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Date 1/5/15


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Abbas seeks to re-submit statehood bid to UN Security Council

Shurat Hadin readies war crimes complaints against Palestinians

Netanyahu vows to 'protect IDF soldiers from Palestinian attempts to drag them to The Hague'

Fatah website posts photo of Netanyahu next to noose with word 'soon' and ICC logo

Erekat hints at dissolution of Palestinian Authority after Israel withholds tax funds

Israel will ask Congress to stop US aid to Palestinians

FM Lieberman: Israel's biggest challenge is Europe, not Palestinians

DNA links prove Jews are a 'race,' says genetics expert

Israel arrests ISIS-affiliated cell in West Bank

Top Hezbollah official: Shi'ites and Sunnis will unite to fight Israel in next battle

How oil price slump is putting a squeeze on Hezbollah, Iran's Shiite ally

Syria's Assad prays at Damascus mosque

Muslim Man Shouts 'Allah Is Great' While Attempting to Strangle French Police Officer

2 Saudi guards killed in attack on Iraq frontier

Spectre of Isis used to erode rights in Morocco

Oil tanker bombed at Libyan port, 2 dead

Bomb wounds 4 Egyptian police officers in Sinai

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Boko Haram seizes army base in northeast Nigeria

Car bomb targeting security forces explodes in Somali capital

Bangladesh rocked by violence on election anniversary

Experts raise speculation over succession after Saudi king falls ill

Rouhani threatens to hold Iran referendum

Rouhani urges end to Iran's isolation

U.S. Drone Strike in Pakistan Is Said to Have Killed 6 Militants

Afghan president says U.S. might want to 're-examine' pullout deadline

Venezuela's Maduro to visit China, OPEC nations amid cash crunch

Euro Falls To Lowest Level Since March 2006

Writers Say They Feel Censored by Surveillance

Investor rush to artificial intelligence is real deal

Large Asteroids to Flyby Earth in January Through March. Should Humans Worry?

Green Lovejoy Comet to Reach its Full Brightness; Full Moon May Spoil the View

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Kandrian, Papua New Guinea

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Rabaul, Papua New Guinea

Magnitude 4.2 earthquake detected off Vancouver Island coast

Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico erupts to 24,000ft

Kliuchevskoi volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to

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Idaho suffers millions in property damage following earthquake

Arctic Polar Blast Coming: Midwest Temperatures To Plunge 35 Below Average, Chicago Facing Record Lows

Australia Races to Stabilize Wildfires as Catastrophe Declared

Bishop Challenges The Catholic Church To Recognize Same-Sex Relationships

Ebola in Britain: No quarantine for health workers

Ebola-exposed healthcare worker arrives in Nebraska

Record border meth seizures

Archaeologists find possible site of Jesus's trial in Jerusalem



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IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...  IDF pulls units from locations bordering Gaza,

ignoring rising Egyptian military and al Qaeda activity

Staying At Our Posts

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Nearing Midnight: France and the End-Time Hatred of Jews

11 Predictions of Economic Disaster in 2015 from Top Experts All Over the Globe

The Daily Jot: The debate about Israel and America

Daily Devotion: Better Than Happiness Featured Article: Significant Signs    


IDF pulls units from locations bordering Gaza, ignoring rising Egyptian military and al Qaeda activity - http://www.debka.com/article/24325/IDF-pulls-units-from-locations-bordering-Gaza-ignoring-rising-Egyptian-military-and-al-Qaeda-activity  Israelis living in a string of villages and towns bordering on the Gaza Strip protested in vain against Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon's decision to withdraw the military presence keeping them safe, especially since the summer war on Gaza.   Four significant security events in the last 48 hours on both sides of the border added to their concerns: Their government, at its weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem Sunday, Jan. 4, set up a committee to expedite the transfer of the bulk of IDF facilities from the center of the country to the south. At the same time, Israelis living in the south within range of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip saw the soldiers heading out and were advised to put their trust in local paramilitary "preparedness squads" taking over from the army. The local population believes that they are not up to the job of safeguarding them from more terrorist aggression - by missile, tunnel or intrusion. Also Sunday, Egypt began expanding the security buffer zone along the

