O September 9/2 Labor Day 9/6 F&FF 9/10 SuperTuesday 9/12 Many Meals 9/17 Church Council 9/23 Applebee’s 9/28 PNO October 10/4 F&FF 10/6 Elders BBQ 10/8 SuperTuesday 10/13 Elders BBQ 10/26 Pumpkin Fest 10/27 Reform Sunday 10/31 Halloween November 11/1 F&FF 11/11 Veteran’s Day 11/12 SuperTuesday 11/14 Many Meals 11/19 Church Council 11/27 Thanks service 11/28 Thanksgiving S ave the D ate! ... cont’d next page Help Me Get This Part Right! How many similar prayers have been launched heavenward as a new driver faced their parallel parking test? The hours spent practicing with orange cones in empty parking lots. The humility of begging another family member or friend to borrow their car for your driving exam, because it’s about a foot shorter than the one you learned in. With the advent of self-driving cars maybe it will be something we’ll never have to worry about again. Some Teslas can already park themselves. The 2019 Volkswagen Arteon has something called Park Assist that actually looks for a parking spot that it will fit into, and then turns the wheel for you. v

Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

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Page 1: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

Words of Peace September 2019 Page !1 PeaceCamaril lo.com


September 9/2 Labor Day 9/6 F&FF 9/10 SuperTuesday 9/12 Many Meals 9/17 Church Council 9/23 Applebee’s 9/28 PNO

October 10/4 F&FF 10/6 Elders BBQ 10/8 SuperTuesday 10/13 Elders BBQ 10/26 Pumpkin Fest 10/27 Reform Sunday 10/31 Halloween

November 11/1 F&FF 11/11 Veteran’s Day 11/12 SuperTuesday 11/14 Many Meals 11/19 Church Council 11/27 Thanks service 11/28 Thanksgiving

Save the Date!

... cont’d next page

Help Me Get This Part Right! How many similar prayers have been launched heavenward

as a new driver faced their parallel parking test? The hours spent practicing with orange cones in empty parking lots. The humility

of begging another family member or friend to borrow their car for your driving exam, because it’s about a foot shorter than the one you learned in.

With the advent of self-driving cars maybe it will be something we’ll never have to worry about again. Some Teslas can already park themselves. The 2019 Volkswagen Arteon has something called Park Assist that actually looks for a parking spot that it will fit into, and then turns the wheel for you.


Page 2: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

Words of Peace September 2019 Page !2 PeaceCamaril lo.com

Mathematician Simon Blackburn has boiled it all down to a formula. He used the Pythagorean Theorem and a series of variables (the radius of the car’s turning circle, the distance between front and back wheels, the distance from the center of the front wheel to the front of the car, and the width of the already parked car) to devise what he calls the “perfect parking maneuver,” in which a car swings directly into the empty slot with no additional wiggling required. Assuming you have all that information, or that the traffic behind you is willing to wait while you run around with your measuring tape, you can plug the numbers into the formula below and you should be good to go.

Or you could just buy a car that has the tech to do it, OR, you could do what I usually do and just park someplace else and walk. Besides can you really trust a guy who spells curb k-e-r-b? He’s English. Sometimes we make things a lot harder than they should be. But even if things aren’t that hard it might be because it was hard for someone else so we could reap a not so hard benefit someday. How long do you suppose that guy worked on the formula for parallel parking to prove it was mathematically possible? And why? A simple diagram seems a whole lot easier to understand.

Take, oh I don’t know, how to get to heaven for example. A lot of people are evidently interested in that because a Google search will turn up over four hundred fifty million pages of articles. And on top of that there are three hundred fifty million pages of quizzes to find out whether or not you’re aimed toward that narrow door that is Jesus. A whole bunch of people think salvation is a sort of test you have to pass and since you don’t actually get to see it or even see how you did until it’s too late to do

something about it, they live in this sort of in-between place, thinking and hoping, but not knowing for sure. It’s sad, really, when you can know, because Jesus did the hard part for us. You have to be perfect to get into God’s perfect place? He was perfect for us. You have to pay the penalty for all your sins? The wages of sin as the Bible puts it? He paid it for us. All that is left to do is believe it and God even gives us that faith to

