SKY: Selbstsicher, kompetent – for the youth! Onlinetraining für schüchterne SchülerInnen Mag. Mario Lehenbauer Dr. Birgit Stetina Salon „Games4Health“ 1. Dezember 2011 SUBOTRON

Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

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Games for Health Salon by Gaming with a purposeOn Dec 1, 2011 the Association ‘Gaming with a Purpose’ organized a Salon on Games for Health in Vienna. Local experts explained and discussed Games for Health.

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Page 1: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

SKY: Selbstsicher, kompetent – for the youth! Onlinetraining für schüchterne SchülerInnen

Mag. Mario Lehenbauer

Dr. Birgit Stetina

Salon „Games4Health“ 1. Dezember 2011


Page 2: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer


Klinischer Psychologe und Gesundheitspsychologe

Universitätsassistent Fakultät für Psychologie PhD thesis: Mensch-Technik-Interaktion Passionate gamer

Forschungsinteressen in unserem Team: Serious games Innovative Technik in der psychologischen Behandlung

Page 3: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

Sind Interventionen mit neuen Medien wirksam?!

Page 4: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

SKY Onlinetraining

Onlinetraining speziell für schüchterne und sozial ängstliche Jugendliche Selbsthilfemodul

Psychoedukation, eigenes Verhalten und Gedanken hinterfragen/ändern, Vermittlung spezifischer sozialer Kompetenzen

14 Einheiten, wöchentlich Derzeit Pilotphase Herausforderung: Bring FUN into it!

Page 5: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer
Page 6: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

Where are the trainers?

Page 7: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

Emotional reactions of the trainers

Page 8: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

Combine Quiz with actions!

Page 9: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

Roleplays online?

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We want more action! Drag and drop games

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Role playing games: Start a story with different endings

Page 12: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer


• Hoch signifikante Abnahme sozialer Ängste und Zunahme sozialer Kompetenzen – Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale LSAS: p = .005; d =

.76 – Social Phobia Inventory SPIN: p = .005; d = .71

• Fazit: Interventionen mit Hilfe neuer Medien sind wirksam!

Page 13: Games for Health Salon by Gaming w/ a Purpose - Slides by Mario Lehenbauer

Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit Mario Lehenbauer, MSc.

[email protected] Follow me on twitter! twitter.com/mariolehenbauer