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  • 8/3/2019 fen_07








    Cevap Kad

    Deneme Snav

    Cevap Anahtar

    Snavn Yabanc Kelimeleri


    1. Bu testte 80 soru vardr. Bu sorular iin toplam 3 saat (180 dakika) sreayrlmtr.

    2. Soru trlerine ait giri ve k saatleri, snavn sabah 9:30 - 12:30 arasnda

    uygulanaca varsaylarak belirlenmitir. Soru trlerine giri ve ksaatlerini, snava baladnz saati esas alarak deitirebilirsiniz.

    3. Dzeyinizi tam olarak belirlemek istiyorsanz, snav tek bir oturumdauygulaynz.

    4. nerilen sreleri amaynz.

    5. Bir soru zerindeki deerlendirmenizi bitirdikten sonra, o soruya tekrardnmeyiniz.

    6. Sorularnza verdiiniz cevaplar daha sonra deitirmeyiniz.

    7. Cevabn iki seenee kadar indirgediiniz sorularda, size gre doru

    kma ihtimali zayf olan seenei iaretleyiniz.

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

  • 8/3/2019 fen_07








    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

  • 8/3/2019 fen_07






    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    1. - 18. sorularda, cmlede bo braklanyere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyibulunuz.

    Balang saati : 09:30Biti saati : 09:48Toplam sre : 18 dakika

    1. We read continually about global warming---- to vir tually every significant weatherevent that ---- th ese days.

    A) having been linked / is occurring

    B) being linked / occurs

    C) to be linked / occurred

    D) linking / would occur

    E) to have been linked / had occurred

    2. If the discovery ----, it ---- speculation thatthe Galaxy is teeming with life.

    A) had been confirmed / would fuel

    B) will be confirmed / will have fuelled

    C) is confirmed / will fuel

    D) has been confirmed / has fuelled

    E) was confirmed / would have fuelled

    3. Often the need to clean up the atmosphere---- thr ough major environmental disasters of

    which the London smog of 1952 still ---- aprime example.

    A) was realised / remains

    B) has been realised / remained

    C) would be realised / would remain

    D) was being realised / will remain

    E) had been realised / has remained

    4. During the past 40 years, hydroponic farming---- considerably in a number of areas wheretemperatures are too extreme for ordinaryagriculture.

    A) h ad pr og res sed B ) has p rog res sed

    C) progresses D) would have progressed

    E) is progressing

    5. Dust and other particles suspended in theatmosphere come in a bewildering range ofsizes, ---- minuscule particles of partiallyburned fuel ---- relatively massive grains ofpollen.

    A) with / from B) of / over

    C) from / to C) at / by

    E) into / of

    6. Once chemists had developed techniques topeer ---- the heart of chemical reactions, theyopened ---- a whole new world for study.

    A) for / on B) up / in

    C) at / with D) into / up

    E) in / for

    7. ---- photographers require short exposures tocapture fast moving objects, chemists needshort laser pulses to study rapid reactions.

    A) In contrast B) I n spite of

    C) In case D) Since

    E) Just as

    8. According to neo-Darwinism, ---- mutation isrecognised as the ultimate source of geneticvariation, natural selection is given the

    dominant role in shaping the genetic make-upof populations.

    A) however B) although

    C) whether D) before

    E) unless

    9. Networks without controlled access can ----ensure the security or privacy of stored data,---- keep network resources from beingexploited by hackers.

    A) neither / nor B) s o / as

    C) only / but D) rather / than

    E) also / but

    10. The research team was relieved to learn thatthe results of the experiment were in ---- theirexpectations.

    A) c ompeti ti on with B ) pl ace of

    C) favour of D) excess of

    E) accord with

    11. Any magnet, whether it is in the shape of abar or a horseshoe, has two ends, called

    poles, ---- the magnetic effect is strongest.A) which B) what

    C) how D) where

    E) that

    12. ---- what is generally assumed, the number ofanimals remaining in a t hreatened speciesmay actually rise as it approaches the brinkof extinction.

    A) In view of B) Contrary to

    C) Surprisingly enough D) Needless to say

    E) Due to


    - 1 -

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 2 -

    13. The ---- of bromine in the Dead Sea water is100 times that in the ocean.

    A) extraction B) c oncentration

    C) composition D) complexity

    E) suff iciency

    14. With a gestation period of six months, batsare the slowest reproducing mammal for theirsize and therefore especially ---- to extinction.

    A) applicable B) reliable

    C) variable D) sizeable

    E) vulnerable

    15. Iodine remains a mysterious substance; and----, the iodine in the sea is in a constant stateof chemical change.

    A) comprehensive ly B) comparablyC) conditionally D) apparently

    E) excessively

    16. In the steel industry there has been aprogressive increase in capital outlay; butfortunately this has been ---- by a fall inlabour costs.

    A) accompanied B) conducted

    C) reinforced D) rejected

    E) engaged

    17. The fuel used by ships and aircraft to bringfood and drink to Britain ---- 4 million tonnesof CO2 emissions.

    A) bangs out B) deals with

    C) accounts for D) gets through

    E) spends up

    18. Ideally, the production of any givencommodity will be ---- at the point of minimumcosts.

    A) found out B) brought up

    C) made over D) carried onE) looked for

    19. - 23. sorularda, aadaki paradanumaralanm yerlere uygun denszck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 09:48Biti saati : 09:53Toplam sre : 5 dakika

    Computers are now part of our everyday livesand there seems to be nothing out of theordinary about them. However, the computersof the (19) ---- are a different proposition.They are already beginning to sound(20) ---- science fiction. Supercomputers,many (21) ---- more powerful than todaysfastest machines, could be contained in a tinydrop of liquid. (22) ---- would not be built ofsilicon, (23) ---- DNA, the stuff of life itself.

    19. A) future B) current

    C) present D) recent

    E) next

    20. A) according to B) along with

    C) like D) close by

    E) up to

    21. A) conditions B) ways

    C) times D) degrees

    E) tests

    22. A) Theirs B) These

    C) Any of them D) The latter

    E) Which

    23. A) but of B) rather than

    C) instead of D) though

    E) except

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


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    24. - 35. sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygunekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 09:53

    Biti saati : 10:10Toplam sre : 17 dakika

    24. Even if it is not the job of scientists to makeethical decisions about their work, ---- .

    A) they have always treated humans as if theywere machines

    B) the results of the work could be used in otherentirely unhealthy ways

    C) future drugs will be better targeted and moreeffective

    D) I can see how far we have moved forward, and

    the direction we are takingE) it is certainly their job to tell others where it is


    25. ---- that the waste problems are much lesssevere than with conventional nuclear energy.

    A) All atoms have a central nucleus

    B) Fusion could provide a major contribution tothe energy mix of the future

    C) Fusion research drains resources away fromrenewable energy

    D) Advocates of fusion power claim

    E) Nuclear fusion seems the perfect answer

    26. Unless we step up our efforts to protect theenvironment, ---- .

    A) there would probably have been no future atall to look forward to

    B) we cannot look forward to a healthy andprosperous future

    C) which is a vast and unexplored storehouse ofbiological treasures

    D) man is undoubtedly the planets mostsuccessful predator

    E) we are under an obligation to do so as soonas possible

    27. Though the strategic value of submarines wasdemonstrated in World War I, ---- .

    A) a submarine cannot stay submergedindefinitely

    B) the success of the German submarinesprompted America to enter the war

    C) it was only in World W ar II that they played areally key military role

    D) the first nuclear-powered submarine wasnamed USS Nautilus

    E) conditions on a submarine even in peace timeare enough to crush most people

    28. ---- if tests in the Australian desert provesuccessful.

    A) A new species of marine reptile has beenidentified from a 70 million-year old fossil

    B) Japanese researchers have begun testing ascale model of a future supersonic passengerplane

    C) Salyut I, the worlds f irst space station, wassent into orbit in 1970

    D) Scientists have identified the part of the brainthat helps us remember events from soundsand smells

    E) A new supersonic aircraft could take to theskies

    29. ---- before the technology has been shown towork in animals.

