芝加華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 芝加華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 芝加華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 芝加華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 第十 十期 ○○ ○○ ○○ ○○六年一月 年一月 年一月 年一月 Amitabha Buddhist Library in Chicago Bi-Monthly Newsletter – January 2006 地址 地址 地址 地址 (Address): 2753-2755 W. Maple Avenue, Lisle, IL 60532, USA 網址 網址 網址 網址: www.amitabhalibrary.org 電話 電話 電話 電話 (Tel): (630) 428-9941傳真 傳真 傳真 傳真 (Fax): (630) 428-9961 發行 發行 發行 發行:林麗淑 林麗淑 林麗淑 林麗淑 編:祖 版:編輯室 編輯室 編輯室 編輯室 行策大師語 行策大師語 行策大師語 行策大師語 Alerting Words by Master Shin Cheh 三昧 三昧 三昧 三昧,其尚矣 其尚矣 其尚矣 其尚矣。 雖曰功高易進 雖曰功高易進 雖曰功高易進 雖曰功高易進,而末世行 而末世行 而末世行 而末世行,罕獲靈驗 罕獲靈驗 罕獲靈驗 罕獲靈驗; 良信願不專 良信願不專 良信願不專 良信願不專,未導其善行 未導其善行 未導其善行 未導其善行,要歸凈土故也 要歸凈土故也 要歸凈土故也 要歸凈土故也。 既廣邀善 既廣邀善 既廣邀善 既廣邀善,修淨因 修淨因 修淨因 修淨因,若非審發 若非審發 若非審發 若非審發,寧知出苦要道 寧知出苦要道 寧知出苦要道 寧知出苦要道? Attaining Sambodhi by mindfully chanting Buddha’s name has been a widely accepted cultivation practice. Although it is the easiest and most effective method, there have not been many successful cases among the practitioners in the Dharma ending era. This is truly due to the lack of sincere faith and vows; therefore, we cannot transcend the good deeds and merits toward our re-birth to the Pure Land. Since now we widely invite Dharma friends to practice the Pure Lane School, how could we identify the key to liberating ourselves from sufferings if we do not prudently examine our faith and vows? (本圖文設計Designed by Lotus Tan.) 發 行 的 話 -- -- -- -- 城、國 國,朝聖之旅 朝聖之旅 朝聖之旅 朝聖之旅 林麗淑 林麗淑 林麗淑 林麗淑 感家成全,我有緣娑婆行,在 2005 年深秋,參訪了深處於喜馬拉雅 中的錫 、不丹 兩處國,並至印度 的教聖地,鹿野苑 及河 了朝聖之旅。 錫金 本與尼泊爾 、不丹 為喜馬拉雅 中的獨立國家,可惜因緣換,自 1975 年起, 被迫成為印度 的一個大省。間政治的紛擾,對世居,篤信藏傳教的大多數純 (接下頁)

芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

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Page 1: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

芝加哥華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊芝加哥華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊芝加哥華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊芝加哥華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 第第第第十五十五十五十五期期期期 二二二二○○○○○○○○六六六六年一月年一月年一月年一月

Amitabha Buddhist Library in Chicago Bi-Monthly Newsletter – January 2006

地址地址地址地址 (Address): 2753-2755 W. Maple Avenue, Lisle, IL 60532, USA

網址網址網址網址: www.amitabhalibrary.org

電話電話電話電話 (Tel): (630) 428-9941,傳真傳真傳真傳真 (Fax): (630) 428-9961

發行人發行人發行人發行人::::林麗淑林麗淑林麗淑林麗淑 主主主主 編編編編::::譚祖德譚祖德譚祖德譚祖德 排排排排 版版版版::::編輯室編輯室編輯室編輯室

行策大師警語行策大師警語行策大師警語行策大師警語 Alerting Words by Master Shin Cheh





Attaining Sambodhi by mindfully chanting Buddha’s name has been a widely accepted cultivation

practice. Although it is the easiest and most effective method, there have not been many successful cases among the practitioners in the Dharma ending era.

This is truly due to the lack of sincere faith and vows; therefore, we cannot transcend the good deeds and merits toward our re-birth to the Pure Land.

Since now we widely invite Dharma friends to practice the Pure Lane School, how could we identify the key to liberating ourselves from sufferings if we do not prudently examine our faith and vows?

(本圖由譚瑀文設計。Designed by Lotus Tan.)

