Fendt Katana 65 • 85 Forage harvester

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Fendt Katana 65 • 85Forage harvester

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With the completion of the harvesting machine line, the Fendt brand has become a long-liner for key machines. Fendt has been working on the expansion of the forage harvester range in giant steps and now offers two models with up to 850 hp. Fendt has also further developed the technology found in the forage harvesters: automatic steering system and documentation have found their way into the range.

Fendt Katana

The Fendt forage harvester line

Katana 65 653 hp 480 kWKatana 85 850 hp 625 kWMaximum output to ECE R120

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The power of precisionFendt engineers have trimmed the main chop-ping units for maximum performance from the very beginning. The Fendt Katana has already proven its power and performance, amongst other things, through the biggest cutterhead currently available on the market. In addition to power, the Katana also stands for precision. Fendt sets standards with the V-Cracker, which guarantees outstanding chopping quality through its ingenious design. The overall operat-ing concept is designed for precise control and adjustment. Newly introduced technologies, such as the automated steering, guarantee precise work and therefore the highest area coverage – with up to 850 hp.

X5 cab with extra comfort• Extraergonomicsandoperatingcomfort,extravisibilityandlighting,extraspace

Maximum output in tonnes per hour• Effectivefeedthroughheadermountedonaninnovativeswingingframeandsixfeedrollers

• Largestcutterheadonthemarket• Exclusivemaximumoutputcontrol2.0foropti-malengineutilisationandmaximumharvestingperformance

Highest quality chopped material• InnovativeV-Crackerwithuniquefunctionalityand125%longercrackinglengththanconven-tionalrollercrackers

ECO-Power concept for maximum economy•Upto850hpformaximumoutput• Eco/Powerdriveconceptwith10%fuelsavingsaccordingtoDLGFocusTest

Maximum operational reliability• Easymaintenancethankstoexcellentaccessibil-ity

• FendtServicetechnicianswithspecialtrainingofferfaston-siteservice

Ideal ride comfort• Rearaxlesuspensionforthebestridecomfortontheroad

• Extremelytightturningcircle

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Welcome home – a true Fendt

Visio5 cab

Fendt drivers will immediately feel at home in the Visio5 cab on the Fendt Katana. Because all the key machines have the same operating interface. Your operators will not only experi-ence higher performance through the unified operating interface, but their work will also be more concentrated and relaxed. No other manu-facturer offers this benefit.The Visio5 cab provides extra ergonomics and operating comfort, extra visibility and illumina-tion and, most of all, extra space. Operator ergonomics have been exceptionally well implemented in the generously sized cab – from the legroom to the perfectly designed multi-function joystick. The large glazed areas give operators an outstanding view to the header and the entire discharge area of the discharge chute.

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• Largeglazedareasforanexcellent view to the header and the discharge chute

• Comprehensivelightingpackage

• Entrystepswithhandrailson both sides, wide steps and integral lighting

• Bestaccessibilitythroughwide cab entrance

• 2camerasatrearanddischarge chute

• Bestvisibility,eventowardsthe rear

• Wipersonallwindows


Visio5 cab

See even moreWiththecamera,youhaveevenmoreinview.Whendrivingforwards,thescreeninthecabdis-playstheimagefromthecameraonthedischargechute,sothatthetrailercanbefilledperfectlyanduniformly.Whenreversing,thescreenautomati-callyswitchestotherearcamerasothattheoper-atorcanseeanypossibleobstaclesbehindthemachine.Thatsignificantlyincreasessafety.

Ideal visibilityAll-roundvisibilityfromthecabisguaranteed.Thelargeglazedareasinthecabprovideanunob-structedviewtotheheaderaswellasthefeedanddischargeareas,whichmakesadjustingthemachinemucheasier.TheengineontheKatanaismountedlongitudinallysoitcanbepositionedlower,whichallowslowsightlinestowardstherearofthemachine.Thisgivesoperatorsaperfectviewinalldirections.


