Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012

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  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    12. REPORT: MAP-21 Funding Update ...................................................................................................... Page 19 Report on potential funding changes stemming from MAP-21.

    13. REPORT: Polk County Request for Surface Transportation Program Funds..................... .... Page 20 Report on a request from Polk County for additional Surface Transportation Program

    funds for the Southwest Connector.

    14. REPORT: Ames-Des Moines Corridor Transit Study ..................................................................... Page 21 Report on a potential transit study along the Ames-Des Moines corridor.

    15. REPORT: The Tomorrow PlanUpdate ................................................................................................ Page 22 Update on activities related to The Tomorrow Plan.

    16. INFORMATION: Combat Hunger Initiative .................................................................................... Page 2317. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Committee

    18. VOTE: Approval of the October 18, 2012, MPO Agenda

    19. Next Meeting Date 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Des Moines Area MPO Office.

    20. Adjournment


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 3

    ISSUE: Approval of Meeting Minutes

    VOTE: Consider approval of the September 12, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting



    The minutes of the September 12, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting are enclosed on thefollowing pages.


    Approve the minutes of the September 12, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting.


    Jennifer Ratcliff, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012

    4/24FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use


    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)Executive Committee

    11:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 12, 2012Des Moines Area MPO Meeting Room

    Des Moines, Iowa

    The MPO Executive Committee held a meeting at 11:30 a.m., on September 12, 2012, in the MPO Meeting Room.Before the meeting, the MPO staff sent agenda packets to the MPO Executive Committees representatives andposted the agenda at the MPO office at 9:00 a.m., on September 7, 2012. The fiscal year-to-date publication cost ofmeeting minutes for the MPO: $229.77. In addition to these published tentative minutes, there also may beadditional meeting notes on file with the MPO staff that are public records and available upon request asprovided by law. These tentative minutes reflect all action taken at the meeting.

    Members Present:

    Chris Coleman, City of Des MoinesTom Hockensmith, Polk County

    Tom Armstrong, City of GrimesTed Ohmart, City of West Des MoinesPaula Dierenfeld, City of Johnston

    Members Absent:

    Angela Connolly, Polk CountyRobert Mahaffey, City of Des Moines

    Others Present:

    Scott Dockstader, Iowa Department ofTransportation*

    Staff Present:

    Todd Ashby, Executive DirectorJonathan Wilson, MPO General CounselDylan Mullenix, Principal Transportation PlannerLuke Parris, Senior Transportation PlannerZach Young, Associate Transportation PlannerBethany Wilcoxon, Senior Transportation Planner

    * Non-voting Representative


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

    1. Call to Order

    MPO Chair Coleman called the September 12, 2012, meeting to order at 11:38 a.m.

    2. Approval of Agenda

    MOTION: A motion was made to approve the September 12, 2012, Des

    Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization ExecutiveCommittee meeting agenda.


    3. Approval of Meeting Minutes

    MOTION: A motion was made to approve the August 8, 2012, Des MoinesArea Metropolitan Planning Organization Executive Committeemeeting minutes.


    4. The Tomorrow PlanSteering Committee Addition

    MOTION: A motion was made to approve the addition of Gene Meyer from the Greater DesMoines Partnership to The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee.


    5. Federal Fiscal Years 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement ProgramAmendment Request

    MOTION: A motion was made to approve the City of Des Moines request to amend aproject in the Federal Fiscal Years 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program forthe Southeast Connector TIGER grant award.


    6. Federal Fiscal Years 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program

    Administrative Modification Request

    MOTION: A motion was made to approve the City of Des Moines request to add to modifya project Federal Fiscal Years 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to movefunding forward for the SoutheastConnector.


    7. Calendar Year 2013 Meeting Dates

    MOTION: A motion was made to approve the 2013 meeting dates.


    8. Federal Fiscal Years 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program AmendmentRequest

    MPO staff presented; discussion only on item 8.

    9. MPO Planning Area Boundary Amendment

    MPO staff presented; discussion only on item 9.

    10. US 65/Iowa 5 Interstate Designation Update

    MPO staff presented; discussion only on item 10.

    (Tom Hockensmith exited at 12:15 pm)(Tom Hockensmith returned at 12:18 pm)


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

    11. The Tomorrow PlanUpdate

    MPO staff presented; discussion only on item 11.

    12. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Committee

    13. Approval of the August 16, 2012, MPO Agenda

    14. Next Meeting Date

    11:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 10, 2012; in the MPO Mead Conference Room.