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14km of the Gaza-Sinai-Israel border, doubling its breadth from one half to a whole kilometer. The mostly Palestinian inhabitants of this zone were evacuated.  Saturday, Jan. 3, Egyptian troops raided three towns in northern Sinai: Rafah (which is part located in the Gaza Strip), El Arish and Sheikh Zuweid, killing 7 militants of Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, which last month pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and jihad against Egypt and Israel.   A few hours later, an Egyptian army explosives expert was killed and several soldiers injured when a large bomb planted on a road in Sheikh Zuweid blew up when they tried to dismantle it.  Saturday night, the IDF commander of the Gaza Division, Brig. Gen. Itay Virov tried to calm dwellers across from the Gaza Strip, who were up in arms about the withdrawal of their military safety net. He addressed members of Kibbutz Nahal Oz with a rare burst of frankness. He spoke of military policy, but his words no doubt reflected the strategic thinking of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ya'alon, the outgoing Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, and his successor next month Maj. Gen. Gadi Eisenkott.  The general may be commended for laying the truth about official policy on the table. However, instead of calming his audience, he bared evaluations that may give the rest of the country sleepless nights as well. Here are the high points of his Nahal Oz lecture: Israel can't deter Gazan Palestinians from making war, because they have no other options. So deterrence in this case is an empty value. Israel deliberately avoided going all the way to remove Hamas from power in Gaza in the summer war because salafist jihadists and al Qaeda would have moved in to replace them. It was deemed better to rely on Egypt to grapple with the terrorist threat, including al Qaeda, rather than the IDF. Brig. Virov termed the last Gaza operation a campaign based on the doctrine of prevention rather than a war of aggression. The political wing of Hamas looks after the population and wants peace and quiet, whereas the military wing lost no time in restoring the tunnels Israel blew up, conducting scores of test launches of rockets, and training hard for the next round of combat with Israel.  Israel therefore has no option but to prepare for a replay of Defense Edge

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with operations 2, 3 or even 4. Hamas must be degraded militarily each time - but not so far as to be rendered incapable of buttressing the Hamas regime.  The conclusion drawn from Gen. Virov's lecture was that the Netanyahu government has provided Hamas-Gaza with a political and military guarantee of safety. Like all policies, even those well thought out, this one too carries a price tag.  The general spoke of Hamas in terms of an independent entity whose operations and impact are confined to the Gaza Strip. He refrained from mentioning that, as recently as December, both of Hamas' branches, the military and the political, jumped aboard the Iran-led Iraqi-Syrian-Hizballah alliance. This Palestinian group is now subject to Tehran's policy decisions and directives. This omission from Israel's policy calculations could be dangerous. Clearly, an undefeated Hamas remains a lasting menace.  Tehran's decisions regarding Hamas may have an overarching effect, possibly touching on the moves directed by President Barack Obama. (See our Jan. 1 article on Obama's New Year gift to Israel and the Middle East.). Israel's policy of relying on the Egyptian army to contain Al Qaeda's Sinai network also comes at a price. For now, Israel has quietly consented to large-scale Egyptian military strength entering Sinai: One and a half divisions, including fighter squadrons and tank battalions, have taken up positions, nullifying the key demilitarization clause of their 1979 peace treaty. And that's just for starters.   

 Staying At Our Posts - Sharon Sanders - www.cfijerusalem.org   "...except the Watchmen keep the City, the Watchmen wakes but in vain" (Psalm 127:1b)

