,^ , , .. S.afT. . - Thfc'&mfSvB&na.Ontario divisions of thefconiiof Temper- ance, or© invited'to to facet at lhelr division room.tfli*af- ternoon at 4 o'clock to attend the Amend of their deceased brother RICHARD HOGARTH. JNO. F. GBBKUE, R. S. Geneva Division. A €A»». &£- The members of the Geneva Fire Department rejpect- fulUy tender their thanks to Mrs. Ttl.ua AM and family, for their kindness and hospitality, in furnishing refreshments during the fire on Water street on the morning of the 4th instant. ^.They.wftuW also tender their heartfelt acknowledgements to the Ladies who so tastefully decorated the dining room of the Temperance House for the reception of the Fire- men on the afternoon of the 4th. P. H. ROSE, Foremen No. 1. R. MU MURRAY, « " 2. S. GREENE, Jun. » " 3, Geneva, July 6, 1845. Committee. « A CAR»< 03r We take thi& opportunity to tender our sincere thanks to the Fire Department, and to the citizens generally, for the prompt ond efficient aid rendered us on Monday morning, t he 6th inst., in saving our property from total destruction by fire. We would express^the hope that the experience of the past and present week, will convince our citizens of the ^portance Of strengtening our Fire Department by procu ring another Engine. HASTINGS & ?IEU>. Rcad'f he most remairkahlc Curcerer RECORDED. Waldeboro\ Me., 3nly 30,1845. Dear Sir; , f Having e*poribnced groat benefit from your invaluable medicine, ffeet it my duty atfd privilege; to let the- world know 'what it ha§ done for me*' possessed, of aitrong consti- tution h^ura%,4J»ad •, enjoyed("perfect health previous to thesprhjg'of 1843, whenl was'trpublod with n difficulty in my left "side,, attended vifith considerable pain. Sometime in July l*3KOS viQrently:atfac"ked'wit}» a c6ugh, which continued until fifil; then I was confined to the house eight months, during which time my cpugh woe vary sevore. I frequently had spells, of coughing which lasted two hours; daily raised large quantities of disagreeable matter, accompanied with blood. Semetimea-I raised a' quart ot bloodata time. I consulted three physicians, all or whom did their best to re- store me; gave me u p ; snid they could do no more for mo; I must die; it was impossshle for me to live hut a short time. One of them said my lungs were gone. At this critical mo- ment when eminent physicians had exhausted their skill, Triends despaired of my llfo, my"own Jiope of recovery at an Tend, I resorted to DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. When I bad Jakon one and a half bottles those severe spoils of coughing were removed. I continued taking the Bnfmim until Spring, 1844, when I ceased to bleed at the lungs, my health and strength improved eo thatl left the house, but was not able to work for a year. Now my health is good. 1 um nolo to do a day's work everysday on my farm. JAMES CQIVfiERY. Witness, THOMAS BENNEtt. For particulars epo Dr. Wistar's treatise on Consumption, to be had of the ngorits. None genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. L. KELLV &-CO., Geneva. ' lw |CHOLERA t RUMMER COMPLAINT, Dinrbo?a, fcysente ry, and all other Derangements of the STOMACH and BOWELS, cured by Dr. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM. New York, 8th month 1st, 1838. Friend Jayne.—ft gives mo much pleasure to inform thee of Jtlie result oT-acaso in which I administered thy Carminative •Balsam, and I consider it to be a matter of duty due thee and •the public, togivotbe following statements. Botug called to I\i3it a patiant a few days since. I found he was vomiting Innd purging most violently, with sevoro Termina Cramps tn •the upper and, lower extremities, add also in thoybdominial •parities. The cramp was so violent, thnt it took four tnon to Irub him incessantly j tokeop down the spnsm, and to use his lown words, he said it seemed to him as if his bones would •snap in two. There wore also violent rholic poinstirouiid ithe ubihcal region, attended with very distressing nausea.— i l u short, ^considered it to ben case oflgemiine cholera,I found Ion inquiry,4be patienth^atUn&Bn unwell the day previous vfuh llooseness of the bowels, TftvX&ix hours before I saw him, he Ewns seized with the complaint, and had gradually got worse. iThe extremities were cold, and were nearly pulseless. I im- Imediately gavehim a spoonful of thy Balsam, which in a few •moments was ejected from the stomach, but on giving a few ftimos, the stomach became settled, and he expressed nirmelf Irnucli roliev d. T then gave him n calomel and powder. In two fhours'from the time I saw him he felt quite easy, and foil asleep. | nnd slept well for five hours; but on waking, the symptoms a 1 gam returned. I directed more of the Balsam to bo given him, | "'hen the disease subsided, and the pationt was convalescent. It took only one bottle toorTct a cure. I have also so often I witnessed the boneficinl oftects of the Carminative Balsam in I Hummer Complaints and Diarrhcea, that I would not be with* I out itforits untight in silver, I remain thy friend, THOMAS MOTT.M. D. 43 Broadway, Now York. J* LELLY &CO., Agenti. July 10,184G. 3w8i> MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL - -It is worthy of special re |,iiark,that beside the sroat ond extraordinary powors in the li uro of diseases uf the horse in which its virtues first attracted •the attentiortof the/amer and /arm«r,and the wonder of the •public generally, it has been successfully employed in a great •variety uf the initltuHesr which affect the human race; and it jiasprovcdrbylhe; wonderful cures ft has performed on the v «wor animals, that it in endowed with curativo properties >nt found in I'tlior horse cits, which has established it« t iaima to ^nem&conmlonffe. - i It is not generally known, howovor, that no meansTiaVe"* Won left unemployed by that class of persons who attempt •i counterfeit every pood medicine that has acquired public -onfidonce, to mislead the public mind into the belief that jthmr oil isthesama as this* fice Advertisement. 3\v WUAT THE "FXJGAR COATED INDIAN VEGET. IBLI2 PILLS," ARE DOLNG IN BOSTON. Boston, January 3d, 1846 DK \n Sin ,—Ymi have no idea of the amount of good Eiloue hore by the " Indian Vegetable Pills,** (Sugar Coated.) yesterday a respectable Druggist came in from Lowell, ami purchased* (1 Dozen, andVated " ho could rocommend them e>ond any other medicine he o\or had, as his wifo had r>en perfectly cured of Hush of Blood to the head, by using ahem. Sovornl bad cases of the Influenza, havo also been tured by thorn. 9 Yours, trulv, 1. P. CLARK, 2 Water St. To G. Benj'n Smith, M. D., N . Y. P.S. For tho truth of the above, I refer to Hon. Charles kYclls, President of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Jnston. Dealers furnished at the Now York College of Healte'179 troenwich Street, New York. \ 0 5 " OADTlON!—As n miserable imitation ha« been made, i the name of " Sugar Coatod Pills," it is necessary t,» be ire thatDu.G, BKNJ'N SMITH'S signature ison every box. Iricc 25 cents. 1 Hold by L. KELLY & CO., and R. II. LAWRENCE, IruggUts, Soneca Street Gene-, a. 1 July 3, 184G.« 3w70 \ MEDICINE—prartically, has attained to such ii standard T perfection and certainty in soma diseases, that few persons, imparitively, would now die by such, if the proper remedy i administered in due time. A few years since and many hyieians Believed that the lAMgs, when once ulcerated & •seoserl, never was, nor never could be healed nnd ourcd.— lut, ff t h e pSpeflenTO nnd tesliipoiiy of m a n y popiaTia of an punted character and standing can bo reliod on, it is proved s such persons beyond a question or ronsonoble doubt, that IBRANT'SINDIANFTJLMONAttYBAL AM" has cured pd is capable of curing, decided coses of ulcerated and dis- hsed lungs; at least, it i3 proved that it has cured such dis- pses - as are daily destroying the lives of many—such ns are Sown and called by no other name by Physicians, (before ping; cured,) than PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, FQR THE MONTH OP JUNE, 1846, tr?t E! H! l R -1 § S I s 3 irsKR f!**| sMMfei Maon Barometer. 'Si > o *9 H i- •• ! ^3 3 ' Sao fesfej 8§g' SS5SSS rf*cn*. t Maximum alt. of Thermometer Minimum alt. do. m bS 9 q isse Maximum alt. of Barometer. Minimum alt. of Barometer. Range. Mean Thermom. Range. revaningAvinds. Prevail'g weather Ram. F IVE MIIXSON Feet of Lumber want- ed, inquire of 1 T. MONROE. Geneva, July-3(1,1846. 79 TUST Heceived A New assortment of O 0old and Stiver watches, cheaper than ever Gold pens, Earrings^ Bracelets. Full jewelled Gold Watches, from $45 to $100. Silver full jewelled from $15 to. $30. Every article warranted as good as represen- ted, at the New Jewelry Store, 46 Seneca stieet. T. H. CARSON. Geneva, July 3,-1846. F OB SAJLE—Two Billiard Tables, lately repaired and in good order. Enquire at the Billiard Room, two doorssoulh J. H. Tillman's store, on Water-street. Geneva, Ja^ 26, 1846. 78 L OVERS of good Fruit should bear in mind that this is the season for graft- ing and transplanting, and that Downing's New and Valuable Book, (Fruit and Fruit Trees of America,) contains full particulars as to the dif- ferent kinds and their cultivation. For sale by June, 1846. G H D E R B Y &. Co. Me.an vnria'ri of the Dew point fr'm the Temperature ,DROKUJLA and other impure diseases of the blood have Jsen cdred, thus proving it to ho tho best purifier of the blood |Ver before offered to the world. In Order conclusively to show by tho tistimonv of respects lie witnesses that the above is a statement of the (nets, we^. ^jQlljeesebro, Lucretia fefW the reader to on advertisement in another coluron of his paper, headed CONSUMPTION, where many snob, wit Wcs are named and referred to. I For Sale by PLATT & SIMPSON, Sene-a St., Genera. MARRIED. [ On Thursday 9th inst, by tho Rov Mr. Pnralt, ;iIE\EV •OWE, of Cnnandaigua. to JANEM. daiiRlitor of Thos. iawrenco Esq. formerly of the city of Now "V ork. ^In Moutozuma, on tho 4th inst„ by the Rov. W. F. Pur- gton, IIORACK DAVE SPORT, of Gonoya, to Mi«s EMEUNE O8TED0, of the former pVttee. f i n Cannnitaigun, oit tho 3d inst., by Rev.C. WHEELBR, [OSEA B. HICKOIC, of Sharon, Ohio, and MARIAH, youngoat mnghter o fJ. Maokf-Esq. of the former plnt-o. |On Friday evening Jnly'3, bj tho Rev. Cljaflej II. Rwins;, ABNtRD C. BARKER,'to ADEUKE DwENPoaT, all of Go- DIBD. I In this villor;", on the morning of tho Bth inst;, IltD HOGARTH, Esq., nge* 61 years. R1CH- NEW-lOBK'MAKKEr. NBW YORK, July 9. W e iiofibe sales of potaajiGS at $3,50a$3,63, and leorls, $4,06. I Genesee flour is held at $4,06, and Michigan at |3,93arj;d,$4. , A parcel of western spring wheat brought 77cts.' ^ good lot of winter red 81c. Rye is up to 70c. . cargo of good western corn sold at 47c. Oats, by 3Set €3EIV13VA_PJftlC«! OURJEUENT, i CORRECTED WEEKLY, 'l-'iir, superfine, - - - - $•! 00 a ft^lient, porbltshM, "Barley do. V«<-\ do. - l/orn, d 0 . . (imcthv, A,. Tlovor, do, Bustard eoed, - luttor, per pound I«d, do - fhoese, do - >ultry, do. fotatnos, p i> t b 8b ,., •Bled Plumbs, ApploB, Poaches, Beef, per ^wt folk, pcr.cwt. - . AIDSS, per bbl., Prime, " " - B?gs, per dozen, iliy, por ton, - BVool, por lb., *mm&tW» 75 a 32 a a 44 a " gR a 40(1 a 2 00 a 0 a H a 6 a - 7 a - 31a 200 a 100 a 4 75 a 400 a 400a J200 a 9 00 a - ID a 41Hla aaa 4 00 75 35 30 44 1 12 425 2 00 10 p ID 7 38 3 011 1 13 S00 . 5 00 450 13.00 10 00 10 5 00 The New York Safe, FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND STATE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY; No. 20, Wall Si,—Capital 500,000 Dolls. A RE noyv prepared to insure against loss by fire, the damages of the seas and inland navigation, also .the loss of human life, upon terms equal if not more favorable than those of any^other Company in the city. Having their business divided upon the four different branch- es of insurance, they avoid the great error of former Companies, by having only one fourth of their interests affected by any calamity, how- ever great, by fire, sea or casually fatal !o hu- man life, having at all times three fourths of Ihir business to sustain -the one fourth which may be affected by those disasters which so of- ten ruin those compjnies whose whole capita! is engaged upon either fire, marine, life or inland insurance. Another source of great security adopted by this Company is not to take any risk upon any consideration, for a greater sum than $5000, also no two .risks adjoining, thereby a- voiding the errors which have proved fatal to olber companies. This Company also, to avoid any disr.rrangement of the insu'ed, pay all loss- es as soon as satisfactorily arranged, dispensing with the useless delay of 'sixty days, oftentimes of such serious inconvenience to the insured. The attention of the mercantile, marine and personal interests is respectfully palled to the advantages of this Company. DIRECTORS.—Samuel Jones, David Ames, Richard Ransom, George M. Hargous, Edmund Roberts, Nicholas A. Miles, Theodore Floyd, James Remsen, James Tolbert,' Samuel Allen, George Morris, Francis Johnson, William Tho- mas, ^milh Raymond, Thomas Franks, William Hurlburts, Oliver Hanivants. Peler Rogers, Jas, Van Renseller, Charles Livingston, Daniel Per- kins, Edward Lawrence, Stephen Minturn, Charles Adams, Thomas Denison. By order of the Board of Directors, JOHN K. TOW.NSEND„Pres't. HARVEY R. MASKS, Sec'y. T. BONESTEEL, Agent Geneva. Geneva, July 10, 1846. Iy80 " Order gave each thing view."—Shalcspeare. T HE Complete Concordance of Shakspeare, being a verbal index to all the passages in Ihe dramalic works of the poet, by Mrs. Cowden Clarke, jrut received by DERBY & C O . Cooj»en''s IVaval Officers. I IVES of distinguished Amercan Naval Offl- J cers, by J , Fenimore Cooper, author of the " S p y , " <S.c. in 2 vol. Vol. 1, contains lives of Braiiibridne, Somer«, Shaw, Khubrick, Preble. Vol. 2, Jones, Wool«ey, Perry, Dale. Just pub- lished and for sale, wholesale and lotail, by July 10 DEgJjgf & C O . Map of tfcc ITIiiaeral Region, O F Lake Supeiior, compiled from the latest mineral land surveys of the U. Slate*, with hsls of persons to whom grants have been made. Ju«t published and for sale by _JulyJ>. _ JS^ H DERBY &_CO_ jnly Magazines! •Wayne's Alterative— Ifronchocclo OR GOITRE (Swelled Neck.) Ho has prescribed the Alterativ e in upwards of sixty cases of Goitre, and it has never failed in a single instance to com-, pletely remove the disease. Not a solitary case of failure. ALL WERE cvnED! ^ The success he has met with in ruling Broncocclo and C&UGetous Affections, has convinced him that these danger- ous and horrible'diseases may be removed with as much cer- tainty as Fever and Ague lie does nut wish to be under- stood as saying that they can bo *chred as soon as Fever ^nd Ague, but with as much certainty ; and further, that he has good reosou for believingthnt thts preparation will not only euro those diseases when formed, but that it destroys the vi- rus or poisonous principle lurking in tho system, from which that peculiar class of diseases/ as wfcllalso as titat of Scrofu- la emenate. SKIN DISEASES.—Ha has prescribed it in a great variety of Cutaneous Afiections, and found it successful in curing Salt Rheum, or Tetter, BileB, Blaches, Pimples, Morphew and Jaundiced Skin, &c. DYSPEPSIA. & LIVER CoMPL-AiNT.