The less we eat, the thinner we become is an oversimplification. Losing fat and getting into shape is more important than how many grams or kilos you have dropped There is no such thing as going on diet or off diet Diet or what should you eat should be planned according to your activity, likes, lifestyle, fitness, genetics, it should be part of your daily life. All food is good and plays and important role in our body Be committed to eating right and exercise We are looking happiness in food which is wrong Weight loss is actually fat loss focus on eating right and on time and you will see the results Chapter one (what diet is not) The word diet has become synonymous with drastic weight loss, energy loss, metabolic rate loss, and sanity loss You diet should be what you will be eating through out your life Starvation leads to gain more fat Compensation diet dose not work It is ok to over eat some tome but do not carry the baggage forever Extreme diets don’t work the detox diet Liquid diet no way phsssss 1

DLYMLYW Important Points

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Page 1: DLYMLYW Important Points

The less we eat, the thinner we become is an oversimplification.

Losing fat and getting into shape is more important than how many grams or kilos you have dropped

There is no such thing as going on diet or off diet

Diet or what should you eat should be planned according to your activity, likes, lifestyle, fitness, genetics, it should be part of your daily life.

All food is good and plays and important role in our body

Be committed to eating right and exercise

We are looking happiness in food which is wrong

Weight loss is actually fat loss focus on eating right and on time and you will see the results

Chapter one (what diet is not)

The word diet has become synonymous with drastic weight loss, energy loss, metabolic rate loss, and sanity loss

You diet should be what you will be eating through out your life

Starvation leads to gain more fat

Compensation diet dose not work

It is ok to over eat some tome but do not carry the baggage forever

Extreme diets don’t work the detox diet

Liquid diet no way phsssss

Don’t go for a diet plane which deprive you of food or make you eat one type food

Important thing is to eat right food at right time

Every thing herbal is not good


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Work too much and eat little will make you ill

From starvation you lose lean body weight and shrink your muscles with hollow bones so start weight training to rebuilt

Slowly start exercise according to your joints position

Lack of exercise reduces neuromuscular control

Not eating in the morning and for long hours reduces blood glucose level

After starvation diet what you gain is pure fat and body composition is worse than ever loss of muscles and bone density and our fat weight is higher than it was

Worthless program discourage you from exercising

As you exercise it is ok to eat everything is wrong

When you start eating healthy and exercising regularly you will initially see a drop in your body fat but not as much in your weight

Fat is like cotton 1 kg occupies more space than I kg iron

Body weight is made up of 2 parts the fat weight and the lean body weight which means weight of your muscles and bones. Never look at weighing scale and judge your health the thing is important that how much fat is in your body

Ideal fat percentage should be 20% for men and 25% for women

Don’t judge your health through BMI because it only tells us total body weight

Description women men Essential fat 12 – 15 % 2 – 5 %Athletes 16 - 20 % 6 – 13 %Fitness 21 – 24 % 14 – 17 %Acceptable 25 - 31 % 18 - 25 %Obese 32% 25%


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Doing random things with food and dieting will always backfire

Diet should be planed according to your needs fitness level climate taste profession

Low fat snakes biscuit drinks are nothing but misprinted junk food

Low fat food can be eaten more than real junk food which again harm full

If you want to eat chips make it at home and fry them but once a month

No sweaters

It was discover that the sugar in fruits gets converted to triglycerides when eaten on full stomach a type of fat which circulate in our blood stream high level of triglycerides are responsible for heart diseases insulin insensitivity and leads to bigger fat cells our body treats all fructuous equally so eat your fruit but don’t think that it will be safer than dessert

Eat fruit as a meal it will be nutritious as a morning meal or after exercise

There is nothing like safe food every thing you eat at right time and right quantity is good for you Change your thinking

Chapter 2 How to eat relearn

We do not think about our stomach

Wedding get think over get fat again phssssssssssss

Loading stomach when it has no capacity is a crime

As the sun goes down so does our digestion ability

Ability to digest food is high between 7 to 10 am we actually make it dull and digestive enzymes weak

Do not load it after 5 pm


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9 30 to 11 30 pm when stomach is tired we fill it with snacks

