Howard Bunts’ Votes Continue To Spiral In Band Poll DETROIT TRIBUNE SAT AUGUST 7, 1948 l' ;.i Pierce would suidv throw •n cut for interrupting the . u hut to p'.v >u: p: :.-r 1 i»'d r.-.,t the n'..n u «.* doing i| -iv what he had horn instruct; i to do hv P:c:vr. himself. He toon h handkerchief and .<• \ u nh it h - cve«. Then h»- . ,v .’i t - s*mi and tap. With one •ur. 1 h< leaped upon the table . w -i o tvf than ttve . et >oll.l'. . ;.nd began to dance nt n' •' 1 1 >■ table on a pair 1.. -\&u He did eve: v- ng th 1 h. p boon fortunate !. . .h u- anyone else do. ■i ;th \•! a na.' of shoe? »n i He tipped so long on th i.- t t .• t■.p.'O t hie began > eak• n >n-1 splinters began ••■.iiKP a *r.ove t'-e table would 8 1' ' J th< : f" c*. •ie tv* n tried t- I•• rn h -' " ' e iuv p. il off a t;b ».♦••> A -p!,t the i-e •> -Pt to . n up;oar. He ■' - r a i ;■ e -. fy; * p | •e tinai v ,* 'oped and , i \ •• It' uvb*. and the ' i•. •. •. i b . -f•■rvn 1 \! -f Mv J •h.p.rv Q * Public I That act will live in the hearts of many for a long long time. The name of this daring man of the stage is none other than the one I mentioned early in this story, the one and only j Harold King, who has not only knocked the public for a loop I here but has been doing so j from coast to coast. Competition Is Keen As Contest Nears End Makes Bid For Crown Sultry, alluring Kitty Stavanton, currently popular vocalitt. who U making a bid for tha crown of Detroit'* Beat Female Vocal- ist. The title is being decided in the Tribune's Second Annuel band poll, now going on. There it still time to vote for th* band and singer of your choice. Last year the title was won by Alberta Hitting The HOT SPOTS BY ROBERT BEATTY MAKES AN EVENING WORTH LIVING Ha !:ng from Onc.v* with a gift of making vou fe« a’ home Mrs. Mellon tinrulrnan. owner of the love- Jy CHHSTKRFIFLP SHOW BAR. located on John-R. Re- tween For. <t and Hancock. Once yoi «I in > p ,n toth > lovely hoi,«p «h t j |.ve built, then you’ll understand exactly what I ?n tr> to explain to you. Female Vocalists Promise Io Add Spice To Contest as Favorites’ Votes Pour In BY ROBERT BEATTY The Tribune Band roll vote** continue to roll in as new records arc set every day. I p. up. up ir°cs Bunts to a *core unequalled last year in the whole contest, but as iar j as Bunts is concerned (we’ll sure have something to shoot i |at m years to come), for this cot »o>t is far from over and moM anything can happen. m llr v a good musician and is«l- --i si> qwitp versatile. for any man , who ran blow an alto, a soprano, clan not and a bar: tone, as well „, hr can i< nothing but versatile and should have his share of rec- ’•cnition. FREEMAN CANT HELP IT Kr<« m can t help it for it's ' hi mg th:ust upon hint. I can't sav dial he hates you for thrusting it :p.>n h m so: after this he ll exactlv where he stands •v it ft is o' the public and we do make them, don'* uc-? In the Hi«t section of three in p trno sax lot. we see L. E. ! K.reman leading. Soe<>nd place is, held tlvs ueoH by Warren Hick- ey, while third position is held bv Candy John>on. HE STUTTERS WHEN HE TALKS: Rudy stutte s when he talks, that >, when he talks by means of hi.' vocal c rK. but when he talks bv nit an> of h:s long black -• x of nui>ic maxing. it s alto- gi the: a difTerent story. Ho p.ars some -if the wierdest stuff IK ovi, hi ad but it s mu- «..