--It 1ms boon usod in numerous, cases of Liver Complaint and OyHpopsia, and with tho happiest effect. Prepared only by Dr. D. J AVNE, No. 8 South Third st., Philadelphia. Eor Sale by L. KELLY &. CO., Senooa street Geneva 3w77 May 19, 1846. F a r En for Sale. 1 Qi~|| ACRES of choice grazing O v J i land—84 acres under im- provement ; on which there is a good Dwelling House, two large Barns and a Carriage House; there is a good Orchard of beai ing fruit. The property is located in the town of Caihe.T rine, Chemung county. If desirable, the property, will be exchanged fer good village property in Geneva. If sold for cash, the greater part of the pur- chase money may remain for 10 years. For fur- ther particulars, call on the subscriber, in Gene- va. - T. RICHARDSON. N. B. The subscriber has several good C i d e r Mill Screws and fixtures, which will be 1 sold cheap for cash. June 11, 1846. - ' 2m76 1VEW «OOB>S. J UST RKCEIVED; a new supply of Walches and Jewelry, Silver and Plaled Ware, Fish- ing Reels and Lines, &,c. At the new Jewelry Store, 46 Seneca slreet. June 12, 1848. T. H. CARSON. Wisconsin, I TS Geography and Topography, History, Ge- ology and Mineralogy, by I, A. Capham. For sale by G. H: DERBY & CO. Narrative of the ki. S, Exploring Expedition. A GREAT' National Work for District and other Libraries, illuslraled, pi ice only $10 A new supply just received by Jnly 2. GEO. H. DERBY. LIST OF LETTERS EMAINING- in ihe Post Office at GENEVA, N. Y., July 3, 1846. Ansley Albert Herrington, Elijah Aaron B W Jackson, Edgar Angus John' Judd, Fiances C Armstrong Sarah Jackson, Samuel A Airmtrong Elizabelh AJackson, Elanor Bland George Jones, Thomos Boice J S Kriss, Sarah Ann Baibanks Jerome M Lane, George Lafurgee, James Lewis, George E Lay, Phcebe Legrant, N D Love, Samuel. Maxwell, J Q A Mansfield, J P Mesrran Sjmuel M Morse, Louisa 2 McDonglle, Pat Mather, J H . Magne, Mr 2 Miller, Howard Miller, Myron H Milton, Henry Miller, Charles Mills, Peter Noonan, Cornelius Pomrey, C A Palmer, Alexander Professor of Medical College 2 Patridge, Margaret Powers, Ann Pepper, Wm Perry, Henry Quick, f^ha'rles Riprrey, John Paine, Robert M. Reed, Moses 2 Robsoi, Jefferson 5.Ross,.M L 4" Rosette, Anne C Ross, John A Stebbins, Homer P. Smith, Ambrose Slocmn, Charles H 2 Siuier, Whitney . Smith, Joshua •H..J5pxfls4e, Hiram M Savage Henry- Sampson, Joseph Sprague, Dudley Smith, D W Trion, Sarah Teat, Ansel Torran, Ann Bailey A J Butcher John Boyles Joseph Bo wen Henry Ball B L Barclay Julian Buitis Arthur Burk Mary Benton John H Cataline Miss Clements Thomas Clapp George Cole Mrs Ciosby W C Croshaw Eliza Carter, Charles Chinch, John L Coupt, P Corwin, L W dishing, Benjamin Carrier, Wm H Costilb, David Culver, Charles Calchpole, R Cushman, B Cowan, G V B Clark, Ezekiel Croin, Ferma Daskam, Nathan Devereux, T Downer, Albert Draper, D B Denton, William Downing, Sarah Dorrance, Aim E 'Dune, E Douring, James Dunn, Hannah Easton, William French, Ira Furguson, Peter Farren, Patrick Foster, Sarah Forench, Samuel * Fuller, Jacob Gramesly, William Glaker, Miss Goodwind, Wm. Gibson, M L Hoitlt, Thomas Hudson, Barney Hutchina, Priscilla Handfield, William Hardenburgh, Eley E ow-ard, Augustus adsus,A Hirt, G Hudson, John Hosmer, William Howell, Nelsdln GENTLEMEN'S Outfitting Establishment. T HE subscriber, keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Gent's WADROBE ar- ticles, consisting of Ready-made Shirts of all sizes and qualities, Silk, Cotton, and Merino Under Shirts, Satin and Silk Scarfs and Cravats, Bosoms and Collars, Satin Ties and Stocks, Woolen Under Shirts and Drawers, Worsted and linen Winter Gloves, SusjDenders of all qualities, Linen cambric, fancy border and silk Pocket Handkerchiefs. All of which will be sold cheap for cash. SPEIR, 41 Seneca st. Genava, November 7, 1845. FOOT -tfr gBOTBCA-SE'K.EE'E 1 / rS^HE subscriber will sell the follovv- U8 ing useful articles made by the best work- men, at unusually low prices—Supeiior Hand- made Sash and Blinds, pure and extia White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnish, and all sorts of Paints, a well selected assoilment of Paper Hangings, ..Window Glass of all sizes— also Painting. Glazing, and Paper Hanging done on short notice. His shop is by the Franklin - - EAEL. .. 57 G RAHAM'S Magazine, for July; Columbian _ «* = do., do.* N . Y. Illu.-itatol faihig)-«W^-U3^.> Gep.pv.n-,- lfTS - — — • «"- Ofoffcy's Lady's TJook', "Jo f T-tdfei^NMiorial | geneva, JanT3Q, 1S46. Mngazine. just received by Express, at HIP hook- store of ' G. H. DERBY. June 24. 1R46. R EADY MADE SHIRTS from seventy five cents to two dollars each, of sizes to fit any , for sale by SPEIR, 41 Seneca st. oneeneva, November 7, 1845. LARGE variety of School Books, wholesale or retail, as cheap a* at any- other establishment, by W. II. SMITH, Nov 14 at 31 Seneea-st. Geneva Foundry Stove Store. T HE Subscribers offer at Wholesale and Retail, the following STOVES: Premium, five sizes, Cook's Favorite, three sizes, Box, ten do. Parlor Cook, two do. Large Box for churches and public Buildings, " Air-tight for do do. Iron column Parlor, a beautiful variety, Sheet Iron top do. Cast Iron bottom and top do. " " Box do. Coal Stoves, a splendid article, Also, Coal Grates, two sizes, Fire Fronts, three do. Berlin Fire Dogs and Fenders, a new artielp, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware manufactured to ordpr. Jan. 5, 1846. CURTIS, ROSE & CO SALEH, OHIO. April, t»4i Dr. I). .IAYNE — Hear Pir I feel bound to vou and the pub- lic, to avail myself of this opportunity of plvtng publicity to the extraordinary oifects of your Expectorant on mvseff— Having been afflicted fur several years with a severe cough, hectic fever, and its concomitant diseases, I seemed onlv doomed tolingor out a short bnt miserable existence, unt»l the fall of 1839, when being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies ond prescriptions of two of the most rospeotabln physicians in the neighbor- hood without deriving any benefit, or consolations of survi- ving but a few days, or weeks ot farthest, whon tho ln^t gleam of hope was about to vanish, I bad recommended to me vour Expectorant—nnd blessed lie that Being who does all things in tho use of the^meons—and contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I was In a few days raised from my bed ond was enabled, by tho nso of a bottle to attend to my business,enjoying- since better health than I had for ten years previous. Yours, &c. JAMES-Ws ESTILL. For sale by L. KELLY & CO., Agents, Geneva, done 26. J84B. 3>v7R H A , R J | W ARE At W h o l e s a l e sand ICatuil. T HE subscriber, is now in-riving bis6iipply of goods, for the coming H'.,=,on,compnsiiig, in part, the following articles: . IiM?s». Old Sable Bar Iron}' Cut & Wiought Spikes*, Swede's do do ( | 0 Nails, Eng. i. Amer. do Oakum and Pitch, Cast & Spring Steel, Mill & Cross- cut Saws, Eng. & Amer. Blisterdo.. Vices and Anvils, Nail Rods, _ Blacksmith's Bellows, Grindstones", Cranks, Round and square iron, all sizes. •ISoase 'S'Pimnsisii^K. Consisting of a very extensive and complete assortment of Locks, Latchei, IN,:!?, Scieus, Door Handles, &c. cutlery. A very large and choicesetec'ion uf Table and Pocket Cutlery, Razors-, Scissois, Cook Knives, &.C. very low. Plated Warp, Some very .fine patterns Of Silver Plate.!, Man- tel and Chamber Candlesticks; also Brittania and Brass do. Carpeuters' Tool*. Bench and Moulding Planes, Saws, Chissels, Gauge*, Biaces and Bulls, au.l, n, fact, eiety thing necessary for the Trade.. C aura-Sage TjriiSMninKs. Consisting of Rubber ahd Oil Cloth, Patent Leather, Brass and Silver Bands, Axle' Arm?, &c. &c.; also constantly oh llatid HAIR'CLOTH of various widths, WheeTbanqjvs, Shovels, Spades, Manure and Hay Foilc, Scy'hes.&c. &c, all of which he offers on the most reasona- ble terms. JOHN H. TILLMAX. Corner Seneca k Water st?. Geneva, May 22, 1846. MEW KSTABLISttMENTT HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. Branch from New York, IVu. 17, Seneca Street, Geneva. U PHOLSTERY GOODS, consisting of Dam- ask Moieetis, rich figured Plush. Clirtain Cloth, Embroidered ami plain Mus- lin for Curtains. Table and Piano Forte Spreads, r Bed Spreads, Comfortables, Worsted and silk Cords, Tassles of all sizes and r.olors, Silk and worsted Lace, Furniture Gimps of all kinds, Carpet and galloon Bindings, Adelaid Mats, Hair Cloth ot different widths, A good assortment of hair, mo.-s, husk, straw and cotton Mattrasses, Cushions of all kinds made to order. Splendid drapery muslin Window Curtains and Shades, a complete assortment. Modern and Aiilique^Furniturr. Sofas, Divans and Ottamans, Rosewood and Mahogany Choirs, Center, Side, Dining and BreaMa.-l Tables, Burea.us, Secretaries, Book Cases &c, Curled maple and common Chairs, Mahogany and other kinds of Bedsteads, Looking Glasses and Clocks, AH'kinds of Furniture made to order. The above articles are offered lower than ever before sold in this market; those who will o i l ami ex- aminp for'themselves will be satisfied of ihis fact. T. MONROE & CO. Geneva, May 22, 184G. Staei-aff's Sale. B Y virtUL 1 uf a Fi. Fa. I shall expo- auction, at Ihe Mansion House in of Geneva, on th" lllh dav of July n cl'irk A. M., tin" following real oatuti\ '! of Silus C'h.ipln. "Acertain pi've ul I in the town of Sriieca, Outiiriu Co., li- the Hoi ill 1m lk of the Caju.'a mid Sen tho suu'hwcit corner of a lot sold to tii thencn north along Ransoms' west 11 northwest conior, tfioncc south eighty-:' \go.st, two chains and fifty links to a sU south four and a half degrees west nl.-.i u chiriis, seven links to the north hank of irrid c u r d ; thence aliuig the hank of the can-d lo tlu jiliu e of lit-pn- u'ui^:; containing two acre-, two rodi and l--,i p. r- ches, more or les i. Also 711-100 of :ui .Hiv.lving between the caiml and rVnocri 1 ike." D. I'EXSMORE, Shor'.ir. A. StYMOLIl, DeniltV. Geneva. May 29, 18ill. ' ' i;w74 73 I. ir -lie .l! ihe viihige t .it II) (')'- properly i;i.l sitiLite _'ioniiig on ,i C.uial nt R.iu-inni*, c to their ur ,h; ^rees >••; llitnce H. Carpeting-. F LOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS G. Hughes has now for sale a new and full assortment of Three Ply and fine and superfine ingrain Wool, Cotton and Venetian Carpeting. Stain carpeting, dt-Gggejt. may IS Window Glass O F ALL sizes, Wm. S. DISXENG'S best brand?, atFacI - ... - Geneva, Factory prices, at'the Franklin Stores, E. P. EARL. nPOBTUD LEECHES, large aild m a health* condition, nn hand and ?„r sole L K E L L Y * TO, Eucneva, May 2?, 1816. Turk, Anthony Tripp, William Unger, S B Van B.alen, Mrs,-, Webster,'-Samuel Wright, Peter J Ward, Charles Wider, Warren B Winchester, E White, WD 2 Weeks, Edward A Williams, J R -.'Whitman, Martin C Zitnmer, Afcram Persons calling for any of (hi above letters will please say "advertised.'* 3w75 GEO. M. NORTON, P. M. A FIIVE assortment of Whitewash Brushes and W. W. Heads made of bristles from the Czar's dominions. A prima article for sale by L. KELLY & CO. Geneva, Mi»y 22, 1846. N TAMBUNGSON has just receivedTob . dozen BROOMS --sold at k *• p irePyai wholesale of retail. ) December VI, 1810. f»i M ALAGA RAISINS, whole, half, and quar- ter boxes, warranted full weight. Also, Lemons, Prunes, Tamihinds, Almonds, Sultana Raisins, & c , in prime order, for sale by Deo. 19,1845. L. KELLY & CO. (Dultivatoi* for J«ne^ TTJST received and tor sale at the" Bookstore J of G. H. DERBY & CO. Geneva, June 5, 1846. . Denio's Reports* V OLUME 1st just received and for sale by DERBY & CO. Geneva, June 5, 1846. BHOTHEK JONATHAN F OR the Fourth of July. Just received at bookstore of G. H. DERBY & Co. Geneva, June 5, 1846. . t £ : ' —,*—.- Straw and Tuscan Bonnets. H G. HUGHES has just received and now • offers for sale at wholesale or retail, ladies and misses* straw .and Tuscan bonnetts, also men's leghorn Hiipe and double brim—also, all qualities of c!rip bats. may 12 P APER SHADES! a delicate appendage to the Parlor Lamp, for sale, of divers patterns, by L. KELLY & CO. Dec. 19. 1845.. E ASTERN lame, Plaster Paris, and Marble Duatj by the barrel, for builders and at retail, (warranted) No. 1—by June 14. L. KELLY fc CO. T HE usual variety of Hair and other Brush- e's, Combs, Extracts, Essences, Perfumery and Fancy articles constantly on hand by L. KELLY & C O Geneva, May 22, 1846. New Spriiagr I .3F- -0» lib.&jji»~>--»m •IIOTV- JL«his srnrxG stock of Gooih. They coo- ••ist partly of NEW STYLE ginglnms, lawn?, primed muslins, white and coloie.l giadualed lolie patterns, baiaizp. bnlzaririe, assorted colors and plain mode de Laine—all kinds of mourning goods for ladies' wear. American, French, and English calicoes, hat ar.d cap ribbons, hat silks, dress and mantilla silk, cashmere, lianaize, sew- ing silk, and de laine shawls, gloves and hosiery of all kinds, linen cambric handkerchiefs, Irish shirting linen, table damask, table cloths and covers, napkins and doylies, Russia, Scotch and bird eye diaper and huckabuck. Sprii.g and summer wear of all kinds for gentlemen and boys, drap d'te, broad cloths, cas«i:ner,.s, meri- no cassimere, vestings, 12-6 and u-G linen sheet- ing. 12-6, 5-4, and 3-6 cotton sheeting an< shirting. Piano covers, steel heals and clasps, purse twisf, a large assoilment of carpeting. Flout tablp oil cloth. Pedlai's w.nos, &c. &c. Geneva, May 12, 1846. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CR O CKER Y S TOR E!! No. 24 Water sin '. T HE subscriber would respectfully call Die at- tention of the citizens ot Geneva, and sur- rounding villages and counliy, to Ins large assort- ment of Crockery, Glass and Earthenware, consisting in part of wide ar.d na> ow gold band China Tea Setts, raispd and luslrpJ figured do , flowing blue sfone China, Dinner <uid Tea Setfs, white and b'ue Granite Ware, &-\ Ctiass 'Ware.—Covered Sugar Dishes, B-ilter do, Celery Dishes, Preserve Dishes, Cut- and Pressed Tumblers, Wine Ghssc", &c. S o H a s * I j a n n p s , Girandole*, Hall Lamp 5 , Tea Trays, Britannia, Ware and Looking: Classes. The articles are all new. nnd of the latest im- porfelions, and will be sold lower than ever be- fore offered in this market. Those who will call , and pxamine for themselves, will be satisfied of this fact. tS* Opposite the old stand'of D. S. Skaafs. Geneva, May 22, 1846. L. W. LACY. ILL »e published soon—by G. H. DERBY & CO., Geneva, N. Y., Thiers' History of the great French Revolu- tion, in two large volumes; also Cooper's Naval Offieers, in two volumes. Vol. 1, contains the Lives of Somers, Shaw, Shub- riclc and Preble. Vol 2d contains the Lives of Jones, Woolsey, Perry and Date. AI30, The Battle Grounds of America, illustsated by stories of the Revolution, with 14 plates. Lately Published, The Life of Gen. Andrew Jackson, with four fine plates. The New Clerk's Assislaal—a Book of prac Meal forms. The above books are for sale at wholesale, ve» ry low, by G/H. DERBY & CO. June 1, 1846. .----• LUTH-EK KELLY & CO;,.*: L ONGFELLOW'S Poems, Com- pjcte.—Poems of H. W. Longfellow, complete for 50 cts.! at June 12, 1846. DERBY'S Bookstore. G tfAVA J e l l y — F o r sale at N. TAM- BLINGSON'S. Water street. npEAS", SUGAR & COFFEE, of su •"• perior quality, for sale by August^. R. I?. LAWRENCE'. H "AM8—A prime lot for sale at N. TAM BLINGSON'S Water sheet. mSy29/, .. • OJFJ/ET ARTICLES, Elegantly . cutglass Bottles in pairs; Petite Porcelain Vases with covers—superbly finishedrOdorifer- ous SatobeJA-rrSoncentraled Essences* Extracts, and unrivalled Perfumes from eminent Parisian hpuses. Soaps, Creams, DentifriceSj,Cqsmetics; and indeed a great variety of kindred articles too numerousto mention, but fragrant to Batiety with the breath of the sweetest flovrors. For sale by L. KELLY & CO. Sec, 19; 1845. FRENCH PAPER HAMN6S. T HE subscribers have fhis day received an elegant assortment of medium and'low pri- ced French Paper Hangings, direct from Paris, to which they wonfd respectfully call the atten- tion of these designing to purchase. LUTHER KELLY & CO. Geneva, May 1, 1846. IS w ©" r»i 6 B REWER'S Superior Fancy Lozenges of various flavors, for-sale by L. KELLY & CO. Geneva, May 22, 18-16. * . A q u a R o s a e Wrapea-foa. U^ XTRA fiagranl for Ihe toilet, and foi ilavor- JLJ ing toe more delicate aitides of fuod, dis- tilled and bullied in .