www.humanassetsummit.com Organiser Summit Focus Gettin gHRinvol vedan dalig ned Strate gies forCompeti tivene ss Becoming a Talen t Magnet Eng agi ng your work for ce Develo ping Leader sand Leade rship Impro vingo nMoraleandMotivation Effect iveMetrics -de mons trate true HRvalue Anobjectiveand unbi asedplatformtoshareanddiscuss Human Asset | 2010 6 th Annual European People Management Summit & Expo Orchestrate HR Best Practices - From Recession to Recovery 9-10 November 2010 Ramada Resort Aquaworld Budapest Join us on Linkedin Lead Media Partner Media Partners Supporting Organisations

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Summit Focus

• GettingHRinvolvedandaligned• StrategiesforCompetitiveness• BecomingaTalentMagnet• Engagingyourworkforce• DevelopingLeadersandLeadership• ImprovingonMoraleandMotivation• EffectiveMetrics-demonstratetrueHRvalue

• Anobjectiveandunbiasedplatformtoshareanddiscuss

Human Asset | 20106th Annual European People Management Summit & Expo

Orchestrate HR Best Practices -From Recession to Recovery

9-10 November 2010  • Ramada Resort Aquaworld Budapest

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Lead Media Partner Media Partners Supporting Organisations

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6th Annual People Management SummitNow at a European Level

The dumbest idea in the world. Shareholder value is a result, nota strategy... Your main constituencies are your employees, yourcustomers and your products. 

Jack Welch Senior HR professionals have faced another year of turmoil as the credit crunch became a full blown recession.Fortunately the worst is over, hence it’s time to focus on rebuilding the business, which only can be done via people.People that are talented, engaged and committed to the organization. For the HR function itself, the experience over the last 12-18 months appears to have been one of being required todo more and more with less and less resources - a familiar theme one might say. A recent Stamford Global survey of over 300 HR professionals in the region indicates that:

• The significant effect of the recession with 83% of respondents reporting a negative impact in their business.As with last year, the recession has affected HR practices limiting resources even further, affecting morale andmotivation in the organization.

• The top three major HR challenges reported for 2010 are maintaining employee engagement, succession andperformance management and improving on management and leadership impact in the organization.

• HR functions are using employee engagement as a key concept around which they are focusing attempts toimprove the management of people within their organisation. Most respondents were measuring employeeengagement and over 80% were actively trying to improve it.

 Unfortunately the overall underlying message that emerges for the future is that the coming few years are going tobring even more challenges for HR. Engagement, talent management and succession planning may be HR’s top threepriorities for the coming year but the biggest proportion of their time may instead need to be spent dealing with theconsequences of a lack of engagement - grievances and a big increase in staff turnover.

No one ever said it was going to be easy…

To find answers to the ever growing challenges of the profession join your peers for the 6th Annual People ManagementSummit now at a European level. Share your knowledge, network across borders and get engaged in valuable discussionon best HR practices.

Great and very useful two days. Learned various important staff issues, things.HRDirector, Deloitte

I really enjoyed this summit. It was very well organized, featured good speakers with good and relevantpresentations complemented by many opportunities for interaction.VPPeopleContinuity, InBev

Good selection of speakers very different, giving chance to look from different perspective. It is obviousthat a lot of thought and heart is put into the conference organisation. Interesting communication ofparticipants. Thank you I will be happy to have the opportunity to participate again.HRManager, Rolf Retail Group


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Snapshot of Previous HR Summits


Human Asset | 20109-10 November 2010  • Budapest

 C E E H R  ‘ 0 8

C EEHR  ‘ 0 8  Nig el Bar low Manag ing Dir ector Ser v iceLeg ends

 C E E H R  ‘ 0 9

 Dr. Adr ian  F

urn ham 

 Pro fessoro f Ps

 yc ho log y

 Un i vers i t yCo l le

ge London

CEEHR  ‘ 07,  ‘ 0


Dr. Gare th Jones

 Visi tingPro fessor



CEEHR ‘07, ‘08 

Daniel  Thorniley 



C E E H R  ‘ 0 6 

C EEHR ‘ 0 7P r of essor  Ly nda Gr attonLondonBusinessSchool

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Summit SpeakersSummit ChairDr. Paul TurnerProfessor of Management PracticeAshcroft InternationalBusiness School, Cambridge

