TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBER m i mil ■MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect Many Natio ,f/ allfttucs. Strength of Administratioi Farm Aid Reaction Mj Be Shown. - WASHINGTON. Jiiiif r.-"l<wp cVo on ,Ii)Wn." Iios licoii ii wnieliwc at pol)tlc)im» }ior« lor Uiu Innl toi Irtn ycnrn'.nncl lodiiy (>vory nno Wa*IilHMnn from Ilm |iri-iiUlcm lo t niiwent ciii'Kninrinmn li;i« iin i-yo up l^o rorn bolt ciinlcr for Jlonilay-H prlrnnry. Thft iwllllrnl fii'.liro nt Mr. Co Wgi). tljR holli of Oiialrtiinti Hollnr thll rcpulillouii nnllnniirrMnmllti'c ^hi» imr»y,oiK«mJai'nim, Ihit liilin'i i (ll'uilii of (III) imrty on fiirin iilli'f Ii Itlatlon. nil inny Iiu iimri' or U w l VolVl'll, Honalor (’in.... .. rrn-nt mlnu-i nf tho worhl courl nml Hikircu fai . .rfllo t IjUI, iiilmlnlnlniihin iioii[n>r(i'r iiioMt mnltvrx. iiiM ilinlrmuii nf t rcpiilillciin iicnnlci Jinllclary romm U», la nmlchril lot niwlniil Smllh W, llroo1(h';irt. woi courl ojipononl. iiml IniiiirRi'nt. w .Icinanilcil Uiat Vlco I’ri'nlduni I)a« (lult tlic ruinilllcim Mrkia iliirlnp. I ln*l ramimlKn. Brmikliarl him' I.m-h. ino. an »il» c»to nf ovoii (iinri' fur ri'iichlnt: fai rcllPt prnpniiahi llian Ciiiaininn: WM nuMtni from Itio sennU' In nn oV Ilon conttHi chiefly Iicciuiko Ch.-ilnn nuilcr orxRtilzeil u kidup uuulnst.hii “ nml pjfcleil from lli« rrpiihlleun i ganlzRtlon of Ihjt unniilo wjlh Uii'i imi^ Ulll! iinil Fr.n»lor nflor tho li preitliltntlal cnmpulen. If BrOjiMiar*. ihouhl como hack (otirronl BhUoV .oenat# woiiljr 1 lb* ■n»vi5<— olhor rcceiil. oilmlnliilriillim prlinn roveraM-"" .Innlcntltiu thnt tho to ImU wftJi fltiBin In ruvoU. Soi'no woi inicrtiret ll nn-n -rtln'cl- rci>ui1lal1on Mr;- CoollilHu'H fniMi .rclU'f_aia>l?'’' jinil lliitlorn iimnaKoi'ii'nl of thi'Pur II mlRht nlw Infliicnco immo iicnalo vnti-H on Ihu UaiiKcn hill. lU'iiilinK' U«'M.nnK!, c«P*’clnUy It lUoy o comlnK*«J> for ro-tloi'llnn hi tho fi ----------------- I. Hollywood Youth Wins in Orator WASHINOTON, Jiini' r,-H«rlii WatUiK. l u of tloUywonil. (•«tlt., w mailoiowi’r nml mllilor ornlorlcnl K ; turca Ihnn nny of ihu kIx ollior cf lattanls, won tho thlnl national oi ftiriciil rogtflul hero Innl nlshl. VI , PrMlOcnl nnwoH prcMnlcil iho cup- Chlot Jiintlco Taft nf Ihn Unll fifatc* uupromo conri nml four am chlo JintU'Os Rnlccicd Iho winner.' n roaull of hln victory. Werlnr " rojlroaiml llio Unltoil Slaton In I flrtl Intornntlonal rimttKt lo hr* h< horo In Oclol>or. All novon filial o iMlnntB will bo laUcn on an i;nix>pc lour iiMl, uioijUi. . ^ VM«HT I'HOIJHKSSI-S .f\ SAN JOAH,' Vorto Rtco, I Bminrih) nuMnn. Arwhtlno avlut «iio I h flylnc from New York Duunoii Alren nrrlvi'il n* Jln*»oi Giiniloloiipo. at 10:i;0 thin niornlnK llo took off-from hcru nt G:35 a. loJny for tho' Inhiml nf .Mnr'tlnlfi vi-hcnec ho' will hop lo - Trlnlil '^rtadeloupc. ouroiito lo Martinique ^ frenS S bt -. TREATYINAl . PARIS. Jiino t;.-Praal(lln Doi lon, chalrmnn of iho'Tpreii;a lUfc 'eommlltoe of iho Proncli cliam' ot ilopi^iii. tohl tlie United Pr , . toOny Ihol In lils poraooal opln tboro Is nol tho iilltibtoal cha: tliot Iho .Fronch pnrllamonl will llfy Iho Boi;onger atirecnont prot iRK tor a seUleauiia of U w ^oi I delil to wUBprlcft. . I Ho (loclirod that Franeo ob}( lo tho art;>u]gemont hocAtuo It d nol filve her. tba Itrma Kmx Iloly, hoUUH. toAluro* of tbo' Dat plan for Oominny nro IncklnS i becauno tho projoclod u>o of ‘‘or blllfi'' to hfl Ktvcn tbo Unlled 8t« hy Prance would pormll oilier tlODs 10 buy them from tlio Udi . Bialct nnd .obtain a flacal club • . bold over Fraiico'ii lioad. Fi Q ' Untied .Pt«M A»»«ClkU6s« Wlr« 8*rvle* Ipl . Missouri Pastor. JY Taces Jail Ter fy ST. l-0Ul!5,-JJo..-Jun'*-t-A toi ______ Jm prw hor aud. rufornior, IVII I'mn K, llullnlKc, (odny faccil I maximum prinon iientcnw. of fir , I ycnrn nmtu flno of Jl.OOU. I A Jury In Fpili'ral Jii-ljo Fnrl) I . court.Into ymilordiiy found Um mV >iIk«, milliy of uxltih* thi< mnll to dcfrauil hi connmalon wlih ||| 4 | I proniollfln of Kconomy Oil cnm 11/ pnny In wlilrh n nuiiihor of mhi J U - - I M r m - n n i l hUth'VliiiriTi ottlcla! I'f lire lllllll III hnvo Innl moro lha: I I JJ-W.OflO, .‘iunli'ni-1* will nol h ■ * ' iiiniKincd liimn llulli'ilKi’ UIilll Moll • ilay. -"AMAfEliRslliOM ition; yNITED STAIES fAILINEUROf nn ' . chwonl ono"’" ’.; Misforluhi Stalks Efforts' I lo tho American Champions ,’c upon Golf and Tennis. llhrn of -------- rAIll.H, Jnnirr,-Ain<Tlraii aiiiiilf • ‘’o"!* champlunn llaia tnr .havu fnmi imfi Jlliir of iiinnlHy In llirlr Kurppcnii InvasW I” ’''’ Ull" MimmiT IlIV'lM-; Cnili'irn .>i)|iiirtuiji1y 'n 'v I 11 lli woinrn'ii cnlf I'liami'loniihip to n l ro miilorlallJn Wlirh Uio lourr I , mi'iit wiia p.illoil off hi'i'nnno of i ' Hrllliili ni'luTiil iitr)ko. Dotiliy Jni: /iriiirin a sitihiii'k'III lllu IlrlllBh nil Ilf Ihl. KO'f-'^hmiiploniihlii al .Mnlr fli' nml now li.-K.n Wllhi hi ki'pl from I tcnnU courln, hccaum- of un oiutuU world ' • ;l. who lAmnnj! Xmurlcami horc nml amo Dnwuii Uic nnvny Diirnpcnn frlemlB tho Cn Inp. tho foriila nirl hai« niodo nlnrn aho cm to (ho conilRcni lani winter. J I pIci I ailvo' lllni'Mi turmi’d nlnumt lliu coin lo| k: fariy nf cnnvcrniillon Imlny. Inn: ho II, wna Rcnurully full ihn( no mail \n how »\jcccr.iiiul Uio opornllon m i.'ilnnuil hnvo lieon. .Ml«a Wllln will hu fore sLhlm: lo wltlidrntv rrum tho piny nt Fon ;un or- Hllla Inlo In thu aummor. nn well UiFul- fioiu Ihv lonrnnmnntH horu and :ho lunl wimhlodon. If this were truo. 1 ulrlnc of coniccutivo nationnl cha :iack .io plonahlpa wonid hrotcen. 'Si > ^ Ainorlciln wonien jiinynri*. uont W( iirlinnry i,j, enlry.had not U 10 corn wlihilmwn from iho Wimbledon toui ) would *iartln« Jun'o 21. hul nho i Illon of ,|i„ prlvmn opinion Ilml Hol i0 i:nim f pnrty. , ______________ SSEEKTOEND SESSION EARL itory ----- WASHINOTON. Junu 'C -Iii nn i IlnrhprI nynipi ,g ^pi.til mljonrnmonl (ho ik lt„ whn iiioKwm ot, prclDrroiV ItiTliI cnl K .OU- ,|n „ (oiinj. dohl ni'lllemonl. (ho rmllo roKulnll ' w "' rlvorn nnd hnrborii hill, n •• imaiilhly ibo Cunirnlnn' railroad cc u'''ll d nicaiiuro. nnso- rroaiii'cla of psiinInK nny new pi bihlllon onforcement Inwn hnn ',,1 rnJnUhcd .becfluna of •Vet" Uirenln 111’ Uio tuO*’'’'' rampaficn und mibunlnr hr ... i,.<,i dooroued ulmoat lo (lie polul.of I ial con- ‘nK ahamloned by Uio nlwrlni:' co iiiwican >i‘IU'«' TUo actual d(ito of adlourntacnl n' I’oponda ui>on Uio French pnrllnmci: . action on tho H.MO.OOO.OOO ilohl t A tleinent. Uulcnn tho pact hi rillf ahorlly, tho nonato will defor ncll ^ on tho moaaiiro'unUl tall, sfinnlu lei aviator, orlt to sonator McNary. OroKon republic InmlU. ciafgo ,i,o n„„„6n larm roi rnlnK. opumuilcally hoUeveii ho will ; 35 a. m. „ „pon ,|,o ,,Hco filnhlllinl [* " 'j*'®' nml cqiiallrallon foe nicnnurn by i rlnldad. n,(,i,i|e ^f next wuukrlnwhlch rnac will be nent to the hoimo for Imin into nction. The h o u iie ^ rO a nil lar moaaiiri- lant inontbr «iT» Swedish Princess to Visit Engar .............. LONDON. •June t —Now rumora ; rox#\:oBi|l>BomDnu nro tlylns la'l- d(jn Boelcty wllh iho iiown thnl Pi cet« Ingrid W flweilon. only dnu :bambor ^f tbo crown prldeb of Sweden 1 Proas ^,1 , *ito-* momber of the B opinion j,h royal fnmlly-ln «luo to n'rrlye h chance /^londay to vlnlt hor BTondratbBr, • will ro- Duno of connauBbt, nt Clare provld. -V rtontfh I b o US ohl ptlticM# wUl contpanlod by bor older brotb objocl* Prlnco Runtnv. Adolph nnd Prlnco { it doea. vnrd.. Aftor a briot vUll here. I Kmntod * 11) go to Paris. I' Dawes' _____: --------------- -- !”*oiic5 ;pAxnot.i. iioiD ur i Btatea -------- her no- NAaitVlLUJ. Teittr? Juno I United bandlu hold up tho payroll car of club lo Dupont-Rayon company horo toi and 'cacopi^ w llb'|34.:00. ATJS T'wm f Al -IR ID I I LEG fflO l I EIPM tlcla!* . -S. ’ lhan —— i'miiu- Government of Uruguay ports Arrest of Pers Bombing U. S. Embasi M ,Mp.NTi:vil)KO, UniKUiiK, Jun.' Thu’iiollou nnnouiiei'd toduy llinl had nrrenliil .ill iiiTnomi rmi'vn: pr . Jnr (hu hoinblnR «>r Ihn Aliii'rli ai ratlou hi'rn. Four pcrnonii nrn lii'lns linM. lAnC On rnUlH mi thu hnmis of iiv. [llrI the four pi-rsonH di-lnlnp.l, Ihi- p * v l 1. fo„ni| iiiaifrlnlii'for maklni: \«< nud alnn htxikii on Infurmil iimchi Thc vQUeo liullav« (ht. livlvfl >rts'of rncu dircctrd iiKnlnnl nn Amrr " St*:;;;:"" Saccn-Vaiup|(l ca.v In Di'ilhniii. .M ^=SOLDels g VICTIM OF / Jnnm s; mum utuUdu ' _____ amoiif; Portions of Corpse and Ba 0 cnmo ing Suit Indicate Soluti Jieii'ii'd to Disappearance of V liam Goins. • llONOl.UI.i:. Jm i- 5 -l-,irtlnnii n may im,,,,,,, (,o,|y „„<l ii buihhu: aull fn ' In a 12 fiiM nhar>( rni>Uin:il nl Kali I'oreul „ o bcllpvod lo milvn I'Oilii.liK-ly well na n,yi|,,.ry „f ,ij„;,i,|„.nrani-n nf ' tml n( nt ihn WtTc “ ®' *'*'■ Infantry. Cham- Qojii, ,ii5„ppc„rcd while iiwimn at Halclwn on Uio norlliern oni n of tbo Oahu.-JiJmpanlon» .bolUved ho It word drof noil, Sonrch for tho 4<ody w ot W n hnn*be«n comlucrcil bIiici. .'ilay ILi 1 lourii-iiilaconllnucd tndily. nho nx- Tho shark wun tnplur.'d In »h:il 1 Holon wnt«!v noir U»j wotlUctn llp nnuT, Inland fnrly nillcn from Ihu hi whoro (Inlnn 'illKiip(n'iiri,'il. STATH IIOCTOII.S KI.IIl'I’ -DOISI-;, Idaho, -Juni' C-Or. Jii J l V 'f- Onrdnnr of lilaho Fnllii wau nlci l l t l 1 prealdnni of '.ho Idnho flntcopa nmoclallon nt (hnt iHnly’n clnnlnc ' vonllon scMlon lodny. Ilr. IL W n„ tenborKcr of CnldwHI wnn rhosen 1,7,„.n lir«"l'lf'it "f<l *>r' O. K. Moredllh Itrtifl#- ' I'Vuncb ;ulnllun i ' ' ' ; Ill, nml . .J Cl,- A pro- J . . _______________ lan ill' renls of nr hnvo L.of Iio- ii:' com- o unl noi*' ' lament'a ohl set- A S, raUflfld . • nctloU llu lend- , t ubllcnfl, , :n rellof will KOt •' lllinllon by Iho rnao.ll ■T' n V gand Y I mora’ of /W / ^IrJ la'Un- ^ al Prla- /)'» ^ .dnulih-. m reden bV 4, he Bril- . H lw '.-i ' - -Ive.hero . b'or.’lb'e i^ U n H P !?^ Clareniio . H ___ tirotbor#. : Ifffi inco 8IT . ire, they , >s. • • 6- T w o arof tbo I today., . ...........7 “. i BAI ILLS, ;IDA)ib, SATURD/ “iiii I sill B ONIN iNAD i ly Re* Message From Canadi jrsons' Mounted Police Clai assy. Identification of Missi ^ ,Paslor/ Inquiry at H^el Fails lian hv Show Regislration of C ifomia Evangelist. • ^ '"•n.lif i;i)MONTON, .Allll.. Jiun' r, 'I'll l“'>lci' [- no record or ,\lr.i, Alimi- Snn Umilii, Mrriicriion. ’ nilMdni: 1.. . An«i ithliii'ii, ,.i;inK,.|i»|. nccnnlliiK lo ntfliiuln .1 n„. coroiiii hold IH'r.-, uli.'r.' rhi- i n'rim- '■'’"I' -1 '? '' UW ANKl'l.V'.K. JmiV r. Ti.V'srii le nilUri's from Car.iiillnn luillKirli , Ihnl .Vlmui' ricmpli- M d’hi'iroli. nil Iiii; mviviillnl. ha.I lirun fnuiid In I nionin. Alliorla. m-rn Unpnll,;n!nl fliiihnritl«s'horn i.,ilay, a Till' Invi'sflKnllini nnliTrd I , ' hiwhlK reciil|it nf a l.I,‘:;r;im Irnm i-|)iTlnr .Mldilliiloli ,or III'- I'aiiii.l ll.lll ilvi. M. l‘li.-r; ■■■n “> '> '‘''''‘1 .......... C I j mnhllK liflonf; In ......... II. Cniild rn Aniinli'i.. "■* InniH'i'ior .Mlilill-ii,n> >v|i.' mi:i ffjllown: Bath- "Almre Si-sipir" .MrrhprMni nr ution 'In <'ulKar> In i'n w /;l Vi.llIi.Tiik D.2M21. Stnrt<'hiil;i'i ri.Iluii(-i1 Uy rn r C.illfnrnlii li.i.‘l.-,si nloyllllt I’nmiiu ,hii!rl. l’nsltl«i'l: lileiiliriea hr Uim. n|>i'rathi.» nfn .Mol'lK^nnn knonii hv vinlnrnhlh 1 fouml In 'I'nrliiitii. . lUri> iiiklnirllim* valiuku InHpi'ctur .MliIdK'!nu, Inlernatlun i-l>' Ihr III IIi'IitHti'k." I'f Wll- Uulallmn of IwiIh Uniild alul M liTrnlh pniliT mill (hu Knllid I’n^n I nollhur wan. a mi'iiilicr nf Aniii.' immlni; 'remplo. Mrn. Mcl'hurnon’fl lahcrrnji ond of ],urn nml dlnrounlul tho thiw^^i 10 wa» ovnncellHl wan atlii'd hy/.hufc tn which ,ii«ai.|.e:ininro. \ •flouhl. It Wlin mild, hi n travi'U . . . * plinlo,;ral.hi.r. nml .Mrn. I'nilnr 1:. naleiiwomaii I'miilnynd hy him. Ni'lil , ' 7 Mirw ,\lrii..Jliii’linrmni iii'nioniilly. unn iialil nt (liidr ri'n|.i'i-Uvu lioiiii'n (iDiild'ii ............ I cnrrliv him hr 1 Ilonn dill'll In holh thu Uiili.MrRiai I’ ivttil ("Miada, lil'.i r«lMlvc». w.tiii liul kIvciUicIc ' nami-D. nialril. Jinnle DNcouu-i'd. nlcptcd Unll, ;\ir, q„i,i,| „i„| jirn. I’otlnr 1 opalhlc AnRolcn hi'fiirn Min. Mi-l'lu'm ' u*iT f«l««cd niliiitlnn. 11 wan dcchii • " , ■ h'y rulallvoa, on vlco Mintilo Knnnody. mnlhur ofl .li*;' nilmlni: cvuiiKcllnt. refiiiu'd to I ipIIi- 0 f l f l h _______________________________ I (Conllnued on paso 6.) A FEDERAL OFFICER, £ ' //-SA t' ... Jfflr • j" ‘ yy tLY ' DAY, JUNE 1926. JNilNPiS B E Pis Oil JA FIlST ji adian Gorn^an Opens Home I Claims Session, in the Third : issing Maloney and Dahlia I Jqw Suit in the Foui Daglia Strikes Oul Fou Is to First Two Innings, f Cal* ------ Thn lirulnii nliu;i'il n li;iiilnr, i' ^ pi'iln In thn fourlli nml ilny'n nniat'ks out a Iwo-Iiiiiirit. Hn 1 Ihllll on niZRi'rnld'n narrltlin, ,’’™ ,’ ;ii««.y Wl". » i»"H r«„ «1 ».'‘'-^ flild renci'. ••IVM" DaKlla loniivi and lM'lw« Iho mnnkn hnn 1,1 iiuay nlamn nnnllii'r. nul om'i- (KINAI. .Sfoili:) l»Vlll'M .. .- .. .' ......... . .. , Tntri ................................ ti'irllli'n • , _____ * liu-yrr hll a iwo fim:i;i>r ami 1 Ihlnl hnt ilh'd iliern ou llarkor'i )'>' 111 rlKlil flvlil, ••IVlv" nav,llu M f"'- (irlmiihaw i» on (bp mouml for ()(: "Cnllon" l/.wn In llii> n.'w iimiilTf hinti ihl. hill, (••rowd I'Mlmati'il 'll.T;.l>n ;;|) 0||1 r.liu :ipliiln- ^ rmiliiir.'* Ot;di'n-I.iimiiu fijniioil, HliVht:* Iti'.l, M'nx hnnl ouf iin'Infh'hl hi 1111:1 a:i (C„ot 5 ,'IU ahi; So runn, nni' hK. no Pirnrn. Twill Falln-do'rniaii crminduil I nr* ........ .. Dwyur hl( lwo Iiiikkp rnr l..||, Thnmpiiiin naprlfki'd Dwyo nl;i'r. ihlrd. llarkur wnlkml, ILirknr 1 il.-.'iC. ...un'nil llo»y flh.l lo rli;hl. No r l«i'l)' nnu hll, m> nrrorn. Ihnn. Si-ciind Innllli:. ■rhlln OKilen-Erlch r.ui UvfltM on n :li>ns. I'r'n frrnr; Ilall inok flnil on I tlun-., iii<rald‘a ermr; f'IrlcU' ulolo (1 Miill i;rilni{ lu niisind: Wiilu fam ,1 Mrn. I'lilllliiii fnnni'd; (Jrlinnhaw fllnd 1 (tllll In Appur.inn, ,\'n nmn. ni> hllii, inRi.'lun nrrorn, rrnii^lu Twin ™in-Fllzi;nrald lined «>r Ihl' lo pitcher; Mnlonoy walked; I In- n Ups-csurW—Md o n « r ~ « t- « n * V " uuUnc (Conllnued on paRO.O) I^ lateM eii Slairn SAI.T I.AKK riTV. Juno C-Vi Vi«Mld tiliiwd « n\lilnU«i liolil«s5 hott niKhl. (iikhiR is l from 0, F. Fh num, proprleior .tf n local drUK iil nr, ||.ft Under pieiinurp of rounh irea(n hurnon Jiroddln;; Fhiiibinan wnn 111 •chirod illncloBO whero 170 wnn concoi nflor (ho hiindllK hnd HOciircd 120 oflho ^l‘uihman wnn nino rullovvil of I ipIIpvo watch, but tho rohhorn returnnd ...... bocauso 11 mlnhl pruvo tUQcUi'liin' evidence. . . ......... :, BY GUM! f ^ 1 r ' w Y sS i TIME S Seek Happier Lot for Housewivc ....... .A-Ji^\NT!l.' i;iT \'. .V J..Ui,^i iM l ME lill : Run 'i.'.'tn.'-, j " d nnd a Fol- zmmi K. THAW . WIPEAlSONIf RECONCillAW minn IIP I _____ . i,it.v(,i; . M r 111.' Slai'or of Stanford W Seen Witb Evelyn Ne ;i. After Long Suparatiui ------ ATl.,\STIi‘ l-ITV, .Inn.- r, n,l „,.,1.. Thinvii H. h;u.' I>iii:..l I (or'n nv h'l. » Mrwli K. TUw,. iij,, Slanfnr.l Whllr, :,i,.l Ivv.ljn N '. r OkiI i-ii. I'h, Uir wir.'-.ivcr mI ii'IU Ii .. I.I I,,1T|. I,.......... II. Whll.'. i,|.ii,.nii if' lo h:u.- : itiMl lit Mini.il 111- n.l.. i.r fil. iur. iu:. Ih.-iii sw;i Ihlil ,i:,-yi':u-.p|.l .• •Ids fan- Uiivi'l Tlmw. mIh. p,,1,111 ll hl< l'i> Thiiw Illusion.',I »li..|i h.' i> nur-i'V- IXv'lyH dlMiVi'i'd. irn. Until ii'ruM'd loijiiy dl:< i dull Dill uh,th.'r lliuy had ,'ff.','l,'rl n ,.i iRRpr ll) ph'tu ruronrllliiilon or hml i<i wyur 111 ply il.il.inl (,> i iid Ih.' iim.' nr Klnh' "aniud n,'iilralll>" wlilrh li v'li nilll, • liupl Ihi'in aparl, Allnnil.' City »:ir'. :i:.tnlil>,h liinr nlcht wIm ' u Thaw. K'ud n Ba.ck- mill U«>.t>i-ll, wlvW u ll>^v>••T, : >n n iz - jii'un.l at a hli: linlnl ami din I tlilrd. ' (,ii:,'ilii.'r,. ilku' rrlriiiVi aiii r fannc'd; lom; L.iiaratlun, Ilnd oul Thn puriwwn of th.' im.'lli llll, two I,otl, r.vi'lyn nnd Thnw dii-lnu wan to framn 11 ntriin;: dvnlal lOd onl n (;iilaii:o nlory Ibnl n hoy n:i ; I’hll- (.,) UiiMiiPirThaw had nnlurlnln "TTOlnlnw'ftwTipM)loni>~tn n li ;--------- lull fiiidiinn ipid nri:lcc(n,l in ;i ' ' bin hotel hill.' IMC U llJ Mm him nnv,'i- l.m^n .In t'I.hi' ii.rrpl whin hu wan wllh in- 'wan Ihp li'Jl Of a nlcnrd i:l,il -YuKRn iii.'nl iilvi'U nul by Ivv.'lyn Th:' sto Inal Mler ihp dinner. Fliinh- ■ ----------- ; ----------- oMmom Young Bandits Get in mado Away with Big Si lucenluil ' •' _____ '.NASHVIM.K. Tujin,. Juno fi.-' ® i‘ youthful■bnndllH^ huld-lip nn n “ inolillo In w-hlcli wiui h '.‘“" '‘''‘‘llranaf('rrrd>/(0 thu Utiponi-lli ......... Old Hickory i>lnni nunr hum ti = = nnd cncaped "llh tho money. Th......... wan from tlio Fed UsMTVo ImnV iinft wns Iwltvj; lc ID (hu plan( lo iiuet Ibo Unponl 'roll ncnilH, Ohl Hlcl.ory h;ink ■ -clnis linhl. ' O ver-Eatinj M anypJ ny CHAUI-BS C1.1UIK SWKKT. > CIIICAOO. Jimu B,—Holnc fai , ft moro dsiuiortiuii occuitnlinn 1 ihn( of bolnK n locoinollvo enRir and thoro nrr^ioro caounlllen In allnicn(nry canal llinii In Uio I ' ainti and all othor' cnniiln on ei Moro protdo dio from ovor-rnlluR day Uiati *U«l trom oxccMlve'd lo tho weleal tinyn boforo the stead net. ............ ■''Aro'you 'ciirryrnK ft“ 'fftliirhurde fat? Knowing ono'n liolRht can at ly determine. An IndlvldunI E> fn lielRht abould wol'ch n o poi nnd for overy Inch over’ o foel ' S'/i pouniU. I . OboHlly. Indirectly la lhe mont . mldable: onomy of lonenvliy nx tUo freaieii prcdlnposlnic fncto IbO’ fluusallon of dlu1>otoii, llrl. ' dl*tUQ. npoplexy, nnd t\can : onao; tboM Iwlns Iho common dread diseases of adult llfo and cftuso of 80 per cont ot tho, di In . tbo Unlleil Slaton ntiniially i' TIi3"lnaumnce InvesUitotlons definitely shown- that weight. « •• , poclally In relsUon to n«o. ts a r- Important fsclor In IntluenclnB r llto span. In A# younff. over w ' Bcema to leMoa'tbo mortatltr, 1 i i rnl. attor' SO yean, abortona : ' span ot Hfo In dlroct 'proporUe • . Uu> dosrea ot obesUy. I How are wo lo attain IhH » -J ablo level? Thfl remedy 1* a pio ose. Jf. undor proper n< IIIAHO WKATHRK fuii> uiKi <ici\ilaMd I__ ___ , . . OLD VOL. X ii ? » I ON PAW liSADOPIE I . ^ --JT II jSonale Approves Resolutloi ff ; of Idaho Member Order , j iufi Probv of British Con |W I cessions. -i^.iinvestigalion Expcclcd t( TJnNi Rt-'veal W hether Britaii llU ll: Violates Monrne Dod I trine. ' W h i t . ; ! - .................. N esbil;,...,;,, ............. liou. j ' 'l i 'i lin>; I’ : . '.ii.- !i,i,l HJ, ,|,.p:iri r, Th.' I'""- ......... '"I ..... -ll'l'.' Iidiulii.l b: ,,i ii„. ;iiiui ii In i,i.:i. In till' It,'I.... llu 0 l',>ri.im,.. Tl,r i..,..,lull„n wnn piiHiici ,f „( vathimt .U%1M-..U.51 1111,1 rcc i.l'll. J'" ................. ... iilliiri'.lly aru In l„ tin.,,.I aay ,;i,.„t .Uiinrleai lu-.iln ....................................... Illn' li \MII, "M. l.......... lll|rrfl:ry. ,tllli ,1 ,„ii. Illll,iiri'^. luiiM Illlllnr iiioniipoly. I ,,I lllj . 'Ml,' liu,-i.|li-aU>.n iM,Illll ilutnrmlm „ „„,| II iniin-'.'.|,,ni, il,>|i,i..il iiu' .Mon " , ‘,!lii' I TO l.Il'-l' IM'.tU.LVTlNK . • I I'lm- iv,\smi,N(:tc),% ', Jtinif .’; - ’i''oot am lllr I'l ll Ilillil iHmiii ivj. Ilin,inr. UvuMuck (iw! I hml I..-.TI iiiiiiiilifl)- I'ni.llratf.l, In (U, ynti.il' Sl;,i..:i nn-l rf(,rnvp Juno iil>,Ii.'il nil ..................... . nn fon( am K-u'Ijn iii.Miili illM'iit.,vi will |,„ nil,.,I V DAD(MROF “31 AL SMITH WEDS •liilni.f . . ______ ' AI.RANV. N. Y,. Juno J-W lis Emil) I'"'’ Smllh, nldur dauKhlnr of Qnvembr Al ffnl i:. Smllh, tinluy bocamo tho, wlfi 'r'"‘^ n/ ,\iaj.ir Jolm A. Wnrnrr. aupbrlnten- or II'V Jn of ^1 ,, '•"•''•'I MiiipIrM' wriiiiine ccrnmonlea thai I*’" <1)111,1 hu pnrfrrfiunil undor iho'Homat ......... ('allmlh'^liial. 'Ih:tv-' 'i |„, lOT nillllnry nlnff^f Ibo fior' iriinr aiTftidc.l Ilm functliin, londlni II dii;'h-nr culnr Uml couhl not other uhm hu iiupplloil. npd nn Uie tnarrlec . _ pair Infl Um church, thoy paaaod un- ' oum dur an ntu.tyof nworiU. ibo tiltifl mttn hrrn Imilniini: oil liccordlnR Ibom tbb f i.— Two hniior. n nulo- Thp iiirlct rliuni of. lbe churcli wni \ hnlnK fnllowpil, with Canllnnl Unyes. nreh' ii-llnyon hinhop of .Vow Vork. offlclnllne. n today Thu choir of Snlni Vincent Forrorr’i . Cliurcb of Now Vorki. wna brouKbt t< Fnlnrnl Albany enpuclnlly for Uio ‘weddloK K K loketi Bine tho rooaa. ' s :ml pay* Af(ur Uio church ceromony. R wed' Ilk offl- hrrakfant waa ner^'Od lo llfiOl ciiniiiii at Ibu oxocullve manilon. lg Bane to ^ays Physician T. M. I). Iiu|iorvlnlon. an Individual will taki fat Ih Ic"* required to earr] in thnn '^i'’ combuivtlon ^roIuk on In Jbi inRlnoor. l«‘lr. <» "o Po.wer on earU n In Iho «bnl enn provoot W m.;fr«n losloi ho ran- wolKbl, aff ho drnw* n p o n tie .;0»- n cnrlb. cons fat stored away .4a lbe ,U«tui lllnc to- for.the fuel for. nocuW r <combv» re'dtlnW Hon. Instoad ot dopoadli^ ut«a.tW ho Vol. supplied by food. ... ...-r Tlirousti preventative medlcliu of ••■hyn(mB.-'iii!t»4i4-'"i)M««t n 3 ek. ovorbaullnjr ■ and defflai;/ iDt^tfcUoi I r f L o i »"> »i»»n of ^ y*af^ HoVckJi.toi fnV ndii J ‘>*'P - loei nu lonittheo tbo span to tbn scorn soar and ten? qoiit for- Jmpreis upon iBdl *“ “ " vldual* (ho KTOdt important/oC'Midi ,r InB from the belt nvsllalil*'IWkw lirlRiit It thorouBb prOtocUvo, periodical, phyil art dis- pjj npj donlaf oiatnlniUtm befor non nmi obvious pliyiilt'il falluro oon pel BcUon. • •• o, doaUi» Secondly by our Itilerosei^knil ce optrtvttea-ltv:U«-'Wj1t-^teo**-«i IDS bnvo KooltaUona. lIVo O x ^ 'tM rib . U«A( ghl. os- rjn] losUlulo.. wUch/^aro 'BtoK-.TSl K n vory. ugblo faclotii cInB tbo 11,0 public In tlio valUo ot hygM irweUbt meuurtS'la ty, while We :caa :ona tho oofoeU whereby tlio rliro'1i»ijr>fU irUoD to tbo bfialtb ipani w ltl-bQ -luA w i , Vb\% ill detlr- iiylnit llfo, ( a Sira- i#ork nnfl . M rrtco.irthiW ^t-'iU medical years. . . , J. y . ' ■S''«

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Page 1: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect


m im il■MiK

Iow a Prelim inary BallI May A ffec t Many Natio

, f / allfttu cs .

