O Lord, hear our cry; This land is hot and dry. We call upon your name To send the cooling rain. You rule in the affairs of men; Not all live in iniquity and sin. Bless those who follow after Your word, verse and chapter. Turn this dry ground into a water spring; By your grace, relief will bring The cleansing, healing rain, Physical or spiritual, both apply. Lord, we wait; we wait On Your reply. George Bell “I bless The Lord: O Lord my God, With honor and With majesty and light! …You clothed the earth with floods of water…And then you set a boundary for the seas… [God] sends rain upon the mountains and fills the earth with fruit….then You send Your Spirit, and new life is born… Praise God forever! ... I will sing to the Lord as long as I live…for He is the source Of all my Joy.” Excerpts from Psalms 105 (The Living Bible) Contents: Reporting from Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Poem by Byrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A Word from Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Three Dreams of Jesus by Peggy . . . 6 Point of Interest by Anita . . . . . . . . . 7 *Volume 134 *No. 08 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * OCT 2011

Faith Messenger Oct 2011

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The monthly periodical of Christian Triumph Company

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Page 1: Faith Messenger Oct 2011

O Lord, hear our cry; This land is hot and dry. We call upon your name To send the cooling rain.

You rule in the affairs of men; Not all live in iniquity and sin.

Bless those who follow after Your word, verse and chapter.

Turn this dry ground into a water spring;

By your grace, relief will bring The cleansing, healing rain,

Physical or spiritual, both apply. Lord, we wait; we wait

On Your reply.

George Bell

“I bless The Lord: O Lord my God, With honor and With majesty and light! …You clothed the earth with floods of water…And then you set a boundary for the seas… [God] sends rain upon the mountains and fills the earth with fruit….then You send Your Spirit, and new life is born… Praise God forever! ... I will sing to the Lord as long as I live…for He is the source Of all my Joy.”

Excerpts from Psalms 105 (The Living Bible)


Reporting from Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Poem by Byrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A Word from Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Three Dreams of Jesus by Peggy . . . 6

Point of Interest by Anita . . . . . . . . . 7

*Volume 134 *No. 08 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * OCT 2011

Page 2: Faith Messenger Oct 2011


William Anderson with daughter, Evelyn (behind him) and a group of Cajamarca region Church of God conference attendees.

Reporting from Peru

By William L. Anderson

This past month my daughter Evelyn and I had the privilege of attending a pastors’ conference (Mon.-Wed.) followed by the 24th annual Cajamarca Region Conference of the Churches of God in Peru (Thu-Sat.), held in Cajamarca, Peru. The trip was arranged by my globe-trotting daughter, Donna Schillinger, and two of her friends, Jill Van Buren and Jeanene Burns, from the Hilltop Bible Church in Clarksville, Ark. We made the trip at the invitation of Bro. Narciso Zamora. He wanted us to see first-hand the work that is being done in Peru.

If his name doesn’t ring a bell, Narciso was the first person we knew of in Peru to start a Church of God (Anderson). His contact with the Church of God came through a

Christian Triumph (CT) tract close to 20 years ago. His story is told in his autobiography Walking Man (which Donna translated and published) available at walkingman.ws. About eight years ago, he came to visit the Christian Triumph Mission in Corpus Christi, and spent a week with us in Houston while visiting the Churches of God in Texas, so we owed him a return visit.

About three years ago, Narciso had a vision to start a new church with a leadership training center in the city of Cajamarca, Peru. He purchased property, and with the help of Donna, CT and the Hilltop Bible Church, poured the foundation and walls for two rooms on the first floor of the proposed three-story building. Pg 3

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas

Published monthly, except July and August.


TO: Christian Triumph Company

P.O. Box 5187

905-909 Bluntzer

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at

[email protected]. Or see us on the web

at ChristianTriumph.org

Page 3: Faith Messenger Oct 2011


The first floor is to be classrooms, the main floor at street level is the sanctuary, and the upper floor will be a dormitory for the students in the Bible institute. The project is ambitious, but we serve a God who can provide. While waiting for funds to finish the project, they put a temporary roof over one of the rooms in the first floor and are using it for Sunday school and Bible study. We have a renewed inspiration to help with this work. Gifts for this effort can be sent to Christian Triumph marked “Peru Bible Institute” and we will see that they reach him.

The Meeting was held in a convention center called Granja Porcon about an hour drive into the mountains from Cajamarca. The center is a major tourist attraction despite its remote location. Granja Porcon is owned and operated by a Christian cooperative. There are Bible verses lining the approaching highway in both directions and also over almost every door and window. The center is located in a valley surrounded by pine covered mountains. In summary, a beautiful, relaxing location, perfect for sensing the majesty and presence of God.

Dr. Leroy Lindsey and his wife, Kay, came to anchor the messages for the meetings. Dr. Lindsey is a missionary and itinerant professor with the One Mission Society and an international speaker for the Francis Asbury Society. He was backed up

with a supporting cast of Carlos Barlow and Alberto Martinez, from Chile, Roxana Quispe from Bolivia, Jose Flores, from Peru, Baltazar Leyva, from CT in Corpus Christi, and Donna Schillinger, from Arkansas. The theme was “sanctification and holiness, without which no man shall see God.” There were about 40 attendees of the pastors conference. The theme of the messages for the convention was “Family Matters”. There were about 140 attendees of the convention. Services added up to about eight hours a day of solid

preaching and group discussions. Everybody who had a song got to sing. I was privileged to sing a bilingual quartet with my daughters, Donna and Evelyn (16 yrs old, played the guitar for us), and Jill Van Buren.