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 Our text today tells us that unless we KEEP (we hold, we hang on to and protect) Jerusalem through prayers and supplications we are just wasting our time (without success and for nothing). But when we "hold the fort" of prayer and keep our flag planted in the good soil of the Word of God, we will KEEP the City as Guardians over Jerusalem for the Lord's Sake! "An unknown poet wrote, 'I was a poor soul in the depth of despair, who climbed to the heights, in answer to prayer.' We can show no greater love and concern for (ISRAEL) than to say, 'I'm praying for you.'  (Word for Today, 20/11/14). "Hineh lo yanum, v'lo yishan, lo yanum v'lo yishan, Hineh lo yanum, v'lo yeshan, shomer, Yisrael." Translation: "Behold, He that keepeth Israel doth neither slumber nor sleep" Psalm 121:3. (Jewish Publication Society, 1917). God does not doze off. He does not take quick naps nor turn His head away from His everlasting love and care for His Chosen People. We cannot afford to do anything but stay alert in prayer and in the Spirit. We need always to be first responders in prayer and "on call" - available to pray at any moment. Israel is a land full of emergencies that occur almost every day. Prayer can change the course of events Israel faces daily. "Thus saith the Lord God; This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her" Ezekiel 5:5. The coming conflict ahead of Israel will involve the entire world. Zechariah says (12:2-3) that the nations will react to the ingathering of the Jewish people with irrational behavior. Islam considers Israel to be an insult to allah and Islam, and must be destroyed. Nations will be drawn into the coming conflict and unite to remove the Jewish presence from Jerusalem. They will discover that removing them will bring each nation a national "hernia." WWIII will be waged and centered around Jerusalem. It is the naval of the earth. It is also a bridge connecting Europe, Africa and Asia, three of the world's great continents. The earth has  a center with a crust and layers. Israel is in the center of earth's surface and the holiest spot on earth. Jerusalem-the Rabbis teach-the eternal Jerusalem is just above it as God sits over it and watches the beloved City. Constantine concentrated on a heavenly Jerusalem above and did not teach about an earthly rule of Christ in Jerusalem. For 1000 years Jerusalem will be the spiritual center of the world and the center of the earth. We see that aliyah (immigration of the Jewish people) is picking up speed. Also ISIS is advancing rapidly - there is much opposition to any Jew setting foot on the Temple Mount because there are two kingdoms on a collision course with one another: the kingdom of darkness against the kingdom of light.   The Dome of the Rock is viewed by Islam as being the center of the earth. Islam is in competition for God's throne. Of course, we realize this is satan behind it all as God's rival. Time seems to be running out. Jews and

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Christians worship the same God. At this moment, we differ on the Messiah, but this is something God will handle Himself--it is too big for man. The battle for Jerusalem is now in progress. Are we awake? Are we praying? Are we ready? Are we watching? The light of the knowledge of God's Word was given in Jerusalem and the Word of God will again go forth from Jerusalem. Since one of the Hebrew words for Watchmen is "notzrim" and the modern day Hebrew word for Christian is also "notzrim" (followers of the Nazarene...from natz-eret....see root word)...it is clear who the Watchmen are. It can be no one but Christian brothers and sisters standing in the gap for their brothers and sisters in Israel. Keep praying for Israel. Being at the center of the earth demands that faithful prayer warriors be on the lookout for trouble. 



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"Awesome - Great Work - Congratulations!"  - D. Koerner 

"I found it really moving" - D. Bower 

"The scene inside the church was awesome. I need to go home and lay on my face. Great work man!"- R. Miller

 "Awesome video! I watched it last night with my family, and we loved it, and plan to

share the word about it" -   C. Young 

"My wife and I watched the video and it is outstanding. Biblically solid...... we especially like the clear bible referencing and quoting. The video is a moving

tapestry tightly weaved with spectacular photography, bible references, and the signs of the times put together like a jigsaw puzzle. The gospel is presented clearly with tender love. We pray that this DVD gets distributed far and wide. I hope youth ministers have the courage to show this DVD rather than the garbage materials of the emergent church movement." - John Wicklund Board President for Olive Tree


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"The DVD provides an effective mix of biblical teaching and history, interspersed with the happenings in Israel today.  Particularly effective is the emotional ending showing the return of Jewish people worldwide back to Israel and traveling with a

sense of destiny.  Many commentators have said Israel is God's hour hand, Jerusalem is the minute hand, and the Temple Mount is the second hand on God's timepiece.  The video is a great introduction and myth-buster for those who do not know of the importance of Israel in God's eyes or who believe Israel has as much

significance in today's world as Madagascar or the Canary Islands." - John Wicklund, Chairman Olive Tree Ministries Board of Directors

 Got the DVD today and just finished watching it...outstanding!!! Loved it!!! - G.

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 I watched "Israel God's Timepiece" last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have loved Israel ever since I read the book "Exodus", when I was in the Army in 1958. I

do everything I can to support Israel and get people involved in what they are going through, and more than that, to pray for Peace in Jerusalem, according to Psalm 122. Your DVD was a fitting tribute to this wonderful, spectacular country

and God's very own "baby". Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Very well done. - J. Masters - Mississippi

 It is really a professional production and I see why it is so well received. In fact we

felt it is actually the best film we have seen on end time events. - Bill & Brenda Hicks

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  At first I thought it was going to be another routine message but as it progressed

it became more and more impressive. It was a great message. Congratulations on a very well presented and produced DVD. - R. Webb - Williamsburg

