Explain the Types of Communication

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  • 7/26/2019 Explain the Types of Communication


    1.Explain the types of communication?


    Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotionsthrough speech, signals, writing, or behavior. In communication process, a sender(encoder) encodesa message and then using a medium/channel sends it to the receiver (decoder) who decodes themessage and after processing information, sends back appropriate feedback/reply using amedium/channel.

    Types of Communicationeople communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and itscontext in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicatingalso affects communication. !o, there are variety of types of communication.Types of communication based on the communication channels usedare"

    1. Verbal Communication

    2. Nonverbal Communication

    1. Verbal Communication

    Verbal communication refers to the the form of communication in which message is

    transmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of

    writing. Objective of every communication is to have people understand what we are

    trying to convey. In verbal communication remember the acronym KISS!eep it

    short and simple".

    #hen we tal! to others$ we assume that others understand what we are saying

    because we !now what we are saying. %ut this is not the case. usually people bring

    their own attitude$ perception$ emotions and thoughts about the topic and hence

    creates barrier in delivering the right meaning.

    &o in order to deliver the right message$ you must put yourself on the other side of

    the table and thin! from your receiver's point of view. #ould he understand the

    message( how it would sound on the other side of the table(

    Verbal Communicationis further divided into)

    o Oral Communication

    o #ritten Communication

    Oral CommunicationIn oral communication, Spoken words are used. It includes face-to-face

    conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television, voice over

    internet. In oral communication, communication is inuence by pitch, volume,

    speed and clarity of speaking.

    Advantages of Oral communicationare:

  • 7/26/2019 Explain the Types of Communication


    It brings quick feedback.

    In a face-to-face conversation, by reading facial epression and body language one

    can guess whether he!she should trust what"s being said or not.

    Disadvantage of oral communication

    In face-to-face discussion, user is unable to deeply think about what he is delivering,so this can be counted as a

    Written Communication

    In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. #

    written message may be printed or hand written. In written communication message

    can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. $essage, in written

    communication, is inuenced by the vocabulary % grammar used, writing style,

    precision and clarity of the language used.

    Written Communication is most common form of communication being used

    in business.So, it is considered core among business skills.

    $emos, reports, bulletins, &ob descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail

    are the types of written communication used for internal communication. 'or

    communicating with eternal environment in writing, electronic mail, Internet (eb

    sites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faes, postcards, contracts, advertisements,

    brochures, and news releases are used.

    Advantages of written communicationincludes:

    $essages can be edited and revised many time before it is actually sent.

    (ritten communication provide record for every message sent and can be saved for

    later study.

    # written message enables receiver to fully understand it and send appropriate


    Disadvantages of written communicationincludes:

    )nlike oral communication, (ritten communication doesn"t bring instant feedback.

    It take more time in composing a written message as compared to word-of-mouth.

    and number of people struggles for writing ability.

    2. Nonverbal Communication

    Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. #e can

    say that communication other than oral and written$ such as gesture$ body

    language$posture$ tone of voiceor facial expressions$ is called nonverbal

    communication.Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of


    Nonverbal communication helps receiver in interpreting the message received. Often$

    nonverbal signals re*ects the situation more accurately than verbal

  • 7/26/2019 Explain the Types of Communication


    messages.Sometimes nonverbal response contradicts verbal

    communicationand hence a+ect the e+ectiveness of message.

    Nonverbal communication have the following three elements)

    AppearanceSpeaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics

    Surrounding: room si*e, lighting, decorations, furnishings

    Body Language

    facial epressions, gestures, postures


    +oice one, +olume, Speech rate

    Types of Communication Based on Purpose and tyle#ased on style and purpose, there are two main categories of communication and they both bears

    their own characteristics. Communication types based on style and purpose are"1. ,ormal Communication

    2. -nformal Communication

    1. !ormal Communication

    -n formal communication$ certain rules$ conventions and principles are followed while

    communicating message.Formal communication occurs in formal and ocial

    style. sually professional settings$ corporate meetings$ conferences undergoes in

    formal pattern.

    In formal communication! use of slang and foul language is avoided and

    correct pronunciation is re"uired. /uthority lines are needed to be followed in

    formal communication.

