Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019 The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence WELCOME BACK! Its almost two weeks into the final term of the year, and weve hit the ground running. What a start it has been to the term, straight back into our quality teaching and learning programs, swimming lessons about to start and the excitement of the achievements throughout the year, graduation and moving forward. SWIMMING LESSONS Were all set for two weeks of learning, with the added bonus of keeping cool and learning skills that may one day save a life. Please accept this as a final reminder to send swimming clothing, towels, change of clothes etc on a daily basis for the next two weeks. It is vital that every article of clothing is clearly marked with your childs name. WELCOME TO OUR NEW CHAPLAIN After almost one and a half terms without a Chaplain, we have found the perfect replacement, and welcome Jessica Bridcutt (or Miss Jess, or students say) to Edney Primary School. Miss Jess is in the school on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. She has so far spent time in almost all of the classes across the school, and, once she has had a moment to settle in, will be working to support our students, staff and community. LOST PROPERTY Today we unveiled the incredible Edney Boutique of lost property to be viewed and collected as soon as possible. It is a unique collection – somewhere out there is a child who lost one shoe, but is yet to notice, a multitude of children who found Winter so unseasonably warm that they decided to cast off their jackets, and enough lunch and drink containers to feed an army. We invite members of the community, parents and students to look through the lost property, lay claim to your items. Any unclaimed items will be washed and put into our second-hand uniform store. Non-uniform items will be donated to Good Samaritan Industries. PARKING, PRAISE, PROGRESS AND PEDALLERS There have been vast improvements in the use of parking around the school. Still not perfect, but progress definitely, and I acknowledge the effort and in some cases radical changes to your routine that have taken place. Looking around the school, and with my recent moonlighting gig as the school crossing guard, I am astonished and so pleased to see a massive increase in the number of students cycling, scooting or by other self -propelled means making their way to school. Perhaps with the combination of beautiful but not too hot From the Principals Desk weather, we are seeing the kind of pressure on our bike racks that parents were experiencing with carparks (incidentally, the students seem to work this out without the need for heated debates). The number of children on shiny new bikes or scooters either minus a helmet, or with a new looking helmet dangling from the handle bars, or worn unsecured on the head was less pleasing to see. At this stage, and Im sure for the foreseeable future, we only get one head for our lifetime. It is well worth sticking a protective barrier between that and the road. Parents, your parking is generally wonderful, with room for improvement. The transition program for Pre- primary to Year 1 has freed parking on the Early Childhood side of things (although please dont mistake the empty street as an invitation, continue your amazing work in using the correct carparks), this street should be clear at all times, but especially for the next two weeks, please keep the bus bays clear for our swimming lessons. SCHOOL PHOTOS We expect to have school photos distributed to families immediately after the conclusion of swimming lessons. CLASS ORGANISATION Requests for consideration in class placement for 2020 will close on Friday 8 th November. Any request for consideration must be made in writing, and detail the educational benefit that you believe such a request would achieve for your child. The school staff will be meeting in the following weeks to place students into classes. From Monday 2 nd December, student placements on provisional class lists can be viewed and discussed with the principal by appointment only, in person. To ensure the best possible planning for next year, please continue to inform the school in writing if your child/ren will no longer be attending in 2020. Please also ensure that any requests for new enrolment are made as soon as possible. SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DAY Friday 15 th November is a school development day at Edney Primary School. Our staff will be working on curriculum improvement and review of this year, and putting plans in place to build further on our success in the years ahead. Students do not attend school on this day. 25th Kindergarten Red and Blue attend All Girls Multi Sports 28th Swimming commences 29th School Board Meeting 6pm 1st Kindergarten Gold attend 7th Newsletter 8th Kindergarten Red and Blue attend Last Day Swimming Upcoming Events October 2019 November 2019

Edney Edition · 2019. 11. 2. · Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019 The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence WELCOME BACK! It’s almost two weeks into the final term of the

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Page 1: Edney Edition · 2019. 11. 2. · Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019 The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence WELCOME BACK! It’s almost two weeks into the final term of the

Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019

The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence

WELCOME BACK! It’s almost two weeks into the final term of the year, and we’ve hit the ground running. What a start it has been to the term, straight back into our quality teaching and learning programs, swimming lessons about to start and the excitement of the achievements throughout the year, graduation and moving forward. SWIMMING LESSONS We’re all set for two weeks of learning, with the added bonus of keeping cool and learning skills that may one day save a life. Please accept this as a final reminder to send swimming clothing, towels, change of clothes etc on a daily basis for the next two weeks. It is vital that every article of clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name. WELCOME TO OUR NEW CHAPLAIN After almost one and a half terms without a Chaplain, we have found the perfect replacement, and welcome Jessica Bridcutt (or Miss Jess, or students say) to Edney Primary School. Miss Jess is in the school on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. She has so far spent time in almost all of the classes across the school, and, once she has had a moment to settle in, will be working to support our students, staff and community. LOST PROPERTY Today we unveiled the incredible Edney Boutique of lost property to be viewed and collected as soon as possible. It is a unique collection – somewhere out there is a child who lost one shoe, but is yet to notice, a multitude of children who found Winter so unseasonably warm that they decided to cast off their jackets, and enough lunch and drink containers to feed an army. We invite members of the community, parents and students to look through the lost property, lay claim to your items. Any unclaimed items will be washed and put into our second-hand uniform store. Non-uniform items will be donated to Good Samaritan Industries. PARKING, PRAISE, PROGRESS AND PEDALLERS There have been vast improvements in the use of parking around the school. Still not perfect, but progress definitely, and I acknowledge the effort and in some cases radical changes to your routine that have taken place. Looking around the school, and with my recent moonlighting gig as the school crossing guard, I am astonished and so pleased to see a massive increase in the number of students cycling, scooting or by other self-propelled means making their way to school. Perhaps with the combination of beautiful but not too hot

From the Principal’s Desk weather, we are seeing the kind of pressure on our bike racks that parents were experiencing with carparks (incidentally, the students seem to work this out without the need for heated debates). The number of children on shiny new bikes or scooters either minus a helmet, or with a new looking helmet dangling from the handle bars, or worn unsecured on the head was less pleasing to see. At this stage, and I’m sure for the foreseeable future, we only get one head for our lifetime. It is well worth sticking a protective barrier between that and the road. Parents, your parking is generally wonderful, with room for improvement. The transition program for Pre-primary to Year 1 has freed parking on the Early Childhood side of things (although please don’t mistake the empty street as an invitation, continue your amazing work in using the correct carparks), this street should be clear at all times, but especially for the next two weeks, please keep the bus bays clear for our swimming lessons. SCHOOL PHOTOS We expect to have school photos distributed to families immediately after the conclusion of swimming lessons. CLASS ORGANISATION Requests for consideration in class placement for 2020 will close on Friday 8th November. Any request for consideration must be made in writing, and detail the educational benefit that you believe such a request would achieve for your child. The school staff will be meeting in the following weeks to place students into classes. From Monday 2nd December, student placements on provisional class lists can be viewed and discussed with the principal by appointment only, in person. To ensure the best possible planning for next year, please continue to inform the school in writing if your child/ren will no longer be attending in 2020. Please also ensure that any requests for new enrolment are made as soon as possible. SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DAY Friday 15th November is a school development day at Edney Primary School. Our staff will be working on curriculum improvement and review of this year, and putting plans in place to build further on our success in the years ahead. Students do not attend school on this day.

25th Kindergarten Red and Blue attend All Girls Multi Sports 28th Swimming commences 29th School Board Meeting 6pm

1st Kindergarten Gold attend 7th Newsletter 8th Kindergarten Red and Blue attend Last Day Swimming

Upcoming Events

October 2019 November 2019

Page 2: Edney Edition · 2019. 11. 2. · Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019 The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence WELCOME BACK! It’s almost two weeks into the final term of the

Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019

The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence

Honour Certificates for Term 4 Week 2. Well done, students!

Room Student Room Student

1 Lucas Cook James Laws

17 Mia Backshall Cai Price

2 Cameron Bell Toby Pritchard

EC1 Talitha Walker Ryan Millsteed

3 Lola Markin Robin Mews

EC2 Connor Murace Harrison Irving

4 Lleyton Mitchell Alexis Baron

EC3 Amna Mohd Firdaridzuan Amelia Harnett / Maya da Silva

10 Bridie Pearse Amilya Mitchell

EC4 Sophia Godfrey Kaylee Comley / Tycen Hoar

11 Joshua Fletcher Asha Wilmot

EC5 Lani Adams Jasabel Usuraga

12 Jayden Hogg Seth Kelly

13 Diora Brown Adam Kayal

Art Xavier Brooks Violet Almond

14 Kalobe Hilsley Cooper Richards

Music Skye Incognito Grace Whisson

16 Taj Leighton Tezza Colvin

Phys Ed Amelia Harnett Ellie Withers

Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club runs every Tuesday from 7.45 to 8.20am in Block 2. Breakfast club can not be supplied to students after 8.20am as this time is needed for clean up.

>>Faction points as of Term 4 Week 2, 2019<<


Running Club is on Wednesday Mornings Come down to the oval for running club between 8am and 8.30am.

590 410 497 392

School Banking News I am in need of a new School Banking Co-ordinator to help me with school banking.. as the co-ordinator that helps me will no longer be here next year! If you would like to or are able to help out with the banking for next year please come see me in the library on Wednesday mornings from 8.20am till 8.40am or contact the office staff. We are looking for a few people.

Last day for School Banking for Term 4 will be Wednesday 11th of December 2019. Thank you, Vicki Anquetil, Banking Co-ordinator.

Page 3: Edney Edition · 2019. 11. 2. · Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019 The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence WELCOME BACK! It’s almost two weeks into the final term of the


The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence

Look what’s been happening!

