Noft kh<& Ordliiraary ECiirad, hut Guaranteed MesSi Ba^s aim Looks like the real sterling and wears much better. 5-inch, 6-inch, 7-inch frames. Handsome carved, etched ami plain de- ,s;j;ns. One of the best and most unusual holiday offerings of the season. Made of nun-breakable mesh. a ur mm a em m Social and Personal FEBRUARY C ,und 7 are the dales set for the presentation ö'l a "So- ctety Vaudeville" at the Academy of MubIc. The affair is to he given under the direction of the Girls' Clllli Of the Hollo Bryan Day Nursery, to which some of the most prominent so¬ ciety Kirls In Richmond belong. It will hs a very smart function and one of the moat Important society events of the winter season, and much interest has boon shown In the announcement. The boxes will be taken by a number of fashionable people, and small sup- pore will follow the performance iti many private houses. The caste has not yot boon announced. but 11 is known that those taking part In thlR very attractive performance are smiio of tho best known belles and beaux In town, and rehersals will begin promptly at the close of the round of Christmas festivities, n.tiutnnle Dance. Mrs. Minnie Drowry nertrand will give a (Janes at tho Country Club on the evening Of January i for her deb¬ utante daughter, Miss Austin HTtrand. This wll] be one of the attractive Af¬ fairs of the season, tlatl.Terrell. Palms. .Southern stntlaif and quant- iles of lovely pink roses decorated the First Uaptlst Church In this city yes¬ terday evening at <", o'clock for the wedding of Miss Marlon Swunn Ter¬ rell, daughter of Captain and Mrs. John M. Terrell. and Rev. William Lockhart Hall. Dr. George \V. Mc- Dahlel, assisted by Dr. James Nelson, perfbrme'd the ceremony in the pres¬ ence ol a lurge company of relatives and friends. An elaborate musical program was rendered previous to the ecrqrnony "lining the time that the guests were assembling. T he bride entered the church With her brother, Alfred Lynch Terrell, of King William, who ali-o gave her away. Her gown was an exquisite affair of ivory satin mndn with a court train and trimmed tn fur and real lace. Insets of duchess lace trimmed the bodice, and her long veil of Illu¬ sion was caught with sprays of lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and white archtds. Miss Lucy E. Terrrll was her sister's maid -if honor and wore a love¬ ly gown of pab- pink marci'ilRctte over Ihe Flour That lives Universal Satisfaction. JURGE Furniture stock is acknowledged to be the best in Richmond. Big price reductions this week. GYMNASIUM SHOES.AH Sizes rYorthwent Corner Third and Itrond. Go to Chasie Traf ieri (or pure imported Olive Oil,_ Reliable Furniture , AT Jones Bros. & Co., Inc., 1418-1420 East Main Street. Choice Selection of Christmas Hits at TRAGLE'S GREEN CASTLE KITCjfiEN CABINETS Make ideal Christmas presents. Rothert & Co. MI«. W. I.. HAI.I.. pink messnllno of tho »amo shade. Her: Konii was trimmed In fur and crystal embroidery, and she carried an armful of La. France roses, nr. Ityland Knight, of this city, was the groom's' best man. I The bridesmaids were Minn Luc)lei .lames. of Round Hill; Miss Bossle Bright well Tallaferro. of Kssox; Miss Haute Hill, of Norfolk: Miss OHve| Ragby, of King nnd Queen county; Miss Margaret Maxwell, of Louslvllle, Ky.j Miss Margaret Tweedy, of Haw- son. Ca;, and Miss Eiste GMllam, of Lynchburg. They were frocks of nlle green mnr'iulsutte built over pale green satin and trimmed in crystal. Their llowors worn bouquets of pink rosebud*. The groomsmen wore licv. Harry Owens, of Baltimore; Harold Ball, of Roanoke: Fltzhugh Ball, ofl Princeton, W. Vs.; Professor n. W.| Durrette. of Bichmond: B. M. Terrell.] of Gwathmey; Dr. Jesse B. Wlthor- spoon, of Durham, N. «.'.. and J. B. Ter-1 roll, of this city. Little Trent Talln- ferro, of Essex, a cousin of the bride. carried the ring. .\ reception was given Tuesday even-' ing for the bridal purt in the homo of the bride's parents at Gwathmey. Mr. Rail and his bride left at once for ;t .Southern wedding trip. which will include visits of several weeks In Florida and Cuba. There were a num¬ ber of out-of-town Bu.-sts from this State. West Virginia, North Corollna and Kentucky. The bride Is a daughter of Captain J; M. Terroll. formerly of "Hickory Hill." Essex county, now of Owath- mey. and U prominently connected 'throughout the State, being a grand- daughter of the late Captain S. E. Bwann, of Confederate distinction, and a great-granddaughter of Mnjor Geo. Terrell an,j Ellrobeth Tyler, of Revo- lutlonary fame. She Is a graduate of Bowling Green Seminary, Woman's College and the training department of th<» Louisville Theological Seminary. Mr. Dull |s a sou of I. D. Ball, of Princeton, W. Va., and Is u proml- nent representative of the distinguish¬ ed Ball family of Virginia. He Is well known throughout the North and West, where he traveled and preached with the Chapman-Alexander meet¬ ings. Mr. Ila.ll is an alumnus of Taze- well ami Richmond Colleges and the Louisville Theological .Seminary. At Clifton SprlDKB. W. H. Grant, Jr.. who has been at Clifton Springs. N. Y-. for treatment for the past five months, though some¬ what Improved, Will not be able to re¬ turn to Richmond for tho Christmas holidays. Mr. Grant has a large circle of friends in Richmond, nnd Is one of the best known members of the Rich¬ mond German club. Mr. Grant will probably return to Richmond somo time later in the winter, lining Abroad, I Miss AdolalOo Williams, of Baltl- more, and Miss Phoebe Satterfield, for¬ merly of thu city, now, of Gormnntown, Pa., will sal! for Europe In January to spend the winter abroad. MIsb Wll- Hams and Miss Sallorftcld are now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julian Morris at "The Oaks," near Keswlck. Two Attractive Hounc Purtles. Any number of Christmas house parties have been planned for the holiday *eas< n. and all sorts of in¬ formal entertaining will be Incident to the stay of guests at big country bouses for this week-end and next. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beverley will be hosts of one Interesting Ivfcusu party, the affair to r0e. given at "Ulnndfteld," their country estate in Essex county, which Is one of the show places In that sec¬ tion 0/ the State. Some of Sir. and Mrs. Boverley'S guests will be Taylor Scott und YVelby Beverley. of Richmond; Mr. Mason, of New York; Miss Fanny Scott Beverley. Jack Stevenson, of Alexandria; Rozie" Dulnny. of Bnlti- nto're; Mr. Smith, of New York, and others. Mr. nnd Mrs J. Haskins Hohson, of Powhutun county, will entertain a large company of guests at "Mount Airy" over Christmas and for part of the holidays, a .Miss Helen Shoohitn, of Roanoke. will also entertain a house party for the holidays. Miss Sheahan's guests are Misses Margnrnt, Marie and Kathleen Furcell. of IInriisonhiirg, Pa.; Miss Annie Hughes, of Savannah; Go.; Miss Margaret Hughes, of Atlanta; Miss Clara Woolfolk. of Richmond; Miss Christine Marquis, of Wyoming; Miss Hazel Parke, of Virginia College. In honor of her guests, Miss Sheahan will glvo a large dance at her home on tho evening of December 2S. Lynchburg Weddlnflr. An Interesting' wedding