 Another effective witness from Randy and Prophecy Update. The "There will be Tribulation" video describes the purpose and the sequence of events during the

final seven years prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The linkage to many Old Testament prophecies clearly show the importance of the nation of Israel to

this seven-year period. The pictures in the video document a world already full of tribulation- how terrible will be those seven years. Great teaching tool for small groups and youth ministers to present the gospel message through the topic of

bible prophecy. - John Wicklund Chair- Olive Tree Ministries Board of Directors

  "Moving and Inspirational" - D. Koerner, Bakersfield, CA

  "Your Presentation will literally scare the h-ll out some people. There is enough

scripture and warnings of what is coming to cause, anyone, who has put off accepting the Lord's salvation through Jesus to repent now!" - Don Mills - Director

of Programming - CSN Radio - Twin Falls, ID  

Brother Randy, to say it was a great movie documentary is an understatement. Thank you for doing the Lord's work. This movie gave me the chills. - Terrance

Alan - Kaukauna, WI  

Thanks so much for the DVD There will be Tribulation...I watched it the other day, finally.   It is well done and really holds your attention. In fact, it's

unrelenting...which of course is what it needs to be. - Rich and JoAnne - Temecula, CA  


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Nearing Midnight: France and the End-Time Hatred of Jews - Todd Strandberg - http://www.raptureready.com/rap16.html   For the first time since the end of World WAR II, France has become a nation of Jewish emigration. In that country Anti-Semitic hate crimes are becoming so numerous that many French Jews see no other solution than to leave. Some of them come to America, but the vast majority choose Israel as their destination. Nearly 5,000 have left in the past year.  The American Jewish Committee in Paris has kept track of the number of anti-Semitic incidents. In 1999 the number of recorded acts ranging from graffiti to targeted arson and homicide reached just over 80 incidents. In the past decade an average of 400 individual episodes have been noted each year.  

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The numbers for 2014 more than tripled. The AJCP estimated the total number of 1,500 anti-Semitic incidents occurred last year. In France, Jews represent 50% of all the victims of racism even though they only account for less than 1 percent of the country's population.  The rising tide of anti-Semitism may have some connection to the growing population of Muslims in France. The 400,000 Jews in that nation are outnumbered by Muslims by around 15 times. It wasn't until recently that being a Muslim automatically meant a natural hatred of Jews. It now seems that when someone joins the Islamic faith, hostility towards Jews is just part of their basic beliefs.  I have to wonder how Islamists are able to avoid being the racial and religious group that everyone mistrusts. Every time an act of terror takes place, the odds are a Muslim is behind the attack. (For some magical reason the deadly sins of those that bow to Mecca don't register in this world.)  In just the past few weeks in France, several random attacks by Muslims were reported; one where a Muslim drove a car into a crowd of people. Even though there are no Jewish terrorists, they are the ones being watched instead the obvious Islamic radicals.  The problem with anti-Semitism in France doesn't seem to have any root cause. This type of hatred is just spreading across the land; infecting people of all walks of life. As a result, French Jews suddenly find themselves strangers in a nation that has long prided itself on tolerance for all races. In fact, French law prohibits identifying citizens by ethnic background.  The bias is coming from both the left and right. Jews are simply hated because they are seen as the embodiment of elitism or as one assailant said as he broke into a home to attack a Jewish couple, "You Jews, you have money."  Many consider French comedian Dieudonne M'bala M'bala to be the symbol of this anti-Semitism problem. He has multiple convictions for inciting racial hatred against Jews. Dieudonne just launched a nationwide tour titled, "The Impure Beast" which includes jokes about Ilan Halimi-a French Jew who was murdered in 2006. Dieudonne claims to only want "peace" but he is unable to resist carrying out his ongoing attacks against Jews.  French Jews always face a growing threat in the political field. The National Front party, with a history of Jewish hatred has gained ground. Founded by avowed anti-Semite, Jean-Marie Le Pen, in 1972, the party

