Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 Pre Marking Appraisal Markers were in agreement that the exam length was appropriate and that students should not have difficulty completing the exam in the scheduled time. In general markers felt that the level of question difficulty was fair. Markers were of the opinion that the exam was comprehensive and that sufficient emphasis was given to each of the four sections of the exam. Post Marking Report i) Organization and Procedure Initially, markers met, reviewed the exam and possible answers were discussed. An assessment grid (see Appendix) was formulated based on the 'Grille du rendement de la production écrite' (Table of Specifications) and appropriate values, corresponding to 60% content and 40% form, were assigned for correction of the compositions. ii) Marking Standard and Consistency Sections A (Listening comprehension) and Section B (Reading comprehension) were machine scored according to the answer key agreed upon by markers. The oral production exercise was graded by teachers of Français 3202 , according to the rubric provided. For Section C (Written production), marker reliability was checked by obtaining a random sample of 25 papers that were distributed throughout the marking panel, and marks for each of the two questions were assigned on a separate recording sheet. The 25 exams were returned to the original stack of exams and were corrected again when they appeared. The two values were compared and if there were discrepancies, the chief marker reviewed the scoring. Throughout the marking process there was statistical analysis run on item data to enhance reliability and consistency of marking.

Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

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Page 1: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007

Pre Marking Appraisal Markers were in agreement that the exam length was appropriate and that students should not have difficulty completing the exam in the scheduled time. In general markers felt that the level of question difficulty was fair. Markers were of the opinion that the exam was comprehensive and that sufficient emphasis was given to each of the four sections of the exam. Post Marking Report i) Organization and Procedure Initially, markers met, reviewed the exam and possible answers were discussed. An assessment grid (see Appendix) was formulated based on the 'Grille du rendement de la production écrite' (Table of Specifications) and appropriate values, corresponding to 60% content and 40% form, were assigned for correction of the compositions. ii) Marking Standard and Consistency

Sections A (Listening comprehension) and Section B (Reading comprehension) were machine scored according to the answer key agreed upon by markers. The oral production exercise was graded by teachers of Français 3202 , according to the rubric provided. For Section C (Written production), marker reliability was checked by obtaining a random sample of 25 papers that were distributed throughout the marking panel, and marks for each of the two questions were assigned on a separate recording sheet. The 25 exams were returned to the original stack of exams and were corrected again when they appeared. The two values were compared and if there were discrepancies, the chief marker reviewed the scoring. Throughout the marking process there was statistical analysis run on item data to enhance reliability and consistency of marking.

Page 2: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Commentary on Responses Section C: Production Écrite: Valeur 25% Instructions générales: La section C est divisée en deux items. Vous devez faire les deux. Pour chaque item, vous devez répondre sous forme d'essai bien organisé et bien développé. Justifiez vos idées à l'aide des références spécifiques et détaillées aux oeuvres littéraires étudiées cette année. Assurez-vous d’employer un style approprié, en utilisant un vocabulaire bien varié, et une organisation logique pour présenter vos idées. Attention: Ne résumez pas de l'intrigue de ces œuvres. Souvenez-vous que la qualité du français est prise en compte, et qu'elle vaut 40% des deux notes. Écrivez vos réponses sur les lignes prévues à cet usage. 51. (15%) Différents types d’amour sont présents dans chacune des œuvres que vous avez étudiées cette année. En vous référant à deux de ces œuvres, discuter de l’impact de l’amour sur un ou plusieurs personnages. Quel type d’amour vous touche le plus? Justifiez votre réponse.

350 mots minimum Commentary on Response #51: In general, students' answers were clearly structured, with an introduction, development and conclusion, with appropriate use of paragraphs. Markers noted, however, that a significant number of answers did not focus on development, discussion, and support of the thematic statement; the answers often presented a plot summary of the literary works without making relevant links to the thesis relating to «l’impact de l’amour sur un ou plusieurs personnages». Many students either entirely omitted the second part of the question: “«Quel type d’amour vous touche le plus? » or incorporated it in the conclusion to the essay. The majority of writing errors were grammatically based. The structure/content consistently remained the weakest aspect of the answer. Markers remarked that students often explained, in great detail, the types of love present in the two works and did not focus on the impact.

