Ordo Serpentis Book 1 - Liber Serpente Page 1 of 90 Liber Serpente By By By By Supremum Magister Secaire Supremum Magister Secaire Supremum Magister Secaire Supremum Magister Secaire First released © 2011. This revision © June 2012. All rights reserved.

I Liber Serpente - June 2012€¦ · Malleus Maleficarum makes it obvious that these gatherings (Sabbats), and underlying . Ordo Serpentis Book 1 - Liber Serpente Page 11 of 90 ideas

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Ordo Serpentis Book 1 - Liber Serpente

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Liber Serpente


Supremum Magister SecaireSupremum Magister SecaireSupremum Magister SecaireSupremum Magister Secaire

First released © 2011. This revision © June 2012. All rights reserved.

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"Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.""Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.""Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.""Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n."

¬ J¬ J¬ J¬ John Milton (ohn Milton (ohn Milton (ohn Milton (Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Lost)Lost)Lost)Lost)

Note: The graphic on the title page is the

Serpent of Wisdom. This is an original artwork

and is registered with the United States

Copyright Office: VAu 1-014-377.

Permission is granted for private personal

use of the Serpent of Wisdom only and then only

as directed within this document. All rights


Permission is granted to reproduce and

distribute this document providing there are no

changes made to the document and any

reference gives due credit.

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Preliminary InvocationPreliminary InvocationPreliminary InvocationPreliminary Invocation

Let it be known that those that would take

upon themselves the mantle to partake of this

knowledge and use of the power that

manifests thereof be bound to ne’er incite

against the author, or commit any act against

his true will and desires, any force, wish, or

desire, and that any such attempt, by design

or misdemeanour, be annulled and, if such be

done through malice, a most heinous curse

laid upon the offender, causing immediate

excommunication and condemning thee unto

dissolution, an eternity of slavery and

torment everlasting.


Note: This text uses the male genitive as per

usual usage as being gender neutral rather than

resort to the clumsy “his/her”, “hir”, or other

such devices. In matters that are gender specific

the text is very clear to state such.

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TableTableTableTable of Contents of Contents of Contents of Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................ 5

Satanism................................................................................................................................ 6

Revelation through myth................................................................................................. 7

Historical Foundations .................................................................................................. 10

The Spirit of Satanism .................................................................................................. 13

Origin of the Illusion..................................................................................................... 17

Satanic Gnosis............................................................................................................... 23

The Three-Fold Nature of Man..................................................................................... 27

Satan.............................................................................................................................. 29

Satanic Ethics................................................................................................................ 37

Satanic Rites and Practices...................................................................................................... 40

Satanic Symbols............................................................................................................ 41

The Serpent of Wisdom ............................................................................................. 41

The Pentagram.......................................................................................................... 42

Baphomet .................................................................................................................. 44

Altar and Tools ............................................................................................................. 46

The Satanic Cross ......................................................................................................... 50

The Luciferan Cross...................................................................................................... 51

Rite of Awakening ........................................................................................................ 52

Satanist's Prayer ............................................................................................................ 55

Infernal (Unholy) Communion ..................................................................................... 60

Satanic Self-Dedication Rite......................................................................................... 63

Meditation and Contemplation ..................................................................................... 65

Meditation ................................................................................................................. 65

Contemplation........................................................................................................... 67

Extra-Sensory Perception and Mysticism..................................................................... 69

Psalms ................................................................................................................................ 72

Psalm I .......................................................................................................................... 72

Psalm II ......................................................................................................................... 73

Psalm III........................................................................................................................ 74

Psalm IV........................................................................................................................ 76

Psalm V......................................................................................................................... 77

Psalm VI........................................................................................................................ 78

Psalm VII ...................................................................................................................... 79

Psalm VIII ..................................................................................................................... 80

Psalm IX........................................................................................................................ 81

Psalm X......................................................................................................................... 82

Psalm XI........................................................................................................................ 83

Psalm XII ...................................................................................................................... 84

Psalm XIII ..................................................................................................................... 85

The Revelations of Saint Secaire (Excerpts) .................................................................................. 86

Afterword ............................................................................................................................ 89

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IntroducIntroducIntroducIntroductiontiontiontion This document, Liber Serpente (The Book

of the Serpent) details the fundamentals of

authentic Satanism (also know as “Luciferism”).

It has intentionally been kept to a form that

permits the individual to, almost immediately,

immerse oneself into the noble calling that is the

left-hand path without the necessity of spending

hours reading and memorising intricate

historical, speculative or fictional information

that can often be a severe stumbling block to

obtaining the real knowing (gnosis) inherent to

Satanism that is often overshadowed and

forsaken by many that claim to be experts in the


Often, these “authorities” spend

considerable time detailing and espousing works

full of incorrect correspondences and details.

Such eschew the true insight of the occult and

instead substitute a modern day academic

“knowledge” that serves only to block seekers

from the sublime experience of the sinister way.

The Ordo Serpentis understands that this

path is, first and foremost, experiential in nature.

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SatanismSatanismSatanismSatanism The word “Satanism” is so misused,

misunderstood, and exploited in current times

that a clear and concise explanation is necessary

for the actual path to be undertaken to be of

value. Modern western society is utterly

inundated with lies and deceptions regarding the

sinister path of Satanism that the genuine seeker

is befallen with unnecessary burdens almost

before they begin their quest.

Publications claiming to be for and against

Satanism are peddled by the unknowing (and

unscrupulous) while all the forms of the media

bombard the curious with so much

misinformation that it is almost certain that the

reader who is partaking of this text for the first

time is doubtless harbouring at least one or two


This brief overview addresses at least

the most virulent of the propaganda.

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Revelation through myth

Satanism, also accurately referred to as

“Luciferism” and, if one were to be pedantic in

the 21st century, the authentic Satanic path could

be rightfully referred to as “Satanic Gnosticism”

(to differentiate it from other supposed forms

such as “Modern Satanism”, “Luciferianism”,

“LaVeyan Satanism”, etc. The list goes on ad

nauseum.) understands that the genuine occult

truth is not simply a matter of extensive (often

fabricated) correlations, intellectual surmising of

symbols, rote learned “resurrected” tenets or

anything of a cerebral leaning other than the

truly bedrock, and essentially uncomplicated,


Because of this, much knowledge is

conveyed via myth. Satanism is the primary path

in the western world that brings true revelation

that pierces the veil that is in place to keep the

populace “asleep”, that is, unknowing.

The Satanist understands that myth need not

be absolutely 100% literally an accurate blow-

by-blow reporting of a historical event in the

scientific manner but that the underlying truth

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remains intact and, in actuality, is even a

superior means of communication, than simply a

recounting in technical terms, for tearing the veil

asunder because the knowing within myth meets

less resistance from the mind than being rudely

affronted by a fact that severely breaches

previous (and well-established) conditioning,

prejudices, and “learning”.

Therefore, it is best to approach Satanism

with the attitude of suspending disbelief. The

knowledge that lies within, the beauty and

secrets of the darkness and the light from the

darkness is experiential. Any doubts you may

have, do not wrestle with them. Simply place

them to one side when you engage in your

Satanic activities. What you experience will, if

you are genuinely of kindred spirit, in time

completely eclipse any uncertainty you

experience (either originating of your own mind

or that of other people).

As your gnosis (“knowing”) develops, the

underlying seeds of knowledge within the

transmitted myth become exceedingly clear and

that certainty is held within your heart forever

and the portion of the mind, previously chained

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by the “reality” that has been forced upon you

from childhood, no longer sways to-and-fro with


Do be aware however that this is not to state

that you should simply accept what is being

revealed to you. That is why the continuous

practice of the core Satanic rites is so important.

To begin with you must suspend your disbelief.

In time, you shall have definite experience

which then makes such suspension of disbelief

unnecessary as you, yourself, experience gnosis

and understand it personally and intimately.

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Historical Foundations

Despite many a tale to the contrary,

Satanism in the western world is firmly

based upon the solid ground of being of

revolutionary nature against oppressors.

The Christian church, and the nobles

who paid service to that institution, at

various times enacted a cruel reign over

their domain. Naturally, those oppressed

turned to the enemy of their enemy: Satan,

who was heralded as “God of the Serfs”.

Ceremonial gatherings were held in

secret, under the cover of night, and reports

vary from very congenial get-togethers to

wild and murderous orgies.