Safe and wide stepsClimbingintothecabiscomfortable–upthewidestepswiththerailingsonbothsidesandthroughthewideentrancedoor.Theintegratedlightingforthestepsandthecominghomelightguaran-teesafeenteringandexiting,eveninthedark.Thefold-downladderispracticalandprovideseasyaccesstothehydraulicanddrivelinecomponents.

Best visibility – day or night

Best overview to the rearTo provide optimum visibility towards the rear, and

therefore perfect all-round vision, the engine has been mounted longitudinally and the body of the machine has been kept extremely low at the rear.

Cool drinks are always on board

A large cool box for refreshments is located under the com-fortable instructor seat.

Giant glazed areas and a free viewThe strongly curved front window has A-pillars that

have been set further towards the rear, so the entire header is in view.

Extensive lighting package is easy to operate

Headlights main/dipped beam, 1 pair of auxiliary head-lights, 3 pairs of work lights in the roof, 1 pair of sidefinders for illuminating the header, 1 pair of work lights at the rear and 2 work light for the discharge area

Giant glazed areas and unobstructed visibility

The Visio5 cab has been designed for optimum visibility and offers perfect ergonomics and easy-to-use controls in the workplace. Thanks to the special shape of the roof line, operators always have the chute flap in view. Automatic climate control and heating guarantee a pleasant working environment.

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Visio5 cab

Precise control

Keypad in direct reachThe membrane keypad is located directly in the arm-

rest and is used to operate the hand brake, field/road driving modes and ECO/Power modes, activating the cutting unit, the engine speed, header on/off, position of the discharge chute, additional silage additive and rear axle suspension on/off.

With the touch of a fingerThe toggle switches provide easy control of functions

such as folding the support wheels for the maize header and pick-up up/down, tilting the header, raising/lowering the discharge chute.

Handy operating element on the right-hand armrest

The practical right armrest, which is very popular with Fendt tractor drivers, has been adopted and adapted to the forage harvester. It is not only a comfortable armrest, but also an ergonomic control unit with toggle switches and membrane keys for auxiliary functions.

The 10.4” Varioterminal with colour display, touchscreen (operation using rotary control and keys is also possible) is easy to operate and guarantees detailed machine monitoring, to keep the machine operating reliably.

Header raise/lower and automated functions

Discharge chute and fl ap

Feed on/off and reversing

Individually assignable buttons

Automatic rotation of discharge chute

• Generousamountofspaceand high ride comfort thanks to climate control and air-suspended seat

• Highridecomfortthroughair-conditioning and comfortable seat

• Ergonomicallydesignedcontrol console on the right-hand armrest

• Varioterminalforoptimalmachine adjustment using either the touchscreen or keys

• Multi-functionjoystick,extremely ergonomic through the tilted position and hand rest, has two 4-way buttons for controlling the header and dis-charge chute

• Automatedfunctions,suchas the cutting height control, maximum output control and VarioDoc, increase profitability

• Comprehensivemachinemoni-toringviaCANbuselectronics

The VarioterminalTheVarioterminal,verypopularwithusers,hasbeenadoptedintheforageharvesterandadaptedtoitsoperatingphilosophy.Itcanbeoperatedeitherwiththetouchscreenorthekeysandrotarycontrol.Themenuhasbeendesignedforeaseofoperationandhasaflatandintuitivemenuhierar-chy.Theconvenientlyplaced4-waykeysonthemulti-functionjoystickallowconvenientadjust-mentofthemostimportantcuttingfunctions.

Everything at handTheVisio5cabhasbeendesignedforidealergo-nomics.Operatorscaneasilyfindanoptimalsit-tingpositionontheair-suspendedseat.Thereisplentyoflegroomandthesteeringwheelisheightandtilt-adjustable.Therightarmrestholdsallthecontrols.Alloftheimportantfunctionsarehousedinthemulti-functionjoystickandVarioterminalorassignedtorockerswitchesandmembranekeys.Thetiltedpositionofthemulti-functionjoystickmakesitaperfecthandrestforcomfortablework-ing,evenonlongworkdays.

