Eco-industrial complex Kawasaki Model International contribution by th t f f i tl the transfer of environmental technologies into Asia technologies into Asia Kazuyoshi Ito Kazuyoshi Ito Di t f Di t f Director of Director of Commerce & Industry Dept. Commerce & Industry Dept. Economic and Labor Bureau Economic and Labor Bureau Kawasaki City Economic and Labor Bureau Economic and Labor Bureau

Eco-industrial complex KawasakiModel ~International

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Eco-industrial complex pKawasaki Model

~International contribution by th t f f i t lthe transfer of environmental

technologies into Asiatechnologies into Asia Kazuyoshi ItoKazuyoshi Ito

Di t fDi t fDirector ofDirector ofCommerce & Industry Dept. Commerce & Industry Dept. Economic and Labor BureauEconomic and Labor Bureau

Kawasaki City

Economic and Labor Bureau Economic and Labor Bureau

Today’s topicsToday s topics1 Outline of Kawasaki City ( Kawasaki Heartland1, Outline of Kawasaki City ( Kawasaki – Heartland

of Japanese Industry)

2, The present condition and the subject of Eco-Town plan in Kawasakip

3, Aiming to the new Stage that isg gEco-Industrial


4, Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair 2009 ~International contribution by the transfer of

Kawasaki City -1-1

International contribution by the transfer of environmental technologies into Asia

1、Outline of1、Outline of Kawasaki CityKawasaki City

( Kawasaki( Kawasaki –H tl d fHeartland of

Japanese Industry)KAWASAKI LAZONA

Kawasaki City -2-2A Shopping Mall in front

of Kawasaki Station

Location : KaLocation : KawawasakisakiDirectly northeast of the city is ’


TOKYO’s Haneda Airport,which is a central airport for domestic flight can be reached within only 14 minutes.

3hrs 45m.

Seoul2h 20

When the airport begins operation as an international airport in 2010 ,it’s expcted to trigger the development of our

Kawasaki City

2hrs 20m.p gg p

city as a gateway to Asia..

Shanghai Kawasaki City located in theShanghai3hrs10m

Kawasaki City, located in the center of the Tokyo metropolitan area, offers direct access to the largest consumer market in Japan

2000km area from

as well as excellent domestic and international transportation links.

Kawasaki City -3-


Re-extension and internationalization of Haneda Airport.

◆Increase in arrival-and-departure capacity.◆Operation of a short-distance international passenger regular service. ◆Furthermore,also the route to the European and American major cities which utilized early flight and midnight◆Also expansion ofand American major cities which utilized - early flight and midnight.◆Also expansion of internationalshipping freight traffic.It will make this Coastal Region to the Gateway to Asia. A i i i l i h i i i llAs a city, it is accumulation strengthening intentionally.■ Accumulation of an incubation function. ■ Assistance of a frontier industry

◆In April 2008 “Inovate Kawasaki “ which is the support

■ Assistance of a frontier industry .

◆In April 2008, Inovate Kawasaki which is the support system of frontier industry’s creation was enforced.◆It helps turn leading-edge technologies in the area , such p g g gas the environment, energy and life science, into actual business activities. it is a maximum of 1 billion yen, which is fi i l i t b K ki Cit

Kawasaki City -4-4

financial assistance by Kawasaki City.http://www.city.kawasaki.jp/press/info20071221_5/index.html

Fundamental Data of Kawasaki CityFundamental Data of Kawasaki CityKawasaki City Tokyo area and Japan

TMG Natrita AP

y y p

GDP 4,704,600 M¥(2004) Tokyo area 160 T¥ (2004)

Japan 508 T¥(2004)



Chiba Pref.

Haneda APMain industries

Steel, electronics, communication, machinery, oils, chemistry, information, serviceKawasaki⇔ Narita AP 90m.

Kawasaki⇔ Haneda AP 13m.

