HOUSE JOURNAL OF NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION LTD. PROVEN VALUES. POWERFUL VISION October - December 2015 HOUSE JOURNAL OF NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION LTD. Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC, handing over the cheque for s150.99 crore, being the final dividend for the financial year 2014-15, towards the share capital held by the President of India, to Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy (Independent Charge), in the presence of Shri Anil Swarup, Secretary Ministry of Coal, Government of India, and Shri Rakesh Kumar, Director (Finance), NLC in New Delhi on November 2, 2015. Taking into account the Interim Dividend of s271.79 crore paid in March 2015, the total dividend paid to the Government of India for the financial year 2014-15 was s422.78 crore. With this, the total contributions made by the NLC to the Exchequer (both Central and State Governments) amounted to s2,099 crore for the financial year 2014-15. Final Dividend Paid to Centre Final Dividend Paid to Centre

Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

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Page 1: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016



October - December 2015


Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC, handing over the cheque for s150.99 crore, being the final dividend

for the financial year 2014-15, towards the share capital held by the President of India, to

Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy

(Independent Charge), in the presence of Shri Anil Swarup, Secretary Ministry of Coal, Government of

India, and Shri Rakesh Kumar, Director (Finance), NLC in New Delhi on November 2, 2015.

Taking into account the Interim Dividend of s271.79 crore paid in March 2015, the total dividend paid to the

Government of India for the financial year 2014-15 was s422.78 crore. With this, the total contributions

made by the NLC to the Exchequer (both Central and State Governments) amounted to s2,099 crore for the

financial year 2014-15.

Final Dividend Paid to CentreFinal Dividend Paid to Centre

Page 2: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal,

Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation

Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016. He visited the open cast

lignite mines and thermal plants and reviewed the

performance of Thermal Power Plant and linked Lignite

Mines. Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC and

Functional Directors, Shri Rakesh Kumar, Shri Subir Das,

Shri V. Thangapandian, Shri. P. Selva kumar, CVO

Shri Shiv Raj Singh, IFS and Senior officials accompanied

the Secretary during his visit.

Shri Anil Swarup during his visit observed the mining

operations & Power Generation procedures. Then he

visited the construction Site of Lignite based 1000 MW

Neyveli New Thermal Power Project (NNTPP) and

enquired the status of the project and advised to speed up

the implementation of the project. He commissioned the

EOT crane.

While interacting with Press & Media at NNTPP

construction site, he informed that India's coal imports fell

by 10% in this year and as local output rose fast under the

present government's push and it is on track to become

self-sufficient in thermal coal and power production.

Government of India planned to generate 1,75,000 MW

Renewable Energy in that 10,000 MW of solar energy and

emphasized the importance of NLC 's role in meeting the

energy needs and appreciated the efforts taken for the

installation of Solar PV Plant to the extent of 4000 MW in

Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra

Pradesh and Telangana. In the afternoon, he met the Unit

heads of various Plants and Departments and reviewed the

status of the ongoing projects and discussed the problems

confronting them and assured all support for the organization.

The Secretary appreciated the dedicated and committed efforts

of employees. He met the representatives of Trade Unions and

Associations and wished them for their co-operation to achieve

the targets. He lauded NLC for its Ecological balance activities

and community development initiatives in big way.

Earlier, Shri Swarup visited Barsingsar Lignite Mine and the

Thermal Power Plant of the Neyveli Lignite Corporation

Ltd., at Rajasthan on October 3, 2015. He reviewed the

performance of the 250-MW Barsingsar (2X125 MW)

Thermal Power Plant and the 2.1 million tonnes per annum

(MTPA)-capacity Lignite Mine linked to the power plant. He

also examined the proposed installation of two 250-MW

Thermal Power Units, one each at Barsingsar and Bithnok,

alongside the 1.9 MTPA capacity mine at Hadla and

2.25 MTPA capacity mine at Bithnok.

Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited NLC

VIP visit

Brown Coal02 I October - December 2015

Shri Anil Swarup, Secretary, MoC commissioning EOT Crane at NNTPS construction site

Secretary, MoC addressing the Press conference at NNTPS construction site Secretary, CMD and Directors after planting a sapling at Mine-I Afforestation area

Secretary, MoC, CMD and Functional Directors at Mine-II of NLC

Page 3: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

CSR & Award

Shri S.K. Acharya,

Chai rman and

M a n a g i n g

Director, Neyveli

L i g n i t e

Corporation Ltd.,

h a n d e d o v e r a

cheque for 2.5

C r o r e t o t h e

H o n ' b l e C h i e f

Minister of Tamilnadu on 21.12.2015 at Chennai, on behalf of

NLC and its employees towards the relief works for people of

Cuddalore / Tamilnadu who were recently affected by heavy

rain and flood in November / December 2015. While NLC itself

suffered heavy damage to its properties in Thermal Power

Plants, Mines and Township at Neyveli complex and got set

back in lignite production and power generation due to flood

and continuous rains during this period, notwithstanding its

own suffering, NLC came forward to provide rescue and relief

measures to affected people in surrounding areas of

Cuddalore and also at Chennai. NLC continued to supply

drinking water and food (to the tune of around one lakh food


packets) to nearby

villages. Besides,

teams with heavy

duty dewatering

p u m p s w e r e

d e p u t e d t o

Cuddalore and also

to Chennai fo r

h e l p i n g t h e

administration in

rescue measures and also three teams of Doctors and

Paramedical staff were deployed to carryout medical camps in

the surrounding areas. While relief and rehabilitation works

continue, in the meantime NLC has offered its help to de-silt the

local water bodies / lakes and canals for better water carrying

capacity to augment the irrigation and flood prevention during

heavy rains. NLC has always been a front runner in discharging

its social responsibilities in such occasions of calamities in the

past be it Tsunami (2004) and Cyclone Thane (2011) in

Tamilnadu, Cloud burst at Ladakh (2011) and Hudhud (2013)

and Phailin (2014) in Andhra and Odisha where it contributed

substantially to the relief funds of respective States.

NLC pays R2.5 crore for Flood Relief Works

Brown Coal I October - December 2015 03

In appreciation of the

c o m m e n d a b l e

performance of the NLC

u n d e r t h e S w a c h h

Bharath Mission, Shri

Piyush Goyal, Hon'ble

Union Minister of State

for Coal, Power and New

& Renewable Energy

(Independent Charge),

felicitated the company in

a function held at the Air Force Auditorium, New Delhi, on

November 2, 2015. NLC has constructed a total number of

1,414 toilet blocks in various schools in the States of Tamil

Nadu and Rajasthan, for exceeding the target, that too within

the stipulated timeframe. Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD,

NLC received the citation on behalf of NLC Ltd.

In fact, the Union Ministry of

H u m a n R e s o u r c e

Development has assigned

t h e N L C t h e t a s k o f

constructing 1,274 toilets in

these two States1, 130 toilets

in 635 Tamil Nadu schools

and 144 toilets in 77 Rajasthan

schools--at an estimated cost

of 26.82 crores by August

2015.In reality, the NLC has

built 140 toilets over and above the targeted numbers and the

split-up is as follows: 1,270 toilets in 635 schools in 30 districts

in Tamil Nadu and 144 toilets in 77 schools in two districts in

Rajasthan. With each unit costing 2.70 lakh, the total

awarded value for the entire construction, allocated from the

CSR budget, amounted to 39 crore.




NLC gets accolades for Swachh Bharath Mission

CMD handing over the cheque for R2.5 Cr to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu at Chennai

Hon’ble Union Minister honouring CMD for the performance of NLC in Swachh Bharath Mission

Page 4: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

CMD Message

My dear brothers and

sisters of NLC family,

Vanakkam and warm

greetings to you all,

We are looking forward to

welcome the new dawn

heralding the year 2016. As

the New Year ushers in, it

brings with it new hopes,

new opportunities and new

avenues for growth.

The year that has gone by, has been eventful for NLC in more

ways than one. Our first start-up venture into Coal Based

Power generation became successful with the commissioning

of 1000 MW Power Plant, NTPL at Tuticorin and we added

500 MW more power generating capacity by commissioning

long awaited TPS II Expansion. Also, one more start up

initiative of ours gave us our 1st solar power station of 10 MW.

With all these good notes, I stand here along with you, my dear

friends, on the bedrock of learnings from the outgoing year to

achieve our ambitions to take our great company for a giant

leap forward.

As I have been communicating to you in various fora, we have

set ourselves an ambitious growth target to be a 19000+ MW

energy company by 2025. With the level of dedication and

commitment of team NLC, I am sure that achieving the goal

will not be a difficult thing to come by. The way, in which our

employees restored, rebuilt and resurrected our facilities, after

the severe hit by unprecedented rain and floods, and helped

the affected brethren in surrounding areas is an example by

itself. I salute those brave hearts and dedicated hands, who

rose above the ordinary to deliver the extra-ordinary during the

time of crisis.

Our business ethos embrace human values. While we

continue to strive for business excellence in the fields of

With regards,

Sarat Kumar Acharya

[ ] Brown Coal04 I October - December 2015

mining of lignite & coal and

generation of thermal &

renewable energy, our

focus will be to give our

society a decent today and

a sustainable tomorrow.

When we faced the fury of nature last monsoon in Nov/Dec

2015 in the form of heavy rain and floods, we realized in a hard

way that we in general, have been indifferent in augmenting

(not even maintaining) water containing and carrying

capacity of ponds, lakes, reservoirs and waterways including

drains, canals and rivers.

As a responsible corporate citizen, let us take upon ourselves,

among others, the social responsibility of desilting and

deepening water bodies and water ways in our surrounding

areas to augment water resources, to mitigate floods and to

provide sustainable irrigation to large tracts of land helping

farmers and the nation to grow more food.

We are partners in building a Swachh and Swasth Bharat and

committed to create skill pool so very essential for 'Make In

India' march a mission of success. We dedicate ourselves to

make good things happen for the growth of our nation. Let's

welcome the New Year with the wish that every day of the New

Year will be a better day and let us work for the same.

On this note of hope of doing well for well being of humanity,

I wish all the best to you and your family, my dear friends, for

the New Year 2016, the Diamond Jubilee Year of our great


Jai Hind.

From the Desk of CMD

Page 5: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016


Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., has been conferred with the

coveted Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP ) Award

for Excellence in Integrated water Resources Management

for Sustainable management of the ground water resources

ava i lab le in the

N e y v e l i h y d r o

geological basin.

Shri Sarat Kumar

Acharya , CMD, NLC

received the award

on behalf of NLC

from Sushri Uma

Bhart i , Hon 'ble

U n i o n M i n i s t e r,

Ministry of Water

Resources, River

D e v e l o p m e n t &

Ganga Rejuvenation,

Govt. of India , in the

p r e s e n c e S h r i .

Kanjilia, Secretary,

C B I P , S h r i

Rampratap Singh , Hon'ble Minister for Water Resource Govt.

of Rajasthan, on 29th December 2015 at CBIP Day

Celebrations – Presentation of Awards Ceremony held at

SCOPE Convention Centre, SCOPE Complex, New Delhi.

S h r i S u b i r D a s , D i r e c t o r ( M i n e s ) , N L C a n d

Dr. T .Kannadasan, GM (Geology), NLC Ltd., were present

during the Award presentation.

The high level jury of CBIP recognized NLC for the Award in

the category of Excellence in Integrated Water Resources

Management for its outstanding works in integrated ground

water development and management of water.

NLC, in addition to the regular environmental protection

measures, has taken number of water conservation measures

for sustainable development of ground water in this region,

such as Optimization of Groundwater pumping in Mines,

Introduction of dry

ash disposal system,

Artificial recharging

of ground water, Rain

water harvesting in

large scale, Stoppage

of ground water

p u m p i n g f o r

Township and using

mine storm water for

domestic purpose

a f t e r t r e a t m e n t .

Besides, in order to

r e d u c e t h e

g r o u n d w a t e r

pumping, a modern

water treatment plant

of 8000GPM capacity

is in operation to treat

storm water from Mine-1 for supply to township for domestic

purpose. Also 15000 GPM water of Mine-II storm water is

treated and used in TPS-II and TPS-II Expn., a modern

sewage treatment plant of 30 MLD capacities treats the

sewage of entire township and part of industrial sewage

where the treated water is utilized by the surrounding villages

for agricultural purposes. Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)

installed in all industrial canteen and waste water from

industrial unites are also treated in the ETP which is used for

gardening and cleaning purposes.

NLC bags Special Award for Excellence in Integrated Water Resources Management

Greentech Foundation, a non-profit voluntary

organistion, functioning from New Delhi has

honoured NLC by presenting Greentech CSR

Award at the 16th Annual Greentech

sustainability and CSR Conference, 2015. The

Award was presented to NLC under the

Platinum category for the Metals and Mines

Sector for its outstanding achievements in the

field of CSR. The two day conference was held

on Nov. 27th & 28th at the Cyberabad

Convention Centre, Hyderabad. Shri S.K.

Acharya, CMD, NLC received the award from

Shri Y.S.Chowdary, Hon’ble Union Minister of

State for Science, Technology and Earth

Sciences, Government of India.

NLC bags Greentech CSR Award

Brown Coal I October - December 2015 05

Hon’ble Union Minister Sushri Uma Bharati honouring CMD with CBIP Award

CMD, ED(HR), Senior Executives and employees with Greentech CSR Award

Page 6: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

Shri.Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC, has been bestowed

with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 16th Annual

Green Tech Sustainability & CSR Conference-2015, held at

Hyderabad, considering his professional expertise and

chosen for to the post of CMD of a Navaratna PSU.

The award was presented to him by Shri. Y.S.Chowdary, Hon'ble

Union Minister of State for Science, Technology and Earth

Sciences, Government of India, on the concluding day of the


The two-day conference held on November 27 and 28, 2015

was organized by the Green Tech Foundation. The Green

Tech Foundation honours the corporate sector and

individuals for their contributions in the fields of Environment,

CSR and Professional Expertise.

