greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page

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Page 1: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page


gy·waste·solar·geothermal energy·measurement technology·analyticsmal energy·wind·water·consultin·energy efficiency·Biomass·geother

Biomass·analytics·energy efficiencysolar·wind·measurement technology

gy·Solar·Wind·geothermal energy·

·analyticS·WaSte·Solar·conSultingWaSte·meaSurement technology·anenergy efficiency·biomaSS·Water·SconSulting·WaSteWater·recycling

geothermal energy·Wind·recycling·aWaSteWater·analyticS·energy efficiency

greentech!environmental and energy technology in Saxony


Power generation – Solar (PV), Solar thermal energy, Wind energy, geo- thermal energy, and Biomass / Bioenergy 8

energy Storage / Storage technologies – Battery, Fuel cells, Battery and network Management, Miscellaneous 12

energy efficiency 16

recycling Management 18

Sustainable Water Management 20

Page 2: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page


gy·waste·solar·geothermal energy·measurement technology·analyticsmal energy·wind·water·consultin·energy efficiency·Biomass·geother

Biomass·analytics·energy efficiencysolar·wind·measurement technology

gy·Solar·Wind·geothermal energy·

·analyticS·WaSte·Solar·conSultingWaSte·meaSurement technology·anenergy efficiency·biomaSS·Water·SconSulting·WaSteWater·recycling

geothermal energy·Wind·recycling·aWaSteWater·analyticS·energy efficiency

greentech!environmental and energy technology in Saxony


Power generation – Solar (PV), Solar thermal energy, Wind energy, geo- thermal energy, and Biomass / Bioenergy 8

energy Storage / Storage technologies – Battery, Fuel cells, Battery and network Management, Miscellaneous 12

energy efficiency 16

recycling Management 18

Sustainable Water Management 20

Page 3: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page

Source: Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh (Saxony economic Development corporation)


• ThelatestdataonSaxony’seconomyanditsbusiness environment

• Customizedservicepackagesforbusinesssiteselections• Procurementofcontactswithregionaldecisionmakers• Informationonopportunitiesforfinancialsupport

and subsidy programs• AccesstobranchnetworksinSaxony• Assistanceinopeningupnewmarketsandin

initiating cooperative partnerships



Company / Institution URL Company / Institution URL





Schiffbarer Wasserweg

Internationaler Flughafen


Transeuropäische Schienenwege mit Güterverkehr

Sonstige Schienenwege mit Güterverkehr


Page 4 NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG;FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology;WismutGmbH

Page 7 NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG

Page 8 SolarWorldAG;HeckertSolarAG,DirkHanus/Zebra;SolarionAG;NARVALichtquellenGmbH&Co.KG

Page 9 GFCAntriebsSystemeGmbH;EickhoffAntriebstechnikGmbH

Page 10 cp.maxRotortechnikGmbH&Co.KG;HakaGerodurAG

Page 11 STRABAGUmwelttechnikGmbH;GICONBioenergieGmbH; VERBIOVereinigteBioEnergieAG


Page 13 LitarionGmbH;FuelCellEnergySolutionsGmbH/FuelCellEnergy,Inc.; sunfire gmbh

Page 14 eZelleronGmbH;ads-tecGmbH

Page 15 DBIGas-undUmwelttechnikGmbH, ©iStock.com/photosbyjim,©ssguy/Shutterstock.com,editedby599media;einsenergieinsachsenGmbH&Co.KG

Page 16 HaaseGFK-TechnikGmbH;WätaSWärmetauscherSachsenGmbH

Page 17 DürrthermeaGmbH;BerlinerNetzwerkE,DietmarGust;FASAAG, UlfDahl

Page 18 G.E.O.S.IngenieurgesellschaftmbH;archivesoftheWismutGmbH

Page 19 SAXONIAEdelmetalleGmbH;MuldenhüttenRecyclingundUmwelttechnikGmbH(MRU),Gauls–DieFotografen

Page 20 DASEnvironmentalExpertGmbH;wksgroup;BUSSEInnovativeSystemeGmbH;StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH

Page 21 FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology

Page 22 UNU-FLORES;FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology

Page 23 StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH;HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR),OliverKillig,JürgenJeibmann

Page 24 HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR),FrankBierstedt;HelmholtzCenterforEnvironmentalResearch(UFZ),AndréKünzelmann

Page 25 CenterforAdvancedWaterResearch(CAWR);InstituteofAirHandlingandRefrigeration(ILK);GermanBiomassResearchCenter(DBFZ);LeibnizInstituteforTroposphericResearch(TROPOS),TiloArnhold

Page 26 Wismut gmbh

Page 27 SaxonEnergyAgency–SAENAGmbH

Page 28 GeocompetenceCenterFreiberg(GKZ);TrainingandDemonstrationCenterforDecentralizedSewageTreatment–BDZe.V.

EditorWirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh(Saxony economic Development corporation)www.wfs.saxony.de

Text Composition in Cooperation [email protected]

Graphic DesignVORWerbeagenturGmbHwww.vor-dresden.de

Printed byStoba-Druck gmbhwww.stoba-druck.de

Editorial Deadline:August2015


Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh Bertolt-Brecht-Allee2201309Dresden,GermanyPhone +49-351-21380Fax [email protected] www.wfs.saxony.de



Power Generation

cp.maxRotortechnikGmbH&Co.KG www.cpmax.com

eickhoff Wind Power gmbh www.eickhoff-bochum.de

geoENERGIEKonzeptGmbH www.geoenergie-konzept.de

GerodurMPMKunststoffverarbeitungGmbH&Co.KG www.gerodur.de

GFCAntriebsSystemeGmbH www.gfc-drives.com

GICONBioenergieGmbH www.gicon.de

HeckertSolarAG www.heckertsolar.com

NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG www.narva-bel.de

SolarionAG www.solarion.net

SolarWorldIndustriesSachsenGmbH www.solarworld.de

STRABAGUmwelttechnikGmbH www.strabag-umwelttechnik.com

VeM group www.vem-group.com

VERBIOVereinigteBioEnergieAG www.verbio.de

WSB neue energien holding gmbh www.wsb.de

Energy Storage / Storage Technologies

ads-tec gmbh www.ads-tec.de

AXXELLONGmbH www.axxellon.de

DBIGas-undUmwelttechnikGmbH(DBIGUT) www.dbi-gut.de

DeutscheACCUmotiveGmbH&Co.KG,ProductionSiteKamenz www.accumotive.de

einsenergieinsachsenGmbH&Co.KG www.eins.de

eZelleronGmbH www.ezelleron.eu

Fuelcell energy Solutions gmbh www.fces.de

gW Batterien gmbh www.gwbatt.com

HaaseGFK-TechnikGmbH www.ichbin2.de

HOPPECKEAdvancedBatteryTechnologyGmbH www.hoppecke.com

LitarionGmbH www.litarion.com

sunfireGmbH www.sunfire.de

Energy Efficiency

Dürr thermea gmbh www.thermeco2.com

FASAAG www.fasa-ag.de

LeipzigerInstitutfürEnergieGmbH(IELeipzig) www.ie-leipzig.com

SeS energiesysteme gmbh www.ses-energiesysteme.com

WätaSWärmetauscherSachsenGmbH www.waetas.de

Recycling Management

C&EConsultingundEngineeringGmbH www.cue-chemnitz.de

G.E.O.S.IngenieurgesellschaftmbH www.geosfreiberg.de

MuldenhüttenRecyclingundUmwelttechnikGmbH(MRU) www.berzelius.de

SAXONIAEdelmetalleGmbH www.saxonia.de

Wismut gmbh www.wismut.de

Sustainable Water Management

BUSSEInnovativeSystemeGmbH www.busse-is.de

DASEnvironmentalExpertGmbH www.das-europe.com

StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH www.stadtentwaesserung-dresden.de

wks group www.wksgroup.de

Education and Research

CenterforAdvancedWaterResearch(CAWR) www.ufz.de/cawr

DresdenInnovationCenterEnergyEfficiency www.innovation-energieeffizienz.de

DresdenUniversityofTechnology www.tu-dresden.de

e³-research Factory www.e3-fabrik.de

ecoMetals www.hzdr.de

EITRawMaterials www.hzdr.de

enerMat www.enermat.de

FraunhoferInstituteforCeramicTechnologiesandSystems(IKTS) www.ikts.fraunhofer.de

FraunhoferInstituteforMaterialandBeamTechnology(IWS) www.iws.fraunhofer.de

FraunhoferInstituteforOrganicElectronics,ElectronBeamandPlasma technology (FeP)


FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology www.tu-freiberg.de

GermanBiomassResearchCenter(DBFZ) www.dbfz.de

HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR) www.hzdr.de

HelmholtzCenterforEnvironmentalResearch(UFZ) www.ufz.de

HelmholtzInstituteFreibergforResourceTechnology(HIF) www.hzdr.de



InstituteofAirHandlingandRefrigeration(ILK) www.ilkdresden.de

InstituteofResourceEcology www.hzdr.de

InterdisciplinaryEcologicalCenter(IÖZ) www.tu-freiberg.de/ioez

LeibnizInstituteforTroposphericResearch(TROPOS) www.tropos.de

LeibnizInstituteofEcologicalUrbanandRegionalDevelopment(IOER) www.ioer.de

Saxon education company for environmental Protection and ChemicalOccupationsDresden(SBG)



EnergySaxonye.V. www.energy-saxony.net

GeocompetenceCenterFreiberg(GKZ) www.gkz-ev.de

InnovationandRecyclingManagementSaxony(IKSe.V.) www.ik-sachsen.de

SaxonEnergyAgency–SAENAGmbH www.saena.de

SAXUTECe.V.–SaxonAssociationforInternationalEnvironmentProtection and environmental technologies


ShowcaseBavaria-SaxonyELECTRICMOBILITYCONNECTS www.elektromobilitaet-verbindet.de



VEESachsene.V.–AssociationforthePromotionof renewable energy


Further Contacts

»InvestinSaxony«–Saxony'sInformationPortalforInvestors www-invest-in-saxony.de

SaxonyStateMinistryforEconomicAffairs,Labor,andTransport(SMWA) www.smwa.sachsen.de

