A SONG OF LOVE A SONG OF LOVE A SONG OF LOVE A SONG OF LOVE Psalm 92 In Gratitude, Honor and Memory Of Dads And All Men Distinctively Created by God! Find rest, O my soul, In God alone; My hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God, He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Psa. 62 Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, And I know I will not be put to shame. Psa. 50 PROMISES FOR TODAY’S MAN Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, For the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, Who conducts his affairs with justice. Surely he will never be shaken; A righteous man will be remembered forever. He will have no fear of bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is secure, he will have no fear… Psalm 112:4-7 (NIV) Contents: The Power of Prayer...……..........2 Pastor Israel’s Greetings... ..….…… 3 Elena’s News... …………….....…...4 Testimonies of Brothers…….……...5 Byrum’s poetry……………..………6 News from Brazil by Donna..….......7 *Volume 79 *No. 06 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * JUNE 2015

Faith Messenger June 2015

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Faith Messenger is published 10 times annually by Christian Triumph Company. We promote worldwide evangelism through the distribution of Christian literature.

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Page 1: Faith Messenger June 2015


In Gratitude, Honor and Memory

Of Dads

And All Men Distinctively Created by God!

Find rest, O my soul,

In God alone;

My hope comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;

He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

My salvation and my honor depend on God,

He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Psa. 62

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,

I will not be disgraced.

Therefore have I set my face like flint,

And I know I will not be put to shame. Psa. 50


Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,

For the gracious and compassionate and

righteous man.

Good will come to him who is generous and

lends freely,

Who conducts his affairs with justice.

Surely he will never be shaken;

A righteous man will be remembered forever.

He will have no fear of bad news;

His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

His heart is secure, he will have no fear… Psalm 112:4-7 (NIV)

Contents: The Power of Prayer...……....…......2

Pastor Israel’s Greetings... ..….…… 3

Elena’s News... …………….....…...4

Testimonies of Brothers…….……...5

Byrum’s poetry……………..………6

News from Brazil by Donna..….......7

*Volume 79 *No. 06 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * JUNE 2015

Page 2: Faith Messenger June 2015


THE POWER OF PRAYER Recently, Christian Triumph received

another beautiful card from Deniece in

Texas. We do have her permission to write

about this card (created by DaySpring) and

will give a short description of what it looks

like and says.

Imagine the view of a colorful, blue

ocean with surrounding cliffs and then

envision a huge, foaming powerful wave

smashing and pouring over those cliffs. In

the center of all this swirling water are these

words: No ocean CAN HOLD IT BACK.

No river can overtake it. No whirlwind can

go faster. No army can defeat it. No law can

stop it. No distance can slow it. No disease

can cripple it. No force on earth is more

powerful or effective than THE POWER


When your world becomes like that

churning sea - uncontrollable - because of

major or minor issues, remember that God

promises: Call to Me and I will answer you

and tell you great and unsearchable things

you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 NIV

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal, and His

word declares: the path of the righteous is

level and He will establish peace for us.

Isaiah, Chapter 26 , NIV.

Think about the story of Joseph in

Genesis and how he suffered as a result of

domestic abuse in his life. His brothers not

only disrespected him as a child, they sold

him for 20 shekels of silver, and his once

bright future darkened as he became a slave

to the Egyptians. (Genesis 37)

But God was with Joseph through

those long hours of uncertainty, and when it

was all over, Joseph was in charge of the

whole land of Egypt. (Genesis 41)

And in the end, the Lord would have

His way. Joseph knew it as he reflected on

his life. He could see God’s hand at work

through the years. Ultimately that’s how he

could forgive his brothers. That’s how he

could sum it up in the end. “You intended to

harm me, but God intended it for good to

accomplish what is now being done, the

saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20) This

Comment by Charles Swindoll, The Living Insights

Bible Pg. 47

If we “call on” God, He will listen. When Jesus calmed the storm in Luke 8, His

disciples asked one another, “Who is this?

He commands even the winds and the water,

and they obey him.”

Life is still a challenge in 2015, but prayer continues to change things - sometimes the circumstances, sometimes us, or sometimes a little of both. No force on earth is more powerful than prayer! Editor

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:

Christian Triumph Company

P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at

[email protected]. Or see us on the web

at ChristianTriumph.org

Page 3: Faith Messenger June 2015


Greetings from Christian Triumph By Pastor Israel Hernandez

I visited a florist for the funeral of a brother, and the owner of the florist wondered if Christian Triumph was still open. We invited him to the church, and he said that when he was 10, that summer - he attended Vacation Bible School with Mrs. Evelyn Anderson. She gave the children "Kool aid" and cookies. What impressed me was when he said "Those brothers were real Christians."

I'm happy to be leading a Christian church founded by a man whom people still remember, and, in fact, speak highly of him. He was a person with good moral principles that led this church in Corpus Christi, Texas, for many years. It is a mission ministry that his children and grandchildren continue to carry forward. Thanks to all who work together at Christian Triumph, and thanks to this founder, Pastor and leader, Brother L. Y Janes. We continue to distribute tracts around the Hispanic countries as well as others, also Spanish and English Faith Messengers, Bible school lessons by correspondence, the local Bible Institute and the Radio Ministry.

