' . ' OFFICIAL COUNTY P4Pt:R VOX..UME 17. I, ' ' '" ' ' A .JournAJ Devote" to tbe Interests of LJncof.n County. COUN'l''Y,, N:&W MEXICO, FRWAY. 25, 1916. $2.00 Per Annum .,..""'<V'c 1fhe Power of Patriotism County School Not;es County Teachers .. ···!'fort Stanton Observes ., San Patricio " l)eming Sheriff Killed - . ·- . . Will Meet at Capitan · •Washington' Day - - Fort Stanto.n \Vnsbing-• Tlw Lutcoln County lllgh . . .._ . · · .- · Arthur Wootson was over In a battle the :lOth, near Rhh 'ton's · birtbday with. a specially School hn4 a very &uccessful en .. li'r<>m the present iudic!ltions. · Messrs. D. J. P: LynQtt, I some corn a few days ago; con, Ana couuty, . prepared pr.og'ram, and W&S the' tertainmeilt last Sabtrdny even- the meeting of the Lin. coin Cou.ii· W. H. Smith and R. 0. Fergerson I The tax assessor was around to five escaped· prisoners .. from. the only place in county, so far as ing. Many and friends ty 'reachers' Associati()n at Cap• visiteti friends. at Capitan last tsee some of our people a few Luna county jail'. and a posse w.e are aware, that did so. On attended. . !tan, on March 10 and 11, will be. Sunday afternoon: days ago. I headed bJ sheriff n. W. Stepbena that .occasion Chaplain Frund de· School ha,s closed at Angus one of the most successful meet· Miss Helen Rice Mrs. Welch i J J. Reeves sowed som.e sor· of Luna county the was .livered a address, and Alto. Little Creek and Blue iogs of the kind evtjr held in the Mrs. Rice and Mr.' Anderson, of l last week. killed, one of the escaped prison• above bead,tng for his subJect. Water will also soon , complete state. Repol'ts from all over the Parsons visited Mr and Mrs I 4 b .. f f h"- ers met the same fate, and one of W · · d . . · 1 num er u our armers .. ve · · e lnck space to repro uce the se,·en months terms. county tnd 1 cate that the attend· Weber at 13 B Sunday afternoon · b . . . . b d' b the posse was wounded, as wu · · 'l'h d' f J p k . · een trngattng stnce t c ltc , tn wh<)le, but g1Te here- e Hectors o ack s ea ancf.' wtll be large and that the They came down in their car and' 1 d also one of the escaped prisoners • h . k h f I d' . h t I . l J , was c eane out. T f f Wit a pprtton ta en t ere rom, 1stnct . ave con racte! w1t 1 ·I teachers of the many schools are remainfd over for the patriotic . hrcc o the desperate men a ter as follows: ! M. for a new frame school i taking hold of the work enthu- exercises held in hall: Mr. and . Mrs. Lon . Hunter the battle mnde their escape. This February time recalls to: house to bco t•omplcotf.'d by the first jsiasticall}'. 'raken with the fact Sunday evening. ,all night at the of while the posse sent out calls for · · · 1 ·of April · · 1 h k 'JJ 1 1 Allie Stover last week. 1 bey h 1 all Amencans m a specta way I · . 1 tr1at t e spea ers wa bette beat The Misses Lindsay, of Angus,; . . e p. , . two particular examplc11 of rarest Raben ton d1rectors arc aVailable talent in New Me1:ico, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. RoutT 1 were goaug to Ltbcoln to see th: Asststance came fro.m allstdes, devotion to a country of the I another room est.tl>llshed Ill thetr I this should guarantee: a splendid Monday and Tuesday of this j doc.tor, Mrs. Hunter not havang one of the three prtsoners has highest, the purest and dh;trict. A site north oJ l meeting. wack. j enttrely from an attaclc I been captured and the county is ualted patriotism which the the old Chavez ratH:h was selected I The kcvnote of the meeting is Th f 11 . . 1 f h I of typhoad she had last fall. being scoured by posses in nery 1 , 1 . , e o owang resac ents o t e Th , . ·k f 1 historw. of the world affurtls-..t 1 for the I a.t()s school. 1 to hco Industrial Education to Sq b 1 . 1 1 e stc o ks around here arc I dtrectton. ,. . ; . . . . . . uare ave entcorec tlw uru gc ·. 11 11 · · · Geor"e Washin"'ton and Abra-jofthe pre,.,ent hutldang wasdec1d· 1 wh1ch New Mt•xaco dunn<r th• [ M , . a we or raptdly recovenng, The body of SherttT Stephens ,., "' , . . ,. tournament: >r. and rs. I• L, h · · · j' bam Lincoln. Washington, the ed upon by a ,·onft·rence of the' admlnt,tr,Jtiou or tht• prest•nt S . 1 M I•' II '·I·K [ · l II hnco weather bl'lllJC of more wa!l taken to Dcmtng and not d. 1 • 1 "' 1 1 .., , mtt 1, rs. . . " c run, >. 1 1 tl th 1 brave the wise the su· !rectors 11111 louu Y "t: 100 'ltatt• supcrintendcot has turned L R .,. , 1 <ISSIS ance 1an e 1 octors. only tlw pCOJ)Ic of Luna c:ounty ' ' '" ' 1 · - · ' ynch . 0. "ergcrson · 1• C P reme in war, in council and in pertntentlent Mrs. (;umm, wbtle ·ns elwrgit•s with most gratifying B ' .. 1 ()'B· . . : L' t ! Mrs. Woolson visited Mn. hut all New Mcdco mourns the f • ' } J' · I erry, r • annon anu ICU . peace-valiant without ambition,: vtcowtnr: t 1 tslnct. . . re'luJtr;, Work to ;all J. R. Hesse. ! last l<,riday. death of this popular Mr. discreet without fear, confident A. s new school btuldlng and t"pcc·tally 1n tndustnal linea, A th t bl b 'd 1 i C. U. Morrison and fanHly and Stcphen11 was serv1ng hts secon41 ree- a e r1 ge t' uu was· without presumption. Lincoln, Ill tn every way n !{rent Improve· will lw ,·xluhtlt•d under the rules or ni'l d tl 8 1 t 1 Miss I vel Oavis went down and term as sheriff and had the rcpu• the kind, the gentle, the merciful, mf.'nt. The t>lle ts better, of tht• nH•t•ting, which provide gak e . obn . Je 'quare aM , !!pent Saturday and Sunday at tallon of an active, fearless of• I I 'II d · · · wee , wh1c , With lhco otbt•r card; the enemy of slavery and in· ilrgN, JUI 1 1 !lg warm an com· fu_r tht• do:hnlle JUdgang of all en· 1 . the Sunset r;ancb. beer. M · · . cubs, keep up a hvl'ly mtcorest . justice, the friend or truth and mo lou-... t!lll ,arcla 1 ". em· trtt'!! and the 11warc!ang of pru:es . . 1 Our merchant, w. B. Rose, fair dealing, the 11.vm 1 Jathetic ploycd uy the patrons and tnends fur the !IUccessful pieces The Dr. Allison Brown ts raptdlv 1 k . , I · · · f . · 1 too a run down to Tannae Sun· brother or 11 11 who are weary and j to a,:;tst Prof. Koon.:c with the J 1..,t of work to bc entered includes recovenng rom Ius recent at·. d heavy laden, the rare11 t combina• large enrollmt•nt. Two teat·hen evecy side of school tack. Miss Oonnar, a trained 1 1 ay. . , lion of head und heart and coo- are to be regularly emplo.ved an· tir" nnd work, and will make an nurse from California, is attend·, Mrs. Alhe Stover and babe ac- • ,.,·encc that ever oruicled the 1 other term. I'XIIIblt that the people of tho ing the doctor. 1l'ompanled Mrs. Anden10n home - b . 1 ::;und., to remain a few da destinies of a nation. Washing· Wh1le Hl.ue Water, ··ountv w11l regard w1tb prtdc. arc held dally 1n the 1 y, Y ton and Lincoln, so different in 1bela and Escondtdu may !Jc fdr Contests In spelling and 11ritb· chapel as follows: Wc.'ekdays, tU.'i. Hugh Anderson went up Sat· many ways, but alike in this. 1 and hnrd to they arc keep· matic, open to all tbe IIChoola of tl.m, Sundays 'lam. and 4 p 111. i urdu.\" e\'Cnlng to Wlute Moun· that both JovccHiberty more than: lug apace with the other county. the county, Will he held during Dr. and Mrs. II', C. Smith and; tam Inn after Mtss Hurlburt, life. 1 'ldwol11 ln.all rC!IJ•l'ttM, attendance, •be Ull'eting. A lnrge number of dnughter, Miss Dorathy,with Mrfl whose. was Ycry s1ck at her With such example!! woven into good and lnter.-st t•xcdlt•nt. !!ldwnl<t hnvl' sign·ified their inten• Bagg and Henry O'Bannon, mo· horne In Lincoln. the natiunal life, how can we· An lnlcrc'lllng UIU•otc .t pro· 1 tton of l.'ntt•rin..: these contests nt tored Sunday aftl'rnoon down thl' from the government land descend from the highe .. t heights· gram IS being urr;angcd for well 11'1 the n:h tbits mentioned Bonito valley ru 1 far as Hondo;! olltco at Roswell were here Satur· of liberty or filii to appreciate, t,hc. county sehoul meeting !abovt•. High school conteata iu wbich they enjoyed immenqely. 1 day looking into the filings of nud ma nifest to the fullest the! Capitan, March 10 and 11. It Ill declamation and deb11t. e will be a u C n d W 11 . 8 . 1 some of our bomosteadera. The•· · • j G• arncs an 1 tam 1- ., IUblimc power of (Hltriotism? · hoped that the assistant supcrm· tpominent feature of the pro"ram b tt d d 1 1 ,. 1 went from here to Lincoln. . 1 · T.rull auer a en e t tc :a ag t The poet expre..'lscs the common' tchdent of public ln!ltrucuon, · the opening session to the h 1 t t · t c · R 1" Uates and family from 1 •· I sc oo en cr a1nmen at ap1tata • co· , feehng of the normal man when: B.aca, may bl' able to clo!le of the meeting th.e program last Saturday evening. v111ted at J. J. Reeves Sot• be says: · o.:ept thl' 1nvttataon of the com should offt'r ruucb of mtcrest to . . ,. jurdaJ nltrht. 'rhcy came in Utt-ir t t · ld I · •tt. I . . M1ss Mary 1'1ley, of I• ort Stan- . jmltl'e oac rc'l!lllcttlct ng. allthetcachersoftheasao.:aahont . jcar vaa Alamogord.o from I•'l •"hoao•ertobtm•Pifbt>lh••id. · 'l'lt N··'l .. .. , d hI b toD,WilSOneofthelcachngrnem- " 1 e • " " .... an , none l e ess, to t e people . . Paso where they Vl!litcd several 'ThlaiDIZIJOWD-mJI>DIIfolobd'i r L' b '. t . I bers ID the east of the play Wbn'ob...,.bua .. ·orwithlohlmbaro .. l. or •·c rudry l{l\cs 111 CrE!Uinf:' of tbe county who may be able to , 1days. Mr. Date!ll9 an old settler I L.- ' bl r ·h I 1 t ··Bob,. wbieb was prl'sentctl nt I Aabnmehltlno""'l'l"' '"'"'"' 0 "'"" ta es o 'lo.: oo ac mmuHra ton, attend. Tbc doors of the meet· . . 1 . .at Elk, but had not benn a·n 1 · r ro- waod.rlo,oo&lQimaootraod;' l tl1e C p1tan Opnr I t "' t 1111 , . ..:ump1lt:d from tlu· fil{urc, of last J ing wtll !It and open at all times 11 a ,,,. a" 'part of tbe country for a num!Jer Tb1s sentiment as us old a!l thl' h·rm's unuual rerwrt 1 in .. oln f tl bl' h d' II Saturday evcntng. 1 r . 4 1 or te pu 1\", w o are cor ta 1 o years. human race, and ts found 'Hilten county r.ank!l fourth in rflatJI'Clinvitcd to attend all session!! Another intcrcosting non·secta-, \" d , f l t r.. Pa· · I · ' · 1 ld · L' ·•or went over the phone Sun· on every pau-c o ll<t o .•· altendan<e of pupil". In :>lr. 1 Capitan will be turned over to nan servtcc waq 1c In 1brary. 1 1 0 A d t t' ts not in n indi· h 11 1 " d · 1 I' ay t1at scar n erson wanlll rto tsm comus, 11 Jarnc'l' summary oii'Xlll'll'll''l ancllthe visitor!! during the mcetinll a ast .. un nv c1·entng, w ten 1 'd I J' I I · f · ' · · I to sel the new (i ord he bought Yt ua tberty OH' or effictcn.:.r of the 1·anouo1 lOUII'Ics, The people of the town are spar· an exceptionally largt'lltlrndnncel I.. . .. country, but onlv In a collective he .. talctt: ''Tht• or 14in·!ing no t>tTort to Ill ke the mO'It was bad Thl' rhaplain pu'lided. We clrt' I tbe human hfe there , .• ,In 1'1 av,•ragc 10 CXl't pi as 1 • a · A · 1 r . , d or Ill trut l 0 tt aiU re cr pro!'l• sense. n 1 hospl!ablc showang that migbt specla program 0 IIIU'IIt: an p•·ct1vc to Mr Anderqon i th' t tJung more to teadu•I"J Waj!C11, W}lldl St'l'm, . . h f ' ' s no mg er, no . trifle lug h. county makral be desirt'd. All expense. for the 'long was given In onor o lor further lnfnrmatlon. noble, notbmg more unselfish thnn.: \'t'r.Y good record Ill school! visitors, ceases when they reach Gl'orge Wa .. bington, who'lc birth• We will compete wl!h the cata· Parsons - Tbc Leisure Hour Circle, form• erly known as the Ladies' Ald 1 wall meet this week with Mra• W, W. Merriam. Wcdneaday afternoon is the regular ttme of tht- sodttJ and the circle w11l be glad to welcome any lady in the neighborhood who bat that afternoon free. Mr. and Mra. Andenoa motored to Carrizozo Tue11day te rnttt Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Roberta and aon, o( Heruc:hes, Illinois. The Robertn are old frleada of the Andenaona an1l bne atopped here to make them a visit on their way home from California. Mt>ssrs. Wells and Grafton took of the pttstnt fine wea thor to make a trip to Capitan. Mr. and Mru han Clourb art Vt'liting Clough's brother, H. M. ReddJ, and family. Mr. and Ml'll. A. T. Andenon a<cOmJ)IInicd !Jy Mra. Rice and daughter, Helen, w.:nt down to Fort Stonton Sund.1y and re• turnt>d Monday. Mra. Rice ma1ned to vi .. it her daurhter, Weber. CO NTINl'EOos PAOI! f'IVB service." !Capitan. A cordial welcome ia day was celebrated on the 22d. I h d . ; ==========================: Th · og onses an gll'c !Jetter mer· ltobin'!lon aud familJ 1 assured to a 11 the te-achers aud e vartoua numbers deserve · I · f l·handi!!c. Ztegler Bros. drove to Capitan Monday. I guests of the aasociatloo. apecta mention, but or want of ROLLAND BROS. The Lincoln County Druggists When you wish a prescription filled- get it the quickest way. the safest way, and at the reasonable price. Arthur J. Rolland, the resident partner, gives his personal atten- tion to filling of prescriptions, the people of Cru;.rizozo and Lincoln Cou,nty know him, and he knows theu per- sonal likes and wishes and has made this store THE PROMPT, CAREFUL DRUG STORE OF CARRIZOZO Fills mail orders-prescripti.ons or goods-by return mail. Compl•te line of Statibnery and Sundriu Rolland Fourth Street Carrizozo Jt IS A GOOD ,BUSINESS POLICY To open your account .at a live, growing bank- there are always reru?Ons' for constant growth. . . The reasons for our constanUy increasing business are courte()us and libe® treatment of patrons an.d a care- ful, prudential that mnserves the tnterests of .out del)Ositors :and bespeaks safety to the funds on deposit and to the bal)k. ¥ · We you a, cordial· ·invib!tion to ()pen an at• count · Interest paid on time . . The Stockmen's State Bank J · Among the latter will be 11 space we may nnte the splendid·;==========================. 'number of the most duu 1 nguished rendition of ''The Star Spangled :men in the state, all of whom Banner" aa a solo, and whic:b 1 thrilled the large audienl'e, beina! :will be listed on the program. .. 1 wbll"b will be announced fully sung by Mrs. F. C Smith, our: j withtn a few days. The speak· choir leader. Tht• violin solo 1 crs Will ioclude the following: given by S. Beck .. trom was also: Superintendent A. N. an elceptional number, Mr. I Wlute, Assistant State Superin 11trom being at his be'lt. :-.liss 'tcndent filadelfo Baca; Pres!- Rose Grier and 14il'utenant Monro· :dent Boyd, of tbe University of sang as a duet, "Abide With' 1 1 New Mexico•, President Roberta, Me," in their usual artistic man· ner. Lieut. J. R. Besse and Dr. I or the Las Vegas Normal1 Pres· Cbarlc" Irby pre11ided at the otrnn : ident Enloe, of the Silver City and plano aa accompani!Us, I ' 0 £. we I State Director of lu· firQt class team, but that. ·'u tr' 1 tl'du t' p f W C which clearly was lackutg, ts an· When you are in the market for STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH OR SALTED MEATS COUNTRY PRODUCE. FRUITS, ETC. Don't forget- PATTY HOBBS Second door north of Postoffice ''Prices right" and "Quality guaranteed." Try us. Phone 46 Carrizozo, New Mexico • 4 s 1a ca ton; ro • . . 1 I c St t t d f B , essent1a to success. r onway, a e ._.ea er o oys .:.:.:.,.:..:,:..:._..:._..:...:.:.,.:.:_ _____ ! and Girls' Industrial Clubs; and i others uo less prominent. I Bask;tB'an Oame ... The basket ball game at Real's Saturday uigbt. between the Jocal boy team anti au· Paso team waa a Hvets acritumage from start to finish. 'rlto superior train• iug or the visitors, which was manife$l in every move, the ex• cellettt team work, as a result of ·· overeame tM '""lfh•"'" uf ont tocLJi Mrs, The: of Ute gallti! \Vil!J 42 to l't itt fav(Jr at El Paso. Not• wi\bstaudiug tliill disparity in: t&t our boy& up a ..... ....,"·····

I . . I - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · killed, one of the escaped ... !llst~r was Ycry s1ck at her ... It Ill declamation

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VOX..UME 17.


' ' '" ' '

A .JournAJ Devote" to tbe Interests of LJncof.n County.

CA~Rl2020, ~lNCOJ,N COUN'l''Y,, N:&W MEXICO, FRWAY. FEB~UARY 25, 1916.

$2.00 Per Annum

~ ,,..,_,.,.,.__,,__,f"_,,....,,.,,-,~:--.-, .,..""'<V'c

1fhe Power of Patriotism County School Not;es County Teachers .. ···!'fort Stanton Observes ., San Patricio " l)eming Sheriff Killed - . ·- . . Will Meet at Capitan · •Washington' Day - -

Fort Stanto.n honor~cl \Vnsbing-• Tlw Lutcoln County lllgh . . .._ . · · .- · Arthur Wootson was over aft~r In a battle the :lOth, near Rhh 'ton's · birtbday with. a specially School hn4 a very &uccessful en .. • li'r<>m the present iudic!ltions. · Messrs. D. Lynch~ J. P: LynQtt, I some corn a few days ago; con, Pc;~ua. Ana couuty, b~hvee~ . prepared pr.og'ram, and W&S the' tertainmeilt last Sabtrdny even- the meeting of the Lin. coin Cou.ii· W. H. Smith and R. 0. Fergerson I The tax assessor was around to five escaped· prisoners .. from. the only place in tb~ county, so far as ing. Many patr~ns and friends ty 'reachers' Associati()n at Cap• visiteti friends. at Capitan last tsee some of our people a few Luna county jail'. and a posse w.e are aware, that did so. On attended. . • !tan, on March 10 and 11, will be. Sunday afternoon: days ago. • I headed bJ sheriff n. W. Stepbena that .occasion Chaplain Frund de· School ha,s closed at Angus one of the most successful meet· Miss Helen Rice Mrs. Welch i J J. Reeves sowed som.e sor· of Luna county the sheri~ was

.livered a stro~g address, n~ing and Alto. Little Creek and Blue iogs of the kind evtjr held in the Mrs. Rice and Mr.' Anderson, of l gh~m last week. killed, one of the escaped prison• • t~e above bead,tng for his subJect. Water will also soon , complete state. Repol'ts from all over the Parsons visited Mr and Mrs I

4 b .. f f h"- ers met the same fate, and one of W · · d • . . • • · • 1 ~ num er u our armers .. ve · · e lnck space to repro uce the se,·en months terms. county tnd1cate that the attend· Weber at 13 B Sunday afternoon · b . . . . b d' b the posse was wounded, as wu

· · 'l'h d' f J • p k . · .· een trngattng stnce t c ltc , ~ddress tn wh<)le, but g1Te here- e Hectors o ack s ea ancf.' wtll be large and that the They came down in their car and' 1

d also one of the escaped prisoners • • h . k h f I d' . h t I . l J , was c eane out. T f f Wit a pprtton ta en t ere rom, 1stnct . ave con racte! w1t 1 ·I teachers of the many schools are remainfd over for the patriotic . hrcc o the desperate men a ter

as follows: ! M. Orte~ for a new frame school i taking hold of the work enthu- exercises held in r~·ibrary hall: Mr. and . Mrs. Lon . Hunter the battle mnde their escape. This February time recalls to: house to bco t•omplcotf.'d by the first jsiasticall}'. 'raken with the fact Sunday evening. sta~ed ,all night at the hom~ of while the posse sent out calls for

• · · · 1 ·of April · · 1 h k 'JJ 1 1 Allie Stover last week. 1 bey h 1 all Amencans m a specta way I · . 1 tr1at t e spea ers wa bette beat The Misses Lindsay, of Angus,; • . . e p. , .

two particular examplc11 of rarest Raben ton d1rectors arc ~o ha~e. aVailable talent in New Me1:ico, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. RoutT 1 were goaug to Ltbcoln to see th: Asststance came fro.m allstdes, devotion to a country of the I another room est.tl>llshed Ill thetr I this should guarantee: a splendid Monday and Tuesday of this j doc.tor, Mrs. Hunter not havang one of the three prtsoners has highest, the purest and most,~ larg•~ dh;trict. A site north oJ l meeting. wack. j enttrely ~ecovercd from an attaclc I been captured and the county is ualted patriotism which the the old Chavez ratH:h was selected I The kcvnote of the meeting is Th f

11 . .