• Ii m toll. because if it weren’t i <iu wouldn't have him in first pl.ii o in the clarinet section of: this ( ntO't. along with being a ! .it musician, he's a grand iel-1 >ow ;■ s fa as d.:-position is con- I coined, while Alvin Walls is sec-I i no and e Gross? is slowly hut surely bringing up third place. WATCH OUT You better keep your eyes op- en. Willie, or you may wake up I and find that you have been plot- ted against and overthrown from El-Smo's music has bet n fur- nsned oy Mr. B a.wo mb and his Knights of Swing, namely Toni- i •••%• Wateis. alto sax. Ernie Wash- | gton un the piano. Tiiomas Barney on the ba.'.'i De-Hart on I the drums, and none other than Haul Bascomb, “Honey ' himself : n tile tonm sax Thrse boys clow like mad each and r.veiy night down El Sino way. Li'ten my child, and you shall lieai Paul Bascomb I LL PACK THE JOINT This is what Candv said, this is what Candy i* doing K day, Saturday and Sunday night the I Club Sudan (known in y< ste; vrac as the Club Congo*, w.,- ! pai ked to ,t c cnpai itv and had |ne pie .-landing outside waiting to get ;n and hear ’Candy an j h l l new aggregation. I riuin t I’.a\ e long to hang around but I ;iv p r tnat they were able to heai I the master blow THREE—NO FOUR ! Some people can do and. and I now one that can his name i~ Howard Bunts and he can ai.d ies blow foui instruments Th*w ate played veiy well by M Bunt.'. His whole band is a credit j to the profession of music and las long as he knocks them in the isle 111 be by his side ,>o blow' Mr Bunts, blow. Get your printing done promptly, economically, and attractively at the TRIBUNE job work department—2l46 St. Antoine. \ou i 'Mtmn at ‘.he top of rlic , trip : >'t section of this contest. I T. around and look, find out for self that King Porter is rvd behind you. Mr. rmtci him', .in t ho too naive about hi' si. r.u:ng because if he'll take time > turn his head he can .>ee that y igone Galliard is so close to > that he should bo .dile to fc f; breath on hi> tjeck T'-i i A a tough fight to be | fou_ * here and I wonder who [co - it \ ict": Kills" SLIDE SLIDE. SLIDE On "i slide 'em horns \ou find Gio : e holding fi:-t place, Bil- ly Bunk' bringing in second, and A! H in the thud slot. EIGHTY-EIGHT: In ; ' part of competition we find T:K*mas leariing’lhe boys of tin .nek and white, while Casey J r.r is tight in there, with a few io-v but not enough to knock him below the second hole, but do pi know that Mr. Anderson can aNo be counted in on this contf -t for he and Casey arc run- ning neck and neck. B "is section of this competi- tion s George Washington. Drum section is led by Don C x B rrging in second place is Bob . A'.’i :unson. L> raine Carter, a .-ingcr with' a t of oomph and all that, is leading the female \.>k»'s while T 'in Paltnet ticks along slowly behind her. Mildred Mchcrs is holding her own in third In the male vocalists we havi j Louis Heywood, Ddn Cox holds j second and Sonny Carter is bnng- ,ng up thud with all the /.e.-t he lean with that lovely voice of his Your tallies are note so look j through them and find out fui I yourself who's who end who's do- | ing what! ¥ * BAND POLL TALLY * W M BANDS Howard Hunts 870 ; King Portar 380 i S Candy Johnson 310 i j Willie Walls 200 j George Jenkins 160 Ted Buckner 110 Todd Rhodes 70 Gilbert Holiday 60 T. J. Fowler 50 j Benny Jones 40 Leonard Morrison 40 Charles Victor Moore . 40 Jimmy Caldwell 40 Babe Brown 40 , Lorenxo Lawson 40 ' TENOR SAX L. E. Freeman 610 Warren Hickey 450 Candy Johnson 290 I Lefty Edwards 280 Cranford Wright 80 Howard Bunts 40 Jimmy Caldwell . 