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh (Saxony economic Development corporation)


Page 4: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page

Source: Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh (Saxony economic Development corporation)


• ThelatestdataonSaxony’seconomyanditsbusiness environment

• Customizedservicepackagesforbusinesssiteselections• Procurementofcontactswithregionaldecisionmakers• Informationonopportunitiesforfinancialsupport

and subsidy programs• AccesstobranchnetworksinSaxony• Assistanceinopeningupnewmarketsandin

initiating cooperative partnerships



Company / Institution URL Company / Institution URL





Schiffbarer Wasserweg

Internationaler Flughafen


Transeuropäische Schienenwege mit Güterverkehr

Sonstige Schienenwege mit Güterverkehr


Page 4 NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG;FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology;WismutGmbH

Page 7 NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG

Page 8 SolarWorldAG;HeckertSolarAG,DirkHanus/Zebra;SolarionAG;NARVALichtquellenGmbH&Co.KG

Page 9 GFCAntriebsSystemeGmbH;EickhoffAntriebstechnikGmbH

Page 10 cp.maxRotortechnikGmbH&Co.KG;HakaGerodurAG

Page 11 STRABAGUmwelttechnikGmbH;GICONBioenergieGmbH; VERBIOVereinigteBioEnergieAG


Page 13 LitarionGmbH;FuelCellEnergySolutionsGmbH/FuelCellEnergy,Inc.; sunfire gmbh

Page 14 eZelleronGmbH;ads-tecGmbH

Page 15 DBIGas-undUmwelttechnikGmbH, ©iStock.com/photosbyjim,©ssguy/Shutterstock.com,editedby599media;einsenergieinsachsenGmbH&Co.KG

Page 16 HaaseGFK-TechnikGmbH;WätaSWärmetauscherSachsenGmbH

Page 17 DürrthermeaGmbH;BerlinerNetzwerkE,DietmarGust;FASAAG, UlfDahl

Page 18 G.E.O.S.IngenieurgesellschaftmbH;archivesoftheWismutGmbH

Page 19 SAXONIAEdelmetalleGmbH;MuldenhüttenRecyclingundUmwelttechnikGmbH(MRU),Gauls–DieFotografen

Page 20 DASEnvironmentalExpertGmbH;wksgroup;BUSSEInnovativeSystemeGmbH;StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH

Page 21 FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology

Page 22 UNU-FLORES;FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology

Page 23 StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH;HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR),OliverKillig,JürgenJeibmann

Page 24 HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR),FrankBierstedt;HelmholtzCenterforEnvironmentalResearch(UFZ),AndréKünzelmann

Page 25 CenterforAdvancedWaterResearch(CAWR);InstituteofAirHandlingandRefrigeration(ILK);GermanBiomassResearchCenter(DBFZ);LeibnizInstituteforTroposphericResearch(TROPOS),TiloArnhold

Page 26 Wismut gmbh

Page 27 SaxonEnergyAgency–SAENAGmbH

Page 28 GeocompetenceCenterFreiberg(GKZ);TrainingandDemonstrationCenterforDecentralizedSewageTreatment–BDZe.V.

EditorWirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh(Saxony economic Development corporation)www.wfs.saxony.de

Text Composition in Cooperation [email protected]

Graphic DesignVORWerbeagenturGmbHwww.vor-dresden.de

Printed byStoba-Druck gmbhwww.stoba-druck.de

Editorial Deadline:August2015


Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh Bertolt-Brecht-Allee2201309Dresden,GermanyPhone +49-351-21380Fax [email protected] www.wfs.saxony.de



Power Generation

cp.maxRotortechnikGmbH&Co.KG www.cpmax.com

eickhoff Wind Power gmbh www.eickhoff-bochum.de

geoENERGIEKonzeptGmbH www.geoenergie-konzept.de

GerodurMPMKunststoffverarbeitungGmbH&Co.KG www.gerodur.de

GFCAntriebsSystemeGmbH www.gfc-drives.com

GICONBioenergieGmbH www.gicon.de

HeckertSolarAG www.heckertsolar.com

NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG www.narva-bel.de

SolarionAG www.solarion.net

SolarWorldIndustriesSachsenGmbH www.solarworld.de

STRABAGUmwelttechnikGmbH www.strabag-umwelttechnik.com

VeM group www.vem-group.com

VERBIOVereinigteBioEnergieAG www.verbio.de

WSB neue energien holding gmbh www.wsb.de

Energy Storage / Storage Technologies

ads-tec gmbh www.ads-tec.de

AXXELLONGmbH www.axxellon.de

DBIGas-undUmwelttechnikGmbH(DBIGUT) www.dbi-gut.de

DeutscheACCUmotiveGmbH&Co.KG,ProductionSiteKamenz www.accumotive.de

einsenergieinsachsenGmbH&Co.KG www.eins.de

eZelleronGmbH www.ezelleron.eu

Fuelcell energy Solutions gmbh www.fces.de

gW Batterien gmbh www.gwbatt.com

HaaseGFK-TechnikGmbH www.ichbin2.de

HOPPECKEAdvancedBatteryTechnologyGmbH www.hoppecke.com

LitarionGmbH www.litarion.com

sunfireGmbH www.sunfire.de

Energy Efficiency

Dürr thermea gmbh www.thermeco2.com

FASAAG www.fasa-ag.de

LeipzigerInstitutfürEnergieGmbH(IELeipzig) www.ie-leipzig.com

SeS energiesysteme gmbh www.ses-energiesysteme.com

WätaSWärmetauscherSachsenGmbH www.waetas.de

Recycling Management

C&EConsultingundEngineeringGmbH www.cue-chemnitz.de

G.E.O.S.IngenieurgesellschaftmbH www.geosfreiberg.de

MuldenhüttenRecyclingundUmwelttechnikGmbH(MRU) www.berzelius.de

SAXONIAEdelmetalleGmbH www.saxonia.de

Wismut gmbh www.wismut.de

Sustainable Water Management

BUSSEInnovativeSystemeGmbH www.busse-is.de

DASEnvironmentalExpertGmbH www.das-europe.com

StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH www.stadtentwaesserung-dresden.de

wks group www.wksgroup.de

Education and Research

CenterforAdvancedWaterResearch(CAWR) www.ufz.de/cawr

DresdenInnovationCenterEnergyEfficiency www.innovation-energieeffizienz.de

DresdenUniversityofTechnology www.tu-dresden.de

e³-research Factory www.e3-fabrik.de

ecoMetals www.hzdr.de

EITRawMaterials www.hzdr.de

enerMat www.enermat.de

FraunhoferInstituteforCeramicTechnologiesandSystems(IKTS) www.ikts.fraunhofer.de

FraunhoferInstituteforMaterialandBeamTechnology(IWS) www.iws.fraunhofer.de

FraunhoferInstituteforOrganicElectronics,ElectronBeamandPlasma technology (FeP)


FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology www.tu-freiberg.de

GermanBiomassResearchCenter(DBFZ) www.dbfz.de

HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR) www.hzdr.de

HelmholtzCenterforEnvironmentalResearch(UFZ) www.ufz.de

HelmholtzInstituteFreibergforResourceTechnology(HIF) www.hzdr.de



InstituteofAirHandlingandRefrigeration(ILK) www.ilkdresden.de

InstituteofResourceEcology www.hzdr.de

InterdisciplinaryEcologicalCenter(IÖZ) www.tu-freiberg.de/ioez

LeibnizInstituteforTroposphericResearch(TROPOS) www.tropos.de

LeibnizInstituteofEcologicalUrbanandRegionalDevelopment(IOER) www.ioer.de

Saxon education company for environmental Protection and ChemicalOccupationsDresden(SBG)



EnergySaxonye.V. www.energy-saxony.net

GeocompetenceCenterFreiberg(GKZ) www.gkz-ev.de

InnovationandRecyclingManagementSaxony(IKSe.V.) www.ik-sachsen.de

SaxonEnergyAgency–SAENAGmbH www.saena.de

SAXUTECe.V.–SaxonAssociationforInternationalEnvironmentProtection and environmental technologies


ShowcaseBavaria-SaxonyELECTRICMOBILITYCONNECTS www.elektromobilitaet-verbindet.de



VEESachsene.V.–AssociationforthePromotionof renewable energy


Further Contacts

»InvestinSaxony«–Saxony'sInformationPortalforInvestors www-invest-in-saxony.de

SaxonyStateMinistryforEconomicAffairs,Labor,andTransport(SMWA) www.smwa.sachsen.de

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh (Saxony economic Development corporation)


Page 5: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page

5The environment and energy are the key issues of tomorrow’s world. The demand for intelligent solutions and innovative technologies in the sectors environmental technology, renewable energy, and energy efficiency is con-tinuously increasing. In Saxony, the environmental and energy technology branch has become an important economic factor.

Saxony’s enterprises assume a leading position primarily in such key mar-kets as, for example, renewable energy, energy storage as well as recycling management. The branch benefits from Saxony’s long tradition as an industrial venue particularly for machine and plant construction. Saxony’s mountains had also been important mining centers for many centuries – during the Mid-dle Ages, silver and other »precious« raw materials were extracted; later, the focus was more on lignite and uranium. This is the foundation for the expert

knowledge and competence found in Saxony’s commercial enterprises and research institutions today which is unrivaled throughout the world; specifi-cally in cleaning up uranium and lignite mining residues, removing hazardous waste, or renovating wastewater systems.

It is in particular Freiberg which has firmly ensconced itself as a leading Euro-pean venue for the development of innovative technologies designed to boost resource and energy efficiency.




When it comes to turning environmentally friendly visions into reality,

you can count on Saxon expertise.We’d be happy to divulge how Saxony’s competence helps save resource

s and



Just scan the QR code and be inspired!

Page 6: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page




The Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. (HZDR) coordinates the establishment of Europe’s largest resource network »EIT Raw Materials« on behalf of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

Large silver ore depos-its are discovered in the Erzgebirge Moun-tains. The subsequent great silver rush attracts many people to the region and turns the Erz gebirge Mountains into a densely populat-ed area.


The first discoveries of silver in the Freiberg region start the first silver rush.