The digestive system is made for continuous activity

Even thinking about weight can lead to weight gain

Over eating doesn’t mean eating a large amount of food but eating on wrong time

Your digestive fire should be active

You can keep it active through exercise optimistic attitude, disciplined life style Our basic problem is that digestive capacity is decreasing and intake in increasing

The only way to avoid happiness from food is to observe our feelings and accepting them

So refrain from eating pastry drinking coke no single bite

Do not store sweets or fried food at home

Try to eat half of what you eat

Stomach shrunk happens

Stomach is size of 2 palms

When we eat more our stomach stretches

Give the stomach a dose to digest when it digests give it some more

Just cut down the quantity of what you eat

Guide lines

No TV phone during eating Eat half what you eat Chew well Do not get ready for next bite until you finish firt one

5 basic rulz to increase nutrition


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Eat fresh

Make it in small quantity

Eat your fruit and vegi whole do not cut

Remain loyal to your genes eat what you been eating since child hood

Mangos are great at summer eat just one as mini meal

A calm state of mind prevent the food from conversion into fat

You can not digest food if you are angry

Do not worry about calories

Nutrient are important calories ko maro goli

Make sure that the food you eat is not empty and processed

Food should be natural

For example if you have to choose between a biscuit and a peanut chose peanut

Similarly happy to eat pizza but avoid paneer paratha

Paneer paratha is very rich in nutrients

When it comes to food think nutrients not calories

Think global eat local

Chapter 3 what to eat rethink

Every one knows what should not eat lets find what we should eat

Carbs are important for providing body with the energy

Carbs are found in all plant foods like fruit veges grains milk

Absent in meat products


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High gi food get converted into fat quickly and low gi food have a much better chance of utilized in energy

But eating too much low gi is equal to eating high gi

In the absence of carbs fat can not be utilized as energy

So you want to lose fat than put your roti on the plate

Have low gi food like brown rice jowar daal

Pizza sweets biscuits are high in gi

So sugar comes from these high gi converted in to fat very quickly

Your body can take high gi food only after exercise when your body needs instant sugar

Sweets are high in gi you can safly eat your brownie gulab jamun without getting fat but wat them not more than once a week and does not eat them with a meal . a brownie after a lavish dinner is pakka conversion into fat because gi and gl both are high so if you want to eat one gulab jamun eat it in between the meal this way high gi will be set off with low gl

Where the Gi is high reduce the load

Similarly we should eat fruit when stomach is empty or first thing in the morning or after exercise and in the morning eat it before break fast

Carbs you should never eat(high in gi ) how to cheat on them

Biscuit eat them when you have done a very long Physical activity liki 2 hours shoping but Once a week Cakes and pastries have it first thing in the morning do not Replace it with meal but have it addition To it but once a month


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Pizza one slice but after long boring meeting As a meal Cold drink in long sunny day out but 1 after 4 days

Mithai eat as a meal after one hour of your Lunch Samosa pakkora first thing in the morning if you follow

Carbs you should eat through out the day ensures fat burning and low in gl

Phulka made of ghu jowar vegi paratha can be it in break fast or evening meal

Carbs cosumed after exercise and high in gi

Boiled potato, fruits white rice with daal white break sandwich eat whith in 10 min of your work out

Protein is important too

Its primary function is to repair your body

Helps you to burn fat

Fish eggs milk products

A diet which restrict protein will lack methoonine and will not facilitate fat burning

One thing which can turn exercise into anti ageing activity is protein

Because amino acids help us in repairing tissue

After exercise body needs fast carbs and amino acids


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Fast carbs lead to spike in insulin and the cells in the body pick up glucose and amino acid that they need for quick recovery from strenuous workouts

Its better not to exercise if you can not give it protein and high gl carbs

In recent years there is craze about high protein diets old chappaties and rice has been shown the door and eggs and chicken are ruling

Protein and shakes diet will put you again on the same road

Without fats and carbs protein is wasted

When too much protein is consumed at one time it doesn’t get stacks away for future use instead it is converted into fat by process called deamination

So you lose weight in high protein diet because body get rid of its glycogen stores and lose water after that it attacks the muscle tissue burning the amino acids for energy other side regular exercise and smart use of carbs helps protein not to use for energy but its intended purpose