Greentech Foundation honored CMD with Lifetime Achievement Award

Awards & Appointment

Shri. P.Selvakumar, has

a s s u m e d O f f i c e a s

Director (Planning &

Projects) in Neyveli

L ign i te Corpora t ion

Limited on 1st January

2 0 1 6 . Pr i o r t o t h i s

Shri.P.Selvakumar has

served as Chief General

Manager in New projects

a n d B u s i n e s s


of the company. Shri

P.Selvakumar is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering from

Government College of Engineering, Salem. He also holds

post graduate degrees in Mining Engineering, Thermal Power

Engineering and Finance Management. In addition, he also

holds First Class Mines Managers Certificate too.

The 57 years old Shri. P.Selvakumar joined NLC in 1981 and had

34 years of wide-ranging experience in the field of projects

planning and execution and Mine planning and operation and

held various important positions in the Company. He has

worked for the Barsingsar Lignite Mine Project

Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC, was conferred with the prestigious

“Fellowship of National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM) at

NATCON-2015,” for his outstanding contributions to the field of Human

Resources and the Corporate World over the past 3 decades.

The NIPM is a non-profit organization and a professional body in the field of

Human Resources and Industrial Relations. This institute regularly

organizes NATCON annually. The 34th National Conference with the theme

“Winnovate HR for Business and People Aspirations-Pause, Ponder,

Predict and Prepare” was held at Coimbatore from October 8 to 10, 2015. The

function was attended by about 1,000 HR professionals, dignitaries and

Leaders of Indian Corporate World.

(2.1 MT), a biggest open cast Mine in Rajasthan, where he

had successfully executed his abilities and responsible for the

concept to the completion stage without any time or cost

overrun. This mine is the feed-head for the Thermal Power

Plant (2X125 MW) there. During his tenure, as Unit Head of

the Mine-IA at Neyveli has achieved the Excellent Level

Target in all the Years. Simultaneously, he has served as

Project In-charge for Re-Structuring Mine-I & Mine-IA and

monitored all the activities of the project and ensured the

commencement of work as per the time schedule.

Shri. P.Selvakumar has participated in the PDAC-2015

(Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada) an

annual International Convention, Trade Show and Investors

Exchange Meet held in Toronto in March'2015. He was a

member of Indian delegation and attended Indo-US Coal

working Group Meeting held in Washington in

September'2015. He has completed Certificate Course in Soil

Mechanics & Hydraulics, in Lobouck, Germany. The

widespread expertise of Shri. P. Selvakumar in Mining and

Power Industry, especially in the field of Mine planning and

operation will help NLC to expand its Business in the

International era which is planning to expand its projects in all

parts of the country.

CMD conferred with prestigious Fellowship of NIPM

Brown Coal welcomes the new Director (Planning and Projects)

Brown Coal06 I October - December 2015

Hon’ble Union Minister Shri Y.S Chowdary honouring CMD with Lifetime Achievement Award

Shri Somesh Das Gupta, National President, NIPM presenting the citation to CMD

Brown Coal wishes the New Director all success in his endevours!

Page 7: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

Workshop on Right to Information Act, 2005Shri Yashovardhan Azad, Information Commissioner, Central

Information Commission, New Delhi participated as Chief

Guest and delivered the key-note address. He highlighted

how the RTI Act-2005 had brought about far-reaching

changes in the functioning of the Government and the

Public Sector Undertakings.

Officials of the RTI Cell and Coordinators of various

Units of NLC, Co-ordinators of the RTI Cells from the

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., the Steel Authority of

India, the Rural Electrification Corporation, the

Chennai Port Trust and officials from seven banks,

including Indian Bank and Indian Overseas Bank,

participated as delegates in the seminar.

During the interactive session Shri Azad clarified the

doubts and queries raised by the officials, dealing with

the RTI Act. On the occasion, Dr. P. Geeta, Assistant

Professor, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad,

submitted a paper on “Current Trends in RTI,” and

Shri G.M. Ramamurthy, Executive Director (Retd.),

IDBI, and a leading advocate and a legal consultant, Chennai,

presented a paper on “RTI Updates.”

Earlier, Shri N. Muthu, ED (HR), NLC, welcomed the

gathering. Shri S. Sridhar, GM, PR & Education, NLC, and the

Appellate Authority under the RTI, NLC, proposed a vote of


NLC GH organized a State level SeminarAccrual of 150 credit hours earned through Continuing

Nursing Education (CNE) programmes approved by Tamil

Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council (TNNMC) is mandatory

for renewal of registration in the State Nursing Council.

The Nursing department in NLC General Hospital is quick to

adopt the learning pathway which earns them credit hours.

As a first step towards this direction, a State

seminar on “Rural Health and Home Health

Care” was organized in NLC GH between

16.11.2015 and 17.11.2015.

Shri. N.Muthu, Executive Director (HR)

inaugurated the CNE programme with credit

hours, underscored the difference that

continuous learning would make in terms of

influencing quality outcomes in patient care

as it helps health care professionals narrow

the skill gap. Tutoring support was drawn

from both external and internal source. Over

100 nurses participated in this programme

earning 11 credit hours awarded by the


D r. K . J a n a r d h a n , C G S / M e d i c a l , t h e

organizing Chairperson and Sr.Arputham

Tamil Selvi, organizing secretary were

instrumental in organizing this landmark programme.

Traditionally valued credentials of college degrees no

longer hold value as Nurses who remain key members

of hospital care are now required to accrue stipulated

credit hours through in-house continuing nursing

education programme approved by the TNNMC.


Brown Coal I October - December 2015 07

The NLC organized a one-day workshop on “Right to

Information Act 2005,” on 24.10.2015 at Chennai to mark the

completion of 10 years of the implementation of the Act and to

familiarise the Information Officers on the relevance of the Act in

the current situation. Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC

in his inaugural address briefly touched upon the successful

implementation of the RTI Act-2005. He underscored the point

that the NLC was following transparent procedures in all its

activities and it was evident from the fact that it was hosting all

information on its website.

Shri Yashovardhan Azad, Information Commissioner addressing the delegates at RTI Workshop

Shri N.Muthu, ED (HR) inaugurating the Seminar by lighting the Traditional Lamp at NLC GH

Page 8: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016


Gandhi Jayanthi celebrations - Key to amicable livingThe NLC celebrated the 146th birth anniversary of Mahathma

Gandhi and International Day of Non-Violence with great zeal

and enthusiasm on October 2, 2015, by remembering the

Freedom Movement and the teachings and non-violence

strategy adopted by the Father of

the Nation.

The day-long celebrations started

with garlanding of the Mahatma

Gandhi statue at the TA Office by

Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD,

NLC. Functional Directors Shri

R a k e s h K u m a r a n d S h r i

S.Boopathy graced the occasion.

Later, the members of the Ladies

Club kicked off the grand

celebrations at the Lignite Hall by singing Gandhiji's favourite

song “Vaishnava Janatho.” The venue was also reverberated

with scriptures from the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible and the

Holy Quran, couplets from the Thirukkural and verses from

the Naladiyar read out by representatives from NLC schools,

the Indian Christian Cultural Association, the Neyveli Muslim

Jama'ath and the Neyveli United Tamil Association.

Then, the members of Ladies Club, the Telugu Samithi, the

Kerala Kala Samithi, the Kannada Sangha, the Bharathiya

Kala Samithi and the Neyveli Chapter of Forum of Women in

Public Sector of Neyveli staged cultural events to pay tributes

to Gandhiji.

In his address, Shri Sarat Kumar

Acharya, CMD, NLC, insisted

upon everyone to follow the

principles and values propounded

by Gandhiji for the benefit of the

society, the nation and the world.

Educational kits were given

away to the needy children of

NLC schools by Smt. Yogamaya

Acharya, President of the

Neyveli Ladies Club and Sneha Opportunity Services, and

Smt. Kanchan Rakesh Kumar, Smt. Manonmani Boopathy

and Smt. Devaki Thangapandian, Patrons of the Club.

Senior officials and employees of NLC, general public and

school children participated in the function. Community

worship were offered at the Neyveli group of Temples.

Communal Harmony Campaigning Week - 2015

To propagate the spirit of cultural cohesion, patriotism and

communal harmony, the NLC observed Communal Harmony

Campaign Week from November 19 to 25, 2015. The week-long

event started with Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC,

administering the pledge to the employees, with the heads of all

units and Plants emulating him at their respective work spots.

The proceedings of concluding day of the week, observed as

Conservation Day was held at the Learning and Development

Centre, on 25.11.2015 in Neyveli. Speaking on the occasion the

CMD underscored the importance of tolerance, harmony,

progressive thinking and proactive role of individuals in social

life. Functional Directors Shri Rakesh Kumar, Shri S.

Boopathy, Shri Subir Das and Shri V. Thangapandian

emphasized the importance of Conservation of natural

resources for the benefit of future generations. A cultural

event involving school children was organized on the

occasion. Senior officials, employees, children and public

participated in good numbers.

Earl ier, Srimath Swami Paramasukhanandaji of

Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai, delivered a talk on

the “Glory of Humanity” on November 22, 2015, observed as

Weaker Sections Day, at Ramakrishna Seva Sangam,

Neyveli. Shri N.S

Ramal ingam,

E x e c u t i v e

D i r e c t o r ,

T o w n s h i p



Brown Coal08 I October - December 2015

CMD paying tribute to Mahatma by garlanding the statue

Cultural programme by School children Gandhi Anjali by members of Cultural Association Distributing School kit to needy children

CMD distributing Prize to a Student

Srimath Swami Paramasukhanandaji addressing

Page 9: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

NLC observes Energy Conservation Week - 2015NLC observed the National Energy Conservation Day, on

the inaugural day of the National Energy Conservation Week-

2015 (14-20 December) celebrations at Lignite Hall at Neyveli

on 14.12.2015. Shri A.Janaki Ram, Addl. Director and the

Chief Regional Coordinator, Southern Region, Petroleum

Conservation Research Association (PCRA), Chennai

participated as Guest of honour.

Shri S.K. Acharya CMD, NLC, the Chief Guest, in his

inaugural address said Energy conservation is the only

way which helps in replacing the non-renewable

resources of energy with the renewable energy. “The

development shouldn't be at the cost of environment

and its natural resources and we have to act as trustee

to the Natural recourses to manage earth's resources in

a wise, judicial manner, to conserve them for the future

generation. Shri Janaki Ram in his Key note address,

lauded the efforts taken by NLC in protecting the

NLC signs MOU with Rajasthan Govt. The Neyveli Lignite

Corporation has entered

into a Memorandum of

Understanding with the

Department of Mines

a n d P e t r o l e u m ,

G o v e r n m e n t o f

Rajasthan, as part of the

Resurgent Rajasthan

Partnership Summit -

2015 held on October 16,

2015 at Jaipur for lignite

mining and development

of lignite-based power

projects in Bikaner

district of Rajasthan, with special focus on areas such as

Bithnok, Hadla and Barsingsar. The NLC is planning to invest

about . 5,520 crore on these projects.

Shri Deepak Upreti,

Principal Secretary to the

Department of Mines,

G o v e r n m e n t o f

Rajasthan, and Shri Subir

Das, Director (Mines),

NLC, signed the MoU in

t h e p r e s e n c e o f

Smt.Vasundhara Raje,

Hon’ble Chief Minister of

Rajasthan, Shri Piyush

Goyal, Hon’ble Union

Minister of State for

Power, Coal, New and

R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y

(Independent Charge) and Shri Narendra Singh Tomar,

Hon’ble Union Minister for Steel and Mines.


Brown Coal I October - December 2015 09

While releasing the leaflet on Energy conservation Tips...

environment and its mother like care for the society. He

insisted on how increasing power demand in India has lead to

considerable fossil fuel burning. He informed implementing

end use energy efficiency may save upto 25000 MW of

Energy. The fact is that one unit of energy saved is 2 to

2.5 times fresh capacity creation, he added.

Functional Directors Shri S. Boopathy, Shri Subir Das

and Shri V. Thangapandian, graced the occasion. To

mark the occasion, the Chief Guest and guest of honor

released a pamphlet on Energy Conservation Tips and

flagged off a rally by school students to create

awareness among public about the need for energy


NLC celebrated the Energy Conservation Week 2015

by organizing activities like Slogan competition, rally

by school students, seminars and talk sessions within

the industry as well as in the educational institutions

and employees to create awareness towards efficient use of

energy and its conservation.

CMD flagging off the awareness rally on Energy Conservation

Director (Mines) signing MoU with Government of Rajasthan

Page 10: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

New Facilities

Pilot Plant at NLC for scooping slag materials

Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC, inaugurated the Pilot

Plant for separation of Iron, Sand and Carbon from Bottom

Slag (discharged by Neyveli Thermal Power Stations) at the

Centre for Applied Research and Development (CARD)

Complex, Neyveli, on November 16, 2015. Designed and

developed by the CARD, the research and development wing of

the NLC, at a cost of 160 lakh, the Pilot Plant has proved that

Iron, Sand and Carbon could be separated from the slag in a

scientific manner.

It has been found that the Bottom slag contains 15 to 35% of

Iron, 35 to 50% of sand and 5% of un-burnt Coal. The

Chairman and Managing Director congratulated the team of

officials and employees of the CARD and called upon them to

explore the commercial viability of the project.

The NLC Directors Shri S. Boopathy, Shri Subir Das and Shri

V. Thangapandian, Chief Vigilance Officer Shri Shiv Raj

Singh, and Executive Director (HR) Shri N. Muthu graced the

occasion. Executive Directors, Senior Officials, CARD

General Managers Shri. B. Manivannan and Dr. V.

Manoharan, Deputy General Manager Shri P. Veerabalu and

employees participated.


Vestibule Training Centre InauguratedTo impart various Statutory Safety Training Programmes and Skill

Development Training to employees working in the Mines of

NLC and with an aim to make them self reliant in performing their

work with safety consciousness, a new Group Vestibule Training

Centre (GVTC) was inaugurated by Shri B.Surender Mohan, CMD

,NLC adjacent to the Learning & Development Centre, on

19-09-2015 at Block-20, Neyveli.

Functional Directors, Shri. Sarat Kumar Acharya, Shri. Rakesh

Kumar, Shri. S. Boopathy, Shri. Subir Das, Shri. V.Thangapandian

and Senior Executives graced the occasion.

This New Training Centre, constructed at a built up area of

3000 Sq.m (Total plot Area - 17000 Sq.m ) with a cost of

`6.10 Crore has sophisticated modern facilities, fully networked,

functional and conducive learning environment.