Kawasaki City Tokyo area and Japan


Developing industries

Advanced production technologies, info/communication,

i t lf /liArea 144.35km2 Tokyo area 13,281.35


Japan 377,890.20 km2

No. of 1,369,443 (Oct. 1, 2007) Tokyo area 34,900,000

environment,,welfare/life science, livings/culture

28,775 Tokyo area 745,175habitant

, , ( , )1,373,630 (Jan.1,2008)

y , ,(Oct. 1,2007)

Japan 122,780,000(Oct. 1, 2007)

Populati 2.03%(2007) Tokyo area 0.66%

Aliens registered

28,775(Dec. 31, 2006)

Tokyo area 745,175(Dec. 31, 2006)

Japan 2,084,919(Dec.31, 2006)

Foreign 115 Tokyo area 2 988on growth rate

(2006)Japan 0.06%

(2006)Working person


Tokyo area 18,430,000( )

Foreign companies

115(83 companies locate head office in Kawasaki; No 5 rank in Japan)

Tokyo area 2,988Japan 3,500

Kawasaki City -5-

person (men 458,810、women278,400)

(2005)Japan 66,410,000

(2005)※source 『Foreign companies handbook 2006』Toyo

Keizai Shinbun

Worldwide Companies in KawasakiWorldwide Companies in KawasakiKawasaki City has a hundred-year long history as an industrial powerhouse. It was organized as a municipality in 1924 and had roughly 50,000 citizens at the time. The city has now become an international metropolis with a population of 1.4 million. Major Industries are steel, electronics, communication, machinery, oils, chemistry, information, and service. Kawasaki has the highest percentage of manufacturing in GDP among major cities in Japan.

Nippon ZEON

YAKIN Kawasaki

Mitsubishi FusoTruck & Bus


Tonen General SekiyuTonen General Sekiyu

Tokyo Electric Power

JFE SteelNisshin Seifun

Showa Denko

Nippon Oil

Kawasaki City -6-

Nippon Oil

The latest motion of R&Dfunctional advance

The latest motion of R&Dfunctional advancefunctional advance.functional advance.


Kawasaki City -7-7

The latest motion of R&Dfunctional advance.

• Kawasaki City blessed with such exceptional geographic location over the years has• Kawasaki City, blessed with such exceptional geographic location, over the years has accumulated numerous research and development institutions as well as cutting edge industrial technologies, making it one of the more prominent high-tech centers in all of Japan. Kawasaki is home to many global enterprises such as NEC, Canon, Toshiba, Fujitsu who are one of the most prominent international information and communication enterprises, JFEone of the most prominent international information and communication enterprises, JFE Steel which owns a high level preservation technology for environmental sustainability, and Ajinomoto which is a food and amino acids manufacture.

• It’s the location characteristic of Kawasaki Major Advantages of It s the location characteristic of Kawasaki.As a result of various conversion and new location,

the R&D institution counts over 200. And the percentageof the workforce employed at R&D organizations is 2.74%.

th fi t l i th D i t d Cit

j gindustrial locationKawasaki has six advantages of industrial location.1) Convenient access

-- the first place in the Designated City.An average of the Designated City is 0.44%.

Yokohama City is 0.81%.

2) Huge market3) Home to major worldwide enterprises4) Bringing together industrial technology and R & D capabilities

• It is the reason why holds the independency which rebounds • a straw effect while a big city is adjoined.

technology and R & D capabilities5) Excellent human resources6) Three science parks to support the development of new enterprisesIt is necessary for us to utilize these advantages and play a role in

Kawasaki City

advantages and play a role in supporting corporate innovation

Three Science Parks Giving Rise to New BusinessesThree Science Parks Giving Rise to New Businesses--Accumulation of CuttingAccumulation of Cutting--Edge R & D FunctionsEdge R & D Functions--

Kanagawa Science Park(KSP)The first science park in Japan (established in 1989) andone of the largest technology incubators in Japan118 companies (as of Jan. 2006)http://www.ksp.or.jp/english/

KSPp p jp g

Shin-Kawasaki Science Park (KBIC、K2)Cooperative academic industrial science park

Shin-Kawasaki Science Park

Cooperative academic-industrial science parkKawasaki Business Incubation Center (KBIC)Keio University Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus (K2)