1 f h I of typhoad feve~ she had last fall. being scoured by posses in nery

1 , 1 . , e o owang resac ents o t e Th , . ·k f 1

• • historw. of the world affurtls-..t 1 for the I a.t()s school. ~emodchug 1 to hco Industrial Education to Sq b 1

. 1

1 e stc o ks around here arc I dtrectton. ,. . ; . . . . . . • uare ave entcorec tlw uru gc ·.

11 11 · · ·

Geor"e Washin"'ton and Abra-jofthe pre,.,ent hutldang wasdec1d· 1wh1ch New Mt•xaco dunn<r th• [ M , . a we or raptdly recovenng, The body of SherttT Stephens ,., "' , . . • ,. tournament: >r. and rs. I• L, h · · · j' •

bam Lincoln. Washington, the ed upon by a ,·onft·rence of the' admlnt,tr,Jtiou or tht• prest•nt S . 1 M I•' II '·I·K [ · l II hnco weather bl'lllJC of more wa!l taken to Dcmtng and not d . 1 • 1 "' 1 1 .., , mtt 1, rs. . . " c run, >. 1 1 • tl th

1 brave the wise the ~rood· su· !rectors 11111 louu Y "t: 100 •~u- 'ltatt• supcrintendcot has turned L R .,. , 1 <ISSIS ance 1an e 1 octors. only tlw pCOJ)Ic of Luna c:ounty ' ' '" ' 1 · - · ' • ynch . 0. "ergcrson · 1• • C Preme in war, in council and in pertntentlent Mrs. (;umm, wbtle ·ns elwrgit•s with most gratifying B ' ..

1 ()'B· . . : L' t ! Mrs. Woolson visited Mn. hut all New Mcdco mourns the

f • ' } J' · I erry, r • annon anu ICU . peace-valiant without ambition,: vtcowtnr: t ~t· 1

tslnct. . . re'luJtr;, Work to ;all dcp~rtUJents J. R. Hesse. ! ~ecves last l<,riday. death of this popular o~cer. Mr. discreet without fear, confident I· A. ~a!Jcola s new school btuldlng and t"pcc·tally 1n tndustnal linea, A th t bl b 'd

1 '· i C. U. Morrison and fanHly and Stcphen11 was serv1ng hts secon41

ree- a e r1 ge t' uu was· without presumption. Lincoln, Ill tn every way n !{rent Improve· will lw ,·xluhtlt•d under the rules or ni'l d tl 8 1

t 1 Miss I vel Oavis went down and term as sheriff and had the rcpu• the kind, the gentle, the merciful, mf.'nt. The t>lle ts better, ~,:rounds of tht• nH•t•ting, which provide gak e . obn . Je 'quare aM , !!pent Saturday and Sunday at tallon of an active, fearless of•

I I 'II d · · · wee , wh1c , With lhco otbt•r card; the enemy of slavery and in· ilrgN, JUI 1 1!lg warm an com· fu_r tht• do:hnlle JUdgang of all en· 1

. the Sunset r;ancb. beer. u· M (~ · · . cubs, keep up a hvl'ly mtcorest . justice, the friend or truth and mo lou-... t!lll ,arcla 1". em· trtt'!! and the 11warc!ang of pru:es . . 1 Our merchant, w. B. Rose,

fair dealing, the 11.vm1Jathetic ploycd uy the patrons and tnends fur the !IUccessful pieces The Dr. Allison Brown ts raptdlv 1 k . , I · · · f . · 1 too a run down to Tannae Sun· brother or 11 11 who are weary and j to a,:;tst Prof. Koon.:c with the J1..,t of work to bc entered includes recovenng rom Ius recent at·. d

heavy laden, the rare11t combina• large enrollmt•nt. Two teat·hen pr.~.:tk.ally evecy side of school tack. Miss Oonnar, a trained 11 ay. . , lion of head und heart and coo- are to be regularly emplo.ved an· tir" nnd work, and will make an nurse from California, is attend·, Mrs. Alhe Stover and babe ac-• ,.,·encc that ever oruicled the


other term. I'XIIIblt that the people of tho ing the doctor. 1l'ompanled Mrs. Anden10n home - b . • • • •

1 ::;und., to remain a few da "· destinies of a nation. Washing· Wh1le M~ek, Hl.ue Water, Aro~· ··ountv w11l regard w1tb prtdc. S~:rvice~ arc held dally 1n the 1

y, Y ton and Lincoln, so different in 1 bela and Escondtdu may !Jc fdr Contests In spelling and 11ritb· chapel as follows: Wc.'ekdays, tU.'i. Hugh Anderson went up Sat· many ways, but alike in this. 1 and hnrd to ~each, they arc keep· matic, open to all tbe IIChoola of tl.m, Sundays 'lam. and 4 p 111. i urdu.\" e\'Cnlng to Wlute Moun· that both JovccHiberty more than: lug apace with the other county. the county, Will he held during Dr. and Mrs. II', C. Smith and; tam Inn after Mtss Hurlburt, life.

1 'ldwol11 ln.all rC!IJ•l'ttM, attendance, •be Ull'eting. A lnrge number of dnughter, Miss Dorathy,with Mrfl whose. !llst~r was Ycry s1ck at her

With such example!! woven into good and lnter.-st t•xcdlt•nt. !!ldwnl<t hnvl' sign·ified their inten• Bagg and Henry O'Bannon, mo· horne In Lincoln. the natiunal life, how can we· An lnlcrc'lllng UIU•otc • .t pro· 1 tton of l.'ntt•rin..: these contests nt tored Sunday aftl'rnoon down thl' ~len from the government land descend from the highe .. t heights· gram IS being urr;angcd for well 11'1 the n:h tbits mentioned Bonito valley ru

1 far as Hondo;! olltco at Roswell were here Satur·

of liberty or filii to appreciate, t,hc. county sehoul meeting ~t !abovt•. High school conteata iu wbich they enjoyed immenqely. 1 day looking into the filings of nud manifest to the fullest the! Capitan, March 10 and 11. It Ill declamation and deb11t. e will be a u C n d W




some of our bomosteadera. The•· · • j G• • arncs an 1 tam 1- ., IUblimc power of (Hltriotism? · hoped that the assistant supcrm· tpominent feature of the pro"ram • .;;Jt~ b tt d d

1 1,.

1 went from here to Lincoln.

• • . • 1 • «~ · T.rull auer a en e t tc :a ag t The poet expre..'lscs the common' tchdent of public ln!ltrucuon, · ~'rom the opening session to the h 1 t t · t c · R 1" Uates and family from


•· I sc oo en cr a1nmen at ap1tata • • co· , feehng of the normal man when: ~·1ldcJlo B.aca, may bl' able to at~: clo!le of the meeting th.e program last Saturday evening. I{~Jk, v111ted at J. J. Reeves Sot• be says: · o.:ept thl' 1nvttataon of the com should offt'r ruucb of mtcrest to . . ,. jurdaJ nltrht. 'rhcy came in Utt-ir

t t · ld I · •tt. I . . M1ss Mary 1'1ley, of I• ort Stan- . "llt~llQoathorvomat~wltLroulando:W jmltl'e oac rc'l!lllcttlct ng. allthetcachersoftheasao.:aahont . jcar vaa Alamogord.o from I•'l •"hoao•ertobtm•Pifbt>lh••id. • · 'l'lt N··'l .. xtco1'a~ Rt•\'l·~ .. , d hI b toD,WilSOneofthelcachngrnem- • " 1 e • '\~ " ~ " .... ~ an , none l e ess, to t e people . . Paso where they Vl!litcd several 'ThlaiDIZIJOWD-mJI>DIIfolobd'i r L' b '. t . I bers ID the east of the play • Wbn'ob...,.bua .. ·orwithlohlmbaro .. l. or •·c rudry l{l\cs 111 CrE!Uinf:' of tbe county who may be able to , 1days. Mr. Date!ll9 an old settler

I L.- -~ ' bl r ·h I 1 t ··Bob,. wbieb was prl'sentctl nt I Aabnmehltlno""'l'l"' '"'"'"'

0"'"" ,· ta es o 'lo.: oo ac mmuHra ton, attend. Tbc doors of the meet· . . 1 . .at Elk, but had not benn a·n 1 · r ro- waod.rlo,oo&lQimaootraod;' l tl1e C p1tan Opnr llouft~ I t "' t 1111 ~ , . ..:ump1lt:d from tlu· fil{urc, of last J ing wtll !It and open at all times 11

• • a ,,,. a" 'part of tbe country for a num!Jer Tb1s sentiment as us old a!l thl' h·rm's unuual rerwrt 1 in .. oln f tl bl' h d' II Saturday evcntng.

1 r

. • • 4

1 or te pu 1\", w o are cor ta 1 o years. human race, and ts found 'Hilten county r.ank!l fourth in rflatJI'Clinvitcd to attend all session!! Another intcrcosting non·secta-, \" d ,

f l t r.. Pa· · I · ' • • · 1 ld · L' ·•or went over the phone Sun· on every pau-c o ll<t o .•· altendan<e of pupil". In :>lr. 1 Capitan will be turned over to nan servtcc waq 1c In 1brary. 1 1 0

A d t • t' ts not in n indi· h 11 1 " d · 1 I' ay t1at scar n erson wanlll rto tsm comus,

11 Jarnc'l' summary oii'Xlll'll'll''l ancllthe visitor!! during the mcetinll a ast .. un nv c1·entng, w ten

1 •

'd I J' I I · f · ' · · I to sel the new (i ord he bought Yt ua tberty ~nc OH' or effictcn.:.r of the 1·anouo1 lOUII'Ics, The people of the town are spar· an exceptionally largt'lltlrndnncel I.. . '· .. country, but onlv In a collective he .. talctt: ''Tht• ,howltl~ or 14in·!ing no t>tTort to Ill ke the mO'It was bad Thl' rhaplain pu'lided. ~Mt l~t.cmt;u.l We clrt' ',ou~.hang

I tbe human hfe there , .• ,In 1'1 av,•ragc 10 rostt~ CXl't pi as 1 • a · A · 1

r . , d or Ill trut l 0 tt aiU re cr pro!'l• sense. n • 1 hospl!ablc showang that migbt specla program 0 IIIU'IIt: an p•·ct1vc uuyer<~ to Mr Anderqon i th' t tJung more to teadu•I"J Waj!C11, W}lldl St'l'm, . . h f ' ' s no mg ~rea er, no . trifle lug h. Th~t county makral be desirt'd. All expense. for the 'long was given In onor o lor further lnfnrmatlon.

noble, notbmg more unselfish thnn.: \'t'r.Y good record Ill school! visitors, ceases when they reach Gl'orge Wa .. bington, who'lc birth• We will compete wl!h the cata·

Parsons -Tbc Leisure Hour Circle, form• erly known as the Ladies' Ald1

wall meet this week with Mra • W, W. Merriam. Wcdneaday afternoon is the regular meetin~r

ttme of tht- sodttJ and the circle w11l be glad to welcome any lady in the neighborhood who bat that afternoon free.

Mr. and Mra. Andenoa motored to Carrizozo Tue11day te rnttt Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Roberta and aon, o( Heruc:hes, Illinois. The Robertn are old frleada of the Andenaona an1l bne atopped here to make them a visit on their way home from California.

Mt>ssrs. Wells and Grafton took ad\·anta~re of the pttstnt fine wea thor to make a trip to Capitan.

Mr. and Mru han Clourb art Vt'liting ~!rn. Clough's brother, H. M. ReddJ, and family.

Mr. and Ml'll. A. T. Andenon a<cOmJ)IInicd !Jy Mra. Rice and daughter, Helen, w.:nt down to Fort Stonton Sund.1y and re• turnt>d Monday. Mra. Rice r~· ma1ned to vi .. it her daurhter, ~n. Weber. CONTINl'EOos PAOI! f'IVB service." !Capitan. A cordial welcome ia day was celebrated on the 22d. I h d .

; ==========================: Th · og onses an gll'c !Jetter mer· Jamt'~ ltobin'!lon aud familJ •1 assured to a 11 the te-achers aud e vartoua numbers deserve · I · f l·handi!!c. Ztegler Bros. drove to Capitan Monday. I guests of the aasociatloo. apecta mention, but or want of


The Lincoln County Druggists When you wish a prescription filled- get it the quickest way. the safest way, and at the reasonable price. Arthur J. Rolland, the resident partner, gives his personal atten­tion to t~e filling of prescriptions, the people of Cru;.rizozo and Lincoln Cou,nty know him, and he knows theu per­sonal likes and wishes and has made this store


Fills mail orders-prescripti.ons or goods-by return mail.

Compl•te line of Statibnery and Sundriu

Rolland Bro.s.~, Fourth Street Carrizozo

Jt IS A GOOD ,BUSINESS POLICY To open your account .at a live, growing bank- there are always reru?Ons' for constant growth. . • . The reasons for our constanUy increasing business are courte()us and libe® treatment of patrons an.d a care­ful, prudential manag~ment that mnserves the tnterests of . out del)Ositors :and bespeaks safety to the funds on deposit and ~tabllity to the bal)k. ¥ "~

· We .ex~nd you a, cordial· ·invib!tion to ()pen an at• count · Interest paid on time ~epostts; . .

The Stockmen's State Bank J •

· Among the latter will be 11 space we may nnte the splendid·;==========================. 'number of the most duu1nguished rendition of ''The Star Spangled :men in the state, all of whom Banner" aa a solo, and whic:b 1

thrilled the large audienl'e, beina! :will be listed on the program. .. 1

wbll"b will be announced fully sung by Mrs. F. C Smith, our: j withtn a few days. The speak· choir leader. Tht• violin solo

1 crs Will ioclude the following: given by S. Beck .. trom was also: ~tate Superintendent A. N. an elceptional number, Mr. Bc~.:k· I Wlute, Assistant State Superin 11trom being at his be'lt. :-.liss 'tcndent filadelfo Baca; Pres!- Rose Grier and 14il'utenant Monro· :dent Boyd, of tbe University of sang as a duet, "Abide With' 1


• New Mexico•, President Roberta, Me," in their usual artistic man· ner. Lieut. J. R. Besse and Dr.

I or the Las Vegas Normal1 Pres· Cbarlc" Irby pre11ided at the otrnn : ident Enloe, of the Silver City and plano aa accompani!Us,

I' ~:~:~~~~!~~s~;~:g~a~:;. 0£. t~~ th~t we b~~;:~h;~:-.;.~1;~~~·~-~r~; I ~lersfelder, State Director of lu· firQt class team, but that. pra~tice,: ·'u tr' 1 tl'du t' p f W C which clearly was lackutg, ts an·

When you are in the market for STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES


Don't forget-

PATTY HOBBS Second door north of Postoffice

''Prices right" and "Quality guaranteed." Try us.

Phone 46 Carrizozo, New Mexico • 4 s 1a ~ ca ton; ro • . • . 1 I c St t t d f B , essent1a to success.

r onway, a e ._.ea er o oys .:.:.:.,.:..:,:..:._..:._..:...:.:.,.:.:_ _____ ~=================:::=======:! ! and Girls' Industrial Clubs; and i others uo less prominent.

I Bask;tB'an Oame ... The basket ball game at Real's

~hall Saturday uigbt. between the Jocal boy team anti au· ~I Paso team waa a Hvets acritumage from start to finish. 'rlto superior train• iug or the visitors, which was manife$l in every move, the ex• cellettt team work, as a result of

·· overeame tM e~tnest '""lfh•"'" uf ont tocLJi Mrs,

The: re~tdt of Ute gallti! \Vil!J 42 to l't itt fav(Jr at El Paso. Not• wi\bstaudiug tliill disparity in: t&t

our boy& ~JUt up a ..... ....,"·····





GOOD ROAD5. ~- .... ~ ~- Modoe S!low a Return to tl\111 8tylea LOWeR EXPENSE TO FARMERS •nd 't:'lnte of tho ~lg!lJoenth pen.

Good RoJdl Rcd1,1ce Greatly T.rou'IJio · ·ot Tranaport.ln11· Crops to Market ·

.-cauao of Dlatroaa.

turr-Frencb Modi!ltea Have . Foatered Idea.

,.,.._.;., . !6 Dl.l&Pite Ul~ tae)t ot l:llack ·sP!lnlsli

cowns, . there Is no qess!\tiQtJ. to th9 14,\leforQ the war i11 Europe al'fectl.ld ll!!m.an4 tor brl!>ht color&. In the ftrat

the rates at; aea It c()st the Atplirlcan, 11eason, when there bas. been an ·al· farmer more to haul a. busMl 0~ 'Wheat le~flll lac~ ot dyes, women, In mass 111ne and a MU'mll!ls to tlll.l railroad loi>lt Uke kaleldosc!lPe&. ';l'helr gowns .atatlon for shiPmtlnt tllan it co11t the blaze In color, as they illd dur• l!JJ;ver to sWp the SAmll bU!!hel ot ~enatssance. Thill Ia more par-\Vhe!l,t from New York. to t.tverp!lol, a ~cularly tl'Qe ot gowAs (or the eve• dlstl!-nCe ot 81000 miles," according to nlng than those for the street, tllanks a bulletin, Issued by the American to the good taste of our wom11n. ln Hig'bway assoclatlotl. "The· averagQ O!IJdo..oi .clothes, even when we c}IOOs!l cost of hauling a ton of farm producll, red and groen, we choose dark shades. or' a ton of anything elsll, over thll av- Burgundy red and Robin Hood green erage country road Is about twenty; are the fashionable tones. three cents o. mile: '70 years ago the There Is also a soft leather, tone cost of the same se~lce vtas 17 cento. In duvetyn that looks like suede, The coot of hauling over tbe railroads which has crept In among the other Is lesn than one-ninth as much as it street ones and which Is very much was 60 years ago. Tho cost of bo.ultng lllied; It Js especially effective In top by rallrond hno almost reach ·Jd the coats that are worn over black and vanlsWng point; the cost of hauling dark blue gowns, and It lends Itself on the country roads hao gontl up as easily to skunk t ollar and cuffs. the roads have gone down. In the c ng, however, the picture

"By careful calculation, Logan Wal· changes. ot only are gorgeous colora ler Pngc, director of the United States Indulged In, but they arc Joadlld down office of public rondo, has renchlld tho with gold and sliver lace In the Veno• conclusion thnt with wloll and equltn· tlan manner. Certain women have al· blc road lawa and good business man· reaay tnlten up the Idea of getting ngemen• It would bo entirely practlcn· their houso gownB from Vllnlce, and blc tor the people to save themnelveo thtl wearing ot these Is not out or on the two ttems ot hauling and ad·! keeping with tbe wholll picture of eve. mlnlatrntlon tho e~nonnoua sum of nlng clotboB. $290,000,000 yenrly. The railroads In : Not only color, but a great deal of the United States cnrry about 900,000,. metal tissue Ia Incorporated In clothes 000 tons or trolr;ht annually, and of, Doucet bas sent ovor a vastly e:xpcn· thlo vaut tonnage at least 200,000,000 olve but very lovely ovllnlng Crock tono are hauled over tho country ronda mndo or oliver tloaue, whlcli lo em· to tho railroad otntlon or to tho cnnnlo broidered In crystal Oowero, In tho In· tor nhlpmont. Tho lmmenoo volume j trlcnte workmanship ot tho eighteenth ot mining products aggror;ntlng mil· century. Ilona of tono Is not Included In thlo j Chorult bas Introduced tho Idea or ostlmnto, but only tho agricultural, making loose bodlceo oC oliver tloouo torcot nnd mlocollnnoous .products over abort oldrts oC rich volvoto, and hauled by wagon over tho public rondo, another quite lovely evening gown to nor lo tho coot ot hauling back and of bluo and gold net over n oklrt of forth botwoon the fnrmo and tho mlllo.l gold Uoouoo. Ono of tho bern gowns

''Tho mntn cauoo of agricultural din- worn at tho opora wno of bright green trcso," oar.o tho bulletin, "a subject ot

1. velvet and lace over n petticoat oC 11ll·

perennial nlnrm to 'popular favoriteo,' vor lace, which wno mounted on ollvor In ·not 110 much tho wasco ot tho worlt· ' tlooue. Tho gown waD trimmed with oro or tho lnCcrtlllty oC tho ooll or tho l wide bnndo of cmornlda nnd rbln&­prlceo of tho producto, but tho f.'nor- stonco worked on sliver not. An ell'oc moun drnln of ccttlng tho ntuff to Uve frock worn nt one of tho smart market. tho waste of tho rondo In tho danceo wno oC thin oliver tissue, with woor nnd tear of machinery, tho ancrl·' n abort nkJrt bordered with Kolinsky. llco of terun11. tho Inefficiency of acrv· ' tho bodice of ollvor tiBBUO mounted leo compelled by lmpaoooble highways.! over Crcah pink tulle, tho long, flow· Tributary to every marital town or ling ltallnn aloovoo of tullo edged with railroad ollltlon thoro oro what Mr.