30 Flat Top 30 ALTO SAX Alvin Walls 410 I Ted Buckner 240 1 Hal Dismukes 160 i Eddia Lamison 120 Frank Porter 100 Howard Bunts 50 j Gene Nero 50 Frank Taylor 50 Alto Frye 30 BARITONE SAX Tate Houston 510 Howard Bunts 460 Gaorge Favors 130 CLARINET Rudy Rutherford 670 Alvin Walls 350 Lea Gross# 210 Louis Barnett , 110 Howard Bunts 50 v * * TRUMPET Wlllia Walls . 480 King Porter 330 Eugene Galliard 320 Russell Greene 200 Billy Horner 110 John Lawton 60 Mrv Goodman Ha* a way with pecplo that make* lham want to ba in her presence at «U times. She spend* each n'oht ooing from table to table *eoncemally telling them stone*, laughtrg and discussing the hear* bt-its and pulse jumps ct the people of the n ght that she knows and those that she has heard so much about. r n y : t' ’v ;s 'r% -* r- '-1 ',Ve j hr- r u ,• .< in n c : ' fH> ! '• th * < J r .. . or ir v £ KISS SCNG HITS . a Is v '■i-r-. S r -ht I hi n *y m a r Jb J tho* re-*' •: v .! •i”*'rmoer he r•*e f h Z-s<r»r:e: d* J v‘L, s u»- *' }•»’ <! ir ; « ha-K - r , a 2 t~* s-.-. ' t w I. r ' ,;v »b .* She r % Jiff-: pies- t, ’< **vj' C r J » to. MISS ST. CLAIR AT EL SINO t.•- ! . , » M “e o*.. t" a.r, svhn nas j c e i *3 r ' it* s'raigm *' n e A- i A r G .11 where, > * Mh? B> t :c t aVSO »h . ! r »-fco th.a j f or i were if It .rt some , r .K-n shape, at happy as ] s : * r.-t Id. s*■ B ST I ? bvd is 1 r t u tr *ka toe night j L > - TV e ; nappy. She .s | C ' y .rt Pi * I ' t.> 1 :•• '5 V. HCO THE TABLE > IS GOING TO SPLIT! Is uh*t \ru w.tl; -i p■ "h h’v have >*id "ad you o< •* i * . El Sire S?.tii dav r.igrv v ls»t s u *.\ Y r'pr-'h.ipiy * k ng v. i-self, why Well, heie is the 5!,'; V. Have vou r »t ' and of a *x* hv *r 4* •'rr H 'f *1 K * n ♦•Aur .nf n t 1 r- h SKATE TAPPER . A fr, ] 0 *A* TV Pi N fn P ,*o and t'in a* . . t iH# \<r* * r a v.« r \\ hm *ud -Irr’v a *. -? !* ■; *\\ . r k**d ur a (aKu *•, ♦r- , !* n rs a*• 0 n _ - , p 11 1 - - '■ 2^ r ' ». ? i Adams. Lloyd Henderson . 50 Johnny Wilson 40 j w ., TROMBONE Charles Greenlee 460 Billy Banks 200 A1 Hayes 80 Joe Brown . 80 Smitty Carter 30 PIANO Thomas Hammond 360 Casey Jones 200 Willie Anderson 200 Ted Sheely 180 Johnny Allen 170 , Randy Leftwich 100 Willie Davis 100 1 Todd Rhodes 50 T .J. Fowler . 40 Neal Robinson 30 GUITAR Billy Burrell 590 Wilson Warren 400 George Dawson 270 Emmitt Slay 140 Joe Braceful 30 * « * BASS James Glover 490 George Glover 380 Virdell Hutchins 200 The Great Mule 150 George Washington 120 Beau Glover 80 Leonard Morrison 60 A1 Martin 40 -i: 'll DRUMS Don Cox 570 Bob Atchinson 410 Willie Benjamin . 300 George Jenkins ... 240 Joe Askew ... 80 Huestell Tally 60 Tacky Madison 20 Pigmcat Stevens 20 VOCALIST-FEMALE Lorraine Carter 330 , Toni Palmer 330 Mildrerd Mclver 290 Chubby Newsom 240 Connie Allen 130 Honey Brown 130 Maria Wells ... 80 Alberta Adams . 70 Kitty Stevens 50 Beverly Bower 40 ARRANGERS Johnny Allen 320 L. E. Freeman 280 A1 Hayes , 160 Lefty Edwards 130 . Casey Jones 20 VOCALIST—MALE Louis Hayward . 230 Don Cox ISO j Sonny Carter 140 ! George Favors 110' i Eddie Gorman 40 Lefty Edwards 30 Sumter J. Hogan , 30 Skylark Smith 20 Alto Fry* 20 Eddie Walker . 10 * * (Nona listed under 10) DISC JOCKEY BALLOT Mark an I X ) in the space opposite the name of vour favorite Disc Jockey. Clip this coupon and mail in to Robert Beatty, the Detroit TRIBUNE. 