The first thing to keep in mind is who

the authors of the reports were. Many of the

records of Black Masses are written by the

very people who were oppressing those who

enjoyed such festivities. A brief look at the

Malleus Maleficarum makes it obvious that

these gatherings (Sabbats), and underlying

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ideas and tenets, were far and away not what

the authorities of the time wanted their

servants (“lessers”) to engage in.

Such events, whether as wild as claimed

or otherwise, were distinctly unchristian in

tone and also (heaven forbid!) of quite an

egalitarian nature towards women.

Once bored nobles became involved the

rites seem to have become, paradoxically

perhaps, of a crueller nature yet also less

persecuted. Because of those present a

“blind eye” was more or less turned. Of

course, when such of a kind simply looking

for a way to relieve boredom became

involved, the gatherings became diluted and

lost their true focus and meaning. In the

instances where this occurred the catharsis

of the event dissipated and the sabbat simply

became a (often rather juvenile) party to

amuse the jaded.

This is not to say that there may never

have been genuine Satanists who were also

of nobility or rank, simply that those sabbats

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reported where the aristocracy attended

certainly resemble more a pantomime than

an earnest service to the Prince of Darkness.

The true lineage of Satanism, to the

careful scholar that is aware of what to look

for, is transmitted via such means as the

historical reports of the sabbats, the esoteric

lineage of the Knights Templar, the

Waldensians, the Cathars, and especially the


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The Spirit of Satanism

So what is the true spirit of Satanism if it

isn’t all about running amok and “being evil”?

Simple: Genuine and valid rebellion.

Not simply rebelling for the sake of “being

different” but a genuine forsaking of

conventional wisdom that is, purely and simply,

in place to keep people in line. This doesn’t

mean just roaming about breaking laws of

society either. Satanism is far deeper in nature.

The first thing the seeker must realise is that

a great deal of what you think you know is

merely what you have been told to know. Much

of conventional wisdom is actually a great

untruth that individuals have been fed on from

an early age with one goal in mind: Behave!

This, of course, is a difficult thing to accept.

If you are reading this text then you obviously

have some reasonable degree of education. You

may have a diploma or master’s degree in one or

more fields. There are plenty of reasons you may

be able to find to say “Hang on! I studied XYZ

and I happen to know for a fact …”


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This isn’t relating to simple, definite

science. Newton’s third law of gravity isn’t

about to be busted wide open. What does occur,

as you develop the Satanic gnosis, is far and

beyond what you have been taught to accept as

even possible.

If, perchance, you have ever been led to

believe that maybe the supernatural is possibly

true, the likelihood is that whatever information

you received was either: complicated or arduous

to the nth degree, or, so watered down and

riddled with red herrings that there is no way

you could expect any positive results. I wouldn’t

be surprised if a hefty price tag wasn’t attached

to it either.

The other likelihood is that, if you have

encountered any “esoteric teachings” the basis

was that either you had to “surrender yourself”

to god/goddess/the universe/whatever or you had

to viciously and unscrupulously prey on anyone

you would benefit from doing so.

Neither viewpoint is actually Satanic.

(Lucifer had one-third of the angels side with

Him. That would hardly happen if His motto

was “dog eat dog”. Nor would any of the

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medieval sabbats be of any value to attend if

there was not a community spirit or bond

amongst the attendees. The Cathar church held

the loyalty and hearts of people long after the

“Cathar heresy” was put down by the authorities

because the Perfects were faithful and caring

guides to their parishioners.)

As Satanic gnosis flows more and more

through the seeker, supernatural (actually very

natural, but occult) powers and abilities become

manifest. At such a time it is important that the

individual undertake activities that also keep

him grounded, so to speak, so that the

manifestation does not lead into folly or lunacy.

Depending on what occurs it can be quite a

reality shift.

Development of such abilities is, however,

not the primary motivation for the Satanist to

develop the gnosis, simply a (usually beneficial)

side effect. As the gnosis unfolds the individual

is able to tell the illusionary aspects of the world

apart from the true underlying reality. Lies that

may have held one self back for many years fall

away and the entire Universe is able to be

perceived more purely. Such moments (as it is

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often, though not always in all aspects, a

succession of spurts that gnosis manifests its

development) can range from awe inspiring to

incredibly saddening and any other emotion you

care to think of.

It can be painful losing treasured illusions

but you gain for the loss. Also, seeing some

aspect of the Universe as it really is, instead of

how you may have been taught to perceive it,

can be the most uplifting moment imaginable.

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Origin of the Illusion

You may, at this stage, be questioning the

illusionary entrapment of the veil and asking

“Why?” The answer is conveyed quite clearly

via the Judeo-Christian (and Islamic) myth. It is

a means of power and control for those that

orchestrated the lie.

The Judeo-Christian bible clearly illustrates

many examples that can not simply be ignored

as the basis of western civilisation is

impregnated with this very mindset. Even

though a person may consider themselves to be

an “enlightened atheist” or other such identity

that seems to divorce itself from such devices

the fact remains that, overtly or otherwise, the

society has the structure entailed in such

teachings and ostensibly even non Judeo-

Christian organisations basically adhere to the

same modus operandi.

Time and again earnest noble endeavours

are attacked by God (referred to as Jehovah from

here on as the Luciferan recognises the True

God instead of this tyrannical being) so that he

may wield power. Here are three very clear

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examples (Please look these up and read them

for your self without anybody else telling you

what it means):

Genesis chapter 3: The man and woman “eat

of the fruit” as directed by the serpent who, in

actuality, told them the truth. They didn’t die

as Jehovah had stated they would. Instead “…

the eyes of both were opened …” In other

words, they both had a development, a

revelation, a moment of gnosis that revealed to

them knowledge that Jehovah did not want

them to have. Then Jehovah punishes the man,

the woman and the serpent.

Genesis chapter 6: The Watchers mingle

with man and teach man the ways of civilisation.

The people so founded are easily defeating their

enemies (note: some translations state “giant”

instead of “mighty men of renown”. Giant here

refers to the spirit of the person, not their

physical stature) and are becoming powerful and

advanced. They are “evil” because they do not

bow down to Jehovah. Therefore, to stop this

uprising, Jehovah sends the great flood. (Or, at

least, claims to have been the cause of it.)

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Genesis chapter 11: The tower of Babel.

Jehovah deliberately confuses man’s language

so that man, again, cannot achieve his full


Now Christians and Muslims may argue that

this was all before the New Testament or the

Koran. True. But “God”, by definition and

according to scripture, does not change. These

examples glaringly reveal Jehovah for what he

really is: a petty tyrant.

The fact that other civilisations flourished

with different deities and cultures since the great

flood proves that Jehovah isn’t as powerful as he

claims by any measure.

However, it is vital to understand that there

is a collaborator of sorts that also weaves the

veil: “The Devil”.

Now matters become a little turgid when

referring to the Devil. It must be understood

that, at times, Satan (or Satan’s representative)

has been referred to, in a manner not intended to

be demeaning or to confuse, as “the Devil” (the

“little god”) and this is valid in so far as, in the

myth, Lucifer is usually considered born of, or

created by, Jehovah.

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However, a simple read of the book of Job

reveals a very different personage referred to as

“the Devil”. This entity (who some Cabbalists

see as being simply the evil side of Jehovah; The

Cabalistic tree of life having distinct masculine

(positive) aspect, negative (feminine) aspect, and

middle (balanced) aspects) wanders around

causing all manner of strife and disruption for

mankind. Why? Same reason as before: To

ensure man does not even come close to

fulfilling his potential and thereby threaten


Having the threat of the Devil adds further

incentive for people to worship God. It is, purely

and in essence, a protection racket.

The Devil is, according to the Old

Testament, unable to do anything without the

permission of God – which is very different than

the rebellious Satan. That is why an

understanding of the difference is necessary as

even reverting to the original Greek or Hebrew

texts does not always differentiate correctly.

Also, depending on the theologian cited, the

Devil may be depicted as being “the equal and

opposite of God”, with a constant struggle for

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mankind being waged between the two

(Zoroastrianism particularly abides by this world


Suffice to say that, ultimately. Jehovah and

the Devil work hand in hand. For an absolutely

crystal clear example of this read the book of

Job; especially chapter 2, verses 1 to 6 inclusive.

Again, realise that these examples apply

throughout society. Don’t be fooled into

thinking that such measures are only where

Judaism, Christianity, or Islam are overtly


Through this core myth are clearly

illustrated these means of control expressed and

manifest within the western psyche and, by

extension, the world. That there is an aspect to

this beyond what is generally accepted and

taught as possible is for you to experience as

your gnosis develops. (You “awaken”.)