The Freiberg senior min-ing administrator Hans Carl von Carlowitz pub-lishes Sylvicultura Oeconomica, the first book on sustainability.


The Bergakademie Freiberg mining acad-emy (today: Freiberg University of Mining and Technology) is established as an edu-cational and training center for miners. The Freiberg University of Mining and Technol-ogy is, thus, the oldest mining institution in the world.


The world’s first high performance pumped storage power plant goes into service in Niederwartha near Dresden.


In the Erzgebirge Mountains, the pumped storage power plant Markersbach goes into operation. With a capacity of 1,050 megawatts, it is one of the largest pow-er stations of its kind in Europe.


The founding of the Wismut GmbH marks the beginning of the decommissioning and rehabilitation measures of the former uranium mining facilities.


Production of solar sili-con wafers is launched by the Bayer Solar GmbH in Freiberg (acquired by the SolarWorld AG Group in 2000).


Construction starts for the world’s largest solar park in Waldpolenz near Leipzig.


The Freiberg Geocom-petence Center (GKZ) is founded.The plant manufac-turer Roth & Rau oberflächentechnik AG (today a member of the Swiss Meyer Burger Group) aligns its cor-porate strategy towards photovoltaics.


Saxony becomes one of 8 model regions within the scope of the German Federal Gov-ernment’s national De-velopment Plan for Electromobility. Since 2012, Saxony has ac-tively participated in the »Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC Mo-BILITy CoNNECTS« project.

The Daimler Group selects Kamenz as the production site for bat-tery systems based on lithium-ion technology and has made consid-erable investments into its subsidiary Deutsche ACCUmotive since 2014.


Page 7: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page



ascdcfsdf CoMPANIES

Page 8: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page


Power Generation

Solar (PV) With the SolarWorld Industries Sachsen GmbH, SolarWorld covers the entire photovoltaic value creation chain at its production site Freiberg – ranging from the raw material silicon and wafer production to solar cell production all the way to the finished solar module. Here, a total of about 1,500 people work for the SolarWorld AG in three commercial zones. Under the roof of the Solar-World Innovations GmbH, the entire research and development activities of the Group have also been located in Freiberg since 2007.

High performance photovoltaic modules »Made in Germany« form the core business field of the Heckert Solar AG. The company, which was founded in 2001 and is based in Chemnitz, specializes in the production of polycrystal-line solar modules of the most diverse performance classes and dimensions. The current NeMo®P module series was expanded by a 60-cell solar module in early 2014. The high performance PV modules are manufactured complete-ly in Germany, in the highly automated production halls in Chemnitz.

Located in Leipzig, the Solarion AG develops and produces highly efficient and, at the same time, inexpensive thin film solar cells and modules based on copper-indium-gallium-(di)selenide (CIGS). Flexible plastic foil serves as a car-

rier material. Since the modules are very light and unbreakable, they can be easily integrated into building roofs and facades without any expensive sup-porting structures. Solarion manufactures the thin film solar cells according to the roll-to-roll procedure. A patented ion beam assisted process (IBAD) is used for the deposition of the absorber layer. This technology reduces the use of energy and materials and permits a higher degree of efficiency of the solar cells. The first production plant designed for an annual production capacity of 20 megawatts is currently being put into operation.

Solar Thermal Energy

The NARVA Lichtquellen GmbH + Co. KG in Brand-Erbisdorf has been pro-ducing vacuum tubes for solar thermal energy since 2007. NARVA’s certified production includes all essential production stages.The latest product developed by NARVA is its intrinsically safe heat pipe. A characteristic feature of this high performance heat pipe vacuum tube is its valve-free temperature limitation at the appropriate temperature level that is specified by the customer. This limits the peak load and protects the entire system against overheating. The heat pipe is particularly suitable for the supply of process heat and for the use in thermosiphon systems. The vacuum tube’s intrinsic safety substantially reduces the investment and operating costs for the overall system. And it permits, for example, the use of a significantly smaller membrane expansion vessel.

Bottom leftCell production in SolarWorld Industries Sachsen’s clean room

Bottom, 2nd from leftThe current production capacity at Heck-ert Solar amounts to approximately 180 megawatts-peak per year and is continu-ously being expanded.

Bottom, 2nd from rightSolarion’s CIGS solar cells on polymer substrates are particularly flexible, light, and thin. Their average degree of ef-ficiency is more than 10 percent with the record value exceeding 15 percent.

Bottom rightMelting vacuum tubes at NARVA Lichtquellen: The tubes are created in the company’s own glass factory; the prefabrication unit manufactures the req-uisite copper absorber units. Both parts are assembled with a fully automated production line. A patented glass-metal compound between the sheathing and the absorber makes the product robust and durable.

Page 9: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page

The product portfolio of the GFC AntriebsSysteme GmbH in Coswig includes, for example, slewing gearboxes which are applied in the concentrated solar power (CSP) sector. The extremely compact and backlash-free worm gears are particularly suitable for precise positioning and adjustment tasks. They are needed to track the sun with the mirrors so that the reflected sun rays hit pre-cisely the 5 meter by 5 meter absorber surface which is located up to 1,200 meters away. The highly concentrated sunlight reaches temperatures of up to 1,300 degrees Celsius. This heat is used for power generation with a steam turbine. GFC guarantees that its gearboxes remain lubricated for more than 25 years.

Wind Energy Since January 2009, the Eickhoff Wind Power GmbH has been producing components for gearboxes used in wind energy systems on the outskirts of Dresden. The company is a subsidiary of the Bochum-based Eickhoff Group. Gearwheels, shafts, planet carriers, and other components for wind turbine gearboxes of the EICoGEAR type are produced in large batches at the compa-ny’s state-of-the-art manufacturing and assembly plant in Klipphausen. With this product, the Eickhoff Group has been successful in the wind energy branch for many years now. EICoGEAR gearboxes are built in dimensions ranging between 2.0 megawatts and 3.8 megawatts.

Generators and actuator drives for the wind power branch are delivered by Dresden’s VEM Sachsenwerk GmbH and Zwickau’s VEM motors Thurm GmbH; both are companies of the VEM Group. The manufacturer of medium and large scale machines develops and produces asynchronous and synchro-nous generators for wind turbines with power outputs ranging between 1 megawatt and 8 megawatts. The product spectrum of VEM motors Thurm in Zwickau includes actuator drives for wind turbines for azimuth and pitch gears as well as low voltage machines for hydraulic, oil, or cooling units.

Headquartered in Dresden, the WSB Group is one of the leading providers for planning and implementing renewable energy projects. The company is active both at home and abroad and develops complete solutions for wind farms and photovoltaic parks. The services range from the selection of the right location and wind measurements to construction and commissioning all the way to technical and commercial operational management. Since 1996, WSB has built more than 380 green power plants with a project volume of approxi-mately 1.1 billion euros. one of the largest farm projects that have been real-ized is the Taczalin wind farm in Poland which was officially inaugurated in 2013. With a total output of 45.1 megawatts, the 22 wind turbines generate as much renewable energy as is consumed annually by about 25,000 house-holds.

Dr. Paul Rheinländer »In Eickhoff’s 150 years of company his-

tory, Klipphausen was the first new business location outside of Bochum –

and it has proven to be an excellent choice. We were looking all over Ger-

many for the right location to create additional production capacities in the

wind energy sector. A decisive factor for us were the well-educated, highly

skilled employees we found here in Saxony. And Saxony’s public authorities

undertook every effort to assist us. That’s why we were able to launch mass

production only 18 months after the cornerstone ceremony in early 2009.«

(CEo, Eickhoff Group)


Page 7Employee at a welding machine during the production of NARVA vacuum tubes.Ultramodern copper absorber plates are applied to heat transfer pipes with the ultrasonic welding method.

Bottom left80,000 of these slewing gearboxes were delivered by GFC AntriebsSysteme just to the world’s largest 392 megawatt solar tower power plant Ivanpah in the Califor-nian Mojave Desert alone.

Bottom rightEICoGEAR gearboxes made by Eickhoff WindPower go from Saxony around the entire globe.

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Located in Dresden, the cp.max Rotortechnik GmbH & Co. KG specializes in services revolving around rotor blades for wind turbines. In addition to main-tenance, inspection, and repair, the service portfolio also encompasses the aerodynamic optimization, balancing, and photometric measurement of rotor blades. A specific rope-supported technique, which was developed by the company, in conjunction with mobile personal rope winches grants access to all rotor blade sections – from the blade root to the blade tip.

Geothermal Energy

Systems for the use of near-surface geothermal energy are produced by the Gerodur MPM Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG in Neustadt, Saxony – a subsidiary of the Swiss HakaGerodur Group. Its GERotherm® geothermal systems are not only suitable for the extraction of geothermal energy (heating/cooling), but also for the discharge (storage) of excess heat into the ground. This requires the use of closed vertical or horizontal geothermal pipe systems and geothermal probes. The requisite distributors and collectors are also part of Gerodur’s product range. The pipe system for heat absorption and/or heat release consists of solid plastic (polyethylene (PE)), which protects it against corrosion, is certified, and has a life cycle of more than 50 years.

LeftRepair work on a rotor blade.The specialists of cp.max Rotortechnik are active around the globe. They also carry out maintenance and repair work on offshore wind turbines.

Top centerGerodur MPM Kunststoffverarbeitung installed 14 energy piles and one hori-zontal collector at the Vienna subway network. The picture shows the collector/distributor where the pipes are joined.


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11Since its founding in 2007, the Freiberg-based geoENERGIE Konzept GmbH has implemented more than 1,400 geothermal projects. The services provided by the company include the core areas consulting, planning, development, and monitoring of geothermal plants. The portfolio encompasses the comput-er-aided simulation of subsurface conditions, the design of probe fields as well as the implementation of geothermal response tests for the precise dimension-ing of probe fields and well systems. The company also assumes the monitor-ing of geothermal plants during ongoing operations which helps detect incor-rect configurations and identify optimization potentials.