This new training Centre caters various regular, need based,

Orientation training programmes, like Safe Vehicle driving at

inside of Mines, lectures on Safety and job procedures, Case

Studies of Accidents, First-Aid and Fire fighting, Occupational

health hazards, Personnel hygiene and fitness etc. to Regular

employees, Contract workers, and Apprentice trainees. The

earlier GVTC building at 'B' Point / Mine-I had been replaced

with the new centre as it is situated in the mine expansion area.

NLC gets new facilitiesS h r i S a r a t

K u m a r

A c h a r y a ,



the Extended

New Building

f o r P o w e r

S t a t i o n


Department (PSE) at the Corporate Office in Neyveli on

October 22, 2015. The new structure, with a carpet area of 267

square metres, has come up in the Corporate Office at a cost of

`1.36 crore.

Earlier, Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, threw open the newly

constructed “Walk-way” in the Neem Park located at

Block-16 to the NLC employees and the Neyveli citizens for

their well-being. The Walk-way constructed at an estimated

cost of `8 lakh is designed like numeral “8” and surrounded

by as many as 40 neem trees and is paved with Acupressure

Tiles intended to cure ailments such as headache, cold, leg

and joint pain, and burning of excess fat and shaping up the


Shri Rakesh

K u m a r ,

D i r e c t o r ,

Finance, Shri

S. Boopathy,

D i r e c t o r ,

Planning and

Projects, Shri

Subi r Das,

D i r e c t o r ,

Mines, Shri V. Thangapandian, Director, Power, Executive

Directors and senior officers participated. Besides them,

representatives of the Officers and Engineers' Association,

Trade Unions and employees also attended the function.

Brown Coal10 I October - December 2015

CMD and Functional Directors after inaugurating the GVTC

CMD and Functional Directors after Pilot Plant at CARDinaugurating the

Eight Shape (8) walkway at Neem Park

While inaugurating new building for PSE Department...

Page 11: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016


Hindi Fortnight (Hindi Pakwada) Celebrations at NLC

NLC bags Vishwamukti Rashtriya Rajbhasha Samman 2015

55th OLIC Meeting & Hindi Workshop at NLC

NLC celebrated 'Hindi Pakwada' (Hindi fortnight) with great

zeal and enthusiasm from14.09.2015 to 28.09.2015. Shri. Sarat

Kumar Acharya, Director (HR), NLC inaugurated the two

week long celebrations at the Learning and Development

Centre (L&DC), Neyveli, on 14.09.2015 and read out the

message from Shri. Rajnath Singh, Hon'ble, Union Minister of

Home. In his chief guest address Shri Acharya stressed the

The Neyveli Lignite Corporation has been honoured with the

“Vishwamukti Rashtriya Rajbhasha Samman – 2015” in

recognition of its effective measures taken and quantitative

contributions made towards expanding the usage of Official

Language in the company.

The Award was handed over to our Chairman and Managing

Director Shri.Sarat Kumar Acharya at the inauguration of 4th

Akhil Bharatiya Rajbhasha Sammelan and Bahubhashi

Kavya Sangosthi at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The

event was jointly organized by Viswamukti (A Centre for Art,

Culture, Literature and Media Vision) and KIIT University,

Bhubaneshwar, from November 14 to 16, 2015.

Dr.K. Haribabu, Member of Parliament, Visakhapatnam,

participated as the Chief Guest, and, Shri Sarat Kumar

Acharya, CMD, NLC Ltd, and Shri Krishna Babu, CMD of the

Visakhapatnam Port Trust, were the Guests of Honour.

The inaugural session was chaired by Shri Prasanna Patsani,

The 55th Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC)

meeting was organized at Corporate Office, Neyveli on

29.12.2015. Shri Rakesh Kumar,

Director (Finance), the Vice

Chairman of the committee

reviewed the implementation of

OL Policy and advised the unit

heads to take necessary actions

to impart Hindi training to all the

employees. He emphasized on

the impor tance of 100%

compliance of Sec 3(3) of OL Act.

M e m b e r s o f O L I C a n d

representatives from various Units of NLC participated in the

meeting and informed the status of the OL implementation

activities of their Units. Earlier, a one day Hindi Workshop was

conducted on “Salient features

of Official Language Policy of

the Union and Spoken Hindi &

Simple Grammer” on 05/12/2015

at L&DC. Shri J.R. Gopala

Krishnan, Assistant Manager

(OL) , BEML, Bangalore

a t t e n d e d a s f a c u l t y. 4 5

employees from various unit


need for learning Hindi by quoting the message of our Hon'ble

Home Minister. The valedictory function of the Hindi fortnight

was organised on 28th September 2015 at L& DC. Shri.B

Surender Mohan, CMD, NLC graced the occasion as Chief

Guest and felicitated. During the function, prizes were

distributed to the employees who have participated in various

competitions like Office Glossary, Singing, Elocution,

Rajbhasha Policies and Essay Writing etc.

Member of Parliament and convener of the 2nd Sub-

Committee of Parliamentary Committee on Official Language.

About 70 delegates from various Ministries and Central

Government organisations viz. NLC, Coal India, NHPC, NCL,

MCL, Power Grid, ISRO etc., participated.

Brown Coal I October - December 2015 11

CMD while distributing prize to a winner of Hindi Fortnight Competition

Enthusiastic audience at Hindi Fortnight Celebrations

CMD, ED (HR), DGM (HR) and Staff of Hindi Cell with the Award

Directors at the OLIC Meeting

Page 12: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016


ICCR Cultural Treat at NLCThe NLC in collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural

Relations (ICCR), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of

India, organized the “Folk Dance and Music Festival,”

staged by Claudio Sega Veeraragoo Group from Mauritius at

the Lignite Hall in Neyvel on October 19, 2015.The team

performed various forms of Folk dances and entertained

spectators and received high applauds.

Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, Chairman and Managing Director,

NLC, Functional Directors of NLC, Shri Subir Das, Shri V.

Thangapandian, and senior officers graced the occasion.

Employees, music lovers and general public who attended in

Durga pooja celebrations by Bharathiya Kala Samithi

Neyveli welcomes New Year 2016 by celebrating the Colours of India

The members of the Bharathiya

Kalasamithi celebrated the

10-day-long Vijaya Dasami

festivities in a grand manner

from October 13 to 22, 2015 in

B h a r a t h i y a Ka l a s a m i t h i ,

Samskrithik Bhavan, Block-11,


NLC Chairman and Managing

Director Shri Sarat Kumar

Acharya, Functional Directors,

Chief Vigilance Officer and

senior executives, with their

family members, participated in the celebrations. The

Bharathiya Kalasamithi organized the pooja and various

Showcasing rich tradition, cultures of India a beautiful cultural

programme “The Colours of India” was organized on

31.12.2015 at Lignite Hall, Neyveli. Shri Anil Swarup, IAS,

Secretary, Union Ministry of Coal, Smt. Ruchi Swarup, Shri Sarat

Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC, Functional Directors, Senior

Executives and Employees participated with family Members.

Neyveli School children, Cultural Associations of Neyveli

community belonging to different states performed their

traditional dance forms and showcased diverse culture of

India with grace and skill. The evening exhibited many flavors'

of India and welcomed New Year 2016, with blended

performances like Bharatha Natyam were much appreciated

by the audience.

Shri Anil Swarup and Smt. Ruchi Swarup delighted by seeing

performance of the Neyveli School students and appreciated

them and wished them a very Happy New Year.

cultural programmes under the

guidance of Smt. Yogamaya

Acharya and Smt. Kanchan

Rakesh Kumar.

Staging of dance performance,

Dandia and dramas, on a daily

basis, marked the occasion. On

the final day, the idol of Durga

Matha was taken out in a

procession, covering places of

worship in Neyveli Township,

and later immersed in a water

source. The members of the

Bharathiya Kalasamithi, who involved in all events as a family,

made the celebrations colourful and joyful.

Brown Coal12 I October - December 2015

Secretary, MoC and CMD with School children at Colours of India programme Neyveli Students exhibiting the Unity in diversity of India in a skit

Mauritius Group performing at Neyveli

CMD and Bharathiya Kalasamithi Members with a Special Souvenir released during Durgashtami Celebrations

large numbers were enthralled by the performance of

Mauritius group.

Page 13: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016


Brown Coal I October - December 2015 13


May the Soul rest in peace.

Central Establishment

Material Management





G. Gunasekaran, CPF No.34484, Tech Gr.III (C)/Provident Fund Office

DOB:06.05.1956;DOJ:01.01.1976; DOD:10.11.2015

S. Ramakrishnan, CPF No.34886, Chief Manager/Mech/PSE

DOB:20.12.1966;DOJ:20.11.1989; DOD:16.11.2015

K. Murugan, CPF No.44735, Service Worker Grade III (General)/HRD

DOB:08.05.1975;DOJ:01.06.2005; DOD:02.12.2015

N.O. Muthuganesan, CPF No.25423, DGM/Civil/CTO

DOB:12.06.1958;DOJ:10.11.1980; DOD:13.12.2015

L. Guru Prasad, CPF No.41523, Tech.Gr.II (B)/Accounts

DOB:13.07.1969;DOJ:03.06.1997; DOD:17.12.2015

A. Umasankar, CPF No.25346, Sr. Foreman/Purchase Wing

DOB:01.06.1957;DOJ:08.01.1981; DOD:23.08.2015

R. Sundara Rajan, CPF No.27682, SG Chief Transport Overseer

(SG4)/Permanent Central Stores

DOB:21.06.1960;DOJ:07.11.1983; DOD:19.11.2015

R. Murali, CPF No.44306, Tech.Gr.III(C)/HR

DOB:04.08.1966;DOJ:16.07.2003; DOD:05.12.2015

A.R. Sureshkumar, CPF No.39687, Tech. Gr.I.(A)/Medical Services

DOB:27.05.1968;DOJ:20.06.1994; DOD:20.08.2015

S. Viruthagiri, CPF No.30741, Sr. Tech Gr. I/Medical Services

DOB:23.05.1967;DOJ:27.06.1986; DOD:22.11.2015

K. V. Ravichander, CPF No.43996, Tech. Gr.III (C)/WCTP Oprtn &


DOB:24.06.1959;DOJ:23.01.2002; DOD:06.07.2015

P. Chokkalingam, CPF No.38828, Ch.Techn./WCTP Oprtn & Adjustment

DOB:07.03.1967;DOJ:14.12.1992; DOD:19.09.2015

R. Rajendran, CPF No.40700, Service Worker Gr. I (canteen)/Indl.


DOB:05.04.1966;DOJ:10.07.1989; DOD:30.10.2015

M. Jayachandran, CPF No.34406, Spl Gr A Asst Cook (canteen)/Indl.


DOB:03.02.1958;DOJ:14.08.1982; DOD:17.11.2015

D. Mohanakrishnan, CPF No.41290, Asst. Exe. Engr./Survey

DOB:25.05.1965;DOJ:01.10.1996; DOD:23.07.2015

K. Kuppusamy, CPF No.38919, Tech.Gr.I(A)/HR

DOB:08.06.1960;DOJ:28.12.1992; DOD:25.09.2015

S. Sivalingam, CPF No.34827, Sr. Operator Gr. I/Vulcanising

DOB:21.06.1963;DOJ:01.09.1990; DOD:18.10.2015

P. Balu, CPF No.39112, Tech.Gr.I(A)/Safety

DOB:07.05.1965;DOJ:06.05.1993; DOD:18.11.2015

K. Paraman, CPF No.35333, Spl Gr Mas. Opr.(EME/CME)/

Shift Office

DOB:02.05.1959;DOJ:04.12.1989; DOD:19.11.2015

C. Rajaiyan, CPF No.42025, Gr.I Indl. Worker/MB

DOB:22.05.1956;DOJ:02.02.1998; DOD:06.12.2015

A. Kanagasabai, CPF No.40014, Tech. Gr.I.(A)/SB

DOB:26.11.1974;DOJ:22.02.1995; DOD:17.12.2015

A. Dillyrajan, CPF No.23435, SG - SME Opr/SB

DOB:19.03.1956;DOJ:04.12.1978; DOD:20.12.2015




TPS-I Expn.

Central Services Unit


R. Chief Technician S.M.E./MRR

DOB:05.06.1957; DOJ:30.03.1979; DOD:23.07.2015

J. Pownraj, CPF No.25065, Chief Technician/Lignite Bench

DOB:03.01.1960;DOJ:27.11.1980; DOD:01.08.2015

M. Elangovan, CPF No.26616, Sr. Foreman/Top Bench

DOB:21.09.1960;DOJ:11.03.1983; DOD:23.08.2015

S. Subramanian, CPF No.42862, Service Worker Grade III (General)/

Industrial Canteen

DOB:18.05.1961;DOJ:05.05.2000; DOD:02.09.2015

T. Thanaselvi, CPF No.44719, Gr. I Industrial Worker/Plng.& Techl.

(incl. Montrg.)