    A) Laws governing stem cell research remain

    uncertain throughout the worldB) Australia is home to some of the worlds top

    stem cell r esearchers

    C) In Britain, researchers could already harveststem cells fr om surplus embryos c reated fromIVF

    D) Some scientists believe it would be prematureto study human embryonic stem c ells

    E) Embryonic stem cell research didnt lead tocures for dis eases like Parkinsons

    30. ---- , researchers hope to improve the qualityand safety of meat and dairy produce.

    A) Once they have unravelled the genome of thecow

    B) Even though dogs and cows are next in line tohave their genetic codes sequenced

    C) If European farmers had their livestockvaccinated to prevent any future outbreak offoot and mouth disease

    D) Since vaccination is ruled out as a preventionstrategy for foot and mouth dis ease

    E) Unless the projects for genome research aresupported by the government

    31. A discarded rocket from the Apollo 12 MoonMission had been orbiting the sun for manyyears, ---- .

    A) while several large optical surveys continue toscan the skies f or asteroids

    B) since any asteroid coming our way wouldeither hit us or miss us completely

    C) so that the scientists at the Planet Centre maywork out a plan to capture it

    D) before it changed course and started to orbitthe Earth

    E) although it is the first man-made object knownto have orbited the Sun

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


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    32. The sudden collapse of the concrete slab roofof a multi-storey car park led to fears ---- .

    A) even if the event caused no serious injuries

    B) that the lives of thousands of people were atrisk from a similar incident

    C) why concrete has constantly received anegative press

    D) though, with the introduction of reinforcedconcrete, problems of this nature have beenovercome

    E) why a chunk of concrete wall fell in a railtunnel recently in Japan

    33. ---- extra dimensions will have to be acceptedas fact, not conjecture.

    A) If future experiments confirm thesepredictions

    B) Once the theory had been conclusively proved

    correctC) Though certain aspects of the theory werent

    fully developed

    D) As measurements of the strength of gravitywill be taken at different locations

    E) W hether gravity appears to be so muchweaker than electromagnetism

    34. Scientists believe that elephants havesensitive cells in their feet ---- .

    A) while their habitat gives them an even keenersense of security

    B) even though they were to carry such anenormous weight

    C) which enable them to pick up low frequencyvibrations f rom the ground

    D) as their way of life was naturally a nomadicone

    E) that had helped them to survive in changingbut usually hostile environments

    35. ----, there is still a slight chance that a rogueblack hole could come out of the depths ofinterstellar space and catch us unawares.

    A) If only an early warning system could be

    devisedB) Because black holes would fling light at us in

    a pattern of concentric rings

    C) W hether a black hole is presently within therange of our telescopes

    D) The scientists working on black holes wereconcerned

    E) Although black holes are rare in our Galaxy

    36. - 38. sorularda, verilen T rkecmlenin anlamna en yakn ngilizcecmleyi bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 10:10Biti saati : 10:15Toplam sre : 5 dakika

    36. Baz yerbilimciler, 65 milyon yl nce bykbir meteor arpmasn izleyen nitrik asityamurunun, dinozorlarn yok olmasna yolaan bir faktr olduunu ileri srmlerdir.

    A) Some geologists have argued that a rain ofnitric acid, following a massive meteor impact65 million years ago, was one factor l eadingto the extinction of the dinosaurs.

    B) According to some geologists, a rain of nitric

    acid, caused by a massive meteor impactsome 65 million years ago, was the majorfactor in th e extinction of the dinosaurs.

    C) The extinction of the dinosaurs was almostcertainly, in the opinion of geologists, causedby a massive meteor impact some 65 millionyears ago and the rain of ni tric acid thatfollowed it.

    D) A rain of nitric acid some 65 million years agoand the massive meteor impact that precededit, are generally held by geologists to havecaused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

    E) According to certain geologists, the extinctionof the dinosaurs occur red about 65 million

    years ago when there was a massive meteorimpact followed by a rain of nitric acid.

    37. Bir frt na, Kuzel talya zerinden Adriyatikegeerken, bununla gelen alak atmosferbas nc , yerel deniz seviyesini yarm metrekadar ykseltir.

    A) The sea level is likely to rise by about half ametre when a storm crosses northern Italyand comes to the Adriatic, bringing a lowatmospheric pressure.

    B) A storm passing over northern Italy and intothe Adriatic brings with it a low atmosphericpressure that c auses the sea level there torise by at least half a metre.

    C) The sea level in the Adriatic can rise by nearlyhalf a metre whenever a storm coming vianorthern Italy arrives bringing low atmospherepressure.

    D) W hen a storm passes over northern Italy intothe Adriatic, the low atmospheric pressurethat comes with it raises the local sea level byup to half a metre.

    E) The low atmospheric pressure brought to theAdriatic by storms that have come acrossnorthern Italy can cause sea levels there torise by up to half a metre.

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


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    38. Organik iftiler kimyasal gbre kullanmazlar;ancak, topran verimliliini rn artklarnve doal gbreyi topraa kartrarakartrrlar.

    A) Though organic farmers use no chemicalfertilisers, they successf ully create a fertile

    soil by working into it crop residues andmanure.

    B) Organic farmers dont use chemicalfertilisers; however, they build up soil f ertilityby working in crop residues and manure.

    C) Organic farmers manage to build up soilfertility very succ essfully by working in cropresidues and manure, but no chemicalfertilisers.

    D) Because organic farmers avoid chemicalfertilisers, they use crop r esidues and manureto build up high levels of fertility in the soil.

    E) Even though organic farmers dont usechemical fertilisers, they build up soil fertility

    by working crop residues and manure into thesoil.

    39. - 41. sorularda, verilen ngilizcecmlenin anlamna en yakn Trkecmleyi bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 10:15Biti saati : 10:20Toplam sre : 5 dakika

    39. We know that, unless we take action rightaway, certain marine species will start tobecome extinct due to the alarming decline ofbiodiversity.

    A) Biyolojik eitliliin korkun bir ekildeazalmas sonucu baz deniz canllar nn yokolacan ve hemen harekete gememizgerektiini biliyoruz.

    B) Hemen eyleme gemediimiz takdirde,biyolojik e itliliin azalmas sonucu, bazdeniz canllar nn yok olmaya balamasnnendie verici olduunu biliyoruz.

    C) Bi ldiimiz kadaryla, derhal hareketegemezsek, baz deniz canllar yok olmayabalayacak, nk biyolojik eitlilik endie

    verici bir hzla azalyor.D) Biliyoruz ki hemen eyleme gemezsek, baz

    deniz canllar , biyolojik eitliliin endieverici azalmas nedeniyle yok olmayaba layacak.

    E) Biliyoruz ki hzla eyleme gemediimiztakdirde, biyolojik e itliliin azalmas sonucubaz deniz canllar nn yok olmas endievericidir.

    40. Some ecologists believe that speciesdiversity will not be r educed significantly asthe natural environment becomespermanently impoverished.

    A) D oal evre tamamen fakirlemi olduu iin,baz evrebilimciler, tr eitliliinin hibir

    zaman dzelemeyeceine inanmaktadrlar.B) Tr eitliliinin hi bir zaman artmayacana

    inanan baz evrebilimciler, d oal evrenintamamen fakirletiini i leri srmektedirler.

    C) Baz evrebilimciler, doal evre kalc olarakfakirleirken, tr eitliliinin nemli ldeazalmayacana inanmaktadrlar.

    D) Baz evrebilimcilerinin inand gibi, treitlilii hibir zaman eski durumunagelemeyecek, nk doal evre srekli birekilde ykma uramaktadr.

    E) D oal evrenin tamamen fakirletiini ilerisren baz evrebilimciler, tr e itliliininhibir zaman artmayacana inanmaktadrlar.

    41. Agricultural researchers in developedcountries are working to develop strains ofrice that pr oduce high yields with less water.

    A) Gel imi lkelerdeki zirai aratrmaclar,eitli pirin trleri gelitirerek, az su ileyksek verim elde etmeye almaktadr.