    15. Adjournment

    Chair Coleman adjourned the meeting at 12:45 p.m.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012



  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012



  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 5

    ISSUE: The Tomorrow Plan Quantitative Survey

    REPORT AND VOTE: Report on quantitative survey to supplement The TomorrowPlan.


    The planning team has developed a quantitative survey based on Design My DSM to beconducted over the coming weeks. This will be a 400-person survey reflecting thegeneral population. There also will be a 50-person oversample in select zip codes that,according to Census data, have a disproportionate number of economicallydisadvantaged residents. These audiences often struggle to attend traditional publicmeetings. Conducting the over-sampling will help ensure this perspective is included in

    the process.


    Authorize the MPO Executive Director to enter into a contract for a quantitative surveyto supplement The Tomorrow Plan.


    Todd Ashby, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 6

    ISSUE: City of West Des Moines Request to Update Termini

    REPORT AND OPTIONAL VOTE: Request from the City of West Des Moines to update the

    eastern termini of the Southwest Connector.


    On September 5, 2012, the MPO staff received a letter from the City of West Des Moinesrequesting that the MPO consider revising the eastern terminus of their Southwest Connectorproject. The current eastern terminus is identified as South 1st Street in the SurfaceTransportation Program applications for the Southwest Connector. The City of West DesMoines would like to formally update the termini to end at Iowa Highway 28. The City of WestDes Moines notes that they have consulted with the City of Des Moines, Polk County, and theIowa Department of Transportation, and they each agree with the request.

    Included, immediately following, is the request letter from the City of West Des Moines.

    Staff notes that the City of West Des Moines first received funds for the Southwest Connectorstarting in the early 2000s. The intent of the City of West Des Moines portion of the SouthwestConnector was to extend from Iowa Highway 5 to the city's eastern corporate limits, South 1stStreet (Iowa Highway 28), according to application documents. Since that time, the IowaHighway 28/South 1st Street Corridor has shifted approximately 300 feet to the east into the Cityof Des Moines. Due to the regional importance of the project, The City of West Des Moines andother stakeholders would like to ensure the roadway connects to the IA Highway 28.

    A map detailing the location of the termini is included on the following page.


    Recommend that the MPO recognize the change to the eastern termini for the City of West DesMoines Southwest Connector project.


    Luke Parris, [email protected]; and,Dylan Mullenix, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012



  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012



  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 7

    ISSUE: Rail Grant Award

    REPORT and OPTIONAL VOTE: Agree to receive grant funds awarded to the MPO through

    the Iowa Department of Transportations Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant Program.


    On May 24, 2012, staff submitted a grant application to the Iowa Department of Transportation(DOT) for the Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant (RRLG) Program. This program is fundedthrough state legislature appropriation funds and loan repayments from past rail developmentprojects. This RRLG Program provides finical assistance to projects that improve the railsystem in Iowa.

    At their September 11, 2012, meeting, the Iowa Transportation Commission awarded the MPO agrant for $100,000 (to be matched with $25,000 in local funds) to conduct a rail port planning

    and development study. Included, as a supplemental item, is a copy of the award letter.

    The MPO must provide a signed notification of acceptance to the Iowa DOTs Office of RailTransportation, by November 13, 2012.


    Recommend that the MPO authorize the chair to sign the notification of acceptance for the$100,000 Iowa DOT RRLG Program funds.


    Nathan Goldberg, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 8

    ISSUE: US 65/Iowa 5 Interstate Designation Update

    REPORT: Report on efforts to re-designate the US 65/Iowa 5 corridor to an interstate.


    The MPO, on behalf of the Purple Heart Highway Coalition, requested the Iowa Department ofTransportation (DOT) to consider designating the US 65/Iowa 5 corridor (i.e., the Purple HeartHighway) as an interstate. The Iowa DOT released a draft report analyzing the feasibility ofinterstate designation in June 2012. A final version of the study was provided to the MPO inAugust 2012.

    On August 8, 2012, representatives from the MPO, the Des Moines International Airport, thePurple Heart Highway Coalition, and the Greater Des Moines Partnership met with the IowaDOT, including Director Paul Trombino, to discuss the study and to identify steps to move

    forward. Director Trombino noted three primary issues to address before moving forward,including determining impacts to local farmers; analyzing any potential impacts to permitting ofheavy vehicles; and, determining the proper decision making authority with the Iowa DOT andthe Iowa Transportation Commission. The MPO staff is working to identify and begindiscussions with property owners that may be affected by the interstate designation.