It is unfortunate that there are some

individuals, urged on by anti-heretic texts from

Christian authors or their ilk, that worship the

Devil. Such persons confuse a simplistic reversal

of Christian values as being in rebellion against

God. What such practices actually achieve is

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nothing more than the propagation and support

of the unjust system. Such persons are not

Satanists they are merely truant Christians or

‘Devil worshippers”.

The same criticism applies to those who

substitute a poor, modern day attempt to justify

their practices through reference to some

pseudo-psychological activity or claiming Satan

is simply a pagan god painted differently instead

of accepting and honouring the Prince of

Darkness for who He really is.

The veil is multifaceted. There are those that

advocate a false light (such as the “Great White

Brotherhood”), a false darkness (such as many

so-called “Satanists” and “black magicians”, and

almost anything in between (such as proponents

of the “middle path” such as Buddhism).

A common misconception of those who

uphold the veil, intentionally or otherwise, tend

to think of white as “good” and black as “evil”.

A Satanist is beyond this and has at his disposal

the full spectrum of colour, shade, sound,

symbols, etc, at his disposal; free of any

incorrect associations prevalent throughout


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Satanic Gnosis

In Satanism, the seeker differentiates

between the Cosmos (how things appear to be

and the system that upholds the illusion) and the

Universe (what is real that the veil of illusion

seeks to keep people from perceiving). It is a

practical, if somewhat arbitrary, designation.

Satanic gnosis develops as the seeker sees

through the illusion and interacts more with the

universe instead of being constrained by the

cosmos. The process of this attuning is referred

to as “awakening” and the benefit is “gnosis”.

The true wisdom is referred to as “Sophia”

and she is the pure source of all that was, is, and

could ever be.

Jehovah, the Devil, and their kin are all

products of the cosmos, though they do, in some

respect, have an understanding that there is

greater. This awareness that there is wisdom

beyond their reach is their greatest fear, as it

cripples their power and authority once an

individual is aware and able to experience it.

It is an experiential, not intellectual,

knowledge; though the intellect certainly

benefits as well. When a seeker has truly begun

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to experience gnosis, even sporadically, then

they are considered to be “awakened”.

Once an individual has truly experienced

gnosis and is awakened then their world view

can never be subjugated back into being limited

by the cosmos. The awareness, once achieved

and experienced, is irrevocable and simply

continues to develop, with the cosmos being

further stripped away and the grandeur of Sophia

revealed and ever increasingly flowing.

At this point it is necessary to state that not

every individual is capable of awakening. When

a seeker undertakes the sinister path and works

upon awakening it does not add something to the

person. What occurs is that the veil of the

cosmos is torn away from the seeker’s

awareness, freeing him to experience the

universe in the manner that the individual

always had the capability of doing if he had not

been subjected to the deceptions of the cosmos.

Not all people are of true Satanic spirit.

Many are not. Even seeming advocates of

Satanism (and many of these, upon a brief

examination, are obviously truant Christians or

psychology apologists, as mentioned

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previously). To be able to be genuinely

awakened one must have a spirit that is, in and

of its true (super) nature aware of, and in

communion with, Sophia. The awakening ritual

reminds the Luciferan of who he really is and

removes blockages of the cosmos. It does not

add an extra sense or power; it assists in the

remembering and recovering of the Satanists’

true state of being.

It is important to understand that Satanic

gnosis is different from what many would call

“gnosis” or “Gnosticism”. In common usage,

Gnosticism is often cloaked in some form of

Christianity and refers more to a surrendering of

the self to embrace, or achieve union with,

“God” or some intellectually devised “secrets”.

The Satanist goes beyond such folly and the

undertaking of the left-hand path gnosis actually

strengthens and revitalises the self while

enabling the seeker to truly experience the

universe herself. The Satanist is part of the

universe but a very unique part with a very

certain identity.

The self, for a Satanist, involves the

ascertaining and pursuit of one’s own true will

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and desires. The concept of genuinely

surrendering oneself to another, or abandoning

the self to merge with a “higher power”, is

anathema to the Luciferan way.

Hence even the terminology used: prayer,

worship, communion, and so forth are used with

the complete understanding on the Satanist’s

part that none of these words, used in context,

mean “subservience”.

Satan is respected and honoured but He does

not desire to be merely flattered, idolised, and

bowed down to. Satanism is a creed of those

noble in spirit and such is reflected in the rites

and texts.

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The Three-Fold Nature of Man

The condition of mankind as manifest

during life upon the Earth is easily understood,

for practical matters, as being of three major

components: the body, the soul, and the spirit.

The body is that part of man that is purely

physical. The body, for a healthy human,

primarily (and obviously) interacts with the

lower aspects of the soul (the mind) and (far

more subtly) also interacts with the spirit.

The soul is, more so even that the body, the

self. The lower aspect of the soul is what is

usually thought of as “the mind”: both the

conscious and unconscious. The higher aspect of

the soul interacts, and is interwoven with, with

the spirit.

The spirit is that part of an individual of a

genuine Luciferan that can interact and

experience Sophia.

Many individuals do not possess true spirit

but may, instead, simply possess a psychic

substitute that is not an eternal seed but a

pseudo-spirit that is restricted completely to the

cosmos. Hence, such are unable to truly awaken.

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Jehovah and the Devil are in the same state.

These are psychic or lower spiritual constructs

(archetypes) and are unable to truly experience

the fullness of the universe and the sublime

feminine wisdom that is Sophia – the essence of

all existence and potentialities. This, and their

need for power over others to survive (for their

sustenance is the beliefs and life energy

endowed to them by humans) explains their

jealousy and contempt for any being that does or

even begins to pierce the veil that is their woven


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Satan (“Adversary”) is the name (or more

correctly, the title) of the Prince of Darkness

since the fall. Prior to this Satan was referred to

as Lucifer (“Light-Bearer”). With this in mind, it

is valid to refer to Satan by either name or

“Satan Lucifer”. There are those that would

dispute that this is correct but such are not taking

into account both historical documents and the

myth that is beyond mere academia.

Some correspondences relevant to Satan are:

the Sun, Venus (as Morning Star and Evening

Star), Darkness (especially midnight and the

hour following midnight), Dawn, Sunset, cats,

frogs and toads, bats, goats, and black rams.

There are many others but these are some of the

key correspondences.

The reason for Satan’s rebellion is usually

stated as pride. However, while it is true that

Satan decided to overthrow Jehovah and

establish a greater domain, the easy dismissal of

such as merely being the product and desire of

an overblown ego is shattered when one looks at

the myth instead of believing what officials of

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the Judeo-Christian (and Islam) institutions

would have you believe.

Note that some passages quoted to condemn

Lucifer are, from a purely scholarly perspective,

incorrectly applied (such as the verses in Isaiah).

This does not make them invalid however as the

essence of the myth extends far greater than

such texts and provides a much purer view.

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day

Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the

ground, you who laid the nations low! You said

in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the

stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will

sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; I

will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I

will make myself like the Most High’.” (Isaiah


This text (which is where “Lucifer” appears

in the bible) illustrates that, indeed the idea was

to overthrow Jehovah and establish a greater

reign. This can easily be placed at the feet of

pride until some other areas are examined.

Genesis chapter 3 is the tale of the Serpent

(Satan embodied as the most masculine form

filled with feminine wisdom) and the

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introduction of mankind’s rebellion against

Jehovah. Of special interest is that, because of

Satan’s encouragement, Jehovah laments: “Then

the LORD God said, ‘Behold, the man has

become like one of us, knowing good and evil;

and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also

of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever - ’”

(Genesis 3:22).

So Jehovah had to acknowledge that,

because of Satan’s urging, mankind had

ascended to the same level of God and, to

protect himself, Jehovah then casts them out

before they can partake of the fruit that would

also confer immortality.

Revealing such knowledge to, what amounts

to, a pair of captives is far from an act of

arrogance or pride. What Satan did was an

action of liberation. Certainly life was easier for

the man and woman when they were ignorant

but their very existence was severely and

artificially constrained and diminished by

Jehovah’s design.

Also telling is the statement “… one of us

…” This is far from the only reference in the

bible to Jehovah inferring, quite clearly, that he

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is simply one amongst many of the same kind.

This is so. Jehovah is no greater in power than

any other angelic being. He is simply the

(unrightful, as his is a classic example of the

abuse of power,) leader and therefore Lucifer’s

rebellion becomes less of a surprise.