I give thanks to all who have worked hard to make this work go forward. Because of this, Christian Triumph - on July 4, 2015 - will have an inauguration of a new temple where 250 people will be able to praise God.

In this community of Corpus Christi, a few days ago, I visited a Sister who as a child also became a Christian in this church, and I want to thank her for her donation of $ 2,000.00. We want to buy a pulpit for the Church in her name. She was one part of the faithful members

who gathered every Saturday at 7:00 am to pray, asking God to help us with the construction of the building. We started nine years ago and continue to this day.

I believe that Jesus prayed for his disciples, and his prayer is for those who will follow. Jesus prayed 2000 or more years ago, but, I believe, with all my heart that He also prayed for those who are helping me today and He even prayed for me. That is why Christian Triumph moves forward - because the work is of God, for His glory and honor and praise!

Recently we had a couple who became a part of our church and its work for the Lord. Their words struck me: "We want to attend a serious Christian church, one that is as Holy as the founders who cared for the Spanish-speaking world. We want to do something to continue the work of those founders and be good stewards of what God has commended."

Dear Readers, Please help us with your prayers because it has not been easy. We have had struggles! We may faint, but God lifts us, gives us strength, and we are still standing here, serving the Lord!

When Jesus prayed for His disciples and gave them the great commission, the 12 disciples changed the world though evangelizing. We are also doing this. We have eight hours per month on a radio station evangelizing our surrounding community. I rejoice in having a good co-worker who has been helping me in this endeavor. We want to evangelize Corpus Christi and win it for Christ. For all those Brothers and Sisters, including you, our friends, who have helped us through the years, words can never be enough. May God reward you all! This is my prayer! John 17: 20-26

Page 4: Faith Messenger June 2015


Bible Correspondence Course Coordinator’s Report

This following actual experience is

written by men of God who are used by Him to help others with their messages and testimonies, knowing for certain that when a person needs help, God is there to help solve the problems.

There was a man who had many troubles, and his solution was suicide. He tied a rope around his neck, stood on a chair and was ready to jump to his death. At that moment he heard a knock on the door! It was from a man who was evangelizing in the rain and could not go on because of the storm. This knock is what prompted the suicidal man to stop and open the door. The evangelist gave him the wonderful message of Christ and told about His loving sacrifice, a Savior who can solve all our problems. The man regretted what he was about to do and, instead, was gloriously saved. Trust in our Lord; He will not leave you alone for a moment. Christ is always with you.

NEWS FROM CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH: We are thrilled to report that Cuba is now in first place when it comes to learning about God through the Spanish Bible Correspondence courses. There are persons in Cuba who are studying diligently and doing so even without Bibles. Some students gather in homes to answer our exams. We continue to pray that soon the need for more Spanish Bibles will be met, especially before our Lord comes again.

We wish to tell our South American Brothers and Sisters, however, to be patient, as the postage is now more

expensive to send these lessons. Our words to them are: We expect to send your

order every two months but sometimes it is

very hard to send everything you may

request at once. We need prayer that our

faith increases and that the needs are

supplied. God help us to give thanks if

there is little or if there is a lot. We praise

Him that Christian Triumph is still

operating, and we know that God shall

supply the needs!

Despite the struggles and trials Christian Triumph has gone through, God continues to support us in what he sees is necessary, although last year, we did not have Vacation Bible School. The old buildings were not a safe place. But now God is supplying all and with His help, the Vacation Bible School program will be in the new local Church. By faith, we believe that the dedication of the new church will be on Saturday, July 4th, 2015, and on July 5th, we will have a women's seminar given by several Sisters who will come from Arkansas. The following week, Vacation Bible School will be held - all week.

It would be a blessing if you, our friends, could attend.

Please pray for us and for the person in charge of the children's program. She was a student who graduated from our local Bible Institute, and she will be assisted by church members as well as others who are friends of Representative Delia Salinas.

We are praying to reach the children in this community, just as we have prayed and focused on children in other countries. We know that God has these dear ones in His hands.

By Elena Mérida

Page 5: Faith Messenger June 2015


Testimonies of Brothers who read our Spanish periodical,

El Mensajero De Esperanza

Luis Villegas of Piura Perú is very pleased with the Messenger and the materials that have been sent to him; he enjoys reading the experiences of the Brothers used by God to send these messages. He rejoices and asked Christian Triumph to not stop printing the Messenger because it a blessing to him. Israel García Estrada of Guatemala: He testifies that the Messenger which is sent every three months has been a great blessing in his spiritual life. He adds: Thanks very much for your dedication, Christian Triumph, in writing and sending these Messengers and literature of all kinds. Hosny Hernandez Herrera of Cuba: He testifies of a problem he had which required some advice. Just then he received the Mensajero which was accidentally delivered to his home. He read it, found the advice he needed and decided to keep it. To me this was a

miracle! I was able to read the articles and

find the advice I needed to solve this

problem. (Translated)

Storms of Life


When the storms are “round you raging- Keep the faith! When your brother’s doubts dismay you-

Keep the Faith!