\'e\> York, for sale bv L. KELLY &'CO Geneva, M.iy_22, IS 16 C tASIPHENE.—Wairanted orthemo-,t ie- .- c i n t and purest distillation, this day receiv- ed f- >m New York, bv May 7, 1816. " L. KELLY & CO. V L€©S1©JL by the bsrrel. For sale bv L. KELLY & CO. •Geneva, May 22, I846. GENEVA FEMALE INSTITUTE; *&%& »£Jo m H E SUBSCRIBER, Piincipal of the Ohio Insiitotiop, for the education of the Blind, JL having lesigned his sitnaliuti, u ill open .a pel maun, t St miliary in Geneva N. Y., in October next. The object of the Institute will be to qualify Ffcji.w.i: TKACUKRS, and also to complete Ihe education of young ladies in the ornamental and u«tf,il branches of moral and scientific education. The system will conform in part to that uliich lias proved so decidedly successful in the educa- tion of the Blind, viz Oral or Mental exeicisc, frequent nviews and daily lectures. The sub- sciibei's practical experience foi SP\HI,]| ) e a i s 111 t h i s plan, and his examination of many of the best seminaries in this country and in Europe, satisfy him that it is the most truly effectual method of impaitins; instruction. It is dpsirableto give the Institution a liberal and benevolent character—having for its great ob- ject the preparation of a t-la r ss of enlightened teachers who will realize their high responsibilities, and be'eiabled to effect salutary improvements in the school, which may hereafter be committed to Iheir charge. In older the inort eiTfi-tually to elns-ify the pupils, none will be received under 12 years of age. But s-houlJ it be found expedient to adnjit younger scholars, a separate Introductory Department will be established. The chief branches of education Kill be as follows: .•liilhmclir,Geography. Grammar. I .llxebra, Gwthelry, Linear fy Perspictire Druu-im; and Painting, \ Map nnd Topographical Drau-ii\fC, Vlain and Ornamental Penmanship, Chemistry, and its application to Agriculture and Domestic Economy, | Bdles-Let'ers, Rhetoric and Composition, Moral, Natural, and Mental Philosophy, Botany, Geolojy, Jstronomy Physology, Jlnrient and Modem History, Logic, Political Economy. There will be also thorough reviews ir. the elementary branches, as Oithography reading, &.C. A couiseof piactical LECTURES on the Anr and PHILOSOPHY OK TEACHING, and (ho Govern- ment of Schools, including instructions in Black Board exeieises, will be delivered by the Princi- pal, fo the pupils, deigning to become teachers. There will b» un ample supply of PHILOSOPHI- CAL APPARATUS, and the most approved School Furniture, Globes, Maps, fcc. The Institute will he thoroughly furnished for the accoinmodat'on of boarding pupils. To ex- tend its usefulness as far as possible, the teiins will be a- Ion- as is consistent with its proper sup- port—not exceeding Ihe moderate sum of one hundred dollars a year, for board and tu'uion in all the branches, drawing included. - ,ypf vr-n and M"««c will He char.q-1 i » . ' m Tile, terms of TVy Sd;±^J^pLb^UiigJJjerMftgj-. The most accomplisfterT assls'UllH l'emaie Instructors wiiTBe engaged. Mns. 17I'API.V will su- perintend the Domestic Department. On evamiiration at the end of the ye.ir every pupil found qualified lo 'each, will receive a Teach- ers' Diploma. A IioAiiD OF VISITORS, composed of sevfral distinguished rili/.uis of Geneva, will aid Ihe Princip'l with their advice and counsel. Further partieulars in Hie gpneral Prospectus and future advertisements. WILLIAM CHAPIN, Principal. Refer to N". B. KIUDER. ESQ., ? /-„ C, A. COOK, Ksn,, > Genr ' a ' Geneva, Julv3, 1816. GENEVA MARBLE WORKS. ON THE EAST SIDE OF WATER STREET. P ERSONS uishir.g to dres- the Grave of their deceased Iripnds, will find it to (heir advantage to call on the subscribers, where they will at all I mes find a very sirperirr assoitment of Sepulchral Monuments and Gravestones of evpry variety of pallnrr, and of the mo^t skilful workmanship. Tlrpir marble is fr-un tie celebrated Ripley & I'arn« Qnary, Rutland, Vermont, and the Berkshire Qnnry. Ma-s. Thet have a splendid asscrtment of SNOW WHITK MARBLH, some of which is TRANSPARENT, and the light of a candle ran be eeen through slat s from 2 to 3 inches in thirkn s« 4 ai'd in fineness of texture, is equal to the Italian, and as hard. Also a beautiful assortment of clouded Blue, and green Serpenlire slabs, of all sizes, and for all uses. Their slock of monuments, now. is the largest in Western New York, and they «il! be in reception of more within two weeks, making in all 17. They will also be in reception of a lot of the most rhoiy quality of the American Vprmont Marble, which will be far superior to anything of Ihe kind ever brought in'o Geneva market. Also a beautiful lot of the Italian. Making in all about S.OOO feet of I I E 4.DSTOJW3 SLABS. _ . - # The lettering and ornamental work war-anted tn give satisfaclion. They invite all pprsons to call and examine their marble and prices, as they are delerminej to sell lower than the lowest. Monuments will be sold very low. A. FLEMING is now east, and has been selecting stock &c— All orders by mnil or otherwise, thankfully received and promptly attended to. A FLEMING. H. G. FLEMING. Geneva, July 3. 1846. 79 AHD ^ f g p ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ p , ^ - T HE abov^fefe^lbsti'bpiMjgttt , „ * e Xear, ( S9fl ^* r -.'rf«5l„&i»Mi..v«iifi «... following routes: AfiB#l burgh and Corning, Blk„. railroads; and by stage roiiti aca, Coming, Bath, Penn Yan-,1 ifj-'fifols- 1 mm ark. S3- Leave Geneva at 7 ^fe^Kllrd Jefferson at 12 1-2 P . M. .*-« T K « f c Hf. B. T h e firvorite VI wilb 1 sage boatthioflghom toe year. '-eneva, Mardi 17, 1846, «BW SBIOP, vor'them wi'th a call. Persnni-IvIIBfiig %loitp ments^ Gravestones, Fire P}3desMf#aftB#;.&t Pa^iniro in fn^t or,,, f f,!r. J f™'«f ^S^W^^W^r^"- W.HQI.ESALE AND RETAIL LEALKUSJN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, D YE WOODS, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Looking Glasses, Gioceijcs, Brushes, Lamps, Pa- per Hangings, Singic.il InstrumenU, Bronzes, Leafs, IVifuuiciv, I'am-y Articles, i-e. &.c, have constantly on hand u varied and ample a«30itmcit at Hie louea 1 pnos :it Iheir store, No. 1), Seneca-street, Geneva, N. Y., to which they would call the attention of the community and customers from every part of Ihe counlrv. Geneva, June 12. ]H Pi. P RIME Y . 5 1 . T E A in six pound box- es. Also Young Hyson of vaiior.3 grades. Old Hyson, Imperial," Pouchong in papers, Hv- son Skin ; Loaf, Crushed, Powdered, St. Croix. P. Rico, N. 0. and other Sugars. (Sugar House and other brands of Molasses, logelher with Rice,Saleralus, Spicej, Rice Flour, Soda Ili'cuit, and Coffee, All fur sale as low as the cheapest by L. KELLY &. CO. , Geneva, May 22, 1816. OH "l^at^r Street. ITHE subscribers liavMf-' dn'&netl,'! neW : Mar- ble Shop on Wa'teW4WfeV'(|«P 8 f3| ! m the north end of the buil'ding-U^erl as-a/Beffly. school Room, on Ihe bridge, (n%%%pfoWA%i?I.e,m- ing's Mai He ShfJp,) %ey*-- W i l f W / g s i - c f ' a t all times ready to wait upon Xheia w1ifLiQiv£i- Facings, in fact any thinsf m .„:n F...J u ._ .1.-! ° 1- N. B. The subscribers are monthly^ffl tresh-supplies of beautiful Snow Wh'tt^'fi penline Marblp from the-RnflaDd.jVfA-^IS and can sell aa cheap' as' any other roairliitnilfj? 1 ' state,and the work—we :von't Brag-—instcomie and See, thal's all. • • 1 - a 73 • - . A. ALLEW, ! r <•* •• May 22, 1 8 4 ^ _ L. W. WaiTW&mA A FUlfLsupB" '" j%- ( -'on)jiri'sin^Mrs^|im,{e, gn^l vei-j?,, a=so1tme>il 0^®ijtfCf!Ca^irj)eres, gatij|i»s, Tweeds, Kentdc'kjKIeaus, Li'rieri Crillihgs^MlV ton and Codditigjon Gloths and othei- good^ftr Gentlemen's ^qtymst".jijKeur* Calicoes-of tlveiy variety, Giiighainajfirtfited Law.nX, Balzeriefts, Ban-ires, Gradated Cashmere^SilkAQf every,fje- sciipiion, Ribtfoija, Laces, Brocha Shgwlf.oFju- perior qualities at low prft-es. Barege\ho*'5^• lane ditto A large assortment'Of Sttaifaild Tuscan Bonnetts, with numerous 1 other. a>$ch;jS. Grateful for past patronage of the p u b l i c nWe shall endeavor to merit its continuance. H. H. & G. C. SEELYEv 1 Geneva, May 22, 18411. JK$ dolmau's European Tour. TpUROPEAN j^rlcuhure and Rural Ec,ohd- -SU my, from personal observations, by Henry Colman. Five numbers, just received. Pictorial History of England, No. 2. Emelia Wyndham'^hytbe author of "T«ro Old Men's Talesv'lWiC'".-*" The Chronicfes'0FjS|o,r«rnook, by Douglass Jerrold. '" * ' ' - History of Oregon Territory, by Farnhan*. Just received at (3. H. DERBY & CO. ' ., Geneva, June 6,1846. L 1 Kev. James Richards, I>. 1*. ECTURESon Mental Philosophy and The- ology, by James Richards, D. D.,lafej>rg- fessor of Christian Theology in (he Seminary/at Auburn, wilh a sketch of his life, by Rev. Sam- uel H. Giidley. Just published and ior sale by June 5, 1846. G. H. DERBY & CO." STJEAITI FOIVEBU T HE SUBSCRIBER is happy to inform^* customer?, that he has erected a new Factory- near the lake, and is puffing up a Steam Eftgme for the purpose of being able (as he always has} of furnishing his SASH and BLINDS cheap as tn / in Ihe state. The subscriber is h»pj)'y to say, that he has, by pe»seve,retnre in the system of superior work, obtained a reputation for bis Sash and Blinds through a large seciion-.of this country. Every thing- furnished in the line of Sash, Blinds, Cases, Fancy Sash, Fainting, Gla- zing, Paper Hangings &c. &c. His sale shop iTin the Franklin Stores. EDW. P. EARL', Geneva, March 13, 1846. 6m63 Steam Mill Wotiee* /'OH the convenience of the public, I have «- . tabIished-3 F L O n j R S T - O i R mJffj»- Ter-srreef,"Corie door •fibr^fW the StoxeTa\^%i- cupied by Mr.' D. S. Sk'aats},') Tn cjfargflF ti£$).p- CIIAPIN All purchases made of him wHIBe^ilie same as if purchased at the Mill., I shall; con- tinue, as usual to deliver all Flour purcbas.ed s of me, either at the Mill, or at the Steam mWShar Store, on Water sfreer. • " JGHTTW-BiiEr Steam Mill Geneva. April 1, 1846. 66 BOOKS & STATIOWEJEtr. A LARGE assortment of Books an'd Sfation- ery on hand, at No. 31 Seneca'Streetl among which are most of the SCHOOB BOOKS in use in fhis section of the country. A good assort- ment of Books for School Liliravies,, S^BJJATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES, (at the Uuioti*price3.A Ogatas ^s^a@asQ. & " ' &c. & c , [as cheap as airy QtbeT establishment! W. H. SMITH.' Geneva, May 16, 1845. „ - c - . «.. .- W. H. S. is also Agent for tbe.sate of CQM- STOCK'S celebraled MEDICINES.' OLD IRON. LD Cast Scrap, and Wrought IRON, bougnt in any quantities by Jan. 5. CURTIS, ROSE & C O . 250 cords seasoned Hard Maple WOOD fir sale. ' ' . . To Pedlars & Country Mercliants. T HE subscriber has How" a large assortment of pedlaHs wares, and is prertarerrto job 't o country merchants any article in his stock at las, low a rate as New York jobbers charge., " . mayl_2 H.G> HUGHES^ CLEAB THE TBA-CHLt. -. D ERBY & CO. have just received their.lopg looked for beautiful patterns ot P»pkr Hangings. Call quick, for they go orfffike "wildfire'.'' May Id,'46. 9 . : - fNSEED OIL.—A few barrels'&r sale low by the bbl. by - < August 29. R. H. LAWRENCE- 0 GENEVA WHOLE!SAIiK DRUG AND GROCERY S.TORE. HIi subscribers would respectfully inform their custom- ers nnd the public generally that they have new received* their Spring supply of goods, which they offer for sale at wholesale and retail, on such terms as, we thjnl;, cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Dealers, Physicians and Families are invited to examine their^oods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as thay feel very confident from Ihe great care taken in their selec- tion, and tho circumstances under which they were bought, that they are prepared lo sell as good goods and at as low prices as can be bought at any establishment in Western New York. Their stock consists of a very extensive and geiferal assortment of . GENUINE DRTJGS AND MKBICINBS together with all the most desirable and popular Patent OTpdictMes of the'day, most of which they will sell at wholesale at Ihe manufacturers' commission prices, and some kinds much lower. good and prices lowj bnt we will not say that we will sell "cheaper (ban the cheapest," but we will venture to say that we will sell as cheap. WINDOW «£<A§S by the quantity, at factory prices, and at retail, cheap. Also Putty, Apothecaries Glass Ware of all kinds Gold and Silver Leaf. . Gold, Silver and Tin Foil. Gold, Silver ond Copper Bronze. Surgical and Dentists Instruments at manufac- turers prices. Trusses, Supporters, Syringes &c PA3NTETS AMD <Q>32,§ | of all kinds, a large stock always on hand and . t v r y l o w prices. Cabinet and Coach Varnish, manufactured by S. P. Smith, Newark, New Jersey. Ji'pan, Leather Varnish, Spirits Turpentine. LRUSHES—Paint, Whitewash, Hair, Flesh; Tooth, Nail, Comb. In short, we have brushes of all kinds, sorts and sizes. -Pcrfum.-ry and Fancy aificles, Toilet and Shaving Swaps in great variety. WAUL PAPEffi, 'Theii stock 0^ Wall Paper is large, assortment LOOKING GLASSES. Our stock of Looking Glasses is large, and assortment good, (decidedly the iarg est stock in town;) we have them at any price, from eighteen cents to fifteen dollars, persons wishing to buy would do well to look at ours before purchasing efnewhere. we nave a room de- voted exclusively to Looking Glasses 5 we have also Lpoking Glass Plates of all sizes. LArvtiPS! I M P S ' t LAMPS! Wo havo a good assortment of L a f l p consisting of the" Patent bolar Lamps, for- parlor/mantle, side and suspending t'l?a«p1!ene Lamps, Side and suspending $ Oil Barhplf M g.eat variety j Hall Lanterns; also Efherial Oil Lamps, (Ethenal OiLisa rmw-article in tbisinar, feet) these lamps may- be used for all domestic purposes and have many acceded advantages ovefctte common oil lamps. We have also Glass Candle Sticks, Lamp Glebes and Chimnoys^Ratper Shades and Lamp Wicks of all descriptions. * ' €t"tt O © J3 K B 13 & . ; J-''' SUGARS of ail kinds and. qualities, by the hogshead, battel w;-««» i H@VaR" ( SES—Stewarts Sugar House-Syrup, Porto Rico Syrup,New Orleans &c., in Iar#fV *mal! .mm* TS5AS~Old Hyson. Joung Hyson:, Hyson: Bftjtr* P«*cbpTig H OolMg>.^OTh«»|,_,&«^ I herring. Geneva. June !>, 1846. PXATT . RUSHES—Clothes, Flesh,, and Hat brushes, a large assortmentOThoIe- sale or retail, of every quality and ftaftexn For sale by SP"EE8," * Nov 7, 4fctSene<:aistv C HAMOIS-LINED Berliri.^lotes, for driving j mixed and-pMnwooiienglSiiSa for winter wear,for safe by ' • - S J P E I R , T gov 7. - J_-, • ^ 4Jjaene.e3j3k_;' T\FAP©a;EOW-aan«l hi»^am^^ ±1 by J. T. Headky, voL.3, jus^.^Gjellalalt for£ale_b£_ DERBX^CJiv T HE Confessions, of a Pretty Miss Par-doe—at;- J)-EBi#!i ?W « AnBiuials., . , :•' T HE Opal, Friendship's Offering,. Rosa.tof Sharon, Christian's Annual,. Mayflower, Hyacinth, Juvenije Gem,, Rosett6v.Eorgle't*me- not, and Drawing Room -Annual. T ,...., ^. Nov 14 W. JJ-fH-jkl-rg^ •• CHAlBS! CHAIBS!!. CUAJMUgfl J UST received, a good assortment.5rt%E$p£. consisting of Mahogany, Hair Seatsy<§l«ei|»^ Curl Iwaplej Cane seats,: |i!lEtb.oganyi%|H^^^P 1 ' Rockers. Also, a good assortmfint-iof-SdJMS-i and CatoifiCt Pttrpiftlr^ngetteRal^w^lp, will be sold Very cbeam W „ . .' v >.Lai&••:••• Geneva, May 8> '18$B. - :'...'' \ -^frg- G R-ADlM5rS:-D-einglram T)mmMW§mM u soTtment of the a^oteJSfflw $^'S2&Sbf*"" .goodsfoi-saleA t v ^m^&mi A may 12,1846 , ^ fJil^ V F RESH PRUNES in $lass3af$&* I sale by -^ K H.LAWBBNOEi Augu3t^, t is4s j (*?*M TpfcttlfE A*PMB €heiew^t^tor * f\k a year amo»£ihi«*iti«Wfe»fe|tttt»4 W * ft * m •fe'^^y*? ' /§,* V"t