Biomass / Bioenergy

Located in Dresden, the STRABAG Umwelttechnik GmbH is one of the lead-ing enterprises committed to the construction of environmental engineering fa-cilities with a specific focus on waste treatment and biogas plants. In the bio-gas production sector, the company offers two different patented processes which are all in-house developments: Wet fermentation in the LARAN® loop reactor and dry fermentation in the LARAN® plug flow reactor. The wet fer-mentation technology is suitable for reactor sizes of up to 10,000 cubic me-ters, preferably for the cofermentation together with liquid manure or for the fermentation of food residues, sewage sludge, or stillage. Dry fermentation in the fermenter is particularly suitable for the mono fermentation of critical and/or complex structured substrates and for the fermentation of waste with high solid contents as well as fresh and dry manure.

The Dresden-based GICON Bioenergie GmbH, a part of the GICoN Group, develops, plans, and builds biogas plants. The company’s own in-house devel-opment, the GICoN® biogas process, revolves around two-stage, dry-wet fer-mentation with separate hydrolysis. Compared to traditional procedures, it permits a better control of the biogas production while the methane content is 15 percent to 20 percent higher than that of conventional plants. The proce-dure is predominantly applied to the recycling of separately collected or sepa-rate organic waste as well as green waste and agricultural residues. The com-pany possesses comprehensive knowledge and expertise also when it comes to the construction and operation of biogas plants with wet fermentation tech-nology. For research and development activities, GICoN has its own large-scale technical lab.

one of the leading, independent producers and suppliers of biofuels in Ger-many and Europe is the VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG. The holding’s ad-ministrative premises are located in Leipzig. At three locations, approximately 500 employees produce biodiesel, bioethanol, and biomethane at a large in-dustrial scale. Thanks to the high energy and carbon dioxide efficiency of the facilities, biofuels emit up to 90 percent less carbon dioxide than gasoline or diesel. The company has developed an innovative procedure for biomethane production. With this method, twice as much energy can be generated from one hectare of land than is possible with conventional methods.

Top leftorganic waste fermentation plant in Berlin: The LARAN® plug flow fermenter made by STRABAG Umwelttechnik.When it comes to dry fermentation, the manufacturer provides fermenter sizes of up to 2,600 cubic meters as a standard-ized model series solution.

Top centerBiogas wet fermentation plant made by GICoN Bioenergie in Les Herbiers, France: In the foreground, delivery and receipt of substrates; in the background, visible main process components – de-sulfurization, pre and post treatment building, secondary fermenter, methane reactor with gas storage and hydrolysis tank

Top rightBiogas plant made by VERBIo in Zörbig: Without using any food, VERBIo gas is extracted only from such agricultural res-idues as, for example, stillage, a byprod-uct from bioethanol production, as well as straw. This qualifies biomethane as a »fuel of the second generation for natural gas driven vehicles« which is particularly friendly to the environment.

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Energy Storage / Storage Technologies


The family-run enterprise HOPPECKE is the largest manufacturer of industrial battery systems in European ownership. The company has been developing and producing »Made in Germany« since 1927. Thanks to Hoppecke’s cutting edge research and development activities within the branch, its portfolio en-compasses all acknowledged and innovative storage technologies relevant to the branch.An important corporate site is in Zwickau: The HOPPECKE Advanced Battery Technology GmbH. Here, pioneering lithium-ion batteries are produced, and complex energy storage systems are assembled with lead-acid, nickel-cadmi-um, and lithium-ion batteries. The development and production of charging technologies as well as electronic monitoring and control systems are also lo-cated here – vital components to optimize the energy demand and system availability. Since 2011, HoPPECKE Advanced Battery Technology’s core ele-ment has been its new research and development center for innovative energy storage technologies and services.

Located in Zwickau, the GW Batterien GmbH is a spin-off of the GAZ Bat-terie GmbH and Wieser Industrie- und Bahntechnik GmbH corporations. By consolidating its battery business segments, the company has become one of the most important suppliers of battery systems today. In addition to the sup-

ply of lead and nickel cadmium batteries of the most diverse types, another primary focus is on the production, supply, and refreshment of rail vehicle batteries. GW delivers new batteries and complete battery systems, and it also assumes the customized development and new construction of batteries for various applications as well as the maintenance, refreshment, and recondi-tioning of battery systems.

When it comes to high performance batteries for alternative drives, the Daim-ler AG focuses on Saxony. The corporate group is expanding the production capacities for lithium-ion batteries further in its subsidiary Deutsche ACCU-motive GmbH & Co. KG. Systems for the group’s hybrid models and all-elec-tric vehicles are manufactured at the Production Site Kamenz.

The Litarion GmbH, which became a subsidiary of the Canadian battery spe-cialist Electrovaya in April 2015, is Germany’s leading manufacturer of elec-trodes and ceramic separators for lithium-ion battery cells to be applied in mobile and stationary energy storage systems. At its Kamenz factory, Litarion produces these components to meet the corporate group’s own demands as well as the demands of other cell manufacturers.

Friedhelm Nagel »Already since the early 1990s, HoPPECKE has been producing batteries in Zwi-

ckau. The exceptional potential of the location and the employees on site was actually known to us as well as

the specific climate for innovation and the prevailing inventive spirit found here. That’s why we selected this

location and made investments here in order to address the technologies of the future. After the large-scale

demolition of old buildings and the subsequent construction of new ones, HoPPECKE has successfully man-

aged to expand its production site in Zwickau. The new research and development center and the production

facilities for complex energy storage systems went into operation in 2011. With our investments and the public

funding which has encouraged and supported our entrepreneurial commitment, we’re now capable of devel-

oping innovative energy storage solutions, making them economically viable, and transferring them into new

applications.« (Managing Director, HoPPECKE)

Bottom leftAssembly of lithium-ion basic modules at HoPPECKE

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Fuel Cells

The Dresden-based sunfire GmbH, which was founded in 2010, develops and produces high temperature electrolysis cells (SoEC) and high temperature fuel cells (SoFC). High temperature fuel cells made by sunfire permit the particu-larly efficient production of electricity and heat according to the combined heat and power principle. Decentralized, combined heat and power in the low power range is considered to be the energy concept of the future because electricity and heat are generated according to the actual demand and right there where they are needed. High temperature electrolysis splits water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen. It is operated with renewable electricity. The re-sultant hydrogen can either be efficiently converted into fuels with sunfire’s power-to-liquids process or directly used in the H2 mobility as well as indus-trial sectors.

The FuelCell Energy Solutions GmbH from Dresden produces the innovative Direct Fuel Cell (DFC®) power plants. These stationary fuel cell power plants generate electric power and utilizable heat in a highly efficient, economically viable manner. The company, which was founded in 2012, is a joint venture of the US American FuelCell Energy Inc. corporation and the research institute Fraunhofer IKTS. DFC® power plants are based on molten carbonate fuel cell technology and are available with capacities ranging between 250 kWel and 2,800 kWel. When it comes to the production of electricity and heat from

Bottom leftAt Litarion, electrodes and separators for high performance lithium-ion batteries are manufactured with cutting edge coat-ing technology. The picture shows the production of coating compounds.

Bottom centerAt FuelCell Energy Solutions: Stacks, the core components of power plants, are stacked on top of one another. DFC® technology operates around the globe in power plants and power plant parks with a nominal capacity of up to 59 mega-watts; so far, this technology has helped generate more than 2.7 terawatt hours of electrical energy.

RightPressure vessel of the RWGS reactor at sunfire’s power-to-liquids demonstration plant Fuel1: RWGS stands for reverse wa-ter-gas shift reaction. This endothermic reaction, which occurs at a temperature of approx. 1,000 degrees Celsius, con-verts Co2 together with H2 into Co and H2o. This permits the reactivation of the Co2 molecule, which is often seen as a »waste problem« and a climate killer, for chemical syntheses. And it upgrades Co2 from a waste product to a raw material.


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14 natural gas or biogas, these power plants make use of an electrochemical re-action which emits virtually no pollutants. Since they were specifically devel-oped for decentralized applications, the DFC® power plants are not only suit-able for energy suppliers and sewage companies, but also for industry, com-merce, and public buildings.

Headquartered in Lichtenstein near Zwickau, the AXXELLON GmbH develops and produces high performance lithium batteries for industrial and automotive applications. The product portfolio of the company, which was founded in 2009, ranges from individual electronic components all the way to complete high performance batteries. Specific competences are available in the battery management systems and the associated power electronics sectors. In addition to an innovative vehicle battery, AXXELLoN has also designed and developed a stationary energy storage system for energy coming from photovoltaic plants. With a capacity of 20 kilowatt hours, the storage system is suitable both for isolated and mains parallel operations. It is possible to not only inte-grate the PV plant, but also wind turbines, combined heat and power plants, emergency power generators, and fuel cells into the system.

The Dresden-based eZelleron GmbH, which was founded in 2008, is a Euro-pean leader when it comes to the research and development of portable fuel cell systems for mobile power supplies. The breakthrough came with an inno-vative technology which unites the advantages of conventional (PEM) and

ceramic fuel cells (SoFC). Since the eZelleron fuel cell consists almost entirely of metal, it is lighter, more robust, and cheaper; thus, making it particularly suitable for applications in mobile and portable systems. It is ready to start within just a few seconds (quick-starting ability) and can be operated with conventional lighter gas; in other words, propane and butane, as well as with hydrogen. The patented technology is currently being implemented in several products of diverse performance classes for small and medium sized electrical appliances.

Battery and Network Management

At its production site in Wilsdruff near Dresden, the ads-tec GmbH manufac-tures stationary high performance battery systems and complete storage solu-tions in container formats which are all complete in-house developments. In addition, the medium-sized, family-owned enterprise which is headquartered in Nürtingen near Stuttgart develops and produces IT systems for industrial purposes. The lithium-ion battery storage units StoraXe® come together with an energy management system (EMS). This way, charging and discharging pro-cesses of storage units and energy flows within the network can be controlled and monitored intelligently. And ads-tec’s battery storage solutions are scal-able up to the megawatt hour range which makes them versatile for various applications, for example, when it comes to the intermediate storage of renew-able energy or network services.

Energy and resource efficiency are a decisive competitive factor in every

industrial production. The first »E3-Research Factory« was of-ficially inaugurated at the Chemnitz-based Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU) in 2014. Here, research is conducted

on solutions for the »Resource-Efficient Production« of tomorrow. on a surface area of more than 1,600 square meters, the Fraun-hofer Society is working on the topics »Powertrain,« »Car Body Construc-tion,« and »Energy Management 2.0« in close partnership with such indus-trial enterprises as, for example, the Volkswagen Group.

