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    Dr. Y. Denny Ardyantto W. Ir. Ms

    A. Siswanto



  • 3 Suhu kering (Dry-bulb temperature)

    Adalah suhu udara yang ditunjukkan oleh suatu

    termometer yang akurat setelah panas radiasi

    yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil pembacaan


    Suhu basah (Wet-bulb temperature)

    Adalah suhu yang menunjukkan bahwa udara

    telah jenuh dengan uap air.

  • Suhu basah psikrometrik adalah suhu

    yang ditunjukkan oleh termometer

    berbola basah dari suatu psikrometer

    (psychrometric wet-bulb temperature).


  • Kelembaban atau kelembaban udara dapat

    dibedakan menjadi: kelembaban absolut dan

    kelembab nisbi (relative humidity).

    Kelembaban absolut adalah berat uap air per

    unit volume udara (misalnya sekian gram uap

    air dalam satu liter udara).


  • Kelembaban nisbi/relatif adalah rasio dari

    banyaknya uap air dalam udara pada suatu

    temperatur terhadap banyaknya uap air pada

    saat udara telah jenuh dengan uap air pada

    temperatur tersebut (dinyatakan dalam %).


  • Hasil perpaduan antara suhu, kelembaban,

    kecepatan gerakan udara dan panas radiasi

    dengan tingkat pengeluaran panas yang

    dihasilkan oleh tubuh /metabolic heat. (Heat

    stress is the load on the man and heat strain

    is the effect of the load).


  • Suhu bola adalah suhu yang ditunjukkan

    oleh termometer yang dipasang di bagian

    tengah dari suatu bola (globe) yang

    terbuat dari tembaga dengan diameter 15

    cm atau 4,4 cm dan permukaan luarnya di

    cat hitam.


  • Tubuh manusia selalu akan menghasilkan

    panas sebagai akibat dari proses pembakaran

    zat-zat makanan dengan oksigen.

    Bilamana proses pengeluaran panas oleh tubuh

    terganggu, maka suhu tubuh akan meningkat.

    Antara tubuh dan lingkungan sekitarnya selalu

    terjadi pertukaran panas dan proses pertukaran

    panas ini tergantung dari suhu lingkungan.


  • Mekanisme pertukaran panas antara tubuh dan

    lingkungan sekitarnya dapat terjadi melalui:





    Dari keempat cara tersebut diatas, konveksi

    dan evaporasi memegang peranan yang

    paling utama dalam pengeluaran panas tubuh.


  • Ilustrasi :

    Evaporasi Respirasi






    M Kd C Rad - Evaporasi = 0

  • Cara-cara tubuh mempertahankan suhunya

    agar selalu normal (kurang lebih 37C) adalah

    sebagai berikut:

    Peningkatan aliran darah ke kulit

    Peningkatan sekresi (pengeluaran) keringat.

    Peningkatan produksi panas oleh tubuh

    dengan cara menggigil (bila suhu udara

    lingkungan sekitar tubuh rendah/sangat



  • Pertukaran panas secara konduksi terjadi

    bilamana tubuh kontak dengan udara, cairan

    atau benda padat. Udara adalah suatu

    konduktor yang kurang baik sehingga dalam

    rumus persamaan keseimbangan panas

    tidak ikut diperhitungkan.

    Namun peranan konduksi tidak dapat diabaikan bila kulit kontak dengan logam karena logam umumnya merupakan konduktor yang baik.


  • Antara tubuh dan udara sekitarnya selalu terjadi

    pertukaran panas dan proses pertukaran panas

    ini disebut konveksi.

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi konveksi ini

    adalah perbedaan suhu kulit dan suhu udara

    sekitarnya serta kecepatan aliran udara/angin.






  • Panas radiasi adalah suatu gelombang


    Pertukaran panas dengan cara radiasi

    antara tubuh dan benda-benda

    sekitarnya yakni dengan cara menyerap

    atau memancarkan panas.


  • Pertukaran panas dengan cara radiasi

    (radiative heat exchange) tidak dipengaruhi

    oleh suhu dan kecepatan aliran udara, tetapi

    oleh perbedaan suhu kulit dan suhu dari

    benda padat yang berada disekitar tubuh.

    Panas radiasi tidak menyebabkan pemanasan

    secara langsung pada udara.



  • Tubuh dapat kehilangan panas melalui

    penguapan keringat. Terdapat berbagai faktor

    yang dapat mempengaruhi banyaknya

    penguapan keringat dan faktor-faktor tersebut


    Kecepatan aliran udara

    Perbedaan tekanan uap air pada suhu kulitdan tekanan parsial uap air dalam udara



  • Penguapan keringat oleh tubuh akan

    terganggu bila suhu dan kelembaban

    udara lingkungan sekitarnya sangat tinggi

    karena udara telah jenuh dengan uap air.

    Sebagai akibat dari terganggunya

    evaporasi ini, maka suhu tubuh akan



  • Indeks ini semula digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat tekanan panas yang dialami oleh prajurit yang melakukan latihan fisik yang berat dan terpapar panas radiasi yang tinggi.

    Sekarang ISBB digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat tekanan panas yang dialami oleh pekerja karena tidak banyak membutuhkan ketrampilan, cara atau metodenya tidak sulit dan besarnya tekanan panas dapat ditentukan dengan cepat.


  • TLVs of Heat Stress


    TLV ini hanya berlaku bila pakaian kerja yang dipakai oleh pekerja terbuat dari katun (pakaian musim panas).

    Bilamana pakaian kerja dibuat dari bahan yang dapat menghambat penguapan keringat atau yang mempunyai nilai isolasi yang tinggi, maka toleransi pekerja terhadap panas akan menurun sehingga TLV ini tidak dapat dipergunakan.

  • Diluar gedung (outdoor) :

    ISBB = 0,7 Sba + 0,2 Sg + 0,1 Sk

    Sba : suhu basah alami

    Sg : suhu globe

    Sk : suhu kering

    Didalam gedung (Indoor) :

    ISBB = 0,7 Sba + 0,3 Sg


  • Light work (up to 200 kcal/hour) e.g., sitting

    or standing to control machines, performing

    light hand or arm work.

    Moderate work (200-350 kcal/hour) e.g.,

    walking about with moderate lifting and


    Heavy work (350-500 kcal/hour) e.g., pick

    and shovel work. (ACGIH, 2005)


  • Permissible Heat Exposure TLV WBGT



    Light work load

    Moderate work load

    Heavy work load



    30.0 oC 26.7 oC 25.0 oC

    75% work

    25% rest,

    each hour

    30.6 oC 28.0 oC 25.9 oC

    50% work

    50% rest,

    each hour

    31.4 oC 29.4 oC 27.9 oC

    25% work

    75% rest,

    each hour

    32.2 oC 31.1 oC 30.0 oC

  • TLV WBGT Correction Factors in oC for Clothing

    Clothing type Clo value WBGT correction

    Summer uniform 0,6 0

    Cotton coveralls 1,0 - 2

    Winter work


    1,4 - 4

    Water barrier,


    1,2 - 6

  • Metabolic Rate During Different Activities

    Type of








    Hand work light




    0,2 - 1,2

    Work with one arm





    0,7 - 2,5

    Work with both arms




    2,51,0 - 3,7

    Work with body




    very heavy





    2,5 15,0

  • Heat stress adalah besarnya beban pada

    manusia, sedangkan heat strain adalah efek

    dari beban tersebut. Beberapa index yang

    digunakan untuk menentukan besarnya heat

    strain (respon fisiologis terhadap panas) antara

    lain adalah banyaknya keringat yang dihasilkan,

    banyaknya keringat yang menguap, denyut

    jantung dan suhu tubuh.


