had a terrible habit. She tried to

give up her laziness. She began to

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study hard and help her parents. She

became the best student in her class.

Her parents were proud of her

improvement, and Mrs. William was


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Chapter 9 Graduation

Betsy also wanted Daisy’s grades to

increase, so she taught Betsy after

school every day. Finally, Daisy’s

grades got better. Their teacher, Mrs.

William wasn’t worried about them.

She just worried about Peter. He

didn't give up his procrastination; he

still did the things until the last

minute. Finally, he graduated. Daisy,

Betsy and Peter started their new life

after graduating.