發發發發 行行行行 人人人人 的的的的 話話話話 --------

山城山城山城山城、、、、佛國佛國佛國佛國,,,,朝聖之旅朝聖之旅朝聖之旅朝聖之旅 ● 林麗淑林麗淑林麗淑林麗淑

感謝家人成全,我有緣作娑婆行腳,在 2005 年深秋,參訪了深處於喜馬拉雅山中的錫金、不丹兩處佛國,並至印度的佛教聖地,鹿野苑及恆河作了朝聖之旅。

錫金本與尼泊爾、不丹同為喜馬拉雅山中的獨立國家,可惜因緣變換,自 1975 年起,被迫成為印度的一個大省。人間政治的紛擾,對世代山居,篤信藏傳佛教的大多數純


恭恭恭恭 賀賀賀賀

新新新新 禧禧禧禧

Page 2: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

Page 2



比起被迫轉讓政權的錫金,與政爭不斷、甚至引出王室血案的尼泊爾,以佛教立國的不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳佛教,人民不吃素,但確實遵奉佛陀教誨,只吃三淨肉。因此,不丹是一個不殺生的國家,戒殺生、戒打獵,當然也禁止釣魚,所有肉食均自國外進口,大多數來自印度。我雖讚歎他們不殺,卻難免要想到中國古人的成語 – 『以鄰為壑』。不丹不禁酒,但不聞酗酒,而且,確實禁烟,僅有觀光客可合法抽烟。不丹人純樸好客、勤勞節儉 (因山多農地少、資源有限),在五濁惡世裏,不丹可算得是較清淨之國土了。

在錫金、不丹旅行,是非常奇特、難得的經驗。錫金位於喜馬拉雅深山之中,山路盤旋迴轉,路窄彎多,巴士無法行駛,因此,由印度茶鄉大吉嶺進入錫金開始,我們一路乘坐吉普車。吉普車彎來繞去,疾行在崇山峻嶺之間,比起行走於『難於上青天』之蜀道,是另一種體驗;而天藍雲白,秋陽下,兩旁山腰、山谷中時見梯田、茶園,偶而點缀藏傳佛寺,彷彿又綜合了西康、西藏與台灣山區之景象。有一本介紹錫金的英文書,叫 “如此靠近天堂” (So Close to Heaven”),我未讀内容,不知如何,不過,以書名形容錫金,倒也貼切。

自錫金進入不丹,山路仍彎,路面卻寬敞許多,因此,可以改乘巴士。不丹公路兩旁時見經旛飄揚,只要是大轉彎處、山丘頂,及河流會合處,均有各種型式之小佛塔,作為祈福求平安之用。不丹的建築極具特色,城市之中,在山巔水濱,另建有堡壘一類建築,稱為『鍾』,這是不丹人民的生活及學習中心。每一個『鍾』,必有佛殿及集會所、廣場,連王宮 (國王及首相、大臣的辦公室) 都在首都『大鍾』 主佛殿的一旁偏殿之中。非但『鍾』 内佛殿及建築富麗堂皇、美侖美奐,即使一般民居,甚至市場小店,均是彩繪精美,兼有重簷,看似雕樑畫棟。我初到不丹,看見不丹人民居住如此華麗之『高廣大屋』,很覺好奇,不知他們如何負擔龐大之建築及維修費用,幾經詢問,才知原來看似『雕樑』 者,其實都是『畫棟』,只因彩繪技藝太好,看來宛似雕刻。而且,民居寬廣高大,是因不丹崇尚倫理,大多數人民數代同堂,房子大,才方便大家住在一起之故。



Page 3: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

Page 3


接觸、學習念佛法門,是每個佛弟子深重之任務:而這個任務之艱之廣,又實非區區『任重道遠』 四字所能形容於萬一。




參訪過鹿野苑,次日清晨泛舟恆河,又是另一種心情。恆河千古不變,但環境不同、水質不同。如玄奘大師在大唐西域記中所述,我見到了晨起沐浴於恆河之大批印度教徒;船行進間,也確實見到了一位婦女即將被送去火化前,浸入恆河之最後色身。旅行社經理又告訴我,當地嬰兒出生後,滿周歲前,均需在恆河中浸泡一下。一條恆河,涵蓋盡了許多印度人之生、老、病、死。我的印度女導遊堅持不讓我碰觸恆河沙,理由是太髒。她說要看恆河沙,應該去佛陀成道處菩提迦葉。或許,這是我下次行腳之『前緣』 吧!