  • Banyaknya keringat yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh

    akan ditentukan oleh jumlah kelenjar keringat

    yang aktif dan banyaknya keringat yang

    diproduksi (disekresi) oleh kelenjar keringat

    tersebut. Seseorang yang telah beraklimatisasi

    dapat mengeluarkan keringat sebanyak 1 1,5

    kg keringat per jam dan keadaan ini dapat

    berlangsung sampai beberapa jam.


  • Denyut jantung seseorang dapat dipengaruhioleh berbagai faktor diantaranya yaitu bebanfisik dan beban tambahan misalnya teknanpanas.

    Denyut jangutng akan terus meningkat kecualibila pekerja tang bersangkutan telahberaklimatisasi terhadap suhu udara yang tinggi. Denyut jantung maksimum untuk orangdewasa adalah 180 200 denyut per menit dankeadaan ini biasanya hanya dapat berlangsungdalam waktu beberapa menit saja.


  • Aklimatisasi adalah suatu proses adaptasi

    Fisiologis yang ditandai dengan pengeluaran

    keringat yang meningkat, penurunan

    denyaut jantung dan suhu tubuh (bila

    dibandingkan dengan denyut jantung dan

    suhu tubuh pada hari pertama).


  • Proses aklimasi ini biasanya memerlukan waktu selama 7 10 hari dan aklimatisasi yang telah didapat ini dapat pula menghilang dngan cepat yaitu bilamana pekerja tidak masuk kerja selama satuminggu.

    Untuk menimbulkan aklimatisasi, faktor pembebanan dan lamanya kerja perlu diperhatikan.


  • Cara terjadinya proses aklimatisasi adalahsebagai berikut: Pada hari pertama kerja, pembebanan fisik

    dan lamanya kerja diusahakan agar tidakmelebihi 50 % dari beban dan lama kerjayang sebenarnya.

    Pada hari kedua, beban dan lama kerjaditambah 10 % ( = 60 %).

    Demikian seterusnya hingga pada hari keenam pembebanan fisik dan lama kerjaditambah 10 % setiap harinya sehingga padahari tersebut akan tercapai 100 %.


  • Heat acclimatization is acquired

    only gradually being fully achieved

    over up to 3 weeks of continued

    physical activity under heat stress


  • Proses aklimatisasi perlu dilakukan bila

    suhu basah tempat kerja = 25 28C, hal ini

    tergantung dari keadaan aklimatisasi alami

    pekerja yang bersangkutan.

    Walaupun prosedur seleksi telah dilakukan

    dimana mereka yang berusia setengah

    lanjut/lanjut dan pekerja dengan kapasitas

    yang rendah telah dieliminasi, kurang lebih

    3 5 % dari populasi ditemukan tidak toleran

    terhadap panas.


  • Pada proses aklimatisasi, denyut jantungdapat mencapai lebih dari 180 denyut/menit

    pada hari pertama kerja dan pada hari

    ketiga/keempat, detak jantung mulai stabil dan

    turun sampai dibawah 140 denyut/menit.

    Maximal oxygen intake dari seorang pekerja

    (ditentukan secara langsung melalui uji treadmill

    atau bicycle ergometer) merupakan suatu faktor

    yang paling penting dalam menentukan

    kemampuan pekerja tersebut untuk bekerja di

    tempat yang panas.


  • Pekerja yang berusia diatas 40 tahun

    sebaiknya tidak ditempatkan di tempat

    kerja yang panas karena kelenjar

    keringat mereka menunjukkan respon

    yang lebih lambat terhadap beban panas

    metabolik dan lingkungan.


    Kerentanan Individu

  • Mereka yang berusia lanjut mulai mensekresikankeringat 20 menit setelah masuk ke dalam suaturuang yang panas, sedangkan orang muda hanyamembutuhkan 15 menit. Selain itu, maximaloxygen intake juga menurun jika usia seseorangbertambah sehingga kedua hal ini akanmenyebabkan pekerja yang berusia setengahlanjut/lanjut secara fisiologis tidak dapat bekerjaditempat kerja yang panas dengan beban fisik yang cukup berat.


    Kerentanan Individu

  • Kerentanan Individu

    Demikian pula, pada kondisi dimana panas

    radiasi di tempat kerja tinggi, pekerja yang

    berusia lanjut juga akan menyerap lebih banyak

    panas dari lingkungan daripada orang muda

    terutama karena pembuluh pembuluh darah

    mereka yang terdapat pada atau dekat dengan

    permukaan kulit lebih banyak terpajan panas.


  • Bila suatu pekerjaan harus dilakukan di suatu

    tempat keja yang panas, maka mereka yang

    bertubuh kecil dengan luas permukaan tubuh

    yang kecil dan individu yang terlalu gemuk

    dengan ratio luas permukaan tubuh/berat

    badan yang kecil adalah rentan terhadap

    pengaruh tekanan panas.

    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerja

    yang berat badannya kurang dari 50 kg selain mempunyai maximal oxygen intake yang rendah, tetapi juga kurang toleran terhadap panas daripada mereka yang mempunyai berat badan rata-rata.


  • Walaupun telah dilakukan seleksi dan aklimatisasi, diperhatikan adalah intake cairan dan makanan. Mereka yang bekerja di tempat kerja yang panasharus minum sesering mungkin (200 300 ml air atau minuman lainnya paling sedikit setiap 30 menit sekali) dengan tujuan agar cairan tubuh tetapdalam keadaan seimbang.

    Mekanisme haus adalah sama sekali tidak adekuatuntuk membujuk pekerja minum sesuai denganjumlah cairan yang hilang dalam keringat sehinggahal ini akan menyebabkan pekerja cenderungmengalami defisit cairan.


  • Faktor nutrisi perlu pula dipertimbangkan.Mereka yang status gizinya jelek akan menunjukkan respon yang berlebihanterhadap tekanan panas dan hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh sistem kardiovaskuler yangtidak stabil.

    Pemberian minum yang mengandung sukrosatidak saja akan menguntungkan bila ditinjaudari segi metabolisme, tetapi juga akan membantu dalam pencegahan defisit cairanyang lebih besar.