took plaoe in Lynchburg. yesterday afternoon at 4 fit) o'clock, when at the residence of K. U Reil. Church and Firth Streets, James Early McMnrrun and Miss Katharine A. Pitman were united In mnri-fage by Rev. p\ T. MeFadon, D. D'., of Richmond. Tho bridoj wore a handsome tsllorod Bult of brown broadcloth and carried a bouquet of Bride rosos and lilies of the valley. Miss LouIbo Kollog. of Richmond, was maid of honor and wore light blue chiffon over mossallnc and carried a bouquet of white sweet 'peas. George B. Barl)*, of Newport News, wus heat man. Mi.i-i rMtman Ik the daughter of the late Dr. William M. and Mrs. Martha Virginia Bell I'ltrnan, both of prominent and Influential families In the Valley of Virginia, wno went early after their' marriage to Lynchburg, where they occupied" a prominent place In the social, church and professional life of the city. Miss Pitman has been, until recently, living in California. Mr. Mc- Miirran a resident of Newport News. V«. After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Murran left for a trip to Eastern and Northern cities. On their return In January*! they will make their home In Newport News Mrirrlngc Announced. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pcnlch an¬ nounce the marriage of their daughter, Helen P. Penlck. to John Cheshire, In the Episcopal Church in Tarboro. N. C. After a Northern tour. Mr. and Mrs. Cheshire will make their home In Tar¬ boro. Important Meeting. The Southern Industrial und Educa¬ tional Association will meet at 11 o'clock this morning In the parlors of the Woman's Club, it is expected that Rev. Mayo will be present and will address the meeting on the subject of his work in the ragged mountains. All members of the organization are urged to he present at this meeting. Pupils' Itecf nl. Miss Zelle Minor * pupils gavo a very attractive program at their De¬ cember studio meeting last Saturday afternoon. .Some of the little people who played were Elizabeth Watson. Madeline Williams, Louise Glbboncy and Elva McCandliah. Home other pleasing numbers were Beethoven Bonatc, by Marie Glbbonoy; Schumann melody, by .Jennie Jones; a Chopin wnlts, by Lucy Willis: Iljlnskl's dainty .'Berceuse." by Lucy Williams; a gny gipsy dunce of Lichner's, by Margaret Davon portl and a romance by Hum¬ mel, pla/ed by Bessie Anglln. After the elass work and the intiRloal numbers were concluded, the class spent a delightful social houi with Christmas features Introduced. Heeeni Announcement)!. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dabncy Jar- man, of Charlottesvllle, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cath¬ arine Lindsay, to Dr. Edwin Brooks Maynard, U. S. a., now stationed at / Store Open * Evenings Until 10 O'clock From Now Until Xmas Part of our sales force will be on hand each night to wait on those who avail i herhselves of thi* opportunity to do their Christmas -hop¬ ping. The Useful Gift-Men and Womens' Bath Slippers, 89c. N. W. Corner Third and Broad St. Doll Shoes and Stockings J. B. Mosby & Co. Special exhibit and sale of Re- villon Frcres Furs. Cuff Pins All Gold, $1.50 Pair. These arc not merely gold top. Plai and engraved. All finishes and design Smith & Webster, Jewelers. 612 East Main Street. 200 Imported Children's Tea Sets Worth $1.50 at 50 cents. Sutherland & Cherry, Inc., 310 East Broad Street -, AMERICAN AND mEOTKSPBAN AVCUntt PSN 'THE/* vSPÜIS,. 'Trie .iWlCNT By ROY K. MOULTON. Dipped I'roni tho i Stream. Hitoretary of the' Interior llalllngor denounced, bureau- oratio government. Thero oru other ways of keeping Ulio'a picture In the pupur besides tak-. !iiK patotlt modi-' cine. A Chicago mun htm taught his wlfo' how to box. It BceniH foolish to a man] to pluce himself In a position where! ho will never dare criticize his wlfe'si cooking. Turkey had a new Minister of Ki-I nance named Nail Pasha. They will get all their hummers out for htm. Surah Bernhardt. having played everything else, is now learning to! play golf. One thing that will never come Into general use Is an aeroplane baby cab.I Mr. Hearst says he Is .1 Democrat. Again, or yet? Mr. Bockefeller doesn't shake hands any more, but It docs seem as though he would feel like shaking hands wlthj himself tin dividend day. A Spokane man wants $20.000 dam¬ ages for being kicked by a mule. Hoi ought to be thankful he's alive and lot' It go at thnl. The tobacco tru«l is said to be will-' ing 10 reform, but if all the smokers; reformed there wouldn't be any tobac¬ co trust. ; Governor. Woodrow Wilson says ha| Ib disgusted with some of the popular hymns. It must be the Governor Is not seeking the church choir vote. According facie Aborr. President Taft shows no nurtlalltyj in visiting American cities- Ho even gets to Washington occasionally. Mary Gardeu has signed a grand opera contract at $1,400 a night. And still some people say that gardening! doesn't pay. Mr. O. V. Kidd of Columbus. Ohio, has gone East to sec the sights of Gotham. Comment \n unnecessary. A town In Idaho has boon named Tomorrow. Nobody will ever be able! to got to that place, for it will always! be Just a day ahead. Uncle Ezra Harklns ha* lost his] pruning knife and le thereby deprived Of his usual occupation, which Is whit. tling out In Tlbblts grocery. Mr. Hank Purdy, the gentlemanly) and congenial proprietor of the Gold¬ en Nugget Saloon, Bays the rye Is! lookln" irood this fall. Our furnace Symposium. R. E. F. wrllcn: 'It is a good thing! tltnt I nm not a man with a weak heartl or I would not he writing you this let- ter now. I went down to shovel some| coal in my furnace yesterday afternoon, and found that it didn't need any. A man that can stand a shock like, thai ought to he a good risk for some life insurance company. It Is the first time It over happened to me. and I am in¬ clined to believe it hus occurred to very few." F. G. H; writes: "I like to ro to bed early, but if I hit the feathers at S o'clock by furnace fire goes out before morntng. If I Ax my furnace at S o'clock and go to bed I huve to get up at ?. o'clock, whereas If I sit up until Port Kneiting, Minn. The wedding will take place at an oarly date. Air?. Charles Faunttoroy Wbittletey, of Seattle, has Issued invitations to the wedding of her daughter, Laura, and Dr. James Täte Mason, the cere¬ mony to take place In Seattle on Jan¬ uary 3. Dr. Mason Is the eon of Dr. C. R. Mnson. He is a graduate of the Uni¬ versity of Virginia. Invit.it! 1: have been received here to the wedding of Mis.s Ss.Hie Olivia Ayros to Stephen Thomas Anderson, tho ceremony to take place Thursday, December 2S. at 12:30 o'clock, in tho home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Nannie Brown Ayres. at "Edge lllll," In Buckingham county. In nnd of Toivn. Miss Virginia Whltelcy, of Baltimore, la visiting friends here. Miss Juliet Mann, of Petersburg, niece of Governor William Hodges .Mann, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh «'. Smith, in Baltimore. Miss Elsie Parrish has returned to Richmond, after visiting Miss Jean Brent in Alexandria. Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Tllllnghast I'ost. of Hampton, nre visiting the latter's mother. Mrs. Thomas W. McCaw, at S2S 1-2 West Grace Street. Miss Julia Cone, who has been the guest of Miss Eliza Douglas in Alex¬ andria, has returned to the city. Mrs. John Antrim nnd little daugh¬ ter, Elizabeth, will arrive In Richmond to-morrow from Roanoke to spend Christmas with relatives. Miss HJllzabeth Tyler, of Rollins Col¬ lege, has returned to RiQlimnud for the holidays. Miss Polly Ro'oIiib returned! to Rich¬ mond yesterday to spend the holidays with her mother, Mra. Sally Nelson Robins. C. C. Tallnferro is spending several dnvs with friends In Richmond this week. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Mann are in Boston for a stay of several days. Miss Esther Bryan will spend next week with relatives-In Caroline county. Clarence Franklin bus roturncd from a collage In Pennsylvania, and Is the guest of h's, mother, Mrs. H. K. Franklin, at Greshttin Court. . T. II. Brown. Jr.. who left this city on July IS last', to enter employment in New York, will return to Richmond on Saturday morning, to remain with Ills family for the holidays. Gilbert.Stcger. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Rico Depot, Va-, December 20..Miss' Ann Jane Stcger. the daughter of O, O. Stcger, and Floyd Baxtor Gilbert, (a young business man of Farmvlllo, were married this afternoon nt r.:"0 o'clock at Jamestown Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert left Immediately over tho Norfolk and Western Railroad for n Northern tour. After January 1 they will be at home in Farmvlllo. nreont Weddings. [Special to The Times-Dispatch. J Heathsvlll*. Va., December 20.. Walter B. Seseon, of Westmoreland county, and Miss Sarah O. Bollfield. of Richmond county, were marrlert in Washington Monday. Frank Jones^and Miss B. Fisher, both of Northumberland ooonty, wer« il I can stay In bed the next morning until e. My neighbor tulls me tflat he wanted to uco away from town the other uuy. no hs lot hie furnace go without touching It for thrao days, and «.von then It refused to go out- He Hays ho then turnod tl\o hoso Into It und Itllud 11 up with ashes, und «tili It burned brightly us ever, and he hud to give up Ms trip because he didn't dare leave his furnace with a roaring tire in It. Did you ever notice what remark¬ able furnaces the neighbors all have? My Impression Is, however, that the neighbor 1 refer to is n durned liar. What do you think?" J. H. W. says: "I don't think there Is a woman In this world who knows how to run u furnace. I can leave a roaring fire whoh I go to the office at S o'clock, and If my wife can't manage to put It out somehow before 9 o'clock I'll eat my hat. I don't know how she docs It. The trubl« Is that a woman fusses with a furnace too much. She treats It 100 much like a baby in arms, and that leads the furnace to expect too much attention. When n man takes care of a furnace he hits it a couple of Jolts In tho solar plexus, throws a few shovels of coal Into It, sdarns He mouth shut and leaves It. A woman tries to feed H out of a bottle and feels of Its pulse every two minutees. That's not business. 1 suppose some of your feminine readers will answer this, but I don't gave u hang. 1 wanted to get this but of my system before Christ¬ mas. TrndlrlniiK. Tlu history men. those wise' .dd boys, who carry bruins of wondcroua heft. Are knocking o\;i traditions out until we have not many left. They say that poor old Paul Revere ne'er galloped o'er the corduroy. They say that there was no wooden horse that figured In the siege of Troy. They say that Cleaopalra was a '-ross- eyod, knock-kneed, freckled fright. They say that Nero didn't play the fiddle when Home burned that night. They say that old Confucius- was a common, ordinary mutt. No dude who hail desires to strut. They tell us that Diogenes ne'er Blurt¬ ed out with lamp In band. And in hip travels failed to tlnd an honest man in nil tho land. They tell US Walter Raleigji ne'er across 11 puddle apreud his clonk, And that .his love affair with tjuoen Elizabeth was hut a joke. They tell vis that the Queen of Shebu wore- false teeth and dyed her hair. They tell us that old .tob ne'er had a single, solitary care. They tell um that Napoleon was not a genius, but- a frost. They tell ua that Dante was a fraud, and paradise was never lost. They're slaughtering our pet traditions every day with ruthless bands And knocking all our herocR In a way that's hard to unterstand. There's nothing new to talk about, and should the iconoclasts not irive The old stuff some lambasting every day, they simply couldn't live. married at the tlaptist parsonage this morning, by Rev. A. J. lleainy. Sr. Miss Gallic Mnbol Hobcrtson. daugh¬ ter of Mrs. Joseph A. Robertson, of Palmers, was married on Tuesday to Barle Howard Evans, of Rudville, at the home of her mother. Ask Your Doctor All run down, easily tired, thin, pale, nervous? And do not know what to take? Then go direct to your doctor. Ask his opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. No alcohol, no stimulation. A blood purifier, a nerve tonic, a strong altera¬ tive, an aid to digestion. Let your doctor decide, j-^viY'k*;: For Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves N. KLEIN * SON. IXC. f^O East Broad. Magnificent showings of Fine Furs, Coats, Suits and Hats. NOT TALK, HUT ACTION, HAS MADE Greentree's The store it is. Broad at Seventh. DENTIST See us in rifta'.'d to your dental trouble?. Wo will givn you honest advice without charge at THE SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS. Opposite the new Post-Offlce Rulldlng. 1000 East Main. Tel. Madison ."29i>. Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers for POMPEIAN LUCCA OLIVE OKL Genuirie.Pure.Healtnlul Schwarzschild Bros. Christmas Gifts From the Schwarzschild Store Bring Years of Pleasure I low happy you have been in the thought of satis¬ faction and pleasure that the gift bought here last Christmas has brought. That is the cause for the unprecedented demand for articles which come from this elegant storc-- thcy last indefinitely. , Christmas is near.and we urge that you do not put off longer. Your wishes for engraving will be met with perfect service. Schwarzschild Bros. Richmond's Leading Jewelers, Second and Broad Sts. PRESS MEASURES AFTER CHRISTMAS Carlin Introduces Number of Important Bills in House. ISpeclal to The Time«-Dispatch. | Washington, D. c. December 20_ Representative Carlln to-day Intro¬ duced a number ot Important bills, for which he will ask consideration ita- medlately after the holidays. One of these bills providos severe punishment for any person who steals anything from a railroad or express cur while such oar Is In interstate trovcJ. und the punishment for a person buying Stolen goods from a shipment golilK from one Stute to another or one coun¬ try lo another is equally severe. The hill Is so drawn that it covers every feature of stealing from cars, either moving or around railroad stations. Any one violating such law, if the bill is passed, shall be lined not more than SS.OOO, with a sentence of not more than ten years. Mr. Carlln also desires to dredge. Po¬ tomac ''reek, in King tleorge county, from Marlboro Point to VN'hlppasaWa¬ sen, a distance of about two and a half miles. The expense of such dredging shall not exceed the sum of $20,000. Another bill, which will be consid¬ ered after tho holidays. Is to reimburse employes of the Washington navy yard for loss of tools by fire ill that place oh February 6. 