    -nformal communication is done using channels that are in contrast with formal

    communication channels. -t's just a casual tal!. -t is established for societal

    a0liations of members in an organiation and facetoface discussions. -t happens

    among friends and family. In informal communication use of slang #ords! foul

    language is not restricted. sually. informal communication is done orally and

    using gestures.

    Informal communication! $nlike formal communication! doesn%t follo#

    authority lines. -n an organiation$ it helps in 3nding out sta+ grievances as people

    e4press more when tal!ing informally. Informal communication helps in building


    2. "nformal Communication

  • 7/26/2019 Explain the Types of Communication


    Types of Communication Medium

    We divide the different types of communication medium into two different categories:

    1. Physical media

    2. Mechanical media (everything that is not No. 1)

    his site focus on the internal communication. !ur listings of types of communicationmedium therefore e"clude e"ternal media.

    Physical media

    With physical media we mean channels where the person who is tal#ing can $e seen and

    heard $y the audience. he whole point here is to $e a$le to not only hear the messages $utalso to see the $ody language and feel the climate in the room. his does not need to $e

    two%way channels. &n certain situations the receiver e"pect physical communication. his isthe case especially when dealing with high concern messages' e.g. organiational change or

    down siing. &f a message is perceived as important to the receiver they e"pect to hear itlive from their manager.

    arge meetings' town hall meetings

    *epartment meetings (wee#ly meetings)

    +p close and personal (e"clusive meetings)

    ,ideo conferences

    ,iral communication or word of mouth

    arge meetings

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    arge meetings have got great sym$olic value and should $e used only at special occasions.his channel wor#s very well when you need to get across strategic and important messages

    to a large group of people at the same time' creating a wide attention' get engagement orcommunicate a sense of $elonging. arge meetings are e"cellent when you want to present

    a new vision or strategy' inform a$out a reorganisation or share new values. heopportunity for dialogue is limited at large meeting' of course $ut you can create smaller

    groups where dialogue can $e performed.

    Wee#ly departmental meetings

    &n the wee#ly meetings you and your group communicate daily operative issues' givesstatus reports and solves pro$lems. Wee#ly meetings are also used to follow up on

    information from large meetings' management team meetings etc from a -whats%in%it%for%us%perspective/. his type of smaller group meetings gives good opportunities for dialogue.

    his channel is often the most important channel you have as a manager' $ecause thatswhere you have the opportunity to $uild the $ig picture' you can prepare for change' you

    can create ownership of important strategies and goals etc. his is a favourite among thetypes of communication medium.

    +p close and personal

    his is a form of meetings where' often' a senior manager meets with a -random/ selection

    of employees to discuss and answer 0uestions. ome managers use this as a on goingactivities on a monthly $asis. &t can also $e used in specific proects or campaigns e.g.

    launching new strategies.

    ,iral communication

    !r viral mar#eting as it is also called wor#s e"ternal as well as internal and refer tomar#eting techni0ues that use pre%e"isting social networ#s to produce increases in

    awareness or #nowledge through self%replicating viral processes. &t can $e word%of%mouthdelivered or enhanced $y the networ# effects of social media.

    Mechanical media

    he second of the two types of communication medium is mechanical media. With

    mechanical media we mean written or electronic channels. hese channels can $e used asarchives for messages or for giving the $ig picture and a deeper #nowledge. 3ut they can

    also $e very fast. ypically though' $ecause it is written' it is always interpret $y the reader$ased on his or her mental condition. &rony or even humour rarely travels well in mechanical



    Wee#ly letters or newsletters

    Personal letters



    Magaines or papers

  • 7/26/2019 Explain the Types of Communication



    ocial media


    4%mail is a good channel for the daily communication to specific target groups. &t is suita$le

    mainly for up%to%date and -simple/ messages and where there is no ris# ofmisunderstanding' 4%mail is an important supplement to wee#ly meetings and the &ntranet.

    &nvitation to and agenda for meetings can with advantage $e sent out with e%mail $eforethe meeting' while $ac#ground facts and minutes from meetings is well suited to $e stored

    on the &ntranet.

    ome short e%mail tips:

    Write short and to the point.

    arget your messages to the audience and avoid sending unnecessary all%employees%


    et up your su$ect line to descri$e what the e%mail is a$out.

    5learly state if the message is for information or for action.