    Kerentanan Individu

  • Laki-laki tampaknya memiliki sweat rate response(terhadap tekanan panas) yang lebih baik dariwanita.Penurunan berat badan umumnya dapatditolerir oleh pekerja tanpa menimbulkan pengaruhyang serius. Kehilangan air sebanyak 1,5 kg atau lebih selamakerja dapat menyebabkan kenaikan denyut nadi dan bila tubuh kehilangan air sebanyak 2 4 kg (3 6 % dari berat badan), maka keadaan ini dapat menyebabkan pekerja mengalami gangguan dalam melakukan pekerjaannya.


    Kerentanan Individu

  • Workers in hot environments such as

    those who work around furnaces,

    smelters, boilers or out in the sun can be

    subjected to considerable stress.

    Because of natural climatic conditions

    and outdoors life and work styles,

    Queensland has high potential for heat

    related work illnesses.

  • During any activity, the body attempts

    automatically to maintain a constant

    working temperature range by balancing

    out the heat gain and heat loss.

    What Is Heat Stress ?

  • There are three factors that affect

    thermal balance :

    a. Climatic conditions of the environment

    b. Work demands

    c. Clothing

    Thermal Stress

  • Thermal stress occurs when temperatures

    become uncomfortably or dangerously hot or


    The human body is built to withstand a certain

    amount of heat or cold.

    However, temperature extremes can lead to

    discomfort or even severe health problems.

    Thermal Stress

  • Heat stress is caused by a combination

    of factors (affected by environment,

    work, and clothing factors) and tends to

    increase body temperature, heart rate

    and sweating.

    Heat Stress

  • Heat stress is the net heat load to which

    a worker may be exposed from the

    combined contributions of metabolic cost

    of work, environmental factors (i.e., air

    temperature, humidity, air movement and

    radiant heat exchange) and clothing


  • A mild or moderate heat stress may cause

    discomfort and may adversely affect

    performance and safety, but it is not harmful

    to health.

    As the heat stress approaches human

    tolerance limits, the risk of heat-related

    disorders increases.

  • The skin temperature

    can vary widely but

    the core temperature

    of the body should

    kept fairly constant.

  • The temperature of the human body is not

    as often assumed, uniform throughout. A

    constant temperature, which fluctuates a

    little around 37oC, is found only in the

    interior of the brain, in the heart, and in

    the abdominal organs (core temperature).

  • Core body temperature is regulated by

    processes controlled by the brain,

    primarily by the small segment at the

    lower surface of the brain called the


  • Heat exchange takes place by convection,

    radiation, evaporative heat transfer, and


    Since the contact area between the skin

    and solid objects is usually very small,

    conduction is negligible, except in the case

    of body-cooling garments.

  • Convection is the exchange of heat

    between the body surface (skin and

    clothing) and the surrounding air.

  • The rate of convective heat exchange

    between the skin and the ambient air

    immediately surrounding the skin is a

    function of the temperature difference

    between the ambient air and the mean

    skin temperature as well as air velocity

    over the skin.

  • When skin temperature is higher than

    35oC, there is a gain in body heat

    from ambient air by convection.

    When skin temperature is lower than

    35oC, heat is lost from the body to the

    ambient air by convection.

  • Radiation is the process by which

    electromagnetic energy is transmitted

    through space.

    Radiative exchange is a function

    primarily of the difference between the

    mean radiant temperature of solid

    surroundings and skin temperature.

  • Radiant heat transfer is dependent solely on the temperature of the surrounding objects such as walls, machinery etc.; The lower their temperature the higher the rate of heat loss from the skin.

    Most people including air conditioning engineers, do not realize that under comfortable conditions, radiation accounts for 60-70% of body heat loss.

    Radiant heat loss decreases to zero, however, when the surrounding objects reach temperatures of about 35 oC.

  • The process of evaporation of water from

    the skin takes place as a result of

    differences in water vapor pressure

    between the skin and the surrounding air.

    The evaporation of 1 gram of water

    dissipates about 2,4 kcal of heat.

  • In the evaporation of sweat, man has a most

    powerful source of heat loss, as the

    evaporation of 100 ml of sweat will result in

    the loss 58-62 calories of heat.

    It is not unusual for acclimatized workers in

    hot industries to lose up to 1,5 liters of sweat

    per hour, most of which will evaporate in a hot,

    dry environment.

  • The higher the wet-bulb temperature the

    greater its influence on evaporative heat loss,

    and 33 oC can be regarded as the maximal

    wet-bulb temperature at which the healthy

    young acclimatized individual still can

    maintain body temperature equilibrium while

    working at a moderate, provided that the

    wind flow is reasonable..

  • If the wind flow is less than 0,75 meters

    per second, even the healthiest and

    best-acclimatized man can not work at a

    wet-bulb temperature of 33 oC.

    Evaporative Heat Loss

  • If the solid objects surrounding a worker

    in hot dry environment are hotter than

    skin temperature, the radiant heat gain

    may exceed the capacity of the sweating

    mechanism to provide cooling, and body

    temperature will rise.

  • Working creates metabolic heat, and the heat

    is carried by the blood to the skin.

    The work causes the heart to pump faster and

    so carries the blood faster to the surface.

    The body dissipates heat through the skin via

    the cooling mechanism provided by evaporation

    of sweat.

  • Heat strain is the overall physiological response

    resulting from heat strain.

    The physiological adjustments are dedicated to

    dissipating excess heat from the body.

    Acclimatization is a gradual physiological

    adaptation that improves an individuals ability

    to tolerate heat stress.

  • Acclimatization to high temperatures is the result

    of processes by which the subject adapts himself

    to living and working in a climate which is hot

    and perhaps humid.

    It is manifested as a reduction in the heart rate

    and internal body temperature at the expense of

    increased sweating.

  • An absence from work of one week may result

    in the worker losing between one-quarter and

    two-thirds of his acclimatization and a 3-week

    absence from exposure, whether in summer or

    winter, will mean virtually total loss of

    acclimatization unless he is very athletic and in

    good physical condition.

  • Heat acclimatization increases and prolongs the activity of the sweat glands. Estimated at 2.500.000 for a man of 70 kg, by reducing the number of inactive glands.

    Acclimatization affects more the sweat glands of the back than those of the chest.

    Where the maximum sweat rate for a non-acclimatized subject in an environment with low relative humidity is only 1,5 l/hour, this figure rises to 3 l/hour after ten days of acclimatization and 3,5 l/hour after 6 weeks.

  • There is also a change in the electrolytic content

    of the sweat.

    The sodium chloride loss in the first day is 15-25

    gram per day, after 6 weeks acclimatization, this

    loss has fallen to 3-5 gram per day.

    Due to the effect of aldosterone, the sodium

    chloride content of sweat decreases after

    acclimatization and falls from 4 g/l to 1 g/l,

    although individual variations occur.

  • Heat acclimatization must be carried out when

    the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures are

    between 33-35 oC and 25-28 oC respectively.

    To achieve good acclimatization for heavy work

    under hot conditions, it is better to subject the

    individual to very heavy work under moderately

    warm conditions than to subject him to light

    work under very severe climatic conditions.