Top left eZelleron’s light 200 gram fuel cell sys-tem eZell1 in action: Charging a smart-phone

Top right Interior view of ads-tec’s StoraXe® lithium-ion battery storage unit in the container format: The black components being inserted into the cabinets are 19-inch rack battery modules.

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The eins energie in sachsen GmbH & Co. KG is the leading municipal energy service provider in Chemnitz and South Saxony. The company not only sup-plies about 400,000 private households and commercial customers with natu-ral gas, electricity, heating and cooling energy as well as water; it actually op-erates one of the most modern district cooling grids on the entire globe. This permits the cooling of office buildings, shopping centers, the university, and other public facilities in the city center. Cooling energy is provided by heat-powered absorption chillers in conjunction with a thermal energy storage sys-tem.


Located in Leipzig, the DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH (DBI GUT) ad-dresses the integration of renewable energy carriers into the natural gas grid as well as underground gas storage facilities. Its current focus is on analyzing gas supply systems; developing concepts for energy storage technologies, particu-larly power-to-gas; and evaluating the feeding of hydrogen into gas grids. In the fuel cell technology sector, DBI GUT develops fuel processors for fuel cells. Basic fuels include natural gas, liquid gas, biogas as well as their mix-tures. DBI GUT is part of the DBI Group which serves the entire gas supply value creation chain ranging from extraction to storage, transmission over the grid all the way to the efficient, environmentally friendly use of renewable en-ergy carriers.

15Top leftSolutions provided by DBI GUT: Not only are the most inexpensive energy source or carbon dioxide emissions of great relevance, but also the entire value creation chain as well as the interest and/or acceptance on part of the end users.

Top centerFor a long time now, the eins energie in Sachsen corporation has been research-ing energy topics together with Chemnitz University of Technology. one result of this cooperation is the short-term, large- scale cold storage tank at Chemnitz’s Georgstraße – at the time of its official inauguration in 2007, it was the first above-ground storage tank of its kind in Germany. Today, the tank serves as an example for similar projects around the globe.

Righteins energie sachsen: Inside a cooling system

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Located in Großröhrsdorf, the Haase GFK-Technik GmbH produces storage tanks and hot water tanks built with glass fiber reinforced plastics (GRP). The material is resistant to ageing and corrosion and exhibits low thermal conduc-tivity. Thermal energy coming from such energy sources as solar plants, solid fuel boilers, or heat pumps is stored inside the tank and, if so required, used to heat up drinking water or to support the heating system. Water serves as a stor-age medium. Depending on the individual container size, it is, thus, possible to bridge a longer period of time during which no additional energy needs to be fed into the system. The storage tanks, which have a volume of up to 100,000 liters, can be installed both above ground and below ground. Thanks to a spe-cific assembly technique, the tanks can also be mounted in spaces that are dif-ficult to access.

Energy Efficiency

The olbernhau-based WätaS Wärmetauscher Sachsen GmbH commenced as a start-up business with the production of laminated heat exchangers in 2003. This evolved into the WätaS Group with more than 130 employees. Its core business is the development and production of individual, customer-specific heat exchangers made of the materials stainless steel, copper, aluminum, and steel. Heat pumps and heat pipes as well as low temperature heating systems are also part of the company’s product portfolio. WätaS develops energy effi-


LeftHot water tank made by Haase GFK- Technik for utilizing waste heat: A Saxon manufacturer of precision stainless steel castings wanted to break new, sustain-able ground also with regard to heating while constructing a new administration building. Waste heat is produced in large quantities when processing steel. Excess heat from production is temporarily stored via the local heat network in two underground buffer storage tanks and used for heating the new building and supplying hot water.

Bottom rightNew, innovative products are created by WätaS’ own in-house research and de-velopment department and through the company’s very close cooperation with Saxon universities and other scientific institutions. In 2014, WätaS received the »Innovative through Research« award of the Stifterverband, the German donors’ association for the promotion of sciences and humanities.

The five project partners of the »enerMAT« project – the Fraunhofer EAS IIS Dresden

and four Saxon SMEs – want to drastically simplify the complex design process for energy

management systems which integrate the entire building installations. Their objective is to

use only the amount of energy in buildings which is actually needed – without reducing the

level of comfort. This, in turn, poses entirely new challenges to the level of automation. The

project partners are developing a concept and a software tool for energy-efficient control

systems. The focus is on simulating a holistic model of a building and its technical equipment

which encompasses all operating scenarios. It starts already in the project phase. Thus, it is

possible to already reach sound decisions on investment and operating costs, energy savings,

and comfort at this phase.

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ciency concepts for residential homes, public buildings, and production facili-ties. With the WätaS energy concept »Ideal Factory,« the Chemnitz-based steelconcept corporation was presented with the Energy Masters Award in 2013.

The Dürr thermea GmbH in ottendorf-okrilla near Dresden has developed the innovative high temperature heat pump thermeco2® which uses carbon di-oxide as a refrigerant. In contrast to conventional fluorinated refrigerants, car-bon dioxide neither contributes to the greenhouse effect nor to ozone deple-tion. For its innovation, the company was presented with the »Refrigeration Award« of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conser-vation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Today, Dürr manufactures high temperature heat pumps, liquid chillers, and compressed air dryers with this technology. The systems are applied in building technology as well as industrial processes. For example, the Volkswagen AG Group uses Dürr thermea’s compressed air refrigeration dryers in several factories.

At its production site in Rackwitz near Leipzig, the SES Energiesysteme GmbH manufactures combined heat and power (CHP) plants which are driven by gas engines and provide thermal outputs ranging between 50 kilowatts and 2,000 kilowatts. CHP plants are highly efficient, decentralized energy systems which are operated right where the energy is consumed. The cogeneration

principle revolves around generating electricity and heat at the same time. Using the waste heat emitted during power generation reduces carbon dioxide emissions. SES’s CHP plants are operated with natural gas, biomethane, biogas as well as sewer and landfill gas. The plants are available as ready-to-connect compact modules, in steel or concrete containers, and as turnkey facilities in buildings.

The FASA AG is a medium-sized construction firm headquartered in Chem-nitz. With its ENERGETIKhaus100®, the company has developed a building which is supplied with solar energy and requires neither any oil or gas fired nor any heat pump heating system. 90 percent to 100 percent of the heat de-mand for heating and warm water is covered by solar energy. This is ensured by the intelligent interaction of the solar architecture, the large-scale solar thermal system, and the centralized long-term heat storage as well as a ther-mal insulation with massive, ecological building materials. The rest is done by a stove with a heat exchanger. The innovative building concept was created in cooperation with the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology.

The research and consulting firm Leipziger Institut für Energie GmbH (IE Leipzig) addresses technical, economic, and ecological questions revolving around the national and international energy markets. This includes the entire value creation chain ranging from the production to the distribution all the

Bottom leftProduction of high temperature heat pumps at Dürr thermea

Bottom centerCombined heat and power plants made by SES Energiesysteme supply the Leipzig Trade Fair – which is shown here in the picture – and such other well-known places as, for example, Germany’s Fed-eral Parliament, the Deutscher Reichstag, or the German Antarctic research station Neumayer III with electricity and heat.

Bottom rightFASA successfully implements the ENERGETIKhaus100® principle in all of Germany today; both when it comes to new construction projects and existing buildings. The picture shows a part of the solar community »Rittergut Rabenstein« in Chemnitz, Building Complex I; view from the south.

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way to the efficient use of energy. The requisite results are prepared in the form of expert’s reports, market and feasibility studies, environmental perfor-mance evaluations, recommendations, and concepts. The aspect »energy and society,« with a specific focus on the energy turnaround, is of great relevance for the consulting services.

Recycling Management

The Chemnitz-based C&E Consulting und Engineering GmbH is one of Ger-many’s largest independent engineering firms. on behalf of its private and public as well as national and international clients, the company is active in the business fields environmental and construction engineering. The service portfolio of the 130 employees ranges from expert’s reports, studies, planning, and consulting all the way to construction supervision and project manage-ment. Specific knowledge and expertise has been gained through many years of experience – in environmental engineering, including primarily the sectors water and waste management, rehabilitation of mining sites as well as con-struction and restoration of waste disposal sites.

The medium-sized enterprise G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH from Hals-brücke can look back on many years of international experience in the sectors mining, energy, environment, and infrastructure. In line with the changing re-

LeftG.E.o.S.’ service spectrum includes geo-technical and hydrogeological investiga-tions and studies associated with tunnel construction. The company, for example, accompanies and supervises the con-struction of the Dölzschen and Coschütz tunnels along the A17 Dresden – Prague.

Top centerG.E.o.S. conducts soil-mechanical tests for and on behalf of its customers – rang-ing from taking samples on site to analyz-ing the soil samples in its own lab all the way to compiling the requisite expert’s reports.

Top rightRehabilitated post-mining landscape Bad Schlema/Aue-Alberoda: The planning work contributed by C&E Consulting und Engineering on behalf of the WISMUT GmbH was rewarded with the Saxon State Prize for Building Culture in 2008.


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19quirements of the market, the company is constantly exploring many new fields of activity such as services revolving around the utilization of renewable energy or the application of microbiological procedures for water treatment and the recovery of valuable substances. The company focuses on geological issues pertaining to minerals and their exploitation as well as geotechnical ser-vices for construction projects.

Located in Halsbrücke near Freiberg, the SAXONIA Edelmetalle GmbH pos-sesses extensive experiences in the extraction and processing of precious met-als. SAXoNIA is an acknowledged partner of the industry when it comes to the upgrading of materials containing precious metals. By reclaiming gold, sil-ver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium from separated materials, slags, cinders, and concentrates, the company prepares precious metals with high starting purity for reuse. They are employed, for example, in the production of chemi-cals, sheet metals, tapes, or wires.