1911. Their loss Is said to have been about $1,000, and Mr. Carlln. in the bill Introduced to-day, asks that tho government reimburse them. J The Interstate Commerce Commission to-day granted khu application of the Atlantic Coast Line, the C. and W. C the Norfolk and Western and Other roads to establish freight rates from points in Virginia, the Carolinas and Mississippi Vnlloy territory, to stations on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, via the Richmond, Frede rloksburg and Poto¬ mac Railroad, on the same basis as arc now In effect via other routes, without vlolnting the statutes bearing on the su bject. Hurry St. Ooorge Tucker came, to Washington to-day and met a number of his friends at til ft New Willard Mo¬ tel. His arrival here was tho signal for a manifestation of interest In t.ltc Jackson Ddy dinner on January 8, at which mnnv promlnet Virginians will be present. P. H. McO. Young.Daniel. Special to Tin- Times-Dispatch.) Waverly, Va.. December 20..An in¬ teresting event, in which the soci ity of Waverly and vicinity was much in¬ terested wa3 the mjirri.*K o! Miss Bthel Slay Daniel, laughter af Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Daniel, to Dr. Walter Jorgensen Voting, formorly of St. Luids, now professor Of philosophy at Ha?Vip- den-Sidney College. The ceremony .. i- place this morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Waverly Baptist Church. 'I ... rehuruh and nh-iujol >ver.tnuUfiil.'y decorated with palms nn,1. fern-. .Mi-* Elsie 'May West presltc.l at the crfr.n. anil rendered the "Wedding- M Vi '.'h»«" from "Lohengrin" and .Men lolesohii, playing "Call Me Thine Own" .lining the ooremony, which was oerforniod by Rev. W. A. Snvder. the pastor of the bride. The ushers wore '.lrnV.l Flootwood, Jr.; Walter T. Daniel, Edivliril W. C'-.np- [pell, Robert W. Arnibl, Robert !i..t.- cotek, of Waverly. and Resser Real West, of Newport New*. The violet [ribbons were hold hv Masters William Hancock and Gordon Chapp II. Miss Sully Fleet wood, the mold ">f honor, preceded the bride. Little .IK-; Nannie Baird FTnrrlson bor.e '.he ring on a violet satin cushion. T'ii bride, attired in a becoming trav¬ eling suit of brown lo^h. with hat and gloves to match, entered .he church with hor father, by whom s.ie was given sway, meeting iho groom, with his best man, L. T-aurens Elmore, of New York, at the chancel. The bridal pair left Immellnioly .if. tor the ceremony for Ht. Louifi nr.d other points West, spending the holi¬ days with the groom's parent;. Mr, and Mrs. Walter M. Young, of St. Louis. Fpon their return they will reside .it Hampden-Sidney College. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents the night or the 10th. to which only the bridal parly was Invited. The house decorations, were white and green. Among the out-of-town guests for the wedding were Mis., Su-ie »forris. of Lively; Mis.- Mary Co wall. Of Wash¬ ington, N. C.; L. Laurens Elm-ire. of Now York; Herhört Warwick, of Nor¬ folk: Missus Leila BoisstMii. Mary Tnv- lor. Mrs. Hunter Chappell. Me. r in1 Mis. Rivjs Hooper and IT. M Williams, of Petersburg: Rev \v. r. Renslcy, of Philadelphia, and Rosser Beule West, of Newport News. Powell.Duke. (Special ro TheTlmos-Dlspatch. 1 Suffolk. Va.. December 20..Miss Mary Llsr.lo Duke, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Duke, and Jethro S. Powell, both of Nanseniond county were married In Suffolk this afternoon by Rev. I. W. Johnson. They loft tor u Northern honeymoon. MeWhlrt.XiiKne.v, (Special To The Times-Dispatch, .Prcdericltsburg, Va., December H. T>. McWhlri and Miss Berth i C. Nussey. dnughtci of Frank Nttstoy, both of Spotsylvanla county, were married Lhls afternoon at the homo ol the bride, Roy. It. S. Lllslllgor, of thin city, performing the ceremony. fil,\.\"I>KHS A MO\t; HORSKS. I'.vldeoeeN i>r nisenne Pound by stnto Veterlnarlnn. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Bristol, Vr.. Decembor 20...Dr. J. G-. Ferneyhough. State Veterinarian, to day concluded an investigation latö; the existence of glanders among- the' horses of Bristol and adjacent tcrrl-! lory In Virginia. He found that btoofft! tests made by tho Federal Unnau off Animal Industry from specimens off blood sent there by Dr. J. W. Graham;} showed unmistakable evidences of thee disease. | He recommended to the City Coun-i. Cil that Dr. Graham be regularly um-». ployed as his assistant In State www here until the disease Is eradicated*' and has wired urging the. co-opcra>-.! tlon of tho Federal government. DrJ. Ferneyhough says it Is only by goti-ti eral interest among horsemen and of-i, tlcials lliut this disease' can be stopi'. ped, and he urge? an awakening. .lonrM.Kent. [Special in The Times.-Dispatch.] Frederlckaburg. Va.. December '20..< Oscar i'. Jones and Miss Ruby H. Kent; daughter of \V. U Kent, both ot Spot- sylvan In county, were inarrlod this af~ tiM-noon at Shady Orovo Methodlnt Church. In that county. Rev. S. H^ Johnson performing tho ceremony. IfUIlT KHTATR WINS. Verdict In Null to lleeover Sö.000 otll liife insurance Policy. (Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspntch.] Taaew-nll. \**\| Vietrember 20..The suit of the estate of .lohn H. .Hurt against the South Atlantic Iusurnnce, Company, for $0.000 on it lifo insurance policy, held by Mr. I lust, after a sis? days' trial, resulted to-day in a verdict! for the estate. The Insurance com¬ pany made the pirn that Mr. ITurU met death at Ills own bnnds. and that he was of unsound mipd at the time tile policy was Issued. Mr. Hurt wan one of the most successful huslnosn men of the county and was popular and highly respected. His body waa found on the 27th of lnst January in a field near his home nt Pounding Mill, with a bullel bole in his temple and the pistol lying by his side. With an empty chamber._ Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Etc. Mixed Nuts.12' j'c Layer Figs .12 he French Candy . 8c English Walnuts .15c Black Walnuts, peck .25c l-ll). Seeded Raisins .lie l lb, Cleaned Currants.He Best Citron, lh.I8c Christmas Mixed Candy, lb.10c Fresh Best Hanls, H>.15c Fresh Corned Hams, lb. 15c Chainlet's Gelatine .25c Wine for jelly, quart.20c Sweet Cider, gallon..Wc Chocolate Drops .12'-a 9 S 3051 1820-1822 Kasr Main, 506 I.asl Marshall. Special Offan llöcfa\ Gnsür .(RYAN-SMIÄS; 1 b .- .j=as Tired, aching feat and llmbi, weal; In. bten. and rheumatic pains p«rmaii«ntl» cured by wearing DULLiAnO'S PKRKKCi ti11n ARCH CUSHIONS, t.tslit. soft, ilex- Iblu and comfortable. They remove alt ifiuacular Miam from iho arch, and enibl« you to stand or waik all day without fntlnuc or pain. Price, 60r. per puir. Sent hy mall, tilve slzo of Bhoe. Clin». K. nell, Hole Ageat. :.l &lh St., X. B.. Waih's'n. Hopkins Furniture Co.s 7 West Broad St. Cash or Credit. II.AVE YOU SEEN THE New Method Gas Ranges at \:i Pettit & Co.'s? B. SamuelV STITCH DOWNS ON SALT? at ALBERT STEINS 5th and Broad I

