Final Project Corregido

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  • 8/22/2019 Final Project Corregido


    Jos Elas Ibarra Herrera


    Si el sonido es vibracin entonces cuando escuchamos msica no solo escuchamos con el odo,

    captamos con el cuerpo, con toda nuestra sensibilidad. La violencia y el horror se han convertido en

    los invasores de nuestra sensibilidad.


    Mi nombre es Jos Elas y estudio Filosofa. El tipo de proyecto que quisiera emprender es una

    escuela de msica, mi principal motivacin es crear un espacio de interaccin y recreacin donde la

    por medio de la msica cultivemos la sensibilidad en medio de un ambiente de violencia.

    En Mexico la violencia no slo ha cobrado miles de muertos que no conocemos, nosotros tambin

    somos vctimas porque la violencia est matando nuestra sensibilidad, nos est haciendo insensibles

    o hermticos. La falta de sensibilidad nos lleva a buscar experiencias fuertes que nos permitan

    entrar en contacto con las sensaciones, la intensidad se asocia con el sentir.

    Ante esta situacin cmo recuperar la sensibilidad? La msica es una opcin.


    La vida sin msica sera un error. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

    "En la msica todos los sentimientos vuelven a su estado puro y el mundo no es sino msica hecha

    realidad."Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), filsofo alemn.

    Ms que un negocio, creo que es un proyecto que aporta para devolverle al cuerpo lo que le

    pertenece y a su vez a la reconstruccin del tejido social, pues la msica nos convoca a sentir con

    otros, nos conecta.

    Ms que un negocio, creo que es un proyecto que aporta para devolverle al cuerpo lo que le

    pertenece. Adems aportara a la reconstruccin del tejido social, pues la msica nos convoca a

    sentir con otros, nos conecta.

  • 8/22/2019 Final Project Corregido


    Jos Elas Ibarra Herrera


    If sound is vibration then when we are listening to music, we are not listening just with the

    hearing; we are capture with the body, with all our sensitivity. Violence and horror have

    become in the enemies of our sensitivity.

    My name is Jos Elas and I study Philosophy. The kind of project I should like to start

    is a music school. My motivation is to make a space for interaction and recreation where the

    music we cultivate sensitivity in a violence environment.

    In Mxico violence has not just claimed thousands of deceased that we dont know,

    we are also victims because violence is killing our sensitivity. The violence has made us

    hermetic, because we are searching for shelter. Sometimes, insensitivity carry us search

    intensive experiences because we want to feel one sensation. The intensity is associated

    with sensitivity.

    How to recover our authentic sensitivity in this situation? Music is the option.

    Arthur Schopenhauer, a Germany philosopher, said in music all the feelings return to

    its pure state and the world is only made real music. Nietzsche other Germany Philosopher

    said without music, life would be a mistake. More than a business, I think this project will

    be return the body which it belong, and that will be contribute to build up the social

    structure, because music call us to feel together, music connect us.

  • 8/22/2019 Final Project Corregido


    Jos Elas Ibarra Herrera


    If sound its vibration, when we are listening to music we arent listening just with the

    hearing, we are capture with the body, with all our sensitivity.

    The kind of project I should like to start is a music school. My motivation is to make a

    space for interaction and recreation where the music can be an opportunity for cultivate our


    In Mxico violence has not just claimed thousands of deceased that we dont know,

    we are also victims because violence is killing our sensitivity. The violence its making us

    hermetic or insensibilities people, because we are searching for shelter. Sometimes, people

    search intensive experiences because her bodies want to feel. Insensitivity is associated with