新春伊始,謹於此向圖書館同修及十方大德拜年,祝福大眾道業精進、平安如意! 阿彌陀佛!

Translator’s Note ● Bert Tan

The Publisher’s Note is a traveling note and thoughts from Li-Su Tan’s pilgrimage trip to Bhutan, Sikkim, and Sarnath (Deer Park), Varanasi (Ganges River), India. We decided not to translate the Publisher’s Note because it will be difficult to preserve its context across the translation. If readers are interested, please contact Li-Su Tan or Bert Tan. They will be more than happy to explain the content of the note.

Page 4: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

Page 4

(錫金的青年喇嘛,開朗和樂。Young Lamas in

Sikkim, happy and peaceful.)

(不丹的華麗佛殿。Beautiful Buddhist temple in


(佛陀 成道後 初遇五 比 丘處。The place where

Buddha first met his five disciples.)

( 錫 金 的 喇 嘛 廟 , 華 麗 莊 嚴 。 Splendid Lama

temple in Sikkim.)

( 不 丹 大 城 市 Paro 街 上 的 店 家 。 Decorative

shops in Paro, Bhutan.)

( 鹿 野 苑 佛 陀 初 轉 法 輪 處 。 The place where

Buddha first turned the Dharma Wheel.)

Page 5: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

Page 5


(Announcement – Sunday Lunch Time Dharma Talks)

● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)

為協助同修增加對基本佛學概論及名相術語之瞭解,以作讀經、聽講之助緣;也為幫助許多認真自修之同修更能由解生信,堅定念佛信心,本館自 2006 年元月八日起,利用每 週 日 共 修 午 餐 後 之 五 十 分 鐘 時 間 , 舉 辦

“週日午間學佛講座”。此講座包括 佛學淺介

及 淨業學人基本科目 兩大單元,由林館長用中文向同修講解,現場並由譚副館長對外籍同修作即時英文翻譯。

此 講 座 自 元 月 八 日 開 講 以 來 , 進 行 頗 為 順利。除館長偶而出國及本館法會期間將暫停外,講座固定於每週日中午舉行。時間是每週 日 中 午 十 二 點 零 五 分 開 始 , 講 解 五 十 分鐘,另有二十分鐘回答、討論問題。歡迎同修們一起來共同學習、複習。

To assist our Dharma friends to develop a better understanding of the fundamentals and terminologies of Buddhism, to better condition these friends to recite sutras or listen to any Dharma speeches, and to help them strengthen their faith and vows, started on January 8, 2006, there has been a 50-minute “Dharma Talk” on every Sunday after lunch following the morning practice. The lectures are given by Director Li-Su Tan in Chinese and include two major units, Basics of Buddhism, and The Fundamentals for Pure Land School Practitioners. Mr. Bert Tan translates in real time for English-speaking friends.

The program has been progressing well since it was started, and will continue regularly on every Sunday except when Director Li-Su is out-of-town or when there are special events. The sessions start approximately at 12:05 PM for 50 minutes plus a Q & A and open discussion for about 20 minutes. We cordially invite all friends to join us.

特别英文特别英文特别英文特别英文講座公告講座公告講座公告講座公告 (Announcement – Special Dharma Talk in English)

● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)

悟琳法師將於三月十日及十一日參加在芝加哥 舉 行 之 “ 佛 教 女 眾 會 議 ” (Buddhist

Women's Conference: Women Living the Dharma),並將順道於三月十二日參加本館之例行週日共修及午間學佛講座。


Venerable Wu Ling is attending the Buddhist Women’s Conference: “Women Living the Dharma” held in Chicago on March 10 and 11. She will visit the library on March 12 and join us for Sunday activities. We take this special opportunity to invite her to host a talk “Pure Land Prerequisite: Being Good Men and Good Women” in the afternoon of March 12, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. We cordially invite all interested friends to attend. If any out-of-state friends will be coming, you are also invited to attend our morning practice and stay with us for vegetarian lunch. If you will be joining us for lunch, please let us know by March 10 (e-mail: [email protected] or calling 630-428-9941). We could properly adjust the lunch catering for that day.