ECiirad, PSN'THE/* Guaranteed MesSi Ba^s .iWlCNT By Christmas … · 2017. 12. 16. · Noft kh

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Page 1: ECiirad, PSN'THE/* Guaranteed MesSi Ba^s .iWlCNT By Christmas … · 2017. 12. 16. · Noft kh

Noft kh<& Ordliiraary ECiirad, hut A®

Guaranteed MesSi Ba^saim

Looks like the real sterling and wears much better. 5-inch,

6-inch, 7-inch frames. Handsome carved, etched ami plain de-

,s;j;ns. One of the best and most unusual holiday offerings of the

season. Made of nun-breakable mesh.

aur mmaem m

Social andPersonal

FEBRUARY C ,und 7 are the dalesset for the presentation ö'l a "So-ctety Vaudeville" at the Academy

of MubIc. The affair is to he givenunder the direction of the Girls' ClllliOf the Hollo Bryan Day Nursery, towhich some of the most prominent so¬ciety Kirls In Richmond belong. It willhs a very smart function and one ofthe moat Important society events ofthe winter season, and much interesthas boon shown In the announcement.The boxes will be taken by a numberof fashionable people, and small sup-pore will follow the performance itimany private houses. The caste hasnot yot boon announced. but 11 isknown that those taking part In thlRvery attractive performance are smiioof tho best known belles and beauxIn town, and rehersals will beginpromptly at the close of the round ofChristmas festivities,n.tiutnnle Dance.Mrs. Minnie Drowry nertrand will

give a (Janes at tho Country Club onthe evening Of January i for her deb¬utante daughter, Miss Austin HTtrand.This wll] be one of the attractive Af¬fairs of the season,tlatl.Terrell.Palms. .Southern stntlaif and quant-

iles of lovely pink roses decorated theFirst Uaptlst Church In this city yes¬terday evening at <", o'clock for thewedding of Miss Marlon Swunn Ter¬rell, daughter of Captain and Mrs.John M. Terrell. and Rev. WilliamLockhart Hall. Dr. George \V. Mc-Dahlel, assisted by Dr. James Nelson,perfbrme'd the ceremony in the pres¬ence ol a lurge company of relativesand friends. An elaborate musicalprogram was rendered previous to theecrqrnony "lining the time that theguests were assembling.

T he bride entered the church Withher brother, Alfred Lynch Terrell, ofKing William, who ali-o gave heraway. Her gown was an exquisiteaffair of ivory satin mndn with a courttrain and trimmed tn fur and reallace. Insets of duchess lace trimmedthe bodice, and her long veil of Illu¬sion was caught with sprays of liliesof the valley. She carried a showerbouquet of lilies of the valley and whitearchtds. Miss Lucy E. Terrrll was hersister's maid -if honor and wore a love¬ly gown of pab- pink marci'ilRctte over

Ihe Flour Thatlives UniversalSatisfaction.

JURGEFurniture stock is acknowledgedto be the best in Richmond. Bigprice reductions this week.


rYorthwent Corner Third and Itrond.

Go to ChasieTrafieri (or pureimported OliveOil,_Reliable Furniture

, AT

Jones Bros. & Co., Inc.,1418-1420 East Main Street.

Choice Selection ofChristmas Hits atTRAGLE'S


Make ideal Christmas presents.

Rothert & Co.

MI«. W. I.. HAI.I..

pink messnllno of tho »amo shade. Her:Konii was trimmed In fur and crystalembroidery, and she carried an armfulof La. France roses, nr. ItylandKnight, of this city, was the groom's'best man. IThe bridesmaids were Minn Luc)lei

.lames. of Round Hill; Miss BossleBright well Tallaferro. of Kssox; MissHaute Hill, of Norfolk: Miss OHve|Ragby, of King nnd Queen county;Miss Margaret Maxwell, of Louslvllle,Ky.j Miss Margaret Tweedy, of Haw-son. Ca;, and Miss Eiste GMllam, ofLynchburg. They were frocks of nllegreen mnr'iulsutte built over palegreen satin and trimmed in crystal.Their llowors worn bouquets of pinkrosebud*. The groomsmen wore licv.Harry Owens, of Baltimore; HaroldBall, of Roanoke: Fltzhugh Ball, oflPrinceton, W. Vs.; Professor n. W.|Durrette. of Bichmond: B. M. Terrell.]of Gwathmey; Dr. Jesse B. Wlthor-spoon, of Durham, N. «.'.. and J. B. Ter-1roll, of this city. Little Trent Talln-ferro, of Essex, a cousin of the bride.carried the ring.

.\ reception was given Tuesday even-'ing for the bridal purt in the homoof the bride's parents at Gwathmey.Mr. Rail and his bride left at oncefor ;t .Southern wedding trip. whichwill include visits of several weeks InFlorida and Cuba. There were a num¬ber of out-of-town Bu.-sts from thisState. West Virginia, North Corollnaand Kentucky.

The bride Is a daughter of CaptainJ; M. Terroll. formerly of "HickoryHill." Essex county, now of Owath-mey. and U prominently connected'throughout the State, being a grand-daughter of the late Captain S. E.Bwann, of Confederate distinction, anda great-granddaughter of Mnjor Geo.Terrell an,j Ellrobeth Tyler, of Revo-lutlonary fame. She Is a graduate ofBowling Green Seminary, Woman'sCollege and the training departmentof th<» Louisville Theological Seminary.Mr. Dull |s a sou of I. D. Ball, ofPrinceton, W. Va., and Is u proml-nent representative of the distinguish¬ed Ball family of Virginia. He Is wellknown throughout the North andWest, where he traveled and preachedwith the Chapman-Alexander meet¬ings. Mr. Ila.ll is an alumnus of Taze-well ami Richmond Colleges and theLouisville Theological .Seminary.At Clifton SprlDKB.

W. H. Grant, Jr.. who has been atClifton Springs. N. Y-. for treatmentfor the past five months, though some¬what Improved, Will not be able to re¬turn to Richmond for tho Christmasholidays. Mr. Grant has a large circleof friends in Richmond, nnd Is one ofthe best known members of the Rich¬mond German club. Mr. Grant willprobably return to Richmond somotime later in the winter,lining Abroad, IMiss AdolalOo Williams, of Baltl-

more, and Miss Phoebe Satterfield, for¬merly of thu city, now, of Gormnntown,Pa., will sal! for Europe In Januaryto spend the winter abroad. MIsb Wll-Hams and Miss Sallorftcld are nowvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Julian Morrisat "The Oaks," near Keswlck.Two Attractive Hounc Purtles.Any number of Christmas house

parties have been planned for theholiday *eas< n. and all sorts of in¬formal entertaining will be Incident tothe stay of guests at big countrybouses for this week-end and next. Mr.and Mrs. Robert Beverley will be hostsof one Interesting Ivfcusu party, theaffair to r0e. given at "Ulnndfteld," theircountry estate in Essex county, whichIs one of the show places In that sec¬tion 0/ the State. Some of Sir. and Mrs.Boverley'S guests will be Taylor Scottund YVelby Beverley. of Richmond; Mr.Mason, of New York; Miss FannyScott Beverley. Jack Stevenson, ofAlexandria; Rozie" Dulnny. of Bnlti-nto're; Mr. Smith, of New York, andothers.