S tre n g th of Administratioi Farm A id Reaction M j Be Shown. -

WASHINGTON. Jiiiif r.-"l<w p cVo on ,Ii)Wn." Iios licoii ii wnieliwc at pol)tlc)im» }ior« lor Uiu Innl toi Irtn ycnrn'.nncl lodiiy (>vory nno Wa*IilHMnn from Ilm |iri-iiUlcm lo t niiwent ciii'Kninrinmn li;i« iin i-yo up l^o rorn bolt ciinlcr for Jlonilay-H prlrnnry.

Thft iwllllrnl fii'.liro nt Mr. Co Wgi). tljR holli of Oiialrtiinti Hollnr thll rcpulillouii nnllnniirrMnmllti'c hi» imr»y,oiK«mJai'nim, Ihit liilin'i i

(ll'uilii of (III) imrty on fiirin iilli'f Ii Itlatlon. nil inny Iiu iimri' or U w l VolVl'll,

Honalor (’in.... .. rrn-nt mlnu-inf tho worhl courl nml Hikircu fai

. .rfllo t IjUI, iiilmlnlnlniihin iioii[n>r(i'r iiioMt mnltvrx. iiiM ilinlrmuii nf t rcpiilillciin iicnnlci Jinllclary romm U», la nmlchril lot niwlniil Smllh W, llroo1(h';irt. woi courl ojipononl. iiml IniiiirRi'nt. w .Icinanilcil Uiat Vlco I’ri'nlduni I)a« (lult tlic ruinilllcim Mrkia iliirlnp. I ln*l ramimlKn.

Brmikliarl him' I.m-h. ino. an »il» c»to nf ovoii (iinri' fur ri'iichlnt: fai rcllPt prnpniiahi llian Ciiiaininn: WM nuMtni from Itio sennU' In nn oV Ilon conttHi chiefly Iicciuiko Ch.-ilnn nuilcr orxRtilzeil u kidup uuulnst.hii

“ nml pjfcleil from lli« rrpiihlleun i ganlzRtlon of Ihjt unniilo wjlh Uii'i im i^ Ulll! iinil Fr.n»lor nflor tho li preitliltntlal cnmpulen.

If BrOjiMiar*. ihouhl como hack (otirronl BhUoV .oenat# woiiljr 1

lb* ■n»vi5<—olhor rcceiil. oilmlnliilriillim prlinn roveraM -"" .Innlcntltiu thnt tho to ImU wftJi fltiBin In ruvoU. Soi'no woi inicrtiret ll nn-n -rtln'cl- rci>ui1lal1on Mr;- CoollilHu'H fniMi .rclU'f_aia>l?'’'

jinil lliitlorn iimnaKoi'ii'nl of thi'PurII mlRht nlw Infliicnco immo iicnalo vnti-H on Ihu UaiiKcn hill. lU'iiilinK' U«'M.nnK!, c«P*’clnUy It lUoy o comlnK*«J> for ro-tloi'llnn hi tho fi

----------------- I.Hollywood Youth

Wins in O ratorWASHINOTON, Jiini' r,-H«rlii

WatUiK. l u of tloUywonil. (•«tlt., w mailoiowi’r nml mllilor ornlorlcnl K; turca Ihnn nny of ihu kIx ollior cf lattanls, won tho thlnl national oi ftiriciil rogtflul hero Innl nlshl. VI

, PrMlOcnl nnwoH prcMnlcil iho cup- Chlot Jiintlco Taft nf Ihn Unll

fifatc* uupromo conri nml four am chlo JintU'Os Rnlccicd Iho winner.' n roaull of hln victory. W erlnr " rojlroaiml llio Unltoil Slaton In I f lrtl Intornntlonal rimttKt lo hr* h< horo In Oclol>or. All novon filial o iMlnntB will bo laUcn on an i;nix>pc lour iiMl, uioijUi. .


SAN JOAH,' Vorto Rtco, I Bminrih) nuMnn. Arwhtlno avlut «iio Ih flylnc from New York Duunoii Alren nrrlvi'il n* Jln*»oi Giiniloloiipo. a t 10:i;0 thin niornlnK

llo took off-from hcru nt G:35 a. loJny for tho ' Inhiml nf .Mnr'tlnlfi

vi-hcnec ho' will hop lo - Trlnlil • '^rtadeloupc. ouroiito lo Martinique

^frenS S b t -.TREATYINAl

. PARIS. Jiino t;.-P raal(lln Doi lon, chalrmnn of iho'Tpreii;a lUfc

'eommlltoe of iho Proncli cliam' ot ilopi^iii. tohl tlie United Pr

, . toOny Ihol In lils poraooal opln tboro Is nol tho iilltibtoal cha: tliot Iho .Fronch pnrllamonl will llfy Iho Boi;onger atirecnont prot iRK tor a seUleauiia of U w ^ o i

I delil to wUBprlcft. .I Ho (loclirod that Franeo ob}(

lo tho art;>u]gemont hocAtuo It d nol filve her. tba Itrma Kmx Iloly, hoUUH. toAluro* of tbo' Dat plan for Oominny nro IncklnS i becauno tho projoclod u>o of ‘‘or blllfi'' to hfl Ktvcn tbo Unlled 8t« hy Prance would pormll oilier tlODs 10 buy them from tlio Udi

. Bialct nnd .obtain a flacal club • . bold over Fraiico'ii lioad.

FiQ ' Untied .Pt«M A»»«ClkU6s«

Wlr« 8*rvle*

Ip l . Missouri Pastor.J Y Taces Jail Terf y ST. l-0Ul!5,-JJo..-Jun'*-t-A toi______ • J m p rw h o r aud. rufornior, IVII

I'mn K, llullnlKc, (odny faccilI maximum prinon iientcnw. of fir

, I ycnrn nm tu flno of Jl.OOU.• I A Jury In Fpili'ral Jii-ljo Fnrl)

I . court.Into ymilordiiy found Umm V >iIk«, milliy of uxltih* thi< mnll

to dcfrauil hi connmalon wlih ||| 4 | I proniollfln of Kconomy Oil cnm 1 1 / pnny In wlilrh n nuiiihor of mhi J U - - I M r m - n n i l hUth'VliiiriTi ottlcla! I ' f lire lllllll III hnvo Innl moro lha: I I JJ-W.OflO, .‘iunli'ni-1* will nol h ■ * ' iiiniKincd liimn llulli'ilKi’ UIilll Moll

• ilay.

-"AMAfEliRslliOMi t i o n ; yNITED STAIES

fAILINEUROfnn ' • • .


ono"’" ’.; M isforluhi S talks Efforts'I lo tho American Champions ,’c upon Golf and Tennis.llhrn of --------

rAIll.H, Jnnirr,-Ain<Tlraii aiiiiilf• ‘’o"!* champlunn llaia tnr .havu fnmi imfi Jlliir of iiinnlHy In llirlr Kurppcnii InvasW I” ’''’ Ull" MimmiTIlIV'lM-; Cnili'irn .>i)|iiirtuiji1y 'n 'vI 11 lli woinrn'ii cnlf I'liami'loniihip to

n l ro miilorlallJn Wlirh Uio lourr I , mi'iit wiia p.illoil off hi'i'nnno of i ' Hrllliili ni'luTiil iitr)ko. Dotiliy Jni:/iriiirin a sitihiii'k'III lllu IlrlllBh nilIlf Ihl. KO'f-'^hmiiploniihlii al .Mnlr fli'

nml now li.-K.n Wllhi hi ki'pl from I tcnnU courln, hccaum- of un oiutuU

world ' •;l. who lAmnnj! Xmurlcami horc nml amo Dnwuii Uic nnvny Diirnpcnn frlemlB tho Cn

Inp. tho foriila nirl hai« niodo nlnrn aho cm to (ho conilRcni lani winter. J I pIci

I ailvo' lllni'Mi turmi’d nlnumt lliu coin lo| k: fariy nf cnnvcrniillon Imlny.Inn: ho II, wna Rcnurully full ihn( no mail \n how »\jcccr.iiiul Uio opornllon m i.'ilnnuil hnvo lieon. .Ml«a Wllln will hu fore sLhlm: lo wltlidrntv rrum tho piny nt Fon ;un or- Hllla Inlo In thu aummor. nn well UiFul- fioiu Ihv lonrnnmnntH horu and

:ho lunl wimhlodon. If this were truo. 1 ulrlnc of coniccutivo nationnl cha

:iack .io plonahlpa wonid hrotcen.

'S i >^ Ainorlciln wonien jiinynri*. uont W(iirlinnry i ,j , enlry.had not U10 corn wlihilmwn from iho Wimbledon toui) would *iartln« Jun'o 21. hul nho iIllon of ,|i„ prlvmn opinion Ilml Hol i0 i:nimf pnrty. , ______________


itory -----WASHINOTON. Junu 'C -Iii nn i

IlnrhprI nynipi ,g ^pi.til mljonrnmonl (ho ik lt„ whn iiioKwm ot, prclDrroiV ItiTliIcnl K.OU- ,|n„ (oiinj.

dohl ni'lllemonl. (ho rmllo roKulnll ' w " ' rlvorn nnd hnrborii hill, n•• imaiilhly ibo Cunirnlnn' railroad cc

u'''ll d nicaiiuro.nnso- rroaiii'cla of psiinInK nny new pi

bihlllon onforcement Inwn hnn ',,1 rnJnUhcd .becfluna of •Vet" Uirenln

111’ Uio tuO*’'’'' rampaficn und mibunlnr hr . . . i,.<,i dooroued ulmoat lo (lie polul.of I ial con- ‘nK ahamloned by Uio nlwrlni:' co iiiwican >i‘IU'«'

TUo actual d(ito of adlourntacnl n' I’oponda ui>on Uio French pnrllnmci:

. action on tho H.MO.OOO.OOO ilohl t A tleinent. Uulcnn tho pact hi rillf

ahorlly, tho nonato will defor ncll ^ on tho moaaiiro'unUl tall, sfinnlu lei

aviator,orlt to sonator McNary. OroKon republic Inm lU . ciafgo ,i,o n „ „ „ 6n larm roi rnlnK. opumuilcally hoUeveii ho will ; 35 a. m. „ „pon ,|,o ,,Hco filnhlllinl [* " 'j*'®' nml cqiiallrallon foe nicnnurn by i rlnldad. n,(,i,i|e ^f next wuukrlnwhlch rnac

will be nent to the hoimo for Imin into nction. The h o u iie ^ rO a nil lar moaaiiri- lant inon tb r ■

«iT» Swedish Princessto Visit Engar

..............LONDON. •June t —Now rumora; rox#\:oBi|l>BomDnu nro tlylns la 'l-

d(jn Boelcty wllh iho iiown thnl Pi cet« Ingrid W flweilon. only dnu

:bambor ^f tbo crown prldeb of Sweden 1 Proas ^,1, * i to - * momber of the B opinion j,h royal fnmlly-ln «luo to n'rrlye h chance /^londay to vlnlt hor BTondratbBr, •

will ro- Duno of connauBbt, nt Clare provld. -Vrtontfh Ib o US ohl ptlticM# wUl

contpanlod by bor older brotb objocl* Prlnco Runtnv. Adolph nnd Prlnco { it doea. vnrd.. Aftor a briot vUll here. I Kmntod * 11) go to Paris.

I' Dawes' _____:-----------------

!”*oiic5 ;pA xnot.i. i i o i D u ri Btatea --------her no- NAaitVlLUJ. Teittr? Juno I United bandlu hold up tho payroll car of club lo Dupont-Rayon company horo toi

and 'cacopi^ w llb '|34.:00.

ATJST 'w m f Al

-IR ID I I LEGfflOl I EIPMtlcla!* . -S.’ lhan — —

i'miiu- G overnm ent of Uruguay ports A rrest of Pers Bombing U. S. Embasi

M ,Mp.NTi:vil)KO, UniKUiiK, Jun.' Thu’ iiollou nnnouiiei'd toduy llinl had nrrenliil .ill iiiTnomi rmi'vn: p r . Jnr (hu hoinblnR «>r Ihn Aliii'rli ai ratlou hi'rn.Four pcrnonii nrn lii'lns linM.

l A n C On rnUlH mi thu hnmis of iiv. [ l l r I the four pi-rsonH di-lnlnp.l, Ihi- p * v l 1. fo„ni| iiiaifrlnlii'for maklni: \«<

nud alnn htxikii on Infurmil iimchi Thc vQUeo liullav« (ht. livlvfl

>rts'of rncu dircctrd iiKnlnnl nn Amrr

" • S t * : ; ; ; : " "Saccn-Vaiup|(l ca.v In Di'ilhniii. .M

^ = S O L D e l s g VICTIM OF/ Jnnm

s ; m u mutuUdu ' _____

amoiif; Portions o f C orpse and Ba0 cnmo ing S uit Ind ica te Soluti Jieii'ii'd to D isappearance of V

liam G oins. •

llONOl.UI.i:. Jm i- 5 -l-,irtlnnii n may im,,,,,,, (,o,|y „„<l ii buihhu: aull fn ' In a 12 fiiM nhar>( rni>Uin:il nl Kali

I'oreul „ o bcllpvod lo milvn I'Oilii.liK-ly well na n,yi|,,.ry „f ,ij„;,i,|„.nrani-n nf ' tml n( nt ihn WtTc“®' *'*'■ Infantry.

Cham- Qojii, ,ii5„ppc„rcd while iiwimn at Halclwn on Uio norlliern oni

n of tbo Oahu.-JiJmpanlon» .bolUved ho It word d ro f noil, Sonrch for tho 4<ody w ot W n hnn*be«n comlucrcil bIiici. .'ilay ILi1 lourii-iiilaconllnucd tndily.nho nx- Tho shark wun tnplur.'d In »h:il 1 Holon wnt«!v no ir U»j wotlUctn llp nnuT, Inland fnrly nillcn from Ihu hi

whoro (Inlnn 'illKiip(n'iiri,'il.


-DOISI-;, Idaho, -Juni' C-Or. Jii J l V 'f- Onrdnnr of lilaho Fnllii wau nlci l l t l 1 prealdnni of '.ho Idnho flntcopa

nmoclallon nt (hnt iHnly’n clnnlnc ' vonllon scMlon lodny. Ilr. IL W

n„ tenborKcr of CnldwHI wnn rhosen1,7,„.n lir«"l'lf'it "f<l *>r' O. K. MoredllhItrtifl#- 'I'Vuncb

;ulnllun i ' ' ' ;Ill, nml ..J Cl,- A

pro- J . . _______________lan ill' • renls of nr hnvo L.of Iio­ii:' com- o

unl noi*' ' lament'aohl set- A S ,raUflfld .

• nctloUllu lend- , t

ubllcnfl, ,:n rellofwill KOt ■ • 'lllinllon

by Iho rnao.ll

■ T ' n V

gand ■ Y Imora’ of / W / ^ I r Jla 'U n - ^a l Prla- ■ / ) ' » ^.dnulih-. m

reden bV 4,he Bril- . H l w '. - i ' --Ive.hero .b'or.’lb'e i ^ U n H P ! ? ^ Clareniio • . H

___tirotbor#. : I f f f iinco 8IT .ire, they , >s. • •

6-T w o a ro f tboI today., . ...........7 “.


“ i i i i I s i l l B ONINiNADily Re* M essage From Canadi jrsons' M ounted Police Clai assy. Identification of Missi


Inquiry a t H ^ e l Fails lian hv Show Regislration of C

ifom ia Evangelist. • ^

'"•n.lif i;i)MONTON, .Allll.. Jiun' r, 'I'll■ l“'>lci' [- no record or ,\lr.i, Alimi- Snn Umilii, Mrriicriion. ’ nilMdni: 1. . . An«i

ithliii'ii, ,.i;inK,.|i»|. nccnnlliiK lo ntfliiuln .1 n„. coroiiii ho ld IH'r.-, uli.'r.' rhi- i n 'r im - '■'’"I' -1'?

'' UW ANKl'l.V'.K. JmiV r. Ti.V'sriile nilUri's from Car.iiillnn luillKirli

, Ihnl .Vlmui' ricmpli- M d’hi'iroli. nil Iiii; mviviillnl. ha.I lirun fnuiid In I nionin. Alliorla. m-rn Unpnll,;n!nl fliiihnritl«s'horn i.,ilay,

a Till' Invi'sflKnllini nnliTrd I, ' hiwhlK reciil|it nf a l.I ,‘:;r;im Irnm

i-|)iTlnr .Mldilliiloli ,or III'- I'aiiii.l ll.lll ilvi. M. l‘li.-r;

■ ■ ■ n “>'>'‘''''‘1 >« ..........C I j mnhllK liflonf; In ......... II. Cniildr n Aniinli'i.." ■ * InniH'i'ior .Mlilill-ii,n> >v|i.' mi:i


Bath- "Almre Si-sipir" .MrrhprMni nr ution 'In <'ulKar> In i'nw /; l Vi.llIi.Tiik D.2M21. Stnrt<'hiil;i'i

ri.Iluii(-i1 Uy rn r C.illfnrnlii li.i.‘l.-,si nloyllllt I’nmiiu ,hii!rl. l’nsltl«i'l: lileiiliriea hr Uim. n|>i'rathi.»

nfn .Mol'lK^nnn knonii hv v inlnrnhlh 1 fouml In 'I'nrliiitii. . lUri> iiiklnirllim* valiuku InHpi'ctur .MliIdK'!nu, Inlernatlun i-l>' Ihr III IIi'IitHti'k."I'f Wll- Uulallmn of IwiIh Uniild alul M liTrnlh pniliT mill (hu Knllid I’n n I

nollhur wan. a mi'iiilicr nf Aniii.' immlni; 'remplo. Mrn. Mcl'hurnon’fl lahcrrnji ond of ],urn nml dlnrounlul tho thiw ^^i 10 wa» ovnncellHl wan atlii'd hy/.hufc tn■ w hich ,ii« a i. |.e :in in ro . \

•flouhl. It Wlin mild, hi n travi'U . . . * plinlo,;ral.hi.r. nml .Mrn. I'nilnr 1:.

naleiiwomaii I'miilnynd hy him. Ni'lil , ' 7 Mirw ,\lrii..Jliii’linrmni iii'nioniilly.

unn iialil nt (liidr ri'n|.i'i-Uvu lioiiii'n(iDiild'ii ............ I cnrrliv him hr 1

Ilonn dill'll In holh thu Uiili.MrRiai I’ ivttil ("Miada, lil'.i r«lMlvc». w.tiii

liul kIvciUicIc' nami-D. nialril.Jinnle DNcouu-i'd.nlcptcd Unll, ;\ir, q„i,i,| „i„| jirn. I’otlnr 1 opalhlc AnRolcn hi'fiirn Min. Mi-l'lu'm ' u* iT f«l««cd niliiitlnn. 11 wan dcchii • " , ■ h'y rulallvoa,on vlco Mintilo Knnnody. mnlhur ofl

.li*;' nilmlni: cvuiiKcllnt. refiiiu'd to IipIIi-0 f lf lh _______________________________

I (Conllnued on paso 6.)


• ' / / - S A

t ' . . .


• j" ‘ yy

tLY 'DAY, JU N E 1926.

JNilNPiS B E Pis Oil JA FIlST j iad ian Gorn^an O pens Home I Claims Session, in th e T hird : issing Maloney a n d Dahlia I

Jqw Suit in the Foui Daglia S trikes Oul Fou

Is to First Two Innings, f Cal* ------

Thn lirulnii nliu;i'il n li;iiilnr, i' pi'iln In thn fourlli nml ilny'n

nniat'ks out a Iwo-Iiiiiirit. Hn 1 Ihllll on niZRi'rnld'n narrltlin,

,’’™ ,’ ;ii« « .y Wl". » i»"H r«„«1».'‘'- flild renci'. ••IVM" DaKlla loniivi

and lM'lw« Iho mnnkn hnn 1,1 iiuay nlamn nnnllii'r. nul om'i-

(KINAI. .Sfoili:)l»Vlll'M .. .- .. .'......... . .., Tntri ................................

ti'irllli'n • , _____• * liu-yrr hll a iwo fim:i;i>r ami 1

Ihlnl hnt ilh'd iliern ou llarkor'i )'>' 111 rlKlil flvlil, ••IVlv" nav,llu M

f"'- (irlmiihaw i» on (bp mouml for ()(: "Cnllon" l/.wn In llii> n.'w iimiilTf hinti ihl. hill, (••rowd I'Mlmati'il

'll.T;.l>n ;;|)0||1 r.liu :ipliiln- ^ rmiliiir.'*

Ot;di'n-I.iimiiu fijniioil, HliVht:* Iti'.l, M'nx hnnl ouf iin'Infh'hl hi

1111:1 a:i (C„ot 5,'IUahi; So runn, nni' hK. no Pirnrn.

Twill Falln-do'rniaii crminduilI nr* .......... Dwyur hl( lwo Iiiikkp

rnr l..||, Thnmpiiiin naprlfki'd Dwyo nl;i'r. ihlrd. llarkur wnlkml, ILirknr 1 il.-.'iC. ...un'nil llo»y flh.l lo rli;hl. No r l«i'l)' nnu hll, m> nrrorn.Ihnn. Si-ciind Innllli:.■rhlln OKilen-Erlch r.ui UvfltM on n :li>ns. I'r'n frrnr; Ilall inok flnil on I tlun-., iii<rald‘a erm r; f'IrlcU' ulolo (1

Miill i;rilni{ lu niisind: Wiilu fam ,1 Mrn. I'lilllliiii fnnni'd; (Jrlinnhaw fllnd 1 (tllll In Appur.inn, ,\'n nmn. ni> hllii, inRi.'lun nrrorn,rrnii^lu Twin ™ in-F llzi;nrald lined «>r Ihl' lo pitcher; Mnlonoy walked; I

In - n U ps-csurW—Md o n« r~ « t-«n*V "

uuUnc (Conllnued on paRO.O)

I ^ lateM e i iSlairn SAI.T I.AKK riT V . Juno C-Vi Vi«Mld tiliiwd « n\lilnU«i liolil«s5 ho tt

niKhl. (iikhiR i s l from 0, F. Fh num, proprleior .tf n local drUK iil

nr, ||.ft Under pieiinurp of rounh irea(n hurnon Jiroddln;; Fhiiibinan wnn 111•chirod illncloBO whero 170 wnn concoi

nflor (ho hiindllK hnd HOciircd 120 oflho ^ l‘uihman wnn nino rullovvil of

IipIIpvo watch, but tho rohhorn returnnd...... bocauso 11 mlnhl pruvo tUQcUi'liin'

evidence. . . .........

:, BY GUM!

f ^ 1 ’

r ' w Y

s S i

TIMES Seek H appier Lot

fo r Housewivc

....... .A-Ji^\NT!l.' i;iT \'. .V J..Ui,^i

i M lME l i l l

: Run 'i.'.'tn.'-, j"d nnd a Fol-

z m m i K. THAW. WIPEAlSONIf

RECONCillAWminn IIP I _____. i,it.v(,i; .M r 111.' S l a i 'o r o f S t a n f o r d W

S e e n W i tb E v e l y n N e ;i. A f t e r L o n g S u p a r a t i u i

------ATl.,\STIi‘ l-ITV, .Inn.- r,

n,l „,.,1.. Thinvii H. h;u.' I>iii:..l I(or'n nv h'l.» Mrwli K. TU w,.

iij,, Slanfnr.l Whllr, :,i,.l Ivv.ljn N'. r OkiIi-ii. I'h, Uir wir.'-.ivcr mIii'IU Ii.. I.II,,1T|. I,.......... II. Whll.'. i,|.ii,.nii if' lo h:u.- :itiMl lit Mini.il 111- n.l.. i.r fil. iur. iu:.

Ih.-iii sw;i Ihlil ,i:,-yi':u-.p|.l .• •Ids fan- Uiivi'l Tlmw. mIh. p,,1,111 ll hl< l'i> Thiiw Illusion.',I »li..|i h.' i> nur-i'V- IXv'lyH dlMiVi'i'd. irn. Until ii'ruM'd loijiiy dl:< idull Dill uh ,th .'r lliuy had ,'ff.','l,'rl n ,.i iRRpr ll) ph'tu ruronrllliiilon or hml i<i wyur 111 ply il.il.inl (,> i iid Ih.' iim.' nr Klnh' "aniud n,'iilralll>" wlilrh li v'li nilll, • liupl Ihi'in aparl,

Allnnil.' City »:ir'. :i:.tnlil>,h liinr nlcht wIm'u Thaw. K'ud

n Ba.ck- mill U«>.t>i-ll, wlvW u ll> v>••T, : >n n iz - jii'un.l at a hli: linlnl ami din I tlilrd. ' (,ii:,'ilii.'r,. ilku' rrlriiiVi aiii r fannc'd; lom; L.iiaratlun,Ilnd oul Thn puriwwn of th .' im.'lli llll, two I,otl, r.vi'lyn nnd Thnw dii-lnu

wan to framn 11 ntriin;: dvnlal lOd onl n (;iilaii:o nlory Ibnl n hoy n:i ; I’hll- (.,) UiiMiiPirThaw had nnlurlnln

"TTOlnlnw'ftwTipM)loni>~tn n li;--------- lull fiiidiinn ipid nri:lcc(n,l in ;i' ' bin hotel hill.'

IMCU l l J Mm him nnv,'i- l.m^n .In t'I.hi'

ii.rrp l whin hu wan wllh in- 'w an Ihp li'Jl Of a nlcnrd i:l,il

-YuKRn iii.'nl iilvi'U nul by Ivv.'lyn Th:' sto Inal Mler ihp dinner.

Fliinh- ■ ■ -----------;-----------

oMmom Young Bandits Get in mado Away with Big S ilucenluil ' •' _____ •

'.NASHVIM.K. Tujin,. Juno fi.-' ® i ‘ youthful■ bnndllH^ huld-lip nn n

“ inolillo In w-hlcli wiui h'.‘“ " '‘' ' ‘‘ llranaf('rrrd>/(0 thu Utiponi-lli

.........Old Hickory i>lnni nunr hum ti= = nnd cncaped " llh tho money.

Th......... wan from tlio FedUsMTVo ImnV iinft wns Iwltvj; lc ID (hu plan( lo iiuet Ibo Unponl 'roll ncnilH, Ohl Hlcl.ory h;ink ■

-clnis linhl.

' O v e r - E a t i n j

M a n y p J

ny CHAUI-BS C1.1UIK SWKKT. > CIIICAOO. Jimu B,—Holnc fai

, ft moro dsiuiortiuii occuitnlinn 1 ihn( of bolnK n locoinollvo enRir and thoro n rr^ io ro caounlllen In allnicn(nry canal llinii In Uio I

' ainti and all othor' cnniiln on ei Moro protdo dio from ovor-rnlluR day Uiati *U«l trom oxccMlve'd lo tho weleal tinyn boforo the stead net.

............ ■''Aro'you 'ciirryrnK ft“ 'fftliirhurdefat? Knowing ono'n liolRht can at ly determine. An IndlvldunI E> fn lielRht abould wol'ch n o poi nnd for overy Inch over’ o foel

' S'/i pouniU. I. OboHlly. Indirectly la lhe mont

. mldable: onomy of lonenvliy nx tUo fre a ie ii prcdlnposlnic fncto IbO’ fluusallon of dlu1>otoii, llrl.

' dl*tUQ. npoplexy, nnd t\can : onao; tboM Iwlns Iho common

dread diseases of adult llfo and cftuso of 80 per cont o t tho, di In . tbo Unlleil Slaton ntiniially

i' T Ii3"lnaum nce InvesUitotlons definitely shown- tha t weight.

« •• , poclally In relsUon to n«o. ts a r - Important fsclor In IntluenclnB r llto span. In A# younff. over w

' Bcema to leMoa'tbo m ortatltr, 1

ii rnl. attor' SO y ean , abortona : ' span o t Hfo In dlroct 'proporUe • . Uu> dosrea ot obesUy.

I How are wo lo a ttain IhH »-J ablo level? Thfl remedy 1* a

pio ose. Jf. undor proper n<

IIIAHO WKATHRKfuii> uiKi <ici\ilaMd

— I__ ___, . . OLD VOL. X i i

? » ■I ON PAW

liSADOPIEI . - - J T

II jSonale A pproves Resolutloi ff ■; of Idaho M em ber Order

, j iufi P robv of British Con |W I cessions.