Varioterminal well-structuredOperatorsalwayshavethemostimportantinfor-mationinviewinthelargeVarioterminal.Themostimportantinformation,suchasdirectionoftravel,fuelconsumption,headerpositionorcruisecontrol,isalwaysclearlyinviewintheupperrightquarter.Thetoggleswitchesintheright-handnav-igationbarleaddirectlytotheindividualmenus.Theseinclude,forexample,thesettingsforthefor-ageharvester,headerheightandcuttinglengthaswellasjobmanagement.

Varioterminal screen in the field

Information about the utilisation of the forage harvester, cutting length, header and feed roller speed as well as the preselected working and lifting heights for the header are clearly displayed here.

Varioterminal screen on the road

When driving on the road, the ground speed and engine speed, the fill levels for diesel and AdBlue, as well as the temperature, support wheel function and fuel consumption can be monitored in the terminal.

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Fendt Variotronic




Everything documentedTheFendtdocumentationsystemVarioDoclogsallrelevantdata,suchasworkedareaorfuelcon-sumption,duringoperation.Thedataisthentransferredtothecomputerwirelessly.Thisgivesyouanoverviewoftheworkthathasbeendone.Inadditiontotheworkedareainha,thenewyieldmeasuringfunctionalsorecordstheharvestedfreshmassandoutput.Calibrationisdonethroughsimplecounter-weighing.

Precision in operation

It is very easy to set the boundary for a particular area and the wayline offset with the Varioterminal.

You can achieve maximum area coverage through precision work with the VarioGuide automated steering, for example, using the AB mode. The exclusive Fendt maximum output control automatically controls the forward ground speed of the Fendt Katana depend-ent on the crop density. The engine power is utilised optimally to achieve maximum harvesting performance.

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Quality counts

Uniform crop flow and best chopping results

The chopped material flows efficiently and at a high throughput rate. From the header, to the unique swinging frame for the intake, to the six feed rollers, to the large closed cutterhead, to the powerful discharge system, the Fendt Katana has been designed for high output. The refined technology of the chopping units also guaran-tees maximum quality of the chopped material.

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• 8,10or12-rowmaizeheaderwith automatic cutting height control

• Maizeheadercanbeusedfor GPSoperations

• Three-metrewidepickupwithactive ground pressure control

• Innovativeswingingframeforuniform feed, even when the header is tilted

• Sixfeedrollers770mmwide

• In-cabinfiniteadjustmentofcutting length from 4 to 42 mm

• Optional40knifedrum with cutting lengths from 2.6mm–14.5mm

•Metaldetectorreliablyfinds foreign objects

Six feed rollers for high compression

The six hydraulically driven feed rollers guide the crop uniformly to the cutterhead. A spring assembly creates high compression for a precise cut. The cutting length is infinitely adjustable from 4 to 42 mm, which allows an optimum cutting length to be set, for example, for fodder or use in biogas facilities.

Swinging frame swung out Swinging frame in middle position Swinging frame swung out

Uniform crop flow and best chopping results

Intelligent coupling with the swinging frameHeadersarecoupledtotheuniqueFendtswing-ingframe.Itissupportonthreerollsandisactivelycontrolledviaacylinderthatiscoupledwithsensorsonthemaizeheader.Thepivotpointislocatedinthecentreofthefeedchannel.Theadvantageisthatevenwhentheheaderistilted,thecross-sectionremainsnearlythesamesizeandthecropisfeduniformlytothefeedrollers.

Perfect on the groundThemaizeheaderisavailablewitheithereight,tenortwelverows.Thecuttingheightcanbepre-selectedusingtheVarioterminal.Assistedbyfeel-ers,theheaderactivelyfollowsthecontoursofthegroundandkeepstheheightoftheheadercon-stant,bothlaterallyandlongitudinally.Thethreemetrewidepick-upfeaturesactivegroundpres-surecontrol.Evenathighspeeds,thepick-upautomaticallyadjuststogroundcontoursusingtwogaugewheels,sograssispickedupcom-pletely.