214fi St. Arrtoine, Detroit 1, Michigan, c o Disc Jockey Con- test Editor. Jack the Bellboy WJBK ( ) Eddie Chase—CKLW ( ) Toby David—WWJ ( ) Van Douglas—WJßK ( ) Joe Gentile—CKLW’ ( ) Larry Gentile—CKLW i ) Earl Hayes—WJßK f ) Warren Kelly—WJß ( ) Bob Murphy—WJßK ( ) Russ Muleholland—WXYZ ( Frank Petay WJR ( ) Todd Pure WJLB ( ) Larry Ruppel—WJßK ( ) John Slagle—WXYZ ( ) Jerry Snider—WJLß ( ) Stu Strand—WJßK ( ) Paul Williams—WWJ ( ) Cotton Club Now Ot>*rat*s at 33T Vlsoer Read. Ecorsr Mteh. Jam Session Every Thursday Night 9 to 1? Sundays and Holidays For privaie parties call WAJ 9074 FIS CL r LTE. Manager & VICTORY SUPPER CLUB § l> / ; u"*' nU $ k m ■sf* /; . He ni i &<*-/$ / . McWorter £ £C (/ T')‘ , I «nd hi* E _J BAND v f vV. "-'ifjSl 17910 Conant ti ••:>- DR. WM. H. LAWSON Practicing Optomatriit f©» orar 25 Yaar* and DR. WM. E. LAWSON Optometrist* and Optician* TOBIN BUILDING 1308 Broadway at Gratiot—2nd Floor Hours: 9 7 Daily Phonaas WOodward 5-1690: WOodward 5-1691 MAX R O TT ... Present* KING PORTER “The King of the Trumpet” AND HIS BAND STILL HOT AS A FIRECRACKER Royal Blue Bar 8401 Ruaaell TR. 2-9199 EAST INDIA MEDICINE COMPANY TLrrace 3-3883 i Home of Indian Herb Remediet For Blood Cleansing. Asthma. Fhfin .itism, Suqiir Diabetes. Hiah ind low Blood Pressure. Kidney and Bladder Ailments Cosmetics AJAFAR ALL!. Manager 3681 Hastings St. Detroit 1, Mich. P_A R A DIS E "I*7l V 01*1*1 WINE - BEER” B Cl Wl II LIQUOR MIXED j DRINKS \ MUSIC BY Babe Brown | —ALSO—- | AIR CONDITIONED | 3639 Harrison Road Inkster, Michigan Victory Hotel OFFERS New Modernistic ROOMS FOR RENT Permanent and Transient 17910 Conant TW. 1-9681 | MURRAY OPTICIANS 11(9 Griswold, near KinseP* Health Site Lenses FOR BETTER VISION AND MORE COMFORT Prompt Repair Service ON all Broken Glasses DR. M. CUTLER, Optometrist in Charge Ooen Evenings Popularity Os Van D. Soars High Br ROBERT BEATTY It s me you know, the <t«m« man who has been keeping you ported on the happenings a < they come about in this out annual Disc Jockey Pol] It's still under way and 01* Van has jumped way, way up in the figures I ha ven t had any word on the turn of things as far a.* our man Van going back on the air as yet but fm expecting it any time now. so you look for me and I’ll surely give vnu the dope as it breaks. I know vou as well as I. are waiting f«r him to come back to us bv mean* of our “Boxes of Tubes ’’ MR. BLOW TOP HIMSELF Mr Hamp swings every Wed- nesday night on that box you have at your finger tips He starts his basket of sending promptly at the stroke of 830 and gasses all until 8:43 <CST> over the Mutual network If vou think vou can stand it you an invited to listen. If you have i box and if you haven’t go over to Mary's and listen to her box (radio). (The tally comes to vou at i?» Van Douglas 558 Jack the 88. 280 Joe Gentile 200 Todd Purse 200 Warren Kelly J 4 Paul Williams M Fnrl Hayes 70 BAND POLL BLANK Write in name of your favorite. Cut out ballot. Mail to Dick Jennings, Band Poll Director, Detroit Tribune Newspaper, 2146 Sit. Antoine, Detroit 1, Mich. BAND TENOR SAX ALTO SAX BARITONE SAX CLARINET TRUMPET TROMBONE PIANO GUITAR BA S S DRUMS FEMALE VOCALIST MALE VOCALIST ARRANGER Mid-Nile Show* Tue*.. Sal.—Open Daily 5:45; Sal. and Sun, 12:30 I (Matinee Sunday)—Open 12:30—Friday Saturday. Auguit !•? Johnny Weismuller Show fn "TARZANS SECRET TREASURE" I and TARZAN S NEW YORK ADVENTURE" Chapter No. 13— DICK TRACY'S RETURN" (Starting Sat.. Midnight Show)—Sun.. Mon.. Tue#.. Aug. I. I. 18 Victor Mature in "FURY AT FURNACE CREEK” and Dennia O’Keefe in "RAW DEAL" CARTOON and PETE SMITH SHORT (Starting Tuts.. Mid-Nite Show)-—Wed.-Thur#., Aug. 11*12 Mickey Rooney in ‘SUMMER HOLIDAY" Van Heflin in "B. F.’a DAUGHTER" PASSING PARADE and a TECHNICOLOR SPECIAL Chicago’s FAVORITE f \ Now In Detroit Distributed by *|j m FOR YOU WINE CO. J[ ~~— TR. 3-MSO 6