Kollnoky, tho white belt of block and Page cnllo_.'ronen or production.' Wblto CI')'Btalo. Donooth tho 'abort From tho flrot of tboao ronco nll prod· skirts wore oqunre pnntalcttoo of oil uctD cn.n bo delivered to market at a 1 vor !nco nod tho ollpporo of oliver Us·

Shaded Road In the Welt.

profit, and from tho rest one class of producte after another must be elim­Inated because of the prohibitive coat of haullnlf, nnd beyond lie Vllllt terri· tortes that cannot be cultivated with· out the building and constant mn.ln· tenance ot roads suited to whatever trafllc there may be developed. "'t hu been demonstrated that as the toads trom the market towns have been Improved there bas been a rreat Increase of their buslneas and a corre. spondln&' Improvement In the condl· tlon and opportunities of the rural population, larger prosperity of the Individual fanner, rreater tratftc tor the railroads, better supplies and lo'W· er prices for tho conAumer. It does not paf to raise crops that cannot be marketed readilY and cheaply, Mll­IIOD.ll of dollara' worth of ftold and or· chard crops have been utterly wasted becauae of expensive anil luadqquate :f&clUUea tot markettnr. This fa one ot the bard problem11 'With 'II'Wch the United States departmllnt ot agrlcill• turo ts trytnt to deal throtl&h the crea\est exports In the land, and thot ha~e found that the bulldlnr ot road roadt lif essentJal to the auceesa of their pfanll."

suo bad oblong buckloo ot Jot nnd iOrystn.l.

Yet. In contrnst to tbeoo gorgeous colol'll the now frocks oro In blue nnd

· pink, the Watton.u obndos. Worth j sends OYer a pnlo roao brocnded ontln gown trimmed with rhlncatonoo, which

I Ia lightened by tulle: tho price paid for It wan nearly $1,100, and the only reason thnt one Is not rebellious over IIUch a price Ia that tho money goes to French orphans.

Making It Look Like Angora. And, by tho way, do you knlt1 Then

do mnko for yourself or aomeono elao a sweater of tho rMclnallng teazle wool tbnt looks like Angora when tho cannent Ia finished. And bow do you rot this reoult? By brushing tho swon.ter up the wrong way with n wire bruah after It Ia all knJttod.-Harper'a Buar.

Bucklea Much Uaed. Buckles of all sorts are ual!l! as

trlmmlng. On some ot the severe llbapea In beaver hats a wtdo buckle of Jet, celluloid or bono l8 uood, with n band of corded rlljlbon aa the B?le trlmni log. 1

Heavy Brocade.. Brocndea, Indeed all materials, have.

strangely enough, a stlfTneas not oo auggeatlve of youth as the trorks or which they llJ'e fllllbloned. Fnbrlcu, notably tho Callies and grosgrntns. show metal medallions which hereto­foro have not had a youthful app6ar­ance. Yet so subtle Is the art or looms of today that these brocades are of a lightness and piquancy of destcn whfcb make them o.dnptable to youth· ful frock11, II&YI Vogue. In tho more dignified towns, brocndea of all sorts -some In the ecroll patterns, some In allover patterns, and some merely with a largo medallion on a back· ground of ITOI!&'I'aln-wlll be used, but not to the exelualon of Yolvet or ,, tho »lain w;retaa.


Home Part of White House Barred ·to· the Curious

W. ASFUNGTON.-Wbllc the main 1!()or ot tbo White Jlo~BQ Is' ov~n to vlsltQro at certain hour11 every weekday, the seeC!nd, or resldllntlal !!torr,

Is cnreCUIIy .Gil!\rdeJt against Intrusion by the public, whlell, all thll morEl fC!r · . . thltl ren!lon, Is Jntensely curiQUll to

know what gOcll on Upstairs-how the rooms are arranged, what tho turn!· ture Is like, and bow the presidential

~0;;~~~~~~~"'~· tolka IIPond their ume whe.n at homo. I · · Fifteen years or more ago the White Houao wne half olllco bulldlbg.

/ Toda,Y. however, tho White Houso­thanlfs to Its reconstruction by Mr. noesovolt, at a cost of $500,00D-Is tho most admirably oqulppcd nnd moBt comfortable palaeo In U1o world.

'rhe White House now has ton bedrooms, the removal ot the presidential business omcea from the mnnslon to no annex having made spnco nvnllablo for Ove additional guest chambers.

The government furnishes everytblng required ror housekeeping pur­l>Oscs. and It Is not desired that presldon tin I proportv shall get mixed up with that at Uncle Sam. Even BOlli> and towelo o.ro supplied, and, oh, the linen­such quantities or It, bomsutched and ombroldero'd! 'l'be linen press of. tho White House 111 rcnlly quito a big room, Ita shelves weighted down under a wealth ot whiteness.

Tho mlotres!l of the executive mansion has no "wnsh attendo to that, o.rs well as to tho houot;clennlns.

Uncle Sam Has the Biggest of Printing Plants

Mediciiie Which Made Sut­&eol\'• Work UMe~.

Glrlel Be11utlfy Your Halrl Make ll Ooft, Fluffy and Luxuriant-Try

the Molat Cloth.

!lmO. em waab daJo, Tbn\'e wbms yoq -Red CI'UM Daa Dluo. Clolbu wbll.l!l' t:.an' llllOW. AD I'J'C(ltta. AdY.

Playing tho fool 11 no c1lmcult mh•. m ___ _

P!!bUahlld Evt~r)" Fricl•y -~ ...-. CarriZ()ZO; LincOln County, New Mexico Prof .. Fayctte A. Jone!'i, presi.'

~h-~·----~~~"~· _ ... Q._.. -~- ..... .,. ........ """-"'" .. ~ ---· -~ ........ "" •.••• -~ .. ·"·-~ dent of tbe St .. te Srhool of Mines, l.Wt'!rll<l "•'-~j:QQ4J:J" .. Matter"~ tlw Po~;t om~~·~ t:arrl~\lo, z.;. M .. Junu z, IIK.Ill Socorro, w~~ here from Saturday

i;¢S!W!tlS;As~ s;b-;;;~;tr~;;R~4l;~oo;;;; .. ~~ ;;,;.;ii;;~--$i:Oo~---·- ·--···-• to 1'ueSsday, lle ;lectJH'Cd <Jt Wbite e:;::;:i·~-.;;::::;.x .. x ..... ;., .... -z .. ~---"="-· .. ~-:-·~- , •·........,--::::J-~ .... ~ ... x ..... " .......... ----~- Oak!il , ttnday mgh.t ~nd here the HALEY & DINGWALL • ~ •· • Publish'»"• following- ttigbt •• Hfli subject wall

The Titsworth Co. WHOLESALE an~ f:iETAIL

_ ~- ==---·-~·-·---··'-· ....... '-·~-=~ · ~- ... n .... _ ... ,"-~"'H"·-' "St•riland,11 relating to ll~l CXJI~di· Announcement BEf-tOW Elephant Butte nnd tion of which hE! waa ehh:f when 1

__... the distrilmtiug waters there· the Jsla~Jd o! 'l'iburon -w_aa -visit· II I

We wish to annoupce to 1111der, El Paso ha~ a fri!!nd in ed, 'rtds isl11.ttd lies just otl' tbe who Senator Fnll. main coa11t of ~lexico, in th~: Qq1f prospective candidates,

may desire to present their claims to the people through these columns during the ap­proaching eampaign, the tcnns

and conditions for sudt an-

Tb.is is~~y~e~'7andidates of Cali~ornia. ~ittle w~ll know~ for office will ha.ve an. inning- f!f the JshuHl pnor to thl~ expe~:h• and, inci<lentally, rech•ve an air· tion, rna.ny attcmp!s havltl~ been itfg. Prospt•ctive cnndidates mllt~e to. rene~ the ISlan~t each re" should Jlretty thoroughly rake 'lUlttng- Ill f;pJur;e, a~tl all tracr.s nn·r the past before !!hying their of the explorers ha~n1g bcenlo_at. h •Ill lllto the ring. 'fhe lecture was Illustrated by

nounn·mrnts in the 'N I<:ws. . .. .. ... s_Jidf's' from ~cenes, taken oil the I nd•·r Sl·nator I•'i•ll''l public expNiition. A large crowd grt:et•

Candidal(•s announcing fur land l•1ll the entirt• tstate would ed the speaker and was highly county oflices will be charged h·· JurH·tl to pay tribute to oue enh.•rtalued. ·

the tmm of $10.00, and district "' 111 .. 11 .,,., twn, lHU.OW the ft:lc· BaPtlst .. Ch~rch photut Uutte. f'ht• a'rid regions

and lt .. ·gislative announcement~ ul the ~>tate arc to be used to en·

$15.00, rash to accompany th(.•· r11h the 1rrig~11ed spots.

announcement. Each candi- · .... ·'· ·'" '"'·~ ( h·er tn tbc southeastern part

date announcing will be given of the lit.dte candulates are au·

a !\hort n·ading notice, calling noundug at the rate of ont· for

attention to his candidacy, but each 'IIJUare mile. We have a lot of pro~peclive candidates an

not an elaborate ont•. If can- tlll!l scrti'on, but tiH• wood!i wall

didalt·s dt'sirc morc space it llo~H· to lw ttht'llcd .touring them

may he secured by the pay-! 10 n•·w.

rnt'nf of our n·gular rates for Till· h .. r~lw-.t cr1ttcs of thr IJnt· rt·aders. dt"mo.-ratl• .vhnini'ltratlon, on

th:v. J, M (}~nJ>l'IU, p,..lor. -· The revival mceting11 at the Ha ptist chur~,:b closed Monday night with a meeting for men only, which was well attended In spilt• of the lcdure at the Crystal by President Jones of the New Mexico School of Mines. 'l'he church has bt•en wonderfully hlt·!..,cd by the mt>l'tinJr!'l and cv· 'ery department hus 111keo oo new lift'. The Sunday ~>.:huol hall duuhlcd and the B Y. P. U. ha!i

We carry . in stot?k: :

Hog Wire Barbed Wire Wagons Buggies Hacks Cement Portland Cement · Coal Cotton Seed Cake

.))rugs Paints G.t·oceries Boots and Shoes Dry Goods Ammunition Lubricating Oils Grain Bags Iron Roofing

Our price• are rea1onable


dout• a I most all wl'l I. quc'llletll" ol nntior.al d~:fcn!le, 1 The W. M. U. of the uhurch Titsworth The Co.

, 1 • 111, ... ,ro' ... the Answer arc thoru~ whu for twenty y•·ar.. I ~ ..._,.. • held a IJakcd llood!i sale at Mr. "hap~·d the pul1cy of thl!i govern· In unolhtr .nlurun, untlt•r thu I · 1. Kl'llt•<''!i !ilon· last Saturdav and


lllt'nl. 11 It not u t·orup 1mcnt to , " '"l''••n• "\V.tr llntl \Jral," wall ltc the dt•moautil" party that it!! sold everything, ltnd !laid they

loun•l ~n driJ• lr rcl~t•n~ tu the · · 'ould have sold twi~c a~ much if ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " .-rill< !i t'X(u~ct more from tt 1n :: d1ap..r11 v 1n t h•· prh r of live thret• rears lh<~n they could 11 ,. they bad had it. They 11re going • . • --· . -~ _ ___ .. ... ..~ __ . ___ .... _. 1to..l<. p..r111 ul..rlv • 11ttlc, •• nd the .:ompiJ,.b 111 twcnl\·! to give another Murch~ ut the r----·-----------------------.1 J•ru .• "' lh·· IDI'UI (ttl tht• ulud,, !IUIUC place, and we hope to have I Notice lor rablltGIIOD

o:!U:U fL'1514

II yuu plc·,·q··· or the pn<e re· Sena!or Root nnd Oltll"r !ipOkes· enough for every one who COrRell A welcome A waits you I eel\, d Lly t hr 11111 k•·r" The mtu for tlw repuultcan part1 de· tht'l time.

06pMUJ>t'ol ur Uuo lutertor l!oll-.1 Ilia...., l.ar.d om..,

U(lflwoJJ, Now 61<U~Ico

., .. ,., 1 "'" wrJtltn In unc of our noun.-e the Willlonndnllnl!ltfallon l~cv. J. M. Bardnl.'r will preach At JtUUlOI'J ti, 1010 Nolle• I• horobJ l!l••a llml Thli'UI E. Uoz...,o,

ot l:atrlaoao, N 111., wbo, oa Jl'obrnar1 8, IVll, made fl D E •• &riel N u lf.!l U. for 8&\l, Boo. 13. T 11-8, It, ti·E. N. M P ll., 11t1d no lair te. Ulll, m&do ruld'l U 0 D , Borlal No. o::n~u. tor Lou I, :, 3C>Qd 4.1k>etlou 141t.AII W'iNWI&I, Boo. !loa t:l, TowllablpiiJI,ll&arv 14-B, N. AI. p, U .. ha. Clod ao&lce ol latoaUou I• make P'iiiDl Three Yotlr !!roar, lo Hlllbllllb clAim lo tho macl 11bon dl!OI'.dbcd, btororo Albart U. u.....,.,, m .. k l'rubalo Oomt, Ia bill omC"tt •• , Carrbo••· N. ll., on Jl'ebtacq %11. lllld,

l''"n••n•·nl r•trlLhmon ond he fur not making war on l~t-rmany. <~t l'<~pitun nt•xl Sunday, 110 there g••·ll.tnl~ru• th·· a •• ur .... t ul thc Thrr as11ert 111 the 11amc• bn•ath will be no preacluug at the Bap­bgurr-., •pwlt·•l. th<~t wo are unpH•pared: then what list dH1rch. H1• will be back in THE STAG w,. ll11nk .• 1ntl prohahly al'lo would Wl' IHIVt• made war with, timt• for the prayer meeting on doe~ our •OIIC~V'IIIdt·nt. that Clll· and who 1!1 rciiJlOnsible for our w'cdncsday, and we hope there ugo "1 hr an .. wl'r. Tbt• pMken uuprepart•dness:• Tht•re UJUIIt will be n!l large a tun10ut 1111 on I Where your presence is appreciated and the

Best Values given 111 lhr \V•nol1 ,.,,, .nnlrnl thr havt" beeu•"''lle rcrnis1neuon the l1111t Wt•dnesday. We had Utc meo.t murkrt ju•l "" ,~ .... luJ.-1\ '"' part of furm•·r udmin1•1tfl'11ions. luucst cro\td to praycr meeting 1

All Oood.s First Class • • • POOL l'laimaat ll&WIIO ft. WI&D-0: do lh<' k1nd1c'<l '"" "" "' llll .. · 1 Wt>dncsday I have e,.cr seen in a.nuo· ,,,, thr wlu· . .t ru.tlkt'l. 1 he b·hl·u<rt• bomo!tlead ad t:~rrtZOI-0 at 'lluih a ~crvicc. May

Aalonlo U. Vn~r•. Jo.<~pb Cloorp, Jobo 0Mrco, JOO<> ll. v ..... nil or t~orrhwsu, If. ll

The· wlu·,.r K'""'''r, IJkr lho live "hldJ 1111 " paued the lown hou!le the I{Ood work lcccp .rrowin~r. ,.h,. k ~erow,•r. f.• II- to rl'l'ctYe dol·~ not rne:l wllh the npprovnl Hea1embl•r, you arc welcome to anrthlnK hko· tht· murkf"t prkt· of Sl·nutor 1 all. llo has n. pub- all meetings of the church and fur hi" pwolud In ulhn word<~, lit: land !Jill. all ht<~ own. HIH bill Sunday School.

JOE R.. ADAMS, Prop. Carrhozo. N. M.

lUUJ lrM' PA 'l'l'O!f. ~ln.

Kotlce of rnbllcntion In tbe Dlalrld c 'oun l

th• 1llffrr 1 11 , ,. lu·lw•·•·n wh.t! the pru' "''''t for the "ale of apl'rox· --- --•--·-t:un!IIJ ot Llnculf} f 8prtnv Torm, A. D, IDJC.

u _ ---2--.L -· - - - -- ·_ }i!!Czz___ ..... ..... r:z=:c:E£:t£C:_ Mo ~Bl

prOtlu .. ·r rr~el""" .tnrl lhe t"on· •umt•r I"'Y' 1• tuo ~:re.11 to be lt"flltlmnte.. Thrre 1~ a '"I{ r,1k•·· ell t ht· , on•unwr pay11 t br atl· dlllonal J'fiCo·, hut thnt falls tu re• llvYC· I be protdllll"f

Tht· w.ar. tvo. whh h hna elt··

lm.alt•ly 27,UOU,«lUll a.-rc·!l and, uf Ju'lt rc.:elvcd, a car of flue Colo-

qnote very attractive prices on ~~Th:c;;;.~;;s;;--,_..1 U:;;;~;;}~;~~~;;~: '-our"t', thr lt'lllltur and 111" as· rado Potatoes. We also can snnall'" woulrln't IHJ\<' till" .:um· aon hnntt•t;lt•adt•r to clt•al with 1n the dl~p•• .. llwn uf .. u. h ·• pnnn·ly hNIIag<' -----

Flour and Feecl in wholesale Jots. · • Aealla. hla wtro; Aod""' Nt>Jcru aad A.atoo~ !" 1'1. M011 do N~.lot01. bla """"; Toribio Poaa, 1>1lr

llumphrc1 Brou. All BQnded Whiskey . , . $1.75 per Quart. ~ &ltaworeanntoTrttSIIIo.d~MdLua-:==::::::::::=:;::::;;:·~·-:::·::!· ~ .. ~ I .I n... It ra do 'R. Ptull. bla wtfallltld ell otberualclltnra

1• Port Wise • .SO pet' .,..an. " belnof(JQAnwTrttSIIIo,~J.I>Qdflll ba·

Sen<~lur I ... Follt•ttt• ha" an· Yalrtl lh•·•o"t ul •·•·Nr ~omnwdity, nourh·r·rl ht" tandidan· fnr thc re­hall 1 .. •·n u .. ,.cl ~~~ a me.1n" for



I·; Bh1cklterry !Iandy . , • .59 per Q~&a.rt. I! bown etalmADttotlntoNataJa t.bP pretnh ... • B W · · G I It ad tam lu th11 pltii11Ufl' end Plldro Plaa.

'• Old Kfnl'dom tended luskey • ~.OOper a lod. " n.uatddotl'olb"IAI,t>boYecamod,ILl'Dbot'l!bJ I • ~ noUII...t tlu!t a •ullin C'hai>C<Ir;r bu boea 10081•

lll&nlplllotllllg thr IIIIHKI'tl. Uy tbe1r • umhtnntlon the JJnrkf'r" havo· t.alu·n atiYunt.J/{11' of lht• "not• of the world. and while bold1nf{ lht> prO<Iu. rr hal'k wttb one hand. n•,,. hf'" nut with the otbf'r and t"Ud'l lrtbute from

pnl•h.-.on pre'lul.•ntlal nomination. 1

Tht· lllllll'allon'l, huwt•\·er, are that Tt•rlrlv wtll al{atn 11tcal hi11 thundt>r and capture hi'l dele· ~eate10. Sc\'ertbclt'11a, the senator hn'l thr harking of hi!! owo state

.\1,1. WOUR OVAllANT£1W

Denney tl1 Oaboro Land Office

and that of North Dakota, which "----------~•-____ _.

ll Whole~ale Priaa on Selpp'.s Beer ~~ ::',~:::~:',~:~.~a~~; !:~~a:;~~~~~ I~ tO Outside Dealers. Now Uqleo. b, 1111ld Tilllwortb Campoa1, a I • • oorpora!Jon. wbe"'b;r ""ld eorporaUoo -lao 1o I~~.,..,. N"~W'M"'._.'"W"'W"M~ qaletlta lltlatncertaio ma.U bin• aad boloa

.. alllltlto Ia Lincoln Cooat;r, deo•et'll*b foUowo 1 -·-- ... - Soatb-& Qa&rl<lr Sout.bfi&Al Q~Ulttar. Sectloo

11"'-----~--------------------"''JTlm, Towoablp EIOY~U> Soutb. ll&D(Iol &YIUIU..o

M 0. N u M E N T s Eu&. N ~I. p ll. • • • • • • • • - IUld tha.t ualH:a roo aotaJ' or cn.aao to bo em tend.

