r z f 1 b lr i- h fr > t > t 1 W TWO i OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26 1908 u n n < EVENING STAR Y f I C L BITTINGER CO C L Iittingsr a4 R R Carroll Proprietors and Publishers I 4l C L BITTINGER 3 J Editer and General Manager 1 < R R CARROLL f i City Editor and Business Manager 4 x THE VALUE OF HOPEFULNESS ELLA WHEELER WILCOX r Copyright 1908 by AmerlcanJour nalExaminer Do not dwell too much on the trou ¬ bled social conditions of the day and grow bitter and pessimistic over them The situation Is one that calls for all your optimism and cheerfulness- The world has been wagging on for millions of years and will continue to wag and humanity has been slowly Improving and will continue to Im ¬ prove slowly for many millions of years p The first Important thing for you to do Is to improve yourself and that you cannot do if you grow bitter and despondent and harp continually upon the evil of the world If you allow your mind to dwell upon the scarcity of coal and Its high price you will not Increase the supply or lower the amount and you will ex ¬ haust your own vital forces which might properly conserved fire you with ambition enough to go forth and Invent some new fuel Try In the moments of greatest gloom to realize that out of such i strife and chaos as exist just now new conditions are formulated and in time are materialized Be ready to meet these new conditions and be worthy of them- It is useless to ask for a better so ¬ cial system unless the people who form it are better- A government is made of people If It is faulty It Is because the people- are faulty If is to be bettered the people must become better Begin with yourself Keep whole- some ¬ and hopeful and reasonable and industrious and economical Help others to do sonot entirely l bytadvice but by example Try and save a little of what you earn to meet the Emergency that may come You think you cannot but if you > once realize how little you really need Sv sustain life and keep well and strong you will find you can econo miae Half the food we now consume Is more than enough And the things which cost most are almost invaria bly the things we need least Apples are plenty this fall and they are excellent food The markets are flllexl with cheap healthful cereals Milk Is abundant Consume fresh air breathe deep and develoDyour muscles with outdoor ex- ercise ¬ or room calisthenics Lood on the philosophical side of life and think cheerfully Believe progress Is back of all the chaos just as you know the tornup conditions of the city streets indicate further comfort and conven- Ience ¬ for the people Everything will settle down by and by Be ready to settle down with it a healthy hopeful useful citizen Do not allow yourself to go to pieces f with old conditions- A Prayer I t Master of sweet and loving lore 1 Give us the open mind 1 To know religion means no more No less than being kind i I Give us thecomprehensive sight That sees anothers need And let ourjdm to set things right t Prove God Inspired our creed i Give us the soul to know our kin That dwell in flock and herd The voice to fight mans shameful sin Against the beast and bird Give us a heart with love so fraught- For all created things That even our least unspoken thought Bears healing on its wings Give us religion that will cope With lifes colossal woes And turn a radiant face ot hope On troops of pigmy foes s Give us the mastery of our fate In thoughts so warm and white They stamp upon the brow of hate JH Loves glorious seal of light t Give us the strong courageous faith That make of pain a friend I And calls the secret word of death Beginning and not end RAW LUNGS When the lungs are sore and in ¬ f flamed the germs of pneumonia and Ift consumption find lodgement and mul- tiply ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar kills the cough germs cures the most ob ¬ stinate racking cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results The genuine Is In the yellow package Sold by all druggists k FOR SALE160 acres good land 30 of which is cleared and been cultivat- ed ¬ has good sixroom house barn stables work shop cistern balanco 136 acres pine timber been cut over but has good crosstle timber and a plenty good wood and heart post tim- ber ¬ Price 500 half cash Apply to F W Ditto- A J SUREENOUGH KNOCKER 4 J C Goodwin of Reidsville N C says Buckfens Arnica Salve Is a aure nough knocker for ulcers A bd one came on my leg last summer out that wonderful salve knocked It out In a fewrounds Not even a scar T remained Guaranteed for piles sores burns etc Twentyfive cents at all drug stores GET YOUR DEPOSIT REFUNDED Under a resolution introduced and passed at the last meeting of the city la council all property owners who have fr paid their electric light bills promptly- can call at the city clerks office and receive back the money they have de- posited as a guarantee of payment of their electric light bills- A TINY BABY cant tell you In words what the trou ¬ blels but if its complexion gets pasty If It gets weaker and weaker loses flesh and Is cross and peevish you can be certain that it has worms Give it Whites Cream Vermifuge guaranteed harmless Expels the worms and puts the baby in a healthy normal condition Sold by Anti Monopoly Drugstore NOTICE I To Whom It May Concern If you do not want your dog put out of com- mission ¬ get your license at once W C Bull Marshal r I CHRISTMAS IS COMING Nothing Is more acceptable than a good box of Lake Weir fruit We at teild to the shipment for you and can fill a limited number of orders at the following prives all selected fruit Oranges per box 5250 Grapefruit per box 350 grapefruit and 1 oranges 