Page 3: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Common Errors in Responses to Question 51:

- un garçon used for un homme - une amour - elle a coupé ses cheveux - misuse of ces / ses - bouger used for déménager - sentir used for ressentir

- incorrect usage of se marier à ; s’intéresser à (‘j’intéresse dans’ appears frequently) - dépenser used for passer du temps - ça touche moi le plus - un promis used for une promesse - apporter used for amener - déserver used for mériter - l’évidence used for la preuve - incorrect verb conjugations with direct and indirect object pronouns : Il nous montrons - apprendre confused with enseigner - un(e) marie used for a wife - sait used for c’est - l’un used for celui / celle - j’ai réalisé for je me suis rendu compte - un amour inconditionnel used for un amour sans condition - common problems with adverb and pronoun positioning : il aime lui - elle amour moi used for she loves me - elle est dans amour used for she is in love with

Students had trouble spelling ‘nez’ and often searched in vain for content specific vocabulary relating to love and relationships (marie for wife). They also had difficulty with adjectives (unhappy, depressed, disturbed and with verbs such as ‘expresser’ used for express. They also had trouble with using un forçat, un passeport jaune, confier and other vocabulary dealing specifically with the works studied.

Page 4: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

The following responses were selected as exemplars for Question 51. Français 3202 Question 51 Score 15/15 – Excellent Well structured essay. Excellent supports/arguments are offered which show a thorough, mature and intelligent comprehension of both works. Excellent use of higher level thinking and ideas. Each sentence/points/arguments relates directly back to question asked. Grammatical structures are strong and sentence structures shows great fluency. Vocabulary used is strong and the essay reads extremely well.

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Page 8: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Français 3202 Question 51 Score 14/15 – Excellent Well structured essay. Very well supported arguments show deep understanding and analysis of novels / theme. Excellent use of grammar structures and higher level vocabulary and structures allows for ease of reading. Unfortunately, student did not demonstrate a strong enough explanation of the “impact” that love had on the characters in the novels and instead had a tendency of retelling the story. For this reason, it did not receive a perfect score.

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Français 3202 Question 51 Score 13/15 – Excellent Perfect paragraph structure with well formed introduction and conclusion. All arguments are clearly pertinent to the essay topic. Some marks were lost in faulty support of the arguments. i.e. la mère leaving le Maroc to go to school, as well as Gertrude being taken to the hospital after her suicide attempt. Only a few points were removed for inaccuracies in grammar and vocabulary; otherwise it is a well written cohesive essay.

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Page 14: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Français 3202 Question 51 Score 11/15 – Good

This essay is really neatly and concisely organized into five paragraphs with a clear introduction and conclusion. The introduction speaks about the impact and the supporting paragraphs offer examples of how love had an impact or one or more characters. The weaknesses with this essay occur mostly with the “forme” – sentence structure, vocabulary and grammar.

Page 15: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement
Page 16: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement
Page 17: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

52. (10%) Imaginez que vous êtes l’un des personnages d’une œuvre que vous avez étudiée cette année. Vous tenez un journal intime et aujourd’hui, vous y confessez votre plus grand regret. Indiquez, avant de commencer, le nom du personnage et l’œuvre que vous avez choisis.

200 mots minimum

Commentary on Response #52: For this question, generally speaking, students’ answers were clearly structured in typical journal entry style. Most students successfully assumed the role of a specific character and revealed his/her greatest regret. In general students demonstrated a solid understanding of the question and the chosen character/novel for this question. There was, however, a problem with students “retelling the story” instead of focusing on the chosen character’s greatest regret. Often, the chosen character’s greatest regret was only mentioned and/or discussed at the very end of the journal entry. As in previous years, the greatest weakness remains the students’ written grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Weak writing skills were observed consistently during the marking of this question, resulting in some low grades. Common Errors in Responses to Question 52: - elle est en amour avec lui used for elle est amoureuse de lui - incorrect use of savoir / connaître : il me sait - incorrect placement of adverbs : je vraiment veux savoir - incorrect placement of pronouns : je peux aider elle - errors in verb tenses / conjugations in general : Si tu m’avoir regard - pièces used for pieces instead of morceaux - use of anglicisms : obviousement - mois used for moi - incorrect use of ce / se and ces / ses

Page 18: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

The following responses were selected as exemplars for Question 52. Français 3202 Question #52 Score 9.5/10 – Excellent This question was well answered by the student. The essay was properly structured, well organized and cohesive. It flowed well. Ideas were accurate, relevant and well presented. Many details were present - all pertinent to the question. This students’ knowledge of ‘form’: sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary, word order is strong. Few mistakes were present. An excellent, well-rounded and organized essay.

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Français 3202 Question #52 Score 7.5/10 – Good Student displays a very good knowledge of the play’s storyline and events. Ideas are clearly presented in an organized fashion. Answer contains some depth and accuracy. In terms of the ‘forme’, the student has made use of some good grammatical structures and varied vocabulary. Spelling is rather limited at times and sentence structure is sometimes too simple (lacks complexity).