We carry the largest stock in the Southwest. Freight pre· JotiUPI*traneolnfl:lldaaitGaorbetoroU..Mb

Paid,every J'ob guaranteed. Write for desi"'US and estimates. . dn7 of llareb. A. D. 1916• d""ra" Pto-CctJt-.. "' tbe,..,ia wllJ be rocdnod llj!:lina& J'OU.

putR him In the lead of any of the want I If count'. JlfiCC!i aro ab· other a'lpirant!l for the honor. normal, hut llill' (l•lLker has thl' R. L. Ransom lfeaelit

l>ld He Say It? ScrHltor J•'alla" •1uoted u bav·

inr made a rather reckless state· menl oo the floor of the senate reel"ntly. In the couraC' of bis rematlta bo i11 reported to hn "l" madl' the followlnr usertion re· gardlng the MO.acre bomeatead act:

Bowers Monument Company rs...o ALnenT a. HA.llvuv. S~•nator Fall ha<~ iotrodul·ed Plasterer & Contractor 215 East Central Albuquerque. N. M, • ctort,

Bael R. Wood. AttortiOJ to. Plalcll1f eor-nnd it adYocntin~t a public land , __ ""_'_I~P_-__ F_ .. _ro..,••-bod_oo __ "'_l_kl_bd_•_wJ ~;:::::;::;;;;::::::::::::::~1 uo ... earr!-Nnrll'edco rcb.4-llar.s. bill all hi<~ OWII n1·9 It'll ofplu14<~1hllllldC«teoot work = __ __ _ ... -± ____ -= _:z!£L • ..

.. " J pro• OAIUUZOZO • · • NEW l!EXWO videa for the cession of all public Notice of Slate Scleciloa lands, npproximatt'ly ~7,000,000 -~-- -··· - ·~·--·· ----- O.J)(Iitmonlartbolotertar

acres, totheatatt'ofNew Mexico. THROUGH DAILY SERVICE CarrizozO Livery ~~~,::~~:~.~:r-The bill also provides that ~0 r1er KOSWELL-CAIUIIZ0%0 MAIL tiSil _ Mt>tl~o r. bonbuivoc tb11u!:~ ';Jo;.~ cent of the proceeds from sale Leave Roswell ........ S:OO a.m. !f•tleol11181llodlademnttytlcboolLaod &l-and lca'lC of the cession, a bout Chas A. Stevens .Proprietor Uon.&rial Oloo:lll, LlitCSJG, for tbl! tol!owtac-r4ea \l'C Ca rrizoto ••....• 8:00 a. m. . • • • . d.ectiblod bM'ppro.mted. bUI'<'llilrvtd, DOIWiilll· $15,000,000, shall be applied on A • R ll 4 45 etllll)ablle~da:

· rr1ve oswe •....••• : p. m.ll••••••••••••••••••••••••••lf Y..!!Nllli:S.C.a&,T.IIs .• n._ 8 ... N.Jl.P.· ... paJ'ment of the l~lapbnnt lJutte \ i c i 5 II ""' .. "I tb I . . I rr vc arr 102:0 •••••• 4:4 p. ru. 'l'h•Jiurfl(lteoft.blanotico latollll()w tdl per. n e lUll CaiDJlntgo, In tlYCrJ project, the distribution of the tooaotlllminll'tboliwdttd•melf,orda&U-lDa to

••unty lu the atate of New Me•· wateru thereunder and the drain· INTliRMllDtAT.lfPOlN'l'S 6eteral· Tr•n.ster ift- •bowittobilmhtPMilllcbunctat, 110 OJ)pOtlllo ico, an issue ftiJ'aiuat that mem· a[J'e or tLe "nlldy a· "''<JW T.'ll"• Picacho • T;n ... ·.. llt1Jto1llqobjectfolllutaeb lOUtloli ot' aereo.

.. .. • • y ,. .,.~ .,. " • ., " tllnl wltb tbtl.ll<rirl•tot or ROO.l\'otot the United btr of cuugreu wna hia MO·acrt phant Jlutte. Oo you get the HonllO ., Lincoln s~tat..aadOlfl<!e,•u Las crae~~e, N. u.,ibd homestead bill, and he waa •e- I I 0 Capltttn • Nogal Dr ly lte I u· ·. (., •. Be· . ( ( tbN&a~llllhibtlrlnttihltlllthe ... rll, or tllii ml•·

" word "be ow '? f tho rcntn hting 11 1 -•. _ ~.- · · -_-.J_ •- . .,). -erat•hitac:ter ther-oot, feated. Ue had been vlecten to so pt'r cent tbt blll"provitlcalutUof t ThrouR'ldatc one. way $8.40. . . .tOJiN L. nun.Nstn.ii:, ",••gren~ bsefore unci he Wnt de- it &hall gu to tbucbool fuml aml !~i\:~luedultG poipt$ & teUl$ pet • • senvtcE reb. li-:Va.t~~latO. ~"*'· ~ eated b7 ,000 majority; a.utl io the other half 111 the Jogilltatur¥ PROMPT • «.. Notltt t6t rifllleetiOa

nery preclnst ln every count,y io may provide. ln other watdth llOS\VELI, AlJTO COMPANY Del*ttmcc~!~1~hdaurf01" that •tate, a.n iltluc waa wade the Elcpbaut Batte·i~ to teetitt!' oWNt.R!J•Nu·flftQ.ltfl~ft~f' '~ t1attcnt$1Ate.·Liiutomc. aaatn•t blnJ of hhil advocncy or half the PtOCe". tl•• the -acbtOl!l on·"~ ~--. ' L_lv_·_e.-v ___ . . Barns ,Best Corrals ltotlietl; NW Wt>:tloo

" .., "' • t7 . . . . . l&lliWT~ ttilf tht 6•0.acre homestead bill." 'lua rter 11 Ull tli<~ oth~r- q~.tathn· to k_w_·. war_ t_ll _ .~-211l_·, ~Hi_·. Main $tteet Bl Paso Avenue :N•Ue~t u her•llr-~tl'en tw .Efl.ilitE.l'otu, oi

It t{to aen~ttor did make !Uich a be tliatrtbuttd ~~\l tba Itgitll!tlUre. 1 IW\n•w ~lUI Oai'rii~>~oo, N'. x •• lrl•ln ot Saiiluel .r.Pot...__ •••tem•nt-·a attahmllnt \0 pal· 11 tbl• -~ •ot ll ;~X:ttoHI\l Pf0p<:l$i• .. LU .. BIR ·(owp· AIY' ~<»~f:nritr'=u~~~~::~bt; f&lJiy ~rrontOUll that one is ltd to tlou with a l'tllgcauee, What is it? n . . . ·. 1'1. . n •. · P_hone ~2 tS, -~~~ t():~ .N.ll.l'. MmdtQ, hu llttf •"rt. "h f' tb · .., _ aetle&cr _blt_en~lea. f6 iii-~~~ ..tfa.Q YU·• :t•a. :quea\tvP • • acc.urac1 o o quo-- --•"'""'- _ Shht It ..l>Oqn; ; . tt N W:cti. . ,,_ , ~ .. . . Proot;w-.fllhll•lllllnliido&hlltlllid •~.~o,.. ti.,.. 1lUC!.it...,.tftea,lt muat ~cur to the Ladies l Sec Splrellu. anrl lltu• ~ 1/,:j't.Jti: ... ~ f.a'*!-r' ,! . *'&'• ..... illllllllllllliiil!llliliilllliillllllli••••••••llliil••ll ~ettbilcl, ~te .Uiotirtu. Jtl!f'fV, ()f•rk ., fllo-

. t g· W{qd tbat tl SeQ to ~ CllJ' Coraetli b~forct buyfug .Ae . .......,... r• • • ·r'l" 'R''· s· , .. (LA' t t , ... ~A-. M•' c '8111'-:lJff u· . '1'(-·K·., .. ( :.:::...~:~:.·hi&QIIi~f.ilt tJmi~Nt )(., :::.rii;tJ.,r~~·ral_JJ• 1

r~u&t :al'~J' r:te m•asuretu~~tltjllc~U ;~,~·; &!~::~:~~:t., itl tbUu~ ·. ·. .. . •• .. • .. -~t) L .• • . a. U\1\1 ->t. R . ·J 1·-~::i:=~~~ ... ~A-..~ Jlt __ tl_o ~ell_. •_b_ t,_ w_i_Jh h_ Ia_ c•llearu.ea __ ll<>_JUe_.•·. 'l"_bl~_pholie No_._. 1, 6t a __ d:_ • . . _.·. •. t •..• ) •. u .. ,. ....... t~--1 ·_ • ___ -.... _--j',. H li ..... ~ . . . . ·!Z_ ." ... ·-. __ ... _ ... ~-·.·llt.t·'·t.\. M_ c_ ......... _ ... _ ... _A·-· ·u,;,....r_..,.... '.· ••• tba·t"'l\tli.l1lUU to te~Adu~N$tt.P.·04lK)x:au4, .Mn.a.:.r. · "'''4' .... ,, •• ""'""''~ .,.(Ill and ,~cn,a.,.o •~"•*"JPOlP.tlon. An)'Wbete ~---- "'_ ~.,. ... ~ ......... ..._. ,_.rti~•:t&Jtl•ill'~i•l•••nalbi•~ l4c:U~tUlcu. Carrt.-.•o 1 ~ Ntw}lell~ •••••--•••" ••••••··· ·••••·t~· .. ,..,4,,t,. ~~.r~A~ ..

t. _,;_,:;;-.;.; -~~'''-."<~-~,,;.:\ .,.,,..,.~.:~· '-- , '?''.:~·. ~ -•~;_,;Jif;-,-r.7·::·';;'t: ·,, -~:;,·•;,,..l':;f-'4"it0i~ ';,;.IJ::'/i::._~.; . .'::l7;..~·.c::;~ •• , .. ~- u:.,.,,.., "• ;-.•


expenditures for Schools · THE POWE~UATRIOTISM. J war and neat · .J$2so:o.·~·.o.oo·o·:·;hi1~·~;~1 .... ·.$l~a~, .... ·P~o'Fas~loN.AL~c .. A.R~.os.·-·"1. n· S <lO);l'ltH'l'liU'ItO.\l PA<m ONE 1 UJo11$rlbntlldl 280,1)00 was the' grand total, or • ·· . ·:"., • .•. ..-.-.-- ··" ~-~'he tnt~ D('partment ·of Edn• --:---::- ---:": • ~~ 1 . ·_.. 1 an inc;reaRe •>f 'St::u. no,oon, di• ~~- u .. \s~m~N. · nvJ~I! 11 woon.. j

t~tum. b_as pre.pilred a masa of sa~;rifkc, *h•~b ~il~rttic:e ts ma_!le 1

Wh v llil<~ dte gignntk export l n·cliJ' caused ~Y the r~nropean ,r-:"'" 011': ~- • tMrl~!'l~>. N .• At.· PATENTS

~t~t.fshc$, c.over.!ng .e. ver. y c.ounty n.o.t for the J.nrhvuhtal, but tnr 1 tr<Hh~ or me. at. and tlillry proouct$. war. E~ports ol fri.'Sh> rpe. at (llonc A Sl\ RNN &: \\·.()00 1 HJ tbe.$t~~e •. whtchshow the costs otht:r!;!. who re~p the bl•n:nt.l for ltHS fa tied to. uoo~t prices .. m ~ere.~6 ... ,o~o,uoo p~u'\l?,s· · r.A wvnus flf t!lal~tl\lnlnlf eacl! school room The hfe of ?~rtst, the gr:\lt Ex·, tb<• grower? l'~xc~·pt for 112\ltto~ be~f.~j~5c~ea~:erit~au 011~~~~:t}~~~:! curtlllill!.l Otnc11 • F;l\ehllPII'I ~~u~k nnlhlhlll' l (llverage) at1d .also t~e amo~nt e~plar, tea~n· s real J>~ t.nQtbru, i and .l~mb, I he export of which ~0,67l,00l) iu l.!Jt4 fo 70,535,~,HiO ·- · ·~:· ~~··:---;--·~.J.~~··~.._... ()f J?oney .each co«uty t~> spen~tng swce He hved .anil dJ!!d for .has no~ b~ten materially ii:tcr;el!s~d ml.9lS and pickled.meats reached SETU F. clU~WS 9n u.s sclloola. The flgures <lo others. • . .. • · by the war, prices on rneata artl ~a,·ooo,ooo pounds in 1915, pr ap · A'tTOfiNnY /1.~ I.,4W n?t Jllclude the cost o( sup~\'· His~ory ts deiinlte. Ltke our liQ higl.ter than in l9l4i in f~<:t tncrease of a.lmost twenty m1llion v•sh:m. 'rb~ department's figures own .c:outttr!, ~H others ha.cl a. the treslt beef trade is sltlwer ~d~o~6 .o"e! 19!4• Bacou, ~20,· Will Pr'Sti~e ib Fed~rd a. net · $b .. ow th.l!.t thB cost of S»P. ervision defi.mte begtnnlllg. Tb~?;y wer~ t•>dav than iu l...n'4~ m.he que· o. 1. 83•3-~o·opoootl ds Ull9115 a,s agla9inl~f oscooo ta,.e .No~ .. rwts .M·.t:'l· XlCO Q~' h 1 b ,1 CQ ' d l t J tt. 1 f ? ,t • •U "·' -> 1 U'. 1 . pO!.tnt S Jn 'T• _., -'"1 C( :tio=~. ·~"~•· .. -· .. -·----~-

J, sc oP s .y state 11n4 county ~m<t.n et o teep .,e < a;r o. bon t!l uow g~:nerally aslcecl, Ham and shoulders, 263,900,000 NQTICETO TAXPAYERS reaches tile sum of $bO,OOQ per t?etr freedom through all gtlnem~ How long wiU it be possible for pounds in 191~ as agah.tst 14(),. GEORGE} SP~Nc:m All property ownera nre · .re• alfntun, or $30 for e11ch rQom. tlOns as a po~¢tuill ~a;r ~f ob· America to keep up tb.ese tre· 200,0~0 porutlls ln 1914, quested to call at assessor's office · Tlt~ ctlst per room·in each of serv\!Uce. Th1s to tlie clutclren ttten<lo1.1s eJtport shipments with• th~tAt~e~~r<l t~ .tigure out. ~~ere A'l"l'ORNnV•A'l'-LAw before t41irc& 1st, aud make a. tbe cout~ties is given as follows: ohf lsrael m~ant ,a per?tall~m t out .cansiug a shortage a.t home off nt" iftcthai~ dornast.unmoeur ~tol~esgtes· t n()Qms~ ~~ot~tl o. Exchlln~roll&uk nttJ.,, rtlet~~etiaornl9olf6.their property f()r

• orne land wtth ever,r soct'al an<l 1li . t . ,, · · .. . . .. ."' ... c CARRIZozo, Nnw M~x:xco "" .McKinley ......... $1,170 28 rr I rb .t ~ l d 'l'h Sll \'tent 0 glVI) t4e producer a supphes IS kept up, and It will as H. M. CORN, Assessor. Eddy.. . . . • . . . . . .

937.79 P~ 1 1~ 11 1 er Y a ac 1 ~ • .. • ese shafe of the prosperity now be· long as the war continues. Nev· CHARLES L. KENNEDY ll'eb. 18·25.

B 1'11 933.16 p~oplc yearned or tbts day, and ing enjoyed by the' exporter. ertheless, the stock grower feels ...-.;;;;;..;;:..;.;.;.....;....--. .... =="'·•·.:..:·==== erna 1 0 · · · · · · · · · with a desperate courag-e they In 1915 lhe

1 f tha~ he should participate to a LAWVER !'iotlcc lor l'ublitlldoa

Chaves ....... ·'... 868.60 defended it. Surronnded b" d . expor o meats greater extent in tbls war pros· OiluSO Dona Ana 8'-0,22 ·" ·an dtary products amounted to perity llluln., Lawaa~toltr Dopartmont ottbo Interior. •• .. · ·" u powerful neighbors who knew · • <>ftlcodQJo:ll.tolltlaro.Th"'"d•J• and !Saluud~r• Ot~ltoo8ti\I<'#!Antl0111~.

Col fax .. ; ... · · ... · 849. 9t _not what a . real liberty men n t, rr:========================::::: With Jubn Y. fl•wltt, WHITE OAKS. N. MEX. fioawoll, Now U4d~o. L 7 1 62 . •·obrnarrl8, IDIG, una • • · · · · · · · · · 'J the power of patriotism main• Notieo l•llorobrahon tbat Emltorrlo 011Uw.

Grant . . . .. . .. . . .. 7'Jlb0 lained for manr vears their R GEORGE B. BARBEH roa,or Unbat~tou,N.ll.t .. who, Oil ll'obrua1'7l8, S t F' 7J·• 8 • · A E YOu A Ml, mndo 111>.1'1, &rlol No. 014UO,twNli • an a 'e · · · · · · · · -.. 1 national lilt• as intended. Here NEll, 1oc11m1 lOt 11ud W"NW~t. S..llo• H, Sa J

17£ 14 • I A1'TOt!NRY AND CouNsl!I.I.OR•AT· .. n uan...... ... . , 1 again you will oolc with thc~e l 'l'own•blp ().S, 1t11nll" 1!1.11 .• N u P. Norhllaa, Otero f:49

l? l,A w hu filr.l oull~o of llltoutloll to noake 1/lual • • • • • • • M pcopll· their Jon~ when reading of I p V!Yo\'t~rl'roof, tu l)ltabll•b clolmtotbelaad

Curry·:-.··· 629.10 that palht!lic scene of how when 1i R"'A ~~TOR IAN ? Carrizozo New Mexico abuvod .. ~rtbOO,botureAihonll llun


Socorr '·25 54 · .. -- --·-- ·-- ot lbo l'rub~IAI l'ourt, In lua oftlco, aS Cartlao-

0 • • • u • the OnJ>ressors derunndn1J thn 1 N Sierra............ 616.02 Zions in the time of the Babylo· . ~ t!IHituau'n"mr.<~oowun"'-'

r •• " " I FRANK J SAGER J:O, • Al • on lin reb l!.\ IPIU.

T • Ao~ruotlo l'lunQ, ltafaol Chana, !llxto 8.411. orrooce ........ ·· 5fll.68 nian captivity to sing hvrnns of Fli4B INSU~ANCE to,At"'lontollunlo,..,•>llotllabeatoa,N at

Guadalupe . . . . . . . . 5Hl, 2S their n•tll\'1.! lrtml, hnw tlu.~y n•.l IF YOU Notary Public i Ellllb"IT I'ATTUN. I

· 1 , ARE NOT A PRAETORIAN AND NEED LIFE , ~· ... v. -!lurch u ~tt>atner ,1nco n .... :-711.20 fused, ~>:~.vinl-(: j Olllm JoKxohonw•ILiult.OurJavw.

Quliy .... .. 55711 "Huw shilll we• sing the Lortl'!>~ INSURANCE TO PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES ; !'iutlcc nl ralllltllliuo

San MiESuel 524.90 song an a ., 1 r.1 n~l· Iandi' ~ you can make no mistake in giving our District Mana-.Valencia . . . . . . . . . 522.64 If I for!{et Thee. o. Jerusilll·m. 1 ger in Carrizozo your application to become a member of Roo!levelt . . . . . . .. 515 ()U let m.1· right hand forf.{et 11 "!. this splendid Fraternal Order. Many of the best men Sandoval ..... ' . . . . £>ll.l 4 If -~n~~~~~~t rememuer The~·. let in Carriz<YlO and their wives have come into Carriozzo Rio Arriba.... .. . 41lll U'l t I h I 1 my 1111"Ue c e.p·e lO l t' ron u i Council as Charter Members. Mora . . . . . . . . . . . 473.'J4 mJ mvuth; 1 Union . . . 4hl 12 If 1 prefer not Jl'rll!lalcm above I 'H. G. Clunn, District Manager 'l'aos . . . . . . . . . . . . 409.1:44 my 'hal' I joy."

1'otal expenditures for schools llomcr, in ta1 .. Ilia<!. t~lls of the 1 M'f. H. G. Clunn has been appointed District Mamuwr

"!lllll' !lcntamcnt 1n Grt·e•·e. Ha11 for The Praetorians and will make Carrizozo his h'd-wnunl-(~ are as lll!lJHrattons to quarters. Give him your application and become a mem-tt•ll 01 noble patriotism. her of The Praetorians in Carrizozo. He has rate book

by countietl as follows:

Bernalillo . . . . . $174.'17'1 . .36

Ih•hold the hi11torr of the· Sp<Htans; of Horatius ddending and supplies and will be glad to explain our different the hndge; 1-lcgulu'l dela\·cring 1 plnns and special benefits to you.