    6void attaching large documents if possi$le. Post a lin# or direct to the source


    Wee#ly letters

    Managers that have large groups of employees and who has difficulties in meeting all of

    them often choose to pu$lish a personally wee#ly letter. &t is sort of a short summary of

    news with personally reflections. Many employees often appreciate it $ecause it has thepotential to give the -whats%in%it%for%us/ angle. hey can also contain summaries and status

    in tas#s' proects or issues 7 yesterday' today and tomorrow.

    Personal letters

    6t special occasions it can $e ustified to send a personal letter to employees in order to getattention to a specific issue. 4.g. pat on the $ac# letter after e"tra ordinary achievements.

    !r it can $e a letter with your personal commentary on an ongoing reorganisation thataffects many employees. !ne other e"ample is a letter that summaries the past year and

    wishes all the $est for the holidays.


    !ne of the most forgotten types of communication medium is clearly the $ill$oard.4specially today' when everything is a$out social media. 3ut the good thing with the

    $ill$oard is that you can use $ill$oards to inform people who does not have computersand8or access to the &ntranet or to reach people that wor# part time and does not attend

    wee#ly meetings.

    News summary

    Wee#ly letters

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    Minutes from meetings


    9oliday lists

    ou can also use the $ill$oard to gather ideas e.g. for items for upcoming meetings


    he &ntranet is of course one of the most used types of communication medium and a very

    important communication channel and wor# tool for you as a manager' $ut it is also your o$to help your employees prioritise and pic# out the information on the &ntranet' as well as

    translating messages into local conse0uences. 6s# your self: what information concerns you

    employees; &n what way are they concerned; 9ow do & $est communicate this to myemployees; Wee#ly meeting or your wee#ly letter can $e a suita$le channel to discuss or

    inform of information found on the &ntranet.

    4mployee magaine

    6 Magaine offers the opportunity to deepen a specific issue' e"plain conte"t' descri$ing

    conse0uences or tell a story. &t also has the opportunity to reach many employees. &f youwant to create a $road internal understanding of strategic messages the magaine can $e a

    good vehicle to use e.g. $y writing an article $ased on an interview with you. 6s were thecase with the &ntranet you also have to -translate/ the information in the magaine to your

    employees. ou can as# yourself: What does the content in a specific article mean to us;9ow shall & $est communicate it to the employees;


    !r te"t messaging to the mo$ile phone is one of the new types of communication medium

    and not a very widely used channel $ut where it is used it is proven very effective. omecompanies use it as an alert system e.g. for giving managers a head start when something

    important will $e pu$lished on the &ntranet. he advantage with ms is that it is fast. 3ut itshould $e used rarely as an e"clusive channel. ome companies use it as a su$scription tool

    where you can su$scri$e to e.g press%releases.

    ocial media

    Wi#ipedia descri$e social media as -Media designed to $e disseminated through socialinteraction' created using highly accessi$le and scala$le pu$lishing techni0ues. ocial media

    supports the human need for social interaction' using &nternet% and we$%$ased technologiesto transform $roadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many

    to many). &t supports the democratiation of #nowledge and information' transforming

    people from content consumers into content producers. 3usinesses also refer to socialmedia as user%generated content (+

  • 7/26/2019 Explain the Types of Communication


    ou can also divide the different types of communication medium in Push or Pull channels.

    Push channels are channels where the sender are pushing the message to the receiver.Meaning it is up to the sender to control the communication.


    News letters and letters (if sent out)

    Magaines (if sent out)




    Pull channels on the other hand is when the receiver is pulling the message from the sender.

    &t is up to the receiver when he or she wants to ta#e in the message.



    New letters and letters (if not sent out)

    Magaines (if not sent out)

    ocial media

    Push channels are often regarded as having higher relia$ility than pull channels $ecause ofthe fact that it is more active in the communication.

    The ambition Stairway

    5hoosing the right types of communication medium is first and most a$out understandingyour am$ition with the communication. What effect is you loo#ing for after you havecommunicated; &ncreased #nowledge' $etter understanding more motivation or

    involvement' or do you want it to lead to some sort of action or changed $ehaviour;

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    he 6m$ition tairway is a useful tool for you to use when deciding what channels to use for

    your level of am$ition. Witch gives you control of the different types of communicationmedium. 6lso' it is important to realise that ust pu$lishing something on the &ntranet will

    not get employees motivated and involved.

    Choosing the right channels for your messages(5lic# on the matri" todownloada