Six feed rollers for effective crop feedCropfeedoversixfeedrollersguaranteesopti-malpre-compressionofthechoppedmaterialandproduceshighqualitychoppingresults.The770-mmwidthoftherollerspermitsfeedingoflargequantitiesofmaterial.Thecuttinglengthcanbeinfinitelyadjustedfromthedriverseat,fromfourto42mmforthestandard28knifedrum.Thankstotheindependenthydrostaticheaderandfeedrollerdrivelines,theheaderspeedcanbeoptimallyadaptedtotheharvestingconditions.Thecuttinglengthremainsconstant.

For emergenciesThereisalargedistancebetweenthemetaldetec-torandthecutterheadtoallowforenoughtimetodetectmetalobjects,evenwithlongcuttinglengths.Ifforeignobjectsenterthefeedarea,themaindrivestopsimmediately,completelyauto-matically.

A perfect start for optimum crop flow

The header is coupled to an innovative swinging frame. It actively swings on three rollers and a cylinder above the frame and adjusts itself to the position of the header. The pivot point in this ingenious system lies in the centre of the feed channel; when the frame

swings, the cross-section remains almost the same size and the crop flows uniformly to the feed rollers.

Three-metre wide pick-up with gauge wheels that fold up hydraulically. The maize header is available with either ten or twelve rows. For on-road driving, the header folds up hydraulically, so it can be brought into transport position quickly.

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+125%• Highthroughputthrough closedcutterheadwith720mmdiameter

• V-shapedarrangementof the 28 or 40 knives

• Hardenedknifeprofilefor constant sharpness, optimal cut and long maintenance intervals

• Automaticknifesharpen-ing system is operated via the Varioterminal

• V-Crackerwithtwomeshing rollers and bigger surface area

• V-Crackerswingsoutofthewayfor fast changes from grass to maize and back again

• Choppingunitshavealowerpower requirement and there-fore lower fuel consumption

Uniform crop flow and best chopping results


The biggest cutterheadTheheartoftheFendtKatanaistheclosedcutter-headwhich,witha720-mmdiameter,iscurrentlythebiggestonthemarket.Thehighinertiaofthedrummakesitespeciallysmoothrunningandallowsittocompensatefordifferencesinmaterialflow.Itslargediameteralsoresultsinaveryhighcuttingfrequency.Combinedwiththev-shapedarrangementofthe28knives,thisguaranteesexcellentqualityofthechoppedmaterialaswellasuniformcroptransfertotheV-crackeranddis-chargeblower.

More surface area for thorough kernel processing ThekernelsarecrackedhighlyefficientlyintheinnovativeV-Cracker.Themeshingcylindershaveaspecialdesignthatprovidesalargefrictionsur-face.Sincetherollersrotateatthesamespeed,theirpowerrequirement,andthereforealsofuelconsumption,islow.Whenswitchingfrommaizetograss,thecrackercanbeswungoutofthewayelectrohydraulicallyintheshortesttime.

New 40 knife drum for shortest cutting lengthsInthebiogasfacility,shortercuttinglengthsper-mitahighergasyieldandhigheroutput.Thenew40knifedrumproduceschoppinglengthsfrom2.6–14.5mm.Universalorspecialmaizeknivesareavailable.

Big, ingenious and flexible

Conventional design with simple cracking length

Pivoting V-Cracker When changing crops, for example, from

maize to grass and vice versa, the V-Cracker can remain in the machine for a short time. The V-Cracker can be quickly rotated back behind the discharge blower electrohydraulically. To prevent bearing wear caused by shock loads and vibrations, the belts continue to drive the V-Cracker without function. This rotating procedure can be preset in the Varioterminal and then conveniently triggered per pushbutton located in the maintenance area, when required. The grass chute is then automatically brought into position. Removing the V-Cracker is also very easy, since the maintenance area has plenty of space for accessibility.

On the V-Cracker, the cracking length is more than twice as long.

1,350 mm 600 mm

Six feed rollers

Large chopping drum with 720 mm diameter for smooth running

Efficient V-Cracker

High-capacity discharge blower

Sized for quality

The cutterhead, with a 720-mm diameter, has a very high cutting frequency due to its enormous size. This guarantees gentle chopping, even with large quantities of material, and guarantees an optimal cutting frequency.