21 companies and 7 laboratories (as of Jul. 2006)http://www kawasaki net ne jp/kbic/index en2 htm



Techno Hub INnovation Kawasaki (THINK)(THINK)Private-sector-led science parkCustom-made research space available55 companies (as of Mar. 2006)htt // t h h b i ti /


Kawasaki City -9-


Kawasaki Tamagawa Innovation Valley (KTIV)Kawasaki Tamagawa Innovation Valley (KTIV)Creation of the area which is full of an innovationCreation of the area which is full of an innovationCreation of the area which is full of an innovationCreation of the area which is full of an innovation

Achievement of Achievement of the Sustainable the Sustainable

E iE i

Formation of a Formation of a region (=KTIV), region (=KTIV), where new where new i d t ii d t i

Promotion of Promotion of Venture Venture Businesses and Businesses and

Promotion of Promotion of Innovation by Innovation by

Organic Organic Cooperation Cooperation

Science & Science & Technology Technology Economic Economic

GrowthGrowthindustries are industries are created one after created one after anotheranother

New Business New Business DevelopmentDevelopment

ppbetween between

Enterprises & Enterprises & UniversitiesUniversities

gygyRelated MeasuresRelated Measures

Kawasaki City -10-

Industrial accumulation that develops from a coastal reagion to an inland area,along the Tamagawa (the Tama River)

2、 The present condition and

future of Eco-Town plan

Going through efforts towardsGoing through efforts towards

pollution conquest, p q ,We have established

th i t l t h l ithe environmental technologies

in Kawasaki


Kawasaki City -11-11



EcoEco--Town ProjectTown Project

C ti f Ad d E i t ll H i d T 「Z i i PlCreation of Advanced Environmentally Harmonized Town 「Zero emissions Plan」①Promotion of environmental industries on locally accumulated technologies②Formation of resources cycling economy and society through reducing waste

generation and promoting waste recycling on sitegeneration and promoting waste recycling on site

Scheme of system(1997~)



Eco-town plan made by local governments

L G s bsidi e L G implement b siness

Subsides for equipments and


Subsides for survey, planning etc.

・Install advanced recycling facilities Di i ti l i f ti t

L.G. : subsidize L.G. : implement business

< Hard sector > < Soft sector >


( ~ 2005)(~ 2004)

Install advanced recycling facilities・Establish R/D facilities

・Dissemination, supply information etc.

Implement business, invest Participate in business

Kawasaki City -12-

Local companies Citizens

Sapporo City

EcoEco--Town Plans approved by Governments Town Plans approved by Governments ((Jan. Jan. 2008)2008)Sapporo City

Iida City(Nagano )

HokkaidoAomori Pref.

Akita pref.

Start 1997

No. of approved sites 26

No of subsidized facilities y g

Okayama Pref.


Toyama City)

No. of subsidized facilities


Gifu Pre.

Okayama Pref.

Hiroshima Pref.

K ih Cit (Mi i )

Kamaishi City(Iwate)

Hyogo Pref.

Kitakyushu City

Kurihara City(Miyagi )Ehime Pref.

Osaka Pref.Mi t Cit

Ohmuta City(Fukuoka )

Chib Ci & P f


Suzuka City (Mie) Kawasaki City

Minomata City(Kumamoto)

Chiba City & Pref.

Yamaguchi Pref.Teshima Town(Ehime )

Kawasaki City -13-

Su u a C ty ( e)

Yokkaichi City(Mie) Aichi Pref.(Kanagawa Pref.)

Kochi City

Kawasaki has overcome PollutionKawasaki has overcome Pollution

35 000







45,879Rapid Economic Growth and Industrial PollutionsThe accelerated industrialization caused air and water quality degradation due to the discharge of pollutants from factories

20 000





28,554In the situation, popular protests against industrial pollutants become active in the coastal region as well as Japan.

National government hesitated to initiate bold actions for the pollutants issues, however because of its policy to pursue f th i th Th d

5 000






further economic growth. The needs

Municipalities that reflect the needs of the citizens more easily than the national government began to launch various measures to solve the issues ahead of the government.