LIBRARY NEWS Thank you to everyone that came along and joined in the fun of the Book Fair. It was a amazing day and it was fantastic to see so many excited readers. Through Book Fair and Book club commissions we are able to purchase many books and resources, so a very big thank you to every Edney family that has and continues to support these. They are fantastic initiatives that get great books into the hands of our children, while helping our school. FINAL BOOK CLUB OF THE YEAR DUE: FRIDAY 25th OCTOBER! Please ensure correct payment is included.

The final week for book borrowing will be Week 6 of this term. Please remind your children to be responsible for their library books and bring them in on the correct days. SWIMMING AND LIBRARY BOOKS Classes are still able to borrow library books throughout swimming lessons. However this will be dependent upon how the swimming timetable fits with the class timetables. Please still remind your child to send back any books they have borrowed this week. Please also have a chat with your child about keeping their Library bag separate to their wet swimming gear.



CHESS TOURNAMENT On Wednesday October the 16th, four students from Edney Primary School: Matthew Robinson, Grace Hope, Lleyton Mitchell and Hafiz Shamsul travelled to the St Peters Parish Hall in Inglewood to participate in the Annual Primary School’s Chess Tournament.

Ten schools entered in the tournament and Edney played 7 rounds throughout the day. Our students did very well considering it was their first chess tournament. All our students showed great sportsmanship and did Edney proud. Grace won a medal for encouragement. A big thank you to Lleyton’s mum and grandpa for offering to take our students to and from the venue.

Page 4: Edney Edition · 2019. 11. 2. · Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019 The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence WELCOME BACK! It’s almost two weeks into the final term of the

Fremante Ports Maritime Day Fremantle Ports Maritime Day gives young people and community an opportunity to learn more about the employment, training and educational opportunities available within the maritime industry as well as being a free, fun, family orientated community event. The FREE Open Day will be held in B Shed on Victoria Quay, Fremantle on Saturday 2 November from 10am to 4pm. Please contact Jane Edwards on 9430 3373 or email [email protected] if you require any further information. Woodlupine Family Centre Enrolments are open for our Pre-Kindy program in 2020. We offer a fun filled, play based program, that supports your child to become an engaged learner. To enrol or book a tour, please contact our centre manager Tanya on 9359 1155, we are located at 88 Hale Road Forrestfield.

The Edney Way - Respect and Excellence

Edney Edition Term 4 Week 2 24 October 2019

Meerilinga Join us for a workshop introducing the early signs of Autism.

We will provide information on what role parents and people who work with children play in supporting early diagnosis and intervention.

Learn about services and family support offered by the Autism Association and referral pathways. Event is on Wednesday 13th of November from 5.30pm to 8.30pm at Meerilinga Young Childrens Services, 104 Edney Road, High Wycombe. For further information contact Hila on 94547198 or email [email protected]

Emerging Minds The Child360 app has been designed as a tool for parents to reflect on how they are going in supporting their children’s social and emotional wellbeing and identify strategies to strengthen resilience. Parents can use the app either on their own or with guidance from a professional. Child360 can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play. You can also find links to download the app on the Emerging Minds website. For further information go to https://emergingminds.com.au/resources/child360-app/

Judo lessons at Edney Primary Judo classes are held in the under cover area for Boys and Girls aged 5 and up. We learn Self-defense, Judo throws and Fitness. Classes are on every Tuesday’s from 3.30—4.10pm, costing $10 per lesson for ages 5 and up, 1st lesson for new students is free. Wear your judo suit or t-shirt & tracksuit pants. For further information phone Joe 04556 33343 Food Sensation for Adults Come along to a FREE hands-on nutrition and cooking experience at Forrestfield Primary School. Sessions will run every Friday from the 15th November to the 6th December from 12pm—2.30pm. Participants must be able to attend all 4 sessions. We are also offering a crèche. If you are interested please contact Forrestfield Primary School on 9453 6277 to pick up a form.

Community News

Here are activities our community has been talking about.

EDNEY PRIMARY SCHOOL 204 Newburn Road High Wycombe WA 6057 P: 9454 8377 Absentee SMS: 0437 807 250 E: [email protected]

We are on the web: www.edneyps.wa.edu.au

Welcome back everybody! We had our first P&C meeting on Tuesday and we didn't make quorum. Please take this opportunity to support your P&C. We have a wonderful history of doing small and large fundraising events that support all of Edney's children. Being part of the P&C community is a great way to meet other parents, and to participate with projects happening around the school. We will be hosting coffee and tea at every assembly this term. Please come and introduce yourself, we would love to meet you.

Canteen News Fast Edney’s would like to thank you all for your support for the faction and inter school carnivals, the weather was wonderful and all the lunches went out on time. Halloween is on the 31st of October, and we will be putting out some scary recess items, so make sure you come along to the canteen to see eyeballs in the jelly! Regards Jan Cresswell, Canteen Supervisor

P&C News