believe as his free gift. That means you’re as good as in—just as long as you don’t give it back. The story of how Jesus accomplished all that for us is probably the best story ever put to papyrus or paper. But to know it you have to read it, and the best way to read it is often with others in a Bible study group. We offer several throughout the week here at Peace. You can find them in the bulletin or check out the calendar page on our website. Give the office a call and we’ll hook you up. Some of them are just getting ready to start up for the new season. You might be surprised to discover that a lot more happens during that hour or so each week than just reading. There’s a lot of talking and sharing as your study group begins to grow into a group of close friends. As you grow closer to God through your study, you’re likely to find that you are growing closer to each other—brothers and sisters in Christ who care about your struggles and victories in life. They will become encouragers and comforters, and you will too. You don’t even have to know one end of the Bible from the other to make the leap and begin learning for yourself from God’s own Word how getting to our forever home in heaven works. One thing’s for sure. It’s a whole lot easier than learning to parallel park!

- Pastor Rob


... cont’d from front page

Page 3: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

Words of Peace September 2019 Page !3 PeaceCamaril lo.com

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119: 105

Rally Day got our new “Academic Year” at Peace off to a good start for fall. Actually, this year, we celebrated “Rally Weekend” with an energetic jump start on the trampolines and padded

obstacle courses at Dojo Boom on Saturday. Thank you, Sages, for a successful launch around God’s Word!

Sunday’s GAMES included a ring toss, memory match, sack races, three legged races & more. Certainly, one of the highlights of the day, however, was Pastor Rob’s (Pastor Potato Head’s) Children Message at the one 10:30AM Service. Laughter & joy! The crowd & sloppy joe’s were great, too! Did you see Pastor Mike in his new collared shirt? Don't you just ♥ our church??!!

- Your Fellowship Committee



Page 4: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

Words of Peace September 2019 Page !4 PeaceCamaril lo.com

CONTACT INFO for Bible studies:

Women’s - starts up T, 9/10 with Connie Morris. They are studying the book of James: 482-3313.

Wednesdays - Gospel of John led by Dave Schmidt (805-482-3867); Heaven & Hell led by Blaine & Diana Wanke (805-482-7524). Sr High also meet with friends at Christ the King (6pm).

Men’s - Continuing with Pastor Rob leading Christians & Social Media Thursdays 6:45am. The Wanke’s reprise theirs at 10am.

Contact Pastor Mike or Church office re: Fridays.

Sunday AM - all ages: 9:30 & 10:42 Monday AM - Prayer Vigil 8:00 Tuesday AM- Women 10:00 Wednesday - adults 9:30am & 6pm Thursday AM - Men 6:45, LifeLight 10 Friday PM - Jr High 6:45/Elementary 6

with sincereGratitude ...

Dear Peace Family,

I wish to express my

heartfelt thanks for all

the generosity &

kindness you shared

with cards , gifts,

casseroles & choir for

my Ordination. It’s

humbling to hear

$4200 was donated for

my stoles! I thank God

for you all. - Pastor Mike

join one of our

Page 5: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

Words of Peace September 2019 Page !5 PeaceCamaril lo.com

Last Hurrah!


College Rafting

September 7, 10am

Kern River-Bakersfield


let Pastor Mike know…

“Remember your

Creator in the days of your youth” - Eccl. 12:1

Sr High Bible Study

WED 6-8pm •Free dinner/ride

•Games ! •God’s Word !!

Parents Nite Out September 28, 2-5pm Volunteers Needed! go online…

sep 6 6-7:30pm

Monday SEP 23


a flyer!

Page 6: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating

The first Monday in September is a holiday for many Americans, a tribute to the productivity of American labor and a recognition of the need for workers to have a day off. Ironically, it is not a holiday for those whose job it is to serve those on holiday. It signals a beginning and an end; summer is waning, but fall is just around

the corner. The school year and football season begin while vacations and the baseball season wind down. For those who are determined to get the most out of this last nationwide holiday of the summer, it often is not all that restful. In fact, it could turn out to be an ordeal because of hordes of people swamping the beaches, parks, and other entertainment venues and who are determined to have a good time. What does God say about the need for work and the need for rest?