Mr. nnd Mrs J. Haskins Hohson, ofPowhutun county, will entertain alarge company of guests at "MountAiry" over Christmas and for part ofthe holidays, a

.Miss Helen Shoohitn, of Roanoke.will also entertain a house party forthe holidays. Miss Sheahan's guests areMisses Margnrnt, Marie and KathleenFurcell. of IInriisonhiirg, Pa.; MissAnnie Hughes, of Savannah; Go.; MissMargaret Hughes, of Atlanta; MissClara Woolfolk. of Richmond; MissChristine Marquis, of Wyoming; MissHazel Parke, of Virginia College. Inhonor of her guests, Miss Sheahan willglvo a large dance at her home on thoevening of December 2S.Lynchburg Weddlnflr.An Interesting' wedding took plaoe

in Lynchburg. yesterday afternoon at4 fit) o'clock, when at the residence ofK. U Reil. Church and Firth Streets,James Early McMnrrun and MissKatharine A. Pitman were united Inmnri-fage by Rev. p\ T. MeFadon, D. D'.,of Richmond.Tho bridoj wore a handsome tsllorod

Bult of brown broadcloth and carried abouquet of Bride rosos and lilies ofthe valley. Miss LouIbo Kollog. ofRichmond, was maid of honor andwore light blue chiffon over mossallncand carried a bouquet of white sweet'peas. George B. Barl)*, of NewportNews, wus heat man.

Mi.i-i rMtman Ik the daughter of thelate Dr. William M. and Mrs. MarthaVirginia Bell I'ltrnan, both of prominentand Influential families In the Valleyof Virginia, wno went early aftertheir' marriage to Lynchburg, wherethey occupied" a prominent place In thesocial, church and professional life ofthe city. Miss Pitman has been, untilrecently, living in California. Mr. Mc-Miirran 1« a resident of Newport News.V«.

After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Murran left for a trip to Eastern andNorthern cities. On their return InJanuary*! they will make their home InNewport NewsMrirrlngc Announced.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pcnlch an¬nounce the marriage of their daughter,Helen P. Penlck. to John Cheshire, Inthe Episcopal Church in Tarboro. N.C. After a Northern tour. Mr. and Mrs.Cheshire will make their home In Tar¬boro.Important Meeting.The Southern Industrial und Educa¬

tional Association will meet at 11o'clock this morning In the parlors ofthe Woman's Club, it is expected thatRev. Mayo will be present and willaddress the meeting on the subject ofhis work in the ragged mountains. Allmembers of the organization areurged to he present at this meeting.Pupils' Itecf nl.

Miss Zelle Minor * pupils gavo avery attractive program at their De¬cember studio meeting last Saturdayafternoon. .Some of the little peoplewho played were Elizabeth Watson.Madeline Williams, Louise Glbboncyand Elva McCandliah. Home otherpleasing numbers were BeethovenBonatc, by Marie Glbbonoy; Schumannmelody, by .Jennie Jones; a Chopinwnlts, by Lucy Willis: Iljlnskl's dainty.'Berceuse." by Lucy Williams; a gnygipsy dunce of Lichner's, by MargaretDavon portl and a romance by Hum¬mel, pla/ed by Bessie Anglln.

After the elass work and the intiRloalnumbers were concluded, the classspent a delightful social houi withChristmas features Introduced.Heeeni Announcement)!.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dabncy Jar-man, of Charlottesvllle, announce theengagement of their daughter, Cath¬arine Lindsay, to Dr. Edwin BrooksMaynard, U. S. a., now stationed at

/Store Open


Evenings Until10 O'clockFrom NowUntil XmasPart of our sales force

will be on hand eachnight to wait on thosewho avail i herhselves ofthi* opportunity to dotheir Christmas -hop¬ping.

The Useful Gift-Men and Womens'Bath Slippers, 89c.

N. W. Corner Third and Broad St.Doll Shoes and StockingsJ. B. Mosby & Co.

Special exhibit and sale of Re-villon Frcres Furs.

Cuff PinsAll Gold, $1.50 Pair.

These arc not merely gold top. Plaiand engraved. All finishes and designSmith & Webster,

Jewelers. 612 East Main Street.

200 Imported Children'sTea Sets Worth $1.50 at50 cents.Sutherland & Cherry, Inc.,

310 East Broad Street



Dipped I'roni tho i

Stream.Hitoretary of the'

Interior llalllngordenounced, bureau-oratio government.Thero oru otherways of keepingUlio'a picture In thepupur besides tak-.!iiK patotlt modi-'cine.

A Chicago mun htm taught his wlfo'how to box. It BceniH foolish to a man]to pluce himself In a position where!ho will never dare criticize his wlfe'sicooking.Turkey had a new Minister of Ki-I

nance named Nail Pasha. They willget all their hummers out for htm.Surah Bernhardt. having played

everything else, is now learning to!play golf.One thing that will never come Into

general use Is an aeroplane baby cab.IMr. Hearst says he Is .1 Democrat.

Again, or yet?Mr. Bockefeller doesn't shake hands

any more, but It docs seem as thoughhe would feel like shaking hands wlthjhimself tin dividend day.A Spokane man wants $20.000 dam¬

ages for being kicked by a mule. Hoiought to be thankful he's alive and lot'It go at thnl.The tobacco tru«l is said to be will-'

ing 10 reform, but if all the smokers;reformed there wouldn't be any tobac¬co trust. ;Governor. Woodrow Wilson says ha|Ib disgusted with some of the popularhymns. It must be the Governor Is notseeking the church choir vote.

According 1» facie Aborr.President Taft shows no nurtlalltyjin visiting American cities- Ho even

gets to Washington occasionally.Mary Gardeu has signed a grand

opera contract at $1,400 a night. Andstill some people say that gardening!doesn't pay.

Mr. O. V. Kidd of Columbus. Ohio,has gone East to sec the sights ofGotham. Comment \n unnecessary.A town In Idaho has boon named

Tomorrow. Nobody will ever be able!to got to that place, for it will always!be Just a day ahead.Uncle Ezra Harklns ha* lost his]pruning knife and le thereby deprived

Of his usual occupation, which Is whit.tling out In Tlbblts grocery.

Mr. Hank Purdy, the gentlemanly)and congenial proprietor of the Gold¬en Nugget Saloon, Bays the rye Is!lookln" irood this fall.

Our furnace Symposium.R. E. F. wrllcn: 'It is a good thing!

tltnt I nm not a man with a weak heartlor I would not he writing you this let-ter now. I went down to shovel some|coal in my furnace yesterday afternoon,and found that it didn't need any. Aman that can stand a shock like, thaiought to he a good risk for some lifeinsurance company. It Is the first timeIt over happened to me. and I am in¬clined to believe it hus occurred tovery few."

F. G. H; writes: "I like to ro to bedearly, but if I hit the feathers at So'clock by furnace fire goes out beforemorntng. If I Ax my furnace at So'clock and go to bed I huve to get upat ?. o'clock, whereas If I sit up until

Port Kneiting, Minn. The wedding willtake place at an oarly date.

Air?. Charles Faunttoroy Wbittletey,of Seattle, has Issued invitations tothe wedding of her daughter, Laura,and Dr. James Täte Mason, the cere¬mony to take place In Seattle on Jan¬uary 3.

Dr. Mason Is the eon of Dr. C. R.Mnson. He is a graduate of the Uni¬versity of Virginia.

Invit.it! 1: have been received hereto the wedding of Mis.s Ss.Hie OliviaAyros to Stephen Thomas Anderson,tho ceremony to take place Thursday,December 2S. at 12:30 o'clock, in thohome of the bride's mother, Mrs.Nannie Brown Ayres. at "Edge lllll,"In Buckingham county.

In nnd of Toivn.Miss Virginia Whltelcy, of Baltimore,

la visiting friends here.

Miss Juliet Mann, of Petersburg,niece of Governor William Hodges.Mann, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.Raleigh «'. Smith, in Baltimore.

