A SONG OF LOVE A SONG OF LOVE A SONG OF LOVE A SONG OF LOVE Psalm 92 NEWS FROM OUR GLOBAL PARTNERS We recently received the annual report of the Mount Olive Foundation in Tamil Nadu, India, and were encouraged by the detailed report, which is available in its entirety upon your request. For 2015, David Jerald reports, “By faith we are moving towards a target to win 100,000 souls for Jesus. At present, we support 45 missionaries in 45 mission fields. Additionally 171 full-time, self-supported missionaries work in 441 mission fields. We are praying for a massive outreach (the Bible says without hearing how will they believe?). We are a very Bible based ministry and believe in training the missionaries in sound doctrine. We only teach the pure Gospel message of our Lord Jesus Christ, inviting the people to believe Jesus Christ to achieve eternity.” In Peru: work on the regional Cajamarca Church of God progresses, as does the effort to plant more churches in the state of Cajamarca. Upcoming in August is a regional conference to train and encourage the area pastors to plant churches with greater zeal and success. Pastor Narciso Zamora, though himself an expert in church planting, is seeking an outside speaker for the conference— some fresh ideas and new encouragement. Please be in prayer that God will provide just the right person to speak. And please circulate this need to any seasoned church planter who might be appropriate to speak at the conference! Finally, we are as anxious as any for the United States to improve relations with Cuba—but for different reasons. Pg. 2 Contents: News from Global Partners....…...1-2 Wake Up and Live.……..………… 3 Poetry….………………...........4-5 Report on building ..………….........6 What Are You Looking For..…..….7 *Volume 79 *No. 04 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * APRIL 2015

Faith Messenger April 2015

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Faith Messenger is published 10 times annually by Christian Triumph Company. We promote worldwide evangelism through the distribution of Christian literature.

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Page 1: Faith Messenger April 2015




We recently received the annual report of

the Mount Olive Foundation in Tamil

Nadu, India, and were encouraged by the

detailed report, which is available in its

entirety upon your request. For 2015,

David Jerald reports, “By faith we are

moving towards a target to win 100,000

souls for Jesus. At present, we support 45

missionaries in 45 mission fields.

Additionally 171 full-time, self-supported

missionaries work in 441 mission fields.

We are praying for a massive outreach

(the Bible says without hearing how will

they believe?). We are a very Bible based

ministry and believe in training the

missionaries in sound doctrine. We only

teach the pure Gospel message of our

Lord Jesus Christ, inviting the people to

believe Jesus Christ to achieve eternity.”

In Peru: work on the regional

Cajamarca Church of God progresses, as

does the effort to plant more churches in

the state of Cajamarca. Upcoming in

August is a regional conference to train

and encourage the area pastors to plant

churches with greater zeal and success.

Pastor Narciso Zamora, though himself

an expert in church planting, is seeking

an outside speaker for the conference—

some fresh ideas and new encouragement.

Please be in prayer that God will provide

just the right person to speak. And please

circulate this need to any seasoned church

planter who might be appropriate to

speak at the conference!

Finally, we are as anxious as any

for the United States to improve relations

with Cuba—but for different reasons. Pg. 2


News from Global Partners....…...1-2

Wake Up and Live.……..………… 3


Report on building ..………….........6

What Are You Looking For..…..….7

*Volume 79 *No. 04 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * APRIL 2015

Page 2: Faith Messenger April 2015


In the last years, more and more

people from Cuba are reaching out for

Bible literature and tracts for edification

and evangelism. The need there is great,

and people are hungry for the gospel. We

recently received a letter from a

subscriber in Cuba who said, “There is a

complete lack of Bibles, not just for

adults, but also for children. We have so

many people that we visit in local

churches and we would like to provide a

Bible for them, but it’s impossible.

Children’s materials are even harder to

come by.” In response, we’re preparing a

large shipment for these Cuban ministers,

and if God allows, we would love to make

a trip to encourage them personally and

learn how we can partner to provide

more of their needs for literature.

Continue in prayer for the Church

in Nigeria. The terrorist group Boko

Haram hasn’t let up and they are even

using young girls, as young as 10 years

old, as suicide bombers—girls whom they

kidnapped then forced into these terrorist

acts. Pray for Pastor Japhet Expo and our

partner churches that their light will

shine bright in these dark days for


Rejoicing in the hope of resurrection, Donna Schillinger

Letter from Cuba:

Grace and peace be in abundance over

each of you, your families, and ministries.

I appreciate your keeping us in mind with

your shipments which partially fill our

great need with respect for good

literature. I thank you for your time and

attention. One thousand blessings.

In Jesus Christ, Juan

HOLLAND: This is a request in Spanish

from a Cuban person who lives in Holland,

according to the email and the email

address: God bless your ministry. I would

like to receive all that you publish,

especially tracts, brochures and anything


U.S.A. – PA.

I am writing to tell you “Thanks” for

sending the February Healing Messenger


Note: With gratitude, Christian Triumph

expresses appreciation to those who are

helping Brother David Jerald of India.

100 % of any monetary donations sent for

this purpose are deposited into his


Psalm 9:10

Those who know your name will trust in

you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken

those who seek you. NIV

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August.