Kenote Presenters

Derrick Ahlfeldt Robert CortenraadSenior Vice President HR Vice President Human Resources

Visa Oracle Corporation

Fernando Casadevall (invited) Annemie RessManaging Director Head of Senior HR DirectorHR Function EMEA EbayCiti

Lucas Van WeesVice President Human ResourcesCommercial and GlobalKLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Human Asset | 20109-10 November 2010  • Budapest

Corporate Speakers

Jozsef Blasko Helene HasselskogHR Director Western Europe Senior VP HRBritish American Tobacco Johns Manville (aBerkshireHathawaycompany)


Olivier Deslandes Anne Birgitte KverumHead of HR, Europe, Mediterranean Chief HR OfficerBNP Paribas Telenor Hungary

Kurt Herler Ingrid ErasRegional HR Manager CEE VP Development & Staffing, EAMEHeineken Starwood Hotels & Resorts

Masterclass and Workgroup Leaders

Paul Kearns Andrew SpenceDirector DirectorPersonnel Works Limited Glass Bead Consulting


Dr. Graeme Codrington Rostya Gordon SmithDirector & Co Founder DirectorTomorrowToday People Impact

Former Chief HR OfficerTelefonica / O2 Czech Republic

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AgendaDay One, 9th November, Tuesday

8:00 Registration

8:30 Welcome & Opening

8:45 Opening Kenote - The Rise o the New HRRobert Cortenraad - VP HR Europe - Oracle• Growing recognition by senior executives of the human capital in corporate strategy• Increasing complexity of global human resource management• High-quality workers as drivers of productivity growth

9:30 Managing Perormance in Emploer Organizations - Building & Sustaining a Perormance Culture

• Defining the mission/vision of the desired future state the organization hopes to attain• Getting senior management buy-in for maximizing performance• Making performance measurable

10:15 Coffee & Networking Break

10:45 Kenote Presentation TBC

11:30 HR Leaders Debate – How Are We Doing or Recover? • How well your organization is positioning itself for recovery?• What leadership qualities are required?

• The future role of HR: expectations and responsibility

12:15 Lunch

13:30 HR Leaders Workgroup Sessions 

During this special highly interactive HR Leaders Think Tank Breakout session, 12 groups of 10-15 executives will be formedaccording to the topic of the preferred choice. Each group will debate and discuss a topic of relevance, working out actual andtangible ideas around the subject.


15:00 Coffee & Networking Break

15:30 Kenote - The Challenges HR facing During Change Management to Overcome Structural Transormation• Executing change in a challenging environment more efficiently• Engaging others with your vision for a more effective and efficient future• Next Generation Change Leadership: ‘Changing the Way We Lead Change’

16:15 HR Leaders Debate – Making HR Accountable b Demonstrating True Value• Discuss how HR is able to demonstrate true value by providing connection between HR practices and bottom line profitability• What do CEOs expect from the HR Leader?• What is HR’s involvement in building organizational capabilities

16:45 Kenote: Winning the HR Battle in AviationLucas Van Wees - Vice President Human Resources Commercial and Global - KLM Roal Dutch Airlines

• Revealing the secrets of successful merger from HR perspective• Aligning HR practices for mutual win• Consolidating and retaining top talents

17:30 Summary, End of Day One

17:45 Cocktail Reception

TOPIC 1Strategies or


TOPIC 2Strategic

WorkorcePlanning &


TOPIC 3Driving

Engagement, Morale andMotivation

TOPIC 4Getting

Leadership toImpact Across the


TOPIC 5Becoming a Talent


TOPIC 6Critical Success

factors inManaging Change

Human Asset | 20109-10 November 2010  • Budapest

TOPIC 7Designing an

Eective RewardSstem


Gen “y” Career


TOPIC 9EmploeeBranding

TOPIC 10To Be Confirmed

TOPIC 11To Be Confirmed

TOPIC 12Talent Retention

b EectivePerormance


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AgendaDay Two, 10th November, Wednesday