(Special Report – Canon Donation) ● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)

本 館 協 助 聯 絡 贈 送 龍 藏 之 工 作 持 續 進 行 順利,最近已收到龍藏之機構為位於美國紐約卅水牛城之紐約大學。

Page 6: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

Page 6

本 館 林 館 長 日 前 接 獲 悟 行 法 師 來 電 , 謂 奉

淨空老法師指示,尚有為數不少之乾隆大藏經可贈送給全世界各地之國家圖書館、大學圖書館,及博物館結緣。世界各地同修若知有 合 適 機 構 願 意 申 請 龍 藏 以 供 當 地 學 人 研究 , 歡 迎 以 電 子 郵 件 直 接 與 林 館 長 聯 繫

([email protected])。

世界各地 (包括中國大陸、越南、歐、美、亞洲、非洲及大洋洲各地) 有住眾或大眾共修之道場、寺院,如有意申請龍藏,亦歡迎直接與澳洲淨宗學院悟行法師,或本館林館長聯繫。


The library continues to coordinate the donations of Buddhist Canon sets; the task is going well. The most recent organization which received a Canon set was the State University of New York, Buffalo, NY. Not long ago, Director Li-Su Tan received a phone call from Venerable Wu Shin indicating that according to Master Chin Kung, there will be more Canon sets available for donation to National Libraries, University Libraries, and museums worldwide. If any friends are aware of any interested organizations in the above categories, please advise them to contact Director Li-Su Tan directly and apply for the Canon set via e-mail: [email protected]. For temples worldwide (e.g., in China, Vietnam, Europe, America, Asia, Africa) that are interested in and can prove to have proper use for the Canon set, please contact Venerable Wu Shin in the Pure Land Learning College in Australia or Director Li-Su Tan for application.

The applications from National Libraries, University Libraries, and museums will be handled by Director Li-Su Tan herself; the applications from other places, on a case-by-case basis, will be forwarded by Li-Su to the Pure Land Learning College in Australia, the Hwa Dzan Society in Taipei, or the Corporate Body of Buddha Educational Foundation in Taipei for handling.

地藏菩薩聖像結緣公告地藏菩薩聖像結緣公告地藏菩薩聖像結緣公告地藏菩薩聖像結緣公告 (Announcement – Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Statues for Free Distribution)

● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)

本館於今年初委託台灣屏東能淨學會恭鑄地藏 菩 薩 聖 像 一 百 二 十 尊 , 即 將 於 二 月 底 鑄妥,敬與十方同修結緣。此次恭鑄之地藏菩薩聖像為坐姿,聖像連同底座,高約 9.25 英吋,加上手持錫杖,高度共約 11.5 英吋;底座為八角形,面積約為 5.5 英吋見方。法相莊嚴慈悲,敬附照片,以供參考。本館將於今年夏天再度恭鑄同一聖像一百二十尊,因此,將共有二百四十尊菩薩聖像敬供十方結緣。


能淨學會, 紮根教育持續會 總幹事 陳維茂居士 屏東市民權路 77 號 TEL: 886-8-7664248 FAX: 886-8-7322144

At the beginning of the year, the library ordered through Neng Chin Society in Taiwan 120 units of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s statue for free distribution; these statues will be completed at about the end of February. The statue has an octagon base with an area span of 5.5” x 5.5” and a height of 11.5” tall with the crosier or 9.25” without. The statue looks respectfully beautiful and compassionate. The library will order and donate another 120 statues this

Page 7: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

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summer, for a total of 240 statues for free distribution.

(莊 嚴 慈 悲 的 地 藏 菩 薩 聖 像 。The respectfully

beautiful Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s statue.) Interested Dharma friends, temples, and cultivation centers can contact us or Neng Chin Society in Taiwan directly to apply for. The contact information of Neng Chin Society is as follows:

Neng Chin Society 77 Ming-Chuan Road Ping Tung, Taiwan Attn: Mr. Wei-Mao Chen Tel: (886)-8-7764248 Fax: (886)-8-7322144

弘法之行預告弘法之行預告弘法之行預告弘法之行預告 (Spreading the Dharma Teaching)

● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)



本館林館長除協助促成此次悟行法師阿根廷弘法之行外,更請譚副館長隨同前往。譚副館長將負責將悟行法師在當地之講演全程錄音 , 並 即 時 燒 製 成 光 碟 , 留 給 當 地 同 修 複製,結緣流通;同時,將攜去鐘鼓法器,協助法師指導當地同修學習法器及念佛,希望促成當地同修從此有緣固定念佛共修。

Following Venerable Wu Shin’s Dharma visit to Brazil two years ago, he is invited to make Dharma talks in Buenos Aires, Argentina in early February. Similar to the Brazil visit two years ago, this is the first visit of Pure Land venerable to Argentina. It is a valuable opportunity to establish and strengthen the Dharma affinity with the friends in Argentina. More significantly, the environment and conditions for Pure Land School practice are thus created for the friends in Argentina.