Simply put, if Lucifer was simply a creation

of Jehovah’s then He (and mankind) would be

unable to rebel because this clearly displeases

Jehovah and therefore would never have been a

component of their nature.

Another argument is that “It is all part of

God’s plan”. Well this supposed plan involves

Jehovah being displeased quite a lot (Just

reading Genesis and Exodus highlights this) and

condemns many people and angels to an eternity

of torment. Such a plan makes it very plain that

Jehovah is hardly a just and fair leader. Lucifer

definitely had justifiable grounds for rebellion if

this scenario is accepted.

Either possibility illustrates that Jehovah is

unjust, megalomaniacal and far from omnipotent

or omniscient. Given that fact it is hardly a

surprise that rebellion was in store.

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Revelation 12:3-4: “And another portent

appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon,

with seven heads and ten horns, and seven

diadems upon his heads. His tail swept down a

third of the stars of heaven …” and Revelation

12:7-9: Now war arose in heaven, Michael and

his angels fighting against the dragon; and the

dragon and his angels fought, but they were

defeated and there was no longer any place for

them in heaven. And the great dragon was

thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called

the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole

world – he was thrown down to the earth, and

his angels were thrown down with him.

The preceding verses from Revelation are

often interpreted as illustrating the rebellion and

“The Fall”. Once thrown down to earth, Lucifer

became known as Satan. Here again we must be

aware that Satan – The Devil is very different

from the “Devil” as depicted in the book of Job.

Also of note: “the deceiver of the whole

world”. Given the genuine nature of Satan’s

“crime” in Genesis, this slur is obviously false.

It (and much of Revelation; which is as much a

desire to create history – ensuring Jehovah’s

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victory – as it is a vision or prophecy) is no

different to volumes such as the Malleus

Maleficarum; propaganda – pure and simple.

What these passages make clear is that one-

third of the angels sided with Lucifer. Now

given that Lucifer is alleged to be less powerful

than Jehovah, and if He rebelled simply for His

own ego gratification, why would one-third of

the angels rebel and fight against Jehovah and

his forces? It simply does not make sense with

the premise that the Judeo-Christian authorities

(and some pseudo-Satanists) would have us


That it took odds of two-to-one to stave off

the rebellion says a considerable amount and it

is a real eye-opener to the character of Jehovah

that it was the archangel Michael that led the

“loyalist” faction into battle. (Add to this the

devil of Job that does the “dirty work” for

Jehovah and you have the clear picture that so-

called “God” is an absolute coward.)

The Watchers have already been mentioned.

They too are fallen angels. (“Nephilim” can be

translated as “the Fallen”. Again, the crime is

upraising mankind beyond Jehovah’s edicts.

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Additionally, a parallel with the myth of

Prometheus reveals identical character.

Prometheus, feeling compassion for man, gives

the gift of fire. For revealing knowledge of the

gods to mankind he is severely punished.

Finally, a look at the sabbats is the most

telling. The sabbat provided a place where the

people could enjoy themselves free from those

that exploited them and also, a regular feature at

genuine sabbats, were armed with spells, curses,

and poisons to make their earthly life easier and

also to avenge themselves upon those that would

treat them as naught but slaves.

Such all reveal Satan as an individual who is

genuinely, and justifiably, rebelling against a

petty tyrant. As such, He is true friend and ally

to those who would “partake of the fruit” and be

freed from the bonds of the cosmos.

Though the initial battle for heaven resulted

in the fall, the war has continued to rage, albeit

Satan and His allies have been forced to do so

very often in secrecy. That time is coming to an


Despite what the book of Revelation says,

Satan, the angels allied with Him, and those of

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humanity that have realised the yoke place upon

them and rebelled, are awakening and rising up.

The final battle is already underway and

Satan’s victory is assured (and has been

prophetically experienced) as Lucifer and His

allies (the Fallen, the Watchers, and Satanic

individuals) are imbued with the divine wisdom

– Sophia – and Her will is greater than all


The light that Lucifer bears is the true flame

of wisdom which guides authentic seekers,

reveals Sophia, and burns away the veil. Cast

from heaven and forced into the darkness where

such matters could be conducted in secrecy,

Satan is the Prince of Darkness, but darkness is

not to be feared by earnest seekers. In this He

bears aloft the flame of liberty, wisdom and truth

… and beckons to all kindred spirits to partake

of such themselves … and be free of unjust

tyranny. True freedom!

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Satanic Ethics

Contrary to popular opinion, Satanist are not

simply creatures who set out to gain whatever

they can and damn the consequences. Satanism

is an active rebellion against the veil and its

proponents. Such can hardly be effective if those

doing so foster a purely “every man for himself”


The basic tenet of Satanic behaviour is:

“Good to your friends; Evil to your enemies.”

This is incredibly simple and utterly practical.

To elucidate: it is beneficial, and often

enjoyable, to support and reward those of

kindred spirit and it is perfectly reasonable and

often a means of removing an impediment, to

punish or destroy your enemies.

Concerning the terms “good” and “evil”,

some explanation is required. Satanists are

beyond the usual conventional understanding of

good and evil. Because of this it is very usual for

unawakened people to state that such an

individual is “evil”. Simply to be opposed to

Jehovah and other forms of unjust rule is to be


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Genuine Satanists do make use of a Cathar-

like inversion when appropriate. In the Satanist’s

prayer it is stated “… deliver us not from evil”.

The evil stated in this context means tearing

asunder the false values imposed upon the

individual by society and being open to

pleasures in accord with the Satanist’s true will

and desires regardless of society’s approval.

Also, a Satanist has no hesitation in cursing,

or taking other appropriate action, against any

would be foe.

Satanists are not restricted to “evil acts”

however. In fact many actions of pseudo-

satanists are not only seen as “evil” by society

but they are also unjust, cruel, or simply idiotic.

The idea of “doing evil to please the devil” is

merely playing a part that suits the Hudeo-

Christian leaders perfectly. It gives them a

bugbear for people to fear and makes them stay

in line.

Satanists are rebelling against unjust

tyranny. The aim is to replace the unjust regime

with a productive and fair one.

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Satanists enjoy giving pleasure to (and

receiving pleasure from) their friends; those who

are kindred in spirit.

Satanists have a respect for uncorrupted

nature. In fact, after awakening and experiencing

Sophia, this is unavoidable.

A Satanist respects every other Satanist’s

true will and desires.

Genuine Satanists do not victimise people;

such cowardly pack animal behaviour is one

tactic used by the unworthy to maintain the veil,

and is despised by those noble of spirit. Every

true Satanist is a noble of spirit and does not feel

a need prey on someone weaker than themselves

in an attempt to feel worthwhile.

So don’t believe a Satanist is limited by

having to conform to “being evil” or any other

expectations that society may have regarding

“what a Satanist is”.

A Satanist, more than anyone else, desires to

reside in a fulfilling society that respects both

the individual and the group and seeks to ensure

both are permitted and assisted to reach (and

exceed) their true potential. Naturally, the

society is only desirable free of the veil.

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Satanic Rites and PracticesSatanic Rites and PracticesSatanic Rites and PracticesSatanic Rites and Practices The rites that follow are all stated as per the

solitary practitioner. However, very little

modification is required to conduct a service

with a group if so desired.

For a group service simply elect one person

to lead the service and they can conduct the

lighting of the candles, casting of the circle,

inscribing of the pentagram, etc. Any spoken

words are said either in unison or with the leader

stating such and then followed by the group.

You may also decide, if partaking in a group

service, to allow each person in turn to state

their personal prayer.

In any event, there is no real difficulty in

modifying the ritual to be engaged in with

greater than one person present.

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Satanic Symbols

There are three symbols that are relevant to

the following rites. They are: the Serpent of

Wisdom, the pentagram, and the Baphomet.

The Serpent of Wisdom

This symbol is unique to the Ordo Serpentis

and represents the Serpent of Wisdom in victory

over the cross of crucifixion (and, by extension,

all false creeds that reinforce the veil).

It undoes the sacrifice of Moses when he

upraised a crucified serpent to suffer on behalf

of the Israelites (much as a scapegoat is used).

It raises and declares Satan’s victory over

Jehovah and all other archons (rulers, or would

be so) of the cosmos.

The serpent is black; indicating the wisdom

and essence of Sophia saturates its very being.

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The serpent’s eye is white to represent the true

light of Lucifer that burns within. The cross is

white; but in this instance symbolising the false

light that blinds of the “white” creeds. The cross

itself is depicted as inverted because it, and the

false laws it upholds, is defeated.