Howard Bunts’ Votes Continue Spiral In Band PollHoward Bunts’ Votes Continue To Spiral In Band Poll DETROIT TRIBUNE SAT AUGUST 7, 1948 l';.i Pierce would suidv throw •n cut for

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Page 1: Howard Bunts’ Votes Continue Spiral In Band PollHoward Bunts’ Votes Continue To Spiral In Band Poll DETROIT TRIBUNE SAT AUGUST 7, 1948 l';.i Pierce would suidv throw •n cut for

Howard Bunts’ Votes Continue To Spiral In Band PollDETROIT TRIBUNE SAT AUGUST 7, 1948

l' ;.i Pierce would suidv throw•n cut for interrupting the. u hut to p'.v >u: p: :.-r 1

• i»'d r.-.,t the n'..n u «.* doingi| -iv what he had horn instruct;

i to do hv P:c:vr. himself.He toon h handkerchief and

• .<• \ u nh it h - cve«. Then h»-. ,v .’i t - s*mi and tap. With one

• •ur. 1 h< leaped upon the table. w -i o tvf • than ttve

. et >oll.l'. . ;.nd began to dancent n' •' 1 1 >■ table on a pair

1.. ■ -\&u * He did eve: v-ng th • 1 h. p boon fortunate

!. . .h u- anyone else do.■i ;th \•! a na.' of shoe? »n

i He tipped so long on th i.-t t .• t■.p.'O t hie began• > \» eak• n >n-1 splinters began

••■.iiKP a *r.ove t'-e table would8 1' ' J

th< : f" c*. •ie tv* n tried t-I•• rn h -' ■ " ' e iuv p. il off

• a t;b ».♦••> A -p!,t the•• i-e •> -Pt to . n up;oar. He

■' ■ - • r a i ;■ e -. fy; * p |•e • tinai v ,* 'oped and ,

i \ • •• • It' uvb*. and the '

i•. •. •. i b . -f•■rvn 1\! -f Mv J •h.p.rv Q * Public I

That act will live in thehearts of many for a long longtime. The name of this daringman of the stage is none otherthan the one I mentioned earlyin this story, the one and only jHarold King, who has not onlyknocked the public for a loop Ihere but has been doing so jfrom coast to coast.

Competition Is KeenAs Contest Nears End

Makes Bid For Crown

Sultry, alluring Kitty Stavanton, currently popular vocalitt.who U making a bid for tha crown of Detroit'* Beat Female Vocal-ist. The title is being decided in the Tribune's Second Annuelband poll, now going on. There it still time to vote for th* bandand singer of your choice. Last year the title was won by Alberta

Hitting TheHOT SPOTS


Ha !:ng from Onc.v* with a gift of making vou fe«a’ home Mrs. Mellon tinrulrnan. owner of the love-

Jy CHHSTKRFIFLP SHOW BAR. located on John-R. Re-tween For. <t and Hancock. Once yoi «I in > p ,n toth > lovelyhoi,«p «h t j |.ve built, then you’ll understand exactly whatI ?n tr> to explain to you.

Female Vocalists Promise Io Add SpiceTo Contest as Favorites’ Votes Pour In

BY ROBERT BEATTYThe Tribune Band roll vote** continue to roll in as

new records arc set every day. I p. up. up ir°cs Bunts to a*core unequalled last year in the whole contest, but as iar

j as Bunts is concerned (we’ll sure have something to shooti|at m years to come), for this cot »o>t is far from over andmoM anything can happen.


llr v a good musician and is«l---i si> qwitp versatile. for any man

, who ran blow an alto, a soprano,„ clan not and a bar: tone, as well„, hr can i< nothing but versatileand should have his share of rec-’•cnition.FREEMAN CANTHELP IT

Kr<« m can t help it for it's' hi mg th:ust upon hint. I can't savdial he hates you for thrusting it:p.>n h m so: after this he ll

exactlv where he stands•v itft is o' the public and we domake them, don'* uc-?

In the Hi«t section of three in■ p trno sax lot. we see L. E. !K.reman leading. Soe<>nd place is,held tlvs ueoH by Warren Hick-ey, while third position is heldbv Candy John>on.HE STUTTERS WHENHE TALKS:

Rudy stutte s when he talks,that >, when he talks by meansof hi.' vocal c rK. but when hetalks bv nit an> of h:s long black-• x of nui>ic maxing. it s alto-gi the: a difTerent story.