    Stakeholders present at the August 8, 2012, met again on October 4, 2012 to further discuss theissue. Additional information about this meeting will be provided at the October 10, 2012,Executive Committee meeting.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Todd Ashby, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 9

    ISSUE: Morningstar Drive Bridge Over Interstate 35/80

    REPORT: Report on the proposed replacement of the Morningstar Drive bridge over Interstate



    Iowa Department of Transportation District 1 Engineer Scott Dockstader will attend theOctober 10, 2012, Executive Committee meeting to discuss the proposed replacement of theMorningstar Drive bridge over Interstate 35/80.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Todd Ashby, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 10

    ISSUE: Long-Range Transportation Plan Growth Scenario Process Update

    REPORT: Discussion regarding the process to develop a growth scenario for the next

    long-range transportation plan.


    The MPOs next Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is due in September 2014. Among thefirst steps in the LRTP planning process is the development of a growth scenario that allocatesregional population and employment forecasts to smaller subareas and traffic analysis zonesthroughout the planning area.

    Unlike other LRTP updates, the efforts undertaken through the Tomorrow Plan process hasprovided a potential starting point to build from. The MPO staff met with the TransportationTechnical Committees Planning Subcommittee on October 4, 2012, to begin discussing options

    for developing the LRTP growth scenario. The MPO staff will provide an update from thismeeting, as well as additional information about the Tomorrow Plan growth scenario, at theOctober Executive Committee meeting.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Dylan Mullenix, [email protected];(515) 334-0075


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 11

    ISSUE: Priority Project Solicitation Process

    REPORT: Discussion regarding the process to develop a list of projects for inclusion in the

    Greater Des Moines Partnerships Policy Book for the annual trip to Washington, D.C.


    The MPO staff annually works with MPO member governments and participating agencies todevelop a list of priority transportation projects to discuss with congressional members duringthe Greater Des Moines Partnerships annual trip to Washington, D.C. The traditional processfor developing the list includes:

    October - applications from MPO member governments and participatingagencies due to the MPO staff;

    November - draft project listing provided to MPO committees for discussion; December/January - Surface Transportation Program Funding Subcommittee

    meets to identify priority projects from the assembled listing;

    January/February - MPO committees take action to approve the project listingand priority projects;

    February through April - deadlines to complete project applications forcongressional offices; and,

    May - Greater Des Moines Partnership trip;Given the lack of congressional direct funds (earmarks) in recent years, MPO staff asks forguidance as to whether staff should again solicit projects or if the MPO should instead use thelist prepared for the 2012 Washington, D.C., trip.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Nathan Goldberg, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 12

    ISSUE: MAP-21 Funding Update

    REPORT: Updated on potential funding changes under MAP-21.


    At its September meeting, the MPO approved a recommendation to the Iowa Department ofTransportation (DOT) regarding how funds should be distributed to MPOs and RegionalPlanning Affiliations (RPAs) under the new transportation bill, MAP-21. On September 26,2012, the Iowa DOT hosted a meeting of staff representatives of all MPOs and RPAs in the stateto further discuss potential funding changes under MAP-21. MPO staff will provide an updateof the process the Iowa DOT is taking to address potential changes, as well as funding optionsdiscussed by the Iowa DOT, at the October 10, 2012, Executive Committee meeting.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Dylan Mullenix, [email protected]; and,Luke Parris, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 13

    ISSUE: Polk County Request for Surface Transportation Program Funds

    REPORT: Request from Polk County for additional Surface Transportation Program funds for

    the Southwest Connector project.


    Polk County has requested that the MPO consider awarding Polk County $450,000 inunallocated Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds to assist in the completion of theeastern termini of the City of West Des Moines Southwest Connector project. In developingthe project, the project stakeholders identified a funding gap associated with the cost of theintersection of the Southwest Connector with Iowa Highway 28. Polk County worked with theCity of West Des Moines, City of Des Moines, and the Iowa Department of Transportation todetermine the additional cost and to develop a funding strategy to cover the funding gap.

    The MPO staff has reviewed the currently available STP funds and notes that there is currently$899,000 in unallocated STP funds for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2013. The STP FundingSubcommittee met on September 18, 2012, and recommended that the MPO approve the request.The MPO staff notes that the STP Funding Subcommittee also discussed proceeding with aformal process to allocate the remainder of FFY 2013 funds to eligible projects this fall.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Luke Parris, [email protected]; and,Dylan Mullenix, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 14

    ISSUE: Ames-Des Moines Corridor Transit Study

    REPORT: Report a potential transit study along the Ames-Des Moines corridor.


    There has been interest for several years by planning, economic development, and transitagencies along the Ames-Des Moines corridor to study mass transportation options along thecorridor. The Ames-Des Moines corridor has been identified both within the MPOs HorizonYear 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the Iowa Department of Transportations 2009Passenger Transportation Funding Study as a candidate for potential transit service. The study oftransit service between the two metropolitan areas was again identified as a major project in theCapital Crossroads Strategic Plan under the Physical Capital.