P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at

[email protected]. Or see us on the web

at ChristianTriumph.org

Page 3: Faith Messenger April 2015


WAKE UP AND LIVE! By Leslie, Social Worker

Tonight my heart was broken in a

big way - not by man - but by God.

I believe in life it is easy to get

caught up and pulled into the current

where floating becomes comfortable, and

a person does not want to rock the boat

for fear of drowning.

Yes, God touched my heart this

night because of the anxiety and darkness

under which I live and work. When I was

younger, I had innocence and a light

about me that was contagious, but in

growing up in this world, I have lost that

light and that innocence.

Like so many others, I have fallen

into the trap of busy-ness as well as

routine; and like so many others, I have

lost my spark and my fire. Thus, I go

around struggling to get them back in

various ways, such as: trying to live a

healthy life style, maintaining an active

social life, assuming way too much

responsibility at work in order to feel

important, and getting overly involved

with church activities (serving here and

serving there). Then, to my dismay, it all

ends with an eventual crash followed by a

complete melt down.

Why is it that none of these things

work? Why is it that I ALWAYS crash?

Tonight, I received the answer.

I was practicing some of the

worship songs for next Sunday, and one

of them was Lead Me to the Cross. I grew

up in the church and am not new to the

faith, including being made fully aware of

the fact that Jesus died a very painful,

gruesome death on the cross. Yet, due to

the level of security which we are blessed

with here in America, I could never

totally grasp the gravity of what His

crucifixion meant.

And then, a few days ago, I had an

alarming interaction with someone at my

job that left me overwhelmed with fear

and apprehension, so much so, that I

wanted to just stop living; after all, what

was the point! This was a very traumatic

conversation which created a feeling of

loss of my self, while lasting several days.

But then, tonight, as I sang the song

Lead Me to the Cross a sudden awareness

of what Jesus actually went through to

bring us back into a loving relationship

with God was revealed. God reminded me

of my own horrifying day including those

feelings of fear and dread. Then He

asked, How do you think Jesus felt -

knowing what was before Him?

At this very moment, an intense

rush of heart break came over me, and I

fell to my knees, on my face, and cried

out! I cried out from the pain and sorrow

of what Jesus experienced as well as for

my own regret in not taking my faith

more seriously. As I sought forgiveness, I

heard God say, You must wake up! This is

serious; people die for this. Jesus died for

this, and you must wake up!

I apologized even more and then

felt God’s forgiveness come over me. In

that moment, I knew that I had just

experienced a call that was going to

change my life. Pg4

Page 4: Faith Messenger April 2015


That calling is not just for me; it’s

for all who claim the name of Christian–

we must wake up!! We must take this

seriously! God did not call us to flow with

the stream but, instead, to stand up and

live for Him, wearing His armor that He

lays out for us in Ephesians 6.

I was once asked Why does it matter

so much? At the time I didn’t have an

answer, but, tonight, I do. Our faith in

Jesus matters because God, our Savior, is

Love, and there is no greater Love than

that of One who would lay down His life

so others might live with Him, now and


It’s time to wake up and live!

Ephesians 6

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in

his mighty power...for our struggle is not

against flesh and blood, but against the

powers of this dark world…put on the full

armor of God…take up the shield of faith

with which you can extinguish all the

flaming arrows of the evil one. NIV


When standing before Pilate's judgment seat,

Christ knew that His work was almost complete.

Tho' charged with blasphemy by the Jews,

Still, to plead His case Jesus refused.

Tho' innocent blood he knew would be spilt,

Pilate washed his hands to clear him of guilt.

Some for Him wept, while others Him jeered.

And His friends all fled because of fear.

The dear Lamb of God, who lived sinlessly,

Shed His life's blood without even a plea.

He died all alone, sin's price to pay;

Taking all our guilt that dreadful day.

But as He was hanging on the cross that day,

The crowd gathered 'round there heard Jesus


“My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”

After which He expired in agony.


For me Jesus was crucified,

And I live today because He died.

He paid a debt that He didn't owe,

That life to me He might bestow.

Byrum C. Lee: 04/2007


He set His face toward Jerusalem,

And refused to be turned aside.

To temptation, He remained unyielded,

And with comfort, He would not abide.

His friends did not understand Him,

They wanted to crown Him as King,

So they could be free from oppression,

And Caesar would no longer reign.

Indeed, He was Lord of a Kingdom,

But the price had not yet been wrought,

It involved a spiritual nature,

Where He ruled from the throne of the heart.

This plan was a corporate endeavor,

And confirmed before time began,

Golgotha’s hill was the setting,

It was all for the love of man.

He could have refused that journey,

The giving of His life deny,

His love for humanity was utmost,

And that made Him willing to die.

The cross cast a shadow before Him,

Every step He took on that road,

But His heart was yielded and ready,

To bear the weight of that load.

That day on Golgotha’s summit,

Outside of Jerusalem’s walls- -

His death was so cruel and wicked,

That His loved ones stood appalled. Pg5

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CRUCIFIXION- - a slow dying process,

ROME CONSENTED- - to the worst of death’s


Forever the pure and the Holy

Bore our blame with His blood and His stripes.