In protine there should be balance with carbs and fat so that protine is free to perform its primary function

Our protine requirement is stands roughly at 1 gram per kilo of body weight so if you are 60 kilo individual you will need 60 grams of protine daily most of us do not get out quota of protine

Protein requirements vary at different stages in your life young ,children pregnant and nursing women aging or stressed

individual actually need more than stipulated 1 grams per kilo

Regular exercise frequent travel also increase the protein requirement of body the body waste 40% of protein in just few days of experiencing mental stress and starvation during these times not only protein but total calories amount need to go up when your protein intake is adequate you will feel strong sleep well look great

If you following 4 principal and increase nutrient to calories ratio you should be ok but if you are working or traveling a lot then go on a protein supplement


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Protein is found in meat fish egg legumes milk

Avoid red meat because of too much saturated fat all other forms of pristine can be eaten daily fish eggs are better than chicken

Vegetarians should eat roti with daal

Whey protein is more harmful than whisky

It effects heart liver kidney

Protein should be cooked well

And eat it with calm mind

Do not eat too much at one time

Protein should never eat

1suasages 2 processed meats3 beef4 lambIf you want to eat them eat it as first thing in the morning but not once a mounth

Protein should eat

Egg,chicken,fish,milk,paneer,chees,yougurt,nuts (chiken should be eaten at the end of your working day because it slow down your body 6 and 8 pm are good time to eat fish and chicken as body needs these to repair itself

Protein after stress full activity or exercise

4 or 5 egg whites (eat within 10 mi of your workoutFat is required for optimum health but for the sustenance of life

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature butter milk animal fats these damage cardiovascular health and are hard to digest

Ghee has short chain fatty acids these are easy to digest

Fats in animal fats are tough and in dairy product it is easy


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To keep yourself young do not allow your weight to go up 18 to 25 is prime time to maintain it

Unsaturated fat are liquid at room temarature

Fat too has essential fatty acids and it is important to get that to maintain optimum health

Mono unsaturated fatty acids found in peanuts olives almonds

Other is pufa which has heart protecting value

Transfat used in restaurants fast food pizza burgers fries it is called bad fat

Body stores more fat when you are starving

No low fat thing is available

Trans fat effect arteries insulin sensitivity bp joints aches etc

Biscuit chips have invisible fat and when fat is invisible you eat more and increase the glycmic load

For healthy skin hairs make fat a part of every meal or atlases three main meals is not enough to eat food cooked in oil include nut cheese or other dairy products in your diet

Fat when eat with combination of carbs and protein will lead to effective fat burning stable blood sugar minimized hunger and glowing complexion

So use oil as a cooking medium for daal and vegetables do not try to cut it out try different oil e.g lunch in peanut oil dinner in safflower oil include cheese in your diet

Limit deep fried stuff but do not avoid it completely eat hot home made pakoras and do not reuse the oil it will lead to bloating and gas trouble eat imigatly and do not remove the oil with tissue paper 7 to 8 pakoras are allowed once a month

Please keep your karahi and frying pan in your kitchen

Food should be cooked in less quantity

Fat you should never eat


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1 fat from red and processed meat and you can cheat it eating as first thing in the morning or post work out once a week never combine bad fat with high gi food for example rice with meat or bariyani save your feast for eid

2 fat in deep fried food like pakora samosa and you can cheat it by eating it first thing in the morning min it with your meal do not eat mithai with your snakes you can do this only if you are eating right in all six days working out at least 3 hours a week do not reuse the oil.