Freiberg’s Muldenhütten Recycling und Umwelttechnik GmbH (MRU) spe-cializes in the recycling of discarded accumulators and batteries. Being a part of the BERZELIUS METALL Group, the company is the third largest lead smelt-er in Germany. More than 110 employees process batteries and accumulators

from the automotive and industrial sectors, lead-containing residues, and lead scrap into lead and lead alloys, sodium sulfate, polypropylene compounds of the Seculene® brand as well as antimony and tin master alloys. Non-recycla-ble plastics and hazardous waste are used energetically in MRU’s integrated incinerator. The company produces about 55,000 tons of secondary lead and lead alloys as well as 7,000 tons of propylene per year from discarded accu-mulators and batteries. The lead products are primarily used in starter batteries for cars. They are also used in such industrial batteries as truck batteries or accumulators which serve, for example, as emergency power supply units and as power storage units for renewable energy. Seculene® PP is a coveted raw material of the automotive supply industry. It has proven its worth, for exam-ple, as a material for wheel arch liners, underbody panelings, cable ducts as well as toolboxes. And Seculene® is also successfully used for the production of battery cases.MRU is part of the ECoBAT Technologies Group. The world’s largest lead pro-ducer is, at the same time, also the only corporate group to cover a closed cycle for battery recycling.

Top leftSemi-finished products containing pre-cious metals are manufactured at SAXo-NIA Edelmetalle: They are used in elec-tronics and electrical engineering, plant and machine construction, electroplating, jewelry, coins as well as cast products.

Top center/rightIn 13 tanks of Muldenhütten Recycling und Umwelttechnik’s refinery, each of them having a storage capacity of 100 tons, the undesired accompanying ele-ments of lead bullion are individually removed in up to 10 steps. Specific lead alloys are created through systematic additions. The finished, refined lead is cast into bars or large blocks and finally marked, stacked, and weighed according to customer specifications. The appropri-ate production data and a specific batch number are indicated on every stack.

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Sustainable Water Management

The wks group, which is located in Dresden, provides the complete process, machine, and automation technology for the new construction, reconstruction as well as optimization of water management facilities. The company provides all services from one source and united under one roof, ranging from individu-al consulting to conceptual design and implementation all the way to services during the operation of such facilities and its own in-house workshop produc-tion. Customized, reliable solutions for the treatment of drinking water, rain-water as well as municipal and industrial wastewater including sludge recy-cling for the generation of renewable energy are the core and driving force of the corporate activities.

The Dresden-based DAS Environmental Expert GmbH has been developing technologies and equipment for the disposal of process waste gases in the high tech industry since 1991. In a second business unit, the company devel-ops process and system solutions for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater. Whether it be the construction of a new plant or the optimization of an existing one – the portfolio of wastewater management services ranges from planning and construction to automation all the way to the operation and maintenance of plant technology and encompasses both biological and chemical-physical procedures.

The BUSSE Innovative Systeme GmbH from Leipzig specializes in the devel-opment, construction, and distribution of decentralized wastewater treatment and water recovery systems. Its most popular product is the BUSSE-MF sew-age treatment system – a fully biological, small-sized sewage system which treats and purifies domestic wastewater up to the quality of industrial water.In a current research project, the BUSSE IS GmbH is cooperating with the Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden in order to investigate how such organic trace sub-stances as hormone and pharmaceutical residues can also be removed almost completely from municipal wastewater. Towards this end, the BUSSE proce-dure is to be expanded by a hybrid membrane system.

The competences of the Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH in the field of wastewater treatment and disposal are also in great demand around the globe. For example, wastewater projects in Vietnam and the Ukraine have already benefitted from the extensive knowledge and expertise provided by the Dres-den-based firm. In both countries, pilot projects were realized within the scope of the International Water Research Alliance Saxony (IWAS), a network project that includes the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Dresden University of Technology, and other partners, with the objective of improving the water quality and/or developing a sustainable wastewater man-agement system. The company seeks to install an energy self-sufficient sewage system at its corporate site Dresden.

Bottom leftThe expansion of the aerobic biological wastewater treatment system at Friweika, a manufacturer of potato products, was successfully managed with an innovative concept developed by the specialists of DAS Environmental Expert while only requiring a minimum surface area.

Bottom, 2nd from leftSuch product innovations as the wks SBR equipment system in the field of wastewater treatment combine machine-technological expertise with applied water management competence.

Bottom, 2nd from rightIn addition to the standardized solution as a domestic sewage treatment system, the BUSSE-MF is also suitable for ships, floating homes, campgrounds, or historic buildings. It has proven its worth not only as a fixed installation in buildings, but also as a container unit. The high clean-ing efficiency of the system’s membrane technology permits its use even in drink-ing water protection zones.

Bottom rightThe energy self-sufficient sewage treat-ment system provided by the Stadtent-wässerung Dresden is to operate primar-ily with the conversion of biogas into electricity. The biogas is generated from sewage sludge and organic waste in two newly built digestion towers.

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22 The Freiberg University of Mining and Technology sees itself as a modern university of resources which, based on its long tradition in silver mining and metallurgy, has aligned its scientific profiles »Geo«, »Material«, »Energy«, and »Environment« both in research and instruction to meet the challenges of the future. These four core fields impart the university its unique and distinct profile. The spectrum ranges from the exploration of new deposits to the development of alternative energy technologies and materials all the way to the recycling and management of resources. Fundamental and applied research is conducted through intensive cooperations with regionally, nationally, and internationally active companies.

The university’s environmental research is coordinated by the Interdiscipli-nary Ecological Center (IÖZ). The central institution also conducts its own re-search, for example, in the sectors biology, environmental microbiology as well as environmental management. For example, within the scope of the PhytoGerm research project launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the IÖZ investigates how the bioavailability of germani-um and rare earths in soils and their absorption in plants can be used as a ba-sis for phytomining.

Dresden University of Technology is one of Germany’s eleven universities of excellence. one of its five research profiles is »Energy and Environment.«

22 Page 21With 462 seats, the »Audimax« is the largest lecture hall at the Freiberg Univer-sity of Mining and Technology.

LeftUNU-FLoRES in Dresden is one of three German campuses of the United Nations University (UNU). The doctoral degree program in »Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste,« which was initiated in 2014 together with Dresden University of Technology, has been coor-dinated here since then.

Top rightMining in the test tube in a lab at the Freiberg University of Mining and Tech-nology: Here in environmental microbi-ology, bacteria contributing to the emer-gence of acidic mining waters are also used for the treatment of such waters.

Together with the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, the Freiberg

University of Mining and Technology has developed a procedure which permits the

environmentally friendly and economically profitable joint recycling of vacuum tube and

LCD monitors. Screens of old TV sets contain about 30 percent of lead. Small amounts

of the valuable metals indium and tin are found in LCD monitors. The solution for

recycling lead glass and LCDs excels with its simplicity: With a pyro-

metallurgical method, both devices are melted together in a furnace. This creates mixed

glass, which can be used as glass ceramics, and a plumbiferous phase, which contains all

the metals. This, in turn, permits the subsequent recovery of indium or tin.

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23About 25 percent of the approximately 500 university professors are involved in this sector which encompasses the scientific disciplines of all faculties. They cover a wide range of topics revolving around energy, mobility, water, and the environment. The requisite top-notch research and instruction are pooled, for example, at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences with the disciplines Forest, Geo, and Hydro Sciences as well as at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the sectors Power Engineering, Production Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. At the Dresden Innovation Center Energy Efficiency, ten sub-projects are jointly addressed by Dresden University of Technology and the Fraunhofer Society.In cooperation with Dresden University of Technology, the United Nations University (UNU) officially inaugurated the Institute for Integrated Manage-ment of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) in Dresden at the end of 2012. The institute’s research focuses on strategies for the sustainable use of resources at an international level.

Safeguarding and assuring the availability of skilled employees in the natural sciences and technical environmental protection sectors is the key responsibil-ity of the Saxon Education Company for Environmental Protection and Chemical Occupations Dresden (SBG). The non-profit educational institution is the head organization of the Educational Network Saxony when it comes to supply and disposal. SBG provides vocational training, career advancement

programs, occupational retraining as well as qualifications in natural sciences and technical environmental protection. For example, water supply engineer-ing technicians, sewage engineering technicians as well as recycling and waste management technicians are all trained and educated at the SBG. In the field of continued education and training, it is possible to complete advanced quali-fication programs in all three areas of specialization and graduate with a mas-ter craftsman’s certificate.

The Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) conducts research in the sectors energy, health, and matter. In its research program »Energy Efficiency, Materials, and Resources,« for example, the HZDR seeks to improve the effi-ciency of industrial processes and to develop environmentally friendly tech-nologies for the exploration, extraction, and utilization of raw materials. An-other research focus is on such new storage technologies as liquid metal bat-teries with which it is possible to store large amounts of energy at relatively low costs.The research activities of the Institute of Resource Ecology are designed to protect humans and the environment against pollutants resulting from techni-cal processes during energy production and raw materials extraction. The sci-entific work also includes geo and bio systems.

Top leftAn SBG apprentice at the Stadtentwäs-serung Dresden

Top centerThe projects of the HZDR’s Institute of Resource Ecology focus on radioactive and non-radioactive metals in conjunc-tion with the final disposal of nuclear waste, production of nuclear energy, and technical processes along the value crea-tion chain of metalliferous raw materials. The picture shows scientists assembling a test bench for the investigation of failure scenarios, which may potentially occur in the primary circuit of a pressurized water reactor, under typical reactor conditions.

Top rightThis crystal aggregate contains, for ex-ample, indium, germanium, and silver – mineral and metalliferous raw materials whose more efficient use is put center stage at the HIF.

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24 The Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) pursues the objective of developing innovative technologies for the economy so that min-eral and metalliferous raw materials can be made available and used more ef-ficiently and recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. This applies equally to primary and secondary as well as domestic and international raw material sources. The institute, which was founded in 2011, belongs to the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf and is being expanded in close coop-eration with the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology.

At the Leipzig-based Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), scientists investigate the causes and consequences of the far-reaching changes in the environment. They address such research topics as, for example, water resources, biodiversity, environmental and bio technologies, bioenergy, and the impact of the climate change. The UFZ, which has more than 1,100 em-ployees, has gained an excellent reputation around the globe as a leading center for environmental research. Together with Dresden University of Tech-nology, it has been operating the Center for Advanced Water Research (CAWR), an alliance of university and non-university water research, since 2013.