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has only had single digit support in the polls. National Front, now with a more coy and evasive leader on hot button topics, has used economic and social discontent to emerge polling a historic 25% of votes in the European elections and becoming France's top party on the European stage. [1]  One area in France where you will find the most open anti-Semitism is in the universities. If Hitler were alive today, he would be welcomed in the academic circuit. The trick to staying out of trouble with racial hate laws is to use Israel as a substitute. All types of radical professors are routinely able to propagate their hatred of Jews in the lecture halls of France, and other nations by making the Jewish state the focus of their speech.  There is nothing really special about the hatred against Jews in France. I could have written a similar article about anti-Semitism in Great Britain. Since Bible prophecy warns that the devil will launch a global effort to wipe out the Children of Israel, I see anti-Semitism getting much worse everywhere. I also expect this demonic sickness to come to America. We may soon reach the point where Israel is the only place where Jews are safe from immediate attacks.  I fear we are near the point where you can know where someone stands with God by how they feel about Israel. I've met several people in recent years who are anti-Semitic, and they have no explanation for why they have chosen this path. The reason why, is because they have given their mind over to the god of this world. Since the Bible warns about those who curse Israel, people need to reconsider on which side they stand.  "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:2-3).  -- Todd  Endnotes [1] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/25/marine-le-pen-confidence-proves-vindicated-front-national  

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11 Predictions of Economic Disaster in 2015 from Top Experts All Over the Globe - By Michael Snyder - http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/11-predictions-economic-disaster-2015-top-experts-globe Will 2015 be a year of financial crashes, economic chaos and the start of the next great worldwide depression?  Over the past couple of years, we have all watched as global financial bubbles have gotten larger and larger.  Despite predictions that they could burst at any time, they have just continued to expand.  But just like we witnessed in 2001 and 2008, all financial bubbles come to an end at some point, and when they do implode the pain can be extreme.  Personally, I am entirely convinced that the financial markets are more primed for a financial collapse now than they have been at any other time since the last crisis happened nearly seven years ago.  And I am certainly not alone.  At this point, the warning cries have become a deafening roar as a whole host of prominent voices have stepped forward to sound the alarm.  The following are 11 predictions of economic disaster in 2015 from top experts all over the globe... #1 Bill Fleckenstein: "They are trying to make the stock market go up and drag the economy along with it. It's not going to work. There's going to be a big accident. When people realize that it's all a charade, the dollar will tank, the stock market will tank, and hopefully bond markets will tank. Gold will rally in that period of time because it's done what it's done because people have assumed complete infallibility on the part of the central bankers." #2 John Ficenec: "In the US, Professor Robert Shiller's cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio - or Shiller CAPE - for the S&P 500 is currently at 27.2, some 64pc above the historic average of 16.6. On only three occasions since 1882 has it been higher - in 1929, 2000 and 2007." #3 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, one of the most respected economic journalists on the entire planet: "The eurozone will be in deflation by February, forlornly trying to ignite its damp wood by rubbing stones. Real interest rates will ratchet higher. The debt load will continue to rise at a faster pace than nominal GDP across Club Med. The region will sink deeper into a compound interest trap." #4 The Jerome Levy Forecasting Center, which correctly predicted the bursting of the subprime mortgage bubble in 2007: "Clearly the direction of most of the recent global economic news suggests movement toward a 2015 downturn." 

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#5 Paul Craig Roberts: "At any time the Western house of cards could collapse. It (the financial system) is a house of cards. There are no economic fundamentals that support stock prices - the Dow Jones. There are no economic fundamentals that support the strong dollar..." #6 David Tice: "I have the same kind of feel in '98 and '99; also '05 and '06.  This is going to end badly. I have every confidence in the world." #7 Liz Capo McCormick and Susanne Walker: "Get ready for a disastrous year for U.S. government bonds. That's the message forecasters on Wall Street are sending." #8 Phoenix Capital Research: "Just about everything will be hit as well. Most of the 'recovery' of the last five years has been fueled by cheap borrowed Dollars. Now that the US Dollar has broken out of a multi-year range, you're going to see more and more 'risk assets' (read: projects or investments fueled by borrowed Dollars) blow up. Oil is just the beginning, not a standalone story. If things really pick up steam, there's over $9 TRILLION worth of potential explosions waiting in the wings. Imagine if the entire economies of both Germany and Japan exploded and you've got a decent idea of the size of the potential impact on the financial system." #9 Rob Kirby: "What this breakdown in the crude oil price is going to spawn another financial crisis.  It will be tied to the junk debt that has been issued to finance the shale oil plays in North America.  It is reported to be in the area of half a trillion dollars worth of junk debt that is held largely on the books of large financial institutions in the western world.  When these bonds start to fail, they will jeopardize the future of these financial institutions.  I do believe that will be the signal for the Fed to come riding to the rescue with QE4.  I also think QE4 is likely going to be accompanied by bank bail-ins because we all know all western world countries have adopted bail-in legislation in their most recent budgets.  The financial elites are engineering the excuse for their next round of money printing . . .  and they will be confiscating money out of savings accounts and pension accounts.  That's what I think is coming in the very near future." #10 John Ing: "The 2008 collapse was just a dress rehearsal compared to what the world is going to face this time around. This time we have governments which are even more highly leveraged than the private sector was. So this time the collapse will be on a scale that is many magnitudes greater than what the world witnessed in 2008."