    B) Zirai aratrmaclar, gelimi lkelerde, az suile yksek verim elde edebilmek amacyla,eitli pirin trleri zerinde almaktadr.

    C) Gel imi lkelerin zirai aratrmaclar , azsuya ramen ok verim salayan p irintrlerini gelitirmeye almaktadr.

    D) Gel imi lkelerdeki zirai aratrmaclar, az sukullanarak ok verim elde edebilmek iin,dei ik pirin trlerine ilikin almalaryapmaktadr.

    E) Gel imi lkelerdeki zirai aratrmaclar, az suile yksek verim salayan pirin trlerigelitirmek iin almaktadr.

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


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    42. - 46. sorularda, cmleler s rasylaokunduunda, anlam btnln bozancmleyi bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 10:20Biti saati : 10:30Toplam sre : 10 dakika

    42. (I) A committee of prominent physicists,chemists and others was appointed toinvestigate the properties of TEL (tetraethyllead). (II) The committee presently reportedmild health effects from the use of lead butnothing drastic enough to justify a ban.(III) Increased ventilation and other plantimprovements reduced the workplace hazardto an acceptable level. (IV) In their opinion,TEL was dangerous only in concentratedform, not when diluted in gasoline. (V) Ifreasonable precautions were taken andmixing was performed at distribution centresinstead of at the point of purchase, therewould be no cause for concern.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    43. (I) Of all the legacies of the ancient seas themost valuable is petroleum. (II) No one knowsexactly what geologic processes have createdthese precious pools of liquid deep within theearth. (III) But one thing seems certain.(IV) On the other hand, few geologists believethat petroleum formation is linked withvolcanic action. (V) Petroleum is a result offundamental earth processes that have beenoperating at least since the beginning ofPalaeozoic time.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    44. (I) Geologists are presently seeking ways ofdetecting earthquakes before they strike.(II) If they ar e successful, then people may beevacuated from a danger area before theearthquake happens. (III) Geologists are alsocarrying out experiments in earthquake

    control. (IV) It is calculated that there are asmany as 500,000 earthquakes in a single year.(V) If these experiments are successful, itmay be possible, in the fu ture, to minimisethe destructive force of ear thquakes.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    45. (I) The origin of the asteroids is uncertain.(II) An asteroid would then remain in the samerelative position, provided the initial velocity

    were suitably chosen. (III) It has beensupposed that they are fragments of a formerplanet which has broken up. (IV) Analternative view is that they r epresentmaterial, which did not coalesce to form asingle body at the time the other planets wereformed. (V) If so, this was possibly the resultof the disturbing action of Jupiter.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    46. (I) One main challenge in the production ofready-mixed paints was the achievement ofcomplete dispersion of the pigment in thevehicle. (II) All the early patent paints had apoor reputation because they were thin andlacked opacity. (III) The widespread use oflime and calcium carbonate instead of themore expensive white lead produced paintthat streaked. (IV) Some manufacturersdiluted their paints with too much water.(V) Others added crushed pebbles to makethe cans heavier.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 7 -

    47. - 51. sorularda, kar lkl konuman nbo brak lan ksm nda sylenmiolabilecek sz bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 10:30Biti saati : 10:40Toplam sre : 10 dakika

    47. M el : Funny how one alway s f ocuses onthe nearest and most immediatedanger and not on the more remoteand longer lasting one!

    Frank : - ---

    M el : Volcanoes. Did y ou know thatamong other things, the ash fromthem contaminates water, destroyscrops and clogs the engines ofaircraft?

    Frank : No I didnt; but I can bel ieve i t .

    A) I think youre exaggerating the situation.

    B) Why do you say that?

    C) Today we face all sorts of dangers, dont we?

    D) I suppose the remote one is so easy torecognise.

    E) W hat have you been reading about?

    48. Reg : Why ar e people so excited aboutthe discovery of vast quantities ofice on Mars?

    Jim : ----

    Reg : T hen it is a lucky find. Is th ere alarge quantity of it?

    Jim : E nough to fill Lake Michigan twiceover if it were melted!

    A) Because one of the problems of a mannedexpedition to Mars has always been thecarrying of enough water to support the c rew.

    B) Because most of the ice is situated aroundthe south pole though there may also be somein the north.

    C) Because, as spring approaches, the glaciersare slowly receding.

    D) Thats why the Mars Express mission will useradar to search down several kilometres.

    E) The crucial question, of course, is still Whatare the implications f or life? and until wesend a manned expedition there we cantknow for certain.

    49. Andy : I hear they are trying to improvethe design of stadiums for theWorld Cup.

    Mike : ----

    Andy : What use will t hey be?

    Mike : Theyl l enable suff ic ient sunl ight toget through to enable the grass togrow.

    A) The main problem is keeping the playingsurface in perfect condition.

    B) Yes; and at huge expense, too, I believe.

    C) Im not sure that all these technicalinnovations really are necessary.

    D) Thats right; they are experimenting with semi-transparent fabric roofs over the side stands.

    E) In Sapporo they came up with something quiteexotic, with two arenas.

    50. Peter : We had double-glazing installedthroughout the house last year andare immensely pleased with it.

    Colin : ----

    Peter : As far as Im concerned, the mainone is a reduction in fuel costs dueto efficient insulation.

    Colin : Yes, that is important. Presumably,it also cuts down on noise.

    A) That must have cost you quite a lot!

    B) Is it really worthwhile?

    C) Just what are the benefits?

    D) My wifes keen on it, but Im not so sure.E) Does it really achieve all they promise?

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    51. Reporter: What advice do you have for peoplewishing to go on a space trip?

    Tour ist : ----

    Reporter: Why do you say that?

    Tourist : Well, I had to train for sevenmonths, but the training period willgradually be reduced, and so willthe costs.

    A) Ask me that when I get back.

    B) Id say wait a while. Its going to get far moreaccessible quite s oon.

    C) Make sure that you really want to! Theresmore hard work involved and less fun thanmost people imagine.

    D) Make sure you are physically very fit indeed!

    E) Well, I wished to; I worked hard at it; and nowIm going!

    52. - 56. sorularda, parada bo braklanyere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    Balang saati : 10:40Biti saati : 10:55Toplam sre : 15 dakika

    52. The worlds ten most important coral reefhotspots have been identified. The sites,which are all over the world, have one thingin common: ---- . The f indings contradict along-held contention that marine species are

    unlikely to become extinct b ecause of theirvast geographic ranges in the oceans.

    A) they are all rich in marine species found onlyin small areas and therefore highly vulnerableto extinction

    B) habitat destruction leads to loss ofbiodiversity

    C) most of the worlds coral reefs are underthreat from human activities, in particular frompollution

    D) the advantages of an integrated land and seaconservation strategy are suggested by atleast eight of them

    E) the ten hotspots account for a tiny 0,017 per

    cent of the oceans, but 34 per cent ofrestricted range coral reef species

    53. The training for tourists travelling into spaceis tough; the jour ney itself is even tougher.---- . Moreover, the G-forces push theirorgans and blood to the back of their body.Eight minutes later they should be 805 kmabove Earth, travelling at speeds of more

    than 40,234 km/h.A) Besides the vigorous training programme,

    there are stringent medical and fitness tests

    B) The view and the experience, however, morethan compensate for any unp leasantness

    C) After ignition the force of acceleration dragson the tourists with the weight of eight men

    D) Would-be travellers to space have also tocomplete a 22-month training programme

    E) The G-force exercises are perhaps the mostdemanding part of the training

    54. One important aim of this ScientificOpportunities organisation is to create amore welcoming environment for creative,inventive thinkers. ----; but they are tools thatarent used nearly enough. Too many youngpeople become bored with science and mathseducation, and they learn far too little aboutwhat the great inventors have done to createthe world we live in.

    A) Other skills are naturally required if the job isto be done properly

    B) No cause is more important than cultivatingthe potential of the human mind

    C) Every trade has its own tools and specialequipment

    D) Invention and creativity are humanitys mostpowerful tools for making the world a betterplace

    E) This is its long-standing mission and toachieve it every available tool is being used

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    55. There is very little similarity between thechemical composition of river water and thatof sea water. The various elements arepresent in entirely different proportions. ---- .An important reason for the difference is thatimmense amounts of calcium salts are

    constantly being withdrawn from sea water bymarine animals for the making of shells andskeletons.