GENEVA FEMALE INSTITUTE;nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031108/1846-07-10/ed-1/seq-3.… · Geneva, July 6, 1845. Committee. « A CAR»< 03r We take thi& opportunity to tender

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Page 1: GENEVA FEMALE INSTITUTE;nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031108/1846-07-10/ed-1/seq-3.… · Geneva, July 6, 1845. Committee. « A CAR»< 03r We take thi& opportunity to tender

, ^

, , .. S.afT. . -Thfc'&mfSvB&na.Ontario divisions of the fconii of Temper­

ance, or© invited'to to facet at lhelr division room. tfli* af­ternoon at 4 o'clock to attend the Amend of their deceased brother RICHARD HOGARTH.

JNO. F . GBBKUE, R. S. Geneva Division.

A € A » » . &£- The members of the Geneva Fire Department rejpect-

fulUy tender their thanks to Mrs. Ttl.ua AM and family, for their kindness and hospitality, in furnishing refreshments during the fire on Water street on the morning of the 4th instant.

^.They.wftuW also tender their heartfelt acknowledgements to the Ladies who so tastefully decorated the dining room of the Temperance House for the reception of the Fire­men on the afternoon of the 4th.

P. H. ROSE, Foremen No. 1. R. MU MURRAY, « " 2. S. GREENE, Jun. » " 3,

Geneva, July 6, 1845. Committee.

« A C A R » < 0 3 r We take thi& opportunity to tender our sincere thanks

to the Fire Department, and to the citizens generally, for the prompt ond efficient aid rendered us on Monday morning, the 6th inst., in saving our property from total destruction by fire.

We would express^the hope that the experience of the past and present week, will convince our citizens of the ^portance Of strengtening our Fire Department by procu ring another Engine.


R c a d ' f h e m o s t r e m a i r k a h l c C u r c e r e r RECORDED.

Waldeboro\ Me., 3nly 30,1845. Dear Sir; , f

Having e*poribnced groat benefit from your invaluable medicine, ffeet it my duty atfd privilege; to let the- world know 'what it ha§ done for me*' possessed, of aitrong consti­tution h^ura%,4J»ad •, enjoyed("perfect health previous to thesprhjg'of 1843, w h e n l was'trpublod with n difficulty in my left "side,, attended vifith considerable pain. Sometime in July l*3KOS viQrently:atfac"ked'wit}» a c6ugh, which continued until fifil; then I was confined t o the house eight months, during which time my cpugh woe vary sevore. I frequently had spells, of coughing which lasted two hours; daily raised large quantities of disagreeable matter, accompanied with blood. Semetimea-I raised a ' quart ot b loodata t ime. I consulted three physicians, all or whom did their best to re­store m e ; gave me u p ; snid they could do no more for mo; I must die; it was impossshle for me to live hut a short time. One of them said my lungs were gone. A t this critical mo­ment when eminent physicians had exhausted their skill, Triends despaired of my llfo, my"own Jiope of recovery at an Tend, I resorted to

DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF W I L D CHERRY. When I bad Jakon one and a half bottles those severe spoils of coughing were removed. I continued taking the Bnfmim until Spring, 1844, when I ceased to bleed at the lungs, my health and strength improved eo tha t l left the house, but was not able to work for a year. Now my health is good. 1 um nolo to do a day's work everysday on my farm.