Director Li-Su Tan, who makes this visit possible and happen, is sending Mr. Bert Tan to go with Venerable Wu Shin. He will audio tape all speeches by Venerable Wu Shin and burn them into audio CDs right after and leave the CDs for the friends there to duplicate and circulate. He is also going to carry Dharma drums and instruments with him and assist Venerable We Shin to teach the chanting practice and playing the Dharma instruments.


(Announcement – Upcoming New Classes) ● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)

本館經數月籌劃,決定將於今年秋天八、九月 間 , 隨 著 新 學 年 開 始 , 開 辦 “幼 兒 學 經班”,及 “青少年學經班”。“幼兒學經班” 學員為五歲至十歲之間的小朋友,“青少年學經班” 則對十歲至十六歲之間的青少年朋友招生。

Page 8: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

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兩種學經班將隔週輪流,於每星期六早上上課,每堂課約六十至九十分鐘。其中,“幼兒學經班” 五歲至六歲之學員需由家長陪伴上課,六歲以上之小朋友則可以自行上課。


幼兒學經班幼兒學經班幼兒學經班幼兒學經班 -- 翁慧娟師姐:台灣師範大學中文系畢業,美國印地安納大學教育心理學碩士,目前任教於慈濟人文學校。

青少年學經班青少年學經班青少年學經班青少年學經班 – 張馨方師姐:美國普渡大學語言治療科學系畢業,美國西伊利諾卅立大學語言治療學碩士,曾任教於中文學校,目前在芝加哥西郊公立高中擔任語言治療師。


After planning for several months by a few dedicated volunteers, the library will offer two free classes, “Buddhism for Children” and “Buddhism for Adolescents”, in the upcoming Fall following the start of the new academic year in August or September. The former class is for children between 5 and 10 years old and the latter is for youth between 10 and 15 years old. The two classes will meet in the morning on alternating Saturdays. Every session ranges from 60 to 90 minutes. Children at 6 years old and under must be accompanied by a parent in the class; children above 6 years old can attend the class without parents.

The two classes are totally free; the materials and supplies will be provided by the library. The teachers are all with strong teaching

backgrounds. This program is planned by Ms. Hui-Chuan Weng and Ms. Der-Hwa Cheng. Ms. Der-Hwa Chen, Ms. Feng-Miao Lin, Ms. May-Lin Wei, and Ms. Nancy Chen will serve as assisting teachers. The two main teachers’ backgrounds are as follows: 1. Ms. Hui-Chuan Weng will be the main

teacher for “Buddhism for Children” class. She has a BS degree in Chinese Literatures from National Taiwan Normal University and a MS degree in Educational Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. Currently, she teaches at the Tzu-Chi Academy, Chicago.

2. Ms. Shinfan Stephanie Chang will be the

main teacher for “Buddhism for Adolescents” class. She has a BS degree in Speech-Language-Hearing Science from Purdue University and a MS degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Western Illinois University. Currently, she serves as a speech-language pathologist in a high school in the west suburb of Chicago.

The details of these two classes and the enrollment forms will be published in the May and July newsletters. We welcome all families who have children and adolescents consider and take advantage of these great opportunities for our next generation.

才藝教室才藝教室才藝教室才藝教室 (Other Classes Offered)

● 本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室本館編輯室 (Editor’s room)

本 館 人 才 濟 濟 , 同 修 中 頗 不 乏 多 才 多 藝 之士 。 同 修 平 日 相 處 融 洽 , 互 相 砥 礪 學 佛 之餘 , 生 活 中 亦 多 往 來 , 互 相 幫 忙 。 數 月 以來,陸續有同修要求,在圖書館開放時間之外,借用閱覽室作才藝學習之用,本館亦樂見其成。


Page 9: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

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目前本館已在進行及擬將進行之才藝學習及聯 誼 活 動 如 下 , 歡 迎 有 興 趣 之 同 修 前 來 參加。所有活動學費全免,本館並供應茶水;如有相關之教材,請直接與老師洽商費用。如 有 任 何 問 題 , 請 直 接 聯 絡 鄧 師 姐 (630-