DOB:08.12.1982;DOJ:20.04.2005; DOD:07.10.2015

T. Vaithinathan, CPF No.37626, Chief Manager/Top Bench

DOB:10.01.1966;DOJ:17.12.1990; DOD:30.10.2015

N.T. Ravi, CPF No.40608, Operator Gr.I (A)/Training

DOB:06.04.1967;DOJ:22.05.1996; DOD:29.11.2015

T. Subramani, CPF No.40128, Sr. Tech Gr. I/Crawler Yard

DOB:29.09.1969;DOJ:05.07.1995; DOD:16.12.2015

K. Balakandan, CPF No.40767, Deputy Exe. Engineer/Vulcanising

DOB:20.05.1975;DOJ:09.10.1996; DOD:19.12.2015

P. Gunasekaran, CPF No.38344, Tech. Gr.I.(A)/Surplus Cell

DOB:06.05.1967;DOJ:28.08.1991; DOD:25.12.2015

A. Sivasankar, CPF No.40220, Tech.Gr.II (B)/Middle Bench

DOB:15.05.1967;DOJ:22.09.1995; DOD:14.07.2015

M. Xavier, CPF No.25035, Chief Technician/Training

DOB:29.05.1957;DOJ:29.07.1980; DOD:23.09.2015

S. Lalitha, CPF No.28050, Addl Chief Manager/Accounts

DOB:14.07.1960;DOJ:20.07.1984; DOD:17.09.2015

S.S. Thirumal Raj, CPF No. 32804, Spl Gr Master Operator/CS

DOB:03.12.1957;DOJ:15.07.1987; DOD:07.10.2015

M. Murugesan, CPF No.39207, Sr. Tech Gr. I/I.C.E.Shop

DOB:26.07.1965;DOJ:15.06.1993; DOD:30.09.2015

M. Sammanasunathan, CPF No.41985, Tech.Gr.II (B)/CERS

DOB:05.02.1959;DOJ:02.02.1998; DOD:28.10.2015

S. John Joseph Albert, CPF No.30311, Sr. Foreman/Telecommunication

DOB:15.03.1957;DOJ:20.03.1986; DOD:12.12.2015

K. Ganesan, CPF No.45317, Gr. I Industrial Worker/Fire Services

DOB:04.03.1968;DOJ:23.08.2006; DOD:08.07.2015

R. Krishnan, CPF No.42206, Tech.Gr.II (B)/Water Supply

DOB:20.03.1970;DOJ:02.02.1998; DOD:14.11.2015

C. Hiruthayanathan, CPF No.30205, Asst Officer (Security)

DOB:16.11.1956;DOJ:09.08.1985; DOD:17.11.2015

R. Manimaran, CPF No.32548, Assistant Personnel Officer/Library

DOB:03.06.1962;DOJ:31.08.1987; DOD:10.12.2015

B. Durairaj, CPF No24037, Asst Officer (Security)

DOB:08.08.1957;DOJ:01.09.1973; DOD:17.12.2015

Veerasamy, CPF NO.24163, /

F l n

During the period, July - December 2015, 44 employees passed away while in service.

Brown Coal pays homage to the departed soul and expresses condolence to the family.

DOB : Date of Birth DOJ : Date of Joining in NLC DOD : Date of DemiseF l n

Page 14: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

1. Shri Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC greeting Shri B. Surender

Mohan, CMD, NLC at the adieu function (30.09.2015)

2. Shr i Rakesh Kumar, Di rec tor(Finance) greet ing

Shri S. Rajagopal, Director (Power) during his retirement

farewell function (31.08.2015)

3. Shri Subir Das, Director(Mines) greeting Shri S. Boopathy,

Director (P&P) at the adieu function (31.12.2015)

4. CMD, NLC welcoming Shri V. Shanmuganathan, Hon’ble

Governor of Meghalaya state when he visited Neyveli


5. CMD, Directors and Senior Officials taking the pledge on

Constitution Day (26.11.2015)

6. CMD and CEOs of various organizations at the Round Table

Conference on Coal held at New Delhi (30.10.2015)

7. Shri Shiv Raj Singh, CVO, NLC, Shri D. Mukherjee, IPS (Rtd.),

Dr. N. Sundaradevan, IAS (Rtd.) IEMs at the review meeting on

Integrity Pact at Neyveli (24.12.2015)

News in Photographs









Brown Coal14 I October - December 2015

Page 15: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

5. President and Patrons of Neyveli Ladies Club, inaugurating a

function organized for welcoming the new president Smt. Yoga

Maya Acharya by lighting the traditional lamp (07.11.2015)6. Shri S. Sridhar, GM/PR & Education presenting Identity Card to a

student in a function held at NLC HSS, Neyveli-2 (13.10.2015)7. Shri V. Chandrasekaran, CGM (Finance) presenting certificate

to a student, who had participated in the Blood Donation Camp

organized at Jawahar Science College, Neyveli (19.10.2015)

1. Smt. S. Anusuya, Vice Principal, JMHSS receiving

“Dr. Radhakrishnan State Best Teacher Award” from

Shri K.C. Veeramani, Hon’ble Education Minister, Govt. of Tamil

Nadu at Chennai (05.09.2015)2. Shri S. Sridhar, GM/PR & Education, Headmasters, Principals and

Teachers of Neyveli Schools with the students who participated in

National Children’s Science Congress (21.11.2015)3. Shri S. Suresh Kumar, IAS, Collector, Cuddalore District, our

Directors and CVO at the Deepavali function organized by

Neyveli unit of CISF (08.11.2015)4. Smt. Yoga Maya Acharya, Smt. Kanchan Rakesh Kumar,

Smt. Devaki Thanga Pandian, Smt. Indu Singh at the Deepavali

celebrations held at Sneha School, a day care centre for special

children (03.11.2015)

News in Photographs









Brown Coal I October - December 2015 15

Page 16: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

BEST WISHES TO SENIOR CITIZENSDuring the period between July and December 2015, 330 employees

laid down their office on attaining Superannuation.

Brown Coal wishes the retired executives employees a long, prosperous, peaceful and happy retired life.


n D.O.J : Date of Joining in NLC D.O.R : Date of Retirement n *Voluntary Retirement








R. Ramalingam 26332Assistant Officer/SIC

D.O.J.:07.05.1982; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. C.A. Sairam* 28527APO(SG3)/Accts.

D.O.J.:03.12.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Christy Raj 29052APO(SG3)/HR

D.O.J.:12.06.1985; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. Lizy Kutty Abraham* 29391APO(SG3)/HR

D.O.J.:12.08.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. P. Saraswathi* 33595Sr. Terminal Operator SG3 Scale/Comp. Serv.

D.O.J.:09.02.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Thamilarasi* 33890APO(SG3)/HR

D.O.J.:30.06.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

A. Rajakan* 27596DM/HR

DOJ:05.03.1984; DOR:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Rathnam* 32842Deputy Executive Engineer/L&DCDOJ:01.08.1987; DOR:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Ravichandran 23843Sr. Foreman/Comp. Serv.

D.O.J.:25.10.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Lakshmi* 26962APO - SG4/Civil

D.O.J.:13.04.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Arunachalam 22043APO SG3/HR

D.O.J.:09.02.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. D. Panneerselvam 26325Asst Officer/MC - SG3/L&DC

D.O.J.:07.05.1982; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

N. Mani, 23653Manager/HR

D.O.J.:12.09.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

CPF No. R. Chandra* 24493DM/HR

D.O.J.:22.10.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.


R. Thambusamy 39378Sr. Tech. GR. I/Mgt. Ser.

D.O.J.:15.09.1993; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. V. Adimoolam 40714Tech. GR.I.(A)/Safety

D.O.J.:25.07.1996; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Sasikala* 30516Spl. GR.A Attendant/HR

D.O.J.:27.06.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Mydheenpath 32309Spl. GR.A Attendent/Accts.

D.O.J.:26.06.1987; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. M. Velu*, 38966Spl. GR.A Attendant/HR

D.O.J.:21.12.1988; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

CPF No.V. Jayachandran 38661Ch.Tech./HR

D.O.J.:13.06.1989; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

Brown Coal16 I October - December 2015


D.O.J.:19.01.1998 D.O.R.:30.09.2015

Surender Mohan, CPF No.41932

n n

S. Director (Power)

DOJ:06.06.1977; DOR:31.08.2015

Rajagopal, CPF No.22410 S. Boopathy, CPF No.22974Director (Planning & Projects)

DOJ:07.10.1977; DOR:31.12.2015

G. CGM/Vig. Cell

D.O.J.:21.08.1978; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

Srinivasan, CPF No.23518 H.B. GM/Elec.

D.O.J.:17.09.1979; D.O.R.:

Shivananda, CPF No.23874


S. SundarakumarGM/Civil

DOJ:19.05.1980 DOR:31.10.2015

, CPF No.24642


K. Haridoss* 25577DGM/Elec.

D.O.J.:23.12.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Raja* 26130DGM/Vig. Cell

DOJ:18.01.1982; DOR:30.11.2015

, CPF No. Somesh Chandra Roy 38646DGM/HR

D.O.J.:26.03.1992; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. N.T. Neelamegam 23172ACM/Sys. Mont.

DOJ:23.08.1978; DOR:31.12.2015

, CPF No.K. Ramesh DGM/PSE

D.O.J.:23.12.1980 D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.25431


N. Kamalasananachary*DGM/NTPL

D.O.J.:03.09.1979 D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.23832


M. Arul* 32905DCM/Accts.

D.O.J.:16.10.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Jayalakshmanan* 34552DCE/L&DC

DOJ:04.10.1989; DOR:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Mahendran 21880Manager/SIC

D.O.J.:13.11.1978; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Saraswathi 23574Manager/Accts.

D.O.J.:05.07.1979; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

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P. Paul Ravichandran 24161CM/Plg. & Tec.

D.O.J.:17.09.1979; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. V. Chidambaram* 26120CM/BHD

D.O.J.:07.12.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. Mir Kazim Ali* 26128CM/CMRR

D.O.J.:18.01.1982; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

A. Rajan 24759GM/Con. Mtce.

D.O.J.:25.02.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. K. Sayeed Ahmed* 28522DGM/BRP

D.O.J.:20.08.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

A.M. Rajan* 25294CM/Elec.

D.O.J.:31.03.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. P.K. Ulagappan* 25865CM/SME-MM

D.O.J.:20.04.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

N. Panneer Selvan 23194Executive Director/CMRR

D.O.J.:24.02.1978; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. S. Jeyaraman, 21897CGM/GWC

D.O.J.:19.07.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

CPF No. N. Pandian 23735CGM/Elec.

D.O.J.:09.06.1977; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. N. Natarajan* 24508GM/Elec.

D.O.J.:26.02.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

S. Kaveriselvi* 27486CM/Plg. & Tec.

D.O.J.:27.02.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.



M. Valavandhan* 25947ACM/Accts.

D.O.J.:07.01.1982; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.S. Chidambaram* 27512CM/ SME-OH

D.O.J.:05.03.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. P. Thulasiraj 24484Private Secretary/HR

D.O.J.:23.06.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

P. Radhakrishnan 23265Sr.Foreman/Vul.

D.O.J.:01.12.1977; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

M.G. Natarajan 23629Sr Foreman SG3/S.M.E./MM

D.O.J.:28.11.1978; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

V. Sankaralingam 24931Sr.Foreman/Con. Mrr

D.O.J.:10.10.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Ramakrishnan 26003SG Chief Transport Overseer/Sub. Stores

D.O.J.:26.07.1982; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. L. Kuppusamy 35261Chief Horticulture Assistant/LB

D.O.J.:16.11.1989; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. K. Kumarú 21662Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/LB

D.O.J.:01.12.1977; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

D. Rajendran 21700Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/NSB

D.O.J.:06.02.1978; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

R. Swaminathan* 23460Sg - SME Opr./HR

D.O.J.:12.12.1978; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Subramanian 23465Sr.Foreman/Elec. Mtce.

D.O.J.:19.12.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. C. Manoharan 23628SG - SME Opr./MB

D.O.J.:27.11.1978; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

P. Gengaian 24089Sr.Foreman/BHD

D.O.J.:24.10.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. V. Nagarajan 24529Sr.Foreman/S.M.E./LUB.

D.O.J.:06.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

N. Maniamma* 23171DM/HR

D.O.J.:17.03.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. N. Omana 24822DM/Accts.

D.O.J.:03.11.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

C. Thankaraj 23001Sr.Foreman/elec.mtce.

D.O.J.:21.08.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Kannan 23019SG - SME Opr./TB

D.O.J.:21.11.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.


Brown Coal I October - December 2015 17

A. Albert Rajan 24072Asst Officer/Material Control/Sub. StoresD.O.J.:05.04.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. P. Nanda Kumarú 24396Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/BRP

D.O.J.:14.05.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. V. Thirugnanasambandam 24684Sr Foreman SG3/S.M.E./MM

D.O.J.:04.08.1980; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

P.P. Manikyala Rao* 26046DGM/NTPL

D.O.J.:07.12.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.T. Muruganandam*

DOJ:23.12.1980 DOR:30.11.2015

, CPF No.25496DGM/NTPL


N. Krishnan*GM/NTPL

D.O.J.:06.12.1978; D.O.R.:

, CPF No.23153




G. Gurusamy

DOJ:25.02.1980 DOR:30.11.2015

, CPF No.24452DGM/NTPL


V. Chandrasekaran*,

D.O.J.:27.10.1980 D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.25359DGM/NTPL


V. Vijayendra Rao 23833GM/NTPL

D.O.J.:03.09.1979; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

M. Panneerselvam* 24567Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/SMD

D.O.J.:02.08.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

N. Sundararajan* 25706CM/CMRR

D.O.J.:20.04.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

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P. Karthikeyan 24876Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/LB

D.O.J.:14.05.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

K. Murugesan 23896Ch. Tech./MB

D.O.J.:09.03.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Palanivelu* 24132Ch. Tech./HR

D.O.J.:14.11.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

S. Kumaravel 23869Ch.tech. (SG1)/BB

D.O.J.:20.01.1979; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

K.T. Srinivasan*, 25030Ch. Tech./CON-MRR

D.O.J.:29.07.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

CPF No. A. Zackirias 25204/HR

D.O.J.:28.11.1980; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.Ch. Tech.

T. Chandran 25514Ch. Tech./CON-MRR

D.O.J.:30.07.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

T. Panneerselvam, 25009Ch.tech. (SG1)/Safety

D.O.J.:28.11.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

CPF No P. Gurumoorthy 25073Ch.tech. (SG1)/LB

D.O.J.:22.09.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. P. John Bosco 25617Spl. Gr. Master Operator/SME-MRR

D.O.J.:17.02.1981; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. V. Kamaraj* 32697Foreman/Vul.

D.O.J.:31.07.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Tamilmani* 37006Spl. Gr. Master Operator/Gen. Wor.

