Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel

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  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Tutorial Vosje Hug

    Alright, here is the promised tutorial! Also feel like a fox hug like this

    make? Everything starts downloading the pattern pieces ( here and here and

    if neither works then you send me an email, right?). Are you ready? Then we

    get to work!Firstly: What do we need?

    Orange, tan or other vossige dust. An inch or 40 should be sufficient.

    The fox is slightly more than 30 cm (seam value included)

    Sewing thread

    White felt for belly, tail and cheeks (half A4 suffice)

    About divider (hook or knitting) yarn or small buttons for eyes

    Scraps of felt in color of choice for nose, tuft of hair, possibly other


    Filler. For me that is a cup of rice, supplemented with stuffing

    Possibly: a remnant Vlieseline (eg H250) to strengthen the legs extra

    (but not necessary - I've done it here)
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Second: What do we do first?

    Cut out the pattern pieces from fabric / felt. The pattern shows how

    often and what material each pattern piece to be cut.

    Note : Some pattern pieces (body and tail section) must be cut 2x:

    once the pattern with the text side up, once with the text facing

    down (toward the dust turned so far). This helps ensure that the

    pattern pieces by stitching neatly together perfectly. Make sure you

    have the pattern pieces cut from felt to be always the same side of

    pattern emerges upwards and off.

    All pattern pieces together look like. Is your bright fabric wrinkled

    (like me), wipe all pieces are equally smooth.

    Place all components on the front felt body and tail portion so that

    everything fits.

    Sew all parts felted onto body and tail section. You can do this with

    the machine or - as I prefer to do when I work with felt - by hand.
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    It is intended that the cream of the uiteindjes cheeks overlaps (see

    pattern), so the first sewing cheeks firmly and position then the pick

    here. I like it best when the cream with a little stuffing fills, just

    before you fully commit sewn. I forgot to do this first (that's why you

    do not see in the picture), but corrected it at the very end. Little

    duplication so :). Releasing the eyes. This can be done in different ways. I sewed a few

    stitches with thick yarn, but you can just as well use small buttons, or

    small pieces of felt, leftover black flock foil, split pins, ...
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    All parts of you are now ready to hug inneen to be put. On to the third


    Third: How stabbing we are together?

    Legs : Put each two feet with right sides at the same no and secure

    with a pin. Stitching together like the picture. Make sure you get tothe opening of the leg (along the leg you a minute with the right side

    out will return) closer to the edge stitching so that you have sufficient

    opening to the leg smooth turning.

    Make inkepinkjes in the round side of the leg (see photo) and once

    with the right side out. Any return the iron to take to remove the

  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Arms : go in exactly the same way as for the legs to work. Fill the

    arms with a little stuffing on.

    Tail : Put two tail pieces right sides at the same no and secure with

    pins. Make sure there in the first place, that the tail tips of the two

    tail sections perfect match.

    Stitching together like the picture. Let the stitching is not completely

    against the edge of the opening start and end - so you can easily turn

    the tail.
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Turn the tail with the right side out, iron if needed back smooth and

    fill firmly with stuffing.

    Assembly : Place the front part of your body and position the arms

    you would like them to have. Turn on both fixed with a provisional

    stitching, close to the edge of the body portion. The flap open arms

    once to see if you are satisfied. If not, do the preliminary stitching

    loose back and reposition them.
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Put the legs fixed with a provisional stitching. Protruding parts you cut

    away so you the curve of the bottom of the bodice continues to look

  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Place now the tail and secure with a provisional stitching. For a good

    result it is possible that very end of the tail (the narrow part on the

    side of the opening) will be invisible and thus cut will be just past the

    preliminary stitching (as you in the legs did). That was also the case

    with me.
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Now comes the hardest work: the seat sew .

    Put the front body part (with the arms, legs and tail provisionally

    sewn) for you, with the rounded bottom to top. Place the bottom part

    here, right sides at the same no. Make sure that the center of the seat

    part corresponds to the center of the underside of the body part.

    Insert here your first badge.

    Pin Now furthermore, both the left and right of center. Follow as

    closely as possible the curve of the body part.

    Stitch the bottom part onto 1cm from the edge. Make sure the

    uiteindjes well attached to the bodice. Make a few notches in the

    curve of the seat to be better later times (I had on the last picture not

    yet done).
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Put the rear body part for you, with the right side visible upwards. Put

    the proposal body part (including seat that you just have to have one

    side fixed put) on top, right sides together. Pin all around solid,

    starting at the transition between head and body and the ears (see

    photo). As already nicely match, the rest usually also beautiful. The

    pinning (and choke) is a little tricky when uiteindjes of the seat

    portion. It is important that no gap is between the two stitching

    coming together, for this you will see in the final result.
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Topstitch around 1 cm from the edge. Leave the top of the head

    (between the ears) a keergat (your hand should still be able to). Go

    quietly to work on the seat. If it helps you, you can stop your stitching

    just above the top of the seat portion, near the beginning of the

    stitching of the seat which you participate in the anterior body part

    firmly set. Now you can rearrange the substance (the show itself or

    from what I mean if you're doing :)) and your resume stitching.
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Times : hug you now ready to be finished, but first you have here and

    there some excess fabric flipping. To begin, create a small incision in

    the corner of the neck on both sides and you cut some fabric (note

    that you do not cut into your stitching!). If you do not frown the neck

    of your fox weird at times. On the ears and cheek dots cut you what

    each excess fabric (see photo).
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Now turn your fox with the right side out through the keergat. Thefilling can begin!
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    Filling : I always pour a cup (uncooked :)) rice in the hug. Thus he

    remains tight. Then I fill further with stuffing.

    Close Sewing : if you find that your fox is sufficiently filled, sew the

    keergat closed with an invisible stitch bonding.

    READY! I'm not sure if I have explained everything clearly. Should something

    not clear, you say it, then I read the description of ... Lots of fun! And you
  • 8/22/2019 Fox and Raccoon Stuffie by Isnuffel


    foxes show huh ;) Oh, and someone had a fox instead prefer a raccoon

    make, please look here for an example . Only the felt pieces that adapt and

    Proske looks quite different: D