3 mithai eat it as a meal by itself have it an hour and a half after your lunch or eat first thing in the morning

Fat should eat for optimum fat burning

1 nuts olives milk products cheese paneer ghee yoghurt fish eat to or three of these each day if you are dull after main meal and looking for coffee or tea have a fatty acid supplement such as omega 3

Fat consumed after exercise

If you have any issue losing body fat or cholesterol problem then make sure you have a fatty acid like flax seed or an omega 3 supplement eat with in 10 mins of your workout

Vitamins are very important they do not provide energy or calories to body but helps so we can use energy and calories well

Well diet exercise and to be in relax state helps to improve efficiency of vita mins

Vitamin A milk, dark vegetables important for eyes take it when you are stressed or traveling .the reasons behind you get ill after crash dieting or too much exercise is deficiency of vitamin a. so take it after a long work out or fight

Vitamin D also impVitamin E found in sunflower nuts it protects hearts take it when you have eaten a lot of fried food bakery products and consumed high amount of fat vitamin e prevents fat from turning toxic in


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body diabetes viral infections sun exposure increases need for vitamin e

Vitamin k it plays major role in blood clotting take it when you are suffering from excessive menstrual bleeding

Vitamin c most fruit and vegetables helps your skin hormones collagen maintains take it as regular supplement if you are smoker or dealing with a lot of stress

Vitamin B we need it because it take s a part in metabolic reactions take it at start of your day

For iron reduce your intake of sweets and increase vitamin c and b take water do not have the supplement of iron during menstrual period women lose pure blood and lose iron copper magnesium minerals

Zinc is imp for skin and hairs and for wrinkles also play role in testosterone

Supplements we need regular are vitamin A E B C zinc calcium selenium

Water is important most of crash diets leads to loss of body water not fat loss and with rapid weight loss you will have stretch marks or chronic fatigue

Hot water reduces fat and cold water increase obesity are silly comments

Drink enough water so that your urine should be crystal clear

We have to change what and when we eat

We just have to follow 4 principal

1 Never up to tea or coffee (because sugar level is low in morning and in order to prevent our muscles to break and to lose weight you should prepare your body to preserve lean tissue not waste it braking down into glucose have notorious thing no break fast will slow down your metabolism. you can start with fruit after with an hour you can have your roti sabzi paratha

2 eat every two hour after following 1st rule this will help you to lose calories and you will decrease your meal size from 2


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chapattis to 1 at 2 and other at 4 so we have 3 main meal break fast lunch dinner fro e.g. have fruit as your first meal after that have your healthy meal like puratha eat no more than 3 things in lunch like roti sabzi dal or rice curd sabzi avoid meat and dinner will be like roti + sabzi or daal here you can have you non veg meat . for all in between the meals eat only one thing like peanuts cheese nuts milk yogurt protein shakes

3 eat more when you more active and less when you less active it can not be followed without rule 2 which means you can decrease meal size hen less active and increase size when more active your metabolic rate is high in the morning the body can not get nutrients on a over load stomach

4 finish your last meal at least 2 hours before going to bed have your dinner around 6 and after that eat lighter at 8 eating a lot and immediate sleep is wrong but if you working out in evenings no matter what time have your high gl food with in 10 min after exercise

Chapter 6 From knowing to doing

Fundamental steps

Wake up closer to sun rise

Eat within 10 min of waking up

With in one hour of meal one eat your breakfast have paratha eggs not fried but cooked this also a good time for multivitamin or a b vitamin supplements if you wake up late skip meal 1 but have meal 2

Eat every two hours after meal two

For all in between meals there are options 1 nariyal pani Lassi without salt or sugar3 channa and peanuts

Curd or yogurt

Milk get your regular dose of protein fat

Carrots or cucumber

Boiled eggs or omlate


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Eat in cross leg posture

Lunch is good time to have fatty acid supplements like omega 3

Do not have tea or coffee without eating anything limit it to 2 a day

The basic principal of in-between meals is to have low gl carbs with protein and fats if you are less active you can go for the protein and fat options like peanuts channa cheese

Eat your dinner within 2 hours of sun set

Some options for early dinner

Roti rolls chicken fish omelets Grilled sandwich

Sports with dahi

Brown rice kichadi

A bowl of daal

Non veg eater can eat chicken or fish at this time

The principal of this meal is to go low on gi carbs and protein this meal should planed well

Avoid carbs here noodles pasta white rice biscuits

Sleep at fixed time 11 pm

Exercise is must enjoy it do not use it for weight loss but for muscles and bones and your sugar level maintenance

Rest is important

You should have knowledge on exercise physiology kinesiology biomechanics

Fitness is perishable entity


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Do not do too little exercise it should be challenge the body fitness level means every day you teach your body a little bit

Read the book as well BYE