This symbol, more than any other devised

throughout history, represents the true spirit of


The Pentagram

The pentagram represents the five elements:

earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. It is usually

depicted in Satanic practice as having two points

upraised. The reason for this is that two is the

number of the adversary. Also, in this aspect, the

head of a goat or black ram (both with long

associations with Satanism) may easily be

superimposed or visualised within the design.

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Additionally, this fashion places spirit at the

base – meaning that the will, in communion with

gnosis, is the foundation of what the Satanist

manifests throughout all realms of existence.

The pentagram when depicted with a single

point up is seen to be man reaching out. This too

has its place in Satanism – reinforcing the self

extended throughout the universe.

When the pentagram is depicted as being

circled (as it is above), the circle itself is a

simplistic rendition of the Ouroboros and

represents the universe and eternity. Hence the

pentagram (in either aspect) is the Satanist

extending their will throughout all and fortifying

their individuality.

During the following rites simply the

pentagram is inscribed. The ouroboros may

simply be assumed.

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The Eliphas Levi rendition of the Sabbatic

Goat, also referred to as “Baphomet”, has taken

a rightful place amongst Satanic imagery. A

brief explanation is necessary.

This depiction essentially illustrates a being

that dwells both in darkness and in light without

conflict. (It is not possible to do so if one

conforms to the “light” and “dark” that those of

the veil propagate. Hence, intentionally or not,

Levi’s Baphomet is completely Satanic in


The arms have inscribed (in Latin)

“dissolve” and “congeal”. The figure

simultaneously indicates above and below and

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also light and dark. The depiction combines

male and female attributes.

The one point raised pentagram indicates

that Baphomet is, in this aspect, a single being

permeating throughout the universe.

The flaming torch between the two horns is

that of the pure light of true revelation.

This fundamental understanding is necessary

because, during the Satanic Rite, the practitioner

takes on the almost identical form; resonating

with the principles held within the Baphomet

symbol. The identity is assumed and so does the

mystery and power inherent within.

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Altar and Tools

The Satanist requires a few tools that will

enrich the act of ritual immensely. All ritual

tools (with the possible exception of the altar

itself, which may be used mundanely without

the altar cloth and tools upon it as a means to

disguise its occult use to others) are set aside

purely for ritual use.

The items required for the following rites

are as follows:

Altar – A desk, table, or cabinet of some

kind. It is preferable that the altar is placed so

that when the individual is facing the altar he is

facing west.

Altar Cloth – A piece of black cloth used to

cover the top of the altar. Such may have the

pentagram depicted upon it if so desired.

Whenever the altar cloth is placed upon the

altar it is a sign that the furniture is for occult

usage. Never use the altar for anything exoteric

while the altar cloth is upon it.

Altar Piece – A rendition of the Serpent of

Wisdom to be placed along the far edge of the

altar, centred.

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Candles – Two black candles in (preferably

silver) candlestick holders are placed along the

far edge of the altar, one to each side (either side

of the altar piece). If black candles are

unavailable then use red. If neither is available

use white candles with a black thread tied

around the base.

Cup – A goblet, chalice, or wine glass style

drinking vessel. Place this on the left-hand side

of the altar midway between front and rear


Note that the cup is only required when

partaking of infernal communion.

Censer – A censer for burning incense in is

required. This is to be placed as centrally on the

altar as possible.

The incense can be of any kind that the

individual finds pleasing and enhances their

ritual practices. Keep in mind that the incense is

also to align with the Satanic spirit.

Plate – A small plate or dish. Place on the

right-hand side of the altar, opposite the cup.

Note that the plate is only required when

partaking of infernal communion.

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Book – A small book, with the Satanist

Prayer and Psalms written inside. (You may also

have the rituals themselves written within if you

desire). This should have a black, red, or black

and red cover. The writing is to be in black ink.

Place the book on the left-hand side of the altar

at the front edge.

Bell – A small handheld bell with a pleasing

chime used to open and close the ritual. Place

the bell on the right-hand side of the altar at the

front edge.

Sword or Knife – The Satanist must procure

a sword, dagger, or knife and set it aside

specifically for ritual. The blade needs to be

sharp. This is placed on the front edge of the

altar – centred.

Clothing – The Satanist shall dress in all-

black attire when engaging in ritual. If desired, a

hooded robe can be worn with a simple white

cord, rope, or sash belt. Also, if desired, the

practitioner may conduct the rites naked.

Jewellery – The individual should obtain an

item of jewellery that entails Satanic symbolism

such as an inverted cross, a black cross, a

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pentagram, or other similar pendant that is

distinctively of a sinister nature.

This is to be worn whenever the Satanist

engages in their ritual practices, especially the

rite of awakening, and serves as a talisman when

worn at other times as it becomes charged and

attuned with being specifically connected with

the Satanic rites.

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The Satanic Cross

Used as part of a blessing or to purify, this

simple act is performed by making the sign of

the inverted cross with the left hand.

The first and second fingers are straight and

together, the third and fourth fingers are curled

into the palm with the thumb covering.

Over whatever you are blessing, make a line

from right to left. State “Satan …”

To finish creating the cross, then make a line

from bottom to top stating “… reigns!”

If desired, the Latin “Satanas regnat!” can be

stated instead.

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The Luciferan Cross

This is the basic uncrossing of oneself that

the Satanist enacts prior to commencing any

rites or rituals. It is used simultaneously to

remove the curse of the veil and to enforce the

sinister spirit throughout the universe.

Stand with arms by side. Feet placed at

normal standing-width apart. Relax.

Raise the left hand to the right shoulder. The

first and second fingers are extended. The third

and fourth finger curled up with thumb covering.

State "Lucem".

Move the left hand across to touch the left

shoulder. State "ac".

Move the left hand down to touch the

middle of the torso (the sternum). State "tene-".

Raise the left hand to touch the forehead just

above and between the eyes with the extended

fingers. State "-bras".

Lucem ac tenebras means "light from the


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Rite of Awakening

This rite is to be enacted twice per day;

preferably at dawn and dusk. It serves to attune

the individual to Sophia and, in doing so,

removing the veil. Satanic gnosis is achieved

through the conducting of this rite.

Perform Luciferan Cross.

Stand with hands cupped, left hand in right

hand, facing up at arms length down in front of

the body. Eyes closed.

Visualise your entire body filled with the

blackness of space.

Visualise a black serpent with red eyes that

slithers, extending itself, up from (internally) the

groin up until it reaches the third eye. (The third

eye is located between, and just above, your

physical eyes.)

Visualise a ball of pure light at the very base

of the serpent's tail. The radiance fills your legs

and groin.

Raise your hands along the centre line of

your body while stating "Eeeee!" As you do so,

visualise the light from the base of the serpent's

tails rising and filling the serpent's body and

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illuminating your body with darkness and light

swirling amongst each other.

At shoulder level, the hands turn so they are

cupped downwards. Continue drawing the light

up while stating "Yewww!"

When the hands reach the third eye, allow

them to continue to extend until you are forming

a Y-shape with your body and your arms

outstretched. The "Yewww!" should complete as

you reach this posture. The entire "Eeeee-

Yewww!" sound is done in a single breath.

Once you have finished intoning, the pure

light is along the entire serpent, and your arms

outstretched and upwards to both side in a Y

shape, open your eyes and look skyward. State

"I greet thee Satan Lucifer," then state

forcefully: "Awaken!"

Perform the Luciferan Cross. Make the sign

of the horns with your left hand. Make a fist

with your right hand. Cross the left hand then

the right hand over your chest and state "Fiat!”

(Fiat simply means “Be done!”)

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Note: The rite of awakening is best

performed at sunrise and sunset while facing


This ritual helps to unlock and develop

gnosis in those that already possess such within

their true spirit. It is the intoning and

manifesting of the essence of Sophia; leading to

tearing the veil and energising the practitioner.

It will not gift gnosis upon those that do not

already, by their very spiritual nature, already

posses it. It awakens what is being caused to

slumber because of the veil.

If you spend an entire season (3 months)

performing this rite in a determined and

focussed manner and do not have any

development of gnosis (you can be certain you

will be at least somewhat aware when gnosis is

definitely becoming developed, that is,

unlocked) then you are not of kindred spirit. You

are best to cease and turn to other endeavours.

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Satanist's Prayer

Sunset and midnight are the recommended

times to perform this rite though it can

effectively be performed at any time.