  • Although black subjects do not become

    acclimatized better than whites, it would seem

    that morphology and the color of the skin may

    play a part.

    In this respect, it is of interest to note the tall,

    thin stature of the people of the Sahelian

    region where the temperatures are extremely

    high. With such a build, the ratio of body

    surface to volume is improved.

  • In the same way, the most effective cutaneous

    cover would be that which contain sufficient

    melanin to impede the UV rays, and not so dark

    as to have a heat absorption coefficient that

    would be too high;

    Once again, this corresponds with the brownish

    skin of some of the Sahelian populations.

  • Stout and obese persons are less adaptable to

    heat. (stout = gemuk)

    Under such conditions, they are less capable of

    working and more likely to succumb (mati) to

    heat stroke, which in their case would be three

    to four times more likely to be fatal than in the

    case of a person of normal weight.

  • They are also at a disadvantage because of the

    low values of their maximum VO2 per kg per

    body weight and of the ratio of skin surface

    area to body weight.

    The level of fitness of a thin or undernourished

    subject is not, however, superior to that of the

    stout person.

  • The optimum environmental conditions for

    different activities can not be defined with

    great precision, since there are differences

    within an individual at different times and

    between individuals at the same time.

  • Heat stress in the workplace can

    be recognized by noting workplace

    risk factors and by the effects it has

    on workers.

  • The workplace risk factors, broadly

    stated, are :

    Hot environment;

    High work demands; and

    Protective clothing requirements.

  • Tolerable heat condition can be assessed

    by using the man himself as a sensing

    device. Sources of information are :

    a. His opinion

    b. His thermal state

    c. The physiological responses; and

    d. His performance




  • Hot humid environments comprise those

    in which a high dry bulb temperature is

    coupled with high water vapor pressure,

    the water vapor pressure being sufficient

    to have an influence on the mans ability

    to lose heat by evaporating sweat.

  • In hot dry environments, the ability to

    produce sufficient sweat may limit a

    mans heat dissipating capacity, the

    evaporation being quite efficient due to

    large vapor pressure gradient between

    the skin and air.

  • In the industrial context hot dry environments

    can be classified according to whether the

    consist of the following :

    1. A high dry bulb temperature with little

    radiant heat.

    2. a. Low dry bulb with a high omnidirectional

    radiant heat component.

    b. Low dry bulb with a high unidirectionalradiant heat component.

  • 3. a. Both high dry bulb and

    unidirectional radiant heat.

    b. Both high dry bulb and

    omnidirectional radiant heat.

  • Humans, like all mammals and birds, produces

    heat as a result of metabolic activity.

    The metabolic heat is then lost to the

    environment in a controlled manner to maintain

    body temperature at about 36,8o C or, if under

    thermal stress. Some value normally within the

    range of 36,5o 39o C.

  • Body temperature is maintained within close

    limits by an efficient homeostatic mechanism,

    though diurnal variation is observed over a

    range or 0,5 1oC.

    Physical exercise will increase body temperature

    in proportion to oxygen consumption, the range

    being 0,5o C for moderate exercise up to 4o C for

    marathon running.

  • The dry bulb air temperature is the temperature

    of the ambient air as measured with a thermometer or equivalent instrument. This is a

    direct measure of air temperature.

    The temperature sensor is surrounded by air, which is allowed to flow freely around the sensor. The sensor, however, can be influenced

    by radiant heat sources and should therefore be shielded from them.

  • This measure is based on the degree of

    evaporative cooling that can occur.

    A wetted wick is wrapped around a

    temperature sensor, and enough air (>3m/s)

    is forced over the wick to maximize the rate

    of evaporative cooling.

  • The amount of temperature reduction that

    can be achieved depends directly on the

    amount of water vapor in the air.

    When humidity is high, the reduction in

    temperature is low. As humidity decreases,

    temperature reduction increases.

  • The instrument used for this measurement

    is similar to the psychrometric wet bulb,

    except that air is allowed to flow over the

    sensor naturally rather than being forced.

  • When air flow is less than 3 m/s, the temperature

    reduction is less than that achieved with a

    psychrometric wet bulb at the same absolute

    humidity. That is, natural wet bulb temperature is

    sensitive to both humidity and air movement.

  • Globe Temperature

    This is a measure of radiant heat from the solid surrounding and convective

    heat exchange with the ambient air.

    The globe temperature is classically measured using a 6-inch, thin-walled

    copper sphere painted matte black on

    the outside.

  • Globe Temperature

    The temperature sensor is placed at the center of the globe. The globe is then suspended in the air in a location near the workspace.

    When all the surrounding surfaces are the same temperature as the air, the globe temperature is equal to air temperature.

  • Globe Temperature

    If one or more of the surfaces are

    different, then the globe temperature

    increases or decreases, depending on

    the average temperature of the solid


  • Globe Temperature

    Finally, for a given level of radiant heat exchange with the globe, the globe temperature differs more from air temperature when there is little air movement, and it differs less when there is significant air motion, because the globe thermometer is also sensitive to convective heat exchange with the air.

    Globe temperature is used to estimate the average wall temperature of the surroundings.

  • The natural wet bulb temperature (NWB) is the

    temperature measured by a thermometer or

    equivalent sensor which is covered by a wetted

    cotton wick and which is exposed only to the

    naturally prevailing air movement.

    Accurate measurement of NWB requires use of

    a clean wick, distilled water, and shielding to

    prevent radiant heat gain.

  • The psychrometric wet bulb temperature

    (WB) is obtained when the wetted wick

    covering the sensor is exposed to a high

    forced air movement.

  • The wet bulb temperature is commonly

    measured with psychrometer which

    consists of two mercury in-glass

    thermometers mounted alongside each

    other on the frame of psychrometer.

  • This measure is based on the degree of

    evaporative cooling that can occur.

    A wetted wick is wrapped around a

    temperature sensor, and enough air (>3

    m/s) is forced over the wick to maximize

    the rate of evaporative cooling.

  • The amount of temperature reduction that can be achieved depends directly

    on the amount of water vapor in the air.

    When humidity is high, the reduction in temperature is low.

    As humidity decreases, temperature reduction increases.

  • This is commonly known as humidity. There two ways humidity is expressed : relative and absolute.

    At any given temperature, the pressure of water vapor that can be in the air has a maximum value, which is called the saturation pressure.

    At low temperatures, the saturation pressure is low, and it increases exponentially with temperature.


  • Relative humidity is the ratio of the water

    vapor pressure in the air to the saturation

    pressure at that temperature. So 50

    percent relative humidity (Rh=50%) means that

    water vapor pressure in the air is 50 percent of

    the saturation pressure.

  • Unfortunately, relative humidity is not very

    useful as a tool in assessing heat stress

    because the water vapor pressure

    represented by a relative humidity value

    varies widely, depending on the air


  • Absolute humidity is expressed as

    the amount of water vapor in the air

    in terms of either partial pressure or

    weight-per-unit volume of air.