We know that God gave Adam and Eve the job of caring for the Garden of Eden, but He also declared the Sabbath to be a day of rest. He is our creator and knows what is best for us, that our bodies need physical activity, mental stimulation, and spiritual connection with Him. But we also need time for our body and mind to regenerate. Everything is wonderfully connected. What affects our body and mind also affects our spirit. Sunday, our Sabbath day, is a day to worship God, and yet it is also a day in which we celebrate the gifts that God gives us, both material and spiritual. Through His Word and sacraments, God urges to labor for Him, to be His people, and at the same time promises to relieve us of the burdens of sin and guilt. We have God’s peace through our faith in Jesus Christ, and it is a gift God gives us daily. For us every day is Labor Day, a day to spread God’s Word and show His love, and a day to receive the rest that only God can give us through His Holy Spirit. May God bless our Labor Day(s).

Your Elders

Page 7: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating


I am sure you have heard for most of your life that eight hours of sleep are essential for good health. This is a true average, but just as importantly the quality of sleep maintains a healthy-life style. According to the Centers for Disease Control lack of sleep AND sleep disorders or sleep problems can raise your risk of chronic health disease, including Heart Disease, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Lack of sleep or sleep problems can even cause Obesity and Depression and can affect longevity of life. . Some of the major Sleep Disorders include:

Insomnia – Insomnia is characterized by the inability to initiate or maintain sleep. It may show as early wakening wherein one wakes several hours early and cannot return to sleep. It often manifests in excessive sleepiness during the daytime, difficulty functioning or difficulty completing daily tasks. Narcolepsy – Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness including an irresistible sleepiness with sudden muscle weakness. Extreme emotion or surprise may trigger an attack. The sleep attack may even occur while walking or performing other physical activities. Restless Leg Syndrome – Restless Leg Syndrome is characterized by an unpleasant “creeping” sensation or a feeling of “pins and needles” which feels as if initiates in the legs. It often includes aching and pain in the legs and causes difficulty in falling asleep. It is sometimes lessened or relieved by movement of the legs as walking or kicking. Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating with frequent gasping or “snorting” noises during which sleep is interrupted. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep, you might have sleep apnea.

How do you know if you have a sleep problem or are developing a sleep disorder?? Do you have difficulty staying awake and alert during daily activities, or while driving? Are you very accident prone or becoming more accident prone? Do you wake up exhausted after a “good night’s sleep”? Do you nap most days, or nap more frequently than usual? Does it take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep each night? When you fall asleep, do you stay asleep throughout the night? Do your arms or legs jerk you awake while sleeping at night? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, or should you feel you have or are developing a sleep disorder, it is important that you discuss the symptoms with your physician, your primary care provider. Known as “sleep hygiene”, there are simple things you can do to improve your sleeping pattern. Some of these things include:

Be consistent – Go to bed at the same time each night, and get up at the same time every morning, including on the weekends or when not working. If you don’t fall asleep within twenty minutes, get out of bed, sit in a chair reading or listening to soft, relaxing music. Don’t continue to lie in bed, “stressing” to fall asleep. Adjust your environment - Make sure your bedroom is a quiet, dark and relaxing environment kept at a comfortable temperature. You can assure your environment is dark by purchasing blackout curtains or a sleeping mask. Remove electronic devices from the bedroom, or at minimum refrain from watching TV in bed, or utilizing the computer or your cell phone immediately before retiring. Studies have shown that the blue light emitted by electronic devices suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep pattern. Establish a bedtime routine – Follow the same preparations every night to help in triggering your body to know it is time to wind down. Refrain from caffeine filled beverages, large meals, and alcoholic beverages before retiring. Drink a cup of warm caffeine-free herbal tea, take a warm bath, a warm but not hot shower, read for a few minutes, and include a time for prayer. Warm milk has long been touted to be a good sleep-aid. Milk contains both tryptophan and melatonin, hormones that do assist in the sleep cycle, and it may assist some people in falling asleep. However. if you are lactose intolerant, have blood glucose issues, or weight issues, it may cause more problems than it helps. The lactose, a form of glucose or sugar in the milk may even stimulate you. Be Physically Active – Physical activity during the daytime hours will help you be ready to sleep at night. However, don’t do your workout immediately before retiring for the night. Use a Weighted Blanket – Some studies have shown that people with insomnia or sleep disorders improve their sleep health with the use of a weighted blanket. In short, weighted blankets put gentle pressure on the body, giving a sense of calm and security.