V-Cracker guarantees thorough processing Fendt has chosen an ingenious design for the V-Cracker. Through the use of rollers fitted with corrugated discs, the

cracking length of the cracker is more than twice as long as on conventional rollers. Since the discs mesh, the speeds on the inside and outside of the disc are different. This results in highly efficient and thorough cracking of the maize kernels. If neces-sary, the cracker discs can be replaced individually.

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• Dischargeisespeciallyeconomi-cal and efficient

• Dischargechuterotates210°

• Unloadingheightuptosixmetres

• Optimalviewtothedischargearea

• Cameraimageofthefilllevelof the trailer is available as an option for drivers of the forage harvester

• Preciseoperationofthedis-charge system via multi-function joystick



Flexible discharge chute ThedischargechuteontheFendtKatanacanberotated210°andquicklychangedovertotheothersideofthemachineforunloadingwithoutaproblem.Thespeedatwhichitrotatescanbepre-selectedintheVarioterminalandadaptedtotheprevailingharvestingconditions.Theheightcanbeadjustedhydraulicallytouptosixmetersandeventhehighesttransportvehiclescanbeloaded.Thankstotheexcellentviewtothedischargearea,itispossibletofillthetrailerprecisely.

Save powerThedischargeblower,anopenrotorwithuprightv-shapedelements,movesthecroptothetrailerefficiently.Thedecisivefactorforoptimumunloadingcapacityanddischargedistanceistherightsettingfortheblower.Fuelconsumptioniskeptataminimumthankstotheefficientdischargesystem.

Discharge chute – park functionThedischargechuteautomaticallyrotatesandfoldsitselfintotransportpositionwiththepushofabutton.Whenitisswungoutagain,theterminalasksiffillingwilltakeplaceontherightorleft,orifthesameangleasthelasttimeshouldbeused.

Monitoring and safety Usingthestandardspecificationcamera,operatorscanmonitorthefillinglevelinthetransportvehiclefromascreeninthecaboftheforageharvester.Furthermore,anoptionaltransmitterunitonthescreenoftheforageharvestercantransmitthecameraimagetoanexternalreceiverunit.Whenreversing,thecameraimageintheforageharvesterisautomaticallyswitchedtothestandard-equippedreversingcamera.

Everything must go

Even with an unloading height of up to six metres, operators have the chute flap in full view. Optionally, the discharge chute can be extended, to permit the loading vehicle to be filled optimally, even with wide headers.

Using the multi-function lever, the discharge chute can be quickly rotated to the other side of the machine with the touch of a button.

The discharge blower is designed as an open rotor with upright v-shaped elements. The blower's clearance to the back wall and the discharge opening can be adjusted.

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TheenginesfromMercedes-BenzandMTU,offerpower, durability and reliability. With the SCR technology for exhaust after-treatment, the Fendt Katana 65 achieves high fuel-efficiency while at the same time maximising performance. ThepowerfulMTUengineintheFendtKatana85does not have SCR, but already complies with the newest emissions standard. In operations that require less power, such as in grass, the ECO drive mode guarantees even lower fuel consumption.

Driveline and vehicle design

Powerful and highly efficient

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Driveline and vehicle design

The new power of the Fendt Katana 85The850-hpFendtKatana85hasanew21-litreV12enginefromMTU.FendtandMTUcollaboratedonthedevelopmentoftheengineandadaptedittotherequirementsoftheforageharvester.Thetanksystemhasamodulardesigntopermithighper-formanceoverlongworkinghours:youcaneitherfillup1,210litresofdieseland210litresofwaterasasilageadditiveorafull1,420litresofdiesel.

Drive ahead economicallyTheFendtKatana65ispoweredbya16-litreV8MercedesBenzengine,whoseperformancecurvehasbeenadaptedtoforageharvesteroperations.ForcompliancewithemissionsstandardEUROStage3b(TierIVinterim),theforageharvesterwith653hpisequippedwiththefuel-savingSCRtechnology.Fendtthusoffersmaximumprofitabil-itythroughlowfuelconsumptionwithenviron-mentallyfriendlytechnology.