300 Mall your orders to WOODMAR NURSERY CO Eastlake Fla o- rPO Box 957 Ocala Fla CUT FLOWERS Any one wishing cut flowers for Thanksgiving phone 307 or Wolff Heintzs Bakery All orders must be In by Nov 20th Carnations 75 cents chrysanthemums 3 to J5 rose3125 Also leave orders for pansy plants and rose bushes Terms cash CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Tuesday December 15th at the res ¬ idence of Mrs R S Hall a ba ¬ zaar will be held by the Baptist Sew ¬ ing Circle On account of the large membership this year this sale will be more extensive and comprise a larger variety of articles than heretofore The display will Include handker ¬ chiefs embroidered shirtwaist fronts baby pillows embroidered baby shoes sofa pillows underwear and useful ar ¬ ticles In fancy work A new feature- in the work this year Is raffia baskets- in all colors and sizes Patronize worthy cause and satisfy your needs- at the same time NATURAL ROSEBUD HATPINS Weihe the jeweler has received some of the new novelty hatpins in natural rosebuds as lifelike as the buds fresh cut from the rose bushes See them at once- ROOMS FOR RENT The rooms In the third floor cf the Star building fitted for housekeeping- are for rent Apply to Mrs E Van Hood or the Star office FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Fortyone acres fine land one acre with f twostory house four rooms kitchen barn and cistern forty acres fresh land almost ready for plowing- six miles from Ocala Cornell station near Capulet school 325 buys It all W E Gray Commercial Barbershop Ocala House 1118 EPISCOPAL BAZAAR- The ladles of Grace Episcopal church will give a bazaar and supper December 2nd in the Central National Bank building The bazaar will be opened at 3 oclock special features of which will consist of sale of fancy work of various kinds an attractive booth in which delicious candles will be for sale and a booth in which will be found beautifully dressed dolls of all sizes and styles From 6 to 9 the ladies will serve supper ELECTRIC SMOOTHING IRONS One of the greatest conveniences- about the house Is one of those Amer ¬ ican Electric Smoothing Irons Heat ¬ ed in a minute an even temperature never soiled or smoked Get your wife mother or sister one of them Two sizes and prizes Ask H W Tucker- to show them to you THE CITY BAKERY No 55 South Main street Fresh bread cakes and pies daily Free de ¬ livery Phone 296 Call In and see the pretty line of fancy Imported China that we are displaying The AntiMonopoly Drug Store CHRISTMASW- hen You Get Ready to Send a Box of Mixed Fruits CALL ON MOSES BROS- Or Phone 277 They have Fancy Pineaoples Cand ¬ les of all kinds Grapefruit Nuts of all kinds Tangerine and Satsuma Or ¬ anges Cigars Corncach Malaga Grapes Grapes in baskets Bananas Celery Cranberries and many other Fruits and Vegetables on hand at all times S A MOSES BRO PHONE 277 Montezuma BlockNorth Magnolia St ICE Best Quality Prompt Service Lowest PriceB- uy w from the BLUE WAGONSOC- ALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 OCALA PRESSIKG CLUB- J J FORT Proprietor i Rates reasonableAll goods Pressed and Cleaned on Short No- tice ¬ and Delivered Promptly All transient work not called for ir 30 days wil he sold for charges OOD A Big Load for J- CAS H B H SEYMOURP- hone 165 v > r < i BRITISH SHIP BURNED Two Hundred Men and Women Per ¬ ished in Sight of Thousands Unable to Help Them Vallette Leland of Malta Nov 26 Nearly 200 passengers and members of the crew of the big British steam ¬ ship Sardinia perished within a mile I of shore yesterday when the steamer burned Upon the shore thousands stood and watched the unfortunate and wretch- ed ¬ people leaping Into the water or perishing at the ships rails when the encroaching flames crept upon them Those on short were powerless to render aid the high seas following in i the wake of the storm making it im ¬ possible to launch a boat in the rag ¬ ing surf Many attempt to send suc ¬ cor were made but all failed Shortly after daylight the Sardinia was seen heading for the harbor She was afire then The captain made no attempt to run her on the beach It may be that the fire had reached the engine room or that the vessel had become unnavigable At any rate she lay off shore while she burned Those who had glasses could see the unfortunate and helpless people- on the steamer crowd to the ships rail and witnessed the smashing or swamping of the ships boats as the crew launched them one by one When the frightened people saw that they could not escape death in some form they crowded to the ships rails and one by one dropped into the water as the flames came up from behind or perished miserably In the fire The Sardinia left Liverpool about twelve days ago with a general cargo of merchandise for Mediterranean- ports Her crew numbered fortyfour- men She is believed to have carried about 150 passengers mostly Levan ¬ tines Maltese and Egyptions She was bound for Alexandria It is sup ¬ posed the Sardinia was discovered to be on fire far out at sea and an effort was made to run into this port PICKARDS CHINA- Mr A E Burnett Is showing a mag ¬ nificent stock of Pickards beautiful handpainted china this season He I has sold a great deal of the pretty ware and itt is being greatly admired- by the lovers of the really beautiful- A HAIRS BREADTH ESCAPE- Do you know that every time you have a cough or cold and let It run on thinking It will just cure Iself you are Inviting pneumonia consumption- or some other pulmonary trouble Dont risk It Put your lungs back In I perfect health and stop that cough with Ballards Horehound Syrup Price 25c 50c and 100 per bottle Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE- If