D.O.J.:01.06.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

R. Sundar* 24929Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/SME-MRR

D.O.J.:03.10.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. C. Paramasivam* 28061Asst Officer/Material Control/MSU

D.O.J.:10.08.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Ramesh 28987Sr. Foreman/BHD

D.O.J.:11.06.1985; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. D. Yesudoss* 30975SG Master Operator(EME/CME)/DrillsD.O.J.:12.09.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

R. Dhanapal 25687Ch. Tech./Elec.

D.O.J.:18.05.1981; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

R. Vaithilingam* 23579Ch. Tech./HR

D.O.J.:09.03.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

S. Antonisamy 40930Sr. Operator Gr. I/BHD

D.O.J.:01.10.1996; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

V. Krishnamoorthy 25581Tech. Gr.I.(A)/S.M.E./MM

D.O.J.:19.05.1981; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. T. Kolandaieasu 44922Tech Gr.III (C)/TB

D.O.J.:27.01.2006; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.L. Mannankatti 27247Ser. Wor. Gr.I/Ind. Canteen

D.O.J.:13.02.1981; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Victoria 31098Spl. Gr A Attndt. Woman/HR

D.O.J.:29.08.1986; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. N. Sakkarapani* 36658Tech. Gr.I.(A)/HR

D.O.J.:18.09.1990; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Natarajan 44410Tech Gr.III (C)/Con. Mtce.

D.O.J.:18.07.2003; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

P. Thangaraj 40967Sr. Operator Gr. I/GWC

D.O.J.:01.10.1996; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. A.M.. Giridharan* 27829Jr. Operator - SME/HR

D.O.J.:03.05.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Ganapathy* 28374Sr. Worker Gr. I W6 (Canteen)/SME-MMD.O.J.:10.03.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Rajamanickam 36680Sr. Tech. Gr. II/MB

D.O.J.:18.09.1990; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. R. Jothi 40870Sr. Operator Gr. II/TB

D.O.J.:01.10.1996; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

V. Selvarayar 25769/MB

D.O.J.:21.05.1981; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.Ch. Tech.

S. Roke* 25810Ch. Tech./BHD

D.O.J.:19.05.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Thanislas 25898/LB

D.O.J.:16.07.1981; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.Ch. Tech.

G. Jayaraman 26262/TB

D.O.J.:04.10.1982; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.Ch. Tech.

D. Ravi* 25047Sr. Tech Gr. I/SME-MM

D.O.J.:29.07.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.


R. Vaithilingam 42840Ser. Wor. Gr. III/LB

D.O.J.:05.05.2000; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. M. Sethu 45654Ser. Wor. Grade III (G)/CR.YD.

D.O.J.:29.06.2007; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. T.P. Muthu* 24825DGM/BHD

D.O.J.:25.02.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.G. Udhayakumar* 24349DGM/GWC

D.O.J.:24.03.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.K. Palanisamy 25567GM/TB

D.O.J.:23.12.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.




N. Krishnasami 23111GM/Con. MRR

D.O.J.:04.09.1978; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

G. Manoharan* 24770Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/SME-MRR

D.O.J.:05.08.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

Brown Coal18 I October - December 2015

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G. Ramesh Babu 30923Sr. Operator Gr. I/Gen.Wor.

D.O.J.:21.07.1986; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

K.B. Poonacha* 30420APO/HR

D.O.J.:28.02.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Thanikachalam 26278SG - SME OPR/MB

D.O.J.:06.10.1982; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

S. Murugesan* 31668Foreman/ECB

D.O.J.:09.01.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. C. Lingaraju* 29811Master Operator/OPN.

D.O.J.:02.05.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.



R. Ravichandran* 29081Assistant Executive Manager/HR

D.O.J.:04.07.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.V. MuthukkannuÖ 24783Deputy Executive Engineer/CON.MTCE.D.O.J.:18.07.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.


I Exp






s U



Brown Coal I October - December 2015 19

K. Haridoss, 24794Sg - SME Opr./BB

D.O.J.:05.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015


G. Murugesan 22227Sr.Foreman/Mini Auto

D.O.J.:01.12.1977; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Chinnappan 37970Ser. Wor. Gr.I/Ind. Canteen

D.O.J.:06.02.1991; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

M. Balakumarú 25846CM/SMD

D.O.J.:25.01.1982; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

S. Panneer Selvam 24877Sr Foreman SG3/GWC

D.O.J.:12.05.1980; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

D. Muralidharan 21787GM/PLG.&TEC.

D.O.J.:14.10.1977; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. L. Sigamani 24316CM/Elec.

D.O.J.:24.03.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.C. Krishnan 24511DGM/TUR.MTCE.

D.O.J.:17.12.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Ratchagar* 25258CM/Elec.

D.O.J.:26.05.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Krishnamoorthy 25372CM/Elec.

D.O.J.:27.10.1980; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. M. Annamalai 27318CM/BOI.AUX.MTCE.

D.O.J.:15.11.1983; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

G. Gunasekaran 23729ACM/BOIL.OPN.

D.O.J.:06.12.1978; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. T. Ramalingam 25003ACM/WCTP

D.O.J.:05.01.1981; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. E. Jayaresh 23925DCE/Elec.

D.O.J.:30.10.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Sakthi 21807DY.MGR./HR

D.O.J.:18.07.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. N. Karuppaiya 23918SR Foreman SG3 Grade/TUR.MTCE.D.O.J.:25.10.1979; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. M.A. Francis 24108SR Foreman SG3 Grade/TUR.MTCE.D.O.J.:27.12.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

S. Chidambaresan 24658Ch. Tech./Civil

D.O.J.:31.07.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

K.M. Suresh Babu 21501Executive Director

D.O.J.:18.07.1977; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

N. Kamarajan 25698DGM/Mach. Shop

D.O.J.:25.02.1980; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.B. Gouthaman 21887CGM/FHS&AHS

D.O.J.:14.07.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. K. Murugavel 23763CM/DM P&L

D.O.J.:11.01.1979; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. M. Arokianathan 24870ACM/DM P&L

D.O.J.:04.02.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Dhandapani 21679Sr.Foreman/BOI.MTCE.

D.O.J.:06.02.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. C. Nagarajan 35370Spl Gr Master Operator/Shift Opn

D.O.J.:12.12.1989; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

P. Manikandan 26889Spl Gr A Token Clerk Canteen/Ind. Canteen

D.O.J.:01.11.1980; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. R. Boomidevi* 39379Jr. Admn. Officer/HR

D.O.J.:15.09.1993; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. N. Indirani 35098Spl. Gr. A Attendent/HR

D.O.J.:16.10.1989; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. A. Manickam* 42664Service Worker Grade II/Ind. CanteenD.O.J.:25.04.1998; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Pitchamuthu 45366Tech Gr.III (C)/BOI.AUX.MTCE.

D.O.J.:18.01.2007; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

S. Rajasekar* 24637Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/WCTP

D.O.J.:13.10.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. V. Mani 25117Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/Elec.Opn.

D.O.J.:02.12.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Subbiah* 26243Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/Boi.Mtce.

D.O.J.:08.12.1982; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Palani 29126SG Master Operator/Plg.&Tec.

D.O.J.:26.07.1985; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Krishnamurthy* 23933Ch. Tech./FHS

D.O.J.:06.11.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

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Brown Coal20 I October - December 2015

V. Radhakrishnan 24944Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/Mini Auto

D.O.J.:11.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

K.K. Ramalingam* 32231Foreman/CERS

D.O.J.:08.06.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

S. Ganapathi SubramanianCPF No.

D.O.J.:01.10.1996; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, 41055, Tech.Gr.II (B)/FC

A. Visvanathan 37928Ser. Wr. Gr I (Cant) W5 Scale/Ind. Canteen

D.O.J.:04.02.1991; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

K. Sankar 26336Spl Gr Chief Time Keeper/MTCE.

D.O.J.:07.05.1982; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

V. Boobalan* 45291Ser. Wr. Grade III (G)/Trans

D.O.J.:02.08.2006; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. P. Pushpa* 25389DCM/Accts.

D.O.J.:21.11.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Veerappan* 21716DM/HR

D.O.J.:22.03.1978; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. V. Vijaya* 23028DM/Accts.

D.O.J.:05.03.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

P. Soosairaj* 40256Sr. Tech Gr. I/

D.O.J.:23.09.1995; D.O.R.:30.11.2015


M.A. Basheer 26840Service Worker Grade I/Ind. CanteenD.O.J.:06.09.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Jothy 34321Sr. Tech. Gr. II/LMV

D.O.J.:01.09.1989; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. V. Periyanayagam 32555Spl. Gr.A Attendent/Mech. Office

D.O.J.:26.06.1987; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. S. Kaliaperumal 36698Sr. Tech. Gr. II/HMV

D.O.J.:19.09.1990; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

V.R. Ravi 24945Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/MTCE.

D.O.J.:11.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. C. Dhandapani 25160Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/LMV

D.O.J.:11.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. V. Balu 27685Asst Officer/Material Control - SG3/Motor

D.O.J.:07.11.1983; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. P.V. Sundaravadivelu 24275SG Chief Checking Inspector/Bus Section

D.O.J.:29.07.1980; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. K. Govindaraj 29574SG Master Operator/Mini Auto

D.O.J.:26.07.1985; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

N. Vellaiyan 28496Addl. DGM/HMV

D.O.J.:03.09.1984; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. R. Selvaraj 27006CM/A/Cs

D.O.J.:26.04.1982; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. S. Somaskandan 24886Sr. Foreman/Mech. & Elec.

D.O.J.:08.10.1980; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. D. Arulappan 23387Asst Officer/Material Control/FC

D.O.J.:13.03.1979; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. L. Francis Assisi* 26245Asst Officer/Material Control/HMV

D.O.J.:08.12.1982; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

S. Sethu Manivannan* 30560Superintendent Gr.II/Security

D.O.J.:31.10.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

A. Francis Raj 25017Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/Library

D.O.J.:13.06.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

A. Manoj Kumar 36203Ch. Tech./WSD

D.O.J.:04.06.1990; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.S. Sabapathy 26334APO(SG3)/HR

D.O.J.:07.05.1982; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. P. Thamilarasi* 31221APO(SG3)/HR

D.O.J.:18.11.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Babu, 24119SG Master Operator/HR

D.O.J.:05.04.1980; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

CPF No. R.V. Karunakaran 27017SG Master Operator/Hort.

D.O.J.:07.04.1983; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. P. Jayageethan* 31547Foreman/Elec.

D.O.J.:25.10.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

K. Srinivasan 21525Sr. Foreman/Hort.

D.O.J.:30.11.1977; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Gunasekaran 23185Sr. Foreman/Elec.

D.O.J.:22.11.1978; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. R. Kusalavan 32720Chief Supervisor/Arboriculture/Hort.

D.O.J.:21.09.1987; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. P. Veeran 24506APO(SG3)/WSD

D.O.J.:12.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. E. Selvaraj* 24638Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/Elec.

D.O.J.:15.07.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

M. Thiyagarajan* 24011Asst Officer/Security

D.O.J.:01.02.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Murali* 27711Asst Officer/Security

D.O.J.:07.11.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. B. Surendrakumar* 33069Asst Officer/Fire Ser.

D.O.J.:02.03.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Pichaimani* 33086Asst Officer/Fire Ser.

D.O.J.:02.03.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Meenalochana 39865Jr. Admn. Officer/Telecom

D.O.J.:02.12.1994; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

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Brown Coal I October - December 2015 21

R. Govindarajulu 23155GM/S&M

D.O.J.:18.08.1978; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

S. Mayuranathan 21584Sr Foreman SG3 Grade/Indig.

D.O.J.:29.11.1977; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

M. Kanagavel 45731Service Worker Grade III (g)/Card

D.O.J.:29.06.2007; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. S. Sridhar* 25817ACM/Accts.

D.O.J.:27.10.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

K. Vasantha 21758Dy. Mgr./S&M

D.O.J.:10.05.1978; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

B. Hema* 21763DM/Accts.

D.O.J.:05.05.1978; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Narayanan* 30072Sr. Foreman/GH

D.O.J.:17.03.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Sunderrajan* 25374Ch. Tech./HR

D.O.J.:18.02.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

G. Pitchavel* 25039Asst Officer (Administration)/Pur.

D.O.J.:28.07.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Vellaikaran 26205Spl Gr Chief Gestetner Opr Gr I/Pur.

D.O.J.:06.10.1982; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. R. Chinnaiyan 34425Sr. Tech. Gr. II/PCS

D.O.J.:06.10.1989; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. K. Mangayarkarsi 33140Attendent Spl Gr A /Pers/S&M

D.O.J.:23.11.1987; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. C. Vatsala 45729Service Worker Grade III (g)/Card

D.O.J.:29.06.2007; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

Jasmin Michael* 31919CM/Purchase

D.O.J.:03.04.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Sridhar 24636ACM/CARD

D.O.J.:01.12.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. S. Murugiah 21855Dy. Mgr./Purchase

D.O.J.:06.05.1978; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

M. Shanmugham 37431Master Operator/Elec.

D.O.J.:01.01.1987; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. C. Palanivelu* 29738Sr. Tech Gr. I/WSD

D.O.J.:02.09.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Gopal* 37986Sr. Operator Gr. I/Elec.

D.O.J.:03.05.1988; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. P. Periyasamy* 31516Spl. Gr.a Attendant/Health

D.O.J.:17.01.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Alagirisamy 36915Attendant/GH

D.O.J.:01.01.1987; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

K. Rakma* 32135Sr. Works Clerk Gr. I/Delhi

D.O.J.:01.06.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

R. Kannan 21661Senior Foreman

D.O.J.:29.11.1977; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

M. Chandrasekaran, CPF No.DGM/Constn.

D.O.J.:12.01.1981; D.O.R.:31.07.2015


S. Muniyandi 30656SG Chargeman (HPW) SG4 Grade/Boi.mtce.

D.O.J.:10-07-1986; D.O.R.:31-07-2015

, CPF No.M. Meenakshi Sundaram 25138CGM/FHS

D.O.J.:06.08.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Mohanan 24367GM/FHS

D.O.J.:25-02-1980; D.O.R.:31-10-2015

, CPF No. T. Rajamani 24831CM/Elec.opn.

D.O.J.:26-05-1980; D.O.R.:31-07-2015

, CPF No. A. Mariaraj 24778CM/Elec.opn.

D.O.J.:26-05-1980; D.O.R.:31-08-2015

, CPF No. B. Murali* 30606CM/Elec.

D.O.J.:29-07-1986; D.O.R.:30-11-2015

, CPF No.