    MPO staff currently is working with Iowa State University to determine their ability to conductthe study and to determine cost estimates. The proposed study would include the followingtasks:

    Identify potential ridership; Analyze various modes to serve the forecasted ridership; Determine service details for likely modes, including routes, frequencies, vehicle

    requirements, costs, and fare structures;

    Identify potential funding sources; and, Identify benefits for service recommendations, including economic

    development, emissions reductions, congestion relief, fuel savings, and socialservice benefits.

    MPO staff will provide additional details regarding a refined scope of work, project timeline, andcost estimates once they become available.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Zach Young, [email protected]; and,Dylan Mullenix, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 15

    ISSUE: The Tomorrow Plan Update

    REPORT: Update on activities related to The Tomorrow Plan.


    General Update

    At its September 6, 2012, The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee voted to move forwardfocusing on the future land use plans and regional systems scenarios. This vote was based onfeedback from the technical team, the Steering Committee, and the public. The MPO staff hassince been meeting with technical committee members to further discuss these scenarios as wellhow to move into the writing and implementation of the plan.

    The planning team will meet with the Steering Committee on Thursday, October 4, 2012, for the

    first of two workshop session designed to provide substantial input to the team about how topull the plan together so that it will be truly meaningful and actionable. The second session willbe held later in October.

    The completion of a quantitative survey also is being pursued to supplement the results ofDesign My DSM. More information will be provided at the October 4, 2012, meeting.

    Regional Analysis of Impedements

    As part of planning process for The Tomorrow Plan, the U.S. Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment (HUD) is requiring the development of a Regional Analysis of Impediments (AI)to assess fair housing issues in the metro area. The Regional AI has a broad scope that

    encompasses issues of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, familial status, and disability. Inaddition to developing the Regional AI, HUD requires that the findings be utilized by theSteering Committee to inform the recommendations ofThe Tomorrow Plan.

    The MPO staff worked with the City of Des Moines and City of West Des Moines to develop astrategy for the completion of the Regional AI. As part of their in-kind contribution to TheTomorrow Plan, the City of Des Moines has contracted with Iowa State University to assist inthe development of the Regional AI. During August 2012, Iowa State University conducted asurvey of housing providers, performed interviews and focus groups, and analyzed data.

    The final AI will be available at the beginning of October.


    None. Report and discussion only.


    Bethany Wilcoxon, [email protected]; and,Luke Parris, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    October 2012Item No. 16

    ISSUE: Combat Hunger Initiative

    INFORMATION: Report on the Combat Hunger Initiative.


    The MPO is proud to announce that it is once again supporting the Food Bank of Iowa in itsCombat Hunger initiative. The Food Bank of Iowaserves 42 Iowa counties and partners withover 285 food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, non-profit care centers, domesticviolence shelters, youth & senior programs, and rehabilitation centers. The drive will assist theFood Bank of Iowa to feed those struggling to eat during these tough economic times.

    The MPO would like to do its part to make sure that no one in Iowa goes hungry this holidayseason and invites all of its member representatives to participate in helping to support ourcommunity.

    The MPO staff will be collecting donations through November 12, 2012, and will have a boxavailable at the MPO Office during the following upcoming meetings for donations:

    (TTC) Thursday, November 1, 2012 9:30 a.m.; (Executive) Wednesday, November 7, 2012- 11:30 a.m.; and, (Policy) Thursday, November 15, 2012 4:00 p.m.

    While any types of non-perishable food items are appreciated, the following items areparticularly needed:

    Protein Products

    Boxed Meals or Meals in a Can (Stews, Chili, Soups, etc.) Canned Meats (Tuna, Salmon, Chicken) Beans Peanut Butter


    Cold Cereal Rolled Oats or Instant Oatmeal Rice Pastas

    Fruits/Vegetables Canned Vegetables Canned Fruits Prepared Pasta Sauces 100% Fruit Juice Dried Fruit


    Dry, Evaporated, or Condensed Milk


  • 7/28/2019 Executive Committee Agenda | October 2012


    Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

    Paper Products & Miscellaneous Items

    Toilet Paper Paper Towels Baby Wipes Diapers

    Seasonings Cooking Oils Condiments & Dressings

    So, if your cupboards are full, please consider helping others less fortunate and help the MPOmake this drive a success. No donation is too small and any help is greatly appreciated. Thankyou in advance for your participation!


    None. Information only.


    Jennifer Ratcliff, [email protected];(515) 334-0075.