- i ^ . i i n v e s t ig a l io n Expcclcd t( T J n N i Rt-'veal W hether Britaii l l U l l : V iolates Monrne Dod

I trine. '

W h i t . ; ! - ..................N esb il;,...,;,, .............l io u . j ' 'l i 'i lin>; I’ : . '.ii.- !i,i,l HJ, ,|,.p:iri

r, Th.' I '""- ......... '" I ..... -ll'l'.' Iidiulii.l b:,,i ii„. ;iiiu i ii I n i , i . : i . In till' It,'I.... llu 0

l',>ri.im,.. Tl,r i..,..,lull„n wnn piiHiici ,f „( vathimt .U%1M-..U.51 1111,1 rcc

i.l'll. J ' " ................. ... iilliiri'.lly aru Inl„ tin .,,.I aay ,;i,.„t .Uiinrleai

lu-.iln ....................................... Illn' li\MII, "M. l.......... lll|rrfl:ry. ,tllli

,1 ,„ii. Illll,iiri' . luiiM Illlllnr iiioniipoly.I,,,Illlj . 'Ml,' liu,-i.|li-aU>.n iM,Illll ilutnrmlm„ „„,| II iniin-'.'.|,,ni, il,>|i,i..il iiu' .Mon

" , ‘,!lii' I TO l.Il'-l' IM'.tU.LVTlNK . •I I'lm- iv,\sm i,N(:tc),%', Jtinif .’; - ’i''oot amlllr I'l ll Ilillil iHm iii ivj. Ilin,inr. UvuMuck (iw!I hml I..-.TI iiiiiiiilifl)- I'ni.llratf.l, In (U,

ynti.il' Sl;,i..:i nn-l rf(,rnvp Junoiil>,Ii.'il nil ..................... . nn fon( amK-u'Ijn iii.Miili illM'iit.,vi will |,„ nil,.,I

V DAD(MROF ■ “ 3 1 AL SMITH WEDS•liilni.f . . ______' AI.RANV. N. Y,. Juno J-W lis Emil)

I'" '’ Smllh, nldur dauKhlnr of Qnvembr Al ffnl i:. Smllh, tinluy bocamo tho, wlfi

'r '" ‘ n/ ,\iaj.ir Jolm A. Wnrnrr. aupbrlnten- or II'V Jn of 1,,'•"•''•'I MiiipIrM' wriiiiine ccrnmonlea thai

I*’" <1)111,1 hu pnrfrrfiunil undor iho'Homat......... ('a llm lh '^liial.'Ih:tv-' 'i |„, lOT nillllnry n lnff^f Ibo fior'

iriinr aiTftidc.l Ilm functliin, londlniII dii;'h-nr culnr Uml couhl not other uhm hu iiupplloil. npd nn Uie tnarrlec

. _ pair Infl Um church, thoy paaaod un- ' o u m dur an ntu.tyof nworiU. ibo tiltifl mttn

hrrn Imilniini: oil liccordlnR Ibom tbbfi.—Two hniior.n nulo- Thp iiirlct rliuni of. lbe churcli wni\ hnlnK fnllowpil, with Canllnnl Unyes. nreh'ii-llnyon hinhop of .Vow Vork. offlclnllne.n today Thu choir of Snlni Vincent Forrorr’i■. Cliurcb of Now Vorki. wna brouKbt t<Fnlnrnl Albany enpuclnlly for Uio ‘weddloK K

K loketi Bine tho rooaa. ' s:ml pay* Af(ur Uio church ceromony. R wed'Ilk offl- hrrakfant waa ner 'Od lo llfiOl

ciiniiiii at Ibu oxocullve manilon.

l g B a n e t o ^ a y s P h y s ic ia nT. M. I). Iiu|iorvlnlon. an Individual will taki

fat Ih Ic"* required to earr]in thnn '^i'’ combuivtlon ^roIuk on In J b i inRlnoor. l« ‘lr. <» "o Po.wer on earUn In Iho «bnl enn provoot W m .;fr«n losloi ho ran - wolKbl, aff ho drnw* n p o n t ie .;0»- n cnrlb. cons fat stored away .4a lbe ,U«tui lllnc to- fo r.the fuel for. n o c u W r <combv» re'dtlnW Hon. Instoad o t dopoadli^ u t« a .tW ho Vol. supplied by food. ... ...-r

Tlirousti preventative medlcliu of ••■hyn(mB.-'iii!t»4i4-'"i)M««t

n 3 ek. ovorbaullnjr ■ and defflai;/ iDt^tfcUoi I r fL o i »"> »i»»n of ^

y*af^ H oV ckJi.to ifnV ndii J ‘>*'P -loei nu lonittheo tbo span to t b n

scorn soar and ten? qoiit for- Jmpreis upon iBdl*“ “ " vldual* (ho KTOdt important/oC'Midi

, r InB from the b e lt nvsllalil*'IWkw lirlRiit It thorouBb prOtocUvo, periodical, phyil

art dis- p jj np j donlaf oiatnlniUtm befor non nmi obvious pliyiilt'il falluro oon

pel BcUon. • •• •o, doaUi» Secondly by our Itilerosei^knil ce

op trtv ttea -ltv :U «-'W j1 t-^ teo** -« i IDS bnvo KooltaUona. lIVo O x ^ 'tM rib . U«A( ghl. os- rjn] losUlulo.. wUch/^aro 'BtoK-.TSl K n vory. ugblo faclotii cInB tbo 11,0 public In tlio valUo o t h y g M irw eU bt m e u u rtS 'la ty, while We :caa:ona tho oofoeU whereby tlio r liro '1i»ijr>fU irUoD to tbo bfialtb ip an i w lt l - b Q - lu A w i, Vb\% ill detlr- iiylnit llfo,( a Sira- i#ork nnfl . M r r tc o .i r th iW ^ t- 'iU

medical years. . . , J . y .

■ ' ■ S ''«

Page 2: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect

- T W O ■

■ a s gf'tc .o l i jio rl i i t i Alll- rill ' I.iiill.v' AM

f o t Ihr IW IiytiT lan cliurcli nnl im T bu 'rM lay nC lcrtx ion :it t h ” n i i n i r t i u '

- • roiiQtrr t 'o m p n r M r- . IT K. n i i r k . A'>- blntnDt IltlMciKCii ^rni- MrNilninrn (luli- «rt SlnipMin. W. I-'. Catiiiihi’ll. W. i:.NUoo. Wftllcr (.'nnfy. II. W, Cl.... ..

McCoy. A v.Ty .l.Olchitiil in.i- STftin wftB Klven ilurliii: ilic attcniwii.

• Mm: F. V. llracki-n n;.iiK •"■ilo BtimlxTH uml Jnntl Trll .iml Ihirrlti 0 »uU Fnch Knvi' vc'r>- c ln .ir ti.nlltiu-'.

■ Tbc.roomu un'l.lh'Uiyr<-ii ''■'•.f.-.i;>.'.i"h-. ly deroralnl wllli hUininii' ;::in1i'ti

. flOWHrH, Di'llclotlX nifri .iliini iit't i>< rr

• IQ llw Ittollly-tlvr Iii.'i.ilini, III Jll.■/itnilancu.

. Kf’l i l r 'r s i iu A r - A lo 'i.l iihriivrrKiiii ely,'It hy fm »!<•j.omc of ..\lr», Fi.inli llmnrku idiii-

) liilmentlnK .Mim* H-'l- 'i >' J .... .lirlill'. Cnn'l" « * r i ''a Iraliirr nr ihr

■ fvVnlnp. Ulnli "‘ 'T r l»-lnn ''"u I') 1l«lrn l^nao. nU'l c-om'iiliithni hy Aii- kcla llui'kvllli. Kiillouliii: thr i;<iiiiii

. Iiinrli wn» iiiTvi'il ;tt ti'ilili’ i/'iijir<it >_ wllh bfiiutHiilly ili'ccinitril [ilnk ami '.wblle Invvrti'il jwrnMilN. Al nicli [ilalc wurr iiltik ri>N” hmln ami :iiiwll

fparniolK n.i liivnrK. .T h r inn'.'. HotV mctllil«<i Mbmru AliKi'la Ili-cliillli, Ho- t rln JIurnH, ^Kmniii Wlrk, O' ll Cr-y.

iilnit !l<'nurliaiii|>. Ilrity lliKlianun. ^Ilftilali Jane A-lami'. Aim Klann ami

. • -Mril, At IJin-rn i>ml .Mr,-. I'laiik Ilii- ; |_ vorliu, _

» Mn>. 8p u t i t K u lr r ti i in i 'i l IIiiiih iIiik .Mrs. A, K. riritM T . w li.i h a ; . . II1I.1

, n io n ili f o r V .t i iu u iI tci tii:ih r h>r ru- — * lu rp h i im r . .Ml". I’. W. M rlln l.v rt* r i i -

. . l l r t ln l n r i l Hi hrh lK ^ l-'rlcl;iy a t t fm iio ii ' l l t r b u m n nu Illu c U ik ru l io u li^ a n l.

th b lrH w o r r a l p la y 'U trlili: Iho- ' ' a f l r rn o f ln , i irn ro a w a r .h i eoIiii; 10

M rn. D, I!, M i-fillly a n . l in M rv T. II. J o bnB on . M rn. S ia v c r r . ' r . i i . 'd .1 ila ln iy r i i . ‘M |irl»c^. M rn. i'i.i. r ..r r i i | .

WuR IJj;fVP(l ro ll^ ln s ib r canirn,

rilll) Knlrrllilllr.! Ill lllllll . Thr nidnbrrn i>r ilic- l.on'l'a-llniut, <liih iiiolori'il ovrr l|i tlic hi.iiir c.r Mm Clyiln DiKllvy. i.rviii mll. i. .oinh ol

‘ Dull. <111 I'lhlay. lukliii: uIDi tlir........ilfllciiittN -lia^kri 'llnncr. r.illnvhu'

• Uir hankn tllniirr-Un- ari(TUi«in «a!.■prnt noclally.. Min. Dinllry ....1 Mri>.

' TIioranK nf Mirr w.'ri- Kiirs'.« nl iiic c,lulj, T br Twin l-'alli. Iiroplr n w .l^ l back to IcMii In the early cvrrflni;, urclArlDK lhc oiitlni: n iiki'I iitiMnani


1 Federal Commissioner

Hear Admiral H. O. SMckney, rr- llrtil, who b u b«eu appoluicd by Sec r»t»rlei IIooTcr and K ellou m KciI- iral Commlulonsr 10 the ScKiul Ceu (•BoUI iDlArcatluBitl Expotllloo com ffltm orilbc Ibe UOlb »nnlr«rm ; oil

‘ American ItidflpoDdcncg &sd, whicb!' will he Ii»ld la ntllaaelplila trom Junei

UaCfDibtr I.- Atlmlrtl Silekeer will be la fall etaarce or the Unllrdl Siaici Uor«rninunt exblbll, wbM> >1I1>

. k* Uia iKTceit ot lla trp« t « r mtl«. |

Something' For You!

_ . W a t - ; l i f o r '

A n n o u n c e m e n t


• A n n o u n c e m e n t s

-llTr •‘ '•"Kbli'ui. 1*111 h'lMIhclr mirimiiji'l ii-nUr.H iftiml.ty a l I

i'";vilick ll"*'''''* '

Tlir l'i.'.,1.ylrrlan Unllr.’ Al.l will „ ,1u N-rM .tlimrr m (h.- iliiiirh lia'i.-iuriil

-in -liinc '11 ill r,:1fi inl.irk,Itiun. ' . . ------- ■ -•lUh- Till' i'liiiiii.i.. UHmI.:iIi I<>.I;C' will n l.i; iur.t In i i i rT T n r r n n n r m i i T T a yu .r r .11 M:ii au.l will >:ik Ihii.i -iIm^- t.i

Jll. nIM 1>.- lirlil ,,l r, i>'.-Iiul;.

x'KIMBERLYlr I ALL SET EOR ;§ H1.PR0GRAM.■jicll <. -------'Uil'll T i i iu i to t l i r Kp>I I'lao riia(Tii:>i>in

• Ogifiilni; Tumnrrun In Knu fm

K l . M ^ i i . y . i ir ii.o , Junr r..- -T'lL' I i i« n W i l l l Ki-t fo r tlir lilK rh a t l l i i i l ' <|iiu wliich i-larli. tmnnrtfiw nuil ciKlr W riliicn ilay . Thr i.llr iii'llo iiH a r c nil li lc b i-laHK unil Ihr a l f n lr i.roinlix’j

I.riil cvi^iln-; »lll 'h r nihm ii|> will ' niiiklo. niii-lr. rl<-. a .varlrly ..J

fc.itlirrn Till....... ;ifl"rm»in wli:lie Ih.' Crll.rlnn I'Uiycrn (oIIciik'.I 1>) ;i Iccturr oil 'T hr J<iy nf tin- Joh'

; by-|-:. Jcflrrscii .......... . Thn! cv 'j. I, nllli; llic play. "Acrom Ihr- SlviTt'

will ll.. .Klven. Thr MiiMcal Mnnt-.-i fiirnli.h Ih r'Ihlnl'ilay’:i iiroKrani; f'li lowed Iiy tbc Il'dnr.'-'T lir S.’Ci r t . .

hrnn I'owcr" Iiy I'lor. t', W. \VaK>.nni n: llir IlliUerxily nr loii ii. Thr-('.it: m rinyrrn Klvr Ihr pniKranif fi>.- tin

.T lir ‘lu)' >'lkbl.eliih ----- ; '


Mr'. i : „ l l l n , ..... ..' " lirrly atlenili'il Ihr A..... I..'K1i>i

rimv.’ntlcin .... . ilimc-r i ,n . ' on .\1iin""’*'• liny rvrnliiK. ■

J.-A . ramt>l.rll n} Tuln I-'all- win

llir n.iw hiRll nrlwiol liiillillni; Ih Iiit ,y Ihhi wrrk with lilH erciv .i_l mrn.

•Mra.' l-iirllKK .Mrlralf .'ntelMlll.-. her Sunilny i.clnxil .hrH ii* lani

" party al her'irmiii' Wpilnrt.ib'y ari.T

Menilirrn cff tin' 1. (). (>. l \ Icnl;:. hrre nr.' pliihliln-.: In cn lo J r im n r ..1 l--rhla> rvrnlnj; lo hrlp J.'ion ir Imli;. c rlrhnile Ihelr annl\rr»ary.

M Orvllln nir|xlni>hei--.rm ot Jrid in .' 1 nnw Mir l.hlhn I’nivrr inJiti bri.^ -ah'

. a'l lla/ellciu. II.', lm:. I...... wHU HrI'dwrr cniniiany tur ;.. ir ia l yr;irn niip ulll llJivc lilK i)IH.r al lla.:.' lliiii.

k ' Mrs, f.illirrim -. IlhelJnii i) I'a'iu' j ilnwii fKini Allilnu Mllll .MIr.ji l-altl) I .Vt'wlii-y Wrilii.-f.niy lo vhll Irl.Tt^' I lieir, .MIk'i lllarliliiiin was Iiriti iilii

^lxlll litailr lejtrhrr hi Ih'e m Iii'iiI lieii llilec )r;.i.. ai;i> .Shr ulll vl-.ll willlirr ........lltn In T»hi l-'.illi' a frw riny'l i r ro r e « ' «<’h'.' lo t .............M'IxKil. MUi. lll.ii'khiitli ivllI tr.ii'k a Trlrr. t!|ah, Ih- c-r.ninu; y rai. '

Mrn. J. (V Kncilt 1:1 Kpenilluu a (ru ii:fyi. wllh hrr slsler, .Mis. Iliirri Caplw weni n r Tivln l-’all;..

Mrx. ])alla> (innlnn nn.l .Ml»i A.l viina lia rhrr u rrr hliliiplni: .In Twli

• ralli* Tu.....ay iiftrrniiiiii.• 1.inmln I'lrelr, hnll.> nl 'he C. \

' U. mrt lu r.’unliir >.e":(lnM ul lli.. l.r ;;lni< Imll Weilii.T.lay.atlrMionn. Aller llir |iUJJnri:n iii. i'lhK r.'tl rrthnii'lll-w rir Kri v.'il Iiv .............. Hallii;. llnr..Ink an.l I.. W. Ih-rhtiiit. ^Tlniyiunml ll. nry uas n ImKliin i; vl; • hVi in Twin Rilln TiiiMlay ori.-niin.u

Vll-. an.l Mtl.. Ill It.-iiry wrni l.i AlWnn Wi-iln.-ihiv. Th.-v w n r ' a r -

'sec. <<iu\anl'!il lioiii.- hy the .Mln.r,. UiIji K«il' llcniV. i : i. l b r r l l : i r n i - . nml l>hlli Cen biy. H lin havn J.i>M-nniplrlri1 a year'j.

r o l l llrlrl; Inr Hi.. .i-imMriinlon .if ilir h lcb |uni lili:li nelmol liiilIilInK niilvr.l ilih. Juuc)«.-.'k, Akeeyi I'liin.lr \^'on.lwnnl mnlornil In Twini l l f l j ] ________ ^_________ __________will I ___

MOM’N p n p, / ^ ’KNOW -M OM - L FEEL '


15 OMJHe V ■ [p«-----T o

■ S y § - - - " ^

j crino line Bei

■ ,

a l I; . . . .

l i l l l l t l SilTTjivI



- bHwBEInr n | H | Q ^ » | r a

eiKin -n I lll.

. -f>' H b W - ' •(' SS3SW

^ : Husband Wife

' ' " '‘■"j . My huntwlua wiil lakr lily sw• reUiry'n liilvice .in any huviiii-*'

'" e l'‘i inntler lu l hr n rvrr li"tm> In me• a n .r — Mrn, W, W.

, , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l-altDi'■i.’ry j ' . 'l 'i i l l ' ' Tii.">hiy u r i r in n i ' i i . H> v.ji. :iI ;i|,i|;.i>nip:.n|.'.l h> 1; II Cllllili. V’lll. I

wlthl M,.: v .rna lllal^.-lv -11,1 ’ .-liihlM 'Inyiiunn-<1 lir ir I...... . ti .ri ........I,

.■k al'l,.:.|iii.nre ,’lm'in.:' Ih!- ..I'niinii. ’ \li ' jlilali. li y ulll n.- jirim Ip.il i.f SIni.

Vill; i s i ' v ' : ; T’Lniiriatlnii fnr aii|>.'li<ni-||li. K thr ral

■' ilarlimi 111. tr.

" ;11|r. I:. KUli..MliiIln::'lin- Uliu.' i | - ' -- - - - • *1

I n:.u'!iK.'< - t : ., .i ii r i w i c m i d : .• ' J ' ||.MI-|||-H. };r:it pn Im.hrl Il.ilr.

.......I. linv..| |,N „ .. |„ ............I l.il,,

.\<I» I.|if|.|ini:; i:ili..rla- nml i';,r- “ m. r,:., ilny a rn jir Inr muii- miui-

’”;'l , .nrr ii-r .•..ani, Wril.. Inr i;iuiillt>; |iil.,.-ti in rlrlm.-ti !li..l,i-ia;r Co,

' l ' l ' ’ ! Itnnin i;;|i. IJIditJiill Hnn r, .Mlanla,

E E L SOUR VFOR n ^ BUT I'CJ llHTC TCiN-T XNOWVCT r i l M W THE T ^ T E S KkJovLV SVJIVDUCD HIM J OUB REUlTIOeS Dl6 F F HIS DCBTS AMD-Jl ' A T ttiio a * -V O D Wl- l i e «,Tii.i. nuM KS r i t \o w SCArtOAu-Rij[H e W W r ACOUNDfcHtlGneO) I ! ____ _

' I mI I bH ®

- T W I N . F A L L S D A I L Y

''y ^

Whhli iI’jl.. .lo you i'-.;.-r—

® crlnulln- rtyr.; cjf i|it..iM ai;r. .< Iho ^ lMt!j|iii: i:lri <,f ti.’J-; T h '|w r,» ur<

f f l by .Mli i iJlJiOy. .Mooro nt .Sew (ir- y lf.m», rrowiii-d ibe ln i» Unuty of

lhat city'o< bcanllful Rlrln'In il rc-

“ ! ^ Bibte'niomlit.^'SxIaiiF g I Tl.Mi; .Ml (.lIJKiri. lUit, heI.iVitl

Iir n.li l^rn.mini i<r llilv mi.' llilni;. llml 1<....... hiy IK Mllll Uir I.J.Iil un II Ihnu

j ' l r ihi,»'.- l'l IV l.r ;i:S. ‘ ■

* I r ilJ l .'-•am: Our , '.I.i-lment o lehllil’i. liml uilrj.e' ’ giuuiin. nn.l- n t

• elniilnK-f.ir H.').V llj'ijl.iir'Vhnft Vn, -

- I J ™= S A t


\ii...- gN:u.t-: g .T l) Imvc c m li t - i i l Lhi

' ' M U i:il ym i w ill a])proc:

ili.'ir . in.ll .vojii’. • E s tab lish

"lil" iiiu n ily !iy lcUin}j u s

■, c red it. / I f you n e e d

w liiio [)in-i»ise w e s lu

___ M w ith ,Voil a t a ll th iio s ,

£ 1 TW IN r | ' NATION^ Iffl'lllllipilMliililM


JowTMAT n TAy BACK EV6RV' 3D iD 5yC t4,7 eCMT M£ Pi)T IMI& TVE >WNOIO . / y DEAL ANO WOn-T •RlA«6uS ) rift'JC A kiCK IP tiG ■ teoRllOOD J \ FiMDS OUT Th& TtTuTVi,

H E R M A N ^

Y . T I M E S ' ' ■

ff«morAa&(« L in g u U t 'Rlr William now«n nainlltcin, tbi

Kltbraleil r.ucll>li tnuthcmallclen wlin I lln l In IWB, jioO an rxlrnot

, dliiary /afaliy for tMmlnclnnsunih*! ■nil'*li Mllll*at ih(> 11(11 (if'twHve i. hnrr mnitvrrd ]3 laiiKuasey, Ipuldp BncU.h. ^

■ A nyw ayPomrbnity wlnreritekii iliAl It ofii.

iflkri n munVt.-«hlliJr<'ii tn nmkr nmm Iblnc of him. Al any. rnlo ilivy ci- e rt iiinrrlrfl nml inukr a srnuilfalbr o t lllill.—Strk-kland l.llllao lo Fari U fr.

I A t t h e j T h e F i r8 A t th e 'h e llI officers and s pei-ve' you, th.

-1 g Ben.jamin 1• i S . . w hat you sav

g 'tu rn s have yoS ing all th'ese» interview witls .

I The F irst


i j , IK.I g 'i"■’ i s ' '■


• i K E D im IAt Your b

th is B a n k is a m e rit m u rk g

ro c ia lc w tih each siiceeed - i g

ish y o u i'se lf in ^ th is cnm - =

u s h o ljj y u ^ T ^ a h l is h y o u t ' g

*ed innn ( v fo r a n y w o rth g

sh a ll h e y leased to con.siilL p


:ious ■ Jf SOMtTlMe A60,KtNR'/, VOi

OFFEREOfiC ft rtW-P lN T « e>10 SOUR PANAMA iSOLO MiMi PKoPOStTloN F'O^ 4 2 0 0 - ip Ti'EOrFeR is sT iu . r

■ « 0OD I'Lt. T A k E jT ^ y ^

. ' ' !

• - S to r i f ir f io u r.J,, Under proper itoraifB eondlllon

Irlan Hour ibould' k«fp - ciillroly anllnfac lorlly-roE.llirec inonllitr-,Mucb of.th

m tri ftlSb'Srnd# wbrftt flqur ll krpl fnr 1 ,0 ronihlrrnhly lnn,;:fr pcrloJ nf tlm«

Ij rrcn for a yrnr or wore. nnd.nud nnnr In nallifaelor; for lircnd-mBkln. ptirpoaei.

nihrr 'HIK I'llHCtlU’.S 4KWKI..—Tlirr.. I Siilii. nnihn inuliliuih- o f riililr.: hu till* llia or LnoHli'itiic nn; n';ireeluu Jriv rl,-I’nn. 20:15.

J H e lm o f i r s t N a t io n a l Bielm guiding the a ffa irs y d direcors of this' bank e they appreciate you r patri n Fran!<lin said, “N ot wlia lave.” ThjnK those w ords you had from the' money y >e years. Come in with yc /ith'Us may s ta rt you on th t

; National Bank t


F a r m iR a n


i.r'ilM- Tw in KiilU llisl

I llir TW IN l.'AI.I.S |!A

, I ra i i 'i l .- l in i i^ ^ ^ -Jl yrii

llill..ll U 'l l l i^ i’nl |«.t'si)ii


; W |in1.'-i-r liiiiihiii;!

Fin.l rrncly In li..I|i.

I li-ni.; ............ mil

J if loral .•nnilil iiMis me

I Twin Falls Bi

,VOO \ X—6« e sT V A h Jh A '' * ^ \ 0UrtA\J M.Ni«e. 1/ tTnoyciHr H i o R C lc

' 3 A T n n PA Y , Ju n e f., lt)20.

J-OIl SAtJ':-.Mcn’.»_ llKlll wnlglit linnr nlincx, ..aiioclnl ojforlni;, ll.DG. 1,7" Ilarbcr Sboo :c«,-ii.lv.‘ i . f.tht ___ , ■ ’ . .

2 | f q R :S M E ."j B e rry O ups a n d O raU i,-p laoo

____ ; y o u r o rd e r now.__________j Boo S u p p lie s , 'w c liave «very-

< Iay ! th in g y o n :^ > d .

— ! M o o n ’s P a i n t S t o r e:'iiui f . ‘'O c t O u r P riccs on •P ain t■ehiu* , I O U - .

B a n k Iyou will find the |

: alw ays read y to . | .trohage. |iiat you malie, bu t ' |ds over, - W hal-re- ■ §’ you’ve been earn- |your problem s, an |

the road to success. |

of Twin Falls I' I

S ' - IL R E S E R V i: SY ST EM §

n e r s a n d in c h e r s


ilislriri !i:ive I.... . Inoliiiij' III- ^

ItAN'K .V T K l'S T COM l’ANV.

rntiiisrl in nil lln.Pr rijiiiin..i.il

y rars, I lrn - sliv ir^ lli i>,_ei,ni-

'soiinl .M.rviei', iiiliip|..(] lo lo>-nl

ii;{ fai’ililies yiiii ni-iiii,..viiti will

elji. ’ W liiilcvei' liiisiiirss |irnli-

nur i‘N|i.'riellCf >111.1 tlllOU-li'ilijr

m e' ill .vnnr r iiiniiiniiil.'

Bank & Trust Co.

—By TaylorLeftNT COMSIDCR SOOR.OFFeR*lY: HAUeHefrRO TROM r ^ . .ELSE VOO NAlOui^'T BO SO \ iiOOS TD <iC.T im 3J^ THS OeAtt A u - NOSiRee! LVIOOLDN'T I « i» jte R £ s r AT.ftKPt pRice.' '

^ r a . -

Page 3: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect

N E W i

c l i i l ic i o i i

tle ffn cr G ets Credit W in; Zam loch in Sc Mound • A ppcaranct Three Days.

'i lll' Ilniltm, wild Iliulciml Kiiino ot til'! Ocil<'ii niT Atlilc'llc iiurlt iilK.rll)- iiKrr 2 . Uils nIli>rmioii. Imllcntcd n n of form vr.'itcrcliij' liv ilovi.h Ca:uitr.'i at Jlurli-y Iiy ,i i; m j Ifl nlmt. savii for ii l,M-k of li oa Ibo pnrl of llurk';- fmiM, ival liaiii'Uiill sain.-,

........ . ilclfncr mill AwiT'i.mi,) dvM'h Sillier to r Ilvi- Inninsn .in wiitn It npciiu'1 Illlll llic ):::iii

‘In >'Mi(;i't of 'll'i...; Iii.il, M Ki' Ulocli cli«i1ii/.' on I) . 'i l.u lii'ld tlio (iiimiurii III li:i\'.

It Wb;i Znm’N iivconil n|ip<' (III tiiR Inniftiil In Iliri'n ita>:i, h nlil Uov ftlwvvcil ttw V'tliV-'tii' lie In Mill :ii>!<' lo ilo lihi uliiK

'tl^i' iK'canlon liciniiiiiihi.All W Illllll'll iiltriiciliii;. /.nil

/■ll onl two Illlll In lu o lr:iM I’lilll^ 'mill mil'll' oiiir or llll lll

' S»r two I),inm.Tivln Killill lioptn'il ’lillo III,

wllll ft .Inlfy iH 'l l in iii'ioiullliri'ir iiiori' In llir hcili ..... .

'i l l 0 n( (lie oiH'nliii: n( ilio lli'lfiipr,''\vlii> U|i lo Illlll Him iillou'i'cl llllt llii'i'o Iill'l, i:;i\ Ciiniicni (Wl. llllil anrl a hv, ]i:ifi:ii'!i IllKl nil'll /m il imili i

' Till' lllillll!.- lU'tli'il lliv l);< lliroir Illllll'll, '

•* Tno n n rr rnnn In llii'fur till' llniliiii iiiailir l l aiifii'a llll- khimp wnn on In; ami ilir <U'n utiiKi'il n iilnlli Innlii;; ral iwo coimtl'r'ii llm l nnvr .Uu. Mimi'tliiriK l» tlilnli iiliuui luu ot (iiiffii'li'ni'y.

Thu aiuri-:(iKiIi'ii.

^ • j \ i ! .n . i i . i '(l.ampp. ilil .......... :! I I JRiiii'ici. nil,' ;........i; 1 : :iCm. vtr-.r.-..'........ i «, l iiKnoic. <-t................... : tr I 1Kricli, It................... n fl ll 1I!alc.i. 31., . ............ r. 1 :i 1wiiiu', 111................... -I I :: 10rtillllim, I'.................I 11 :iAwi-rkaiii|.. ji........ . J l li- 1 ii

Tiiiaiii ..................;i;! ii : i/ Tnin J-'nlN.

All. K, II, I-CCiormiin. If. r:........ •I I 1 0J)w>'pr; nil................. n 1 4 JTIiomiiMjii. c............. n 0 0 2iiuckiT. :l.................'« I 2 ;iUoMnlierr. nn........... :> " 1 nI'-ltiKcrnlO, 111.......... t . SMiilntir}', rf......... — ■! I) 1 0A|i|i(-r«oil. ct............ I " 1 IH.'Ifiipr_p,____.. .... 1 1 II J 'Zamlodi. ji. ' ........... H I U O

TiiUiin ........... :■■■* n i l : :•Si'Ofp 'I)}’ lwi^ li«;i;

«Kili-n' ...........1 ........... 0(111 I■ Twin Kallu - . . J .......... 01" l',-fO <

hiiniiiinr)'.Slolrn liiinrn; f..nni|H- 2, f

J ' Dwj'cr. ihchcr: imorlfliu- hlln:■ Oorniim. Tlmni|ihon J : ilirci

lllim Awprliiiini'. ' ni'/KPruI'l. j nijiii: iwo-lnHo lilii*: T)wy<>r a,; liirli: iloiil.lo I'liiyn: Twin i Ilapkpr 10 ItnsciilicrK Id n iK i

■: ‘ 'T B e

/■ .......

1923 ■. .F o r4 ,J > u p e

' 1 . ‘ ? I ' i 'H H f 'O E D ■


7 1 9

, SATimDAY, .I, IWrt

^ S O F T H ij y i ■ L o o k t o H i r i i

a n c c in- . . . - - ^ B | j | | | j i [ f l E



1|) 0[>:virn'ii 7 r . , r k fo tlow prs lu 'l l ip li 'i ilv .'r 'l l :n ,im l llii'rt IV nnnyU aiita n r r lixiVlni: n> i;:;i1m- wuii W ulf.. c jp lu ln <m j r i a r liiiniti'i i M 'l i ' i t ' - r lu ii'i : In i» lum i'li n t iw iuin fur ^Il'i , -iriii y u a l ic r ni'Iiool ililn /i-.i-tm .. S i'

‘ ' ' nn n u lliiT lty llin n l-iu n n ti llo K>n. I*fnn .cn.iPh, lliliilm W olf m

n |iii.';truni'.' r.toMK i.i h i Aiy:i. Iml III- m t i y b r . " ' l . l t will |,'.„1 h l l IIM V.-'li-i'-i , -tlic »'u<iUni; '.'.I 1iiliijt w ln'ii . • I'riilni'.

/ . . I l l Im sl-r:iM Ul llll' | ,y -^ iiiil ,,,! , I ; , |,|■ I l 'i l l ni""l | , jp [ f i i , r o l f Zaiul.M li i;."*!!.!:

. , ‘ liallii, o l t A w i'ilfam ii o l t II" I s , Olf /.m .V n 'l i l ; M iu .ic nI-I'onil; ' " '■ '; , \ w r r k u . i i | , . l . hy l l . ' f t . n r hy

Tl" K ill 1*'"^*' *■' '" "‘ ,<111 v lc lo iy n» Ih l f i i i 'r ; I'li.-in

t. ', i l lo A 'li'i-I .a i.iii; riiiiii h :i(li ' ; l » ' ) i ' r l lu i l ; r . ' , Ill,',I 'llh,

n I ' ' h' ’’’ «' >«.' ' I ' ' i . l i ' ' i | | i ' t l o n h a m ii : Oi;ili'n 7. T u l n

.....i 'h : h u i > ' ; : i : ; ‘ , r ' ' ; v : u i : r : ’'c i : . a r ' ; ; i ; "

i r i 'iu ' i i 0 - !