you want a new Champion New II Home Sewing Machine never used call or or write this office and we can give you a big bargain- HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE The above Is the name nf a German chemical which is one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foleys Kidney Remedy Hexamethylenetetramine Is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Foleys Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any Irregularities and avoid a serious malady Sold by all druggists DONT DRINK- But if you do see Hogan and get the best that money can buy If Its a good drink we have it THEY TAKE THE KINKS OUT I I have used Dr Kings New Life I Pills for many years with increasing satisfaction They take the kinks out of stomach liver and bowels without fuss or friction says N H Brown of Pittsfield Vt Guaranteed satisfac ¬ tory at all drug stroes 25c WILL MOVE SATURDAY Quincy Dwight will move his post card parlor to the Montezuma block Saturday morning ll244t I TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E W GROVES signa ¬ ture is on each box 25 cents NOTICE- Mrs Dolg of Gainesville treasurer of the Florida W C T U has au ¬ thorized Mrs H C Packham to collect and receipt for all monies promised- the W C T U at its late meeting in Ocala The promises made to pay the amount subscribed is due within nine ¬ ty days from day of promise 11186t Foleys Honey and Tar clears the air passages stops the irritation In the throat soothes the inflamed mem ¬ branes and the most obstinate cough disappears Sore and Inflamed lungs- are healed and strengthened and the cold is expelled from the system Re- fuse ¬ any but the genuine in the yel- low ¬ package Sold by all druggists OYSTERS AT ELK CAFE Full fry 35c Half fry 20c Milk stew 30c Plain stew 25c Dozen raw 20c Halfdozen raw loc P At any hour from 5 a m to 10 p m every day in the week Opposite A C L passenger depot 4 HOW TO GET STRONG- P J Daly of 1247 W Congress St Chicago tells of a way to become strong He says My mother who- is old and was very feeble is deriving- so much benefit from Electric Bitters that I feel its my duty to tell those I who need a tonic and strengthening nrtdicine about it In my mothers case a marked gain in ilfsh has re ¬ sulted insomnia has been overcome and she Is steadily growing strong- er ¬ Electric Bitters quickly remedy stomach liver and kidney complaints Sold under guarantee at all rug stores 50c We are headquarers for all good things to drink and eat Good service and prompt attention Hogan is the man If you suffer from constipation and liver trouble Foleys Orino Laxative will cure you permanently by stimu ¬ lating the digestive organs so they will act naturally Foleys Orrno Lax- ative ¬ does not gripe Is pleasant to take and you do not have to take lax- atives ¬ continually after taking Orino Why continue to be the slave of pills and tablets Sold by all druggists 0 dr + nr+ iL i f eiEmi peee x < L I I I E B e MASTERS CO e S III I i i t I- I ii t HARDWARE AND CROCKERY f DEPARTMENT Jii- v f n < 3 > c f See our celebrated line of Wiss Scis- sors ¬ l II and Razors Challenge Pocket- Knives L 1 j < L F C line of Carvers and r t Butcher Tools Blue Ribbon Enamel j f ware Savory Rosters 5 ANYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN- We t jt- t v K H have some very pretty China and Hand Paint- ed ¬ r Japanese Ware for the holiday trade Glassware w yy r ii- V Stoneware Earthenware Teapots etc f EVERYTHING FOR HUNTERS- Guns < rJ r C 1 Ammunition Leather and Canvas Leggins Gun Cases Hunting Coats Shell Belts Stevens Rifles H R Single Guns i j j Give us a visit and we will be pleased- to r show you l r t1f- t 1 I it i- v > H B MASTERS COMPANY o i l t < II- f r 1 t BIG DAY FOR THE- COLORED ODD FELLOWS- The colored Odd Fellows of Ocala and the entire surrounding country- are anticipating one of the biggest days and greatest crowds in town to ¬ day in the history of their order The Thanksgiving celebration at Lincoln Heights which has been widely ad ¬ vertised is the attraction Prof C H Stewartorator of the day and one of the best colored speakers in the state will make an address in the afternoon- The great parade will begin at 230 oclock The speaking will commence- at 330 at Lincoln Heights Casino The entertainment will commence at 730 p m and will last until mid ¬ night or after A great Thanksgiving feast has been prepared and music and dancing will be indulged in A charge will be made for dancing and refreshments and from the sale of tickets the Odd Fellows hope to raise- a sum of money sufficient to make a substantial payment on the tract of land that the Grand Lodge is going- to buy on which they will erect the state Odd Fellows Home All of the lodges of this and Citrus county will participate in the celebration and sev ¬ eral thousand people are expected DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills are uneqaled in cases of weak back back ache inflammation of the blad ¬ der rheumatic pains and all urinary disorders They are antiseptic and act promptly Every case of kidney- or bladder trouble should be attended- to at once and the aches In the back rheumatic pains urinary disor ¬ ders etc are warning signs Dont delay for delays are dangerous Get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills Regular size 50c Sold by AntiMo- nopoly ¬ Drugstore ON THECORNER Visit our new store It is modern and uptodate and some say as pretty as can be Some of our new goods are in DRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS- Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and Mealwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c