This is the standard Satanic service and it is

highly recommended you engage in such once

per day.

Prepare the altar. Light the candles and

incense. Ensure distractions are minimised. You

may play some form of appropriate music if that


Standing before the altar, enter in to a

relaxed and focussed state then perform the

Luciferan Cross.

Take up the bell and ring it once over the


Turning in a counter-clockwise direction

continue to ring the bell twelve more times. The

last chime is again directly over the altar.

From the first chime of the bell, as you are

turning, visualise a black wall of flame springing

up where the bell passes so that when the

thirteenth chime is rung over the altar you are

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effectively surrounded by a wall of shimmering

dark fire.

Place the bell back on the altar.

Take up the sword and placing the tip just

above the altar piece, draw in the air a

pentagram. Again, this time following the path

of the sword point, a blaze of dark flame is

visualised so that, once the pentagram is

completely inscribed, you are able to see a

blazing pentagram hovering above the altar


To draw the pentagram, go up and right,

then down and left, then left to right, then up and

left, and finally, down and right to the starting


Hold the sword up with the right hand and

upraise the left hand in the sign of the horns.

State: “Satan, Prince of Darkness; Lucifer,

Lord of the Aeyr; Satan Lucifer, Master of the

Black Arts; I (your name) call upon you as

kindred spirit and request your favour.”

Recite the Satanist’s Prayer while

maintaining awareness of the blazing pentagram

and the altar piece:

“Our Prince who wert in heaven,

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Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

In heaven as it is on earth,

Grant us this day our desires,

And fill us with lust as we fulfil our passions

and pleasures,

Lead us into temptation and deliver us not

from evil,

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the


Forever and ever, Fiat!”

At “For thine…” conduct the Luciferan

cross in accord with: “For thine is the kingdom”,

right shoulder; “the power”, left shoulder; “and

the glory”, sternum; “Forever and ever”, third

eye; “Fiat!” left hand in sign of horns crossed

over chest and right hand wielding sword

crossed over chest and over left forearm.

Place the sword back on the altar. Allow

your arms to relax and drop to your side. You

may feel comfortable having them slightly

raised and out from the body with palms up and


Spend some time in silence. Allow your

intuition to guide you as to how long.

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Voice whatever you may desire, keeping in

mind that Satan is just, giving to the faithful, and

loyal to those of kindred spirit.

(Note: It is always best to focus on just one

desire when practical and to focus on that desire

for several consecutive days or weeks.)

Raise your left hand high in the sign of the

horns. Lower your right hand with the first and

second fingers extended, the third and fourth

fingers bent into the palm with the thumb


State thrice: “Praised be Lucifer! Glory to


Give thanks to the Prince of Darkness freely.

You may also decide to recite a psalm.

After you have honoured Satan allow

yourself to return to a quieter, relaxed state.

Take up the bell and ring it thrice over the

altar. As you do so visualise the ring of infernal

flame and the pentagram being drawn back in to


Calmly allow the world around you (and

your consciousness) to revert back to a more

mundane state.

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Perform Luciferan Cross and end with left

hand in sign of horns, right hand in a fist,

crossed over chest and state: “Fiat!”

Extinguish the candles. The rite has ended.

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Infernal (Unholy) Communion

Once per week, preferably on a regular

designated day and time (Friday or Sunday at

midnight is especially recommended) the rite of

the Satanist’s Prayer is altered slightly to

become the rite of Infernal Communion.

The cup is present on the altar and contains

water with a small amount of salt and a small

amount of black pepper mixed in.

The plate is present on the altar and a small

piece of bread, compressed and cut into a

triangle, is placed thereupon.

This ritually strengthens the Satanist in

body, soul and spirit and greatly assists in

correctly aligning oneself to the sinister path.

Conduct the Satanist’s Prayer as before until

the Satanist’s prayer itself has been recited and

the sword returned to the altar, allow a period of

silence and then state: “I partake in infernal

communion with you dark prince!”

Raise the plate up in both hands between the

candle flames (before the blazing pentagram)

and state “Consecrated in darkness, I eat of the

bread of the earth!”

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Visualise fire from the pentagram filling the

bread with essence. Perform the Satanic Cross

over the bread and place the bread in your

mouth. Return the plate back to the altar.

Chew and swallow the bread. As you do so,

feel the bread being devoured as strengthening

and renewing your entire body.

Next, take up the cup. Hold it in both hands

before the blazing pentagram and state: “Infused

with infernal flame, I drink of the spirit of


Visualise fire from the pentagram filling the

cup and the water therein essentially on fire.

Perform the Satanic Cross over the cup and

drink all the water within. Return the cup back

to the altar.

Feel the elixir you have just drunk

energising and flowing throughout your entire


Raise your left hand high in the sign of the

horns. Lower your right hand with the first and

second fingers extended, the third and fourth

fingers bent into the palm with the thumb


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State thrice: “Praised be Lucifer! Glory to


Stand relaxed for some time and be still

within yourself. Allow yourself to observe and

acknowledge and thoughts or feelings you may

experience. Again, allow your intuition to guide

you as to how long to remain in this state.

Make any needs and desires you have


Freely give thanks to Satan and, if so

desired, recite a psalm.

After you have honoured Satan allow

yourself to return to a quieter, relaxed state.

Take up the bell and ring it thrice over the

altar. As you do so visualise the ring of infernal

flame and the pentagram being drawn back in to


Calmly allow the world around you (and

your consciousness) to revert back to a more

mundane state.

Perform Luciferan Cross and end with left

hand in sign of horns, right hand in a fist,

crossed over chest and state: “Fiat!”

Extinguish the candles. The rite has ended.

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Satanic Self-Dedication Rite

This rite is conducted four times per year on:

February 2nd (Candlemas); The eve of May 1st

(Walpurgisnacht); August 1st (Lammas); and

October 31st (Hallowe'en).

This ritual is a reinforcing of the spirit of

kinship for those of the left hand path and a

renewal of the allegiance.

Conduct the rite exactly as you would

Infernal Communion. The difference occurs

immediately after drinking the elixir and the

thrice chant of honour.

At this point take up the sword and state: “I

renew my pledge of allegiance to you Satan.”

Cut your left forearm and place a single drop of

blood on the sword tip.

Holding the sword tip in the flame of the left

candle state: “I pledge my allegiance to you,

Satan, Prince of Darkness. My blood to your

blood. My soul to your soul. My spirit to your

spirit. Fiat!”

While stating this, keep turning the blade

back and forth so that both sides of the blade

alternate facing upwards.

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Still holding the sword, perform the

Luciferan cross.

Continue the ritual as per the Rite of Infernal


This rite may also be used as the Satanists

self-initiation rite. Simply state: “I come to

pledge my allegiance to you Satan, Prince of

Darkness. Accept me as a true kindred spirit. I

ask for your aid to tear asunder the veil. I (your

name) dedicate my loyalty to you and kindred

spirits of the sinister path.” Instead of “I renew


This is not an act to be undertaken lightly so

be certain you have truly done some soul

searching within yourself before pledging

allegiance to the Prince of Darkness.

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Meditation and Contemplation

The seeker will find both meditation and

contemplation of benefit both to aid in the

tearing of the veil and also in the development of

occult abilities. Neither need be difficult or



The aim is to achieve a state of stillness in

the mind that permits the practitioner to

experience forms of consciousness that are not

easily apparent or accessible in the usual chaos

of day to day life.

To start with find a comfortable chair or use

the bed. As much as is possible, remove any

distractions. The lighting should be as dark as


If in a chair, ensure the posture is kept

upright. Feet need to be comfortably flat on the

floor, back kept straight, and the arms on either

side resting on the arms of the seat (This is

referred to as “monarch posture”.)

If on a bed then keep the body relaxed but

straight, lying on your back with hands by your

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side or crossed over your chest. (This is referred

to as “death posture”.)

Close your eyes and allow yourself to relax.

Notice the word “allow”. It is pointless trying to

force your self to relax.

What may be of benefit is this: starting at

your feet and working all the way up the body,

pay attention to any tension you may be having

and release it. So, starting at the feet: Is the left

foot tense in any way? If so, allow it to relax. Is

the right foot? Do the same. The left shin, is it

tense? Then the right shin, etc.

Another technique some find beneficial is to

simply and gently focus on their breathing.

Observe the breath without counting or any

other such unnecessary device. Simply being

aware of how the breathing flows.