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 #11 Gerald Celente: "What does the word confidence mean? Break it down. In this case confidence = con men and con game. That's all it is. So people will lose confidence in the con men because they have already shown their cards. It's a Ponzi scheme. So the con game is running out and they don't have any more cards to play. What are they going to do? They can't raise interest rates. We saw what happened in the beginning of December when the equity markets started to unravel. So it will be a loss of confidence in the con game and the con game is soon coming to an end. That is when you are going to see panic on Wall Street and around the world." If you have been following my website, you know that I have been pointing to 2015 for quite some time now. For example, in my article entitled "The Seven Year Cycle Of Economic Crashes That Everyone Is Talking About", I discussed the pattern of financial crashes that we have witnessed every seven years that goes all the way back to the Great Depression.  The last two major stock market crashes began in 2001 and 2008, and now here we are seven years later. Will the same pattern hold up once again? In addition, there are many other economic cycles that seem to indicate that we are due for a major economic downturn.  I discussed quite a few of these theories in my article entitled "If Economic Cycle Theorists Are Correct, 2015 To 2020 Will Be Pure Hell For The United States". But just like in 2000 and 2007, there are a whole host of doubters that are fully convinced that the party can continue indefinitely.  Even though our economic fundamentals continue to get worse, our debt levels continue to grow and every objective measurement shows that Wall Street is more reckless and more vulnerable to collapse than ever before, they mock the idea that a financial collapse is imminent. So let's see what happens in 2015. I have a feeling that it is going to be an extremely "interesting" year.  

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The Daily Jot: The debate about Israel and America - Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com   There seems to be an ongoing debate among Christians in America as to whether America is the new Israel or new Jerusalem and whether the blessings and cursing in the Bible associated with Israel are also for America. Books written as fiction, but quote the Bible are adding to the discussion. Over the years, if you are involved in Christianity long enough, you will hear a lot of things taught as fact, but they are often only the opinion of the teacher. Moreover, there are, as Jesus says in Matthew 24:11, "Many false prophets (meaning in Greek/Strong's Concordance: one who in God's name teaches what is false) who shall rise, and shall deceive many." So how do we discern? How do we know what to believe? One must become a student of the Bible and understand it in its context. To answer the question of whether the blessings and cursing written in the Holy Scriptures regarding the behavior of God's chosen people also apply to America, it is all about context. Many teachers say that those things spoken of about Israel are only for Israel. It occurs to me that if that were the case, then Jesus the Messiah, would have been only for Israel. Jesus was a Jew. He fulfilled prophecy given to God's prophets, who were certainly not Americans nor "Christians." This logic, however, we know is flawed because Christ came to give us all life everlasting, the gift of salvation. We also know that the Gentile is grafted in with the Jew. The Bible is the one and only true word of God. God may be speaking to Israel, or giving specific instruction to specific people, but the Bible serves as a guidebook for us all. Deuteronomy 28, for example, is the blessing and cursing specifically directed at Israel for either obeying or disobeying the Lord. These are consequences, good or bad, for the people of Israel. In their context, however, they are the laws of the Lord God. These laws, these principles, are universal and if your nation or you, yourself, disobey them, there will be natural consequences. They specifically applied to Israel, but they also apply to all of us. Do the 10 Commandments only apply to Israel? Does Jesus' instruction only apply to the disciples he is speaking to? The more you study the Bible in its context--that is, not cherry picking the verses you like and ignoring the ones you don't like--the more you will find the truth in 2 Timothy 3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." The problem comes in when man uses a little bit of scripture to promote his own belief. This is how doctrines of man are developed and over time are taught as if they are written in the Holy

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Scriptures. My opinion, Israel is Israel. Jerusalem is Jerusalem. America is neither. But the entirety of the Bible is our most tangible instruction on life, how to live it, the blessings of obedience and consequences of disobedience--for both the nations and the people living in them.