Miss Elsie Parrish has returned toRichmond, after visiting Miss JeanBrent in Alexandria.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Tllllnghast I'ost.of Hampton, nre visiting the latter'smother. Mrs. Thomas W. McCaw, atS2S 1-2 West Grace Street.

Miss Julia Cone, who has been theguest of Miss Eliza Douglas in Alex¬andria, has returned to the city.

Mrs. John Antrim nnd little daugh¬ter, Elizabeth, will arrive In Richmondto-morrow from Roanoke to spendChristmas with relatives.

Miss HJllzabeth Tyler, of Rollins Col¬lege, has returned to RiQlimnud forthe holidays.

Miss Polly Ro'oIiib returned! to Rich¬mond yesterday to spend the holidayswith her mother, Mra. Sally NelsonRobins.

C. C. Tallnferro is spending severaldnvs with friends In Richmond thisweek.

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Mann are inBoston for a stay of several days.Miss Esther Bryan will spend next

week with relatives-In Caroline county.

Clarence Franklin bus roturncdfrom a collage In Pennsylvania, and Isthe guest of h's, mother, Mrs. H. K.Franklin, at Greshttin Court. .

T. II. Brown. Jr.. who left this cityon July IS last', to enter employment inNew York, will return to Richmondon Saturday morning, to remain withIlls family for the holidays.

Gilbert.Stcger.[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]Rico Depot, Va-, December 20..Miss'

Ann Jane Stcger. the daughter of O,O. Stcger, and Floyd Baxtor Gilbert,(a young business man of Farmvlllo,were married this afternoon nt r.:"0o'clock at Jamestown PresbyterianChurch. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert leftImmediately over tho Norfolk andWestern Railroad for n Northern tour.After January 1 they will be at homein Farmvlllo.

nreont Weddings.[Special to The Times-Dispatch. JHeathsvlll*. Va., December 20..

Walter B. Seseon, of Westmorelandcounty, and Miss Sarah O. Bollfield. ofRichmond county, were marrlert inWashington Monday.Frank Jones^and Miss B. Fisher,

both of Northumberland ooonty, wer«

il I can stay In bed the next morninguntil e. My neighbor tulls me tflat hewanted to uco away from town theother uuy. no hs lot hie furnace gowithout touching It for thrao days, and«.von then It refused to go out- HeHays ho then turnod tl\o hoso Into Itund Itllud 11 up with ashes, und «tili Itburned brightly us ever, and he hudto give up Ms trip because he didn't dareleave his furnace with a roaring tire inIt. Did you ever notice what remark¬able furnaces the neighbors all have?My Impression Is, however, that theneighbor 1 refer to is n durned liar.What do you think?"

J. H. W. says: "I don't think thereIs a woman In this world who knowshow to run u furnace. I can leave aroaring fire whoh I go to the office atS o'clock, and If my wife can't manageto put It out somehow before 9 o'clockI'll eat my hat. I don't know how shedocs It. The trubl« Is that a womanfusses with a furnace too much. Shetreats It 100 much like a baby in arms,and that leads the furnace to expecttoo much attention. When n man takescare of a furnace he hits it a couple ofJolts In tho solar plexus, throws a fewshovels of coal Into It, sdarns He mouthshut and leaves It. A woman tries tofeed H out of a bottle and feels of Itspulse every two minutees. That's notbusiness. 1 suppose some of yourfeminine readers will answer this, butI don't gave u hang. 1 wanted to getthis but of my system before Christ¬mas.

TrndlrlniiK.Tlu history men. those wise' .dd boys,

who carry bruins of wondcrouaheft.

Are knocking o\;i traditions out untilwe have not many left.

They say that poor old Paul Reverene'er galloped o'er the corduroy.

They say that there was no woodenhorse that figured In the siegeof Troy.

They say that Cleaopalra was a '-ross-eyod, knock-kneed, freckledfright.

They say that Nero didn't play thefiddle when Home burned thatnight.

They say that old Confucius- was acommon, ordinary mutt.

No dude who hail desires to strut.

They tell us that Diogenes ne'er Blurt¬ed out with lamp In band.

And in hip travels failed to tlnd anhonest man in nil tho land.

They tell US Walter Raleigji ne'eracross 11 puddle apreud his clonk,

And that .his love affair with tjuoenElizabeth was hut a joke.

They tell vis that the Queen of Shebuwore- false teeth and dyed herhair.

They tell us that old .tob ne'er had asingle, solitary care.

They tell um that Napoleon was not agenius, but- a frost.

They tell ua that Dante was a fraud,and paradise was never lost.

They're slaughtering our pet traditionsevery day with ruthless bands

And knocking all our herocR In a waythat's hard to unterstand.

There's nothing new to talk about,and should the iconoclasts notirive

The old stuff some lambasting everyday, they simply couldn't live.

married at the tlaptist parsonage thismorning, by Rev. A. J. lleainy. Sr.Miss Gallic Mnbol Hobcrtson. daugh¬

ter of Mrs. Joseph A. Robertson, ofPalmers, was married on Tuesday toBarle Howard Evans, of Rudville, atthe home of her mother.

Ask Your DoctorAll run down, easily tired, thin,pale, nervous? And do notknow what to take? Then godirect to your doctor. Ask hisopinion of Ayer's non-alcoholicSarsaparilla. No alcohol, nostimulation. A blood purifier,a nerve tonic, a strong altera¬tive, an aid to digestion. Letyour doctor decide, j-^viY'k*;:

For Oil Cooking andHeating StovesN. KLEIN * SON. IXC.

f^O East Broad.

Magnificent showings of Fine Furs,Coats, Suits and Hats.


Greentree'sThe store it is.

Broad at Seventh.

DENTISTSee us in rifta'.'d to your dental

trouble?. Wo will givn you honestadvice without charge atTHE SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS.Opposite the new Post-Offlce Rulldlng.1000 East Main. Tel. Madison ."29i>.

Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers forPOMPEIAN



Schwarzschild Bros.

Christmas GiftsFrom the Schwarzschild StoreBring Years of Pleasure

Ilow happy you have been in the thought of satis¬faction and pleasure that the gift bought here lastChristmas has brought.That is the cause for the unprecedented demandfor articles which come from this elegant storc--thcy last indefinitely. ,

Christmas is near.and we urge that you do notput off longer. Your wishes for engraving will bemet with perfect service.

Schwarzschild Bros.Richmond's Leading Jewelers,

Second and Broad Sts.