B. Elango* 28936APO/Accts.

D.O.J.:24.04.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Munusami* 30895Asst Officer/Material Control

D.O.J.:24.03.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. T. Shanmuganathan 40605APO/HR

D.O.J.:03.01.1996; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. T. Saraswathy 32939Attendent Spl Gr A /Pers/HR

D.O.J.:23.11.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. SridarExecutive Director

D.O.J.:18.06.1979; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.23722

U. Sridharan* 36911Sr. Tech. Gr. II/GH

D.O.J.:30.11.1988; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. Hari Singh 35478Attendent Spl Gr A /Pers/Moc, Delhi

D.O.J.:25.10.1989; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.S. Vimala* 37640Jr.admin Asst Gr-II/GH

D.O.J.:06.10.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. J.S. Jemmi Nagomi 28128Nursing Superintendent

D.O.J.:14.09.1984; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. Swapan Kumar Deogharia 33374Asst Personnel Officer - SG4/HR

D.O.J.:14.09.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

P.P. Raveendran* 26062DGM/Purchase

D.O.J.:07.12.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Sathan 25873CM/Accts.

D.O.J.:26.04.1982; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

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M. Sivakumar* 25388DGM/LB

D.O.J.:10.11.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

T. Amalraj 23187SG - SME OPR/BB

D.O.J.:22.11.1978; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. M. Esudoss 24060SG - SME OPR/LB

D.O.J.:30.10.1979; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

K. Narayana 24459DGM/MRT

D.O.J.:25.02.1980; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No.

S. Soundararajan 24742SG - SME OPR/SB

D.O.J.:08.08.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. V. Kamalakkannan 24624SME Operator Selection SG4/MB

D.O.J.:19.07.1980; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. D.A. Sundaram 24965SG - SME OPR SG4/MB

D.O.J.:06.10.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

A. Kumarasamy* 26152CM/Elec.

D.O.J.:07.12.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. A. Anbazhagan 23664ACM/BB

D.O.J.:15.03.1979; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. C. Immayavaramban* 25157ACM/Track Shift.

D.O.J.:11.08.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M. Srinivasan 26002DCM/Geology

D.O.J.:26.07.1982; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. R. Navaneethan* 33209DCM/Accts.

D.O.J.:30.12.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

K. Ramakrishnan 21517CGM/GWC

D.O.J.:14.07.1977; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

N. Natarajan* 21630SR Foreman SG3 Grade/GWC

D.O.J.:06.02.1978; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.




P. Ramasamy 34712Sg Chief Wireless Cum Comm Opr/Shift Off.

D.O.J.:25.10.1989; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.

K. Krishnaprasad* 27635Sr. Foreman/SME-MM

D.O.J.:05.03.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

A. Kaliamurthi 28296Sr. Foreman/Elec.mtce.

D.O.J.:05.11.1984; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No.S. Rajendran* 27645Sr. Foreman/SME-MM

D.O.J.:29.08.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. N. Rangabashyam 27704Asst Officer/Material Control/Cr.yd.

D.O.J.:07.11.1983; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. V. Sonai 27783Sr. Foreman/BB

D.O.J.:06.09.1983; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. V. Natarajan* 28046Sg Master Operator/HR

D.O.J.:10.11.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R.M. Ayyakkannu 28278Sr. Foreman/Con.-MRR

D.O.J.:20.09.1984; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

S. Ramani 23482Sg Chief Works Clerk/LB

D.O.J.:20.01.1979; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No. L. Mathialagan* 24085Sg Master Operator(EME/CME)/LB

D.O.J.:23.10.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. C.R. Thinakaran 27072Sr. Foreman/FM Yard

D.O.J.:24.09.1982; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

, CPF No. R. Sabanayagam 27088Sr. Foreman/FM Yard

D.O.J.:25.09.1982; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. S. Balasubramanian 27178Sr. Foreman/Safety

D.O.J.:26.08.1983; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

P. Srinivasan 25993Sr Foreman SG3/GWC

D.O.J.:23.09.1982; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. A. Rethinam 27052Sr Foreman SG3/FM Yard

D.O.J.:16.09.1982; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. N. Erulan, 27199Sr Foreman SG3/Con.mtce.

D.O.J.:26.08.1983; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

CPF No. G. Mathiazhagan 27730Sr Foreman SG3/FM Yard

D.O.J.:29.08.1983; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. K. Kalaiarasan 27844Sr Foreman SG3/Vul.

D.O.J.:29.08.1983; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.

Brown Coal22 I October - December 2015


S. Selvaraj 31078Sr. Tech Gr. I/Boi.aux.mtce.

D.O.J.:07-08-1986; D.O.R.:31-07-2015

, CPF No.

S.H. Syed Ibrahim* 26731Spl Gr A Token Clerk Canteen/Ind.canteen

D.O.J.:07-04-1980; D.O.R.:30-11-2015

, CPF No. S. Murugan 37948Ser Wor Gr I (Cant) W5 Scale/Safety

D.O.J.:05-02-1991; D.O.R.:30-11-2015

, CPF No. K. Devaki 43665Ser. Wor. Gr.II/Civil

D.O.J.:25-08-2000; D.O.R.:31-07-2015

, CPF No. T. Kaliyamoorthy 45490

D.O.J.:18-01-2007; D.O.R.:31-12-2015

, CPF No.Ser. Wor. Grade III (G)/AHS

K. Ramalingam* 29424Sr. Foreman/Tur.opn.

D.O.J.:10-07-1985; D.O.R.:30-11-2015

, CPF No. R. Divagaran 30567Asst Officer/Material Control/Plg. & Tec.D.O.J.:31-10-1985; D.O.R.:31-12-2015

, CPF No. A. Jayaraman 30727Asst Officer/Material Control/Plg. & Tec.D.O.J.:19-06-1986; D.O.R.:30-11-2015

, CPF No. G. Balakrishnan 29812Spl Gr Master Operator/Boi.opn.

D.O.J.:23-12-1985; D.O.R.:31-07-2015

, CPF No. T. Shanmugam* 31853Foreman/Tur.opn.

D.O.J.:12-01-1987; D.O.R.:30-11-2015

, CPF No.

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M. Abdullah* 24212Ch. Tech. Spl.Gr (SG1)/TB

D.O.J.:30.10.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

K. Narayanan, CPF No.Ch. Tech.

D.O.J.:31.08.1983; D.O.R.:31.08.2015


A. Savarimuthu, CPF No.Sr. Operator Gr. I/Mini Auto

D.O.J.:15.06.1989; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

33887 R. Ramamurthy, CPF No.Sr. Tech. Gr. II/Shift Opn.

D.O.J.:23.05.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015


C. Venkatesan*, CPF No.Spl Gr Master Opr.(EME/CME)/Mini Auto

D.O.J.:04.12.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015


B. Johni Basha*, CPF No.Spl Gr A - Cook/Ind.canteen

D.O.J.:11.09.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

34587 S. Sundaramoorthy*, CPF No.Sr. Tech. Gr. II/BB

D.O.J.:16.10.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

34824 B. Jothi Ramalingam*, CPF No.Sr. Operator Gr. II/BHD

D.O.J.:01.10.1996; D.O.R.:30.11.2015


A. Sebastian, CPF No.Ch. Tech./NSB

D.O.J.:05.03.1984; D.O.R.:31.10.2015

27582 R. Pugazhandhi*, CPF No.Ch. Tech./HR

D.O.J.:05.10.1987; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

32936 M. Gnanamani,

D.O.J.:31.07.1980; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

CPF No.Sr. Operator Gr. I/Track Shift.

24719 A. Thomasraj*, CPF No.Sr. Tech Gr. I/FM Yard

D.O.J.:02.04.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

27454 Arasu Gunasekaran, CPF No.Sr. Draughtsman Gr. I/HR

D.O.J.:26.03.1986; D.O.R.:31.10.2015


K. Thiyagarajan* 24978, CPF No.Foreman/Cr.yd.

D.O.J.:06.10.1980; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

S. Pushparaj, CPF No.Spl Gr Master Operator/Con.mtce.

D.O.J.:26.07.1982; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

26007 V. Balasubramanian*, CPF NoForeman/Telecom

D.O.J.:29.06.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

27847 S. Rajagopal*, CPF No.Foreman/SB

D.O.J.:29.10.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

29146 R. Vaidyanathan, CPF No.Spl Gr A Asst Mgr. Canteen/Ind.canteenD.O.J.:02.06.1986; D.O.R.:31.07.2015


S. Pushparajan 28709Sr. Foreman/SME-MM

D.O.J.:29.10.1984; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. G. Madhavan* 28711Sr. Foreman/SMD

D.O.J.:30.10.1984; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Ganabathiraman* 30326Sr. Foreman/SME-R

D.O.J.:20.03.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. V. Raghavan* 30787SG Master Operator(EME/CME)/TB

D.O.J.:11.09.1986; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. M.M.G.V. Raman 21585Foreman/Shift Off.

D.O.J.:29.11.1977; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

S. Dhanlakshmi, CPF No.Attendant Spl Gr A /Pers/HR

D.O.J.:06.02.1987; D.O.R.:31.07.2015


V. Rajendran 44143Tech Gr.III (C)/SME-OH

D.O.J.:23.01.2002; D.O.R.:30.09.2015

, CPF No.

Jasa Ram 38720Sr. Tech. Gr. II/Civil

D.O.J.:02.10.1989; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No.

P.V. Sivakumaar 28611Foreman/BTG Opn.

D.O.J.:31.01.1985; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.K. Suriamoorthy 25744Deputy GM/BTG Opn.

D.O.J.:11.11.1980; D.O.R.:31.08.2015

, CPF No. T. Mathevan Pillai*, 26025Deputy General Manager/Opn.

D.O.J.:20.04.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

CPF No. A.V.N. Prasada Rao 26228Deputy General Manager/BTG Opn.

D.O.J.:12.01.1981; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. S. Mahendran 26526Deputy General Manager/FHS

D.O.J.:03.01.1983; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Vedavyasan 23908Private Secretary/HR

D.O.J.:14.11.1979; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

V. Rajaram* 43273Ser. Wor. Grade III (G)/Prodn.

D.O.J.:01.06.2000; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. K. Soundrarajan 43804Ser. Wor. Grade III (G)/Elec.

D.O.J.:20.09.2000; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No C. Namachivayam 44312Ser. Wor. Grade III (G)/FM Yard

D.O.J.:18.07.2003; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. S. Natarajan 45444Ser. Wor. Grade III (G)/BB

D.O.J.:18.01.2007; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No. K. Venkatesan* 33918Gr. II Industrial Worker/BB

D.O.J.:19.06.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No.

G. Jayaraman* 33924Tech. Gr.I.(A)/Prodn.

D.O.J.:22.06.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. R. Karpagavalli* 35054Spl. Gr.A Attendant/HR

D.O.J.:06.10.1989; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. G. Rajendran* 40428Tech. Gr.II (B)/SB

D.O.J.:26.02.1996; D.O.R.:30.11.2015

, CPF No. T. Sachidhanandam 35101Operator Gr.III (C)/GWC

D.O.J.:16.10.1989; D.O.R.:31.07.2015

, CPF No. S. Ayyappan 43083Operator Gr.III (C)/CME

D.O.J.:05.05.2000; D.O.R.:31.12.2015

, CPF No.


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Newsletter of NLC Vigilance Department


From the Pen of CVO

Some time one may ponder whether it would be at all possible

to have a corruption free society. The seed of corruption rests

in the mind. It breeds from certain imaginary desires of human

mind. The distorted mind creates imaginary fear of certain

distress situation in future whenever the existing resources

may become insufficient, so he needs to earn more at

whatever means right or wrong. Otherwise it creates a

jealousy of comparing with neighbours / colleagues / relatives

wealth and creates an unholy competition to override them at

any cost. But the poor person failed to think that there is no

guarantee that he would able to see tomorrows' rising sun.

Some time the impulse may come from the mind of the family

member, in turn injecting the venom of unholy desire to better

bank balance / bigger house / modem car etc. Hence as long

as such state of mind exists in this planet, the corruption is

going to stay in the society. Now a day it has percolated into the

all spheres of the society. The paradox is the poor and illiterate

people normally do not resort to corruption while the elite

people, so called educated people and intelligent people

discover new methods to siphon off the public money and

become the greatest obstacle in the progress of the nation.

The Government/Public Servants of the country are conduit

through which the social beneficial schemes are to be

implemented to reach the poor needy people. Some of the well

paid Government/Public servants resort to corruption, by

misusing their authority, by misinterpreting/differently

interpreting the rules and regulations and creating hurdle to

the ignorant / helpless common masses. Even if the

percentage of such people is less, but the damage done by

them is high. Hence, it is the primary duty of every good people

to raise their head to ensure that not only they keep away from

corrupt practices but the other group does not get any

opportunity to resort to any such thing which may affect the

health of the organization. This will only be possible whenever

the good people will extend their helping hand to eradicate the

dangerous menace of corruption for healthy and wealthy


I appeal to all the employees to introspect and to become the

master of their mind not the slaves for a healthy, peaceful,

blissful and corruption free organization respecting the rules

and regulations of the company in letter and spirit.

Lignite Eyes

Brown Coal24 I October - December 2015

With best wishes,

Shiv Raj Singh, IFS

Chief Vigilance Officer

Be Vigilant and not to be silent

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IT initiatives taken up by Vigilance Department

1. Vigilance

1. Integrated Complaint management System.

2. Online Vigilance Clearance - NLC is one of the first

PSUs to initiate, implement and use such system for

Vigilance clearances with key feature of displaying

the final status to the employee.

3. Corruption Risk Mapping.

4. Public interface - through Webpage, Social

observance like Book Fair, Safety week, Quality

month celebration etc, Documentary Films, Media,

Local Cable TV, “WhatsApp” Messenger etc.

2. HR

1. Ex-employees portal on the NLC website.

2. Online Property Index Card (PIC)/APR

3. SAP implementation - Finance and HR modules

including online KPA/APAR – Under trial run

4. Online Registration of Doctors Appointment

(ORDAS) in general Hospital

3. Finance

1. Online Bill watch system for vendor payment.

2. Bill Tracking System and TA Bill Automation –

Under trial run

3. Payment to Contract Workmen by the Contractors

through Bank – under progress

4. Mines

1. Vehic les Tracking System for l igni te

transportation – Under progress

5. Thermal Power Station

1. Power Selling Invoice Processing System.

2. Online Detailed Engineering Management


6. Contracts and Procurements

1. Auto refund of EMD for unsuccessful bidders -

Under trial run

2. Online vendors empanelment, Uploading of

tenders in CPP Portal

7. Corporate

1. Automated File Tracking system (FTS)

2. Web based Information Management System

(IMS) – under trial run

3. Installation and maintenance of Surveillance

Camera – Under progress

4. Corporate IT Policy – Under approval stage.

1. Student Ethical Forum.

2. Streamlining recruitment and Promotion


3. Hospital referral system.

4. Streamlining the staggering of the indent of

Medicine to avoid expiry/wastage of drugs.