.Ui p ’ iinm ( I . ll r l .n h l i ..lu ll t«ll.-.l •'

I lhllll. I ' . i l l n ........................ 1Ih l l l l 'lh rC I 'r i 'h } ittlrl I ' l a l

11. l'0.';t i:. .... '^'’ll“"-''---- ; -.! n ?, ll A( S ,il t l ; i l i - : li \ J 5 ' , i ' . . i a l . ' l h . ......................

,1 1 !I '.lj l lu d p r l i ; , : l l a i t '. .n , , Iln -iiirr : .. ^ Jsh n J i io i i i .; i i l i r r l l i . M llh i ;in<l

: ; J h i k - . (r .S lip ;^_____________

" '! ‘-.HELEN. WILLS O') n i i i i l W AY T O RECOVEl l . l - O .A . i : N C U II .l.Y , I'V aiiri', .linU' Tr-

1 0 11 (' W ll l i , A n iiT lP un « ,u iiiin 's4 J U 0 j('|i:,m )iiim . liT " iliiliu : i.iili iiilhll>"0 : -I U a n 6 |ii'i;illi>n fm ' :iii|ii'i i'l lrltl> :. i2 ;i 1 fl lii'r , In iiir i .v p n u 'n i. I'liiiiliiupa iilu'1 r. -I n ; i ,n v p llm h o n n lla l hi i n i lUiy

-1! .‘i <1 n ' l i l a y (pnn in M'Klihi a iiiiiiitli ii 1 fl 1 () li:ilf.I I 'I II; ’l llill w:i:i llll- aim m m i I'ti'.PiilII .11 I ii |i> t III'. T h h r v l ) i '. . ' . l a i l 'l . .'<11 ::

.. ............... ; A llP r l u r llr;U ;;n.Ml r i j u h rI I I I III Iw irni'il ih ill h r r I,'im l:i 'Amil.l

U .i lp rf i i |iU < l, l l . ' l i n r .c A i 'f i 'c l H-- ^iM l |i) ::- r .! iU lh in ;il p a lm . ;<h<' ,'n lo /M l a IUO O J X - C ^ p |li'l ll Ill;:lil'i i I 'h i'P . X.alill;-. li|

s iiii 'iif .jh l ln : C ox .l M ; i\ Vo H K - i l 'i . r c . in ' '; . r | i I lirpp .I.nM 'lnrirl S a i lo r IM illi' l liitf iiia ii o f I',

ra lli . ( i o r - |i i l a . \ l i i , ' l i l h r a v y w ,l i :h l . v .lll mi<r /ilin> .11 l u \ l l .... ll Unnl in l lu ' I 'm i'h 'iv ln l'’» llH .iitrom n l T l i i ' J u a h a . M -'\lr-i. on n i K P r . i i i l ; I I. I

' . . S iA r e I n a

Why N ot Look The rSey. A re G ood— They A re

—Give You Termi

" I T T 1 9 2 3 ;

C hevrolet Coup^T erm s A ro Q o o il- f io ’s

' • I ' P -X vou W an t a N cD A ' CA

n n F a ll O aI ■ . . . J

(E spom

; n A i i - t n . v i i n i . i iM i i

'W r . ” I'liralPllo |i; 1:lilaho K.illi . . . . 1 7 I: I.o c n ii . l-'i I.

U ’U ’ ' SalI'V.'ikr . . I.: I.‘*■ V ^ ''

Tliat'.'i :i> Ull' f.ini i'i:i I ;iii

In Jhirh-y liiiihir ih r n ,

a n 'l 'i l . l ...... . !il ,iW / . . l iim il- ,

' •* Thr hlljll all h"» h.li-p.'r 'ily nf . ___

A .......... .. a', i l . ir i. , '. ! fr ;iinll.T, to .. „ . ,,, , ........ .. ,,1 f‘’r ' I '" ....... . , '

‘i;i.h.Tl. . — 'olf niu' flf Ml' ' : /''111 ;:rl a I ,.ii. In Aiiinl- him lwi> IiM; v - tm la . '' in Iv


liy Z.1II1- . _____Im ;irii c r . ' . ;F o r t Colliiia Team PIIob I'li.'ircc lii- j PoinlJi in E v en ts of f i n h:i(ir,i In :. N ew Jiivclin R cco rd 1

hi t:;. (:iii- ,A rln n 3iis Boy.

ru in I'-.ilIii S(H.I)li:ilS KIKI.M. Cliii'a:: '■ |.\iii i'<iiiiua, Clilll., Ml-nml w»iriii, 'n;iihinal liili r.-.iirriiian. j,,,,,,,,.

jjiMic-lhh- ii'iiralrr li..lay Hfl<r |:<n>nil l.'i llollIlK 111 Ih r firhl

U .Jl.iV n{ llll' iiiillmial Inlrri'ilioiaiil !-• 1 olt y.'!,Irnll,y,

„ ......... I.■ i-'')' '• 4 , ' llir Uh- ColiinKld Ipiim

. hyiaJihi;: IlrM jiIh. p hi Hit-' ‘• ' I ' ; ; ililril I........ liaiiiiiMT liirow.v

- '.',inn'.illilril In llip iiTpllnitnarT 'in'ii***'' '*ii‘’‘lli'»'

Vn'l Wlnl* I ''I ’ lil'i V ‘'C<'fil fi’iI '.ph iio l liait n l ip a i ly fa lh 'l i j l i ip r i . D o iu ln ri l i r a y d o n . illo t'U , A rk ,, h n r ln l l lm Juvi

U ' l N j h '. ' i r. Inphpri III w in n n «■;


■'/’ •"ii;: ' SPORT TABS 01. every k in d

Ilh;. ainl If ------ ----------- ,1 i,lip pnn Nl-;w VOUK.-In llip fiiCiil

iliiyti an-J .Illllll'll ruiiorln llial Ti-x Illf lth liml n.plannini: lo nmlcIi Jnck 1

jllilll (iimP Tiiimcy. (Chairman I'.piil lo 'lav.ot Illd ^l:llr nllilrtip 'r<ini <lli:; V,'lil:i''iiir<’ai<'iip<l lo ri-ciimnirnil rci

jof (lu; Iircimolcr'a llrpnuc I iiiirii ill" I,lanil n ia l .T h il l/ r .l, "Wlllli

mi.l 1h' in-jon-:." iialil l-'nrlcy.

..I an I'M-; }iortiiiKi';i:i‘.sii':. .sv .y!- 1". H|I 111 s,(,-nril:in. v.Krnn otii.'ini. ha

Innni'i'il nn r rt rr rr tor (hr Ijifirii JiniP :k ill wiiich ly i'Vc

r;,r|iinlirrj'|invllpl|iali-.Ilf l'uliti>r.| ------ -il mi'i'l ih j I,()S AN’UKI.KK.-Ai'ii llnilkl iii'h'ii rlnh l'l.rniikn (error, ,.wi.ii n (i n. on Jii|yjl<ni.ciiim( ovcr. I’liil Kalviuii

illiu ch:hlli rminii. .

A Y !L T r a d i ir grheae O ver Before Y ou B ire C heap—W e W ill T ra d rms, too, I f You W ant ’E r

■'i9'24 ■ 'V: Bliick Four,. :

o’s Uie . ^Y our Price B uys I t

N e w C a r It W i l l P a y Y o u


a k la iid■ ' 2 2 s

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f W O R L L

e ! i r a s j i i i d _ S u cl li l j; I n iiK trah i li.ia ;. .li . l II

1:; .r,:i L i l y a ln p o - iv . 'i i . '. ; , 'i ' . ." I* ',! ', . '! |j; • _______

I- iliirhi.np;)^, fatn. hr -nl ll

IT .'“ '*,<'1 lllll cialliiiui al lli i'l ij I'li.i.

U'll III ; Tail I T ii.il’n t l ic i i ii r i i .

„ „ ,iv i:s iK tiii,\v .s u k ; i . i a i a i:

' "" ’'’‘ '“ I IMny. Van,,', linml,1,11 iMii.- rrliini.'.l ll. Ilitm illl.l

' " hi:; Hr-.| Vlploiy „r lllr mU':,iijhi^Ihp t:iani;., 1,1 i„ 1.

l'lah-|.I;i!i!!' liit'li'il ilia

hilVil.l.' ,.|-,'i AilllOllKll nliilu ilii': oiih^ II 1 .1 l.rMii I I'llllli' lll'-lr <i|i|,>i,nv|llr, » |'|. '

I 111, - (.•icvelaild (IplMlnl l)rl

. . . . . . ■ f ' '• ! :rhi'. l!r<n-fii luiufr ll Uv<i 1

[r; •> almnl j Inilll Clncltiiii.l I, it:,ini'. Illl,'i

' ' i wllilr Zapli-.iy'w im , Imlll "II.-, I> thr Wllll,' Ho\. Ill,' llHiwn.i I I'lo llnu:.|,il Ih ilr fuur lilla iuivama;

MEETi.(1.011111 rral hi;; |. 'i ,i ;n ,. haml,,TIJ llll.l Minmirr :imi o f a v.irli

OB U p 1 '" ' ' ' " ' ' I ' ..........•'irst D n y '' '" ’1 S c l b y ' ! ' ..... . ..... ;i ‘v . .....

■' .IIH;M linil.'m nl h,l;.. h .ill . .......(lU liir-l. Un < ii 'i .iu l.'r i;i . nvvr lP a ':n ,' Iti iin n w n i 'n itu' .\l;i>la;

•''I’" ' . ........ Illln Pinnmiiii- T.'a;;ilr' '' '" '1 ' ' ‘ .I'onipiiiiril, o t III........ . oiKiii" ' I " '” ' " ' " .ir .M.yi.s l.r , in , . | , .i.,,.,.. „r

''in - h-'i'ilni- t ' ' ' l l ' 'iy '

I"''' ™ “ "? »■ ^'"‘- 'I ik; Anuilnl I,’., Inirhii: Ih;

!-.... . iv l l ....... i i il l r i l n;;;il. in r,-ji]Kin- oihrr in n luilrn ciiiiii i.i cM-r 'iiiii> Ira,I. ;,„,i ,.||,.|, ^(„r,. j,,,., im y-jK ilnhror' Imh'i', u- 'i'ainr'.'i. Slaii.llni (lie ilLtiiri, T . .11^1 ri';:iilnr i,.in 'nla;:r ■ A He-ahm'Jiml „„ n,,, |,|^ Il'n;;ll ' ni narlra lor [|.;,ni at Uu- iyiiKUu x'hlili i'Im

lliiuhirl pr;p,.nwii<' of Haim for pn.p ju lll lie ilpl'hiruil',clii\ni|ilnnii.'11 In Ihr I Till' hii'iil' Miiylni: i.lorp l» in. I.lKlo'on nil lorn. Kv..ry-ii>i-niiirr liivrihi mil MnyliiK or;;anUii(loii h r rr him

ciiny vie* I'll Uininoif to w in ilio priiii.i Iiavn, arran,-;ril in nnnoimii pr<ii;rrii.i Uir<mi;li ili" coUimn<

- ' ' I'liIHif, Thry ilcUirmini' li. Inf j p liiuumr ot lllill plly l“ Hm

pvcry C lll/i 'i i w i l l h - nHill: .l l ii 'in , T l ic l r t l r n l K iinir, t

■” “ I j n n i ' 7, Ik iii;n ln iil I ’r l r c . I 'lu l e c l d f p o a . M, l l , « w W n r . ' vi'V.vv a i j J i i in l In iinK Iiln hnnlclon r im ily lo i;i)

U etnpnpy ,|,iil I 'xppctn lo w in ih r 'p p iin a i iun V iirlp y j ii i ,; C liy t lu iiiip ii.

rcviipiiiioii' CAI.I, n u t IIIIISI! It iiuph ^„|i,.|. ill |,i,r,.|.y kIu 'ii Ih; 111 or no Clerk ot llir lUmnl ot Tin:.'ir:

' ilpjunilpnl .' 'Ph'Mil nisliii l .Vll. i'alln Coimly. Iiiiih». \v|ll h'pcI

,y :-Ju lian nil «. X P. M. .Iniic llth . in: han hppn.jsivi'11 limultr,! lonn ot rii.il. 11

11; rcKiillii Icnn, ilrllvcrril (0 ilm Varl'iiiii t'Vcwii will liiilhilniiii liiitiiiE t.lio }r:ir 1

.. . ■ Sal.l hlllll lo hr tor l.uinp, .Mln Pen mill .Shml: coiil.

ilkln:i. Np- TliV Unani I'ciicrvcM llir r>Mlil (prhiilpiil led any or nil Milu.

.iiilorp, in .I»t.l':NA HMl'i‘,Clitrl< ot (hr tl

, - ' S

g i l l l m oriBuyide W ith You

H udson T o u r

$ 1 5 0 .0 0 .t .Gdo^ .Shape—G ood T ires

DU to See U sv •* ,


D iripanyL9 2nd Avende*Easl


^IjCLUBSTANDliN .V n il.S A I,

. 11 . I = = ^ , C l i H ' i n n ; . i i . , i;:i | ---------- | i ' l l l ' . h i . i , ; h 1

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C IrM 'la tiil . ; i :'S l . l47ni:i . P;

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■ n l i llp h rr , ' I’. n ' i r i f C d A S i'illl.l Im rh 'i l j ^W . I

Ih.llyW M i.,! :;n .ilis t .M 'i i i k Mi:"-ion;. ::i :•

; V 'f I I I , ' - i l l l . ‘ ' ‘ - l l 'l 'l ^ l 'l ' _ J - ' :

D i'lro il, i .

, TODAY’S GAllII II.III lliirl

, \ . ) j i : i t H A \ A f 'c i r v i la n ii--Iv ii.i 7Ui.

II.' In ilih .v - ' n„.j I"I'*"'*' ' ' i ' ) It.iIli r l . 'l . ; l-rn im .'( i., .i .,i ir

tliv .il'l ',n \'l ^■ll^lllv.;•. UwV .'" "- - T 7 ^ ' .-•"ivrll,

N e x ir f F a n s Ht. i .m n :i ...........

. .... I h l l l r l l r : , : i ; io - ,r .illii (

i 'l ..n r.; .;n i 'i 'i‘ ;

....... ' . . •.......... • .i:!,,,.!,... k , . . .

i>l;ii; l l l l . ' l . , h l l ll l ," " U V ih ln M .ili ' ■ IOI.I7;ani.'.;ilhin • , '

I ' l ; l l a lh T i . 'i i ; l -o v .l r „ k lr

iian h rc n ] . ,n , | | j [ , „ f ,;n, 7 aiu l cm i- ___ ________

................... N A T H IN A I, .n ;;;iln .l a n - y , , , , , . . ----•■ 'ir ) l l io o h lv n . . . -m cc ll. » > l i i ____ L . , ....... ' .L!......... 7----- ^I'llniiu willl a i : r l,:i,.||i, . f 1'n aiul Illlll

g .3 mhim liltHlc-

I'.... n il mul' in u r l l u l r * ^m n ' <if Ihln V I

'onlinK f(ir D ■ I Ir , M nvlini; 1 ■! H II 'lu h . C ap- , • ' F ' J L JI'l'.lTVS 111- J L *j;i) lo lial.

iin aiii w ilh ■

, DcI toIlllll lill

. . r r n „f In- , i t C.Vll. 1 ,T llh l,,,1... i.i.i. po;

T S S . . • Ba.Mlnr lln n . , 1 am

;'(Mlil i i l i r - I

YMITII. . vviii r lliia n l. '

■ - W O

" ' Hcgre up

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rl . . . . . . . . . . tsafa t t


* See

1 m a g e i

□ o ni s t ^ - I

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t t 'P M' P Use a Scy | | You Use

■'■i T h ii i l . i K' IT m il

-1 'rt;>7 T it i i ik n f 2 .‘iMi'

I T h in l i l i r i i l . ' t l l l l

T ln .,1 ; . , r i l .

'r ! i! iil« o f l l i c Im

T l i i i ik 111' iiH ill.-;

T l l i i lk (ll- t in ; ill c ;ii ' is ( 'l i i 'a |i i ' i ' '.if ii:;!l' ii^c ii.'^ i.

' H e l m .’. P a cI M \iN n

i ; i i . i : . | •';' : n i . l l l . s

Ask The. M1! j

t J L i ' .$2• Fivc-pas. sedan f»

la r t ly F

U y & uDodge Brothers Spccial Cou to as SPECIA L because it ii item of spccial cquipm ch possibly acccntuatc thc car comfort:

Balloon tires; n ickclcd bu and rear; nickcl-trim m cd r rear' view mirror; automati wiper; scuff plates; cowl ligh wood whccls—disc wheels o

Hood and body.smartly finis greenjacqucr,with cartouchc Upper" |5ody in black lacquei ovcn-baked enamel fenders

Gcnuinc,.hand-)3uffcd...Span grayish green; and wide-vi safety pillars included amon attractive features.

Spccial Coupe $1067. Roadsi Touring C ar - $959 Sedan

. D e liv e re d

See the Dodge S te e l Bod}'' o n .^ ia p Ia y


J i e - . ' . S r iM O T O R C

' ' Tnp

I K 1,1 ^ .r - im l r a t r r : i l j-..■II; II I . '. 1|. .'-I. I.. .rih, ............... ; I

■ : niihui.'ii.iii.i . ' t^ j ’' l l . i l l r t l r i . : Jl. I l l i l nn.i l IT .tri

.(.11 i; .illic iu 'lJ . M ann a m i llrn l in i '.1 .; Wl i . 'h l . Io n .' h il ium u r laM f lh

R e a l E sta te Transcr■ I . i : i : i i . '^ li r l l l t . . . Ill, „ f II,i;;,.,

i; II i: t.;, .v i . ’ .- .m : ' , i ' i-: '- :: .. ) '

.. *; i| i t>i; .<-,\i.i: .\irn',i iUpmi :ii.).-r II r .n I. II; ! . . \ l . i t . ! . Ill h la . I, a i H . l i l . - i ' a

■: I ', l l l l l , . . . . _1„ J ..... . I h. iiii i o l ' « v . '; . 11.1'

C lA R DScrdlch P a d Before \o Y o u r Cheek Book

l l i l i 'S ( I l ' l ' V u l l o u i i ( '- ! :U S .

I I ' l l l i l i ' ; i 'n | | :i i i i ; i |lM r i . f o i).

m il i l l i i t’S 111) ;i ;;cl iij‘ l i l 'c s .

clK iS-i;: lu li lii '; ,l i i l '. ' -

iiiffti: l i f . ' lll llll im o c \ t ' i 'y P iu -k a n l

lii.-^ liiictiiin . ii.-i lu>:mi.v, i t s c m i i f o i l

■ iir ii lf , 111' i iw iu 'i s l i i j i . A P a c k a r d ti f I '^ ^ ^ i in i i (ijii 'i'a ii* t l i a n u c a i '-o C '

w c p r o v e th a l lo .vou?-

ackard Motor Co.n i iN l u .i.s, iiiAiio s .sm :s

„ l . ,

Man Who O'wns Ond

2 9 5 0 , 0 0 , ~I fully equipped d c liv e y d a t your


finishedl ip p e d) o u p c i s r e f e r r e d .

t i n c l u d e s e v e r y ' i

c h t t h a t c o u l d ,

l a r ’s b e a u t y a n d ‘ ‘ -

b u m p c r l ^ f o r i t . ; ■ |

i r a d i a t o ^ h e l l ; " . ." r ; ' ,

l a t i c w i n d s h i e l d

g h t s a n t i n a t u r a l ’

s o p t i o n a l . ' . ://.

n i s h e d i n t a r t a n

c h e y e l l o w s t r i p c ;

j e r , w i t h g l o s s y

5 FS a n d s h i e l d s . ■<

a n i s h . lca thc r*T --....................... .- v i s i o n a l l s t e e l

l o n g m a n y o t h e r

• . IV '

d»<er - $955 ‘ > ' r . - - i , ' ' n ' , • ' '

lay in O ur, Show room . ‘ '

LE C o m p a n y.LS, IDAHO' . s''’-

[ Q T H e R Sl A - p S - ' - -


Page 4: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect

m p . A L L STb» T lll l .. tii'. -mar* rv(i.k-r


'.pib1Uh»rt »»«fT Crrnlnj Kirotn __ ‘ _ _ Comrtny, TwMAHTJCnB____________

■ Z rzzzz^; n u r* 4 V Twin Falli f’oHK . ! , i. , Uftiir rutiiifjii(

— — - - - - - - - - sim i;c:i{Tp.Dally, ono y c n r '---------------Daily, nix •montlis ................Daily. one< month _________

, ID A H O H O M E Pl

C o iiip liiin ls tlU ' s t i i lo l)V -llie IilalH i M (n r

• c o m in g i h o ’y r a n l i n i i fif co iii p u b l ic a c tiv iL ic 's lo itiq e n iiU to so il l o c a l n iu n u f i ic t i i iv i l | lh e s t a l e b a l l p a r k oonci'.^.iii c a n d ie s a m i -oiliui- c o m V ciin th e l io m o b u t in 'i i i iu iy s id o o f . I h i i . f i t a U ^ ’

H om o lo w n bnsiiiciJs n b a ll c lu lis a n d n ianv o lb u r ( T h ey im tlo rw rito and ifiiaraii a c tiv itie s ; crt^ale an altrao tii tim l|j’ hrinff.hii.sinu.s.s lo i nary -fa irnos.s de ina iu ls+ lia t sc r ii i l io n 'sb o iild bo sijcnl, as a lso ve ry o b v io u s t l i a td t i y ’o irion shfiiild so il onlv m / w ) 0(1. ' ■ /

f r c s l i e r a n d u f a iiu ic li ln* iu . f r o m - o n t s i d c l l i o 's t a t e . 'J 'in T b e s a lo o f Ih .oso ] ir t)( lu c ls b in c r e a s e t b e b u s in o s j , o f t in n io n ts a n d b e t l o r p a y ro l l s rt' p lo y o s n i a k o fu r tb e r 'e o n in v m

T b o I d a h o Hoiiii* In d u ^ c a n i|» a iK n tb i 'o u j j l io t i l ll.,.' s t u s e .b 'o iu e p ro d u c L s . I t b a s t h a t t b o [ i f i n t i n i ' f o r lo c a l : o u ts id o th i ; J i j ) n io to w n . T ! b o m o t o w n ,p r i n t e r a iu l-nO w ; d C 'a lo f .v u h iH b lt f i i i iW ic i ly tti t r io s .— C o n l r ih u t o d .

. ■ . s A p r r v I

O n e o f t h e s u b iw l s ' i i i o f o r c o n u u o n t is Iba iT n iu saH

• s o n s t o o n g a K O ’in f in a n c ia l li m o r e p o i-s tm s s h o u ld a d o p t

' o f a l l k i n d s b y c b cc k i; in s l e a l i v e r y fo w day.s th e no

. tb o fU ^ .w h io b b a v e boon c o u n w i th d r a w s u m s o f n io n o v fi

' tb e y h a v e k e p t in I h e i r b n iu i '• o th e r t r a n s a c t io n s .

A baiTK c h e c k o l im iu a t i ' ■ e y in m a k in t r p iiy in o n ls . I!j

t b a t j io i 's o n s p r e s e iu i i i j r d i c e tb e m o n e y , a n d o v t'u i f a i;l j l r o l i a b lo t b a i ' i i o a n ln ' n e i'D

- n |U i ro i d o 'n t i f ic a l io n bi-frti'i ' 7n id . t b e ? S T i t P r o r th e c lu 'c k

'i7 - ,i jjf /ig s to l e n . '

Ih o 'h t iT i ie 'd o st) a t th e i r o w n n f o a n s o f s o o ii r in j r i n f o n n a t i e d b y th o p e i-s o n w h o k e f i i

■ m a y e v o n t a k n a c h a i ie e r t f 'l • tb o iio i is e . T h e r i ’siiltiufi,- In;

T b e r o is n o n 'a s o i i v.'h c u r r e n c y f r o m th o b a n k w b i n a n o ia l I r a n s a v l i o n ; n e i l l ie r s o n w h o reC-cive.-; luoni'V u iu i

‘ WASHINGTON DA!............llY c n .v m .i-S I>, STFAVAIVI-]

.IniL.I lV-.Ill1l-.liy 1t,'..l 111.- .

»ini<k, riKM 111 Ih.. Wl.ll,- II.n..-, I.ui lli.il h:.f..-l ,|Ul, I'rd lh,- ruw.

.............. I :,p.ll.I.i|« ' nr,. r|,lllUJ.i;i-lJ., lc".ir II.U In in .-. Ill- r .l.ir

nll.iii havj lu ".ly nl'.n.i il:.- kiv.-'l

^ T JO W R V K I!, " ll Ijn'l’lror. ’ r,'.-- / X i "I'll ■' i-',intrm|;i,;iii;> wK.tl.

^ -.•'Mtro-H «lia(* lirr»Mli.ut\l. -'Voil <-nn fjll uii uiip of



,S DAILY TIMES■ y . ' .

ikUth in llli* l i t j Ihko i n ; n tlitr |.iili]i('itiii>ii,

li-ftil Kiiti'l/iT *'7 'll« Tlm«i "ItnWllMili Tv»ln i'-nllli. l.lnho' - . •

S S - i s i i S ' f . /

f’oHtolncfl nn Koconil C lu i a ittd r u i IfJllon Ai'Mi 11. IIIR. '

llTl'TlON KATKS ■ ----------____ ____ _________ ___ : ________.......................... .....................................____ ___________________________ CO.

£ P R O D U C T S U R G E D

.■en U'i-otvi'(l from all sections' m lo m e In d u s ln e s A^so_ci:ilion e conces.<ions in ba ll p a rk s a u d ni ■ani [led ille rs iir th u so .w l;o re^,'d p riu liic ls . lu sevei-il tow n.; u ■.';.-;ionairc'S a iv sirlliiijz so f t ilrinks ciion.-:, n o t on ly m .ido o u ts iik ' ol u iy in s ta n c e s im p o rted from out-

=s m en a n d m am ifac tiire rs m ak( e r co m m u n ity a c tiv itie s ijoiisiblo. i r a n te e w itb tb o lr d o u a tio iis tliosi :iotion fo r tbo luinii' fo lks and ao'

to w n . Il ijj nianito.^l th a t ordi- liat m o n e y ra is .'d by p o p u la r sub-

a s f a r a s jKissiliic. a l hom o, l l is .jy'0 .«siuiis m ade-iiy these business no pi'o(bict.s if lliey ean be socur-

I t t- f t t i i tu -n ia m ira c lm fd - r a r t th —tr K 'llor i j iia litv ib a n ilial^TT^imriei. 'J 'i ie 's a n io is iriio o f to f l drinks,

Is by till* ODIU-I.'ssiniiaires lioljis ti tlii's i' m am it'a c ln rim ; establisb-

!s 1't‘s u lt . The.'^e p ay ro lls and em- m tm ily aoliviti(.-s [mssiliie. id iis tr ic s .Assoei.'ilion is makin.i:

.■<tate to .h a v e Inoal eouoowionV UIS b i'c n iinte'd in souu: iuslanoos 'a l a c tiv it ie s bps a lso been dom

T liis is obv iously u n fa ir to llu le w s p a p e r m an w b o iiives a {. reai V to 'a l l b o m e a c tiv itie s a u d indus-

____ u _______ ;___ __ v ’


-liiosl in 'o lifie iu th e w ay o f te.xl^ s a fe lv p ro v id e d by lianks to-pei! a l ira iis a c tio n s o f a iiv kind,. jMan\ tp l tb e pkoi o f mi'.kiuir [laynumt.- ■;lrad o f in cu rre iicv , • ,' n ew sp a |)v i's ]m l)lish at'eo iin ts o ouimi_Uod ill ea se s o f [loi-sons wlu 'V fru in Ibe b a n k s ..o r ii?e inonej om es f o r p ay m en ts on p ro p e rly oi

la te s a ll p o ssib ilitv o f IoSs t ^ mniv Uaukei'i^ a re p a r lie u la r to know

,’heck s fi»r p ay m en t a re en tit le d P a i;lu 'i'k is s to len i l is bi,i,ddy im e i 'i i t ia le il bv^lbe.lh i'-f! ' B anks re. H'l' makiu;^' p iiym oy l on obj.;i-ks ■ck cnniiim iediaielyisl-iTp pi^TTTt^

iioiivy jn eunsiiini'ii^ijivam oim ts il tw n ’risi<. W ould-be. (h joves bavt n a tio n v .b ich m ay not-'bo suspect e f iis itum oy in iiis hom o, o r Uio,' o f riiid ine: cu n i'^eV h id d en aboii

loss i.-; th e sam e.w hv -Iin in d iv id u a l sI/oii!d d rav w hen a- ehecjv w ill eom plo to a fi- Iier is ih(T(‘ :fuv ex'ciiso fo r a per

iin iie i tak iu iz to be b is ow n liankor


■•n-.. .,IM., l.,,vn ' ,'i{:.-y|.lKr.

: , p ' 1

■: ' .111,1 ;iUvl-.'!...: y.„. l.ii-ml .

"Tl.ni wf.r.. [..-inile nff .11.-f:,'.-. Ii:.|,|,>- In irniihli- ihn' i<- < K>ln- ;i„,l I„II». rtl.'r,Him.'1.-11. r:>l:il;e n.lv;,n■ I,r u f 1l..;;i-.- iii,l, If l -r- ll,; .- , Ihr.i


s ; _____________ ! !' ( 1 , , ------- l / W H A -

^ / |Kl -H

".'■'Mim- - f i ' ? i" ■ ^ d l s r i S- ! ' i l l : . ' - Z f Z I

■ ' I 1 1 ^DO j f |V 'V“o, I

J j . '

IS I l f K ^

I ' i n ! ■ ‘ ” ”1 ^

I,; i u . ^inks, _ —' ; ^

lako / '■iblo.bosela o - V v j H t N S - S O K ln'di- ------------ ---------------------sub- ---------------- ----------------It isj - " ' . i-



nks. .)S tn " H o ld th e F o r t, f o r W c A t lish- C om itiB l"

It n -:.i ..Illy . . ' . i i i i . l l f,>rl1l1,-nllr' ....... I,!;;!. H|, In ,MI:.1,.,<na Vw< in I)

in„i.iiti.li,-,' .if ii..rlli.-rn O.-.iruIii nr 111' J l ; M n i'in ' ' I '" ' ' » " i ' ' 'y l l 'Hi:iiif,' ' H "'H

' " " H ;;■'t-'OS I,; „ „ i,ii|,„ ri!,iil n l l l w n r i-niii|>ali l o n e Iiml II iiliK fiin ii- li.'\ l th i , liiK i.Iriii.

I ) , . . f 'T II f:gii"ill> lijin il, " I l i .l i l l liu r« ' , t . . r W.- .\r.- 0 .;in lii« l"

[ r e a l [.m ,, in im u . Jum (..'f> 'ro fToncr dus- S liornua.Ja-K «Ju l. le . i in u s u - u n L irv l t.

n ., ' 'I 'l l , (',iiif.-ili’riil .' li.'i i .-rn l Il.n Ml]ipi'il iiriii.nil liU riKlii rliui>< »i lii t r in riiiiiiirliiK Mii- sn iiill cu r f l-" ’!' whli-li S liirin iin Im.l I . ' f l ' iiUni;.- ll Mill' u f h ls-n iiir .'li. o m - n f H i- nw> llii |.iirlm il .«f l li.- i- 1. . ' - ; \ " n n I>k:i|i

.e.XtS I'l A lliil"“ 'ii ' I'll--' " l l" '- '- « III'..... ..

|i r l7.<- i r I I ....1 .. .... Ill c n i 'liir .- ll.la n y TUI'. ii.i- .t,- ,iiirin iin |.'i l liy .- ;.r l1i-.v'ii-'l e n t s ’" I* '‘lv I I " ''" I I III'- "•‘11' ........ .

l.y i : . ' i . . ',1, s r.i.-ni. l.r iiiin u w « i inf.ir...... If iihn.il I ,’.I'O .Mli>li''^.>ti. Ill

i s ol n i l ii 'i l - li''..l'H . II."m |. ili'iiill.-il <i.' w ho * l 'i ' ' ' l i ^ " 'U l I','" '.! 1111-11 I . ' .Irl

! ; : : ^ ; : i : v ; L r : r : : i . i i ; ' r i : M : . : :l y o r ri.m liT iin il" . .. .......... ............. m .l In

m u . ' i i lillu -n ii-.l J iii l l l i' 'Va« In |ir,i n X a||Im iii;;Ii iiijn v i.f liN i ii.- iv 'i . ' MIIi-<1, OTH" Hill l.l lll l.m n :ii| i r . l r ,

.now 111 till ' m tll ' ( i .r l a t lli.l ti 'i i , will.

