Energise Success Journal

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  • energiseforlife.com

    The Energise Success Journal

    Goal Setting and MotivationAlkaline Lifestyle Course


    This workbook has been created as a resource for customers, community members and friends of Energise UK Ltd.

    You do NOT have the right to reprint, sell, auction or distrib-ute this workbook. You are NOT allowed to give away, sell, share or circulate this workbook or its content in any form.

    Electronic books, or ebooks, such as this, are protected under international copyright and intellectual property law. Copyright infringement, trademark infringement and theft of intellectual property are serious crimes.


    It is essential to remember that none of the Energise UK employees or directors are:

    a doctor a dietitian a medical professional a journalist a therapist

    Only opinions based upon our own personal experiences or information detailed in medical/academic journals or other publications is cited. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE or prescribe any treatments. This refers to any form of con-versation between Energise UK and our customers, readers or website visitors.

    Prior to making any health or lifestyle changes and for any health or medical issues - you should be talking to your doc-tor - not taking our advice.

    NoticeThe information contained within this document is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not an attempt by the writers or publisher to diagnose or prescribe, nor should it be construed to be such. Readers are hereby encouraged to consult with a licensed health care profes-sional concerning the information presented, which has been received from sources deemed reliable, but no guarantees, expressed or implied, can be made regarding the accuracy of same. Therefore, readers are also encouraged to verify for themselves and to their own satisfaction the accuracy of all reports, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions, or anything else published herein before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read. If you have a medical condition, please consult your medical practitioner.

  • Setting Your Goals Massive motivation to guarantee success Week 1: Gentle Transition

    Week 2: Increasing Alkalinity

    Week 3: Breakfast

    Week 4: Lunch Week 5: Dinner Week 6: Snacks

    Week 7: Weight Loss

    Week 8: Skin Detox

    Week 9: Libido

    Week 10: Liver Cleanse

    Week 11:Lymphatic Cleanse

    Week 12: Celebrate your success!















  • IntroductionWelcome to the Energise Success Journal. This journal has been designed to accompany the Energise Alkaline Lifestyle Course. From my own experience I have found it to be incredibly useful to have one central place to store my goals, experiences, successes and challenges and I have designed this journal to make it as easy as possible for you to do so during the twelve weeks of the course.

    How to use this journal:

    The first section of this journal will accompany the goal setting process in The Alkaline Life-style Guidebook you will have received. After this I have created space to make notes and questions to prompt actions for each week of the course.

    I urge you to keep this journal handy and record your progress as you go through the course.

    Good luck!

  • Section 1:Setting Your GoalsThis section accompanies Guide 11 - Successful Goal Setting in The Alkaline Lifestyle Guide-book (page 44). If you have not already done so, I suggest reading this guide before you follow the prompts over the next few pages.

    If you need more space to record your ideas there are blank pages at the back of this book.

    Exercise 1 Idea Explosion (Duration 5 minutes)

    Grab your pen and paper and for the next three minutes I want you to write down all of your health goals for this course. What do you want to have achieved by the end of the twelve weeks? The more goals you have the more motivated you will be so feel free to get specific.

    Step 1 Goal setting: What are your aims?

  • Exercise 1 Idea Explosion Continued...

  • Exercise 2 - Focus (Duration 2 minutes)

    Now you have your extensive goal list it is time to focus in.

    From your list of goals, highlight your top five. Which five goals would have the biggest impact upon your life? List them below:






  • Exercise 3 - Attach Meaning & Purpose (Duration 30 minutes)

    Part 1: Feel the pleasure

    Now for each of the five goals I want you to write a paragraph (or two) about how great it will be once you have achieved this goal. In your mind, picture this as reality, picture it already achieved. As you picture this, put a smile on your face and ask

    - What will your life be like? - How will it be different? - How will you look and feel? - How will it affect you and others?

    Get really specific and really get yourself into the frame of mind that it is already real. This is such a powerful and motivating tool.