Colfaz ........ J(J'J,755.5J Cha vcs . . IO'J. 721.94 Eddy . . SS.31>ft.t,£>

hlln'lclf to the t•nent.) fur I he I 20 - vear na,ument Dolr·cy honor of [~orne; Jvan of An: l .I ~ .,.-, 'J r•

Grant.... 82,5i2.5.'i Dona Ana 80,403.15

70,RCJI•. 4'' m<~rdung first to \'tctoq·. 1hen to' Our Lea ...ler ()e), 2'15. 'Ill Q1

Santa Fe San Miguel .... Quay ... . Socorro ....... . Union ........ . Curry ........ . Luna ....... . Guadalupe .. "' .. Roosevelt ..... . Otero ......... . McKinler .... . Rio Arriba .•.... Lincoln ....... . Torrance .. Mora ....... San Juan Valencia

milrtyrdom. Tlit·ose <lOrl many hi,H51! 79 hundreds of thetr like rtrt• found' 57.542 1 ·' 1n tht• pal{e·s of lll'ltnrr. who took l 5475~.11 k •.. ('\'t•ry rt!l , t'\'f'n '>Uulllltlllll{ 1111 5.l,HHS 52 dt•a t.h tt'lclf, lor ,·ountr}', lor lei· j :;o,oRS 55 low man. ' 50•·170•01! Nathan Halt' "P"kt' tlw 'lt'nll·' 41o.41H 77 tnf'nto. or lhvu .. and'i of hi'i ~:uutq··

1 45.H24 1\'l mt•n when he 'laid from the.> 10\:•lf· 4:;• .~.~·~ ZS f I I t I I I • I I h l d o 1 til 1e rt'~r('le< t 1at c ut 1 42.487 1•2 I I f f on y one 1 c to gtn• <>r his._, 41 5411 51 num t r y. i .~H. 7h5 tJ() A I' t ( )'"' • I . Jral!l, 1'1 l'n to .fuUrtlf ••l"ll !I .\i. 'IH. 47 I 1 d I I I I' I J <_)'II g wor son lit• ,atlt• k«: 1 .H.'H2 5.~ "Wrap tht' lin~: Mnund !Ill", and: .t~.'~i4.Hl l.q a told of iL untlrr Ill\ l.ead "i

The Praetorians sell eight different policies. The 20-year payment policy is our leader. Why pay premiums on a policy as long as you liv~. when you can get a poli­cy in The Praetorians and get it fully paid up in twenty years? Accident features in every policy without addi· tional cost Every policy worth the face value as soon

as the first premium is paid. lnve•tigate The Praetorian Plan Before You Buy

ln•ur'ance, Ill' All We Ash

J. B. SAVAGE, State Manager, RosweiJ, N . .M., fUH'RJ\SHNTfNO


.H.'I:''I 'IJ I "1, .. v 1111' dt~wn anet .. an· lh•· n .• u:< HI,'IJO h4 'a~t-d Colont·l M nlltf!an lo the 1----:------·------------------....J lb,i 4i IIH l"oldil•rs who were larr_,ing him!.· --- -· --

Tnos ..... Sierra ......... . Sandoval ... ·· ..

tn <~heltl'r. In tb(' ia,·e of death 1

Up l~daho jhe lo\·ccl uppermost of all the! I Weiaer, Idaho, Feb. 17, l'Hit. lla!f, tht• l'nthlem of tbt> rouotrJ I

Mr. John A. Haley, Carnznzo.l he loved so Wl')l. These art' only .N. M. I a few in .. tant:es, mere trpell of,. _

FORD Dear Friend. -I gue88 you i tbe general devottoo to country.

thought I b.ad forgotten you, but of the wonderful patrwtism whid1l I haven't. I bave thought of you. i'l felt today by every worthy j Mr. Ulrick and Dr. Paden very citizens of this republic. · often; also old Jake Ziegler and Wa~hington urged tb.1t a na· Heveral more of my old friends. I tion !lhnuld alway'l be' prepared would like to shake hands w1th. for the cruergencie'l nf war; you all once more. should be friendly, honorable I

The people here are not like but titm in it<~ dealtngq with oth• the people back there, thE'V are er powers; should foster whole· harder to get acquintt"d with. 1. smoe relations between the peopl(' am more Uied to their ways now. and their government, that they


Ther.e are lots of good people may trust and follo\V the guidance here. Tell all of my inquiring of the one they have el.ected to friends "howdy" for me. I send lead tbcrti. them all my best regards. At present we are the greatest

The Western Garage Has the

Local Agency for the Ford A Carload of Fords have arrived

and are being assembled

Roads~er $390 f.o.b. Detroit, Mich. Touring Car, 440f.o.b. Detroit, Mich.

A General Supply of Ford Acces• sories will be kept on hand I am getting along very well. neutral nation traversing the

I like the tout1tty fine. 1 went stormy, uncertain waters. of in• broke tlae first year, uot knowing ternatiooal relations. We arc apt jnst. bow to take hold. I had it to doubt and mistrust our lc.ader aft ta Jearn. I got along very who calmly and sincerely pilots w· t . 0

1 Ia Uoo Ulatr1v1 I 'court, 1 1 ...._ • D v•• l t 'uubl.f uf Ltuculn ttvr Dl( Awrm,-. • 1 4V·

No.U'I:. R· E. OI.ANI~Y


{)ffiice in E'lchangc Uank Building

J'oarl barr YO

Jooujlb llarr.


Carri:•ozo_. • _ • • New Me:au~~

1 D~tR. Plltt:ii.HV & SwuAtUNGJN •

I Spcd1tliats: Eye, Ear, Nose and

Tbo uld dPiftndout. JO<ltllb llarr, to ber.b7 nollflod lblll D onn hu heeo cuwa .. octd ...... .& JuU ID lbe O&o&rlot Cuurl fur lbe C-O<lall at l.lnculu. llli>Ut of New 11oaloo, br M1d Pearl llarr ...,...,lca lor .uworco •11<1• U.. •reWII1a of •h4adonmoul ontl d-rlloa, &hal Dnlou roo ont•' or t&t.l.H tu bet PUierod JOW' Appt!&faaca I• "'"ll •oil "" ur t..ororo lbo OU. d1t1 ol Narib. A. lJ. tulll. d...,,.. f'ro I :..or-o lbtrola wlU be rwoudon>d t\41UIIlol JOD

Throat, and 1-'ithng Gluaes


J AS. rr. O'BOYLJ\ ClttL

lluol II Wuud. Allorno1 fot PJataUII, Caniao­ae, N .. w IJfiJ

V 1!1'10UN AIHAN l"oh t Uatob a

Office 11 t Ca rri&ozo Livery llotlce ol Coatnt

c•.,nau:w. Nev u ... ,.,


No lr.%1.. llt>vatlwont of tbo f11terlor I ollod IUall>o Laad Omco

Uonroll. II•• UexJeo FobrnaQ a, IIlli.

J.'untral Dire•tor aod l4iccnsed I•;rubahncr I

To !l&muo'l 1'. !"h4p:naa, f)f --. Oookotte' \on'"" hCNibJ n<~tl&cd tbat Tnaman A.. ll~n.

..,.., wl"' ••••• llntrl..., ... H llaa .• aa lila pc•&. 'Pbnne t)b um .... Add-. dill on ~~o, .. l!ll. 11110, Dl• 111 U1t.

l .. ru .... b1• dol r """""''"''"" •vPliWI•D to ··~ Nnw ~~I! X ICO II "'"' ""'I -urv lho ........ II&II<Ul ut JOIIt lluC>Io

: ll!""d •:nor,, ll«ti d ~.. ullll:IO. llllldo rob ., CAIIIIZOZO

Carnzo Lodge u~naP to-K. s ll t• at ... ttii.IUJ, con• aaaouada r .. r '"' """'""' bo call- lha\ "llald ~I 0

. .~t·CJ'J, fur Nlll.~~l>t IKMlhm U, Towna~lp o.a,

No. 11 . 1 t tm~tt,aa ,.,.. r .. r tbe ""'',..,,.,,.len put wbol17 • , nb:&u<lo,_, ""' Uhl land aod baa failed to II YO

Knaghts of Pythtaa . "" llu &IUUO. Of ............... tmpron U.• ... . In nru man orr ·

Meets ever'f Monday rvening 1n \uu at». u ... rduro. fn•tllrr aoUitd that "'' I hi' Mauon1c IJ alI. A. II members ulll QJI"'"""0 ' ••II be takoo bJ lhlt otllc• u are urged to IJc present and rasit· llo•tna """ ..,,.,,_, h7 '""· 1111<1 ,.,., Mid

K . •ntrr will bo C<ltltolod tbo....,odu Wllb .. & fWf

tng nagbts welr•Jnted. tnrthM rt#b&tobnburd tboroi ... ouber Wote ~ i. T .Mc!Jnillcu, 1-~. A.O.Johnson, "''" nllloo or un opi'OAI, It,.,.. tall to II• Ia Utta

c. c. K. of R. & s.. oi!Jco WllbiiO 11tOQIJ dllJ• afl<>r thl rounTU

Carrizoce Ledre,

No. 41,

A. F.&: A.M.

pnbJir.a.t hm of t hi• outtce. &I .JJOWQ belOW, JOQ•

anaw~. aodor ,,..lb. ••-.Jd<:allJ m..Ua• aad,..

li(>OndUJ<f to u, • .,. a!l•ptluno of eoaw,, M ft ruu r .. u "'"''"''""'limo ... Olo ID lhlt om .. .s ... 11rool tbat ''"' bAt~ """"'' a ""1'1 of rou u-

br rqlotot••l "'"'' lltbla _,,.,. Ia ~ br l•wor nn t..bet L'1ttl eontN:taat •ltbor Ia peflfltl or

• tho d~IJ•orJ' uf ll ""''' of toor aoa•er &o the tttaatar f'....nrn.rnaoir""atlon• ur l'arrl&s.nO 1An1•• I e-ttlllftt.nnt .In IJOtaub PtOof ur •uch aonlce •a.at

!'so U, A f' ,, A II • for IU14 j ..., ollbn tho &aul ....,.,..,."'"''• wtll!tD a.ektluwi. J"hCIU'J' l!l. Fobra ... , IZ. II arch ••• April n. I od<tU>I>Dl "' bl• ""'clpl .,, tb• _,,.,hi. llle

M.,, 13. Janoll\ lolJ"' A.olll•t 12. &ptrmb<or o. J dor.. of'"' ,_,,,,. ur the a~ft of the JHirNII l)clol,.r 1, Nmomber f. D"''""""' D 111ld !1 b} whom lh doh•~f7 1tU mad~ etatlq whm

J I UUIVDN. W !I aod •bora tbo """' wu cfetlnt<>d, fl .W br !I Y llfi.LRR. "-""'""' ,..&tloto,.,l mAll. pruof of aaah unite UJQit eca· ~ -

1 al•& or lb• alll•1Afll ut lbt .......,n br wllcm the

~ · I 0 0 F ; """ wu oonllnl latina ttbon aod a!:a pod ct.-~: r,_ , e 0 I 0 ; llre IO Which It W" m•Jio<l. IUid \bla xJ!!datit

C:.rri.UZD Lod'e I IDQOl be uoom~l«<< hi &b• pootll'Daat.r'• n ~ - <!AlP' for lllo loU•r

NO. 30 I Yon abonld otnlll Ia 1oor UliWff tb. t:aao of

Carrizozo, N. M. Regular meqt•l tLe r-tcomco to wblcb ron daalro ratuteaoUo-. . b 1 d 3 d F :·dt ! n to ba oeol lc• ,.,u 1ng atg ts, st au r r1 nys. IUUJETT I'Al'TON,B.Pttt.

In each ruon t h. IJoto of Oro& pobllalloa li'eb. U, lOtS. WJ.t. J. l,AJWSTON, N. G. .. " ,_.,ntl ·• " U, "

,., .. .. lhJr.l .. tl, .. nr. 1. W. WATSON, Sec'y. h •• foatlb .. • • •• u ....

" ••.•••••••• , "!~!~.~~~~be~!~ ... ~

cerved froin the use of Thedford's BJack-Orauaht,'' writ~~ Mrs. Sylvania Woodl, of Clifton Milts, Ky.

"It c~rtaJnJy has no equal lot ta artppe._ bad core&.. · Uver and afomach troubles. J flnnty belfeve Blade-Draught saved my little alrl's Ufc. When she. bad Ute meulel, they went fn Ol! her, but one aood dos~ of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and the hu ha4 ao· more trouble. I shall never be without well last yeat, with a good pros• our ship of state. Itili rcsponsi· .. e. s· .. ·e .. r-~ . arage

peet of doing much better thi~ bflities are oppressive, he needs

year. l have a nice start of cat• out support and out' encourage• ~;;;=;:;;;;;;:;;,;;;;;::;;;;:=-;;;;:;::;;;:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;~i · tle and hOJ'$1!!>1 ha.vt! 95 acres of trtent. Let us give him OUf - a·.· •. . TH EE>FORD·s ,. land rented; 15 acres in aH'alla, strength . .to persevere in. his eat• ·. ·LA. . . . . . .C. ·.· .. ,K· · .....•.... ·.·o· .· ·l.·t·: .. ~-· .. ··u·· .. · .• G····. 1, ... ,..' .·.· ·~· orchard, berries and garden, \lHU nest work for out welfare. . . . . _ ~ 8IJ actes in grain; and I am on a Let us, therefore. meditate wefi Special l?aeilitits · · " 1 t 80 " t 0 For Battquet aud Dinner Partie$. · · · dea · o rettt acr~s more o te• the words, "My Country, 'Tis · · ton land. of Thee, Sweet Land o£ Liberty.'' fa ii11 home." For constt~lott, fndfa~ilth>n1 headache, dtJd.. . W'f! have b*'ll Jots of snow and Let us sing them as itev.er before. c· • E' . t. H lleJ., malllrlii, cbllli attd fever, bUfoustte!JS, and att llluli~ taiu tbis witHer. 'l'b~strow bas askhttr tt1m, tbe autht>t ·ot aU . arriZOZ() ·a tOg . OUSe ailments, Thedford's Blact(;.Drauaht hu·prottdllseJU~ btett iltree: 1el!t here ittlhf! ~allcyt · essings1 to holp us to live · ' t:~ w. OUI\NSY, Mana&'er. RIJ.abl~ gentle arid valuable telitt:dr. ~tlc&: tleepet in tbe mountabts. lite o£ true titiU!tls of this · · ~-- • . li 1<Hl t:uf~t front any Of ·UJeso cbmpliintl, 1r;f ~. ~bet~ i$ 'tiot mueh snow lefl itt antl ot the free. t>lauaht. Jt Ji a medtctne of knowu merit. ~e"··BVl the v1dtey nowt lt lil ·· •' ·H· '.('able Sup,pUed wtt.b th~ But v l•st. Silkst Silks. Silk$. \Vc . tnt' tttiltkeUft'ortts: · JUtt ()(· •pfendtd lrt~ P~Ve~ "- v•ru~ ·9o<xf, for

~-·~~~~ ~~rt~~~ -~~~~iii~~~~t~=~=~=;:::=::::~:::::~i~

By EDWARD D. CLARK. '•I. "' \1 uolllllf!(OU • bumorlnt.a dlr , lnr•·•l unn• Ui'Ort n ttmo that thQ rea· nun no rnnr1 y ht'WtiiJnpor nu~u aro op­""'"t"d to ponlllonn In th• United llt "' •·• 1 r• """ ry In tbnt tho Dt'rlboo' lor·nrt •l•·•tro• In tor onro In tholr llvco to ""' r11•1t tu u lot monoy. Ono gotn ""'' '" murh rrllm«y In tho building f'flntululnJC l'u• I•• Hnrn'o utrong box, lutt lu• dr ... on t gr•t lwld of OilY grent

lliiiCJ'Jflt of It ulthoUJ{h tlw "uJnrtun fJnld O.tC lo B

••·•·~ rhl "uv ruur, thun ralrly ronJrortublo u .. l,.•rt WI• kllfTr• \\ ooll••r In on« of tho Intent

of Auu·r1tt•a "••ll bunwn uc,wnru .. ptlr "'on to bo "''''""'t"d to n tu•ult 1un 111 thn tr.,noury rlnvurt· UJunt An "''IJINUJP rltw hnn puC It, \\'oollt'Y rnnhflO

mnr" "'"'"'Y thnn ally oth<'r n1110 In tho Unltod lilnt•·n. ""' ft11• I" n.onnl dtffirully lo thnt ho Ill not nllioWC'rl to kl'<'ll thn (lrOt'f'l<dR of hiD IUOOU· fll• tur" :lr· In tllr dlr.,dor or thn mint. and cvory· bodr known lhnt "'" provlnro or tho mint Ia to tllrll nut IIIUhl'f fur thO IDUllltUdlnOUD UOflD Of lbO IJ<'O(IIr nr o .... ~ llntll'd Htntf'D

Thorn nro not rnnn)' notvnpll~nr mnn In tho rountry whu urn bottt•r known than tbla pronont offlf'lnl uf l'nrlo llatn'n govommnnt. Woollo:r look a nhout thtrt y )'f'nra old but ho rnn ndd quito a numh..r or )'<'ora on to thnt nod «Jv, no lie to thn dntn of hlo blrtb lie bna boon a rnportor, n aporllnr "dllor. n mnnngtna odltor. nn editor, and a wr1tf'r or mngnalno artlrlon, nnd tOtlny ho can pkk up nnr ono or hla old Jobs nnd do It juatlro, and If thn whlrllal« or polltlra In tlmo ahall thruat blm forth from lho portala or tho tronnury de­partmont. hn probably nnd v"rY onturnll)' will tum to trend In tho old Arcuntom"d wara.

The •rltnr or tbla hna known Woolley for a cood many YMra. and •orkod with him nldo b:r ahlo for II ('011nldnrnblo l<~nlf(b Of tlmo 011 ll rrent !'hlr·n~ro dnlly Woolley wall then A aporUnr edl· tor II" 111 nn outdoor man. who lovon tho thlnp wbkh all run bloodod Amorlt'a.na lnve, 11nd, more­our. hn known bow to wrlto nbout thorn. wbothor tt b<> ao a don" ftnlab on n Konturkr trllr'k or a 14 lnnlnaa "oo far'' o to 0 At tho National lcacuo I'T'Oundn In Nnw York clly. Woollo:r loYoa aport for aport'a aako. but It muot not b1.1 auppoaod for a minute tbnt aport evor OCt'UPiod tho maJor part of !lla tlmo

From boyhood until thla dar tbo proaont direc­tor or tho mint ho.a boen a 1tudont or ondolollcal <'Ondltlon•. or oconomlca and or tho waya and mOADA Of JoctalatiOD tO pt for tho Pf!Oplo what aooma to tbo progroulvo-rnlndod tho thlngn which they ouaht to bovo. ConvleUou• !bat cortaln ltnol of pnweduro wero tho rlrht onoa to follow, and 0 dotormlnntlon to follow them, hnvo rlvon Robt\rt W. Woolley mllliy 1tnmuoua and oxclttnl houn durlnll bla long nowapnpor careor.

It 11 not. norourny to 8%plaln to tho pooplo ot tho Unllod l:ltate>a what a political rtn1 Ia, nor Ia It noceuary "to oxplaln what an IDYlllblo COYOm· mont Ia. Certain bravo aplrtta In uowapaperdom hno bean orbttna rtnp IUld lnYialblo covommont tor :roara. and It hu mado no dllforencf.l to tho eoural(noua onoa whothor tho rtna wa1 composed ot men of tbolr own part)', or wbother tho In• Ylllblo cov1.1rnmont llkowtao WI\& tlnaod with a parttaan color of a buo ordinarily doomed ad• mSrablo by tho cruudora. Tho director of tho mint Ia a Democrat, but ho bu toucht Domocrata when they wmro tr:rlnr to OJ[plolt tho paoplo tor aolftah onda. ·

Not lon• attor he «~ntorod nowl(lllltlt worlc tho director or tho mint bad a "Umo of It," which tNted btl eourap and tho atncortb' of hla oonvtao tloaa. I am not rotna to montton tho nauno of the place whore a certain thlnJr happuned, but unquutlonably tho aeono of U will bo neoanlaod bJ man1 and tha dot&tla will be romombercd bY men who hne not yet arrtntt on tho bofdora or middle aro.

Don In tb(l South, and not v~..y Car In. tho Iouth. Clltbu, nobort w. Woollat W'AII once 111ant«IDI odttor of a llcwapal)Qt ot l)romhtonco 1ft a· clt.Y of eonatdorablo alae. The (blot odJtot ot hlJ paper and. tho mayor or tho town. woro 011pJO(t In a row. tor the mayot, It W'l.\1 'boUotcd, wtl f30111lOOtot: wltb a munlclpal polltfcat tomb1• nat.ton whteb, Qlll tho c4ltor ~towed lt, na fat .trQm bc~tnr an tn11Ututlon lntmul<',il to l!onoftt tho *Iill) ot tbo community. FhiatJt tho Itt '«~II --~,f In~ tho Uo 11, or wat~, anf'tl'at• • ~~ ~lhttnr wohl tn c:crt11tn coll\IUUUtltt~a. . ·.. . ...

"' OtHI momtnr Ml'. Woonor w~ut dllwn. tC) fh~ tl~wllPap(;l om~» tnd tound Ul.~ m!ll'lt at tlhnowu . oil btl IO.Qi Ol~'h ~ltb I t\11\ tn l,\&Jl!l; b!!lilttiJ ltlQ ,

Tho Building Ia Uncle Sam's New Money Fac­tory, and Dolow Aro Bmployoo1 Count1n11 Hl1 Mllllona.

ontlro l:tuolnoao offieo rorco of tho 1\0wopapcr prlnor10ru behind their countoru. Tho lntrudora wcro throntonlng to oboot anybody who llttcmptnd to loavo. Woolley bnd no gun. Ho cntorod tho office IUld procoodcd to nddroua oomo rcmnrkll mado up ot worda ordinarily conoldcrod or tho Orhtlns kind to tho armod tntrudcra.