Powerful engine

The 16-litre 8-cylinder Mercedes-Benz engine is efficient, powerful and reliable. It is equipped with SCR technology for maximum fuel-efficiency. Exhaust is after-treated with AdBlue®, a 32.5 percent solution of urea, which converts nitrous oxides NOx into non-toxic nitrogen and water. The consumption of AdBlue, the standard urea-water solution used by commercial vehicles, lies at about four percent of the diesel consumption. This can vary depending on the operation. AdBlue® is available at filling stations or through AGCO Parts.

The new MTU engine delivers precisely the performance characteristics that powerful forage harvester operations demand. The 21-litre V12 engine delivers a massive 850 hp, and already complies with TIER4 Final emissions regulations. The engine does not require additional resources, such as AdBlue®.

• 16-litreV8enginewithamaxi-mum output of up to 653 hp at only1,800rpm

•New21-litreV12enginewith850 hp for the Katana 85

• Fuel-savingandenvironmen-tally friendly SCR technology withAdBlueexhausttreatmentfor the Katana 65

• LongstretchesofworkpossiblethroughlargefuelandAdBlue®supply for the Katana 65:


• ModulartanksystemfortheKatana 85:

–1,210litresdiesel+210litres water or


• Reliablecoolingsystemwithactive dust extraction

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Driveline and vehicle design

The cutterhead and the discharge blower are driven by a belt drive.

Switching between Eco mode and Power mode takes place through a two-speed

gearshift assembly in the angular gearbox. During light operations in grass, the engine operates at a low speed in Eco mode. The speed of the chopping units, however, is still maintained at the required speed in the optimum range.

V-Cracker driveline

Everything in motionThankstothehydrostaticdrive,thespeedoftheheadercanberegulatedindependentofeachotherandcanbeoptimallyadjustedtothepre-vailingconditions.Thecutterhead,theV-Crackerandthedischargebloweraredrivenbyabeltdrive.

Efficient hydrostatic ground drive ThehydrostaticdriveontheFendtKatana,togetherwiththeinnovativeenginetechnologyandelectronics,guaranteeshighlyefficientopera-tions.Thefrontaxleisdrivenbyindependentwheelmotorswithintegralbrakes.Thisspace-sav-ingdesigncreatesspacefortheall-importantlarge-sizedchoppingunits.

Save some powerFullenginepowerisnotalwaysrequired.Whendoinglightwork,suchasingrass,theEcomodeisactivated,whichreducestheenginespeedfrom2,000toafuel-saving1,600rpm.Theworkingspeedofthefeedingsystem,thedrumandthedischargesystemremainconstant,whichmain-tainsahighcuttingfrequencyandresultsinopti-malthroughput.

A ground drive that is always just right

• Hydrostaticgrounddriveandoptimum control of the oil vol-ume on the steering and drive axles

• Independentlyadjustablespeedfor header and feed rollers

• Reliablebeltdriveforchoppingunits

• Ecomodeforhighlyefficientoperation in grass1570 rpm

55.8 t/h FM

The savings that the Eco mode provides over the Power mode in terms of fuel consumption l/hr and engine speed become obvious in the DLG test.

Comparison ECO and Power mode in terms of fuel consumption l/h and output t/h

Fuel consumption [ l/t FM ] Fuel consumption [ l/t FM ] AdBlue consumption [ l/t FM ] AdBlue consumption [ l/t FM ]

Fuel consumption [ l/h ] AdBlue consumption [ l/h ] AdBlue consumption [ l/h ]










[ l/t

FM ]

1963 rpm

57.0 t/h FM

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Driveline and vehicle design

40 km/h with full suspension Whendrivingontheroad,theoilvolumefromthesteeringaxleistransferredtothefrontdrivewheels,sothemachinemovesforwardfaster.Thehydraulicsuspensionontherearaxleisuniqueandprovideshighridecomfortinthefieldandontheroad.Youcanfullyutilisethe40km/htrans-portspeed–themachinecanbemovedfromsitetositefasterandconsumeslessfuel.