The industries in Kawasaki kept innovating

Kawasaki City Ordinance for Pollution Prevention wasformulated in Kawasaki in 1972.

technologies to deal with those regulations, which resulted in the great decrease in the discharge of pollutants.G i th h th hi t K ki it t bli h dGoing through the history, Kawasaki city established a basis for the cleaner and safer technologies, strong awareness of the public and administration, and public private partnership

Kawasaki City -14-

View of coastal area in 1970s Present view of coastal areapublic-private partnership .

Environmentally harmonious urban development started with the designation as


development started with the designation as an “Eco-Town .”

Japan faced two serious problems in 1990s, which was global issues and the rupture ofthe bubble economy. The furthering degradation of the global environment required torespond in ways more complicated and effective than ever and the rupture of therespond in ways more complicated and effective than ever, and the rupture of thebubble economy required to respond to the hollowing out of Japanese industries causedby the transfer of factories to foreign countries.

To revitalize manufacturing industries, reorganize the Coastal Region, and ease andeliminate the interminglement of houses and plants, the Kawasaki City is carrying outmeasures for supporting companies’ efforts and developing recycling-related industriesmeasures for supporting companies efforts and developing recycling related industriesto create a recycling society suitable for the 21st century.

In July 1997, the Kawasaki City drew up “Kawasaki City’s Basic Plan to Develop any y p y pEnvironmentally Harmonious Town” after receiving the approval for the “Eco-Town”from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

A h i i hi i h f ll l i l i i

Kawasaki City

At present, the city government is pushing on with a full-scale operating plan, receivingcooperation from many people.

Characteristics of KawasakiEco-Town

• Kawasaki Eco-Town covers the whole of the Kawasaki coastal Region of 2 800 ha TheKawasaki coastal Region of 2,800 ha. The main characteristic is the existence of various manufacturers in a place next to anmanufacturers in a place next to an established urban area.

• While carrying out their operations, the manufacturers have developed thethe manufacturers have developed the equipment and technologies for using eachother’s waste and byproducts as materials

Kawasaki City

other s waste and byproducts as materials.

Kawasaki Eco-Town Plan

Challenge to create a recycling society where the industries are harmonious with the environment.

f fAchievement of the goal of zero emissions

[Basic eco-town policies]・ Promotion of ecology by companiesPromotion of ecology by companies

themselves・ Promotion of ecology in the area with the

cooperation of companies・ Researches for the sustainable area

development centering on the environment

Eco-Town Plan・ Establishment of a database on the results

of efforts by companies and the area to


Kawasaki City

Recycling systemof efforts by companies and the area to make contributions to society and developing countries

Kawasaki Zero Emissions Industrial ParkKawasaki Zero Emissions Industrial ParkLeading model project

• Industrial Park was launched as model facilities for Eco-town plan in this area

Leading model project for the Kawasaki Eco-Town Plan

( operation started in November 2002 )

• Reduce waste from business activities as much as possible

• Minimization of environmental load in the park by reuse and recycling of waste and cascade use of energy

Kawasaki Zero Emissions Industrial Park

• The whole industrial park obtained ISO14001 certification in March 2005

Location Mizue-town, Kawasaki Ward

Area 77,464m2

No of 15 (metal fabrication paper s rface

Major Practices of Companies in the Park• Use of natural gas cars• Use of hydro-generation plants No of

companies15 (metal fabrication, paper, surface

plating etc.)

Workers About 400

y g p• Circulating use of chemicals and water• Recycling of used mix papers• Circulating use of waste water from surface plating• Reuse of incinerated ash as material for cement

Kawasaki City -18-

• Reuse of incinerated ash as material for cement

Resources Recycling FacilitiesResources Recycling Facilities

Reuse of waste plastics for blast furnace Capacity (plastics) 25 000t/year JFE KANKYO Corp.for blast furnace2000 ~

Capacity (plastics) 25,000t/year p

Recycling of used electric appliances Capacity 400 000 500 000 sets/year JFE Urban Recycle Corpused electric appliances

2001 ~Capacity 400,000~500,000 sets/year JFE Urban Recycle Corp.