8:00 Registration

8:30 Welcome & Recap of Day One

8:45 Emploee Engagement and Talent Management as ke drivers o business growthAnnemie Ress - Senior HR Director, Head o Global Engagement - EBAy / PAyPAL• Employee engagement and talent management in recessionary times• Linking employee engagement to bottom line results• Getting business involved in talent management and employee engagement• Talent retention and engagement – the role of corporate social responsibility• Measuring the impact of engagement

9:30 HR Leaders Debate – Business Workorce Planning Process, Getting HR Involved & Aligned• Balancing HR needs: short-term: cost-cut, medium-term: managing for productivity and retention, long-term: managing

around skill and talent shortage to maximize post recovery opportunities• Filling the GAP between „need” and „have”.• The role of HR in meeting strategic business objectives.• Managerial practice of reducing turnover and improving on retention.• Strategic recruitment approach and talent sourcing.

10:15 Coffee & Networking Break

10:45 Connecting Head and Heart: Developing the Leaders in Visa EuropeDerrick Ahleldt - Senior Vice President HR - VISA

11:30 HR Leaders Debate – Developing the Leaders Tomorrow• Attracting and retaining the right people

• On-boarding effectiveness• Making coaching/mentoring programs to work more effectively• Leadership successor readiness

12:15 Closing Remarks, End of Summit

12:30 Lunch


15:00 Session 1 Session 1 Session 1 Session 1

15:00 Coffee & Networking Break

15:30 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2

16:30 End of Masterclasses

AchievingCompetitive AdvantageThrough Effective HR


HR Measurement &Benchmarking Making

a Business Case forthe Real Value of HR

Transforming HRto Deliver

Business Value

Using Social Mediaas an HR Tool

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Elective MasterclassesMasterclass Leaders

Achieving Competitive advantage through effective HR Strategy

Dr. Paul TurnerProfessor of Management PracticeAshcroft International Business School, Cambridge



Learning Outcome• IntroducingPeopleStrategyandPracticeintheWorld’sMostAdmiredCompanies• Understandingwhatisstrategy;howstrategyisdeveloped;andhowthebusinessstrategyisaffectingpeoplestrategy• FamiliarizingwiththeleadershiproleofHRinachievingcompetitiveadvantagethrougheffectivepeoplemanagement• DefiningthekeycomponentsofHRStrategy• Implementingstrategy• Toolsandtechniques-managingchange;employeeandlinemanagerengagement• MeasuringtheeffectivenessofHRstrategy

Transforming HR to Deliver Business Value

Andrew SpenceDirectorGlass Bead Consulting




OverviewResearchshowsthat40%ofHRTransformationprojectsfailto achievetheirobjectivesof reducingcostsor improvingservice.TheaimofthisMasterclassisto shareouranalysisandresearchonthecriticalfactorsthatwillensure thesuccessofyourtransformationprogrammes.Youwilllearnhowtoapplyprovenconsultingmethodsandtoolstotransformpeoplemanagementinyourorganisation.TheMasterclasswillfocusonthreeimportantareasthatwillsupportyourHRimprovementinitiativesandhelpyouachieveyourgoals:• AssessingtherelativehealthofyourHRfunction–thisiscriticaltomakingthecaseforchange,determinewhattotransformand establishingabaseline.UnderstandthekeyquestionstoaskinconductinganHRAssessmentandthemostimportantmetrics.• DevelopingawinningHRVision–thisiskeytogainingbuy-infromkeystakeholdersandhelpstodeliverorganisationalstrategy.• EstablishingasuccessfulHRTransformationprogramme–manyproblemsarisefromtheinitialgovernanceandprogrammeteam set-up.Learnhowsuccessfulorganisationshaveresolvedtheseissuesandwhatskillsarerequired.