The scientists at Leipzig’s German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ) are pio-neers in tackling the question as to how the finite biomass resources can con-

tribute to the existing, but primarily also to a future energy system in a sustain-able and highly efficient manner. Towards this end, the DBFZ identifies, devel-ops, accompanies, evaluates, and demonstrates the most promising fields of application for bioenergy both in theory and practice. This is accomplished together with partners from research, the economy, and the public at large.

The Dresden-based Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK) is com-mitted towards research and development in the air handling and refrigeration technologies sectors. The key activities of the non-university research facility revolve around refrigeration and heat pump technology as well as applied en-ergy technology. The ILK has developed, for example, the first cold storage system with vacuum ice technology. The system produces liquid ice via direct evaporation. The resultant ice slurry is a pumpable mixture of water and ice which can be stored in a simple buffer storage without integrating a heat ex-changer and removed again for cooling purposes.

Researching electromobility as well as stationary energy storage systems is in the focus of the Dresden-based Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS). The institute conducts strategic research on technologies for the inexpensive mass production of lithium-ion batteries in a network with other partners. Their objective is the construction of a demonstration center which encompasses all the requisite steps ranging from the unwinding of elec-

The Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) coordinates the estab-lishment of Europe’s largest resource network on behalf of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

Until 2022, a total of 410 million euros will be available for »EIT Raw Ma terials« with the objective of developing new processes and products for the sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, and recycling of raw materials. The network will unite under one roof 116 leading universities, re-search centers, and companies from 22 European countries which are active along the entire raw materials value creation chain.

Top leftBacteria and other microorganisms are able to extract metals from ore bodies through their metabolic processes. This is achieved with the use of bioreactors in the lab. The HIF scientists analyze bio-technological processes for the extraction and processing of rare earths.Under the auspices of the HIF, the part-ners of the German-French financed »EcoMetals« project seek to extract cop-per from old German, French, and Polish mine dumps as well as copper schist mines in this environmentally friendly, energy-efficient manner.

Top rightThe UFZ’s Visualization Center (VISLab) helps scientists gain new insights into complex environmental systems through the realistic and vivid 3D representation of modelings.

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25trode foils to the preparation of electrodes and separators all the way to the formation, joining, and welding of cell stacks in pouch foils. New material concepts for mobile energy storages are another research focus of the Fraun-hofer IWS.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (FEP) is active in several branches of the environmental / energy sector. In Dresden, the Fraunhofer FEP works on highly productive vacuum technologies for organic and inorganic thin film solar cells, innovative lithium- ion and thin film batteries as well as energy-efficient glazing and lighting. In addition, the Fraunhofer FEP develops a specific method of treating seeds with electrons further. This is an environmentally friendly technology.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) de-velops materials, technologies, and systems for water and air purification as well as for the recovery and refinement of valuable materials from waste prod-ucts. Towards this end, the Dresden researchers are working on filters, catalyt-ic converters, and sensors which are used for reducing the pollutants and im-proving the energy efficiency during industrial processes. The Fraunhofer IKTS also addresses ceramic filtration membranes. And the Fraunhofer IKTS is also a competent contact point when it comes to efficient energy technology. The requisite systems’ service spectrum ranges from portable fuel cells with an

output of 1 watt all the way to stationary plants with outputs in the megawatt range. In the energy storage sector, the Fraunhofer IKTS conducts research on lithium-ion batteries, sodium cells as well as metal-air batteries and superca-pacitors.

The Dresden-based Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional De-velopment (IOER) seeks to find solutions to create the scientific foundation for the sustainable, environmentally friendly development of cities and regions. The institute investigates the interactions between the natural environment and society as well as the available options for influencing them. With its innova-tive research and expert advice, the IoER contributes to the compatibility of human action and the development of the natural environment.

The activities of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) in Leipzig revolve around clouds and aerosols, i.e. the smallest airborne particles. Despite the fact that they only occur in minimum absolute amounts, these particles have a considerable impact on the climate, and they also influence human health (i.e. »fine dust«). In order to explain these processes and to de-velop the appropriate reduction strategies, the TRoPoS conducts field studies in polluted regions around the globe, carries out lab experiments and model-ings, and develops its own analytical methods. TRoPoS is the contact point for politics, society, and science in the health and climate fields.

Top leftMeasurement campaign of the CAWR: In addition to assessing the effects of a load reduction at the main sources of impact, the scientists also investigate, in particu-lar, the influence of the water structure on the river’s self-purification.

Top, 2nd from leftILK Dresden’s cold storage system with vacuum ice technology which went into operation at the Zwickau University of Applied Sciences (WHZ) in 2014

Top, 2nd from rightFuel mix from biomass – demonstrated by the DBFZ

Top rightTRoPoS’ green laser beam can be seen above Leipzig at night. The LIDAR system, which is called PollyXT, was developed by the institute’s troposphere researchers. It emits laser impulses at wave lengths of 355, 532, and 1,064 nanometers which are reflected by particles floating in the atmosphere. In addition to PollyXT, the TRoPoS re-searchers also operate two other lasers.

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ascdcfsdf NETWoRKS


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27So that bright ideas reach the people – this could be the quickest way to an-swer the question: What is the purpose of the Saxon Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH Saxony pursues a sustainable and innovative energy policy which is implemented with the support and assistance of SAENA, an enterprise wholly owned by the Free State. The Saxon Energy Agency advises Saxony’s companies, municipalities, and citizens on renewable energies as well as the sustainable supply and rational, efficient use of energy. With pilot projects, spe-cial events, continued education programs, information material, campaigns, special promotional days, and expert symposiums, SAENA puts alternative en-ergies and energy efficiency on the public agenda in Saxony.

Launched in 2014, Energy Saxony e. V. is an industry oriented network which pursues the objective of increasing the competitiveness and export strength of commercial enterprises active in the Saxon energy branch and further enhanc-ing the efficiency of research conducted in the energy sector. The network is funded by a cluster support program of the Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor, and Transport (SMWA). The network members are currently ac-tive in the four work groups Energy Efficient Production, Energy Solutions for Buildings and Smart Cities, Regulatory Parameters and Business Models, Re-sources and Recycling, Storage and Network Services, Heat and Cold. In an in-terdisciplinary approach spanning all work groups, ENERGy SAXoNy wants to advance the development of innovative solutions for sustainable energy tech-nologies and their transfer into new products and services while also further

strengthening the production venue Saxony in order to systematically seize the opportunities which arise from the energy turnaround in Saxony.

one of Germany’s largest geotechnology branch networks is the Geocompe-tence Center Freiberg (GKZ) with more than 150 members from business, sci-ence, and public administration providing competences and expertise in all questions revolving around the raw materials industry. The GKZ service portfo-lio ranges from safeguarding raw materials to developing business locations, en-vironmental engineering, geobiotechnology and geotechnology all the way to resource management. The network activities focus on the promotion of R&D projects, the support of general and continued education as well as the coordi-nation of international contacts and projects.

Headquartered in Freiberg, the Innovation and Recycling Management Saxony (IKS e. V.) association was founded in 2000 in order to develop practical, viable solutions for recycling management. Its members are active, for example, in the specialized areas waste and recycling management, engineering sciences, envi-ronmental protection, and economics. The IKS pursues the objective of turning waste management into resource management. This is to be achieved with pro-jects revolving around waste prevention and waste recycling and the organiza-tion of material cycles in addition to transfer services at the interface between scientific research and practical application; particularly for small and medium sized enterprises.

LeftHeadquartered in Chemnitz, the Wismut GmbH is a state-owned company. Its primary task is the decommissioning, re-habilitation, and recultivation of uranium mining and uranium processing facilities. The picture shows the rehabilitated waste heap No. 38 new and the mine shaft No. 382 in Bad Schlema. Wismut has been a member and an important stakeholder of the Freiberg Geocompetence Center (GKZ) association already since its found-ing in 2002.

Top leftSAENA offers diverse training modules revolving around the topics energy, sustainable energy supply, renewable energies, energy efficiency, and climate protection free of charge. Depending on the specific topic, the resources of the school, and the regional environment, short excursions, experiments, or practi-cal applications are carried out in addi-tion to the theoretical section.

Top rightElectromobility in various waste manage-ment sectors of the Saxon state capital Dresden

Since 2013, BMW has been mass producing the i3, the first vehicle which was specifically designed for electro-mobility, in Leipzig. The Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid rolls off the assembly line in Leipzig as well. A well positioned supply branch in the automotive sector and in the electrical industry manufactures, for example, power-train components, batteries as well as power electronics. Already since 2009, the Free State has been participating as a model region in Germany’s federal program »Electric Mobility in Model Regions.« And since 2012, Saxony has also been promoting numerous demonstration and pilot projects within the scope of the federal program »Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MoBILITy CoNNECTS« which are tried and tested in a practical approach and which can be experienced at a broader scale. The Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor, and Transport (SMWA) has entrusted the Saxon Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH with the establishment and operation of a competence center for electromobility.

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The SAXUTEC e. V. – Saxon Association for International Environment Pro-tection and Environmental Technologies pursues the objective of focusing Saxony’s competences in the environmental sector. Companies and institu-tions from the water, waste, systems technology, consulting, and planning sec-tors have joined forces in this network. The SAXUTEC members are able to al-so render comprehensive services abroad. The network also serves as a plat-form for the exchange of information and experiences.

As a non-profit organization, the VEE Sachsen e. V. – Association for the Pro-motion of Renewable Energy advocates and promotes the interests of renew-able energy in the Free State of Saxony. In so doing, the network represents the entire spectrum ranging from solar and bio energy to wind and water power all the way to geothermal energy. VEE Sachsen promotes the exchange of experiences, provides consultation and information for municipalities, sup-ports the general and continued education and training programs offered by Saxon educational institutions, and conducts networking activities at all levels.

Leipzig’s Training and Demonstration Center for Decentralized Sewage Treatment – BDZ e. V. is a national and international network for decentral-ized and semi-centralized wastewater technology. It also includes a demon-stration center for wastewater treatment technologies, the education and train-ing of skilled personnel as well as R&D for sustainable water management.