    A) The ocean is the earths greatest storehouseof minerals

    B) The rivers bring in four times as muchcalcium as c hloride, for example; yet in theocean the proportions are reversed; there is46 times as much c hloride as calcium

    C) Although the earth is constantly shifting hercomponent materials f rom place to place, theheaviest movements are always from land tosea, not from sea to land

    D) The annual flow of water seaward is believedto be about 5,500 cubic miles, and this i nflowof river water gives th e ocean several billiontonnes of salts

    E) In a single cubic mile of sea water there are,on the average, 166 million tons of dis solvedsalts

    56. Acid rain not only kills fish, it also erodesbuildings. Airborne urban pollution, includingSO2, nitric acid and carbon particles (soot) isdeposited on the wet surfaces of stoneworkto form unsightly black crusts. ---- . Porousstones and sandstone are especially

    vulnerable.A) To make matters worse, the features of many

    of these statues have also been eroded away

    B) Air pollution was much worse in Westerncities 30 years ago than it is today

    C) The crust is essentially soot, mixed withgypsum - the soft mineral calcium sulphatewhich forms when stone reacts with sulphuricacid

    D) Another problem that used to be associatedwith acid rain was lead poisoning, but plasticpipe work has more or less eliminated thisrisk

    E) Rural sources of acidity from industrial sites

    have similarly been increasing at an alarmingrate

    5 dakika dinlenme aras.

    Seeneklerinizi saynz.

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 10 -

    57. - 80. sorular

    Balang saat i : 11: 00Biti saati : 12:00

    Toplam sre : 60 dakika

    Her bir metin ve buna ait 3 soruyucevaplamak iin toplam 7.5 dakika ay rnz.

    57. - 59. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    William Willcocks was born 150 years ago in atent beside a canal in northern India, wherehis father worked for the colonialgovernment. He learnt his engineering in

    India before heading for Egypt in 1883. Therehe rose to become director-general ofreservoirs, and a legend on the banks of theNile. He built the first Aswan dam, then thelargest in the world, went on to revive theancient irrigation systems of Mesopotamia,and watered deserts from south Africa toIndia. But he was deeply troubled by thediscovery that much of what his fellow waterengineers did in their colonial playgroundswas worse than useless.

    57. We gather from the passage that WilliamWillcocks ---- .

    A) travelled all over India in search of f resh waterresources

    B) devoted his engineering skills to theimprovement of agricultur e in India alone

    C) was inspired by his father in choosingengineering as a profession

    D) came from a wealthy and influential Englishfamily in India

    E) was an extremely talented irrigation specialistof the late 19 th century

    58. It is clear from the passage that WilliamWillcocks was upset ---- .

    A) to find out that the ancient irrigation systemsof Mesopotamia were inadequate

    B) because the first Aswan dam was needlesslylarge and costly

    C) when he realised the work of his fellow waterengineers in the colonies was utterlyineffective

    D) to discover that the water resources of southAfrica were not suffic ient to irrigate the desert

    E) because the whole responsibility for theconstruction of the Aswan dam was on hisshoulders

    59. As it is stated in the passage, Willcocksswork in Egypt ---- .

    A) brought about a rapid change in the economiclife of the country

    B) earned him fame, power and prestige

    C) was of secondary importance compared withwhat he was to do in India

    D) was confined to the construction of the Aswandam

    E) has always been underestimated

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 11 -

    60. - 62. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    The acronym radar, for radio detection and

    ranging, has been credited to the US Navy,which used it officially towards the end of1940, but the concept of radar is somewhatolder. Hertz showed that metals would reflectelectromagnetic waves and Tesla is said tohave suggested using this phenomenon in aradar-like manner in 1899. A few years later aGerman, Christian Hulsmeyer, receivedpatents for a ships anticollision device. Alsomany radio engineers and experimentersobserved that passing aircraft or shipsinterfered with their experiments. Althoughthese features are all suggestive of radar,none was actually radar unless the term isvery loosely defined. In the 1930s, however,

    several of the major powers became aware ofthe military possibilities of radar and work onit started immediately in the USA, Britain,France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the SovietUnion. By the end of World War II, militaryradar, and military radio navigation aids too,were well developed.

    60. We understand from the passage that thework on radar ---- .

    A) was begun by Hertz and completed byHulsmeyer

    B) only began upon the outbreak of W orld War IIC) received almost no scientific attention until

    the end of 1940D) was originally undertaken by the US NavyE) developed very fast during World W ar II

    61. According to the passage, one fact thatopened the way to the development of r adarwas ---- .

    A) the use of electromagnetic waves by the USNavy

    B) the pressing need for the prevention ofcollisions on land and sea

    C) the interference in radio experiments whenships or aircraft passed by

    D) the growing hostilities between East and WestE) Americas entry into World War II

    62. It is clear from the passage that many of theworlds leading countries ---- .

    A) were keen to develop radar because of itsmilitary advantages

    B) had been involved in the development of radarfrom 1899 onwards

    C) were worried about the sharp increase incollisions at sea

    D) decided to pool their resources so as todevelop radar at a faster rate

    E) were investing large sums of money to

    improve the navigational techniques of theirmilitary aircraft

    63. - 65. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    Aviation is about to go back to its roots.

    Nearly 100 years after the Wright brothersfirst heavier-than-air powered flight, the USAir Force is testing an experimental planethat uses wing warping, which is thesteering and control technique that keptOrville Wright aloft in 1903. But this timeround, it will be at supersonic speeds. Unlikeconventional aircraft wings, which usemovable surfaces like flaps on the wings andthe tail, wing warping bends the entire wing.The USAF call it activ e aeroelastic wingtechnology, and is investing $41 million in theproject in the hope that it will lead to lighter,more manoeuvrable supersonic planes.

    63. We understand from the passage that thereason why the USAF is giving so muchimportance to the wing warping techniqueis ---- .

    A) because they believe it may help them toproduce supersonic planes that are easier tocontrol and less heavy

    B) because it will improve the performance ofconventional aircraft by increasing theirweight

    C) because it will help them to cut down onproduction costs of supersonic aircraft

    D) to enable combat aircraft to develop a more

    effective defence systemE) to ensure that the wings can withstand

    supersonic speeds over long periods of time

    64. As it is clear from the passage, the wingwarping technique that is presently beingtested ---- .

    A) is a brand new technique especially developedfor supersonic aviation

    B) in fact dates back to the early history ofaviation

    C) is being sharply contested by the USAF

    D) is unlikely to prove effective in supersonicaircraft

    E) will probably have no noticeable effect on anaircrafts performance

    65. The phrase kept Orville Wright aloft in lines5-6 means ---- .

    A) gave Orville Wright an easy control

    B) helped Orville Wright to fly faster

    C) lifted Orville Wright into the air

    D) enabled Orville Wright to stay in the air

    E) made Orville Wright fly more safely

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 12 -

    66. - 68. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    Like so many American waterways, theChesapeake Bay, an enormous, semi-salinebody of water that is treasured for its aquaticlife, became badly polluted during the 20 th

    century. But it has regained much of itsbiological vitality since the early 1970s,thanks to concerted ecological stewardship.In this effort, the Conowingo dam hasprovided valuable assistance.Environmentalists are not often fond of dams,which have a habit of trapping migratory fishand disrupting sensitive water ecosystems -not to mention looking ugly. But theConowingo dam on the Susquehanna river ineastern Maryland is an exception. Since itsconstruction in 1928, the Conowingo dam has

    not only generated electricity but alsotrapped vast amounts of sediment behind itsimposing walls. This was not a function thebuilders had planned for, but in recent y earsits value has become clear. The water flowingpast the Conowingo dam is much cleaner thanit would otherwise be. Even Americas once-endangered national symbol, the bald eagle,can be seen perching near the dam, waiting toswoop down and seize a meal of fish by itstalons.