Concrete setting frame productionfrom waste plastic

2002 ~Capacity (plastics) 20,000t/year JFE KANKYO Corp.

M t i l d ti f iMaterial production for ammonia from waste plastics

2003 ~Capacity (plastics) 65,000t/yearAmmonia production 58,000t/year SHOWA DENKO K.K.

Used mix paper recycling2002 ~

Capacity (used mix paper) 81,000t/yearProduced toilet and tissue paper 54,000t/year SAN-EI Regulator CO.,LTD

Kawasaki City -19-

※ Others DC (Cement products) and YAKIN-Kawasaki (Non-ferrous products) implement recycling

Resources Recycling FacilitiesResources Recycling FacilitiesSHOWA DENKO K K JFE group companiesSHOWA DENKO K.K.

Material production for ammonia from waste plastics

JFE group companies

Reusing material for blast furnace from waste plastics/Concrete setting frame production from waste

l ti /U d l t i li


Recycling cement productionp

plastics/Used electric appliances recycling

Kawasaki Zero Emissions Industrial Park

Radius of circle 1.5 kmSAN-EI REGULATOR CO.,LTD.

Toilet and tissue paper production from mix paper in used papers

Kawasaki City -20-

JFE Kankyo Ltd. : NF Boards JFE Kankyo Ltd. : NF Boards ProductionProduction○Production of concrete-setting frame (NF Boards) from used plastics.

N d d t

Production of concrete setting frame (NF Boards) from used plastics. NF boards are repeatedly used as many times as 20 cycles, double times compared with conventional wood boards.○Used NF boards are collected (buy back) and recycled to material for blast furnace

・No wood product・Reduction of wooden

waste at construction

Concrete setting frame(NF Board)Pellets

Used plastics

On May 2008,Chinese President Hu Jintao inspected the plastic bottle recycling plant of JFE Group in Kawasaki

No of used

Sales of boards


JFE Group in Kawasaki,

Construction site

Collection of used boards

MaterialNo. of used

boards1000 sheets

/ year

PlywoodW o o d e nplates and 100 500


Buy back of

Material in blast furnace

Plywood plates andp l y w o o d



S t e e l 700

P l a s t i c 70

Al i i 10

Buy back of used boards

Kawasaki City -21-

blast furnace Aluminium 10

NF board 500View of Construction site

Showa Denko INC. : Plastic RecyclingShowa Denko INC. : Plastic Recycling

○Production of material for ammonia from used plastics○175t chemical product from 195t used plastics

●Produced ammonia is on the market with Eco-brand “ECO ANN”

●Product is used as reagent in plants of local governments forp gtreating NOX

Used plastics RPF Synthesized gas De-CO2

Compress and

Synthesizeg and



Fossil fuel Reforming

Kawasaki City -22-

SANSAN--EI REGULATOR CO.,LTD : Recycling of Used Mix PaperEI REGULATOR CO.,LTD : Recycling of Used Mix Paper(recycling hard(recycling hard--toto--recycle used paper)recycle used paper)

○Kawasaki City collects used papers from households, classifies them according to composition & properties of papers and supplies to SAN-EI Regulator CO.,LTD for recycling to toilet papers

SAN-EI reuses process water treated in sewage treatment

○The toilet papers are sold in retail stores in Kawasaki City

gplant in Kawasaki

Classify mix paper in used papers from h h ldhouseholds

【Mix Paper】Complicatedly fabricated papers such as cakes-box, wrapping paper, pamphlet, photographic paper laminate

Kawasaki City -23-

photographic paper, laminate

Kawasaki EcoKawasaki Eco--Town PlanTown Plan

Kawasaki’s Fundamental Plan to create the Town harmonizing with Environment

(Kawasaki Eco-Town Plan)( )

Companies go for f i dl

Companies ll b

Contribution for i i l

Research for i bleco-friendly collaborate

together for eco-friendly on site

international communication and sending performance

sustainable development of coastal area on environment●Construct Zero performanceenvironment