That plan paid the price for redemption,

The victory over sin now is ours,

We are made to be more than conquerors- -

Because we are filled with His power.

How can we ever repay Him?

A love like that is too great!

We will ever bow in submission,

To the one who canceled our fate.

By: Maxine Trigleth


Doubting Thomas- -so often called- -

Sometimes put down by man,

Because he had to see and feel

The imprints in Christ’s hands.

He said, “I really won’t believe,

Unless it’s proved to be,

A fact so sure and so concrete

And thus is shown to me.”

His words were honest and sincere,

They were plain as they could be- -

No flowery speeches- -no pretense,

He just said, “I must see.”

And Jesus took him at his word,

And Jesus loved him still,

He made a positive approach

And Thomas’ wish fulfilled.

Not once did Jesus ever condemn,

His slow believing friend,

But took the initiative instead

His doubting heart to mend.

And Thomas gave a special glimpse

Of our understanding Christ,

Who went beyond the second mile

To meet the requested price. By Maxine Trigleth

MY SOUL DELIGHTS Gertrude R. Dugan George S. Schuler

I have in heav’n a Friend so dear,

Who sends me light

And hope and cheer

He gave His precious life for me

Upon the cross of Calvary.

O’er all my way His hand I see

Directing and upholding me;

No day so full of grief, or care,

No night so dark but He is there.

And if my burden heavy be,

His arm supports my load and me,

While over pathways all untrod

He leads me on and up to God.

O hallelujah! Praise His name!

My soul delights in Christ my Lord;

O hallelujah! Praise His name!

My soul delights in Christ my Lord.

Page 6: Faith Messenger April 2015



PROJECT: By William Anderson (Christian Triumph Church)

We are getting glimpses of a light at the

end of the tunnel. The AC rough-in and

plumbing drain lines were inspected last

week, and all is well.

The tap into the city sewer (an essential

part of the operation) was a major

roadblock. As of today, the sewer

connection is scheduled for the end of this

week. We are praying for good weather

for the operation.

The best news of the week is the water

meter was installed.

Photo is of the meter marker in front

of the church.

Work on the parking lot should

start next week.

Thanks to God for a miracle funding for

the parking lot.

While the work on the building seems

plagued with delays, they make us more

thankful for each step of progress.

We are thankful for the contractors,

laborers, and volunteers who have helped

bring the project from a dream that

Grandpa Janes expressed at his 95th

birthday party – into reality.

Founders: Rev. & Mrs. L. Y. Janes

Evelyn Anderson (Gone Home but not forgotten)

Pastor Israel Hernandez and wife, Vitalina Hernandez

Page 7: Faith Messenger April 2015



LOOKING FOR? By Anita & Editor

Have I not commanded thee? Be

strong and of a good courage; be not

afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the

Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever

thou goest. Joshua 1:9 KJV

During part of my childhood days,

a mirror hung in our home. It was at a

convenient height for all of us as we

washed our face, combed our hair or even


Later, as adults, we began looking

for other things: different locations, jobs,

homes, transportation, friends, and

especially guidance by God, our Heavenly

Father. (There are so many things to look

for that we can be very thankful there is

Someone to Whom we can look.)

In Micah of the Old Testament, we

read these inspired words: Therefore, I

will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the

God of my salvation: my God will hear me. Micah 7:7 KJV

In reading the Prophet Micah, we

learn that he listened as well as looked to

God for direction.

His prophetic messages were heard

throughout the land, but he directed his

words to the Capital Cities of Jerusalem

and Samaria, attacking their oppression,

pride, greed, corruption, false piety and


Micah continued on his own unique

path, serving God faithfully, speaking out

for the poor and against persons who

exploited others and misused their own

privileged positions.

He learned the basics of Godly

living such as- act justly, love mercy, and

walk humbly, while receiving great

courage and strength wherever he went.

God’s guidance is available for us,

also, as we call upon His Name in 2015,

looking to the Lord for answers in a

hurried world of upheaval.

If searching for the path of inner

peace and the promise of a future Home,

then look no further than the Word of

God - for it confirms - “life” after “life.”

For my Father’s will is that everyone

who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life. John 6:40

Peace I leave with you; my peace I

give you. I do not give to you as the world

gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

The past is gone even though there

may be times of regret. The mirror may

reflect our sorrow and sadness, but there

is still a beautiful future ahead as we find

forgiveness and renewal in our Lord.

One can discover hope and

recovery found only in Jesus. It is not too

late to look for God’s will and then follow

His plan forever.

Welcome God the Holy Spirit to

comfort and keep! ...the Counselor, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in

my name, will teach you all things…Jesus John 14: 27

(Editor’s comments added with Anita’s permission)

Have a blessed

Easter! Christian Triumph Friends

Page 8: Faith Messenger April 2015


Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

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Corpus Christi, TX 78465

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The angel said…

Do not be afraid, for I

know that you are

looking for Jesus who

was crucified.

He is not here; he has

risen. Matthew 28:5, 6 NIV

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