Top manoeuvrabilityTherearaxleoftheFendtKatanahasanexcellentsteeringangle.Togetherwiththecompactdesignofthemachine,thisenablesveryhighmanoeuvra-bility.Manoeuvringisfastandeasyineverysitua-tion.Thedesignwiththelongitudinallymountedenginemeansthatyoucanprofitfromanexcel-lentsteeringangle.

Move ahead on all pathsTheFendtKatanahastractionindifficultgroundconditions.Thehydrostaticdriveforthesteer-inganddriveaxlescontrolstheoilvolumeandcandistributeittoallfourwheelsinthefield.Electronicanti-slipcontrolonthedriveaxleadjuststhewheeltorquetothegroundcondi-tions,whichminimisesfrontwheelslip.Thediffer-entiallockonthesteeringaxlepreventstherear


Comfort makes you faster

• Fastmovingbetweensiteswitha transport speed of 40 km/h

• Hydraulicrearaxlesuspensionfor minimising shock loads and for maximum ride comfort in the cab

• Anti-slipcontrolminimises front wheel slip

• Differentiallockintherearaxlefor best traction

• Hydrostaticfour-wheeldriveisstandard specification

The rear axle has suspension to absorb shock loads in the field and on the road. That protects both the operator and the machine.

Compact design and extremely manoeuvrable

The headers are mounted very close to the vehicle, which reduces the load on the front axle. That minimises soil compaction. The optimised frame design in combina-tion with a large steering angle on the rear axle, make the forage harvester excep-tionally manoeuvrable.

6330 mm (Katana 65)

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1. Swinging frame for coupling the header 2. Six feed rollers 3. Spring assembly for feed rollers 4. Hydraulic drive for feed rollers 5. Cutterhead (720 mm diameter) 6. Cutterhead drive 7. Innovative V-Cracker 8. Drive V-Cracker 9. Blower10. Drive discharge blower11. Drive dust extraction cooler 12. Main gearbox (Eco/Powermode)13. Oil pump for ground drive14. Oil motor for 4WD 15. Wheel motor for drive axle16. Oil pump for header/feed roller drive17. V8 engine with SCR technology (Katana 65)18. Hydraulic rear axle suspension 19. Chute fl ap with camera and lighting20. Support for discharge chute with rear lighting21. Discharge chute (up to 6-metre unloading height)22. Hydraulic swivel/fold device23. Clutter-free Visio5 cab24. Air-suspended driver seat25. Varioterminal with both touch and key control26. Ergonomic armrest with membrane keypad 27. Multi-function lever with integral hand rest28. Multi-adjustable steering column29. Monitor for optional camera on chute fl ap and rear area30. Headlights and turning signal indicators31. Auxiliary headlights and work lights32. Wide-angle mirror

Cutting-edge technologyInnovative technology for the best efficiency and performance are packed inside the Fendt Katana.

The sum of the technical solutions creates the technological lead30 31

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Excellent accessibilityThankstoexcellentaccessibility,



Top service at your sideYoucanrelyonthehighly-skilledFendtServiceTeamtokeepyourFendtforageharvestermobileatalltimes.Toensurethehighestoperationalavailabilityofyourmachine,Fendthassetupaspecialdedicatedserviceorganisa-tionfortheforageharvestertogetherwithaward-winningFendtsalespartners,whichwillprovideyouwithtop-levelservicesupportdur-ingtheseason,sevendaysaweek.

Spare parts are always availableFendtoffersyouprofessionalserviceandcon-stantlysetsstandardsintheindustryinthisarea.Throughregularlyheldtrainingprogrammes,theservicepersonnelistrainedtoprovideforagoodsparepartsinventoryandtokeepthemachinesinoperationduringtheharvestatalltimes.Fendtanditsdealersarereadytogiveyouthebestser-vicepossibleforyourinvestment.

