Everyone loves a map! Trish Watts and Steve Davies

Everyone loves a map! Trish Watts and Steve Davies

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Everyone loves a map!

Trish Watts and Steve Davies

How many people in this room have ever known someone that has been

diagnosed with cancer?

1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life

UK wide initiative using data to drive improvements in care for cancer patients

At the core of the network are 11 cancer registries covering the UK, who collect cancer data from the hospitals

We work with the Department of Health, cancer charities and the NHS to produce research and analysis


Once data has been collected it can be analysed to produce reports

We try to get statistical proof about cancer causes, treatments and outcomes e.g. Bowel cancer: detected at stage 1 (early) - about 95% of people live

at stage 4 (late) - about 95% of people dieGet yourself screened!

Needed a way to present this complex information in an easy to use format

2 types of map, dashboard (feedback) and information

For example...

The Cancer e-Atlas

First task is persuade hospital staff to send us their data on time

Required by law to do so, but staff very busy Map shows who has sent us data, and who is

late - all trusts can see each others data Generated daily – use Excel so staff can review We got all the missing data the next day!

Getting the data

Dashboard Style

Month by month symbols

Must be able to load at all screen resolutions Give all required information in one place Maps load to show basic help text Lots of context sensitive help Bars and dots independently controlled

Presentation of data

Presentation of data

Maps load to show help text

Presentation of data

Presentation of data

Lots of context sensitive help text (metadata)

Presentation of data

Presentation of data

Bars, dots and text are independently controlled

Presentation of data

Make map relevant to audience Buttons and boxes named to fit with function Help pages give specific user guidance Map colours – if no targets, can’t show percentiles Bar colours – percentage, value and ratio

Presentation II

Engagement - Where do you live?

Presentation of data

Buttons and boxes named to fit with function

edit in config.xml

Presentation of data

Help pages (HTML or PDF) specific user guidance

Presentation of data

Map colours – if no targets, can’t show percentiles

Presentation of data

Bar colours – percentage, value and ratio

Update and improve the current atlases and looking towards some automation in their production

Encourage the cancer registries who each have a lead for a specific type of cancer to create atlases for their area (we currently have cervical and head and neck atlases)

New visualisations for other data that become available

Future developments

Thank you for listening!Please take some information with you

Any questions?