●Install and construct

●Construct ZeroEmissions Industrial


●Collaboration withNPOs (IndustrialBusiness Creation

Liaison Centre etc)

●Promotion of the plan of Asianconstruct

recycling facilities

●Survey possible way to use resources and waste in

Liaison Centre etc) and studies on advanced resources recycling and unused heat reuse

Asian Venture Business Town

Kawasaki City -24-

waste in companies

heat reuse●Collaboration

with UNEP

3、Eco-industrial complex Kawasaki pModelModel

~CC KawasakiCC Kawasaki(Carbon Challenge(Carbon Challenge


Kawasaki Eco Strategy)

Kawasaki City -25-25

Entertainment FacilityEco- Strategy)

Environmental Actions in Kawasaki Coastal Region Environmental Actions in Kawasaki Coastal Region

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 20071997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Special District Plan International Environment

Eco Town

Approved by governments International Environment

Zero Emissions Industrial ParkPlan for Eco-Town

Various recycling facilities are opened

Study Group among industrial, academic and administration sectors○Industries activation and revitalization th h i t l

Coastal Area Reactivation Programmethrough environmental technologies○Sending Information on performance to the Liaison Center with Companies

Kawasaki Coastal Region Reactivation Association (Collaboration between Companies, Academies, Administration & Citizens)


on performance to the world

Asian Venture Business Town

Collaboration with UNEP


Kawasaki City -26-

Eco-industrial complex concept Eco-industrial complex concept In coastal region of the plant, the circulation of resources and energy


In coastal region of the plant, the circulation of resources and energynetworks. Conversion processes relating to corporate activities. Theproduction of environmentally-friendly changes to the system.


Industrial revitalization. Economy, Trade and

Industry will be active in the formation of


Kawasaki m

r overseavironm


ground.● resource recycling model ● use of unused energy ● Asian entrepreneurs Village ●Integration of new industrial and research functions m

odel eco-i

as, and tntal techn

minate info

Urban renewal. Promote the strategic development of district


Environmental rehabilitation

Environmental Restoration reformation industrial co

he transfnology, aorm


of the image by region

●Eco-town plan ● promote the creation of green companies ● UNEP with the cooperation

● creation of the Ministry of Urban CO2 ● landscape care and other measures to improve amenities ● various infrastructure


fer of nd to .● UNEP with the cooperation

● Partnership Project and flue heat● various infrastructure

Kawasaki City -27-

University-Industry Partnership Initiatives

T t i t d h i i l f ‘ i t’ d ‘ ’ d t

Carbon Challenge Kawasaki EcoCarbon Challenge Kawasaki Eco--strategy (CC Kawasaki)strategy (CC Kawasaki)Carbon Challenge Kawasaki EcoCarbon Challenge Kawasaki Eco--strategy (CC Kawasaki)strategy (CC Kawasaki)

To promote a virtuous and harmonious circle for ‘environment’ and ‘economy’, and toengage the entire city in the development of a sustainable society on a globalscale on the basis of the following three fundamentals.


Main Activitiesi. Employ the characteristics and advantages of KawasakiCity to promote countermeasures against global warming. .

A virtuous circle for ‘environment’ and ‘economy’ to build a ‘Kawasaki CO2 reduction model’ to reduce CO2 emissions

◎Develop a system for support and creation of advanced industries◎Joint energy use by industries in coastalKawasaki CO2 reduction model to reduce CO2 emissions

with the use of advanced technology.Development of Kawasaki City’s own system for evaluation measures of life-cycle of products and services.Promote a vision of the International Environmental Special District developed in Kawasaki City through these activities.

◎Joint energy use by industries in coastal zoneUse of NEDO grants for joint use of energy through Kawasaki Steam Net Inc. ○Formation of an eco-industrial complex○The eco-town plan and zero-emissions

industrial areas

II. International contributions through environmental technology. ◎Establishment of Environmental

Technology Information CentersKawasaki City has a concentration of industries with internationally recognized environmental technologies. Kawasaki City is able to contribute to measures for global warming on an international scale in combination with these industries.