Ho p.ars some -if the wierdeststuff IK ovi, hi ad but it s mu-«..• Ii m toll. because if it weren’ti <iu wouldn't have him in firstpl.ii o in the clarinet section of:this ( ntO't. along with being a !_ .it musician, he's a grand iel-1>ow ;■ s fa as d.:-position is con- Icoined, while Alvin Walls is sec-Ii no and L« e Gross? is slowly hutsurely bringing up third place.WATCH OUT

You better keep your eyes op-en. Willie, or you may wake up

I and find that you have been plot-ted against and overthrown from

El-Smo's music has bet n fur-nsned oy Mr. Ba.womb and hisKnights of Swing, namely Toni-

i •••%• Wateis. alto sax. Ernie Wash-| ■ gton un the piano. TiiomasBarney on the ba.'.'i De-Hart on

I the drums, and none other thanHaul Bascomb, “Honey ' himself

: n tile tonm sax Thrse boysclow like mad each and r.veiynight down El Sino way. Li'tenmy child, and you shall lieaiPaul BascombI LL PACK THE JOINT

This is what Candv said, thisis what Candy i* doing K day,Saturday and Sunday night the

I Club Sudan (known in y< ste; -

vrac as the Club Congo*, w.,-! pai ked to ,t c cnpai itv and had|ne pie .-landing outside waitingto get ;n and hear ’Candy an •

j h l l new aggregation. I riuin t

I’.a\ e long to hang around but I;iv p r tnat they were able to heaiI the master blowTHREE—NO FOUR

! Some people can do and. and Inow one that can his name i~

Howard Bunts and he can ai.dies blow foui instruments Th*w

ate played veiy well by MBunt.'. His whole band is a credit

j to the profession of music andlas long as he knocks them inthe isle 111 be by his side ,>oblow' Mr Bunts, blow.

Get your printing donepromptly, economically, andattractively at the TRIBUNEjob work department—2l46 St.Antoine.

\ou i 'Mtmn at ‘.he top of rlic ,trip : >'t section of this contest. I

T. ■ around and look, find outfor self that King Porter isrvd behind you. Mr. rmtcihim', .in t ho too naive abouthi' si. r.u:ng because if he'll taketime > turn his head he can .>eethat y igone Galliard is so closeto > • that he should bo .dile tofc f; ' breath on hi> tjeck

T'-i i A a tough fight to be| fou_ * here and I wonder who[co - it \ ict": Kills"SLIDE SLIDE. SLIDE

On "i slide 'em horns \ou findGio : e holding fi:-t place, Bil-ly Bunk' bringing in second, andA! H ■ in the thud slot.EIGHTY-EIGHT:

In ; ' part of competition wefind T:K*mas leariing’lhe boys oftin .nek and white, while CaseyJ r.r - is tight in there, with afew io-v but not enough to knockhim below the second hole, butdo pi know that Mr. Andersoncan aNo be counted in on thiscontf -t for he and Casey arc run-ning neck and neck.

B "is section of this competi-tion s George Washington.

Drum section is led by DonC x

B rrging in second place is Bob .A'.’i :unson.

L> raine Carter, a .-ingcr with'a t of oomph and all that, is

leading the female \.>k»'s whileT 'in Paltnet ticks along slowlybehind her.

Mildred Mchcrs is holding herown in third

In the male vocalists we havi jLouis Heywood, Ddn Cox holds jsecond and Sonny Carter is bnng-,ng up thud with all the /.e.-t he

lean with that lovely voice of hisYour tallies are note so look

j through them and find out fuiI yourself who's who end who's do- |ing what!

¥ * 4»


BANDSHoward Hunts 870 ;King Portar 380 iS Candy Johnson 310 ijWillie Walls 200 jGeorge Jenkins 160Ted Buckner 110Todd Rhodes 70Gilbert Holiday 60T. J. Fowler 50 jBenny Jones 40Leonard Morrison 40Charles Victor Moore . 40Jimmy Caldwell 40Babe Brown 40

, Lorenxo Lawson 40•


TENOR SAXL. E. Freeman 610Warren Hickey 450Candy Johnson 290 ILefty Edwards 280Cranford Wright 80Howard Bunts 40Jimmy Caldwell . 30Flat Top 30

ALTO SAXAlvin Walls 410

I Ted Buckner 2401 Hal Dismukes 160

i Eddia Lamison 120Frank Porter 100Howard Bunts 50

j Gene Nero 50Frank Taylor 50Alto Frye 30

BARITONE SAXTate Houston 510Howard Bunts 460Gaorge Favors 130

CLARINETRudy Rutherford 670Alvin Walls 350Lea Gross# 210Louis Barnett , 110Howard Bunts 50

v * *

TRUMPETWlllia Walls . 480King Porter 330Eugene Galliard 320Russell Greene 200Billy Horner 110John Lawton 60