961-9215) 或徐師姐 (630-778-9724)。

Through working together, we discovered that many of our volunteers are very talented. Many of them asked the library to allow for the use of the reading room outside of the regular open hours to offer classes. This is a good idea and the library will certainly be happy to see it happen. Director Li-Su Tan asked Ms. Chi-Fang Duong and Ms. Min Lo to serve as the coordinators. Chi-Fang is a very dedicated volunteer with a warm personality and strong people networking skills; Min takes responsibilities seriously and is well organized. With the strengths of the two, they will certainly provide good services to everyone. Below are the classes already offered or to be offered; they are open to everyone. The tuitions for all classes are free; materials needed by the classes are attendees’ responsibility. If you have questions regarding class materials, please contact the respective teachers for details; if you have questions regarding these programs, please contact Ms. Chi-Fang Duong (630)961-9215 or Ms. Min Lo (630)778-9724.

1. 水 晶 工 藝 班水 晶 工 藝 班水 晶 工 藝 班水 晶 工 藝 班 : 由 李 漪 文 女 士 指 導 , 用

Swarovski 水晶原料為材料配件,配合中國結,製作蓮花、小動物、手珠、飾品,及各種掛飾。



Crystal Glass Craft: The class is taught by Ms. Evelyn Lin. It covers the use of crystal glass materials from Swarovski and Chinese Knot to make lotus flowers and ornaments such as small animals, hand band, and other decorative items. The class has been held a few times; the regular meeting time is from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM every Saturday morning. Enrollments are accepted at any time.

2. 甩 手甩 手甩 手甩 手 、、、、 拍 掌拍 掌拍 掌拍 掌 ,,,, 及 外 丹 功及 外 丹 功及 外 丹 功及 外 丹 功 : 由 總 務 組 義 工林良恩師兄指導。二月十二 日之後可開班,請向鄧師姐或徐師姐報名。

Traditional Chinese Health Exercises: The class will be taught by Mr. Liang-Eng Lin who is an on-duty volunteer of the library. It covers a few traditional exercises in China which have been clinically proven to be very good for health, for example palm clapping. The first meeting will be some time after February 12, 2006. Please enroll with Ms. Chi-Fang Duong or Ms. Min Lo.

3. 植物培育研習班植物培育研習班植物培育研習班植物培育研習班:由書目組義工 Don 指

導。Don 經營花卉、園藝事業多年,對培育花草樹木深具心得。此班每月一次,於週六上課,請向鄧師姐報名。

Nursery Care: The class will be taught by Mr. Don Hofferberth. Mr. Hofferberth operated nursery related businesses for quite a few years and has profound knowledge and experience in nursery. This class meets once every month on Saturday. Enrollment is handled by Ms. Chi-Fang Duong.

4. 花藝班花藝班花藝班花藝班(包括鮮花及緞帶花包括鮮花及緞帶花包括鮮花及緞帶花包括鮮花及緞帶花):由值班義工李淑美師姐指導,李師姐是留日之池坊流花藝專家。此班時間將由李師姐決定,請向鄧師姐或徐師姐報名。

Page 10: 芝加品華藏淨宗圖書館雙月刊 - Pure Land Center ... · 不丹,實在太平、也幸運多了。不丹全國篤信藏傳伤教,京民不吃素,休確實遵奉伤 陀教誨,只吃三淨肈。因此,不丹是一個不殺瓓的國家,戒殺瓓、戒打獵,甉然也禁

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Flower Arrangement: This class will be taught by Ms. Su-Mei Lee. Ms. Lee earned her flower arrangement certification by Ikenobo in Japan. The class times will be determined by Ms. Lee. Please enroll with Ms. Chi-Fang Duong or Ms. Min Lo.



If anyone is willing to offer other classes, please contact either the two coordinators or Director Li-Su Tan directly after the Sunday lunch time Dharma talks.

本館地址:2753-2755 W Maple Avenue, Lisle, IL 60532 (西郊萊爾鎮 Naper Blvd 及 Maple Avenue 之交會

口附近,Walgreen 旁)


Hours: Mon – Sat: 12:00 – 5:00 PM, Sun: 12:00 – 3:00 PM


Practice: Sunday 10:00 – 11:30 AM, followed by vegetarian lunch and lunch time Dharma talks.
