GUERRA, Paula (2015) - All Tomorrow's Parties: pictures and relations in the (sub)cultural manifestations of Portuguese punk

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GUERRA, Paula - All Tomorrow's Parties: pictures and relations in the (sub)cultural manifestations of Portuguese punk.KISMIF Conference 2015, 15 – 17 julho 2015, Porto (Portugal). KISMIF, IS-UP e Pelouro da Cultura da CM Porto

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  • PAULA GUERRAKISMIF Convenor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute

    of Sociology, University of Porto, Griffith Centre for Cultural Research, KISMIF Project Coordinator, Portugal

    All Tomorrow's Parties: pictures and relations in the (sub)cultural manifestations of Portuguese punk

  • ++Contents++

    1. The KISMIF Project: an overview2. The KISMIF Project: objectives3. The KISMIF Project: methodology4. The Portuguese punk scene: some results

    The focus of this key lecture is the discussion of the network

    formed by the key-actors of the Portuguese punk

    movement, showing its particular mechanisms and

    functioning in what respects decades, regions and key-

    actors of the most important bands.

  • 1. The KISMIF Project: an overview

  • The central knot of this project is in the context analysis as well as in the social agents who emerged, the development and sedimentation of social and musical manifestations of punk in Portuguese modernity (1977-2012), in a diachronic perspective with sinchroniccontours, cross-referencing time and spaces.

    We believe this to be the most fertile path towards exploring objects of such a complex nature, socially invisible, which need a variety of paradigms for its efficient explanation and scientific understanding.

  • The lack of specific scientific studies in Portugal, and its incipient use by political, institutional and scientific entities justifies the true importance of this project.

  • We are interested in

    Production | Promotion | Consumption

    inside a matrix which understands punk as a form of popular culture, as it implies an access to spaces with specific instruments of expression and communication, the increase in cognitive, emotional and symbolic patterns, the creation of specific cultural products, the possibility of aesthetic experiences, and the mobilization of social actors originating from popular backgrounds as well as urban middle classes.

  • It is also important to stress the framing of our analysis in the much larger phenomenon of territorialization of cultural activities also applied to popular music scenes, our analytical zoom.

    In the approach of this phenomenon, it is important to bear in mind the symbiotic relationship between territory and cultural consumption: while the first makes the latter essential for territorial development, it also makes the territory the primary element in cultural dynamism.

  • 2. The KISMIF Project:

    Objectives and Methodology

  • 1. To do a systematic investigation of urban cultures associated with punk music, understanding its importance in the processes of identitary construction of social agents, young people in particular;

    2. To promote a connection between the several areas of cultural fields analysis, as well as analysis of how the music is enjoyed by the public, in different scales;

  • 3. To build a punk relational space, distinguishing a set of stances in a specific social environment, inside the rock universe, related to the structure of the artistic field and the Portuguese social environment;

    4. To experiment several methodologies and investigative techniques, with the goal of understanding the importance of the several daily lives which are constituted by musical consumption and practice, as well as its importance and impact in the restructuring of social practices.

  • We intend to arrive at these goals crossing methods of extensive and intensivenature, in an reflexive ethnographic matrix, which we defend as an adequatestrategy to deal with the objects complexity, diachronic and sinchronicsingularity.

    We intend to develop investigation for action. Starting from documental analysis, exploratory interviews, life stories, case studies, focal groups, and finishing up by gathering investigators and field agents in the discussion of results. The dissemination of the results will be made through the direction of a documentaryand the creation of a web platform of Portuguese punk. This is one of the innovative products of the project, which will integrate the documentary, the databases gathered and the relevant products and subproducts in the context of dissemination.

  • 4.The Portuguese punk scene: some


  • Until now we conducted 214

    interviews, and we analysed 93

    fanzines (in a total of 177

    issues), the names of 788 punk

    bands, the titles of 1429

    albums, the covers of 118

    albums, and the lyrics of 264


    See the bookAs Palavras do Punk [The Words of Punk]

    Number of catalogued bands, by decade offoundation and municipality (1977-2014)