Daily Devotion: Better Than Happiness - Greg Laurie - www.harvest.org   Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--rejoice! -Philippians 4:4 Imprisoned in Rome and chained to a guard day in and day out, the apostle Paul faced an uncertain future. He didn't know whether he would be acquitted or beheaded. Yet Paul was able to rejoice amid those circumstances. We see this theme throughout Paul's letter to the believers at Philippi. Nineteen times in four chapters, Paul mentioned joy, rejoicing, or gladness. For instance, when he thought of the Philippian believers, it brought a smile to his face. He wrote, "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy" (Philippians 1:3-4). When he encouraged them to walk together, he became joyful just thinking about it. He told them, "Make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose" (Philippians 2:2). When he mentioned he was sending Epaphroditus to them, he urged them to receive him joyfully: "I am all the more anxious to send him back to you, for I know you will be glad to see him, and then I will not be so worried about you. Welcome him with Christian love and with great joy . . ." (Philippians 2:28-29). Even when Paul thought about his potential death, he was still full of joy. In verse 21 of Philippians 1 he said, "For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better." Then Paul got down to the bottom line of it all when he said in chapter 4, verse 4, "Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again-rejoice!" 

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Despite his imprisonment, Paul wrote a letter to the saints at Philippi that resonated with joy. And joy is better than happiness.




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Featured Article: Significant Signs - Peter T. Timmins - http://www.raptureready.com/soap2/timmins9.html   While reading the 29 December 2014 Nearing Midnight column by Todd Strandberg, the first three paragraphs immediately struck me. So much so that I felt compelled to expand upon what he briefly covered. What follows are the thoughts on what he pointed out that went rushing through my mind like an F5 tornado. I have copied those paragraphs below in order for you to either refresh your memory, or to read them for the first time, in

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order to know where I am coming from.  Congress has thrown in the towel on the federal government's efforts to control the growth and distribution of marijuana. The new rule which slipped into the 1.1 trillion 2015 spending bill, bars the Judicial branch from spending money to investigate, raid or prosecute weed businesses that are accredited as legal within their parent states. Now dispensaries and registered pot farms have legal protection from the Drug Enforcement Administration battering down their doors.   The passing of the bill doesn't mean the non-registered growing, selling, buying, or possession of pot has suddenly become federally legal. Anyone caught trying to sneak 100 pounds of pot across the Mexican board is still in big trouble. The new rule makes Swiss cheese out of our laws, and if you know how the system works-you can get all the dope you want.   It wasn't just the marijuana lobby that received an early Christmas gift from the spending bill. Representatives of the big banks managed to slip in an amendment that puts the U.S. taxpayer on the hook for $303 trillion in derivatives. Just five banks: J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs Group, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley account for 95% of this new risk. If something went wrong with these risky synthetic assets, our nation could face bankruptcy. First, I want to talk about the part dealing with marijuana. I agree with Todd's analysis of this being the beginning of the total capitulation of the Federal Government in regards to this gateway drug. There are implications to this that the vast majority will fail to grasp. One problem with this deals with driving. The immediate physical effects of using marijuana on the human body are similar to alcohol. We have strict laws dealing with driving under the influence of alcohol and these will probably apply to driving under the influence of marijuana as well.  The problem with this lies in that there is no test, at least as far as I know, to quantifiably prove one is under the effects of marijuana at the time of being detained. What I mean is that there is no equivalent to a breathalyzer or blood test to show that you are stoned at this specific time. Current testing can only show that you have been exposed to it within the past week or two. A blood test or a breathalyzer results are routinely used as evidence in court to secure a conviction. A urinalysis for marijuana is also admissible in court but just doesn't show anything more than exposure within the past ten days to two weeks. In the interest of space I won't go into more reasons why the legalization of marijuana is such a bad idea. I'm fairly certain that practically anyone reading this can come up with all the same arguments as I can against