  • Part 2: Feel the pain

    Now do the opposite. Write a paragraph for each (or an overall paragraph that sums up them all) detailing exactly what your life will be like in the future if you never achieved these goals. would life be like in 6 months, a year, 5 years, 10 years etc.






  • Exercise 4 - Make It Real

    For each of your five goals I now want you to write a list of specific actions your can take towards the at-tainment of these goals. For instance, if one of your goals is to cut out coffee (which I think it might be for a few people!) then how exactly are you going to do this? Will willpower be enough?

    This list of actions are basically your road map to success.






    Exercise 5 - Do something NOW!

    This final step is possibly the most important of all: DO SOMETHING NOW. It is the golden rule of goal setting that you should never leave the scene of setting a goal without taking at least one action right then and there. So pick one or more of your actions (not for all of your goals, just one or two ac-tions will do!) and complete that task right now.

    Thats it RIGHT NOW!

  • Step 2 Make your goals visible and real

    Once you have your goals set and written down you need to follow these rules:

    Read your goals every day: morning and night (just before bed), take the time to review and enjoy your goals. This is incredibly powerful and really does keep you on track, reminding your brain to make the right health decisions throughout each day. Make your goals visible: make a copy of your goals and put them in places where you will see them on the fridge, on your desk, by your bed, on the back of the bathroom door etc.

    Re-write them once a week: when we physically write our goals out it makes them much more real and sends different signals to our brain. It is hard to explain, but something magical happens when we write down our goals. Revisit them every fortnight: our goals change and shift more often than we realise. While I generally wouldnt suggest revisiting your goals so frequently forever, you should revisit your goals regularly during this course because you are going to be going through quite a few lifestyle changes!

    Step 3 Get accountability

    This is the final step, and it really works. You need to tell people and take the decision to stick with these goals out of your own hands.

    So get yourself some accountability. Here are some ideas:

    Email your goals to your friends and family: how stupid will you look now if you dont complete them? And how great will it be to say I told you so!. Who could you email:

    Tie in something good for someone else: Link the attainment of your goal with a benefit for someone else. Who else could you benefit? If you suc-ceed, could it mean something for your kids? Can you raise money for charity?

  • Get a loved one to tie in something positive for you if you succeed: a holiday, a new pair of jeans, anything that will keep you motivated.

    Get an accountability partner: find someone else who wants to set some goals and arrange weekly meetings.

    Goals Conclusion

    Now that you have reached the end of this session how do you feel? I bet you feel more motivated than you ever have before to reach your health goals and get the body and wellness you know you deserve.

    Take a few minutes to go back over your five goals and your reasons why they are now going to become a reality. Think again and enjoy feeling what life is going to be like at the end of these twelve weeks.

    Lets do it!

  • Week One: Gentle Transition

    This week is all about introducing yourself to the alkaline diet, the different tastes, meals, drinks and getting used to eliminating a number of harmful acids from your life.

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week One:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? What have you learned? What were your suc-cesses and where could you improve? Have you noticed any improvement in any area of your health?

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Week Two: Increasing Alkalinity

    This week is designed to build upon the good work done in Week One. We introduce you to some more alkaline recipes, smoothies and start to eliminate more of the acid choices you may have made in the past.

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week Two:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? What have you learned? What were your suc-cesses and where could you improve? Have you noticed any improvement in any area of your health?

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • After 14 days it is a good time to check in on your goals and to see if they still make sense to you - and also to assess your performance in moving towards them!


    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:


    Checklist at day 14:

    Have you been keeping on track with the schedules and actions? Here is a quick reminder checklist:

    have you been practicing the breathing exercises?are you consuming at least 3 litres of pure, alkaline water daily?have you been reading your goals morning and night?have you been checking and recording your pH levels?have you joined and left a message at our members only support forum (www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum)are you running out of supplements?



  • Week Three: Breakfast

    Breakfast is often one of the toughest transitions to make because the acidic breakfasts we are used to are often the most convenient and quick to make. However, they soon slow you down. This week will open your eyes to how living alkaline can feel. When you start every day feeling full of energy and on top of the world you will soon crave more!