The Arkansas Delegation came bearing gifts of all sorts for children’s ministries. A big THANKS to the church in Arkansas for providing funds for the supplies.

I got to make flannel boards and the ladies worked a 12-hour day drawing, coloring and cutting out figures for the stories. There were 15 sets of boards, figures for about 10 different stories and miscellaneous scenery pieces made of flannel. Each church represented at the conference received a set. You can see one of the finished products in action at our new Spanish website: triumphochristiano.com.

Bro. Baltazar, an instructor for Pg 4

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the Bible Institute at CT Mission in Corpus Christi tells the story of Jonah with a quick application to Jesus’ message of salvation.

This video was taken during Sunday school at the building in progress that Narciso started.

Notice also in this video that Narciso is singing with the children. Indefatigable servanthood is the best way to briefly describe Narciso. He got up at 5:00 every morning to help his wife Udelia, a walking miracle survivor of a brain tumor and renal failure, prepare breakfast for the convention participants, popped in to the meetings to make sure they started and stopped on time, helped in serving lunch, more meetings, helped in making and serving supper, another meeting and finally he would make it to bed by 11pm.

One pleasant surprise I had was the number of people who asked about my mother, Evelyn (after whom my daughter is named). She is still at home in Corpus Christi and I had some recent pictures of her to show them. They would smile and then tell me a story of meeting her at a conference in Peru years ago. She went to Peru several times for Church of God conventions, and made friends wherever she went. We also met several people who were receiving our periodical, “Mensajero de Esperanza,” or were enrolled in the correspondence courses in the past. Some had moved and lost touch with CT. They were happy to be able

to get their names back on the mailing list. It was a blessing for me to see the effect of Momma’s and Grandpa Janes’ work and to feel the encouragement for continuing it. We are working on printing quantities of the “Mensajero” in Peru for churches to distribute to their members, saving on postage costs.

The Church of God in Peru would serve as a good example for the Churches of God in the United States. The Church of God Latin American Coordinator David Miller issued a challenge this year for each church to start another church during the coming year. There are villages dotting the mountains all over Peru and there is a demand for small churches in each village. Brother Narciso has been a coordinator for the churches so that they work together in the ministry of Christ. Hopefully many of the messages will be available for downloading onto personal electronics for your edification. If you speak or know a person who speaks Spanish, please go, or direct them, to triumphochristano.com . It will be loaded with pictures so even if you don’t understand a word of Spanish, you will enjoy.

Prayer points: 1. Funds for the completion of the Bible Institute building in Cajamarca. 2. Brother Leroy has a much needed message explaining the sanctification Pg 5

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of believers, an essential component of Christian growth. He has recently returned from the mission field in Mexico City and is starting a ministry of lectures and revival services of three days to one week. English or Spanish. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. 3. Pray for the pastors in Peru as they reach out to new communities for Christ. 4. Strength for Bro. Narciso and Udelia Zamora. To read more from the perspectives of the ladies from Hilltop Bible Church and to see more short videos from the trip, please visit walkingman.ws.


Attention: Faith Messenger Readers

Check out our new Web site at www.ChristianTriumph.org, and its Spanish counterpart at www.TriunfoCristiano.com. Past Faith Messengers and Mensajero de Esperanza are available to download in PDF format, as well as many other features, such as pictures for the recent trip to Peru. This new web site will save Christian Triumph Ministry approximately $100.00 per year.

Would you like to receive the Faith Messenger as an e-newsletter (or by email)? If the answer is “yes,” then please let us know by a return e-mail at [email protected] Please add whether or not you still wish to have a regular paper copy also; if not, please request that we delete your name and address off the postal list.


When my Father I am near, I don't have a thing to fear. If I stay close by His side,

Then, whatever may betide, In His arms I can abide.

As I look into His face,

All my fears He will erase. When I need a slower pace, There is not a better place Than to be in His embrace.

Now, I want to make it clear,

Though I love to Him be near, When there's work I need to do,

Faithful I will be, and true; Tirelessly my tasks pursue.

Then when all my work is done,

I will hear Him say, “My son, I will hold you in my arms,

And protect you from all harm. So there's no need for alarm.”

To be with my Father, dear, He, whom I love and revere,

Is the safest place for me. Now from all fear I am free,

And I'm happy as can be.


In my Father's arms, Is where I love to be. In my Father's arms,

I have found security.