JAMES CQIVfiERY. Witness, THOMAS BENNEt t . For particulars epo Dr. Wistar's treatise on Consumption,

to be had of the ngorits. None genuine, unless signed I . BUTTS on the wrapper. L. K E L L V &-CO., Geneva. ' lw

|CHOLERA t RUMMER COMPLAINT, Dinrbo?a, fcysente ry, and all other Derangements of the STOMACH and BOWELS, cured by Dr. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM.

New York, 8th month 1st, 1838. Friend Jayne.—ft gives mo much pleasure to inform thee of

Jtlie result oT-acaso in which I administered thy Carminative •Balsam, and I consider it to be a matter of duty due thee and •the public, togivotbe following statements. Botug called to I\i3it a patiant a few days since. I found he was vomiting Innd purging most violently, with sevoro Termina Cramps tn •the upper and, lower extremities, add also in thoybdominial •parities. The cramp was so violent, thnt it took four tnon to Irub him incessantly j tokeop down the spnsm, and to use his lown words, he said it seemed to him as if his bones would •snap in two. There wore also violent rholic poinstirouiid i t he ubihcal region, attended with very distressing nausea.— i l u short, ^considered it to ben case oflgemiine cholera,I found Ion inquiry,4be patienth^atUn&Bn unwell the day previous vfuh llooseness of the bowels, TftvX&ix hours before I saw him, he Ewns seized with the complaint, and had gradually got worse. i T h e extremities were cold, and were nearly pulseless. I im-Imediately gavehim a spoonful of thy Balsam, which in a few •moments was ejected from the stomach, but on giving a few ftimos, the stomach became settled, and he expressed nirmelf Irnucli roliev d. T then gave him n calomel and powder. In two fhours'from the time I saw him he felt quite easy, and foil asleep. | nnd slept well for five hours; but on waking, the symptoms a 1 gam returned. I directed more of the Balsam to bo given him, | "'hen the disease subsided, and the pationt was convalescent.

It took only one bottle toorTct a cure. I have also so often I witnessed the boneficinl oftects of the Carminative Balsam in I Hummer Complaints and Diarrhcea, that I would not be with* I out it for its untight in silver,

I remain thy friend, THOMAS MOTT.M. D.

43 Broadway, Now York. J* L E L L Y &CO., Agenti. July 10,184G. 3w8i>

MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL - -It is worthy of special re | , i iark, that beside the sroat ond extraordinary powors in the l i uro of diseases uf the horse in which its virtues first attracted •the attentiortof t h e / a m e r and /arm«r,and the wonder of the •public generally, it has been successfully employed in a great •variety uf the initltuHesr which affect the human race; and it jiasprovcdrbylhe; wonderful cures ft has performed on the v«wor animals, that it in endowed with curativo properties >nt found in I'tlior horse cits, which has established it«

t iaima to ^nem&conmlonffe. -i It is not generally known, howovor, that no meansTiaVe"* Won left unemployed by that class of persons who attempt •i counterfeit every pood medicine that has acquired public -onfidonce, to mislead the public mind into the belief that

jthmr oil is thesama as this* fice Advertisement. 3\v W U A T THE "FXJGAR COATED INDIAN VEGET.

IBLI2 PILLS," ARE DOLNG IN BOSTON. Boston, January 3d, 1846

DK \n Sin ,—Ymi have no idea of the amount of good Eiloue hore by the " Indian Vegetable Pills,** (Sugar Coated.) yesterday a respectable Druggist came in from Lowell, ami purchased* (1 Dozen, andVated " ho could rocommend them e>ond any other medicine he o\or had, as his wifo had

r>en perfectly cured of Hush of Blood to the head, by using ahem. Sovornl bad cases of the Influenza, havo also been tured by thorn.

9 Yours, trulv, 1. P. CLARK, 2 Water S t .

To G. Benj'n Smith, M. D., N . Y. P .S . For tho truth of the above, I refer to Hon. Charles

kYclls, President of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Jnston.

Dealers furnished at the Now York College of Healte'179 troenwich Street, New York. \ 0 5 " OADTlON!—As n miserable imitation ha« been made, i the name of " Sugar Coatod Pills," it is necessary t,» be ire t h a t D u . G , BKNJ 'N S M I T H ' S signature ison every box.

Iricc 25 cents. 1 Hold by L. KELLY & CO., and R. II. LAWRENCE, IruggUts, Soneca Street Gene-, a. 1 July 3, 184G.« 3w70

\ MEDICINE—prartically, has attained to such ii standard T perfection and certainty in soma diseases, that few persons, imparitively, would now die by such, if the proper remedy i administered in due time. A few years since and many hyieians Believed that the lAMgs, when once ulcerated &

•seoserl, never was, nor never could be healed nnd ourcd.— lut, ff the pSpeflenTO nnd tesliipoiiy of many popiaTia of an punted character and standing can bo reliod on, it is proved

s such persons beyond a question or ronsonoble doubt, that IBRANT'SINDIANFTJLMONAttYBAL AM" has cured pd is capable of curing, decided coses of ulcerated and dis-hsed lungs; at least, it i3 proved that it has cured such dis-pses- as are daily destroying the lives of many—such ns are Sown and called by no other name by Physicians, (before ping; cured,) than PULMONARY CONSUMPTION.


t r ? t E!


l R - 1

§ S I s 3



sMMfei Maon Barometer.

' S i > o *9

H i - ••


3 3 ' S a o


8 § g '

SS5SSS rf*cn*. t

Maximum alt. of Thermometer

Minimum alt. do.

m m§ bS9q


Maximum alt. of Barometer.

Minimum alt. of Barometer.


Mean Thermom.



Prevail'g weather


FI V E M I I X S O N Feet of Lumber want­ed, i n q u i r e of1 T . M O N R O E .

Geneva, July-3(1,1846. 79

T U S T H e c e i v e d A New assortment of O 0o ld and Stiver watches , cheaper than ever Gold pens , Earrings^ Bracelets. Full jewelled Gold Watches , from $45 to $100. Silver full jewel led from $15 to. $30.

Every art icle warranted as good as represen­ted , at the New Jewel ry Store, 46 Seneca stieet.

T . H. C A R S O N . Geneva, July 3,-1846.

FO B S A J L E — T w o Billiard Tables , lately repaired and in good order. Enqui re at the

Billiard Room, two doo r s sou lh J . H . Ti l lman ' s s tore , on Water-s t ree t .

Geneva, J a ^ 26, 1846. • 78

LO V E R S o f g o o d F r u i t should bear in mind tha t this is the season for graft­

ing and transplant ing, and that Downing ' s New and Valuable Book , ( F r u i t and Fruit Trees of America,) contains full particulars as to the dif­ferent kinds and their cultivation. F o r sale by

June , 1846. G H D E R B Y &. Co.

Me.an vnria'ri of the Dew point fr'm the Temperature

,DROKUJLA and other impure diseases of the blood have Jsen cdred, thus proving it to ho tho best purifier of the blood |Ver before offered to the world.

In Order conclusively to show by tho tistimonv of respects lie witnesses that the above is a statement of the (nets, we . jQlljeesebro, Lucret ia fefW the reader to on advertisement in another coluron of his paper, headed CONSUMPTION, where many snob, wit Wcs are named and referred to. I For Sale by PLATT & SIMPSON, Sene-a St., Genera.

M A R R I E D . [ On Thursday 9th inst, by tho Rov Mr. Pnralt, ; i IE\EV •OWE, of Cnnandaigua. to JANEM. daiiRlitor of Thos. iawrenco Esq. formerly of the city of Now "V ork. ^In Moutozuma, on tho 4th inst„ by the Rov. W. F. Pur-

gton, IIORACK DAVE SPORT, of Gonoya, to Mi«s EMEUNE O8TED0, of the former pVttee.

f in Cannnitaigun, oit tho 3d inst., by Rev.C. WHEELBR, [OSEA B. HICKOIC, of Sharon, Ohio, and MARIAH, youngoat mnghter o f J. Maokf-Esq. of the former plnt-o. |On Friday evening Jnly'3, bj tho Rev. Cljaflej II. Rwins;, ABNtRD C. BARKER,'to ADEUKE DwENPoaT, all of Go-

D I B D . I In this villor;", on the morning of tho Bth inst;, IltD HOGARTH, Esq., nge* 61 years.


N E W - l O B K ' M A K K E r .

N B W Y O R K , July 9.

W e iiofibe sales of potaajiGS at $3,50a$3,63, and leorls, $4,06. I Genesee flour is held at $4,06, and Michigan at |3,93arj;d,$4. , A parcel of western spring wheat brought 77cts . ' ^ good lot of winter red 81c. Rye is up to 70c. . cargo of good western corn sold at 47c. Oats, by 3Set


'l-'iir, superfine, - - - - $•! 00 a ft^lient, porbltshM, "Barley do. V«<-\ do. -l/orn, d0. . (imcthv, A,. Tlovor, do, Bustard eoed, -luttor, per pound I « d , do -fhoese, do ->ultry, do. fotatnos, pi>t b„8b,., •Bled Plumbs,

ApploB, Poaches,

Beef, per ^wt folk, pcr.cwt. -

. AIDSS, per bbl., Prime, " " -

B?gs, per dozen, i l iy, por ton, -BVool, por lb.,


75 a 32 a

a 44 a

" gR a 40(1 a 2 00 a • 0 a

H a 6 a

- 7 a - 31a

200 a 100 a 4 75 a 400 a 4 0 0 a

J200 a 9 00 a

- ID a 41Hla


4 00 75 35 30 44

1 12 425 2 00

10 p

ID 7

38 3 011 1 13 S00

. 5 00 450

13.00 10 00

10 5 00

T h e N e w Y o r k Safe , FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND STATE

STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY; N o . 2 0 , W a l l S i , — C a p i t a l 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 D o l l s .

AR E noyv prepared t o insure against loss by fire, the damages o f the seas and inland

navigation, a l s o .the loss of human life, upon terms equal if not more favorable than those of any^other Company in the ci ty. Having their business divided upon the four different branch­es of insurance, they avoid the great er ror of former Companies, by having only one fourth of their interests affected by any calamity, how­ever great, by fire, sea or casually fatal !o hu­man life, hav ing at al l t imes three fourths of Ihir business t o sustain -the one fourth which may be affected by those disasters which so of­ten ruin those compjnies whose whole capita! is engaged upon either fire, marine, life or inland insurance. Another source of great security adopted by t h i s Company is not to take any risk upon any consideration, for a greater sum than $5000, also no two . r isks adjoining, thereby a-voiding the errors which have proved fatal to olber companies. This Company also, to avoid any disr.rrangement of the insu 'ed, pay all loss­es a s soon as satisfactorily arranged, dispensing wi th the useless delay of 'sixty days , oftentimes of such serious inconvenience to the insured.

T h e attention of the mercant i le , marine and personal interests is respectfully palled to the advantages of th i s Company.

D I R E C T O R S . — S a m u e l Jones , David Ames , Richard Ransom, George M. Hargous , Edmund Roberts , Nicholas A . Miles , Theodore Floyd, J a m e s Remsen, James Tolber t , ' Samuel Al len , George Morris , Francis Johnson , William T h o ­mas, ^milh Raymond, Thomas F r a n k s , Will iam Hurlburts , Oliver Hanivants . Peler Rogers , J a s , Van Renseller, Charles Livingston, Daniel Per­kins, Edward Lawrence , Stephen Minturn , Charles Adams, Thomas Denison.

By order of t h e Board of Directors , J O H N K. T O W . N S E N D „ P r e s ' t .

H A R V E Y R. M A S K S , Sec 'y .

T. B O N E S T E E L , Agent Geneva. Geneva, J u l y 10, 1846. Iy80

" Order gave each thing view."—Shalcspeare.

TH E Complete Concordance of Shakspeare , being a verbal index to all the passages in

Ihe dramalic works of the poet, by Mrs . Cowden Clarke , j rut received by

D E R B Y & CO.

Cooj»en''s IVaval Officers .

I I V E S of distinguished Amercan Naval Offl-J cers, by J , Fenimore Cooper, author of the

" S p y , " <S.c. in 2 vol. Vol . 1, contains lives of Braiiibridne, Somer«, S h a w , Khubrick, Preble . Vol. 2 , Jones, Wool«ey, Per ry , Dale . Just pub­lished and for sa le , wholesale and lotail, by

J u l y 10 DEgJjgf & CO.

M a p of tfcc ITIiiaeral R e g i o n ,

OF Lake Supeiior , compiled from the latest mineral land surveys of the U. Slate*, with

hsls of persons to whom grants have been made. Ju«t published and for sale by _ J u l y J > . _ J S ^ H D E R B Y &_CO_

j n l y M a g a z i n e s !

•Wayne's A l t e r a t i v e — I f r o n c h o c c l o OR GOITRE (Swelled Neck.)

Ho has prescribed the Alterative in upwards of sixty cases of Goitre, and it has never failed in a single instance to com-, pletely remove the disease. Not a solitary case of failure. ALL WERE cvnED! ^

The success he has met with in ruling Broncocclo and C&UGetous Affections, has convinced him that these danger­ous and horrible'diseases may be removed with as much cer­tainty as Fever and Ague lie does nut wish to be under­stood as saying that they can bo *chred as soon as Fever ^nd Ague, but with as much certainty ; and further, that he has good reosou for believingthnt thts preparation will not only euro those diseases when formed, but that it destroys the vi­rus or poisonous principle lurking in tho system, from which that peculiar class of diseases/ as wfcllalso as titat of Scrofu­la emenate.