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week Three:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? What have you learned? What were your suc-cesses and where could you improve? Have you noticed any improvement in any area of your health?

    Which breakfasts did you enjoy? Are you going to make any changes to how you ate break-fast this week? What benefits did you feel? Were there any negative effects? How might you negate these?

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Week Four: Lunch

    Now that you have been alkalising for three weeks you should be feeling a significant amount of benefits - you will be feeling lot different to when you started! This week is all about lunch - often a tricky one because most of us have our lunch out of the home! Our guide has scheduled in a week of easy to prepare, easy to transport lunches that will have you buzzing with energy well into the afternoon!

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week Four:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? What have you learned? What were your suc-cesses and where could you improve? Have you noticed any improvement in any area of your health?

    How has your pH level moved? Are you noticing any difference? How about your weight? If you were over or underweight at the beginning of the course are you noticing an improve-ment?

    What strategies are you going to take into week five from the first month of transition? What is the single biggest thing you have learned that you would pass on to someone who is just about to start?

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • After 28 days it is a good time to check in on your goals and to see if they still make sense to you - and also to assess your performance in moving towards them!


    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:


    Checklist at day 28:

    Have you been keeping on track with the schedules and actions? Here is a quick reminder checklist:

    have you been practicing the breathing exercises?are you consuming at least 3 litres of pure, alkaline water daily?have you been reading your goals morning and night?have you been checking and recording your pH levels?have you joined and left a message at our members only support forum (www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum)are you running out of supplements?



  • Week Five: Dinner

    Congratulations - youve completed a whole month of alkalising! Now it is time to move into the last two weeks of transition before we start making this lifestyle a permanent reality! The penultimate transition is dinnertime. This is one of my favourite because with the alkaline recipes we have given you in the Energise Alkaline Recipe Book we can dispel the myth that eat-ing alkaline is difficult, time consuming and bland. These recipes are quick, easy and so damn tasty!

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week Five:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? What have you learned? What were your successes and where could you improve? Have you noticed any improvement in any area of your health?

    How has your pH level moved? Are you noticing any difference? How about your weight? If you were over or underweight at the beginning of the course are you noticing an im-provement?

    Which of the dinners did you most enjoy? I have found it is always great to have a handful of specialities dinners you always seem to have the ingredients for and that are easy to make when you are in a rush, tired or just want something you enjoy.

    Your Top 5 Dinners:

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Week Six: Snacks

    WOW - were moving into the final week of transition before we start on the maintenance pro-gram! How do you feel?! Excited? This way of life will be becoming habitual very soon, if not already, so take some time to make a few notes in the section at the end of this week about the positive reinforcement you have received.

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week Six:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? What have you learned? What were your successes and where could you improve? Have you noticed any improvement in any area of your health?

    Now were at the end of the transition it would be a great time to give yourself a pat on the back and some positive reinforcement. Make a list here of all of the positive benefits you have received from following this course.

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Week Seven: Weight Loss

    This week is all about weight loss. If weight loss has been one of your goals, make some notes here about how you are tracking:

    What was your original weight loss goal:

    What is your success to date:

    What is your goal for by the end of this week (set a mini challenge!)

    Congratulations again - youve now completed the first half of the course and have transitioned over to an alkaline lifestyle! Over the next six weeks were going to be using the recipes and schedules to pinpoint the most common goals that people have when alkalising.

    If any of the subject matter of that week is not too relevant for you then fear not, you wont suf-fer as a result! And if you consider yourself underweight at the moment - dont worry - this wont make you lose more weight. Being underweight is also a symptom of overacidity - the acids in your body are preventing it from absorbing the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive. You will find that as you alkalise your body you will find your natural weight and if your body needs to - you will put on weight where necessary!

  • End of Week Seven:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? Have you managed to move any closer to your goals (particularly if they were about your weight!)

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Week Eight: Skin DetoxThis weeks target is skin. Now that does not just mean acne, but also skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. The skin is one of our main toxin eliminators so it is no wonder that when we are acidic skin problems arise.