I'll n i i r l l^ . - 'i h ,\lliiill:i In lull l i i t - f ' S re - - a l . ' t ill ' i n . v ’ fii.iii lii'l lU .•a litiir.

T l . l ; n f 111- ;:ia ..la il..'tM , a i . ......

Imve■H’C l- .... I i l i .n 111" li" ii 'l ''l ''l l ii; ...... 'a ;:"

t ' ' " vb o u l ...............I,"

,\ w lh l .-li.'iT wi-nl il|> f r n t i i^ l i . ' I

I ™ 'Jl l l ' tliW l l ....... . t4i).ii l ia lf .If Ml.' 'l.lper- In till ' IIMli. f i i .l 'MTI- I-...... l.lll

------- i1 l\n a y i'il I.}' Un- fall n f iln l r l .a 'lp j ^ I ........... . '-f .M liili '- 'i 'n lill.l lllllii

LiK HlMMiiian i:iinn^li'^'Mr^r<4M, ^

, j n ^ L - r .; f .................... I,l.-r a J.artiI .If' till ' fll...... J i'x:iii-.-i-ll-.l, Im iitlil

MiL.ily, Iii-a ril’ if iM-* lin -l.l.'iil llm n h:it ilnw n mul u m l .- i!ii' t l . r illlii:: 'tiMini W'UllIl ll" ’' ..... 1' ’■ii'ii: iv llr fi 'lh'm' ry;;llK t, InniiM i-,' l- .." i..il;r ii .

Snaii- ,\tMi-rl.-,in lly i'rn i.r.- i;..|iii; J .iln Un- I-f.-ti. l, f .^ lU n ili.r .illn n i.f I

, iv iir In .^ frllI l. »h .nv |nu Unit ii inlU lan \ l i i t i . r will lliul il u a r 1/ um . Is -Jihi

U pfon- Tlin llu iniii-li 1il.-l;hii: nl.r iJip w i'alh i-r, Jit»l f.'ll.-.-t .III liHK- nfl mill h n » . l is lr ii .lli- i- ly ,T.i|nin f.-M< I hlow n n f llll- nii-r<-<inili>rli-al l.lti.l;;.-.

-I ThV Ii:in1 fi-:iliirr o f |inriii-Iiii1)- J.mIni,-, * av s n i".'r;{.-anl Jiv l.f lnr, Ih k.'III

' • rrm ly ^ i r i l i i ' ilr.iiv T ln -r.- h iiv .. lit- ‘ rill'l-^ Ifl ivliI.'li I l lp .Im n l fo a l iin - w

lli(-K r.m nil,

Till- O rn rv ii m nf.-r .-n cp linn prnh I I t r . l t l . . ' liKi' n f In ir l r r in a m i |>n |s..n i;

l l i - iv a r : .S'nvi' If ll w ill Jii>r in-iilil111.' l i v ..r c n n . , ............ n lriilnn

I l>allli’«lit|'< »nil riiiliiiiiirliii'< m ir m rp Q CTMl iiiliii;-! nm y lm .■.Iiuliii-rnl hi

- l i d M rf . 'i - l l i la .h llU e iiiiinii.T .

^ A T T S \ T G R A S Swoop? oooO sumoaw ■ V

X T hA tS ? S A W ', H A ^ E S O O \:i6C nT '£M W i-\P\r OAW.'tT-tiS IS 70 0 G P A C iO O S * CA K ^r V O O ,OOVJKi A K iO © e . Q O lE -t >^0R

£ :s 7 A v n » ; i -T r tE - \m e e v < -? -6 e . 'T I ajC? S U N D A W SCJ-lOOU’P A P E R /_ ^ M D .R £ A O l -------r " ~

» \J ~ ' "

.'W O A v/ V A /A S S y > n O A '- / , .

V■^ '

^ I " "5 B i b l e T lio u g lity a fr 't id a ii

{ TUV WII.I., •Vl’ltr . 'l l lf J tt-T .a .l inil- I.l .In Ihy will; l‘.V''l1.1ni ml iny

S Iho ianirirf'iiprlKlil^^''.’ I'.--. IPiKi,

Aro ' -

n II'"' jT 'R

i : ] a ii.alcn .

t i^ e N e w -ncml ____ \

— R f i P S l H f i .n . . ^ 's „ B C T nI ^i-mii., ■ - fi (fT W«

111.' Q v s w ' w"Hint •

1‘ '-111-- r p H l S ndverliscmcn

" X tlio « solid cilizcn: to-Bpciitl^arownd n tli

■ fo r.n fnd ttireor—niidvj.vhiHi ' »nsist Ih a t thcy.r.cC thI, . oiblc vnlue for tiicir m<

,iir,,il. , N o m otor car ever bui!; ; ' i i i , . provides wider or freer i'i. a i . , Neiw-Day Jewett. Sl.iiiii-.-r I a lilfdy steel, replnci ' III.; . ' t weultcr wood, nnd n...... gldsR—com pletcl/clim

•, "bliiiU apol."Sn/cl>

Illlin- N o -’oU \er-cur f"- J® w , T . \ e q u ip p ^ .with Puigc

W ljeel'bnikes, This I.' In-. p<i\'ilvc 'brnkinR sysl ii'"''ii tlicbw tnniT U icsnfcsl

I '' pressure brinRs th e c; ' rest nhnost imniedif>lc

__ nlwnya perfectly e<iual

" ""' 'E « s c o f H r t t'B a l l I'enriiiRs nre g

throiii'.hout the steer o f th e New-Dny Jew el

m i.,, wheel is lurgc, nmirtni-t plnccd, T hcR cnrsh ifllj I. ■ ' ■ easy ic.-icli.'Y oil'can nnhl- D .iy Jcw elt w ilh yoti:: nl.l and dfive it nll day wi

i.f Ihl* |B t B a a e n s $ R S S S S



J.miiw ..'Illn*-.


rnhlli- ■*

iiiinii, y« f - I -ill < ' *



LY. TI MES; . . . ■


\ ~

E . . t i t C rfir' ’" ■'

i " ■

_____________• c»««t»rt.t«i<»;i.M.c

—— I B u y N e w H u ib a n d i [jgn : Ainiiiix 11 r..rlaln 101.0 In tin- illi — 2 j tri.'t Aliiii.-.liihi..I. Ill Inillii, tlior i-a.'li I In II i-iiNi.iiii [iiTtiiliiliii; women, lo <lli

my I cnr.l lliclr liwlmmli nml tn nmrr

j unilon-if. Uifl flrnt liiii.linnU. *

Read this one ac andyoiill convince

m .n e n t is w ritte n for Jljmzensw ho o reco inR " f m I tliousnnd dollors IM -id w ho a re coing to IJV ■C tli«f'Brcatcst poj« r money.

ion ' ^ ■bu ilt , n t ony pricc. jrcer vision tlm n tlie ^ i.i„t,i> -,* ,r,

i n S d C t i p o i

nnd-insures smc ' T im ing ij'occon

Je w e tt’s p n cc is silent chniri^dri\ uigc H ydrau lic '?• .i,-;-.. his is th e m ost cx- . A dsystem b u ilt—b u t E xtrem e nccess! ifest. T h e slip.htcsC on th e engine, e c a r to cushioned chassis. Compi lintely. B rakes nre see how tnuch n lua lized . you cnn removi

clean carbon; sc H rtttillinff ' get a l tnppeta, t; generously used differentinl gefli tecring m echanism for ad ju stm en t w e lt. T h c slccring ou t rcmovin6.fr nnd convcnicn tiy _

sh ift lever is w ith in .can s te e r th e N ew -......T hcch assis o f tyou r finger tip s— substan tia l cno

y w ithou t fatigue. twice i ts size. -C

! 9 9 i


• rhclii' sno. . ■. Cur. Slliiilmli

'' '


KVW, Clilrnst.—UlA.i.I :i::in-Sliiillo i-.iiiri-ri,[ sMu-OIhkkIciiI nmccrt.

H'lIT, ('liIrnK<i-3OTA •— ^ l-i iU O —VmiJur -cotjcart.__________

! (l;ni>—Tiiliirrniicli) ni'n 'k«.I 9::t'i~tlui|Ut'nl |iruRrain.

■ I , \VI,S, ClitcoKo-aiW .1 f.:lS~Qitlr,,eyi:nlnB fuitlurM.

7:15~Piae)i<iii ftom WBAK. 7:r.-Jit«*}ciir prosmm.

WOf.iHHTCiijHirl—1M.0,• K;iiO-Cliiir(iti!.’»or>-1CM,

icaO-Trl-Oliy Kylnphoii)-.. , - i l i i l . --------

7;:;v-J{pA elmrlflcr*!. •HMr.7>»:vcnliiB Mrvlci-ti.


■I m mj Iti'iliicD ynnr <'X|>onneii luiil

luiylnis i)ff yonr 7 o r B V t cci I'uclfir Count Jolnl Hlock U iu

T1ilH liiina iininrllzu.l liiar imil Intnrcni: ih M jonm nml \j Iwrrowflr, \ ^ I i -liill^.liciicm of

I tn rnducllori, In jirlncliml.; 1 Voil buy no Illock. }nii iir

j l.iiin «ni1 yoit pny no contlnii I .tliln loan av^ratte; ab<iu( 1 |)cr

/ •; ildtn,not. mcnn 1 itor cuht poi ! . I.S0.6U imr yrar In llio tot:

' '. loan. Tliln nii|illfn flrtit-dii In I .I.T Ih cmlKc.l tn priiiclpul.

lirhicliml-nil niicii piiytnoat'^lii' ------- . "~1 Out full iiarlkiilnrn from

„ ' V a r THUR L. SWl„ ; S T hoy W ill Prop

“S- -Padfic Coast Jo

idvertisemeni i cejoursclffcjf

t x d p e s ^f o r y o u r

M O I .E n g in e deep whe

>erfectcd and w ondcffiilly '" c h tginedcV clopsnm pIepow er . ^ inchesry need ; more speed th n n J e w e tt's icq u irc . Oil forccd u n d e r axles andre p reven ts bearing w ear commonl; sm ootlincss and long life , xom plished w ith th e b e s td r iv e cn -tlie m arke t. _ , .^Thcrfc is

lessib ilit/.is seen no t o n ly - ' ^ e g room inc, but* throughout tlie in th e rea m pare w ith other cars a n d jg th e sat ;h m ore quickly nnd easily ^ars. Tli 10VC th e cylinder head to a d u lts co; i; see how readily you c a n ' ts , tim ing , elcctricat un its , gears, a n d steering gears c n t a n d in s p ^ io n w ith - • .P“ ‘ S , t o m c . r . -

Sttirtljn 'cas ^ k e t a .o r th lj -Je w e lt I j s o l l d s n a - - enough to support a c a r '^ -T h ^ ;^ ^ o m c i^ S H in ch c l W M oinn

. ' w indow. -i# ' , ' . p roo f loc

. . s S f S r ' i M S . . .• Tl.iN«P|l*.Pri<«Ar^,-»- B(

f t T^< D iM iiW . J U » S | ' - . .I’a il. UltK. t l4 » 5 i O t SpCCtflCO*

tu re for

m6«i UhuiuIm 9234]. dcfimtei> ' b u yer ol

■ 5 / ^ arrange t■ f r a t nny ti:.. tion , Co


tt Sales Companyj E S o f SMfr.TiR "•Imiir mill 3rvl Arc. Sn, T«

Ujr husbhnd loU the water healer

Kfor an hour before'he Uken 'hii th, but he turns ll.oir-flTs.mlrt^-.. uiM after I htve aUrttd ---------- Bin*.—Ediis 1. ,,

WRAT fK>I-a YOtJn Ittlfl'nAMT) OO! ' '


.RM LOANSluiil mill tn llic vnliic o( your Innd by

• crnl loan wllli G per conl -Mtiil* o( tho ‘ l>nii(l llnnk,limn wliicli will p;ir Ulll bolh prlncliJca , ll \{1ilcli may l>o paid nooiur. at oK|oa I of rcdnctlctli of Inturcxt In propoiiion.'

1 an- nol Riinrantor for nomo o n e -(^ « ^ .’ tIniiliiK fee. Till, cxiicmies of procflrldic per ccnl. Tlllli mcnrio wlmt ll Biiyi '. . I t por j'l-ar. 'p ;totnl imyment-nn cacb JIOOO.OO oryOur^,’

1 Inirrpfi nl 0 per conl nnd iho-r«i^iln«* lal. ntojiphiR Inturciit on a part o( tbo

Is •mnde.nm ■ . ‘ s.- •

I V I M & C O . , - T w i n F a H i ' . ■’rc p u o Y our A pplication . ' »

l o i n t S t a c k l a n i U l a i i L

5 ■' -V i. '

r .

^-here rnost cars o f tin s class arc. chcs or S. Springs arc from 1 to hes longer tlm n o th e r <ara in t 's field. - C lu tch , transm ission, and drive shafts a re .b t^ e r thanonly used—alw ays

• .Roffinlnm , j 'I is morc in terio r . T o t a m . i n ' t h e .Day Je w r tt Sedan th a iU n m a n y ‘i; tf much longer whcfclbftsei- Th9,-Vj 'h' om in front measUrea ,40 inches: t rear. 48 inches. T h e head room '' same as in th'e m ore oxpen^ive' "The ex tra 'w ide seAts hold five

J comfortably.

Fe<i(ur£5 a n d A cftsso n 'e j pedal pods a rc ad ju stab le ; the ' ■ \ ng boards arc nll s te t l ; there is a ' ' ventila to r: dom e ' ligh t, door .

ts . The c ar is* u ^ o ls te re d iniful lilky, long w eariug m ateria ls----------------is finished in lacqtier*, rubbed,1 and polished. T here a re ro tary ^)W 'lifts: D coinciden ta l th'eft»-~-

lock; the b a tte ry is ond there a rc m a n y -o th tf^ e a -

iT o '.Tfierih—-•Bc/orc Y ou B u y Thiem

fication • fo r.'8pecificaU on~fea* for f e a l u r t - ^ n t fjjr :point—NeW'Doy ‘c a r -^ il l a ^ e U y and ' • te ly convince'lhi} T m rtt careful• o f »M g rc a tc r ..V a la c r 'W ell‘1 ge a dem onsira tten anyw here o r y time—e n tire ly w ithou t obligk*

Com c in—o f p lio a e u«—6oonc

iy .Tnln Fnlliu '

5ATi;iinAT,..Tiiiio ii, .iaa6, .

Page 5: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect

BRANDDtEOIi J O S N ^ r i r

“ rrojw iiii iii

f j !T h * l 'O n ly '^ ii ii 'l 'i{ .t^ : f

ritan d«M C ffi |. Ull

ii4nd /iV f;nd? .H hrtiv fii?« i,:

<Jtm<i KrflweriiMn M'Mloii In l l"110_)'«jii«nl»'y nilontcil llio.i>1c th6 Itate oHielalh’forlililillhK tlio mtflt c t pofntoifn (ii hrnmlcd c ron lalom , unlw* tho tjiber« wci .111 Ih# U. 3. No, \ mnndnr.l, Tlic i Ins WHA nllmilKl l>y \V. n . Kjoji

, , Mftle'eommljiiilnncr of nBrlciilliiriU;.t)Mn, aicfcior of iiliml Imli ana Uarry. Sub/jt. chW tM<l. IOii[i. T hj IMD Moppcil lli'TwIn

\ '-nll^it ntl (he wiiy I.nck to Doluo. -^«irulniiQ n» win KO imo oHk-P in

ccD lbcr. - . yCXol

Till* mtHinK h lit ' nnl jilii'ffd,. nn / cnmnillleo iiirmlK'rn fiom ' Fallti nnil ilic rniini: Ih ' iinpni WlUl a mimlwr nf Rriiwi'i A in (Ulu AtHi preHttiinn'ry niPctInK ii wrok Inpodlto lln n ^rotciit wan fki

Twin FnllR nlRnnl liy C. I., oiiUie firm of DcUiii; &

UrK bebair ot nwcrnl fi

| G r o w i n g H i g h


■ '■

^ Oi^n.liurg' ill., lloaau one nf .IfliMt nitplo (rce* In dio caunio-- young tm Out han tuki-n riKit in frtvlM ^ n . ^

m l yw ri 6M. • liow li Roi.tbcro •m# h£ow». ■


' 8 2 5IODIC* BT riSHBS

M, ' SayT h c tn itl

---------------- -— ^ — •cd»t*bf^-'lt h s a ' ch at i

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^ T h e r e iP o n t ia c Sb g la d ly bcai

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K .r . - n '- .B U H L - l

T W iS ^fA L ^S C . ■ T W m C A L I

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SATtntPVY, JiiiiB r», 1D2G,

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- V v f l i p .c. I.. 1)0.K & Cry- ____ml firow; r - l - r.

■ g h •

. flalMmen worklnK out nr flMtt On* wholeule wVkfrn Hcndx fn Wnl». Tllo •almmnn nlwvo i™ i

, t»ch«J an ordtr (lie imiqimnn' litI

T alented R eader -------------i— Uere-touSumD

' ' ■ .Miiiliim iKiibirl iti'Vrry. hiKiKi n i llll! "Woman wllh tin- SlnKln^ Vr II wiitnnn nniiinially wi'II-xtihiI Ii

r ii.’a ilcrt a rt. Ik niirmlliii; Ilir nun;; J , , III Txvin Kalin. Mlmi. .l.’Vc cy Ui M V from New Viirk ri>y wlinv nh<'

s (w;i-ii fi)r nuinr yi'nrti aimorfa'i'il ilraiiinllr Inti'rpii'lation ut lln- lili

T l ; onlor. Siliit n|ii'cla1lji':i In allcr . I'lctKmnin of I'laiinlc iilorlcH ninl l

' \ nat riTltalu for yoiii/K rlitlilrcii.3 | r^clliilii frnliirlnK l iinrni'li'r unrl


/n c o n tro i 'e r t ib lo3 r fiflpncc. [llll Inwn of nviTiist m

m A e»-«) pl/ilH ?nni 3 C ' icnat liave ivflvpr lii-cn nhlo i« p

llial Sunilny In nut o ilny not n ij^ -^ ' far mollicr to ci^nk nml llio fiimll

Ml from 10 B. m. unlll mlilnlKl [ Toltilo ninilr.

“ i If yon ilon't ncoj l( nonunlii'1 ilocs, T r y 11 wnn*. ml.

KiM 7a ' .VOTICi:-0 \<Tljri»ili Klirm ili i<) brii-k I iMinliionGil for rciialrn on fiiiirillii) ix MV- jiM tiAiunlnv. Jnni' IV.

licro no 1 ------------ J--------j TI.\|ICS WANT ads 'I 'A V .


5 , ^

WfiflBBK'MliH' ' * '

“We Like Its Ecoj ay Thousands Oft r u th is th a t th e 'o p e ra tin g ' perform nm f 'ji- 'P on titte ' 91* * ii- lo w ffr -c y I ln t ie r 'c n h a t o f s m a l le r a n d l e s s o th e r sup< fu lca rs—p r th c d i f le r e n c c room iness, l i ^ t as tb n o t b e w o rth y B u t th c lid e ra tio n . ' ' r- . o i l these

d itio o a l 01:re a r e t h o u s a n d s o f a n t e c o t t , « S ix o tvners w h o w o u ld ' . reason und b e a r fliJlhtly h ig h e r o p e r , success th e o tts to en joy th e satisfyinK th ien atten .

i S E R V l d E C O ; J E l , ; n ) A H O . 1

S O A K L A N D C O . H A RA L L S,ID A H O . , ■ ' ,

N T i j A C: : h i e f . O F

IWG, .................^

e r f o r a G o - G e t t e r '

^ T " ■ i ' ~ ' g ! r : y L : rl i i f " —

f|M((1e, Wn»1i., Aro unlilfr carrier cl|t«^n> nc Un fnrb Mkiininn nnt wlil> a roon an il* doj10 i™ Hhown rclmnlnfi u plRMn. (u which Is . inn litin junt Inkcn from (ha cuunlry «tortl(e«T

In-alil.) bim. ‘

{ “ S o W iA tn g ' ' o n W o rfc i m m e r , 'N n t M n i « m M o n a

I ' Tlip rynU-n, wbo kninv iln t (Iio llu n <i[ an I ivunic nll ibc llnip, a r1 Voli'c" ’ Hint' |(|u.|ieftK iinil "nulilkrlnR c Mil In ill'll Joli" nri' fuiills nf ihn TwcJrtlcl I- nuninur'tnry. In tbu khoiI oI<1 ili'y" c*' y !:i Ill'll' worlcoil bnril nml conaclvnllouHl ■ nbl' IniH llllt iiiero bnvo nlwayii linen a'i'il Midi wotknipn'nml llie fiihiT klml Ji 11' bliilii'nl Ibrro nro todny. Tbcro Is u c allvniiMin old I.'roncb'cilIc written Uy on nml iinijii- ciilli':i lilinself (hc Oroccr of Trd dren. anil, tlio Tblrloonlli «n(nry. Hero work In: [inmiiKu iniulcd by St. I.nnsyols

"I.Ifn In rrnnco In (ho MldiUo . •■When I Ilnnlly. niiiko up .n ij

I lo ivork I lake wllli mo n yotinjsc, l«1lpe^ "'>10 knim-a- nolhlng nt tho Job. I ?nn»mm' '!in!n( t>n liin bJfiiit piilil llio flm 10 pri*v» nt i:: acnlcr*. When, a( ln*t,

Jiot nnliU I") lliu roof. l lay ono tllo In, tli fnmlly li H shnnld lake lo Iny tight Or lilnliilit.— rnno ofT and alns n aonE. Oien

*le»m between (no Blopw of tlv II In (lien (line (o knock off (or i

lllllll' After tlmt. It Is soon supper (I I wf leave -i'ork fnr (hat day. Of i

'Vllh p!6 « work It I" different:11 ilani'i'ii' llo OB mnch In ono day os to flt Ifiltm; iiii-C^i' lli fjlour:'

1 Siicff I* Hie itpeeeh lhat Iha ' bard put Inio (he rennlb 6ti» III

•, . . I yeor* bbo.—Vouil:’» Ckncpanton.

: o n o m y ”

Df Ownersm ance o f t h e c a r ’s alx*er'ci>ginftaDditACOuntlci<---- -- ----------su p e rio ritie i in b e a u ty , ness, a n d r id io g c o m fo r t th e fa c t, th a t th e y en joy

e s e quaU tJef a t n b ad*»l o p e ra tin g o t .m a ln tc n - : o t t . is s im p ly a n o t h e r 1 un d e rly in g th e d ram a tic s th e P o n t ia c S ix is scbring .Uoh.oVer. ■■ ..

A R D I N A l i f o SALES/ B U B I.E 7 , IDAHO.

,C S IXi ‘ T H E • S I X E S

..................... .. > W I N> •



AWMTOD:HHI jini.nn VBnti.r I'nsM-. In ' yonK at HI* llnmu u‘. Ari- ii


Jiilin niinil. for ID yi'arn a ret Ilf (hin cKy nml vidnKy. dii'd mornlnR nt 3:10 nl bln 'honn- a KpcomI avrnuo eanl. .Mr. HIpiH Imrn ot Ocrnmif^iareuln. Mnrc IRr.n, Hb camc lo ih.' T«ln

------ — tracfTfilcendo-nKo.-nnd-pnrchniifnrni pcroM Hocic cri-rk, oiiponl* old fonmlry. wberr hv Ilve-I nnl rvntly when fallini: li<-al(h (onij him (0 quit work and move Inl I-lly- 1

■" . Hn Ifaven a wlfn nml 10 I'hlliln Inilnwii: llrrtim ttV'lhc

. Twin Knlln; Henry IHiiiil, 'lli'} Ni'h,; ,\lr«. Annie'llorKmnn, An

• NVh.: Wllllnm lUppl. llyron! •Mra, I.onn HouMnn. Arkannna Knnrtin: John Hipjil. Jr., Avi'ii.*



J on Ibo ' 'Icth cea- everyone lunly.!n lioncit I JiiM ■») curious one wim rm ypt if. ro IK one :ils In his lo Akc*-: niy mind uns male ob. but Ifini wiiBif* 7 V» ■■I. I Rel .tlio (Ime >r ten. I m lake n'tlio root. 'jr dlnnor.

(Itnn, socourse, . . •

n t: 1 cnn • . . flto days ;

la'O rpefr t i le r 700

on. • .1 ■


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Q l l A

:s •Mil'. .M inllia I l 'l l l l ' H ll..... IH i'.ii.I ' l id llll.lil- I1 ..III..IIT ; \ l i> . I ' l . .

-■ I ll-;, W llm iT , r , i l . ; Mill:. Hof.i Q J 'A iitinni.. N 'b


- ll . I l l - ■' ■1- .if (17

(C onlliiiK 'il f lo n i I'a>:>' IIt<i'

I rfn lil-'llt | | , ,r j l i i i i i j i l . r Ii ;mI hi'- li Ion '‘7 ’, , ‘ j',l'l “ ll l» Jii^ ' :in " ilii;i- I 'l ib liilK ' ' ' !• am i moni'V m a lilii:; t - rb i iu '' fni

'.r -.111' *'"■ ||'"I“"‘t i * ‘.........I ”...')on(*e Ib i ' l "■''I'"!’'' M i 'l 'I 'i 'r :a u i " 'H ■'

n n l l! r c - ‘'"''■J' *" ■'n n t i i r l ' l ) w lililli Ih .- n- u > . :u .

' In lo Ih l ' “ I ili> Il 'l' knoM lb c iil;iii.'tiiIlf I.i)n An):i-li':i in " h n ...... i r i

Ililrcn , Ul ii"iil>nni'il lo h a v i ' a r rlv c it ;i* i; Vlhoun<'i(. lo ’i- .«>»' I« m 'l il iiirn il. ' i i>i .\i l l . 'j h i i r n , | '» i i i I 'H *iii'> i ' ' i l : ' i " " i ’

, ,A iib n rn .|M '- l‘l i i'" ’" ' ‘. I " i " " i '" '-

Ilia C l i y . j l ’lii'iHiii h i illv i '. .V iK 'lii T ■I'll.* .Ni'b ; j pay llii'lii III-' KT....... H ' '. i r . l

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P H O N E) ■

. B U H L M O


k L I T Y Pi

|;|‘‘y‘j|'''j-':In6 ta lla tio n of o ,., l i iH .i.j C om m andery Hee

. Is H dld in Tori


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v.Tifit/M, (■; ii.....»! ' l . i lr , J . II , S . , n n ______

i r .. . . . . .I" . . . . . . . « l ( l i . l i , 11,11. ■

>1 ,\ii .1.1- .,|..|,.|H I.; t|,,i,i m . V im ; .ill

l l l l . ’- ; .m l- . . ' - ( . v . l',.H ,^ Is .(.IX


Jor E conom ica l

a t

r m mvIeM sM VL o w l d G

For year after year, CI ' have been refining anc rolet’s tim e proved dej Im proved Chevrolet ; cover every engineei essential to finer perfo o p e ra tio n , m o re stri greater econom y of op< ship. Q uality features! Q uality workm anship

.dem onstration!

f e S o S m o o t h — S


> M O T O R C O M P A N

ME 707 T W IN F A L L S

l O T O R S A L E S , I n c

IN E 9 1 B U H L , I I5 A .

A T t O \ V

I .\oTK 'i:- N li ..; ii .T l i . ' n n r l i . a, , M a..... M iM .iM riS k i - .I .T .M r l .- i . f»leads l l in n y im r H li. .- [ a r .

c m p l e ^ ' I ' , , , ' ,

„ m „ „ ‘ I d a h o T y p e w r i l e r - E x

• Il'l'l'li I’hoiic OC

; ............ I , T V J ’K W R I T K R Si""” ii’ 'i; N.‘w ;iiid lU 'b u itf

" Wr Srll ’i:m. Itrnl ‘Km, F i t 'Ki

^ A i r M akes ■'

al T ra n sp o rta tio n

R f Q l M S .p e d Q i rChevrolet engineers ind im proving Chev- design. Examine the ;t and you m il dis- 2ering developm ent / rformance, sm oother _ trik ing beauty and >peration and owner- is! Q uality materials! lip! Comc in! G et a . ■

■ S o P o w e r f u l

^ 6 4 5T o t u r i n g - - * 5 1 0

R o a d s t e r . - 5 1 0

C o u p e - - 6 4 5

S e d a n . 7 3 5 '

, L a n d a u • • 7 6 5

y a - T o Q T r u c k 3 9 5

l < T o n T r u c k 5 5 0 !(CtoiliOml)).

Sm all D o ^ P a y m M t

W Y ■

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' PLAYS O v W■ m m

s ( r n n i ln i i i ’cl t t .... I ’u s o 10iHTrdli \i;:lkii|; fjtilK i|.llll.-. tm IUM., IV .. . i r . T -

Ihh -il lilllliii: .O^cliii ........- v'-.IW.ii; .'iill'l'! :

I i f l l . t l I,. ......... . I ' . s . .n '

U iK i' « i i . l "n> 1.. M. v ll. r ,....... . IK. litl>. I... ........ -

•fvu ii !' 'M ..- ( ; , i . i „ j i i t:U tl........ .l. fl fl..|,* f. " r .- , I m j . r ; ; i . " i i i 'l . >1I.) .......... . •n « i in l i . '. t i ; : . . i m . l . i |

........... l u - i l . ( l l l ----- l .lllLll UtlL-Lll —<iiip lllll........... i . ' " ’' ■*

1.1 l l i n j , IL-.II s l r i : lv ' l tl, H f l i l W , 1.. ( „ , l \ , i . 1 l« ) . i :- ' I- :...-; I' U n - l . 'U '. I IL .II M I ..... . C ' ! ’” '

■In l i : M : TII .-I '.-n - l.'

i i . i ' . l 11...V h . ' t t i i - i i ; .M^.l"ii'->- ll ■ a l i . i in .r . . i> I ' 'I . .

, H i , : . . i il . i r i : - ; i li ' . i if n f . ' i “ " l • ’ c io i i i i.I i.I .llll . If. 'i .h 'i il '; l iu ;: l l , .

li.itn . r . ' \ i r |.- |i . i-nl. i .; r .iiiliil.-l n i U * 1 u . . : J j ^ ’i '* '" ' ' '

Kiffli liii iJ i ii : . .• I);:.I.IIU 'I l '' i ; i . i " " . l ' ' ' l i.iKMi; S lilil .l f.H ili.l llllt HI J ) l ' , V o x Ml:- l .n i i.i i ' U .ii.i;; Kii.'V i l .. - 1 - . l I . ' I ' " : I-

;i M'.ilk .... . ll i .l l I I I " 'll:ir l, . I, (In.- *11111. l « ' i llll I" ’

'I ivlll [■•.ill>: Ii ix > ir Mliii:l- i1 < . i i li - r ; T l.i'iiH i ..II l l l l . " '

- f i . r i i r i l : Il;il;iT :-i<"tii'l."'■ ,.,.<,mi-l; ....... III.-.;: II|.; K l ' " ' "■

•I li.-iiiillfiil iiil.-li ii( l l i " j ' - il>-lllllll, .1111- l i l t . Ill' <-lIi’i:'-

S l \ l l i Iiiiilii;.'■ , )1 i : i l . 'i i :^ V h li . ' llll l'> i i l i d i i - ' l . l '

V litllit<-'<^l>; W lilt.' "

I ’l i l l l l l i ' f jiitii-.l; l! tliiir-ti:i« . l . 'l l i '. M ill: ■i.i'iMt'" ■^v.-'i^ '- i ; ^-i iIlH ^

WllU.- ri-on- 'l n il S li l . 'l i l i ' : l i i ' : l ' 'I . n : f n t fli.'. l m il Id M ii1nll'> .