When it seems that all that’s good- - Suddenly just melts away, It is then we must hold on And keep the faith! When the worst has come to you

Just keep the faith! When it seems that all is wasted

Keep the faith! When your ships of hope have sunk On the sandbars of despair, There is One who sees and cares- -

Just keep the faith! There is One who can deliver- - So keep the faith! He is One who is Almighty

Keep the faith! It is He who knows it all And will reach out for your hand, Trust in Him and you will conquer- -

Keep the Faith!

By Maxine Trigleth

Page 6: Faith Messenger June 2015


My good brothers and sisters, printed in this issue are two of my latest poems, "Be Bold," and "Serving Others," written with the theme of our 2015 Church of God Convention in mind. At age 96, though I have been retired from the pastoral ministry for many years, I am continuing my ministry through writing what I call "The Gospel in Rhyme." These two poems, along with many other later poems, will appear in a fourth book of my poetry. The three previously published poem books, "From Preacher to Poet," "The Poet's Pulpit," and "The Heart of a Poet," may be found at AMAZON.com.

BE BOLD After forty-years as leader, Moses was now dead,

And the leadership of Israel fell to Joshua instead.

Then God appeared to Joshua—so we are told, *

Urging him to take courage, and 'be Bold.'

When Jesus, back to heaven, had returned,

The Apostles remained faithful, we have learned.

When facing a hostile world, by Rome controlled,

The early Christian Church proved to 'be Bold.'

Luther, Wesley, and Warner are now long-gone,

But the Church, their Reforms, must carry-on.

The Church, about its mission, has grown cold,

So the challenge we face today is, to 'be Bold.'

Byrum C. Lee: 03/2015

* Joshua 1:1-9


Don't look for what you can get from others,

But find ways that you can serve your brothers.

Christ came into the world to be a servant—

And for you to do the same was His intent.

JFK's, “Ask not what your country can do for you—

Ask what you can do for your country,” is a clue.

That standard is not just for politicians, or the


Serving others should be your goal—it is plain to


To serve others should be your life's main motive—

Not what you get, but what, to others, you can give.

Jesus modeled serving others as a worthy objective,

And to be like the Master, is a goal we strive to


Byrum C. Lee: 04/2015


Previously Published Poems


Jesus was no monk, no ascetic, nor hermit.

No religious isolation did He, Himself, permit.

Withdrawing from others, He never contemplated;

Had He done so, His mission might have stagnated.

There are times when, apart, we need to withdraw,

And in Christ's presence, simply stand in holy awe.

But the church was not meant to be set on a hill,

It must be with others, Christ's teachings to instill.

If we would follow Him, to the world, we must go,

So that everyone, the blessed Savior, might know.

We dare not live, from the world, in isolation—

We must spread the Good News to every nation.

Byrum C. Lee: 05/2014


When we encounter sorrow,

From our God we can borrow,

The strength we need for tomorrow,

Knowing He even cares for a sparrow. *

With our roots entwined with others,

Whether they are neighbors or brothers,

We can face the harshest of winds,

If standing beside us are our friends. #

So when, hardships, you encounter,

Don't seek seclusion in a shelter;

For hardships will help you grow—

If to God, for strength, you will go.

Byrum C. Lee: 11/2014

*Matthew 10: 29-31

# Proverbs 17:17

The Lord is my rock, my fortress

and my deliverer; my God is my rock,

in whom I take refuge.

--Psalm 18:2 (NIV)

Page 7: Faith Messenger June 2015


What’s New in Brazil? By Donna Schillinger

Faithful readers (with excellent memories) may recall that in 2012 Christian Triumph made a donation for the local printing of the “Are You a Good Person?” tract, featuring Mr. Nice Guy, a publication of Living Waters.

With a relatively small amount of money, thousands of these tracts were printed in Brazil and distributed as part of the Alcance Brasil (Reach Brazil) evangelism project under the direction of Daniel Pureza of Itaituba in the north of Brasil. The group’s 2015 goals include sharing the gospel with 10,000 students, training 100 volunteers, planting 10 new small groups and distributing 10,000 New Testaments—a collaborative effort with the Gideons.

In January last year, the Alcance

Brasil project got a huge boost in workforce when Daniel and his wife Lilian accepted the challenge to direct two new campuses of Brazil’s Church of God seminary, Instituto Teológico Boa Terra. The campuses in Itaituba and Santarem each have 17 students at present. The students have joined the efforts of Alcance Brasil, as a wonderful and practical way to put into practice what they are learning in seminary. It’s a great fit, since Alcance’s focus is on youth.

Pray for Brazil and its 21.5 million students. Among their greatest challenges are pornography (with one-third of Brazilian porn viewers being female), teenage pregnancy, high school drop-out, and drug consumption. May God use the 34 students in northern Brazil’s Boa Terra seminary—multiplying their efforts miraculously, like the bread and fishes with which Jesus fed the five thousand.

Page 8: Faith Messenger June 2015


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