O K Grocery Clark Bros Proprietors PHONE 175 L > I M > sxt fclii tiii ire it TO LIVE STOCK EXHIBITORS Any one who expects to make an exhibit of live stock at the Marion County Fair will please notify Dr E P Guerrant chairman of the live stock committee and he will advise them in I the matter UNCLE JOHN IS WRONG- In his testimony In court Mr Rocke ¬ feller stated the net earnings of the Standard Oil Co for 1907 at about eighty million dollars When it Is I considered that few people or cor- porations ¬ in the country had any real net earnings that year the incident is suggestive that it would be neither unwise or unfair to regulate the Standard somewhat- A few days ago Mr Rockefeller said I am accused of doing the very wick ¬ ed thing of selling a good article at a lower price than any one else Not at all Uncle John has the cart be ¬ fore the horse He is accused of prac ¬ tically monopolizing one nf the neces ¬ sities of life and selling it at a higher price than would be sufficient to af- ford ¬ him a fair and legitimate profit- It is an open question whether the natural resources of a country may be exploited for private profit or whether they belond to the entire people Un ¬ fortunately a nation can be built but once and it is impossible to correct serious mistakes Had the people of the nation in 1862 known as much as Mr Rockefeller foresaw they would have enacted a law vesting the own ¬ ership of oil natural gas and coal In the government would have placed- the distribution of the same under strict regulation with proper and rea ¬ sonable compensation to the persons who owned the land on which they were foundas has since been done with stone and timber and had before been done with agricultural lands The error of which the people of this country have been guilty is world- w le Nobody knows the consequences- that will follow Already It has re ¬ sulted in an unequal and unjust di- vision ¬ of these great natural re ¬ sources by which some men are made immensely wealthy and others are I kept nearer the level of poverty It I cannot be undone and the ost ade ¬ quate remedy left at this late day Is I to regulate the commerce in and dis- tribution ¬ I of these commodities as to make the situation as endurable as possible The Standard ought to agree- to 1 this as should the iron and coal barons the timber lords and other for ¬ tunate folks who have grabbed early somewhat more of these things than equitably belonged to them An error in title may be corrected and why not this particular error so far as practicable Tampa Times- A BROKEN BACK That pain In your back caused by lumbago stiff muscles or a strain is an easy thing to get rid of Ballards Snow Liniment cures rheumatism lumbago sore and stiff muscles strains sprains cuts burns bruises scalds and all aches and pains You need a bottle In your house Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore L r rpr ii- r s tt C i iI lli- J k nf L sir1- iiLJ II Some Interest Bearing Investments I For Sale by F W Ditto I f i THREE GOOD HOUSES on good lots well etc within aIx blocks of new postoffice One Is twostory and has six rooms the other two have four rooms each Yearly rental 252 over 190 of price 1300 One Good SixRoom House within five blocks of new postofflce Corner- lot 112x112 feet nice shade etc Yearly rental 12840 19 per cent on price 15910 r ONE NEW FIVEROOM COTTAGE halfacre land yearly rental 75V which means about 21 ½ per cent on price 350 ONE NEW THREEROOM COTTAGE peeacre land well etc rents for 90 yearly and pays 22 per cent mi price 4400- H t 5 t s ONE THREEROOM SHACK well etc rents for 26 yearly and pays 17 per cent on price 9150 ONE FOURROOM COTTAGE uacre lot pays annually 52 which- Is about 34 per cent on price 150 i Can you beat these eight houses for an investment of the total amount of 3000 with an annual income of 62340 Will make small reduction If all sold to one party or will sell any one separate Call on or write f 1 F NV CITT J KodolF- or l 1 of J j Dyspepsia and Indigestion- If i f you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gas on 5 the Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn P etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly Kodol supplies the same digestive Juices that are in a healthy stomach Being a liquid it starts digestion at once Kodol not only digests your food but helps you enjoy every mouthful- you eat- You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food to maintain strength and health But this food must be digested thoroughly otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result When your stomach cannot do its work properly take something to help your stomach Kodol is the only thing that will give the stom ¬ ach complete rest Why Because Kodol does the same work as a strong stomach and does it in a natural way So dont neglect your stomach Dont become a chronic dyspeptic Keep your stomach heath s strong by taking a little Kodot l You dont have to take Kodol all the time You only take it wlui you need it Kodol Is perfectlyharmlars t- Our GuaranteeG- o to our druggist today aaA get a tel tar bottle after yoa haseaeM s enUre contests of the bottle 11 AfcJt honestly say that UliuBO4Qa7ojaag- ood return the to AM he will retread your moaeywitboiitavec Lion or delay We will then pay Ute ns gist Dos kealute all drantata k ew that our puu tee it good TBUOW ap- plies ¬ to the large bottle dto bt oIMt a family The large bottle cetalaa flfc times as each as the afty teat bottl Kodolispreparedattbelaborstoih lea of E C DeWitt ck Co QtiMf fi I SOLD BY THE ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE OCALA FLORIDA k Y- A A y e