Very easy maintenance Always in operation

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Fendt Fendt Katana 65 Fendt Katana 85

EngineManufacturer Mercedes Benz OM 502 LA MTU BR 1600Type / emissions standard 3B (Tier IV interim) 4 (Tier IV final)Engine power (KW/hp)(ECE R 120)

480 / 653 625 / 850

No. of cylinders V 8 V 12Cubic capacity (l) 16 21Exhaust gas after-treatment SCR –Fuel tank (l) 1100 1210 diesel/210 water or

1420 diesel (optional)AdBlue® tank (l) 250 –Fuel consumption measurement Standard Standard

Ground drive

Type hydrostatic hydrostatic4WD hydrostatic, standard hydrostatic, standardSpeed field 0 – 20 km/h 0 – 20 km/hSpeed road 0 – 40 km/h at 1600 rpm 0 – 40 km/h at 1600 rpmSteering axle hydr. suspension Optional Standard

Feed rollers

Number 6 6Drive hydrostatic hydrostaticCutting length adjustment infinitely adjustable from cab infinitely adjustable from cabDistance from metal detector to cutterhead (mm) 970 970


Shaft cutterhead continuous Standard Standard

Diameter (mm) 720 720Width (mm) 800 800Number of knives 2x 14 (7) 2x 14 (7)Speed (rpm) 1150 1150Chopping length 28 knives (mm) 4 – 21 4 – 21Chopping length 14 knives (mm) 8 – 42 8 – 42

Kernel processing

Model V – Cracker V – CrackerType wedge discs / double roller wedge discs / double rollerDiameter cracker rollers (mm) 265 265


Design open rotor with upright v-shaped elements

open rotor with upright v-shaped elements

Rotor diameter (mm) 550 550Rotor width (mm) 620 620

Discharge chute

Swing angle (degrees) 210 210Unloading height (m) 6 6

Weights and dimensions

Weight without header (kg) 14400 17850Length incl. discharge (mm) 8230 8230Transport width with standard tyres (mm)

3000 3190

Transport height (mm) 3850 3850


Drive axle standard 650/75 R 32 710/70 R 42Optional 710/75 R 34

710/70 R 38800/65 R 32900/60 R 32

800/70 R 38900/60 R 38

Steering axle standard 500/80 R 28 600/70 R 34Optional 600/65 R 28

710/50 – 30.5620/70 R 30710/60 R 30


Pick up (m) 3 3Maize header 360 Plus (m) 6 –Maize header 375 Plus (m) 7.5 7.5Maize header 390 Plus (m) 9 9Maize header 460 Plus (m) 6 –

Technical Specifications

Efficiency: the recipe for successful economical operationsWemakenocompromiseswhenitcomestoeffi-ciency,becauseourobjectiveistobetheleaderforcost-effectivenessperhectare.Forthis,thesuperiortechnologythatwebuildintotheFendtKatanaisjustgoodenough:forexample,thelarge-sizedchoppingunits,theinnovativeV-Cracker,ahighlyefficienthydraulicdriveandthefuel-savingSCRtechnologyincombinationwithEcoPowermodeandtheloadlimitcontrol.Withthesewehavesuc-ceededinachievingfirst-classefficiencyandhaveoptimisedthecostsperhectareandpertonne.

Invest right –and keep on savingWith the Fendt Katana you get true cutting-edge technology from Fendt. But for overall profitability, the Fendt forage harvester needs a bit more: competent consultation and support through a highly motivated Service team and a reliable and fast spare parts service. Fendt provides all of this, which secures the high operational security and availability of your machine.

Fendt overall profitability • FendtEfficiencyforthebestcost-effectivenessperhectareandtonne

• FendtComfortforperformance-enhancingworkingconditionsdayafterday

• FendtServiceforcompetentconsultationandfullreliability

• FendtFlexibilityforcustomfinancingandindividualoffers

The Fendt overall profitability34 35

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Leaders drive Fendt


Sales agent:

AGCO GmbH – Fendt-Marketing87616 Marktoberdorf, Germany

Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO.

All data regarding delivery, appearance, performance, dimen-sions and weight, fuel consumption and running costs of the vehicles correspond with the latest information available at the time of going to press. Changes may be made before the time of purchase. Your Fendt dealer will be pleased to supply you with up-to-date information.