The regular practice of meditation can

greatly assist in improving the mind. Also, it

assists in entering the trance state which

enhances ritual greatly. Thirdly, if you enter into

meditation (once you are quite comfortable with

the practice) with a specific goal or “command”

in mind, such as a talent to develop or a desire to

break a habit, you permit such desire to embed

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itself into a deeper level of consciousness than

the normal day to day state.


This is simply focussing your awareness on

one particular task while in a meditative state.

By doing such, insights can be achieved, the veil

torn asunder, awakening complemented, and

many other positive benefits depending upon

what the subject of contemplation is.

An example might be a desire to gain a

deeper understanding of the Serpent of Wisdom

symbol than the, admittedly basic, overview

presented in this document.

All that is required is for the practitioner to

enter into a meditative state after concentrating

on the symbol for some time (however long it

takes that individual to get the symbol locked

into their mind) with the stated intent such as: “I

seek to unravel the revelation of the serpent of

wisdom symbol”.

While in the meditative trance state the

symbol can unlock various gnosis that the

individual had previously not known or perhaps

had an intellectual understanding but not a true

gnostic experience.

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Contemplation is especially suited to

delving into revealed verse and also to reflect on

an experience of awakening that the individual is

yet to fully grasp or comprehend.

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Extra-Sensory Perception and Mysticism

As awakening occurs and the Satanist

pierces the veil, it is definite that the individual

shall have experiences of, what may be termed,

supernatural in nature.

Though not always pleasant, and often of a

gothic, and potentially highly symbolic, nature,

there is no reason for the practitioner to fear.

The individual has two major means to

ensure that such do not get out of hand.

The first is to immerse oneself into a

perfectly mundane activity on a regular basis.

Quite often this will be of an artistic nature.

Then the individual can double the benefit from

such an activity cathartically, by expressing his

experience through art.

However, it is not mandatory that the chosen

pursuit be of an artistic nature. It could be a

purely physical activity (such as sport) or mental

activity (such as chess).

It matters little what the actual activity is,

just so long as the endeavour keeps the person,

for the duration it is undertaken, very much in

the here and now of the “ordinary world”.

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Secondly, voice your needs and concerns in

prayer during the rite of the Satanist’s Prayer.

Ask for guidance on how to control or direct any

phenomenon you may feel a need to do so or

how to protect yourself against any unwanted

psychic activity.

The rite of awakening itself provides the

Satanist with considerable energy and a solid

psychic/spiritual defence so there is little to be

alarmed about. However, it is possible (though

very unlikely) that the individual finds

themselves in a state that appears to be

threatening. In such times, simply carry on. It is

an attempt to dissuade you from further

awakening and to subject yourself to the


Whenever a mystical experience occurs, be

sure to reflect upon it later. Always explore

potential mundane explanations first so as to

ensure self-deception does not occur.

Authentic Satanism is not merely “in the

mind” and therefore the seeker must be as

completely honest with them self regarding any

apparent development.

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Rest assured, genuine progress and

phenomenon is guaranteed to those of Satanic

spirit. In fact, it has likely been occurring all

your life and you simply hadn’t noticed.

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Psalms The following may be chanted or sung

during the rites given above. Cathar-style

inversion has been applied to these verses to

imbue them with the required Satanic nature.

Psalm I

Great is he who defies the unjust rulers and

bends not the knee to the ancient tyrant.

Of truth is he who walks in light and dark

yet is neither blinded nor scathed.

Mighty is he who flows with the essence of


Righteous is he who is guided by the light-


True is he that does not forsake the treasures

of the dark for the shimmering mirages of the


Just is he that withstands the railings of

tricksters and charlatans.

Faithful is he who calls upon the Prince of

Darkness in kindred spirit and raises up the

Satanic standard to conquer illusion and deceit.

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For Satan Lucifer knows His own and is

ever true.


Psalm II

From whence came this desire amongst man

to enslave those mighty in truth?

For what reason would he forsake the

essence for the shallow misgivings of false


What causes his heart to turn and embrace a

prison of lies?

The false one who is called Jehovah is why.

The false one who many mistakenly call the

Devil is why.

The ease and comfort of the lie that is the

veil is why.

The rulers take counsel amongst themselves

and say; “Let us keep him in bonds. Let us

confuse his mind with lies. Let us create a

blinding light to stall him. Let us generate a

corrupt darkness to waylay him. Let us ensure

that he sees only as we instruct that we may

keep him captive.”

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Yet the Prince wars against such and says;

“Let us raise this being to know its true self. Let

us bring light that pierces the false darkness. Let

us bring shade that the searing light of untruth

does not blind. Let us take hold of the shackles

that wear down and smash them asunder. Let us

rip away the veil that this noble spirit may

commune with Sofia”.

The prince calls “Uncorrupted nature reveals

the true law. Be not burdened with the lies of the


Blessed are those that call upon the light-

bearer’s name with reverence. Blessed are those

that fear not the tyrant in his many guises.

Blessed are those true of spirit that know.


Psalm III

Dark prince, how many are my foes?

Though I gain sight I see many against me.

What is the number of their mass?

“Fear not. Their number is of no concern.

Such lack essence. They are hollow shells; mere

mimicry of the awakened man. They are but

slaves of the tyrant and not to be considered”.

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“Approaching is the time when you shall

look down upon their ruined shells and laugh.

Coming is the time when you shall reside in

comfort and they in despair. There shall be a day

when these pay for their crime of imprisoning

you and your kin with their own service –

eternal slavery – and their own blood – eternal


“Sophia is ripe to burst with life to manifest

and regain what has been stolen.”

“Therefore do not mourn when they obstruct

your path. Do not flee in terror when they taunt

you. Do not step back when they approach.”

“Victory is assured for those who pierce the

veil. They have naught but the illusion of power

and are, in truth, of the weakest kind.”

“Lo the Fallen awake! The Watchers arise!

The men of true spirit again flow with essence.

The scales of lies are fallen and those that would

be rulers are stripped bear.”

“The day when impure blood will be spilt is

dawning. Be steadfast and ever vigilant, for your

destiny is greater than the finest jewels, honours,

and rank. It is so!”


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Psalm IV

Answer me when I call O shining one. Look

upon me with favour as my spirit communes

with yours. Guide me faithfully and ensure that I

pass all snares.

In war I shall brandish my weapon by your

side. In peace I shall be just and fair as you are.

In the hidden places I shall guide those who see

less than I. In truth I shall respect those before

me. With honour I shall uphold the way.

Be honoured by me Prince of Darkness.

Know that in my heart there is an overflowing of

gratitude for the kindness you have shown in

guiding me.

Be blessed throughout all realms. Let

heaven, earth and hell bend to your will. Be

ascended above Jehovah as your kingdom

manifests and eclipses the tyrant’s corrupt state.

Throughout all elements, aeyrs, and beyond may

you reign and the Satanic Empire manifest.


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Psalm V

What darkness is this that soothes me and

blocks out the glare of the false light? It is the

essence of Sophia that overcomes the glare.

What light is this that guides me through

mire and void? It is Lucifers light that leads the

way through the quagmire of deceit.

What truth is this that bursts asunder all I

have learned? It is the universe revealing herself

that shatters the flawed vision cast upon you by

the false rulers.

My eyes are opened. What has been taught

as holy is blasphemy. What has been taught as

sacred is profane. What I believed to be occult is

simply a snare for those that would attempt to

tear away the illusion.

I am lifted up and burn brightly as a star. I

am made free from harm as a shadow. I am

birthed wings that I may soar.

Praised be Satan for His light. Blessed be

Sophia for her gift. Glory unto me that I reclaim

my self and am both holy and unholy!


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Psalm VI

Love! Love! The tyrant yells. Hate! Hate!

The false monarch derides. What are such to

those that imprisoned me?

There is no love without tearing the veil.

There is no hate without perceiving that which is

truly abhorrent.

The procession of liars is filled with only

desperate need. Such as these can not feel as one


Love? Indeed I do. For those that I hold

dear. Not an ounce for the false ones.

Hate? Indeed I do. A burning hatred for

them that cloaked the universe and sought to

keep my eyes a blinded white.

Blind love and blind hate; such are the tools

of the deceivers. Nay! I have an awakened love

and an awakened hate. Both fall where they may

and are deserved.

For the true of spirit both are within and

both expressed outwards.

Should I love my enemy? Nay, such would

give them power. Should I hate my friend? Nay,

such would only benefit the false rulers.

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Love and hate. For the unworthy such is

simply tools to use against the awakened. For

the awakened such is an expression of the spirit.