Carlin Introduces Number ofImportant Bills in

House.ISpeclal to The Time«-Dispatch. |Washington, D. c. December 20_Representative Carlln to-day Intro¬duced a number ot Important bills, forwhich he will ask consideration ita-medlately after the holidays. One ofthese bills providos severe punishmentfor any person who steals anythingfrom a railroad or express cur while

such oar Is In interstate trovcJ. undthe punishment for a person buyingStolen goods from a shipment golilKfrom one Stute to another or one coun¬try lo another is equally severe. Thehill Is so drawn that it covers everyfeature of stealing from cars, eithermoving or around railroad stations.Any one violating such law, if the billis passed, shall be lined not more thanSS.OOO, with a sentence of not morethan ten years.Mr. Carlln also desires to dredge. Po¬

tomac ''reek, in King tleorge county,from Marlboro Point to VN'hlppasaWa¬sen, a distance of about two and a halfmiles. The expense of such dredgingshall not exceed the sum of $20,000.Another bill, which will be consid¬

ered after tho holidays. Is to reimburseemployes of the Washington navy yardfor loss of tools by fire ill that placeoh February 6. 1911. Their loss Issaid to have been about $1,000, and Mr.Carlln. in the bill Introduced to-day,asks that tho government reimbursethem. JThe Interstate Commerce Commission

to-day granted khu application of theAtlantic Coast Line, the C. and W. Cthe Norfolk and Western and Otherroads to establish freight rates frompoints in Virginia, the Carolinas andMississippi Vnlloy territory, to stationson the Lehigh Valley Railroad, via theRichmond, Frede rloksburg and Poto¬mac Railroad, on the same basis as arcnow In effect via other routes, withoutvlolnting the statutes bearing on thesu bject.Hurry St. Ooorge Tucker came, to

Washington to-day and met a numberof his friends at til ft New Willard Mo¬tel. His arrival here was tho signalfor a manifestation of interest In t.ltcJackson Ddy dinner on January 8, atwhich mnnv promlnet Virginians willbe present. P. H. McO.

Young.Daniel.Special to Tin- Times-Dispatch.)

Waverly, Va.. December 20..An in¬teresting event, in which the soci ityof Waverly and vicinity was much in¬terested wa3 the mjirri.*K o! MissBthel Slay Daniel, laughter af Mr. andMrs. Robert A. Daniel, to Dr. WalterJorgensen Voting, formorly of St. Luids,now professor Of philosophy at Ha?Vip-den-Sidney College. The ceremony .. i-place this morning at 9:30 o'clock atthe Waverly Baptist Church. 'I ...

rehuruh and nh-iujol >ver.tnuUfiil.'ydecorated with palms nn,1. fern-. .Mi-*Elsie 'May West presltc.l at the crfr.n.anil rendered the "Wedding- M Vi '.'h»«"from "Lohengrin" and .Men lolesohii,playing "Call Me Thine Own" .liningthe ooremony, which was oerforniod byRev. W. A. Snvder. the pastor of thebride.The ushers wore '.lrnV.l Flootwood,

Jr.; Walter T. Daniel, Edivliril W. C'-.np-[pell, Robert W. Arnibl, Robert !i..t.-cotek, of Waverly. and Resser RealWest, of Newport New*. The violet

[ribbons were hold hv Masters WilliamHancock and Gordon Chapp II. MissSully Fleet wood, the mold ">f honor,preceded the bride. Little .IK-; NannieBaird FTnrrlson bor.e '.he ring on aviolet satin cushion.

T'ii bride, attired in a becoming trav¬eling suit of brown lo^h. with hat andgloves to match, entered .he churchwith hor father, by whom s.ie wasgiven sway, meeting iho groom, withhis best man, L. T-aurens Elmore, ofNew York, at the chancel.The bridal pair left Immellnioly .if.

tor the ceremony for Ht. Louifi nr.dother points West, spending the holi¬days with the groom's parent;. Mr, andMrs. Walter M. Young, of St. Louis.Fpon their return they will reside .itHampden-Sidney College.A reception was held at the home of

the bride's parents the night or the10th. to which only the bridal parlywas Invited. The house decorations,were white and green.Among the out-of-town guests for

the wedding were Mis., Su-ie »forris. ofLively; Mis.- Mary Co wall. Of Wash¬ington, N. C.; L. Laurens Elm-ire. ofNow York; Herhört Warwick, of Nor¬folk: Missus Leila BoisstMii. Mary Tnv-lor. Mrs. Hunter Chappell. Me. r in1 Mis.Rivjs Hooper and IT. M Williams, ofPetersburg: Rev \v. r. Renslcy, ofPhiladelphia, and Rosser Beule West,of Newport News.

Powell.Duke.(Special ro TheTlmos-Dlspatch. 1

Suffolk. Va.. December 20..MissMary Llsr.lo Duke, daughter of Mr.nnd Mrs. J. W. Duke, and Jethro S.Powell, both of Nanseniond countywere married In Suffolk this afternoonby Rev. I. W. Johnson. They loft toru Northern honeymoon.

MeWhlrt.XiiKne.v,(Special To The Times-Dispatch,

.Prcdericltsburg, Va., DecemberH. T>. McWhlri and Miss Berth i C.Nussey. dnughtci of Frank Nttstoy, bothof Spotsylvanla county, were marriedLhls afternoon at the homo ol thebride, Roy. It. S. Lllslllgor, of thin city,performing the ceremony.

fil,\.\"I>KHS A MO\t; HORSKS.

I'.vldeoeeN i>r nisenne Pound by stntoVeterlnarlnn.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]Bristol, Vr.. Decembor 20...Dr. J. G-.

Ferneyhough. State Veterinarian, to

day concluded an investigation latö;the existence of glanders among- the'horses of Bristol and adjacent tcrrl-!lory In Virginia. He found that btoofft!tests made by tho Federal Unnau offAnimal Industry from specimens offblood sent there by Dr. J. W. Graham;}showed unmistakable evidences of theedisease. |He recommended to the City Coun-i.Cil that Dr. Graham be regularly um-».ployed as his assistant In State wwwhere until the disease Is eradicated*'and has wired urging the. co-opcra>-.!tlon of tho Federal government. DrJ.Ferneyhough says it Is only by goti-tieral interest among horsemen and of-i,tlcials lliut this disease' can be stopi'.ped, and he urge? an awakening.

.lonrM.Kent.[Special in The Times.-Dispatch.]Frederlckaburg. Va.. December '20..<

Oscar i'. Jones and Miss Ruby H. Kent;daughter of \V. U Kent, both ot Spot-sylvan In county, were inarrlod this af~tiM-noon at Shady Orovo MethodlntChurch. In that county. Rev. S. H^Johnson performing tho ceremony.

IfUIlT KHTATR WINS.Verdict In Null to lleeover Sö.000 otllliife insurance Policy.(Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspntch.]Taaew-nll. \**\| Vietrember 20..Thesuit of the estate of .lohn H. .Hurtagainst the South Atlantic Iusurnnce,Company, for $0.000 on it lifo insurancepolicy, held by Mr. I lust, after a sis?days' trial, resulted to-day in a verdict!for the estate. The Insurance com¬pany made the pirn that Mr. ITurUmet death at Ills own bnnds. and thathe was of unsound mipd at the timetile policy was Issued. Mr. Hurt wanone of the most successful huslnosnmen of the county and was popularand highly respected. His body waafound on the 27th of lnst Januaryin a field near his home nt PoundingMill, with a bullel bole in his templeand the pistol lying by his side. Withan empty chamber._

Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Etc.Mixed Nuts.12' j'cLayer Figs .12 heFrench Candy . 8cEnglish Walnuts .15cBlack Walnuts, peck .25cl-ll). Seeded Raisins .liel lb, Cleaned Currants.HeBest Citron, lh.I8cChristmas Mixed Candy, lb.10cFresh Best Hanls, H>.15cFresh Corned Hams, lb. 15c

Chainlet's Gelatine .25cWine for jelly, quart.20cSweet Cider, gallon..WcChocolate Drops .12'-a

9S 3051

1820-1822 Kasr Main,506 I.asl Marshall.

Special Offanllöcfa\ :±


1b .- .j=as

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Hopkins Furniture Co.s7 West Broad St.Cash or Credit.


NewMethod Gas Rangesat \:i

Pettit & Co.'s?


ALBERT STEINS5th and Broad I