  • The usual practice for heat stress evaluation

    is to use the partial pressure, and the SI unit

    for this is the kilopascals (kPa).

    (To convert from kPa to mmHg, the value in

    kPa is multiplied by 7,5.)

  • Usually, a psychrometric chart is used to

    determine humidity from psychrometric

    dry bulb temperature and psychrometric

    wet bulb temperature.


  • The TLVs of heat stress are based on the

    assumption that nearly all acclimatized,

    fully clothed (i.e. lightweight pants and shirt)

    workers with adequate water and salt

    intake should be able to function effectively

    under the given working conditions without

    exceeding a deep body temperature of 38oC.

  • Where there is a requirement for protection

    against other harmful substances in the work

    environment and additional personal

    protective clothing and equipment must be

    worn, a correction to the Wet Bulb Globe

    Temperature (WGBT) TLV values, as

    presented in the table (TLV WGBT correction

    factors in oC for clothing) must be applied.

  • Permissible Heat Exposure TLV WBGT



    Light work load

    Moderate work load

    Heavy work load



    30.0 oC 26.7 oC 25.0 oC

    75% work

    25% rest,

    each hour

    30.6 oC 28.0 oC 25.9 oC

    50% work

    50% rest,

    each hour

    31.4 oC 29.4 oC 27.9 oC

    25% work

    75% rest,

    each hour

    32.2 oC 31.1 oC 30.0 oC

  • TLV WBGT Correction Factors in oC for Clothing

    Clothing type Clo value WBGT correction

    Summer uniform 0,6 0

    Cotton coveralls 1,0 - 2

    Winter work uniform 1,4 - 4

    Water barrier,


    1,2 - 6

  • Clo is the insulation value of clothing.

    One Clo unit = 5,55 kcal/m2/hr of heat exchange by radiation and convection for each oC of temperature difference between the skin and adjusted dry-bulb temperature [(the average of the ambient air dry-bulb temperature and the mean radiant temperature; t adb = (ta+tr)/2].

  • When WGBT-TLV criteria are exceeded

    or impermeable clothing (in particular

    encapsulated suits) is worn, exposure to

    environmentally induced or activity-

    induced heat stress is to be discontinued;

    for individuals when at any time :

    TLV Of Heat Stress

  • 1. Sustained heart rate is greater than

    160 beats per minute for those under

    35 years of age; 140 for 35 years or

    older, in subjects with assessed normal

    cardiac performance; or

  • 2. In unselected, unacclimatized workers

    deep body temperature is greater than

    38o C or in selected and acclimatized

    personnel, 38,5oC; or

  • 3. In conditions of regular daily exposure to the

    stress, 24-hour urinary sodium excretion is

    less than 50 mmoles; and for the group of

    persons exposed when :

    4. There are complaints of sudden and severe

    fatigue, nausea, dizziness or lightheadedness.

  • 5. Higher heat exposure than those shown in table

    (Permissible Heat Exposure Threshold Limit

    Values table) are given in oC and oF WBGT are

    permissible if the workers have been

    undergoing medical surveillance and it has

    been established that they are more tolerant

    to work in heat than the average worker.

  • Workers should not be permitted to

    continue their work when their deep

    body temperature exceeds 38oC.

  • For unacclimatized workers performing a

    moderate level of work, the permissible

    heat exposure TLV should be reduced by

    approximately 2,5 oC.

  • Behavioral disorders ---- simple heat fatigue,

    either chronic or transient, and often occurring

    in workers from colder climate unacclimatized to

    continuously hot weather.

    Life styles (appropriate clothing, mid-day siesta)

    or avoiding strenuous work during heat of day

    and acclimatization are appropriate. (siesta =

    period of rest or sleep taken in the early

    afternoon, as is customary in hot countries).

  • Heat produced by the body and the environmental

    heat together determine the total heat load.

    Therefore, if work is to be performed under hot

    environmental conditions, the workload categories

    of each job should be established and the heat

    exposure limit pertinent to the work load evaluated

    against the applicable standard in order to protect

    the worker exposure beyond the permissible limit.

  • Light work (up to 200 kcal/hour) e.g.,

    sitting or standing to control machines,

    performing light hand or arm work.

    Moderate work (200-350 kcal/hour) e.g.,

    walking about with moderate lifting and


    Heavy work (350-500 kcal/hour) e.g., pick

    and shovel work. (ACGIH, 2005)

  • The ranking of job may be performed

    either by measuring the workers

    metabolic heat while performing a job or

    by estimating the workers metabolic rate

    with the use of tables.

  • Metabolic Rate During Different Activities

    Body position and



    Sitting 0,3

    Standing 0,6

    Walking 2,0 -3,0

    Walking up hill Add 0,8 per meter (yard)

  • Metabolic Rate During Different Activities

    Type of







    Hand work light




    0,2 - 1,2

    Work with one arm





    0,7 - 2,5

    Work with both arms




    2,51,0 - 3,7

    Work with body




    very heavy





    2,5 15,0

  • Work rates



    Sitting quietly

    Sitting with

    moderate arm


  • Light Sitting with moderate arm and leg movements

    Standing with light work at machine or bench while using mostly arms

    Using a table saw

    Standing with light work at machine or bench and some walking about

    Standing with moderate work at machine or bench with some walking about.

  • Moderate Scrubbing in a standing position

    Walking about with moderate

    lifting or pushing

    Walking on level at 4 miles

    per hour while carrying 5

    pounds weight load

  • Heavy Carpenter sawing by hand Shoveling dry sand

    Heavy assembly work on a noncontinuous basis

    Intermittent heavy lifting with pushing or pulling (e.g., pick-and-shovel work)

    Shoveling wet sand

  • The TLVs specified in Table is based on the

    assumption that the WBGT value of the

    resting place is the same or very close

    to that of the workplace.

    Where the WBGT of the work area is

    different from that of the rest area, a time-

    weighted average value should be used for

    both environmental and metabolic heat .

    (ACGIH, 2005)

  • The time-weighted average metabolic rate (M)

    should be determined by the equation :

    t1 + t2 + . + tnwhere M1, M2, . and Mn are estimated or

    measured metabolic rates for the various

    activities and rest periods of the worker during

    the time periods t1, t2, and tn (in minutes)

    are determined by a time study.

    Av. M = M1 x t1 + M2 x t2 + . + Mn x tn

  • WBGT1xt1 + WBGT2xt2 ++WBGTnxtn

    T1 + T2 + . + Tnwhere WBGT1, WBGT2, . and WBGTn are calculated values of WBGT for the various work and

    rest areas occupied during total time periods and t1,

    t2, and tn are the elapsed times in minutes spent in the corresponding areas which are determined by a

    time study.

    Av WDGT =

    The time-weighted average WBGT should be

    determined by the equation :

  • Where exposure to hot environmental conditions

    is continuous for several hours or the entire

    work day, the time-weighted averages should be

    calculated as an hourly time-weighted average,

    i.e., t1 + t2 +.+ tn = 60 minutes.