T w ill f ii l li i ; Kll,’. ; . 'u l ' l H 'i " l Ir* \Y Ji\h ; M;iV>ii' V '.-'il .i 'M '" - '.

l l l l l l l i r i i i i i : III , . i iv,.> I'll I-■ Am''TM.ili-:i : . l in : l '- l n o -iiI t ; A |i t .i ti Y'.'iii l.l M'.-'III.I I'll III.' I 'l iiy : III.l m i; ,\l.|i '-lr< ill M ni.' t l l l l l

I ’r l i - " v . i lL ii l : (lo ruM ll I l l n l' ” Ili:lil N 'l ..... . o n ,' liK. im i i i .i

. M ethods o f NamindNcwcamcr lo W o

n tlll.s liiK 11 IKIIIIO f '-r tl >i.''v t ]k iih iii>n 11 iii;ilU-r n ( iitiM m i-. eul

l illl In iiiiitij' l iiii'is t i ll- i . i i t l ' ' t y li>i-n iiiliiliiiki-.l l.y 111.' Ill) 111- ' l" » n i l i - s l i . tiiU l.' l I i i '. l i '.U . '. M iiii ;i 'VI In S i-li'iiii' iiitiiiii/iii.-.

Klir llt-.I;iliiT, 111 i:;; i j il llll- I’ll!' llll,.I Ilir. i- rn ii 'l li V m ill ll ll ' " l i ' ' IniriiK llll ' l . r li;h i. '- l iiii.l |i'ii^>'M ili IIIIIII'H III.' rlillil'K lllllll.-.

'I'Ik ' llU iiltri iilliuv 111.' lii.iH i''i .lllllll.- Ill.l linl.y. T l i .a , i .l i. li 111'- 1

I.s i n i ' l v ilii.vH ..].|, II tin . I : i l li i 'r ■

T h e n Ih .' Iv .o ii!Uiii-h ;ir.- « r l l l i- iM llis o f i . i i i . i r ' i i f i l h .'lil n v .-r II IL lllllll). 111.' .'II.' tfiiil l .i in is 111.' lirl;; lii'ltii; llio iuiiiic-iiilii|il.-.l,

K s .'- l 'l l ii'i ' I'liK'i- 1 ! lllllll*’'' ' l ‘, IC.iriiii. u n o » llii_ lj_ i l r .iw u -.n lil, \l i . ', iiiin ic . un n l.« t i l . ' ii:i'iii''Vllllil.

I-Iiliii 'ii' i:lil« n r. ' -lllll ■"itii"il.

w il l 'l l I l i r j r n i . l i l l v . n t , ' ' ! ! . . ' ( itj;iiii.-n l l lllll n i .T iii’M 'i,

_ A r e a l h e r o i n e

K ill 'l l -M.iy Ail,’i i ii i o t h iirrliiK i.iJ . Ill" IIfiit.A m .T l.M ii /i<'l.... 1 nl

' 111. <ii.li'r.'il ....... I iMiiil^lihit'- m r' Atii.-rl<';in Voillli A w iir.l. Tli.> A

Vlllllll n ii'l T i 'i i - l i r r A w .ir .l -i.U lilliilL 'il l.y d ll ' llii:iril .i f M r . ' o f Ilut S '-< i|ii|.C i’l i t.’lilil.il l l i l . ;p i ii l K xlionlllo ii 111 n illiiil.-U .'jl .' n " « If I-J 111" ynuIll .m il, t i ’.ii-lii-fi' n f 111- t io n . M h i A i la i i i^ 'h u .'.’iiiill .la t llll- C niili'ii !-;,irl' l l i', Ill'l U lrfi.'-il 111 111.' liniirlr. n f lllll l^ lrl S c .i.iii .. w a s , d l .- i l r .T f i il ly tn r . ' i r . 'p l liraT 'T y to r r.-iii;ilniii,-T lin 'I iI .' a

* I i i r inilM ln!: h i'l i.li.j; iiliyn lc lnn r iv o U m i nill (r .-n ln u 'iil l i ' l i ij i in - i

,M . n n m n ' ~I ■ n ^ ' ' ' ‘ 'I" . I 'l 'l i '" .

' ' • I ' i . r . i l > i ; i r - l l i : i ' , -7. l .l it i i jiM riilliiii.

i i . i f N i . I ; ; " ; , .... '■

r . '. 'i l /.' ' l u i l i ' ' ■' l ' i I n t .M - I .111 u , i i i ; i i . l ' ;

.1.., ^ , Jiiz; ,i .',i ' • i " 'T “ . . t r

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I ' i . l l ' . \ l . i i ' V

ll-; I'Jill- , ';n / / l .- , T I .. iTJ- ii.ii'.ti -.111.1

li ill'.'.'- ' . ’' 1' ' ' ’ ‘

’>• n i l " ! J I I . I ............. I 'l ilili '

. , ' | ' . - i , i . t i . ' I I I , . ! . . II;:! l,i llll M .n ' - . i;

' ', '’" ’iii'n 'i’ 'i t i 'lK i''. - ■ ■ . ■ :I 'r l r i m r i ^ IUi.ir.1 ................. i

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I ) l \ j n ; T rii 'li l i ii l i . ' m ill T '- l i 'r i i i li ll

■ .M i.iri'i iiin<iiii;‘ ............... . . r. :. . - r i i i r : i ^

I ’nrl." . ' I T M ,. | | . -S U .Mniillin 1;" 'I ' i ’- ‘ O n .' M nn - i ti'n ’i' nioiiitii; . ' . . . ; 1\ lllillll* T .illi l;. . . I

i - .M 'i.l l :1., t liii .l .

I i.ii:U .i; N iH tln r)l . i l l im .i l | | , | ; , H . l n r ................ I

r l ........... ..C i .r l . i i , ' . ’ DiM Kiiiil . J . ;1.1. 1.. l .l T T T T F irn iM uirr— ........... j

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m . l mil lllill , ,! ,It .. a n il i : i . i - is i r . i l n.'■1" i i iM iH i.i in . . . . . . . r.

..Ill 111 l--|iii,liliii: .i -M . 'ii i - - .-. I

" A . i r n ' . ' ''> • i i r i n ; r , T r i i ; i : i u ; s F (»it i m i :t i l l mill.......... .. I,..,I ,,- . 1);||.- Ilai

rf, « . - r . ^ . 'I lliln n Iliii'.i i; ]ii '; i ; .lm : l i ii . - i . ’.'l . . . l'JO'>j t jil 'a v i ,’iii-i‘l . I ' l 'l ’........... l l ' l l I’

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Iiali) W ;i|l .r» fi I il 'l l " l“ ''i '= '' l . ' l ' ' •' 1

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r l l l r n nn ' ' - , s i lik lII ILlili-il III,,,. i)|,ii. Nil, ; g . j sr.fi

lirl;;lili-r liii|>. I ' l i t . No. -I-l . ri2,l<IC...... Ill Illlll. |I1M. No ■ I '.U "

’ 111“ ' n 'l n V ) I i - l ' . ^ N o .^ J < ‘. i l^ilD" “ ' , i,i .rri,t iini>, i 'ln l . ’ .Vn. . :i7:i

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II,ilM'.1 Uy i . i " . ’l..l ;i’ 'i ' : ‘iiiii.iii .

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' l ) i lliii |iii .n i (iix: l iil . 'r i”il , . , 1. '

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:i;io,nn.siil,.«al1i:i k I’rnx ilnK m;ilo-. ■IsOo.iiK.I , rlalii ....................................

tr.ii.ii.»li'niiii"&'niKn».. ' L-!Kl'iii.tiii |)iini|i liuil fnr IriK’U ...............

I Kill Av.'. Iiilirnl r.-nco un.ln.iHiii l.rlilKi’i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iniHinnjjirlr.jlInn !lni' nonlli of ballli iVii.' ■ |i:irk ................................. '. .I'l.‘..'-I Ali|i|iall for t.-palrii .......... .- - • .\ll«T|lancoiii .............. * . . .

JII.UCiiMii I'.iinllni: .SInnlKim- ntn-.l l.rl.ljii’ ..................................

UlMI.I'l —. •i;i:n,<i'i • ]l

ilmi.iii llnnil.THII.,:*! H.iniltiin.nici ........................... II?.--..!!!: Unti'rn.irli«.o:.'-.!!.) KII.TKil-

M iiiMm t.’ilior fc^imlnl.-niin<'ii'’ .iriii.lill ('li.;lMlnl .. . ..................

... lllllll.(Hi ('liliitlni' ....................... ..

r. 2in/(iil Kni’l. Il;:lil. lio^'rr. Ii'li'iiliniU'..... -------- liaffi-lii, Iinvii, inmiii.’ .’Illur-

nill.'-lMMiO Illll ln r ...................................fiiiiiilry ...................................

'iii'iiIiii - 11ir.nin) Oia:tlATK>.N -(\Vnr.<-i')riiijiii .'laliil.’iii'ni'i' ............................'lU llll ''uuiitnu'lUm ............... . . .

rl„|'(,(. .Mrlrrii .. . bixviiu ............... ....................____1 _ jiiilnry of Miiii-rlnloiiili'ni____

■ • -

|..(,iiii .. Il.’,l1iinil <'nnAUl'illiit' ....... ............ - .s l l

•~*~imi7;u •ntnTinr-??nn^nnr- s in rrn T C ~- . . . 1... WIII.T llnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jl,s:(Mi0 OKIr.' ....................................

I’.iu'rr. Ili:li(, (iii’l. iHi'iiliniii'..nuii.'i'i <'arii .. ■. t ..................

. r.iitl.wi Ttvln l''nlln faniil f n ...................nil .........ty .. ............. • .................


i M i ; i a : s ! ' ' . \ M i .si.\Ki.S(i k t m i, iicj

Hall' SUiklnc Kutiil. }1on<l. In1; iirl. J MO.iiii Nn. 7 |t jii’i. WiiO.iKl No, 43.<Dlncr.’-i pci, ;i,.li'0.flii Nn, lm:r.’i IH’l. l.Ollll.tH) "No. Gf.',3lK;i, ' l,r.O(i.fli) No, fi

iicl. . H.O'lU.OK Nl). 1-8 Inc

r.>; iici, Jr.>. II-’I, •' •fi'.i JII'I.c. ir 'l.. :

1; |iii.

I $ 17.Miii.im <:ti.74 f.;i7.;n

. . . . . . . . . . . Hi;.:,'i

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................. J in,T:i.;ii,i

Sliiklnit llnnil Nil. Ini.'ri'iii, I'oiinly,I sr.fi,Sll K fi: ) ' cit.iii) } 14,10•.",i<i6,i.'. .';:;:-.nr. ixasG.iis i.onii.iTs,:<n.(;ii t:i-:i7 n,4;3,-i'.: I7.s,:nj,a7;i.'T7 U'M c:t;.s.i :u,fi7l,4no.O(t l-H !i>.no i!i,i:;

i!7;i.M' i-:i i:i.i.r.H . m.m:i,i.i:.: 1.;; iis,«:i ii.o'j

$;:i,tiio,:ii $i,;i:.:i,7r.;i ; r s i 'i i in h i .i m j >rx i).

. ................ % 'ii:k t M (;iii 'iM i■nl . ......................................... !■

MIllf^MfV ll'S II .

.’i;S KI»U r J - l’'- . liBflolii Irnnn'f.Tft’il ... 1

SiirliiUlnKiiAniniinl Tti»i'.i ............................... J

lli’Ilii.|iii'iil lax liilcri'iil...5 .IS.'tH.VS Sail' of inaldlal ..................

5 '

ll.iirni Iin|>niii'nii'iil lllxi. .Vn,-■5‘!'i;‘;iTiixo» .............................. $

‘ , 11)i'llt'i|tii’iil tax lin.Tc.’it ,.. >

. ‘’Iii.'i; , ' . . r

I,ii(’iit Imjiroii'iiii'iil HIkI. No.r . . ‘ ,ii 'T.ixm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J

.,JlH'llii.in.-nl l;ix InU-ri'iil ....

’■Ml.'- * |,<inil ..................nl UM. Nu.

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Ui'lln'iiiuul I X Inlfr.'iii UH.M-*'''' ’ —"' t J

I M.;:7r,.r.ii imiimi ’Iik’IiI lilst. No.

Dolliiuui'iil I X liitrri'i.l ....$ n,i;fir..s.'; , —

Cl,iiS , %

f ‘j,;i;!ft,r.ii |.(.dil Iwiinnpini'nl 1*I»U >'o------------- T im*'!' .....................................» ■

Iiclhiiini'iit Inx Intort-M ....I InliTcnl nn imia-uii liii-

1,07.'.77 iiwinciil ........... I............I.S.04 — ■

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, AiiM'"i>inpnl iialil'iip ...........I IKoiim- Mlri’i'llanrouii. recclrin .....

ir.il,oo ------r,4il.n. v l l ,JIIII (Jd---------------------- . —— -------- 1,II|-||1 lni|iriiTi-mcnl J)U1. >ii.

Tl.V.tin., Ai.fp»iinn'ni (city) . .. .......IAriii’.’iMni’liC (ln<Ilvl<lii;il) .... 2,

% 2,

Y "j-------- I.iirnl hnproTi'mpiil llisl. >'(i.I lllllll.(in Ai.ncwirncnld ........................t 2,

. I.<ifnl Imiiroirinciit H ist \ n . .. } 100(1.(10 A w nnni'nu .................. t n,

rn«iii'(l l.y (Jiu Council nf llii J Xin.d.i „i Twin I-'nnl.. Idnlio. and npj

i;.M«i l.y (lie in.iynr. .May 17lli. 1920.. . .... . . KnOAll U ASHTO

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II tilniKii, !tiri-<j In Ciillfornla un . ;ir.o.fi(T III lUiiii,

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^ i r c i i y WASHi.s-oms-. n . (r..,.j«n npprovcil rnnKTi'M win l>o wikcl io ai>

)2S. al.' lit Unci' jr..r.OO,(IOa for Mir, llnn of fi'iliirni l>Hllillnj;s ihrn

Mnyor,^i , , ,, ,,1'or l.tif;’.IInrn lr llm DlMrlct

. :I iiir;ir. .'"-■cinry of llic Ti' jM. II n iiiiaoii .U'll loilny,;^ _

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■' rtiiiiir nf ni.fny ntflcc iirojifr riim .'i« S.'iij!lc. Wnnli.


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Signing of \ of Ino

: l a h p , t o g c t l l e r w i t i i t h e o t

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11 k e e p i n g w i t h t h e c g l e b r

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‘s t h a t h a s e v e r b e e n o f f c

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a n d b e a l a s t i n g s t u d y i n .

? a y f o r , a y e a r ’s s u b s c r i p t

! i i a n d s o m e p r e m i u m s .

' i m e s P lO nly A fternoon Daily Ne Siitisbription'$6.00 per Ye and Square. % '

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^ J. .. . . . . . . .IKiDKN MTESTOrK.

o n n a s '. Ulnh, Jnnn S.—Ilnj: ' rcliiln. fiRO; imxl Ifnhl Inilchi'c

m « r ' tiilili- nmiinil |H ; few nno.l W J m V foclpr.iilrd nl |1(!,76.I I j I Cattle — llpcpl|>|g, SI; ]inr

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uloclt InrKi'jj tncilliiln urnlia of |f.t?6,25: Vinnprii. cultem mu

II Ilp Up- vcnlKHiirrliil. I7.::r.«fa.i;(}j «ci!.:r onlvcK, 15,S(

hliL f<'c<l«r,'Bfocrfi. IJ., .^Slipcii—Ucccliilii. .3984; wcp>

, 5- ' cellin', 'mini ni.SM: wllli tin aiiiiroirrl-'

’i.l;” ;: ■ i - o i iT u s i i iniK .iT . lr nr ' ’,1. ’-I’OilTlMND. Orp.. Juiin S,

T i'c" iK '’ " I 'll '’' •nli'whlli'. 11.411;■ I'rn whKc. I I , I m n l wlniiT,

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,Y 4h Anniver the Declar dependency

o t i i e i : s t a t e s o f t h o U n i o n ,

1 p a g e a n t . T w i n F a l l s p i

i n i t s h i s t o i - y . I n v i t e y o u

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o r i g i n a l d o c u m e n t s i g n e d

i i - a b l e f o r f r a m i n g a n d i s

p a p e r . T h e s i z e o f t h i s r e

2 t h i s d o c u m e n t w i l l h e i n

. s t o r y . I t w i l l t e a c h a g i - e a t

n A m e r i c a n h i s t o r y .

p t i o n h c l ' o r e t h e f i r s t o f J t


^ u b lis in in 'N ew spaper in Tw in Falls < Y ear. ; High-Class J

T he Times Dares t

S.It LTIDAT, .Time .f-,

Oxyfcn OB M artlIOKB no- tmounLof nryiton onchrrii <|iirt. ytrjr lpw hnii ihoi1 d.-rounil ,,y „ ,,,ec„oico|id n»c<l ott tlia Mod

' Wn»on wiwcopa- J t . l i only. l» 1 imrt loml ,pnl a i ctra t n i tli8:oxS’kon Miiply

narkct .fnr . K w M t. wU(!» .vsploilrfc <k ninUuin j.pjiuona liov* luul to rcw rt lo tl'o i [.J.fiif; nhp- pf oxyecn tanki In order to kc^p all0 offiTlnm Tlioujti 'flondcnt In wntor nna ,1 nnd com- tB no iloubt that Ilar* i'

cnl cnlvPii. nn nlmoM>bcro. • H. t t Sl15,SO; lonil of - tlio • U u ’ClI oljior»r,lorr

KIOCTtair; At-li, ghowed tliat pho nTckty rc- craphs mrnlo wlih 'rod_ llRht flit,

tlip hulk nmdu II18 pinnt't npjicnf larger " InK liiinh.1 niiuitcil tftnlor dclnll tlion lliOM iJif

wllh tilno llRlit filters. Itn l ll{ht known to have crfnlcr [wo’pm' of jk

T. trnllnn iliroiiKh the-rilnioiiihere tli1 (i.—Hnnl hhioi'-no (1ml Iho phnloirrnphii w8i 1.411; wpbI. tcmi lo inUlMlii llie prcacnco on Hit, S1.:i:; niuhiilii'rc ori Mnr*.jiil'irn rcil. . --------------£-------

See the B right STdeAlilllty in Inok nn tlm brjftht ilde

* lliliiK* Ix a rnluable poMioxslon. ( . ll'n thft way.wo look 'nt tlilnK* (I

llll H eo'inlK.' If wo ImTc.ltio rlRht otllli:

Itlbrsary ofrationce

i n , w i l l o b s e r v e t h i s i

p l a n s t o s t a g e o n e

o m - f r i e n d s t o p a r - '

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lg C o .s County

Job'"Printing.“' - 8 to T ell tlie Truth.


Page 7: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect

3A T U H D A 7, Jmi'q G. i m T i

BDsihess Directory

O a t e o p a tb

DR. ,B O L i a 8 4 v r i a ^ O«t*op«thlo P bydclu '

b'utU 1 u d S. Q u B n ld tos _ tttw> xMo-w__________

. / T r M u r e r ________

OSOZUm-TlUMbTKIl COUFANT- PhOB> M8. - 9n>wg> m l <f> U a« .

UoNIOHOU TIUNSrER A t'TOK • ' " a Q S CO,—O a r b i i f U a l« d 4 i l l ]

Phec* too. _______■^,iRBE{U} Y IU M S m A STOnAGfc

CO.^'SCortse ind tp tc ltl urtoac ■UpntnU- to CatirornCt. .P&oift H I

S h o e R e p a i r io g

JlOTAIi SnOR illTAIKINO. T Meyerf. Prop, 130 2ml »t. ICukI,

WE USE PANCO aOt.rS AND UHEUS ' t l io Ooodrctr liwli. K. U prim.

Ifitlbtr. Work ru»ranl«d. Twli . PWta-Sboo llcpBlr. '1S2 Sliwlibn.

WwL Pbono 398.

< 'S u i r s 9noi3*iu-;pAiKi.N<j-oppiiiiit.• -- poatomcB. r i io ^ go. _________

A t t o r n e y i

PO R T m -w iT JiA a . L*wr»r« o - -q » Boo» Btor*. f ____

g f t H A U / - O T « r .Clo* Boo^ B<or*

l»B U I t Ho’iw «ll - O r r Ch»pni»>' B O T H W B U i & C ilA PM A N

, Wo»ai Bide. nootiiB.C. g. 7. 6. *, >■

B W EBLEJT f t SW B KLEY—A t to m ty i » r « t NaUonal Dank nullrtl,^.

W. U D U N N -l-a w offlcr«, lloom- I m d 4. StnlHi-Uica Uullillog._______

" TAILORINGTA ILOUINO-iul« re prOer from » '

up. CleanlBk. PrM.'dn)!. n.'pi.lrln^ All W otk aihtxBleen. Jiabbt). Tli'

Tailor. 2J2 slu lh Mnln. Phono 08SJ

C b i r o p r a c t o n

DIL 8,'C . W yiTT Chlroprnctor

--------<»-ard-ATe::-Mn.— O tM o-PhrtiT—6^

^ M is c e l la n e o u t

TaSII I’AII) tnr ill! Iclii.li. nf iioiillrj nn- ini Av.:, Kuiiiii, I’lionu

MODKItN I’1.ANIN',- ;.in .l^ S c i rirn,' ■^wluilow wlnllKliliOiln nuil ckIi . lM( wpm, ‘ I’lione CO], IJH 3ri

AVfl. Soulh. '

■ c r e dPECIA LIST-b.. wm. D. iiwnclda. aos. N cu door to Goldoi Ralo.________________ ■

rw iN PALLS JUNR H O nSS-U et a ll. Rnblwr. ade* . P«IU and Taw

Pi& Q o T u n in g •

U..T. I.OOAN—Aulliorlud Amplco In jpecior for Idaho. Wllh Sfttnpnoi 'Mimic Co. Phnno 108.

S, O.’flU M /—30 years' exporlcnr#. Pliouft 968. P, 0. nu t K03.

L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t r j

-rOH .SAl,K-.VIcfl yniiiiK frlcn, S fn' Jl.on. Jolm nitclmmi, I mllo citnl, Hmitli.

KOK H,\l.i;--(io<id jVmiiK Imnr. P. 1! Wnlier. ]iillr!> ounl on AOdlHni

KOR HAI.K-^siini 3 your nlil mult; lifoko. MrCormlrk l)ln'(Ii!r. W, II, IIihik

KOU SAl.i;-fi cnllon rnw. lliiil rnllnr.1 nviinno wonl.____________

WANTKD-l'imltry, 11, C, Hiinloi I’linno yiisw.

■ WANTi;r)-All Km<N~oT flliccii Phnne ass,' ____________

KIU':SH -MILK OOATS rnr iii.lo o Irade for cow, pli|i>. nr clilcUcnx. ■/ mile nnrtli. 'A mile ennl nf WnnUUiK

-tnn fclinol. ................ • • , • ' '

. WANTUD—Tri buy nil kinds of enl llo. PliSno 752W. J. AI I'lyim.

"\VANTi:D-Toi)uy all klnda of enl He. ;Phoao 752W. J. A. Uynn.

. w a nT1:d —To tuy a Kood cowPhono 1S3J. _____________

' : WANTiTd—To boy'nosa nml lamhi J V o como and scl iliem. ’ PJiono 39J

, ‘IwlD I'alln Shoe nepalrlns.

. ^ W a h ^ f l t o R e n tL j WANTKD.TO H K N l-nvft nr . Rl:■ rAoni moilitrn liousv. Wired for nice . Iric ruHKO. Clo»o in. Mnx a. 'i'wli

.^ . - .J-alln»._______ ;___________________WANfKf^ TO lllONT-t'our nr fiv

ronm m'nilem lioune. closc In jirofor red. by i«rmuncni^onan(». Addrc* XA7.Q. Po t 800 -I'wln rnllB. ■ ..

' . S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d

\VANTi:U-Pn»lllnn ft* ilellvtry o

f truck tlrlvor, lloforolicoji auiniljed. II D, Stulili. ao4 till uTemic w W . .

WANTKD-Pni-ltfnn HR ddllvcry o Irnck driver, ilcfcronfos hiiiiplleil. II n . .Smitli. no4 4IU flVonuA wcRl.

'/WA-NTiib-Wnrk by Iho hnur” o wnylilnj; lo loke lioine. m 3ril nvonu iuiuth.

WANTIID-Any klml of work, Phnn ■j. I), nnrney. (Inrrliy mnch, IluniiciMalm, . ________

’ ‘ ^'WANTRD-Work hy th* hour. ' o waiihlue to lnko home. Phono 637J3.

WIDOW wIliToaa ctilld .yould Ilk I -iob. nx hounekcopcr on ranch. N

'woman boaa. Box 1C2. Huhl. Idaho.

When yoiuicfiil B M;:U*e Tlio Tlih( want column. , ] ' ^

r r r t

3 - T I M E7 l BRINGINGI___ ' r o ; ? . c , c cj r r - w O N - r >!»«:_TOfl- . , H O W “Y.

1 ^-cu^.unK 1 "irloatl; . «

^Twll« / / Bslibn- ' / .

piiiiio y j I

i : For Sale-Real EstateKOU SAI.Iv--An liivcMiiii’iii In

piBtr )i;iro. cli'iin biti'l, Iluit will lii l yon li-i per oi'nl ]M iiiliium. iiikI mifctlmn nny ii.ocIkmko, nml will 'IniiliVI" '-••imm, '- 'I"" "> JO”" I’;""'-.

I, nwnor neojtH inmiey aihl iiuirl i.ni. 11------ l;. I’oiiern, '"C! Jml avo...... ikmIIi.(in- : • .. . ' ^

I'Ojl A k<M>cl l,.ir;:;ilii In ;HMLill liMiic, lull lol...... . u;illi«

m Mr, nml c n le r lhal

......I'Olt s a i.i : 1 a .rr , llu ..........

hoilrM', frull lric:i nii<| hrilhvi. Cliil>l<l'__ rliy Ilnillii. I'liono U:;ill. ' f

"[■(7ir'sAI^:'-“l~ .- r .- Ii;,rl do r” ^^•_L houiie^iirni:'j.-ii|l_kJuii'i -if .finii— I’honc Cnjj:i.

IKII A<'ui:s mi i:;i::r.' iT i^ i, ' id.'Ti [or iliilVy (nrni; riiill<lhi;;n f,ilr: all<' lull “ veil: free wiiivri’plolily of wo.nl

___ No I.ellfr lu l)ol«e valloy. ,lloxiren iI cnh- ~T-o» .^Al.t;-A fine mn.l-ru lii.iiiu

Onilnililo locallcm, n liaiKnlii, l>y <>»i er, M U cm A, V. I’ . /f(H Sm. Twi

•_________________________Sn^ip t ronm liniine, Knrai;.'- Cim

. Incailon. liriiiH, Will uik.; yiinnr. lomi -M et 'vnKnn nnd liiirne«;i nml i>iiiiin Can Para Inipk'ilioutii. Imiulr., c r . :ml iivonii ------- «e.st, I’liniic 3;flW. _

------- KOll SAI.K-Thiity-nlnn n.'H' .InlrCO In- fiirni clone to Twlu Kalln. A liiin;nli npnon. ToriiiK. I’lione : uik

------- I'-Oll T » A n r:-t.w i ri>n'j nenr Hulnre. n || in crop, lo irndo for oily propor!

nr ncrensc, Wrllo G. 0 , ('., Ilox SO' I,;: Twin Falln, Idnho.-fifvlnc doocrlr Itry iidH ittifJ }o»'<*j{ price.

3 fnr I'OR SAl.K-CDOil f \ x room Iiouki ml, U furnnco, Kim P n jt. jvatcr, ilinUo

KiiruRc. Inrro^olJ prlco rcniionuVh ------- lomm. 1330 Oil nvenuo TniiL

hllHOii flAROAlN PW Cia », r.ASr TKRM On.cbolco Irrlisatcd fanns aod stoc

_____ ranebes Jb 8out» Idabo and ICaalcrinukii Orison acquired .throunh' morUaK lloau rorecloiiure. Cill or w rlit. Idah ____ 8tnto Ufo, Empiro Dloek, Boise, Idali.

F o r S a l e - A u t o m o b i l e :

nnlor, . ].-oii SAI.K-Koid noiliin. Clnm IlriilH

filicep. I.-OK SAl.i;-(!oo.l llul.tk KWiln (.or choap'. 131 8lli nvenue nnril Vhonu 870,

H. VI If yon .lon'l: nooil H nom.’ono e(n diUiK* OooH, .Try i\ wniil nd,

:------ r o i l SAi-K-CaniplnB cnr cun•f cnl' pioiely ciinlppc.l .with nldo tonlx. 0

Olnplny ni I.lml Piirklnir lol. Plinu 7 ~ r r Dr. Smllli, ilonil;.!, or nco Mr. Noliio

nt Buick gnnigo- ■ -___

T o ^ . Money lo LoanMONiCY TO' I/)A N -O n farm nn

*. cliy properly. Cnmpany and privat monoy. C. l i Poiter, Hoal Entnlc

® Twin Knlla. '

. For Rent----- -- WK llAVK ft Inl of rood paiiluro fo^ cowB mul lion-oH nl tho Mnry Allc

I’nrk nl Ihc rnlc of one dollar pe mouth, l^wln Pamumn

rMisceilaneouFn /fM KXPIOIinCNCKD plnno tcacher.-

Phone SS-J. Mm, I, R; QondliiK, '

J ------ AN INV1CST,\I1:NT in Kooil. ndfiJ clean lunit. ((ml wflt.nvt you tcn pe------- ccnl per annum.. Belter and, aafe'■Jf thnn-nny uiortKsse. and will Wlniitd "*• " • In .aclllUB value in yonr hnt|ili.-VTH ’ ■ ' owner nccda money ftiul-'nimt i'Ml yy 4i. l i-^ v ,c m . 2fi2 Slid nvimue nortli,

BOAHDKUfl-Jiri 2nT”ftVotiU(> nnril

------ " zz T iN TRADK for o'k6h ot Iho LITcoin Orocory,^Sl Slh aienuo norlh.

I«TRAY-Dnfk brown 2 or 3 y. n --— oh: iiiuIp camo lo my plnco iilKiut Mn Phnne 1 y D_ g(„i„, Munop, i,inl,o. uniicnl _____L —------ -------------;—

— Lost anQ FoundV ,- '" ’ ■LO.ST-Siiiftll llluck marc. f)rnn.le

■ left BRouldcr. Tako up. -noilfy JL <d like L«lh, Hanwn. _______

aho*'^ 1X)8T—Brown suit cnno conlnlnin _ : J _ men'* elolhlnc, liotwc«n'Jaromo nn TlrhM iluhl, return tn chlafso; pollco. Tvtl

I-'allH, Siilntaqllal r^wuxii^.-

■ • .TWii


♦ _________

-'O U OUCA.-3C t*T O P ^ ' M ? w e ro R C O T T G fS ' [ .^ ^< 0 0 L O O K W IT H jJ='. r - \0 0 T H C U O ta C O /

W -a t e I F o r R e n tj;no,I, . I'OI; l-.ilii; tocHii linifc, ti:i:

..........ily i»n.lyn. llmn.- Hk'.W ..i II;

III:N'T-5 iudiu riimidi'll, H. ........ . vfnr... In. n

, 1, rnoin i.ic.t(--.I. I'all ai .^uiifh.ucr,

7 n ir i im T r ] i i .- i iV r in ~ T iiI i i rKlhau '‘'" ‘‘V ' ' ' “ l‘ ■" ■'

INlIt llKNT.-1.1;;1il li'iiiRi h.'.'pl

r , i ~ ro u Iu :,\r --M i;lir bi>il!irl;.rt.lfrnll' «rarniviii». I 'l'iitial biilldlui:, I'lm

' id-li'l I'OU lti:.NT-.-l'iirnIr>liM.I roo.......allo^■ llnhl hnui>ek.'<uilni:, u : k Clh nviii wo.iil„ enii, I’hono 7UW.X 3 1 , ------ r----------------------------------------

ro il HKST- 2 furtilnh.'i! hoii-idi.'.------- rorimii. Oiiliil.te rnlraiioo. 51fi :bi’UM', nve..... north, I’lione IKIJ.