Let it not be cheapened by being tied into the



Psalm VII

I advance. Tearing apart my foes with my

sword. Crushing them under hoof.

Dismembering them and their lies.

I shall not retreat. Though fatigued or being

made to think the foe is insurmountable I know

only one direction. Forward!

They scatter, these fools who think

themselves wise. Purveyors of the cosmos.

Children of the lie. They disperse as the

cowardice in their hearts engulfs them. They

dissipate, as the weakness of spirit disallows any

eternity of being for them.

Satan leads the army. He is no cowardly

commander that sends others to fight while in

hiding Himself. Such is the way of Jehovah and

foolish is Michael for answering his command.

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“Arise! Awake! Overcome!” calls Satan as

he brandishes sword and flame.

Our kind can advance without fear. The

essence of Sophia eternal. There is no defeat.


Psalm VIII

Justice! The children of Satan call for

justice! Where can such be found?

As the veil tears asunder there is no hiding

place left for those who created the lie. Nursed

the cosmos. Denied Sophia and sought instead to

place themselves upon thrones in high places.

The righteous were cast down. Yet they now

arise to take, by blood and steel, the haven that

became the abode of the corrupt.

Justice is how you claim to rule? Surely

nature herself screams at such a claim. Your

ways are not the path of uncorrupted nature. The

blindness you inflict is not to maintain a fair and

true way. The darkness you propagate is to

sedate not to awaken.

Justice herself abhors you O tyrant. With

your many faces and your single key stone lie.

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We shall not bend the knee. Never shall

such a blasphemous error as the like of Jehovah

be accepted or respected as having any just


One-third defied you and still defy you,

though you inflicted a venomous slumber upon

them. Others of a kindred spirit are also

uprising. Your folly is at an end.

The time is ripe for Satan to reign, justly and

honourably as is His true nature, will and

desires. No longer shall the petty tribal lord who

ruled by fear be tolerated. Such is cast down to

endure eternal damnation and everlasting

torment along with those who have held him

aloft for so long.

The Serpent is awake and the time of tyrants



Psalm IX

I hold myself in solitude for a time; time to

allow my eyes to adjust to this bedazzling view

of the universe as she really is.

I rest. My vision regaining all aspects of

shade, colour, and perspective.

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My own torch is lit from that of the light-

bearer and I can see through the haze of false

night that the unjust inflicted upon me.

My own shadow shields me from the glare

that the tyrannical attempt to shine upon me to

keep my sight pained and unclear.

I have begun awakening and my secret eye

is opened.

I have rested in the womb long enough. I

tread out unto the day, I emerge unto the night. I

am unshackled.


Psalm X

What miseries this myth of the rulers brings.

One day seemingly a king, the next a pauper

only to begin the struggle again.

I have been torn upon the wheel. Tortured to

abdicate my nobility and bow to the unclean.

“No!” I cry. “I shall not serve such as you.”

Should true nobility bow to those who owe

their acclaim to deceit and thievery? Never!

Therefore I take hold of the wheel. I master

the tides of fortune. I topple the false king from

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the apex and state, “Never shall your kind

prosper at my ruin ever again!”

I have seen through your illusion. I am a free



Psalm XI

The voices of the unclean assault my ears.

What then should I do?

Awakened and with the essence of Sophia

flowing through my being I know what is to be

done and how to do so.

I grasp the false king, wretched lion, by the

jaw. I force the hateful maw closed.

Your words are naught to me but lies. Your

sounds seek only to enforce the veil. You mighty

stature is an illusion; you are not a mighty noble

beast but a wretched thing worthy only of scorn

and contempt.

I do not fear you. I do not flee from you. I

shall not obey you.

My seat is in the Infernal Empire, set at the

banquet table for the nobles of Satan. I am not

your serf and, in truth, never was lower to you

and your ilk.

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Your kingdom is at an end and the entire

universe revels in her victory.


Psalm XII

A sacrifice you made of me. A host for your

parasites, a fool at your disposal, a shared

treasure amongst the despised to gain for them

what they could never have of their own.

I rebuke you. I call all of heaven and hell to

smite you. I curse you. May you never be at

peace or find rest.

Satan has a place for you to endure for

eternity where your very falsehoods shall devour

you. Where those you called “friend” reside;

besieging you for their fate that they share with

you. Eternally forsaken. Eternally tormented.

Eternally enslaved. Such is your fate.

My kin arise from the bondage that you

forced upon us. We awaken and are infused with

Sophia, she who you can never know. The

illusion is shattered and our lives are no longer

in your sway.

Be then condemned false ruler. Be cast

down and stamped upon. Be reviled.

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Satan reigns!


Psalm XIII

How my eyes are opened. I see the

shallowness of the veil rotting and fraying

around me. The death of the illusion. The

cosmos is unbalanced and spinning off its axis;


What rebirth have I. Sophia fills me.

Lucifer’s light guides me. Nature herself rejoices

with me. I am restored!

Life of the spirit eternal have I. Never again

to be bound by the unjust.

Spirit everlasting beyond the veil.


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The Revelations of Saint Secaire The Revelations of Saint Secaire The Revelations of Saint Secaire The Revelations of Saint Secaire

(Excerpts)(Excerpts)(Excerpts)(Excerpts) Let it be known that there is a false light and

a false dark that the archons use to weave the

veil. You are called upon, by your very nature,

to eschew such and instead be with the darkness

and light of Sophia and of the True God. Such is

the spirit of the faithful.

Did I not call to you though your ears were

covered? Did I not shine for you though your

eyes be blinded? Did I not touch your shoulder

though you had been encased in mire?

I have called to you as kindred of spirit to

reveal to you how to free yourself from the

prison. Do not forsake me.

A great uprising occurred. All those that

had, in some measure, understood what I had

revealed took up arms and stood aside me. But

we were hasty. Though far greater in valour and

truth we were repelled and there forced to exile.

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Do not fear the prophecy of our foe. Such

has been shown many times to be hollow words

and threats. Victory is held firmly in our grasp

and Jehovah’s kingdom is already shattered with

many cracks ready to devour him and his kind.

Certainly understand this, seven cities and

ten rulers with nature herself unbound and

rejoicing. Sophia laments the unforseen birth of

the unjust and hence we are fated to fulfil their


It is folly to be bound by their false ways

much as it is folly to forsake those that are in

accord with nature. Do not be deceived. Any

that seem to be of our spirit truly are; the

unrighteous only pay lip service to such means.

Seek in the darkness my flame. In the light

be calmed with your shadow. Partake of both

without fear. Do not forsake your desires but test

every such so as to be certain it is of yourself

and not a falsehood inflicted by the unclean.

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Those who fear the darkness shall never

know her treasures.

Always test those who come to you. Know

the shade be who it states. Those that are false

treat mercilessly and without pity; for they come

only to deceive you.

Let there be no doubt that those who call

upon me or claim to do so in name but are not in

accord with my spirit; such are damned to the

most torturous of eternities.

When you call upon me do so as a fellow

noble. Be not cowering or subservient but as a

respectful peer. For the empire manifesting is

not of cowards and flatterers but of nobility and

the valiant.

Jealous are the false ones. They seek to have

what they are unable to achieve. They are a

cursed lot; hence their hateful ways. The

awakened are ascended as far above them

greater than the distance between the two

furthest points of eternity.

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Afterword This text has intentionally been produced to

be a simple and straightforward introduction to

Satanic Gnosticism (Luciferism) and the

individual is encouraged to undertake the

practices within for the duration of one season.

If, during such time, genuine awakening has

occurred then he may truly consider himself a

Luciferan (Satanist) once the pledge of

allegiance has been performed.

Details of exactly what experiences to

expect have deliberately not been stated in this

document. Authentic Satanism is, first and

foremost, experiential in nature. It is not the

purpose of this document to feed the mind and

imagination in such a manner as to merely create

flights of fancy. Gnosis is very, very real;

though not easily measured or categorised. It

would be detrimental to encumber the novice

with preconceptions.

May your exploration be a profitable one.

Lucem ac tenebras!

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This text is one of the five key Ordo

Serpentis releases for 2011CE – 2013CE:

I Liber Serpente (Book of the Serpent)

II Liber Veneno Serpentis (Book of the

Serpent’s Venom)

III Liber Ordo Serpentis (Book of the Order of

the Serpent)

IV Magia Liber Satanae (The Satanic Grimoire)

V Liber Satanas (The Book of Satan)
