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What does it mean to be an American?

Diversity was one of the first keywords that came to mind when being asked about American identity. Our country is full of diversity some call America the melting pot. I look at America as a big pot of gumbo combined with different cultures, religions, and beliefs. My first photo of the American flag was made with the faces of our people which showed our diversity. America is becoming more and more diverse it is such a beautiful thing to watch people come together despite our differences. The United States of America is where all cultures can be united as one. I'm a Native American and I love my culture, my tribe, and my country. American Identity starts off with knowing your history. When you look back into America's history you will see how far our country has come. Then and only then will you appreciate where America is today. In our country women and minorities have equal rights. As an American woman I have the right to vote along with the rest of the bill of rights. We live in a time of freedom and democracy. Look at our president Barrack Obama an African-American or Hillary Clinton a women who is running for president. As a women growing up in America it's inspiring to see other women making a difference. America is a great country and I'm proud to be an American.Being a first generation TRIO student has opened my eyes to the opportunities here in America. There are endless opportunities and resources for all Americans. Women, minorities, and homosexuals are finally being accepted without prejudice. Who knew I would be the first to graduate high-school and then decide to further my education. Thanks to grants and scholarships I'm able to receive an higher education. America is The land of opportunity some Immigrants come to America to better their lives and their families as well. Our group discussion focused on A model of Christian Charity by Governor John Winthrop. This sermon was delivered in 1630 and was very religious giving the message of God and his covenant. Being Native American and knowing the history of how our country was founded I focused on reading without bias. The sermon was very powerful and strict stating that, we must come together in Gods name and if we breach the covenant that the Lord will break out in a wrath against us. We have the freedom to choose our religion, we decide who we want to worship and praise. There are all kinds of religions here in America and everyone has the freedom to choose their own destiny. By reading this sermon it reminded me again of how far our country has come. One thing Americans have in common is that we all want to live the American dream. My American dream includes: graduating high-school, going off to college, career job, dream house and car, meeting my soul-mate, starting a family, and living happily ever after. Family is very important to me I'm the mother of two young children and they are my motivation. Holidays such as the Fourth of July remind me of being an American. The Fourth of July celebrates the independence of our country. There's nothing like spending the Fourth with fireworks, food, and family.The second photo, We The People with an outline of America shows our unity. People from all over the world came together to form this country and now we are Americans. We the People the constitution of the United States gave our Country order and direction. Our founding fathers structured our democracy and paved the way for not just America but the world. Whether your Native-American, African-American, or Asian-American we are American. We will fight for our country and support our troops who risk their lives for the land of the free. War should always be a last resort and looking back America always made a stand for those with no voice. Money is a big part of life as an American. In order to live a comfortable lifestyle you need income. Having a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food on the table are necessities. Although, with money comes greed, and the top 1% keeps getting richer while the poor gets poorer. It's hard for the middle class to get ahead when we are working paycheck to paycheck. Although, in the state of Washington which has the highest minimum wage in the country it is still a struggle. Education is the key to success. I want the best for all Americans, we need to invest in our future. Let's pave the way for our children and make life on Earth more sustainable. Our natural resources are not unlimited and we need to give back to environment. Photo 1:http://greenlining.org/blog/2014/next-america-looks-like/

Photo 2:http://www.ocregister.com/articles/supposed-684255-time-whether.html