Woolley reached tor a tolophono, took It olr tho reeolvor and wno laurhcd nt by tho cunmon, who tohl him thnt thoy bad cut tho wtro. Woollo:r ntond thoro with tho rccoll'l•r In bla blllld tor a minute whllo rod·hot Yorbtogo woo oxchlUlilld. Then Woolloy walked atrnlf(ht by tbo two·nrmcd men o.nd went out of .tho door. 11nd neither ono .. .nrod or dared to lntortoro with him.

Later II dovolopod tbnt whllo tho rot'oiYor wao oa. although tho wlro hnd beon cut. tho cblof C!dltor of tho paper at hlo homo had token oa hlo own rot'olvcr to call up tho omco, IUld· found bo t'OUid not rot lt. Uut ao only ono wlro woa aovored bo board a largo part or tho convol'll&· tlon tn tho omco by meiUlo or tho uncut wtro connoctod with tho office tolopbono. What ho board artorwonla waa uoed In cYtdonoo, tor t"OUrt proccodlnr• woro brought.

Now. It Ia juat hero that an ordinary newspaper man would huo become dlaguatod with tho pro­roaalon which bo waa trying to CoJtow and woald have thouaht that tho wbolo world w111 out or Jo"lnt. The mllyor of tho town and hla eon were odltora ot a rival nowapnpor. Tbla rtval atood, or course, for tho muniC'Ipal ring, IUld It Willi

thlnga which appoarod In Ito rolumno which had eauaed tho othor odltor, Mr. Woolloy•e cblot, to put tho llo In prtnt. Wbllo thlnga aoomlngly wero attn at whJto bent between tho two camps tho m11:ror IUld bla rival editor, whom bo wao ready

·to ehoot, or bo shot by, mndo up their dllrorenc09. combined tho two paporu, and thus Woolley, wbo had dared ovorythlng for hla chief, woa forced out. and In tho parlanco of tho atroot. wu ''left to bold tho bar.'' In othor worda, Dob Woolley atood tor rtabt and prlnctplo and thon lost bla Job. ·

There wu a celebrated law ca.ao In Kentucky that attractod world·wldo aUontlon. Aftu tho munii!IPAI rtnr t!Piaodo and Mr. Woolley bad loat hla place aa manaatnr odttor, bo boeamo a ro­portor and ho handled thla ca.aa. Thoro ca.mo down from ()htcaro at this tlmo two no'lflpaper men who aloeo baYo bocomo widely 1nioWt:I-Eu· rono nortrand, now or tho Now York llorald, and Wllllant Ill. Lowta, tbo. odltor or tbo Now York ToiC!ftaph. ThoY hld bo«lll aont doWt:l trom Chi· caro to work on tho matter Wootlay had In hand, and tht!Y' bocamo acquainted wltb hlm. Tboy found out a lot or thtmsa about hhn which ap. p~od to their ntwapaper eonso. Tboy also dl• coYorod that bo wu tond ot Amorlean eporta. Thot want back to thlet~o a!ul a eb.ol't Ume th«ln!at'tcr Woolley, 'Who know nothb11 abo~t their tntoreat In hlm, reeolvod an otter from tho Obi• ~ TrtbuM to bocomo a rllportordn tho apnrt;. llti' dol»\ttnitmt ot that paper. Ho wont to Cht· Q&o, !Ultl It wae not toni bototo M biltatM the aporttlil tldllot ot tho UilwiPI\tlllt' 'Whoso start hll Sotnca. l"rc>~ Cllteaco 'the J>toll&nt dftel\tor ot tb~ .tnlnt

w\'!.nt to Now 'rork. •nd tot a l®lt tlmll 'T(3s. ~m· ))fOtod ~1\ Uta Now YQrk Wotttt, 4lltUo lntor. J& I!OU\Ob0d7 (ll•~t bl\. p~t U, ••M ;rle)l\(ld l6 thO t<lmp;. ~Uon ut • M•uUM trul't :P\antt\U<in Jn "t~-."' . 'l'lre ·~ wM ubt atttltoth~ t4ldon. u tar u th\\ l,ltoCN~dll train U14 ·e.10: ot tho· t.l'l.lll~ we~ra c:or,t. tt~nwd:. •M ~r. Woollef41we)Jt blck lnto lilo i1i1Wa-p"pet Jlt()f.-llou. · · ·

For ojx montho, which he bno described as "alx eventful months.'' ho was tho editor of n nowopoper In a aouthom town, wbooo localitY ·r ehnll not give hero, becnuno or certain clrcum· stanceo t'onnectcd with tho case. Thoro ll wno IUlotbor t'ruondo ngnlnot a municipal ring and anothor t'aoo of being compollod to edit with a rovolvor In tho bnntl nn•l nlao to wnlk with n guo exceedingly hiUldy. Tho ring evontunlly wna brol!on tnto blta, but mcanwhllo Mr. Woolley hod •oot blo nowopnpor.

For o ohort time thorcnfter 1\fr. Woolley '1\'111 tbo editor of tho Son Antonio Light In Texan. Thon be wont bnck to New York nnd entered upon a renllr nolnblo caroor 110 A mngulne wrttu. Ue wnn ornt on many neslgumonto throughout tho country for somo of tho bl"-Dl mago:lnoo In tho Unttod Staton, und thon bo became ono of tho \VIlohlngtoo correopondootn of tho Now/ York World, o poottlon which ho held for nbout two yearn. Then llfCaln Mr. Woolley tumed to mngn· &Jno work. nnd In tho :renr 1911 bo bocamo tho cblof lnvenUrator or tho congrenolonnl commit­too appointed to look Into tho nlrnlrn of tho Unit• od Eltntoo Dtool corpornUon. Thin eommltteo wall known no tho Btnnloy committee.

Der_nuoo of ltll wtde-rcM.hlng olrectn, It Ia prob­able thnt a magnxlno arUcle entiUed, NTbe Plun· dorcn or Wublnrton." wae tho moot notable r..ontri)Jutlon to tho ~nowl! and Information of tho day," which Mr. Woolley over wrote. Tbl'l article waa procodod by an Intimation tbnt anyono mono Uoned and who choao ao to do might know thnt ho bod rocourao In tho courte. In other words, tho tnrormntloo upon which tho artlclo wOll baeod w110 tostcd In advance. Tbla nrttelo waa called by tho pro111 of tho tlmo "fcarlcsa." It dealt with oomo of Waohlnrton'o blJ bankoro and real M­tnto men 11nd wltb a ~ mnny omdala.

Woolley was writing Ju.t as bo wrote whon bo woo altnt''klnr municipal rlnp In smaller town• or tho C"ountry. It ta not too much to eny, per· hapo, that tho article largely wu retJJ)onelblo tor 11 comploto chango In tho manner of men ap. polntod to pooltlona of high trust tn tho monJ. t'lpnl government of tho city of WubJngton, for Woohlngton In a way hna municipal 10\'0ntment. bolng under the rulo, or course, of oonareaa. but having a board of District commlnlonera aa rNJponnlblo heacta.

Ham Wl~h PlckiiJ S.uce.-~~T a /OW·,JIOUnd plf)Ce of i~mdor l'!lW liazn, Rellion the ·~ IUtll nt~atlr trJm all ro~~cnd, ]{eat a ~bloswon(ul ot lal;'!l In a. s~uc~pan; .. ,. ·w: tho. l»!.m .. IU!d llshUt browp, tor tlve m.tnu~os on each aldl!, .. Lttt up the ~m an(l place on· 11 plate, ;rut Ill the l!aucepaJt tWo ounce" ot larding po.-lt C!l~ Jn ainall PIE:~ces, on~ sD;lall JJQUDd aUced carwt, oile IIZXlall .allced · onion: one brllllt:ll l!Uced cel!!l'f, hfo .,ranehe!l ot ellopped ll!Lrs­ler, olle bay ltlaf, tWI> cJovl)s and one l!a!~»oontul or th~e, Allow thlsmf:~;• ture to bt'own tor flve nlfnqte!J, mixing occall!lonally, ~na 11.dd the ham, -MPisten wltb a cup o( ,hot water, and, It h~&ndY; t.wo tablfJ,spoontuta Qf toD;latq julc;i!. Season wttb halt a. Wa!!POQnf'ql .of pop. per, Cover the pan and lot boll for tlve mtnutea. Then place In the oven to bllkll tor 35 minutes. Strntn Into ~thor eaucepan and add six vinegar J)lcJtlea, llnely chopped, one table­aJ;IOonful or chopped capers, hlllf ll tea~~poonful ot chopped parsely and 11 tablespoontul of vinegar. Lightly mix and boll tor two minutes. Pour over the ham and serve. This dash roaulres careful prepllratfon to be tasty, but when properly cooked It Is a meal In Itself with a service ot potatoes.

Delloloua Ham Savory..-PIIlce In a cbopplng bowl three ounces of.coolted, lean bam nnd chop tor ten minutes until It Ia 11 smooth pulp. Then add half ll ~blespoonful or good butter, two teaspoonfuls of table oauce, bnlf a saltspoonful of cayenne pepper and halt a teaspoonful or mustard. Chop tho whole well togother for fivo min· utca more nnd plnce thlo pnote on " plllte. Prepare olx omall round pieces ot tollllt. Divide tbo ham preparntlon evenly on the toaot IUld oerve lmme dlatoly,


Do not try flab In butter. Do not allow Oah to stand In water. Vory good Ooh chowder Lts modo

lrlth haddock. When tho toP of tho !JtoYo Ia rod

hot, tho oven Is not bot. Old velveteen nhoold be 1!4Vod tor

poii.Bhlng clotho. Dry Oour rubbed on tin with a newo­

papor wlU clenn It benutlfully. Chocoo In very nourishing, nnd

should bo acned In mnny dllloront wnya.

Do not forgot wbolo hominy when planning nourlohlng nnd lnoxponaiYo dlahoo.

French Cried pototooa dipped In cornmeal boforo trying nro c:a:collenL

fJaked Applf.l Dumpllnga. Boloct tort appJno, PAro and ooro

them and cut In qunrtora. Threo llll'go applet should mnko six dumpllnga. Tho donsh Ia IDD.do aa followa: Two and a half cuptula of flour, ono heap. lng toaapoonfal of baking powder nnd ooo toaspoontul of aalt. Sift tbnoo ln-­fJ'Gdtentl torothu. nub two-thirds cup of lard Into tho flour and mb: witb enouah ooJd, watu to mako a dotJch which can bo easily handlad. Dl'flde tho donrb In six pe.rta and roll eaeb part out tarro onougb to hold the apples. When tho dourh Ia rolled, put tho applca In tho cantor and fold the douch over It, plnchlnc tho ends torether. Bako In a shallow buttero<J 4lah In a modcrnto OYen and aorve witb crcatn and aurar.

Com Pudding Au Qratln. Dice two ta.blospoontula cream

eheeeo. and mix wllb one-halt pint caunod corn. Add one-bait ptut milk. one well·beatcn egg, one-half tea­IJPOQiltul 1upr, one-half teaa,poonful aalt., and pepper to taato. Now molt one tablllllpoontul butter In bakin~ dtah. pour in tho Jnl'rturo and aprtnlde bread uumba OYer top. Bake In a quick OYen. When I open a can or corn. I always divide It In two, and make two dlft'orent dlahca of ft.-Boa­ton Olobo.

faye wtt ~·n·~ Jo11k Clr fet~l right wtth tl:l.. •»•tt~m filii

of pol1on,,,

)WUon• ot (otkli, batho lnterpllJ now fp.qteatl. of Ioil.d~ ~!llr ayateli!a Wittl c4'u,~:s, ''Wb.at'a an fnalde batb. t•• , you eay. Well, 1t Is ~),'IUI,teed to p~ tol'IIl mlr•~ea It 7911 ~outd • bell~• , \ · tbeao hot wat1,1r enthtis~ta. '

Ther!l arewaat numbers ot ml!!l, ancl women who; tmwedlatoly up()n arte~ 1n tho morning, drink a cttlls q( --~ hot wa*er 'With • teaspoQn(ut 0( um. stone Phosphate In It Thf4 t.. & 't'oq excellent healt)l me!L&ure. It t• fD. tended to 1!ush tile stomach, llver.ldd· nays and the tblrty feet or llitosUnu ot the previous day's waste, 11our bU• and Indigestible matertal left orer ID tbe body which, It not eliminated ent'7 day, become food tor tbe mtlllon1 of bacterta which infest tbo bowolll, the quick result Is poisons and to:dna which aro then absorbed Into th• blood caustnc headache, bilious at­tacks, toul breath, bad taste, coldl, otomach trouble, kidney misery, sleep. leanness, Impure blood and all 1ort. ot nllments.

People/ who feel good one da)' an4 badly the next, but wbo •Imply . cau not get feeling right are urged to o)). taln a quarter pound or Umoaton• phoophate trom IUlY drugglat or atore­keepor. Tbls will coot very little but Ia ouiDclent to make anyone a real crnnk on tho oubJcct of lntomal •ant· tnllon.

Just as oonp and hot wntor act OD tho okln. clcanatng, sweetening and tresbonln(l', oo llmcotono phosphat• and hot water net on the otoiDD.ch. liver, kJdnoyo and bowolo. It lo nst­ly moro Important to bathe on tho In· oldo thiUl on tho outnldo, bccnuso th• l.kln poreo do not oboorb Impurities fn.. to tbe blood, while tho bowel porca do. -Adv.

It cootn Orent Drltoln. on an avorar• $1,600 11 year tor cnch miUl In roplar nrmy at tho prcaont Umo. ·


"Papa's Dlapcpsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs In five

minutes-Time ltl You don't wont n elow romed:r wbn

your atom11ch Ia hnd-or an uncort.aln ono-or a harmful one-your otomacb Is too valuabto; you muotn't Injure lt.

Papo'a Dlnpepsln to notod ror Ita speed In rtYlng1 rcllof; Its harmlcu­JlruUI; Ita certain unfatllng acUon In rcgulaUnc alek. 1our, ,noay stomach~. Ita m!Wona ot cnroa In indlcoaUon. dyapepala., rastritla and other 11t0maeh trouble boa ll;l&do It tamoua tho world OYer.

Keep this perfect stomach doctor IJa your homo-keep It hondJ-Cet alarp · fitlY-<!cnt caso from any daaler an4 thM It nnyono abould eat aomethln1 wblch dCXlan't a~ttoo wfth them: tr what they Mt laya llko lead, forment.a and aoura and forma gao; ca.uaea head· aebo, dlz:lncsa and nausoa; erueta· tfone ot aeld and undtrestod fOOd­romombor aa eoon all Papo'e Dlapopeln eomeo In contact witb tho ntomnch all auch dltstresa 'fiUllahea. Ito prompt­nan, certainty nnd oaao In ovoreotnlnc thl.l worat lltOmncb dtaordon Ia a nrr• latlon to those who try IL-Adv.

Phfioaophora are mlltl who lmac!U they are In tho foolproof cta.u.

ln the year 1912 Mr. Woollay wu the editor and complier of tho ''Democrntlc Text Book. .. and wu r.blet of tho campalcn of publicitY bureau ot the DomOCl'llUc nntlonal eommllteo. , l{o al.so com­plied tho text book of t9i4. Hla pi!Utlca.l amua­Uona at thll tlmo. however. nowapapor men be­lieve, did uot haYo anythlnr to do with his ap. polntmont to omce. ltla eft'orta alone U~ral and prcgr01111ve linea bad attracted tho attention or Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Woolley waa appointed flrat as auditor tor tho fntcrtor department. an. omco which. dot~plto Ita nlliile, Ia under tho control of tho treasury dopnrtmenL Then ho WU rfVClll hto pro11ent poaltlon u director of the mlnL llo to fllllnc IL


Veal Scallop. Chop cold rout voalljery tine. put a

la7er In the bottom of a pUitdlnJ dlab, eeuon with salt and pepper, cover If with a layer or rotted crackers and btta or buttor; wet well with milk and eontlnne ttntll dlab Ia tu1L 'Wet the whole with broth and mllk; lnYort. a pan OYer It 10 as to retain llte&ln and kke otie-halt hour.

~ross, feverish, conatlpat ... give "California Syrup

of Figs." A luattye today eave~ a atc:k ddll

tomoi'J'OW. Children elmplJ wm -lake the time from piQ' to empt)' tMif bowels. which become clone<\ tiJ ... wute. liTer r;ete eiU1&1ab; ~ aour.

1 am wrttlnc thll· artlcto with teeltnp of per- Italian Salad. aonal admiration and llktnr. perhaps even of af• One cupful of ehollod peanuta, four roctlon, for I have 1cnown WoolleY for ye&ra. He l&rp bananas, a rew whtto crapea and Ia a tried man. lte Is one or tho newspaper fra-ternity, and after nearly a quartet of a cenlUI')' ot one cupful of mQ'onnalao drualnr. ctoao acqualntanro I mow that I ean ea:r that be Put the peanntl tbrotta)& a food Chop. Ia an honor to lt. :R.obert Wl~lllre Wooll01 Ufel per; IJJ)llt the bananu and dfp them Just outaldo ot Waahtncton ln l'alrtax, Va. tt lll fn the chtll!lllq, then roll 111 the nut~; t11ta UtUe town· whiCh has l)Ossenlon Of tho 'If WI SUY8 on erie~ lettueo le&Tea PI" o( · ooorre and Martha Waahlnatoti, and tome Jdahe4 "'fltla tile arape.. · parts ot tho blll of rt&htl or Ooorao l!rlaaon. n Tomato TtmbaiN. 1• a aood plaeo tor a llemoct'at or atronclt pt'O- BOil t-tf<l tuPtola of tomawe. IUl4 aronlvo tendoncJos to Uve. ..~•• ~• .. -•- t ...... 1 tt

Mr. Wot\ltor marrlod. Muauertte Trehntm ct ...... u Ullloti ...... &.w.u "· ...u c en wtnchol!ter, Vtrctnla. Tl\t!Y b.aye tour chltdtU"' ~.'d.~~~df~=a:n:0:fi all atrls. Tho tam. Itt Ute ta . ot tho khul .·~ illDal1 buttereclmotll-. set fl1 r. .Pan of counttJd tcleat. Jn tho .boold Mr. Woollot la »,ut laot ntet ud bake untfl 11rm Uti down ati nobort '\V}Citltrto Woolley, .but n&wall.alfflr tard.. tnon hom 'tOot to eoaal and tr«>m th« canada. lln.t · clil to thll Uutt ktiow htm mu~ biltter u ''lJ()b/• Nkocl onton WiU. th~.

.. Peel· eel eut out lit one-halt inch 8AftCTV PIRl'f IN Af..L tHINGS:. •uee. lute white ontona. ParbOJl tn

Look at tho toncne, mothetl It..._. od, or your Cbtltl ta Uatteu, c:t'Oiil, flilrl. nrlah. breath bad, reatlen, doem't eat lleartlly, tull ot cold Or hu eore tbroM or any other chtldren'a aUment, ciT• a teaspoonful ot ••c.tttornla smrp ol Ftp," then don't wotr)', beeauee tt Ja pnrleetly harmle.,, and fn a few h<llll'1J all thla constipation ,POIIIOD, lOut bit• and termentln1 wute wm &onUt move out ot the bowoli, and )'ott li&ft a wetl, playful cbU4 again. A thcirf.. ough "1neld0' eleanaln ... ts oftthnft an that fe n(!coa-.r:r. It ahould btt Uui ftrat treatment clven 1n t.n1" afcb9i.

B01r!U'O ot tountertolt ftt Q'rUp&.



"Why do 1ou ~~:ht!lY11-tatrt Yllnr t.Unbren•; ~•t~n · ~~ra~n~~~~~~'!t ~~: whan lt t$' not.. tnhdu!t" . . .. . . .. . . tet. IUI.d b&!t:e untfl .ott; t.hftU. *Ptlnkte

A.llk: at the atore tor 1. sO-eent bQttle ot "Celttornta S1l'UP ot Fir;~." whleh: liai tall dlteetfons tor babies. ~biidml ol aU arolf and tor rromH!ili pl.W, »rlntod oil the .. bottle~~ ~dT. ·•.l ~J

• 1''80 I!QmCOill)' l;ll~IJ Woil't ~ U "'fh'tl:l 'lt til '1fitll •tt~ llflpl)ct atid I. Tilfct tif Talntnt.~,_t'ann.~~:tlvanl' ~ch ~-.,t. 1\h:ettit~. )l11tum J6 \h.i!l ot~ ton•

A MAAIN~'JoY·-~iQE. t®Uili to tnetl tli~ Cha~ae. ·

· Motot ltoatC~'t Ue> ~aJ'IJi:ltet-}-l>ld JlSil we~e 'IZ\t Wotlh .. Knowfng.. ~ cut \tow¥\ t)l~t t'ieMrJbttllli tM i!ltlttf . . .. . . ook e.n~•· ahould M.Jroflod on }lapt\tlteHu~t ~. Ualllf. a.baolt· ~, mvcll Ul•~il46 'Wltlt 1ton.11 ~lllre' not

.Nu: .. uwiii®tn..., . ;. toci.llot • .