SKIN DISEASES.—Ha has prescribed it in a great variety of Cutaneous Afiections, and found it successful in curing Salt Rheum, or Tetter, BileB, Blaches, Pimples, Morphew and Jaundiced Skin, &c.

DYSPEPSIA. & LIVER CoMPL-AiNT.--It 1ms boon usod in numerous, cases of Liver Complaint and OyHpopsia, and with tho happiest effect.

Prepared only by Dr. D. J AVNE, No. 8 South Third st., Philadelphia.

Eor Sale by L. KELLY &. CO., Senooa street Geneva 3w77 May 19, 1846.

Far En for Sale. 1Q i ~ | | A C R E S of choice grazing

O v J i land—84 acres under im­provement ; on which there is a good

Dwe l l i ng House , two large Barns and a Carriage H o u s e ; there is a good Orchard of beai ing fruit. T h e property is located in the town of Caihe.T r ine , Chemung county.

If desirable, the proper ty , will be exchanged fer good village property in Geneva.

If sold for cash, the greater part of the pur­chase money may remain for 10 years . For fur­ther part iculars , call on the subscriber, in Gene­va. - T . R I C H A R D S O N .

N . B. T h e subscriber has several good C i d e r M i l l S c r e w s and fixtures, which will be1 sold cheap for cash .

June 11 , 1846. - ' 2m76

1 V E W « O O B > S .

JUST R K C E I V E D ; a new supply of Walches and J e w e l r y , Silver and Plaled W a r e , Fish­

ing Reels and Lines, &,c. At the new Jewel ry Store, 4 6 Seneca slreet.

J u n e 12, 1848. T. H. C A R S O N .

W i s c o n s i n ,

IT S Geography and Topography , His tory , Ge­ology and Mineralogy, by I, A . Capham.

F o r sale by G. H : D E R B Y & CO.

N a r r a t i v e o f t h e ki. S, E x p l o r i n g E x p e d i t i o n .

A G R E A T ' National Work for District and other Libraries , i l luslraled, pi ice only $10

A new supply jus t received by J n l y 2. GEO. H. D E R B Y .

LIST OF LETTERS E M A I N I N G - i n i h e P o s t Office a t G E N E V A , N. Y. , Ju ly 3, 1846.

Ansley Albert Herr ington, Elijah Aaron B W Jackson , Edgar Angus John' Judd , F iances C Armstrong Sarah J a c k s o n , Samuel A Airmtrong Elizabelh AJackson , Elanor Bland George Jones , Thomos Boice J S Kr i ss , Sarah Ann Baibanks J e rome M Lane , George

Lafurgee, J a m e s Lewis , George E L a y , Phcebe Legrant , N D Love , Samuel . M a x w e l l , J Q A Mansfield, J P Mesrran Sjmuel M Morse , Louisa

2 McDongl l e , Pat Mather , J H . Magne, Mr 2 Miller , Howard Miller , Myron H Milton, Henry Miller , Char les Mi l l s , Pe ter Noonan, Cornelius Pomrey , C A Palmer , Alexander Professor of Medical

College 2 Patr idge, Margaret Powers , Ann Pepper , Wm P e r r y , H e n r y Quick , f^ha'rles Riprrey, J o h n Pa ine , Rober t M . Reed, Moses

2 R o b s o i , Jefferson 5 . R o s s , . M L 4" Roset te , Anne C

Ross , John A Stebbins, Homer P . Smith, Ambrose Slocmn, Charles H 2 S i u i e r , Whi tney . Smi th , J o s h u a

•H..J5pxfls4e, Hiram M Savage Henry -Sampson, Joseph Sprague, Dudley Smith, D W Tr ion , Sarah Tea t , Ansel Tor ran , Ann

Bailey A J Butcher John Boyles Joseph Bo wen Henry Ball B L Barclay Julian Buit is Arthur Burk Mary Benton John H Cataline Miss Clements T h o m a s Clapp George Cole Mrs Ciosby W C Croshaw Eliza Carter, Charles Chinch , John L

Coupt , P Corwin, L W d i s h i n g , Benjamin Carrier , Wm H Costilb, David Culver , Charles Calchpole, R Cushman, B Cowan, G V B Clark, Ezekiel Croin, Ferma Daskam, Nathan Devereux, T Downer , Albert Draper , D B Denton, William Downing , Sarah Dorrance , Aim E 'Dune, E Douring, James Dunn, Hannah Eas ton , William French , Ira Furguson, Pe ter Far ren , Patr ick Fos te r , Sarah Forench , Samuel * Ful ler , Jacob Gramesly , Wil l iam Glaker , Miss Goodwind, W m . Gibson , M L Hoitlt , Thomas H u d s o n , Barney Hutchina, Prisci l la Handfield, Wil l iam Hardenburgh, E l e y

Eow-ard, Augus tus a d s u s , A

Hir t , G Hudson , John Hosmer , Will iam Howe l l , Nelsdln

G E N T L E M E N ' S

Outfitting Establishment.

TH E subscriber, keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Gent 's W A D R O B E ar­

t icles , consist ing of Ready-made Shirts of all sizes and qual i t ies , Silk, Cot ton, and Merino Under Shir ts , Satin and Silk Scarfs and Cravats , Bosoms and Collars, Satin Ties and Stocks, Woolen Under Shirts and Drawer s , Worsted and linen Winter Gloves, SusjDenders of all quali t ies, Linen cambric , fancy border and silk Pocke t

Handkerchiefs . All of wh ich will be sold cheap for cash.

S P E I R , 41 Seneca st. Genava, November 7, 1845.

F O O T - t f r g B O T B C A - S E ' K . E E ' E 1 / r S ^ H E s u b s c r i b e r w i l l se l l t h e follovv-

U8 ing useful art icles made by the best work ­m e n , at unusually low pr ices—Supei ior Hand­made Sash and Blinds, pure and ex t i a White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpen t ine , Varnish, and all sorts of Paints , a well selected assoi lment of Pape r Hangings , ..Window Glass of all s izes— also Pain t ing . Glazing, and Paper Hang ing done on short not ice . His shop is by the Frank l in

- - E A E L . .. 57

GR A H A M ' S Magazine, for J u l y ; Columbian _ • «* =

do. , do.* N . Y. Illu.-itatol faihig)-«W^-U3^.> Gep.pv.n-,- lfTS- — — • «"-Ofoffcy's Lady ' s TJook', "Jo f T- tdfe i^NMior ia l | g e n e v a , JanT3Q, 1S46. Mngazine. just received by Express , at HIP hook-store of ' G. H. D E R B Y .

J u n e 24. 1R46.

RE A D Y M A D E S H I R T S from seventy five cents to two dollars each , of sizes to fit any

, for sale by S P E I R , 41 Seneca st. o n e e n e v a , November 7, 1845.

L A R G E v a r i e t y o f S c h o o l B o o k s , wholesale or retai l , as cheap a* at any-

other establ ishment , by W . II. S M I T H , Nov 14 at 31 Seneea-st .

Geneva Foundry Stove Store.

TH E Subscribers offer at Wholesale and Retai l , the following S T O V E S :

Premium, five s izes, Cook 's Favori te , three s izes, Box, ten do. Parlor Cook , two do. Large Box for churches and public Buildings,

" Air - t ight for do do. Iron column Parlor, a beautiful var ie ty , Sheet Iron top do. Cast Iron bottom and top do.

" " Box do. Coal Stoves, a splendid article, Also , Coal Grates , two sizes, F i re F ron t s , three do. Berlin F i r e Dogs and Fenders , a new art ie lp, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware manufactured to

ordpr. J a n . 5, 1846. C U R T I S , ROSE & CO

SALEH, OHIO. April, t»4i Dr. I). .IAYNE — Hear Pir I feel bound to vou and the pub­

lic, to avail myself of this opportunity of plvtng publicity to the extraordinary oifects of your Expectorant on mvseff— Having been afflicted fur several years with a severe cough, hectic fever, and its concomitant diseases, I seemed onlv doomed tolingor out a short bnt miserable existence, unt»l the fall of 1839, when being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies ond prescriptions of two of the most rospeotabln physicians in the neighbor­hood without deriving any benefit, or consolations of survi­ving but a few days, or weeks ot farthest, whon tho ln t gleam of hope was about to vanish, I bad recommended to me vour Expectorant—nnd blessed lie that Being who does all things in tho use of the^meons—and contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I was In a few days raised from my bed ond was enabled, by tho nso of a bottle to attend to my business,enjoying- since better health than I had for ten years previous. Yours, &c.

JAMES-Ws ESTILL. For sale by L. KELLY & CO., Agents, Geneva, done 26. J84B. 3>v7R

H A , R J | W A R E At W h o l e s a l e sand I C a t u i l .

TH E subscr iber , is now in-riving bis6iipply of goods, for t h e coming H'.,=,on,compnsiiig,

in part , the fol lowing ar t ic les :

. IiM?s». Old Sable Bar I r o n } ' Cut & Wiought Spikes*, Swede's do do ( |0 Nails, Eng . i . Amer . do Oakum and Pitch, Cast & Spring Steel , Mill & Cross- cut Saws, Eng . & Amer . B l i s t e rdo . . Vices and Anvils, Nail Rods , _ • Blacksmith's Bellows, Grindstones", Cranks ,

Round and square i ron, all sizes. • I S o a s e ' S ' P i m n s i s i i ^ K .

Consist ing of a very extensive and complete assortment of L o c k s , La t che i , IN,:!?, Sc i eus , Door Handles , &c.

cutlery. A very large and choicesetec' ion uf Table and

Pocke t Cut le ry , Razors-, Scissois, Cook Knives, &.C. very low.

P l a t e d W a r p , Some very .fine pat terns Of Silver Plate.!, Man­

tel and Chamber Candles t icks ; also Brittania and Brass do .

C a r p e u t e r s ' Tool*. Bench and Moulding P lanes , Saws, Chissels,

Gauge*, Biaces and Bulls , au.l, n, fact, e i e ty thing necessary for the Trade..

C aura-Sage TjriiSMninKs. Consist ing of Rubber ahd Oil Cloth, Patent

Leather , Brass and Silver Bands, Axle ' Arm?, &c. & c . ; also constant ly oh llatid H A I R ' C L O T H of various wid ths , WheeTbanqjvs, Shovels, Spades, Manure and Hay F o i l c , Scy 'hes .&c . & c , all of which he offers on the most reasona­ble terms.

J O H N H. T I L L M A X . Corner Seneca k Water st?.

Geneva, May 22, 1846.


Branch from New York, IVu. 17 , Seneca Street, Geneva.

UP H O L S T E R Y GOODS, consisting of Dam­ask Moieetis, rich figured Plush.

Clirtain Cloth, Embroidered ami plain Mus­lin for Curtains.

Table and Piano For te Spreads, r Bed Spreads, Comfortables,

Worsted and silk Cords, Tassles of all s izes and r.olors, Silk and worsted Lace , Furni ture Gimps of all k inds , Carpet and galloon Bindings, Adelaid Mats, Hair Cloth ot different wid ths , A good assortment of hair , mo.-s, husk, straw

and cotton Mat t rasses , Cushions of all kinds made to order. Splendid drapery muslin Window Curtains

and Shades , a complete assortment.

Modern and Aiilique^Furniturr. Sofas, Divans and Ot tamans , Rosewood and Mahogany Choirs, Center, Side, Din ing and BreaMa.-l Tables, Burea.us, Secretaries , Book Cases & c , Curled maple and common Chairs, Mahogany and other kinds of Bedsteads, Looking Glasses and Clocks , A H ' k i n d s of Furn i ture made to order. The

above articles are offered lower than ever before sold in this m a r k e t ; those w h o will o i l ami ex-aminp for'themselves will be satisfied of ihis fact.

T. M O N R O E & CO. Geneva, May 22, 184G.

Staei-aff's S a l e .

BY virtUL1 uf a Fi. Fa. I shall expo-auction, at Ihe Mansion House in

of Geneva, on th" l l l h dav of July n cl'irk A. M., tin" following real oatuti\ '! of Silus C'h.ipln. " A c e r t a i n p i ' v e ul I in the town of Sriieca, Outiiriu Co., li­the Hoi ill 1m lk of the Caju. 'a mid Sen tho suu 'hwci t corner of a lot sold to tii thencn north along Ransoms' west 11 northwest conior, tfioncc south eighty-:' \go.st, two chains and fifty links to a sU south four and a half degrees west nl.-.i u chiriis, seven links to the north hank of irrid curd ; thence aliuig the hank of the can-d lo t lu jiliu e of lit-pn-u'ui^:; containing two acre-, two rodi and l--,i p. r-ches, more or les i. Also 711-100 of :ui .Hiv.lving be tween the caiml and rVnocri 1 ike."

D. I 'EXSMORE, Shor'.ir. A. StYMOLIl, DeniltV.

Geneva. May 29, 18ill. ' ' i;w74


I. ir - l i e .l! i he viihige • t .it II) (')'-

properly i;i.l sitiLite _'ioniiig on ,i C.uial nt

• R.iu-inni*, c to their ur ,h; ^rees >••; llitnce

H . C a r p e t i n g - .

FLOOR A N D T A B L E O I L C L O T H S G. Hughes has now for sale a new and full

assortment of Three Ply and fine and superfine ingrain W o o l , Cotton and Venetian Carpet ing. Stain carpet ing, dt-Gggejt. may IS

Window Glass

OF A L L sizes, Wm. S. D I S X E N G ' S best brand?, a t F a c I - . . . -

Geneva, Factory prices, a t ' t h e Frankl in Stores,

E . P . E A R L .

n P O B T U D L E E C H E S , large a i l d m a health* condi t ion, nn hand and ?„r sole

L K E L L Y * T O , Eucneva, May 2?, 1816.