5. Purchase and Contract Manual updated.

Personnel Manual-under progress.

6. Adopting PTE over LTE/STE/Nomination in

contracts and procurements.

NON-IT System Improvements

Before After

Cleaning work undertaken by Neyveli on 20.11.2015 under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

NLC Vigilance Department at Pudhukuppam Junction,

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26 Brown Coal I October - December 2015

Vigilance Awareness At Neyveli,

Vigilance Awareness Week - 2015 was observed at NLC from 26.10.2015 to 31.10.2015. The week long celebration was inaugurated

by Shri. S.K.Acharya, CMD, NLC on 26/10/2015 at a function held in Lignite Hall, Block-11, Neyveli. The messages from Hon'ble

President, Hon'ble Vice-President, Hon'ble Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India, Home Minister, Comptroller & Audit General

of India and Central Vigilance Commissioner were read out on the occasion. Directors Shri Rakesh Kumar and

Shri V. Thangapandian spoke.

This year, the Central Vigilance Commission has

given the theme “Preventive Vigilance as a tool of

Good Governance” to propagate the concept in a

large manner and especially, to schools and

colleges, through various competitions, debates,

lectures by eminent personalities and interaction

with students. Accordingly, NLC had organized

various programmes involving students in Neyveli,

Rajasthan, Thoothukudi, Madurai and Chennai.

At Neyveli, Shri S. Ganapathy, IPS (Retd.), former

DGP, Tamilnadu interacted on the theme of the year

with Senior Executives of NLC at Learning and

Development Centre, Neyveli on 30.10.2015. A

Special program were organised on Vigilance

Awareness to the school and college students of

Neyveli on 20.10.2015.

The concluding day of the event was celebrated at

Neyveli on 31.10.2015, wherein Shri. R. Sri Kumar,

IPS (Retd.), Former Vigilance Commissioner

graced the occasion as Chief Guest. In his Chief

Guest address, he insisted that it is time for every

individual be vigilant and not be a spectator when

some crime is taking place by quoting Napoleon

statement “The silence of good men is more

dangerous than the crime of a bad men”. An Annual

report on the various activities of NLC's Vigilance

Department carried out during 2014-15 was released

in e-book format. “Bill Tracking System”, an IT based

initiative was launched by Shri. R. Srikumar.

Directors Shri Subir Das, Shri V. Thangapandian,

felicitated and CVO Shri Shiv Raj Singh, IFS

addressed on the occasion. Senior officers, students

and public were present at the function. Prizes were

distributed to the winners of various competitions

held during the week long celebrations.

The Valedictory Function of the Vigilance Awareness

Week - 2015 was held at Lignite Hall, Neyveli on

06.11.2015. The ‘Lignite Eyes,’ Special edition of the

House Journal of Vigilance Department/NLC was

released by Shri.S.K.Acharya on the occasion. The

function was presided over by Shri Shiv Raj Singh,


During the occasion seven IT enabled facilities,

namely online TA Bill Submission System, Online Property Index Card Submission System, Auto Return of EMD facility,

Introduction of SAP Modules in Accounting System, Draft IT Policy, Automation of Weigh Bridges in Lignite Sales

Department and Automation of Power Selling Invoice Preparing System were web-opened by CMD, Directors and CVO.

CMD flanked by Directors and Executive Directors, inaugurating theVigilance Awareness Week by lighting the traditional lamp

Shri R.Sri Kumar addressing the concluding day Function

A School girl presenting bouquet to Chief Vigilance Officer

Students participated in the special lecture program on Vigilance Awareness

Skit staged by students of St.Paul’s Matric. Higher Secondary School

CMD, Directors, CVO, while releasing the special edition of Lignite Eyes at the Valedictory Function

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At other locations

“Doordarshan” programmes:

At Barsingsar Project

At NTPL , Thoothukudi

At Chennai,

At Madurai,

To create awareness among the students and youth against corruption and mismanagement, an interactive session was arranged

at Barsingsar. Students interacted with the CVO NLC on the topic, 'Preventive vigilance and Good governance'. They actively

participated in the session and expressed their views on the topics. The students were much elated and expressed that it was a

useful interaction with the CVO NLC Ltd., for their

daily life and professional performance in future.

Various competitions were conducted in order to

create awareness about the evils of corruption. The

students of various institutions were inculcated “The

Role of Youngsters in Battling Corruption” and the

facet of “Good ethics, the importance of the younger

generation to bring about the sea change to ensure

the corruption-free and good governance. Totally

around 1500 students participated and got benefitted.

Competition among school & college students were

arranged in Chennai to create vigilance awareness

and eradication of corruption among the student

community as directed by CVC. Students from four

schools and two colleges actively participated in the

competition. The response and feedback on the

programme was very good. Eminent personalities like

Padma Bhushan Shri. N. Vittal, IAS (Retd), Former

Central Vigilance Commissioner, Shri. R. Sri Kumar,

Former Vigilance Commissioner, interacted with the

students of Loyola College and Anna University

respectively at Chennai and the programmes were well

received by the student community.

NLC has sponsored two programmes to telecast in

Doordharshan-Pothigai Channel. A Debate on this

year's theme, involving college students from Chennai,

was telecasted on 27.10.2015 in which all the students

actively participated. One of the quotes given by a

student “I was arrested for getting bribe; I got acquitted

by bribing someone” which was catchy.

A Panel Discussion, “Velicham” was telecasted on 31.10.2015 which happened to be a platform for disclosing of various online

activities taken up NLC to bring in transparency in all the transactions of the company. Shri S.Sridhar, GM/PR & Education

represented NLC in the discussion. Also, it provided a rare opportunity for the viewers to hear from two stalwarts Shri. N.Vittal,

Former CVC and Shri.M.Gopalasamy, Former CVC&CEC about the ways to bring down the corruption.

Lecture programs were organised at Thiagarajar College

of Engineering, Velammal Medical College & Velammal

Matriculation HSS and Don Bosco HSS, wherein Shri

C.L.Ramakrishnan, IPS (Retd.), former DGP, Tamilnadu

addressed the students on Vigilance Awareness. In

another program, Shri A.R.Ramachandran, Retd. SPM,

BHEL addressed the students of American College.

Week - 2015 Observed

Shri N.Vittal addressing the students of Loyola College

CVO interacting with students at Barsingsar Project

Vigilance Awareness Competition in a school at Madurai

VIPs at a panel discussion : Velicham

Shri S Viswarajan, DGM, Vigilance, NTPL inaugurating the Vigilance Awareness Week at Thoothukudi

Vigilance Awareness Competition in a school at Chennai

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28 Brown Coal I October - December 2015


th25 May, 2015Circular No. 08/05/15

Sub: Guidelines to be followed by the administrative authorities competent to accord

sanction for prosecution u/s.19 of the PC Act - 1988 - Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgment

in Criminal Appeal No.iS38 of 2013 - reg.

Ref: CVC Office Order No.31/5/05 dated 12.05.2005

CVC Circular No.07/03/12 dated 28.03.2012

1. The Commission has been emphasising the need for quick and expeditious decisions on

requests of sanction for prosecution received from CBI/other investigating agencies under the PC

Act, 1988 and also to strictly adhere to the time limit of three months for grant or otherwise of

sanction for prosecution laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Vineet Narain & Ors. Vs.

Union of India (AIR 1998 SC 889).Despite these instructions and close monitoring of such pending

matters; the Commission has been concerned with the serious delays persisting in processing

requests for sanction for prosecution by the Competent Authorities.

2. The Commission had earlier vide its Office Order No. 31/5/05 dt. 12/05/2005 brought to

the notice of all competent authorities guidelines to be followed by the sanctioning authorities.

Subsequently, the Apex Court in the matter of Dr.Subramanian Swamy Vs. Dr. Manmohan Singh &

another (Civil Appeal No. 1193 of 2012) referred to the above guidelines of CVC, and observed

that, "the aforementioned guidelines are in conformity with the law laid down by this Court that

while considering the issue regarding grant or refusal of sanction, the only thing which the

Competent Authority is required to see is whether the material placed by the complainant or the

investigating agency prima facie discloses commission of an offence. The Competent Authority

cannot undertake a detailed inquiry to decide whether or not the allegations made against the

public servant are true". Thereafter, the Commission vide circular NO.07/03/12 dated 28/03/2012

reiterated its guidelines dated 12/05/2005 and advised all concerned Competent Authorities to

adhere to the time limits for processing requests for prosecution sanction under Section 19 of PC

Act as laid down by the Apex Court in letter and spirit.

3. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has recently in Criminal Appeal No. 1838 of 2013 in the

matter of CBI Vs. Ashok Kumar Aggarwal, in para 7 of the judgment observed that "there is an

obligation on the sanctioning authority to discharge its duty to give or withhold sanction only after

having full knowledge of the material facts of the case Grant of sanction is not a mere formality.

Therefore, the provisions in regard to the sanction must be observed with complete strictness

keeping in mind the public interest and the protection available to the accused against whom the

sanction is sought. Sanction lifts the bar for prosecution. Therefore, it is not an acrimonious


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exercise but a solemn and sacrosanct act which affords protection to the Government servant

against frivolous prosecution. Further, it is a weapon to discourage vexatious prosecution and is a

safeguard for the innocent, though not a shield for the guilty".

4. In para S of the above judgment, the Court has issued guidelines to be followed with complete

strictness by the Competent Authorities while considering grant of sanction as below:-

a). The prosecution must send the entire relevant record to the sanctioning authority including the

FIR, disclosure statements, statements of witnesses, recovery memos, draft charge-sheet and all

other relevant material. The record so sent should also contain the material/document, if any,

which may tilt the balance in favour of the accused and on the basis of which, the competent

authority may refuse sanction,

b). The authority itself has to do complete and conscious scrutiny of the whole record so produced

by the prosecution independently applying its mind and taking in p consideration all the relevant

facts before grant of sanction while discharging its duty to give or withhold the sanction.

c). The power to grant sanction is to be exercised strictly keeping in mind the public interest and

the protection available to the accused against whom the sanction is sought,

d), The order of sanction should make it evident that the authority had been aware of all relevant

facts/materials and had applied its mind to all the relevant material,

e) In every individual case, the prosecution has to establish and satisfy the court by leading

evidence that the entire relevant facts had been placed before the sanctioning authority and the

authority had applied its mind on the same and that the sanction had bean granted in accordance

with law.

5. The Commission, would therefore, in terms of its powers and functions under Section 8(1) (f) of

the CVC Act, 2003 direct all administrative authorities to scrupulously follow the guidelines

contained in para 2 (i) to (vii) of Commission's circular No 31/5/05 dated 12/05/2005 and the

recent explicit guidelines laid down for compliance by the Hon'ble Supreme Court at para 4 above,

while considering and deciding requests for sanction for prosecution. Since non-compliance of the

above guidelines vitiates the sanction for prosecution, therefore, competent sanctioning

authorities should discharge their obligations with complete strictness and would be held

responsible for any deviation / non-adherence and issues questioning the validity of sanction

arising at a later stage in matters of sanction for prosecution .

(J. Vinod Kumar)Officer on Special Duty

All secretaries to the Ministries/Departments of Government of India

All CVOs of Ministries/Departments, CPSEs / Public Sector Banks / Insurance Companies/

Organizations/Societies and Local Authorities etc.

Copy for information to: -

i) The Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi.

ii) The Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

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30.07.2015Circular No. 09/07/15

Sub: Misuse of user ids and passwords in organisations - preventive vigilance measures.

1. The Commission has of late observed that in many cases relating to Banking Sector,

Insurance Sector, CPSEs and even in other organisations functioning in a computerised

environment, frauds are being perpetrated on account of the officer(s) sharing their user id and

password with unauthorised persons and/or not disabling them on transfer/retirement/

suspension/long leave of officers; not frequently changing the passwords, etc. The Commission is

of the view that periodic change of passwords by officers would be an important preventive

vigilance measure to address the issues. Mail ids, user ids etc. for accessing the secure systems

should be disabled once an officer superannuates/placed under suspension/not required to

perform any function on account of proceeding on long leave, training, deputation, transfer etc.

Introducing a provision in the system/software itself at a pre-decided time period (i.e., a fortnight

or a month) to change password could also be one of the options for preventing misuse by

unauthorised persons.

2. In addition, it also needs to be ensured by way of periodic surprise inspections/checks by

next higher authority I controlling officers as to whether the user ids and password are being

shared by the officers with any unauthorised persons.

3. The Commission, vide circular No. 38/11/10 dated 30.11.2010, advised CVOs of all Public

Sector Banks to ensure secrecy of employees' passwords and also keep on changing them

frequently so that frauds being committed on account of misuse of passwords of employees may

be avoided in the Public Sector Bank. CVOs of Banks were to take suitable action and regularly

monitor secrecy of passwords and any instances of casual approach by any password holder was to

be dealt ruthlessIy by the concerned bank as the same may put huge funds at risk. It appears that

the spirit of the circular is not being implemented

4. CVOs may, therefore, bring the above preventive measures to the notice of concerned

authorities in their organisation and also ensure that periodic inspections/checks are conducted

to ensure complete implementation.

5. CVOs are further advised to send an action report in this regard of the verification

conducted by them or the supervisory officers in their organisation within a month by mail to

coord [email protected].

(J. Vinod Kumar)Officer on Special Duty

All CVOs of Ministries/Departments/CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/

Autonomous Organisations/Societies etc.


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17.08.2015Circular No. 10/08/15


Subject: Pendency of cases with CVOs - regarding.