'Too ma,n:t ot the ttuup ,;e walt tot' ate 'bOt worth Uro tltllay;


'l'houoando or Koreans bave applied Probably nothing dispels glrllnh U· Cor Ruaolan citizenship, with a view lunlone so quickly ab marriage. of jolnlns tho Ruonlan nnny.


for sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and


Oct a lO·t'ent box now. No oddn how bad your liver, atomnch

or bowt>lo; bow mu<'h your he11d aehca, bov1 mlol'mblo and unconHort· able you nrc trom conatllltltlon, lndtgoo­Uon, bUiounncno 11nd oluggloh bowels -you 11lwnyo got tho dentrcd renulta with C11ocnroto.

Don't lot your itomneh, liver 11nd bowola make you mlooroblo. Tako CB!Icnrota to-night; put an end to tho hcodncho, blllouaneoa, dlulnena, ncrv· ouanena. olck, sour, gnooy stomach, bocknchc nnd nil other dlotrcso; cleanoo your lnnldo orgnno of nll tho bUo, gnnca nnd conoUpoted mnttcr wblch Ia productnc tho mlocry.

A 10-ct>nt box mcann health, hnppl· neno tllld n clear bend tor months. No mcro dnyn or gloom nnd dlatreoo lf you will toke n Cascnrot now nnd then. All stores noll Cnncnreto. Don't Corget the chlldrcn-tbclr lltUo In· alden need n cleanntnc. too. Adv.

And many a woman wbo 1o abort of breath Ia long of tongue.

PREPAREDNESS J To Fortify Tho System Against Orlp •hetJ nrlp It ~ovAloat LAXATIVE BROMO QUINtNn ab<>ald be taken, •• thb eomblootlen cf Onlclna wltb other lngrll<!lentt. de.atr<>71 aermL aets a1 a Tonia and Lauth·• and tha1 toepo the IJ'ttem Ia ecndltlon to wllb<tand Co!ch. Orlp and lnllaeraa. Thoro It onb one "BRO~lO QUININE." n. W. OROVB'S •lr ouan "" box. •sa. ------

Three Catholic blnhops aro serving as prlvnten In the French army.

Red CrMa Baa Dine, much better, 11cet t\uiher thAn liquid blue. Oct from IUl)' 8fOCI!!'. Adv. ------

Tbe average wolklng pace of a beaithy man lo 15 otepa 11 minute.

Dr. Pieree'a Pelletll nre bett for liver, bowela 11.nd itom~ch. One liLtlo Pellet for • b.xative-tbree lor a enlluutia.-Adv.

'Uae U•rlDe aftPr llb:poaare Ia Cold, Cuttln« Wlnda o.nd Duot. It Rcotorea, Rotrcshoo nnd Promoteo l'Jyo Health. Good tor nil Eyes thnl Neod Care. Murlno Eye R<'mody Co.. CblCilirO, Sando Eye Book on request.

- ~----Fnlnt heart may win fb.lr lody-w1tll

a lltUo nsolotonco on her pnrt.

RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To bait plot ofw11torlldd 1 oz. Day Rum, a

amnll twx ot Bo.rbo Compound, and 14 oz. ot lllyocrlno. Apply to ~be b!llr twice 11 1foell unUIIt beeomee tho desired obG<Io. Aoydrua­crlal can put tbla up or you can mix II at bomo at vory little cost. It ••Ill grndunlly dnrken otrnlll<ed, f•ded urnr hnlr. nod ...,. move. •loudndf. It lo ex,•cllonl lor fnlllns bolr nod will m!lko hllfllh blllr ooft and lfiOtlly. lt 'Ifill not color tho oe11lp, ID not atlcky or grcur, and doea not rub oti.-AdT.

Love Ia n dream; marrlngo 111 ILD

nlnrm cloclt.


Take o Glasa of Salta at Onca If Your Back Ia Hurting or Kidney• and

· Bladder Trouble You.

Tbo Amerlcnn men nnd women mu1t guard conot.nnUy ngnlnnt Kldnoy trou­ble, bocnuno wo ont too mueh nncl aiJ our food Ia rich. Our blood lo filled with uric ncld whleh tho ltldn011 otrlvo to lllter out. they wenlten from overwork. become olugglnh: tho cllml­nnllve tlosuea clog nncl tbe rcoult 11 kidney trouble, bladder woaltncos and n genom! decline In health.

When your kldneyo reel lllto lumpe of lend: your baclt hurtn or tho urine Is cloudy, full of ocdlmmit or you are obliged to nook relief two or throe tlmf's during tho night; If you suffer wttb olclt bcndneho or dizzy, nervonl opf'IID. ncld stomach, or you hnvo rhou­mntlsm wh<'n tho weather In bad, got from )'OUr pharmacist about tour ounceo of Jnd Saito; t.nkc a t.nblo­spoontul In n glnso or water before brcnktast for n few days and your kid· ncya will then net fine. Thlo rnmoue snlto In mndo from the ncld of grnpee and lemon Julcq. combined with lithia, nnd hns been used tor genorntlona to flush and stimulate clogged kldneye; to neutmltzo tho nelda In tho urine 10 It no longer Is a source of trr1tatlon. thus ending blndder disorders.

Jad Snlto Is lnexpennlvo; cnnnot to­jure, makes a dellghttul etrervcscent lltht.n·wnter bovomgo, nnd belongs ln every homo, becnuse nobody can make a mlnt:lko by having n good kldne:r ftuahlng any tlmo.-Adv.

Greeks are supposed to ba the best And many a musbr!>om Ia a toad· targalnern In the world. stool In disguise. ---------- ~----------------

ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK1 Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney

Trouble and Never Suspect It.

· o.. • W •.. RO.· f. E. R. o. r C. blcno recon. t• lns the lltll!)l ln tbe lee. thronch ~e l;r ma~e an unusually ~~''* 'l'rc\IBh. MY· fo1r!1 were well fopnde\l, .o\111 ~~o~cent or Lo~:tr'• pea)G More Ulan halt !lf tho stops were n~t

· · · the Jlant ot thE! new ;Rocky only 11Ued bu~ en~lr9l;r covered and Mountain natl!>nal: J;l!lrk. . and has C)bllterated,· !JO that I~ was lmposslblo ltnn !lotalla· or the explQlt In a lottor · to locate them, Tbere were· lleveral ~ a·f}'Jend, , ' places trOD\ ftfty tQ ll hundred teet.

X.Onr'l ~k, wl!h:Ji ts l4,1!5G tellt wide o.r mQre bctwllen tho liQwldeu h!Jb, waa C:onatdertld uncllmbable tor alone the ~!Ide o~ the TroiJgh whozoe l:llanJ' )ieazo-, Jte aummlt Is reache(l by there was no sl(pl of any foQtlng, an!l PUling fJ'olQ: :Souldezo ~ld, which Ues It ono sb,ould start to lilllP Jt was hard 12,000 feet up! thrcu«h an opening in. tQ see just wbero one mlt;ht expect to the rocky waU known as Keyh9le out stop. The Quly certain place appeared upQn the 11lde of a sharP·angled slope to be down near Olaclor lake, aomo covered Wtlll perpetual leo and snow, 2,000· feet below .• which alauta from near the summit far "In these places J mode stops by ro­down thll mountain side to end In a peated kicks wltlt my heel, nt tho nearly precipitous drop ot a cood deal eame time mnklng hand holds higher more than a thousand teet Into Gla• up with my bands in the crusty snow. cler coree. · "Forttinately, J wns nhlo to tlnd tho

Thta Ia called the Trough and It Is stops In that portion or tbo side of tho ·aacended by atepa cut In the leo ond Trough that wr&s covered with leo. In snow, which are frequently oblltel'l)ted ono place 1 attempted to go down over· by tresb anowtalla and must be ro- a bowlder b)' lowering myself feet newed continually. So far, none of Jlrat, but after getting s.o far that l the hardy sealers ot tho summit, swung freely below tho chest J found wbieh Include, by tho wny, nn In· It Impossible to find onto footing nnd oreaolng munber ot women, hna lost bad to climb up ngnln over the bowl· control on this dangerous alopo, dor. Ao this bowlder woo locnted In n

. though stories are whispered ot occa· pooltlon with a otoep crusty snow alonal slips caught Juot In time. nlopo below It, tbe climbing up was nt·

1\Jr. Roper, whllo ascending tho low· tended with nomo danger, and eopo· or levels, met tour young men. two or clnlly eo ns tho first part or tho climb· them with frozen feet, who bad been lng conslstod or n serlt>s of kicks ned bold . overnight on tho oummlt by n wriggles In on nttem11t to I Itt my snow lliiUnll oblltorntlngo the steps too clothing clear of the roug!J, bowlder Into ln tho dny to onnblo them to cut nnd to move forward nt tho snmo tll~o now oneo on their descent. unttl I could bring my toot or knee

In the Fr&co of 11 Gale. Into action. "Ao there wna n heavy onow on tho "Tho trail was very dim after got·

summit ot Long's penlt the night nttor tlng out of tbe Trough. Scv«'rnl tlmeo

Vlt:W or LONCY~ 1-'CAK

I arrived at tho Inn," writes Mr. Roper, "I wan 11dvlned not to attempt tho no· cent for oovcrul dnya on account of tho danger. I therefore waited until the fourth day 11rtor tho oaow. Start­ing about seven In .tho morning, I 1'\..:lc nlono and without guide to llouHcr field, wbero tho horne wno loft I had nome description of tho 11PJII'amnco c t tho Itcyholo, nnd It bnd been ouggeot· ed that perbnpa I would On1 difficulty 1n getting by tho snow In tho Tn ugh nnd mlgbt do better to climb tho b~wl· dora along tho side. Tho geologlcnl survey map constituted Uu1 rest or my Information about tho accent.

"Walking across Bould"r field I woo

1 found myself n conoldornblo dtaton«'e 11~'>VO Uao trail. nnd nearly dl'.llccndl'd through the tronoom, It thl'rl' to ono, lnolen.d of tho Keyholo. Tho dlfficul· tlen In tbe Trough and In k.olng itho trnll renultcd ln my mnklng tho d~~o llt'ent to tho J(l'yhole In an hour and tblrty·flvo mlnute>o, or Ovll mlnuteo lcmtr'-'r thnn tbo lime re~1ulr~>d ror tho QS<'ent."


Brilliant Army of Fearlen SeafDrlno Adventurero Bole nglng to


SOANPAL QUICKTO SPREAPII. ·~~~·-AA··.~·-~-· ·---· •. ·~ .. -.-· What Does How It Com•• Tttat l~!_dl~napolle ·l,.ady

Ia Unjuetly A<:cu•ed of $mot<-lng cob fllpa. · -Quite a numller of Jndta~~apoUa PI!O--

plo·b,ave cottacea lli'Brewn cioulltY, to 'which tuey JO to spllnd tho WllGl<,o()Ud, 4\.~0nl tb.eae aro Mr. ~d. Mrs • .H.-:---, wh() )lave a eozy J9lf hOUI!e on a ·hill· et.do 11«mr Naqbvllle, Mr. H-.- .Ia f9nd · ot a pipe,. J!arUcularly or • ~~ l)lJ!e. Tho other 4.ay1 he.vlnc mla.latd Qr loa~ thlll 1!91aee ot hla zoeatlllft · hom-e, be called hi• boy-ot-all·work and aatd: ''Jpsh, go to the croc:ery and cet 1110 a cob plpo. Woll, re~ twr> while you're ~~ot It and. pick out good ODilB,"

All ;roah came out of tl)e. ..,aceey with the plpee ln. hilt hand, he wa1 balled by ·a pt;~up o( acqualn~cea; "lleUQ, J'olh, where 4111. you Jet them plpear•

''Mr. a.- aent me tur 'em," ''Sent y• tur two." "Yep," "Well, one ot 'em mua' he fer the

mtsn\111. Dtngod If 1 knew before that she smoked."

And now the news If! nbropd In tho Brown county bllls that lllrs. H-­smpkes a cob plpo.-Jndtauapolls News.

Russian petroleum producers nrc ex· porlenclng much Inconvenience trom a scarclty of stool wire rope.

Catarrh Mean? Iuneans inflammation of a

muc:Ous membrane sotne· where · in the head, throa'­bronchial tu~s. stoma~ bU~ lacy ducts or bowels. lt alwa;s nieans · ata~ant blood -:-the blood Utat is full of irilpur­ities. Left alone, it extends tJntl. It II ~oUowed b)' llldlpstloa, col&; ccPP'tloo or fever. II ••kena tho l)'tlem reaetally aud tpreadt Itt Opofallona uotll •yatemlo ~ Cll' ~ ~utollliiela litho neult.

· Peruna It tho ulloo't Nllabie rusedY for thll coDdltloa. It NikKel a~ltl'; llide 41Pet)()a, cheeka aad maovet mflatt:imatloa alld that eaable• tb41 J:Dembranet1~ah which wo breathe aod throuan which out fC)O(l 18 abo eorbed to do their work PJ'OWiy. Forty-four ,...,. of IIICCMI, wltb tbou· sandJ of toatlmooiiJI, hlve eltabUahed It 11 tho home remitty-Ever·Ready. to-Take. Itt I'Ccord of IUCCMa bolcr. a promiH for ,-ou. ·


You can obtabl Peruaa Ia tablet form for eoavelllenco.


Kidney, Blndder 11nd Urlo Acld.trou• bles bring misery to mnny. When tho kldncyo are wonk or dlaensod, theso natur11l filtern 1o not cloanso tho blood ouOlclently, and the polaons aro cnrrlcd lo nll parts of tbo bod;r. Thoro follow dcpreaalon, achu and pains, ben vlnoos. drowolncns. lrrltll.­blllty, hoo.dnrhco, chllllnoos and rbou· m11t1om. In some people thoro nro nb11rp palna In tho back nnd.lolna, dlo~ronstnc bladder dloordoro and aomotlmoo obntl· note dropsy. Tho urlo ncld oometlmos forms Into grovel or kldnoy otoneo. When tho uric ncld artocto tho muacloa 11nd jolnto It c11usos lumbozo, rhoumn­tlnm, gout or aclntlcm. Tblu Ia tho Umc to oeud Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotol, Duftalo, N. Y .. 100 for largo trlnl po.ck· ngo ot "Anurlc."

DurinG dtaooUon uric neld Ia nb­aorbcd Into tho ayotcm trom mCllt

eaten, 11nd oven trom aomo Tecetnbloa. Tho poor kidneys got tired and baclt· acho be!llno. Thlt1 IB a cood Ume to tako "Anurlc," tho now dlaoovorr of Dr. Pleroo for Kldner trouble an4 Dack· neho. Neglected kidney troubla 11 roaponalblo tor miLD;r dcntbs, and ln· euronco Company ommlnlnr doctor• nlwnya tent tho water of an appllc.ant boforo a policy will bo laouod. line you over oc_l aotdo n bottl& or watar for twenty· four hours 1 A heovy aodl· mont or oottlln~; eomollmoo lndlcntoe kldnoy trouble. It you wlqb to know your condition send n unmplo of your wntor to Dr. Plcr!'o'o Invnlldo' Hotel, Uull'alo, N. Y •• nnd deacrlbo aymptome, It will bo 0111mlncd without any ex· peneo to you, nncl Or. Pl01-co or hla modl<'nl utnrr will Inform ;rou truthfull;r. Anurh.• In now for 11nlo by donlons, tD r.oc pck'go, ------QUITE A REGULAR ATIENDANT I vnoua auoottonlng.

"l)u )nu lu·ll••vt> In wbllll•lrucT" John Inclined to Reaent lnoinuatlon ·l'lt·ll '' lw a IIIli<~ "'"'<lilt';

That Ho Habttuolly Stayed Away , nhtl nt•nn•. or c·hlltlrt•n •·· From Church.

"\\'bnt'n tbnt noug tb<1y r•• Mllillll{l new!"

" 'llo<'k ot AKoll.' •• "'ltorlt of Ageor Well. thlll n tho

firnt tlmo 1 cv<'r he..nrd thunn wurdtl to Rock or Agl'n.' rutd tbnt o tllo firBt tim~> I llver hconl lhnt tuno to ll. Muat be oomethlna .now. Nlco win· dow tboy got tb..r(J, nlu't ll1"

"YIHH!n, I obould nn;r It Ia!" "1 don't think I'll cnro mul'h for

your now proarh"r-· don't IIIIo hlo col lar."

"John I .. "Woll. I don't! And I don't IIIIo tllo

wny he oays 'ld~>.nr · neither. If your olllor proncbor hadn't tnikod like bo bnd n lot or pr.toto In blo mouth nil tho tlmo, l'.d hnvo como oftonor. Lots ot Umno I cnml' boJ'e Juut on your ac­count. and snt hero In mlnor:v:·

"Y os, how man:r ttmco wcro you hero In tho lnst ycnrf"

"Wnsn't I horo lnnt Chlldron'a dnyf"

Important to MothoriJ f;,.,,,.,.,, tnrnlully llYltr)' llotllc Of

<"AtlTtlHIA, u r41h• and ouro rNtwdy for lnllmtn nnd cbthlr••n, nud ceo that It

Gtgnnturo or 1fJ?..,.__.,p. -D<'orntho~

. -~ In t'nn for Ov«'r 30 enro. t'luldr\'11 l'ry fur 1·1t•tdu•r'o Gnsturia

Probably, ··1 ft':td n funuy ntur) obout a blllr

In tbo noup tho other dny.·• "Muot ha•·o boon n married hnro."

The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be ovm:omc CARTER'S UTILE UVER PILLS.

Purely vt>aetoblo -ru:t curdy nnd aenUy on tho liver. Cure DillOUIUICll:l, Uend·

Evidently Hungry. ache. Wnltl'r Ito W<~sh•rnnr. who In In rf'n Dla:l-oom'lwbat sheltered from tho wind,

which wru~ blowing a gnlo froc tho soutbwt>.st. On reaching the Keyhole I found the wlnd blowing against me so otronc that I could hardly ntond. I therefore retraced n row otepo. sat down In the leo of n proJecting rock and nte n portion of my lunch. ll wns so cold that there appeared to be no prospect of min nt higher altitudes, and I therefore left at tbls pc:.lnt my knnpaack. containing my mtnco11t. the remainder of my lunch and n row oth· er lncldentD.la.

"Tbc Ice party thla yrnr ron11lated of tnurnnt with <'IIY nln!'ol· Shnlll brine 1

ntt!l,nndlndlg'tgtJon. dothclrduty, Storkcnoon. Andrensen nnd Tbomaon. you n hnlt portion, alr7 1 SMALL PILL, S~tALL DOSE. SMALL PIUC£.

Cutting Gtepe In the Ice. "After \caving tho Keyhole tho gen·

oral direction of the trllll won lndl· cnted by 11 tow eairns, but they were very scarce. The footprints ln the snow of a l)>lrt:V thnt hnd made the no­cent tho previous day were of consld· arable assistance and pnrUeulnrly oo In tho Trough, whore I found their steps cut In the leo and crusty snow. l did not have to cut more than sl.x or eight stepn, and as I bad nothing thnt could be used for tho purpose except my hunting knife this wns very fortu· nato.

"Tbo. nnccnt from the Keyhole to tlle summit roqt11red an hour and thlr• ty minutes. In the Trough 1 WBll on all roura abOut half tho Ume and did constderablo cll.inblng over and amongst tho bowlders. I woull! chur· acterlte ;the-~scent aa dangerous rnth· or than dUiicutt. There was no snow of any cclll~(luence except In tbe Trcugb1 althottth tho notes tn tho re1111tet on the 11ummtt showed that tho t~a~r had. t~und two.lnchea on the wmmlt. the preliollll dar.

'1 bait la'iten oppott1illU1 to enJor the mant .magntftcont vlcwa on the mr ttp tlie·t)eak. and tt waa tortunate that t 4ld so, u I tjlere tour.d a 11tor:m Ptberlnt• the ctondllbetnc abOut .on the teTet wJtli tbe summit ot the 'ilealt an4,i\loW a~Uttt to rau •. '1 made a afl&ht tottt ot the aummtt and tb~ Ioealed · aJ!.d.. eJtamhied the te&iatc!t' ot the Coto:ra4o, lto.untaln club.

Flthtlnt a. snow ltorm, "'The uowt.all ~ptdtt btci.'e&ud. 10

Q.at m twentt .miD,ute. wr reachthlt u..e IU:UI:ift 1 tWtect th• di*ceut, u 1 ~ 41tl1cu1tr .s .. to. m• now ®.,...,.

nil Norwcg1ano nx<'ept myself," wrote Wrstl'rnrr A wbrrt T 1 Genuine mUIIt bc:1r Signature VllhJnlmur Sternnss?n In tho opening Nlero llntf'rr•onlngl -Tbnt Ia the sentence of the arrount of bin polar wn1 you ord<'r In these plnc<>!i. uncle. d ~Zit erpedlthn. Apparently he <'llllloen him· Wontemor Oh, It lo' All right. /~Cc?"~ self ns Ar!!erknn or Cann11an, ns bo bring me n hnlf portion. nnd n qunrtrr· Is. 11nd gives no credit to S<'nndlnovla unction of boet and n tow ncrea of ror the part be played In the nnrrntlve t'elt'ry -Judge

of wbnt hnpprned. It wan moro tbnn '!'-=============:; c~>ln<'ldenee that hla companions wero r "nil N'lrw<!g1nns." na nonnlo cf nr<'­Uc tllld nntnr<'tlc cxplomtl:n nrc filled with tho exploltn of Norweglann nnd few explorers havl) been more :no1ent thnn thor regarding their acltlevo­mE>nta.