T w in T O J.K,UKf;-'T«v.ji(y m i : ; , r h r , ' Twlu nilbi, It.'nsonalilc' raidi f I’lm....... . II.-0 W. I), rilllii. .ril.'r.

;loiiin. |.-oit ItK.'iT-lln.)iii wltli i.l. c jil ‘“" 1' lioreh, 120 Cili nvonuo uorlh. I'lu

ivonug ,02^, s

KOll ili;N'r.-i''ill1ilnUn1 loom, nil > u n bn,..ei<oopl„K, .>S.Mnl„ nvel

tiorlli. f

rTlulil UKNT—Two he.lrooui!i rli opor'y In- Snllnlil-> for ihiyilnio ..Iwiil.X soo, ' ‘imno ir.i::, Cnll fiOl nil nonlt nf•scrip- !'■ __________ __________

_____ KOU H i:.ST-Jiino ,lat. beor.ifliouKc, clone In, I’hon.' 4’MJ.

■nubi'e ■•'Oil IIKNT,-Two hedrconiii cIokc ' Riiltiililii fo /day tln io Hl.'cplun, I'hr

------- isi;i. / _ _ _ _ _ilrick i'OU m;^---Ktivulnbocl r.mm, iii'

aalerD rrn lio i^or'iilnK . ^03 Mnln nvoi rlKSKe north, aIdabo ________ t------------------- ------ .Idaho, r o u UlJNT—J-irK« bedronui cli ~r,— in, 320.7111 oaat. ^

_____ , KOU UKNl'—Aiiftilni.'nl In llcnClnnr- Apartin.;ntii, P liiino 7j or U'U, .

_____ r o i l UliNT—I'lirjjb^xl-nparlw ei>i«lnK Colorado Apiirlniohln, Phono 17B. 1 north, fitb uvcnuo went.

” I'urnkibcd aparlmeota for renlO a ja rn o tn o . TIioQo S71-

K. O u -------------------------------

\'oliion — ------------------------•■ l-'OU UKNT—Kumlslwd MlKl housckevpln? a p artra^ ts . Pboc

« c , Justiuiiuro Inn. irlvatt -------JMftle. RBNT-noB»«*oepln« api

neaiB, eompolclr turelabod tor ll| “ ■ louMkeoplBH, <m«, two and ib

rooma close lo, and low ratat,-------- w eak,or moatb. Tba Oxlonl, <iro for Main N.________________________

FOn RENT - - 8 room fnmUl ^ apartisDat, roaaoBable. Bnnftl

_____Apia. 6th atr«#l and Sacood arat

_____ FOll IMCNT O il SAl.K-Modenj:Uer.— foom houae finqulro a t 15S 81: ;, ' avcnuo oaat.

F o r S a l e - M i s u e n a n e o i■n P‘’f ■ .safer • jfflR SA U i-H oyir acbool BhooB, v

Rouble „ „ fro tii^ sS ? to 15,00, i m «J,DS nVTlio J2.85, (Ift^britShO o Co.-A dr, . ,'Mil. V T -----------------

jrtli, • WB CAN i-ulftyou In Nettofl Oem 1------ latoei, prlcn nnd qtinlily. 8ccil a a:nnrlll. claliy. ,IJliorio G08J11.

0 Lhi- a^LR-OoDJmin iTny slnrl rlh. ftnd.buclTTnlio. t.. C. Roborls, llo r —“ 2. Twitf Pallet.3 y.^nr ■Jl Mny In our HjchnnRo Baiiemonl.wo c1 ■ • ry URcd furtilluro,, ulovcs, rUB", «

• cases, trunks, ctiinplntr poods, w tnrrlaKes, Pricea Tonsonnblo. Phi 4S1. A. if . Vfncont CJompany.

JL. C: ' 'FOR SALV>-I)nrrlck, anowcr. t rako; Good condition. Hicks, »4 n

— — north'SuRar Fnclory. -nlnln); ---------------- ---------------->0 nnd • FOR SALl'V-Ocm seed pnlalo . Twin also «n{lnc polntnos,- Inijulro 337,

—«Ail of Plnk'u wnrohouse.


A D S■ ■ ■ ■

I 'v t i C O T . \H lD i:»N _£ j,i .j_S , fcu -v HlLCi /s. O O LU T l-^^T L lW U l . o u t e r H v:o ..

O 192G I,y |„r-.. r t.ru iit Eciivict,

' F o r S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e o u'l'l';ir-| ro il-SA I,i:-O hl ii.ijii'i ;. r.. ||> ail

ii.i„.ii' siu n si »'A>;i:.s i>';. s \ i .k - t w o I. I ,i„ .,:im l X f^ol. Iilnn.....I ll,ii.1w ;ir> '

IHHI ^,M,K - l'o'i:ii(<T nTi.mlni: nl nllll-jii.. Imiulre .11 TIiii.'S offKI’hono 3 ! l ._ _ , , ______

■'"b ||;’i..,swllt'a ;mn raiilen fcrl: Imr 10' pop up lln -hnvn unit ear.I.'

' i l l s ': m n s ’v u r i i j i M . : i , j i T « i ^ 7 .KUnlM'ily irwil, U i.,i|.., ii-.ilh. I,. V.-;i

■'■ylni; |.ii,.^ii.i;,. chunn,! Iii-.iui:, ;iiirl An.;

------- r o l l S.\I.K -Crh i> anil ' <mMi,i:I" Jor I.hrn^r liny Ilnir . v..i‘i ........ -I. :vmiie >;|,;u-kiiinn.____ ________________

------- r o u SAl.i; Nelli.1 li.jnv 'or UlllPli.rp. Ijoliiliiri.. i;.)0.| .nniu;li fo r.Ifi Sllll- I’hon.' TiTnj;:, -

------ im'Y("i,i; ro i t JAI,i; - \ . : , i iy n.'to Ilir.i. n,wl-j:ii.ii,h. / • / , ; , !,n,l

r.'iil. loll.'i- chain, lirin> s-al, .Mn.on, l Tlh avriinr nnrib, I'all .r.;\V,

I'l'jilnu l-IIKUUirS a ir linu rr:idy nl I 'r; riionr i:\| Sinlui;i: ilally. Ilrlni^ .'vnlnliirn

------- n m sa i . i ; I'K ib hay. JIO 111 Jlrinnd- ju ’.r,fi iiriiv.icd. I'hnnr r,::;jj,

ro R SAI.lv I'roHh hay Jlo In flr ------- l i : ’,f;n d.divn.ii, I'lnme w ; j2,

■oiihu:, r o l l .SAI.K Oll TU AliK -IJ in I nfler Kormn^on iraoDr plow. nloncl•f•'.t^^Jl

_____ • r o u SAI.K-S f.iiil ■\\'iilrii» M>ir.Hini founift/fi. /.'rlfn ('fiticnirn-y. i:,i<

Idnlir), '

n.ii7. ‘■■O'l SAl.K-Strawbn rlri,, j;oii |ili

.... . 537J3. . _________

l.'OIl^.SAl.i:-.S 'ow 'hay In flo

r o u SALK-Oofld biryolo nt K.'ii 3 cll,,,. nvonne onnl.

i _ H e l p W a n t e dl le n o ii------------------------------------------------, , * JI0U.II2IIII workly, llli; Com, in

woekly .Hilary,' lleliabln l.imMo, Cyn n fac ‘"roo'iT or monoy l.ai“■ *■’ Hnplil pvniiintlou. fl-New Sprrlnliy C‘

t'.'.Inr Uuphln. loftn,

------- X \i) n ;s - M \ 'r w T fl’ i'or liiindrtnr ;:lhlluc Kror'tlnR raid»; plonmiioany w ork:'w rite ..............lely. MuKUory. ('nnl .Sbi>|ipe, 137 lv;i.>t Pni 8

____ J N. V,

illG MONKV nelllnr ,\lll(en l>iiiUf flii'l Aiitfl Gliiic Khloldn. Kvory mil

llKbt Inl buys. ihilly eaiiy. Snni]>lbono niiiirovnl. Jiinoi. Spechilly, KU2 ,

Clnrk, (^ilenCT.

-----' TAlI.OnYsfr^SALKHMltiN ”------- .WnnuRer nf Inrst flihinilar ' pricapart- wii„icBnIo tnllnrlns concern will be

ll lbt T ^i„ piiiii, July 1511, A .t ,,roJ h» "''I'lnil for cxperlonccd inllflrlnK-iiI 428 •’cHo'"- Wrllo uo*r for Inlorvlow,

lllrcher, 307 Went Vnn Iliiren Siroi— ■ ChlcftEO..DUhWl------------2-----------------------------------iftlow J NKKD AN, A O m ' ,tn nell riTaaai ran.lien, gnui nnd lulnln, U m :.' prr

— lUr-Uxnlilalvo InrrllnTy. Fnw miniiibr r x " 'r ito Mltlon:Onrdun, HM Vin.i .>■’siiib •_______________ _ _ _ _

WANTKD—Teanhfr otnr Iwiml five. unUieiiiiiber.'d. froo lo loiivo cl

20US If noeoiinnry; (nr permnnoni worU;i —— Inicllve Bahiry: opportunlly for rii

Id u.lvitucviueul lo nnu uuililtUuiii 'S liuccl'cil.' ■•i .hlreris A. J, S., niK'R t

' l > i n r t m * ____________________

'ni po- '• \VAWKDfiiCom|iet.inl Kirl for RB irnl houaow.ork, I’hnne 7BCJ.

i;,kVt ' T o i T a d e

.' FOU TllAm>^T?lII_tra'.lo Murmi — seven pnssen'i^^ louring car In No.0 car- coadlllon for cgtdly In rental rc: Vmilt llcnco, ub to'I1200.M. T. 0 . Knsonn

tsh y Ooodint. Idaho._________ '

‘FO n tjW D E -JO J»crw wJlli bO)J------- and outbulldlan-wltbln U mllo. anil Waahlnston school for.S or e roc1 mllo bouBo in town, bntanea on ia a j (era

Address J. 0 ,. Box IOC.

ftloci': WANTED-TO Irai^n'Ford c n r I :37;ilh work'toftTKTT!!!'Soulb Main utro

. Pbono 801W.

S .


B R I N G °


l . y ' ril^L ^-:^r'*ooLu d o l l ■ JffA'v '» 0 0 l - i /w c -NND 1

-T u :

- If __ __________ 2 _________

o u s l I'V .'iM f a l ' l s m a r k e t

' . _ u ! w s n n i i r c a......... W M l S f j - W M . .--------II.MO;., iM't ., r . 'V - I

''isu;;::!:;:;"; !:■ PH i)iiijt:i

if!.l,’ lilviaiiiiii :.>vi*c t , , '_____» l1ill_t-r .................................ferlll- .............................................. -irdon. r:.iil., ... 1

I'olato.". . ! l ' " ' i :'I ' f.n'fVKK'fC

'; ',.''" ill.i; :s , hia>y, c v,i . , }'|.-llo: I. Iiiilih. i, I V.I. .

,Slnirii ___ 1_^in,|.,|llrlfein ____ __t ------------------Jl(

I'ilto*_____________ ' I-'M„i:;.. I ................ ..................J. ..........................................

r ii.C K rx s AHD f o u l h ,------- iRoivti in ..........................................Uiinii|Tniiii-y:i, No, I"......................... '......:

"■'■'1 iTiirlcrj!., .Vn. i; .........................TiiiUiyi, .llll Yoiiiii ................ - 1

------- Iliirkii, joiin.'! ....................................■ n.'U, i|.';ny lionu ......................................

J.Iclrf Horn; ....... ............................... :

llrnn (l,.';;horn;.) .............................I- • Sprimin (rolor.'d) .............................1

llrolh'iii .. SBLLIHU PRICESCelnry ...................... -

I ficbl. . iMMiipn, n .-w ---------------- -----------

-------- dirluln steak '-------- --------------— :field, iiuund steak _______ __________ :

T-t)OB» B le a k _________________ i

Inrh Ilam ----------, !Hftcnn. t l l e e d _________________ •I’oppern. I h , ----------------------------- '

soil:. Umb chop* __________ • Ii:,i<n. iladiihcii, bunch------------------------

-------s r . 'n n i \ s n u t I’I 'iim ca v io xI plrr! --------Ilnrr;.. Il, -ll,, .t,„ (|rr I'our! of T»l» I'n

l-rrclnrl T .un I'ull.. Slutr— *■* Iihibi. Il-'foro Kon....ly Pneknrd.'J'

Hre ..f tbe P.-ii. .-.

rrfsTil Thr„.'aKj',iven.l-r. I'bilntlff.

_____ i;rori:r Wlllrox, alnl Knvl WiHe*l)o(rndnnl>i. , ■

_ _ _ Thr St,itr ol bhilin iit'ndu Cr.-rllnRM

..... L t:,,;" ::;:; '."— :.Tm,p. nr ill Ihr uhovo onllll.-cl t'.nirt lo

■ Iirhl In Ibr offirr nf ll.r abovr l.au■ JUhiIrr of Ibr I’rarr, In Tw in Kn

ITrrlnrt. I'oiiiiiy of Twin I'nlln, Stiin.li'r'l of Idnhu, ii|>nn Iho :;ml .lay ot Aili;i: Ii«uni ■’l-l!' ''1'' hour of Id n'rloit: A,

Miir- ‘If nald >!n) In eald olillll.'.' nclirm |i nl SI. ‘' ’""•T idaintlffn complnlu! on flio

nuld Coiiil, or idnlntlff will tako Ju<-------- mrnl ntaln'il yoii-ni pra\r |l In *iiliiterM i;oin|)bihil. I.i-wll; for tbr kimii Ulllo. }:’:;.TI. l.iRrlbrr wllb nil ruHln of t

iniiilf 'afU on. .KU2 ,N Clun ii.idrr my hand nnd in-ni.rl

m il day ol Mny,- IHL’t!,- KI;N',S-|:|iY I'ACICARD

JiMlIrr of Ibr I’rnor0 , C. llall.Attorney lor I’lnlnllff. pro].- .,., .,11

I'ALL FOR UllW *Nnllco Ik bcrcby Klven thnt I

_____ C;|ork nf lbe Roiird.of frni.leoR o f1 m» .lopondrnl School Dliilricl Nn. I,'I'v

..ror t’miniy, Idabn. will rcr olvo b

" i.Him» au.l ■corrhl.’rn In tbo Illcl WnnlilnRinn n..<l, IllHh Scl’.iml bul

A’l’nty- lni:«. •0 city I'lann nnd MKciflcnilnnn tnny be rk :n l. cured nt iho nfflcit of Kniist 1- r.ip- llloo.ii. Riipcrlntuudcnt nf 8chonli>. nil to Tbo lionr.l roscrvct tbo rlsbt.to x'SOflr Ject uny nr all bIdK.

/ JOI.KNAC, SMITH,-------: Clerk,of tii'j lionnlr nun- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ —

W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n e o i

WAN'l'l';i)-'i'rt"li7ftr, from owner fnrm nr nniniprnml luii.l for sulc,

''no.” i ■ ' ' 'rest- WAN'TKD—A snddlo pony .hbotil

Komct, or S yenrs old. welRlit nlwiil 75u ll Tiiust III) renllo nnd' pooil color. C.

"b T w C37 .Main W est,.-*-;l o . or. I f ^ u ' bnvo HRci. furnlturnTiilov room or olbor houieflohl a rtlclrs for a

(oraM. or'exchanKO,. phono ' '42C I'htchni ■ Uiaomcnn A. IL V in e ^ t Cg.

nr tbr W ANTIJD-Iti and 3rd cullInK BtrwL falfa. 143 4th avenuo woiL. ' Ph.

~ 28ffW, ■• •. -

t h e ; B U 'BiCEORG

v..>.-.Q i:i-s- .^ ;.__ I • I- L - '< O O W U -iO I.T 'D IT CCQlil'a ''O '-I ■ ' [’'■■y'- ‘^ A.1S .-iCiOK • ' ' ' 1

M t e . i l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ . ( '" ‘i : ''" .

, Closing G rain Review on Chicago Boar<

o f T rade Toda

. . :i!i'! ,C llll'A i:il. .lm;.. Ill nil'. .In.• V'.'Ilihl,..! nil III.- .1,1,:,'.I

" ' I ' ' ' " ' ..... .. ’...{14l.l^,l„r,il n n r ,^ . v|..'ils .r-u lii K.,„..

fl. ‘ I A., off.-,In::-, w,',,- ll,:lil ’ 11„- in...... r-r|li,'l b:i,l ........IIKI,-Illy lu .„lv,.ii,l:.... -:7r au.l ......I. r;,ln:. w ,'.r b.hl Allt....

..... I;U' ,1:,v, i-'nu, <-,.n,llll,.iin 111 l'.;!.ir,',

......I lr ,ii;,ny ;in,| .Italy :it,. vlilii;,|ly l„

..... II/' :u:iln .won. '

.......:"J/ fom rlo ..'d fi'a, ll„ii:illy htcli.'i

..... I".' ;,|1 |i<i'-lll,iM“ -on ll,,' M.,'.ll:lb of I

......!«'• hnl;;.- In ub,-at. ih-.i.il.' m.' f.iri tl; ',':iv:; w i'.r ..'r,'lv. ,l b,'ir i.,.|;,y 0 :i.„ rlovr.l lrar.liin,,lly hlKln-r

---- iiyM,|,iilhy will. 111,.' (,1'1,'r I;i:ilii-.• llioustl, Uil>' t*U lin.I 'a x.jy .|i

- f g ? d:.y. / .............................___J5. i’rm'I'd.iilti w rrr up. on llio i;r___10, bill.:,' .mil i-oiiiiiilt'Mnii Ihllll.',' Inol__2Se 0 |,.ii, lllnb. Uiw. Cl,— *oi w iiK .n '------<•' J,ilv '.. r .s ': . ' U V : l~<\. H

■«" s ’""': i;:: ; ; tI I'nlls •.......... . ().\TS-”i j„ s . July ....... II

S.-IU . II';. -ll-', 4 1 . I 11,-0 - . . •<

1.AUI1 -•.In ly ,... . I.'.',',', K'7'' 1'--' '

i'iHe<n, U j i ' ; '- >July .. . I7!tr. isnr, i

hlRii (n IIV R-Jn ly ....... Ml !'

10 np. SrpI ...... Hi'.'it 10 bo Dor........... !'

I Kail). O.MAIIA LIVIISTIII'K,:, Stnti' O.MAIIA. Nrb., Jmir ' r..-C,illl'\ 1U!»I'1, ll'rerliilii, 2111); markot ....uiun: A, M. nieadyL y.'arlliiux, r,r.U5/»Ce; nioon nml }sjrin: cowi. uml l.olfrrn, IKiU.flio 111 McicVerR nnd food.'rn, }r-,7r,«5;; cal

ejudt;. }B r,njf I2.2r.: bull* uml .•ln«^ ?(•(in snbi 'noK« — lu-celptn. Ml); nwrim ol «t,-a,ly , to nlnini;; bulk of nn!•>f Itll’ iin.Mti’H : lop. *H.ir,.

Hbeop — IliTolptn. none: mar .i.unlnni: y.'iirlinKn, JH 4iIf'‘ 5i 4fffi.7r,; nprinKn lambn, JlS.M'iiU

\RI), _____'‘‘x'''- PIITATOKS.

(MlK'AtiO, Juno r,,—ll.'oelpli', cars; .obi Wlnconidn -Rncktd r.u

____ wb'ilon. t;iff3.2r.: I.iaho sack,-,I r, neln, ja.^rKfM.Wl; new Abibnmii .

, „ Uiulnlaiiii nnCkeil irlunipbB J4.6

of In'nMI'Ai;(»1''ASII (iltAIX.

.CIIICAOO, Juno n.-Corn-N o. - ‘-p-,-^*yMlnw.-7SH«>!-Nn.-»-yBilow.-iiilIllcko *=’•4'': liilld yellow. CR«ifff6H’,io; Nn, f. yell.

ir,4c: .V.). 0 yellow f,9ffr,ic; ,Vo. ,,e .mixed. 71% r: No, 3 mUod. 67eK!

mt r iiN n 0-m lxc.l, nSc: Nu. 2 wbil.t, 7 ,oU i<r73«c; So. ,7 wbllo. r,a«07O>: 10 rci'N o. 4 wlillo, r.5Cr.7r: Ni>, 6 whi

lB3e; No. G whllo. COc, - rtl I Oiils—Nn. 1 whlto. in i '" . No, nnnl,' ."•hlle. 4l% <H lH c: Nn. 3 wblle. 3:

Nn 4 wblle.

! ~ l ■ nnvcr- |3 Jft28^___ ^

” CmCAIJII LIVKBTOrK._____ _ ClilCAGO,. Juno C.—IIORS — 1iboul •! ceipls, 3000 mnrkflt sleadj': slo. M ll'*.. fllroBB.- 5 « ' to -340-pound bulch

T. nt il3.B0Ol«,S0; 210 pound* 'do\ u'nnts1io(tor grftdes $14,3001L(!0;

T T T T »H.GO; mnjority pncklng sow*. |U G-12,00: Ullllnf p in , I14.C0OM.' wm* ft* low ns $12.2C; shippers t. lOOO: hojtlovel'a 3000; pork oa ra

- r ' _ Vot, pricoa: Top. »14.00! hulk InK nl. jialcR, »I3,70©:4.?0! heav7 woIrI ■ Phone $13,75014.20: mwllum wbIrWi.

014.CD; llBbts, .tl3.&SO».10; »



-■••v.fr---------- -

■ '. ' . ' I - ■

,h r.y r :

>v ^ '

' ' -

— ,

MKET R E P O S 'Il hl-. si»,T.-.„U'i:: r.:,i,u i: :„w',, J l ' : : . , | - . r i : , :.l, l.|. l- i .i ;:-., I H f c

“■■d - ...............

]|,», rl II' l,t V.' llllir livll. |:> t;||.,u-' ,.l ..... I .1. . hu. ; I.,I ir,/;r.T„:


'--..ll,,!-. ! i“ ;r.: \%iiii^i>-v

f7 f.lifi’' H :r,«o

fl'oiVominal,• yrar-,loi, « il low.

» : yrnr- lliii'.s !l'i:m : l.'d .'tn J l l ; I'ulk (at

, . 'himl.',, }lT,-.i.).-„l':.n; .-,.lli, jm f U ;r,-v,ti0 '; binii.,-. Ji:rjr,{. lu.sr.; fal

.'Mu i ' " - _____: ’ i '! i i r \ i ; i i p R iin n 'i: .

.'lU .'A .lo , J.m r. .•..--lluli.r; Hr- ' ■ r.ij.i... :i.'ii><; (rr.inievy, fHOc;'

Ml„n,l:.r.l>., m e ; lliMn, ;lK«i:i7o; reo , oniiM. •.•7f l : 7 'ic.

huTiii'' I'l,,'.’!-.'; 'I'wliiii. i:i’ i.'; America*,

I 'o u li tr ll,',','l|il:i, :i rar»; foivlK. jr.'-j,'; .llli'l;,., J'lr; niirliiKii. :inc:

■' i;i'.'i..-. Ific: tiprlnt-!', 2'Jc; lurkeys, .Oosl.;.,',, IfiJjr: . bitillora. 31(Jl_ ■ _ _ _ _ _


.,l» ' I 'a .llr U.'i-..l|,li. r,<ln; calvcK 2B; ,',i.nii:ii.'d wllh w.-rk URn bent steers

. ..ir.iiiK lo ::.v hiKhor: IikIh woIkIhs li .T, up nioi.1: lUl.t yearllns* sliiady to.

bli:ti'rr; lio:ivy Kioors, jn,90; Te*. ISII-.' nil yrnrlliiKii. J9.K0: llslit sloers »9,7C;

ini’dli.m w,.lulll Texnf Rrnssern steady •in.; lo ir.c lowor; ll|:bl i<lt>or|>, }9.76:

,mo,ll.im w okbl fe Ja s ifri.MierH sten.ly ;.4i j lo ir. «'.'ni» lowor; bii.-jvy bulfora Rood • ",t(i clinico coHB.T,ni(mrr« niirJ ciKIcm

;nt.'ady: ln-b,'lwoell prndo rows AU.l •,illle-lbnlbi, i:4i':r.o lower: venl GOc hlRh* Uluallv r r; Moclior.i an.l (orders. 26©Mo nltern Inw.'r: bnlk pike*; Host steers and

.«i9.2S- jr.irllni:n. JS,2:,«Ili.35; • Texnn grass calv.'s ';to. i«, K,,7r,5i7: (oil heifers. *709;

’ ^S^fT, .iiodlum to K.ind butchcr cows ^4.75 mrtrk.'l O fi; Ko.nl to chnlco - vcftlers flO(»

unlc*. ll,r*0: Klnrhors nnd, fctTlcni. |7® |S.r.n, , ■ ,

Uiarkotl IIOKI. R''ColpI*. 2000;' a troD jfto ' rwoH.^ioe hlul.or: top. »14.66 on roo.pouBd lii is, ftveniKeii«liulk mIck. J14014'.BO;', do-

' Ulruble ISO to'230-pound av'eraKcs, n4,4n(7U.r'0; .lenlrnliKv, 180 ,lo- 230*'

1* 94\'>nuii.l uveniRo* tl4.40(V14,CCr; 240 ronml to .isr.-ponn.l nveriiRC»/j»13.!iOOl4J5;

,l rnn- (r'w.llrtlii llRbi* | i 4,S0r',steady; pa6k- i» nnrl- Iuk sows JI3.fin»13. j4,cr,Wl flhoop — Receipts MM; for .wMC: 111 14, lambs 'nlendy lo JCo, lowor;.' top;

■»17,2S; beller R rade natlfe Coloradot;’ ,'Arlxnpu and CollfornlW »I«.S80'

•No 1 17.10: ubecp 2C<?[;(kfl lp*ur; . T ew a '

c; No. K; few downward to JO.COj • #wm, yellow, jr..nn«i:; wllh fow ,al . | 6.M. ‘No. 2 • --------

refiiic: p o u T U x n l iv fr t o c k .72V» PORTLAND. Ore.. Jim o'

I'O '.ic; flork ri-cclplu for Iho woolc', coillos while, toilny were; .Cn«l(r,*34Jp;- hog*; m o ji

sbflop. OISO. , . I‘N"' 2 Tho market as comparfld • with; a

e. 39®i week ftRo: Cnltlo steadr lo -* lc low­er on Hf7;crs ami'abfi-stqck. .a . Gpb'; drop on snhiB sales; coIvbb, iteadjr;; vcftlors. Cdo lower. ' ' V

'HheciwNominnlly atendy. . • . .•;

FOR SALIJ-Two aaaortmonla weip-j - (ll’fl pumiwi and .o)ifonli.,vnluBa Irom; slocks ir..oo to »«.00, closlifi: for.»JA6,;,##il;

nlchors «,gG. Barber Shoo Co;—adV; • v •down- ■ ■ ■ ^

60; top .....................'■■-;VVVV'.n^

Page 8: ilaMd IIIAHO WKATHRK T'wm -IR ID S I I LEGfflOl MiK I EIPM ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...TWf \*OM!MK-0, NUMBERm i mil MiK Iowa Preliminary Ball I May Affect

p iQ nr,

i i l i mmm.jU M iilS

Mv y\v,u lloll.Tl.i-/nll<,*ln;; h. tU;. .................

IIh' I h ln l , l x u . c i , , :. • -S .iil'r.:

■ ( l l a l . i i l .y i ' . i r i , | ; . , l l i S t r .\ IM III. ' l I u c l iT , II-111 l : .n i. i i> 1,1-1 > W a n l, ,Ii-ii.iiia K r h .m .- I ,, V (t.i.-:ii ;

v ln . V.t ;. SIk I i-II, C l.u l i j , C rlffi F ln r la n l l r i 'n n r , IIm -Ii i i K 'iM . v, [Ii W lliiriii. I) :ilirl i l m l .« | | , - , M jry V ln; la H a r l , M ilan W iilli r.i \ | i |)i:i .Ni-I:i

......................... '5 ^ .^ .....lUiiiii l;.i»hi-)r>-^ M iirj^l'iiii. i, i

io n Iti-n .lah l. jiii i i r i i 11..II.WI-1I. |, '„ n i< l in .|iih il, 'i :il? :il .i- ili M if l . i li , , r | „ ,

, llll. M.Coy. IIK-li:inl ............ UnTaylor, Chlirlolli. V.iic.l, Iloli ,\l»(iii i--li'.| llt..llir.inl, Marl,III ll.Unt, c'li-,,

. .I'oli-miiii, ,\liiii:.ii-.l M.il.n:.o,i, l.ti<-1 raikiT, ll.hM.- \V.av.T. Ir.iip llur AlliiTl K.-.'riT. I.urllln KlICruw r.

S.i|iIioniiiri's.Ki-x IJIlil.1(', Vlolvl A.lam:, iiu ,

iMi'ls;i, llll.'il Jotiiuloii. IvUar Wlu-i or. I^uiol. TIidjmiihiiii. ]>imiI Wall.'i Ilul)}' (-lay. Ilntlxiia J;>ii.' I’xivii.l, Tl Hobfrlnon, l-'rfil Vaiiicy, Cliai li'r. \V. 1 lirr. I'liytll,.'rvaiiri, ,li';.u S,m-i-1i Koiitii-lli ICnll. Vrra Hatii.-t IIal|Wolili. Ilriic.' Ii.iiiiro."', .......Itl' 'lllllll

. f'llwln CoIIITt I, Mllilrril Shilililrfli-I r . 'n i Hall, KaHii-i-liic l,;irii-'il, .MarliWllnon. .Mary Wnnl. Jm-li ......... .A liilin S in l l l i . l.«-iia f ld l i ii i . '

' ■ Kl-.'............Mary lliiiii.-, William Ilal'i-.ii-k, i

.vli'v.' lIolMrr. ,1i.rin Wd.iilv, ItiT.itl W i'n\rr. Ili-l.-n \Vlil(.>. Slilrlcy Hra ion. Ktii'.i'n.. l-.Trlui'. Iriiia III.-.-, An ol.l l-'lnlayi-on, Di.rulliy Ilmn-., IMli /.fill. J .la U-ylanil, .Matirlnr Taylo

nor Kynn. ,\1lhlr(-.l T.-l-.. ilat.> Johm.ni H olcrt ,Mf('tun\ Ilnth Huiiki', U,, Riiimiclil> ll.-li'n Tiiylnr, ll;irrl.-i |n:i lap. MarKiircl <’ill.ll, ll«.-ii Ilin-haiini Mnrffll.' l.-iul.r"iili,'hii. .Miiriaii DIM;..-

. • .MlirJ.ir1c i;in-Ilni:, I'raiik Wlill:a-1 Pcnrl ,\fi'lioii, Slanli'y Iji D-llf,

S tate of Siege h Proclaim ed in Two

S tates o( Polanc

WAflSAW. Juno r.-T lic sovrrn meni ifHlay prodnlinc-il n ta to-r iilCEo tlirniii:1ir>ilt I’ojicn niiil'I’oiniTr

. Till) ncwriiaiiiT KurJ.-r W^iKuvnli piiIillSliPM nil Itiicrvli'w Mllll Ai-tlii I’n-lniiT llarli'l In wliiili in- lit r|iiot *■<1 nn iinyJnK: ' •

"Till! iirw-lnniniloii wnii ii::in.-rl 1: tfttniillnnri' wltli ili.- .Vmiin.l o (lOTornor Wncliowlak iif I'lucn. \rti III niMn.fl Hint CiTitian lMlauvllll^t In ro!..':] liml P.mi.-r.-li-n ar.- jilot IlnK n coup iiKaliixl llio I'ollH fltntc,"

Good R oads Bill Is Blocked in Senate

W /V a illN O T n N . I), J im i ' S.— T in ' itooil roa ili. M il. iip p ro p r la l ln i ; J |i ; , ’i,

OOO.fKKl fu r f . 'd i 'r a l alil fo r iiliilc IiIkIi .M'ny l.U ll.lllii: In. Iln'. lu-xt tw o yvnr: W M l .lu rk t il In l l ic aeimii; lo .lny wlii-i

• S i^niilor. JllU Kliujii, .ii'iiulillran., C ou l i rrllL 'iit . i il.J r tl.-( l - to co n ti i i ii tn u ro n iilik r i i l lo n .i f l l iiiuliT a ronncn » K rcc tn .'n t. I t >vn;i r . 'H ir i i .d to On ra lcn 'iliir . l o a w a i t III. lu rn f .illo ir ine H lnK liam 'n H p .i-ch , a t la .- U liu ii i|ii II |ia t i 'rn a l lr> t lr ai- tiv lly a n il li

. v lo l iiH o u 'u{ M atc ii ' H;;IiIh,

OASSinED iiDVffiTISfliiisU u (h CUulTkiilM

I KOtl SAI,i:-_J5ai|on T.-rilirri. wrl tnnrlliVl. .-liaiai.loii In.il ii-;;lf'li'iM!