    66. As it is pointed out in the passage, dams arenot usually popular among environmentalists---- .

    A) but the Conowingo dam has their approval

    B) unless they disrupt sensitive waterecosystems

    C) and especially all those on the Susquehannariver

    D) but the Conowingo dam, because of itsimposing appearance, is generally admired

    E) although they acknowledge that most areenvironmentally friendly

    67.According to the passage, the Conowingodam holds back large quantities of sediment---- .

    A) so the water going into the bay is lacking innutrients

    B) which means that the water flowing into theChesapeake Bay is almost salt free

    C) and has to be constantly cleaned

    D) though this was not thought of when the damwas designed

    E) as well as a great many migratory fish

    68. We learn from the passage that one gratifyingsign that the Chesapeake Bay is no longerseriously polluted is the fact that ---- .

    A) the bald eagle is now no longer anendangered species

    B) America has made the bald eagle her naturalsymbol

    C) the bald eagle that feeds on fish has returnedto the region

    D) its biological variety has remained unchanged

    E) the water is so clear one can see the aquaticlife there

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 13 -

    69. - 71. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    More than half of astronauts suffer from

    space sickness, also known as SpaceAdaptation Syndrome. Symptoms includeheadaches, nausea, vomiting and poorconcentration. The main cause of spacesickness is disorientation caused byexposure to zero gravity conditions. Thehuman body is used to a much strongergravitational field on Earth and organs in theinner ear, along with canals that sensemotion, tell the brain about the location of thelimbs relative to the ground. In other words,theyre responsible for balance.Unfortunately, the signals from these or gansin the inner ear go wrong in z ero gravity,leading to space sickness. Over time though,

    the brain learns to ignore them and reliesinstead on visual clues, such as the positionof the feet, to determine balance. Astronautsquickly re-adapt to Earths gravity within afew days and there are probably no long-termeffects from this strange affliction.

    69. As we understand from the passage, theSpace Adaptation Syndrome ---- .

    A) brings about serious damage to the innerorgans of the astronauts

    B) persists for a very long time after theastronauts return to earth

    C) means the physical disorientation experienced

    by a majority of astronauts in s paceD) is in no way related to zero gravityE) has only been observed in recent space


    70. One interesting point made in the passage isthat ---- .

    A) astronauts get used to zero gravity beforesetting off on a space mission

    B) the structure of the inner ear is morecomplicated than that of other organs

    C) the earths gravitational field has, in the longrun, an adverse effect upon the human body

    D) astronauts learn to maintain their balance inspace by ignoring visual signals

    E) the human brain can, after a certain length oftime, learn to adapt to zero gravity

    71. We learn from the passage that within theEarths gravitational field ---- .

    A) the space adaptation syndrome of astronautsimmediately disappears

    B) we maintain our balance through the organsof the inner ear

    C) the symptoms of space sickness continue toincrease noticeably

    D) symptoms similar to those of space sickness

    are quite unknownE) astronauts who have experienced zero gravitynever again feel quite comfortable

    72. - 74. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    Why do transformers hum? This is one of

    those questions which seems easy but hassurprising hidden depths. The simpleexplanation is that electric currents createmagnetic fields, and the alternating current ofmains electricity used by transformerscreates a magnetic field that changes at 50cycles a second. This in turn triggers aregular motion of the metal molecules insidethe transformer, known as magnetostriction.Its this motion that makes the surroundingair vibrate, creating the hum. But why doesthe metal respond in this way? The answerlies in a property of the electrons in the metalknown as spin - a property which can onlybe explained by reference to Einsteins theory

    of relativity, which is beyond theunderstanding of most of us.

    72. It is pointed out in the passage that the soundproduced by a transformer ---- .

    A) is actually the vibration of the air caused bythe movement of the metal molecules withinthe transformer

    B) is only noticeable when it occurs in anenclosed space

    C) varies according to the type of magnetic fieldcreated

    D) can easily be eliminatedE) varies according to the size of the magnetic

    field in which it occurs

    73. We understand from the passage that thequestion Why do tr ansformers hum?---- .

    A) has never been adequately answeredB) appears straightforward but the answer is

    extremely complicatedC) has been under discussion from the time

    transformers were first madeD) has raised doubts concerning the safety of

    mains electricityE) has opened the way to the manufacture of

    quieter transformers

    74. In the passage, the question Why does themetal respond in this way? ---- .

    A) bears no relationship with the phenomenonknown as magnetostriction

    B) refers to the creation of magnetic fields bymains electricity

    C) can be fully answered without reference to thetheory of relativity

    D) can be answered far more easily than can theopening question

    E) is not answered in a clear and detailed


    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 14 -

    75. - 77. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    Time travel has been a favourite science

    fiction theme ever since it was first used inH.G. Wellss trailblazing novel The TimeMachine. But not everything it describes isscience fiction: travelling forward in time, forexample, is a pr oven fact. Einsteins theory ofrelativity predicts that an observer movingrelative to Earth can leap into Earths future,and the effect has been confirmed usingatomic clocks. Dramatic time warps r equirespeeds close to that of light, which ispossible in principle but would take a majorfeat of engineering, not to mention a lot ofmoney. Going back in time is far moreproblematic. Relativity does not rule out anobserver being able to make a journeythrough space-time and return to the past.But all scenarios so far discussed requireexotic circumstances.

    75. According to the passage, going back in time---- .

    A) may not be impossible but presents a greatmany difficulties

    B) has been feasible ever since Einsteinformulated the theory of relativity

    C) is completely contradicted by the theory ofrelativity

    D) requires speeds that are greater than thespeed of light

    E) was an idea originally put forward by Einstein

    76. It is pointed out in the passage that TheTime Machine by H.G. Wells ---- .

    A) was to a large extent inspired by Einsteinstheory of relativity

    B) was the first novel to deal with the idea oftime travel

    C) is the only early work of science fiction thatstill remains popular

    D) is still regarded as a standard reference fortime travel studies

    E) focuses on travel into the past rather than intothe future

    77. The passage makes the point that it ispossible to travel into Earths future ---- .

    A) and indeed this has already been achieved

    B) though this has not been verified by atomicclocks

    C) if Einsteins theory of relativity is found to betrue

    D) at reasonably attainable speeds

    E) but technically and financially it is still notpossible

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Dier sayfaya geiniz


    - 15 -

    78. - 80. sorular aadaki paraya grecevaplay nz.

    In a biography of Bardeen, recently

    published, he does not fit the popularstereotype of scientific genius, for he issurprisingly sane and ordinary. As far ascharacter goes, he had several assets. Tostart with he was a notable team builder.Tenacious when it came to attackingproblems, he had the gift of breaking a largeproblem down into smaller, more solubleparts and then reassembling the whole. As ateacher, his habit of stopping to think allowedhis students to do so too. Government andindustry valued his advice - according to onecommentator, he helped Xerox to build one ofthe finest industrial laboratories in the worldin the fields of organic and disordered solids

    during the late 1970s. But, perhaps, the mosttelling aspect of Bardeens character was hiswillingness to share the cr edit with others.For example, he deliberately stayed awayfrom the meeting of the American PhysicalSociety in March 1957, at which his theory ofsuperconductivity was first presented, so thatthe contribution of his young co-researcherswould be recognised.

    78. It is emphasised in the passage thatBardeens ideas ---- .

    A) almost invariably centred on the study oforganic solids

    B) frequently had a practical application

    C) received very little recognition in his own life-time

    D) had no direct bearing on industrial practices

    E) were in the opinion of other scientists ratherstereotyped

    79. As we understand from the passage, Bardeen---- .

    A) showed very little interest in his students andtheir work

    B) was generally regarded as having severalshortcomings

    C) really disliked attending scientific conferencesand giving papers

    D) was by nature a modest person who preferredto keep a low profile

    E) achieved nothing of any scientific importanceprior to the 1970s

    80. It is clear from the passage that, unlike manyreally great scientists, Bardeen had the gift of---- .

    A) getting the utmost benefit out of his

    co-researchers workB) persuading governments to support his

    research projects

    C) choosing the right problems to work on, thatis, the ones that could be s olved

    D) writing biographical works as well asscientific ones

    E) working effectively with other people andsharing his ideas with them

    nemli Not:

    Kalan 30 dakika srenin 15 dakikasn

    seeneklerinizi saymak ve bo braktnzsorular, cevap kadnzda sayca en az kanseenee gre iaretlemek iin ayrnz.

