Global deforestation, which occurs mainly in the trop- ics, contributes 20 per cent of the world’s emissions of climate-affecting greenhouse gases. After 2012, more forest-related activities are to be included in the international financing mechanisms than in the Kyoto Protocol. There is a legitimate concern that improperly designed regulations may cause serious contradictions between climate policy and efforts to eradicate poverty. This calls for a concerted effort to take advantage of all available knowledge in the area and to also develop new knowledge that can ensure interventions that meet both poverty and climate objectives. The Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network (Focali) has several features: • It will facilitate analyses in the area of forest-climate-pov- erty by serving as a link and interface between authorities and academia. • It will develop new knowledge and methodology aimed to facilitate and improve the climate and poverty-oriented forestry efforts supported by Swedish development co- operation. • It will promote enhanced utilisation of Swedish resources by facilitating the flow of information regarding forest-, climate- and poverty-related issues among scientists, industry, government authorities, and civil society. Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network Forests and forest-oriented initiatives play a central role for both climate and poverty-alleviation. This is true when it comes to mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions as well as adaptation to the consequences of global warming. The purpose of this initiative is to develop a Swedish knowledge-based network to ensure that Sida and other Swedish authorities have access to scientific knowledge in order to effectively use forestry measures to reach climate and poverty objectives. PHOTO: BENT CHRISTENSEN

Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network brochure.pdfglobal instruments for carbon storage in forest ecosystems Contact: Madelene Ostwald [email protected], 0708 - 51

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Page 1: Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network brochure.pdfglobal instruments for carbon storage in forest ecosystems Contact: Madelene Ostwald madelene.ostwald@liu.se, 0708 - 51

Global deforestation, which occurs mainly in the trop-ics, contributes 20 per cent of the world’s emissions of climate-affecting greenhouse gases.

After 2012, more forest-related activities are to be included in the international financing mechanisms than in the Kyoto Protocol. There is a legitimate concern that improperly designed regulations may cause serious contradictions between climate policy and efforts to eradicate poverty.

This calls for a concerted effort to take advantage of all available knowledge in the area and to also develop new knowledge that can ensure interventions that meet both poverty and climate objectives.

The Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network (Focali) has several features:

•Itwillfacilitateanalysesintheareaofforest-climate-pov-erty by serving as a link and interface between authorities and academia.

•Itwilldevelopnewknowledgeandmethodologyaimedto facilitate and improve the climate and poverty-oriented forestry efforts supported by Swedish development co-operation.

•ItwillpromoteenhancedutilisationofSwedishresourcesby facilitating the flow of information regarding forest-, climate- and poverty-related issues among scientists, industry, government authorities, and civil society.

Forest, Climate and Livelihood research networkForests and forest-oriented initiatives play a central role for both climate and poverty-alleviation. This is true when it comes to mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions as well as adaptation to the consequences of global warming. The purpose of this initiative is to develop a Swedish knowledge-based network to ensure that Sida and other Swedish authorities have access to scientific knowledge in order to effectively use forestry measures to reach climate and poverty objectives.


Page 2: Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network brochure.pdfglobal instruments for carbon storage in forest ecosystems Contact: Madelene Ostwald madelene.ostwald@liu.se, 0708 - 51

Focali has so far identified three areas of analysis:

• Review and analysis of existing global instruments for carbon storage in forest ecosystems

Contact: Madelene Ostwald [email protected], 0708 - 51 93 11 • Analysis of how to make REDD work for the poor (REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) Contact: Robin Biddulph [email protected], 031-786 1397 Susanne von Walter [email protected], 018-67 25 75

• Climate assessed Sustainable Forest ManagementContact: Göran Wallin [email protected], 031-786 2620

Focali currently consist of representatives from: University of GothenburgDepartments of Earth Sciences, Human and Economic Geography, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Economics, School of Global Studies ChalmersDivision of Physical Resource Theory Linköping University:Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedbio


For more information, please contact: Project Manager: Anders Ekbom [email protected], +46 31 786 48 17 ProjectCoordinator:IdaHellmark [email protected], +46 31 786 43 37 Research leader: Madelene Ostwald [email protected], +46 11 36 31 49

Chairman of the Steering Group: Gunnar Köhlin [email protected], +46 31 786 44 26 Website: http://focali.se

FocaliisapartoftheForestInitiativewhichisastrategicpartnershipbetweenSwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperation Agency (Sida), the Swedish Forest Agency and the Swedish Forestry Association. Sida provides funding for Focali.