    This week is all about hydration, cleansing and detoxification.

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

    With skin as the priority this week, dont forget to:

    - keep well hydrated - do your breathing exercises EVERY day - practice skin brushing morning and night - eliminate ALL sugar this week (if not always!)

    If you are not already practicing the above daily then why not set some mini-goals for this week here:

  • End of Week Eight:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? Have you managed to move any closer to your goals?

  • As were moving towards the two month mark now is the perfect time to check in on your goals and to see if they still make sense to you - and also to assess your perfor-mance in moving towards them!


    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:


    Checklist at day 56:

    Have you been keeping on track with the schedules and actions? Here is a quick reminder checklist:

    have you been practicing the breathing exercises?are you consuming at least 3 litres of pure, alkaline water daily?have you been reading your goals morning and night?have you been checking and recording your pH levels?have you joined and left a message at our members only support forum (www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum)are you running out of supplements?



    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Week Nine: Libido!This weeks target is your libido (and potentially that of your partner too!). I dont really need to say too much on this do I? I am going to keep the jounal quite blank and basic here - you fill in what you need to!

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

  • End of Week Nine:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? Have you managed to move any closer to your goals?

    How did you get on with this specific week? Anything interesting happen?

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • Not quite as raunchy or exciting as last week, but definitely very important - this week focuses on the health of your liver. With a range of cleansing recipes and tonics, you will be giving your body a well deserved gift this week.

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

    Week Ten: Liver

  • End of Week Ten:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? Have you managed to move any closer to your goals?

    How did you get on with this specific week?

    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • With just two weeks left this is our final goals check in - youve got two weeks to take yourself from where you are now to where you wanted to be by the end of the course. Now is the time to REALLY kick some butt!


    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:



    Assessment of performance:

    Thoughts and feelings:


    Checklist at day 70:

    Have you been keeping on track with the schedules and actions? Here is a quick reminder checklist:

    have you been practicing the breathing exercises?are you consuming at least 3 litres of pure, alkaline water daily?have you been reading your goals morning and night?have you been checking and recording your pH levels?have you joined and left a message at our members only support forum (www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum)are you running out of supplements?



    Dont forget to share at http://www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum

  • As you discovered from reading The Alkaline Diet Book, the lymph is one of the most important systems in the body and is absolutely integral to the process of eliminating toxins. So with only two weeks left until the end of the course were going to give your lymph some real attention this week so that we can throw off any remaining acids and bring you to optimal health!

    How do you feel at the beginning of the week? Record your goals for the week, your hopes, fears and any other significant notes here:

    Week Eleven: Lymph

  • End of Week Eleven:

    How do you feel now at the end of the week? Have you managed to move any closer to your goals?

    How did you get on with this specific week?

  • So this is it! The final week! How quickly did that go?! You are now moving into the last seven days of the Energise for Life Alkaline Lifestyle Course - how do you feel? With seven days left to go lets bring together everything we have learned and make this week the healthiest of your life!


    For the last seven days lets really bring it home. Set five mini-goals for this week that will either build on a new, positive behaviour or finally kick a negative habit to the curb:






    Week Twelve: The End!

  • End of The Alkaline Lifestyle Course!

    That is it! Congratulations! Youve lived twelve alkaline weeks! I sincerely hope you have achieved many of the goals you set and are well on your way to achieving the rest.

    As a final exercise I really want you to bed down everything you have learned here and set some new goals to ensure that this lifestyle becomes a permanent habit.


    Write down the top five most positive things you have experienced from this course


    Write down the biggest lessons you have learned


    Write down five things you are going to do to ensure that you continue this lifestyle after the course has finished!

  • Congratulations!

    We would love to hear from you! Please visit the Alkaline Lifestyle Course message board at

    www.energiseforlife.com/alkaline-diet-forum and share your story!

    If you believe that your transition could benefit others and would like to be featured on our website then please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

    be happy, healthy and well

    all the best from the team at energiseforlife.com

  • good luck!