    Son 15 dakikalk sreyi, snavn normal sresiiinde bakamadnz sorular iinkullanabilirsiniz. Daha nce zerindeuratnz sorulara tekrar geri dnmeyiniz.

    TEST BTT !


    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Soru1. global warming = kresel snmasignificant= nemli, considerableMeat offers a significant amount of protein.

    Soru 2. teeming (with) = (ile) dolu olmak, kumgibi kaynamakFor most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists.fuel = krklemek, iddetlendirmek, tahrik etmekThis budget (bte) fuels inflation and cuts our living standards.

    Soru 3. smog = duman, endstrinin yol at sisBlack smog reduced visibility (gr mesafesi) to about fifty metres.

    Soru 4. hydroponic farming = topraksz tarmconsiderably = bir hayli, significantlyLarge windows make the car feel considerably bigger.

    Soru 5. suspend = asmak, asl durmakA lamp (ampul) was suspended from the ceiling (tavan) above us.bewildering= artc, hayret veren, overwhelmingThere is a bewildering variety of activ ities in this new entertainment (elenceprogram).minuscule= ok kkHe had to live in this minuscule room.massive= ar, kaln, ok byk

    The social impact (darbe gcnde etki) of this economic crisis will be massive.grain = tane, tahl tanesi

    Soru 7. exposure = fotoraflkta diyaframn ak kalma sresi, pozcapture = saptamak, yakalamak, tespit etmek, recordWith his camera he tried to capture changes as they took place before his eyes.pulse =ksa frekanslk huzmesi, kalp at

    Soru 8. ultimate = en son, en yksek, en byk, nihai, eventualSomeones initial success may be deceptive (yanltc); what matters is his ultimatesuccess.genetic make-up = genetik yap

    Soru 9. privacy= gizlilikI hated the lack of privacy in the dormitory (yatakhane).

    Soru 10. exploit= smrmek, istismar etmekThe opposition (muhalefet) aims to exploit the economic crisis to their advantage.

    Soru 11. bar = ubuk

    Soru 12. assume= varsaymak, sanmak, zannetmek, presumeI was mistakenly (yanllkla) assumed to be an Arab because of the colour of myskin.threatened species = nesli tkenme tehdidi altnda olmakextinction = soyu tkenme, nesli tkenme

    on the brink of extinction = nesli tkenmenin eiinde

    w w w . b a d e m c i . c o m

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    Soru 13. bromine = brom (krmz, kt kokulu sv element)extraction = karma, removalconcentration = younluk; younlama, odaklanma, intensification; focusingcomposition = yap, bir eyi oluturan maddeler, structure, make-upcomplexity = karmaklk, apraklk, complication, zt anl. = simplicity

    sufficiency = yeterlilik, adequacy, zt anl. = insufficiency

    Soru 14. gestation = gebelik sresiapplicable = uygulanabilirvariable = deiken, kolay deiir, changeable, zt anl. = invariable, stablesizeable = olduka fazla, plenty, zt anl. = littlevulnerable = saldrya/eletiriye/riske ak/maruz, susceptible, exposed, at risk, ztanl. = protected, secure

    Soru 15. comprehensively = geni/kapsaml bir ekilde, etrafl, inclusively, in depth, zt anl. =exclusively, limitedcomparably = kyaslanabilir ekilde, benzer ekilde, similarly, likewise

    conditionally = koullara bal olarak, contingently, zt anl. = unconditionallyexcessively = ar derecede, overly, redundantly, zt anl. = moderately

    Soru 16. outlay = masraf, gider, harcama, expense, expenditureaccompany = elik etmek, birlikte olumak, coincide

    Soru 17. bring out = yaymlamak, ortaya karmak, publish, produceget through = (engel arasndan) varmak/ulamak; (bir kimseye) ulamak, reach

    Soru 18. commodity = mal, rn, productmake over = (bir maln) mlkiyetini (bakasna) vermek

    19. - 23. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)

    proposition = mesele, matterstuff = ey, thing

    Soru 22. the latter= iki eyden ikincisi

    Soru 24. ethical= ahlaki, ahlakla ilgiliThe doctor had no ethical objection (itiraz) to drinking but he simply said that it wasunhealthy.entirely = tmyle, tamamen, completely, totallyWhen he came back to his hometown, he noticed that the place was entirely differentfrom what he had left two decades ago.target = hedeflemek, amalamakThe company has targeted adults as its primary customers.

    Soru 25. conventional = klasik, konvansiyonel (silah vs.)The country has the ability to fight with conventional as well as nuclear weapons.fusion = fzyon, birleme, kaynamacontribution (to) = katkHe was awarded a prize(dl verilmek) for his contribution to world peace.drain = alp uzaklatrmak, direne etmekrenewable= yenilenebiliradvocate = taraftar, szc

    Soru 26. step up = arttrmak, oaltmak, hzlandrmakThe pace (hz) of exploration for fossil fuels has been stepped up enormously.

    prosperous = baarl, kazanl, karl, zengin, affluent

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    He was born sixty-four years ago to a prosperous family.vast = ok geni, ok byk, huge, immenseThey are building these roads at vast expense.treasure = hazine, defineundoubtedly= phesiz, kesinlikle, obviously

    Soru 27. submerged = suya batm, suya dalmThis submarine can remain submerged for eight weeks.indefinitely = sresiz olarak, belirsiz olarakDue to renovation (tadilat) works, the Regency Hotel was closed indefinitely.crush = ezmek, yok etmek, harap etmek

    Soru 28. marine reptile =deniz srngeniscale = lek, derece, skalaorbit = yrngetake (to) = dzenli olarak bir ii (hobi, spor vs.) yapmaya balamak

    Soru 29. govern = (bir eyin) kurallarn belirlemek

    Laws which govern the production and sale of drugs in the USA are very strict (kat).harvest = rn elde etmeksurplus= artan miktar, herhangi bir eyin fazlaspremature = erken, vakitsiz, zaman gelmemi

    Soru 30. dairy= st rnleriunravel = zmek, halletmek, solvegenome = bir organizmann kaltmsal malzemesisequence = sra, dizi, ardklksequenced = sralanm, dizilmiThe paintings of the artist (ressam) are exhibited (sergilenmek) in a chronologicalsequence.

    livestock = iftlik hayvanlarvaccinate = alamakoutbreak = patlak verme, salgnfoot and mouth disease = aft (hayvanlarda grlen bir tr hastalk)rule out = devre d brakmak, nlemek, meydan vermemek, engellemek, ortadankaldrmak

    Soru 31. discarded = atlm, skartaya kmasteroid = kk gezegen, asteroidcoming our way = yolumuza kanwork out = zmek, hesaplamak, bulmak

    Soru 32. collapse = kmek, gmek, fall in

    These flimsy (erden pten) houses are liable (yatkn) to collapse in a heavy storm.concrete = beton, somut (rnek vs. iin)What sort of concrete evidence do you have to show us?slab = inaatta kullanlan kaln ve yass para, ktkmulti-storey = ok katlnegative press = gazetelerde bir kii, konu vs. hakknda kt haber kmasreinforced (glendirilmi) concrete = betonarmeproblems of this nature = bu trden sorunlarchunk = byk bir para, yn

    Soru 33. conjecture= varsaym, tahmin, assumption, supposition, guessThe exact figure for the damage is a matter for conjecture.(Hasarn gerek/tam miktar tahmine kalm.)

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    conclusively = kesin, kati olarak, indisputableA case of malpractise (hekim hatas) is difficult to prove conclusively.strength of gravity = yerekimi kuvvetilocation = yer, konumThe new job involves a new employer (iveren), a new location and a new set of

    colleagues (meslekta).