Technology Information Centers

◎Kawasaki International Environmental

Technology Exhibition

III. Engage in reduction on CO2 levels through a wide range oforganizations.

A joint effort by citizens, businesses, and local authorities to develop effective measures for CO2 reduction

◎Promote purchase of green power◎Introduction of ESCO for public facilities○Subsidy for solar power plants, and establishment of joint citizens’

l t

Kawasaki City -28-

measures for CO2 reduction.Take maximum advantage of the lessons learned in resolving environmental problems with the high level of environmental consciousness of the citizens of Kawasaki..

powerplants○Cooperation between citizens and businesses in reducing use of plastic bags in retail stores

Eco-industrial complex Examples of energyExamples of energy--savingsaving inin thethe costalcostal areaareain collaboration of companiesin collaboration of companies

((UseUse ofof steamsteam generatedgenerated from thermal power plantfrom thermal power plant))


((UseUse ofof steamsteam generatedgenerated from thermal power plantfrom thermal power plant))A large-scale Energy Supplying Project

(* investors)Steam supplied to:

・Nippon Shokubai CO LTD(*)

Main: Kawasaki Steam Net INC.(*investors)



・SHOWA DENKO K.K.・Daido Steel Co.,Ltd.・・・

・・TOKYO YUSO Corp.・ZEON Corp.・Nihon Nyukazai Co Ltd・・・NOF Corp.

・Nihon Nyukazai Co.,Ltd.・JAPN Polyethylene Corp.・

Tokyo Electric Power INC. (*) Kawasaki Thermal Power PlantSteam suppliers

Kawasaki City -29-

Eco-industrial complex Example of energyExample of energy--saving in the coastal area In saving in the coastal area In collaboration of companiescollaboration of companies

((Use of steam generated from thermal power plantUse of steam generated from thermal power plant))

Q tit f t li dOutline(2)

((Use of steam generated from thermal power plantUse of steam generated from thermal power plant))

Approx. 300,000 ton annuallyQuantity of steam supplied

Time of supplyFrom second half of the year 2009 Kawasaki Thermal Power Plant

world’s best generating efficiency 59%

Effect of energy savingApprox.11,000 kl. annually (crude oil conversion), about 4%

g g y

※Equal to annual energy consumption of approx.9,300 average families

Effect of CO2 reductionApprox 25 000 tons annuallyApprox.25,000 tons annually※Equal to annual emission of CO2 approx.4,600 families

Kawasaki City -30-

In January 2008, at a mayor press conference, it was

Eco-industrial complex Promoting Intellectual Property Strategy Promoting Intellectual Property Strategy ①①

J y , y p ,released. As the first of the result in the Kawasaki CiTY intellectual property strategy, Kowa electric equipment Co. and Fujitsu Ltd. concluded that FujitsuLtd. transferred the patent licensing to Kowa electric equipment Co. that is an opening patent owned as FUJITSU about a device to enlarge an article, and to watch. It was carried out through matching at the intellectual property interchange


Promotion of intellectual property strategy is successful, With companies in high technology, ll d di i d d l i th tsmall and medium-sized and large companies that

have a good opening match of the patent and are able to continue.Results of intellectual property in exchange for


construction.Results of intellectual property in exchange for No. 2,Inc.IKUSHISU RESEARCH has got automotive equipment or technology, as a patent license agreement In addition as No 3 NamePlate

It devotes in a coordination !

Kawasaki City -31-31

agreement. In addition, as No. 3 NamePlate Co.Ltd.has got CHITANAPATAITO technology with regard to the use of patents for the opening of the agreement.

Eco-industrial complex Promoting Intellectual Property Promoting Intellectual Property Strategy Strategy ②② Asian Intellectual Property Forum in Kawasaki Asian Intellectual Property Forum in Kawasaki

Enhancing intellectual property (IP) rights is one of key issues for development of the region. For the purpose of encouraging the creation protection and utilization ofof encouraging the creation, protection and utilization of IP, Kawasaki City formulated a Kawasaki IP Strategy in February 2008.On April 19 2008 Kawasaki City launched the AsiaOn April 19, 2008, Kawasaki City launched the Asia

Intellectual Property Forum in Kawasaki in conjunction with Microsoft Corp.Dr. Lee Jong-Hyun, Chairperson of ASPA, and many other experts from various organizations and cities which have friendly relations withvarious organizations and cities which have friendly relations with Kawasaki City attended from Japan and overseas, and exchanged lively opinions as speakers and panelists. To wrap up the forum Kawasaki City Mayor Takao Abe signed the Declaration p p y y gof Cities Advanced in Intellectual Property Ethics.