Commission has reviewed pendencies against categories such as:

a) Investigation reports

b) Factual reports

c) Action taken reports

d) PIDPI complaints

e) Further information

f) Implementation of advice, first and second stage both major and minor penalty

including reconsideration.

g) Cases with departmental IO

2. It was noticed with serious concern that there have been significant delays in many

cases. To start with, Commission would like to deal with pendency exceeding 6 months. Though it

is known to the CVOs that list of pending cases is available in the account of every CVO on

Commission's website, it appears that some of the CVOs are not looking into the details and/or not

taking necessary action to deal with such cases.

3. In this light, the Commission requires all the CVOs to log into their respective accounts

immediately during the period from 17.08.2015 to 21.08.2015 and to review the pendency in

their organisation and to draw plans to ensure expeditious disposal of all the cases pending for

over 6 months, to start with. Those who have less pendency of cases pending for more than

6 months may plan to deal with pendency of less than 6 month. The Commission would monitor

compliance by generating log of all the CVOs who accessed the data. Progress on disposal of such

cases will be reviewed in the first week of October, 2015.

(J. Vinod Kumar)Officer on Special Duty

All CVOs of Ministries/Departments/CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Insurance Companies/

Autonomous Organisations/Societies etc.

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Circular No. 02/01/2016

Subject: Timely completion of disciplinary proceedings/departmental inquiry proceedings -

improving vigilance administration.

Ref: (i) Commission’s Circular No. 8(1)(g)/99(2) dated 19.02.1999

(ii) Commission’s Circular No. 8(1)(g)/99(3) dated 03.03.1999

(iii) Commission’s Circular No. 3(v)/99(7) dated 06.09.1999

(iv) Commission’s Circular No. 000/VGL/18 dated 23.05.2000

(vi) Commission’s Office Order No. 51/08/2004 dated 10.08.2004

The Commission has noted with serious concern that the administrative authorities are not

adhering to the time-schedules prescribed for completion of disciplinary proceedings. ln a recent study

conducted by the Commission, it has been noticed that while the average time taken by the

administrative authorities in finalisation of disciplinary proceedings is more than 2 years, the maximum

time taken in a particular case was eight (8) years and at least in 22% cases the inquiry took more than

two years. The Commission vide its Circular No. 8(1)(g)/99(3) dated 03.03.1999 and No. 000/VGL/18

dated 23.05.2000 has laid down the time limits for various stages of disciplinary proceedings right from

the stage of investigation to finalisation of the disciplinary case. The time-limit for completion of

departmental inquiry is six months from the date of appointment of the IO. Thus, it appears that this

time limit is not being adhered to by a majority of the Departments/Organisations. Such long delays not

only are unjust to officials who may be ultimately acquitted, but help the guilty evade punitive action

for long periods. Further, they have an adverse impact on others who believe that “nothing will

happen". The Commission has been emphasising from time to time on the need for expeditious

completion of disciplinary proceedings.

2. Recently, the Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment dated 16.12.2015 in Civil Appeal No. 958 of2010

Prem Nath Bali Vs. Registrar, High Court of Delhi & Anr has viewed the delay in handling of disciplinary

cases adversely. The Hon’ble Supreme Court while allowing the said appeal in favour of the Appellant

Employee has observed as follows:


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29. One cannot dispute in this case that the suspension period was unduly long We also

find that the delay in completion of the departmental proceedings was not wholly

attributable to the appellant but it was equally attributable to the respondents as well. Due to

such unreasonable delay, the appellant naturally suffered a lot because he and his family had

to survive only on suspension allowance for a long period of 9 years

30. We are constrained to observe as to why the departmental proceeding, which involved

only one charge and that too uncomplicated, have taken more than 9 years to conclude the

departmental inquiry. No justification was forthcoming from the respondents’ side to explain

the undue delay in completion of the departmental inquiry except to throw blame on the

appellant's conduct which we feel, was not fully justified

31. Time and again, this Court has emphasized that it is the duty of the employer to ensure

that the departmental inquiry initiated against the delinquent employee is concluded within

the shortest possible time by taking priority measures, In cases where the delinquent is

placed under suspension during the pendency of such inquiry then it becomes all the more

imperative for the employer to ensure that the inquiry is concluded in the shortest possible

time to avoid any inconvenience, loss and prejudice to the rights of the delinquent employee.

32. As a matter of experience, we often notice that after completion of the inquiry, the issue

involved therein does not come to an end because if the findings of the inquiry proceedings

have gone against the delinquent employee, he invariably pursues the issue in Court to

ventilate his grievance, which again consumes time for its final conclusion.

33. Keeping these factors in mind, we are of the considered opinion that every employer

(whether State or private) must make sincere endeavor to conclude the departmental inquiry

proceedings once initiated against the delinquent employee within a reasonable time by

giving priority to such proceedings and as far as possible it should be concluded within six

months as an outer limit, Where it is not possible for the employer to conclude due to certain

unavoidable causes arising in the proceedings within the time frame then efforts should be

made to conclude within reasonably extended period depending upon the cause and the

nature of inquiry but not more than a year. "

3. The Commission has observed that a number of factors contribute to the delay in the conduct of

departmental inquiries and with prudent management this needs to be checked. The departmental

inquiry is often delayed due to laxity on the part of IO, lack of monitoring by DA & CVO, non-availability

of listed or additional documents, delay in inspection of original or certified documents, frequent

adjournments, non-attendance of witnesses, especially private witnesses, faulty charge-sheets and

frequent change of lO/PO and non-monitoring of progress of inquiry. The Commission suggests that

the following steps may be ensured and complied strictly by the lOs/administrative authorities:

(i) ln cases where investigation has been conducted by the CBI/ other investigating agency

and the documents have been seized by them for prosecution in courts and RDA is also

contemplated, it is the responsibility of the CVO/DA to procure from the CBI/investigating

agency legible certified copies of seized documents required for RDA. ln cases investigated by

CVOs it must be ensured that certified legible photocopies of all documents are made

available at the time of preparation of draft charge-sheet itself.

(ii) While drafting the charge-sheet it may be ensured that all the relied upon documents as

well as copies of relevant rules/instructions are in the custody of CVO. After issue of charge-

sheet and submission of defence statement, the DA is required to take a decision within

15 days for appointment of lO/PO in major penalty cases.

(iii) As far as practicable, the IO should be chosen from amongst the serving officers/retired

officers in the same station where the charged officer is posted, who is likely to continue till

the conclusion of inquiry.

(iv) lt may be ensured that the PO is appointed simultaneously. Changes in lO/PO be resorted

to only in exceptional cases under intimation to the Commission (in respect of officers within

the jurisdiction of the Commission).

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(v) ln cases involving more than one charged officer, it may be ensured that, as far as

practicable, same IO/PO is appointed in all cases.

(vi) The PO must keep copies of relevant Rules/Regulations/lnstructions etc. readily available

with him. Departments/Organisations should also ensure online availability of all their

Rules/Regulations/Instructions etc. so that it can be downloaded during the inquiry

proceedings without any loss of time.

(vii) lt may be ensured that the defence documents are made available within the time

allowed by the IO. Responsibility should be fixed on the custodian of such documents for any

undue delay/not producing it in time or loss of these documents.

(viii) The IO should normally conduct Regular Hearing on a day to day basis and not grant more

than one adjournment for appearance of witnesses. lt may be ensured that all the

prosecution or defence witnesses are summoned and examined in separate but

simultaneous batches expeditiously.

(ix) If witnesses do not appear in response to notices or are not produced by PO/CO as the

case may be, powers conferred under the Departmental Inquiries (Enforcement of

Attendance of Witnesses and Production of Documents) Act, 1972 be exercised to request

the Competent Court to pass orders for production of the witness through summons issued

by the Court.

(x) The IO should, as far as practicable, desist from allowing interlocutory documents sought

either by the PO or the CO as additional documents during the deposition of witnesses.

(xi) The time-limit for various stages of inquiry, as prescribed by the Commission vide its

Circular No. 8(1)(g)99(3) dated 03.03.1999, may be complied with strictly by the disciplinary

authorities and the inquiry officers.

(xii) Where the CO or PO do not co-operate in the manner of attendance, production of

documents, witnesses etc., IO may after affording reasonable opportunity, proceed to give a

report ex-parte based on facts, documents, witnesses produced before him.

4. The suggested time limits for conducting departmental inquiries prescribed by the Commission for

various stages is annexed for ready reference. Timely completion of departmental inquiry/

departmental proceedings is the prime responsibility of the Disciplinary Authority. Therefore, the

disciplinary authorities in each Ministry/Department/Organisation may regularly monitor the progress

of inquiry on regular basis and ensure that the inquiry/departmental proceedings are completed

within the time-limit prescribed as laid down by Hon’ble Supreme Court in the above cited case. The

CVO concerned would assist the disciplinary authority in monitoring the progress of departmental

proceedings. The Commission may recommend adverse action against the concerned

disciplinary/administrative authority who is found responsible for any unexplained delay observed in

any case. In appropriate cases wherein the IO delays the proceedings, DA may not hesitate to take

necessary and appropriate action against the IO.

34 Brown Coal I October - December 2015

(J. Vinod Kumar)DirectorTo

(i) The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of GoI

(ii) All Chief Executives of CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Public Sector Insurance

Companies/Autonomous Bodies/etc.

(iii) All CVOs of Ministries/Departments of Gol/CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Public

Sector Insurance Companies/Autonomous Bodies/ etc.

(iv) Website of CVC

Copy to:

Department of Personnel & Training [Shri Jishnu Barua, Joint Secretary (S&V2) & CVO],

North Block, New Delhi-I l0001 for information and necessary action,

Page 35: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016

Lignite Eyes

Brown Coal I October - December 2015 35


Model Time Limit for Departmental Inquiries as laid down in Circular No. 8(1)(g)99(3)

dated 03 03.1999

Stage of Departmental Inquiry Time Limit prescribed

Ÿ Fixing date of Preliminary Hearing and inspection of

listed documents, submission of Defence documents/

witnesses and nomination of a Defence Assistant (DA)

(if not already nominated)

Ÿ Inspection of relied upon documents/submission of list of

DWs/Defence documents/Examination of relevancy of

Defence documents/DWs, procuring of additional

documents and submission of certificates confirming

inspection of additional documents by CO/DA

Ÿ lssue of summons to the witnesses, fixing the date of

Regular Hearing and arrangement for participation of

witnesses in the Regular Hearing

Ÿ Regular Hearing on Day to Day basis

Ÿ Submission of Written Brief by PO to CO/IO

Ÿ Submission of Written Brief by CO to IO

Ÿ Submission of Inquiry Report from the date of receipt

of written Brief by PO/CO

Within four weeks

3 months

I5 days

15 days

30 days

NB : lf the above schedule is not consistent /in conflict with the existing rules/ regulations of

any organisation, the outer time limit of six months for completing the Departmental

Inquiries should be strictly adhered to.

To send information/complaints/feedback with identity to this branch,

log on to NLC Intranet and also email to [email protected]

Before After

Cleaning work undertaken by Neyveli on 20.11.2015 under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

NLC Vigilance Department at Pudhukuppam Junction,

Page 36: Final Dividend Paid to Centre · Shri Anil Swarup I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India, visited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Neyveli on 1st January 2016


House Journal of Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., (For Private Circulation only)

Edited & Published by P.R. Dept., on behalf of Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited,

Navratna, A Govt. of India Enterprise, Neyveli, Tamil Nadu - 607 801. Website : www.nlcindia.comPROVEN VALUES. POWERFUL VISION

NLC launches Two New 700 Litre Bucket Wheel ExcavatorsTw o B u c ke t W h e e l

Excavators of 700 Litre

capacity were erected and

supplied by M/s.Larsen &

Toubro Limited, Chennai

in collaboration with

M/s.Sandvik Mining

a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n ,

Austria and M/s.UNEX,

Czechoslovakia at a cost of

s196 Crore including

spares, tools, maintenance

for one year warranty

period and 3 years after warranty period. Department of Machine

Design and Research (DMDR) of Wroclaw University of

Technology, Poland was engaged as consultant to check the

static calculations of structures. The 2 BWEs, each weighing

around 1650 Metric Tonne, consisting of imported and indigenous

mechanical and electrical components, were completely supplied

in knocked down condition, were pre-assembled and erected

from zero level to a

height of about

28 meters.

The BWEs will

b e m o v e d t o

M i n e - I I f o r

remov ing the

o v e r b u r d e n /

l i g n i t e a n d

guaranteed output of the machine will be around 1400 cubic

meters per hour. The electrical components are supplied by

M/s.ABB, Bangalore.

In a function organized at the SME Erection yard in Mine-II

on 18.12.2015, Shri. Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC

Commissioned the two equipments. While addressing, he

lauded the hard work of NLC and L&T employees in

completing the erection of the machines 5 months ahead of

schedule. With these two machines Neyveli Mines will meet

the requirement of lignite to feed fuel to power stations.

On the occasion, Directors Shri Rakesh Kumar, Shri

S.Boopathy, Shri Subir Das, Shri V.Thangapandian, CVO, Shri

Shiv Raj Singh, I.F.S., Executive Directors, senior executives

and employees of NLC and L&T Ltd., were present.

NLC's First Solar Power Plant (10MW) InauguratedTo reap the benefits of the renewable

energy revolution, as part of the National

Solar Mission, Govt. of India has set target

to achieve 1,00,000 MW of Solar power by

year 2022, now NLC has proudly ventured

into the renewable energy sector by

commissioning its maiden 10-MW capacity

Solar Power Plant Project at Neyveli. Shri

B. Surender Mohan CMD, NLC commissioned the Plant at

Neyveli on 28-09-2015. The Solar Power Plant has been brought

with an investment of estimated at `74.6 Crores and it has

48000 photovoltaic panels installed approximately in 54 acres

and its projected

is 16.40 million units of energy.

He informed that NLC is planning to

install around 4000 MW power projects in

the country and it also started setting up

these plants in command areas with a

total capacity of 130 MW at Neyveli and

25MW at Rajasthan. Funct ional

Directors, Shri. Sarat Kumar Acharya, Shri. Rakesh Kumar,

Shri. S. Boopathy, Shri. V.Thangapandian, CVO Shri Shiv Raj

Singh and Shri S. Rajagopal, Former Director (Power), NLC

graced the Occasion.

Generation for First Year


New Bucket Wheel excavators

CMD commissioning the Solar Power Plant

CMD commissioning the BWEs