I EB MASTERS - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/01010/0545.pdfdeveloDyour muscles with outdoor ex-ercise ¬ or room calisthenics Lood on the philosophical

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Page 1: I EB MASTERS - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/01010/0545.pdfdeveloDyour muscles with outdoor ex-ercise ¬ or room calisthenics Lood on the philosophical

r z f 1 b lr i-

h fr> t > t 1 WTWO i OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26 1908 un n <


f I


C L Iittingsr a4 R R CarrollProprietors and Publishers



Editer and General Manager1


R R CARROLLf i City Editor and Business Manager




r Copyright 1908 by AmerlcanJournalExaminer

Do not dwell too much on the trou ¬

bled social conditions of the day andgrow bitter and pessimistic over them

The situation Is one that calls for allyour optimism and cheerfulness-

The world has been wagging on formillions of years and will continue towag and humanity has been slowlyImproving and will continue to Im ¬

prove slowly for many millions ofyears


The first Important thing for you todo Is to improve yourself and thatyou cannot do if you grow bitter anddespondent and harp continually uponthe evil of the world

If you allow your mind to dwell uponthe scarcity of coal and Its high priceyou will not Increase the supply orlower the amount and you will ex¬

haust your own vital forces whichmight properly conserved fire youwith ambition enough to go forth andInvent some new fuel

Try In the moments of greatestgloom to realize that out of such

i strife and chaos as exist just nownew conditions are formulated and intime are materialized Be ready tomeet these new conditions and beworthy of them-

It is useless to ask for a better so ¬

cial system unless the people whoform it are better-

A government is made of people IfIt is faulty It Is because the people-are faulty If is to be bettered thepeople must become better

Begin with yourself Keep whole-some


and hopeful and reasonable andindustrious and economical

Help others to do sonot entirelyl bytadvice but by example

Try and save a little of what youearn to meet the Emergency that maycome You think you cannot but ifyou > once realize how little you reallyneed Sv sustain life and keep well andstrong you will find you can economiae

Half the food we now consume Ismore than enough And the thingswhich cost most are almost invariably the things we need least

Apples are plenty this fall and theyare excellent food The markets areflllexl with cheap healthful cerealsMilk Is abundant

Consume fresh air breathe deep anddeveloDyour muscles with outdoor ex-


or room calisthenics Lood onthe philosophical side of life and thinkcheerfully Believe progress Is backof all the chaos just as you know thetornup conditions of the city streetsindicate further comfort and conven-Ience


for the peopleEverything will settle down by and

by Be ready to settle down with it ahealthy hopeful useful citizen

Do not allow yourself to go to piecesf with old conditions-

A PrayerI

t Master of sweet and loving lore1 Give us the open mind1 To know religion means no more

No less than being kind

i I Give us thecomprehensive sightThat sees anothers need

And let ourjdm to set things rightt Prove God Inspired our creed

i Give us the soul to know our kinThat dwell in flock and herd

The voice to fight mans shameful sinAgainst the beast and bird

Give us a heart with love so fraught-For all created things

That even our least unspoken thoughtBears healing on its wings

Give us religion that will copeWith lifes colossal woes

And turn a radiant face ot hopeOn troops of pigmy foes

s Give us the mastery of our fateIn thoughts so warm and white

They stamp upon the brow of hateJH Loves glorious seal of light

t Give us the strong courageous faithThat make of pain a friend


And calls the secret word of deathBeginning and not end

RAW LUNGSWhen the lungs are sore and in ¬

f flamed the germs of pneumonia andIft consumption find lodgement and mul-


Foleys Honey and Tar killsthe cough germs cures the most ob¬

stinate racking cough heals the lungsand prevents serious results Thegenuine Is In the yellow packageSold by all druggists

k FOR SALE160 acres good land 30of which is cleared and been cultivat-ed


has good sixroom house barnstables work shop cistern balanco136 acres pine timber been cut overbut has good crosstle timber and

a plenty good wood and heart post tim-


Price 500 half cash Apply toF W Ditto-


SUREENOUGH KNOCKER4 J C Goodwin of Reidsville N C

says Buckfens Arnica Salve Is aaure nough knocker for ulcers A

bd one came on my leg last summerout that wonderful salve knocked Itout In a fewrounds Not even a scar

T remained Guaranteed for pilessores burns etc Twentyfive centsat all drug stores


Under a resolution introduced andpassed at the last meeting of the city

la council all property owners who havefr paid their electric light bills promptly-

can call at the city clerks office andreceive back the money they have de-

posited as a guarantee of payment oftheir electric light bills-


cant tell you In words what the trou ¬

blels but if its complexion getspasty If It gets weaker and weakerloses flesh and Is cross and peevishyou can be certain that it has wormsGive it Whites Cream Vermifugeguaranteed harmless Expels theworms and puts the baby in a healthynormal condition Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore

NOTICEI To Whom It May Concern If you

do not want your dog put out of com-



get your license at onceW C Bull Marshal



Nothing Is more acceptable than agood box of Lake Weir fruit We atteild to the shipment for you and canfill a limited number of orders at thefollowing prives all selected fruit