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this. That being said, I will point out though that this is one of a multitude of things currently happening that are all designed to splinter the family and society. This is also in line with the general breakdown in society that I identified as the last step in my previous article "Four Steps to the End" on the prophetic significance of Romans 1:18-32. [1] While significant, I think this path to the legalization of marijuana is not the item in Todd's article that is potentially the most significant prophetically. I feel it is in reality the distraction from the real goal, the financial.  Let's look again at just what Todd wrote: It wasn't just the marijuana lobby that received an early Christmas gift from the spending bill. Representatives of the big banks managed to slip in an amendment that puts the U.S. taxpayer on the hook for $303 trillion in derivatives. Just five banks: J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs Group, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley account for 95% of this new risk. If something went wrong with these risky synthetic assets, our nation could face bankruptcy. This has the capability of being the one thing to usher in the downfall of the US virtually overnight. There is a large amount of evidence that every financial downturn of significance in the US economy of the past 100 years to have been intentional and for the benefit of a few who had the capability to cause this to happen. This could be used for the same purposes, but with other more significant consequences. This deliberate collapsing of the US economy and destruction of the dollar would have an immediate global impact. This could be used to help usher in the New World Order. The potential prophetic significance of this I feel cannot be understated.  In order for the New World Order to come into existence requires the removal of the one significant deterrent-meaning the United States. We know that prophetically speaking the US is NOT mentioned in the Scriptures, meaning it won't be around, at least in its current state during the seven years of the Tribulation. As the lone superpower the US alone has the economic and military strength to shape events around the world. Under our current regime we have seen the willful destruction of that capability.  We are not yet totally destroyed, but are on life support with our recovery is depending solely on future efforts to change our national course back to one that will restore our global position.  Unfortunately our current regime has another two years to wreak havoc. I include the incoming Republican majority in Congress as part of our current regime since they have recently consistently shown that they are willing to go along with Obama in

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order to maintain their power over the masses.  Basically, I see both political parties as two sides to the same coin with little difference between them. Those differences I do see are only minor differences in how they want to accomplish the same results. I am not an economist. In fact, I am a Paratrooper by training and spent over 27 years in the US Army. I worked from the lowest level, squad and platoon, up to and including working operations at the 2, 3 and 4 Star level. One thing I learned in all those years is when planning for future operations we need to look at things from the enemy's perspective.  Two things we try to determine is what the most probable enemy course of action is and what is his most lethal possible course of action. If the two are the same you have a serious problem. We know that the enemy needs to bring down the US in order to pave the way for his New World Order. How and when he will do this is a bit harder to pinpoint. This has the potential of being his most lethal course of action.  Indicative of this is that as of today at the time of this writing, 29 December 2014, the World Bank list the US GDP at $  16,768,100,000,000 in current dollars.    In other words, the Congress and the president have placed the US Government, meaning you and me, on the hook for a sum more than 18 times the amount of the value of all goods and services produced annually. When these derivatives collapse, which they will one day, the US Government will be way beyond bankrupt. There will be no way to overcome this debt, short of default, which is the enemy's plan to begin with.    When that happens the crash will be severe and global in nature. The results of this crash will make the death of the Weimar Republic look like a stroll in the park. However, there are some who are presently working behind the scenes to not only make this happen, but to come out on top when it does. These are the true "movers and shakers" of the global economy. Whether you call them Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, or whatever else, is unimportant.    What is important is to see what they have the potential of doing in order to better understand what may lie in the near future, meaning next few years at most. Once again, I am not an economist so I accept that my speculations could be way off. Hopefully someone with a strong understanding of eschatology and economics will address this also. Someone like Wilfred Hahn of Eternal Value Review (hint hint, Mr. Hahn).  These two events may at first appear unconnected, but I think they are. The current regime has proven over and over to be masters of

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misdirection. I think this is probably another incident of their use of misdirection to achieve their goals. Just like a good stage magician gets the audience to focus on the nothing going on with his right hand while his left is actually where the real action is, this marijuana thing is the distraction for the real trick of slipping in the economic problem.    They know that they can manufacture some sort of insignificant, at least in their eyes, issue to get the American people focused on while in reality they are secretly doing the real thing they want to do. I have understood since before he was first elected in 2008 that Barack Obama is really working for the enemy. His words on the campaign trail reveal this fact. I have on numerous occasions referred to him as the enemy equivalent to John the Baptist. His mission is to prepare the way for the coming Son of Perdition, and he is doing a great job of it. This latest accomplishment is a huge leap forward for the enemy. There is good news in all this; no doubt our salvation is that much nearer.  Endnotes [1]   http://www.raptureready.com/soap2/timmins1.html   Contact me at: [email protected]


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