If you so have trouble with your sleep pattern, you are not alone. There are over 50 million Americans who have been diagnosed with sleep disorders, and many people with undiagnosed sleep issues. And for those who sleep less than 6 hours a night, there is a small percentage of the population who are known as “Short Sleepers”. These people regularly sleep less than 6 hours per night and yet are able to function normally despite the short amount of sleep. This occurs naturally for these people, beginning in childhood or as young adults, and it occurs every night. Short sleepers feel fresh and alert every morning upon awakening, and they do not try to “catch-up” on the weekends.

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Emma Sage 1st Craig Frye 17th Debi Markley 5th Amy Waddell 19th Ken Nipstad 11th Robby Waddell 19th Paul Trahan 11th Gary Spencer 19th Lori Schultze 13th Sharon Krumdieck 22nd Kevin Ylizaliturri 14th Karen Rusch 23rd PhilDeck 15th Timothy Klittich 25th Vera Alamillo 16th Lisa Wright 25th Ray Linaweaver 16th Pat Smithback 26th Chelsea Schultze 16th Ken Anderson 29th Jessica Dicke 16th

Mark & Melissa Pettit 1st

Scott & Cindy Klittich 5th Jonathon & Jennifer Adams 10th

Bill & Tami Ullerick 14th

Roy & Ingrid Poehler 26th

Remember in Your Prayers

For health and healing: Lois Allen (Cheryl Sanders’ sister), Lili Baehr, Christy Burckhard (Gary & Karen Taylor’s sister-in-law), Jim Cozatt, Crystal (Phil Deck’s niece), Remi Chatelain (Carol Yung’s friend), Dwayne Field, Bill Fitch, Ken Haugrud, Damon Hermann (friend of Greg Olewiler), Jim Hogan (Robin Schmidt's brother-in-law), Mrs. Mai, (friend of Greg Olewiler), Seza Mirzarian (Phil Hamilton's son-in-law's aunt), Ken Nipstad, Jim Pedersen, Hedy Pein, Josh & Lorna Randall, Greg Snyder (Craig Frye’s co-worker), Llewyn Rae Spencer (infant grandson of Gary & Char Spencer), Leslie Stenke, Carol Yung.

For peace and comfort: Allen Burckhard, as he cares for his wife Christy and their children.

Pray for all military men and women especially: Jacob Chiles, Andrew Geib, Daniel Gross, Michael Hanson, Brian Miller, Kevin Palos, Kevin Schleicher, Stephen Volpei, Amy Waddell, Lucas Wentlandt. Also remember their families in your prayers.

Note: Names will remain on prayer list for 4 weeks unless requested otherwise.

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September 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service 9:30 AM Sunday School (Preschool-Adult) 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult/Young Adult (PCH) 11:30 AM New Life Christian Fellowship (FH) 3:00 PM New Life Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

2 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanc)

3 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Community Outreach Comm. (FH)

4 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM High School Bible Study

5 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanc)

6 6:00 PM Faith & Fun Friday

7 10:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal

8 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service 9:30 AM Sunday School (Preschool-Adult) 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult/Young Adult (PCH) 11:30 AM New Life Christian Fellowship (FH) 3:00 PM New Life Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

9 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanc)

10 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Super Tuesday

11 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM High School Bible Study 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

12 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanc) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:00 PM Many Meals 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanc) 6:00 PM GSA Council Meeting 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (Sanc)

13 14 10:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal

15 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service 9:30 AM Sunday School (Preschool-Adult) 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult/Young Adult (PCH) 11:30 AM New Life Christian Fellowship (FH) 3:00 PM New Life Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

