Fishing By Emerson

Fishing By Emerson. Table of Contents Introduction…………………………..…………page 3 Casting & reeling………………………..…….page 4 Sunfish & Perch…………………………….....page

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FishingBy Emerson

Table of Contents

• Introduction…………………………..…………page 3• Casting & reeling………………………..…….page 4• Sunfish & Perch…………………………….....page 6• Northern Pike & Smelt………………………page 10• Bait and equipment………………………….page 14


Do you know how to catch Perch? Do you know how to catch Smelt? Find the answers to these questions and many more in this book .

A school of fish swim through the sea

CHAPTER 1:Casting and Reeling

You need to know how to cast and reel. First, make sure nobody is behind you before you cast. For example, you don’t want anybody getting hooked.

This beautiful fish is swimming by a reef

Second, if you feel tiny nibbles don’t reel in yet. For example, you might not have a fish. Thirdly, if you feel a big tug reel in. For example, you could have a fish. If there’s no fish on your line cast out again.

This is a sunfish

Chapter 2:Sunfish and Perch

Sunfish are fun fish to catch. First, you might find them in shallow lakes. For example, look in a shallow pond or river. Secondly, if you catch one keep fishing

This is a perch There. there are probably many more fish. For example, they often swim together. Third, The best bait is worms. For, example if I were you, I’d put a big fat worm

This is a fish

on my hook! That’s why catching sunfish is fun. If you want a good fish dinner you’ll need to know how to catch Perch. First, use small Minnows or worms. For example, Perch

This is a fish caught in a net

like to eat these things. Secondly, you can find Perch anywhere. For example, you’re likely to catch perch. Thirdly, they travel in schools. For example, you might catch lots & lots in the same area! Remember that if you want to catch Perch you will want to follow my tips.

These are fish

CHAPTER 3 Northern Pike and Smelt

Northern pike are cool fish to catch. First, they live in weedy places. For example, my Dad

Fish ,fish, fish

caught a Pike in a weedy area on our lake. secondly, always keep your hands away from their mouth. For example, you want everyone to have five fingers when your done fishing! Thirdly, pike can be big. For example, You may have to wrestle them to the ground. Next time you want to catch

This is a pond

Pike remember these tips. Catching Smelt is fun. First , Smelt are Minnow sized fish. For example , you might want to use them as bait.

Fishing rods

It is okay to catch Smelt with a net. For example, you can not do this with all fish. Secondly, catching Smelt in spring is best. For example, that is when they run up streams. If you want to catch smelt these tips are good to remember.

People like to go fishing

CHAPTER 4Bait and Equipment

You need to know about bait and equipment. First, you can find worms under rocks and logs. For example, worms make great bait! Secondly, if you are

Some fish live in the ocean

fishing in the ocean, you may want to try shrimp. For example , the fish there might eat shrimp. Thirdly , you need a stick, hook, and fishing line. For example , using these items, you can make a fishing pole. That is important information to know.

Sites Used for Fish

• https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A2KK_


• • https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0LEV