T u r k , Anthony T r i p p , Wil l iam Unger , S B Van B.alen, Mrs,-, Webster , ' -Samuel Wr igh t , Pe te r J W a r d , Char les W i d e r , Warren B Winches te r , E W h i t e , W D 2 W e e k s , E d w a r d A Wi l l i ams , J R

-. 'Whitman, Martin C Zitnmer, Afcram

Persons cal l ing for any of (h i above letters will p lease say "adver t i sed . ' *

3w75 GEO. M . N O R T O N , P . M .

A F I I V E assortment of Whi t ewash Brushes and W. W . Heads made of bristles from

the Czar 's dominions. A prima ar t ic le for sale by L. K E L L Y & C O .

Geneva, Mi»y 22, 1846.

N T A M B U N G S O N has jus t r ece ivedTob . dozen B R O O M S --sold at k *• p i rePyai

wholesale of re ta i l . ) December VI, 1810. f»i

M A L A G A R A I S I N S , whole , half, and quar­ter boxes , warranted full weight . Also ,

Lemons, P runes , Tamihinds , Almonds , Sultana Rais ins , & c , in prime order, for sale by

Deo . 19 ,1845. L. K E L L Y & CO.

(Dultivatoi* for J«ne^ T T J S T received and tor sale at the" Bookstore

J of G. H. D E R B Y & CO. Geneva, J u n e 5, 1846. .

Denio's Reports* VO L U M E 1st jus t received and for sale by

D E R B Y & CO. Geneva, J u n e 5, 1846.


FOR the Fourth of Ju ly . Just received a t bookstore of G. H. D E R B Y & Co .

Geneva, June 5, 1846. . t £ : ' —,*—.-

S t r a w a n d T u s c a n B o n n e t s .

H G. H U G H E S has just received and now • offers for sale at wholesale or retail , ladies

and misses* straw .and Tuscan bonnet ts , also men ' s leghorn H i ipe and double brim—also, all quali t ies of c!rip ba t s . may 12

PA P E R S H A D E S ! a delicate appendage to the Par lor L a m p , for sale, of divers pat terns,

by L . K E L L Y & CO. D e c . 19. 1845..

EA S T E R N l a m e , Plaster Par is , and Marble Duatj b y the barrel , for builders and

at retai l , (war ran ted) No . 1—by J u n e 1 4 . L. K E L L Y fc CO.

TH E usual variety of Hair and other Brush-e's, Combs, Ex t rac t s , Essences, Perfumery

and Fancy articles constant ly on hand by L . K E L L Y & CO

Geneva, May 22 , 1846.

New Spriiagr I.3F- -0» lib.&jji»~>--»m •IIOTV-

J L « h i s srnrxG stock of Gooih. They coo-••ist partly of N E W S T Y L E ginglnms, lawn?, primed muslins, whi t e and coloie.l giadualed lolie pat terns , baia izp. bnlzaririe, assorted colors and plain mode de Laine—all kinds of mourning goods for ladies ' wear . American, French , and English calicoes, hat ar.d cap ribbons, hat silks, dress and mantilla s i lk, cashmere, l ianaize, sew­ing silk, and de laine shawls, gloves and hosiery of all k inds , linen cambric handkerchiefs, Irish shirt ing l inen, table damask, table cloths and covers, napkins and doylies, Russia, Scotch and bird eye diaper and huckabuck. Sprii.g and summer wea r of all kinds for gentlemen and boys , drap d ' te , broad cloths, cas«i:ner,.s, meri­no cassimere, vestings, 12-6 and u-G linen sheet­ing. 12-6, 5-4, and 3-6 cotton sheeting an< shirt ing. P iano covers, steel heals and clasps, purse twisf, a large assoilment of carpeting. Flout tablp oil cloth. Pedlai 's w.nos, &c. &c.

Geneva, May 12, 1846. N E W E S T A B L I S H M E N T .


CR O CKER Y S TOR E!! No. 2 4 Water sin '.

TH E subscriber would respectfully call Die at­tention of the citizens ot Geneva, and sur­

rounding villages and counliy, to Ins large assort­ment of

Crockery, Glass and Earthenware,

consisting in part of wide ar.d na> ow gold band China Tea Setts, raispd and luslrpJ figured do , flowing blue sfone China, Dinner <uid T e a Setfs, wh i t e and b ' u e Grani te Ware, &-\

C t i a s s ' W a r e . — C o v e r e d Sugar Dishes, B-ilter do, Celery Dishes, Preserve Dishes, Cut-and Pressed Tumble r s , Wine Ghssc", & c .

S o H a s * I j a n n p s , Girandole*, Hall Lamp5 , Tea Trays , Bri tannia, Ware and L o o k i n g : C l a s s e s .

T h e art icles are all new. nnd of the latest im-porfelions, and will be sold lower than ever be­fore offered in this market. Those who will call , and pxamine for themselves, will be satisfied of this fact.

tS* Opposi te the old stand'of D. S. Skaafs. Geneva, M a y 22, 1846. L. W. LACY.

I L L » e p u b l i s h e d s o o n — b y G. H. D E R B Y & CO., Geneva, N . Y . ,

Thiers ' His tory of the great French Revolu­t ion, in t w o large vo lumes ; also

Cooper 's Naval Offieers, in two volumes. Vol. 1, contains the Lives of Somers, Shaw, Shub-riclc and Preble . Vol 2d contains the Lives of Jones , Woolsey , P e r r y and Date. AI30,

T h e Batt le Grounds of America, illustsated by stories of the Revolut ion, with 14 plates.

L a t e l y P u b l i s h e d ,

T h e Life of G e n . Andrew Jackson, wi th four fine plates .

T h e New Clerk ' s Assislaal—a Book of prac Meal forms. •

T h e above books are for sale at wholesale, ve» ry low, by G / H . DERBY & CO.

J u n e 1, 1846. . - ---• •

LUTH-EK K E L L Y & CO;,.*:

LO N G F E L L O W ' S P o e m s , C o m -p j c t e . — P o e m s of H . W. Longfellow,

comple te for 50 c t s . ! at J u n e 12, 1846. D E R B Y ' S Bookstore.

GtfAVA J e l l y — F o r sale at N . T A M -B L I N G S O N ' S . Water street.

npEAS", S U G A R & C O F F E E , of su •"• per ior qua l i ty , for sale by

A u g u s t ^ . R. I?. L A W R E N C E ' .

H " A M 8 — A pr ime lot for sale at N . T A M B L I N G S O N ' S Water shee t . mSy29/, .. •

OJFJ/ET ARTICLES, Elegantly . c u t g l a s s Bot t l es in p a i r s ; Petite Porcelain

Vases wi th covers—superbly finishedrOdorifer-ous SatobeJA-rrSoncentraled Essences* Ex t r ac t s , and unrival led Perfumes from eminent Parisian hpuses . Soaps , Creams , DentifriceSj,Cqsmetics; and indeed a grea t var iety of kindred articles too n u m e r o u s t o ment ion , but fragrant t o Batiety w i th the b rea th of the sweetest flovrors. For sale by L. K E L L Y & CO.

S e c , 19; 1845.

FRENCH PAPER HAMN6S. THE subscribers have fhis day received an

elegant assortment of medium and'low pri­ced French Paper Hangings, direct from Paris, to which they wonfd respectfully call the atten­tion of these designing to purchase.

LUTHER KELLY & CO. Geneva, May 1, 1846.

IS w ©" r»i


BR E W E R ' S Superior Fancy Lozenges of various flavors, for-sale by

L. KELLY & CO. Geneva, May 22 , 18-16. * .

A q u a R o s a e Wrapea-foa. U^ X T R A fiagranl for Ihe toilet, and foi ilavor-

J L J ing toe more delicate a i t i d e s of fuod, dis­tilled and bullied in .\'e\> York, for sale bv

L. K E L L Y &'CO Geneva, M.iy_22, IS 16

C t A S I P H E N E . — W a i r a n t e d or themo-, t ie-.- c in t and purest disti l lation, th is day receiv­

ed f- >m New Y o r k , bv May 7, 1816. " L. K E L L Y & CO.

V L € © S 1 © J L by the bsrrel . For sale bv L. K E L L Y & CO.

•Geneva, May 2 2 , I846.


m H E S U B S C R I B E R , Piincipal of the Ohio Insiitotiop, for the education of the Blind, JL having lesigned his sitnaliuti, u ill open .a pel maun, t St miliary in Geneva N. Y., in October

next. T h e object of the Institute will be to qualify Ffcji.w.i: T K A C U K R S , and also to complete Ihe education of young ladies in the ornamental and u«tf,il branches of moral and scientific education.

The system will conform in part to that uli ich lias proved so decidedly successful in the educa­tion of the Blind, viz Oral or Mental e x e i c i s c , frequent nviews and daily lectures. The sub-sciibei 's practical experience foi S P \ H I , ] | )ea is 111 this plan, and his examination of many of the best seminaries in this country and in Europe, satisfy him that it is the most truly effectual method of impaitins; instruction.

It is dpsirableto give the Institution a liberal and benevolent charac ter—having for its great ob­ject the preparation of a t-larss of enlightened teachers who will realize their high responsibilities, and be 'eiabled to effect salutary improvements in the school, which may hereafter be committed to Iheir charge.

In older the inort eiTfi-tually to elns-ify the pupi l s , none will be received under 12 years of age. But s-houlJ it be found expedient to adnjit younger scholars, a separate In t roductory Department will be established.

The chief branches of education Kill be as fol lows: .•liilhmclir,Geography. Grammar. I .llxebra, Gwthelry, Linear fy Perspictire Druu-im; and Painting, \ Map nnd Topographical Drau-ii\fC, Vlain and Ornamental Penmanship, Chemistry, and its application to Agriculture

and Domestic Economy, | Bdles-Let'ers, Rhetoric and Composition,

Moral, Natural, and Mental Philosophy, Botany, Geolojy, Jstronomy Physology, Jlnrient and Modem History, Logic, Political Economy.

There will be also thorough reviews ir. the elementary branches, as Oi thography reading, &.C. A couiseof piactical L E C T U R E S on the Anr and P H I L O S O P H Y OK T E A C H I N G , and (ho Govern­

ment of Schools, including instructions in Black Board exeieises, will be delivered by the Princi­pal, fo the pupils, d e i g n i n g to become teachers. There will b» un ample supply of P H I L O S O P H I ­CAL A P P A R A T U S , and the most approved School Furni ture , Globes, Maps, fcc.

The Institute will he thoroughly furnished for the accoinmodat 'on of boarding pupils . To ex­tend its usefulness as far as possible, the teiins will be a- Ion- as is consistent with its proper sup­port—not exceeding Ihe moderate sum of one hundred dollars a year , for board and tu'uion in all the branches, drawing included.

- ,ypf vr-n and M"««c will He char.q-1 i » . ' m Tile, terms of TVy S d ; ± ^ J ^ p L b ^ U i i g J J j e r M f t g j - . T h e most accomplisfterT assls'UllH l ' emaie Instructors wiiTBe engaged. Mns . 17I'API.V will su­

perintend the Domestic Department. On evamiiration at the end of the ye.ir every pupil found qualified lo ' each , will receive a Teach­

ers' Diploma. A IioAiiD OF V I S I T O R S , composed of sevfral distinguished r i l i / .uis of Geneva, will aid Ihe

Pr incip ' l with their advice and counsel. Further partieulars in Hie gpneral Prospectus and future advertisements. W I L L I A M C H A P I N , Principal.

Refer to N". B. K I U D E R . E S Q . , ? /-„ C, A. C O O K , Ksn, , > G e n r ' a '

Geneva, J u l v 3 , 1816.


PERSONS uish i r .g to dres - the Grave of their deceased Iripnds, will find it to (heir advantage

to call on the subscribers, where they will at all I mes find a very sirperirr assoitment of Sepulchral Monuments and Gravestones of evpry variety of pa l lnr r , and of the mo^t skilful workmanship .

Tlrpir marble is fr-un t i e celebrated Ripley & I'arn« Qnary, Rutland, Vermont, and the Berkshire Qnnry. Ma-s . The t have a splendid asscrtment of SNOW WHITK M A R B L H , some of which is T R A N S P A R E N T , and the light of a candle ran be eeen through slat s from 2 to 3 inches in t h i r k n s«4 ai'd in fineness of texture , is equal to the Ital ian, and as hard.

Also a beautiful assortment of clouded Blue, and green Serpenlire slabs, of all sizes, and for all uses. The i r slock of monuments , n o w . is the largest in Western New York, and they « i l ! be in reception of more within two weeks , making in all 17. They

will also be in reception of a lot of the most r h o i y quality of the American Vprmont Marble , which will be far superior to anything of Ihe kind ever brought in 'o Geneva market.

Also a beautiful lot of the Italian. Making in all about S . O O O feet of I I E 4 . D S T O J W 3 S L A B S . _ . - #

The lettering and ornamental work war-anted tn give satisfaclion. T h e y invite all pprsons to call and examine thei r marble and prices, as they are delerminej to sell lower than the lowest. Monuments will be sold very low. A. F L E M I N G is now east, and has been selecting stock & c — All orders by mnil or otherwise, thankfully received and promptly attended to .

A F L E M I N G . H. G. F L E M I N G .

Geneva, July 3. 1846. 79

AHD fgp^H^^^^p ,^ -TH E a b o v ^ f e f e ^ l b s t i ' b p i M j g t t t , „ * e Xear, (S9fl^*r-.'rf«5l„&i»Mi..v«iifi «... following routes : AfiB#l burgh and Corning, B l k „ . r a i l roads ; and by stage roiiti aca, Coming, Bath, Penn Yan-,1

ifj-'fifols-1 mm

ark . S 3 - Leave Geneva at 7 ^ f e ^ K l l r d Jefferson a t 12 1-2 P . M. .*-« T K « f c

Hf. B . T h e firvorite VI w i lb 1 sage b o a t t h i o f l g h o m toe year .