Tho Norsemen hnvo been fellfllesa seafaring adventurers olnco tho dnys when tho vllclni:D. In their little shiro. overran the wool ccaot or Eurc~:o and tlmo after ttmo mldod the Rrltlnh Isles. They rcal'.hed out Into tho un· known ncrth nens to Iceland, thon to Oroenland, nr.d ncnrly n thousnnd ycnrs og.> Ucf Ericson nnd hlo crew visited the land they know no Vlnlond tlliJ what we know no Now England. ThEI old tower nt Newport to thoro as evidence of t.belr coming centuries be­foro Columbuo bnd aallod on bla mom• omblo voyngo.

Within the memory or all of us Cnpl FrtdtJtJf Na.nsen brcugbt new lunter to Norway's fame Jn explcmttcn whett M nnvfgnted the northwest passage In his ship Frno. Capt. Roald Amundsen brought bnelc to clvflbatlon tho ftrat deflnlto IICientlOc data on tho mngnoUo pole1 whlcll bo lccnted In the . tnr Ncrtn. A fllW yeats latllr ho wall 11r.at to reach the 11outh vote, having ar­rlTt!d only a fow weeks in advnnce of the m.tated ScOtt e:A:Siedttlon.-tndlan· apolla Star.

AIWIIYI WroniJ. Managor-l'm dl~gunted wltll the

mlafakp thdt tlbw man ll:Ulkea! lfe ptlr eY~lnr .balled up,

Aaafsfant. Mattaco~b, well, IJOme ot th~ :heat ones ate that ..,.,. ·~ nn l!eclnnlnl'. lfe mar brlnt hOme tht keot.t 7et. . · . . .

lliUJI!l'--He wo»tt t~nt ... •• end ibn t6f JWD.......tlidp

Often Food Makes or Breaks

It all depends upon the ldnd. A commoh cause of lessened vigor of body IUld mind ia improper eating.

Food should be eelected that will 11Upply aound, well· bulanced nouriahment for the phyoical and mental forces. and this ia richly supplied by Nature in the field grains.

Grape-Nuts FOOD

contains all the nutritive ele.­mcnt.t of whole whent and malted barley, including the vital mineral salta lacking in many foods that make up the uaual dietat,f. The•e ele .. ment.t are Imperative Ear building •turdy brain, nerve• and mwelc.

Crape-Nut t. economical:. ready to eat direct ftom th~ ~ackitge- pure. crisp and aelicioua. .

"TherJ1a Reaaon" lot


OlloW .. T- • ......,

6 Puun&er, Srar I $600 Davis, Eleotrlo LI&Jda and Starter, 2B H. P. Ona-blll ~llmborlt&loiOmU...calplloe 11"""11n.,. 10,(00 mil .. on ono .. , of r;,a Gle•ot19pMdtltlletn, ot1tt man mahalr IQS)ll ln. whHl 1~ l!J•SJi tMb "'~ ••lnl potttHIA. Af.lj;'r£ Dlnttlnotono fOf' 00'-do, New Mezklo, W7ornlnJr ah4 Wea!AnlNottaalr.•

The Colorado Carterca .. Co. 1636 Broadway 1 DeiiVII'o Coterne L.IVE: AGENTS WANTE:C


~~~ ... --~~-""'":"".,..._,._._,,,.4....~'"'--V ........ ~

w, No. U.r biHVIW, NO. 1-1111.: • .,

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·' Tim CA.IU~tzozo NEWS.~ · ·w • . . . • . • . . · · • '-· ·. ~~·· .. ~--~·-:--\·-~· ··~· ... . . . ---~ L.' .... - ........ -~ ........................... :· .... -~··· "-- ........ , ......... _ ..... - ... -... ·-·· ... _ ..... ~-·· ............... :... . ;···~···- __ , ... __.L .... - -~~~------~-..-----~·~~·---~~--~···-·-··~~----~~--~-:.:.L~-~L!!L:·}A 1

.. · · ·. · · . ·. · · . j~ 'Oeorge' Would ··'ve Been 1 Sctu)()J Notes Will Operate Ice Plant MarrJage Lfqens~s XJJtl" Pf sa1o · · . LOCALANP PERSONA;L, Pleased. At This P~rty{ ,_.. - . tmmi Prt.ilnv~:~n! to, wJG. • l!.•,-tlto<ld-:;!,l>Mqt!« •.

• • • • • I ·-- Wa~bington's hirtbday wa~ tlHl The oliJ i~;e plant, wl!ic;;h lJ~s -- 'OSI!!Itll Oll•illiiPI!lOti~CDmlllln;r, n~r"ld~~. , W. G. Mill~r. ;utd family have ',I.' be Woman's Misa.iouaty S(l• occa!:IIQu of a ltol,id11.y 'fu~sd.a y, peel:\ idle for a pumber of yeaca1 £h:y Grove attd Beutalt Everett, Nntl~ 1.11 hor~by irh'PR tt.~t !lll~A~u•\1 hr.·tlr•

r t. • f 1.. -~ a· It d "'' • t•k c] • d . • d bo•bpfCOrOQ'* CV!tQf{IIHZ8Qt:lli!llli'!•Detttutb,.bq,.,al)'tf'd,

roue to ~ak~:: A,rt"ur. cutty o t.1e .,,tlltho l!it cfnucJl prove SllC•• a sprwg:• J e ay l$ un ergmng- repan11 3n . uew \ . ... "~u!!<t,,llf"liUJ!IIIII'!IIo111i r~.~,~~~o~!'<llu11t!f.~•~ . L. R. Lamay was down a few gave a GeQrge W<Hibing"t()~ party that Jnf~ny took to the ,Co'-tntry tor macblner,Y itJ Pelllg inSti!tllt:d. .A.lfre!l Vict()r l!,lngeJ,ot Pl!el»f<J, l1Afhll~714d~r11[(1dober,~~H.IIJ~e~ll.ll ~.iJ.Qil

D • d •· 'r"' ,.,~·J d k. '11 b C l. ,. do a d u T '11' lt.Y ·t· torw•JI,.,JII!rl·Jlld~rJDel:lt bqjlill' lr.l '"":an~~~,,.,

day!>c ago wltb a load of pork for At the residence .,f Mrs. , S. an QuUng an .recrethH.Hl. . ,.e. ..:vt er an . t;~·•·. WJ fle t e 1. o o.a ' · .n. .,4rs. 4--1• Jlln ,;a.a2e ~!llld r~.eo ~QIItarl.cl~ 11 ~,~ tlla:aot~darot\111~,

tile 10


marlofet. l)o~aldscm 011 'r.ut!SQ!l,Y evening. The program. of the' rnllilicaJ cm1y part of tit~ .. ol<l m!l.~hitle,.y ~amb, of Anello. llary, 1g1o, 1or1 \Jpop .til~ tOllqwiJi• dtAAnlltit

Tb• t .t re~ital bv the pupils of Mrs. use<l. A new enwiue. new· com~. John Loreu White .!l.nd Elm!' Jlllr&Qo•l PtPPet!)'uf •ll•d~f•l!dallt •l&tja~ !p,

Mn. Wallace r .. .' Gnmm ia up ... J!1: eVell. _prove~ It- nwat PCJf" ". . . !;> • McFadand both d M k t4~ ~Wil.llf.QIIQ~l'(), I,Jnco!l! Qql!nty,.t~h!'flllll!~· the north lhte of thr. county • th.is ular enterl<~lilme.nt an~ a hcnise• Clunn, w~u:h was .gtven at .the presser and various other parb · ·· · • t · · c.; .:. . ell: tP•wi~' • ·· week, rlsiting the tichPols at fllll of ~f,lests enJOJI.!!l tbe. ev~n~ sch0!1l butlding Fn<lay ,,wen!Jlg, will ,be installecl.. An additicm t.o · Albert ~Iegler returned toflay 111~!~~:~~=:!.~'~1u11 llol'J!'powQr.0~!1!!4'~:, Ancbo, Ji~arllla and Corona. htg. J,~tttl!! bi'\g-~ Q( red, wlnte was WI!II !lttelltlctl and rcctnve(J the buil.dipg will .a'lao b~ erectect (rQm tli~ eastern ltlarkcts. :whNe OM4adlll ~P. a Woll Prill.

or blue were mutled out with in· with generous rounds of an. for an.ice bouse and col<l $toraue lle has t>een the nast month He ·o.ll~C~&I!le,(ineatom,!,hu~f;ll;~Jao!llll~. · Tbe weather .;:mtinues open

and warm. What Wf; haven't ren!ived in l<'cbru11ry, however, may be given in Marc-h in double

. . . . . .-. . • . , . • . "' ._ . . · .• ,... ; . . ·· • · qp~EigbHn~l,l.lllt, On.e :rwtlrelnclfXli~. vitatiolls, reque:iting the. inser• phmse. The greater part I)( the 'l'he capacJty wtll be n ve ~Oil!J -per" spent :PMt Qf bt!l. tuue in Cbicago 4114 tbu~ l ~lii,AtJOQ'QliiOk'•. m., ~~~-~Jil!4-tlon Qf !lS man v cetlts as Ute ill· llrorrram WMI of a natfi()tic nit• 1lay. • · ~qcl went as far ea3t as New rl~Jor Marolt, lPIG,'!q ~aid 'rnw11 c:>tOS~uw.~~ J 11 • . ,. · . , · · · · · · · llfeJ~:Ico,/lolluhJpwpettr,Ciri!01l!I!Cill!l'l•~~

vhed one's namtt contained • .F.rom tim~, aml the piiuto selecttons 'l'be·water from which the ice York. As a r~sult" Qf bis trip ~!l.rMoll!,!!IGI!"~.bi4r.l9tflltll~ltollll~fT111lfl.

11trengtb. the looks of some of the bags, gi.ven showed much substantial wilt be made wUl not onlv be dis· his Jlrnt. will•bow one of the ~~,111~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~a"',.:"'1 ·d ltaa~~rtea~'d#l•~ll~~ • • . . . .1 . . · a ... onn, n11 ""'" .,., on .. , 10. ego o ~"'' .... ,~~· gcncroshy, ,or long names, is prev• Improvement smce their last pub· tilled but it will i\lsqJ be filtered, nt:atest ~nd mo•t c;omP,lete stocks aloq on4 thltiMifl, . , . · .

l•'armers 011 the cast side of the alent in Carrhozo. ·Altogether lie ~ppearance. The peopie of tbl.ls removing all impurities· and of sprlpg !lnd summer goods ever [~ll!rwdJ l'OJWHUO CIU,VJL~'l:!tr.· · range art• bu!iy prcpllring their $21 was realized as the fiuanctal CarrtzOliO arc awakening to .the insuring an absolutely pure qual· brought to thi3 section. f~b.l!l-&tarcbiO. UJJ.

8u.ftr~\PP.Itr. l.urd for !IJHinl! plantin~r. The optcome of the party. fact that unprecedented mmucal ity of ice. =-----. ----- -~-~~- · • • l!(ruund IIi Ill lint• lOIHIIIIOII untl A I .I I "I It e.; be' ff d th r------------------"'1""!~-...... ----""'! ll~>tory contest, .. ea Ulg t·s~ I at va • ag .. nrc tng o ere e Fred Andre accompanied by larmt·r~ <tre untu rpallng guud p ... ..:t.tlly watb the "l•'atber of children here and tbat Mrs. Mrs. Andre la'now here from El u·•ulta lrurn tlwtr lilbur-.. •( · " ' · Cl • · t t' b' It ' , ttt ~,.;ountry, . was cntertamtng unn s tn!l rwc aon rmgs resu s Paso and is putting the plant in

f<'lor.,helrn Slwl"-. for the nr·•n ~~ well as ha&:bly etlucatto~al. that count. Consequently tbe shape for operation. Mr. Andre who, .. n.... Z~t·flkr Urn... 1 htt!.: couples cut for the pnzc, fli.Jtnber of pupils taking special is an· experienced Ice man thor•

Tum Ml1Jun.1 ld wa~ 10 town Mn •. H. 'J'. Crabu and Mr. Mahan lessons in piano has increased oughly understands the b~ainess Ttll'"""Y trum 11 1., rantt111 t Mo,k· winning the lltth: jar of maras· substantially since the Christmas and comes with the best of rrr ~ Ulf(J <.~a p. cbinu li:berries. A numiJur of holid<~ys. recommendations from those with

w. M f~t· 11 y h ,1., rdu rned f r•Hil mu:m:al sclcctaons were rendered The first preliminary debate ou whom he haa been as!l'ociated.

Lout'llUOII. 1ft· ha'l IJI•t•n ab!l•·nt over a month, !thtpplnl{ hone-. to

during the course of the evening the question; •·Resolved, That art He was formerly chief engineer and 60me chtldren's songs aud illiteracy test 1:1bould be cmployed for the Consumer's Ic:e Co., J!;J recitations gav~ cspe~tal enjoy- to restrict immigration," will be Paso, a concern that turns .out

Etl W. ll.urh rl'lurnt•d frorn rncnt to the gue!its. Hefret>h· ht•ld this, I••r~day, afternoon in 150 tons per dt•Y· Mr. Andre J·:l l'u•o tht~ w...-k Wl~tlr them· montt>CII baked 1Jc:an11, !landwtchell, the lltgh Kchool auditorium. Lou• cxpecttl to huve tbe plant in op-

b '"' old hurrw ftla It•.

Mr II.Hrt~ h.od" ..:rowth rl'rnovt•tl lrum 11!'1 app•·r lrp wlltl"h has troublt'd hun tht• pa~t y•·•tr.

,·uacu aud .u.:.orted o.:akc'-1 wcru i!i Adam-.' and Dan Mayes, who eration by April 1. !tt:rvcu. . will dcfcnd the negative for Car·

The 110.: 11•1y bad ittJ regular rizozo High school at Capitan Classified Advertisements

--nu:cting tile uuxt day l Wc:dnc»· ~larch 10, will be opposed by d.ay 1 With .\tn •. l<u!Jc:rt T. l.ucas, Alli!ion Steven~ and George r-.1<'-

, rl1 ll.,ptt~t rrtttu~tt·r h..rt·, but 1'.' . · llomto rendered lard that is .111d thc rnum:y olltaancd from the lice~ and next i' nl;)ay 11 smular now lo• ''''"" "' Vort Surnnt·r, ·I 1 IT pure Patty~ IIohb11.

H ,. Y ll11 r "'' r t I Lq· wolltl, for 111·

!J"rty. tut-:c:tber wttb other 1und11 •lebatt• Wtl bl.! he d to a ord ~t!lj .· 'I' ·111 I h~ 14 rt•k un hi\ hurnc'ltt.ul · · 1 a<o.:umul •• tcd tn the trc:uury, were oppu~utton .po~sab c to strengthen JIOU HAI.l~- A tlne Yearling llo· wtll r .. turn ('tohubll tonror• ( lor warded to the: vtano houst Lbc team· or the corning event. Uull. In11 uirc at Humphrey Uros. row, hut Mr~t lf .. ywnml Olll"'d~ frum wbu.:b the 'burch tn!ltru· Pr~s. Ji'uyclte A • .lone" of the t11 rr·nr .. tn lor" ltrlll' '-'TANUAI,U S · M 1 · nrt:nt was puro:h.t11ed. Tbu. leaves Stale School of Mtnes, located al "' ' ewtng • ac une

o.,, .u Andrr~un ••n•l ""n wt·rt· a balan,:c 01 only tJu, 11 1111urcc Socorro, visited the Carrizozo /or little. Almo!lt new. Inquire at """ tlu~ w•· ... k frorn Hondo, "'"" 01 great wm:our .. gctncnt to till~ acltool Monday and iulltnllcd a Carrizozo I~aliug House. lt11{ Ch.arlr:" A Kte~l!n• ,1ncJ farn· UJnd o( lullhlul workerK. l~c· beauti(ul cabinet dtoplayiog four ~------ .. ,--11 V to W II I' I h

a 1 1

t d ca· nil "f t 0 Sec us far pottltry, buttor, e<rors . ,, ' • , . ..rr rr " "' . fr.:~tbtncnltt were "cned by Mn. ozen ape me ., nu ave tell. .,., \In J-l T \",ul"hn 1"'" rt··

1 .•

1 1 b Profl'ssor Joncn delivered a 11tcrr· etc. Jlatly & Uobb!l, 11bonc 4h.

.. ,ulia», ath• a p cusaat ~ucla uur t' 1 1 t th (' t 1 tl 1 --.--- .... .-- .. ~----turnt·d tr .. nr "" ratr·rJ•I'·'I vt'ltt t d "I' lcau ec urea e ryrs a Ill "'<>R S"' r.• lz d 11 rt•!iulle · t•vclllin~:. which prored botb en· r ·~ ... ,~- ,on~cuan mares, T .... ,. Tlur out meeting wtll lie wttb trrtaantng uod edttc:allonul. or will trade for l<~ord car. Jn·

A tlrltghtlul tlun• e. wt'll .tl· ~tra. licorgc IJ. IJarbcr. • - 'JIIIre Nuws otllco. lf•ndt'd. w..ali pulle-d oil at tht• .---· ... - J. B. tia•a~re and J. H. Rlmore .. ,- '

•. Ku~~enheimer (lo~he~ .. Suits and Ove·rcoats

At, R.educed Prices During February

New Spring ~ Summer Clothing Will Arrive Early This


(arrizozo Iradin~· (om~any QUALITY FIRST THEN PRICE l.luh llou .. r Tur-,.,

1111. nrl{ht. We burlltde!l, Peltll and l~'urw,,arrived lant nlgb_t from lto•well Phone 4b artv cut of Fresb~~

Ju•t rr<ruc·rl. 11

, ur of ('ulor,t(lo alway• top pnce. Ziegler Uroa. nnd wtll mt>ct wllb the practo· rneat. Al•o groccrieaaod hmcb -· • r~nCou~il~nighl. They Wtll ~~:o:d:n:·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

l'otnlu•·• 'l.tof!l r llr · e "'· Mr!l. Walhum 1>. Urar. nc•·om.! lt'tlvc tornorrow for Alamo~tordo, • • • • ldruc:~ \I ~,,,,,,,. •d• rl••wn thr 1 1 d 1 I .

1 b h t . ., r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ pante• b.1· trr aug tll'r, JusJOtf', w ere I ey <'SJ•ect o 111&11 utl• ,

lr•t "' tl~t· "•·rk ''"'" '"ll ol ,,uti """· Fh•1·."lelt ~tond,.; lorlanotbrr.:••~•uctl. The local coun• W M 1-"erl!u""" •dUll· down tlradJ. Tc!lall, on,, "'"'t tu rela·lol i11 thriv111g and ba!l a fCOUd

Morulu1 lrom br• Mr•ua hnuu t11e'l jmembr:l1'bip. Wt'dnt.'sday h.t• and ('harln A

~\~.~.·:~.: .::;~~~~;: 1:)·:.,~;.: .:;.~.;; ,. I''OJ'f'rltf'R rn thut rqcrun.

Thum:n ~ ~l.&nton Wa'l hl•rc: Mondny I rum I )ru (ir 41 ntlt> Mr.


Stnuton •~ uperallnr: a mtnc• thort·, lrnm ~htch hl' ,., thrpptlljl lOIII&' JtOOd trull·• opptr tlfl'

A lt.l'rt l'hn(l•ltn t<~ IIJllltll ha, k j rn l.llh oln ,·ount y alh·r a trtp tn I t ''~IC"n

1916 Catalog ol th• University of New Mexico

R•prly on or about March 15

If intrrested in the work of the State University now or in thl• future write.• today and have a copy reserved

to ht• sent you on publirotion, without charge. .\rlclrl'tt" llA\'Ill H UOYU, J'rntdenl,

.\Jhn•tUrf<tllr, New lllodl'Q, ' \\ H \\-'btte. nf the ~leu and! llnt11 to, wa~ dou n ff'~tterda y on I':======~===:::::::::::::::.:. :. :::::::.::=====-~ UlllllDOllt. ~-------------------------"\,

A btl 10.1•ountl boy arrived on 1

tla morntnl{ of the :Jld a\ tbt klomo ol Mr. and M111 W. W Stadttnan May tbe young fellow adrl hntrt' lo tht' dolt•.

Methodist Church 11•• IC II 1.•••• l'ulor -

FEED YARD HAY AND GRAIN IN CAR LOTS All Conipetition Met in Prices on These Commodities

Roomy Yard a Stall. a Water

Wm. Barnett BL PASO AVENUE Phone 86


Quali.ty Groceries FANC~ AND STAPLE OOO.D.S


WE will do all that the cat- ·

alog houses will do for you- and more. Here you can see what you are buying. We

will stand back of all merchandise we sell and ask only a ·reasonable price for th~ grade of

goods we sell E< 55511151 IE' 591

Charming New Silks

Just a glimpse here is all that any woman will find necessary in order to appreci­ate thi.s stunning spring silk

$1.00, $1.25, $2.00 yd.

First ShoqJing of Spring Coats .


Pretty white and light cof· ored· coats, ln sport.and t~ree• quarter lengths.. -~riced very


So ottr· c:l~ ol


Lovely New Spring_ Hats

We inviteourpa· trons and the pub­lic generally to see this e;rhibi·


Skirts ~ The most beau.-· tiful sbowiux ·of .skirts ever ex• hibited here· Ito · ·· • ttl tttc most subdued to the extreme.st

·designs.'. • .. " -<' ~.,·, '

' ,:,