    Soru 34. nomadic= gebe, gebelere aitThese tribes (kabile) have a nomadic way of life.hostile = dman, kar olan, adversary, enemy

    Soru 35. rogue = beklenmedik, unexpectedinterstellar space = yldzlar aras bolukunawares = hazrlksz olarak, gafil avlanarakThe news took (yakalamak) the city of London unawares.devise= tasarlamak, bulmak, icat etmek, inventIt is necessary to devise a new computer program that will be easy for school childrento learn.fling = frlatmak, savurmak, atmak, throwWith the hope of being forgiven, he flung himself down at the Kings feet.concentric rings = emerkezli halkalar

    Soru 42. prominent= nl, ekin, nemli, well-known, famed

    appoint = atamak, tayin etmek, grevlendirmek, assignThe Prime Minister appointed his friend Secretary of State (Dileri Bakan) for India.properties = zellikler, niteliklerlead = kurundrastic = zorlayc, iddetli, extremejustify = hakl karmak, hakl gstermek

    How did the terrorists justify kill ing hundreds of innocent (masum) children in aschool?ban = yasak, yasak etmek, forbid, inhibitThere was no ban on smoking on the train we travelled.ventilation = havalandrmaIn the attic (tavan aras), the only ventilation was through a small door at the back.

    hazard= tehlike, dangerDrinking alcohol is a real health hazard if carried to excess(arya kamak).dilute = sulandrmak, younluunu ya da derecesini drmekShe cleaned the bathroom with hypo-chloride (amar suyu) diluted with water.gasoline =benzinreasonable = yeteri kadar, uygun miktar ya da lde,

    All we need is a reasonable amount of land and sunlight to grow our vegetables.precaution = nlem, tedbirThe precautions taken during the Olympic games held in Athens were effective.purchase = satn alnan eyAmong his purchase were several books.

    Soru 43. legacy = gemiin kalnts, arta kalan ey, mirasBritish people are thrifty (tutumlu): This characteristics of theirs is a legacy of pre-warunemployment (isizlik).precious = deerli, kymetli, yararlSalt was nearly as precious as gold in the ancient (eski alar) world.pool = kk gl, glet

    link (with) = balamak, birletirmek

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    fundamental= esasl, nemli, temel, essential, centralHard work is fundamental to success.palaeozoic = paleozoik dnem

    Soru 44. seek = istemek, aramak

    As I only knew some French and no other foreign language, I was naturally seekingthe help of someone who spoke it.strike = vurmak, arpmak, knockThe poor man was struck by lighting (yldrm).evacuate = tahliye etmek, boaltmak, vacatecarry out = uygulamak, gerekletirmek, yerine getirmek, perform, conductThe experiments were carried out by Dr. Preston.destructive = ykc, zararlThis rocket has sufficient destructive power to blow a battleship (sava gemisi).

    Soru 45. initial velocity = ilk hz, balang hzfragment = kk paracoalesce = birlemek, birleip bir btn oluturmak, fuse

    There is a tendency for separate industrial systems to coalesce into large units.

    Soru 46. challenge = sorun, byk azim ve gayret isteyen g bir ey, meydan okuyan eyMount Everest presented a challenge to Hillary.dispersion = dalmpigment = boya maddesipatent = patent, bulgu belgesireputation= n, hret, namMice have a reputation for curiosity (Fareler meraklaryla nldrler.); once they havesettled in a house, they learn each and every corner of it, and they do it better thanthe landlord (ev sahibi).opacity = saydam olmama hali, opaklk

    widespread = yaygnThere was a widespread belief that the newspapers had invented the story.lime = kirestreaked = dzensiz izilmi, kaplanmcrushed pebble = ufalanm akl tacan = (boya, tiner gibi eylerin iine konduu) kutu, teneke vs., konserve kutusu

    Soru 47. funny = tuhaf, garip

    remote = uzak, distantHis stories are too remote from everyday life.

    lasting = devaml, srekli, kalc, enduring, long-termShe left a lasting impression on her boyfriend.

    ash = klcontaminate = kirletmek, bulatrmakcrop = ekin, rnclog = tkamakexaggerate = abartmak, gznde bytmek, mbalaa etmek

    Soru 48. melt = erimek, eritmek, thawexpedition = keif sefericrew = tayfa, mrettebatglacier = buzulrecede = yava yava azalmak, geri ekilmekcrucial = son derece nemli, can alc, hayati

    It is crucial that everyone strictly (harfiyen) obey (itaat etmek) to the rules during the

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    experiment.implication = ima, amalanan anlammanned = insanl

    Soru 49. keep = korumak, protect, preserve

    innovation = yenilik, deiiklik, noveltysemi-transparent = yar-saydamfabric = kumastand = tezgah

    Soru 50. double-glazing = scaminstall = yerletirmek, kurmak, yklemekWe have had central heating installed in our flat.immensely = son derece, pek ok, olduka, extremelyinsulation = yaltmpresumably= herhalde, galibaThe bomb was presumably intended to go off while the meeting was in progress, but

    instead, it exploded before the meeting started, saving the lives of many innocent(masum) people.cut down = azaltmak, ksmak, reduce, restrictkeen on= ok hevesli olmak,istekli olmak

    Soru 51. gradually = azar azar, ar ar, bit by bitaccessible= ulalabilir, approachable, attainableThe hidden (gizli) room was accessible only through a secret back entrance.involve = iermek, containmake sure = emin olmakfit = uygunShe tried the dress on. It fitted her perfectly.

    indeed = gerekten, in fact

    Soru 52. coral reef = mercan kayalhotspots = tehlike altnda olan blgeler/noktalarin common= ortak olarak, genel olarakcontradict= aksini sylemek, yalanlamaklong-held contention = uzun zamandr (doruluuna) inanlan bir grbecome extinct = soyu tkenmek, nesli tkenmek, be wiped outThis dog race (rk) became extinct about 300 years ago.vulnerable (to) = savunmasz, kolaylkla yaralanabilirElderly people, living alone, are especially vulnerable.under-threat = tehdit altndain particular = zellikle, bilhassa, particularlyintegrated = karma, btnlemiconservation = koruma, doal kaynaklar ya da evreyi korumaOne of the aims of TEMA Foundation (Vakf) is to make people realise the importanceof conservation.restricted = yasaklanm, yasakThe town is now a restricted area barred (yasaklanm) to journalists without specialauthorisation (yetki, izin).

    Soru 53. tough = zor, zahmetli

    vigorous= terleten, zahmetli,

    stringent= sert, sk, strict

    compensate (for)= telafi etmek, to make up (for)

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    Nothing can compensate for the death of a loved one.ignition = ateleme dzeni, kontakacceleration = ivme kazanma, hzlanmadrag = ekmekwould-be = gelecekteki, mstakbel

    demanding = ok ey isteyen, zorlua demanding job

    Soru 54. welcoming = dosta, iteninventive= yaratc, bulucu, creativeproperly=uygun bir ekilde, doru olarak, adequatelyHe didnt close the door properly and the room got colder and colder in a fewminutes.cultivate = ilemeklong-standing = ok eski, uzatmalThe deceased (rahmetli), Rhan Adl, was Trkan orays long-standing lover.

    available = elde edilebilir, hazrsimilarity = benzerlikthat = (That zamiri soruda chemical composition yerine gemektedir.)constantly = deimez bir ekilde, srekli olarak, invariablywithdraw (from) = geri ekmek, ekilmekshell = kabukskeleton = iskeletstorehouse = ambar, ardiyeproportion = oran, ratereverse = tersine evirmekcomponent = para, unsur, elemanannual = yllkseaward = denize doruinflow = iine akma

    Soru 56. erode = erozyona uramak/uratmak, kemirmekairborne = havada olan, havada tanan (airborne bacteria)urban= kentsel, kentle ilgiliThere have been huge traffic jams in urban areas.soot = is, kurumdeposit (on) = (stnde) birikmekstonework = ta, ta iiunsightly = irkin, gze ho gelmeyencrust = kabukporous = gzenekli, sngerimsi

    sandstone = kum tafeature = ayrc zellik, belirgin nitelik, propertystatue = heykelgypsum = alpipe = borueliminate = ortadan kaldrmak, gidermek, eradicate, cut outPoverty must be eliminated.rural = krsal