28 LeftThe GKZ e. V. promotes the continuous exchange of experiences between its members and international contact part-ners with the help of numerous activities. That’s why the association also conducts subject-specific excursions. The picture shows the inspection of an acid pool.

Top left and rightFully functional small sewage treat-ment plants which are integrated into the wastewater circulation system with diverse technologies are exhibited in twelve demonstration boxes on the BDZ premises in Leipzig-Leutzsch. Every technology available on the market is represented with at least one plant. In addition, 25 models are on display as dry well installations.

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Source: Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh (Saxony economic Development corporation)


• ThelatestdataonSaxony’seconomyanditsbusiness environment

• Customizedservicepackagesforbusinesssiteselections• Procurementofcontactswithregionaldecisionmakers• Informationonopportunitiesforfinancialsupport

and subsidy programs• AccesstobranchnetworksinSaxony• Assistanceinopeningupnewmarketsandin

initiating cooperative partnerships



Company / Institution URL Company / Institution URL





Schiffbarer Wasserweg

Internationaler Flughafen


Transeuropäische Schienenwege mit Güterverkehr

Sonstige Schienenwege mit Güterverkehr


Page 4 NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG;FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology;WismutGmbH

Page 7 NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG

Page 8 SolarWorldAG;HeckertSolarAG,DirkHanus/Zebra;SolarionAG;NARVALichtquellenGmbH&Co.KG

Page 9 GFCAntriebsSystemeGmbH;EickhoffAntriebstechnikGmbH

Page 10 cp.maxRotortechnikGmbH&Co.KG;HakaGerodurAG

Page 11 STRABAGUmwelttechnikGmbH;GICONBioenergieGmbH; VERBIOVereinigteBioEnergieAG


Page 13 LitarionGmbH;FuelCellEnergySolutionsGmbH/FuelCellEnergy,Inc.; sunfire gmbh

Page 14 eZelleronGmbH;ads-tecGmbH

Page 15 DBIGas-undUmwelttechnikGmbH, ©iStock.com/photosbyjim,©ssguy/Shutterstock.com,editedby599media;einsenergieinsachsenGmbH&Co.KG

Page 16 HaaseGFK-TechnikGmbH;WätaSWärmetauscherSachsenGmbH

Page 17 DürrthermeaGmbH;BerlinerNetzwerkE,DietmarGust;FASAAG, UlfDahl

Page 18 G.E.O.S.IngenieurgesellschaftmbH;archivesoftheWismutGmbH

Page 19 SAXONIAEdelmetalleGmbH;MuldenhüttenRecyclingundUmwelttechnikGmbH(MRU),Gauls–DieFotografen

Page 20 DASEnvironmentalExpertGmbH;wksgroup;BUSSEInnovativeSystemeGmbH;StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH

Page 21 FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology

Page 22 UNU-FLORES;FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology

Page 23 StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH;HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR),OliverKillig,JürgenJeibmann

Page 24 HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR),FrankBierstedt;HelmholtzCenterforEnvironmentalResearch(UFZ),AndréKünzelmann

Page 25 CenterforAdvancedWaterResearch(CAWR);InstituteofAirHandlingandRefrigeration(ILK);GermanBiomassResearchCenter(DBFZ);LeibnizInstituteforTroposphericResearch(TROPOS),TiloArnhold

Page 26 Wismut gmbh

Page 27 SaxonEnergyAgency–SAENAGmbH

Page 28 GeocompetenceCenterFreiberg(GKZ);TrainingandDemonstrationCenterforDecentralizedSewageTreatment–BDZe.V.

EditorWirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh(Saxony economic Development corporation)www.wfs.saxony.de

Text Composition in Cooperation [email protected]

Graphic DesignVORWerbeagenturGmbHwww.vor-dresden.de

Printed byStoba-Druck gmbhwww.stoba-druck.de

Editorial Deadline:August2015


Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh Bertolt-Brecht-Allee2201309Dresden,GermanyPhone +49-351-21380Fax [email protected] www.wfs.saxony.de



Power Generation

cp.maxRotortechnikGmbH&Co.KG www.cpmax.com

eickhoff Wind Power gmbh www.eickhoff-bochum.de

geoENERGIEKonzeptGmbH www.geoenergie-konzept.de

GerodurMPMKunststoffverarbeitungGmbH&Co.KG www.gerodur.de

GFCAntriebsSystemeGmbH www.gfc-drives.com

GICONBioenergieGmbH www.gicon.de

HeckertSolarAG www.heckertsolar.com

NARVALichtquellenGmbH+Co.KG www.narva-bel.de

SolarionAG www.solarion.net

SolarWorldIndustriesSachsenGmbH www.solarworld.de

STRABAGUmwelttechnikGmbH www.strabag-umwelttechnik.com

VeM group www.vem-group.com

VERBIOVereinigteBioEnergieAG www.verbio.de

WSB neue energien holding gmbh www.wsb.de

Energy Storage / Storage Technologies

ads-tec gmbh www.ads-tec.de

AXXELLONGmbH www.axxellon.de

DBIGas-undUmwelttechnikGmbH(DBIGUT) www.dbi-gut.de

DeutscheACCUmotiveGmbH&Co.KG,ProductionSiteKamenz www.accumotive.de

einsenergieinsachsenGmbH&Co.KG www.eins.de

eZelleronGmbH www.ezelleron.eu

Fuelcell energy Solutions gmbh www.fces.de

gW Batterien gmbh www.gwbatt.com

HaaseGFK-TechnikGmbH www.ichbin2.de

HOPPECKEAdvancedBatteryTechnologyGmbH www.hoppecke.com

LitarionGmbH www.litarion.com

sunfireGmbH www.sunfire.de

Energy Efficiency

Dürr thermea gmbh www.thermeco2.com

FASAAG www.fasa-ag.de

LeipzigerInstitutfürEnergieGmbH(IELeipzig) www.ie-leipzig.com

SeS energiesysteme gmbh www.ses-energiesysteme.com

WätaSWärmetauscherSachsenGmbH www.waetas.de

Recycling Management

C&EConsultingundEngineeringGmbH www.cue-chemnitz.de

G.E.O.S.IngenieurgesellschaftmbH www.geosfreiberg.de

MuldenhüttenRecyclingundUmwelttechnikGmbH(MRU) www.berzelius.de

SAXONIAEdelmetalleGmbH www.saxonia.de

Wismut gmbh www.wismut.de

Sustainable Water Management

BUSSEInnovativeSystemeGmbH www.busse-is.de

DASEnvironmentalExpertGmbH www.das-europe.com

StadtentwässerungDresdenGmbH www.stadtentwaesserung-dresden.de

wks group www.wksgroup.de

Education and Research

CenterforAdvancedWaterResearch(CAWR) www.ufz.de/cawr

DresdenInnovationCenterEnergyEfficiency www.innovation-energieeffizienz.de

DresdenUniversityofTechnology www.tu-dresden.de

e³-research Factory www.e3-fabrik.de

ecoMetals www.hzdr.de

EITRawMaterials www.hzdr.de

enerMat www.enermat.de

FraunhoferInstituteforCeramicTechnologiesandSystems(IKTS) www.ikts.fraunhofer.de

FraunhoferInstituteforMaterialandBeamTechnology(IWS) www.iws.fraunhofer.de

FraunhoferInstituteforOrganicElectronics,ElectronBeamandPlasma technology (FeP)


FreibergUniversityofMiningandTechnology www.tu-freiberg.de

GermanBiomassResearchCenter(DBFZ) www.dbfz.de

HelmholtzCenterDresden-Rossendorf(HZDR) www.hzdr.de

HelmholtzCenterforEnvironmentalResearch(UFZ) www.ufz.de

HelmholtzInstituteFreibergforResourceTechnology(HIF) www.hzdr.de



InstituteofAirHandlingandRefrigeration(ILK) www.ilkdresden.de

InstituteofResourceEcology www.hzdr.de

InterdisciplinaryEcologicalCenter(IÖZ) www.tu-freiberg.de/ioez

LeibnizInstituteforTroposphericResearch(TROPOS) www.tropos.de

LeibnizInstituteofEcologicalUrbanandRegionalDevelopment(IOER) www.ioer.de

Saxon education company for environmental Protection and ChemicalOccupationsDresden(SBG)



EnergySaxonye.V. www.energy-saxony.net

GeocompetenceCenterFreiberg(GKZ) www.gkz-ev.de

InnovationandRecyclingManagementSaxony(IKSe.V.) www.ik-sachsen.de

SaxonEnergyAgency–SAENAGmbH www.saena.de

SAXUTECe.V.–SaxonAssociationforInternationalEnvironmentProtection and environmental technologies


ShowcaseBavaria-SaxonyELECTRICMOBILITYCONNECTS www.elektromobilitaet-verbindet.de



VEESachsene.V.–AssociationforthePromotionof renewable energy


Further Contacts

»InvestinSaxony«–Saxony'sInformationPortalforInvestors www-invest-in-saxony.de

SaxonyStateMinistryforEconomicAffairs,Labor,andTransport(SMWA) www.smwa.sachsen.de

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen gmbh (Saxony economic Development corporation)


Page 30: greentech! - Saxony€¦ · Refrigeration (ILK); German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ); Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Tilo Arnhold Page 26 Wismut gmbh Page


gy·waste·solar·geothermal energy·measurement technology·analyticsmal energy·wind·water·consultin·energy efficiency·Biomass·geother

Biomass·analytics·energy efficiencysolar·wind·measurement technology

gy·Solar·Wind·geothermal energy·

·analyticS·WaSte·Solar·conSultingWaSte·meaSurement technology·anenergy efficiency·biomaSS·Water·SconSulting·WaSteWater·recycling

geothermal energy·Wind·recycling·aWaSteWater·analyticS·energy efficiency

greentech!environmental and energy technology in Saxony


Power generation – Solar (PV), Solar thermal energy, Wind energy, geo- thermal energy, and Biomass / Bioenergy 8

energy Storage / Storage technologies – Battery, Fuel cells, Battery and network Management, Miscellaneous 12

energy efficiency 16

recycling Management 18

Sustainable Water Management 20