  • Age N. %

    15-30 years old 38 17,76%

    31-45 years old 109 50,93%

    > 45 years old 67 31,31%

    Total 214 100,00%

    Gender N. %

    Female 30 14,02%

    Male 184 85,98%

    Total 214 100,00%

    Interviews role in the scene N. %

    Musician active 48 22,43%

    Musician inactive 14 6,54%

    Mediator active 27 12,62%

    Mediator inactive 10 4,67%

    Fans 29 13,55%

    Musician and mediator active 42 19,63%

    Musician and mediator inactive 7 3,27%

    Musician inactive and mediator active 4 1,87%

    Musician and mediator inactive 11 5,14%

    Musician inactive and fan 22 10,28%

    Total 214 100,00%

    Some numbers about interviewees

  • In the interviews we asked to all interviewees to indicate their

    preferences in terms of songs, albums, videos, bands and personalities

    (actors of the Portuguese punk scene) in a list (no ordered) with up 10


    PURPOSE: to know and understand which are thesongs, albums, videos, bands and actors mostimportant in the Portuguese punk scene.

    IN THE NEXT SLIDES:we will see some of the results obtained after the submission of these preferences to the social network analysis

  • Figure 1: Personalities most referenced

  • Name of thePersonality

    % of theinterviewees who cite him

    Bands Age in 2014 Roles in the punk scene

    Joo Ribas 51,9K de Judas, Censurados, Tara Perdida, Kamones, N.A.M. (Ncleo de Atrasados Mentais)

    (RIP 2014, 49 anos) Musician

    Miguel Newton 21,5 Mata-Ratos 47 MusicianJoo Pedro Almendra, Autista

    21,0 Punk Sinatra, Peste & Sida, K de Judas 47 Musician

    Z Pedro 20,6 Xutos & Pontaps 61 Musician, DJ, Radio

    Rui Ramos, Rui Rocker

    19,6Choque, Crise, Crise Total, Profilaxia, Santa Vulva, Pixas Paradas Conceptual, Feijo Freud, Rolls Rockers, Asfixia

    (RIP 2013, 49 anos) Musician, DJ, Radio

    Manolo Almeida 18,7Crise Total, Profilaxia, Capito Fantasma, M.A.D., Los Paz DAlma

    45 Musician

    Frgil Lapa 18,2Senisga, Renegados de Boliqueime, Motornoise, Frgil and Alchool Friends

    46 Musician, Promotor, DJ

    Francisco Dias, Xico 17,8

    Dawnrider, Alpha Chapter, Two, Apostle of Solitude, Subcaos, Crise Total, Porcos Sujos, Rolls Rockers, No Counts, LAmour Rocks

    37Musician, fanzine editor, music editor, owner of record store, radio, DJ

    Victor Torpedo, Vitinho


    Objectos Perdidos, 77, Subway Riders, Blood Safari, Tdio Boys, The Parkinsons, Planet Jacumba, Tiguana Bibles, The Hateful, Victor Torpedo Karaokee

    41Musician, Plastic Artist, DJ, Designer, Illustrator

    Pedro Ayres Magalhes, Dedos Tubaro

    10,8Fascas, Corpo Diplomtico, Hris do Mar, Madredeus, Resistncia

    58 Musician

  • Figure 2: Geographical origin of the interviewees Geographical origin of Personalities

  • Figure 2: Geographical origin of the interviewees Geographical origin of Personalities

    In this figure we can see that:- the personalities most referenced are from Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra and Sintra.- the variable "territory" has some influence in the choices of the interviewees - theterritories near to each other appear in this figure also in the same cluster. This meansthat interviewees tend to choice personalities from cities near to their local of residence interviewees and personalities chosen are most of them friends

  • Figure 3: Bands most referenced

  • Name of theBand

    % of theinterviewees who cite theband

    Geographicprovenience of

    the bandStatus in 2014 Years in activity

    Total of years in activity

    Crise Total 52,3 Sintra No ativo 1983-1988; 1995- 24

    Censurados 47,2 Lisboa Inativa 1988-1994 6

    Mata-Ratos 42,1 Oeiras No Ativo 1982- 32

    K de Judas 42,1 Lisboa Inativa 1982-1986 4

    Peste & Sida 37,9 Lisboa No Ativo 1986- 28

    Aqui d'el-Rock 26,2 Lisboa Inativa 1977-1979 2

    Xutos & Pontaps

    22,4 Lisboa No Ativo 1978- 36

    X-Acto 22,0 Lisboa Inativa 1991-1999 8

  • Figure 2: Geographical origin of the interviewees Geographical origin of Bands

  • Crise Total


    K de Judas

  • Mata-Ratos


  • Aqui d'el-Rock

  • Thanks!


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