    Where the exposure is intermittent, the time-

    weighted averages should be calculated as two-

    hour time weighted averages, i.e., t1 + t2 + .

    + tn = 120 minutes.

  • The TLVs for continuous work are applicable

    where there is a work-rest regimen of a 5-day

    work week and an 8-hour work day with a

    short morning and afternoon break

    (approximately 15 minutes) and a longer lunch

    break (approximately 30 minutes).

  • Higher exposure values are permitted if

    additional resting time is allowed.

    All breaks, including unscheduled pauses and

    administrative or operational waiting periods

    during work, may be counted as rest time when

    additional rest allowance must be given

    because of high environmental temperatures.


  • Three major clinical disorders can result from excessive heat stress to susceptible workers :

    Heat stroke from failure of the thermoregulatory center.

    Heat exhaustion from depletion of body water and/or salt.

    Heat cramps from from salt loss and dilution of tissue fluid.

  • Heat Exhaustion/Heat Stroke

  • A classification of disorders caused by exposure

    to high levels of environmental heat is as follows :

    Systemic disorders : heat stroke

    (hyperpyrexia), heat exhaustion (from

    circulatory deficiency; heat syncope), water

    deficiency, salt deficiency, heat cramps, or

    sweating deficiency.

  • Continued .

    Skin disorders : prickly heat (miliaria rubra),

    cancer of the skin (rodent ulcer).

    Psychoneurotic disorders : mild chronic

    (tropical) heat fatigue, acute loss of emotional


  • Psychoneurotic disorders ---- tropical fatigue.

    Chronic effects upon Europeans of working

    for long periods in the tropics have been

    reported. Loss of motivation, lassitude,

    irritability, sleeplessness appear to constitute

    the symptoms of a condition for which little

    physiological evidence has been found.

  • Tough the phenomena of tropical fatigue are

    quite real to sufferers, it appears that their

    occurrence is more closely related to

    psychological factors of the individuals in

    tolerance of boredom, monotony, thermal

    discomfort and heat illnesses than to a

    specific physical basis.

  • Prickly heat, painful itching may occur

    if skin is constantly wet with sweat and

    sweat glands become plugged.

    Worker needs to allow time to dry off in

    cold area, bathe or use drying powder.

  • Painful muscle spasms of arms, legs,

    or abdominal muscles.

    They occur when individuals lose

    excessive amounts of salt while

    sweating during hard physical labor and

    high heat loads.

  • Heat cramps often occur in conjunction with conditions of salt depletion when levels of sodium chloride (NaCl) circulating in the blood fall below a critical level.

    The attacks of severe painful spasms in limb and abdominal muscles may last for several hours, days, or even weeks.

  • The cramps may occur during or after work and may resolve spontaneously. If not, the

    person should take lightly salted fluids by mouth.

    Persons not acclimatized to heat may require additional salt.

    A normally salted diet is usally adequate to prevent heat cramps.

  • Fainting results from insufficient blood flow to the brain.

    Blood vessels expand as blood flow increases, more goes to the surfaces rather than brain

    and gravity can cause pooling of blood in lower

    parts of the body.

    Lying the worker down will result in complete recovery.

  • Heat syncope is alarming (mengawatirkan) to

    the person but is the least serious of the heat-

    induced disorders.

    Heat syncope is characterized by dizziness

    and/or fainting while immobile, usually standing

    in the heat for an extended period.

  • The condition occurs primarily in individuals who are not acclimatized to the heat, and it results from the pooling of blood in the dilated

    vessels of the skin and lower extremities with a resulting decrease in blood flow to the brain.

    Treatment consists of removal of the individual to a cooler area, if possible, and recumbent rest. Recovery is usually prompt and complete.

  • Heat fatigue is a set of behavioral response to acute or chronic heat exposure.

    The behavioral responses include impairment in :

    a. The performance of skilled sensorimotor


    b. Cognitive performance

    c. Alertness (kesigapan/kesiagaan)

  • These symptoms arise from the discomfort,

    physiological strain, psychosocial stress,

    and perhaps hormonal changes associated

    with working and living in hot climates.

    These aspects of heat stress are not well

    understood or documented.

  • Heat exhaustion results from the reduction of

    body water content or blood volume.

    The condition occurs when the amount of

    water lost by sweating exceeds the volume of

    water drunk.

    The major signs and symptoms of heat

    exhaustion include fatigue, extreme weakness,

    nausea, headache, faintness, and a cool, pale,

    clammy skin.

  • Core body temperature, however, is usually

    normal or only slightly elevated.

    Treatment consists of removal to a cool area,

    recumbent rest, and cool fluids by mouth.

    Recovery usually occurs in less than 12 hours.

    Generally there are no permanent after-effects.

  • Heat exhaustion occurs when body losses too

    much fluid, or too much salt or both.

    Worker becomes dry in mouth, thirsty, weak,


    Remove with rest, administer fluids .

    Ensure workers are acclimatized, with ability to

    take water regularly during work

  • If environmental work factors prevent evaporative

    cooling i.e. because :

    a. Air temperature is too high

    b. Humidity is too high

    c. There is a high radiant heat load

    d. Worker is constricted by insulating

    clothing then the body begins to experience

    physiological heat strain with different illnesses

    depending on the degree of heat stress.

  • Heat stroke or hyperthermia is a life-threatening disorder that results from a failure of the core body temperature-regulating system which may cause core body temperature to exceed 40oC.

    Heat stroke is usually accompanied by hot and dry skin, mental confusion, convulsions, and unconsciousness.

    Death or irreversible damage frequently results; the fatality rate of heat stroke may be as high as 50%.

  • Result in hot dry skin, mottled or cyanotic


    Can be the result of several causes including

    extensive overexertion, loss of fluids, cardiac


    The body fails to sweat, so evaporative cooling

    does not function. Body temperature rises

    uncontrollably, accompanied by convulsions,

    loss of consciousness.

    Heat Stroke (contd)

  • A core body temperature above 42oC for more than a few hours is usually fatal, depending on the persons health status.

    Early recognition and treatment of heat stroke will decease the risk of death or damage to the brain, liver, kidneys or other organs.

    Heat stroke is an emergency and medical assistance should be obtained immediately.

    Procedures to reduce body temperature must be initiated as early as possible.

  • An approved first-aid method for lowering body temperature is to remove the person to a cool and protected environment, remove the outer clothing, wet the skin with water, and fan vigorously.

    This procedure will maximize body cooling by evaporation and will prevent further body temperature increase while the patient is being transported to a hospital.

    Unless the person is conscious and alert, one should not administer fluid by mouth.

  • Unless the person is conscious and alert,

    one should not administer fluid by


    Body temperature should be monitored

    to ensure that it is reduced but does not

    fall below normal.

  • Prolonged increases in deep body

    temperatures may also be associated

    with temporary infertility for people in

    both genders, and, during the first

    trimester of pregnancy, may endanger

    the fetus.

  • No work can be performed by patients

    with a water loss deficit of about 10%

    of body weight.