Oranges per box 5250Grapefruit per box 350

grapefruit and 1 oranges 300Mall your orders to WOODMAR

NURSERY CO Eastlake Fla o-rPO Box 957 Ocala Fla


Any one wishing cut flowers forThanksgiving phone 307 or WolffHeintzs Bakery All orders must beIn by Nov 20th Carnations 75 centschrysanthemums 3 to J5 rose3125Also leave orders for pansy plants androse bushes Terms cash


Tuesday December 15th at the res ¬

idence of Mrs R S Hall a ba ¬

zaar will be held by the Baptist Sew ¬

ing Circle On account of the largemembership this year this sale will bemore extensive and comprise a largervariety of articles than heretoforeThe display will Include handker ¬

chiefs embroidered shirtwaist frontsbaby pillows embroidered baby shoessofa pillows underwear and useful ar¬

ticles In fancy work A new feature-in the work this year Is raffia baskets-in all colors and sizes Patronizeworthy cause and satisfy your needs-at the same time


Weihe the jeweler has receivedsome of the new novelty hatpins innatural rosebuds as lifelike as thebuds fresh cut from the rose bushesSee them at once-


The rooms In the third floor cf theStar building fitted for housekeeping-are for rent Apply to Mrs E VanHood or the Star office


Fortyone acres fine land one acrewith f twostory house four roomskitchen barn and cistern forty acresfresh land almost ready for plowing-six miles from Ocala Cornell stationnear Capulet school 325 buys It allW E Gray Commercial BarbershopOcala House 1118


The ladles of Grace Episcopalchurch will give a bazaar and supperDecember 2nd in the Central NationalBank building The bazaar will beopened at 3 oclock special features ofwhich will consist of sale of fancywork of various kinds an attractivebooth in which delicious candles willbe for sale and a booth in which willbe found beautifully dressed dolls ofall sizes and styles From 6 to 9 theladies will serve supper


One of the greatest conveniences-about the house Is one of those Amer ¬

ican Electric Smoothing Irons Heat ¬

ed in a minute an even temperaturenever soiled or smoked Get your wifemother or sister one of them Twosizes and prizes Ask H W Tucker-to show them to you


No 55 South Main street Freshbread cakes and pies daily Free de ¬

livery Phone 296

Call In and see the pretty line offancy Imported China that we aredisplaying The AntiMonopoly DrugStore


hen You Get Ready to Send a Box

of Mixed Fruits


Or Phone 277

They have Fancy Pineaoples Cand ¬

les of all kinds Grapefruit Nuts of allkinds Tangerine and Satsuma Or ¬

anges Cigars Corncach MalagaGrapes Grapes in baskets BananasCelery Cranberries and many otherFruits and Vegetables on hand at alltimes


Montezuma BlockNorth Magnolia St

ICEBest Quality

Prompt ServiceLowest PriceB-


from the



Phone 34


J J FORT Proprietori

Rates reasonableAll goodsPressed and Cleaned on Short No-tice


and Delivered Promptly Alltransient work not called for ir 30days wil he sold for charges

OODA Big Load for J-


hone 165

v > r



Two Hundred Men and Women Per ¬

ished in Sight of Thousands

Unable to Help Them

Vallette Leland of Malta Nov 26Nearly 200 passengers and membersof the crew of the big British steam ¬

ship Sardinia perished within a mile I

of shore yesterday when the steamerburned

Upon the shore thousands stood andwatched the unfortunate and wretch-ed


people leaping Into the water orperishing at the ships rails when theencroaching flames crept upon themThose on short were powerless torender aid the high seas following in


the wake of the storm making it im ¬

possible to launch a boat in the rag ¬

ing surf Many attempt to send suc ¬

cor were made but all failedShortly after daylight the Sardinia

was seen heading for the harbor Shewas afire then The captain made noattempt to run her on the beach Itmay be that the fire had reached theengine room or that the vessel hadbecome unnavigable At any rate shelay off shore while she burned

Those who had glasses could seethe unfortunate and helpless people-on the steamer crowd to the shipsrail and witnessed the smashing orswamping of the ships boats as thecrew launched them one by one Whenthe frightened people saw that theycould not escape death in some formthey crowded to the ships rails andone by one dropped into the water asthe flames came up from behind orperished miserably In the fire

The Sardinia left Liverpool abouttwelve days ago with a general cargoof merchandise for Mediterranean-ports Her crew numbered fortyfour-men She is believed to have carriedabout 150 passengers mostly Levan ¬

tines Maltese and Egyptions Shewas bound for Alexandria It is sup¬

posed the Sardinia was discovered tobe on fire far out at sea and an effortwas made to run into this port


Mr A E Burnett Is showing a mag ¬

nificent stock of Pickards beautifulhandpainted china this season He I

has sold a great deal of the prettyware and itt is being greatly admired-by the lovers of the really beautiful-


Do you know that every time youhave a cough or cold and let It runon thinking It will just cure Iself youare Inviting pneumonia consumption-or some other pulmonary troubleDont risk It Put your lungs back In I

perfect health and stop that coughwith Ballards Horehound SyrupPrice 25c 50c and 100 per bottleSold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore


If you want a new Champion New II

Home Sewing Machine never usedcall or or write this office and we cangive you a big bargain-


The above Is the name nf a Germanchemical which is one of the manyvaluable Ingredients of Foleys KidneyRemedy Hexamethylenetetramine Isrecognized by medical text books andauthorities as a uric acid solvent andantiseptic for the urine Take FoleysKidney Remedy as soon as you noticeany Irregularities and avoid a seriousmalady Sold by all druggists

DONT DRINK-But if you do see Hogan and get thebest that money can buy If Its agood drink we have it


I have used Dr Kings New LifeI

Pills for many years with increasingsatisfaction They take the kinks outof stomach liver and bowels withoutfuss or friction says N H Brown ofPittsfield Vt Guaranteed satisfac ¬

tory at all drug stroes 25c

WILL MOVE SATURDAYQuincy Dwight will move his post

card parlor to the Montezuma blockSaturday morning ll244t



Tablets Druggists refund money if itfails to cure E W GROVES signa¬

ture is on each box 25 cents

NOTICE-Mrs Dolg of Gainesville treasurer

of the Florida W C T U has au ¬

thorized Mrs H C Packham to collectand receipt for all monies promised-the W C T U at its late meeting inOcala The promises made to pay theamount subscribed is due within nine ¬

ty days from day of promise 11186tFoleys Honey and Tar clears the air

passages stops the irritation In thethroat soothes the inflamed mem ¬

branes and the most obstinate coughdisappears Sore and Inflamed lungs-are healed and strengthened and thecold is expelled from the system Re-fuse


any but the genuine in the yel-low


package Sold by all druggists


Full fry 35cHalf fry 20cMilk stew 30cPlain stew 25cDozen raw 20cHalfdozen raw loc


At any hour from 5 a m to 10 p mevery day in the week Opposite AC L passenger depot


HOW TO GET STRONG-P J Daly of 1247 W Congress St

Chicago tells of a way to becomestrong He says My mother who-is old and was very feeble is deriving-so much benefit from Electric Bittersthat I feel its my duty to tell those I

who need a tonic and strengtheningnrtdicine about it In my motherscase a marked gain in ilfsh has re ¬

sulted insomnia has been overcomeand she Is steadily growing strong-er


Electric Bitters quickly remedystomach liver and kidney complaintsSold under guarantee at all rugstores 50c

We are headquarers for all goodthings to drink and eat Good serviceand prompt attention Hogan is theman

If you suffer from constipation andliver trouble Foleys Orino Laxativewill cure you permanently by stimu ¬

lating the digestive organs so theywill act naturally Foleys Orrno Lax-ative


does not gripe Is pleasant totake and you do not have to take lax-atives


continually after taking OrinoWhy continue to be the slave of pillsand tablets Sold by all druggists


dr + nr+iL i feiEmipeeex










i t I-

I ii t



f n <

3> c f

See our celebrated line of Wiss Scis-sors

¬ lII

and Razors Challenge Pocket-Knives

L 1

j <

L F C line of Carvers and r t

Butcher Tools Blue Ribbon Enamel jf ware Savory Rosters 5



t jt-

tv K H

have some very pretty China and Hand Paint-ed

¬ r

Japanese Ware for the holiday trade Glassware w yy rii-


Stoneware Earthenware Teapots etcf



rJ r

C 1

Ammunition Leather and Canvas LegginsGun Cases Hunting Coats Shell Belts StevensRifles H R Single Guns


Give us a visit and we will be pleased-to

rshow you l r t1f-

t 1 I it i-v>




t < II-





The colored Odd Fellows of Ocalaand the entire surrounding country-are anticipating one of the biggestdays and greatest crowds in town to ¬

day in the history of their order TheThanksgiving celebration at LincolnHeights which has been widely ad ¬

vertised is the attraction Prof C HStewartorator of the day and one ofthe best colored speakers in the statewill make an address in the afternoon-The great parade will begin at 230oclock The speaking will commence-at 330 at Lincoln Heights CasinoThe entertainment will commence at730 p m and will last until mid ¬

night or after A great Thanksgivingfeast has been prepared and musicand dancing will be indulged in Acharge will be made for dancing andrefreshments and from the sale oftickets the Odd Fellows hope to raise-a sum of money sufficient to make asubstantial payment on the tract ofland that the Grand Lodge is going-to buy on which they will erect thestate Odd Fellows Home All of thelodges of this and Citrus county willparticipate in the celebration and sev ¬

eral thousand people are expected

DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pillsare uneqaled in cases of weak backback ache inflammation of the blad ¬

der rheumatic pains and all urinarydisorders They are antiseptic andact promptly Every case of kidney-or bladder trouble should be attended-to at once and the aches In theback rheumatic pains urinary disor ¬

ders etc are warning signs Dontdelay for delays are dangerous GetDeWitts Kidney and Bladder PillsRegular size 50c Sold by AntiMo-nopoly




Visit our new store It ismodern and uptodate andsome say as pretty as can be

Some of our new goods are inDRIED APPLES 15DRIED APRICOTS 15DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25NEW MACKEREL 10


Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and Mealwhite as snow


O K GroceryClark Bros Proprietors


L > I M > sxt fclii tiii ire it


Any one who expects to make anexhibit of live stock at the MarionCounty Fair will please notify Dr EP Guerrant chairman of the live stockcommittee and he will advise them in


the matter


In his testimony In court Mr Rocke ¬

feller stated the net earnings of theStandard Oil Co for 1907 at abouteighty million dollars When it Is

I considered that few people or cor-porations


in the country had any realnet earnings that year the incident issuggestive that it would be neitherunwise or unfair to regulate theStandard somewhat-

A few days ago Mr Rockefeller saidI am accused of doing the very wick ¬

ed thing of selling a good article ata lower price than any one else Notat all Uncle John has the cart be ¬

fore the horse He is accused of prac ¬

tically monopolizing one nf the neces ¬

sities of life and selling it at a higherprice than would be sufficient to af-


him a fair and legitimate profit-It is an open question whether the

natural resources of a country may beexploited for private profit or whetherthey belond to the entire people Un ¬

fortunately a nation can be built butonce and it is impossible to correctserious mistakes Had the people ofthe nation in 1862 known as much asMr Rockefeller foresaw they wouldhave enacted a law vesting the own ¬

ership of oil natural gas and coal Inthe government would have placed-the distribution of the same understrict regulation with proper and rea ¬

sonable compensation to the personswho owned the land on which theywere foundas has since been donewith stone and timber and had beforebeen done with agricultural lands

The error of which the people ofthis country have been guilty is world-w le Nobody knows the consequences-that will follow Already It has re ¬

sulted in an unequal and unjust di-


of these great natural re¬

sources by which some men are madeimmensely wealthy and others are I

kept nearer the level of poverty ItI cannot be undone and the ost ade ¬

quate remedy left at this late day IsI to regulate the commerce in and dis-


I of these commodities as tomake the situation as endurable aspossible The Standard ought to agree-to


this as should the iron and coalbarons the timber lords and other for ¬

tunate folks who have grabbed earlysomewhat more of these things thanequitably belonged to them An errorin title may be corrected and whynot this particular error so far aspracticable Tampa Times-


That pain In your back caused bylumbago stiff muscles or a strain isan easy thing to get rid of BallardsSnow Liniment cures rheumatismlumbago sore and stiff musclesstrains sprains cuts burns bruisesscalds and all aches and pains Youneed a bottle In your house Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore

L rrpr ii-r s ttC i iI lli-

Jk nf L



Some Interest BearingInvestments


For Sale by F W Ditto I fi

THREE GOOD HOUSES on good lots well etc within aIx blocks ofnew postoffice One Is twostory and has six rooms the other two havefour rooms each Yearly rental 252 over 190 of price 1300

One Good SixRoom House within five blocks of new postofflce Corner-lot 112x112 feet nice shade etc Yearly rental 12840 19 per cent onprice 15910

rONE NEW FIVEROOM COTTAGE halfacre land yearly rental 75V

which means about 21 ½ per cent onprice 350

ONE NEW THREEROOM COTTAGE peeacre land well etc rentsfor 90 yearly and pays 22 per cent mi price 4400-

Ht 5 t s

ONE THREEROOM SHACK well etc rents for 26 yearly and pays17 per cent on price 9150

ONE FOURROOM COTTAGE uacre lot pays annually 52 which-Is about 34 per cent on price 150 i

Can you beat these eight houses for an investment of the total amountof 3000 with an annual income of 62340 Will make small reduction Ifall sold to one party or will sell any one separate

Call on or write f1







Dyspepsia and Indigestion-



you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gas on 5

the Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn Petc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly

Kodol supplies the same digestiveJuices that are in a healthystomach Being a liquid it startsdigestion at once

Kodol not only digests your foodbut helps you enjoy every mouthful-you eat-

You need a sufficient amount ofgood wholesome food to maintainstrength and health

But this food must be digestedthoroughly otherwise the pains ofindigestion and dyspepsia are theresult

When your stomach cannot do itswork properly take something tohelp your stomach Kodol is theonly thing that will give the stom ¬

ach complete restWhy Because Kodol does the

same work as a strong stomach anddoes it in a natural way

So dont neglect your stomachDont become a chronic dyspepticKeep your stomach heath sstrong by taking a little Kodot lYou dont have to take Kodol allthe time You only take it wluiyou need it

Kodol Is perfectlyharmlars t-

Our GuaranteeG-o to our druggist today aaA get a teltar bottle after yoa haseaeM s

enUre contests of the bottle 11 AfcJthonestly say that UliuBO4Qa7ojaag-ood return the to AMhe will retread your moaeywitboiitavecLion or delay We will then pay Ute nsgist Dos kealute all drantata k ewthat our puu tee it good TBUOW ap-plies

¬to the large bottle dto bt oIMt

a family The large bottle cetalaa flfctimes as each as the afty teat bottl

Kodolispreparedattbelaborstoihlea of E C DeWitt ck Co QtiMf fi



A y