Mrv Goodman Ha* a waywith pecplo that make* lhamwant to ba in her presenceat «U times. She spend* eachn'oht ooing from table to table

*eoncemally telling them stone*,laughtrg and discussing thehear* bt-its and pulse jumps ctthe people of the n ght that sheknows and those that she hasheard so much about.

r ny : t' ’v ;s • 'r% -* ’r- '-1 ',Ve jhr- r ■ u ,• ■ .<

• in nc :

' fH> ! '•

th * • h« -• • <

Jr .. .’ or ir v



Is v • '■i-r-. S r -ht Ihi n *y m a r Jb Jtho* re-*' •: v .! •i”*'rmoer ’

he r•*e f h Z-s<r»r:e: d* Jv‘L, s u»- *'

}•»’ <! ’ • ■ ‘ ir • ; « ha-K • -

r -, • a - 2 t~* s-.-. '

tw ‘ I. r ' ,;v »b .*

She r% Jiff-: :»pies- • t, ’< **vj'C ‘ r . ■ ’ J » • to.MISS ST. CLAIR AT EL SINOt.•- • - !. . , »

M “e o*.. t" a.r, svhn nas jc e i *3 r ' it* s'raigm*' n e A- iAr G .11 where,> * • Mh? B> t :c ’t • ■ • aVSO »h . !r »-fco th.a jf ■ - or i were if It .rt some ,r • •• ‘ * .K-n shape, at happy as ]s ■ : * r.-t Id.

s*■ ■ B ST I ? bvd is 1r • t u tr ’ *ka toe night jL >

- TV e ; nappy. She .s |C ' y .rt Pi * I ' t.>1 :•• • '5V. HCO THE TABLE >

IS GOING TO SPLIT!Is uh*t \ru w.tl; -i p■ "h h’v

have >*id "ad you o< •* i * .El Sire S?.tii dav r.igrv * v • •ls»t s u

*.\ Y r'pr-'h.ipiy * kng v. i-self, why Well, heie is

the 5!,'; V.Have vou r »t ' • and of a*x* hv *r 4* .. •'rr * H 'f *1 K * n

♦•Aur .nf n t 1 r- h

SKATE TAPPER. A fr, ] 0 *A* TV Pi N fn P

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\\ hm *ud -Irr’v a *. -? !* ■; *\\

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Lloyd Henderson . 50Johnny Wilson 40 jw . ,

TROMBONECharles Greenlee 460Billy Banks 200A1 Hayes 80Joe Brown . 80Smitty Carter 30

PIANOThomas Hammond 360Casey Jones 200Willie Anderson 200Ted Sheely 180Johnny Allen 170

, Randy Leftwich 100Willie Davis 100

1 Todd Rhodes 50T .J. Fowler . 40Neal Robinson 30

GUITARBilly Burrell 590Wilson Warren 400George Dawson 270Emmitt Slay 140Joe Braceful 30

* « *

BASSJames Glover 490George Glover 380Virdell Hutchins 200The Great Mule 150George Washington 120Beau Glover 80Leonard Morrison 60A1 Martin 40

-i: 'll

DRUMSDon Cox 570Bob Atchinson ...

410Willie Benjamin . 300George Jenkins ... 240Joe Askew ... 80Huestell Tally 60Tacky Madison ... 20Pigmcat Stevens 20

VOCALIST-FEMALELorraine Carter 330

, Toni Palmer 330Mildrerd Mclver 290Chubby Newsom 240Connie Allen 130Honey Brown 130Maria Wells ... 80Alberta Adams . 70Kitty Stevens 50Beverly Bower 40

ARRANGERSJohnny Allen 320L. E. Freeman 280A1 Hayes , 160Lefty Edwards 130 .Casey Jones 20

VOCALIST—MALELouis Hayward .. . 230Don Cox ISO jSonny Carter 140 !George Favors 110'

i Eddie Gorman 40Lefty Edwards 30Sumter J. Hogan ... , 30Skylark Smith

.. 20Alto Fry* 20Eddie Walker . 10

* ♦ *

(Nona listed under 10)

DISC JOCKEY BALLOTMark an I X ) in the space opposite the name of

vour favorite Disc Jockey. Clip this coupon and mailin to Robert Beatty, the Detroit TRIBUNE. 214fi St.Arrtoine, Detroit 1, Michigan, c o Disc Jockey Con-test Editor.