    Death occurs when depletion of blood

    volume (oligaemic shock) results from

    water loss in excess of 15% of body


  • A mild thirst reflects uncorrected water loss of

    less than 5% of body weight.

    There may be increases in pulse rate and body

    temperature. A decrease in output of urine

    (oliguria), loss of working efficiency,

    complaints of restlessness, irritability, lassitude

    or drowsiness and of thirst when uncorrected

    water loss amounts to 5-8% of body weight.

  • Liquids should be taken in small quantities and often from the start of exposure to high temperatures : 100 to 150 ml of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

    The quantities to be drink should be calculated on the basis of the fluid loss, since the thirst mechanism does not at all furnish an

    appropriate basis for compensating the important factor, which is fluid loss.

    Drinking Water

  • Recommended drinks are plain (non-

    carbonated) cool water (9-12 oC); Cool

    lemon tea, well diluted fluid juice, etc.

    Carbonated drinks, undiluted fluid juice,

    milk and especially any alcoholic drinks

    should be forbidden.


  • Intolerance to high temperature due to

    dehydration disappears completely by the

    addition of 100 g of sugar to the drinking

    water distributed during the working day.

    when, for example, miners exposed to a

    wet-bulb temperature of more than 29 oC

    drink at least 3 liters of water per shift;


  • Coffee and tea can inhibit absorption of some

    nutrient, particularly iron.

    In addition, caffeines ability to increase

    urination by as much as 30% for up to 3

    hours after ingestion can cause such nutrient

    as calcium, magnesium, and sodium to be

    flushed from the body.

    Heavy caffeine use is also associated with

    high cholesterol levels, but the reason for this

    is unknown.

  • Nearly all of the caffeine found in soft drinks

    is added during manufacture.

    Soft drinks usually contain about one-

    fourth of the caffeine normally found in an

    equivalent amount of coffee and about half

    that normally found in an equivalent amount

    of tea.

  • Caffeinism is the name given to symptoms associated with very heavy daily caffeine use.

    These symptoms include frequent urination,

    jitter(gelisah), agitation, irritability, muscle

    twithching lightheadedness, rapid

    breathing, rapid heartbeat, palpitations,

    upset stomach, loose stools, and heartburn.

  • Binge (pesta minum minuman keras) type

    alcohol consumption results in the production of quantities of dilute urine.

    The individual is now much more susceptible to dehydration working in a hot environment, and therefore to heat stroke.

    As a CNS depressant, alcohol interferes with heat adaptation.

    Alcoholic Drinks

  • The intake of fatty foodstuffs should be reduced.

    The administration of additional salt is only

    justified in the case of unacclimatized workers

    who are newly assigned to a hot workplace.


  • Binge (pesta minum minuman keras) type

    alcohol consumption results in the production of quantities of dilute urine.

    The individual is now much more susceptible

    to dehydration working in a hot environment,

    and therefore to heat stroke.

    As a CNS depressant, alcohol interferes with

    heat adaptation.

    Alcoholic Drinks

  • Heavy exposure to heat could lead to a significant loss in zinc, thus impairing normal

    growth, development, health, and ossification.

    Potentially, the same applies to magnesium (Mg), the relevance of which should be viewed

    against the relationship between deaths

    ascribed (yang dianggap berasal) to ischemic

    heart disease and low magnesium intake.


  • Prolonged, strenuous work is also likely to induce iron deficiency to the extent that

    supplementation becomes essential.

    Iron deficiency leads to a measurable decline in work capacity; conversely, a significant

    increase in work productivity has been

    demonstrated following iron supplementation

    in iron-depleted individuals.


  • Men working moderately hard for 6 hours show a fall in respiratory quotient from 0,94 to 0,80 indicating switch from a predominantly carbohydrate metabolism to a fat metabolism.

    The change in metabolic substrate results in an increase in oxygen consumption, heart rate and body temperature.

    A midshift feed of 100 grams of sucrose in water was shown to cause an immediate improvement in these parameters.


  • RQ (respiratory quotient) : the steady state

    ratio of CO2 produced by tissue metabolism to

    oxygen consumed in the same metabolism; for

    the whole body, normally about 0,82 under

    basal conditions; In the steady state, the RQ

    is equal to the respiratory exchange ratio.


  • A supplementary dose of 100 mg of

    thiamin, 8 mg of riboflavin, 5 mg of

    piridoxin, 25 mg of cobalamin, 100 mg of

    niacin and 30 mg of pantothenic acid will

    delay appearance of fatigue during work

    in high ambient temperatures.


  • In the same way a daily supplementary

    dose of 250 mg of vitamin C during 10

    days or so will enable a man to withstand

    heat better and will hasten the process of



  • Environmental Monitoring

    The thermal environment around the body which

    affects the rate of heat flow, is expressed by four

    parameters :

    The dry bulb temperature of the air

    The moisture content or water vapor pressure

    of the air

    The air velocity

    The radiant heat exchange between the

    skin and surrounding surfaces


  • Alternative measures for controlling heat stress

    Item Possible actions

    Metabolic heat load


    Mechanization of some or all tasks

    Sharing workload with

    others(particularly during heat period)

    Increasing rest time

    Radiant heat load


    Minimizing line-of sight to source

    Insulating furnace walls

    Using reflective screens

    Wearing reflective aprons (particularly

    valuable when workers face source)

    Covering exposed parts of body

  • Alternative measures for controlling heat stress

    Item Possible actions

    Convective heat

    load (C)

    If air temperature is above 35 oC, reduce

    C by : lowering air temperature, lowering

    air velocity, wearing clothing.

    If air temperature is below 35 oC, reduce

    C by lowering air temperature, increasing

    air velocity and removing clothing



    Increase by : increasing air velocity,

    decreasing humidity.

  • Alternative measures for controlling heat stress

    Item Possible actions

    Work schedule Duration : shorten duration of each

    exposure, use more frequent rest periods.

    Recovery : use nearby air conditioned space

    for rest area, adjust air velocity in rest area

    for effective cooling.

    Other : allow worker to self-limit exposure on

    basis of signs and symptoms of heat strain,

    and provide cool, potable water containing

    0,1%$ salt.

  • Alternative measures for controlling heat stress

    Item Possible actions

    Clothing For extreme conditions, use cooled (by

    vortex tube or other means) clothing.

    Wear type of clothing to obtain

    E max > E req with minimum sweating.

  • Relative efficiencies of common shielding materials

    Surface Reflectivity of radiant heat

    incident upon surface (%)

    Emissivity of

    radiant heat from

    surface (%)



    95 5



    92 8

    Zinc, bright 90 10



    73 27


    paint, new,


    65 35


  • Radiation shielding can be categorized

    into reflecting, absorbing, transparent and

    flexible shields.

    Radiant heat passes through air without

    heating the air; it heats only the objects in

    its path that are capable of absorbing it.


  • Reflective shields are constructed from sheets

    of aluminum, stainless steel, or other bright

    surface metallic materials.

