Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon

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  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon




  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Content of the reportContent of the report

    1. Human Trafficking issues

    2. Samut Sakhon case study:


    Factors of Trafficking (Supply & Demand)y Recruitment Process

    y Burmese Migrants Condition

    3. Indicators of Exploitation4. Current Findings

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Definition of Human TraffickingDefinition of Human Trafficking

    Trafficking in persons as the recruitment,transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receiptof persons, by means of the threat or use of

    force or other forms of coercion, of abduction,of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power orof a position of vulnerability or of the giving orreceiving of payments to achieve the consent of

    a person having control over another person,for the purpose of exploitation

    Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Person of the Exploitation of the

    Prostitution of Others (The Trafficking Convention)

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Stages of TraffickingStages of Trafficking

    Work/ Living Condition at Final Destination

    working against their will in exploitative conditions, lose their right to decidefreely over their own destiny, trafficked into other exploitative situations,Inhumane working conditions, low wages & threats to hand women over tothe police or immigration authorities

    TransportationKidnapping or travel under threat, restrict the womens/girls freedom ofmovement by confiscating their passports or identity cards, thus restrictingtheir independence and ability to return home

    RecruitmentPhysical violence, other forms of coercion such as debt bondage

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Variables of Human TraffickingVariables of Human Trafficking

    y Forced or Coerced

    y Exploitation

    y A crime against the person


    Gain profit/ advantage at the destinationy Can be either domestic or international movement

    y Customer relationship exist between traffickers and

    actual exploiters


    Called victims as commodity (brought and sold)y Victim can not negotiate what kind of job they will do

    y Human right abuses

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    SamutSamut SakhonSakhon ProvinceProvince

    y A concentration of labour intensive


    y Key destination for migrant workers

    y Central of seafood processing industry

    y High demand for cheap and unskilled


    y Workers come from Burma, Lao PDR,Cambodia, North and Northeast Thailand

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    Profile of Fishermen andProfile of Fishermen and

    Related PopulationsRelated Populations

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  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    The Burmese Migrants inThe Burmese Migrants in SamutSamut


    y Total 160,000 to 200,000. Approximately

    70,000 are registered in the province (LPN,


    y 50% are of Mon ethnicity, 30% Burmese,

    10% Karen and 10% others (LPN, 2007)

    y Most all of the migrants working in this

    area are involved in the seafood industry

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    The Recruitment ProcessThe Recruitment Process

    1. Informal agent

    2. Recruiter

    3. paid money to someone to get the job

    usually the recruiter or friends/relatives

    4. with the help of their parents, are still in

    contact with that person who found

    them the job

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    The Continuum of Brokering inThe Continuum of Brokering in

    SamutSamut SakhonSakhon1. Informal broker

    Facilitation Exploitation Trafficking

    2. Brokers are both Thai and Burmese origin and

    work in network, collaborating with bothemployers and some law enforcement officials

    3. Some migrants paid their fees before making thejourney or promise to find work and then pay offtheir recruitment and transportation fees.

    However, once workers arrive at their destination,having been bought by the employer their debt issignificantly greater than which the broker toldthem (debt bondage)

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    The Process of Brokering SystemThe Process of Brokering System

    Brokers in Burma

    (transport migrantto the border)

    Broker in Thai

    (receive them onthe Thai side &

    deliver them intoemployment)

    Employers(destination area

    where the migrantthen have to locateanother broker to

    find work)

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Burmese Migrants ConditionBurmese Migrants Conditiony Not knowing their basic rights or how to access

    the legal system & limited Thai language vulnerable to exploitation (brokers & emplyers)

    y Less education and unskilled labour

    y Do not have legal work permit documenty Work hard, get no time to rest and low salary

    y In shrimp peeling factory, they wake up at three inthe morning and sit in front of piles of shrimp,

    sorting and peeling for up to ten to twelve hours.However, they can only earn less than 3400 Baht(100 US$) per month

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Indicator of ExploitationsIndicator of Exploitations

    1. Forced Labor

    2. Constraint to leave the jobs

    3. Retention of identification documents

    4. Freedom of movement5. Violence

    6. False information about type of job and

    conditions7. Working hours, overtime and rest periods

    8. Payment

  • 8/7/2019 Human Trafficking of Burmese Migrants in Samut Sakhon


    Current FindingsCurrent Findings

    y Fishing workers are among the mostexploited when compared with othermigrant sectors. Working conditions on thefishing boats are even worse than those in

    fish processing. Being forced to work is notuncommon on fishing boats

    y Despite having legal status, the fact that largenumbers of fishing migrant workers lackpossession and access to their ID

    documents means they are often effectivelybonded to their workplace. This is especiallycommon for those who still owe money totheir employer for the registration costs.

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    Current FindingscontCurrent Findingscont

    y Fishing boat workers faced physical abuseby their employers

    y Excessive work hours are the norm: work

    more than 8-12 hours per dayy Employers lack knowledge about

    migrants rights under the law three

    quarters either do not know or do not

    feel migrants are entitled to leave the

    workplace without permission in their

    time off.