    57. - 59. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)colonial = smrgeye aithead = -e doru ynelmekreservoir = su haznesi, depolegend = destan, efsane, myth

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    banks of the Nile = Nilin kylarrevive = canlanmak, canlandrmakirrigation= sulamafellow = meslekta, colleagueplayground = oyun sahas, arka bahe (mecazi anlamda)

    Soru 57. gather = anlamak, sonu karmak, anlam karmakfreshwater = tatl sudevoted = bal, kendini adamskill= ustalk, hner, beceri, expertiseinspire = tevik etmek, duygu alamak, encouragewealthy= zengin, richinfluential= etkili, nfuzlu, hatrltalented = kabiliyetli, yetenekli, gifted

    Soru 58. upset = zgn, zntl, distressedinadequate = yetersiz, elverisiz, insufficient

    His income is inadequate to meet his basic needs.needlessly = bou bouna, ortada hibir ey yokken

    costly= ok pahalutterly = tamamen, absolutely, totally, completelyShe was trying to look like a young lady but failing utterly.

    Soru 59. bring about = meydana getirmek, neden olmak, effectuate, account forThe Administration helped bring about a peaceful settlement.

    earn = kazandrmakfame= n, hret, reputationsecondary= ikinci derecede, sekonder

    confined (to)= tutulmak, snrlandrlmak, limited, restrictedThe problem of underdevelopment does not appear to be confined only to a fewAfrican countries.underestimate = kmsemek, hafife almak

    60. - 62. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)acronym = ba harflerden oluan szlk (rn, nylon: Now you little old nippons! Sizimdi grrsnz kk, yal Japonlar! [Naylonu bularak Japonlarn ipek zerindekiegemenliine son veren Amerikallarn bu yeni kuma trne verdikleri ad.])credit (to) = mal etmekphenomenon = doal olay, olaanst eyanticollision = arpmay nleyici

    interfere (with) = engel olmak, mani olmakChild-bearing should not interfere with a career, but it usually does.suggestive (of) = (bir dnceyi) akla getiren (ey)His behaviour was suggestive of a cultured man.loosely = gevekenavigation = denizcilik

    Soru 60. outbreak (of) = patlak verme, ba gsterme

    Soru 61. interference = karma, mdahale

    Soru 62. pool = glet

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    63. - 65. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)aviation = havaclkwing-warping = uakta manevra esnasnda tm kanadn hareket etmesi tekniialoft = yukarda, havadamovable = tanabilir, nakledilebilir

    flap = rpmak, sallamakbend = emek, bkmek, kvrlmakmanoeuvrable = manevra yaptrlabilir

    Soru 63. combat = mcadele etmek, cope withwithstand = kar koymak, direnmek

    Soru 64. brand-new = yepyeni, gcr gcrcontest = kar kmak, itiraz etmeknoticeable = belirgin, dikkate deer, conspicuousThe new tax (vergi) system did not have any noticeable effect upon the rate ofeconomic growth.

    66. - 68. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)bay = koysemi-saline = yar tuzluaquatic = suyla ilgili, suda yaayanpolluted = kirletilmi, pisletilmi, contaminatedOur water supply is becoming polluted with nitrates.vitality = canllk, dirilikthanks to= sayesindestewardship = organizasyontrap = tutmak, yakalamakmigratory = gle ilgilidisrupt = datmak, bozmak

    not to mention ugly looking = irkin grnmeleri de cabas (Bu ifade metindebarajlar iin kullanlmtr.)generate = retmeksediment = tortuimposing = etkileyici, impressiveonce-endangered = bir zamanlar tehlike altnda olanbald eagle = kel kartalperch = tnemekswoop down = (bir avn) zerine ullanmakseize = yakalamaktalon = pene

    Soru 66. acknowledge = bildirmek, belirtmek, beyanda bulunmak

    The serviceman acknowledged that the equipment had been improperly (dzgnolmayan bir ekilde) installed.

    Soru 67. hold back = tutmak, trap

    Soru 68. gratifying =memnuniyet verici, tatminkar, satisfactory

    69. - 71. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)space sickness = uzay boluunda duyulan rahatszlknausea = mide bulantsdisorientation = oryantasyon bozukluu, (yn, yer, zaman tayininde bozukluk)zero gravity = sfr yerekimiinner ear = i kulakmotion = hareket

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    limbs = el ve ayaklarover time = zamanla, zaman iinderely (on) = gvenmek, itimat etmek, (birinin, bir eyin) yardmyla (bir ii) baarmakToday we rely on computers to perform innumerable (saysz) tasks.visual = grsel

    clue = ipucu, iaretaffliction = rahatszlk, distress

    Soru 69. persist = direnmek, inat etmekin no way = hibir bakmdan, hibir suretteHe is in no way ready for the exam. He hasnt touched his textbook yet.

    Soru 70. set off = yola kmakthat = the structure (B seeneindeki that zamirinin yerine getii isim.)adverse = olumsuz, tersadverse effect = yan etkiignore= gz ard etmek

    Soru 71. maintain = salamak

    72. - 74. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)transformer = transformatrhum = vzldamak, vzldamaya benzer ses karmakalternating current = alternatif akmmains electricity = (ehir) ebeke cereyantrigger = tetiklemek, balatmakmagnetostriction = mknatssal bzlme, manyetostriksiyonvibrate = titremekspin = dn, dnme hareketi

    Soru 72. enclosed = kapal, kapatlmSoru 73. adequately = yeterli bir biimde/oranda, sufficiently

    Is your project adequately funded (fon salanmak)?straightforward = basit, kolayraise doubts = phe uyandrmak

    Soru 74. bear no relation = (bir eyin, baka bir eyle) ilgisi olmamakYour composition bears no relation with the topic (konu bal) given.

    75. - 77. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)fiction theme = kurgusal tema/konutrailblazing = nc, pioneer

    leap (into) = atlamak, sramakleap year = artk yl (4 ylda bir ubat aynn 29 ektii yl)warp = deiiklik, saptrmathat = speed (Metnin 11. satrndaki that zamirinin yerine getii isim.)feat = yaplmas g ve cesaret isteyen eynot to mention a lot of money = gereken ok miktarda paray saymazsak, parayhesaba katmazsak, (stelik, bir de iin para yn var.)exotic = allmadk, egzotik

    Soru 75. feasible = yaplabilir, uygulanabilirput forward = ne srmek, fikir ortaya atmak, assert

    Soru 76. to a large extent = byk oranda

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    Soru 77. verify = dorulamak, confirmattainable= eriilebilir, ulalabilirThe objectives (ama) put forward by the Leading Party (iktidar partisi) do not seemto be attainable.

    78. - 80. sorular (Metinde geen yabanc kelimeler)stereotype = basmakalpgenius = dahisane= akl banda, zihinsel bir hastal olmayanas far as character goes = karakter sz konusu olursaasset = meziyettenacious = vazgemez, inatwhen it came to attacking problems = i problem zmeye gelincegift = Allah vergisi yetenek, talentreassemble = tekrar bir araya getirmekcommentator = yorumcu, (bir hikayeyi, olay) nakleden kiidisordered = dzensizsolids = kat haldeki maddelerwillingness = isteklilik, enthusiasmcredit= saygnlk, vgdeliberately = kasten, bilerek, on purposestay away = geri durmaksuperconductivity = speriletkenlikco-researcher = ayn aratrma ekibinden insanlarn birbirlerine olan durumu

    Soru 78. invariably = deimez bir ekilde, constantlyrecognition = tannma, poplarite

    Soru 79. shortcoming = kusur, pitfallpaper = paper, bildiri, dnem devi

    by nature = doas gereimodest = alak gnll, humblelow profile = reklam sevmeyen ve geride duran bir kiinin izdii profil

    Soru 80. utmost = en byk, en okpersuade = ikna etmek

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