    Aluminum offers the advantage of 85-95%

    reflectivity. It is used also as shielding in the

    form of foil with insulative backing, and in

    aluminized paint, with reduced effectiveness.


  • Successful use of aluminum as shielding requires

    an understanding of certain principles :

    There must be an aluminum-to-air surface; the

    shield can not be embedded in other materials.

    The shield should not be painted or enameled.

    The shield should be kept free of oil, grease, or

    dirt, to maximize reflectivity.


  • When used to enclose a hot source, the shield

    should be separated from the source by several


    Corrugated sheeting should be arranged so that

    the corrugations run vertically rather than

    horizontally, to help maintain a surface free of

    foreign matter.


  • Absorption shielding absorbs infrared radiation readily. This type of shielding, preferably flat block, is constructed typically of two or three

    sheets separated by air spaces.

    Heat can then removed by causing water to flow between two metal plates in the shield, transferring heat from the shield by conduction.

    The surfaces of absorptive shielding exposed to work areas should be constructed of aluminum

    or aluminized to reduce emissivity.


  • Transparent shielding consists of two general types : special glass and metallic mesh.

    Special glass reduces transmission of infrared radiation because it is either heat absorptive or infrared reflecting.

    Infrared reflecting glass is used commonly in the windows of control rooms amid (berdiri ditengah-tengah) excessive heat sources.

    Metallic mesh shielding involves the use of chains and wire mesh to provide partial reflectance and to help reduce the amount of radiant heat reaching an operator.


  • Flexible shielding utilizes fabric treated with aluminum.

    When worn as aprons or other items of clothing, they protect against radiant heat by reflecting

    up to 90%.

    Reflective garments are useful for protection against very localized and directional radiant sources.


  • Reduce work load factor by mechanization

    Reduce radiant heat load by :

    a. Lowering temperature of hot processes or

    changing emissivity of the hot surface

    b. Relocating hot processes.

    c. Using heat seals, reflective protective

    equipment, and heat shielding clothing.

    Increase air speed with fans if air temperature

    is less than 35oC and shed (melepas) clothing.

  • Decrease air speed if air temperature is

    greater than 35o C and wear protective


    Dehumidify air to increase evaporative

    cooling from sweating (e.g. eliminate all

    sources of water vapor from leaks in steam

    lines, water evaporating from floors).

  • Limit the time exposure to the hot work

    a. Carry out hot task in cool of morning

    or evening.

    b. Provide cool areas for recovery.

    c. Use extra manpower to reduce

    exposure time for each worker.

  • Attention should be paid to the heat

    acclimatization, appropriate levels of

    physical fitness, liquid replacement

    schedule should be followed, electrolyte

    balance of body fluids must be

    maintained, especially for unacclimatized


  • Supervisors and workers should be trained in recognition of various heat illnesses.

    Workers to be alerted to effects of drugs, alcohol, obesity on heat illnesses.

    Screen workers for heat intolerance

    (particularly previous episodes)

    Be aware of seasonal factors relating to climate.

    Restrict overtime work in hot environments

    Provide specialized vortex air-cooled or ice suits for some continuous demand tasks.

    Training and selection of workers.


  • People who are least endangered

    while working in heat stress conditions

    are young and appropriately clothed, in

    good general health and physical

    condition, not obese, and adequately

    hydrated with electrolyte concentrations

    in normal ranges.

  • There are individual differences in acclimatization

    to high temperatures. These are mainly

    dependent on age and sex. Subjects of more

    than 60 years of age are more likely to suffer

    from heat stroke than those are younger.

    After the age of 40, the onset of sweating is

    distinctly retarded, the volume of sweat is less

    and the cardiovascular system has a reduced

    capability for adaptation.

  • Women are less able to stand heat than men

    as they commence (begin) to sweat later, while

    both their skin and internal body temperatures

    are higher;

    Women also sweat less even though they have

    an increased number of sweat glands both in

    absolute term and per cm2 of skin than men;

    After acclimatization, the amount of sweat

    produced is half that of a man.

  • In general, there are four major physiologic

    parameters to consider when selecting men

    for heat tolerances :

    1. The maximal oxygen intake

    2. Age

    3. Body size, composition and surface area

    4. Race and sex differences

  • The maximal oxygen intake of an individual as directly determined on the treadmill or the bicycle ergometer is a most important factor in his ability to work in heat.

    Those with high maximal oxygen intake capacities should be located to hard work (oxygen cost = 1,4 l/min), those with low capacities to light work (oxygen cost = 0,6 l/min) and the intermediate group should be put on moderate work (oxygen cost = 1,0 l/min).

  • Significant age trends in heat adaptation have

    been observed, and men over 40 years of

    age are at a distinct disadvantage when

    exposed to work in heat.

    The sweat gland of these older men show a

    more sluggish response to environmental and

    metabolic heat load.

    The older men started to secrete sweat 29

    minutes after entering a hot room as

    compared to 15 minutes for young men,

  • Under high radiant heat conditions, older men

    also absorb more heat from the environment

    than do young men mainly due to the fact that

    their blood vessels on and near the skin

    surface are more exposed.

    Maximal oxygen intake also decreases

    with age, and the older man, therefore, is

    physiologically not well equipped to work

    moderately hard in heat.

  • When the work has to done under high

    environmental stress conditions, the

    small or underdeveloped worker with a

    small body surface area and the

    overweight individual with a low body

    surface/weight ratio will both be at a


  • Research has indicated that men weighing less than 50 kg not only have a low maximal oxygen

    intake but are also less tolerant to heat than

    men of average weight.

    When doing the same absolute work, men with small surface areas have a higher metabolic

    heat production per unit area than do large

    men, yet they have similar rate of cooling.

  • Studies on race and sex differences to

    heat exposure showed that the major

    contributory causes to any observed

    difference are physical activity level,

    nutritional state, body size and the extent

    of natural acclimatization.

  • On the average, adult males have plus minus

    48 ml O2 ml/kg/min available against only plus

    minus 38 ml O2/kg/min in females.

    This does not mean that females should not be

    used for manual labor at all; it only show that

    they should not be required to work as hard as

    males, and that at any set work intensity, they

    will experience more physiologic strain than will


  • Provide accurate verbal and written

    instructions, frequent training programs,

    and other information about heat stress

    and strain.

    Provide work settings with good

    ventilation both for general air movement

    and for removal of process heat and water

    vapor, with shielding from radiant sources.

  • Encourage drinking small volumes of cool,

    palatable (enak/lezat) drinks about every 20


    Monitor WBGT-TLVs and guidelines for heat

    exposure limiting conditions.

    Pay extra attention to those who take medications

    that compromise (membahayakan)

    cardiovascular, blood pressure, body temperature

    regulation, renal, or sweat gland functions.

  • Use pre-placement medical screening

    to determine those susceptible to

    systemic heat injury.

    Pay extra attention to those returning to

    work after absence from hot exposure

    situations, or who abuse or are

    recovering from the abuse of alcohol or

    other intoxicants.