16 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanc)

17 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting

18 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM High School Bible Study 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

19 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanc) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanc) 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (Sanc)

20 6:00 PM Praise Band Rehearsal


22 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service 9:30 AM Sunday School (Preschool-Adult) 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult/Young Adult (PCH) 11:30 AM New Life Christian Fellowship (FH) 3:00 PM New Life Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

23 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanc)

24 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH)

25 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM High School Bible Study 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

26 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanc) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanc) 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (Sanc)

27 6:00 PM Praise Band Rehearsal 6:45 PM Confirmation

28 2:00 p.m. Parents Night Out

29 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service 9:30 AM Sunday School (Preschool-Adult) 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult/Young Adult (PCH) 11:30 AM New Life Christian Fellowship (FH) 3:00 PM New Life Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

30 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanc)

1 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 7:00 PM Community Outreach Comm. (FH

2 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM High School Bible Study 6:00 PM LifeLight Bible Study

3 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanc) 10:00 AM LifeLight Bible Study 5:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Sanc) 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (Sanc)

4 6:00 PM Faith & Fun Friday

5 10:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal

Page 10: Help Me Get This Part Right!Sleep Apnea - Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It may manifest with snoring alternating


Date Elder Ushers Altar Readers Greeters Acolytes

Sept. 1 Communion

Tom Waddell +++++++++ Al Bosman

Craig Frye* Karen Taylor Gary Taylor Bill Young +++++++++ Rick Poore+ Dave Miller Tom Taylor

Tina Gingerich

Susan Klein ++++++++++

Bob Hutchison

Bruce & Sharon Fraser

++++++++ Phil & Melissa


Logan Krause +++++++++

James Miller

Sept. 8

Tom Waddell +++++++++ Al Bosman

Bob Lacy* Jim DeVries Dale Sieber

+++++++++++ Dave Schmidt*

Roy Poehler Mike Hale

Linda Young

Bob Lacy ++++++++

Linda LaJeunesse

Susan Klein ++++++++

Connie Morris

Daniel Stevenson +++++++

Marisa Denninger

Sept 15


Tom Waddell +++++++++ Al Bosman

Ken Anderson* Glenn Benitz Scott Ehlers Art Schmidt +++++++++

Scott Klittich Steve Rusch Mike Elbert

Linda Young

Dale Sieber ++++++++

Dave Schmidt

Eunice Harter +++++++++

Mike & Linda Elbert

Ryan Tsai +++++++

Melissa Poore

Sept. 22

Tom Waddell +++++++++ Al Bosman

Blaine Wanke* Gene O’Neal Keith Hedrick Todd Harter

++++++++++++ Mike McCracken* Tom LaJeunesse

James Miller

Linda Young

Roy Poehler ++++++++

Lori Schultze

Gary & Char Spencer

++++++++++ Sharon McCracken

William Frye ++++++++ Gabby Liu

Sept 29


Tom Waddell +++++++++ Al Bosman

Craig Frye* Karen Taylor Gary Taylor Bill Young +++++++++ Rick Poore+ Dave Miller Tom Taylor

Linda Young

Bill Young ++++++++

Mike Elbert

Gene & Beulah O’Neal

+++++++++ Sandy Miller

Judy Nomi ++++++++

Connor Stevenson

Oct.6 Communion

Blaine Wanke +++++++++

Scott Klittich

Bob Lacy* Jim DeVries Dale Sieber

+++++++++++ Dave Schmidt*

Roy Poehler Mike Hale

Bill & Linda Young

Blaine Wanke +++++++++

Linda Elbert

Jim & Kerry

DeVries ++++++++

Mike & Ruth Hale

Anna Pettit ++++++++

Derek Olewiler

9:30 Service Elder Reader 9-1-19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Debi Markley 9-8-19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Robby Waddell 9-15-19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Tom Waddell 9-22-19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Susan Weaver 9-29-19 Dave Hutter/Greg Olewiler Stacy Hunter 10-6-19 Dave Hutter/Phil Hamilton Larry Goesch