Jack the Bellboy WJBK ( )

Eddie Chase—CKLW ( )

Toby David—WWJ ( )

Van Douglas—WJßK ( )

Joe Gentile—CKLW’ ( )

Larry Gentile—CKLW i )

Earl Hayes—WJßK f )

Warren Kelly—WJß ( )

Bob Murphy—WJßK ( )

Russ Muleholland—WXYZ (

Frank Petay WJR ( )

Todd Pure WJLB ( )

Larry Ruppel—WJßK ( )

John Slagle—WXYZ ( )

Jerry Snider—WJLß ( )

Stu Strand—WJßK ( )

Paul Williams—WWJ ( )

Cotton ClubNow Ot>*rat*s at

33T Vlsoer Read. Ecorsr Mteh.

Jam Session EveryThursday Night

9 to 1? Sundays and HolidaysFor privaie parties call

WAJ 9074FIS CL r LTE. Manager

& VICTORY SUPPER CLUB §l> / ; u"*' nU $k m ■sf* /;


He’ni i&<*-/$ /


McWorter ££C (/ T')‘ ,

I «nd hi*

E _J BAND vf vV. "-'ifjSl 17910 Conant

ti ••:>-

DR. WM. H. LAWSONPracticing Optomatriit f©» orar 25 Yaar*


DR. WM. E. LAWSONOptometrist* and Optician*

TOBIN BUILDING1308 Broadway at Gratiot—2nd Floor

Hours: 9 7 Daily Phonaas WOodward 5-1690: WOodward 5-1691

MAX R O TT . . .


KING PORTER“The King of the Trumpet”


Royal Blue Bar8401 Ruaaell TR. 2-9199


i Home of Indian Herb RemedietFor Blood Cleansing. Asthma.Fhfin .itism, Suqiir Diabetes.Hiah ind low Blood Pressure.Kidney and Bladder Ailments

CosmeticsAJAFAR ALL!. Manager

3681 Hastings St.Detroit 1, Mich.

P_A R A DIS E"I*7l V 01*1*1 WINE - BEER”


\ MUSICBY Babe Brown

| —ALSO—-

| AIR CONDITIONED| 3639 Harrison Road Inkster, Michigan

Victory HotelOFFERS

New Modernistic

ROOMS FOR RENTPermanent and Transient

17910 Conant TW. 1-9681 |

MURRAY OPTICIANS11(9 Griswold, near KinseP*


Prompt Repair ServiceON all

Broken GlassesDR. M. CUTLER, Optometrist in Charge

Ooen Evenings

PopularityOs Van D.Soars High

Br ROBERT BEATTYIt s me you know, the <t«m«man who has been keeping you

ported on the happenings a <

they come about in this outannual Disc Jockey Pol]It's still under way and 01*Van has jumped way, way up

in the figuresI ha ven t had any word on

the turn of things as far a.* ourman Van going back on theair as yet but fm expecting itany time now. so you look forme and I’ll surely give vnu thedope as it breaks. I know vouas well as I. are waiting f«r himto come back to us bv mean*of our “Boxes of Tubes ’’

MR. BLOW TOP HIMSELFMr Hamp swings every Wed-

nesday night on that box youhave at your finger tips Hestarts his basket of sendingpromptly at the stroke of 830and gasses all until 8:43 <CST>over the Mutual network If vouthink vou can stand it you aninvited to listen. If you have ibox and if you haven’t go overto Mary's and listen to her box(radio).

(The tally comes to vou at i?»Van Douglas 558Jack the 88. 280Joe Gentile 200Todd Purse 200Warren Kelly J 4Paul Williams MFnrl Hayes

.... 70

BAND POLL BLANKWrite in name of your favorite. Cut out ballot. Mail toDick Jennings, Band Poll Director, Detroit TribuneNewspaper, 2146 Sit. Antoine, Detroit 1, Mich.


Mid-Nile Show* Tue*.. Sal.—Open Daily 5:45; Sal. and Sun, 12:30

I (Matinee Sunday)—Open 12:30—Friday Saturday. Auguit !•?

Johnny Weismuller Show fn



(Starting Sat.. Midnight Show)—Sun.. Mon.. Tue#.. Aug. I. I. 18Victor Mature in "FURY AT FURNACE CREEK”


(Starting Tuts.. Mid-Nite Show)-—Wed.-Thur#., Aug. 11*12Mickey Rooney in ‘SUMMER HOLIDAY"


Chicago’sFAVORITE f \

Now In


Distributed by *|j m