Learning Outcome• UnderstandtheprinciplesandmethodsofHRTransformationandhowitcanhelpyourorganizationachieveitsstrategicobjectives• Leverageandapplyprovenanalyticalandconsultingtools• UnderstandhowtoconductathoroughHRAssessment• DevelopawinningVisionforyourHRfunction• LearnhoworganizationsestablishsuccessfulHRTransformationprogrammeswithexamplesandlessonslearned.

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Elective MasterclassesUsing Social Media as an HR Tool

Dr. Graeme CodringtonCo-FounderTomorrowToday



Learning OutcomesThismasterclasswilldealwithsomeofthefoundationalissues,including;• Choosingwhichsocialmediaisrightforyou• Decidingwhichpolicieswillbehelpful(andwhichonesarecounterproductive),• Valuingsocialmedia(orhowFacebookbecamethenewcoffeebreak),• Discussingwhyspellingandgrammarstillmatter(andotherreal-lifelessonsforanonlineworld),• Settinguptherightmetricsandmeasurementsforsuccessandfailureofsocialmediainyourorganisation.


HR Measurement and BenchmarkingMaking a Business Case for the Real Value of HR

Paul KearnsDirectorPersonnel Works Limited







Learning OutcomeUponcompletionofthisworkshopyouwillbeableto:• AdoptingamorestrategicHRrole• BenchmarkingyourHRfunctionontheHRscaleofmaturity• IdentifyingbusinessmeasuresforcriticalHRactivities• DemonstratinggreateraddedvaluefromtheHRfunctionin£££’s

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1. Fees: Registration fees are inclusive of program materials, event organizational expenses (venue, speakers et.), luncheons and refreshments, but exclude accommodation and travel expenses.

2. Payment terms: Following the receipt of the registration form, all payments are due within 5 (ve) working days All payments must be received before the commencement of the events. Afterregistration all payments must be executed within the terms herewith irrespective of attendance. Should a portion of the Contract price be subject to state, f ederal, or local taxation, or VAT if applicable, theExecutor reserves the right to add such charges to the nal invoice or recover such sums from the Client at the time when they become due. Late payment: The client explicitly agrees the Executor entitledto charge a x 20%/year late payment penalty for all payments received after the due date. Credit Card payments are subject to 4% handling and processing surcharge.

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4. Indemnity: The Executor reserves the right to change the event content, date, and venue should circumstances require. In such cases no penalty, partial refund or refund or alternative offer shall bemade. In the event of the Executor permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, and provided that the event is not postponed or merged with any other event at a later date, the Client shallreceive full payment returned in 14 business days after the proposed initial date of the event. The client hereby indemnies and holds the Executor harmless from and against any and al l costs, damages,

expenses including attorney fees, which are incurred by the Client.5. Image Release: In registering for Stamford Global events and conferences, delegates grant permission to Stamford Global, its agents and others working under i ts authority, to take and to have fulland free use of video/photographs containing their image/likeness. It is understood these images may be used for promotional, news, on-line/multimedia, r esearch and/or educational purposes by and forStamford Global. Delegates agree that they are not entitled to remuneration, residuals, royalties or any other payment from Stamford Global in respect of their image/likeness or its use. Delegates release,discharge, and hold harmless, Stamford Global and its agents f rom any and all claims, demands or causes of actions that they may hereafter have by reason of anything contained in the photographs orvideo. Should a delegate not agree to the above image release, they must advise Stamford Global by contacting [email protected] .

5. Copyright: All intellectual property rights in all materials produced and distributed by the Executor is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited withoutwritten permission of the Executor.

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PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD*Your security is our priority. In case of paying by Credit Card our finance departmentwill be in touch with you to handle your payment . Please do not send or disclose yourcredit card number under any circumstances. Credit Card payments are subject to 4%administration and handling fee.

Terms & Conditions. Please read carefully before registration

9-10 November 2010

Ramada Resort Aquaworld Budapest


€ 1695

€ 1395

Regular Fee Per Participant

EURO HR Professional Group Members