Byrum C. Lee: 05/2009

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In my life I have had three dreams of Jesus. The first was when I was nine years old after I had received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He was standing at the foot of my bed smiling. He didn’t speak, but His smile said, “I love you just as you are.” I needed that so much. He was so beautiful and that dream has never faded. The third dream also had a message I needed to learn and I still need to remember it. I was speeding down the road in a car that was out of control. I couldn’t stop it and I couldn’t see out of the windows. I cried out, “Jesus, help me!” Immediately Jesus was there beside me. He didn’t say a word. He just reached over and took control of the car. I felt so warm and protected and peaceful. I reached out and touched His arm. It was so strong and muscular. I noticed the car had come to a stop and I could see out of the windows. I saw a man leaning against a post making fun of me because of the troubles I was having. (I wasn’t having any problems; Jesus had solved them.) I realized it was the devil and I was afraid. Suddenly the dream was over. I tried to recapture the dream. I wanted to be back in that car with Jesus, but the dream was over. I asked, “Lord, what are You trying to teach me?” He said (not audibly but to my mind), “My child, you have taken your eyes off of me and put them on your problems.” It was true and often I have done this, and I need to remember my dreams. (Peggy’s second dream will be printed in the November Faith Messenger along with a reprinting of her song. “…G0d revealed His will frequently in dreams, and there were those who could explain them, Gen 20:3…” – Cruden’s Complete Concordance) Editor

A WORD FROM RON Chaplain and Pastor

1 John 3:14-20 (HCSB)

14 We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers. The one who does not

love remains in death. 15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and

you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

16 This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our

lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone has this world’s goods and sees his brother

in need but closes his eyes to his [need] – how can God’s love reside in him?

18 Little children, we must not love with word or speech, but with truth and action.

19 This is how we will know we belong to the truth and will convince our conscience in His presence,

20 even if our conscience condemns us, that God is greater than our conscience, and He knows all things.

I find that this is one of the hardest scriptures. In fact, growing up in church and around people of faith, I expected perfection. I expected that Christian people would never hurt you. I failed to go into the ministry for many years because I did not like people. It is hard to be a minister when you don’t like being around God’s chosen or “frozen.”

In my twenty’s, God had been dealing with my heart for years. I had been called for ministry at a very early age. However, the last thing I wanted was to be a Pastor. Yet, God never lets go.

When I accepted the call into the ministry, God was so gracious to show me why my pastor father had endured so much from people of faith.

Today, I love people. Have they changed? No, but God revealed to me that we are all alike. Each of us has issues that we will work on all of our lives. Each man or woman was created by God in His image. Some reflect His image; others reflect the image of Satan. Thankfully, God’s grace is equally available to us all. Pg 7

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I still do not agree with every one that I meet. Sometimes I don‘t even agree with my own self, and then I have to change.

Each of us can examine our image by looking at the Scripture. Do we love the brethren? This is not something we can just learn. Instead, we reflect God’s image by being in His presence, by soaking up His glory.

In high stress, frustration, trials, spur of the moment comments, our true love shows. This is something that you can only fake for a limited time. God will help us through His grace as He draws closer and allows us to come and sit in His presence and soak up the SON. Edited

Bless the Lord for He is Good!!!


Point of Special Interest. Sent by Anita

Dr. George Washington Carver was a man of

prayer, and in the simplicity of his faith he made answered prayer his

natural habitat. He once said, "There is no need for anyone to be without

direction in the midst of the perplexities of this life. Are we not plainly

told, 'In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy

paths'? Why go blundering along on our poor, blind way when God has told

us He will help us? God can always be depended upon." It was Dr.

Carver's custom to arise every day at 4 a.m. and seek God's guidance for his

life. In speaking of the blessings of those early morning hours, he

said, "At no other time have I had so sharp an understanding of what God

means to do with me as in those hours when other folks are still asleep.

Then I hear God best and learn His plan."

Lessons published quarterly by Herald and Banner Press. - Overland Park, KS.


MORE ENGLISH BIBLE LESSONS Please send for your FREE English Bible lessons entitled MORE ABOUT THE LOVE OF GOD. Textbook: The Holy Bible. Lesson One: Created to Live with God; Lesson Two: Created in Love; Lesson Three: God is Love; Lesson Four: God’s Greatest Gift of Love; Lesson Five: The Incarnation of God’s Love; Lessons’ Final Thoughts: You are a Miracle! You are Unique – One of a Kind….You were born for Greatness! ____________________________________ More free Bible Lessons by George Bell - from: Principles of Doctrine of Christ Jesus to Saints in Light. Send your requests to Christian Triumph or

email at christiantriumph @yahoo.com


Coming Soon: more poems from Maxine, a Thanksgiving story, update on the literature ministry, update on the building project, the poem “America the Great Melting Pot” by Byrum Lee, more pictures, etc. Prayer Request: Please remember Peggy P., Diana (Sec.Treas of CT), the need for rain, and spiritual needs. THANK YOU! Editor

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Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465

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“Before anything else “Before anything else “Before anything else “Before anything else

existed, there was Christ, existed, there was Christ, existed, there was Christ, existed, there was Christ,

with God.with God.with God.with God.””””

John 1

“Eternal life is in Him, “Eternal life is in Him, “Eternal life is in Him, “Eternal life is in Him,

aaaand this life gives lightnd this life gives lightnd this life gives lightnd this life gives light

to all mankind.”to all mankind.”to all mankind.”to all mankind.”

John 1

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