Through the forum we are aiming for the realization of a society whichThrough the forum, we are aiming for the realization of a society which understands and appreciates IP in order to sustainably develop regional economies in the global community, and in the future, we hope to hold the forum in other Asian cities

Kawasaki City -32-

forum in other Asian cities. In 2010, Asian Intellectual Property ForumAsian Intellectual Property Forum will be held in Hong Kong.

444、4、 Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair 2009Tech Fair 2009

~International contribution byInternational contribution by the transfer of environmental technologies into Asia.

Kawasaki City -33-33

Kawasaki International ECOKawasaki International ECO--Tech Fair 2009Tech Fair 2009Date: Feb 17 (Tue ) & 18 (Wed ) 2009Date: Feb. 17 (Tue.) & 18 (Wed.), 2009Venue: Todoroki ArenaOrganizer:Kawasaki International ECO-Tech Fair Executive Committee

K A W A S A K I●We will transmit information about

- our efforts against environment- advanced environmental technologies companies in Kawasaki have- companies’ energy-saving technologies during the production process from Kawasaki to the rest of

the world.●We will provide opportunities for business discussions between domestic/overseas companies and those that have

world-class environmental technologies, products and services in Kawasaki.A s i a n C o u n t r i e s

Kawasaki City -34-

Feature of Kawasaki International ECOFeature of Kawasaki International ECO--Tech Fair 2009Tech Fair 2009

You will see various kinds of environmental technologies, products and services.

Many parties concerned in environment field, including central and local governments and

companies, will join this fair.

We will promote

Industrial exchange in environment fieldInternational contribution by the transfer of

environmental technologies into Asia

In Kawasaki coastal area, you can experience advanced efforts against environment.

We will promoteoverseas transfer of environmental technologies,

protecting intellectual property.

○Indoor and outdoor exhibition・ Exhibition of all kinds of environmental technologies, products and services from companies, civic organizations, NPOs,

NGOs and universities in KawasakiSelection of the real things models and panels in 150 indoor displa booths and an o tdoor e hibition space (105m*44m)Selection of the real things, models, and panels in 150 indoor display booths and an outdoor exhibition space (105m*44m)

○Guided tours・ Guided tours of companies and organizations that address environmental issues in Kawasaki coastal area;

Kawasaki Eco-Town, a steam-generated thermal power plant, a garbage incineration center, and a sanitary landfill office○Business discussions○Business discussions・ Opportunity for business discussions between exhibitors and visitors from Japan and abroad (interpreters provided)

○Environmental forum・ Lectures from key persons in environmental field who are active in Japan and overseas

Kawasaki City -35-

In closing, The Coastal Industrial Region is seen based on

history.The past, the present, and the future.★ The Coastal Industrial Region is expected to be

dynamic development

The past, the present, and the future.

dynamic development. ■ It will become the Gateway to Asia through

accompanying internationalization of Hanedaaccompanying internationalization of Haneda Airport. The attraction of frontier industries will increase strengthening of intentionalincrease, strengthening of intentional accumulation.

■ The Coastal Industrial Region will continue■ The Coastal Industrial Region will continue leading Japanese economy.

We consider about the light and shadowKawasaki City -36-

We consider about the light and shadow in this Region.

● The factory scene, industrial complex group which exist nowwhich exist now.

They are the history of the Coastal Region, d it li ht d h d j t thand we can see its light and shadow just there.

● there is a light with shadow.Light is beautiful just because there is

certainly a shadow in light.y g

Kawasaki City -37-出典:石油連盟ホームページ

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Kawasaki City

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