■■ iuit.«. Hr. .M, liriuii.-,!. t:il .l.ifi'i,.<«i HI, i’lionc i i : : .

KOU '.sai.i;- l-V.'»t. i:n.-iii'-i-y Mllll, rrtw. IM Ji-». r!on i:i. riion*' l.'i77.

~KOIl IlK N T-jf<«iii. Iioi.ni', jiiuiiy ^»«,..^»rnl.''lii'il. liu'iiirc at .'’.nj r,lli aM iin.- ' weiit,

l-'OU s a i. i; Il.-ritrl:. im .».i. ami rake. C.n.il cimllllon. Hlil;:i. ii luili norlli .Sunai- fiirloiy.

KOU y y ^ M i\,U rr UiVn:;. f.S, r iiKl Ui'JilW in ri'il atlll Iilai-I;. Special f.rivrlni: Uailirr .siio-(.•o,-aih-,


New'JBuicH Sedkn.

1026 M odel B iiick. Soilau fo r

. Balo a t reduc tion

Jensen A uto Co. ..

p i i n n i n g M e t h o d I s

I D e m o n s t r a t e d i n * P l e a s i n g P r o g r a i

. 1 1 .niMralnl tin- H iiittillu : iii.tti 'i i t Irarliliii; In ii|i-,im-.| iinrlli-lii i :i. ^

S» • amt lino niiiiilii-iH «.'ii^ --Ktji

.\UI.:|||, .\larj:>ll.' .\1„11||, II.I.-I1 IM] Kalli.-iln- CoHmII, Amlii-y f . Varlnii luvhlii, M:i,v [t.],!,, v;,,,

J,,, Ha>m-i,.Amlny Hliilil,', b.iilM. ICf |;-'-l. Allr-'- 1.|-'.||,., Z..:il,i . 1,„„.| l.\I:ili:aMl ,\li,.:i I/-UH ty ,\l:u-.-I, h

,1 . ; , r , „ , | , | ' l ' ' ‘oy. ..... .

I l . s , n i m , .M annn ' .v i ', ; ,„ , k - i ,;,lffl,llj:-!m t»..||,'ri.-,n . 'I'atlli,.:, All." W.i 1 n i l ly l ' -'I"''- yaili.ii;Vir,•||^ •'" ''" I>I"1:'>|||||:-.|-. I.l.i.vii ll.,. .Ni-Niii 1 -"" '' ■''-•■IJ'i. M'Imi I-al.Hi,, Hvli - ............ K '-.l. Umi'-il -H.-I-'

|li-in.M n u -

' i C l f W F SI'li-om- Iri.M >II.s..nrl-jolm M.lMur I.tK-tllr Mb,.oml arriv.'il |lil:i atl'-riioon llu rrt. »Ult Martin Mi-i.-c,

. i:ila - .VMlIni: SM.-r—Mrs. Arilmr Win

........ In loil.iy iHiin .^rai:l.' lo \lOlivi r l Mri. ■ |lan iy ('oi;Klnn. Iiit il I'-r.

WlK-l-l ' ......................... ...''all.-r.I, i;i^lnir.lii >c)»ilii —I’rl.', Mllo ;i •I, Tliti (:r,iiil }<ii«-viT li'avc t li lv wi-.-lc 1:>W. M- N.-taila I.u- ll.......... ..M-i-li-y. -----------------------llal|>li llark rr.int Vlili -Mrn. C.-ora.'^

'llolil'-C Suil.tli la .->|ii-<-li.| lii.iiu- Illlll all.- I'-di-ld noon Irom a '\ljlt In liainu,Manila ----------------------i'Kii:.'i-, Ilnrk (rnni Culli-iii'--WaMo ,|oii

:itti-ii|lliii: io1l.'::i' In N.iwtjiir^. Or.’.k, Hi n ' - . . __■or.itl.y Wi'ck.i'iul ^ In Ili.rT ^lo tn i-r '

Hrat- \v.-;iM-r ami W alt-r W. avi-r aci i.t ■' Arn- |i:„ii|..t iiy Hii'lr wh.-n, i.ri' In Ilol:

I-aylo.-! •...... ,-h ;im -|—iinkif.j— run in.-;— Tei— i:tn-n 7 ~ ; lini'ou. .i„;i. i.;ijii,„ ,111,1 |.,.|,ia' .......m .r i

OakI.-y wi'ri' itiiuIciI u lli'in!i.' I ' l '" 'i- Ilila. lily la.it .-vi'iitjiK,liatinn, . . ____ . ________)lck.-y, I 'ar..n |. .if Smi'^Mr, nml Mr

John Ilahx'li. Jr., iinnonnri' Hm I.iu ot a ron-III tln-lr lioin.- Oii Kli iiln-.-t, Jnn.' ;i.

Here nn VWI - i-il All.-n of Mi ^O l.-!ilii, Cal,, ta li.-n- vinltlni: 1>

.rnltmr, J. I'. Alli'U. Mr, Allm i-;

.ei-tn lo ri-nialn al.ont two wi-ekn.

wern,- ,\i K|)l«en|inl .Meel-Mr, ami MrIte-o f (iHtri'.c- l-\. SiiriiKUi.', .McnilHinun C.'i imcr.- .HiKKimi „,i,| k ,- |1. Wllllain» aml^Mh

Sii«!in Siirami' nr.- al Him Ki.lijcop; ‘Oivnkl ,-„nvni.Myon In llolre liKlay. •\rtln): • ............. ........'inot- KKpi'cica H ..mi.-J, R iio|„.rin I

.-»ln-tti-il Illltl i-vi'nln;: or Joniotro'*'d In from' r.irllaml \v1ut<' 1....... .■' of llll,, tllll,.ral (if hl;i nhiH-r,-Mr:;.-J. I- "•lio ItaliUlli-ln l^ tr ----------------------I'lot- • Hill VMI I,OIIU* lli'iicli Mr. an

I’olli'll Mr.. I'. II. IlroiMi will l.-a»" In a ill l.r two (<ir Uini: lli-a.-h to vli.f tli"l '.on. Ttii-y lllll i;o .hv way of S:i l'ran<-l!i-o;

l a t e D'-IIk Hamtnii. Inllinli".-Auilrl- Iluiiln. Matlii' MrMaiit'T. .... 1 J.a

Kmery ucre ItilHatcil Into llii' Hi-ll iHaniiiiH niiHnnal noi-l.-ly al the mil ;..lMly lIMn ^veek.

u 'w I Ilntni' fmm rolI.'i,v—Walt.'r (III;i r lm ; •ii-tu r i i .i l W lil;iy fro m llu- Con

c o n ' '■ '''" '■ 'I"!'’' ••ol1>'«.' a l S .'W ai.n l •"*^ f,", parcnla, U'-v, lunl .Mra.. J- 011irlii:i

T.l Slii.t»-4»t- ll-.Ne-Mlnii Callicrliin r 111 '* ''■ ''' '' '' '" '1 li'i iven S n m la y lo r Hoh.

tirliiHil. .‘ Iii- ulll 111' aecoiiiti.inh'il^nth-1 ov.TlamI ltl|i liy lii-r farciii:

!.Mr. ami -Mi;i. l 'n d lllaOi'"irji-

l,Va»lnt.' fnr Ilrluhiiin Cily-MI- Olia llalin.'n J.-avex llii' Hn t of thi wi-i-k lor Hrlidiiuii'iMty wlu'-ri' I'lii

“ “ Mill nn-i-t lnT Hllure liii?.liaii.l, I,nni ani Slielton.' Th.-y will Jn. inairl.-.

Hiiliiij. J l . l’.ini..iiii-Mr, nml Mn Mllll, C. I-X lllnil, arcomiiani.-il l>y Hull

iT:. ;ui--t. Ml.H II.-I.n Umlr^lroin. vlll l.-;iM' l.y aulo loniorioiv for .Callfor-

'-"''V tita, lo attenil llie ura.lniillnn oiII-llll.’ iiii.ir ilauiditerii. MIhm'ii lli-lcn am!

I,llll.in Und (roin I'onioiiii eolli');!'

ii,jli. Claliii* riinni|i|on>lil|i—MarCn S H.-ll:iniy. xilio elalinn lo lu' rliani' Ilion nlllionelle entlcr lit Hie witIiI.

C .||^ |„.,|. Jroiii'I.oiii: Ite.ieli. with (oni llarl:.: l'l,II,Iri 11 on Hie wny lo riillail.lplilii Slio- lo ili-fniil Hie title. He 1» a f Hn

W,ii:m-r tonrliii imrk, nnd It. ■’ilolni;’

Ten Cent ChixV M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y

Piiro-brcd S ta te A iicreditcd ■ W hite L cghom n.

■ Oomo in a iid See Thera

, H a y e s H i - G r a d e

..... — - H a t c h e r y - - -__ ______

jLs The Phillis' ' LORENZA

"r"'s 'i'j • ' '

“ ■ > ■ Monday Even iMi'iJ'i,.’ I ' . r . ^ , \

:,rl ,o « -rry . . > l.‘< . \ l l i ; i ;

-J, U a li ' , ( i . \ l ) l K ' Xl l ll r l l l l" .

- w i ’:, PRli'i.ii-O I . •‘’ oiiiiia. iiji, J J , i;H i,ll. '. l I . • • . ! ' l r , l . . ,

•> 'l’':iU . . A ll i l.l l l li l l .iS r l l

s „ ^'"'"15;,:, . . ; ; :i!!.n'i 'to I ’

T i u r , ' I’iu l ll i 'S . ■ S ' i i . . | / | , , 11 i 'l i l l

v\’lm-:i10 ..... ^ I . S iiu i ; .’ .....................

’’i. .M.’l l , l l i r .llo an il '• S i i i i l i ’t i l i n ' I !•’-,-lc in i f . \ i i i r r i i - a n N '.’i,’ ri

Ililllllio llL ’i .M i’iri

I l . . l . i . li i ik . ’." a i l . ’. - ‘ -"o ti

7 . .M rll,.lie .. ...............lom ". ' ' i l l ' - ’'

j i f i i - t l.'ln .ii-o il.v (■ ,\ln

■''f ' ■’ - llm lo y .n « h l l . ' lii-r.'. H r .-iilII,.- lliM’a i m n t i o f Hi,, i l ly o irlrl a n d .-iijiya to .lay , ,

A u iiu i.ta I'l;ii’.L iliiUKlili-r o r .Mr. i ' ' M rn, V . C. . I ' l a c ' . h ’av rn S nm lay

Hi.I.-.r -u l i .-f ,. nil., w ill lakn m iri w o rk . M h» | - I a < r l ; i n ; i h l fo r

Mr,I,I ,'lilU ) ..................... . - . M;

m,’; li . 'i ’c W nlm 'i'iln y nl^lit (ro in • , | i a . l . r o f il.i- c .u i i ty , c ju ilrn ian J .

' ' 'V " I-;. I l a v l in o r l l i r .n n im ll t ..- . lm • l ,an.-d, I..- ,uivn o .|- a i . - ii ra n .m

'*■ ( i ; lv . . l .L’ckii. , , . ■___, H e re trn m V Io rliln -M ri:. V.

V O rin id .y , m e .... . liy 'h r r n,V ’, , ‘ ' , I ln lp l i. a r r lv . 'd l.h lay fli.n i Kl. I’c t r

l iu n ;, I’-la .. I.. \ l „ l i l u r 'm i . t h r r , M M iiry W a lk e r , a m i I.-t n l'.irr .’i, -MH, W , W a!l,icc an d Ml:ui J . ’n

’rin 111 ______________

H o l l e r Shli-n H ul In - 11, M. II J ' H I’II .T ' fo r in i’r ly i irn iu li lo r

III. ’ W n v c rly . l l ie Uoi:.’rn ) ii A m m ill t i ll- U ead lint.-In. in T w in Ka

, am i . 'a r l l e r m ill a r.’.ilili’n l o t i' Mulll iirlH hliorlnm il, lia:i r i i t iT n l, „ , i , ■•‘><•0 f o r a ..... .. «nlij.’<-t I ., th c. I lo n o f Hie rc |iu ljlk -a ii iir lim irlm .

J in e l. (n .m Iliii-kejc S lu t r - W . \ t l i l r i r " 'I '" ' iieeoni|ninl(’d hy

J . 'i l i " ' ' 'h i lu W ooM rr, IK, a yi, , :>i:» (III a i’ro i in l o f tin- l;i:.i Mini

; i' .. ............ ri’lurtiH l i n T li’* illb a m i w ill aid ilii :,.'.i.ii;ii" I d a r r w ltli l lie V .m rlu -ri MotiO’ co

Hill- y _______

!,w’ud' •’‘•'"'■"‘■'I""' i;idll-WHII,11 llll. nn irn ln i; . -n lr r i’d

I.lrii o r nnl Killlty to Hn- ctm rj:..' l l li 'x a l ininneiiiilim o t a p in l ..I ll.ii

l i c r lh r ....... .Ilhl c ; i r o n W a ll n ln -r l 'la iil n l t l i i .' II. l l a in l l lo n l» lih> a t tn rn c y , T

I-.I on

T o ^ :n^ lerll .‘' l n r - C a | i t . :m d M ..M l.,: 1-. W , M ello l ir 'r li , Hr. Itnhi S aw ) , t , 1„. ;im r .M ri .. I,', J , S c l i ro n l r r li'.iv.; S . i. n lir d a y in .i i ’itiliK fo r Iilidm l-'.ilhi Io i l , i i i i . I r m l H ie i :ran il e l ia t i l r r o | t h r I) . . a i r l . ’d ' l ' l " ') ' " 'H ir i i Kiiil;iy, C.‘

l a in . M e llo h rr li i In |.a " l M an d ,i l i o n m ill Hie o t l ic n i pai.l :;ram l tn

jijf,, I n u l o f t l l r K a n lr rn .Star.

M ill

i BRICK 1(-lian i. ^ ’ •v o rlil. 5

(o n r f ^■l|.tiia V J S i l& E ! : - — , j tl l i ir

ix j S p e c i a l . .ay JmJiJl________itcd 5 i B f u i f f f i I J t J t

s m iS Jin U n n


fT W m F A L lJg D

is Wheately Clubi ' r . - s r i i t < . /

,A J O R D A N C O I , E '

i - i . \ . \ ' i . s T i :

R e c i t a l ■

v e n i n s - , J u n e 7 , 1 9 2 G

.\s Ut,.,l l,y ,

'IK N .N 'IX i; .^ , •■<ii]iriiii.i I; W I I I T I ’:, I ' l . i i i n i l l o 'X A T r ^ ^ .S r r - i i n iL i i t i s i

'ROGRAM' i -M iiiiii’ ........................ S i ' l i i t in n im

M’ll.’’|V.II,I I I , l l . l i l ' '

• , I ' l ’i - i i .s im i,

..............■ . . . » .............. ..., S r | , ' | . ( , . , |i t e l l ll i l .M iiii;i 'li'liu ill^fS

• ■ .................... ...... r | i „ , i i i in l -M il ,l .r .. .. ‘ .

........................... I s i i l ir l W h i t e

.............................. C o l.'i 'i ilK i' T / i .v K if .l-'.’i ’! L i l tl - II .M .ith e rlrH i ( ' l i j j i j - '

'(-’I'O.)’il’l lll j lN I in - ( W . ’SI l l ic l ir s .)

.................... ........ .1. W . I l i l ’.’ . 'l lo f flo t ii i • i . ' l l l i i t i i 'S

......................... I ..... lin.’liiii.’iliiii.irf

, \ l i i j i i r ............................... D o li i iJ i t iy i

II o u t I H n i 's is I’l i r lu n l ..... . -:i lr ii .h ; M r . IC .iiiin ly I 'u eli.in t a n - . . ’t t j r r t r , Iiik .Mr, am i Mrn, I ' r e d r r i r k • D r

S ln lk .’i’ lo r a tew ilaya. M r;., .'Sl.al

r a i i i h J ' ' i . :k a r d , .T h ry In iw i>.'.-n l.'iicU ;iy f o r l l l i i ’ i>ant yi a r In .M ant:ina. ,T Iicy .lo rn ia l j i r : iv ln i ; l l i r HrM n t I h r w e rh fo r ir H ie I illon w in r e lliity w ill l ; ii : r |.on l Kr c l , j l i a t r w orlc .11 th e n u ii iia l l l ir i '. ' .

M a n y ! ' K tok' N K leV l. 'i!-I’ia r c n c e K Iuk ...... i . j T w m I’'a1la lia'i l< i.n e l r c tc d vIII all Iprrnldciu of lllr Phi ll.-la I.aniin jo lin :th .' irnilink- fralrniiiy or I’iilo Imlay e{iaiiii'al IliKlltill.’. "Mix" In :i ur, n IC- Ual.' ot tlin Tuln Riil’i liliili nml (

. i t III'- l .rn t a tliliie .i t t ia t t l ie Ma I ’l ly Iian t i irn .’d o n u . H e in H ie i

V. I I . o r M r. nm l -Mr., I- ii l i l ir r l , .K luk non . S ix l l i in e n i le r a r t

' . • t r rn . ---------- -----------, M r:i, I lo y ll.'iid on T f l j l - M r , n n d M

.Mri!. H oy A. Ilcail nf tin.' N c im I r f t t I .'null* n i l .m in i : to r at( rti .- in le .l ( r ip H irui:

111. ' ra n t . n i , - y will n lo |i In CliK-: w t i r r e -Mr. ilc :id a l on .; l ln ie work

H o i . o il o n '- o t Hie i irw n p u p rr ii o t li l o r o t c i ly a n d frnm lin-ie w il l k o l . i N A m ii'i : V or): . i l y , T l ir l r i l fn l in a l l t i i li< !'’a i in , I lo i ilo , C an a d a w h e re M r. Hen

it l l i r in o th .- r Uvcn, JIi- a lnn w ill v lid l | | H ll' n ln t r r ill M nntn-al." T h e y cxiirL-l IC a c ^ H ie i : . .n r Idinut a n io n lli, rn , j ■

I K u ln i H yl- S r lm la m h lp — Diidl iV. i r S w ltii l ia s In-en Inn io red a t S la n f i >' lil;‘ i in lv . 'r i i l ly hn In-ln ; c lv c n n iiclioji

5" i i r ,.i iij , In l lia l nclim.l. O n ly 14 o f Hii llu i’i-" iic lin la ra liiiiii l i a ; r h c r li c r a n lc i l ii T iv ln ,m r T w in Kalin h lc li K rn d iin te i

" lil^‘ c u r e d o n e o f ih '- .e c l.ve t.-d lu m o co m - ] ! ,. ll, II,0 nnn .il M r, a n il M m .

p . . S w im o ( Ihin I l ly tim l w ill « r f il;itc .111 lh e J ln t of tlild m o u lll , ?

H i l^ u i |, .„ | , | M r,,. S ivtm rx w c l in k o (o Ca ■ed ‘i . .{ „ r , | i , , f „ r Jll,. riiiiim c 'n re m c n l c n" e ,-lM.n,i i . in o r ---------

I " IlcnIeH Tlllll I I r ’» ( ’n |n | i - V l K o r f .l . 'n la l w a:. n ind r i;i»l h Ik IH l.y J- C r . c n to till ' e h a rc c H in t lie i,nn»

.11. . lu iilify a s •’Tlm vlllnK c cu l- li . i w licu lie wnn la l^ ’n In lo e iin lo ily

I H ir p o llru . O. 11. C nftc) l o ld I M r;.- ( i j i ii ’i rn Hm l t5 rn ’n tiiid , ilrnw il

iw y r r k n i t . ' fn a llir c n r i 'ii ln i ; . i n n n n c r n S u n - I l ia l lie f i a r . 'd i i 'n i fv ln K p a r ty . <

0 a t - ri.-.’ri. n r e invcniU alltiK H ie c h n r O .y i : . a n . l n r . ' lin lilinn ( ; r f c i i o n 'ii r lm r C .S i- (if I l le g a l iK.H|i(-i.nloij o f p in l

1 <1>‘\ m o i.u n li ln r whlcli Itiry im y lin Im dI mil* a n i.cli w h .n Iir wnn n rrc n lv i l lu

- M c ilc a l l 'p o o l linll.


and ,■ S U I A D A Y ^ -

r : . . .4 9 cwMm m




TWIN FAI, t iiiin n n rc in n i> r In T lin en M ii) 11

In f 'o iiild iu illnn o f T i l l , C .unU r .......... . lo .S ro iire l l c s l r . i j e

,A ;i a r r i i n l l ' 'o f Hip h a l f ’ ,n |. Mih ^(ro tn Iltu ii to Iilnhn ' i io ln i anm iilnrec l l.y J . U A m on ,' ii in n n iid - r. y e n tc n ia y ni. .itu l. ,1 lr TiiiiC". FA S . I^ irn e il, w eed coii I'loh i-r o f T w in Vnllil lo in ily un

. T , M iirk lin , w ho I io l i la ' u nh i-.n lH on ill n o n n e v il le ro u n iy . p ro lia iiiy i ; i) .to S aU J j ik e C ity i> ly , 11 W’aii d i 'c Ia rcd liy .\lr . l.:i Ii|ihiy. I( p ro p e r n rran K e in c n iii l.l' n iiu le (llill c o u n ty nm l l liin iu

^ w ill w o rk tn i ir lh c r . tie n ia led . T h e nal( u n rd fo r noli id c r li i i i

In d i r ty an d u n t i l (o r fo in n io n l l c r i l o t o r . ', ow in i; •<iu TiIkIi ffi

/ a l l ’ll a n d ld ;:ii j i r i . ’cn, lln cosl I ,r rn , p fo lilhU lve, T h e 'imU rnmli;i« k c p l ii|i p rf rc ii. In ii u in he H int. I t M itln fa rto ry l e r m n ' ea i .r itiade w itli i l .a lc r . i , iirrnnK elii r a n lie inaiie to kcI thi> n'ait i Ih e S a l i ln ra H ridn . ennt o t 0 ;

^ S lio ,lid Illin lie |io :i!.|lile. ni>.-n w ould ll.-' u m ir e . l fo r l i r ln c in i Ii it .-, T h c m ill In \inelenn t . j r fl Iii.ca iinr II k iiin n il ve!;i’ln l lo n l|i in i i r l l r u 'i l If it r a n lie t i - t e h i’a ld y i(. w ill c le a n o f ( - r a n a l b; nm l H ie r ip e n ln ;: r in e c rt o t i l ic > M 'cd In w anu- w|Mi|M.

T ill' .i i 'cn iiT ’ r a r o f c n rh n n li p l i l i i i '.n - c ’ln 'd n ln r . ' M ay i! hint : i.Iim mi x h iiu ili-d , ,Mr. I .- irn ed nn;

: ANNOUNCEMENTSAll Odd l'V Iti.iin a n d U rl.r l:;iha

Ih-’ir f i l rn d .; w ho liav o lio ive rn w --------- Ih .’y x'aii n p a r r f.u ’ - lie Odd l-Vl

i r r t n i n - iiu m fe il lo T rI r |ih o iie . ' i i h c r |:1DJ D rn k e I'HSJ.

S la U ir r —

icy n r e fo r A I"1 K rail- ^

:hiK i>til v ic e • im inli:i, lo .M .-I K rad-m l o n r (

M ai;icli_e non . . . 'Itjii o f ^ ■“ “ ----- y

d M rn,

= -C o m p f't H llll A • -.1 N ew li< T o - U end 'i i

Goodyen u d i t y

Sl!a'- '. •Following is a Pathfin.

t e n e - <n m o r... ' 'lm . A,

K rnd - , ■h, M r.1 C a ll-

30x3 Cline 30x31 Cline

J 1= 30x3J Cline!30x31 Cline 3 2 i4 S. S.

" 33x4 S. S.r ,m,i 3 4 x4 s . S.rlinrCT 32x4i 'S . S.2 '"” - 34x41 S. S,..... 29x4.40 Ba

" 30x4.95 Ba- 31x5.25 Ba

33x6.00 Ba

1 . | | A b o v e T i r e s . a b d

I These priced w.' } best known mail i

I W e h av e ^ o u r sizI or money o rder tJ w e mount the tire3 . to_ offer.


LindAi1 ,, TaI Offieo and Sbop Phono 2i

IE OSTEOPAmS FI T . i m G l N MLS BOI^tOD,) llrMilt Clixlni; ScK.Inn o( Tlir.r lln r intjr „ ith e rliit U Jlelnff llrW i Tnllt Mjer._ I'ocl.ir nf O.lchjialliy III l ti |.rl

Mle on (Spcrlnl (ii Tlm Tlinr.i)iolnlii an n o f ti: , Jtiiir (1—The Idnlio I.' iraldc 0;itrnpiiHiie ai.nocrti‘.lnn Ik in ni .1 In thr today at Hm Ow-yhre hotel, elon eoininin- tlu'.’" d«y m',nnIon, In nitcnilnncc

■ uml' 1{. Twin |-«li» in Ur, R A, Crom ninillar ’I'Ik' m’nKion v,’n» rallni to nrdi

iiy. will ill" rr.'ii'lilenl. Dr. Vern M. lln ty nhnrt- I‘iic.;ilrlln. wLo Inlroiliici^n'n .' . I.arne.1 'T. Hi-. I-'. J. Trelicry. m n , M eniii cnn .Mnln. ;' Cl. nenil lioijiliiil. Dni .\|i iiniicvllle ''■'‘■n. uud Innlructor In Hie r<l, ,Moinc., Still C.'lict:.- ot Ont.-o|.alrliiiation I"" Trcn^ry nald in inirC "A uon line, InrKc |i,T.'cnlnj:e i.f -'w .sr and

frrlKht dincnn.'a nucil un ilinlicten. ,nei>l CUM hnn c.’-rlnift hrart dlncaiirji.. rhuiiui: rniuliin.*- I'" '’ arlhrlHi. nre liirectiy trarenl n liu|H'd. Intcelionn orlKin.iHnli in Oie in ' lannnl OnlroiiailiK are iccOKnlziiiK the tKeincntn purlnnre ot elrarins up liici.e i lit (rotn liuu'i lu liie ii-i'atnicn( nnd pn

OKden. ’1'*“ ■*!' .Uhchi.cu, It in roiiK-n earn kiniwIrilKC Hia( niuM iHirnonii iKiUK It ‘iildillo 'EK" Wlio have RiKid lei'll jr fU-l.lii Ilaliy Imve Wlllilli hcaliii nnd rhnv n l|iil If Hi'turedll ImnkK he w-ei'dl

liin 't 'e ii T o .tlio 'R epublicans fl'f.Tw

I'ay'i. , I l M ny In terest:

^ 2 I ; I liereli.v iiiiiiiiiiin-c my

,\‘iM's.'ior Ju'rore Hi.' I{«-iiiili:;lha ami ' .I’" which III vf.iir lie.-i^Joii.

■ * - i:iDJ , or . ' ‘ ,


>are Thes(. - ^ O N -

ear Pathfila comparison of our

inder 'Tires with the well known mail prdei

Onr r r l (.MiitiiilW y.iitr V,

incher F abric .........$ 8 .!incher F ab ric ............... 9ncher Cord .......... .V..'...' 10incher C ord 0 . S..........11S. Cord, oversize........ 20S. Cord, oversize........ 21S. ^ o rd , oversize.;...... 22S. t^ord, oversize........ 25S. Cord, oversize..!.... 27

Balloon ....... ................... ISBalloon ........................... 20Balloon ....................23Balloon ........................... 31

nd - Tubes are Covered by. iw ere ta k en from the la te i il o rder houses. W hy sen size in stock-no le tte r to r to b u y -n o w aiting fo r j ire on your wheel. Come ii


LutomobileF in e s t a n d B ost'.E quippcd Q arago ii

o 200.

. 6 A . T i m \ ^ J i i i i c G, loai;. ■

Iy. mo«r' pF^ioiTii TiH{'in'l<i(ilV«iM huTi' po(irUi«tli uniallr'have.^Boc ev’jiloncQ ot poor licniili, Ttis'Xiieeei

I.* ■ ful mntiiiKftncnl of lhe*« conditioi IU . deponili upon a ihDroiiKh und«rttan 111 InK nf Oral Sopili'and (bo lieaiiy c _ oporhHoti of BD InlelllMnt (IsntWin AY ‘>y Pf- CroMlftn

T h e P iiton ' B ls g a a d ' 1,^11.- ' r i n K ln i

'i« S T E P - K E N1|HCF..|.„1. Rflcommondj Pw lrlok .

~ 151’Sfeoml'AV<. He. —" P li4 B e ^10 S ( n t o . , . . i . —1 —

eloninK n . ■ ._'™ . , “Thanks For The 5 1 Buggy Ride ''I -M olnoii.

I ; ; , , , ," ': ! N e w V i c t o r R e c o r d

B y r n n k O p n J t " .

'Iml'lSln ™ y"‘ liy <1™'““ -r e 'ih le i n ’ 8® ^I- 'm..i|tii, . Un’ is good.

Sampson Musicromnimi

Company .'^ inve rnn -


.Tw in FftlU County anil Ollicra W hom

m .v I'l iM iliiliii-.v f o r l l ie o f f ie e o f C o iin I .v

p i i M i . ' i i i i i ’r i n i a i ’i.'. A u ' / iihI ; l i i t , K ii l ij i 'c t

”h . m . h o l l e r .


se Prices■■ \

inder Tiresr prices on Goodyear le prices of a ' ■- ler house.rrli'i-H \

I l l rd o n .Mull ( I n lc r INti* r T n r ) I ’r lp r* l ’H«lnBT

8.55 .. .$ ,8 .20 24e9.65 . 8.70 28c

10.25 9.85 - 34cI I .4 0 11.25 38c20.45 20.25 ' 50c21.55 20.95 52c 22 .60 21 .45 54c25.25 26.45 54c 27 .15 * 28.50 62c ISuiBO 14.45 38c20 .45 18.95 48c 23 .40 22.45 48c31.55 30.95 78c

y. t h e . S t a n d a r d - W a r r a i i t y - -

te s t ca ta ldg of one o f - ^ e end aw ay for your Iit m ? . » w rite -n o check ,to w rite r yo iir tire. F urthenabre, e in a n d see w hat we have .. . ;■ ^


I C o n y ^0 in th p W est -

. P a r t i Plione 298.

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