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Page 21: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Français 3202 Question #52 Score 6.5/10 - Fair Student’s knowledge of the novel (storyline) seems rather mediocre. A general knowledge of events is clear but without much depth. Student’s expression is sometimes clear and organized, but lacks precision and cohesiveness. This student displays some good use of form. Generally speaking, sentences are simple, spelling errors are frequent and vocabulary is limited.

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Commentary on the Oral Production Section: Markers listened to interview samples from schools whose tapes were available during the marking board period, and where necessary, comments addressing consistency were communicated to the Department of Education. Overall, the recordings were audible and the quality of the recordings was not too problematic. The length of interviews varied between 8 minutes and 20 minutes. Markers commented that for most part, the marks reflected the quality of the interview.

Overall Grade Results Section A - Listening Comprehension 69% Section B - Reading Comprehension 60% Section C - Written Production 59% Section D - Oral Production 80% Exam Mark (total of all four sections) 67%

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Appendix A

Français 3202

Grille du rendement de la production écrite – 25% Question #51

Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40%

Structure (6) • clairement structuré –

introduction, conclusion, idées logiquement agencées sous forme de paragraphes





• manque de structure – aucune

introduction, développement, conclusion (ex. un seul paragraphe)

• pertinence des arguments –

idées exprimées pertinentes au sujet






• ses idées ne traitent pas le thème (ou

très peu), ex. résume l’intrigue de l’œuvre

• soutien des arguments –

références spécifiques à l’œuvre/ aux oeuvres







• aucune référence spécifique, aucun

exemple concret

Forme (4) • degré de succès des

structures grammaticales – bonne utilisation de…temps des verbes, accords, genre, pronoms, adverbes, prépositions…






• des structures grammaticales qui

empêchent la compréhension du message

• choix judicieux de mots,

d’expression • orthographe, ponctuation –

très peu d’erreurs






• usage des anglicismes, manque de

sophistication et de variété lexicale • beaucoup d’erreurs

Page 24: Grading Standards Français 3202 - June 2007 · 2018. 10. 30. · Question #51 Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40% Structure (6) • clairement

Appendix B

Français 3202

Grille du rendement de la production écrite – 25% Question # : 52

Évaluation du contenu de la réponse : 60% Évaluation de la forme : 40%

Structure (6) • clairement structuré –

introduction, conclusion, idées logiquement agencées sous forme de paragraphes





• manque de structure – aucune

introduction, développement, conclusion (ex. un seul paragraphe)

• pertinence des arguments –

idées exprimées pertinentes au sujet







• ses idées ne traitent pas le thème (ou

très peu), ex. résume l’intrigue de l’oeuvre

• soutien des arguments –

références spécifiques à l’œuvre/ aux oeuvres






• aucune référence spécifique, aucun

exemple concret

Forme (4) • degré de succès des

structures grammaticales – bonne utilisation de…temps des verbes, accords, genre, pronoms, adverbes, prépositions…






• des structures grammaticales qui

empêchent la compréhension du message

• choix judicieux de mots,

d’expression • orthographe, ponctuation –

très peu d’erreurs






• usage des anglicismes, manque de

sophistication et de variété lexicale • beaucoup d’erreurs

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Appendix C

Grille du rendement de la production orale – 25% (type)

Évaluation du message : 15% Évaluation de la forme : 10%

Évaluation du message (15)

Contenu du Message (8) • Pertinence des réponses, des

arguments et des réactions





• Malgré l’aide répétée de

l’enseignant, la plupart du message n’est pas pertinent




• Niveau de soutien des

arguments…créativité, originalité, connaissances générales, profondeur ou complexité de pensées




• Manque de créativité, originalité,

connaissances générales, profondeur ou complexité de pensées

Communication de Message (7) • Confiance, spontanéité, prise de

risque, auto-corrections





• Manque de confiance, spontanéité,

prise de risque, auto-corrections • Usage exclusif du français (sauf les

anglicismes acceptés dans les communautés francophones)


(aucun anglicisme)


(l’usage rare des anglicismes)


(l’usage régulier des anglicismes)

• Une dépendance de l’anglais pour

se faire comprendre

Forme (10) Correction grammaticale • Bon usage de temps, de

prépositions, d’articles, de pronoms. Bon placement des pronoms et des adverbes dans les phrases.






• Ses structures grammaticales

empêchent la communication du message

• Sophistication et variété lexicale.

L’élève utilise un choix judicieux de mots et d’expressions.




• Sophistication et variété lexicale

très limitées

• Présentation : prononciation,

l’intonation, débit des phrases sont bons



• Prononciation, intonation, débit

des phrases sont faibles