' - e n e v a , M a r d i 17, 1846,

«BW S B I O P ,

vor ' them wi'th a call . Persnni-IvIIBfi ig%loitp ments^ Gravestones, Fire P}3desMf#af tB#; .&t P a ^ i n i r o in fn^t or,,, f f,!r. J f ™ ' « f ^ S ^ W ^ ^ W ^ r ^ " -


DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DY E WOODS, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Looking Glasses, Giocei jcs , Brushes, Lamps, Pa­

per Hangings, Singic.il InstrumenU, Bronzes, Leafs, IVifuuiciv, I'am-y Articles, i -e . &.c, have constantly on hand u varied and ample a«30itmcit at Hie louea 1 p n o s :it Iheir store, N o . 1), Seneca-street, Geneva, N . Y., to which they would call the attention of the community and customers from every part of Ihe counlrv. Geneva, June 12. ]H Pi.

PR I M E Y . 5 1 . T E A in six pound box­es. Also Young Hyson of vaiior.3 grades.

Old Hyson, Imperial," Pouchong in papers, Hv-son Skin ; Loaf, Crushed, Powdered, St. Croix. P. Rico, N . 0 . and other Sugars . (Sugar House and other brands of Molasses, logelher with Rice,Saleralus, Spicej , Rice Flour, Soda Il i 'cuit , and Coffee, All fur sale as low as the cheapest by L. KELLY &. CO. ,

Geneva, May 22, 1816.

OH "l^at^r Street. ITHE subscribers liavMf-' dn'&netl,'! neW :Mar-

ble Shop on Wa ' t eW4WfeV ' ( | «P 8 f3 | ! m the north end of the buil'ding-U^erl as-a/Beffly. school Room, on Ihe bridge, ( n % % % p f o W A % i ? I . e , m -ing's Mai H e ShfJp,) %ey*-- Wilf W / g s i - c f ' a t all t imes ready to wai t uponXheia w1ifLiQiv£i-

Facings, in fact any thinsf m . „ : n F...J u ._ . 1 . - ! ° 1-

N . B . T h e subscribers are monthly^ffl tresh-supplies of beautiful Snow Wh't t^ 'f i penl ine Marblp from t h e - R n f l a D d . j V f A - ^ I S and can sell aa cheap ' as' any other roairliitnilfj?1' s t a t e , and the w o r k — w e :von' t Brag-—instcomie and See, thal 's all. • • • 1 - a

73 • - . A . A L L E W , ! r <•* •• '» May 22, 1 8 4 ^ _ L . W. WaiTW&mA

A F U l f L s u p B " '" j % - (-'on)jiri 'sin^Mrs^|im,{e, gn^l vei-j?,, a=so1tme>il 0 ^ ® i j t f C f ! C a ^ i r j ) e r e s , g a t i j | i » s , Tweeds, Kentdc'kjKIeaus, Li'rieri C r i l l i h g s ^ M l V ton and Codditigjon Gloths and othei- g o o d ^ f t r Gentlemen's ^qtymst".jijKeur* C a l i c o e s - o f tlveiy variety, Giiighainajfirtfited Law.nX, Balzeriefts, Ban-ires, G r a d a t e d Cashmere^SilkAQf every,fje-sciipiion, Ribtfoija, Laces , Brocha Shgwl f .oF ju -perior quali t ies at l o w prft-es. B a r e g e \ h o * ' 5 ^ • lane ditto A large assor tment 'Of S t t a i f a i l d Tuscan Bonnetts, wi th numerous1 other. a>$ch;jS. Grateful for past pa t ronage of the p u b l i c nWe shall endeavor to merit its cont inuance.

H. H . & G. C. S E E L Y E v 1

Geneva, May 22, 18411. JK$

dolmau's European Tour. T p U R O P E A N j ^ r l c u h u r e and Rura l Ec,ohd--SU m y , from personal observat ions, b y H e n r y Colman. F i v e numbers , jus t r ece ived .

Pictorial History of England, No . 2 . Emelia W y n d h a m ' ^ h y t b e author of " T « r o

Old Men ' s Talesv'lWiC'".-*" The Chronicfes'0FjS|o,r«rnook, by Douglass

Jerrold. '" * ' ' -History of Oregon Terr i to ry , by Farnhan*. Just received at (3. H . D E R B Y & C O . '

. , Geneva, J u n e 6 ,1846 .



Kev. James Richards, I>. 1*. E C T U R E S o n Menta l Phi losophy a n d T h e ­

ology, by James Richards , D . D. , la fe j>rg-fessor of Christian Theo logy in (he Seminary/a t Auburn, wilh a sketch of his life, b y R e v . Sam­uel H . Giidley. Just published and i o r sale b y

June 5, 1846. G. H . D E R B Y & C O . "

STJEAITI FOIVEBU TH E S U B S C R I B E R is happy to i n f o r m ^ *

customer?, that he has erected a new Factory-near the lake, and is puffing up a Steam Eftgme for the purpose of being able ( a s h e a l w a y s h a s } of furnishing his SASH and B L I N D S a» c h e a p as tn / in Ihe state. T h e subscr iber is h»pj)'y t o say, that he h a s , by pe»seve,retnre in t h e system of superior w o r k , obtained a repu ta t ion f o r b i s Sash and Blinds through a large seciion-.of this country. Every thing- furnished in t h e l ine of Sash, Blinds, Cases, F a n c y Sash, Fa in t i ng , Gla­zing, Paper Hangings &c. &c.

His sale s h o p iTin t h e Frankl in Stores . E D W . P . E A R L ' ,

Geneva, March 13, 1846. 6m63

Steam Mill Wotiee* / ' O H the convenience of the publ ic , I have « -. tabI i shed-3 F L O n j R S T - O i R m J f f j » -

Ter-srreef,"Corie door•fibr^fW the StoxeTa\^%i-cupied by Mr. ' D . S. Sk'aats},') Tn cjfargflF ti£$).p-C I I A P I N All purchases made o f him wHIBe^ilie same a s if purchased a t t h e Mill., I shall ; c o n ­tinue, as usual to deliver all F lou r purcbas.ed sof me, ei ther at the Mill, o r at the Steam mWShar Store, on Water sfreer. • "

J G H T T W - B i i E r Steam Mill Geneva. Apri l 1, 1846. 6 6

BOOKS & STATIOWEJEtr. A L A R G E assortment of B o o k s an'd S fa t ion-

ery on hand, at N o . 31 Seneca'Streetl a m o n g which are most of the S C H O O B B O O K S in use in fhis sect ion of the coun t ry . A g o o d assor t ­ment of Books for School Liliravies,, S ^ B J J A T H SCHOOL L I B R A R I E S , ( a t t h e Uuioti*price3.A

Ogatas ^s^a@asQ.&" ' &c. & c , [as cheap as airy QtbeT e s t a b l i s h m e n t !

W. H . S M I T H . ' Geneva, M a y 16, 1845. „ - c - . «.. .-W. H . S. is also Agent for t b e . s a t e o f C Q M -

S T O C K ' S celebraled M E D I C I N E S . '

OLD IRON. LD Cast Sc rap , and W r o u g h t I R O N , b o u g n t in any quanti t ies by

Jan . 5 . C U R T I S , R O S E & C O . 250 cords seasoned H a r d M a p l e W O O D f i r

sale. ' ' . . T o P e d l a r s & C o u n t r y M e r c l i a n t s .

TH E subscriber h a s How" a large assor tment of pedlaHs wares, and i s prer tarerr to j o b ' t o

country merchants any article in h i s s t o c k a t las, low a rate as N e w York jobbers charge. , " .

mayl_2 H.G> H U G H E S ^

C L E A B T H E T B A - C H L t . - .

DE R B Y & CO. have just received t h e i r . l o p g looked for beautiful patterns ot P » p k r

H a n g i n g s . Call qu ick , for they g o orfffike "wi ld f i r e ' . ' ' May I d , ' 4 6 . 9 . : -

f N S E E D OIL .—A few barrels '&r sale l ow by the b b l . by - • <

Augus t 29. R. H. L A W R E N C E -



DRUG AND GROCERY S.TORE. H I i s u b s c r i b e r s w o u l d r e s p e c t f u l l y i n f o r m t h e i r c u s t o m ­

ers nnd the public generally t ha t they have n e w received* their Spring supply of goods, which they offer for sale at wholesa le and retail, on such te rms as, w e thjnl;, canno t fail to give entire satisfaction.

D e a l e r s , P h y s i c i a n s a n d F a m i l i e s a r e i n v i t e d t o e x a m i n e t h e i r ^ o o d s a n d p r i c e s before purchasing e lsewhere , as thay feel very confident from Ihe great ca re taken in their selec­tion, and tho circumstances under which they were bought , that t h e y are prepared lo sell as good goods and at as low prices as can be bought at any establishment in Western New York. Their stock consists of a very extensive and geiferal assortment of .

GENUINE DRTJGS AND MKBICINBS together with all the most desirable and popular P a t e n t OTpdictMes of t h e ' d a y , most of which t h e y will sell at wholesale at Ihe manufacturers ' commission pr ices , and some kinds much lower.

good and prices l o w j bn t we will not say that w e will sell "cheaper (ban the cheapest ," but w e will venture to say t h a t w e will sell as cheap.

W I N D O W « £ < A § S by the quanti ty, at factory prices, and at re ta i l , cheap . Also Pu t ty , Apothecar ies Glass W a r e of all kinds

Gold and Silver Leaf. . Gold, Silver a n d Tin Foi l . Gold, Silver ond Copper Bronze . Surgical and Dent i s t s Ins t ruments at manufac­

turers prices. Trusses , Supporters , Syringes &c

PA3NTETS A M D <Q>32,§ | of all k inds , a large stock a lways on hand and . t v r y l o w prices.

Cabinet and Coach Varnish, manufactured by S. P . Smith , Newark, New Jersey .

Ji 'pan, Leather Varnish, Spir i ts Turpent ine . LRUSHES—Pain t , Whi t ewash , Hair , Flesh;

Tooth , Na i l , Comb. In short , w e have brushes of all k inds , sorts and sizes.

-Pcrfum.-ry and F a n c y aif icles, Toi let and Shaving Swaps in grea t var ie ty .

W A U L P A P E f f i ,

'The i i stock 0^ Wal l Paper is large, assortment

LOOKING GLASSES. O u r s t o c k o f L o o k i n g G l a s s e s i s l a r g e , a n d a s s o r t m e n t g o o d , ( d e c i d e d l y the i a r g

est stock in t o w n ; ) w e have them at a n y pr ice , from eighteen cents t o fifteen dollars, persons wishing t o buy would do well to look a t ours before purchasing efnewhere. w e nave a room de­voted exclusively t o Looking Glasses 5 w e have a lso Lpoking Glass Plates of al l sizes.

LArvtiPS! I M P S ' t LAMPS! Wo havo a good assortment of L a f l p consisting of the" Patent bolar Lamps, for-

parlor/mantle, side and suspending t'l?a«p1!ene Lamps, Side and suspending $ Oil Barhplf M g.eat variety j Hall Lanterns; also Efherial Oil Lamps, (Ethenal OiLisa rmw-article in tbisinar, feet) these lamps may- be used for all domestic purposes and have many acceded advantages ovefctte common oil lamps. We have also Glass Candle Sticks, Lamp Glebes and Chimnoys^Ratper Shades and Lamp Wicks of all descriptions. * '

€t"tt O © J3 K B 13 & . „ ; J - ' ' ' SUGARS of ail kinds and. qualities, by the hogshead, battel w ; - « « » i H@VaR"(

SES—Stewarts Sugar House-Syrup, Porto Rico Syrup,New Orleans &c., in Iar#fV *mal! .mm* TS5AS~Old Hyson. Joung Hyson:, Hyson: Bftjtr* P«*cbpTigHOolMg>.^OTh«»|,_,&«^

I herring. Geneva. June !>, 1846. PXATT .

R U S H E S — C l o t h e s , F l e s h , , and Ha t brushes, a large assortmentOThoIe-

sale or retai l , of every qual i ty and ftaftexn For sale b y SP"EE8 ," *

Nov 7 , 4fctSene<:aistv

CH A M O I S - L I N E D Ber l i r i .^ lo tes , for driving j mixed and-pMnwooi ieng lS i iSa

for win te r wea r , fo r safe b y ' • - S J P E I R , T

g o v 7 . - J_-, • ^ 4Jjaene.e3j3k_;'

T\FAP©a;EOW-aan«l hi»^am^^ ±1 by J . T . H e a d k y , voL.3, j u s ^ . ^ G j e l l a l a l t for£ale_b£_ D E R B X ^ C J i v

TH E Confessions, of a P re t t y Miss Par-doe—at;- J)-EBi#!i


« AnBiuials., . , :•' • THE Opal, Friendship's Offering,. Rosa.tof

Sharon, Christian's Annual,. Mayflower, Hyacinth, Juvenije Gem,, Rosett6v.Eorgle't*me-not, and Drawing Room -Annual. T ,...., ^.

Nov 14 W. JJ-fH-jkl-rg^ •• C H A l B S ! C H A I B S ! ! . CUAJMUgfl

JUST received, a good assortment.5rt%E$p£. consisting of Mahogany, Hair Seatsy<§l«ei|»^

Curl Iwaplej Cane seats,: |i!lEtb.oganyi%|H^^^P1' Rockers. Also, a good assortmfint-iof-SdJMS-i and CatoifiCt Pttrpiftlr^ngetteRal^w^lp, will be sold Very cbeam W „ . .' v>.Lai&••:•••

Geneva, May 8>'18$B. - :'...'' • \ - ^ f r g -

GR-ADlM5rS:-D-einglram T)mmMW§mMu

soTtment of the a^oteJSfflw $^'S2&Sbf*""

.goodsfoi-saleA tv^m^&mi A may 12,1846 , ^ fJil^ V

FRESH PRUNES in $lass3af$&* I sale by - K H.LAWBBNOEi

Augu3t ,tis4s j (*?*M TpfcttlfE A*PMB €heiew^t^tor *

f\k a year amo»£ihi«*iti«Wfe»fe|tttt»4 W *ft*


•fe'^^y*? '

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